cover of episode “By The Grace of Almighty God”: RNC Aftermath

“By The Grace of Almighty God”: RNC Aftermath

Publish Date: 2024/7/19
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The Charlie Kirk Show


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Hey everybody, our instant recap to Donald Trump's historic address.

We go through all of it and include in the details of what has been an amazing week. If you want to get our Never Surrender shirt, become a member, it's That is So check it out right now, Take a look at it, As always, you can email us, freedom at Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky.

to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

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Okay, let's play some pieces of tape here for those of you that might have been cutting in and out. Also, I just want to give you a little update here, some exclusive update. We're very well sourced in Republican politics, but we're unusually well sourced also in some circles in Democrat politics because we have some adjacent donor connections that are very connected in Democrat society circles. I'm not going to say any names.

So while this is what this is just kind of our summary, Blake put this together for us. Okay, so it's this. While Donald Trump gives the Republican Party its most unity since 9-11, a source who has spoken to Democrats in the last 24 hours says the party is in a state of utter collapse.

Kamala isn't ready and her staff is not ready. They don't know if Biden has her back. Democrat lawmakers are 100% certain that Biden is gone, yet haven't actually gotten Biden to submit. They're just confident that increasingly ugly tactics will force him out. One of the words Democrats are using, landslide. We don't use that word. That's their word. The entire party is oscillating between panic and doom. Glad I was in Milwaukee this week.

Let's do cut. Let's just kind of goodness. The cut sheet here is a reflection of the week. By the way, the cut sheet starts with assassination attempt all the way to convention. Boy, what a week. Let's summarize. Not even a week ago, Donald Trump got shot. He accepts the Republican nomination. We know that J.D. Vance, another vice president, which is not the case before that. And here's a good summary. Here's Van Jones on CNN.

who I thought, again, he's a communist, but he's very honest with some of these things. Let's play cut 198. Very powerful here, 198. This spirit that this guy has, you guys think this guy's drunk? He's not.

This whole thing is like this. Hey, listen. Hey, guys. The last time I was in a convention that felt like this was Obama 2008. There's something happening where... You just wrote a headline, by the way. You just wrote a headline with that comment. It's just like

Obama and just like Obama, Trump is showing in this convention he has the capacity to alter the composition of the electorate. That is the difference between 2008. Now is that Obama was actually popular outside of his own party. And that's not the case. I don't think we should overstay that. See, Axelrod's really upset. He said that because Axelrod was the designer of the whole Obama thing. He's very upset. He can't handle it.

The joy from this convention was palpable. It didn't feel like victory celebration, though. It just felt like a gratitude to be alive. And every delegate was so sweet and happy and uplifting. And just understand, you're on your feet for hours a day and you're crammed into these small little spaces. And everyone just was thrilled to be alive. You've got to love that. You've just got to love that. So President Trump...

said, I'm only going to mention this once and one time only. And so Donald Trump went through in great detail from his own recollection of exactly what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania, exactly what occurred. President Trump accepts the nomination, and this was chilling. 175, he says, I'm not supposed to be here tonight. Click out 175. I'm not supposed to be here tonight. Not supposed to be here. No. No.

Thank you. But I'm not. And I'll tell you, I stand before you in this arena only by the grace of almighty God. This is a longer tape here and it is worth playing. This is Donald Trump in a two minute clip talking about the tragic death and injuries from the Pennsylvania rally. Play cut 176, the longer tape. Tragically, the shooter claimed the life of one of our fellow Americans, Corey.

Comparator, unbelievable person, everybody tells me. Unbelievable. And seriously wounded. Two other great warriors. Spoke to them today. David Dutch and James Copenhaver. Two great people. I also spoke to all three families of these tremendous people.

Our love and prayers are with them and always will be. We're never going to forget them. They came for a great rally. They were serious Trumpsters, I want to tell you. They were serious Trumpsters and still are. But Corey, unfortunately, we have to use the past tense. He was incredible. He was a highly respected former fire chief, respected by everybody, was accompanied by his wife, Helen, incredible woman. I spoke to her today, devastated.

and two precious daughters. He lost his life selflessly acting as a human shield to protect them from flying bullets. He went right over the top of them and was hit. What a fine man he was. You look at how Trump looked over there. He heard the crowd. I just think his instinct says, I'm going to walk over there. I'm going to embrace it. And then he's going to kiss the helmet. I had a New York Times reporter text me again. I don't want to get you guys too excited about this stuff. He said he's going to win New Mexico, Virginia,

New Hampshire too, and Maine, if this is how he handles himself post-assassination. Let's play another piece of tape here. By the way, CNN is predictably attacking his speech, predictably, as you would imagine. Let's go this one. Donald Trump says, we will not break, we will not back down, we will never bend. Play cut 178. We will not break, we will not bend, we will not back down, and I will never stop fighting for you, your family, and our magnificent country.

Never. And everything I have to give with all of the energy and fight in my heart and soul, I pledge to our nation tonight. Thank you very much. I pledge that to our nation. We're going to turn our nation around, and we're going to do it very quickly. Thank you. This election should be about the issues facing our country and how to make America successful, safe, free, and great again.

In an age when our politics too often divide us, now is the time to remember that we are all fellow citizens. We are one nation under God. So powerful.

I want your thoughts of how you thought tonight went. Freedom at I want to hear from you. Freedom at What were your favorite moments from the entire convention this week? And we're going to be just recapping the RNC here. We're going to have Jack Posobiec and Blake Neff join us in a second. Donald Trump continued on this as well. Donald Trump said, we have the greatest movement in the history of our country, and we will not allow them to stop. I loved this line, though. I am more determined than ever. Play cut 177.

There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for others. This is the spirit that forged America in her darkest hours. And this is the love that will lead America back to the summit of human achievement and greatness. This is what we need. Despite such a heinous attack, we unite this evening more determined than ever. I am more determined than ever, and so are you. So is everybody in this room.

More determined than ever. He gets shot and he is more determined to continue to fight and to continue to win for the American people than he ever has been. Donald Trump then pivoted and went into some deep policy.

Donald Trump talked about making America affordable again, talked about no tax on tips. And I love this. This was right, consistent with my speech earlier in the week. Cut 182. President Trump talks about the affordability crisis brought to you by Biden and Harris's deficit spending. Play cut 182. First, we must get economic relief to our citizens. Starting on day one, we will drive down prices and make America affordable again. We have to make it affordable. It's not affordable.

People can't live like this. Under this administration, our current administration, groceries are up 57 percent, gasoline is up 60 and 70 percent, mortgage rates have quadrupled.

And the fact is, it doesn't matter what they are because you can't get the money anywhere. You can't buy houses. Young people can't get any financing to buy a house. The total household costs have increased an average of $28,000 per family under this administration. Republicans have a plan to bring down prices and bring them down very, very rapidly by slashing energy costs. We will, in turn, reduce the cost of transportation.

Just a second here. We're gonna have Jack Posobiec join us and you guys can, as we're live on air, become a member. I'm gonna name everyone who becomes a member here on air and you guys get our shirt, never surrender. Okay, let's play another piece of tape here as we work on getting Jack piped through here. Donald Trump went deep into policy here. He continued by saying, we are going to close our borders and drill baby drill, play cut 184, please.

At the heart of the Republican platform is our pledge to end this border nightmare and fully restore the sacred and sovereign borders of the United States of America. And we're going to do that on day one. That means two things on day one, right? Drill, baby, drill and close our borders. And by the way, and I think everybody as a Republican, as a patriot in this room, most Democrats,

We want people to come into our country, but they have to come into our country legally, legally. I want to thank Bam, Frankie, Dan, Rodney, Miriam, Arnie, Anissa and Lucy for becoming a member. Members got Charlie Kirk dot com. And so CNN, by the way, a panel of people saying, well, they thought they went on too long and complaints that the speech was too long.

Okay, here we have Blake and we have Jack. Jack, you were in the room or you were nearby? Jack, what is the vibe on the ground of the convention? I had to dash back to Arizona. What is the vibe straight down in Milwaukee?

Yeah, Charlie, how's it going? Thanks again for having me on. So we just finished up this just complete, I would say, roller coaster of a spectacle of a night. So I was inside the room for the entire thing from Tucker Carlson's amazing. And I would point out, by the way, Tucker's completely no notes, no teleprompter speech whatsoever.

to Hulk Hogan, just this incredible throwback to 80s, 90s, hopeful Americana to the incredible Kid Rock and then Donald Trump's speech, of course, capping it off, which was just, again, this roller coaster, the highs, the lows, the ups and downs, these incredible moments, not a dry eye in the house, of course, when he brought out that uniform of Corey Campatore and and comparatory.

And then, of course, getting into, as you say, getting into policy, getting into the specifics, getting into what was going on. And folks who may have been watching my Twitter feed will know I've been going viral for this because I was seated pretty much right in front of Jake Tapper the entire night. And so I was giving live updates on what Jake Tapper and Dana Bash were doing. Most of the time, they had their back turned. They looked very angrily at me at one point. I gave them a big smile and a thumbs up because guess what, guys? It's all happening again, and you

know it so it was it was a great night the vibe was huge uh yes it was it was a long night there's no question about that i had to uh get the kids down you know shout out to the beautiful and lovely tanya tay for taking care of that and making sure the kids could be here and really participate in what i think a lot of people are coming out saying a really really historic night so i know this is going to sound weird but for whatever reason these earphones are making my ear bleed

And so I'm not kidding. It's very weird. Okay. Blake. I'm here. A little ironic. Trump did tell us that the ears bleed the most tonight. So literally, I like blood on my finger. Learn something. Very bizarre.

Okay, so Blake, I want to get your comments here. Tucker Carlson, when he is, Tucker's awesome. You know Tucker very well. When Tucker is talking about the populist nationalist movement, he's at his best. He is by far the most talented, articulate spokesperson when it comes to what is happening in this country as far as the resentments of the forgotten people against the ruling class. Let's first, though, start with Tucker Carlson riffing cut 168.

I watched the video of what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania about 15, 50 times. I think I was one of about 8 billion people around the world who watched it. And the more I watched it, the more it struck me that everything was different after that moment. Everything. This convention is different. The nation is different. The world is different. Donald Trump is different. When he stood up after being shot in the face, bloodied, and put his hand up,

I thought at that moment, that was a transformation. This was no longer a man. Well, I think that. I think it was divine intervention. But the effect that it had on Donald Trump, he was no longer just a political party's nominee or a former president or a future president. This was the leader of a nation. And...

One more, Blake, that I want to play and then get your comment here. You know, Tucker very well. I thought he was on point, which is this one, which is all about representative government. Play cut 170. The entire point from the famous escalator ride nine years ago until today of Donald Trump's public life has been to remind us of one fact, which is a leader's duty is to his people, to his country and to no other.

That's the point. That's the only point. And another word for this is democracy. Democracy, in case you're a little sick of being beaten in the face with democracy on television, actual democracy is the proposition that the citizens of a country own that country. They're not renters, they're not serfs, they're not slaves, they are the owners of the country. And for that to be true...

Their leaders have to represent them, which is another way of saying they have to do what the people want them to do, or a close approximation thereof. But if they completely ignore what people want, not just one year, but generationally, say for 50 years, then it may be, I don't know what, it's not a democracy. And so I think the entire Trump project, paradoxically, is attacked as an enemy of democracy, is to return democracy to the United States.

Let's pay attention to what people actually want.

I really wish we had more unscripted speeches at the RNC. A friend of mine says... Blake, do you know what I would have given? Blake, you helped me write my speech. You were very helpful with that. But do you know what I would have given to be able to do that? That would have made my life so much easier. Trump and Tucker, they're both just world-class historic talents at being able to do it. And in different ways, too. But...

A friend of mine says the best speech advice he ever gave is, like, no one should actually need...

script for a speech because you shouldn't be on a stage talking unless it's something that you could just talk about at length for 15 or 30 or 50 minutes or or three hours without without prompting and for Tucker he's extremely good at that on these topics he was hitting the same things that he talked about in an article I think he wrote it for Politico all the way back to

start of 2016 that was the start of the sort of Tucker Trump overlap where he said Donald Trump is shocking vulgar and right and it's you know Tucker and Trump much like a lot of other people they went through phases of the relationship where Tucker you know he had that push and pull sometimes he was frustrated sometimes he was elated but it's come full circle back to this is Donald Trump's conservative movement and as he said he's

The man who was attacked as a threat to American democracy is the man who can restore authentic American democracy, which is the ability of people to run their own country and decide the policies they want to live under instead of being told this set of policies decided by a bunch of Democrats in Washington is the only thing that's allowed by democracy. And I also just love that. That's just...

Tucker was probably just practicing that in the car on the way over. I can say from experience, a lot of viral Tucker speeches are just whatever he happens to have been talking about with someone 30 minutes beforehand. And certain parts of that definitely sounded that way in a good way. He's incredible off the cuff. I want to thank Laura Catherine Rosemary, Natalie Xavier.

Johnny, Avery, Jeff, and Tricia, who all have just become members at, will be reaching out to you. You guys put 75 up on screen. The limited edition Never Surrender shirt we send to you. Again, that's Laura, Catherine, Rose, Mary, Natalie, Xavier, Johnny, Avery, Jeff, and Tricia. Thank you guys so much. We are now on our 30th hour of streaming in just the last five days. That's right, 30 hours of streaming.

Jack, I want to get you in on this. It's harder to do this remote, so thanks for the patience here, Jack. And by the way, Unhumans should be a New York Times bestseller, so I want you to comment on that. But first, let's play cut 170, and Jack, take it right away. Let's play cut. No, we just did 170. Let's go to 169. This is Tucker Carlson at his best. But if you think about it, the presidency comes with great power, obviously. But if you think about it, that is a title that is bestowed by a process of some sort that can be subverted. And...

In the end, it does not confer by itself, as no title does, legitimacy. Just because you call yourself the president doesn't mean that much inherently. I can call my dog the CEO of Hewlett Packard. It doesn't mean she is. No, it's true. And you hate to say it, but it is also true as a fact that you could take, I don't know, a mannequin, a dead person, and make him president. If you... No, you could. You could. I'm just saying theoretically possible.

With enough cheating, that could happen. Jack Posobiec.

Just an incredible moment from Tucker Carlson right there, just riffing on all the qualities of leadership and then turning it into this hilarious joke about Joe Biden. But what he's talking about there is something very deep, something very natural. It's a spiritual, it is an essence and a vitality that a leader has. And Tucker said, I think, in one of the other clips that your leader in the ancient times in America,

Bronze Age times, if you will, to borrow a phrase. The leader would be the strongest warrior, the most capable chieftain, and that would become the leader of the army, the leader of the war band. They would become the one who is the undisputed head of the tribe. And in this case, the tribe that we're talking about is Americans.

And, yes, there has been this process that has been, and exactly as Tucker says, subverted to change that. Because in the past, of course, you may have had other processes. You may have had trial by combat and all these other ancient Bronze Age things. But these days we don't quite do that anymore. Maybe we should. I don't know. Because we were founded by people that actually would...

conduct duels to the death. So I want to remind this, this is not that long ago that we're talking. I would go all the way back to the bronze age, but the idea that a leader is someone that people will follow instinctually people, someone that people will follow when you see them in moments of

of crisis, standing strong, showing resolve, showing bravery. Those are the qualities of a true natural leader versus the qualities of someone who is told to be a leader. That is the absolute difference that you're seeing right now. Obviously, he's drawing the line between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, but everybody knows this.

Think of a team you've been on, maybe when you were younger and played sports, and you had a bad coach who just yelled at everybody and wasn't sure why they weren't following what he or she was saying. Or think about a job you've had where you've had a really bad boss, and they keep telling you over and over, I'm the leader, I'm the leader. Well, you know, to quote the great philosopher Tony Soprano, if you have to keep telling everyone you're the boss, you aren't. You ain't the boss. You ain't the boss.

I want to thank, by the way, our team is working hard to send all you guys your shirts out. We'll be contacting and hearing from our team soon. I want to just list Kurt, Erica, Karen, Leslie, Dalton, Anthony, Dale,, Blake, you had a very smart point here.

which is that rarely, and Blake, Jack was just saying this, I want you to dive deeper. We rarely ever see the leaders, the people that make decisions have to face physical combat or opposition, almost never. And this used to be commonplace in the ancient world, not just the Bronze Age, as Jack would say, but also in world,

In the American Civil War and also in the revolutionary times, to a lesser extent, the more modern we've come, our leaders become more disconnected from actual physical confrontation. Blake, what is your thought on this? I know you have a strong opinion. Even in World War II, a general would occasionally get hit. You'd have to lead close enough. You could get hit by an artillery shell, by a sniper.

When was the last time a U.S. general was even wounded in action? I think it was maybe during Vietnam, maybe in the Gulf War. But it's very rare for military leaders, for politicians. It used to have...

You used to have that level of accountability, but you also used to just, you used to be easier to lose your job. This is something that is so compelling about Iraq. Could it at least be that if something really bad happens in America, if we have a botched military withdrawal, if we have a blown open border, if we have a massive, you know, a pandemic that's badly mismanaged, could some people in DC at least like have to go on unemployment for a while? Yeah.

And that so rarely happens. You can sort of just even if you're a colossal screw up, you can bounce from think tank gig to think tank gig and then just pop back up like a zombie in the next administration. And I think that's driving such a huge sense of decline and decay in America. And it's one reason you're allowed to have someone like Joe Biden around forever. Why is Joe Biden still around?

he should at least have some accountability for running for president repeatedly and losing each time and being attached to all these failed policies. It was so compelling when J.D. Vance was saying the other night, oh, he was connected to NAFTA. People didn't like the outcome of that. He was closely linked with giving China most favored nation status. That went badly. He was one of the Democrats who strongly supported the Iraq war. Big disaster. And yet...

he just hangs around like this zombie of Washington and so much of Trump's appeal is the desire to actually say no there should be real accountability for this kind of damage to America we should have new leaders and the people who are failed leaders should not be getting paychecks from the American people until their end of time

I think that's very smart. I want to play a tape here of one of the pastors that spoke at the RNC, which is a fan favorite here. I want to thank Julie, Philip, Jeff and Tammy, Diane, Nicole, Frank, Teresa, Lewis, Amanda, Eric.

Carrie, Mary, Zach, Ashley, Anissa, Arnie, Zach, Lee, and Susan. Thank you, We've been going all week. We're over 30 hours of streaming here. And our team will be in touch to send you your complimentary shirt, the Never Surrender shirt. Okay, let's go to another piece of tape here. This is Cut202. This gentleman might have given one of the best, most underappreciated speeches of the evening. My phone was lighting up.

Reverend Lorenzo Sewell, great American, 202. President Trump came to a church that is in a democratic stronghold. He came to a church to listen to average, everyday Americans like you and like me. He came to a church not to speak to us, but to listen to us. He came into a church and a lot of people, they were upset.

they would ask me questions. Why would you allow Donald Trump to come into your church? How many know that the Bible says we are all sinners and we all need the grace of God? The Bible says he who has not sinned, let him cast the first stone. President Donald Trump, he came during his birthday weekend. Let me ask you a question.

Grand old party. What would you do for your birthday if you were worth $6.7 billion? What would you do for your birthday? Would you come to Detroit? Would you come into the hood hood? He came to the hood because he cares about average, everyday Americans.

I thought that was terrific. And so, Jack, can you just riff about the everyday stories that were being told on the ground? I thought that the convention was the best I've ever seen for selecting stories. World War II veteran, 98 years old, from the Gold Star families to people that can't afford groceries. Jack Posobiec.

Yeah, Charlie, and the Angel Moms, the Angel family members that were here as well. I mean, it was so many times where...

The political speaker actually said this to Vivek Ramaswamy when he came by on my show the other day where I said, Vivek, you know, I said it was the best. And I caught myself and said, well, you gave the best political speech of the night. But so many times these moments from the everyday Americans, whether it be the mother whose son died.

was killed by a violent criminal led out by Alvin Bragg to the mother from Southern California whose son was killed by fentanyl sent over by the cartels in the Chinese Communist Party. This really was a moment for the people. And, you know, I know that there was another moment

event that had this name recently over in Detroit, the called the people's convention. But this, this really carried a lot of that energy of a people's convention, really understanding that, look, Donald Trump could have picked anyone as his vice presidential pick. And certainly after the events of Saturday, anyone would have said yes to him.

He decided deliberately to chose someone who was a deplorable, who had a deplorable background, someone from a part of the country that nobody cares about anymore, and someone who could speak for everyday Americans because he knew their lives, he knew their background. And I'm not trying to make this a pitch for J.D. or something. I'm just saying that the entire convention was centered around the idea of

of lifting up people that have been forgotten lifting up people whose stories aren't usually told in in mainstream media or even even in narrative fiction that we see there's no movies about these people there's no uh there's no great stories where's the hollywood movie about abby gate it's been it's been almost three years hollywood doesn't care about that the 13 soldiers who died who cares jake tapper by the way who was sitting in front of you where's your book

about the soldiers and uh and marines who died that day jake oh you haven't done one that's it's kind of interesting isn't it and so so again it's the idea of the power of narrative which of course uh then trump used himself by telling and i'm sure we'll get to it but telling and what he says for the only time that he'll ever tell the story about the day he was almost killed

And we led with that. It was so powerful, Jack. I thought that that 30 minutes was one of the best I've ever seen. That 30 minutes of television of anything in the history of politics was the best I've ever seen. I want to recap some of the top moments of the week. Yeah, go ahead, Jack, please. Go ahead.

No, it was just, you know, sitting there, it was beyond anything I've ever seen. And I've been to rally after rally. I've been to political conventions. My first political convention was all the way back in 2000 in Philadelphia, believe it or not, the Republican Convention. So 24 years now. And not that I've gone to every one, but since I went to the original. It's more that one came to me because I'm from Philadelphia. And, you know, back then it was – these were –

And stately affairs, very formal, a lot more focused on motions and the floor and the voting and these types of things. This was a larger than life moment. And it was – I don't know if you want to call it perdition. I don't know if you want to call it serendipity. I don't know if you call it – or providence rather.

But this idea that the first time he has a major speaking event after the shooting is also his presidential acceptance speech. And he's up there. He's telling the story. The uniform comes out. I struggle to even begin to put it into words. Just a tremendous wave of emotion that blasted everyone in the entire room. Again, every single eye.

was wet. Every single... No, I was dry while we were sitting in there. And for folks to understand what he had gone through and continues to be willing to put himself through. And then it...

talking about the, the production quality, the production elements. I thought the white house backdrop was a 10 out of 10. Sorry, Charlie, no white house backdrop for you, man. But, uh, but, uh, this, this, this, I had some, I had some goofy Illuminati thing. Charlie had the Illuminati backdrop. Yeah. Biden Harris, uh, their campaign was attacking Trump. I don't, I don't need to read that on air. I do want to get into some of that palace intrigue guys. I think it's very important. Um,

With everything that's happening with Joe Biden and with potentially him not running. Let's go to some more highlights from the night, though. Blake, please. I was just saying I wanted to send my friend who's been watching CNN and he was summarizing it this way to me. He says CNN is a back and forth where Van Jones is basically Trump is 2008 Obama. He's the Messiah. He's God's anointed. He has the energy. He has the momentum. It's Jover. I'm calling it.

Give up. I know the vibes. Just it's all over. And then David Axelrod comes in to say, well, it was a long speech. And that's CNN apparently right now. That sounds about right. So, all right, let's go to a cut here. Donald Trump got into some very specific policy.

Let's go to... And by the way, so some people are saying the speech was long. Understand, it was longer because he had to add a 20 to 30 minute recounting of him almost dying. And I just like, okay. I mean, it's just like, guys, really? Oh, it's too long. Oh, you want to go to bed? Okay, you weren't shot. Okay? You weren't shot. Tough life. But here's what's important is that...

Some people say, OK, well, Charlie, he should have just done the assassination thing, wrapped it up. You run a great risk of that because a nomination speech, you're supposed to articulate the party agenda for the entire party. Right, Jack? The whole point and like the point of a nomination speech is what is my vision for the next four years?

you know and that is just the only criticism they have is it was too long he had to be very methodical about how he talked about the once in a time of him getting shot five days ago and secondly when he went into policy you are you are casting out the platform and the vision for every state rep every congressman every senator and you are showing america this is what we believe in and everything he talked about from a policy perspective

It was wonderful. It was absolutely terrific. I want to play a piece of tape here, then, Jack, you can kind of go nuts here. On day one, we're going to drill, baby, drill. And, by the way, actually, I want to go to a different one. This was chills. This was chills. How could you criticize this? Play cut 185. But you can see on the chart that saved my life. That was the chart that saved my life. I said, look it. I'm so proud of it. I think it's one of the greatest –

It was done by the Border Patrol. One of the greatest charts I've ever seen. It showed everything just like that. You know the chart. Oh, there it is. That's pretty good. Wow. Last time I put up that chart, I never really got to look at it. But without that chart, I would not be here today. Never got to look at it. I said, you got to see this chart. I was so proud of it. And by the time I got to there, I never got to see it that day. But I'm seeing it now and I was very proud. Jack.

You know, it was amazing, actually, as we were walking out of the event and we were just heading over to where the set is over here. I happened to be with my family. We were getting some of the balloons for the kids. And I...

A lot of people move in at once, and I bump into somebody as I'm holding my toddler, my three-year-old, and I say, oh, I'm so sorry. And I turn over, and of course it's Senator Ron Johnson. I kid you not, just one of those serendipitous moments. And it was Senator Johnson, of course, and he's told the story so many times now, who made that chart. And it was quite a moment as well when President Trump stands there and says, you know –

The last time that I put that chart up, and it's like, did he just make a joke about his own assassination? And of course he is, because that's Donald Trump. It's that dark humor. It's that black humor that he always uses, that he just says the most inappropriate thing. Although usually he says it about someone else. Here this time, he says it about himself. And it's an incredible thing to see. But it also is, by the way, part of policy. I mean, Charlie, can you imagine...

the state of the party right now when just a few years ago the idea of talking about saying something like mass deportation on the stage would get you would get you uh

It might get you censored. It might get you banned. And it would certainly get you kicked out of the RNC. Now our leader is cheering it on, the entire crowd. They had placards. They had placards that say mass deportations now that people were holding up. They're talking about this problem because it's gotten too far. And so I've heard some people say that the speech was stupid.

soft and you know i can certainly i mean come on soft i mean wait hold on he was he was you know maybe given a week how about this he was stoic but yeah he was stoic he was like a roman general returning from the front lines bloodied and shot at to address his most loyal people i just anyway jack hold that thought i have to say thank you to some of our members here uh and victorious that's right

I want to thank Rebecca. I want to thank Joyce. I want to thank Deborah. I want to thank Christine. I want to thank Connor. I want to thank Dr. Kristen. I want to thank Caroline, Emily, Doris, Rick, David, Rayford,

Julie, Philip, Jeff and Tammy. That is You guys get a never surrender shirt. That is So it is the role of the candidates in the convention speech to cast a vision of the entire agenda. Also, Shannon Blake, it is very you have to give Trump credit, though.

Trump could have done, he could have, by the way, there's the New York Times video. I'm not going to play this right now. I need time to digest this. It's so bad. It's so unbelievable. It's not against New York Times. They actually did a great job of compiling this. Can I read the headline, Blake?

The headline is this. New York Times. Video, audio, and photographs collected by the New York Times of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump at an election rally shows how a clear threat emerged minutes before the shooting and how law enforcement failed to protect Mr. Trump. I mean, that's the New York Times saying it. Donald Trump did not criticize law enforcement. He did not criticize the Secret Service. In fact, he praised them. He did not say, why did they not put me off stage? Blake, for a guy who gets attacked all the time for saying that he just, you know, reshaped

lashes out, he was filled with gratitude and joy, not with anger or bitterness. Blake, help us understand that.

I mean, it's been this way for a long time. You know, they say he's a threat to democracy while they do everything possible to undermine democracy by forcing him out of the race, forcing him into a jail cell, rigging the process as much as possible. And now here they would say, like, he's the one who's injecting, like, hate or darkness into the race. Yet they do that a lot more than him. Donald Trump has been, for the most part, like, very...

positive energy this race. Uh, you know, he's, he's upbeat. He talked, he talks a lot about accomplishments he had in his first term and how he will bring them back. And the stuff he bashes Biden for it is really no different from what you'd be able to see even turning on CNN or MSNBC. They're all, they're all pretty bleak a lot of the time too. Uh, there's, there's a huge amount of projection that goes into everything the modern left does, uh,

these days. And while we're talking about headlines, by the way, apparently the headline on CNN right now, since I have it up, is top Biden officials believe he must drop out. So we've gone from the media to Democrat lawmakers to Biden officials, which means we might have the 25th Amendment getting invoked by this time next week, Charlie.

Boy, I want to get into that into great detail. I really do. So, Jack, let's kind of put a final cap on this speech tonight. Where does this go from here? Donald Trump is the nominee. He's alive and well. Melania was there. He leaves on a total high. J.D. Vance is the vice president. What are the marching orders from there? Then I would do something on Biden and we'll close the night out.

Look, Charlie, this was a I'm just going to say it. This was a pitch perfect convention for the Republicans in terms of what they needed out of it. Did I love every single little piece of it? Look, I'm not going to sit here and go through all of that. But in terms of the top lines of the things that people will remember from this, it was amazing.

And so the Democrats are going to be looking at this saying, what are we going to do? Any potential Democrat, by the way, contender who's thinking about maybe getting their name in the ring, getting their hat in the ring in Chicago in just a couple of weeks' time in August here is suddenly realizing that they've got to go up against a

massive unified front from the Republicans. I mean, you even had like, like Lauren Boebert was standing next to Mike Johnson and all of this. It was just this huge Kumbaya. We are going to get together and save America moment. It was so much bigger than the party, so much bigger than any one specific party.

person with Donald Trump simply at the head of everything. So the Republicans got what they needed. The Democrats are in an absolute state of disarray. They've got no idea what they're going to do in Chicago in just a couple of weeks time. And so the Republicans have the wind at their sails. They do. But at the same time, I'm going to throw this out there that we must, must, must not get

complacent we cannot be complacent complacency is the biggest danger right now all this talk about biden dropping etc etc we have so much work to do because you know what the democrats are doing right now they're banking ballots and while they switch out their candidate and play kabuki theater and rearrange the deck chairs on the titanic

They're going to be banking ballots where? In Wisconsin, in Pennsylvania, and in Michigan. That's why they're talking about Governor Josh Shapiro. That's why his name keeps coming up because he's a popular politician, popular governor in Pennsylvania. And so people need to keep their eyes on the ball. This is a great week.

week. This was a great week. It was an astounding week. It was an emotional week. It was a great week for the good guys. But we need to remember the work starts Monday. Yes, it does. All right. So, Blake, let's get into some inside baseball here. What is the future of Joe Biden look like? What is the process here? Oh, man. So we've been talking to some some people we know who are more in the middle of the political divide. So they actually talk to Democrats as well. And

It's wild because people make confident predictions, yet it seems they don't necessarily have a strong basis for this. So I've been hearing there are Democrat lawmakers, like real figures in the party, who say 100% Joe Biden is gone. He's not going to make it.

But if you push at it, if you poke at it a little bit, Joe Biden has not himself admitted he is gone. He has not secretly said, OK, we're out next Sunday. We're not next Monday. We're just writing the speech. He has not admitted this yet. They're just confident they can force him out because they can do way uglier tactics. So they're thinking we will be able to turn up the heat so bad he will not be able to stick around. That is that is the conversation they're having, which is.

I guess you have to admit from our perspective, that is what we wanted to see. If you're going to have Biden be forced out, you don't want it to be a nice little clean switcheroo. You want it to be protracted. You want it to be ugly. You want it to be bitter. And that's what we're hearing reported. We're hearing that donors are saying, you know, forget the presidential race. We'll be boycotting House races and Senate races just to make it clear you have to make this switch. We're going to turn up the pain.

We see on CNN that Biden officials are admitting he has to go, which means I think 2020

25th Amendment is on the table. Another thing I've been hearing from a friend of a friend who has been in contact with Kamala World is, well, Kamala's team is not ready for this. We've been hearing for years. She can't keep staff because she's a horrible boss and her team is all messed up. So we have these very junior staff on Kamala's team who are suddenly about to be tasked with trying to run

either a presidential campaign or at least a campaign for the nomination for the next month. And they're not ready for this. They apparently don't even know whether Biden will be in her corner or not. That's still up in the air. And so you just have maximum division in the Democrats and maximum chaos. You love to see it. I want to go through some data here. So

Morning Consult shows Donald Trump up four points on Biden. RMG Research has Donald Trump up five points on Biden. So SoCal Research.

uh, on point politics has Donald Trump up six points on Biden and eight points on Kamala Harris, Jack Posobiec. I want to go to you here. Just name a couple more names here. Jeremiah, Shan, Chelsea, Emily, Rebecca. Thank you guys for becoming members. Jack, you think that Kamala could potentially be even easier to defeat and beat. Is that correct? I do actually. I do. And I'll tell you why, because, uh,

Kamala Harris. So, number one, she comes with all the baggage of the Biden administration, plus the fact that she was the one who was put in charge of the two biggest failures of the Biden administration. She was made the face of it, the border and then Ukraine. Remember, she's the one who went over to the Munich conference and said Ukraine will be a NATO. Ukraine will be a NATO. We will stand up for this. And then Putin invades like two days later, literally two days later.

This is going to be played again and again, and it's going to be shown that her weakness was one of the things that led to the decision matrix of crossing the border, crossing the Rubicon in Ukraine. The other part of this is that she does not have the legacy name recognition, the legacy...

goodwill that Joe Biden enjoyed with many segments of the Democrat Party from being Obama's wingman, from being the guy who was ride or die with Barry O, the guy who was always there, this totally fake bromance that they led people to believe that existed between him and Barack Obama. Again, all of that work, all of that time as vice president doesn't apply to Kamala Harris. And remember,

Kamala Harris is deeply disliked even within her own party. She had to drop out of the presidential race in 2020 before Iowa. She did not even make it to the first contest. So, no, I don't think there's someone in for middle. And by the way, finally, the question.

We've seen Kamala try the primetime run. She does not have the chops. She's never going to have the chops. You want to talk about what Tucker Carlson was saying about the difference between leadership versus someone who's good at subverting the system. I think, yeah, she knows a lot about subverting the system.

No doubt. So, Blake, in closing here, let's kind of recap the week. You were there on the ground, Blake, helping us show out. What was the takeaway? What were you most surprised about as an onlooker here at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee? Most surprised about...

You know, it's hard to say because actually I would say, you know, in what has been a very, a very surprising election year, a very surprising election month, a very surprising election week. I think we'd say all of those are, we might literally be at the point where the narrative of this year is passing 2016, which I would have never thought was possible. Yet I would say the one part that was just not a shock at all was the

What I saw this week in Milwaukee, I would I would have said, OK, they took a shot at Trump. So that's going to unite the party. They're going to be very positive energy. People will be grateful that their candidate is alive, that their candidate is here to give the speech, that they're the man that they indicted, that they.

censored off off the internet that they took a shot at that they sued that they took the companies of that all of this failed and he's there to receive the nomination and everyone's there good vibes all around the band is back together and they're ready to retake the white house

And that's the thing. There really there was no monkey wrench in that. There was no shock. It was what we would have hoped for. This is exactly the convention Republicans wanted to hold. It's the exact convention they plan to hold. And especially looking at what's going on with the Democrats right now, they have every reason to feel very confident going into this fall's election. And now they just for the next election.

90 days, they just need to execute. Well, and I also say there was, Jack, and this is from a viral question. I want your take on that too. There was no viral scandal that distracted from the main thing. I mean, there was little things here or there, but Jack, that's a big deal, right? Conventions sometimes get derailed with online chatter. Can you comment on this, Jack? That did not happen for four days. There was no speaker that said something they shouldn't have done or no, you know what I'm saying? It was beautifully produced and the main thing kept to be the main thing.

Yeah, the narrative that was put out – and by the way, this is why CNN is out there saying, oh, well, the speech was long because they don't have anything else. They don't have that one serious gaffe. They don't have that one big mess up. They don't have that one piece where somebody went totally off script and started messing around with people. No, they have none of those things. And so to be able to put on an event like this –

For several days, which I know, Charlie, is something that you and the entire team at Turning Point and at Turning Point Action do time and again, several times a year, multiple times a year, when you consider all of the events that Turning Point does. It's not something that's easy to do. And especially when you know the eyes of the world are on you and you have so many speakers. I mean, this was jam-packed with speakers. And the idea that you've only got one. And there were times in the past, by the way, especially some of those...

And look, it's just true. With those everyday American stories, you never know because these aren't people that do presentation on a regular basis. You're kind of rolling the dice with some of those sometimes. In the past, there have been a few that don't really work out so well. Every single one of this, just pitch perfect, no gaffes, no flaws, everything on message, total execution. And in a way, it showed that...

This is a group of people that has competence in the face of the incompetence that is being described in the current administration of our government. It's beautifully said. I can tell you this was my – I went to convention in 2012.

So 12, 16, 20 didn't really count, but I guess that counts. And this is my fourth convention, the third one in person. And this was the most joyful, exuberant group I've ever been around. This is a determined group that's ready to go to work. And again, don't be surprised. They're going to pull Biden and maybe it's Kamala, maybe not. And this race might completely and totally reset. And but we have a unified party and we are battle ready. I can tell you no one's going to be surprised that Biden gets pulled. It was kind of the unspoken truth of this last convention.

I want to thank you guys for becoming members. I want to thank Larry. I want to thank Glenn. I want to thank Mike. I want to thank Joe. I want to thank Dan. I want to thank, let's see here. Let's go through the list here. I want to thank Jill and I want to thank Greg. I want to thank Beth. I want to thank Kathy and Ryan, Noah and Daisy sending them in. It's That is I want to thank Ben as well. I think Jerry,

Let's play a piece of tape here as we compile the final list here of just a recap. By the way, how amazing, do we have the video that they were playing that documentary on Trump? Wow, that was amazing. That was just absolutely spectacular. That video they played. So good. Wasn't that just absolutely incredible? It was just really unbelievable. Let's play cut 178 and then we will close it out. Let's go to 178. We will not break. We will not bend.

We will not back down. And I will never stop fighting for you, your family, and our magnificent country. Never. And everything I have to give with all of the energy and fight in my heart and soul, I pledge to our nation tonight. Thank you very much. I pledge that to our nation. We're going to turn our nation around, and we're going to do it very quickly. Thank you.

This election should be about the issues facing our country and how to make America successful, safe, free, and great again. In an age when our politics too often divide us, now is the time to remember that we are all fellow citizens. We are one nation under God.

It's beautiful. But quickly, thank you for those that are becoming members, Thank you, Carol. Thank you, Aaron. Thank you, Michelle. Thank you, Rich, Gordon, Michael, Mary, Stacy, Rita, and Dean, Thank you, Jonah. They just keep pouring in. Ricky, and we are working to get you your shirt as quickly as possible. Our team will reach out to you. Thank you, Tessa.

As well, Okay, thank you guys so much. Again, I want to just thank the tech team for all the late nights and everyone that has worked so hard in the studio, the streaming and everything. It's been a very difficult week, I know. We appreciate you guys so much. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to