cover of episode 208: Parents

208: Parents

Publish Date: 2023/5/8
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The Mess Around with Hannah and Lamorne


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May I please speak with Zoe? Oh, hello, Lamorne. Let's patch in Hannah. God, I forgot what it was like working with you guys. Hey, boo. Hannah, Hannah, Hannah, Hannah. Good morning. Good morning, indeed. Folks, if you're just tuning in, it is 3.30 in the morning where I am in L.A.,

Because Hannah is in somewhere in bumfuck Africa on a little vacation. Okay, folks, you are just tuning in. It's 7 a.m. in Los Angeles. And my dear friend Lamorne agreed to get up early to record our podcast because I am on a little Greek island. And there is a ridiculous time difference. And he's a very good friend.

You're in a Greek island dog? Oh my God. Yeah. Must be nice. I'm living. I'm living. You know what is actually kind of interesting is like, I had a real moment. I was with some friends yesterday and they, very fancy, I have friends. And I was like, sorry guys, I got to go home and work.

And they were like, oh, like, what do you, what do you work it on? And I realized my answer was I have to go home and watch new girl. It sounded crazy. But then I realized I had this moment as I was walking home. I'm like, how lucky are we? We got to make this incredible show that got that stayed on the air because we

Well, listeners like you loved the show and watched it. So we got to keep making it. And now I get to go and like watch this great show again because of listeners like you.

It's like, it's no work at all. It's just like the greatest thing in the world. And to call it a job that I had to go home and work, I realized how ludicrous it was because I just got to go home and watch an awesome TV show. And then the next part of my work was hanging out with my bud the next day to talk about it. You know, it's interesting. You and I see things totally different. Okay. You're right. The show was fun and it was what you're right at what it didn't feel like work at the moment.

But let me tell you something, folks. Right now, it's 3.30 in the morning. It's 7 a.m. It's actually almost 7.30. Well, yeah, when you do it mathematically, of course. Yeah, when you look at a watch. I guess if you're looking at a watch. If you're doing numerically, then yeah, I guess you're right. If you're looking at a clock. Okay, we should dive into this week's episode because it's by far one of my favorites. It's called Parents. Oh, this one's great. It's great. It's great.

This one we have, you know, it's interesting. I, as I was rewatching it, I realized, my goodness, we had Jamie Lee Curtis. We had Rob Reiner. We had Rob Regal. And we had Lamorne Morris. The humble Lamorne Morris. That's what they say. Am I missing anybody? Can I just say, do you remember the moment when,

that you found out that it was Jamie Lee Curtis and Rob Reiner playing Jess's parents? Because I do. I can't tell you exactly where I was in that moment, but I could tell you I was freaking out. I was so nervous. I was excited at the idea, but I was more so nervous because I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of these two Hall of Famers. Yeah. I remember exactly where I was. We were in a...

We were shooting models at the big, what's the word? We built the club set in a big, what's the word? - Studio? - Yes, warehouse. In a big warehouse. - Oh, hilarious. - Thank you. In a big warehouse downtown. It was grimy. And I walked over to Video Village in between setups and I just heard Liz chatting with, I think, Brett and Dave.

And they were so casual about it. And I was like, what's going on? And they were like, oh, we just got confirmed to a senior shooting next week as Jess's parents. And I was like, who? And they were like, Jamie Lee Curtis and Rob Reiner. And they were so casual about it. I thought it was a bit.

Like I thought, you know what I mean? Like they were just, they were making it up. And I looked and I was like, are you serious? And I had to walk away because that's when I realized I'm like, this show is a powerhouse. Oh yeah. They're going to come and just like hang out and do these, these bits. What? Weird, ridiculous bits on our show.

So, so crazy. And they were so incredible and cool and kind. And it was like taking a master class every day. It was the stories they would share out. Well, so speaking of stories they would share, Rob Reiner was back, you know, back in the day, he was on a little show called all in the family. And he played the son of Archie bunker, um,

And his dad, Archie Bunker, used to always call Rob Reiner a meathead. That was like the thing. Every episode he would call him a meathead. I thought I would get the brilliant idea to, in a scene with Rob Reiner, improvise and call him a meathead, thinking it would get a laugh out of him. Thinking that he would chuckle in his belly and think, man, this young actor is on his way. He is genius with this remark that I've never heard before.

First time. First time. So I did it. Man, this man stared a hole through me. This man stared a hole through me. And the look on his face was, if you don't sit your punk ass down. No, there's no way. Rob is so nice. I'm sure he looked at you like,

no it's not gonna make the show nice try young man no he looked at me like he had heard that for 30 40 years said you are not reinventing the wheel young man i was i was hurt i was hurt

I'm sorry. He's so sweet. I've bumped into him a couple of times now and he always treats me like I'm like a long lost daughter. And, and he's just always so like, Oh my gosh, it's so sweet and genuine. What if I am?

What a dream that would be. And Jamie Lee Curtis, when she won that Oscar, didn't you just feel like some sort of weird, like deep, like it's weird when it's someone you know. I was just like so proud. Like she was my Oscar. I know. That was one of the coolest moments, you know, seeing her on stage or seeing that squad on stage for that film. Yes. Well, shout out to Harry Shum Jr., our former Fox family actor. Love Harry.

But yeah, anyway, he was on that stage. I sent a video to him and recorded the whole thing. He didn't respond. It's big time now. It's big time. Okay, we have to just dive into it. We're talking a little about Jamie Lee and Rob because it was such a huge moment for our show to get them. But now we're going to get into the episode. You want to talk about it a little more? Let's go. Let's talk about it a little bit.

So here's the deal. It's our traditional Thanksgiving episode in the loft. And divorced parents mean two separate Thanksgivings. Unless, of course, you're trying to parent trap your folks back into a loving relationship. Joan, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Bob, Rob Reiner,

are polar opposites. And as an audience, we have a hard time envisioning them ever being together, but Jessica Day, she will stop at nothing to get her parents back together. She reveals her father was dumped, knowing her mom will try to comfort him. And then Jess plays an old standard song that they love, and sparks start.

Cece tries to remind Jess of all her previous attempts, but when Jess sees the beginning of a spark, she ropes Nick into honeypotting her mother. They sing romantic songs, they flirt over the turkey, but Nick forgets he's playing a game and develops feelings for Joan? Everybody loves Jamie Lee Curtis. Sorry I said it in such a deep voice, y'all, but you get my point. Meanwhile, Winston decides to have a little fun with the two Schmitz.

Loft Schmidt's cousin, Big Schmidt, arrives in town recently divorced and is ready to prove there's only one true Schmidt. Winston encourages the men to wheelbarrow.

burp and donkey raise their way to a champion. But when auto asphyxiation enters the picture, Laufschmidt claims a new kind of man. The post Clinton man who enjoys a cheese plate likes to exfoliate and expertly cut vegetables. Unfortunately for Laufschmidt, Big Schmidt was the Marines chef of the year in 2003.

He will do anything to prove he's the manliest. So CeCe jumps in and claims the manliest thing a man can do is be confident in his manhood. So whoever can kiss a guy wins the competition. CeCe offers up Winston his tribute without him knowing what was coming. Big Schmidt really needs a win. He, well, he attacks Winston's face. He attacked it, y'all. He attacked it.

Though he wins, he realizes after kissing Winston's lips that he really just misses his wife.

Bob misses his wife too. Jealous of Nick's flirting and covered in raw turkey juice, Bob and Joan head to the bathroom to get cleaned up. They share a spicy, spicy kiss. A spicy kiss some would consider more than that. Unfortunately, Jess sees and convinces herself that they are getting back together. Over dinner, Jess reveals she saw them in the bathroom doing dirty stuff. And Bob and Joan make it clear that they are never getting back together. Despondent.

Jess dumps the turkey in the sink, which my mama would have slapped the dog piss out of me if I haven't done something stupid like that. She ruined Thanksgiving for everybody. Damn it. Now later she tells her mother that she's scared she'll end up alone because both of her parents are single. Joan reminds her divorce is a part of life and her life is not predetermined. She could have a great love or do a great gardens. Comforted, Jess says goodbye to her parents.

As they leave the loft, we see that Jess's parent trap wasn't completely ineffectual. In fact, it might have been sexual because they hook up in the elevator and promise not to tell Jess. And that's what happened on episode 208, Parent. Let's dive into this episode because I have been really excited to talk about the idea of split holidays. Oh my gosh, going through that now.

I don't want to get emotional. I don't want to get emotional. Christmas away from my baby. Split holidays. I grew up having split holidays. And I remember having conversations with kids at school who were so jealous, so jealous because my parents were divorced, that I would have two Christmases.

And it was like, I was the cool girl because of it, because the two Christmases. I remember being like, wow. And that was actually a very nice gift. I realized from like the kids in my school, I don't think they're trying to give me a gift, but psychologically at the time I was just like, I guess I'm winning. Well, technically you were, I mean, double gifts. That doesn't, it's like double vacations. Wow. That's interesting. That's interesting.

Because as I'm co-parenting, you know, it's a, it is a strange thing. She, my daughter definitely gets multiple holidays. Like, because I also, I feel like, like when she's at her, her mom's side of the family, let's say on Christmas that she would spend it with both. I would feel this urge to buy her two presents as well. I'm like, she's over there with them. I don't want them to think I didn't get her a gift. So I'm going to send a gift.

Yeah. I got to represent over there too. Yeah. I want to keep my foot down in their household. And then I have presents here. You know, what a, what a trick, what a scam this little girl did. She thinks she's slick.

Well, Jess does not feel that way. Jess wants her parents back together and has been scheming about making this happen for years and years and years. We get a great flashback scene of a young Jamie Lee Curtis and a young Rob Reiner, which made my heart sing because they looked fantastic.

And I feel like there's a story Jamie Lee Curtis told us on set that they're like, they are truly Jamie Lee Curtis and Rob Reiner, like the oldest of friends. Right. And didn't Rob Reiner marry Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest? He married both of them? He initiated the ceremony, I should say. I was like, whoa, progressive. Yeah.

I'm going to marry you in the lady. I didn't know that.

I wonder if it was like a package deal thing. We should ask Liz of like when she called and asked and Jamie Lee Curtis was like, I'll do it if Rob does. And Rob's like, if I get to hang out with Jamie Lee Curtis all day, she's my best friend. What if it was Rob? What if it was Rob Riggle? What if they called Rob Riggle? And he's like, I'll do it only if you get Jamie Lee Curtis and Rob Riggle. This is all Riggle. All Riggle. Question for you. Have you, have you ever been in this situation before? What? Trying to parent trap my parents? Yeah. Yeah.

Um, I do feel like there were moments where I felt like it'd be so great if they were back together. I think every kid kind of has the thought and there needs to be like a big conversation from the parents to explain the reasons why that's not going to ever work and why that's in the best interests of everyone.

And I think that's like the big moment at the end where she kind of gets it when they kind of go like, this is, it's better for everybody. We're all happy. If you're worried about our happiness, if you think that we're unhappy apart, we're happier apart, which I thought was like really beautifully woven into, you know, a comedy. Well, that great lesson, which we knew was BS because, you know, we didn't find out that they are still single.

slapping below the belt. You know what's funny about that too? I was thinking about it. They do this thing and it's not like they're writing later seasons at the time. They're writing episode to episode to episode with season arcs in mind. They make a real pointed moment of showing that Nick Miller and Bob are the same person. They even use the same...

terminology of like, you know, you ruin everything, you ruin everything. They shout out the hallway at Bob. And that's exactly what Jess says to Nick is what, um, Joan says to Bob separately. They do that. And then I was thinking about like the elevator hookup is like the big Nick Jess moment elevator hookup. Yeah. That big elevator hookup where they like declare their love and decide they want to be together. Um,

Just like her mom and dad. Look at life. Yeah. It's almost like a scripted, yo. It's almost like we had brilliant writers putting this thing together. Like professionals wrote it. No, but I don't think that they were thinking. I just wonder. That's a good question to go back. I guess I'm going to text Liz and ask her because I'm like, did you, when you thought about where are they going to have this iconic kiss? Was it that in mind that that was like, you know,

The relationship she'd also been hoping and dreaming for was her parents. And they had an iconic kiss in that elevator, too. It's interesting, you know, being on the show, you're in it for so long, you don't realize some of the themes they're putting together. I mean, sometimes you do when you can sit back and read an episode, a theme will just pop out on you. And sometimes the theme is, you know, somewhat in the title. But in this one, it was interesting.

I had no idea that that was one of, that that was a situation they were going for. That was something they were trying to connect until just now, until you mentioned it. That's why this podcast is important, man. The epiphanies you have a decade later when you rewatch it, you're like, hold up. I said, well, they didn't like it. They also, I feel like if I caught it this time watching it, I've never caught it before where I feel like they planted the seed for the first time.

Winston CC mess around. Because there's like this under the breath muttering that really made me laugh of

What are you doing? I'm bored. Yeah. Worth it. Let's go for it. And then the thread runs until it all backfires on me. It backfires on you, which we have to get to because I mean, I've always wanted to know what it's like to kiss a large strapping man like Rob Riggle. And you have the experience. Well, I could tell you.

It wasn't like the other times. This one was different. This one was unique. You know, it was so funny in that moment because Rob was trying to like map out how he was going to kiss, but not kiss me. So fun fact, folks, we never touched lips. So if you're wondering, if you're thinking about asking Rob how soft my lips are, he can't tell you. You got to come to the source. But yeah,

He did this thing where he took his thumbs and he put his thumbs over my lips. And then he grabs the side of my face with the rest of his fingers and he kisses his own thumbs. So Rob, if he were to assume what my lips would feel like, he'd probably say thumbs. He's kissing his own fingers. So yeah, fun fact.

It's a very, very funny moment. I was like, I forgot. I was like, who ends up kissing? Made out. Winston. That's right. That was his first kiss on the show. No. I feel like there was also like a sweet CC Schmidt moment where she kind of helps Schmidt out because he can't figure his way out of this situation with his cousin. This is also a very great episode for lots of people breaking through.

Which always makes me laugh because that means there wasn't one single take where the person could keep it together. And the all day, all day, all day. Max is a mess. Max is just, you could clearly see him visibly laughing. Yeah, visibly laughing. He's just like, screw it. I'm going to laugh. I, it was, I was, I think in that moment, I want to say I, I,

either pitched the all day thing no way yeah i i i'm almost positive i did um it wasn't on the page there was no all day ever written down you know i can like i can do this all day yeah but then i think i screamed like oh oh i see and then it became a thing then yeah and they just kept going back and forth with each other

I want to say that was me. And I would love your thanks and your praise if you're out there. I'll give it to you. It's an iconic moment. I feel like the other big breaking moment that made me laugh. Or I didn't. Or I completely made that up. Sorry. Or I just did not.

There's no way to fact check. There's no way to fact check it. We'll go with I did. We're going to go with it. We're just going to say it here. That was you. Yep, I did that. You turned a line into a moment. Sorry. I caught it.

The other favorite breaking moment that had me laughing and caught me off guard was Rob Reiner. It's when the two Schmitz are showing how they would grind on Joan. Oh, yeah. He's up for grabs. Yeah.

And they obviously could not get a reaction shot of Rob not just laughing at how committed and dumb those boys were. And it made me laugh so hard. I love it because it's so funny because you think as an actor, like, oh, and you're laughing, you're laughing, you're not laughing like in character or whatever. But when you know people so intimately, you're

You can actually tell when their smile is like a choice in a scene or it's their real smile. And it's so subtle. And I couldn't, if you gave me 10 hours and the full dictionary to go through to describe what the difference is, I couldn't do it. It's just something you know. Oh, yeah. But I love it so much.

If you ever see me in a scene that doesn't call for it, and that's a lot, you should pay attention to this episode. Actually, this entire series. Sometimes I'm delivering a line with a smirk on my face. Like if me and Winston and Nick are getting into a slap fight and Winston has a bit of a smirk on his face, that's not how my character is supposed to be doing it. I'm laughing. I'm laughing and I'm trying not to be laughing.

I laughed so much on this show and I think they capture a lot of it too. Now to me, I think that, I think Liz, uh,

found that to be funny when people were breaking character and laughing and would keep it in the show often first i mean for me also like i used to say i was like the queen of eyeball acting because i feel like in season one they didn't give me a lot of dialogue there was so much going on you start you start saying hey guys can i get more lines and they go holy shit you speak english yeah we didn't know what

But I do remember when I was in scenes, it was always something like cutting. Someone was like saying to me or about Jess or whatever the thing was. And it was my natural reaction to roll my eyes or to give like a death stare. That is just my natural resting face and my natural reactions, which then became such a part of Cece.

Because I'd be just sitting there for hours. And then I would just watch, you know, Jake make the dumbest, funniest choice about to like, you know, shove a turkey into something. And I would just like roll my eyes. That's just the way I respond. If I find something funny, that's what my face does. Oh, that's what you've been doing? And then it was like, that's a Cece thing. And it's like, no, that's just me. I get my way. Go see.

Oh my gosh. Okay. Here, here's actually the big question about this, this parents episode. Have you ever watched parent trap? I have watched it. Oh, you haven't watched it. Oh my God. Lindsay Lohan.

No, I mean, I know of it because it's such an iconic movie. I know of it so intimately. I thought I'd watched it. And then I went and like read the synopsis and I'm like, oh no, I just think I know it. Never watched Parent Trap. Well, it's an iconic tale.

about a young girl who will stop at nothing to get her parents back together. I think that's what it is. Or she could have a twin. I don't remember. There's definitely a twin because that's what Cece says to her. She writes, she says, oh, it's parent trap. Oh no, Nick says it. It's parent trap, but without the twins or the mistaken identity. It's just a makeover you're doing right now to see if you can get your parents to come. There's no parent trapping that...

really is happening she just likes the movie and then tries to get her parents together which also makes it so funny because I feel like little kids do that where we think we're doing something but it's in no way actually related oh my gosh there's a fun fact about me and it's going to get very very dark in a second I did not care I did not care to get my parents back together let's go to commercial

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to our show and we're back from commercial um just tuning in i had no cares to get my parents back together as they did in the classic film parent trap sorry they're just coming back um my computer is garbage and we're gonna

sorted out. She got this. Also, a fun fact about today. Two things. One, it is now 3.57 in the morning. And also, Hannah, for the longest time, she's had the exact same laptop that she did when we started New Girl. That's true, actually. You got a dial-up laptop. The modem connects. Oh my gosh. Okay, so

We were talking a little bit about, you know, Jamie Lee Curtis and the effect that she had on us on the show. That moment, that moment she's in the kitchen cooking, you know, or basting that turkey with Jake Johnson. That was powerful. That was a sexy moment. It was a very sexy moment. And it was one that I could believe that, you know, it's like those moments where the character and then the actor, you

Like the Venn diagram. Those are moments of crossover. I feel like that could have happened to Jake Johnson. You think Jake Johnson, not Nick Miller, you think Jake Johnson could have made love to Jamie Lee Curtis? No, but I feel like he could have got a little lost in the sauce in a sexy moment where you go like, what am I doing? I think I'm feeling some things. Yeah.

It can happen to any of us. It can happen to any of us. One minute you're basing the turkey. Next minute you're basing that ass. That's what you're trying to say? That's definitely not what I'm trying to say. I'm just saying it's the holidays. Never know. Having a few drinks. The mistletoes. You know. Thanks, Ben. That's all. I just thought it was believable. But Zoe's reaction was...

Like she makes as just in that scene is so funny where she's like, grabs him, snatches him away. She's like, you ain't about to become my stepfather. Let's move. Not what's happening today. He did become her daddy though. Okay. Slow down. Oh, this was my other thing I noticed during the episode. Okay. When, when,

Nick and Bob are on the couch talking and they're talking about Z for zombie. Am I right on this? Right. And he says that the, hold on. I have to pull up my notes. My, my notes just jumped. He says, Carol, the zombie and Carol. Do you think they chose the name Carol to be short for Carolina?

Like he's like kind of like thinking about his ex. I think so. I think a hundred percent because, you know, we find out in the later episode that he can't spell rhythm. Right. Alluding to the fact that Nick Miller has no rhythm, no rhythm. That's not a shock. I think it's all connected. It's all connected. It's all connected. I feel like the true, like Easter eggs of this whole show all lie within Z is for zombie. Probably. Yeah.

Probably because I feel like I feel like for some reason, I only remember the zombie in later seasons. I didn't realize that this was a thing from the beginning. Like, again, going back and doing this podcast, I was like, my God, these were zombies been around for a long time. It's been around from the beginning. They really did. That's like when we get Liz back on the show, maybe at the end of this season.

I want to be like, how much did you arc out the series? Right. Do you know what I mean? Like that elevator kiss, like how much did you arc out this series of,

Or is it one of those things that when you look back, you can find connection points that make it make sense? Well, when you're doing, imagine you're dealing with the same, the same core group of writers, you know what I mean? And sometimes your brain, when it's active, tell a joke, you go in a certain direction. And so they probably, when you're writing a certain style or technique, you're probably tapping back into very similar thoughts that you had along the journey. And you probably don't remember. So you're right. You probably go back and you can connect them.

And they probably weren't done intentionally, but because it's coming from the same brain, you know, that maybe that's it. I like this theory. You like the... The theory. Anna, I gotta tell you, it's not a theory. You're like, this is hard science and it's a fact. This is a fact. There's nothing theoretical about what I said. I'm talking about the theory of figuring out what's going on in New Girl with these things that kind of all come back together.

This parents episode. We're going deep, you guys. We're going deep. Yeah, sorry. Because, you know, I had a rough relationship growing up. So we got to tap in because right now I think we're going to get a breakthrough in my emotional state.

There was no part of you that ever thought your parents should get back together? Even when you were little? Okay. We're not going to go there. We're going to take all of that. We're going to put it in the back of the closet. We're going to close the door. We're not going to go there. No, we don't have to. Let's not go there. Let's not go there. Oh, okay. I just want to talk about one of my favorite things.

is in this episode. I didn't realize it came from this episode, which is from Nick Miller, who I feel like I could have said this a thousand times in my life. Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? Probably. I feel like that's a lot of life though. Yeah. Yeah. We listen. They say you learn from your mistakes. No, we don't.

No, we don't. We love the way that mistake felt. And so that's right. Ourselves back there. That's right. The happy mistakes. Yeah, because we what we think we trick ourselves to think that the outcome will be different. You know, right. The quote should be you should be learning from your mistakes because we should. But we don't because we stupid is you is you. Yeah, that's right.

You know, one thing that I found interesting about this episode is the idea of of and this is because of our mess around the idea of what being manly is, you know, that I thought that was a very interesting thing to go through.

to talk about on the show. And it was almost like they were like bordering some lines a little bit. Whenever I was, they would say a comment, I would go easy. Now I know this is 2012. These are different back then, like easy now, you know, some of the things that felt like were happening in this episode. And I'm going to, I'm going to say something that we can probably cut it just because this is a story that I needed to tell about this moment.

This, my friend, some friends from high school who hit me up, they sent me a text and they were like, dude, it was kind of like, kind of like a congratulations slash we never knew message. It was, man, we just, it's been going around that, that, you know, you're, you're bisexual, not, not gay, but bisexual. I was like, wait, what?

I was like, well, what are you talking about? One. And are you being serious? Is this a joke? Is this a bit? I was like, you know, I'm not. I have my, I got my ladies. I was in a relationship at the time and they go, uh, I was like, what would make you say that? And he goes, well, everybody's been talking, you know, we watched the, um, that last episode of your show. And, um, you know, you kissed Rob Riggle. Get out of town. I started crying laughing.

Do you understand how fictional stories work? I was like, wait, what? Oh, my God. I was in tears. I was in tears, man. That's the one thing I took away from this episode is that it's like there's a rumor about you based on this episode of television.

And I was like, you've got to be kidding me. Where am I going home to every summer?

You know, it is funny though. There was a lot of, um, we shouldn't get that. It was so funny. I feel like there's been like so many like, um, moments where you realize what people are watching. There's, there's difficulty in separating it from reality. Because I remember when there was like the big CC Schmidt breakup, like people would like run to like shove themselves into an elevator with me and be like out of breath. And I'm like, please, please take Schmidt back.

And I'd be like, I, um, wow. Okay. How do I explain this to you? Because you're very distressed. Um, I'm, I'm not CC. Max is not Schmidt. Um, it's a story and I don't even write the story. So I can't, I can't even in this story, make it happen for you. Multiple levels. I,

On so many levels, I cannot help you right now. I'm getting off on this floor. I feel like I've left you worse than I found you. I'm so sorry. Thank you for watching. Bye-bye. Yes, I'm closing the, pressing the close the door button.

But it's true. There's moments where people blur it. So I'm sure seeing Rob Brickle kiss you, they're just like, well, I guess he must like boys too. Yeah. I was like, that's an interesting thought, you guys. Very, very astute.

This is also something interesting about this episode. I do believe this was the episode where, so Rob Riggle, Big Schmidt is showing that he can, he can, he can, he can do his thing in the, in the kitchen. Right. And he's got this knife and he's just chopping and he's just going, fun fact. I believe that the person, there was a stunt person doing the chopping. There was, it wasn't Rob doing a lot of the hand to knife stuff.

For safety reasons, he could do it. But for safety reasons, they had a stunt person do it. This stunt person damn near chopped his whole finger off and was bleeding all over the place in this episode. And I just thought to myself, man, they hired you to do this. And lo and behold. Anyway, I don't know why that I hope he's OK. I do hope he's OK. But if not, I hope they give him a cyborg hand.

I will say there's a couple of things I just would like to share as we kind of wrap up this episode about Jamie Lee Curtis, just because I was such a huge, huge fan of hers, not just because of the work that she had done. Shout out to True Lies. Love that movie.

But because she had many years before had a photo published of her in her bra and underwear where she said, I'll do this photo shoot, but you can't retouch my body. I just want it to look like my body. And it was like it.

was disruptive to the whole game because everything had been retouched and people posed in certain ways and certain angles and did the thing. And it was as a young girl seeing that image, something I can see it now. It just was so important to see what a real woman's body looked

looked like. She was, it was just so powerful. And so when I found out that she was coming on set, because she was also this role model to me for doing that, I was so nervous. And she was by far in my life, one of the most down to earth, kind people.

And fully like in herself, knowing herself kind of humans I've ever met. I remember because she was, she was talking to me about

So we're talking about like philosophy and life. And I told her that, you know, I'm from, I'm half Indian. And had she ever been to India? It just felt like she'd been to India. And I remember she looked at me and she was like, no. And I have no wanderlust, no wanderlust at all. No desire, you know? And I remember just being so taken aback because how most people speak, if you say like, oh, have you ever been to wherever? Yeah.

India, China, whatever. People go like, no, but maybe one day, or I'd like to. It's just like a natural reflex we have as humans. And for her to be able to lovingly, but knowing herself and going, nope, and I have no interest because I don't have Wanderlust, was another huge lesson from the Jamie Lee Curtis book of life, I feel like. Where I was like, oh yeah, you don't have to

think that someone's going to take offense by your own truth. Just say it. That's fine. I don't want to go. I love her. Yeah. I didn't see that, that photo that just, you know, that you said was retouched over and over and over again. I hadn't seen that photo. No, no. It's never been retouched. That's what I'm saying. Her whole point. Yeah. Right. Yeah. I have never seen that photo, but I can tell you, I personally know what it's like to be retouched.

and over and over again. Okay. All right. I am in these streets again, y'all. I am single, ready to be touched and then retouched. This is what happens. Okay. This is why this podcast has just become a mess around. I'm talking about body positivity. That's right. Female empowerment. I'm all about it. Touch my body.

I'm all about it. Listen, I'm all about it. I feel empowered to retouch. I'm lonely is what I'm trying to tell everybody out there. Oh my gosh. It's the parents episode. It's getting emotional for you. I can see it. You're feeling lonely. I feel extremely lonely. I feel extremely lonely.

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Hannah, often on this show, we talk about a certain, we have a certain topic on the show that we dive into. And oftentimes you deliver, but oftentimes you fail. Hannah. Okay. Yes, I know what you're going to say. I know what you're going to say. And listen, hold up because I know the bear, the bear. Now it's time for where's the bear? Where's the bear?

Where's the Bear is brought to you by Hyundai. When it comes to your journey, Hyundai is thinking of every mile. I got the greatest DM. Okay. From Yogi? It's from... The handle is The Disney Mermaid. Shout out to The Disney Mermaid. Because she wrote CAPS!

important bear hunt, Hannah parentheses, also Lamorne and Zoe. Okay. So every time, every single time you're doing, where's the bear? All I can think about is Seinfeld. There was purposefully a Superman in every single episode. This is confirmed. It was on jeopardy, but the thing is in so many episodes, it was just the same Superman statue on Jerry's bookshelf.

justice for fridge bear okay he's there he's not appearing in every single episode but he is in episodes with no other bears coincidence i think not it shouldn't have to be a different bear in every episode anyway new girl is my favorite show of all time i watch it over and over and over my husband and i quote it all the time so grateful for the comfort it brings me and i love you all i love the podcast love rebecca hines from west virginia thank you okay because

Because, yes, in this episode, it is the fridge bear. But now I'm saying a lot of people are telling me, including Rebecca, that's valid. So fridge bear. This episode appears. Are you are you retroactively going back to all the times you let the fans down? All the times you left your co-stars hanging? Yeah.

in anticipation to find this damn bear. Are you mean to tell me, to tell me that you're retroactively going back to place the bear in the, in the moments you failed us. So you can have never failed us. Um, from the Jamie Lee Curtis book of life. Okay. I stand in my truth. I have always said fridge bear.

when there was no other bear to be found. And I've always said it's a valid bear. I'm just saying a lot of other people are echoing back that that is valid and truthful and has been used in different ways on other shows that are iconic.

So it counts. Bear. Make sure you go out and get our merch. The new one is going to say the bear is on the refrigerator. That's what it's going to say. Fridge bear. We're going to drop some new merch where it's just the fridge with fridge bear on it. If you wear it, I will love you because I believe in fridge bear. Oh my gosh. No, I, you know what? Fine. I'll let you have that one.

Because you're not lying. You're not lying. I'm not. But also, besides the pilot, there was a big strapping, you know, brolic young man on the show with hairy chest. I'm not talking about Jake Johnson. I'm talking about me. So, hey, y'all out there. Slow down. I'm slow. I'm slow. I'm slow. Parents. Parents. Ladies, I'm strong. I'm strong. This whole episode is like really like tapping into the parents.

It's the masculinity, emotional honesty. We're doing it all today, you guys. Thanks for helping us with our bear hunt, Hyundai. Remember, with Hyundai, it's all about the journey. Whatever your destination, they've got the latest tech to get you there safe and keep your passengers entertained along the way. From shopping to buying to owning, Hyundai has your back. Learn more at All right, everyone.

All right, everyone. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. One of my all time favorites. It's a great one. Go kiss your mom. Kiss your dad. Get a good old hug ball going. Get them together. Break them up. Do you think we'll do whatever you got to do? Do whatever you got to do. Do what works for them. For you. Shout out Lindsay Lohan. Love you, girl. I'll be home soon. Okay. All right. I won't be coming back.

She's having a baby. She is? Yes! The boy ain't mine. Okay. Well, glad we've cleared that up. You heard it here first, folks. All right. We're going to drop some new merch. We're going to start working on it. Fridge Bear. Yes. Fridge Bear and the Lindsay Lohan Boy Ain't Mine. We love y'all. Give us five stars. Write a good comment. Write a good remark. Peace. Bye.

Thank you.

Our engineer and editor is Daniel Goodman. The Welcome to Our Show theme song was written by Zooey Deschanel, performed and produced by Zooey Deschanel and Pierre Derrida. Follow us on Instagram at Welcome to Our Show Pod. If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at Welcome to Our Show Podcast at Don't forget to rate, subscribe, and share far and wide. Thanks for listening. We'll hear you next week.

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