cover of episode How Joe Biden got the Chicago Treatment ft. Gov. Rod Balojevich, Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, Jordan Schachtel, Jennifer Van Laar

How Joe Biden got the Chicago Treatment ft. Gov. Rod Balojevich, Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, Jordan Schachtel, Jennifer Van Laar

Publish Date: 2024/7/23
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The Charlie Kirk Show


Shownotes Transcript

Hey, everybody, here on the Charlie Kirk Show, is Joe Biden still the president? Well, we broke a very viral news story, and we go through that story and examine it from every possible angle with Jordan Schachtel and Jennifer Van Laar and more. Governor Rob Blagojevich also joins the program to talk about the Chicago way that removed

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Joining us now is Governor Rod Blagojevich. He knows something about the Chicago treatment. Governor, welcome to the program. We're both from Chicago, Governor, and we both know what has unfolded these last couple of days. You have a Wall Street Journal piece, Biden gets the Chicago treatment. Tell us all about it.

Well, hi, Charlie. Nice to see you. I hope your parents are doing well. You guys are from Wheeling, Illinois, right? That's right. Yes. The suburbs of Chicago. That's right. A little safer than the city of Chicago. And the politics might be a little bit safer. Here, they, you know, they backstab you, they hijack governors. Even if you're a member of the party that's in charge, they still do it to you. They did it to me. And now what they did to Biden is very, very dangerous.

obvious to me because when you've been through it, you don't forget it. And when they do it to somebody else, you fully can understand that they're doing exactly that. No, I think Biden was, I'm certain Biden was

pushed out by the Democratic machine, the new Democrat machine, using old-time Chicago backroom political tactics, a combination of the carrot and the stick, more stick than carrot, in other words, threatening Biden with certain things, but then holding out promises of positive things, good things for Biden personally and for his family. And if he didn't go along, um,

You know, they had all kinds of things they were going to do to him, drop dimes on him, because both Obama and Pelosi pretty much know all the dirt that Biden has hidden in those closets that had been accumulated since he was first sworn in as a senator back in 1973. That's a long, long time. We've got to be a Washington insider. And so, well, all the stuff that he's picked up,

can't fit into one closet, it's going to fit into several. I'm sure Biden has all kinds of things, all kinds of skeletons in those closets. And I think that stuff was being conveyed to him either directly or through third parties by people who are in politics who are close to him and not so close to him.

These political people and I was in the business and sometimes you use emissaries, frequently you use emissaries to convey messages to people. And when it's nefarious stuff like what I'm suggesting they did to Biden, which is what they did to me, you want to maybe be removed from that. And so you have a third party or even a fourth party be the one that can convey. And so I know how Obama operates because he and I both came out of the system. I've known Obama since 1995.

I know him real well. I did a lot of stuff for him when I was governor and appointed several people that he asked me to appoint. So I know how he operates. And again, I know what they did to me. And so I'm convinced without any doubt that, you know, Joe Biden was pushed out against his will. He wanted to stay and pretty much said, if you don't leave, we're going to do all these things to you. And I really think and I just put a tweet out, real Blagojevich.

my Twitter. I just put a tweet out just moments ago. And I really believe one of the big threats they made was that they were going to invoke the 25th Amendment against him. And Pelosi would use her influence in the House among House Democrats to do it and put the Republicans in a position where they would have to do it as well. So this is what I think happened. And I think now there are other things that will not be reported that were whispered to Biden that were

friendly and helpful to him if he agreed to play ball and get out. Classic Chicago. So this is, yes, I want to play two pieces of tape here. First is cut 90, Trump predicting Nancy and the Democrats would use the 25th Amendment against him. Play cut 90. Again, I'd like to say that free speech is under assault like never before. The 25th Amendment is of zero risk to me, but will come back to haunt Joe Biden and the Biden administration forever.

As the expression goes, be careful what you wish for. And here is cut 74 Nancy Pelosi in 2020 talking about how they need to change it. Play cut 74. This is not about President Trump. He will face the judgment of the voters, but he shows the need for us to create a process for future presidents. This bill honors the duty by us creating a standing commission

of top former executive officials and medical experts selected in a bipartisan bicameral way. A president's fitness for office must be determined by science and facts. This legislation applies to future presidents.

So Governor, help me understand, how often does this occur in Democrat politics? Did they use this against Bernie Sanders, for example, when he almost won the nomination in both 2016 and 2020? And what does this actually look like? Because you lived it. It's veiled threats. It's meetings via emissaries. It is them winking and nodding. How common is this practice in Democrat politics?

It's the ordinary course of business. It's business as usual. It's pretty much how it works. It's a very transactional way of doing politics. Most of it's very legal, if not all of it. I take, for example, the Democratic Convention in 2008. That was the last convention I was at until I went to the one here in Milwaukee, my first Republican convention, Charlie. I've been to four Democrat ones. I spoke at the first one.

Welcome aboard. It was very nice, by the way. I really appreciate how nice I was treated by all those people who, God bless them, are supporting President Trump. But at that convention in 2008, before Hillary agreed to get on board and back Obama, they made a deal. And I use this as an example to defend myself when they all of a sudden criminalized the political deal that Obama wanted to make with me. That sent me to prison for eight years and him to the White House for eight years.

But the deal was that Hillary would agree to get out of the race and support Obama, play a big role at that convention in Denver at the end of August 2008 in exchange for

Obama raising something like $10 million to get rid of her campaign debt, to erase her campaign debt, eliminate her campaign debt. Now, that's not illegal. It's a common practice, at least in Democrat politics. I suspect the Republicans probably do versions of that. But that's one example. In the case of...

Biden, I do think they really used the power of the Congress as a threat to Biden to get him to step aside because they were going to invoke that 25th Amendment. You just played that videotape of Nancy Pelosi. That's a campaign promise that she actually kept, that she was going to use it maybe for future president. And, you know, I have a confession to make to your viewers. And, Charlie, I've said this, maybe you've heard me say it, but

you know, 155,000 times. I didn't break a law across the line or take up any. It was all politics. Obama started the whole thing, sent an emissary to me to make a political deal. Here's again, using a third party to come and see me, to pick Valerie Jarrett, who he wanted. And the guy said, can I come and see you the next day so we can talk about what you want? He wants to make a deal. And so they criminalized those conversations with me and sent me away for eight years to protect Obama. And so, yeah,

In the case of Pelosi, my confession to viewers is I supported her when I was a Democrat Congress to be the Democrat leader, laid the foundation for her to ultimately become the Speaker of the House. And I was the first governor in America to endorse Obama. And, you know, I've got scars for having done that. And I feel like I paid my debt to society for having done it.

So, Governor, since you say it's ordinary business within the Democrat Party, why do – and I'm just curious – why do Democrat voters, base voters –

who scream at us about democracy all the time put up with this mafioso style oligarchy that the Democrat Party has become? Because they don't really see it. They get the result after it's been decided in the back rooms. The trick to this is all behind the scenes in the back rooms, in the shadows of the back rooms where these people operate. And in the old days in Chicago, there was a caricature of a typical Chicago political boss. He was a guy who chomped on a cigar and he wore a pinky ring and

Today, you know, and he talked kind of in a crude way.

But it was all transactional and all wheeling and dealing. And in the case of the new political bosses in the Democrat Party at the national level, I believe Obama has taken with him the lessons he learned in Chicago politics. They look different. I mean, they're appealing on television. Nancy Pelosi is an attractive woman and Obama's appealing. So they don't look like your typical war bosses. So ordinarily they have...

At the start, among Democrat voters, they have a certain presumption of good faith. But this stuff is being done back room, in the back room, in the shadows, behind the scenes. The people don't see it. It happens all the time.

And Pelosi's had all those years of speaking in the House and as a member of Congress to become a master. That's exactly what they did to Biden. So, Governor, do you have any knowledge of the Democrat machine going even further than just legal tactics? Have you ever any awareness of them going into some of the darker elements of threatening or intimidation? Yeah.

You know, I have to think about some of that because I've been in Chicago politics and in Democrat politics for a long time. You know, let me give you a couple of illustrations, Charlie, which I think might help your listeners really get a sense of how this works. And I'll bring my own personal experience in the days leading up to me being hijacked from office and then ultimately thrown in prison for politics, not for crimes, started by the Democrats.

And these are on FBI tapes, which this day are being covered up by the prosecutors who worked with Obama and worked with the Democrats after the calamity came into my life. In those FBI tapes, I'm discussing all kinds of potential political deals. And my hands are not exactly clean either. I mean, as long as these deals were legal and they were worthwhile, hopefully you benefit the public with them. That's the objective if your heart's right.

But, you know, I certainly wasn't one who ran away from discussing, you know, routine political horse trading that could benefit the public and was smart politically. So Rahm Emanuel was on the phone calls with me a lot. And, you know, I'm known for saying this is F and gold and I'm not giving it up for nothing. But if you think I say the F word a lot, you ought to hear Rahm. He says a lot more than I do. But he's on the call. And one of the ideas that he had was whether –

At the time, he was my congressman. He succeeded me as the congressman of the 5th Congressional District of Illinois when I became the governor.

Rahm had become tagged as Obama's chief of staff right after Obama won, but before he was sworn in. And I was surprised because I thought Rahm was on the fast track to one day become the Speaker of the House because he was raising all kinds of money for the Democrat campaign congressional committee. So we talked about it, and he said, no, he was going to go and be the chief of staff for a while, but he would like to have the seat held for him, and that would I be willing to appoint his successor, a guy by the name of Forrest Claypool,

to be the congressman for two years. Rahm would serve as Obama's chief of staff and then Claypool, the deal would be, would step out of the congressional seat. Obama would point him to a cabinet position of some sort or head of an agency of some sort. And then Rahm would come back and get his congressional seat again.

And I told him I was interested in working with him. So, again, I'm not exactly, you know, pristine or a choir boy here, but none of this was illegal. But it's routine. It's this kind of horse trading that they do. But I told Rahm I don't know that I had the constitutional authority to be able to do this.

and we would have our lawyers look into this. And so it turned out I didn't. I could appoint a senator, but I couldn't appoint a congressman. I could set the date of the congressional election. Fast forward, I've been arrested now. They want me to resign because they want to pick their own senator, and they want a big tax increase on your parents and Wheeling and all the people in Illinois. And I wouldn't do either one of those things. I wasn't resigning because I did nothing wrong. So to try to get me to get out,

They sent emissaries to me, state lawmakers who I had close relationships with. They knew who my friends were, and they sent them to me. And one of them in particular suggested this idea. He showed me the law under the state statutes that says that if a governor is physically incapacitated, he or she could temporarily step aside

let the lieutenant governor use of the governor while the infirm governor continues to get himself healthy. In the meantime, I was offered, I can keep my pay, the governor's pay and the security detail if I would agree to do this. And then once I cleared my name, I can become the governor again.

Well, I turned that down for several reasons, not the least of which was I didn't want to be a ghost payroll or governor. Now, whether that's legal or not, I don't know. But I never allowed it to go to the next level because I was never going to step out, even though I knew my days were numbered. So then they said, but don't pick a senator, because if you pick a United States senator, which was my constitutional duty, then they threatened to throw me out of office before Groundhog Day and not only impeach and remove me, but actually pass a law that

targeted against me only, which is still in place, which prohibits me from running for any state or local office. To me, this is so blatantly unconstitutional. So if I picked a senator before they were able to throw me out, they threatened them to throw me out. And I knew they were going to throw me out anyway. And I was determined to pick a senator because I had a job to do. And so I did. I picked Roland Burr's

I'm the first governor since Reconstruction to appoint a black person to the United States Senate. Yes. And they wouldn't take him. And then part of the threats were they sent me a letter from every Democrat senator. Hillary Clinton was on it. Joe Biden was on it. Dervin, our lead senator, was on it, all saying that whoever you send, we're not taking. And so then I sent this black man who was well-respected, highly regarded, first black statewide official, was attorney general of the state of Illinois in his early 70s.

to the United States Senate. And for the first day, they wouldn't take them. But America was watching this on live television, and they were correctly offended by the fact that the Congress in the age of Obama had no black U.S. senators. Go ahead. Given all these recent events and coming out of the Democrat machine as you did, what advice would you give

Us conservatives or those of us that wish to elect Donald Trump on how to beat them politically. What are the weaknesses in the Democrat political apparatus?

I just I would say this to begin with the danger to this kind of stuff that they that's routine political stuff that now spills into not routine stuff is how they've now weaponized the criminal justice system. See, nothing sacred. Now they're using that as a political weapon. And that should not be right because that goes to the very heart of our freedoms as Americans.

and it's the destruction of the rule of law and the abuse of the rule of law. So now the stakes are higher. And so it's critical for your supporters, Charlie, to get out there and vote and be active. And how do you beat them? Well, first of all, there's no substitute for just enthusiasm and energy and hard work.

Politics is no different from real life. You want to be successful in life, you got to work hard. So you need your supporters to identify Trump voters. And as we get to the time when people can start voting, you got to get every single one of those voters out to vote. Take nothing for granted. Trump looks to be in a good position to win. But unless you execute the whole way, this is a marathon, not a sprint.

you may lose the chance to win. So execution and your young supporters and members of your organization are young enough, get out there, knock on those doors, do the other things with social media to get people to go vote. That's critical. In terms of messaging and policy, I think President Trump has real professionals around him. I think that's very clear. And I think that the contrast between what the future holds with a Trump presidency and more of the same

the Democrats. I think that's critical. And I would say, lastly, I think so many, I think we've hit a point where it's maybe the tipping point where the American people are fed up. And I think this latest episode, with the way they've pushed Biden out and now are pushing, forcing Kamala Harris on us, I think people are realizing finally the stuff they've been resenting for a long time anyway, and that is they're sick and tired of being told things that they have to believe that they know is not true.

We've been lied to for so long by top political figures, too many of them in my party, the Democrat Party, by the media, try to make you buy and accept things that you know just don't make sense. I think we've hit a point.

Now, in view of all the events in the last several months, particularly with President Trump and terrorism from two weeks ago, where I think the American people are really rising up. And I would say, Charlie, I think the argument from a message point of view is something like that. Aren't you sick and tired of seeing these people in power abuse the power they have and the institutions that we should be sacred in our country?

country and lie to us the way they do. And I do believe the way they forced Biden out was another example of that. And I think a lot of Americans are seeing it. So these are the things I would say. But one more thing. There's no substitute for hard work. You got to get out there and work your asses off. If you do that, the timing is right. The country is ready for change. Trump's the right guy. He's a man of destiny. This is the time. Let's not squander it.

Governor Bogoyevich, thank you so much and hope to see you soon. Thank you. Thank you, Charlie.

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Joining us now is Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, founder of Americans for Health Freedom. And we're here to talk about many different things. But first and foremost, Joe Biden having COVID. Doctor, welcome to the program. You commented on my post saying his medical condition could be related to Paxlovid treatments. What did you mean by that?

I don't think people realize what a potentially dangerous drug Paxlovid is. It's far more dangerous than alternatives such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. It has 44 severe drug interactions. And one of those drugs is with statins, which is the most widely prescribed medication in America. It's toxic to the liver and kidneys. It contains an HIV drug with a black box warning in it.

It leaves a very bad metallic taste. So it's poorly tolerated, often stopped early by patients. And then there's a 20% increase of, or incidence of rebound infection after you stop taking it. Not to mention that right now, cash price for Paxlovid is approximately $1,200. So it's really a trash drug. And I would be, again,

Very reluctant to prescribe it to somebody who's already fragilely compromised, medically compromised, such as Biden. So why do you think they're doing that then? What would the justification be for that? Well, I mean, that's their primary bullet. That's all they have, really. It's either that or remdesivir. Maybe they're sneaking them ivermectin on the side and just telling the public what they're telling everybody else that they need to

take the CDC recommendations. But, you know, the CDC has done a very poor job and the FDA of letting the public know the potential risk of taking Paxlovid. So, doctor, tell us more about your work. You've also sued the FDA for interfering with doctor-patient relationships and won. Tell us about that, please.

So FDA launched a smear campaign against ivermectin. They sent out a tweet and you don't even need the caption. It's this attractive healthcare worker nuzzling a horse.

And the caption says, seriously, y'all, you're not a horse. You're not a cow. Stop it. Well, that little, you know, they say it was just a little quip, a little cheeky tweet, but it had dire consequences. And subsequent to that tweet, it became virtually impossible for me to prescribe ivermectin. It got me under the radar of the medical board, a fight which I'm still fighting two and a half years later.

And it caused a tsunami of problems for COVID patients. And it really, it was an invasion in the doctor-patient relationship because the FDA, they're allowed to inform the public about medications, but they're not allowed to tell patients what to take for certain diseases. And they're not allowed to tell doctors how to treat their patients. And that's what they did. And so we took them to court and

And, you know, basically we put them back in their lane. So they had to take down the tweets. They had to take down the misinformation on their website that was telling the public not to take ivermectin for COVID. So we have the original FDA tweet, you are not a horse, you're not a cow. Seriously, y'all stop it. How many people, doctor, do you speculate unnecessarily died because of the lack of interventions for COVID?

Well, yeah, that's hard to say, but I've treated over 6,000 COVID patients and everybody that I treated early within the first week survived, did well. And I even had some patients come in in the second and third week who were really, really sick.

And but they refused to go to the hospital. And I was able to keep them alive. I mean, these people came in with oxygen saturations in the 50s, you know, really, really sick. So, I mean, it's hard to say how many could have been saved, but a substantial number of people could have been saved with proper early treatment.

Well, doctor, thank you so much for your great work here. I know that, you know, they threatened to take your license away, if I remember correctly. So in your estimation, the official narrative coming out of the White House, is this consistent with COVID recovery and treatment that you've seen before?

Well, do we have an official narrative? I mean, I'm not sure what's going on with him. But if if all he has is covid and he took his last dose yesterday, he should be fine. He should be ready to get in front of a camera without any problem. The covid I'm seeing now is mild. I would say it's a little more than a cold, but more like a flu. And, you know, I just it doesn't make sense what's going on with him.

Doctor, thank you for your time and thank you for your wonderful work standing up for medical freedom. Very much appreciate it. Thank you so much. Thanks for having me, Charlie. Okay, I want to play another piece of tape here. We have to go through this. Who is Kamala Harris? She would be the most radical president in American history. The most radical president in American history. Let's start with this one. She wants to ban fracking. How's that going to play in Pennsylvania?

Banning all fracking. No question. Get rid of all fracking. Play cut 30. There's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking. So, yeah. And starting...

And starting with what we can do on day one around public lands. Right. And and then there has to be legislation. But yes, and this is something I've taken on in California. I have a history of working on this issue. And to your point, you know, we have to just acknowledge that the residual impact of fracking is enormous in terms of the impact on the health and safety of communities. She is a Marxist, a revolutionary communist.

Every person who brings up Kamala Harris say, you know, you're going to vote for a communist in the mold of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez. She is far more radical than Joe Biden, and she is equally responsible for the border crisis, for the Ukrainian war, for the invasion of our country, for the inflation crisis. The great Stuart Varney breaks it down. Play cut 85.

Well, she's a classic California liberal. Her list of issues reads like the socialist playbook of Bernie Sanders. Guaranteed income programs, rent controls, taxpayer-funded public college for families making up to $125,000 a year. Wait, there's more, much more. She supports Medicare for all. And in the 2019 debate, she supported the abolition of private health insurance. Essentially, she wants government control of all health care.

She has vocally opposed oil and gas fracking.

How's that going to play in Pennsylvania, where fracking is a $5 billion a year business? How about mass migration? Well, she says the root causes are not border policy, oh no. It's corruption, violence and poverty in developing countries, plus, of course, lack of climate adaptation and climate resilience. Support Israel? Not in public. She will not be there tomorrow when Prime Minister Netanyahu addresses Congress. She's with the pro-Hamas brigade that will boycott.

America's principal ally in the Mideast will only get a private meeting with Harris. No wonder the New York Times carries an article today saying the Harris economy could prove more progressive than Bidenomics. More progressive than Bidenomics. So she'll ban fracking. She will have taxpayer funded college for families making up to one hundred twenty five thousand dollars a year.

Oh, and that's right. She also wants to ban plastic straws. Play cut 21. Leaders have to lead. Plastic straws are a big thing right now. Yeah. Do you ban plastic straws? I think we should. Yes. I mean, look, I'm going to be honest. It's really difficult to drink out of a paper straw when you had, if you're just, like, if you don't gulp it down immediately, it starts to bend. And then, you know, the little thing catches it. And then, you know, so we got to kind of perfect that one a little bit more.

So you'd ban it, but rely on innovation. I mean, we got it. Yeah, innovation is a process, right? You don't just do it. Innovation is a process. Not only that, she wants to take your guns away. Every single gun owner in the country, be on alert. Play cut 83. To reject the false notion that suggests you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away, when in fact it's just reasonable. I support the Second Amendment, but it's reasonable to say we need an assault weapons ban.

It's reasonable to say we need universal background checks, that we need red flag laws. Assault weapon, Ben. What is an assault weapon? Someone should ask Kami that. How do you define an assault weapon? Is a knife an assault weapon? Is a bat an assault weapon?

There is no technical term of what an assault weapon is. Is a pistol an assault weapon? She would execute the greatest gun grab in American history. Every gun owner in the country. Understand, she will come for your guns and also your children. She would do the California-style grooming, kidnapping policies that we've seen from Scott Weiner and Gavin Newsom. The entire border would remain wide open. She is far more radical than

And more extreme than anything we have seen in these last couple of years. She would be the death blow, the finishing punch to the United States of America. And she's just getting started. And she will cackle her way all the way through. A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for a candidate in the mold of Castro, of Chavez. She would make Obama look moderate. And she would bring Mao Zedong's template to America.

So we broke this story yesterday about Biden's potential mini-stroke in Vegas. The regime media ignored it, but Jordan Schachtel from, Substack, looked into it and affirmed our reporting. Jordan, welcome to the program. Jordan, what did you learn of what happened in Vegas?

Hey, Charlie, thanks for having me. And I want to give a shout out to the team at Turning Point Action and yourself for coordinating a lot of this and getting a lot of these law enforcement officials and officers and employees to really vouch for, at least behind the scenes,

this report that Biden suffered from some kind of medical incident while he was in Vegas. The Biden White House says he had COVID, therefore canceled his plans, went home early, tested positive, feeling fine.

But the stories we continue to hear from all sorts of sources in Las Vegas who all kind of had their independent corroborations because a lot of this went out over police, encrypted police radio. And our sources say that there's hundreds of officers and employees

specifically of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, who heard these dispatches. So any corporate media reporter can easily verify what we're saying here. The reality is that they heard that there was an emergency and they were clearing away for UMC Hospital in Las Vegas, which is a tier one trauma center.

And then something came out over the radio a few minutes later that, no, they actually needed to expedite a route for Harry Reid Airport in Las Vegas. So they got him out of there really quickly. They brought in surge teams, which are basically outside support, to make sure that happened. So this wasn't just a run of the mill.

positive COVID test and suddenly, you know, Biden's just not going to show up to these things. And instead of going to the conference, he's just going to make his way to the airport. This was understood as an emergency situation that unfolded last Wednesday before he was scheduled to speak at this major conference for his campaign.

So, Jordan, help me understand. Why is it? How is it possible that the entire White House press pool didn't leak, report or tweet about this? This is a conspiracy, is it not?

It's really unfortunate the corporate media has had no interest in this story. I mean, we just saw apparently proof of life after six days of Biden being holed up in his house in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. And after basically surrendering the presidency to Kamala Harris without a photo or video, you know, they declare everyone a conspiracy theorist for asking these basic questions for doing real reporting.

And they just take their narratives from the beltway people and politicians and lobbyists inside Washington, D.C. They simply have no interest in the truth. And they definitely have no interest in overstepping the line.

And questioning the president's mental and physical fortitude was always overstepping the line until it became convenient when Donald Trump smoked him so badly in the debate that they started to panic. And then suddenly it was OK to talk about it. So now everyone's knifing Biden. But we've known about these problems for a long time, and the corporate media has never reported on them.

So they cover up a major medical emergency four days before he drops out of the presidential race. This is a massive story, one of the biggest in American history. And yet it requires us, Jordan, you know, kind of this cavalier group of reporters to do it. And not a single reporter for The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Politico, CBS, ABC, NBC want to touch it.

Yeah, I mean, as you've seen, not only do they not touch it, they then send out their fact check goons to label us purveyors of disinformation and conspiracy theorists in order to smear us and try to chip away at our advertisers and get us downranked in Google search results. So it's really just like this Stalinist-like information campaign that the media is running against repatriation.

Real journalists, citizens, journalists, concerned citizens, people who are kind of just looking at the evidence of a president who is mightily struggling to get by every day of his life. Very sadly, being abused by his family and calling us crazy for noticing these obvious realities. And then when we source stories, they will completely ignore it if it doesn't fit their narrative.

Jordan, excellent work. Check it out. Thank you for your work, your journalism. There is some video now of Joe Biden walking out of the car. So he's alive. Whether or not he's doing well is a different question. Okay. Thanks so much, Jordan. Really appreciate it. Thanks, Charlie.

Hey everybody, Charlie Kirk here. Thanks to the team at Hillsdale College, you can now watch an inspiring portrayal of Thomas Jefferson as he reflects on the meaning of the Declaration of Independence in a letter he wrote late in his life. Watch this special short video at Since its founding in 1844, Hillsdale has remained true to its mission of offering the kind of education needed to preserve the blessings of liberty, the blessings that can be traced to the principles of the Declaration signed on July 4th.

At a time where the far left rejects the principles of liberty and equality, we must remind ourselves, our children, and our fellow citizens that those principles are the source of America's greatness and a treasure to be preserved. I invite you today to visit to watch Hillsdale's educational and inspiring video, and you'll receive a free commemorative copy of the Declaration of Independence,

From my friends at Hillsdale. But don't delay. This is a limited time offer. Go to as we forever and always celebrate Independence Day. All right. Okay. Okay. Joe Biden is alive. He came out of a car and walked up to Air Force One. He's alive. But is he well? And are we being told the truth? Joining us now is Jennifer Van Laar.

from red state does a great job. She was another one that we sent the story to and she ran it down. Jennifer, thank you so much for taking the time. What did you learn in the course of your reporting?

We learned through some Las Vegas Metro PD sources that what you had reported was correct as far as the streets being shut down, the plans to take him to university medical centers and that suddenly changing and him going straight to the tarmac. And then from a separate source in a position to know about Joe Biden's security detail and those plans,

They said that what happened was he had displayed some stroke-like symptoms while he was at that Mexican restaurant before he was supposed to go to another speaking engagement. So they thought that he might be starting to have a stroke, and that's why they quickly were trying to get him to the trauma center. But while they were in the car, the doctor that travels with Biden said,

said that they believed that it was not a full stroke. And it was so it was something that could be treated on board Air Force One while they were heading back to Delaware. And even at first, they were thinking they might just go to Johns Hopkins, because that's a pretty well known place to be able to get good treatment for neurological issues like that, but that that wasn't end up not being necessary. So they believe that it was a transient ischemic attack, like a mini stroke.

that he had suffered. So Jennifer, again, it's kind of hard to decipher because he always looks like he has stroke-like symptoms, just him walking to do a press conference. So it's hard to decipher, you know, stroke-like Biden and not stroke-like Biden. But this is one of the biggest stories of the century where you have a president who's not running for reelection and has a medical emergency in Vegas. So can we now say definitively that Joe Biden had a medical emergency episode in Las Vegas?

I would feel comfortable saying that for sure. And so if that is correct, why was it or why is it that not a single reporter seems to care from the New York Times, Washington Post, NBC, ABC, CBS? Instead, they all actively covered this up. Well, they've been covering it up for three plus years. And so they would have to then start admitting that.

just how wrong they've been. They have started to admit that since the terrible debate performance, but at this point, they hate Donald Trump so much and have so little confidence in Kamala that I believe until they were forced to have to have confidence in Kamala, they were going to do everything they could to

to keep that from getting out. And that's also the reason why Biden's team, even though it was maybe risky to go ahead and put him on Air Force One instead of getting full scans at that trauma center, they knew that there would be more potential for leaks if they went to this medical center instead of the tightly controlled environment on Air Force One. And also, if he's seen at the hospital, it's harder to say that this was just COVID-19.

as the reason why he was cutting this trip short. And I appreciate what you say about Biden's normal way of presenting himself. Perhaps he started slurring or even more, or maybe he had facial droop. I don't know. I personally, I don't have any way to confirm this, but I would think that part of the reason he's been kept out of the public eye is maybe there was some kind of very visible damage that people would see immediately. And that's why he hasn't been seen.

So now the torch has been handed to Kamala Harris. I've been telling people this, and for anyone that will listen, oh, Kamala's going to be easy to beat. People say, no, no, no, Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% U.S. presidential race. So now Harris is the frontrunner. According to a Reuters poll, it could be an outlier or it could be the new norm. And so your reaction, Jennifer?

I mean, if you heard it all, I started laughing when you said that she's now a frontrunner. I think that's got, I need to see the crosstabs on that. I don't believe that for a minute. There could just be a momentary blip too, because she's only getting good press right now. But as we saw when she ran for president, she was the first one to drop out. She didn't even make it to the first primary. She had terrible support there. She's not good on a stage. She's not good being questioned. So if she does have it, say this is a true story,

the correct poll, it won't last long. I hope you're right. I hope that is correct. Let's play this now unearthed piece of tape of Kamala Harris endorsing free stuff for illegals and foreigners. You break in the country, Kamala Harris will give you a bunch of free stuff. Play cut 101.

Must be addressed. The bill also says, quote, every individual who is a resident of the United States is entitled to benefits for health care services under this act. Not every individual who's a citizen, but every individual who's a resident. So you support giving universal health care, Medicare for all, to people who are in this country illegally? Let me just be very clear about this. I am opposed to any policy that would deny in our country any human being

from access to public safety, public education, or public health, period. So just so everyone understands, the native-born Americans who live here and pay taxes have to have their taxes raised and pay more because a Nicaraguan or Venezuelan broke into our home and then they get subsidized benefits. Jennifer, your reaction?

That's how she has been ever since she was San Francisco DA. It's not hard to look back at how she treated American citizens as less than when she was San Francisco DA. She refused to prosecute various drunk driving crimes or driving without a license or that kind of thing, which are misdemeanors, but often if they're not misdemeanors, they're not misdemeanors.

if they were undocumented, as she likes to call them, immigrants. She just wouldn't prosecute that because at that time, 2008, 2009 timeframe, those kind of things would bring someone to the attention of ICE and get them deported. And she didn't want that. And so I actually have a friend of mine whose son was killed by one of these illegals in San Francisco who had been arrested for things like drunk driving or driving without a license multiple times.

This guy ran over my friend's son who was riding a motorcycle, backed up, ran over him again because he knew that he was going to get caught. Kamala's office took the vehicular manslaughter charge, put it down to a misdemeanor, and this guy didn't even get deported. And yet this family now, it's been, gosh, about 15 years. They're still without their son.

It's just unbelievable. Hard to grasp. Jennifer, how do people support your work and find out what you are doing? At or on Twitter at Jen Danlar. Jennifer, thank you so much for your time. Appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. Okay, let's play another piece of tape here of Kamala Harris.

Kamala continues to say that we want to ban assault weapons, ban fracking, ban plastic straws. Oh, yes. She was also the border czar. She is the most radical vice president American history, and she would be the most radical president in American history. She's a communist. You elect her. You will have a communist president of the United States. Let's go to cut 39.

Do not come. Do you have any plans to visit the border? I'm here in Guatemala today. At some point, you know, we are going to the border. We've been to the border. So this whole this whole this whole thing about the border, we've been to the border. You haven't been to the border. And I haven't been to Europe. And I don't I don't understand the point that you're making. She comes across as really likable. Do not underestimate the power of the Democrat machine.

Do not underestimate it. New Reuters poll shows Kamala Harris up two points on Donald Trump. Do not fall too deep into the horse race. Understand you're running up against a communist who cackles and she's from California. She wants the rest of the country to become communist like California. And we must ignore the polls and get to work. Chase ballots. Find new voters. The grassroots grittiness is what is going to win or lose this.

this. It is a machine versus a movement. And the Democrat machine has been brought back to life. They still have their convention coming up, which because of all their backroom deals, they're going to keep it very calm and very chill. They're not going to allow Chicago to be 1968 Chicago. They're going to plug in a new puppet and their machine will be fully activated. So it's going to come down to how much grassroots energy and grassroots muscle does our side have?

And any complacency that we have, we need to snap out of it. I understand that this is a hard news cycle for some people, but it's about to become a, this is going to become a political trench war. We are not even at halftime of this right now. We are not even at halftime. And I'm afraid our side is already trying to measure the drapes. Oh, this is what Trump's going to do when he's president. No, no, no, not. You got to snap yourself out of it. We are not working hard enough. I'm telling you right now, myself included, no more red wave landslide. All of that was under the Biden stuff.

We're talking about we might win by a couple thousand votes here or there. We've got to get to work. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to