cover of episode BIDEN DROPS OUT — Who Will Be the Democrat Nominee? Ft. Alex Jones, Vivek Ramaswamy, Jack Posobiec, Tyler Bowyer, John Solomon, & Ben Bergquam

BIDEN DROPS OUT — Who Will Be the Democrat Nominee? Ft. Alex Jones, Vivek Ramaswamy, Jack Posobiec, Tyler Bowyer, John Solomon, & Ben Bergquam

Publish Date: 2024/7/21
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The Charlie Kirk Show


Shownotes Transcript

Hey, everybody. Breaking news. Joe Biden is out of the race. And we have live reaction with Vivek Ramaswamy, Alex Jones, Tyler Boyer, John Solomon, Jack Posobiec. We are live here going through the news. Amazing analysis. Nobody else has it. Get a signed MAGA hat today if you become a member. That is It allows us to do our streaming. Do you know we streamed 42 hours this week?

42 hours. So check it out right now, Kamala Harris is running for the nomination. We go through all the angles of this. And is Kamala Harris easier to beat than Joe Biden? We examine it from every possible direction, Thank you guys so much for supporting us. Go to it right now, It makes all of these flash episodes possible and helps out our studio team, our tech team,

I love hearing from you. Freedom at And get involved with Turning Point USA at That is Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks.

I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

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You are witnessing history, everybody. This has not happened since Gerald Ford in, boy, just think about watching. No, that's not true. The first incumbent not to run for reelection. Gerald Ford was technically an incumbent. No, it would have to be Lyndon Baines Johnson. It was the first time that an incumbent did not run for reelection. That's the first time since.

Breaking news today, Joe Biden is out of the presidential race. That's right. Joe Biden has dropped out. We've been waiting for this. We've been watching for this. We've been seeing if it's going to happen. And boom, today, Joe Biden makes the news official. I'm going to read his propaganda piece. And by the way, we've been very quick on the draw here. You got to give the team credit. What was it, 20 minutes ago that it broke? And we are right on top of it. Let's see actually when the news broke versus where we are here. Yeah, that's 30. That's right.

30 minutes. We're already there. Okay, let's read the letter from Joe Biden. My fellow American, Joe Biden says, over the last three and a half years, we've made great progress as a nation. Progress off a cliff. Today, America has the strongest economy in the world. Not true. We've had historic investments in rebuilding our nation, in lowering prescription drug costs for seniors, and in expanding affordable health care to a record number of Americans.

We've provided critically needed care to a million veterans exposed to toxic substances. Say opioids, Joe, it's okay. Passed the first gun safety law in 30 years. Appointed the first African-American woman to the Supreme Court who can't tell you what a woman is. It's true. And passed the most significant climate legislation in the history of the world, the Green New Scam. America has never been better positioned to lead where we are today. Is that why only 20% of the country thinks it's going in the right direction, Joe? Anyway.

I know none of this would have been done without you, the American people. Together we overcame a once-in-a-century pandemic, the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. We've protected and preserved our democracy. And we've revitalized and strengthened our alliances around the world.

It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your president. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term. There are so many points and takeaways here. I'm just going to read this letter. We'll go into it.

For now, let me express my deep. I will speak to the nation later this week in more detail about my decision. For now, let me express my deepest gratitude to all those who have worked so hard to see me reelected. I want to thank Vice President Kamala Harris for being an extraordinary partner in all this work. You guys aid each other. We know that. And let me express my heartfelt appreciation to the American people for the faith and trust you have placed in me.

I believe today what I always have there is that there is nothing Americans can't do when we do it together. We just have to remember we are the United States of America. All these platitudes. So minutes after that, Joe Biden then endorses Kamala Harris to be the next nominee. This opens up so many different questions. So first of all, if Joe Biden is not capable of running for reelection, why is he capable for remaining as president? That is number one. Secondly,

Kamala Harris becoming a nominee. Is she going to get any challenger at the convention in Chicago? Is the DNC going to get any? Is there going to be a challenger? Potentially Michelle Obama, Gavin Newsom, or will all of the forces of the Democrat Party? This is how you will know. This will be the tell.

If in the next hours and the next 24 hours, you see Obama, you see Pelosi, you see Schumer also endorsing Kamala Harris, then they have spoken. For a party, by the way, that is really focused on democracy, they seem to be not really caring about the voice of the people very much. They seem to care much more about the oligarchs and the decision makers at the top levels of the Democrat Party. What you just witnessed, by the way, is proof positive.

When the most powerful Democrat institutions and oligarchs unite to topple an American regime, they expect to succeed. Biden knew that they'd never stop because they did this to Trump. The only difference is President Trump fought back. They tried to do this to Trump back in the 2020 primary. They've tried to do this to Trump multiple different times. The only difference is Donald Trump did not put up with it.

Is that Donald Trump said, no, I'm going to fight for my candidacy. I'm going to fight for my party. I want to get to Ben Berkwam here. I believe he's in Chicago right now. And by the way, I don't know if we are live on Real America's Voice yet, but Parker says we're going to be getting through that soon. This is live. The news is only 40 minutes old and we are live in our chair right now. You guys can always email me freedom at Understand the significance of what we're living through. A, we are on Real America's Voice. Hello, everybody. So

About a week and a day ago, Donald Trump got shot. On Monday, six days ago, J.D. Vance is selected as the vice president. Donald Trump recounts it this last week in Milwaukee. Sunday, Joe Biden becomes no longer the nominee and becomes a lame duck president. I want to go to Ben Berquam here. Ben, can you hear me? I know you're on the ground here in Chicago. Ben, what is your reaction live from Chicago where the DNC is going to be? Ben Berquam, what's going on?

He, you know, at this point, it was a guaranteed loss outside of some major fraud. So I think you saw that when Chuck Schumer came out, when in particular, when Barack Obama came out against him, the question was, what was he going to do in regards to the vice president and and the whether or not he was going to endorse. So this is a whole wrinkle in it. That's really, really interesting.

I just came from the south side of Chicago, Englewood, where this Trump mural had been painted. The city of Chicago actually just painted over it right before I got there. But I was interviewing people from the south side of Chicago, Black Mirror City, Chicago, who are all MAGA now. These guys are so sick of it. They're sick of the Democrats, in particular because of what's happening here. The illegals that are being flown into this airport. I'm at O'Hare right now. What Joe Biden has done, what the Democrats have done, have...

turned the inner city against them. So they really had to do this. Really, the big question, as you and the rest of the audience know, is who's going to be on that ticket and whether or not it'll make a difference.

Yeah, so Kamala Harris, it looks as if the powerful forces are converging behind Kamala Harris. My guess is that it's going to be a Kamala Harris-Andy Beshear ticket to have some sort of a white man on the ticket because they are losing white men in a way they've never seen before. And he's from Kentucky, and he's sort of folksy. So Kamala Harris-Andy Beshear. But understand that Kamala Harris – and I want you to remind the audience here, Ben Berkwam, that she was the border czar, that she went to the Munich Security Conference and provoked –

Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine. She is as responsible for all the failures of this administration. And we cannot allow them to have any daylight. Oh, that wasn't me. Oh, no, that wasn't my thing. No, no, no, no. You don't understand. She is a partner in Joe Biden's intentional destruction of this country. In fact, Ben Berkman also commented that in some ways, in some ways, she is

far less likable than even senile Joe Biden. Senile Joe Biden, you almost feel bad for him. Oh, it's okay. Kamala Harris is a nasty, sinister person. Ben Berkow. Yeah, having come from California, nobody likes her. She was a witch in California and she's a witch now. All she has is a

cackle. But when you look at actually what she is, she's probably much worse than Joe Biden. She is a Gavin Newsom, far left, radical leftist who is driven by the Antifa wing of the Democrat Party, the anti-American La Raza Antifa wing. So and she's really worse than that. She's a hypocrite. He spent most of her time as D.A. and

locking up low-level drug defenses. So she is a terrible candidate. By the way, just to give you an idea, the inner city, I was interviewing guys down there, and they hate her. So if you're trying to use her to get the black vote, it's not going to work. The only person that I really believe that even has a chance at this point is Michelle Obama. And that's really where this comes down to is, are they going to be able to get, and really that's another question

uh election for barack obama if we're honest about it but if it's if it's kamala harris it really doesn't matter who you put on that ticket nobody likes her and we saw that in the the uh primary against joe biden in 2020 so uh all of that you know is leading up to this we're heading into uh the democrat convention we will be here covering it as well the and by the way they're not talking about you know trump supporters there will be trump supporters there'll be inner city people coming out

against the Democrats to try to shut down the DNC. But the biggest threat to the DNC is actually coming from the radical left, the Hamas, Antifa, ELM factions of the left who are calling for a 1968 style convention. So with whether, and then that's the interesting thing too, Charlie, is

Whether it's Kamala Harris or Joe Biden, they hate her just as much. The pro-Hamas, Antifa, all these guys hate her just as much. But you're right. When it comes to the border, she did absolutely nothing to help it. In fact, she may be worse when it comes to open border policies.

And understand, she is not a good candidate. You could say a lot about Joe Biden. I'm going to remind the audience about this. Joe Biden has won tough elections in Delaware. Joe Biden has won very difficult races where you had to win over voters. Kamala Harris has been in a safe seat in a safe state repeatedly.

And Kamala Harris has never had to go to swing voters. It's been San Francisco. It's been a U.S. Senate seat in California. She has never had to experience actual opposition. Is Kamala Harris actually ready for this? I don't think so. She's a deeply unlikable candidate.

Not talented person. Now, understand we're up against a system. We're up against a machine. The voter registration, the ballot harvesting, the ballot chasing. But just this last weekend, everybody, I hope you understand Kamala Harris did a huge call with a bunch of jittery donors. Front page of the New York Times. Call with Harris struggles to reassure major Democrat donors., Harris tries to calm jittery donors. Rolling Stone, Harris holds emergency call with dumb donors. Doesn't go well. Newsweek, Kamala Harris reported urgent meeting with donors. What we know, this is a political earthquake. CBS News political contributor says Biden is making a quote, incredible personal sacrifice. Oh, a bunch of BS.

This is a act of desperation to save a dying regime. And everyone, we're breaking live here, almost three o'clock, coming to three o'clock here Eastern. We usually don't stream at times like this, but Ben, can you comment on this? Because Kamala Harris has actually never had to have a competitive race.

where Joe Biden, again, you can say what you want, but there are some real tough knife fights that he went through in Delaware that conditioned him and seasoned him to be able to have to withstand the opposition and what it's like to run as things go down to the final wire. So Ben Berquam, your reaction to all of this?

Yeah, she basically ran on her race and Willie Brown's coattails in California to get to where she was in California. And she did have one competitive race, and that was for the presidency in 2020, the primary, and she got crushed in it. So, yes, when it comes to anything outside of California, she's ill-prepared. I think she's even worse now because you can't take the stain of Joe Biden or this absolutely dismal administration away from her. She is tied directly to it.

So, Ben, let's now talk about the convention. You and I will both be at the DNC in Chicago. Potentially, this still has to go to an open convention. Even if some of the delegates want Kamala Harris, what if Bernie Sanders in Chicago says, I throw my hat in the ring? What if Elizabeth Warren does? No, seriously, let's break this down. This is going to be the most fun we've ever had in Chicago, my hometown. All of the forces to be are converging in my home, sweet home Chicago. What

an open convention, which we have not had in quite some time means that anybody can throw their name, their hat in the ring, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, especially from the radical wing of the party. Walk us through what that might look like. Ben Berkman. Well, first off, let's, let's, uh, contrast that with what we just saw with the Milwaukee Republican RNC, absolute unity, absolute, uh, one man is the party leader. That is president, uh,

Donald J. Trump, and you look at that, you compare that to what is happening on the left, it will be a

crap show like you've never seen before this is uh this is going to be a civil war within the democrat party as you said unless you get all the forces that be to do what they did to bernie sanders in 2020 and 2016 where they go with the establishment of the democrats go and basically push everyone else aside and say this is our candidate this is the person that we are coordinating

and you better sit down and shut up. Now, if that happens though, you're basically inviting, again, another civil war in the party. The people, the Democrats,

The Democrat populist, you know, I was and you were with him, too, from the Young Turks, a shake that these guys are beyond fed up with it. And so they're going to have it. So I think I think no matter what you do, you're going to have it's going to be enjoyable for me. I'm going to have some popcorn out there and I'm going to be watching it with you. But it's going to be a problem no matter which direction they go. And again, it all comes back to none of it, no matter which pick they make.

will be the voice of the Democrat voters. This is going to be the party elites deciding who the Democrat presidential nominee is, not the people.

And Ben, I want to chime in on this. So Joe Biden received the most amount of primary votes of any Democrat candidate. This is a party that constantly lectures us about democracy and democracy and democracy and democracy. And they're just going to leave this to a small subset of delegates, hyper radical, hyper political people in Chicago. Okay, this is cut eight. I want to play this from NBC News. Let's play cut eight.

Well, of course, this is huge news, but this is news that the vice president was preparing for. Now, of course, as your vice president, she is someone who had always been ready to take the job as president. But in the last few weeks, sources had told me that she was doing a really sort of distinct balancing act. She was both publicly and privately supporting President Biden while also quietly getting ready herself if she had to be the top of the ticket, which, of course, now with the president endorsing her, of course, her team is going to be hoping that she becomes the top of the ticket.

Look, understand this, and I'm going to throw back to Ben here, and then I'll play cut seven. Her team's a bunch of amateurs. She has never had to run a competitive race. She's got a bunch of JV people, and she was selected just because of DEI. Ben, I know you got to go. Ben, sign off here. Chicago, like 30 seconds, is going to be Bedlam. Ben Berkman.

Absolutely out of control. The only people that are going to be enjoying themselves are MAGA Republicans. And you're going to see them coming out from the woodworks, from places like Englewood, the south side of Chicago. These guys are fed up with it. We're going to see something we've never seen before. But to the audience out there, to the MAGA posse, to everybody that's out there, we have to fight like we're down 40 points. We've got to get across the finish line. We have to outvote the fraud.

We have to take this country back in 2024 and we can do it. God bless you, brother. Thank you. Okay, I want to name off some of our members that are supporting our now 40th hour of streaming the last week. Reagan, Brock, Dave and Lisa and Kirsten, As we are here, it's not even noon yet in Scottsdale, Arizona, but we are here live streaming for you. Okay, I want to play more pieces of tape here. I want to reiterate.

Kamala Harris is a JV player. She is a DEI pick. She was not selected because she's a good candidate. She was not selected because she's charming. She was not selected because she is good at politics. She was selected because Joe Biden made a promise that he would have a black female on the ticket. And now the Democrat Party is going to have to play with the DEI policies and the DEI worldview.

This is legitimately going to be DEI, which is affirmative action. You're selected because the melanin in the content of your skin versus meritocracy. Let's see who actually ends up winning. And understand that in some ways, Joe Biden is more likable and is harder to beat than Kamala Harris. In some ways, Kamala Harris is easier to beat, especially with suburban voters and boomers. Kamala Harris might do a little bit better with Democrats.

a little bit better with black voters or younger voters, especially if she goes on a giving out free stuff campaign. Let's play cut seven, please. This is an incredible personal sacrifice. And so it's in many ways, it's very appropriate that he would in this chapter of his political career focused again, not on himself, but on the American people. That is the story that will be told.

millions of Americans will see this as the selfless act that I think it's designed to be. And they're already trying to make this the selfless act that Joe Biden is the magnanimous guy. Forget it. I'm not even going to spend a lot of time on this. It is all focus and attention on Kamala Harris. It is all focus and attention on that Kamala Harris, who will likely now be the nominee. And

She's not ready for the big time. I've been talking to reporters all morning in the last 30 minutes and they say this is this is not she is not ready for the varsity. She is a JV player. She's a DEI pick. She's maybe a local congressman in a competitive district, potentially a Senate race.

And understand when she won the Senate race in California, that's not a competitive race. That is a christening. They select you to go become a senator in California. She has not had a difficult race in Georgia like Raphael Warnock or a difficult race in Arizona like Mark Kelly, where you really have to be disciplined. You got to work the state and raise money. She has had a largely uninterrupted political rise, and she is about to experience political opposition, the likes of which that she has never seen before.

Email us, freedom at What are you seeing? What are you hearing? If you want to support us and our streaming, go to In fact, our members giveaway is continuing with, if you guys want to get a signed MAGA hat for the first 30 people that become members, Daisy is screaming as she hears that. Kamala Harris' greatest hits, Play Cut 5. You know, when we talk about our children, I know for this group, we all believe that when we talk about the children of the community...

They are the children of the community. We campaign with the plan, uppercase T, uppercase P, the plan. And then the environment is such that we're expected to defend the plan. Please don't do that. Because I represent the whole of the United States of America. Oh, this is going to be fun.

Look, here's what's going to happen. The race is going to reset slightly and it's going to tighten. And then we have an opportunity to define and educate the country who this radical California liberal. Here's how I here's how we have to start framing it. Do you really want the border czar, the cackling California communist to become president United States?

In Pennsylvania, are they going to vote for the cackling California communist to become president? And here is the more interesting question. Does Kamala Harris even really want this? She might go through the motions as the sacrificial lamb. This is our movement right now is ascendant. Our movement has momentum, the likes of which never seen before. She is she is so untalented. Again, she has not had a competitive political race.

And I could tell you the Democrats are going to have a little bit of a floor fight. The Democrats are going to have a little bit of turmoil and internal civil war. And Kamala Harris is not Michelle Obama. She is not well-liked. She is not well-followed. If Kamala actually ends up being the nominee. But again, we're going to know whether or not Kamala will be the nominee based on if Barack Hussein Obama, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, if they come out and they say, we agree with Joe Biden, we endorse her.

That is the forces to be remember the five Democrat crime families, Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, Clinton, and then the temporary one was Biden. But Biden has been thrown out. The great houses of the Democrat Party have been thrown out. Email us freedom at I want to thank those of you that are becoming members to get your hat, the MAGA hat right now, because we are going to need it. We're going to have to work harder than ever before.

I want to thank Will. I want to thank Carl. And I want to thank Earl, By the way, a Trump-Kamala debate is going to be hysterical. This has been the wildest political week of news in history. And it's just getting started, by the way. We are just heating up. This entire cycle is just heating up. It's going to require all of our work, all of our toil. This race will likely tighten in the polls for some period of time.

but she is not a talented politician. She is not a likable person. She comes across as overly defensive. She comes across as desperate. She comes across as ambitious. To steal a line from Stephen K. Bannon, she is more ambitious than Lucifer. Let's play cut nine. This is from CBS News.

This has been a torture decision, I'm told, for Joe Biden. Play cut nine. This has been a torture decision, I'm told, for President Biden, something he arrived at after a long and winding series of conversations where until the very end, the 11th hour here, he was insisting to many in his family and his inner circle that he wanted to stay in.

He firmly believes even now that former President Trump is a threat to American democracy. He believed until the 11th hour that he'd beat Trump once, he could beat Trump again. But he knew also that as a longtime political operator, someone who has more of a political antenna than almost anyone I've ever covered, that he was losing support fast from Democrats. He lost Democrats who have long supported him. And he wanted to go into the convention with strength. And if that became no longer possible,

And he was facing a crossroads where the party might not be with him at that convention in Chicago. And there hadn't been whispers yet of someone mounting a challenge against Biden for the nomination at the convention. But there was certainly talk that if Biden didn't step away in the coming weeks, someone might have to start to run against him. This is unlike anything we've seen in recent memory in recent time.

And by the way, congratulations to President Trump for defeating Joe Biden before a single vote is cast. Congratulations. Now we have to go on to who next up. Who's the next batter?

And Kamala Harris is equally responsible for the border failings, for the economy failings, for the inflation failings, for the foreign policy failings. And she's actually worse at defending it. Joe Biden at least has some sort of a old folksy Scranton Joe fake way of calming down your tensions. Kamala Harris is all the stuff that we couldn't stand about Bernie Sanders, about how radical it is without any of the likability.

Chuck Schumer, by the way, Joe Biden has not only been a great president, but a great legislative leader. He's truly an amazing human being. His decision, of course, was not easy. But once again, he put his country, his party and our future first. Joe, today shows you our true patriot and great American. Not yet endorsing democracy.

Kamala Harris. I want to get Brian Glenn and Jack Posobiec here, but first I want to thank Jim, Eddie, Charles, Carl, and Noah. We guys, we're sending you all a hat, a limited edition Turning Point Pack MAGA hat, That's Okay, Jack and Brian. Jack, I want to go to you first. Jack, this is breaking news. Jack, you agree with me. In some ways, Kamala Harris is a weaker candidate than even senile Joe Biden. Jack Posobiec, explain.

Hey Charlie Kirk, this is Jack here. Obviously I am on location, but

Look, politically speaking, yes, Kamala Harris, if you're talking about the straight up ticket, is going to be easier to defeat than Joe Biden. There's no question about that. However, before we really get to there, and I'm sure we'll have time for this as well, I want to get into the mechanics of this, Charlie. There are legal deadlines to be met here. Certainly that was a forcing function, I believe, for this because of this virtual roll call, which was predicated to happen tomorrow. So

The dropout today is predicated, the forcing function is this virtual roll call tomorrow. Do the Democrats have their decision already? Are their minds already made up that it's going to be Kamala Harris? Do they want to throw all of their support behind someone who is a surefire

buyer loser against Donald Trump again. And where is Joe Biden? Where is anyone from the White House? Where is Jill Biden? Where is anyone out to be on the record? A couple of Twitter posts are how a president of the United States announces that he's going to come out. It's not good enough. And it really this stinks to high heaven. And Charlie, it stinks to high heaven.

Well, so, Jack, I want to just get into the politics of this. We're going to find out if Kamala Harris is actually the chosen next person running against up against Trump, because if Schumer, Pelosi, Obama, they meet and they realize it's Kamala, but they might be throwing Kamala out with Biden's endorsement and she could end up getting shredded in Chicago. And we're going to be in Chicago, by the way. Sweet home, Chicago. We are going to be there on the front lines.

She could end up getting obliterated by that Democrat delegation. And it really comes down to Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer. And everybody listen carefully. We have been saying this for quite some time. Every time the Democrat Party says our democracy, they mean our oligarchy. And oligarchy is a small group of people that call the shots under the auspices that the actual people have a voice.

Joe Biden got millions of votes in the primary. Nobody cares. There was no primary. There is no debate. This is a small backroom deal of choosing who gets to run against Trump. And we know that if Kamala Harris is the real nominee, we will know if the rest of the Democrat mafia comes out and endorses her. The Obamas, the Clintons, Schumer, Pelosi, and the media and Hollywood.

Joe Biden's power is waning. It's not enough to lock in the nomination. I want to now bring in John Solomon. John, this is a breaking news day. Didn't think I'd be streaming today, but it just tends to be that way right now. A breaking news event every hour on the hour. John Solomon, your reaction to this breaking news? Well, listen, we're back to the days of Tammany Hall, right? Democrats no longer regard the 14.5 million people that voted for Joe Biden, the power brokers, the Barack Obamas and the Nancy Pelosi's and the Chuck Schumer's.

They've decided who's going to be their nominee by forcing Joe Biden out. That is not going to play well in a party that often claims that democracy is being ruined. Well, they may have just contributed to that.

As for Kamala Harris, if she is the anointed one, and again, it's not clear yet because yesterday Pelosi's people were telling me they wanted an open convention. So we'll have to wait and see how that plays out. But if she is the anointed one, if they go in with that because it saves them $200 million in the bank that they don't have to fundraise, there is a lot of research that the American people need to become familiar with Kamala Harris.

what she did in California, the fact that her PAC bailed out rioters from prison and jail, the fact that she had only one job in the Biden administration to secure the border, and she failed miserably at that. It's going to be very easy to link Kamala Harris to all of the deaths, all of the mayhem, all of the frustration that Americans have with the border, because

That was her one job that Joe Biden gave her. Now, Biden endorsed her today quickly because he knew that there's not unanimity in the party for her being the nominee. So he tried to force that unanimity with his endorsement. We're going to know in the next 12 hours or so whether that worked or not.

So, John, I want to get your reaction here. Kamala Harris has never been in a difficult race. She might have been in a local D.A. race, but but this is Joe Biden. We can criticize Joe a lot, but Joe has had to resurrect his political career. He was in a couple of my fights in Delaware. He got elected very suspiciously when he was twenty nine, thirty years old in Delaware. He had to work for voters. Delaware was not always the blue state that it is today. However, Kamala Harris hasn't.

has never had that sort of race where she has to run to the middle and win over swing voters, independent voters. She is not a talented politician. She was ascendant in Pelosi's run California mafia. She is ascendant in that sort of group because she checked the boxes, because she could be controlled, because she's not very bright. She is not a good politician, John Solomon.

No, listen, the few times we've seen her on a big stage, right, during the world, some of the world meetings that she was sent to attend, she failed miserably. She giggles awkwardly at the wrong time. She's often stay it and repeats her lines. She often tries to just stick with talking points, can't think quickly on her feet. A Trump-Harris debate would be one extraordinary debate because you've got one candidate very quick and comfortable on the stage, the other awkward and slow on her feet on the stage.

I think that's part of the reason why some of the power brokers in the party aren't willing to endorse

Kamala Harris right now. They want to think this through a little bit longer because the little time she has been on the competitive stage with the big light on her, she hasn't performed well. Remember, she got only 1% of the vote in the Democratic primary when she ran back in 2020, had one decent debate where she slammed Joe Biden and then petered out because all she had was canned lines. This is not a very battle-tested candidate and

a candidate that has an extremely liberal record at a moment when the party needs to move to the center. Now, that said, this will energize the base for a while. Donors will be happy if she gets in. Anybody but Joe Biden energizes the Democratic base. But once those independents get to know Kamala Harris, once they get to see Kamala Harris, it's going to be a much harder sale.

So, John, just one second. I want to thank some of our members here that are this is our 41st hour of streaming. I want to thank Luke, Nicole, Cindy, Teresa, Lori, John, I will be there in Chicago, hopefully with a press pass, and we're just going to be reporting it. We're just going to be watching this because it will be history. John, what can you tell us about a history of open conventions?

Even if the oligarchy gets behind Kamala Harris, they technically still have to go through the process of floor nominations. Is that right? So some lunatic could say, I nominate Bernie Sanders for the nominee, and then they have to go through that process and maybe even bring up these candidates on stage. Is that correct? So anyone that might get a quorum or might get 10% or 5%, I have to read their bylaws. You might have at the DNC a processional.

of five-minute speeches of Bernie Sanders, of Elizabeth Warren, of Pete Buttigieg, of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

John Solomon. Yeah, listen, you could have the choose me merry-go-round for a few days in enormous contention. One of the things we're not certain of is whether Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are going to argue that because she was on the ticket, all of those delegates pledged to Joe Biden go to her because they were one ticket. That would make an open convention much more difficult. So we'll have to wait and see how they interpret the rules over the next couple of days.

But if it were to be a truly open convention, like we saw in 68, like we saw in 1980, it will be a scene unlike anything we've seen. And you said it so brilliantly, Charlie, the last eight days of politics are some of the most extraordinary moments in American history and certainly presidential electoral history. We've never seen anything like this. And I suspect we're not going to see anything like it in the next three weeks. I think it's going to continue to be a topsy-turvy role to the Democratic Convention.

Under the Democrat National Convention rules, it says, quote, a majority of the convention's delegates shall be required to nominate the presidential candidate. Quote, balloting will continue until a nominee is selected. Superdelegates and party leaders who participate, they changed these rules recently, participate as delegates if no winner emerges after the first round. Before 2018, they were allowed to participate in the first round as well. And so they're going to try their best to do this behind the scenes, right?

They're going to do their best to try to make this about the Tammany Hall smoke filled room. But, John, we have to understand, and this is based on Mark Halperin's reporting, that 35 to 40 percent of the delegates going to Chicago, they might have been temporarily pledged Joe Biden. But these are Black Lives Matter trans people.

LGBT zealots. I mean, the furthest left, open border, amnesty, you mispronounced me. I mean, Hamas, Gaza. So they might have been temporarily within the Joe Biden pledged framework, but there is a potential volcano waiting to erupt in Chicago, given the opportunity. Your thoughts, John Solomon? Well, listen, I think Kamala Harris is their type of person, right? And so they may be for Kamala Harris. It

It may be the centrists and the moderates and the traditional Democrats that have a bigger problem with Kamala Harris. I mean, the truth of the matter is Kamala Harris is a far left progressive. She's not somebody that moderates to the middle or can portray herself as moderating to the middle. Given her record over the last 20 years, she owns all the things that happened in California. She owns all the things she did in the Senate and she owns the failure of the border at the Capitol.

during the Biden presidency, perhaps more than anyone, because she was the border czar. So yeah, I actually think the far left will be happy with her. That could be a problem for Kamala Harris as she tries to pivot. It's great to have 30, 40% of the Democrats, most progressive delegates, but you're trying to win those 10 or 20% middle. She's got a hard sell once those people get behind her.

So just this is the latest report. Kamala Harris has a 37.7% favorability rating according to 102 polls at Decision Desk HQ. 37.7%, which is actually lower than Joe Biden's approval rating. It's two points lower than Joe Biden's approval rating. John, I want to just name a couple more names here that are helping make this all happen here. I want to thank Lori. I want to thank Larry. I want to thank Victor. I want to thank

And I want to thank Wayne members. Charlie We will send you a MAGA hat. It might take a week or two. If you become a member right now, John, is there a world where they leap over her and maybe a Michelle Obama or a Gavin Newsom? If it turns out that she just doesn't have the strength,

spice or the following in the coming days? And if so, what are the, what should we be looking for as leading indicators in the media of whether or not they're actually going to try to, the oligarchy will appoint Kamala Harris?

Yeah, listen, I think that what they'll try to do is try to sew together a Kamala Harris, Gretchen Whitmer, all women ticket, try to go for history in the middle of this convention, double down on abortion. And you'd have two relatively unknown. You mentioned Kamala Harris is at 37, 36%, depending on the fall. I think once people see her for a couple of weeks, she could go down lower. She's awkward. She giggles at the wrong time. She stumbles over her words. She repeats sentences. We've seen this for the last three or four years significantly. So,

She may be at her high watermark now. I think once Americans start to absorb her style and her positions and Trump gets to define her, it's going to be even a bumpier time, particularly among independents. She might be popular among the far left progressives, but it gets harder the other way. I think you're going to see an effort to try to throw together Kamala Harris, Gretchen Whitmer, go all women. I don't think Gavin Newsom works for the ticket because you get to run against everything zany in California.

I agree. Yes. And you also got two Californians for residence. So I think at the end of the day, you're going to see a Kamala Whitmer ticket try to be sewn together. We'll see how the power brokers deal. We also see how the American people listen. Fourteen and a half million people voted. It feels kind of unfair that just because you had a moment of unpopularity that Joe Biden gets the bail. I think that's going to be a powerful issue for people who cast their ballots. Yep.

Yep. John Solomon, excellent work. Let's have you back on the show tomorrow. Thank you so much, John. Check out Just the News and go enjoy the baseball game wherever you were. That's more important than this. Thank you, John. Go back to it. All right. We are... Thank you. Okay, just... Okay, we're... Go to We have Vivek Raviswamy joining momentarily.

who's been right about this this entire time. And so we're getting the tech together right now. It's I want to thank MT, Bob, Andy, Donovan, and Suzanne. You guys support. This is now, we're getting on our 41st hour of streaming this week. This literally 41 hours a week that we do it. Okay, Vivek Ramaswamy, thank you for joining us. Vivek, your reaction to Joe Biden dropping out and all the developments in the last hour. Vivek Ramaswamy.

Yeah, we catch me. I'm on the way back from a pool with kids in the back. So you may hear, you know, our family soundtrack in the back. But I'll tell you, it was not a shock. And the fact that it's not a shock is you just followed the incentives. I did say this about a year ago, said it last year, the Republican debates. It was a conspiracy theory back then. The reason it's reality now is I think this is the optimal scenario they've actually been waiting for.

I think there was not a rush for them to do it before the RNC. I think they wanted the RNC to play out. And after they have full information, put up the new puppet. The moral of the story, though, Charlie, is what we've always known. We're not running against a man. We're not running against a woman. We're running against a machine. And it doesn't matter which puppet they put up. Right now, I think, thankfully, due to events of divine providence, we're

clear that we stand for something irrespective of what the other side puts up, that's what we actually have to really keep our eye on the ball of. I spoke to President Trump not that long ago, and I had a good conversation around the same thing, which is it's a machine we're up against. It's not a particular individual. So whether it's Kamala or somebody else, the less we fixate on the individual, Biden, Kamala, it doesn't matter. And the more we fixate on actually breaking the machine we're up against and standing for our own vision,

That's what's going to be our formula for success this year. So that's my bottom line, man. I want to play a piece of tape here. This is Vivek predicting this twice. Let's play cut 15. Vivek deserves a lot of credit for seeing this coming. And people mocked him, said you were a conspiracy theorist. Let's play cut 15. There's a myth that President Biden's running for president. I think they just put a brain dead hollowed out husk.

of a human being in the White House because that's more convenient for them. The risk is a thinking person could change their mind. They don't want somebody who could change their mind. They want Joe Biden. Mark my words, Joe Biden will not be the nominee for the Democratic Party. We know he's not even the president of the United States. He's a puppet for the managerial class. Step up and be honest about who you're actually going to put up so we can have an honest debate. Biden should step aside so we can see whether it's Newsom or Michelle Obama or whoever else. Just tell us the truth so we can have an honest debate.

The president is healthy and vigorous, fit enough to perform his presidential duties. Fit for duty. Fit for duty. Fit to successfully execute the duties of the presidency. Dealing with everything we have to do with, look, if we finally beat Medicare.

Vivek, that was quite a contemplation. You saw this coming. What do you mean by we're running against a system or a machine for people that just think there's two candidates going up against one another? Yeah, so it's a managerial class. It's the deep state, not just in the three-letter agencies. That's where it begins. But a system that permeates the entire political apparatus, the super PAC industrial complex, the woke industrial complex. It's a machine that uses these politicians as puppets.

And so, so far, Biden's cognitive deficits, they have not been a bug. They've been a feature. Now they turn to Kamala Harris. She suffers from cognitive deficits of her own. Let's be very frank about that. But again, if she was too intelligent, that would actually be an impediment. So her cognitive deficits are also not a bug, but a feature for this managerial complex.

And I think that's what we got to remember. Keep our eye on the ball. That's what we're going to dismantle. Right. I think we have a historic opportunity to get in there and actually shut it down. And I think that's a powerful message for President Trump to deliver. I think a lot of independents see the will of that managerial bureaucracy draining the lifeblood out of our republic. And it's even drained the lifeblood out of the modern Democratic Party.

a lot of disaffected Democrats will come over too. They'll understand if they can lie to you about this, right? They can lie to you about the 100-billion laptop. They can lie to you about the origin of COVID. They can lie to you about the Russia collusion hoax in 2016.

This time, it seems like every election, there's at least one major lie in the lead up to it. This time, they can lie to you about whether Biden was or wasn't the commander in chief. Right now, Biden is in a quite literal sense, the person we call the president is not the commander in chief. That's a lie of historic proportion. And now people have been able to see through it. And I just think that that's going to hopefully, Charlie, if we present it the right way, bring a lot of people over to our side.

So that's the question, which is what does a disciplined, effective move by the Trump campaign, the Trump-Vance campaign, our movement, Vivek, look like? Not getting too big into the horse race. What is our messaging? Because if we're honest, they're in a weak spot. They don't have a candidate. They don't have a nominee. There's a lot of palace intrigue. Specifically from a messaging standpoint, what would your advice, what would your guidance be these next couple of weeks for us to be able to get their favorability numbers down before they even get out of the gate?

Yeah, so I've shared this. This is my perspective. I could be wrong on this, but it's my firm opinion. I don't think the right strategy is just to come out of the big game and start attacking Kamala Harris because I think that that reflects an injury that we do not have, right? She suffers the same deficits that Biden does cognitively upstairs I'm talking about. And so I don't...

I think that the reality is our message should be we don't care who we're up against because here's who we are and what we actually stand for. We've got a U.S. president who literally defied the odds and direction of history to stand up and fight for the future. These are rare moments in American history that whoever they're putting up, Michelle Obama, Josh Shapiro,

Kamala Harris, it doesn't matter. And so I think that we, my best advice would be don't go after Kamala now. I mean, I say this as somebody who has been plenty critical of her

That's small compared to how big this moment actually is. Look at how big and historic the last week has been in American history. Let's hold ourselves to this magnitude of the moment of American history that we have shaped and found ourselves in the doorstep of. That's, I think, what's going to win us this election rather than resisting the temptation, which I think we'll come across as insecure and self-interested, and it's unnecessary as well. That'd be the number one point, Charlie.

Vivek, excellent work. I know you got your family there. You're coming back from the pool. Thank you for making time for us. Come on the show later this week. Excellent work at the RNC. You have been clairvoyant and you have seen this ahead. You saw it happening in real time. Vivek, thank you so much. I believe this race is just beginning. Thank you so much. Take care, man. Bye-bye.

Email us, freedom at We are loading Tyler Boyer up here. And I think we still have Jack. I don't know. The tech is not clear to me. I want to thank some of our members, Again, you guys get a hat. Give us two weeks to get it to you. I could sign it if you'd like. Let's go to, it's Candice.

Claire, Mikey, Derek, Brianna, Terry, Mary, and Kimberly That is You can listen to all of our episodes, advertiser free. You're able to communicate with us directly. You can ask us questions every Friday. It allows us to do now are coming up to our 42nd hour of streaming soon. And that's on top of everything else we're doing running turning point USA, turning point action, all that good stuff.

There's some breaking news that Andrew has breaking in the chat. Okay, there we go. As predicted, the Clintons get behind Harris. So there are the four great houses, the four mob families.

of the Democrat Party. Jack Posobiec is still here. I'm going to get his thoughts. Jack, as we predicted, you will know that if Kamala Harris is going to be the nominee, if the crime families actually get behind Kamala. However, maybe there is a, hey, we don't think Kamala can win at convention because maybe Hillary Clinton will be the nominee. Maybe. This is an early indicator. If Schumer and Pelosi and Obama follow suit, Jack Posobiec, it'll be very clear that

that they want Kamala Harris. Bill Clinton has put on Twitter X that he's endorsing Kamala Harris. Your thought, Jack Posobiec. Yes, so Charlie, if you go back to what I was reporting on human events about a week ago, I was saying that Michelle Obama early on was working with Kamala Harris behind the scenes to shore up that

that Democrat donor support. Now the Clintons, everybody knows this. The Clintons are very powerful in Democrat politics in terms of their name, but they don't necessarily have a lot of money. The Clintons are broke. Remember, these are the people that stole furniture and light fixtures from the White House on their way out. Who does that? Broke people.

So they've always had their name, but they've never had money to go along with it. They're at the behest of the donor class. So what Michelle Obama was doing, working with Barack Obama behind the scenes, and I even tweeted this morning that a lot of people should start thinking about Michelle Obama as the shadow chief of staff for Kamala Harris. So before any of this breaking came out, before any of this was going on, I reported that the Obamas were clearly siding with Kamala Harris.

That's what you're seeing here behind the scenes. This is all about the money. The money is driving this 100%. It's the money of the Democrat Party. And we know the Democrats operate as an oligarchy. If you want to understand how they work, track their money. Charlie, you and Tyler do a great job with this, tracking Arabella Investors, tracking Reid Hoffman, all of these guys, their C4s. And Tyler, of course, had agreed C4s had actually stopped their ballot access operations a little while ago.

or the ballot operations, I should say. Why? Because they knew they weren't sure who the nominee was going to be. So it seems like what happened here is that Obama won the coup and Obama came in and said, look, Joe,

You're not going to be able to have any money to run this thing. We're going to put all this money behind Kamala Harris. Now you can either do this the easy way or the hard way. And I would argue that a deal has been struck now. That's probably what's going on. A deal has been struck between the Bidens and the Obamas, where they'll probably say, I want Jill to be taken care of. They're going to want her to stay in for the rest of this. They'll endorse Kamala. And I'm sure he's going to pardon Hunter Biden and take care of all that stuff on the way out. But I'm

I really want to look for the fault lines now, because if we understand where the fault lines lie of Democrat politics, and yes, of course, the machine that Vivek is talking about, the blob, as Mike Benz talks about it, the deep state, whatever permanent managerial class, whatever you want to call the permanent state, it's there. But the point is, by following the money, we can predetermine the next steps like we did today. Okay.

Okay, latest Decision Desk polls show Donald Trump leads Kamala Harris by two points based on 67 polls in Decision Desk HQ and the Hill's polling average. By the way, that's before we've been able to reanalyze and be able to critique her. Tyler, we've been predicting this for quite some time. Tyler, tell the audience why we knew this was coming two weeks ago and people said we were wrong. It's because the grassroots organizations in the Rust Belt, they started to get a signal from the top.

Tyler, tell us about this on this historic day.

Yeah, just a reminder, Charlie, when we were on talking about all this, the C4s that are largely run by the unions and in Michigan, a lot of the black pastor communities that help fill these jobs, a lot of these people were really upset to start with. They didn't love Joe Biden. And so they were having a real difficult time working with the outside groups, working with the unions on filling these positions.

And they had actually started retracting as early as the beginning of this month, prior to the 4th of July, saying we're shutting down these offices, we're shutting down these operations, we're pulling the materials, the Joe Biden materials, because this is just not going to happen. We're not going to be campaigning on behalf of Joe Biden. And to Jack's point, the really interesting thing

you know, kind of bend in all this is that the, the black pastor community in Michigan and where there's a, I mean, you have to understand the heartbeat for a lot of these operations is Michigan. Michigan is the must win Democrat central for the whole country. If you lose, if you lose Michigan, you lose, you know, the presidency. That's kind of like, it's kind of like our Georgia, I would argue is you cannot, it's really difficult to,

to see a world in which the Democrats lose Michigan. And so they've put a lot of money, resources, time, energy, and plus they have tons of unions there. And it's a smaller state than Pennsylvania. So it's easier to control, easier to master. So anyways, this is where they were at, which is the black pastor said, you know what? I think our only option here is Kamala Harris. And you guys better get on board putting Kamala on the ticket, at the top of the ticket. Otherwise, you're not going to get any of us.

And so that was a pressure point that happened, you know, within about a month ago. And now we're seeing the culmination, the true culmination of that. That's why it's really hard to envision a world in which it's not Kamala. It has to be Kamala because of that. And they're taking the cues not only from the

the establishment, but also from some of these grassroots elements in some of these states that they have to win. So Tyler, Hillary Clinton now endorses Kamala Harris. So we're seeing the forces and powers to be. So Tyler, if we were to look at Kamala Harris's political career, it's actually largely unimpressive.

She has not won tough races. She has not had to win in states that are competitive. Kamala Harris is an heir apparent to a California Democrat oligarchy and has ascended in that setting. In fact, let's just read this biography. It's really important. In 2003, she was elected DA of San Francisco. Okay, that's not hard. Then she was elected attorney general in California. Not hard.

Re-elected in 2014, not hard. She served as the junior senator from California from 17 to 21. Then she defeated Loretta Sanchez in the Senate election in 2016.

So again, let me go through this. 2003 elected as DA. That was probably her hardest race. And that probably wasn't even that hard. And she did a terrible job, by the way, as DA of San Francisco. Then she was attorney general of California. Easy to win as a Democrat in 2010 in California. And then reelected in 2014. Easy to win in 2014. And then Senator. So Tyler, you could say what you want about Joe Biden. But Joe Biden, he had very difficult races in Delaware. Joe Biden has understood that you have to run to the middle. He's had that he's had the

press go after him. He was a vice president with Obama and he had to go to, you know, swing areas and swing districts. Kamala Harris does not have the political background. She has not cut her teeth in tough races to prepare her for what is now going to be the nastiest campaign in political history. And she has almost no time to get on TV and to introduce herself. Your thoughts here, Tyler? Yeah, I mean,

This is a complete disaster for the Democrats, maybe even worse than Biden being their nominee because there was some consistency with Biden and everything.

in politics is all about loyalty and consistency. That's you can't win when the, the X and Y axis of loyalty and consistency are going up and down, up and down. And you've got a really bad, you've got a really easy loyalty spectrum on the left that they typically can stick to. But the consistency element right now is, is, is horrible. And you,

Keep in mind, one of the top prospects is Gavin Newsom, and there is a sharp divide between the California Kamala crew and the California Gavin Newsom crew, which everything kind of points back to, again, those superdelegates, the delegates, the superdonors, the megadonors that are involved that make these decisions. Again,

Again, they don't have a lot of wiggle room at this point. Kamala is being tapped as the heir apparent. She's the vice president. I actually believe that she wasn't – they didn't even think that Joe Biden had that great of a chance to win in 2020, which is part of the reason why she became the VP to begin with. And it's just this whole thing has just been a slow train wreck for the Democrats to watch. Yes.

She's not the ideal candidate. But Charlie, I'll remind people and I'll remind, we know this in our world, ideal candidates don't matter to the Democrats anymore. John Fetterman was not their ideal Democrat candidate. When he ran against Conor Lamb, who was on paper, maybe one of the best candidates you could possibly put up for U.S. Senate, they said, we don't care. And that's the post-Obama world that we live in.

which is they know there's a manipulation element here, which is about 6%, 7% of the vote population that's digging into YoCAVA votes and manipulating adjudication in your state, ballot chasing, all those things. And they can win with John Fetterman or Kamala Harris if you don't get out and work your butt off and the right does the right things in those states.

I want to thank Judith, Ralph, Sean, Robert, April, Connor, and Kathy for becoming a member. You guys get a MAGA hat that we'll send you if you become a member today. Jordan, Patricia, Mike, Stephen, and

Jacqueline, I want to read something here. I think that's very important. This is just kind of an open theory. Number one, Kamala accelerates the party shift that's already been happening. Republicans are now officially the party of working class whites coming home for the long term. Number two, this Machiavellian play for the Democrats might be to essentially concede this election.

by getting rid of Biden and putting Kamala Harris in, which takes her off the board for the future while attempting to preserve the minority coalition. To Donald Trump campaign's credit, they already have an advertisement going up today. That's right. Donald Trump has an advertisement going up today hitting Kamala Harris. She was in on it. Play cut 19.

Kamala was in on it. She covered up Joe's obvious mental decline. Our president is in good shape, in good health, tireless, vibrant, and I have no doubt about the strength of the work that we have done. But Kamala knew Joe couldn't do the job, so she did it. Look what she got done. A border invasion, runaway inflation, the American dream.

Dead. They created this mess. They know Kamala owns this failed record. Make America Great Again Inc. is responsible for the content of this advertising.

I mean, just by the way, that's the super PAC there. Jack, we're already seeing a pivot right now. And by the way, RFK has some news. RFK says I'll be giving a press conference today at 5 p.m. Eastern at the Kennedy compound in Massachusetts. Jack, react to that. And the Kennedy news. There's so much breaking news happening in real time. What's going on?

Well, Charlie, I suppose there's one of two ways that this could go. So, number one, we, of course, all the talk last week was about RFK potentially doing an endorsement of President Trump. Of course, there was that phone call that ended up kind of being leaked, but, you know, obviously wasn't really that bad of a leak. It didn't hurt Trump in any way. It kind of helped him potentially with a number of constituencies. But also, you know,

Now, there's a chance that politically speaking, RFK could look at this as an opening in the race because he could say, you know what? You know, you've got one guy who people can perceive to be on the right. Another another person that people view to be on the far left who is not Joe Biden. So he could see a potential middle lane that's wide open now.

because he seems more of a, will play as more of a centrist candidate role. That being said, I would say, I would say 50-50 at this point. Yeah. So Tyler, I want to, I want to just isolate one part of this here.

which is that Kamala Harris now has to choose a vice president. Mark Kelly is in the discussion, but I think that's less likely given recent events. I think it's more likely to be Josh Shapiro or Andy Beshear. What are your thoughts on that? They're definitely going to try to go white male because they are hemorrhaging white men in record numbers. Tyler, what are your thoughts? Yeah, and Charlie, just to my point earlier, if you look at the electoral map,

Republicans, we can't lose our Sunbelt States. Georgia is like their Michigan. Arizona is like their Wisconsin. And then we have this battle for Pennsylvania that's gone on for years and years. But yeah, to your point, you're exactly right. I think they're at the point where they're looking at this and they're going, the only shot that we have is not only to win back white males, but

and working class votes, but it has to be specifically focused and targeted on the Midwest. Because if you put somebody in there that's soft and that doesn't really understand the issues, they're not going to have a great time dealing with Donald Trump and J.D. Vance on the road, constantly pummeling the working class family. And by the way, that actually is beyond the white males.

I mean, there's so many different pockets and subsets that Democrats are realizing now that are in that working class category that's really impacting them with the black community in Detroit and other places where you have families who have been there working for decades now in these industries that matter a whole lot. And especially in, you know, we'll use Arizona and Nevada, for example, in that same context with construction companies.

and the construction industry with Hispanic families. So it's beyond all these things. This is like literally someone dying on the table. They're just bleeding out, and they're having to constantly just figure out all these different pressure points to have to tie up and tourniquet and fix. Really quick, there's some breaking news here. This is telling. Pelosi tweets out, she thanks Biden for his service, no mention of Kamala Harris.

So the Pelosi crime family is remaining independent. Remember, she knows Kamala really well. That was San Francisco DA, California senator. So Pelosi is keeping her options open. And Obama, the Clintons have spoken. Schumer has not. Schumer was quiet on Kamala. Obama has not yet spoken. And so the oligarchy is not yet in unison or in harmony. But I feel as if we are...

We are seeing the sequence here. Tyler, I want to get your reaction here. We are witnessing potentially a major Democrat-based decay. For example, Jill Stein and Cornel West are probably going to benefit from this. We'll see if RFK endorses Trump today. That remains to be seen. But Democrat-based voters, they defected from Joe Biden in 20 somewhat, but really Hillary Clinton 2016 because of process.

There was a lot of Democrat base voters that refused to vote for the nominee because of process. Can you speak about that, Tyler? Because these backroom deals and kind of the oligarchy choosing their candidates infuriates the base of the Democrat Party.

Yeah. And you're exactly right, Charlie. This is basically what happened in 2016. So if you looked at the look back here at the election that the Democrats took, they looked at the election in 2016 and said, hey, we can't force candidates on people again that same way. And then 2020 rolled around and they had some of these similar problems, but

But I think they were more united in the fact that there just weren't a ton of options that existed that they could get someone with an F name ID to be able to challenge Donald Trump. Their problem that they're going to have right now in the next month, which is weeks, days, really, they have to pick a candidate is within days, they're going to have potentially all of the same problems that they caused for themselves in 2016. And Charlie, we know this.

People do not like Kamala Harris. I mean, she was so, her numbers are just as bad as Joe Biden's are. She has all the negatives of Joe Biden and none of the positives, none of the upside with the donor class community having her back in support, the grassroots having her back in support, broad-based across the country. So they have real problems ahead of themselves and they gotta solve them basically within the next like week or so.

Jack, your thoughts on all of this on Democrat-based decay?

Look, this is something that we already saw. So go back and look at like, go back and look at like the political reports from this morning or what CNN's been pounding all weekend, et cetera, in political early today. There's huge base erosion. We're talking about the first African-American South Asian woman, the daughter of immigrants on a presidential ticket who was qualified and talented. And they're saying that to get rid of. So this is what basically what they're doing is they're realizing that by pushing Kamala Harris out, that

That would have created a massive civil war between the elites and these base, you know, the woke base of the party, this woke base type that was there. And so what they're doing is they're trying to link both of that up through the person and through the vessel, the

puppet, the new puppet that they found is Kamala Harris. There was no way that the party of identity politics could ever pass her over. That being said, there's also base erosion because of this very situation. That's why they've lost moderates. That's why they've lost independents.

because they know this is the issue that the Democrats are completely beholden to rather than just pragmatically doing what's right for the country. This is also one of the reasons that you've seen President Trump moderating, moderating on things like Project 2025, moderating on things like the GOP convention platform. And even when he's just talking, he's saying, I want to do what's best for the country, period. Not conservative, not liberal. He's really making that message.

this pitch towards centrists. And so they're going to have a huge problem in terms of, by the way, where's Jim Clyburn? Okay, I'm waiting to hear Clyburn on this because we know Clyburn is in charge of a lot of these Democrat processing centers. We know he's a huge, huge pull with the black churches in a number of these cities. And it just is what it is, folks. That's a major power broker in the party. Whether or not he's behind this plan, I'd like to see.

So Tyler, you have a thought on that? And by the way, I want to just name some of our members really quick. Really quick here. It's growing like crazy. I want to thank Jeff, Lisa, Yana, Judy, and Joshua.

Kevin, Doug, Barbara, Karen, and Marsha. And you guys get a MAGA hat here. I also want to make sure I plug the correct application here. It is called, you guys go to your app store, download the Real America's Voice app. It's called Real America's Voice News. It's the Real America's Voice News on Apple and Google Play Store. Check it out. You get all the breaking news. You guys got to love it. Tyler, you have a thought here.

Yeah, and this is the point, the convergence between the establishment largely pick, and you only have a few different columns, right? So the Obamas and Clintons are basically lockstep at this point. And the Obama...

Column right now, they want Kamala because she's controllable. Kamala is controllable within the Obama column. The outside groups that have some kind of power bases, that have different donors are supporting. And really Nancy Pelosi's part of that are going to pull for possibly some other people.

But the grassroots is going to have a heck of a time coming up with getting behind somebody that they like well enough. Like think back to the Bernie Sanders campaigns. Bernie was the face of the grassroots for the left.

They don't really have someone like that right now. They don't have a person that's in that camp. And Trump's that for us, right? So the grassroots is 100% behind Trump. This was what made it so difficult for the establishment and the Republican Party to overcome for the last decade, basically, at this point.

And their side, they don't really have a figure that that's where the grassroots isn't behind Gavin Newsom. The grassroots isn't behind, you know, Shapiro. The grassroots isn't behind any of the ones. So you've got a problem where the grassroots is going to kind of organically shift behind Kamala. And we're already hearing that, like I mentioned in Michigan, where the black pastors and what else going, the only chance that we have to get the black community on board at all is if Kamala is the presidential nominee. So she's your girl. She's it.

So this is a really scary time for the Democrats because there is no way that the Democrat base is excited about Kamala, that they're sure she's a great candidate, and they're going to have to build that case again for their own party with their own grassroots. Well, hold on. This is perfect. I got to interrupt.

I got to interrupt. This is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez saying exactly what you're saying. She says behind closed doors, all the people who are asking Biden to step aside don't actually want Kamala at the head of the ticket. Play cut 22. And I'm going to say what a lot of these folks aren't saying. I'm just going to say it. If you think that there is consensus among the people who want Joe Biden to leave,

that they will support Kamala, Vice President Harris, you would be mistaken. And I'm gonna say that because if they're gonna come out and say all their little things on background off the record, but they're not gonna be fully honest, I'm gonna be honest for them. I'm in these rooms. I see what they say in conversations. A lot of them are not just interested in removing the president.

They are interested in removing the whole ticket. Your reaction, Jack Posobiec. Wow, Charlie, you know, it's amazing because I was just thinking about that live stream as Tyler was talking. And there's going to be there was a lot as I guess I guess she would say there's a lot of tea that was spilled on that live stream. And so AOC and those clips, by the way.

have just become one of President Trump and J.D. Vance's best gifts for the next couple of months and really just a few weeks going forward here because we're just about halfway through the summer. And then once the fall rolls around, that's really just a shootout to Election Day. Look, and certainly when early votes start going in, look, she said it exactly right. She said it exactly right. This was a coup. This was a takedown of the Democrat process.

This was something that was done in the back rooms and shady deals. By the way, how are you going to call Donald Trump a threat to democracy now? How are you going to call Donald Trump the greatest threat to democracy when you guys just iced your own nominee in front of the whole world? Okay. It wasn't the, uh,

Donald Trump wasn't the one who got taken out. It was Joe Biden who was taken out. He was taken out by the elites of his own party. And he did it in front of everyone. They did it worse than Kristi Noem did to her dog. And so we saw this. Now you're not going to be able to put it back anymore. And so the things that Vivek has been saying, the things that Mike Benz has been saying about how you're—we've all been saying that you're controlled by an oligarchy, that all of

all of these things are connected behind the scenes, that there are power brokers that have direct control over our politicians. It's all open now. It's all completely open. Donald Trump is not the threat to democracy. This machine is.

But hold on, Jack, I got to throw this back at you. Donald Trump, the oligarchy of the Republican Party tried to do this to him. Understand, everybody, the oligarchy of the Republican Party tried to do this. And Donald Trump triumphed because we are actually the party that listens to our voters. And we saw this in Display Milwaukee, that Lindsey Graham did not speak. Mitt Romney did not speak. Liz Cheney did not speak. The Democrat Party is held hostage by the small ruling managerial class. Jack Posobiec, comment on that.

Well, Charlie, this is exactly what happened because it was a situation where Donald Trump, you had built up throughout the years all of his political clout and all of his grassroots. And we know he has political talent. We know that he has just executive talent from all of his years in business. But he didn't have political experience until he had gone through the roof.

of politics, and he's had it for almost a decade. And this was his masterstroke in choosing J.D. Vance on the ticket because it wasn't just all of the talents of J.D., and it wasn't all of the things that J.D. brings, but it's also the people that it shuts out. Donald Trump said, I'm going to listen to the people, and I'm going to shut down the neoconservative oligarch wing of the

party. By the way, those oligarchs are just in concert with the other. That's the Game of Thrones stuff, right? You know, it's the House Clinton versus House Bush versus House Obama, et cetera, et cetera. They go round and round, whereas Donald Trump is the one standing with the people. And suddenly you got AOC over here. Now you put her words up.

with Donald Trump's words and J.D. Vance's words, they're all saying the exact same thing. So when you have AOC, J.D. Vance, and Donald J. Trump all saying one thing and the elites all saying another, now you've got a huge problem on your hands. We're looking at potentially major realignment. Joe, Bridget, Jeanette, Brett, and Natalie, you guys get a hat here. We have Alex Jones calling in, if I'm not mistaken. Alex, thank you for making time for us today, this Sunday. Alex, your reaction to this historic day, Joe Biden dropping out. Absolutely. Well, I was just listening to you and Jack, and of course, you've nailed it. You had a uniparty with different criminal syndicates that would fight with each other

but agreed on the whole globalist, New World Order, World War III, open borders agenda. But now with Trump, the beachhead we've been forming for eight plus years has now basically taken over most of the Republican Party. That process is about 70% complete. The power structure is in total panic mode. That's why they brought in the hot coup. We now know there was a stand down. We now know they pulled the security off. We now know they're covering what really happened. And I personally, in the last 48 hours, have talked to

The top sniper in the world, a bunch of Delta Force top people. They're all, by the way, going to break their silence and come on the show, my show tonight and tomorrow. I'm sure you have the same contacts. They'll be coming on with you. Some of these are very well-known names. I'll just leave it at that. And they say definitely a standout, definitely another shooter.

Definitely a cover up and they're going to go after Trump again. This isn't a secret. Trump is bringing in with Eric Prince as an advisor to bring in a lot of former Delta Force, which are never former and others to form a real security team around him.

All of my sources concurred that they are going to make another move on Trump, probably poisoning, but they'll also try anything else they can. This is a maximum alert for the Republic. Trump was already super dominant, not just here, but worldwide, more famous than John Lennon and 10 other, Elvis combined with John Wayne. He's the real John Wayne. John Wayne was great, but this is George Washington,

Trump is now the most famous person in the world, uh, going back really over the last hundred years, but he's not infamous like Hitler. He is a hero and America is about to really have the soft power again, uh, to, to really be dominant and promote freedom worldwide. The old elite is, is a cornered animal, uh,

And this attack last Saturday, eight days ago, was a sign of their total desperation. But we need to have maximum effort and prayer and political focus. They're going to try to steal it again. I know that Trump was briefed by the individuals that I spoke to yesterday and today. I've been on the phone for hours yesterday and today with these individuals.

And they were basically concurring with the analysis that you've put out, that we've put out. And they have specifically met with Trump on Wednesday and on Thursday and with his chief of staff. And they understand how serious the situation is. So this is a literal battle for the heart and soul of America. We're trying to peacefully...

Take it back to the legislative and executive and judicial and, of course, to the voting process of the American people in our republic. But the deep state is totally desperate on their last legs in their death throes. We're in the literal death rattle right now. So this is a time of maximum effort. We don't just have the hundred and so days, the election.

We have the 79 days of what I'm going to call hell. When he's president-elect, the globalists have already said they're going to trigger mass riots, civil unrest, bill it as racial, and then try to put so much pressure on the country in those 79 days that somehow Trump will not make it into office on January 21st, 2025. So this is...

This is the most incredible time in history that we're experiencing. And then separately, I know Jack has a lot of incredible intel. So do I about the sophisticated explosives, according to high level federal forces that were there who were good guys saying this person, a hundred percent had help. He was brought in, he was protected. He was allowed to get a gun on the roof and the trajectories and the audio and the forensics from experts are confirming that there's multiple types of guns being fired basically with the

on the roof who did shoot and then someone firing from the window below and probably on the water tower. And we have it all slowed down. We have people being hit by the bullets. We have all of this right now that Trump literally survived triangulated fire that killed JFK in Dallas in 1963. This was the hand of God on this nation. It is all happening right now. And I don't even have words to describe

how incredible this is and how honored I am to be with you men and women on the front lines of restoring our republic, stopping World War III and defeating the New World Order. Elon Musk is totally on our side now. He's all in. So many others are coming all in. And so this is the moment we need to let the establishment know, we know this is an inside job. We know you stood down. We know Mayorkas is behind it. And don't you dare try it again. That is so critical right now to let the establishment know we're aware of what you've done. You're not gaslighting us.

So, Alex, in your opinion, what should Donald Trump be most cautious of or worried about going into the next couple months? Because the sinister forces against him are not going to stop. Well, I spoke to JSOC commanders. I'm talking about, I'm not going to say any more than that, former, current, high level. And when they go on my show today and tomorrow, most of the military know their names. Most of the public knows their names. These are very famous people.

And number one top sniper, two-mile shot, all of them. And they've led major teams around the world, diplomatic stuff from ministers, presidents. And they are saying that obviously there are fake plastic gloves that look like normal skin and that they're worried about a poison, concentrated fentanyl or many other poisons, that someone will try to shake Trump's hand at an event. He cannot shake anybody's hand.

They are going, I know Trump's very aware of this, they're going to try to poison his food. So number one thing is poisoning. They're going to go for that because they don't want the spectacular. Now, if they failed, they don't want the spectacular kill this time. It's too obvious. But they're still going to try to shoot him.

They concurred that they could sabotage their plane. That's got to be every part of that check. They've got to watch who's on board of that constantly. He might want to have three airplanes and switch airplanes last minute. They are very concerned about truck bombs at Mar-a-Lago. They can roll through if the barriers aren't strong enough. That is in the cards. I mean, it is all there. And again, as the security beefs up in the next few days, it's already happening.

The chances of them getting him go down and down and down from a truck bomb or a shooting, and it moves into poisoning. Or we know about the Havana syndrome, which we know is very, very real electromagnetic weapons, microwaves. Uh, that there's special groups getting involved now. And it's okay to tell the enemy. I asked folks, it's okay. I said, I said, no, we want to know. We know they're going to have special sensors, everything, uh, for directed energy, uh,

microwaves, you name it. But this, again, the globalists want World War III with Russia to have their world empire. Well, if Americans are about to take the country back and the globalists are about to lose that, they will engage in any type of warfare they can domestically. But more and more of their people know what's happening. The decompartmentalization is happening. They are more and more cornered as more and more of their tentacles get cut off and more and more of the nerve endings of the hydra

get cut off. So they're getting more and more isolated. They're totally panicked. Massive whistleblowers, as Senator Hawley and others are set to come out concerning what happened eight days ago in Butler, Pennsylvania. So the new world order is a collapsing house of cards in free fall right now. But we are now at the maximum danger level in the next few weeks as Trump cements his security perimeter. And as we continue to expose what really happened, as world opinion totally turns to his support, Trump, I know,

Is John Wayne for real? And George Washington wrapped into one and he wants to project strength and confidence. That's good. But I believe he needs to now start focusing on the fact that, okay, the Secret Service that protected him up close are good men and women. And of course, there's other people that weren't even real security came and holstered their guns. So there's a lot of security theater because they pulled most of the real security from Trump.

Trump needs to come out and talk about Mayorkas cutting his security and talk about the fact that the deep state had the motive, at least administratively, to do this, like leaving the gas on your house or leaving grease on the stove, knowing you're going to burn the house down. At the bare minimum, they did it that way through gross tax.

intentional negligence. I believe Trump needs to call them out and say, you're not going to JFK me like they did to the deep state. And that, I think, will be one of the final nails in their coffin. The fact that eight days in, and I know behind the scenes that Eric

and that Don Jr. know all this. I was briefed by people that briefed them and briefed Trump and briefed his campaign managers and all of them. And so he was briefed Wednesday and Thursday. He said he agrees and he knows all of this. And so I believe, and you guys are smarter than I am in many ways about how to present this, but I believe it's best to put the cards on the table. We're not in normal times. Sure, it doesn't sound normal to have Trump say all this. A bullet just fired

you know, shot him in the ear. This is beyond hardcore. And we have to admit to the public where we are in the battle for the republic, that the desperate deep state is doing this. We also have the fact that Hillary endorses Biden, says he should never step down. Same thing Gavin Newsom says. That means they're the ones with the knives out for Biden. Obama, two weeks ago, oh, Biden shouldn't go. Behind the scenes, he's mind getting rid of it. The fact that the Clintons have endorsed Kamala means they don't want to get any of the political heat

We're trying to remove Kamala. We're seeing all this major PR push for Hillary to come in as the deuce ex in Chicago in a few weeks at the DNC. And so I think she is a real serious threat. So I know that Trump, I know Trump believes that as well. And so this is this is very we have a Democrat civil war going on for the levers of the control they still have left. And then we have our beachhead of populism through Trump that is basically winning the war right now. That's why they're desperate to try to shut down Trump.

So, Alex, what can we expect at the Democrat National Convention? And is there any is there any scenario where Kamala Harris is not the nominee? I think there's a lot of scenarios where she's not the nominee, because, again, when the Clintons say they support you and Obama says they support you, it means they don't. Just like with Biden behind the scenes, they said resign, but they're telling the public we love him.

And so they're all jockeying to decide who will be a better servant, Newsom, Whitmer, Kamala Harris, or Hillary Clinton. But Hillary still has the apparatus of the bureaucrats that are loyal to her inside the power structure. And if people think that they won't try to insert her, maybe as Kamala's vice president, then they get rid of Kamala. They are fools. You don't see hundreds of news articles pushing Hillary the last 48 hours. And the intel I got was he told them he would step down on the 17th, so three, four days ago.

What was that? Wednesday. Was it Tuesday? He said that he, uh, he said he would step down then. He said he was sick. He said, if he has no illness, he'll step down. I said on the show, then that's it. He's done. He'll be gone by Saturday. I said the 20th, uh, or, or Sunday. And then now that's happened. And so you see all this in play. Uh,

The enemy is very badly coordinated. Again, they are on their last legs. Most people in government do not support them now, or in corporations. So they're obviously working with some foreign intelligence groups on this. MI6, EU, German intelligence, NATO is heavily involved right now in the outcome of this. And America is in its most dangerous, but also most potentially strategic,

successful hour. We are living in history that cannot even be imagined. You know, it was Churchill said, most people when they're living through history don't realize it. It's only once you look back and see it, what you were going through. So we are in maximal danger, maximum opportunity right now. And this is just an incredible time to be alive. But yeah, we're going to continue to see a power struggle for who's going to be the nominee by these different camps and

different houses. As Jack said, it's the nature of oligarchies. It's the nature of elites. It's the nature of scum. But we have the people's president. Populism is rising worldwide. And so at the end of the day, we get President Trump in on January 21st. He has to immediately fire all U.S. attorneys. He has to bring in only hardcore patriots, proven pasts.

And those that have been persecuted. And it's not just his right, it's his duty to protect the American people from this deep state. And it's a nasty business like cutting out cancer or pulling out a rotten tooth. But the rotten tooth and the infection must be legally and lawfully removed. And that is what is about to happen.

Alex, thank you so much. We're going through breaking news cycles here. Everyone can check out Thank you so much, Alex. Really appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you, Charlie. Jack, I want your reaction to Alex Jones there. I also want to thank some of our members here. Again, we'll be sending you out a hat. And also, I want to remind you guys, you guys can watch Real America's Voice on the following areas. You can watch it on DISH 219.

Pluto TV, 470. Roku, 194. Samsung TV, that's how I watch. Plus Channel, 1175. Apple TV and Fire TV. Jack, your reaction to Alex Jones?

Well, Charlie, look, there's no question. Donald Trump's security needs to be paramount. We're living through a situation that I don't think the world has seen, certainly ever in U.S. history. No question about that. But look at other places. The Russian Revolution, you know, is an example of this. You're seeing a government in free fall right now. And I want to be very clear about this. It's not just political. This is also governmental. This is a situation where you've got someone—

who says that he's not just committed to running in the race, but he's also committed to staying as president. Well, how can someone be in charge of our national security? How can someone be in charge of our geopolitics? How can he be making deals? We're currently involved in a proxy war with Russia right now.

on the territory of Ukraine, and yet this guy doesn't have the mental capacity to stand as candidate, yet we're going to continue pushing on Ukraine. No, the United States should offer a pause on all such things until we can get some kind of semblance of a continuity of command here, because there's no question, there's no question that Joe Biden is not

has never been the one pulling the strings. Joe Biden has never been the one pressing the buttons. They didn't care that Joe Biden had dementia. They cared that the American people found out about it at the debate. And then all of a sudden, Donald Trump miraculously survives.

this assassin's bullet and Joe Biden being away. It's incredible, by the way, you know, Khrushchev back in 1964, this is how they got Khrushchev out after the Cuban missile crisis. You know, they kind of viewed that as, as highly risky, you know, maneuver. And so what do they do? Khrushchev goes off on vacation.

But then they later cite health reasons and Brezhnev and all the other members of the Politburo get together and they say, you know what, Khrushchev, you're out. We're going to make you sign this. And in fact, we're going to, well, you know, let's just say that Khrushchev had a Twitter account. Well, what would they do? I don't know. I would post a letter from Khrushchev to the Twitter account that didn't have the official presidential seal on it and claim that it came from him. And then they put him under house arrest for the rest of his life.

Check. I want to play some. I want to just read some breaking news here. Barack Obama has tweeted out. This is so funny. Joe Biden has been one of America's most consequential presidents, not greatest presidents, but consequential presidents, as well as a dear friend and partner to me. Today, we've been reminded again that he's a patriot of the highest order. Here is his full sub stack. Barack Hussein Obama speaks. I'm going to just scan this for Kamala Harris. Let me do control search for Harris. Oh, not found.

Not found. Not found. Tyler, are you seeing based on all the indicators here? And I also want to say hello, Vincent, Teal, Marilyn, Robert, Jack, Corey, and Sean, to get you our MAGA hat giveaway today. So Tyler, what is your reaction to the Democrat crime families? Is there a world where Kamala Harris is not the nominee?

Yeah, I think it's really difficult for all the reasons that we just talked about. And what Jack just said is really smart. This is our modern, crucial moment for the United States of America, which puts us in – I mean, we remember what – crucial was the beginning. That moment was the beginning of the downfall of the USSR as an entity.

And this is a very dangerous position that the Democrats are putting our U.S. Constitution and our entire structure. And so you're looking at this going,

consistency is everything. They have to do something that's not going to be viewed as, as a complete chaotic moment. That's going to send Joe Biden into a, I mean, if they're going to keep him in as president, they they've got to be concerned about what is he going to do? What are the people around him going to do? What are the people that are loyal to Joe Biden going to do, which I know there's few, but,

But there's enough that can cause some really dramatic consequences for America long term. And so Kamala Harris just is kind of the bandaid that makes the most sense. And if you're already assigned to the fact that you're going to lose, you know, you're there because nobody else politically wants to risk, you know, the next two, three, four, maybe the lifetime of elections by kind of cleaning up this awful mess that they've created for themselves.

So let me read this. This is Barack Obama. This is at the end of his quote. We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead, but I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party, not our voters, but the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges. No endorsement of Kamala Harris. No way forward. Barack Obama is lighting the match and saying, here we go.

And Jack Posobiec, Barack Obama could have ended this. Barack Obama could have endorsed Kamala Harris. Instead, we have a Democrat civil war looming. Jack Posobiec. Look, this is there's there's a couple of ways to look at this. This could be Obama trying to maintain his sort of no drama Obama stance of I'm above the fray. But in terms of United Front, this is not what this is not what the Democrats need right now to have their most powerful,

powerful, oligarch-connected voice of Barack Obama not coming out and participating in that front. And that could change. That could certainly change. Remember, we said this at first with Joe Biden with, again, the letter that was tweeted on Joe Biden's ex-account. I'm not going to refer that as Joe Biden's letter until someone informs him that the letter has actually been released. So until we see him, I want the proof of life of Joe Biden. Where is Joe Biden? I want him holding up today's newspaper, all that stuff.

So with Barack Obama not putting out there, he's potentially throwing a, this is what Obama does by the way. He's done this for years. He never actually calls up and says, I support Black Lives Matter or I'm totally in on the Green New Deal, et cetera, et cetera. What he does is he'll put in little pieces that woven into his rhetoric of these various, various things. If I had a son, he could look like Trayvon Martin, et cetera. That's it.

that those then become connected and taken as licensed by the left wing of the party. So it could be Barack Obama sitting there going, you know what? I'm going to leave a little opening to the far left of my party and let them do this. That being said, I do predict that Obama will eventually come out and endorse Kamala Harris the same way we've seen from everybody else. It's just that's the way that things have been lining up. The reporting tells us that that's what's going on behind the scenes. But at the same time, you know,

The White House itself is telling us that they didn't even know about this. You've got senior advisors at the White House saying that they learned of this via that post by Joe Biden. So my question is, if Biden's senior advisors at the White House didn't know about this, then who exactly wrote the post and who is running things now? There's so many questions that need to get asked, that need to get answered. Barack Obama, Anita Dunn,

General Malley Dillon, Steve Ruschetti, so many names that need to be called in. And quite frankly, you know, I'm not going to say that I'm sorry for the guy, but Speaker Johnson and the Senate Republicans, when they get back, you got two investigations on your hand now. Because number one, we are not going to stop talking about the failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump. That needs to be investigated like January 6th. But number two, we also need a massive investigation into who exactly is running the White House right now.

Okay, I want to play this piece of tape here. Chris Coons is crying on live television. Let's play cut 25. Joe Biden is grounded. He's grounded in his faith, in his family, and in our state. Excuse me. I'm sorry. This was a very difficult decision. Yeah, let's do a wellness check on Chris Coons. Tyler, I want to get to you in a second. I want to thank Yada, Ana, Sam, Kevin, Kimberly, and Gregory. You guys,

Tyler, there are so many unfolding dynamics here, but we must remember the boring stuff is what is going to determine this election. Away from the sexiness of Trump v. Kamala, Trump v. whomever, it is voter registration, it is ballot chasing. What have we been doing at Turning Point Action to help move that ball forward? And what should our emphasis and focus be in the next month or two? Charlie, I'll brag on our team because we came right out of the RNC convention yesterday.

Flew directly home. We had our team in Michigan. And I want to give Miguel, who's on our team, an incredible shout out. They were registering hundreds of new people who, again, this after the assassination attempt, everything, all this disaster is going on with the Democrats.

The beautiful part is neighbors and people who have never engaged are waking up. And so you have to remember that in your local community, we've got people on the ground in these key target states at turning point action, but everything starts at home on your own street and

And you can get started right away by downloading the Turning Point Action application. Just you can find it anywhere you get your applications and you can start talking to what we call low propensity voters. Those are people who are less likely to vote. They didn't vote in 16 or 20 potentially.

And we need your help contacting, communicating with those people, making sure that they're registered, making sure they're getting their ballot on time and turning it in because this is the too big to rig mentality, which is get out there, get out the vote in record numbers like we've never seen before for the Republicans.

since last election. We know Donald Trump is a election machine. He is a ballot generating machine and we've got to maximize absolutely every corner and take nothing for granted. And we need everybody to take vacation. If you're in a safe state, whether it's a safe blue state or a safe red state, plan on taking vacation in October in Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona, Florida,

Georgia, jump over the border and we're going to have people on the ground there to help you chase ballots. So get involved,, splash get involved at or again, download our application right away. We need everybody, thousands and thousands of bodies out there to go chase ballots.

said differently, find new voters every single day, find a new voter and bring them into our ranks. That is what is going to matter most. This news is just remarkable. Let's recap. Joe Biden drops out of the race. He endorses the vice president, Kamala Harris. Pelosi has not. Schumer has not. Obama has not.

But the Clintons have. And Obama in particular says, basically, Obama does the ultimate, let's see what happens. And is just allowing this to now go to the wolves. Barack Obama is probably worried about Kamala Harris's chances against Donald Trump. Does this mean that maybe Michelle Obama is going to come back in? That would be interesting. But I think less and less likely. Jack, on this breaking news day, it's now 4 o'clock Eastern. We've been streaming for a couple hours. Jack, closing thoughts here. Jack Posobiec.

Well, look, I think we need to see a lot about this RFK. That'll come in about an hour. I think that everybody needs to stay frosty. Stay frosty. Are these things in in broad strokes? Is this good for Donald Trump? Yes. Is this good for our side and our movement? Yes. Is this good for the republic again in broad strokes?

Yes, you would not see the oligarchy making moves like this. You would not see palace coups like this. And this was a palace coup and just call it what it is. You would not see the oligarchy making moves like this if they were doing so out of a place of strength. They're doing so out of desperation. Put the back up against the wall. They're going to react. So everyone needs to be very, very vigilant.

over the next 48 hours. And then again, the 106 days is what Tyler is talking about there. Continue to file those ballots because I guarantee you that is what all the George Soros C4s are doing. That's what Clyburn and all of his C4 buddies are doing. They are banking ballots. And so while all of this House of Cards stuff goes, you know, Clue slash House of Cards stuff goes up at the higher levels, understand that the machine is still in place. All they're doing is installing a new puppet on the top of it.

Stay frosty. Tyler has to run. Tyler, you're doing a ballot chasing tomorrow. I know you have to dash here. I also want to thank, again, the members. You guys, when you guys become a member,, you get behind all the important work that we are doing. You allow us to do this. Now our 42nd hour of streaming this week. What a remarkable week this has been. Let's recap. Donald Trump gets shot and he survives as an assassination attempt.

We have a convention. J.D. Vance becomes the vice president. Donald Trump summarizes that and we make him the official nominee. And now Joe Biden drops out of the race. That is the eight wildest days in political history. When they say summer is not when any breaking news happens. We don't know who we are running up against, but we know what you ought to do, which is find new voters. Get out in the streets. Register voters. Get out into the grassroots.

A lot of things happening right now. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says people don't even want Kamala Harris. And we will see. So far, the voters, that is so interesting, that have endorsed Kamala Harris is Senator Chris Coons, Senator Tammy Baldwin. Interesting. We'll see who else ends up going behind Kamala Harris and endorsing her. This is going to be the most unpredictable conversation

consequential political season in memory. We are here for all of it. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to