cover of episode Kamala's Palace Coup is Complete ft. Rep. Nancy Mace

Kamala's Palace Coup is Complete ft. Rep. Nancy Mace

Publish Date: 2024/7/23
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The Charlie Kirk Show


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Hey everybody, who is Kamala Harris exactly? What does she mean by being unburdened by what has happened before and what possibly can be this nonsensical statement she keeps on saying? We examine that and more. As always, you can email us freedom at

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Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks.

I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at That is It's where I buy all of my gold. Go to Who's running the country? Yesterday, we had our most viral tweet of all time. We have an amazing network.

of patriots from across the country. Many of you who email us freedom at When you hear something, when you see something, and we go through all of those emails, we got a pretty amazing scoop that even regime reporters were privately texting us saying, this is a pretty good one, Charlie. Now, mind you, the media would not be bothered to do this work.

they would not be bothered to investigate what is happening with the current president of the United States. But the events that led to Joe Biden suspiciously dropping out of the race, the events that led to Joe Biden handing off and coronating Kamala Harris as the new standard bearer of the Democrat Party is very suspicious and it's still going on in real time. Here is the tweet.

It has now been seen by 23 million people. Got a weird lead on a story that people should look into. I got a call from a source close to Las Vegas Metro.

The official story was that Joe Biden's trip was cut short last week due to COVID. However, according to this source, the U.S. Secret Service informed Las Vegas Metro that there was an emergency situation involving Joe Biden and to close necessary streets so that POTUS could be transported immediately to University Medical.

which they began to do in earnest. Then mysteriously, there was a stand down order and the United States Secret Service informed local Vegas PD that they were going to medevac POTUS to Johns Hopkins, which they presume meant flying him back to the East Coast ASAP. Apparently, the rumor mill in the police department was that Joe Biden was dying or possibly already dead.

Now, I didn't think much about this lead. It seemed too wild to be true. But given that Joe Biden has been out of public sight and still has been as of this moment for days and then dropped out of the race via an ex-post and his brother James indicated help is a factor, I'm beginning to grow more curious if COVID, if it was COVID or something else, has been more serious than reported. If anyone with Las Vegas Metro has information, please email freedom at I want to hear if there is more to this story than what they're telling us.

So this story went totally viral. And amazingly, no one decided to try to fight back against it. This story went nuclear. Now, Kamala Harris went to the Joe Biden election headquarters yesterday, and Joe Biden called in on a speakerphone. And it was very weird. She almost said the word recording, but it was a telephone call. The whole thing was very, very strange.

So we have for the first time since LBJ, a president who is not running for reelection. But this is the latest that a president has dropped out of a race. And we know exactly what happened. They set up a trap and Joe Biden fell for it. They set up the Pelosi-Obama-Schumer debate trap of a early summer debate because they knew Joe Biden was not capable of defeating Donald Trump.

Joe Biden fell for the trap and we kind of fell for the trap. Donald Trump went in. Remember, we said on the show we don't want Donald Trump to do too well because Joe Biden might get pulled out of the race. Well, turns out we were exactly right. Option one was that Joe Biden does very well in the debate and resets the race. Option two is that Biden implodes and they execute Project Coconut Tree. And that is what we are living through, Project Coconut Tree.

Yesterday, we did this tweet saying, what exactly happened in Vegas and why does not a single reporter care about it? You have a sitting president of the United States who does not do a proof of life. Now, I'm sure Joe Biden is fine. He's supposed to address the country tomorrow from the Oval Office. But the whole thing is unlike anything we've ever seen before. Within eight days, did we have two attempted political assassination attempts? We had Donald Trump get shot in Butler, Pennsylvania.

and Joe Biden get removed from the presidency from Delaware. And this is all happening thanks to alternative media. Now, I'm not a reporter for the New York Times. I'm not a reporter for the Washington Post. But how did we get this story? Because we cared. And because we have an audience like you that emails us. And then we got dozens of other emails reinforcing and backing up

Our original tip. So here are the questions. Did Joe Biden have a serious medical event in Vegas that has been covered up? The answer right now is yes, according to all of our reporting. Did that medical event contribute to his decision to pull out of the race? Here is the even more important question.

Was Joe Biden going to remain in this race if he didn't have that medical event in Las Vegas? Joe Biden was holding on. He had all the surrogates holding the line. It looked like Joe Biden was going to last until the virtual roll call. Did something happen in Vegas? In fact, reports say that he very well might have collapsed at a Mexican restaurant. Not a single reporter covered that. His entire staff was surprised. They were shocked. So let me get this straight. The media said,

did not cover Joe Biden's obvious mental decline for three and a half years. And the media still does not report on the fact of where is Joe Biden? Why is he not able to make a public appearance? Now, I'm sure that they're putting things together to have Joe Biden make an address tomorrow. Is Joe Biden going to resign the presidency tomorrow evening?

Is Joe Biden going to resign the presidency and make Kamala Harris the 47th president of the United States and the first female president and the first black female president? That's certainly where the forces are heading right now, to hand off the entire presidency to Kamala Harris. Nancy Pelosi told Joe that this can either be done the easy way or the hard way. Nancy Pelosi was threatening the 25th Amendment.

You have just seen a president of the United States removed by an oligarchy. The left always likes to say we are a democracy and we have been consistent on this program. We are not a democracy. It is a small group of families of great houses of a mafia that runs the United States of America. The Constitution says we the people. It really is we the plutocrats, we the oligarchs.

And now Kamala Harris is the standard bearer of the Democrat Party. And of course, as you could predict, rank and file Democrats are perfectly fine with this. Bye, Joe. You're a waste of time. Doesn't matter. We don't get to vote in the primary. The lemmings, the sheep of the Democrat Party are thrilled because all they care about is power for power's sake. And so we have this tip of that something that happened in Las Vegas.

We may never actually know the truth of what happened in Vegas. As they say, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. And more and more reports are coming out. It is confirmed that Las Vegas Metro Police shut down roads to transport Biden to UMC, but he diverted to the airport. On the calendar, two public events were canceled on the 17th, but he departed Las Vegas. After that, no public events were scheduled. Did he have COVID?

Or did he have something else? And not a single reporter for the New York Times, for the Washington Post, for Politico have the courage or the interest to cover what could be a sitting president having a medical emergency on the campaign trail. Days later, handing off the entire campaign to his vice president. Not a single regime mainstream reporter could care less. Reporters at Red State have confirmed that

The following, an additional source, not a medical person in position to know, tells that Biden had stroke-like symptoms. But when the doctor was traveling with Biden, determined it wasn't a full stroke, they could treat him on Air Force One en route to Andrews. The motorcade diverted to the airport. According to the source, it's believed that Biden had a TIA, a transient ischemic attack.

This involves Kamala Harris, by the way, just so we are clear. You might say, oh, you know, leave Biden alone. Kamala Harris knew about all of this from the moment she was in on the debate setup and the tell was her aesthetic on debate night. She wasn't there. She was remote. They had her polished up to be look awfully presidential. The set was in that night and Joe Biden walked right into the trap. Where is Joe Biden? Is he okay? Who is running this country?

Or is he just a tourist in the White House while the administrative state calls the shots?

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And it's amazing and telling how quickly the media is willing to turn their back on Joseph Robinette Biden. He was the darling a couple of weeks ago. These are transactional pieces in a Democrat mafia game to strangle, suffocate and destroy the country. Who is running the country is a very important question right now. And we know who's running the country. The administrative state is running the country.

The permanent bureaucracy and that is who has always been running the country. Joe Biden has not been running the country for the last three and a half years. And now Joe Biden is being lauded by the media as being some sort of hero, as being some sort of wonderful man that stepped aside.

The reason why I think that there's something to this Vegas story, by the way, more and more regime reporters are emailing and texting us saying you're onto something with this Vegas thing. They're all afraid to touch it. We are not afraid here on the Charlie Kirk show. We leaned right into the story. We couldn't care less. All of these reporters are afraid and they should be afraid because you're going up against a empire that is willing to do very nasty and very sinister things.

Joe Biden's brother says Biden's declining health was a key factor for why he is stepping down. Play cut 32. Just had a brief conversation with Frank Biden, one of President Biden's two younger brothers. And here's what he told us. He said, I'm incredibly proud of my brother. Selfishly, I will have him back to enjoy whatever time we have left. He is a genuine hero.

Country over self. It sounds corny in our cynical political environment, but he nor I are cynical. The goal remains the same. Defeat Trump and continue the work that Joe has done. My hope is that our party rallies around this heroic act. We asked him whether he feels that his brother's overall health and vitality played a major role in this decision. And he says, in my humble opinion, absolutely. Whatever time we have left,

That's how you talk about when somebody has a stroke and they're not looking too good. Everybody in this audience knows this. You know this after COVID. You know this after Fauci, after Birx. You know this after the Ukraine war, after the open border. You know this after the 51 officials that signed the Hunter Biden laptop. You know that the president does not actually run the country under its current form. And that is why they're terrified of Donald Trump, is that he'll restore the constitutional order.

They're terrified of Donald Trump and J.D. Vance because the form of the Constitution, the structure that has been handed down from Madison, Hamilton, and Jay will then be put back into alignment. Instead, we're living under this historicist, progressive, Hegelian dynamic that has been around for 100 years, where the fourth branch of government, the administration of experts, call the shots. They just got rid of a sitting president.

They have been able to work behind the scenes and overturn 14 million primary voters. And isn't it just something? Again, I'm not going to go too deep into this, but within eight days, you have Trump get shot and nearly die within two centimeters. And then Joe Biden steps down. Now, I don't necessarily think those two things are related. However, somebody sent me this.

The combined probability of an assassination attempt on the Republican president happened in five days before the RNC and an 81-year-old Democrat candidate for president dropping out of a medical emergency and the largest IT outage in history is 1 in 3.8 billion. So Kamala Harris has a phrase that she repeats over and over again, and it doesn't really make a lot of sense on the surface. So I'm going to explain it to you. She has a thing that she'll say over and over again, which is we are unburdened by what has been.

And then she has this other things like, what, you just fall out of a coconut tree? Kamala Harris is not bright, but she is a trained revolutionary Marxist. If Kamala Harris were to become president, whether by Joe Biden giving her the presidency or Joe Biden dying or Kamala Harris winning in November, which is totally possible, by the way.

She's going to be a very difficult opposition for us. They're going to spend $3 billion. Do not be the opposite of cocky. You should be paranoid and humble and finding new voters. She would be the most radical president in American history, far more so than Barack Hussein Obama. She's a believer in the core ideology of Marxist framework, and I'll prove it to you.

Here's a montage of Kamala Harris saying, what can be unburdened by what has been. Play cut 80. I can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been, you know? What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been. What can be unburdened by what has been.

It's easy to make fun of that, and you should, because 99% of the country is, what on earth are you talking about? It's a framework that if you are able to seize the means of production, if you are able to understand the context of what everyone lives in, then you are able to be unburdened by systemic racism, unburdened by homophobia, unburdened by anti-immigrant fervor.

Marxists view every person as part of their identity politic group. Said differently, what do you think? You just fell out of a coconut tree? You're not a sovereign individual. You don't have your own actions, your own ability to improve your life. No, no, no. You are part of a tribe. You are part of a group. You are part of a sect. Kamala Harris seeks

to put America away from the sovereignty of the individual and instead the power and the strength of the tribe. Do you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? Play cut 81. You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you. This is what's called historical conditions. It's a Marxist phrase. It's a direct importation

of Marxist, of Marx's invocation of one's historical conditions, rendering you who you are. It says here in

One of Marx's writings, the social revolution cannot take its poetry from the past, but only from the future. It cannot begin with itself before it has stripped away all the superstition about the past. James Lindsay sent this to me. The former revolutions require recollections of the past world history in order to smother their own content. This is the core of communist and Marxist theology. This is a religious statement that Kamala Harris has been making.

conditions make the man. Therefore, seize the means of production of his conditions, because then you have the means of production of him. This particular excerpt from Marx's landmark social history indicates that for Marxists, they must imagine the ideal future and make those the conditions of man. Therefore, be unburdened by what has been.

The idea of history is a major component of revolutionary thought. Here's Kamala Harris all about the passage of time. Play cut four. Talking about the significance of the passage of time, right? The significance of the passage of time.

So when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires, what we need to do to create these jobs. And there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children. That's not an edited clip, by the way. She said passage of time three or four times. The importance, though, is that Marxists view the passage of time, the arc of history bending towards justice.

We're just beginning exposing her as a cackling California communist who will destroy America. We will not let that happen. All right. I need to tell you guys about Strong Cell. It's amazing. With nearly a million units bought by you.

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dot com forward slash Charlie. And don't forget to use special discount code Charlie at checkout to get a special 20 percent off just for Kirk listeners. Strong sell dot com forward slash Charlie. Check it out right now. Joining us now is Nancy Mace. Breaking news today that the Dorito woman, the Secret Service director, has resigned. Congresswoman Nancy Mace is with us. Nancy, your reaction.

Well, I have two words regarding Kim Cheadle, and it's good riddance. Neither Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris, they just stood by in silence, never fired her, didn't say she needed to resign. It took us filing a privileged motion to impeach her last night to render a resignation this morning. So we're taking a victory lap today.

So tell us more about the details of the briefing yesterday. She did not come prepared. She did not know anything about it. But her resigning is not a totality of the failures of the Secret Service. What do we know about the 62-minute span between them identifying crooks and him being able to shoot Donald Trump?

Well, the information we do have today was not provided by the Secret Service, was not provided any information. None of it was provided by Kim Cheadle yesterday or in the days leading up to the last 10 days. Secret Service has done nothing to provide us information. Senator Ron Johnson on Sunday night released a preliminary report. We know that from the time they took their first picture of Crooks to the time the first shot was fired was 57 minutes.

and there's a detailed dossier online that you can find that was put out on Sunday night. That's where I got the bulk of my information in preparation for the hearing. It wasn't based on any information provided by any federal agencies.

We need to bring in the FBI Director Christopher Wray. We need to bring in Secretary Mayorkas. Kim Cheadle needs to continue to testify just because she resigned does not give her a defense to shirk her responsibilities or to avoid telling the truth. Yesterday, she dodged every question. She wouldn't even tell us how many Secret Service agents were on the ground protecting Donald Trump.

During the rally on July 13th. So she can still be subpoenaed. She should, whether it's the select committee, judiciary or Homeland Security, they ought to continue to bring her in. And anybody else who holds information that can answer Congress's question, because the American people deserve answers and they ought to have confidence that

in the security personnel guarding Donald Trump to ensure that he doesn't ever get shot again or take another bullet for our country. So, Nancy, I'm curious, based on everything that you've been gathering, do you believe that it's possible that the Secret Service had an attitude of indifference towards the protection of Donald Trump? It's hard to say because we don't have all the facts, but I think only two

are possible. It's either gross incompetence or it's conspiracy. Like those are the only two options. Neither one of those are great. And we know that the Secret Service has had issues over the years. We need to overhaul the agency and ensure we have the best, the brightest, the most well-trained individuals guarding Donald Trump and everyone else who gets their service and their protection, that we have the best and the brightest, that they're trained, they're going to be effective. This should never happen again in the United States of America.

I need to make sure that it doesn't. So are we now thinking about a special commission? Are we thinking about a Warren-style commission or a 9-11-style commission or a Church and Pike committee? I was encouraged and surprised by how your Democrat colleagues were equally as intense towards Cheadle at times before.

Do you believe that there is an opportunity for a bipartisan Church and Pike committee or a Warren Commission to make this official and that it just doesn't disappear?

This is a huge opportunity that we saw yesterday to bring the country together because you saw initially Democrats who wanted to support Cheadle end up throwing their hands up in the air and urging her resignation. And so Donald Trump is the one that is uniting the country together, unifying a nation. He is the man of the moment. This is a real opportunity for us to work.

together to get answers, whether it's a special committee or a select committee. Efforts are already afoot to ensure we have a bipartisan measure to continue this investigation beyond Kim Cheadle's resignation. It should not stop here. It should not stop today. We should get all the information, all the answers, and take real action. I'm tired of drafting and signing on to really strong letters.

What action are we going to take with the information and facts that we gather when this investigation is over? So, Nancy, I want to understand. So the Secret Service...

She denied the 30 by 30 plan allegedly yesterday, saying that she wanted 30 percent of the Secret Service to be female by 2030. I'm all for female Secret Service agents if they can do the job. But there's evidence growing that the standards to become a Secret Service agent are different for women than they are men. Do we have any insight into that?

We don't because she provided no information yesterday. And regardless of gender or color of skin, the qualifications should be the same for everybody entering the Secret Service. And while we all love that defiant fist in the air of Donald Trump, that is an image that will go down in history.

One of the remarkable things I think many of us noticed around the country were how small in stature some of the female members of the Secret Service were. His entire face, head, and heart were all exposed to a potential shooter in that scenario as he rose to his feet very quickly.

There are plenty of women out there that are tall enough to cover him up when Judy calls. And so I do think these are questions that we should have answers to. She denied that, but we know and have evidence of, we have receipts of, that she wanted more than 30% of the Secret Service agents to be female. That should not be the qualification. I'm sure there are plenty of women we know who can handle the job, who have the stature, the ability, the qualifications and training to do it.

We want to make sure that their qualifications are higher and better than anybody else over their gender. It shouldn't matter what your gender is to protect the president. You need to have the best qualified people.

Yeah, again, so it's very clear that some of the agents near Donald Trump were not strong enough to be able to lift him and be able to carry him off, nor did they have the capacity to properly holster a firearm. If it was a man or a woman, it would just be unacceptable in that situation.

So, Nancy, I'm glad that you're on this. This is one of the greatest embarrassments and humiliations in now a pattern of such. I have lost faith in the FDA. I lost faith in the CDC. I've lost faith in Department of Homeland Security. I've lost faith in the FBI. I've lost faith in the Department of Defense. I've lost faith in every major institution. But do you know what's so disappointing, Nancy, is that I thought I could still have faith

in the amazing institution of the U.S. Secret Service around President Trump. And so let me ask you, Nancy, about your race. What is going on with your race? How can people help? Please tell us.

Well, number one, I'm very outspoken. I get targeted every single election every two years. We just got out of a brutal primary where the establishment, D.C., came after us. They spent over $7 million to take me out. And with your generous viewers, we're able to beat them back. We won by almost 30 points. I now have someone who's funded by the deans.

the DCCC by the Democrats, they will spend millions again to try to take us out because they don't want someone who's conservative and who's strong and who has a spine in charge leading our country out of this crisis that we're in today. And they certainly don't want someone who supports Donald Trump. So if you go to, you can chip in a dollar, five dollars, you can

support the cause. We are fighting back and beating back the establishment every single day, like what you saw yesterday. And we're only going to continue to do more as we move forward. I feel very encouraged by all of the support we're getting across the country. But I need you to chip in because they're coming after us hard in November at

Congratulations on a very big political scalp. Getting Cheadle out of the way is a very major, is a huge victory. I want to get your thoughts here in the two minutes we have remaining on Kamala Harris running for the presidency. She's going to try to win back suburban voters and run strictly on female empowerment. You can speak specifically to these sorts of issues.

How do you think we should counter that or at least preempt what is going to be a nasty identity politic driven campaign season?

Getting behind Donald Trump is the best thing that we can do. He is the guy that has granted all of these issues concerning women. He's the one that added IVF to the Republican platform during our convention. He's the one that added contraception and birth control to the platform at the convention. He and I talk a lot about women's issues. He's the one that personally called me and asked me to get on stage at the convention. And I'm a suburban mom. I'm a single mom. And I'm one of those voices that

very outspoken and he supports women just as much as he supports life. And that's the kind of leader our nation needs because Kamala Harris is never going to tell you her position on abortion. She'll just say, hey, it's Roe v. Wade, but that means up to nine months in pregnancy you can have an abortion.

which is not where the vast majority of Americans are. Donald Trump is willing to have this conversation. He supports women. He had many women in his cabinet and in his administration. He can run on women's issues. He can run on ending endless wars. He can run on lowering inflation.

He can run on shutting down the border. She has nothing. And so the best thing that we can do is ensure that we talk to our neighbors, we talk to our friends at church, we talk to folks who aren't affiliated with the Republican Party and show them how much greater, better, and safer and more prosperous we all can be when Donald Trump is in the White House. And it's incumbent upon all of us to share that message. But he's the man of the moment. He's the one that can help us with many of these issues as he's always done.

Nancy Mace, thank you so much for your time and congrats on getting Cheetle out of the way. Thank you. Thank you, sir. And God bless. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening. God bless.