cover of episode Whistleblowers Sound the Alarm on the Secret Service ft. Sen. Josh Hawley and Erin Friday

Whistleblowers Sound the Alarm on the Secret Service ft. Sen. Josh Hawley and Erin Friday

Publish Date: 2024/7/22
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The Charlie Kirk Show


Shownotes Transcript

Hey everybody, it's the Charlie Kirk Show. Josh Hawley joins the program. 62 minutes before they saw the gunman and the gunman shot and they did nothing. We discussed with Senator Josh Hawley

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Joining us now is an American hero and someone who has been on this case of Trump getting shot, the assassination attempt, which is getting weirder and weirder the more we look into it. Senator Hawley is with us. Senator Hawley, you've been on this assassination investigation like nobody else. You were talking to whistleblowers. You visited Butler, unlike Kim Cheadle, and you have a lot to unload for us. The floor is yours. What have you discovered, Senator Hawley?

- Thanks for having me, Charlie. Listen, what I discovered is the Secret Service is an agency in crisis and just about everything that they've told us publicly turns out not to be true. I mean, let's go back to the now widely discredited lie that the slope of the roof on that building was just too steep. Ridiculous. I've been there myself, I've seen it. Number one, it is a single story roof. Number two, there are large air conditioning units.

which would make it easy, easy for any able-bodied individual to get up onto the roof without a ladder. Forget the question whether the guy had a ladder. He wouldn't need one. Number three, it is so gently sloped that you could literally get up and walk around on it. You don't need to crawl. You can walk on it. All of that is false. It wasn't way far away. They said, oh, it's not in the security perimeter because it's too far out. Total BS. It's

barely a hundred yards out, maybe 150 yards. And Charlie, there's a clear line of sight from that roof line right to where the platform was. We've heard reports that, well, there's trees. There are trees there. I saw them. They're to the south. They do not block

the line of sight. And all I can figure out is I've talked to whistleblowers, I've talked to local law enforcement, state law enforcement. Charlie, what they say is they were not, there was no coordination with the Secret Service. They were not on the same radio frequencies. The Secret Service never asked them to secure the building.

I mean, I cannot for the life of me understand why they didn't get that guy off the top of the roof, why they even allowed him to get onto it, and why they ever sent Donald Trump on stage knowing they had a possible shooter there. Senator, it begs some dark thoughts. I don't even want to go there with you. I think the audience can fill in those gaps.

So you went to the scene of the crime. And we must remember, an American hero died. A firefighter father died in this line of fire. So, Senator, just so our audience understands the timeline, how much time was there between identifying this shooter between from that point forward to shots being fired?

62 minutes. They identified him at 510. He was identified by Secret Service as a person of interest because he was acting suspiciously. At 530, Charlie, they identified him as having a range finder for a firearm. At 552, he was on the roof. And I can understand now why so many people saw him. Again, it's a very low building and it's very close to

to the main stage in the main area. So naturally, lots and lots of rally goers are saying, hold on, there's a guy up on that roof and he appears to have an implement. Oh, wow, it's a firearm. That was at 5.52, Trump is shot at 6.12. So from 5.10 to 6.12, 62 full minutes and never does law enforcement approach him a single time.

We think that local police are finally asked about three or four minutes before he opens fire, are finally asked to go and do a walk around of that low slung building, which they do. They see a guy up there. They get up on the roof. He points the gun at them, then turns back around and begins firing at the president. I mean, it is inexplicable why you'd go an hour and not confront the guy and why you'd send Trump on stage. Senator,

Ana Paulina Luna said this morning after her briefing, she no longer believes that the shooter acted alone. We know that there were three encrypted accounts overseas and two phones. I want to make sure we stay factual on all this. What what have you learned in regards to whether or not crooks acted alone?

I don't know the answer to that, Charlie. I don't know if he did or not. I've been briefed on the same material you just disclosed, that there are multiple encrypted platforms that law enforcement tell us, federal law enforcement now tell us they have not been able to access local and state law enforcement who I've talked to on the ground.

Their descriptions to me are ones of being totally in the dark, of lots of chaos, of being asked by the federal law enforcement to police the outer perimeter and to attend to traffic. I want to emphasize this. Local law enforcement, who, by the way, Charlie, are furious

at getting thrown under the bus here. They said, listen, we did what we were asked to do. They asked us to basically see the traffic matters. They asked us to attend to the outer perimeter. We did all of those things. Then they asked us at the last minute, would you please do a walk around to the building? We did. We saw a shooter. And then the guy starts shooting and now Secret Service blames us. So the bottom line is there's a huge,

huge amount of confusion, which is why we need to get the actual facts here. And the idea that this Secret Service director, as we speak, is on the Hill, basically taking the fifth. I mean, let's admit it. She's basically up there saying, I'm not going to tell you anything. I'm just going to sit here and say, ongoing investigation, ongoing investigation. This person ought to be removed immediately. But she and her whole team also need to be

thoroughly debriefed to figure out what in the world they're doing and what they're hiding from us. So, Senator, I'm trying to understand the detail. Do you have any evidence that there was somebody on stage who

I'm somebody that called for Trump to be pulled off of stage. So it seems as if that the local Trumpsters saw the shooter on the roof. Local police even tried to engage him. Was there any chatter on radio frequencies or who made the call to keep Donald Trump on the stage?

- I'm not aware of the answer to that, Charlie, and I'd like to know why it is Secret Service cleared him and it would have been their call. It's because there were multiple agencies involved, federal agencies, law enforcement agencies rather involved on the day, Secret Service, DHS,

which is a whole nother subject because they were unprepared local and state law enforcement. Secret service are the ones closest to Trump, the ones in direct contact with the Trump campaign. And they would have been the ones under the usual protocol who then are in charge of communicating security features to the campaign security facts and saying, yes, it's safe. No, it's not. So unless, unless,

there's something that we don't know about. It would have been Secret Service who said, yeah, it's all fine. Let's go ahead. He can go out and go on the platform. Keep in mind, by the time that happened, by the time Trump went out there at around six o'clock, they had known not only that there was a person of interest acting suspicious for almost an hour, they also knew that by that point, he was on the roof 100 yards away.

And certainly nobody ever told the former president about that. Campaign whistleblowers tell me they didn't know about it. Local law enforcement tell me they didn't know about it. So what in the world? This is where it just becomes inexplicable, Charlie. I mean, the best you can say about this, the best, is that it is total rank incompetence on the part of leadership of DHS

and Secret Service. Well, so Senator also begs another question. What if this is how they've been operating for the last decade? So there's two explanations. There's something even darker, which we can entertain at some point, or that the Secret Service has actually not been doing their job for quite some time. The Secret Service has been lazy and incompetent and that they just so happened they got caught in real time. Senator, do you have faith that

that the Secret Service is able to keep their protectees safe. This is more than an operational failure. This seems to be a systemic problem in the United States Secret Service. Yeah, I don't have faith in it. It is systemic, and we can see it right now. You can see it in their leadership. Look at this person who's the leader. Not only will she take no responsibility, Charlie, she's totally unprepared, even for this hearing. I mean, she says she hasn't been to the site. I've been to the site, and it's not my job to secure the president.

It is my job, however, to get the truth. And right now we do not have it. What we are hearing right now is not the truth. And what really bothers me is it has been since the assassination attempt, it has been since the murder of that good American who you pointed out, the fire chief. Let's not forget that. Since that, it has been a steady stream of misstated facts, half-truths and sometimes lies coming from federal officials, from the sloped roof to the fact that, well, oh, no, Trump's security detail was at full strength, not true.

You know, we were all law enforcement. We're sharing information. Not true. We asked local law enforcement to to go and confront the shooter. Not true. These things are just they are false that they have been telling us. And I want to know, why are they lying to us? It's bad enough. They almost got the president killed. Why are they lying to us now?

It's Charlie. This is not acceptable. This is so D.C. This Kimberly Cheadle person, she has no shame. She doesn't care. She's just kind of I'm watching this. It's very similar to Peter struck stroke smirk. She's just kind of smirking and doing her job. Oh, you know, talk to the FBI. Oh, that's under our jurisdiction.

In D.C., you fail upwards. And she knows that if she just survives this, she'll end up getting another job and be paid well. This is borderline gross criminal negligence. She should lose her pension and be fired and in humiliation and disgrace. But she won't be because it's Washington, D.C. Hey there. Investing feels overwhelming right now, doesn't it? So complicated, so many decisions. But leaving your money in the bank, not so great. It's losing value every single day. So

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So I want to read here from Senator Johnson's testimony. Secret Service did not attend security briefing provided to local SWAT and sniper teams on morning of attempted assassination. Local law enforcement said communications were siloed and they were not in frequent radio contact directly with U.S. Secret Service. Local law enforcement notified command about crooks prior to shooting and received confirmation that the U.S. Secret Service is aware of notification. So, Senator, do you find that there is vast indifference

from the Secret Service towards the protection of Donald Trump. Yeah, indifference, incompetence, total disarray. You know, the other thing that's of interest here, Charlie, as whistleblowers pointed out to me, it's been several days ago now that there were actually relatively few Secret Service agents who are trained professionals on the ground there that day. Most of these

federal law enforcement were these DHS personnel who were just detailed to this event. Only for this event, they arrived, I'm told, unprepared. Many of them did not participate in a security walkthrough. They were supposed to be using dogs, you know, canine detection, both at the entrance and then in the crowd. They were not doing that. DHS personnel were supposed to be manning the platform

area near where Trump was. They were not doing that. DHS was supposed to be helping coordinate comms. They were not doing that. I mean,

I mean, so it's just at every stage, at every turn of this, it's a complete and total disaster. And you just have to ask yourself, this is an American president we're talking about here. You know, I mean, this would be bad if it were like a kid's birthday party. But this is an American president and this is the security. I mean, it's just it's wild. It is totally out of control. Do we know how he got on the roof, Senator? Uh,

They don't know. I mean, this is – Cheadle said when she briefed senators a few days ago that she didn't know. I understand this morning she said again in her testimony in the House that she didn't know. How is this even remotely acceptable? Please continue. I just – Oh, well, and the deal is that it's not hard to get on that roof. I mean, you really – you don't need a ladder. I can't emphasize how low that roof is. It's single-story, and there are huge air conditioning units there.

right by the roof line. So all you have to do is hop up onto the air conditioning unit and from there, pull yourself onto the roof. Again, any able-bodied individual, let alone a 20-year-old boy, could absolutely do this. I mean, it's not hard. And maybe he had a ladder, maybe he didn't. But the real question is, this building is very exposed. I cannot emphasize that enough. It's not like it's set back in the woods and boy, nobody knows where it is. It is right there in obvious sight. So the

So that's why you had all of these people, rally goers saying, wait a minute, what's that dude doing up on the roof? You can see it. People watched him get up there. There's no excuse for this not to have been in the security perimeter. It boggles the mind. So, Senator, can you talk to me about a drone? Again, there's so many wrinkles to this. Apparently he was able to fly a drone and the Secret Service didn't. What is that all about?

I mean, you laugh because otherwise it's just you tear your hair out. Yeah. I mean, Secret Service told senators point blank that the Secret Service did not use a drone. There were no drones employed. They have them, but they did not use them on the day. Now, I noticed recently in public they've been they've waffled on that. But I tell you, Charlie, they told us when they briefed us on this.

Wednesday it was. They said point blank, no, Secret Service did not use any drones. Federal law enforcement officials did not use any drones. But Charlie, I can tell you, I was there on Friday at the site. There was a drone overflying the site when I was there, and it did not belong to law enforcement.

So this site, I mean, it is, it there's wild stuff going on at the site and it doesn't surprise me at all that this kid was able to fly this drone. Uh, it's just remarkable to me. I mean, this should have been, this site should have been spec'd out and secure days in advance. The kid is flying a drone on the day of,

of the of the event. And nobody sees it. Nobody does anything about it. But again, there were drones flying overhead when I was there and nobody seemed to take any notice. Senator, in closing here, I have to ask a political question. Kamala Harris seems as if she's going to be the nominee. Your reaction?

Well, good luck with that. Listen, she is even crazier and nuttier than Joe Biden. I mean, look at what Kamala has said she will do if she gets elected president. She's going to shut down the entire oil, gas and fracking industry in this country. We're not going to produce any energy in America. None. Zero. Zilch. That's her grand plan for the United States of America. She's the border czar who personally approved and opened our border. I mean, if you like nine, 10 million illegals coming in here, shooting people, killing people, taking people's lives,

taking our jobs, then you're going to love Kamala because you're going to get that double. I mean, Charlie, if they want to run her, my advice is go right ahead as she is far worse. Joe was supposedly a moderate. She was always on the left. She is a radical. She's a cackling communist. Senator, excellent work. Thank you so much. Thanks for having me.

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Covered as much last week because of all the other news of SpaceX moving from California to Texas. All about this recent California law. Erin, welcome to the program. Walk us through it. Yes. So there was a bill called 1955, which was misnamed the Safety Act. It's really the double secret act.

which will prevent any school district from having a parental notification policy that will alert parents when their children are struggling with gender dysphoria. And this all started out because Assemblyman Bill Asseli picked up a bill that I wrote to require schools to notify parents when their child is struggling with a mental disorder, because that's what a

trans-identified child is struggling with. And school boards started to pass parental notification policies. And to stop this from happening, the LGBTQ caucus came up with a bill and a law that will prevent parental notification policies. What it also does is it safeguards these groomer teachers, and I'm using that term on purpose,

who will scaffold or push along a child's gender identity behind parents' backs. So it's a major bill and law that needs to be repealed. And we're already seeing New York is thinking of doing the same thing.

law. And so thank God for Elon Musk for jumping in and saying California has had we've had enough here in California attacking parental rights. So I want to just I want to talk about the Roseville Joint Union High School secret social transition plan. And so just so we are clear that in California, do parents even exist anymore? Who actually are the parents in California?

The government. Yeah, the government thinks that they know best. The government believes that all parents are abusive until proven otherwise. The government thinks that they know better for your child. They think they know your child better than you do. And I mean, we've seen this time and time again. And parents need to wake up that they have lost their parental rights in all of these blue states.

So I want to play this piece of tape here. This is a complete fabrication. This is a war on parents. If you are a parent in this country and you vote for the Democrat Party, you are voting for the continuation of no longer being your child's parent. This is cut 66, which is Assemblyman Al Murtashi.

addresses an angry crowd of parents. He spreads lies and claims numerous studies that kids get beaten by their parents because of trans identity. This is a lying, repulsive individual. Play cut 66. There are numerous studies that show that when students are outed for not identifying with the gender of their birth, assigned at their birth, that

They get beaten by their parents. They get beaten by their classmates. There is a lot of... I can't believe you said that out loud. No.

I believe we're going to have a civil conversation. It's all good. I'll give you an opportunity to provide your beliefs to be true. But those are the facts that I'm operating on. Aaron, that's hard audio to understand. But essentially, he's saying that the that kids are beaten by their parents because they come out as trans.

Producer Andrew lives in California, and even in left-wing California, Democrats are talking about how freaked out of this they are. Is this law yet? What is the status of this legislative item? It has been signed by the governor, so it is law. And Charlie, I don't know if you remember, but I'm a registered Democrat. I've been a Democrat since I was 18 years old. I'm also a mother of a daughter who used to believe that she was trans-identified. I can assure you.

I can assure you I did not beat my daughter. And I work with parents all over the country, probably have spoken to thousands of parents at this point. None of us harm our child when they tell us that they are struggling with distress over their natural bodies. This is an outright lie. And it's just this repeated narrative that is just really it's just B.S.,

It is total and complete BS. So, Erin, do you find that other people are flipping politically? And is it fair to say that this is this is trans kidnapping of children? Is that a fair summation of this? Yes, I would. I would say that is true. It's it's.

All these blue states are wanting to create trans-identified kids. That's what it is. There's this huge push to make as many kids gender confused as possible. And absolutely, there are so many Democrats, independents that are against this. I mean, the polling shows that we have Gallup polling that shows that 84% of parents, regardless of

or affiliation, political affiliation are against schools keeping secrets from parents and are against schools socially transitioning their child without parental consent. So I don't understand why the Democrats are...

are, you know, if they want to keep their political positions, why they are going against their own rank and file voters, I can assure you that there are many, many Democrats that are hopping out

of the party or they're like me, dinos, Democrat name only now voting Republican because it's not just this issue. It's males in girls sports, it's males in prisons. So it's a wide swatch where the Democrat party hates women. They hate women, they hate children and they hate families and it's undeniable now.

So, Aaron, to politicize this further, and I mean it in this best way, Kamala Harris is from California and she looks as if she's going to be the nominee. Shouldn't she have to now answer clearly where she stands on this law from the state that she considers to be her residence? She absolutely does. And, you know, we'll ask the same question. And it's not a joke. What is a woman, Kamala Harris?

If you can't answer that question, you cannot be a leader in this country. Well, not only can she not answer it, she'll say, I'm not a biologist.

And so we have this on 65. I want to put it up. So effectively, this is the Roseville Joint Union High School where kids are grading their parents. As you well know, in the Cultural Revolution in Mao's China, the parents were spied on by the children. The Red Guard was enlisted to spy on the children, turning children against their parents.

Erin, is this are we now incentivizing children to become spies against their elders, as Orwell predicted also in 1984? Of course we are. Look, I don't think people can see that screen well enough. But what it says is that a child, a student is rating their parents from zero to 10 on whether their parent is supporting their trans identity. If that number is zero, that school can call CPS.

Child Protective Services and start investigating that family because that family believes in biological reality. And once Child Protective Services gets involved, then we're in trouble. That's when they pull the child out. They put that child into foster care. Again, you're absolutely correct comparing this to China and communism. Marxism is the separation of the child and parent is what happens.

our Democrat Party wants to do now. In closing here, what was Gavin Newsom's justification for this? Well, he wants to kowtow to the LGBTQ caucus. That first and foremost, I mean, his response was was idiotic. Parents can still have conversations with their children was one of his talking points. Of course they can.

This is absurd. He believes that parents will harm their gender-confused children. And remember, the Democrats did a little trick here. They did forced teaming with the LGB.

and called this an outing policy. And this is how they tricked the Democrats over and over and over again. This has nothing to do with same-sex attracted. It has nothing to do with outing, by the way. These students are telling the school, asking the school to participate in their social transition. This child is already public to everyone at school, and the parents are the only ones kept in the dark

And it is true. These children are more susceptible to suicidal ideation than kids who are not gender confused. And you're going to keep the parents safe.

in the dark, Rob Bonta put in his lawsuit that 87% of gender confused kids have thought about suicide. 87%. And you're going to keep the parents in the dark. It's just an absurdity. And Gavin Newsom is enemy number one. I'm really glad to see that he will not be the nominee for the Democrat party. And his political career is really over.

I hope you're right. Erin Friday, check it out right now. Our duty dot group. Thank you so much. Thanks for having me.

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It's such an incredible, a blessed week. What a cool thing it was to be asked by President Trump to serve as his running mate and to get out there on the campaign trail. But there's some bad news, actually. The Vice President, Kamala Harris, she doesn't like me. Kamala Harris said something to the effect that I have no loyalty to this country.

Well, I don't know, Kamala. I did serve in the United States Marine Corps and build a business. What the hell have you done other than collect the check? So now J.D. Vance is going to have to debate some smooth talking white man because the Democrat Party can only be so diverse, everybody. The Democrat Party can only have so much. Diversity is our strength to an extent. Diversity is our strength unless we're going to lose white men by 75 points. And then diversity is kind of our strength. Then does diversity become your weakness, Democrats?

I thought diversity was strength. Why don't you just go all in and go with Ilhan Omar? Let's just go for it. Just totally go for it. Go Harris, Omar. Borders don't exist. Just open it all up. 54 on stage. This is Kamala Harris's potential running mates. What do you see in common here? Apparently diversity is a weakness for the Democrats. You got the Wicked Witch of the West, Gretchen Whitmer. You got J.B. Pritzker, who looks skinny in that picture.

You got Andy Beshear, who's probably the most talented, but he's in nothing. You got Mark Kelly, who's very, very overrated. You got Josh Shapiro, who I think is a total dork. That's going to solve their Gaza problem. Yeah, let's solve all of our Gaza protests by putting Josh Shapiro on the ticket. You got Roy Cooper, who no one's ever heard of. And we got all of them up here. And Shapiro might be too controversial for the base because he's too moderate in some ways. And hearing that he's already been crossed off.

Gretchen Whitmer. If they go Gretchen Whitmer, I think that Donald Trump will win 80% of the mail vote. I mean, that would be one of the most remarkable things. Harris Whitmer. J.B. Pritzker. He is by far the most overrated politician in America. The guy was born on third and thought he hit a triple. I think it's probably going to be Andy Beshear or Roy Cooper. Roy Cooper might open up the map a little bit more because North Carolina otherwise was becoming out of grasp for them.

They might go Mark Kelly, but Mark Kelly doesn't help that much in the Rust Belt. He would obviously open up Arizona to a greater extent, but it wouldn't be a guarantee. And also, remember, rarely does the vice president matter. Rarely. Now, this year might be unusual because it's been very unusual across the board.

I think it's going to be Andy Beshear or Roy Cooper. Out of those two, I'd rather have it be Roy Cooper. We'll see what happens. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening, and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to