Publish Date: 2024/8/12
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You know when you jump in your bed and then it's like you're really really tired and feel so good. That's how I feel every time I hop on the podcast and put on headphones and shit. After all the anxiety that we just went through. I already know this is about to be hard because there's three men with ADHD. I don't have ADHD. Yes you do bro. How do I have ADHD? We go through 20 topics Carlos. That's not ADHD. That just means I...

No, that just means I can hit those tops. I'm just that good. That's true. Okay, okay. It just means I'm not good. It just means I'm disabled. No, that's not disability, right? Not disabled, yeah. No, no, no. It's a combination. Is it disability or is it a disorder? It's a disorder. It's a disability. Is it actually? Because you have ADHD. Yeah.

Yeah. Right? Oh, are we not supposed to talk about that? No, it's okay. For all you other ADHDers out there. Yep. Okay. If somebody calls you out for having ADHD, do you feel bad about it? Or is it like just, it's just you, right? I used to, but now, like I remember in high school, you know Mr. Chatty? Yeah. He would like call me over like ever so often.

We go in the mic. Sorry. Oh, we were putting that... Because he would whisper. ASMR. Because he didn't want the other kids to hear. He was like, Sasha, I think you're me. And he would send me down to guidance. Because you had a... Because I would pretend...

Pretend to what? Yeah, because you what? Oh, because I would like get up and pretend to throw things in the garbage because I couldn't sit for so long. Oh, really? I have to throw this out. Like every like... I have that too. Because when I'm standing in the airport and like I'm waiting for like the baggage thing, like I have my headphones on, but I can't like be...

Like standing. Are you... Because you play ball, are you the one to like dribble and shit around the house? No, it's just I got to move at all times. Oh, word. You know what I mean? Is that Street Fighter? No, no, no. If you're at the airport Street Fighter, like who the fuck has the light? Any supporters who see me outside and I'm just standing, that's not me, bro. It'll have to be like this. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's weird.

literally what i was thinking no fact i think mine is i have to i have to like throw punches and shit whoa i know i know you don't see it here because i really forced myself not to but if someone's around me like whenever i see my sister i've seen i've seen that that's my sister but it's annoying though like if somebody because i i've been on the receiving end it's not fun it's low-key it hurts bro people just greet you like get punched yeah

That's annoying. I think though...

I think if I don't do those things, it's like on. That's why I think I have anxiety is when you don't release your energies. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, it's true. Anxiety is worse when you don't get things done throughout the day. I feel like. Do you think dogs have ADHD? Dogs? Chihuahuas. Oh, that's a good point because all dogs are like hyper, right? But then you have the calm dogs. Is your dog like that? Yes. But you know how you greet people you were saying? Like, yeah. Like.

Oh, yeah. The dogs go like this and shit, right? They always wag their tail? No, he just like...

like literally like pushes you like he gets up and he's like pushes you like you have a doberman though yeah did you know you know dobermans they're bred to be for the military right yeah he's a little bit of a gnarly character i i don't know for sure but i think in world war ii that's where they scientifically like made these dogs they bred them specifically to be hunters for snipers i think yeah they bred them because bankers were getting like killed or

something oh that's on the way home or something so they would like guard them yeah there's like a security so back in the day instead of just having like security guards all the time they would just have a dog that's fire yeah that's at dmx you know dmx back in the day he used to just rob people oh with his dogs rob people with his dog oh that's like instead of a gun he has a dog he's just like yo give me your shit i know i'm gonna let the dogs loose

And that's what the song, Who Let the Dogs Out? Oh, that's what it is? Because he robbed you? No, it can't be. Nah, I just made that shit up. I don't know. I was going to call him, but I was like, nah, nah, nah. I think that's a different artist, actually. Who Let the Dogs Out? Is that the image? No, no, no. Nah, nah, nah. I think it's somebody else. I don't know. True. But that's what bands used to do. Damn. Wow. But if you think about it, like, if you were to do things... So...

If I were to, let's say, do a crime, there's so many ways to use other tactics instead of just using the regular shit. You know what I mean? Like, instead of using a gun, the craziest one I heard of was this guy. He pretty much put, like, a vest on that looked like a bomb. Yeah. But it wasn't. And he said, like, yo, I'll blow us all up right now if you don't give me the money. But it just looked... He put all of these calculator parts on.

Onto the vest put like random wires and stuff to just make it look like that and when you're like anxious or caught off Guard you're not looking to see if it's fake. You're kind of just like oh my gosh. Yeah They weren't even looking into it. Yeah, they weren't looking into it. It's like okay. Yes. He's a bomb. Oh

Bro, I just learned this though, but there was a, I don't know if you guys know, but there's a guy who survived Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the same time. How did he survive that? So he survived two of them. Like there was this, there's this guy, he was in, I think it was in Hiroshima for like a business meeting. Yeah. And on the day he was about to leave, the US drops the bomb and he was two miles away from it. Damn.

Bro only left with minor injuries. He didn't get disintegrated? No, no. Two miles away, only minor injuries. Flies back to his family. Bro, the second bomb, as soon as he starts telling his family about Hiroshima, Nagasaki drops. That's crazy bad luck though. Crazy bad luck.

That's crazy. Like, how do you go... Two times. Like, two times. But that's not bad. Look, because he survived. Because he survived both. Yeah. Nagasaki, he had no injuries at all. Hiroshima, like, only minor. Okay, so did he end up dying any other way or what? Yeah, stomach cancer, which sucks because he survived the craziest shit, but obviously he died by... How long after? Um... No, he lived to an old man. Like, 93, he died. Oh.

Oh, so that's not bad at all. That's like natural. Do you think there's such thing as that death chases you if you miss it? Do you think that's a thing? Death chases you if you miss it.

You know the Final Destination movie where there was this accident they were supposed to die in, but they didn't. So because of that, everywhere else they go, death kind of follows them. Do you think that's a thing or no? I don't think so. No? No, because I feel like I've heard stories where it's like, that's not the case. Like they almost die one time and it's not following them. Do you know what I mean? Do you think the opposite is true though? Do you think blessings follow you on purpose? Yes. Yes.

I do think that but I think it's because lately I've been having a happy-go-lucky So I'm gonna think the positive rather than the negative. What do you mean happy-go-lucky? Like, you know, I rather see like the good than the bad So I'm saying like I would see blessings chasing someone rather than death chasing someone I heard this theory and it made me think of things a lot differently because it's pretty much a theory that everyone you meet

Well, not everyone you meet, but some people in your life, the whole time, they could have been an angel disguised as a real person. Oh, like a guardian angel? No, they're literally an angel. Oh, shit. Yeah, so you ever watch that show...

I think it's called My Guardian Angel, the one on Family Channel way back in the day. So pretty much the show, it was this guy in high school and then he had a friend he didn't know at the time. Well, in the first episode, it's revealed he was his angel, the one that's assigned to him to help him do better in life. Was it called Winging It? Yeah, that's what it's called. Wait, that's the Family Channel show, no? Yeah, it's called Winging It. That's what I'm talking about. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But what's crazy is that could happen right now. Like somebody you know the whole time

they're that person for you but you just think oh shit that's that's just gavin that's weird that's just gavin i was thinking about it because you know how like you like to talk about seraphs like the biblical yeah yeah the biblical angels yeah yeah like the ones with the six wings and they have like a lot of eyes yeah i was what is it like a dozen eyes probably it's a lot it's like crazy amount like hundreds what

No, I was thinking about it. And I was just like, I was thinking something similar, but to do with saints. Like, isn't it weird? Yeah, because apparently we can all be saints. Like, there's no... Okay, obviously. No, but like, if you sin, can you not? Yeah, that's what I'm saying. So you have to live a life of not sinning. I don't know, though. Because God is, like, forgiving. Yeah.

Well, you have to do miracles, right? No, no, you don't. No? No. That's what you do. No, no, no. I'm in like, what is it, Edge? And Megan was telling us, Edge is like that church. Yeah, I remember that. Yeah. Megan was telling us that like anyone could be a saint and that not everyone can perform miracles. Oh, really? Yeah, but everyone can be a saint.

That's interesting. But I know recently there was this kid. This is the first ever gamer saint. You ever hear about them? No. Yeah. So this kid, he pretty much, he was young too. I think he was around like 12 years old, something like that. But what he would do, he would pray for other people and it would relieve them of their sickness. Oh, that's fire. Yeah. So he would pray over like a cancer patient. Oh, like in front of them. It's not like just like... Yeah, he would go around. Oh, okay.

And I think, too, someone prayed asking him to help, something like that. But there's a whole story. But I think that's one of the youngest and definitely the first gamer saint of our era, I guess you could say. I think that would probably be Minecraft. Gamer saint of our era. Like, there's been gamer saints. That's the first one. No, because there's definitely young ones, but not ones that played Minecraft and, you know, it was Fortnite. Isn't it? Why do you say Fortnite?

He always says it like that whenever we talk about Fortnite. Fortnite.

Like, put respect on Fortnite. I play Fortnite. I play Fortnite. No, but I was thinking, because isn't it weird? Because you know how we have St. Anthony? Yeah. And it's like, you pray to him if you lose something. Isn't that weird, though? Like, how do they get their, like... I don't know. I don't know. But what I do know is Christians don't like that. Yes. Because in the Bible, it's very much like you only pray to God. You can't pray to other people.

people type of thing right what's your take my my take okay like my take is as long as this is in the right i guess the right understanding and the right intention then i think it's all good for praying for people yeah because look yeah that should be yeah it's always as long as it's in the right intention with love why is it wrong exactly like to pray to saints

Oh, to pray to saints. But you don't pray to saints, right? Don't you just like honor and then ask? Well, I don't know because I would be like, St. Anthony, help me find my toy like when I was a kid. Oh, really? Yeah. I never done that to be honest with you. Okay. But we literally have like statues of him and stuff. I heard, do you ever hear of Santeria?

I heard of that. No. So sansaria is pretty much this practice. And you're supposed to have like a certain saint, like almost a totem. Mm-hmm.

But keep in mind, Santeria is the one people consider kind of dangerous because you could do certain rituals that could do harm or do good. Right. And some of them involve sacrifices, that type of, you know, darker aspects of rituals. Right. But it's crazy because we let's say let's say you see like a voodoo. Right. Or like whatever type of witchcraft.

Usually it's not attached to something from Catholicism or Christianity, whatever it may be. But that one uses it, which is interesting. Because Catholicism, like in our churches, there is statues of like St. Anthony, St. Joseph. You know? Do you think...

Because with Annabelle and with those cursed dolls, what happens is because they gave, I guess, attention and the energy toward it, it manifested in itself. Because that's what I heard. A lot of spirit hunters, it doesn't happen just out of nowhere. It's because you put the energy into it. What do you think about, you know, when you go to certain parts of the world,

um there's like the mother mary statue that like cries blood yeah that's wild yeah what do you think about that that's definitely real i think it's real at least because i've seen i've seen a lot of footage of it and a lot of evidence and it makes sense right like

How would that even, how could you even? Yeah, how could it happen? In the Paris Olympics, remember when they were trying to mock Jesus? Maybe not, or they were trying to mock it. And then that whole city shut down, all the lights. Oh, you heard about that? No. I heard about the Last Supper. Yeah, yeah, that was it. They were trying to clown it. And then the only thing that was lit up in Paris was a church. Really? Yeah. I forget what the church's name was, but that was the only thing lit up in Paris. Everything else, cut lights.


Probably the corniest shit I've ever said though. Cause back to the guardian angel thing. So one of my boys, you, you both, you both know him was going through some shit like back in high school. And then I would usually talk with him like every day and stuff. And then when I was going to the mall before I met up with him and he was going to leave because he had to go to school somewhere. I bought him like a guardian angel chain. Yeah. Corniest shit I ever said, but like it felt right saying it. But when I gave it to him, I'm like, yo bro, I'm your guardian angels. Just hit me whenever you can. And then, and I was like, he just dabbed me up. But he's like, he cut, he,

Totally fucked up the moment because they're like, yo, bro, chill. He's like, yo, that's kind of, yo, that's A-O. You started like A-O. But in my heart, fam, I was like, yo, what the fuck? Let me take this shit back. Yeah, I was trying to crush, bro. Because I was like, take that shit back, bro. I literally spent my last $50 on that chain and come on, bro.

Okay, is there anybody in your lives that you think could have been that person for you? Like guardian angels? Yeah, secretly. I seriously think so. I think it's like anyone. Like, you know how... Okay, everybody loves everybody. But you know how you have your like...

people like there's like your closest friends you think or what like not just friends but like your closest people like I have close like like random connections like this lady used to work for my mom yeah at the school and

She's like 10 years older than me. Yeah, so like I don't know what I would call it like a friend like Family, I guess people yeah People I say well, I was a friend. Oh, no. What do you call those people? Oh my friends acquaintance. I guess yeah acquaintance acquaintance also so Some person I just know that's worse acquaintance sounds sorry is fucking alive. That's just cool acquaintance. I would say people

If I say, yo, that's not my friend, that's my acquaintance. Okay, that's kind of... That's this. If somebody called me their acquaintance, that's this, bro. Like, I'm going to slap you if you call me your acquaintance. Nah. Yeah, just call people. Okay, so do you think that person was your guardian angel or what? Yeah, not just like her, but it's like, there's certain people in my life, I'm like, why'd you just call me? Like,

Like, why did you just do that? And it's just weird because I have a lot of people that are like that. And it's like, they're definitely guardians in my life. So... Do you think you summon people by accident? Oh, yes. You think you can summon people? I think you can. Yeah. High key. Yeah. You can summon people. I was at the mall one time. I was talking about somebody and they just appeared. Like, dead ass appeared. Really? Talking about the person to somebody else. And right when I said their name... Wow, he just...

He likes to talk. No, I was talking good though. I was talking bad. Whenever I start rolling with people, I'm like, oh, speaking of the devil. She's right here.

No, I was talking good and just boom, appeared. I'm like, oh, that's crazy. No, that's happened to me many times. It's weird. Like one time I was on the road and it happened. Oh, shit. I was on the road and I look into the car and they're right there. I was like, what? What are you talking about? Like appear? Yeah. No, they didn't appear in the car. In your car? Not in my car. No, not in the car. Beside. Oh, you thought it was inside? I thought you're like driving and then you just hear a noise like, yo, what the fuck?

That's wild. No, but I feel like if you look for a certain person, they would show up. Yeah. Maybe it's not just summoning, but looking. Because it's like, oh, if I focus on the white Teslas on the road, I'll look at more white Teslas. Interesting. No, but it wasn't even like that. Oh, it was just random? Because I didn't even know the vehicle. No, that's impossible. That doesn't work for that. What do you mean? Because the person is just one person. There's only one of those people in the world. It's not like you can see many of those persons. Okay, yeah. Those persons.

Those people. Sorry. Is that right? Is that right? I don't know. Sorry. It didn't sound right. It didn't sound right. I'm going to get in trouble. She's the grandma police fan. No, I'm going to get in trouble. All of your fans are going to be like, she's annoying. Nah, it's fine. Sorry, guys. They love you, actually. Aw. Yeah, actually, you're one of the most requested guests to have back on. Yeah. Aw, I'm so happy. Not for real. Wow. I think it's because your first episode, you really, really had a lot of like,

oh we're talking about ghost shit and then she's like you better have something to say today nah nah nah I'm like I have a gun on the table like yo you better say that you better say tell me a ghost story right now no but she lives a perfect mysterious life though cause it's like nobody knows what's going on with her so when she finally appears on camera that's rare yo you know what I mean like Sasha actually lives under a rock like she's for real Patrick Sarr no I knew who what is it oh Ian Ian is oh yeah I know the magic god so so so

Okay. Since you are very disconnected from social media, what's your take on the world right now? And do you think it's changed much since your, I guess, absence from life? Not life, but like social media. No, um...

I don't want to say anything and get in trouble. No, say everything. Like, I want to get you in trouble. Okay. I definitely think it's not good. Like, I think people... Yeah. Like, the Olympics thing that you guys were just talking about. Yeah, yeah. It's like, I feel like people are taking their rights or, like, their...

free will, I guess you could say, and just destroying. I feel like people are taking for granted the gifts that-- - You're already blessed with? - Yeah, I just think we're doing too much. I think we have too much, and it's overstimulating, overwhelming, and we're doing too much.

What's like a specific example you think that happens in? Because one of them I could say is honestly food. Like I feel we waste a lot of food. Oh my gosh. Canada is like number one. Yeah. We're like horrible. Are we actually number one in the world? Like number three. Like we're in the top three. That's crazy. Because we have so much homeless people and we have so much food wasted. Like straight up just a whole freaking restaurant.

like what do you call it tray filled just throw it into the trash yeah it's so even though it's cooked it's ready hot ready good food Krispy Kreme does that whatever they're left whatever's left they throw it away in the dumpster yeah you know why though why don't they just go around and give

Give it to people. Because the reason is if there's a problem with the food and it's given away, they can sue them. But it doesn't make sense to me because you're already serving that food anyway. But it's just a certain amount of time, right? Because it's after closing. Which is dumb. They should just fix the loss. Who was telling us that story? Which story? When we did the big podcast, the Papa John's. Oh, that was him and Josh. The meat sauce? Oh, yeah.

Yeah, maybe we have too much food, man. It's so funny. They're just putting shit on your pizza. You were like, I swear it was his lunch or something. Nah, then I... If you order some obscure thing on the menu, that's what you gotta be careful with. When you say mystery something, they're like, oh, mystery, alright. Not even mystery stuff, though. Because I...

ever since i watched the you know the show the bear oh yeah with the so it's like a chef show pretty much and he he makes food this and that but it really got to me where there's certain ingredients they would have a lot of and certain ingredients that they might just have in the back of the freezer that they never use if you bag it right but that's not bad if it's in the freezer it lasts a long time yeah but who knows how long that i ordered a hot dog from coffee time

Whoa, they do that? I guess so. Wait, wait, like the one in the pastries though. Like a hot dog bun? No, a hot dog. No, no, no. What coffee time is serving you coffee in a quiz? Sam, it's literally the one mall with the passport thing and every other store in there is freaking like a luggage place, an old ass bookstore. Wait, where was this?

would be would be which i think i know the mall yeah it's where everybody goes for their passport literally medical stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah i know exactly it's a dead it's one of those it's one of those backroom malls that don't have anything in it and then it's just that one thing you have to go to it kind of looks like on the border between when you're like in the u.s and canada those like weird malls you know what i'm talking about it's like that you know those places where it feels as if you travel you traveled into like your

your past or you you transport it back into i don't know another time oh five like yeah yeah that mall is like that yeah it's like so backwards it's like not updated at all i'm i'm really curious to go because i just came back from cuba and all of the cars there are from what oh yeah they're old the 60s something like that 70s whatever but i really want to feel what it what it feels like to just go back in time no technology no nothing and

And just see what life would be. And do it for a long enough time. They said life is less color. Like has less color now though. Why? I don't know. People just... You think so? There's just too much. You can't appreciate anything. Because like... Even our phones. It's like...

I won't even wait now a second. Like, if I'm on my phone and something's taking long to load. Like, before when I would first have technology on my iPad, I'd sit there and wait for YouTube to load. Now, like, oh, I've had enough. Like, I just... I'm done. Our attention span is just fried up. Yeah. It's so sad. But do you think... That's weird, though. That it's less colorful even though there's more colors. More stuff to look at. I know what you mean. Right? But you know... Okay. Okay.

Something I noticed is like before I got a job, right? This is such a silly example. Yeah. But I like didn't have any clothes really, right? So I was just finding things in my parents like closets or whatever and making my own outfits. And I'd be like, wow, like that was fun. Now it's like I have so much clothes and like some of them are like

the same that it's just like overwhelming and like not exciting so I feel like that's the same thing as like the color concept where it's just like we have so many of the same color and like different shades that it's just like not even exciting anymore I got called out for that because I got so much clothes but I only wear like three outfits

You know what I mean? You do only wear like three outfits. I have too many. Because it's like, I don't want to every day like put on something new. You know, I know this works. Let me just go out. But your style, I would say there's pieces that won't go with each other. I know. Yeah, exactly. Because that streetwear style, it's like some things can't go with some things. But if you go on like a tone of... Instead of the...

tone or like an aesthetic you just go straight for the color or shade it's easier you can play everything together that's what you do right because I always see it's just the same outfits but it looks different it's different it's slightly different it's just like this pants goes with every shirt this shirt goes with every pants boom I'm safe yeah no but I think that's the point of the like overwhelming

that's going on is that people are getting so overwhelmed. Like now it's going back to like old times. Like we're looking for like monochromatic or like simple clothing. Now it's all about like your staple pieces, like your white t-shirt, black t-shirt, jeans. Like people are going back to, you

You know what I mean? Yeah, I get it. Yeah, like it's not, I don't know, maybe I'm like, I haven't been updated with social media, but from what I've seen, like going outside, it's like people are going back to like the more simple. Yeah, yeah, I would see that. You know what I mean? Like the aesthetic is like going back to like romanticism instead of like

Honestly, all of the styles right now, it feels vintage. Everything feels vintage. But it's because we brought everything back. And it's not because it's like something new. Yeah. And that always happens. I think the fashion industry is recycled. It's just like... It's going back. From a girl's perspective though, do you think there's a certain style that kind of appeals and makes guys more attractive? Or is it just...

up to i guess like swag yeah just the way they put it on yeah i feel like because i feel like most guys think that's a thing no what like certain aesthetics they'll jump on to like certain like they'll dress make them more attractive yeah i think girls do the same thing because there's something called like coquette and what is that what is coquette coquette yeah yeah what's coquette

I think it's just very girly. Hella girly. Oh. Isn't that like a potato thing? No, no, no. Never mind. Potato. I thought that was like a potato dish. What? Potato? I swear to God it's a potato. Like dress up potato? No, it's like a potato dish. Never mind, never mind. Okay, so what's the other thing you're saying? Oh, like grunge. There's just different. I feel like

But that's just how life works. I feel like the emo boys... Sorry. Oh, emo boys look for the emo girls dressed like an emo guy. Okay, that makes sense. I was in that emo phase in high school. I remember that. Yeah, straight black. I used to have my hair like this.

But that's in. But I would say right now, you can't mess up. Yeah, you can't. You can't mess up. There's everything there. I feel like everything's in. But that's what I mean. It's because we're so like, there's just too much going on that it's like everything is just like, it could be seen as a good thing, but I think it's just like, it's confusing for people. Especially like younger people. I feel like they're like, which one do I? What do you want to see changed in the world then? If like you could just snap your finger and then boom.

Society's a little bit like this now because I want it to be that way. What would you do? Maybe more mindful. Like just being more mindful. What do you mean by that? I feel like we're just mindless. You don't think so? I sound like a negative Nancy. She's like talking like how we just on autopilot.

Is that what you mean? Yeah. Not thinking deeper, you mean? Yeah. But I obviously, you guys know me, I think a little too deep sometimes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because us three, I would say we think deep. Yeah. Like, we'll say something and other people are probably like, what? Like, remember that one time we were on the podcast and we were like, upstairs and downstairs in the basement. Yeah. What?

even though it sounds stupid it gets deep though right like is is stupidity actually stupidity if it actually leads to some truth no i don't think so right i think it's just being mindful and i think people are being trained to move fast paced that we're being told like if you're being mindful you're being stupid like if you're being mindful you're being mindless that's a bar actually yeah

Yeah, because it's true. Because when people feel uncomfortable... Yo, sometimes I would see some really informative content online and I look at the comments and people are like, oh, he's yapping, he's yapping, he's yapping. But whatever the person was saying was actually really, really insightful. But it's weird that the urge to just cancel it all out and just say, oh, it's not...

Why is that a thing? There's like a scale. You know the personality types? Like your emotions. Like I, I, P, E or... Yeah, ENFP. Yeah, ENFP or something. I realize what mine is because like when I meet new people, I'm too focused on their emotions. Like I consider their emotions... You're too intuitive?

Too intuitive. To the point where it's like you're not even paying attention. I'm like that too. Like overly sensitive. Sorry. Like overly sensitive to like what other people are feeling. Yeah, and this is when I found it out. When I was in Hawaii, nobody was paying attention to the guy that was doing the safety instruction. And I felt so bad for him. You know what I mean? Because everybody was not. That's important, fam. So I'm thinking too deep. Like let me show that I'm listening so you see me so you don't feel bad. That you know that I care. Yeah, exactly. That's like just now when you're like, oh, you need a fidget. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Like,

I try to make everyone as comfortable as possible because if I see someone like uncomfortable, it's fucked. Like I get the ick, bro. Learn. Yeah. I don't know what that is. Like leave it down below if you know that like EFP or whatever. Are you the same way? Yeah. Like, or if I feel like somebody feels like,

Like, say they, like, I think I know what they're feeling. So I'll say it so that they don't feel like. Do you think you have a good grasp of people, though, to do that? Because you have to have a good grasp of people. Because you can't just be throwing shit out there like, oh, you look thirsty. I know that is kind of crazy, right? Like, she just assumes. Yeah, like, someone's like, I had a great season. Like, you look real exhausted. No, but what you did earlier. What?

You was really really like you're paying attention. Oh, yeah the walking Yeah, cuz I was just walking normally and then Sasha goes I noticed you really don't live. Yeah, I never bagged ever You had me like guessing my life. Am I walking? He's like yo Gavin walk. Let me see how you are No

No, that's not what I mean. That's more like an observation. But I'm talking about like emotional. Like you don't want someone to feel like they're not seen to. Or like that you don't. Do you know what I mean? Do you feel like you guys weren't seen as kids though? No, I was pretty seen. I was the first born child. So they put like a lot of energy into me. What do you think triggers that? Because I was never that.

like as fucked as it is because you're cared so much that you just want to care for others it might be that i don't i wouldn't say i'm neglected though i'm just saying yeah yeah like you want people you want to save someone from like a negative feeling something yeah yeah because my sister she has this habit it's she's not being mean yeah but like we'll be in public and like she'll be like looking at someone and they could see her looking at her and she'll like whisper so

Sorry, it'll be her being like, oh, I like their shoes or something. And then I'll make sure that that person knows that she wasn't talking bad. I'll be like, oh, you like their shoes? Because I don't want them to feel like, oh, she was talking about me. But I noticed that not everybody picks up on things.

I would tell her to go say it to them. You know what I mean? Like, why are we so shy to give somebody a good or positive emotion? It's not always positive what she's saying. But when it's like that, if it's something bad, I'm like... Oh, it's something bad sometimes? Okay, that's different. But you're right with the compliments, though. Because it's so rare to get a compliment from a stranger. But when it happens...

Yo, that could save somebody's life. No, that ass. If you bag it, like somebody could be on the edge. Yeah. Ready to go. And then you just say, yo, I like your kicks. And go, oh, really? Thank you. And then they just, you know, get uplifted and they decide life is worth living. It's true. It's so weird. Like,

At the end of the day, your people are your people. Like, you see your people the most. But it's weird the interactions you can have with strangers. It just goes to show that actually every single human being is interlinked. Like, we're all connected, seriously. Like, one thing you can say to someone, it's like they'll remember forever. Like, I remember I was a little kid and I was at the pet store. Yeah. And I fell.

And there was like a figure standing beside me. And I thought it was my dad because they had like the same presence. It was just like a big male. And I like grabbed his hand to get up. And I looked up and he was like, are you okay? And I never forgot that. I was like, wow, that's so nice. Like some random person. Like core memories. Yeah. There's weird like core memories that live in my brain that aren't important at all. Like it's just some dumb stuff. Yeah. Yeah.

That's so true. Like really dumb. Like I'm like, why do I remember that? Like, why do I remember that so clearly? And it was just, it's almost as if you, you know, in a Twitch stream, you click like clip and you see that. And like you clip that moment for whatever reason you trigger it. Yeah. Yeah. Have you guys seen the movie Inception? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No.

It's the one where he's in a dream. Oh wait, someone's looking at... Oh. No, that's not in subject. No, with Leonardo DiCaprio. Okay, so... No, I haven't. So pretty much in the movie, what happens is they use dreams to manipulate people. Okay. So I would go into your dream, search through your subconscious, and then extract information from you.

So if I wanted to get your freaking Instagram password, I would make you go in a dream that's where we're watching TV. And I tell you, oh, you got to put in your code to access the TV. And then the code you put in because it's subconscious is your password. Okay. And I extract that information from you. Okay, bet. So what were you saying? No, I was saying like... Inception, inception. Okay, yeah, inception. But what was I saying about it?

I can't remember. What were we talking about before the inception? Oh, core memories. Core memories, yeah. No, okay, yeah. This is kind of random, but you know how there's like the idea of the kick in the movie where it's like the kick where it's like either... Wake you up? Yeah, they wake you up, but it's like you're falling. Do you get that feeling when you're dreaming? Like, you know when you're falling asleep and then you like feel like you're falling? Yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you know what I'm talking about? Or like you fall off? You like jolt. Yeah. You know what I'm talking about? I just like that feeling. There's no reason for me to talk about it. I was just wondering if it actually happens. Like twitching? Twitching during a thing? Yeah, I do that. Like when you're like, oh, I'm awake. And then you go back to sleep? I have a bad habit. Like it's like, I don't know if it's REM or anything, but when I'm sleeping on the airplane and I'm about to go to sleep, something twitches, but I twitch bad. So like I hit...

I like jolt so bad that I hit the guy next to me. I'm like, oh, fuck. My bad. My bad. Like I twitch. Just knocks somebody out. I do what you do. That was the guy next to me.

No, but I twitch back. You have dreams of fighting people, right? Yeah, yeah. You know when you fight in a dream, why is it all... I've never fought someone. Never? Oh, one time, one time. Why is everything so, like, weak and soft? Like, you can't actually do anything. No, that's not true. No. Like, when you're running, do you guys not have jiggly legs and stuff? Okay, the running one, yeah. But fighting one, I actually feel that shit. Like, I actually wake up... No, yeah. I had a dream that my... I was working at a school. And...

We were outside in the playground and some like bad guy came. Don't shit. And he was trying to come like kidnap a kid or something. Yeah. And I like...

Ended his life like I was stabbing him. Yeah. Sorry, it just got really dirty. But I remember the feeling because it was tough. Why do you think you had that dream though? I don't know, but it was weird. Like I could feel, like I feel like I know what it's like to, you know. Oh, I had a crazy dream recently. What was it? And it's one of those dreams where it feels as if you had a vision. Okay. Yeah. So I had a dream because I'm editing and shooting bare content for, you know, my Instagram reels. Mm-hmm.

I had a dream. I was doing that in the dream. Now, I try to leave a little bit of like faith in it. And I would say like God and stuff. Right. And a dark voice says something crazy to me. It's wild, though, because it makes so much fucking sense. So a dark voice said, yeah, I used I say God, too. So they love me more.

Wait, say it again. I say God too, so they love me more. So they love me more. And it was a dark voice. But I feel like you've told me before that you've heard a dark voice. That's fucked. Get it though? You get it though? No, no, no. I just backed what that means. Yeah. Wait, I say God too and they love me more. So they love me more. Because you like...

to talk about you no like yeah that's what i'm thinking because some people would use their content in that sense to get their you know their attention or their yeah their affection onto them type of thing now if you were like an enemy and you were trying to deceive everybody else you know the evil

you would try to use what yeah so if you didn't know like in a lot of our podcasts now like this year we talk a lot about god and we try to preach god to our followers and that that makes sense that makes sense for you so so who do you think the dark voice is the evil one the other one but it's like why is the devil yo yeah the other one you get it yeah because you can imagine i hate to use it but like kanye was

Did you see what they did with him now? I heard. Yeah, yo, that's crazy. Wait, what happened? I thought Kanye loves God. No, no, no. It's not that too. No, it's not about that. It's like the doctor that he was supposedly with

got him addicted to whippets so no it's not whippets it's nitrous oxide nitrous oxide so he can never like he's a dentist yeah but did you see the dentist he has tats on his shit like that's not a no fam that's not a dentist he has he's big and scrawny he has tattoos everywhere fam that's a ploy to get kanye out of there so what happened was there's this guy who's really close to kanye almost like one of his closest friends and he went out to the

FBI and all of these pretty much the authorities to tell that this guy this dentist Purposely got Connie addicted to nitrous oxide so that they can take advantage of him look this what the shit guy looks like This is a guy from cartel

I mean like this is tats I have tats too but you know I get you but you're a podcaster right he's offended no I get you though but still I wouldn't I wouldn't discriminate like oh dentists with tattoos but what happened is still fucked up yeah and that's that's been happened to a lot of lot of celebrities is because you can imagine even somebody that's just really busy in their life if you

just do a little bit of this where they're not looking because their attention somewhere else they won't account for that little thing that you're doing might be detrimental to them in five years ten years whatever it may be what if like he's manipulating which is this is not even what if this is what he actually did

You're trying to take money from him, millions of dollars, boom, boom, boom, boom. Make him go this route. Use my cousin's brand so that you blah, blah, blah. And that's how it goes down. But you know what I heard, though? I heard that, you know, down there, that person was a singer.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's so weird. So it connects to music. Because you can imagine... And now, like, it's so evil. The music industry is, like, actually... It's probably the most evil out of any industry, I would say. It is so scary. Like, all of them, you see them all, like, switching. Like, flipping and turning. And it's just creepy. I think the scariest... One of the scariest things for me was realizing what happened to Elvis. What happened? You didn't hear what happened to Elvis? No. Well...

He got manipulated by his manager to only perform in Vegas for the rest of his life. Oh, I didn't know that. The same show for the rest of his life. Oh, shit. Same song, same show. Like, same times, too? He did it exact same every single night. Boom, boom, boom, boom. For the rest of his life until he died. You can see, though, like, in them, like, they're not... Maliciousness? Not even malicious, but they're, like, robotic. Oh, you mean the...

like singers the artists like yeah the artists to be fair though a lot of people said every single time he did it though was amazing but that's Elvis being Elvis that's just the talent that's just the talent but you know why do you think music is the one though why do you think music is because it's how we communicate to like you can communicate to a lot of people with it yeah you can get to people with it

Like, have you, haven't you heard or noticed, like I heard someone saying that if you like, you know how we randomly will blurt out a song lyric? Yeah. It's like related to your subconscious. Yes.

oh really which makes a lot of sense that does make a lot of sense because sometimes i'll say something and now i'm more like conscious of it like more mindful of it and i'm like oh i know why i'm singing that like it relates to this really this thought no i think if something's just catchy it's just catchy no because there's some yeah there's some shit that i said they told me long ago on the road you know i mean that shit is catchy there is that but there's also like i

I can't remember. I can't think of a certain one. But there's so many times where it actually relates to how I'm feeling. Oh, how you're feeling. Yeah, I'll say it over and over again. I don't realize I'm doing it. I'm like, oh. So do you think the song made you feel like that? No, it's just a feeling that I've already had. But I've related that feeling to that song. Because it connects. And then I just associate it with

Okay, I have a theory. I have a theory because I think this is actually true. So back in high school when X was huge, I wanted to be sad. Oh, yeah, yeah. So that I could feel the music. Juice WRLD too. Juice WRLD, same thing. You wanted to feel their sadness. You wanted to feel their emotion because it was so, I don't know, it felt good. Yeah. Like it dead ass felt good when you're in that frequency with them. Mm-hmm.

But what happens to you is wherever you are, you take yourself down to that. Now, in the same sense, you can imagine how much people you meet or how much people you're, I guess, inspired by. And you would take yourself down to that so that you can, you know, understand them or be on the same level as them or frequency. Because I think that's what...

like being human is like trying to connect with as many people as possible like i don't know about you guys but when we were kids or when you're younger one of the biggest problems we'd have with like friends is like oh you're making about yourself like you say something and they're like oh that happened to me when blah blah blah and when you're a kid you're like oh okay well now like my mom would say something like that and i'm like well i was trying to tell you this and now you're telling me about your life but it's literally natural like human beings use that to connect to each other like they try to relate to

You know what I mean? So I'm saying that like music like that, we want to relate to that artist and we'll like put ourselves in that place. But I think that's what they want to happen though.

Because it sets you up. Yeah, because if they like... If X was a ploy in this whole thing and that was his job, he probably did good. Because you know how much people that he... Oh, that's crazy though. He got like people... Probably... They didn't even want to be depressed. They were probably depressed. Just because the... Suicide pain. You're hearing that? Yeah, I know. Suicide. Come on, bro. I know. That's...

But it sounds so good. Yeah, it sounds blessed. But like, come on, music is addicting. And once you hear it so many times. But that's the thing. Yeah. That's the thing. That's why it's used, I think. Because it's so addictive. And it's so like...

Do you know what I mean? Cause if aliens came down right now, I don't think it would be harder to talk with them than just play a song. That's true. Like, if you could just communicate something in one thing. I'm playing like a calm song, so they just calm down. They would probably feel the vibration. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They'd be like, oh, okay, they're okay. Yeah, but if they play like NBA Youngboy, oh, fuck, we shouldn't do this. Oh, I have a crazy question for you. It might sound stupid, but do you think if I were to just be quiet,

and try to express my energy to you, would you be able to understand me? Oh, that's a good question. Probably, yeah. I think you would be able to, right? I feel that you could only do that once you have a connection with someone. Yeah, I know. Right? Yeah. Imagine you're on the bus with a stranger. No, because I did not think that. I did not think you could almost give somebody a sense of yourself just being there. You can, you can. Right? Yeah. Yeah, they say something about a presence. Like that person has a presence.

Like, okay, now check this out. Ready? So remember what I said? There's an angel always. Sometimes you can't see the angel though. Now, what they say is if there's evil people in the world, it might not be the person that's evil themselves, but it's the spirit that's with them. Yeah, that makes sense. You got me?

Because people who end up in like mental homes and like my aunt used to serve at a mental institution. And she said it's so weird because some of those people, she said, like had way better qualities than herself. Oh, shit. They could literally be like a killer. But she's like, oh, that person was like good in this way and that way. So I think it's like because some things like.

I used to work in foster care. Yeah. And this girl, like, that's the first time I was ever like, oh my goodness, like, that is not her. Like, she is being taken over. There's something else there. Like, there is, like, it was, even the people who were not spiritual or religious, like my coworkers. They would say the same thing. They were like, there's something inside of her. Like, it was crazy. Or there's something with her. Like, because. That's wild. It was like the movies. Like, what you see. Like an exorcism type of thing. Yeah. Like, yeah. We'd have to, like.

hold her down and like oh that's crazy yeah have you seen those like documentaries with like the the tribes like the cannibalist tribes like they just go crazy when they see like a a human in front of them yeah yeah it's fucked like i know i i feel like that is another energy like that they're just possessing and they're trying to get it off well i think what it is though it's it's because do you think what happens is every single good energy there is there has to be a counterbalance of it

like another okay so what i'm saying is like think about it this way if i were to become a superhero yeah and i become this hero to everyone in the world there's going to be a super villain do you think that would happen or do you think i could just go around oh i'm the superhero there would be a hater out there there'd be somebody that tries to step up and be the opposite of that i was just that's just the natural way of life because i was reading genesis literally in the very beginning it's like dark and light like

It's literally said that there's dark and light. And do you think God is symbolic? Like, do you think he's someone who's like, guys, read between the lines? I really think that. Not someone, but God. I think that's true. I think he's like that. I swear all the parables are to read between the lines because it's not direct. It's not direct. Yeah, it's never direct. Because that's the way parables are made, right? It's supposed to be a simple story, but something deep behind it.

Now, my theory on what the world is, I might have said this before, I don't know. But my theory is everybody's life is a parable. And that's the point of your life, your life, my life. We're supposed to be parables for each other. Yeah, I think we're all always connected. I'm supposed to know about so-and-so's hardship so that I can take that information and see what I want to do. Or give that information to somebody else and help them live a better life.

Or we're supposed to help the person with the hardship together, right? Yeah. I have a question. Sorry, I'm not ignoring you guys. Yeah, you're good, you're good. But no, yeah, in Genesis, do you guys know what's his name? Joseph the Dreamer? No, is that...

What? You don't know the story? You have to. If you know Prince of Egypt, there's another one. Oh, yeah, yeah. The one with the coats. The coats. Yeah, yeah, I know. Yeah, and all the brothers were jealous of him. He was the youngest brother. And the dad liked him the best. Surprisingly, I don't know it too well. But continue. Yeah, you have to. I know a bit of it. Yeah, I know. Sorry. But, no, I was saying that in the Bible, so I was doing some research, and it was saying that do not interpretations belong to God. So,

So it's like when you dream, like everything belongs to God. But then if you're getting deep about it, it's like,

Interpretations. Because the way we interpret things might not necessarily be the right way. That's what you're saying. No, but it's still... That's the thing. Okay. You know what's something that confused me, though? What? Is, like, you know how Jesus is Christ? Like, he's God. But then they tell us that, like, God is within us. Which I feel. Like, when I pray, I feel like... I can feel, like, God, like, in my chest. You know what I mean? So I'm saying, like...

This is going to sound bad, but it's like, I know there's obviously a difference. Jesus is God's son, but then we all say we're God's children. Yeah. So my thing is, let me look at this. But Jesus did say we will be the children of God. He did say that. Yeah, he did say that, but it's just a little confusing. I'm like, like, it doesn't make any question. Question for you guys. Do you think when we interpret something,

For example, the dream, it's interpreted that way for us. That's what God wanted us to interpret it that way. That's what I'm saying. That's my question. Do you think it's supposed to be interpreted that way on purpose? So, because you can imagine God knows us, right? He knows like how we live, our interests, blah, blah, blah. He knows how we interpret things. Exactly. So me seeing a red cup and once upon a time, me and my Lola would always share a hot chocolate with this red cup.

What's it going to remind me of? My Lola. So do you think he'll put that red cup even not showing her? Yeah. Because he's very purposeful, right? Obviously, that's another thing. Like, obviously, if we both see that red cup, you're going to see something totally different. I'm going to see something different. And I'm going to see something different. True. So, like... You know what's interesting about that? Because going to the dream thing with Inception...

it is our subconscious that tries to give us an answer with it, right? I think it's purposed that way for us to understand it. Because if a dream is made and we can't understand it at all, what's the point of us making that dream? You get me though? Yeah. That's why I think there's always meaning to dreams. And I've been proven right. Like, not trying to say it, but like I... No, no, we believe that too. Yeah, like I've dreamt things and it's like it actually happens and I'm like,

Wait, it actually happens in real life? Yeah, I'm like, I don't know. So you can predict the future with your dreams? Okay, I don't want to say that. I don't want to say that, but there's times where I've had a dream and then it happens in real life. Like what? Like, a lot of times pregnancy. Oh, really? Yeah, which is weird. That's interesting. Or like, I'll be like, I'll dream that it's a boy or something and I'm like, I feel like you're gonna have a boy and then it's like, they're like, yeah, I'm having a boy. Yo, I heard this story. Yeah.

This mother, she went to go do her ultrasound to get the pregnancy test, right? To see if it's a boy or girl. And she was in the waiting room talking to her daughter, her eldest daughter. She's around, I think, like 10, 9. And she says, oh, so what do you think? Is it going to be a boy or a girl? And you know what the eldest daughter said? She said, oh, that baby's not going to live.

she's gonna or he's gonna go to heaven damn he said he's gonna go to heaven right oh so he that's what that's what yeah she knew he was a boy that's like heaven is for real and check this out and the mother was like so taken aback what do you mean why are you saying that don't say that right and then she said no no it's okay like it's supposed to be he's gonna go to heaven time goes by

it didn't like the baby didn't make it oh and she was right that the eldest daughter predicted what was happening but they say children are usually the closest to like they are the middle like they will like they're the bridge to the spiritual to the spiritual like so i feel like that do you think it has to do with innocence because check this out right i feel as if the more good you do

And the more innocent you are, and the more we follow what we're supposed to do spiritually, the more these interesting mysteries pop into your life. But the times you live bad, I feel it's straight up, this is what life is. So you're not exposed to the bad? Not that. I'm not saying that. I'm saying the mysterious shit, the spiritual stuff,

it's almost more you're susceptible to it more if that makes sense to you i kind of understand that because it's like okay with all the evil stuff god's put that in our like thing like we're we're to be honest he doesn't control us like it's out here for us like adam and eve did that exactly yeah okay now this is a great example just to explain it better okay every single person that you've met that said they see spirits are they good or bad

Bad. Really? Yeah. Did you not remember the episode with the fucking hell of spirits? I guess so, yeah. You know what I mean? But, interesting.

because like spirits are sometimes good and sometimes bad but if that person does always seek bad spirits i've never seen spirits but are they a bad person though no they're not a bad person but they hold bad energy for sure yeah so it doesn't matter if you're a bad or good person or maybe it does matter that you see good or bad spirits i would agree because remember my weird stories i've told you in the past

About? Like, the weird ones after. Remember you, like, forbid me from doing those readings? And I honestly have been kind of like, I don't want to do them. Wait, why? Remember? Okay, say it again. You don't remember? No. Okay. In, like, the first podcast, we talked about it. Yeah. But I was doing those tarot readings. Oh, okay. And I remember, like, I would always pray. And I would always be like, you know, like, I know it's still not good. But I'd be like, God, can you, like...

help with the reading like tell me a message or something like to tell this person yeah or like something they should know like and they would be preying on it too or they'd also be like okay yeah like please you know and we would both like i would tell that person like any like

Family members like your grandparents anything like just tell them to like guard you or like be here for you, right? and I would always do that and they were never bad and then there are some people I did it for that weren't religious and

And I actually had hatred towards religion. So I was like, okay, like, I'm just going to like pray and I would like hold a rosary or whatever. Yeah. And she was like, oh, like, no, like, don't do that. Or like, you know, like, freak that kind of thing. Whoa, really? Yeah. And then what happened? Like,

Oh my goodness, Carlos. I didn't tell you about this. I definitely did. But I was waking up like every day at 3 a.m. Like every day for like longer than two weeks, like a bit longer than two weeks. Yeah. And so basically what happened was I did the reading for her and I kept saying I have a bad feeling. And I always do it in the same spot, like on my bed.

Like, I don't do it anymore, okay? So I'm talking about it like I still do it. No, no, no, I don't do it. But I do it right where I sleep. Like, I sit with my legs crossed, like, right where my head is, and they sit like this. And so I was just like, ugh. Like, I feel like a weird feeling. You feel something's wrong. Just something's wrong. And she was just going through a lot at the time, so it was just, she's very, she was very negative. And, um...

Basically, after the reading, it was weird. You know when it's just not good energy when you spend time with someone and you're super dead after and you're like, what just happened? Kind of weird feeling. Yeah. Yeah, like a weary feeling. So that was how I was feeling. And I was like, I'm just going to shower and go to bed. I just feel weird. And I went to bed and then I woke up at like three something.

And it was like something woke me up. And I was just staring, like, right in that spot. I was like... Oh, there's something there? Yeah, like, just a weird feeling. Like, something, like, is, like, standing, like... Oh, shit. Like, over my bed like this kind of thing. Yeah. And I was like, that is so scary. Like...

And at that time, like, now I know you just say, like, yeah, God has me. Like, I don't care. And then they just, like, leave you alone. But at that time, I would just get more fearful. Like, more scared. Yeah. And I was like, oh, like, please leave me alone. Like, getting scared. And then...

I fell asleep and then she called me at 5 a.m. the girl that I did it for. Yeah. And she was like scream crying on the phone and she was like Sasha like my back is burning. Oh shit. And her parents came into the room and took a picture and she had like there's no way she did it to herself like big scratches from like the base of her neck all the way down to like. Oh shit. Yeah.

And then what happened was their family in their living room, they have like three shelves. It's a small family. It's just her and her parents. Yeah. And each family member has a shelf. So like her dad, her mom, her. All of her stuff when she walked past went like flying off. Damn. Fell off. And she was like...

Don't be scared of me guys. So you think there was a hex or something? There was some weird thing and ever since that I woke up like every day at the same time to the point where I didn't even have to look at my phone. I knew what time it was. And you would wake up that time. I was sleeping with my parents. I was just like, nope, I'm not doing this. Yeah. That's how you know it gets serious when you gotta go to prayer. So you have to be careful with the spiritual stuff. I'm totally like not involved. Do you have a third eye or no? She does.

Like a third eye that you can see spirits? I can't see them. I can't see them, but I definitely can feel them. I think you... Definitely can feel them. When my grandma passed away, she was a bit on the bigger side for her size, her height. She was 5'6", and she weighed 300 pounds. She was unhealthy. And when she passed away...

I was sleeping with my mom because my dad was in Sri Lanka and there was a lot happening. And so I was sleeping with her and she was sick. So that's where my dad went. And I heard my mom get the call that my grandma had passed away. But I'm not good at like comforting people or dealing with that kind of stuff. Yeah. So I kind of just like slipped away. Like I was like, and I went to my room. But I also felt like I was being summoned to my room. Like something was like, I felt like I was being told, go to your room.

Yeah. Yeah. So I went to my room and I was just laying there and I was like, someone's going to come like something is going to come. And I knew it was going to be my grandma. And so she always every time she was very big. Right. And my dad has the same habit. But when they sleep, they put their leg on you.

Like I used to sleep with my grandma every time she'd come to Canada and I was like laying down and it was always in the same spot, like right above my kneecaps. That's where she would put her leg. And I felt like a big, cold, heavy presence, like on my bed. Like, you know, when you're sleeping, like you're half awake and somebody climbs into bed next to you. Yeah. Like you could feel it, but you're sleeping. Do you know what I'm talking about? Yeah. You're aware of the like. Someone's in the room. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

So I felt like when like felt her getting onto the bed and then I felt like a coldness right above my knee. It was like a weird heavy coldness and I knew it was her. And then I just was like, okay, I'll go to bed. I wasn't scared. Yeah. Yeah. But it was just like weird. I was just like,

That's weird. That's interesting because me, I would be frightened. I'd be like, what the heck is going on? No, when I know... I know when my grandparents are visiting me. Like, I definitely know. When it's other things, I'm like... But now I don't get scared. What do you think is the scariest one that's happened to you? The scariest one? Yeah. Was definitely when I was doing the reading. Okay, okay. Because I feel like I called upon...

that I had no idea was there. My house also backs up right onto a forest. And I just know there's like plentiful of things in there. I just know. You sense it? Yeah. And also I was walking around in there one day and...

Someone was like, oh, this is like actually an old burial ground for like the First Nations. Oh, shit. Yeah. Actually. Wait, when she called you at five, did she was she like, oh, I sense something that you're doing something or is it like. No, I was sleeping. I was I was sleeping and she called. This was 5 a.m. the next day that she like she came over the day prior and I woke up that night at three and then she called me at five.

So you know how what you said before is like oh can we communicate without like even being there or just like through thing? Because I've always heard these stories like especially family like there was moms that knew when their kid was hurt. Yeah. I heard stuff like that. And it's crazy. Yeah.

Because I've had that one before too. Did I say on the podcast? Before my grandma passed, I knew to give her two hugs. Because I left, I gave her one hug. I left, but then I was like, no, this might be the last time. So I hugged her again. And then that night she passed.

It's true though. Moms do have a weird... Moms, yeah. I've heard so many mom stories. Because sometimes like I was having like stomach issues and I was like, oh, like in my head I was like, I really want like bone broth because it's supposed to be really good like the collagen and stuff. And like that day that after work she showed up with bone broth and I was like, did I tell you I wanted this? And she's like, no, I just thought you needed it. I was like, I was like, that's weird. And she does that all the time.

the time like all the time like it's weird like the littlest things i'm like i'm so thirsty and she'll like come to her room she's like do you want some water i'm like yes yeah i feel like i can't like if my i'm sad my mom will know i'm sad you know i mean i have urges to call people at certain times and then i call them but they never they never express like oh thanks for calling me except you you're the only one that has ever done that but it's funny because maybe because my family they're that

They're that way. I explained this before. But they don't show emotion. Even if they're going through shit, they won't show it. But I would have urges to call them. And it felt as if, yeah, this is a good time to call. But they would never say it.

You know? So I don't know for sure if it's... If it was like they needed it. If they needed it or not. I never know like whenever you go through something, yeah, it's just like the same. Yeah. It's until you tell me after. And I've been hanging around you since like what? High school? And I still can't tell. It's just you're so good at it. It'll be like a conversation like regular and then it's all of a sudden. Yeah. So when you actually call me for something and it's actually deep, like okay, now I know it's serious. Like it's dead serious. Yeah. You know what I mean?

I don't know. It's weird. I wouldn't say like I hide it. It's just I have a bad way of, I don't know, showing it. Yeah, yeah. Maybe that's just how we were all just raised and stuff like that. It is. I think you're also someone, although you're very expressive, you're very monotoned. Really? Yeah. Yeah.

Monotone? How so? You're eccentric, but you're very like... Oh, when he expresses feelings? Yeah. Okay, yeah, monotone that way. Some people, when they get sad, they're like, yeah. You're just like, and yeah, I'm sad, and yeah, haha. Oh, so you mean the way I express my sadness... It's the same as how you express your happiness. It's the same as how I express my happiness. You know why? It's because I get excited to tell shit. Oh.

guess what I'm so sad right now no because like listen listen as whack as it sounds and as weird as it sounds it's fun for me to say these things because it's a story it's like I get that I'm excited to tell you stuff right even if it's like upsetting it's kind of like

This is good content. Not as in filming, recording content. But I get to tell you stuff. I get excited to tell people stuff. Give updates. It's like, I haven't talked to you for a while. Let me tell you. Yeah. This guy has something so not sad that, oh, it's just a normal story now.

But secretly it's like hurting. Like I'm not gonna count. I'm not gonna count. There's certain things I talk about. And I try to pass it off as just like a joke. It's not a joke, yo. Mental health, man. It's a thing. Yeah. It's a thing, guys.

But, no, what I was going to say, you said something earlier. Something about, no, I feel like God, this is the concept that you were talking about, like guardian angels. I think everybody has the power to be your guardian angel. Like, God gives that to you. And I feel like just now you said, like, I can't tell if my family needs it or not. But they definitely need it. That's why God, like, sent you to do that. Or, like, told you, like, call them or gave you, like, a...

a little like ting in your brain to call them. Yeah. Cause, and I think what's crazy too is we're all given, we're all blessed with stuff that would help each other, but because of lack of communication, we can't.

And even that overstimulating thing where it's like, even like giving someone a compliment, it's like you overthink it. You're like, I want to tell them an issue. What if they don't want to hear it? What if? Yeah. But what I heard is the doubt and that feeling, if you sit in that too much and if you sit in anxiety, that's you worshiping evil. You worshiping the devil. Yeah.

Because it's your feeding into anxiety, fear. And not trusting God. And not trusting God. Exactly. So you worshiping God is you being in full faith, full confidence. Yeah.

and understanding no matter what i'm good yeah like god's gonna do what he's gonna do yeah no matter what yeah because that is how it is too controlling it's like no i have the power to make sure this doesn't happen to me but it's like we really don't only god does

Like, I'm not saying like if someone's trying to give you drugs or tell you to jump off a bridge, it's fine because God has your back and you can be confident and do whatever you want. Not like that. Like, but like, obviously there, he has given us free will. So it's like, we are working. Like, obviously he's the creator, but we, he's on our team. Like, he's literally like, you know, I'm on your side. Like,

Like I'm here for you. Like I'm doing this with you. Like don't just, you know what I mean? He's given us that free will. I know. And that's the thing because we try to do everything on our own, right? At least me, that's something I struggle with. Even when I'm in a group setting, I try to just do my own thing. But it's not necessarily the best.

But that's the test though. You know group work? It's like you're just like, I'll just do the whole thing. Yeah. Because you want it the way you want it. I had the vision for it and I wanted it to be executed like that. That's the test though. He lays it out for you but you choose your path at the end of the day.

Do you have any other ghost stories? That was a bunch of ghost stories. There's just one recently that I'm like, okay, this is weird. But we have an armoire in my kitchen. What's an armoire? It's like those big display cabinets that our parents have. Oh, with the china and stuff? Yeah, yeah. And it's like wood, like an arch like that. And we all have one of those. And mine is obviously like... A lot of them are usually like...

What is it? Family heirlooms? Yeah. And so ours is filled with family heirlooms. Like old. Antiques and shit. Yeah, yeah. Like different tea sets and things. And it's so weird, but it's like...

My family's not perfect. So obviously like when there's like bad energy or like negativity in the house and there's like that dark cloud, it's so weird. But like the door to the armoires, like they just open. And I think it's so weird. When? At night or like just randomly? No, just when there's like any time. And nobody's opened it? No.

Nobody's opened it. No, we've used it before. Yeah. But it opens on its own. What do you mean it opens on its own, Sasha? Like, it just opens. Like, it just opens. Like, it's like I notice sometimes I'll be in an argument or, like, I'm like, oh, like, I'm just, like, arguing with someone or something. And then you realize it's open. And then it just, like...

No. That's wild. But to me, I don't get a bad feeling. And honestly, it's almost like I'm reading this book called Emotional Inheritance. And it's basically about generational trauma and how it's a real thing, scientifically proven. Like,

You may not have suffered a certain thing, but your great grandmother has. And then that's why you're like that. Yeah. Even in dogs. My cousin's dog has had the best... They've known him since he was born. He's never endured or suffered anything that they know of, at least. But the mom went through a lot. She had really severe anxiety. And now it's like you take a tissue out of the tissue box and he's like...

Like, he's scared. And he's a big German shepherd. Like, he's not even a... He's like a bigger German shepherd. But it's inherited trauma. So my thing is with Armwar, I'm like, it's probably just like the ancestors being like...

Hey, hey, hey. Fix up. Like, come on. You're like the fifth generation now. Come on. Still doing the same shit. Y'all talking about the same shit? We did that 20,000 years ago. That's what I feel like. It doesn't feel like negative. It's just kind of like a distraction. Like, hello. Like an intro. I have a theory for you. Yes.

I think that's a sign to go in there and look at the heirlooms. Because it'll remind you of family. Yeah. And keep you guys closer together. That's true. Because what's in there? It's on both sides. My mom's side stuff and my dad's side. It's either that or there's an object in there that's just mad haunted. Why? There's no one. Is that actually peaceful or is it actually haunted? There's something in there that's just mad haunted. Or it's not even just haunted. It's just something...

you have to see or you have to get a hold of and my dad's very handy and stuff so it's like to see if there's something wrong with it because sometimes that happens when like you know like in the summer wood swells up and like door sometimes like doors won't close and stuff oh yeah yeah yeah because the heat so my dad's very like handy with that kind of stuff and he doesn't see any problem no so it's just like oh shit

yeah so that's that's one of the scariest things there's nothing really especially because i've like gotten involved with like bible study but i did hear i think i told you this we talked about this when you start reading the bible you're going to be like attacks yeah you get you get attacked spiritually and so i joined a bible study yeah and also i've just been more like awake in terms of like

being a Catholic, you know? And I definitely feel like I've been attacked. Like, definitely. Like, it's so weird. Like, after...

I read the Bible like when I'm going to bed I don't feel weird I feel so like happy and like oh I'm so happy I reflected on like something I love and I go to bed and then it's like I've been woken up and I'm like but I'm so not afraid anymore that I'm like oh whatever and I pray and then I go to bed but I know that something's like yeah yeah yeah do you know what I mean I know I know what exactly you mean yeah because there's times where I've

i've had like the craziest dreams the craziest i would say freaking demonic dreams but i know that's just distractions i know that's just there to so it's not now it's normal for you yeah that's just it's a frightening like creepy dreams because you've told me about like a dark voice before yeah before this it's always it's that type of thing but it's because i explained this before but it's literally because if i were your enemy

And I wanted to do harm to you through another person. I wouldn't go attack your acquaintance. You know what I'm saying? I would go after your closest homie because it's closest to you. In the same way, the closer we get to God, devil's not going to attack somebody that's already on his team, already doing evil stuff. They're going to go after somebody that's getting closer to him or somebody that

it shows a lot of love to all the time that's the person that gets targeted yeah which makes sense but also it's because god knows you can handle those things and it lifts you up even more and that's the real test in my opinion i think it's when you face those struggles and you face those tests and those attacks quote unquote after what happens you become so close you come even closer i think another thing is also the fact that

Like, I'm proud of these fellows. We all went to high school together. And, like, you guys are doing so good. Thank you. Really good. And I think because you guys are actually such, like, wholesome people and, like, they have good hearts, I swear. But, like, I think because of that and because you guys are trying to lead people towards, like, faith, that's why you're having these dreams. Like, you're actually being attacked.

You know what I mean? I always feel that too. I feel like we're not going to reach that. Like we should be way bigger, but we're not going to reach that just because we preach this. No, I think we will. I have a theory. You have a theory too? I have a theory, but like a prediction. Yeah. I think that, I don't want to say this because I don't want to make faith in aesthetic, but I think people are like, I've seen a lot of people turning back to faith. Yeah, I see too. It's like, it's almost like a trend. 100%.

And I don't want to say it like that. I don't want to say that either. But it seems like that. But not in a bad way. And I think people are becoming, I feel like being a good person is becoming, like, not a trend, but it's, sorry, it's like what, it's becoming the thing. Mmm.

And not in, I don't want to say in a way of like negativity, as in it's becoming a thing. I think it's like a good thing. It is good because that's what it's all about, right? Like love. You just want to love other people. Yeah. But like my grandfather said to me a long, long time ago, it's not about, the thing is we're all called to love one another. And then he said this wise ass Filipino shit. He says, but people mix that up.

as love another love another not he said we're all called to love one another but people mix that up as love another oh barb another that's barb yeah so in anything um love one another i love you i love you i love you i love one another right love another so instead of loving you i love them

instead of i love i love right yeah love another i get it cheating whatever yeah friends whatever maybe um you you love one good thing another is bad right yeah but love one another i get that you love the bad people you love the good people you see love in all right

I can just imagine the environment you're around. Was it like a backyard Filipino party? I think it was on the couch. I remember it. Yeah, he was just spitting to all the little kids. No, it's just to me. Oh, yeah? It's just to me. Damn. Fun story. It's actually kind of funny, but like, because he has Alzheimer's now. He's older. He went missing, bro. Oh, yeah. I remember you told me this. Wait, that happened to my grandpa, too. Yeah, you found him? He had Alzheimer's. He went to like the grocery store or something and like didn't come back for a while. Oh, my gosh. Now he's passed.

Sorry to hear that. No, it's okay. But it was... Yeah, he had Alzheimer's and he was like... He'd be like, I'm going to the grocery store. And this is before anyone knew and it's like he would get lost. It was so sad. I know because it's like... It's become to a point where I'm like, oh, you know what? He's getting older. That's what it is. It's just life, right? But it's just funny sometimes because the predicaments that you're put in. Oh, yeah. You gotta go find them. And you find joy in it though. Because...

Because my thing was, some of my little cousins, they're crying and stuff, right? But for me, it was more of, I can't wait to see when I find him. That's what it was. It wasn't, oh, am I going to find him? It's, I can't wait to see when I find him. Yeah, Lola. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's funny because it became like, I got excited to go out and look for him. Yeah. Rather than,

Because a lot of the times it sucks, but we won't get those expressions of love to somebody until it's in a time where you're forced to. And it's sad like that. And it's too late. Yeah, stuff like that. Where if I'm your friend, right? And it just so happens we don't hang out too much and time goes by. But I hear, oh, you got in a certain situation, God forbid, and it forces me to go, I have to go check up on you, this and that.

instead of having to go check up on you i wish it was just naturally alive just like that right and it's sad it's kind of like that sometimes yeah you look back it's like how often do you really check up on your friends i know it's true but if you think about it it's weird i'm like is it just because there's so many people because when you read like biblical times and stuff it just seems like there was less people 100% though everybody knew each other everybody was homies it just also makes like

actual scent because it was long ago there's not going to be as many people sorry there's not going to be as many people long ago as there is now but it's just like weird because it's like someone was telling me they're like you have a lot of friends like how do you even keep up I'm like I don't I'm like I don't like you know that yeah you know that about me I love people

Like, so much. But it's like, I'll literally just... I'm literally Patrick Star. Like, if you want me, I'm under my rock. Like... I think that's because it's like, you protect yourself, you know? I mean, from... Because you can't be friends with everyone. Because there's going to be friends that, like, you know, deceive you or treat you wrong. I feel like just keeping a good core is important. Mm-hmm.

I would want to have less friends than more friends to be honest or like a good core. I wouldn't want to be friends with everybody in the world. I try to be friends with everyone. With everyone? I try my best. I don't think I'm strong enough because I can't like talk to so many people. Like I get very like That's the thing though because I

I try to get close with a lot of people. They do you wrong? No. I don't say that. I protect myself. I do my homework. I read 40 Laws of Power. I read all of this shit. You read your weird manipulation book. Like, God forbid, I know I'm protected, right? Manipulation book. I thought it was called 40 Laws of Power. It's called the weird manipulation book. 40 Ways to Manipulate Someone. Crazy, man. Maybe like eye contact. Like it's, you know,

You know, isn't it like that? - No, no, it's not like that. It's not like that. Hold on. It's deeper than that. It's deeper than that. But what I was saying is, I think for the majority of people, they can't do that because they can't protect themselves. Sadly. - Yeah, I'm like-- - In a perfect world, everyone should be able to do that and everyone should be able to connect to each other. But sadly, can't. So certain people that can,

protect themselves in those ways, I think they should try their best to. Yeah, yeah. I think so too. There's always like a weird emptiness in me that I need to be checking up on these people consistently, making plans. Like, I get that feeling all the time, but I'm like, life is just like,

I always tell myself, I'm like, it's so busy. But then I'm like, I look at you two. I look at you two and I'm like, how do you guys like do it all? I really don't know, to be honest. I'm not going to lie to you. I just go. Yeah. And if I don't go, I feel I'm the opposite. I'm not doing anything. Do you guys believe in the whole like if she wanted to, she would or if he wanted to, he would? I do believe in that. I do too. Because it's like when people say like certain things, it's just like I

I know that if you really want to do something, you're going to do it anyways. You know? So I believe in that. Isn't it like to be loved is to be seen?

So it's like if they do something for you out of their, you know what I mean, out of their heart, you feel more loved because they actually did it. It's interesting that you say that because I think, I don't know about you guys, but the older I get, the more I realize that I'm not saying love is not enough because love is everything. But in terms of like relationships, it's not enough. You need, there's a lot of other things that need, that you need. But I think,

at the end of the day like it's not love it's the unconditional love oh yeah yeah where it's like because you just said the word seen right i feel like people sometimes rather than like feeling love they need to feel like seen yeah like you know when i don't know if you guys watched avatar but the saying was like i see you yeah yeah yeah and it's like it's another way of loving someone but i feel like it's like really important i know oh yeah like you know what i mean like

Or just like someone needs to feel appreciated. Like you do something little. And when someone says like, oh, thank you. I noticed that you do that. You're like, you saw that I did that. Bro, there's this one song that played by accident. Played so by accident. It's by Billy Joel. Some old... I know Billy Joel. I've been listening to Vienna a lot.

Is it that? That's the song. No! Literally before I came here. Wait, that's actually the song? Yes, I promise. I literally... That's so weird. Wait, so tell the scenario. How I happened to this thing. That's actually the song, Sasha. Yeah, I've been listening to that song. That's crazy. Okay, so... No, because I've been going through a thing of... I've been feeling really, really as if I'm going too fast for myself and I can't... I can't do everything, you know? But I want to. No matter what, I'm going to try to.

That song, if you listen to the lyrics, it's saying, okay, just listen to the first bar. That's crazy. You listen to that too? I swear. Listen to the lyrics too. Damn. If you're so smart, tell me why are you still so afraid?

Fam, this song played when I was so exhausted. Where? I was dead in my room. Oh, okay. Just random? No, I was just... In my room. Yo, this is what happened. I put in my headphones and lied on my bed because I was so tired and I needed something to chill me out because I was too overstimulated. Too many things on my mind. I put it on shuffle for a random song and this song played out of nowhere. That's God. And it hit me. I'm like, yo, this is...

I have a question for both of you. Sorry, I don't mean to cut you off, but it's a part of it. But it's just like, okay, you guys move fast, right? Like in life, like you're just fast-paced people. Do you ever think that moving at a fast pace makes you feel like you're actually missing out? Because I feel like people who are moving at a fast pace, you can tell me if I'm wrong, it's kind of like a fear of FOMO. It's like, I need to do everything. And sometimes I'm like, if you're experiencing all of it at like,

really fast pace are you really like actually experiencing it like or is it - um it's - like you're not seeing it like almost like you're going like see you know what I think a lot of faithful people might go through this but you know how like this ties into it but it's kind of going off-topic but it's going in back to what we were talking about yeah like

right? I think our generation pushes that a lot. Like it's almost like a thing where it's like respect people's boundaries. Like, you know, be very aware of this, that and the other, like us being oversensitive to people. Yeah. And I feel like we're told to like, Jesus is our savior, right? And we're, we're told to like walk in his footsteps. Like when I pray, I can, I feel him like holding my hand and leading me. Like that's what it feels like.

and we're supposed to be like him. We can't be him because he literally has God within him. But it's the whole turning the other cheek thing. It's like boundaries. But when do you know it's too much? How do you know? Because God wants us to do as much as we can. But it's like, how do you know when it's too much? Because sometimes you're doing too much where you're not happy. You're actually very unhappy on the inside.

I'm happy though. Not saying that you are. I'm unhappy when I'm not doing something. That's exactly me. When I'm not doing shit, I'm unhappy. So I do everything. I can relate to that. But I don't do everything though. I feel like it's a balance because I have faith that if I'm just doing the stuff, I don't have to do more because I have faith that I'll be successful in the future. Don't worry about that. You know what I mean?

But yeah, it's all about balance. Yeah. Okay. I'm just curious. But yeah, moving like fast, like because you said you listen to that song, like slow down. Yeah. So you listen to that? I swear on my life. What the f- I swear. Do you listen to like old music like that? Yeah. Oh, okay. I do. But I'm like you where it's like then I'll have Magic Johnson. So it's like I'm listening to

Billy Joel and then Matthew Johnson. Seriously, I'm pretty sure that's how I liked my songs. But I had it on shuffle. Oh, shit. Yeah. But I've been listening to Vienna a lot because there was a show I used to watch as a kid called Ruby Gloom. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And Ruby Gloom sounds like the beginning of the song.

like misery misery yeah but um ruby glooms is like super emo okay um tv show that was on ytv oh yeah in high school yeah now it's so straight yeah yeah but um yeah right like i'm leaving in the comments if you guys know what that show is or is it canadian i'm actually curious i feel like it was on teletune it feels very uh what's what's that what's that um coralline maker

Coraline? Tim Burton. It's very Tim Burton. I wouldn't like that then. I don't think Tim Burton created Coraline. Did he? Yeah. Did he not? No.

Wait, so did you guys listen to music based on like your mood? Oh, I do. Say like you're sad and maybe you're going through a breakup. You would listen to a sad song? That's so weird to me. So bad. Or if it's like I want to turn off my feelings, I'll put on Trap. Oh, what? Tim Burton had nothing to do with Coraline. Mandela effect. That's where it was. But I guess it's just the same aesthetic. Yeah, like the clay, like claymation. But, um...

What were we talking about? That's actually interesting you said that though because it's like when you listen to trap you like turn off all your feelings. That's exactly what I did whenever I go through something sad. Yeah. Like I'll let myself feel like the sadness alone and I'm like who are you Sasha? And then I'll put on like E.A. by like Young New

And I'm like, don't feel anything. Because I don't listen to a lot of genres. So do you think I'm affected emotionally just because I listen to hip hop and trap so much that I might not get sad that much? That's why I'm never like actually sad.

maybe but i don't know if music hits everyone the same but sometimes it's like i feel like when i listen to trap too much i'm a little bit more aggressive than i actually am i could see that yeah whatever i don't care true i could see that i i would yeah if i'm playing even if i'm playing a video game back in the day i would kind of oh my goodness base myself around that character what's that what's it's called something addictive personality or something

Yeah, there's something characterization. Yeah, characterization. Because whenever I'm with my cousin, if I'm hanging out like a camping trip with them, I'll come back to Carlos and act like him. You know what I mean? I get that. I don't know why. My sister has that. Okay, okay. Yeah, my sister has that, definitely. But you really do just become what you consume. Do those people like... Okay, say me and your sister. Can we be friends though? Because it's like, what do we... What do you take from each other? Yeah, you guys are the same person. We're just gonna...

What do we transform into? No, my sister, yeah, she like picks up like, she's like, I don't know why I do it. Like I used to make fun of her when we were younger, but now I notice it's like an actual thing she does. It's like she, like even the lingo, it's like she can't help it. It's just like she like,

She can't help and she knows it now. That's so weird What if I become her sister and she just becomes me and then we come back, you know, that's kind of weird Yeah, wait, oh no you'll get mad at me. Why why I was gonna be like, what's your birthday? Oh my god November 11 Okay, for the sake of it

Do you want to talk about that stuff? No, I swear. I'm not going to believe it. You know what I think though? Yeah. Is like God said in Genesis, right? Yeah. I talked to you about this. He said there's signs in the stars, but I'm not saying that he's saying to read into it. Sorry, I'm screaming. No, no, no, you're good. Oh, sorry. I'm talking really loud. No, you're good. You're perfect. Yeah. Okay. But no, I feel like

Honestly, I feel like there is truth to it, but it's kind of like what you were saying. Remember we talked about this? Like the tree of knowledge. Is that what it's called? Yeah. It's like letting yourself know too much. He's like, no, because he's so symbolic and he's like a scientist, an artist, like all of those different things rolled in one. I feel like he's like, yes, there is method to everything. Yes, there is messages in the stars. But I feel like he's like...

At your own risk kind of thing. Because we already... There's already the original sin. Because think about it. Even the wise men followed the stars. But even the wise men bowed to who? Jesus. No, I think like what we were talking about the saints and praying and whatever. As long as you know like...

who you really love and who really loves you, which is God. I think it's even metaphorical too because even if you think about that nativity story, the wise men followed the stars to see where it would take them and it brought them to Jesus. So in the same sense... But that's how I feel about it. So it brings you into spirituality. You follow the stars, it brings you to spirituality. But spirituality will lead you to what? Yeah. The divine, God. Mm-hmm.

When I was getting my haircut, my barber was like, yo, do you believe in that mercury retrograde and stuff like that? And then I always tell him what you tell me. It's like, yo, bro, don't believe in that. Believe in God, bro. And the whole conversation was just shut off. He thought he was going to have a whole podcast with me about mercury retrograde. No, mercury and Gatorade. Yeah, Gatorade. Who the fuck cares about that, man? I'm an Aquarian. The actual dyslexia kicks in and you're just like, you actually mess up words like...

Gatorade retrograde Like it actually like You know what I mix up a lot What I don't have it Well I don't Clinically have it What is it Like dyslexia But you know I really mix up You mix up what Ingredients And information

That's not even close. That isn't close, Sasha. But it's the same, though, if you think about it. Oh, on paper, though? On paper, maybe. No, but they're both substance. What? Like, information. Oh, that's your thinking. Oh, that's weird. Wait, that's how you think? No, because ingredients and information, they're both substance. They're something of. You get me? Oh, that's weird. That's an interesting way of thinking. That's how you think? I guess. That's, like, why I mixed the two up. That's a weird way to think. Sorry. I was in her brain for a second. That was weird. Sorry, guys.

Whoa, that's how you think about life, huh? Substance? No, like, you correlate certain things in that sense. Oh, yeah. That's weird. Like, I, like...

Carp compartmentalize. I'm specific. I think I feel like I'm very specific. Yeah, I'm not my brain doesn't have space So I like how about you? I'm very general very general. Yeah, so you kind of like you have to figure out to It's like a puzzle I feel like I'm too specific sometimes that it doesn't leave room to breathe. I

That's one of my flaws. When you say things, it's like a full brain. It's like full. There's no way you can have space to think of your own thing based off what he said because it's just like there's... I give too much out. Too much. Low key. Even in your questions, it's too much. I've been doing this for fucking 190 episodes. Too much.

I feel like even in your questions, they're so packed sometimes. They are packed. I'm like, huh? Wait, what was your question? But that's good though because it starts conversation. It's not a negative thing. Even if you talk to people on the street, maybe they're not like conversationalists, one word answer type people.

You kind of, oh, let me open them up a bit. Like, you know what I mean? Get them to say something. Yeah, it's hard to be shy with you. Because you're just like... Just open them up type thing. It's a good thing. Yeah. But you like to break the fourth wall. That's what I noticed. Me? No, no, her. Yeah, she does that a lot. Like how Deadpool does it on the movie. She's like, guys, it's very like... I get thing confused. And you're just looking at the camera. Oh, she can see me? Holy fuck.

- But I feel like that's good though, 'cause it builds it. Like we're talking, "Yo, get off your bed, bro." Randomly. - Like, you can see him on my bed. - That would scare the fuck out of me if I'm a viewer. Kevin, put the drink down, like in the middle of the middle. - Finish cleaning your room. - Kevin somewhere had a drink in his hand right there. - There's this session on TikTok where he's like trying to do something that someone hasn't done before. So it's like crossing my fingers while I'm sitting like this. - Oh, it's something you do so unique. - So unique.

But everybody in the conference is like Nah I did that in like 2024 Do you do that though? Do you specifically try to be unique? I feel like it has to come out There's no way that you You can manually do it You know what I mean? Specifically try to be unique? Yeah

That's cheating. No. I don't think I do that. I used to try to see what that's like, but I don't do that. I feel like that's what aesthetics are, though. It's like you want to fit... Well, I guess that's fitting in. That's not being unique. I don't know. To this day, I still don't know what my aesthetic is. Yeah. You're all over the place. But that's good, though. I feel like yours is like...

Leave it on the comments if you could label it. Like, yo, John put the thing that you should have said it. If you could label it, I'm actually curious. Yeah. I feel like it's like olden times, like olden days mixed with like...

Times New Roman with a little bit of what's that funny one? A little bit of Marvel. Comic Sans. That's Lillian. It's like a mix of Times New Roman and Comic Sans. But what is that called? Carlos. Carlos. Carlos Corp.

I didn't know that you guys noticed that I look there. Because I'm like, I'm very aware that they're there. Go to the mic. Sorry. No, there's one friend that's too observant. Like, she'll clown you if, like, you move a little way. I'm like, what the fuck? Oh, her? Yeah. Because I'm on the same person. Are you talking about me just now? No, no, no, no. Okay, I'll just say, maybe you can cut this out.

that person there in that in that realm never mind then they're not never we're not talking about the same person but she would catch everything like oh i seen you i took a video of that or i seen you doing that oh yeah bro it's like you have to be perfect around her i can't have those people around you can't because i'm overthinking now it's like wait and then that's when i mess up so i think if you force your aesthetic that's when it comes ungenuine did i make you overthink yeah i did just now oh overthink me no i never think myself walking

The walking one you did though. Yeah, yeah, that, yeah. But like living, I don't overthink living. But I'll overthink...

that are specific. No, I'm saying I don't want to have the same effect on people where it's like being too observant makes people feel insecure. I think that's cool though. That's honestly a cool trait. Yeah, you can be observant. Because not a lot of people are like that. And it just means you care about somebody too. Like if I didn't, if I wasn't observant with you, that means I didn't care. Like I wasn't actually looking at you. That's true. And like that thing we're saying, I see you, like I actually see you. Yeah. To be loved is to be seen. Oh.

That felt like an elementary school class just now. You know when the teacher tells you something? Waterfall. No, like to be loved is to be. And then the teacher waits there. What did we learn today, guys? To be loved is to be. Do you miss school? Yeah, I do. Like elementary school specifically. Would you go back to elementary school for a day?

Oh man she's cool. I would lowkey. Would you guys go back to high school for a day? I would. Really? Yeah I would. Cause I didn't have we didn't have I don't think we had a bad high school experience. I never had a bad experience. No. It was good. High school was good. Yeah yeah. I would want to redo university cause I feel like I didn't do enough

Like this guy was out partying and shit like that. I feel like I did enough. You did enough. Like you tried to drag me out and I'm so pissed that I didn't go to half the show. I know. Like I literally said, yo, let's go to this, this, this, this, this, the whole group chat. Nobody want to come. And what did... I had to go on my own. Yeah. You know, it's crazy. We would have had a podcast with our older friends too.

You probably know them. We'll tell you after. If we followed through with the plans, we would all be here right now. It would be a different podcast. It's just because he wanted to do it. Nobody else wanted to do it. Because we were probably just... It was kind of like, fuck it type of thing. You have to really get me out there still. Just now when you were like, you say a lot. In that moment, you're like, yeah, I guess so. But you fall in love with it. Yeah, definitely. Because whenever I leave it,

like after the podcast i'm like that was good yeah like it was nice that's how you should feel you know what i mean all the time anytime i have a conversation with someone the one take i want them to bring with them was damn i didn't think that way before yeah but i can think that way now yeah and that's what i try to look for in other conversations too yeah that's what i'm searching for so i think if i'm searching for that that's going to try to give others yeah yeah

Yeah, true. Treat others the way you want to be treated. You're supposed to let us finish it. Treat others the way you want to be treated. It's called the golden rule. There you go. All right. Thank you for watching the episode of the Jumper Jump Podcast. If you need to comment, like, subscribe, all that good stuff. Go... Wait, you don't have socials? I will get it back. Go look for Sasha's rock somewhere under the sea. My rock? The rock you're living under under the sea somewhere. No.

It says a scavenger hunt for Sasha's socials. I'm like, where is she? I need to bring it back. Go check out my other channel. I've been posting on there. And follow us on Instagram. All that good stuff. If you're a Mace, go to Apple, Spotify. Download those episodes. We love you guys, man. And if you made it to the very end of the episode, Sasha, what should they say in the comments? Random word. Go after them. Say lychee in the comments. Say lychee. That's how we knew you watched the whole episode. Say lychee. All right. Thank you, guys. Jumper jump out. Deuces.