cover of episode Why Did God Save Donald Trump?: My Speech at the TPUSA Faith Believers Summit

Why Did God Save Donald Trump?: My Speech at the TPUSA Faith Believers Summit

Publish Date: 2024/7/28
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The Charlie Kirk Show


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I want you to know we are lucky.

to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

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We have some very special guests here tonight. And we have Dr. Ben Carson will be here tonight. And, of course, we have Frank Turek and Peter Navarro. And I think also you're here to hear from hopefully the next president of the United States, Donald J. Trump. So I want to open up with just a couple of thoughts of kind of how we got here and what we hope to accomplish these next couple of days. As you know, the last couple of weeks have been very boring in the news cycle. Not a lot going on.

We decided at Turning Point, hey, you know, let's just try to spice things up a little bit. Let's do a third event hosting President Trump, if we can, this summer. And again, this all just kind of came together in the last couple of weeks amazingly. And I want to reflect on my own personal story and where I was when I heard the news that President Donald Trump was shot. And I'm sure many of you could relate to this. It was a normal Saturday. I was drunk.

watching my daughter run around all over the place, had the rally on. I go, okay, Donald Trump takes the stage. I go down to our local workout area with my daughter. All of a sudden, I look at the television screen, and like many of you, I saw something that wasn't right. And I saw a bunch of Secret Service agents around President Trump. My first reaction was, oh, this must be a false alarm. This happens all the time.

And, you know, they're just being overly cautious. And then I looked closer. I said, there's there's blood on his face. There's something not right here. And like all of you, I saw our great president give us the fist that he was OK. And my initial reaction was, OK, must have been shrapnel or something that just, you know, went up against his his ear or something. But no, now we all know exactly what happened was that we were.

two centimeters away from not just losing President Trump, but also going into a dark chapter in this country that none of us even want to entertain. And as we are here at the Believers Summit, I think it is appropriate to give thanks and glory to God for sparing the life of President Donald Trump. And not of just what could have been, but also what we now have in front of us. A lot of people are saying,

What is God's plan? And we don't know. We can speculate. Maybe God spared Donald Trump so that he can have an easy road to the White House. Maybe. Or maybe God spared Donald Trump to test his church. Maybe God spared Donald Trump to see what his church is made out of. You see, at TPUSA Faith, we've been around for a couple years now, and our mission is very simple. We exist to kick wokeism out of the American church.

We believe that wokeism is destroying the American church from within. This was birthed out of the 2020 madness. TPUSA faith was born when my pastor and I, Rob McCoy, were talking and I made the worst prediction on my podcast. Thank you for those of you who watch and listen, by the way. I made the worst prediction I've ever made, where during the lockdowns, I look straight to the camera and I say, these lockdowns are not going to last very long.

And let me tell you why I said it's because the American church loves Liberty and the American church will resist this in big numbers and they will not allow the government to lock them down. And that was one of the dumbest things I've ever said on the Charlie Kirk show. And instead I learned that there are some great pastors out there and we have many of you here and they should be applauded and encouraged. However, far too many churches remained locked down, afraid without direction.

Soon after that, we saw our entire country be burned to a crisp in a mostly peaceful way, by the way, all around a lie from the pit of hell that America is systemically racist at its core. And I saw church after church and pastor after pastor regurgitate that lie and say that we are a systemically racist country and that we need to do struggle sessions and white privilege seminars. And I said, where is racism?

The church taking its role as counselor to the king. Where is the church standing for truth and liberty as its rightful place in America? And I realized that

We have to do our part. And again, we have a couple of projects going on at Turning Point. We have our high school program, our college program. We have Turning Point Academy. We have Blexit. We have our social media. We have Turning Point Action, which is sponsoring tonight. We are hiring America's largest ballot chasing army. We need another project like we needed a hole in the head. But we launched TPUSA Faith because we know that if the American church were to remain cowardly,

and to remain afraid of the government and afraid of totalitarianism, there is no way we'll ever be able to win back this country. So we launched this project, and it has been amazing to see and to witness. As I've been traveling the country, I've met with hundreds of pastors. In fact, we now have thousands of pastors as part of our network. And as we travel and as I talk to these pastors, I realize that there is a desire for revival in this country.

that there is a yearning for a different type of Christianity that has not been what's been around. It's not just about having a church service with a TED talk and a rock concert. It's not just about having a nice guy sermon. It is about preaching a hot gospel and bringing a nation to repentance, which will then lead to revival. And in front of us, as we talk politically tonight,

We must ask the question, what is the church's role when it comes to the 2024 election? The media wants the church to do nothing. They call you Christian nationalists. They call you a fascist. They say that the church should take no role in this upcoming election. Do you know why they're saying that? Because they can do math.

They know that if the church were to rise up in record numbers and pastors were to tell their congregation to vote and vote their values, that there would not be a Democrat majority in the House, the Senate, or the presidency for a generation. Only half of Bible-believing, church-attending Christians are registered to vote. Only half of them actually vote. In 2016, Donald Trump received 72% of the evangelical vote.

In 2020, it was 68%, down four points. It is not an automatic or a given. There are authors and thinkers and publications that constantly try to propagandize rank-and-file Christians to not get involved in this fight. But we know, because the Bible commands us, that we must care about our nation.

I hear often from skeptics, oh, the Bible, it's not clear of whether or not we should get involved in politics. Jeremiah 29, 7, I demand the welfare. I demand you to contest this, the Lord speaking. I demand you to seek the welfare of the nation that you are in because your welfare is tied to your nation's welfare. Daniel fasted and prayed for his nation.

The founding fathers quoted and cited the book of Deuteronomy more than any other book informing the United States of America and the U.S. Constitution. And while we're at it, they say, oh, you know, there's no political figures in the Bible. Well, I guess they have to get rid of Esther, Mordecai, Nehemiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Elijah, Jacob, Joseph, besides all those guys. And Christ our Lord also made political statements.

The Bible at its core tells us what is good or evil. It tells us what is justice, how government should be formed. 55 out of 56 of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence were Bible-believing, church-attending Christians. This nation is an outgrowth of spirit-filled Christians, of believers. I'm afraid that if we as Christians and as faith leaders...

do not speak up and do not do our job these next couple of months, we could be left with President Kamala Harris. It's easy to boo. It's harder to go register voters. It's easy to boo. It's harder to give a Sunday sermon telling your congregation that you should not vote for a candidate who voted against the Abortion Survivors Act. We now have an opportunity, not just look at the contrast, where you have one candidate who

who was the most pro-life president in American history, Donald Trump, and brought the reversal of Roe versus Wade and Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch, who moved the embassy to Jerusalem and fought for religious liberty, who sealed the southern border, had a booming economy for people of all backgrounds, and Kamala Harris, who stands against everything that we as Christians believe, who visited an abortion clinic,

The first sitting president or vice president to do that. Kamala Harris, who wants to ban fracking. Kamala Harris, who wants to even get rid of plastic straws. And that's the least of the things she wants to do. She believes in no restrictions for abortion whatsoever. Kamala Harris, who has said repeatedly that she wants to give amnesty and benefits for foreigners in our nation.

The contrast could not be more clear. But the question in front of us and this entire conference is phrased, here I am. And I'm going to talk about where it says that in the scriptures here as I close. And then I invite my good friend up on stage is if we lose in November, it will not be because of the machines. It will not be because of the steel. If we lose, it's because believers did not do enough.

To fight for liberty in this country. We must look at ourselves first and foremost. Because we should hold Christians to a higher standard. If we are born new by the grace and the goodness of Jesus Christ. If we are saved by the blood of Christ. Then we should hold our fellow believer to a higher standard. I pray for Kamala Harris. I don't say that sarcastically. I hope that she has a...

encounter with jesus christ our lord and savior because she needs jesus all of our leaders do but then she is more forthright and she has more gusto than most christians do regarding politics she's willing to speak out about political matters most pastors say i don't do politics well do you do the bible

Because it's not political. This is biblical at its core. And all of you going back to your local church need to confront your pastor and say, why are you not speaking out on these issues? Oh, you're afraid of losing your congregation? Well, maybe you should try to preach your congregation down to a manageable size. It's not all just about growth and new campuses. It's about teaching the truth on a day-to-day basis. The theme of this conference is one of my favorite Hebrew words, Hanani.

Which means, here I am. It means, Lord, use me. It means, I am a blank check for your purposes, God. It means, I am your vessel. I am here to be used for what you want me to. It is repeated throughout the scriptures at times of great drama. I think you can all agree we are living through a time of great drama right now. In Genesis 22.1, when Abraham was called to sacrifice his son Isaac...

God said, Abraham. Abraham responded, here I am. At the beginning of Jacob's journey to come into a great nation called Israel, God appeared to Jacob in a dream and Jacob said, here I am. When Moses saw the burning bush on fire but not consumed by fire, Moses said, here I am. Do you notice a theme? This is before a time of great journey, great sacrifice, of great uncertainty.

Moses had a very good life in Midian. He was getting along with his father-in-law, Jethro. He was kind of a farmer. He didn't have to worry about obligation. And God took him out of a nice, comfortable life and said, I want you to go lead a group of people that complain all the time out of bondage and into liberty. And Moses did not have an easy life after that.

But he did what God commanded him to do out of obedience, not out of ease. The question in front of us as the American church is that we have had this beautiful blessing called the United States of America handed down to us by our forefathers. This idea of liberty is God's idea, not man's idea. And whether or not the United States of America will continue to exist in any recognizable form

is completely and solely dependent on whether or not those who call themselves Christians, churches in America, will be willing to say, Lord, here I am. Use me for your purpose. And will elevate the fight for truth, freedom, liberty, America, much more than ease and comfort. We do outnumber them. That is why they want you to just stay at home and do nothing.

But if we are strong and courageous, as it says in Joshua 1-9, we do the work. We give the Sunday sermons. We register voters. We mobilize our congregations. We chase ballots. We will make November too big to rig. And the American church will send a message heard around the world. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening, and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to