cover of episode “Courteney Cox”

“Courteney Cox”

Publish Date: 2022/2/21
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Hey guys, it's Sean and it's getting hot out. So I'm going to make some lemonade and do some hats that I'm going to be selling. So if you want to block your face from the sun or somebody you don't like, come on down and buy a hat. Welcome to SmartList.

Smart. Less. Smart. Less. Jason came over the other day on Sunday to watch a little football and he brought young Maple with him to hang with the boys. First thing he does, every time he comes over, he goes straight to my fridge and then to my pantry to walk me through, to shame me for whatever food I've got in the house. A lot of material. But then...

So much of it, it's dripping with jealousy. Yeah. He's trying to shame me for my food. How about the three pizza boxes that were in the pantry? There's only you and two young boys that live in that house. There were three large pizzas, one of which, thank God, wasn't even eaten the following day, just sitting there on the countertop. Well, first of all, we have more than that. There are at various times four boys in this house, A. Okay.

And B, we like to try different pizza. And then we eat it over the course of days and we put it in the fridge. And we have pizza one day a week.

So you're not polluting them with just one dinner of pizza. You spread it out over a full week. And then there's two different kinds of Oreos. Sorry, I should rephrase that. I eat cold pizza. Those Oreos have been in there for six months. This sounds like my house. Nobody eats them. I never have Oreos. And there's all kinds of different honey toasted oats and Lucky Charms. And there was one dusty bag of unopened granola that I went ahead and enjoyed. I'm waiting to hear what the problem is.

I know. So listen to this. Are you hearing the problem is talking right now? So Sean, you, by the way, we go over to a very nice, respectable couple for dinner the other night. Okay, Will, you were there too. Will wants a beverage with his dinner like most normal people. He goes looking in the fridge for one. There's all kinds of things.

of healthy drinks in there, some carbonated flavored soda-ish things. Not good enough for Sean and his titanium stomach. He wants a pure Coca-Cola. That's right. And starts, he's opening up all kinds of cabinets and drawers and everything, wondering where's the Coke?

Yeah. Like, what's wrong with this house? One soft drink. I was looking for any soft drink. Soft drink is fine. And look, Richard went, it's our friend Richard, who's a big listener on the program, and we love him to death. We love him to death. So Richard went out of his way to find us drinks, etc.,

But again, the person who's the most upset about it is you, JB. Yeah. What's your relationship? Let's talk about that. Because you have such a knee-jerk reaction when it comes to talking about food and this kind of thing. Let's get into it a little bit. I was deprived of sugar, complex sugars, and most carbohydrates growing up. Do you love them?

And I love them. Do you love them? I do love them, but my body loves them more. And so I have to, you know, keep them away from my body because, as I've said multiple times, there's a 600-pound being just waiting to get out inside me. Our surprise guest has a fluffy cover over their camera. Our surprise guest, they cover themselves with cashmere. Mm-hmm.

This is a person who we all adore. I adore. This is somebody who's universally adored. You'd be pretty hard-pressed to find somebody who didn't have incredible things to say about this person. First of all, as a person. Then, as a performer. Then, just in every single way, this person, to me, epitomizes...

a great parent. They are a great performer. They are a great friend. In fact, you could almost say that this person is one of America's best friends. This person is no other... Is this a friend friend? ...than Courtney Cox. Courtney Cox! Courtney Cox! Courtney with the... Reveal yourself! Look at Courtney!

Hi, Courtney. Now, why is it taking so long? I feel like we have tried this. Well, we've had a few booking snafus with Courtney. She's been elusive a little bit. Like a little kitty cat. It does feel weird since I know you guys so well, but I don't know. Probably.

because maybe just waiting to have something to talk about or I don't know. It's kind of crazy, though. What haven't we talked about? Because, listener, we all do gather at least once a week. Yeah. And usually that's Courtney's fault because she's so generous with her house and her time and her food. And without her, I think the glue would separate. Court, so you...

Take your time. Take your time, Will. -No, I was trying to think where to start. -Take your time. You've done so many awesome things and people know you from so many incredible things. Obviously, Friends is just a worldwide sensation, the likes of which-- Don't say it. Don't-- The likes of which have never been seen. Don't do it.

God damn it. Let him have his little phrases. But, you know, you've been part of our consciousness, sort of our cultural consciousness for a long time. For me, the thing that sticks out the most, and this is one of my favorites, obviously, is Bruce Springsteen's Dancing in the Dark video.

Which we've talked about. And in fact, if you remember... I bet there's a bunch of people that listen to this that are younger than us that have no idea. No idea. So Bruce Springsteen had, when he had his... 1984... Huge hit, Dancing in the Dark. Born in the USA. Off the Born in the USA record. And in the video, Bruce is playing, and then he singles a girl out from the audience, and it's Courtney, and he brings her on stage, and they dance, and they do this iconic dance together.

And it's so great. Where was that? The Coliseum?

Yeah, it was, I think, in St. Paul. Oh, Minnesota. Gotcha. Okay. So, Courtney, I don't know if you remember, so we were all on, remember we went on, we all went on vacation a few years ago with all the kids and everybody, and then I was in the gym, and I saw you coming, so I put on Dancing in the Dark, and then we danced, do you remember? Oh, Jesus. And that was an iconic moment. But that, for me, I know, is so good. But I love, that was when we first, I think, like,

America first, like you became-- and then you have been part of our collection-- you've been part of-- a huge part of the cultural fabric since then, which is a long time. - That is a long time. - And what was that experience like for you? Was that-- because music videos were so huge at that time.

Yeah, that was when MTV first started, I think. Yeah, you know, I auditioned for that just like any other commercial. And Brian De Palma directed it. He asked me to come into the room. This is not a weird thing, but all the people came into his office and we danced. Wow, that's crazy.

And I am, every one I walked into the room, every one, these dancers were stretching and I was like, oh no, I'm in the wrong place. I'm not a ballerina or I didn't know what was going to happen. And so he said, will you dance? And I probably was the same reaction that I got when he pulled me up on stage, just completely nervous, even though I like to dance. I was so uncomfortable. And then when I got to St. Paul, I

I just remember him, Brian De Palma had the flu, so did Bruce Springsteen. It was his first night of a tour, like the first night he met, not met, but sang with Patti Scoffa, is that her name, how do you say it? On stage. - His wife. - And there were three girls that were hired.

And they, and so when Brian said, okay, so when Courtney goes on stage and I was like, no, no, no. If there's three of us, I do not want to go on stage. Any, anybody else, she can, she can. I do not want to. And of course that's probably the reason why they chose me. So when you, when you auditioned and he said dance in my office, was it to that song? And were you dancing by yourself or with him? Brian De Palma? No, she stood up and danced. No, it was just me.

By yourself, right? And it's my memory right that the iconic dance move that you were doing is

is very similar to, I want to say, Matthew Perry's dance move in the Friends opening thing. Jason, have you seen Matthew dance in the opening? I was copying Bruce. Matthew, no offense. I hope he's listening, not listening. Please watch it again. That's not... But one of you dances in the same way, maybe? Or no? My memory is as bad as it is. It was very Molly Ringwald.

Matt LeBlanc, maybe Matt LeBlanc does it. Well, I know that Schwimmer is really good. No, no, he does like a slow motion one or something, right? Or no, that's Schwimmer. Oh, yeah, Schwimmer does. He does that kind of slow motion walk and bobs his head. And I think the girls, Lisa does her head shake thing, has one arm up. So no one does the Bruce Springsteen dance in the opening? No, I was copying Bruce Springsteen. At one point, he does a turn.

all the way around, I think. And I thought, "Okay, I'm gonna just do this." And I started going for the turn. I thought, "No, you can't do this." And I turned back, I was too scared. - Did you, but that was in front of a live crowd. Did you have to do multiple takes or was it like a one take thing? - Oh no, that's right. We did, at the end of the song, he goes, "What do you do if you like something that much?" And everybody said, "Do it again." And so they did and they filmed it twice. - Wow.

So, but it was in the middle of a concert, right? Yeah. Yeah, it was in the middle of a concert, and that song was just... Was it on the radio yet, even, when you guys did that? I think so. That was his first number one single. Right. So it was huge, and it became number one because of the video, basically. I mean, that video was just on all the time. Yeah, all the time. It was like Michael Jackson's Thriller and then Dancing in the Dark. Yeah.

Um, they actually filmed a lot more than what was in it. And I remember watching, like we walked in and we got t-shirts and went to the bathroom and put makeup on and put our little muscle shirts on. And when they shot all that, that was all this stuff. And then, so on the phone with my mom, as the videos premiering on MTV, it was a big deal. And I was like, mom, I got this video and you're going to see me. And

I swear I'm coming on. We waited. Only in the last 24 seconds, I was kind of embarrassed about talking to my mom about it, but no one else knew, so I guess that's fine. So you auditioned for that as an actress, and then was there a bump from that that led to more and bigger opportunities in acting? Was it beneficial to you? Yeah. You know, I've always done things with people that everybody else wants to know about. So if nothing else,

People would want to see me because I was the girl in the Bruce Springsteen video and everyone was like, what's Bruce really like? And then I did Family Ties and it was like, what's Michael J. Fox really like? And then I did Friends and it was like, what's Jennifer Aniston really like? Well, wait. So talk to me a bit about your Family Ties experience because obviously somebody who's close to our show has a connection to Family Ties as well. Oh, right. Sean? Sean?

Did I ever see you there? I wonder, did I? You must have. Well, I don't. Because I would go there after I would get wrapped from my show because I would get off earlier because I was younger. And then I remember doing my homework in the stands watching Justine finish up rehearsals. Well, Jason, tell Tracy your connection. My sister was on Family Ties. She played Mallory.

Right. And then so, Courtney, you came on to Family Ties. What season was that? The last two years. Last two years. And what was that experience like? Because Family Ties was huge. It was a huge, massive hit. I loved it. It followed the Cosby show, I think, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think so. That was nerve-wracking because being a guest star...

First of all, they've been doing it forever and they're so comfortable and it's just like second nature to them. But it was a big deal for me. And coming on, I just remember, you remember the character Skippy? Yeah. Sure. Well, we called ourselves the B-Players.

And Scott Valentine. Am I saying that right? I think so. And we would always say, oh, the B players are here. And for some reason, it kind of felt like you had to start over each time because you might not be in for three episodes. And then it was like the first time again. But Gary David Goldberg was the nicest man in the world, the creator of the show. This was the boss of the show, yeah. And then also Michael J. Fox is just so sweet. He was already married at that point and he –

to the other girlfriend, Tracy Pollan, who was on before me. And she was really sweet. Have you ever, because I know like when you are a regular on a show and you have guest stars come in,

it's almost like having a guest at your house, right? Because it's your home, it's your workplace, and you have this relationship with everybody. Has there ever been an experience where you guested on a show like Family Tester, any time in your life, you don't have to say what the show is or who the people are, where you didn't have a welcoming feeling and you were like, this doesn't feel good. You know what, when I have a show, when I'm a regular, I'm going to turn this around and make everybody feel welcome, which goes back to the caretaking thing when people go to your house.

Oh, okay. Well, I have to think about the guest starring thing because I don't think I've ever been comfortable. Not that people haven't been nice, but I don't think they reach out as much as I did. And you're right. So on Friends, first of all, we have run-throughs on Wednesdays, or we did. I love that I'm still on the show. It's been 15, 20 years. I don't know. But when we have our run-throughs on Wednesday, so many people would get fired.

Oh, really? Like friends of mine. Really? Yeah, and I would always feel so bad because they only had one shot at doing a rehearsal, and then Wednesday the network would come through and that would be it. Yeah. And so I would either send flowers or I would call. I felt so bad for them. Oh, that's very nice. I know, it sounds really stupid, but... But can you imagine the pressure? Well, you... I was going to say, can you imagine? Of course you can, because you went on Family Ties, which was a huge hit as a guest, and so you know that pressure. But can you imagine...

Going to Friends, which is-- and being a guest star, and you have like one scene, and you've got like five lines, and you've got to score at that run-through in front of the network. And the pressure of the-- not just the number one show on TV, the number one show on the planet

And guess what, dude? If you don't hit it... Like, that must have been... I went out and I did Sean's show, Will & Grace, years ago. We tried to fire him so hard. And they tried so hard. And Jimmy Burroughs was the only one who said, nah, give him another chance, honey. But... But I knew that pressure. Will & Grace at that time was, you know, a top five, top ten show. It was like a massive hit. And I was like...

Well, better be good. It's so true. It's scary as a performer. You scored big time. And all these movie actors would come on and they would be so nervous. But of course, they would never be fired. No. And we will be right back.

Corey, you know what I love? I saw you cooking and I was like, and everything. I love that. I love it. I'm like obsessed with your, whenever you have an Instagram post about you cooking, because you do the thing that where you, it's like, look, it's really easy. You just chop this up. You do this. And I was like, first of all, where did the love come from? Why is it so exciting for me?

It's so entertaining. I can't take my eyes off it. And what do you get out of it? So wait, what is this? You're talking to a granddad that doesn't have... Or not on the Instagram. Oh, she cooks. So it's like live recipes? No, she takes you through the process of cooking. Courtney, you tell us. Okay, so when lockdown happened, I...

my hobbies just went through the roof. I started cooking every single night. I started playing the piano more or, you know, got pretty decent at it. Yeah, very good. I really did a lot of stuff. And then I, for some reason, Instagram, which takes up so much time, I don't know why, I'm...

Why do I have to do these little videos? Why can't I just be the person that posts the sunset? No, I have to edit them and put music to them. It's just so stupid. But anyway, yeah, cooking has been great. I just, I really take someone else's recipe and either simplify it or act like it's really easy. Courtney, Courtney, what I love, you touched on, you mentioned something which is great. First of all, your cooking, you should know, Courtney gave me this great recipe.

home sort of steak sauce recipe, which was, and Courtney, I don't want to take it away from you. You tell us what it is. Because I still use it. I told you that I still use it to this day. It's called cream of mushroom soup. It's a bachelor's gravy. No, no, listen. The bachelor's gravy. What is cream of mushroom? Cream of mushroom soup, yeah, from a Campbell's can. It's a bachelor's gravy. Oh, yeah. I love a can. And I like my cranberry sauce at Thanksgiving. I want to see the ridges because I think that's

But I get that. My dad used to make a sauce, and it would be Heinz 57, mostly that's the main ingredient, A1 Worcestershire sauce, however you say that, and just a little bit of ketchup. Yeah. It's a really good sauce. It's incredible. And to this day...

Years ago, Courtney's like, this is what you need to use, blah, blah, blah. I did it. Incredible to this day. I still use it. So I love that. So thank you. Great tip. And if you're out there, let us know. We'll read it in the comments. Will, do you have any desire to cook? You don't cook, do you? I don't. I do have that desire, but it feels like I wish I knew. It's one of those things. I wish I knew how to cook. I wish I knew how to play piano. And this is what I was going to get to. It kind of feeds right into...

Courtney, you're talking about like you, when you focus on stuff, you get into it. So like tennis, you mentioned, you're a really good tennis player. You're like, and you're very modest about everything that you do. You've gotten really good at piano. You're good at cooking. You're kind of good at everything because you focus on it and you spend the time on it. Where does that come from? Like that kind of, you have that great talent.

I said it before. You're very disciplined. I think that because we've had so much time, but I don't, I really have pretty bad ADD. So I,

I might, if I take a piano lesson, it's not one hour, it's four hours because we get up. I go off and do something. I, you know, it's never really focused, but I do stick with stuff. And I do love the piano so much. I love it, love it, love it. It's brought a lot of joy. And I've actually, you know, did you see that post where I played with Elton John? Yes. Yes. Yes. I mean, do you understand the thrill that was? It was insane. He was holding my arm and I was like, wait, I don't,

I don't, I want you to hold my arm, but how am I going to play? I'm so nervous. And Brandi Carlile was singing behind me and Ed was next to me, but that was Ed's idea to do that. It was the song, Hold Me Closer, Tiny Dancer. Ed Sheeran. Oh, sorry. No, it's for my sister. So we did the song to Lisa Kudrow, Hold Me Closer, Tony Danza. Right. And Lisa does a post back and says,

I really like the song, but it's not, it's homemade close young Tony Danza. We got it wrong. She's so funny. That's hilarious. But you've had these incredible Sunday night soirees. So you talk about the family, blah, blah, blah. But also, like you said, you have like skits. It's a little different from your grandmother's house where everybody's doing skits.

I was there when Taylor Swift played in your living room or, you know, just like crazy Ed Sheeran, et cetera, et cetera. It goes on. Music is so important to you. Obviously, Johnny, your boyfriend, is an incredible musician, songwriter, performer, everything. That's a really, do you feel like you missed your calling a little bit?

If I was really good, I would have been for sure in music and been in a band. I just wish I'd started earlier, not started when I'm 50. Well, that's what I mean. Like you did it like, did it hit you like, oh gosh, I should have done, this was what I should have been doing. Cause it brings you so much. I love it. Yeah, exactly. I wish I was a musician, a real one. That's how I actually, yeah. Sunday nights have been great. That's how I met Johnny is that he was brought over by Ed. You summoned him.

Yeah. Yeah, you did. It just happened. Yeah. The universe served him up. We believe in that. Yeah. You know I believe in that. Well, you could, I mean, you've got plenty of time. You could sort of, you could weave some music into the next chapter in your career. I mean, what would that... Do you write? What would be the natural transition to that? That would be, if you were in a punk band, like a really, if you played heavy metal, you guys could be called...

Courtney and the Hardcocks. And I'm just saying. There we go. No, because it would be heavy. Uh-huh. Like really. Yeah, that would be good. I'd listen. I'd listen to that. But Court, would you ever write stuff or would you ever like challenge yourself? No, I wrote one song about so many years ago. With Johnny? No, I've never written a song with Johnny. Nope. Johnny has written like so many huge hits. It's insane. Tell my sister who Johnny is.

Okay, so Johnny McDade is in Snow Patrol, but really as another, like not his side job, but an incredible part of his career is that he writes with Ed. He wrote Bad Habits. I mean, yes, Bad Habits, but he also wrote Shape of You. He's written, I don't know,

with Ed, probably 90% of his last album and even other ones in the past. - Amazing. - He also wrote, like, "What About Us" with Pink and he wrote "Underdog" with Alicia Keys, but he writes with people all the time. Lewis Capaldi, he's just incredible. He's a poet. - Have you ever talked to him about maybe writing a song with him?

Well, what am I going to do once I have it? I can't sing. Yes, you can. No, no, no, but you can just be a songwriter, like participate in his songwriting endeavors. Like, does he ever like run some lyrics by you and you go, oh, but what if you say X, Y, and Z? And he goes, oh, Courtney, that's great. Oh, sorry. Hey, guys, accent alert. Here we go. Guys, Johnny's here. Oh, top of the morning to you.

You didn't want to just throw in Lucky Charms while you're at it? How offensive. I did. I wrote one song, I mean, one line of a song and a birdie song. It's called Wild Horses.

And I was thinking that song was very much like I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor. And so one of the lines was, I will not beg you to stay. And that was my contribution to that song. Oh, wow. But I will say Johnny doesn't sound as much like an Irish leprechaun. Is that bad to say? I'm canceled now. Okay. He's from Northern Ireland. It's the hardest accent to do. Do you do a Johnny? Got it. Courtney? I mean, it's now is no. No.

It's so hard, yeah. Hey, Will, have you ever tried to do Johnny? No. That's pretty good. Court, are you there now? That's really good. It's not bad. It's not bad. So, I mean, yeah, he's just such a mega talent. And so that must, that being, you know, having that sort of in your life, you know, must be so satisfying. Yeah, it is. Because you guys are always, he's always creating and you're creating and you get to, you're in that thing. I mean, that's...

It would be like I'd have to marry Shani, I guess. That would be the equivalent. Brendan Shanahan. Brendan Shanahan, friend of the show. Well, now, Court, can we talk about the challenges of being in love with somebody who's half a planet away?

That is challenging. Yeah, he lives in London and I live here. We spend a lot of time on FaceTime. And for some reason, I have the worst internet in the world. So half the time, it's not working. And because he's so technological and I'm not, I don't know how to fix anything. I just go, I don't know. And that seems to be our biggest conflict is FaceTime.

But you guys do get to be in person. Reboot, reboot the router. Turn it off, turn it on. Turn off the router. Start it again. But how often do you see him? How often do you not see him? Like, what's the ratio? Jesus, guys, we're getting really thin on a very special SmartList. Yeah, no, we're getting personal. Oh, no, I just... Well, okay, we didn't see each other very much during the first part of lockdown. Sure. Even when I could have. I was with my brother and he was riding with Ed up in Suffolk and...

That was kind of tough. But now I go there a lot. I feel like I go there once a month or he doesn't come here as much just because I think it was first of all, he's opened up in November to America, to people outside and to the UK. So, yeah, I go there a lot. But for a while it was because of Cody. He was like, don't even go there.

Yeah, it was, I mean, it was just hard. He couldn't come here and I, I was busy with my brother. What about, are you, have you ever thought about moving to England or has he ever thought about moving here? Yes.

Well, he used to live here. We lived together a long time ago, and then he moved to London because we broke up for a little while. But, you know, once Coco goes to school, that will be a whole other thing. We could spend much more time together. You've been keeping her out of school this whole time? You're going to get arrested for that.

Coco's going to school, right? Like college. Yeah. She got into her one choice. That's great. Nice. That's great. I know. It's really exciting. Now, how are you going to, just to keep you sad, how are you going to deal with it when Courtney goes away to school? Do you have a strategy? Coco. When Coco goes. What did I say?

Courtney said Courtney. Oh yeah. When Coco goes, cause I'm asking only because I've already started thinking about my strategy with Franny and maple. It's not going to be easy for me to be an empty nester. No. Are you, are you, are you going to follow her? Do you think, or are you just going to wallpaper your house with pictures of her?

Well, you know, my sister, it was so hard for her when her kid, her last kid went off. And then I think of Johnny's sister. She started getting really upset the year before. Yeah. I think Coco's prepping me. She's never home. Yeah. She's always in her room. So I don't even know if I'm going to, like, I'll miss a couple of things she does. She'll come into my room and we'll snuggle every now and then for a minute. Then she'll say, can I go to someone's house when she's prepping? She's always prepping me for something.

And I don't know. I'd love to maybe get a place or just be around her whenever she goes. Or maybe buy a bunch of cats just to kind of compensate. Do you find yourself... You're always busy with work. I was going to get back. So do you think that work will...

when Coco does go that you'll just kind of maybe occupy yourself a lot and you're always again you're always very busy you're doing a lot of stuff you've got a new show coming out on Starz soon right what's the show it's called Shining Veil it's on Starz it airs March the 6th I think that

The last year has been the busiest year of my life. I'm starting a product line, which, Jason, I know you know because you smell a lot of the stuff, the candles, and you've given me good opinions. Let's take those by the number. So you're doing the new show on Starz. Talk a little bit about what it is. Okay, so the show is, it's got Greg Kinnear and Miro Sovino and Gus Bernie and I always panic. You can come back. Jake Dillon. Okay.

And it's great. It's about a woman who is going through menopause. And, well, why did I just say midlife crisis? Why did I have to go to menopause? Yeah, you say whatever you want. It's both. And she has an affair with the handyman. She wants to start her life over. And they move to Connecticut into a haunted house. And the only person that can see the ghost is me. And everybody else thinks I'm, you know, I'm psycho.

So it's a comedy, but it's also a thriller. Right. And that's kind of a genre-bending thing because it's not a comedy like Scream where Scream is, it's a slasher. By the way, congratulations on Scream. Scream, huge hit right now. Huge hit. So you've had, I was going to say this, so you've actually had a lot of success in that kind of like, I know you've had a lot of success

I know that Scream is kind of over the top and it's a comedy, but it's also a scary movie. Genre. Yeah, genre. But is that something that you've always been attracted to or you've thought about? Not really like horror films, but I mean, I have, that was my fifth one to do. Wow. But I do like to be, I mean, I love to be, well, I shouldn't say this because then people scare me and I don't really like to be scared. So what I think I do, I like those kinds of movies. What if I was doing the Zoom from the next room right next to you?

You mean like what if the podcast was coming from inside the house? Nice. Well, I will say after I saw this last scream, I'm certain Ghostface is somewhere. I would like to go up if the dogs wake up in the middle of the night. Yeah. I'm so scared because it's dark and I don't really know. I take a flashlight, but I'm certain someone's going to jump out. Yeah. We will be right back.

Do you have any funny fears? Like I got one about bees. I just can't. Bees just wreck my day. Bees? Bees? Bees. Bees. Bees. Do you have like, like, are you, do you look under the bed? Do you avoid walking under ladders? Do you, do you have a fear of earthquakes? Like what's your funny fear? I think my fear would be of birds.

Birds? I don't like things flapping around me. Birds? That makes me panic. Birds? Sure. Or like a bird, if there's a crow outside, because those are big, those crows. I'm certain they're going to come peck me. Birds are dinosaurs closer than lizards are. Oh, thanks, Doctor. So... Sean, what's your funny fear? My funny fear? Oh, boy, here we go. There's a two-hour episode. Women, I guess. Women, there we go. Will? Jesus Christ.

I fear nothing. And back to Courtney. No, wait. What is my fear? My fear is... I have a fear of bees a little bit. I have a little... I understand the bird thing. Mine's gotten better. Yeah. What's that? I'm sorry. Mine's gotten better, but it's still there. Go ahead. Birds you can relate to as well? Yeah. What is my fear? Spiders? No, I don't fear spiders. Cockroaches? Rats? I don't know.

How about food that is moldy that you can't see until you're chewing it? That's something I fear. I've got to always check the strawberries, check the blueberries. That's weird that it's food-related. Fuck me, man. I have a fear of losing gas in my car, of like driving and not looking down at this. You drive a Tesla. No, I don't. Scotty does. You've got no gas in your car. How about a spider in the toilet?

Yes. It's going to crawl up your ass. Yeah. I had this fear for years and years and years and years based on nothing. And then last year. Again, the universe delivered it. There was a spider in my toilet. And I was like, I thought I was just being a freak. It really can happen. No, because you thought about it long enough. If you think about something, the universe will deliver it. Hang on, guys. Everyone listening? Go ahead. What about those centipedes, this one with all the little legs? You know what I'm talking about? The long...

- Ugh. - I once found a centipede in a house I was renting in New Mexico where it's lousy with centipedes. And it was in the middle of the night, I was watching a Dodger game at like 2:30 in the morning. I saw this little thing skitter across the floor.

And there was my mattress was on the floor in this house. Right. So I knew I had to find the centipede if I had any hope of getting any rest. Sounds like you were holed up. Were you like in a hostage situation with a mattress on the floor in New Mexico? It wasn't a high end restaurant. Was the bathtub full of meth? It took me so long to find the centipede. When I finally did, I stamped down on it so hard with my heel that I bruised my heel. I couldn't walk straight for a week. Wait, wait. Did you wear shoes?

I had slippers on, you know me. Of course you had slippers on. A good friend of mine had a silverfish in his ear.

Ooh, that is gross. He had a goat. He was like, why do I have a little bit of a headache? They pulled it out of his ear. And it went in there when he was sleeping from his bed. Have you ever seen a thing? Don't look up bot fly on YouTube. Have you ever seen a bot fly? No. Yeah, they're in the jungles of Central and South America. And they go and they burrow into your skull. And then they reproduce. And so these people, like you see these videos of people who go back to England. They go to their doctor like, something that saw to me, haven't I? And then they go and they're like, and then this thing just,

They pull out. Hey, Will, what website are you, what website have you been going to lately? We wrote a scene once where for, we did that show Running Wild, Mitch and I, Hurwitz and Jimmy Valli. Hold for applause. Yeah. We wrote this scene where we wanted to have David Cross is being held in like a, like a quarantine because he's got a bot fly in his hand. That's funny. Courtney, what do you, but what's your number one fear?

Would you say? Not just funny fear, real fear. Hey, yeah. Is it anything about working? Like, do you fear not working? Do you love to work? Do you have the perfect work-life balance now? Do you wish one was... Well, don't... Your Honor, leading the witness. No, I'm just... I was asking... Maybe it's something to do in her personal life. Maybe she's... It's not all about Hollywood haze. Hollywood haze. How have we ever thought of that? It's a new podcast. Well, I know people... What would be my biggest fear? Maybe that...

Anything to do with Coco, like her not— Health of the kids. Something, yeah. Yeah. Or actually Coco's heart. Yeah. I mean, I think she's—you think I'm a caretaker? Oh, my God. Coco is the biggest caretaker. And then I always worry about her. That she's going to care for the wrong person? Or not about guys or relationships, but more about her—even just her friends. Right. Right.

Hang on, Will's got a joke. Go for it. I was going to say, Jason's biggest fear is leaving it out to the right on number four and being OB. What does that mean? It's golf related. It's out of bounds on the right side of the four fairway. So, all right. So, Court, now let's get out of fear and sadness and empty nesting. Now let's get into her product line, which I want to do because that was the other thing. So, you're so busy, which kind of goes to, Sean, what you were saying. Is this because you have a fear of...

Where does that drive of like always doing stuff? She's a fear of not smelling nice. No, but like you've got like a million shows. And the reason I asked you too is because you produced this show. You produced Cougar Town. You produced a lot of stuff that you've done. Like you've always got so many things. And now you've added on this personal, how would you describe it? Personal care line? Well, no, it's not. It's more of a home line. It's called Home Court.

Nice. Like home court advantage. Home court. Oh my God. Yeah. That's really great.

But so I love scents. It's like I love to mix oils and, you know, perfume. I love that. So I wanted to start a candle company. And then I thought we spend so much time at home. And at first, of course, I love the smell of Clorox when we first locked down. But then I thought once things we didn't have to wipe down our packages and all that stuff, I thought, why not have your home like room spray, a counter spray, your dish soap or your hand soap and what smell like the way you'd want.

It's called beauty products for the home, essentially. And it's all recycled plastic. It's all, we got a chemist that does makeup. That's how it's approved for everything. So I'm not saying spray it in your face like an atomizer. Right. Or what's it called? Toner. Spritzer. But if it got on your. Jason wants to see the carb count before he sprays that on his face. Yeah, will it make me puffy if I spray?

Do not do that, but it's safe for everything. And it smells so good. And there's four scents. You could basically have one scent that goes through your whole house, whether it be your dishwashing soap, your hand soap, your room spray. No, but what if you want to mix? You don't want one scent. You want to mix it up. Yeah, there's four scents, but each scent goes through all the product lines. So you may want to wash your dishes with...

and you may want your room to have a candle that is my signature scent, which I think smells incredible. It's kind of smoky slash... I love that idea. Do you see yourself expanding, because you do love design and architecture and all that stuff, do you see yourself expanding that into doing home furnishings and stuff like that? I think that you would put it this way. If you had a line of stuff, I'd be like, well, I'm going to do what Courtney does. Yeah.

I mean, anything can happen because once you have a company called Home Court, you could do anything. I mean, we could expand to whether it's laundry pods to, I mean, that would be great. I love to make sheets because I'm obsessed with sheets. Well, Sean needs a new set.

Yeah, he sure does. I don't cheat myself. Got it? So, Courtney, what's on tap for you for the rest of the day? What's your life like right now? What do you do? Tell him you're busy. Tell him you're busy. The D to D. The D to D. All right, I'm going to go into town and box...

I'm going to go to a dermatologist because I had this weird thing on top of my head. It might be a butterfly. It could be a butterfly. Oh, shit. I better check that. And then I'm going to go with Amanda, by the way. I'm going to go to the gym equipment place first because I want to buy some home gym equipment.

You've got a great home, Jim. You're adding to it? Yeah, you've got so much. I want like a machine I can do things. I need to. Gotcha. Now, you know, Will boxes with Fight Camp. I do. Oh, you do? Every day. Get one of those Fight Camp things in your gym. You don't have to drive into the city to box. Courtney, it has been. What's a Fight Camp? It's been a game changer. Our buddy, we have a friend of the show who sometimes writes in questions, JT out of New York.

And he's got a... Justin T. He's sleeve challenged. Let's just say that. He's sleeve challenged. Yeah, poor guy. And he turned me on to this thing, Fight Camp, about a year ago. No, six months ago. And it's so good. And it's like a, you know, there's like a whole program. You can do it like on your laptop or your thing. And then you have a heavy bag and you do the, you know, I did eight rounds this morning. When do they tell you to expect results, Will? LAUGHTER

We're all dying to see. Oh, boy. No, seriously, Court, you could go over to Will's place. You guys could do boxing sessions together. You guys could build like a little ring. Come look at my setup. It's so good. Come with Amanda. Well, I'm going to be playing golf.

Today with our friends from Callaway. Oh, yeah, what's coming out these people from Callaway? Thank you Callaway. They are very generous course or it's a golf company hashtag rogue Mm-hmm new stuff and it's really nice and we didn't even this is not a paid thing We just they just know some golf clubs. Let me ask you something. Do you Sean doesn't want to come play? Yeah, do you do you have to buy your own golf balls or do they give them to you when you go?

They are nice enough to give us some golf balls. Okay. They give us golf balls too. But generally a person you go and you buy golf balls. Yeah. Because I gave you some golf balls, Jay, for Christmas. I just didn't know. Huh. Yeah. No, I have those. Yeah. Okay, great. Yeah. That's a weird way to say thanks. Yeah.

I have those. What a funny twist on thank you. Wait, so Courtney, you're going to go and do what I love about it is, talking about self-care, you're going to do it. You're going to do a workout. You're going to get some gym equipment. You're going to get a dermatologist. And

And I'm going to hang out with Jason's wife, Amanda. Wait, what are you doing with my wife? And is it going to benefit me at all? Are you guys shopping for me? Well, she's going to get some food, so maybe she'll bring it home. That's helpful. But we're going to go visit Nicole.

Okay, good. Okay, good. And you guys are going to go buy some yummy food? Jason, oh, you guys are going to have some yummy cardboard. Can't wait. Gluten-free, or as I like to call it, taste-free. By the way, I like gluten-free bread more than regular bread. It's chewier. Thank you. What a brave declaration. Thank you for that. Incredible. I'm gluten-free. Which kind of bread do you eat? Anything gluten-free. Gluten-free pizza is real yummy, too. Oh, do you? Oh, you've convinced yourself that's good, too?

Yeah. So... Have you guys tried quinoa? This is wonderful. Have you tried regular, just everyday food? No, I'm trying to hit 100, Sean. Oh, good. I want to get to 100. I'm not happy with 65. Okay. Oh, man.

So, Courtney, anyway, gosh, we could just keep going forever. I didn't even realize that we're over the time. We've taken up way too much of your time. Yeah, thanks, Court, for being here. Do you have a tea time, Will? You got to get out to the range? No, I actually don't, not yet. But Courtney does. She does. She does.

We love talking to you. Spending time with you is just the best. You're such an awesome person. I'm going to end the same way that we started. So thanks for coming and hanging with us. Yeah. Thank you. I don't get to see you enough these days, so I miss hanging out. I don't feel like we did an episode today. It just feels like just normal chat because we're all so close, which I guess means it's great. Yeah. Thanks, guys. I'm so glad to be on the show. Really, all three of you, looking at you, just like, oh.

friends. Thank you, honey. Listen, good luck with your show. Looking forward to it. I can't wait to watch it. Tell us the date again when it starts. March the 6th. March the 6th. And the line came out on January 26th. Home court. And...

If you don't buy home court. No, no, no, not free. She's starting a business. All right. Go buy a dozen candles. Go get a friend's rate. Thank you, Courtney. We love you. Courtney. Love you, honey. Love you. Bye. Bye. Just slam it. Slam it. Slam the laptop. Slam it. Yeah. Yeah.

How great is Courtney? And I know that I sort of started and ended the same way, but she's such a great person. Always made me feel warm and welcome anytime I see her or anytime I was over her house, yeah. Really funny, really sweet, really cool, and very considerate. Not affected by her success. At all. At all. Yeah. At all.

I love it. Yeah, I don't have anything nice to say. Huh. That's funny because she entertains you a lot. Like you go and stay at her house quite often. Listen, she is a single mom that has an incredible daughter and is incredibly – they're both so happy and fulfilled in their life. They've got an incredible group of friends around them. It's in such a sort of –

you know, star-filled sort of world that brings all of its sort of complexities and challenges and all of that garbage. Sheila's a very normal life, which is great. Yeah, she leads a deserved, charmed life. You know what is also funny? Dax and I used to always joke about this, that we joke like the greatest compliment...

that we'd be like sort of faux humbled by as if somebody said like he's a great guy and he's just an incredible friend what a friend we'd be like oh like have this sort of false modesty like oh thank you thank you but she is the epitome of that yeah for sure she is such a great friend to so many people and she's kind of one of those people that if anybody's going through anything you're not surprised when they go like i called courtney you're like yeah of

Yeah, of course. Of course you called Courtney. Because she's going to give you good advice and she's going to listen and she's going to be kind and thoughtful and loving and warm. She's going to be there for you. Yeah. Yeah, because I have a friend who's like, my job's a joke. I'm broke. My love life's DOA. I feel like I'm always stuck in second gear when it hasn't been my day, my week, my month, or even my year. Wait, are those the lyrics to the... Come on. Oh, hey, Jason, I just got a text from 1994. What?

Wait a second. Is that truly the lyrics of the song? Yes, that's the song of Friends. Good Lord. Good God. Don't you think they should bring the whole cast back? Not a reboot of Friends. Call it Enemies, right? So they've gotten older, and now they're just assholes to each other. Don't you think that would be funny? Yeah. No. Enemies? No. Terrible idea. Yeah. But pitch it around town and see what you get. You know what I want to say to you? What's that? Bye. Oh.

SmartLess is 100% organic and artisanally handcrafted by Michael Grant Terry, Rob Armjarv, and Bennett Barbico.

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