cover of episode "Not an Impressive Person" — The Real Kamala Harris ft. Harmeet Dhillon and Rep. Eli Crane

"Not an Impressive Person" — The Real Kamala Harris ft. Harmeet Dhillon and Rep. Eli Crane

Publish Date: 2024/7/24
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The Charlie Kirk Show


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Hey everybody, it's Charlie Kirk, so who's the real Kamala Harris? Harmeet Dhillon joins the program to discuss, and then Eli Crane, why do we not have very basic answers about when Trump was shot? Was this an inside job? Because

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Kamala Harris. Maybe we should talk to people that have been following her career closely for many years. Joining us now is Harmeet Dhillon from the Dhillon Law Group and the RNC Committee Woman for California. Harmeet, tell us about the real Ms. Harris.

Well, that's a really challenging question because there are many Kamala Harris's. Kamala Harris is one person when she's trying to get elected to a new job. And then she's a different person when she gets that job and is trying to get elected to the next job. And I have been in San Francisco since she was a candidate for district attorney in

She ran against her boss as appealing to be the tough-on-crime prosecutor to get that job. But when she got that job, within four months, the first thing she did was refuse to seek the death penalty for a cop killer, Isaac Espinoza's killer, and a heinous crime. She went on to focus on low-level street crime to rack up numbers but ignored human trafficking, the drug trade, and the serious crimes and illegal immigration crimes coming across the border.

And frankly, her eyes were always on the next gig, be it attorney general, governor, U.S. senator, and delegated stuff to people. During her time as prosecutor, 600 cases had to be dismissed for what we call Brady violations because she ignored...

line prosecutor's complaints that the testing lab was corrupted. And as a result, many criminals went free on her watch. That's just as a DA. And it got even worse when she became the attorney general. So whatever she's peddling out there in her speeches, if people look just a little bit beneath the

One, where she has taken every position on drugs, on the border, on tough on crime, on human trafficking, and now to the point where, as we all know, she has been responsible through her bail fund advocacy of

of letting many murderers, rapists and other violent criminals go free and go on to wreak havoc in our community. So that's the real Kamala Harris, someone who has no inner core on these issues, but is an opportunist who will say and do anything to get ahead. In some ways, it feels as if her ascension is one of an accident.

She won the California attorney general race barely back in 2010, barely. She also then kind of stumbled backwards into the U.S. Senate seat. And then Joe Biden said very clearly he wanted a black female as his vice president, hence being the DEI pick. And she just kind of fit the criteria. And so she didn't even make it to the 2020 primary. She dropped out in 2019.

Is she an overly impressive person? You know, what's interesting about Kamala Harris is I've been involved in politics for about 25 years actively as a volunteer. And

What you notice about her compared to, like, for example, a J.D. Vance who was in the area, came into my office, sat down with me and had a one on one with me two and a half years ago when he was running for office. Kamala Harris has never made a move in her life without an entourage. There's always one staffer holding her purse, another staffer holding her phone, a third staffer holding her notes. Like she's always been propped up by this machine. And Charlie, you and I have seen a lot of politicians in action today.

And, you know, that's not the sign of one who's confident and well-spoken on their feet. And that's actually been what we've seen out there on the trail. I mean, there have been stories about her staff turnover and all of that. She's very high maintenance. And so not an impressive person. I mean, I don't have enough time in this hit to...

to go into the shocking failures that even liberal, very liberal lawyers like now the dean of Berkeley Law School, Erwin Chemerinsky, has had scathing commentary on her conduct as the attorney general defending keeping people in prison beyond the time that federal courts have told them that they should be released.

to have cheap labor for the state of California to fight fires during fire season. The Atlantic said that her court filings were not good enough for a first-year associate's work product, much less the attorney general of the most populous state in the United States. Those are liberal commentators, okay, not conservative commentators.

I had a case against the state where she defended the state in a religious discrimination case that dragged on for four years. She did nothing to resolve it. The law was on my side until a panoply of groups from the right, the Beckett Fund, all

all the way to the ACLU on the left, joined me and demanded that she resolve this case. Then she resolved it, paying my client significant sums. So that's Kamala Harris. No inner core, not a good lawyer, got ahead on DEI. And I think it's very interesting, Charlie, that now the left is all screaming in the media. Lackeys are jumping up and down saying, how dare you call her a DEI candidate?

Is DEI bad? I thought DEI was good on the left. That's what she is. It's supposed to be marker. By the way, we have here and we're trying to find the clip, but we have the remarks of Joe Biden. Joe Biden said this at a event in Philadelphia where he calls her a diversity, equity, inclusion candidate.

Like actually says this about her. And he goes into the great detail here and he says, look, quote, together we make history, not erase it. To me, the values of diversity, equity and inclusion are literally. And this is not kidding. The core strengths of America. That's why I'm proud to have the most diverse administration history that taps into the full talents of the country. And it starts at the top with the vice president. Joe Biden called her.

A DEI pick. And now the media says that that is you're being a KKK racist on CNN. They say that if you dare call her a DEI pick, that you're a racist. Joe Biden says that.

As well. And so but she was not selected for her brilliance, Harmeet. She was not selected for her capacity to make arguments or her likability. She fit a criteria. She was in a box that Joe Biden needed to fill because identity politics, Uber, Alice, Harmeet.

Absolutely. That's her whole career, Charlie. She never I mean, you have to know that all the bad ideas in America kind of seem to generate from the Bay Area for the last few decades. And so we've had the scourge of DEI identity politics and racial and sexual balkanization for decades here. So from the D.A. pick all the way to the attorney general pick to the Senate pick.

to the VP pick, all of her jobs, and by the way, some appointments that she got along the way from Willie Brown, they're all based on her identity and pushing a particular branding. And so that's not what you want in the White House. You can't have a person in the White House whose work product that she supervised, and by the way, a team of hundreds of lawyers,

as worse than a first year associate, according to The Atlantic, as someone who said, let's keep prisoners who should be free in prison so we can have cheap labor for the state, defending religious discrimination, going soft on cop killers.

Picking low hanging fruit, going after people at the street level who are not really hardcore criminals just to pad your numbers. That's Kamala Harris. Miscarriages of justice everywhere you look. And she has said and we should believe her at her words. She's going to ignore the Second Amendment. She wants to increase your taxes.

She wants to run roughshod over the Constitution on our rights. She tried to force, in a case that the United States Supreme Court slapped her down on, tried to force American charities in California to disclose their donor information, something that the United States Supreme Court way back

in the NAACP era where people were harassing donors to the NAACP said was unconstitutional. So this woman has no respect for the Constitution. It's all about her career and America deserves better than that. What is the most effective way you think that we can criticize her and

bring her numbers down back to where they should be? I think her own words. So she has a long record to run on. It's over 20 years long. And over the years, in her own words, she has told us who she is. Her court filings tell us who she is. Her record tells us who she is. The open border of the border czar tells us who she is. So we should hoist her with her own petard, as they say. Harmeet Dhillon, thank you so much. Thanks for having me.

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Can't afford groceries. Homes are out of reach. Kamala Harris is supposed to be the younger candidate. They've rebranded all her social media to say that she's a brat. It's some sort of Gen Z thing. But what does the data show? You see, I'm very focused on younger voters in addition to other things. I'm going to be doing the most ambitious campus tour in history. 21 campus stops this fall. What is the data show for Ms. Harris? Play cut 105.

So I want to take a look at Trump versus Democratic margin. Just remind folks where we were at the end of the 2020 campaign. Joe Biden won voters under the age of 35 by 21 points. What do we see with Kamala Harris? Well, she's still ahead, but the margin here is significantly less than what we saw with Joe Biden back in 2020. She's up by just nine points. You may make the argument that was better than Biden was doing before he got out, but compared to that Democratic baseline, where Democrats have historically in presidential elections, at least this century,

been carrying that young vote by 20 or more percentage points. She is way down from that. So if this is unique support among young voters, I would like to know what non-unique support is. Is it even worse than this? Now, look, we anticipate that gap to close a little bit. Now, many of you know

that I have not necessarily won over a lot of friends in the last couple of months on this program, but it was true when I was looking at the data and I was saying Joe Biden was doing better with baby boomer voters than he was in the past. I need to update that position with Miss Harris on the ticket. I can basically guarantee I don't want to say guarantee, but I could say that it is nine out of 10 certainty that

that Donald Trump will now be able to run up the score with baby boomer voters, which is a great thing, by the way. That is terrific. He'll do a little bit worse with people of color than against Joe Biden, doing a little bit worse with younger voters, but they don't vote at the same rate as older voters or baby boomers. And then, of course, the swing demo that nobody wants to talk about.

We always hear about suburban women, suburban women, suburban women. By the way, can you resend that chart that we had yesterday? It's really something else. It goes to show the demographics that are voting to destroy America. Almost every core demographic leans right except one. Except one, you can guess which one that is. And Campbell is going to do great with that demo. She's going to run up the score with single women. But what about men? You see, men do not vote at the same rates as women. They just don't.

Men are less likely to get registered vote, less likely to vote in general. But Donald Trump is changing that. Married men are 59 to 60 percent Republican. This is national poll. Married women are 56 percent Republican. Unmarried men are 52 percent Republican. Unmarried women, 68 percent Democrat.

said differently, that unmarried women are even more liberal than married men. It is by far, this is from the Washington Examiner, this is the most liberal demographic in America. And Kamala Harris very well might win 75% of unmarried women. She might just run up the score with unmarried women. However, there is this

population of men that are rising up to vote against the hyper-feminization of America, especially brought forward by the cackling California communist that wants to raise your taxes, ban fossil fuels, keep borders completely wide open. Let's continue. Let's play Cut 106.

And this, I think, is rather interesting. Do Democrats say they're more motivated to turn out after Biden left the race? Well, we do see a significant portion of Democrats who say yes, 39 percent. The thing I was interested in was that disproportionately younger voters who said that they were more likely to turn out or more motivated to turn out. And what we see here is it's 42 percent.

Not a big difference between 42 and 39 percent. So this idea, again, that the vice president has unique potential to dig in and get young voters to turn out. John, it's just not there in the numbers, despite all the Internet memes that are going around. And they're going to try their best to try to boost her and make her seem cool and make her seem all these, even though she's unbelievably cringe and cruel. Remember that.

Donald Trump has an opportunity with J.D. Vance as his vice president to now realign back to the traditional Republican consensus electorate of suburban voters and especially baby boomer voters. In fact, we need baby boomer voters.

We need baby boomers in huge numbers to run up the score and say, I do not want a communist to become president of the United States. There's been a lot of criticism of baby boomers in the media the last couple of years. What an amazing opportunity for baby boomers to save America. That will be the demographic that very well could determine the entire civilization.

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Joining us now is Eli Crane. He is a SEAL, and he knows what he's talking about. Congressman Eli Crane joins us now. Congressman, you are a sniper. You know what you're talking about here. You also visited Butler, Pennsylvania. What did you learn?

Hey, Charlie, thanks for having me on. Yeah, I was grateful that Chairman Green hosted a trip to Butler, Pennsylvania for several members of the Homeland Security Committee this last Monday. It was a bipartisan trip. You know, starting with getting out of the SUV, Charlie, stepping foot in the parking lot, doing a quick assessment of where we were at and the grounds. And I noticed immediately that there was a massive towering water tower that

located near the buildings that we were set to walk over to and overlooking the grounds. And as I walked through the fields, walked over to the buildings, got up on the roof where the shooter was, I couldn't help but notice that this water tower kept getting closer and had a 360 degree view over almost the entire property. And when we, I brought a laser range finder with me, lays the water tower, I think it was about 160 yards from the roof and

where the shooter took his shots, you know, supposedly. And then I also noticed in getting up on that roof and several other members getting up on that roof as well. One of them, a 70 year old man from Florida named Mr. Jimenez who walked right up that roof. No problem. And, you know, it,

easily debunked the director of a secret service, her entire narrative the week before that they couldn't put snipers up on that route because it was too sloped.

And so then we went into the building behind it, the two-story building, which many of us saw on the internet and were wondering if that had coverage over that roof. And the owner of that building let us in there. We walked up. He showed us where he believed that the law enforcement officers had set up.

because of the air conditioning in those offices. And many of us took a video out the window and sure enough, those offices had perfect 100% coverage of that roof.

And so it made many of us question if these, you know, law enforcement secret service had access to that building, that second story roof. Um, and they had officers in there at one point, we believe that's where they took the picture of the shooter with his range finder. Um,

Why weren't they able to dispatch this shooter once rally goers, people that weren't in charge of security, people that weren't supposed to be looking for threats to the president were yelling and screaming, hey, there's a shooter on the roof.

A young man with no camouflage on a white roof sticking out clear as day. Why weren't they able to spot this individual and why weren't they able to dispatch him? And so we still have a lot of questions, Charlie, but I can tell you after visiting the site that this is at the very least, at the very least, one of the biggest colossal security failures in U.S. history.

It's hard for me to grasp part of this because the sequence of failures is almost too good to be true. It's like a one in five billion chance that you don't have the building guarded. You don't have drone support. You don't have helicopter. So let's just zero in on the sniper aspect of this. So Crooks is able to fire off a couple rounds and then he is shot almost immediately.

When did the sniper team actually see him get him into scope? And why did they allow Donald Trump to take the stage? Unfortunately, Charlie, we don't have those answers yet. Myself and Congressman Biggs from Arizona,

We put forth a resolution this week to turn over communications documents from the Department of Homeland Security. So our investigation continues. And as you saw earlier this week with the director of Secret Service, obviously there's a lot of questions that they don't even claim to have answers to or they're trying to stonewall Congress, which is pretty typical up here. So I think it's going to take a lot to get to the bottom of it.

I know that Speaker Johnson is forming a task force. I'm hoping that that task force actually does something, but we'll see. We'll have to wait and see on that. So, okay, then we don't know the sniper response. It just doesn't make any sense to me that the snipers, how are they able to get a shot off so quickly to neutralize him, but they weren't able to do that 10 seconds before?

It makes no sense to me at all. Secondly, how did Crooks get on the roof? Yeah. So when we were there, we were told by the individual who owned the building, he showed us where he was told that the individual made access to the roof and it looked like he crawled up. You know, if you look at that building on a topographical or aerial map, what you'll see is that building is a

it's got multiple buildings connected to it and several buildings behind it that were all connected. Um, there were a couple of air conditioners and a very low roof and that's where, uh, uh, many law enforcement individuals believe that he actually climbed up on those air conditioning units and then use some piping on the side of the building and not a ladder. And I do believe that, uh, director Ray, um, confirmed, um, that that's their belief at this time. And I do know Charlie that, um,

The owner of that building did tell us, hey, they removed the top of that air conditioning unit over there and showed it to us and took it to look at forensics to see if maybe they could get a footprint or a boot print or something like that. Let me get this straight. He climbs on an air conditioning unit, gets on the roof with a rifle, and nobody notices it?

Well, that's what we're expected to believe at this time, Charlie. Yeah, I just again, I'm a layman. You're you're you're an expert here. Lots of people noticed and they were screaming. And what did law enforcement do between the MAGA faithful screaming and him army crawling uninterrupted? Why? Why did the police not intervene?

- Yeah, well, like I said, we don't have any definitive yet, Charlie, but we did have a Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel of the Pennsylvania State Police before the Homeland Security Committee yesterday.

He was asked a very similar question in regards to the law enforcement individuals in that building behind the shooter's roof that had the second story. And what he passed along to us was his understanding was that as soon as the call came over the radio about this suspicious suspect,

The individuals from that second story left their post and went down and looked for this individual. And so if that's true, we need to find out who gave the order for them to leave their post. You know, why did they leave their posts instead of sending rovers? We were told that there were rovers.

law enforcement individuals that rove around and can do tasks like that. And so we have a lot of answers that we need. And unfortunately, at this time, we don't have them. So do you believe that there is an active cover up to prevent you guys from getting the information that you need?

I believe at the very least, based on what I've seen so far and then gone and investigated for myself, that there is an attempt to gaslight the American people. And I mean, you need look no further than the director of the Secret Service saying that we couldn't put snipers on that roof because it was too sloped.

I found that to be a complete lie. And like I said, many of us walked right up on top of that roof. No problem. And so, like I said, at the very least, Charlie, this was a massive security failure that we haven't seen in decades. But

I don't think many of us would be surprised to start peeling back the layers of it and, uh, see if that, see that there was actually more to it than just a 20 year old kid with no military experience who flew a drone for 60 to 70 minutes to do a site, you know, survey, um,

got up within 150 yards, 140 yards of the president with an AR-15 with, you know, zero camouflage when the individuals in charge with security didn't even assume the most obvious counter sniper positions. Well, yeah, in the middle of the day, the day to 130 yards away and you still let Trump take the stage. Yeah. Look, I hope it's incompetence, but

My instinct tells me that it's something else. I'll just be honest. My instinct says that there's something potentially darker here. Let me read this here. So Chuck Grassley's been doing a good job. He got new body cam footage from local law enforcement. And according to this body cam footage, quote, Beaver County snipers saw him and sent the pictures out. This is him. They were not surprised.

that when they went up to him, like, oh yeah, this is the guy. So they identified him as a potential threat. They knew that he was a potential threat. They allowed the rally to go on. They ignored the clamoring of the Trump faithful that saw a shooter on the roof. And Donald Trump got shot. An innocent person was killed because of this. Ana Paulina Luna said that she received a briefing where she no longer believes that he acted alone.

Can you give us some insight into that? You know, Ana Paulina Luna is on different committees than I am. I did not receive a briefing that so far has led me to conclude the same thing. So I, you know, I can't I can't speak to that. But I did when questioning the lieutenant colonel of the Pennsylvania State Police yesterday, I did ask him if he understood that many Americans believe that, you

You know, this was more than just a lone wolf shooter. And there was a conspiracy going on here. And he said he couldn't comment on what, you know, the American people think. And then I went through that list as to why the American people have a tough time believing that so many things could have gone wrong in addition to the fact that

You know, the Democrat Party has and, you know, even this administration has weaponized the DOJ, tried to bankrupt the president, tried to put him in jail for 750 years. No, they can't beat him fair and square.

And we're seeing that across the board with things that they're doing in elections right now. And so, you know, we're not going to we can't ignore that, you know, information, Charlie, that we know. I mean, I know I've talked to you before. I know you probably didn't believe that the Democrat Party, with the lineup that they have running the platform that they have running against the president, that can, you know, galvanize.

you know, record numbers of people all over the country that they could beat in Baird Square. And so many of us have been saying for a long time, many, many, many months that the president better have a solid secret security detail because there's the next the next step in this escalation is an assassination attempt. And if you know many of the people up here in Washington, D.C., unfortunately, the one thing that they care about more than anything, Charlie, is power.

And there is a guy that stands in the way of them having that right now. And nobody stands in the way of the swamp and what the establishment, the cartel would call it than President Donald Trump. They missed Trump, so they took out Biden. Eli Crane, thank you so much. Thank you, Charlie.

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The state of the race is not going to be clear for quite some time. The Democrats are going to enjoy their honeymoon period. The Democrats are going to enjoy this new period for quite some time. The question is, what do we do in the interim? We must define the terms of engagement of who exactly the Democrats are and who Harris is. We're hearing this more and more from voters on the ground.

For example, there's this younger voter. This is a Wisconsin swing voter panel, and they're very worried about Kamala being part of Biden's health cover up. This is a huge story that you wouldn't think would be gaining as much traction, but you have to understand people are not in the news as much as we are.

And so that they see these things that, wow, the media is lying to us. Yes, every major institution in the country is no longer worthy of your trust. You should not trust the media. You cannot trust the CDC. You cannot trust the FDA. You cannot trust Harvard. You cannot trust the New York Times. You cannot trust the Department of Justice. You cannot trust the FBI. You cannot trust Google. You cannot trust every major institution has been captured.

You cannot trust the Secret Service. You can't trust the Department of Defense. You cannot trust the CIA. You cannot trust NATO. They've all been captured and they've been manipulated and inverted against the American people. I used to think at least the Secret Service would have trust. Nope. They can't keep Trump safe. How about the CDC? They're there for it. Nope. They want to poison your children. How about the Department of Justice? Nope. Soviet-style knocking on doors against Catholic grandmas that go and pray inside of the Capitol on January 6th.

or raiding homes to go after pro-life warriors. And so when voters see what happened with Kamala and Joe, you see most independent voters, they're still high trust of institutions. They are. Largely because they know that if they take the red pill and they go down that rabbit hole, they're in dangerous territory. They might have to actually think. They might actually have to reconsider so many different suppositions.

that their premises might be challenged. I truly believe that is one of the reasons why people do not pursue the truth all the time. Truth can make you very uncomfortable that you were living in a house of lies. Let's play cut 118, please. Do you blame for President Biden being in office in this condition? Who deserves the blame? His close staff.

They work with him every day. So I think that's what also makes me nervous about the Vice President Harris. Talk about that a bit. So, yes, she's going to be in it.

But she also helped keep him in where he's at right now. And if he really is as bad as what they've been saying, I think if he steps down as president and she steps into the presidency before the end of his term, it almost makes me question a little bit more why it didn't happen sooner. She's worked with him. She's been, to my understanding, with him daily or at least a couple of days a week.

Why hasn't this been brought to attention? If she's willing to hide that type of information once she's in office, now what she's willing to hide for herself. And there's some breaking news here. This is not confirmed, not confirmed, not confirmed, not confirmed. But according to Chris Lasavita, who's terrific, by the way, I love working with Chris. Reliable sources confirm Kamala Harris to pick Josh Shapiro from Pennsylvania.

This is a very strategic pick by Kamala Harris. It's the no-brainer pick. The betting markets are inverting. If this is true, this means that they do not see signs of life in the Sun Belt, and they're going to try to go pure blue wall Rust Belt. Pure blue wall Rust Belt, because it was Mark Kelly or Josh Shapiro. Josh Shapiro is a very talented politician. He is probably the scariest one that they have for us in the Rust Belt. However, this is not going to solve their Gaza problem.

Not going to solve their Michigan problem. He's talented. And this will make Pennsylvania very much in play. This will be a Pennsylvania trench warfare. However, remember what we have always contested on this program. Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin. He doesn't necessarily translate that much to Wisconsin. And I will say additionally, this is the whole ballgame. They think Harris can compete in Georgia.

And they think that Shapiro can compete in Pennsylvania. And they are forsaking the Sun Belt. If this is correct, if this report is correct, she has to make a decision soon. This is not going to be a long, drawn-out process. If they pick Shapiro, this is going to come down to a couple thousand votes.

You know your directive. You know your purpose. Find new voters. Register them. We cannot sit idly by and allow the communists to take over the country. We have an opportunity to do something. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us, as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening, and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to