cover of episode A Church/Pike Committee the Trump Shooting? ft. Marco Rubio, Byron Donalds, Nigel Farage, Markwayne Mullin

A Church/Pike Committee the Trump Shooting? ft. Marco Rubio, Byron Donalds, Nigel Farage, Markwayne Mullin

Publish Date: 2024/7/18
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Hey everybody, it's Andy Charley Kirk show live from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Become a member today. We're doing a member drive. It's That's As always, you can email us freedom at and get involved with Turning Point USA at That is Buckle up everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks.

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Joining us now is Senator Mark Wayne Mullen from the great state of Oklahoma. Welcome. Great state of Oklahoma. We know how to play football there and wrestle a little bit. That's right. And by the way, how do you feel about all of a sudden you're going to have the Oklahomans and the SEC? What is that all about? Only in football. We're going to be wrestling the Big 12 still yet. Is that right? Yeah, because SEC doesn't have wrestling. So I have two boys that wrestle for Oklahoma State, one that wrestles for OU. So it's an important sport for us. That is...

The good news, though, for all the Texas fans is they get the A&M rivalry back. Do you guys still get Bedlam? No, they've actually pulled that. Come on. No, I'm not kidding. Now, OU offered a key. OSU declined. I wonder why. I don't know. I have a problem with that because I went to Oklahoma State, so I have a problem with it. So in Stillwater, what are they like? They win one a decade? Yes.

Maybe, but we'll do better. We're going to get back there. You know, I think OU is going to be humbled a little bit maybe in the SEC. They'll come back because they're a football program, but it could be challenged the first year.

I'm cheering for Venables. He seems like a good guy. So, Senator, we were chatting this morning. What did you have on the show? You have been on this issue of the Secret Service. So there's some really disturbing new reports. Is it correct that the Secret Service had eyes on the would-be assassin 62 minutes ahead of time? So we got a time frame yesterday. Yeah, we got a time frame yesterday, and it was very disturbing that they went back and they said that they had identified him as a...

point of interest at around 5.09. Now, mind you, the shooting took place at 6.11. So at 5.09, which was 62 minutes prior to the shooting, they had identified him because he had a backpack and a range finder, and he was just outside the third perimeter. Now, the question is, if you identified him, then why didn't you go make contact with him?

Because they lost contact because actually 19 minutes before the shooting took place, which was nine minutes before the president took the stage, they were actively looking for him and they couldn't find him. Okay, now that's a huge lapse in security.

Well, so you've done this type of work, though. Is that correct? Yes. And setting up the perimeters is pretty simple, right? You have three rings. You have the outer perimeter is typically protected by what we call local local police. They'll be uniformed police officers. You have some undercover officers.

But local police officers, sheriffs and stuff, the inner perimeter will be a light more tight security. That's where you go through and get your bags checked. That's where they're checking vehicles. Right. And that's going to be your SWAT team uniform and military presence. Your inner one, which is called the inner diamond. That's that's the Secret Service. Those are the guys that jumped on President Trump. But who's responsible for all of it?

of making sure the perimeter, making sure the inner perimeter, the third perimeter and the inside, that's Secret Service. They're responsible for the whole project. And someone failed on two different cases, right? They failed when they identified the building because they actually said they identified the building at 150 yards as a point of concern because it had a direct line of sight to the president. What they didn't say on the call we had with the Secret Service is if that guard or that building was supposed to be protected.

If you had it as a point of interest, someone should have been on that building. That doesn't mean on top, but making sure that someone wasn't able to climb up the building. But Senator, I just got it. So this is so many failures like this in a row.

It just deteriorates faith in these institutions. No drone support, no helicopter support. And did they not have counter snipers that were also seeing a guy army crawl on a roof? It's not like Gotham City where you got to have 500 roofs. There's six of them in Butler, Pennsylvania. Look, you and I have been around President Trump and his security. They got pretty lax.

They got to the point where they were complacent. And the worst thing you can do when you're doing protective service work or you're doing advanced work is being complacent, thinking, oh, we got this. We're okay. The minute you let your guard down and you're not going through your checklist, you're making assumptions instead of planning for the worst, you're going to allow stuff like this to happen. There were so many failure points at this point. We need to start having questions. Who is the AIC, the agent in charge? Did the agent in charge ask specific questions? I need more resources.

Did the Secret Service understand the circumstances they were following? Did the local police have correct coordination? Was there somebody that was supposed to be on that building that left? Was there a deputy? Was there law enforcement? And they didn't do that? Did they actually make contact and decide the guy wasn't a point of interest? Did they make contact and release him? I mean, because if someone's walking around with a range finder,

And there's no golf course there? There's a problem. There's other questions. He went to his car and took out a ladder? Well, there's rumors of saying that. That isn't what was reported to that. The FBI said he bought a ladder at Home Depot, implying that he used his own ladder. Right. But he was there at 10 o'clock earlier that day, too. So he had been at the site two times. They identified him that he had been at the site two times, right? He was there at 10 a.m. the morning of the shooting for 70 minutes, and he left and then came back around 3 o'clock.

Once again, they knew all this. They knew the timeframe of him and they still didn't detain him. Even if he was walking around, you don't have to detain him, but you can search his backpack. There's there it's, it raises more questions than we actually got answers. And the, the, the, the biggest question of all, which I think you would agree with, why not?

pull the president off stage if there's even a micron of a question. All these other ones are very mechanical, yet critical and embarrassing. And again, it's not just one problem. We're talking about a cascade. It's either this was a black swan event of a thousand failures or something darker that I don't even want to entertain.

I don't want to go down this conspiracy thing because we need to actually do the investigation and find out where it leads. But not pulling the president off stage is weird. And see, if you've got a principle that you have a problem, this is what contingency plans is all about. You always have A, B, and C contingency plans. You've got a principle that's on stage. You have contingency plans to get him off because as a person protecting you, like you have a detail that's with you. And if we're protecting you, the goal is to protect you from harassment.

embarrassment and death, right? Harassment can come in multiple forms and embarrassing come in multiple forms. So maybe you don't want to rush on stage and pull you off, but the contingency plan would be on his teleprompter. You prop up and it says, Hey, we're having a technical difficulty. That's a signal to the president that, Hey, we need to get you off the stage. And he's been trained or notified. Hey, you ever see that you go, you got to get, well, we got to get you off the stage. He can just turn around and walk off and says, guys, we have technical difficulties. I'll be back. They had this guy, they were looking for him for nine minutes, right?

Not for 19 minutes. I'm sorry. He was the president had been on stage for 10 minutes before the shooting. Can I interrupt you in Secret Service Protocol? I'm sure we'll learn who makes the call to pull him off stage. I see the agent in charge makes that call. So it is hyper. It is theoretical. We don't know this, that other agents were suggesting it and it got vetoed. Could have been the AIC. You have a shift lead typically, which is number two in charge.

If the shift lead was informing the AIC, hey, we need to pull the president, the AIC makes the ultimate call. No one's going to make the call without the AIC giving full orders unless he goes down, which in this case, obviously, no one went down except President Trump and the firefighter. And also, praise God.

that not more people died but it's just a terrible thing that should never happened and he died the right way protecting his daughter his family got diving on top of his family that's the way that we all hope we go right that's what we're supposed to if we're to go it's to you know die protecting the ones you love absolutely and so the let's go through process here i was very encouraged by senator barrasso and senator blackburn that didn't take any bs and i i don't mean any

I don't like her, but I want to get her name correct. And Cheetle, right? They went and confronted her. She didn't seem very interested in taking their questions. No. Well, she was avoiding our questions yesterday, too. I think the questions that we had yesterday, they must have been preset because only five people got asked questions. They entered the call 20 minutes early. It's the accountability that we see from this entire administration. No one has ever been held accountable.

I mean, you've seen disaster decisions after disaster decision. Yeah. Afghanistan, no one's been held accountable for it. Uh, and no one, and if, if, if, if this wasn't such an outcry of such a disgrace to what happened here, no one be held accountable here too, but there will be people accountable. We will get to the bottom of it. We'll have to go through the process of the investigation. It's just how forthcoming are they going to be? And right now they're not

Last question, Senator. The investigation, do we mean your guys' investigation or the FBI's investigation? Not the FBI's investigation. The FBI has proven themselves not worthy. Director Wray, we can't depend on it. Listen, there are some great...

agents in the field the problem is the seventh story at hoover building where the head honchos of of the fbi are at we can't depend on them and that's sad to say because the fbi has done a great job protecting us here on the homeland but their their leadership do you think there's any appetite at all for democrats republicans to form a warren commission or 9-11 commission around this

I think if the administration and the Secret Service isn't forthcoming, we would be required to do this. Hopefully it would require Schumer. If if if we don't have it done before Schumer's kicked out of office, then yes. Good point. But we believe he's going to be kicked out of office. So they're going to want to become we're going to have Senator Justice and Senator Sheehy and.

hopefully Senator Lake and Senator Brown, hopefully. Sheehy's great. Justice is great. Hopefully we get Bernie Reno in here too. We get Sam Brown, who's an awesome guy. Carrie Lake. And at that point, then you guys can run your own. Because I think we need a congressionally-led...

church and pike committee style investigation into this i agree we if we don't admit we made problems you're destined to do it again and i don't care if you're a republican you're a democrat when you're being protected by the secret service you should know you're protected unquestionably senator thank you so much charlie thank you i'm a little jealous of oklahoma every one of your counties votes for trump the only state that can say that and he and he reminds me every time i talk oh he runs the table you have that beautiful of

All right. Hey, let me tell you a real quick story. After I after I Trump obviously got I got shot. I called him the next day. Right. And typical Trump. He's a machine. He's going on 90 miles an hour and he makes a joke right off the bat after acknowledging that God saved his life. He goes, you know, Mark Wayne, my ears are going to look like yours now because mine are all jacked up from wrestling. That's so funny. He goes, now they're going to be messed up like yours. Senator, thank you so much. Appreciate it. Thank you.

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All right, everybody. Now we got Kash Patel here. And then...

All right. And then we have Senator Rubio coming after this. Cash, can we trust the FBI to investigate President Trump getting shot? No, absolutely not. I think you know the answer to that. And I basically outlined a map asking the speaker to step in and create a select committee of private and public individuals. It's on And I said, look, if you need investigators, there's great private ones. There's great public ones. You need to enforce the public will issue subpoenas, enforce those subpoenas, demand the documentation, not give it.

to the American public in six months, give it to them on a rolling basis. And I told him I'd go run it for free if he wants. But we can't have the FBI and DOJ run in anything. So, Cash, what do you think happened? And you have some experience in...

looking into government malfeasance. What is your theory as to what happened? So look, I'm the guy that's going to tell you I'm not going to speculate. I know the guys on the detail personally. I've traveled with them. I've done over 50 trips with the president in office, out of office. There is a monumental mechanical failure here. And I don't know if it was one lapse or multiple lapses. And that's why...

to bring the country together behind Donald Trump needs the truth as to what actually happened on that day. And that's not going to come from the FBI or DOJ. It's not going to come from outside analysts. It's going to come from when you interview every single witness in open door. Every single interview must be supported by documentation, the memos. We got a big battle as to whether or not there was an augmentation request for Trump.

years or excuse me months before and the secret service has said no i believe the secret service director is lying and i have proof that i think we can get but congress needs to act and show us those materials do you think that a special commission would satisfy this or a special committee i think a special committee could satisfy it it depends on you know are we going to set it up like the unselect committee january 6th are we going to do a righteous blue ribbon commission like 9-11 or the house intel select committee that did russiagate

So, Cash, now looking at this election moving forward, looks like Joe Biden will not be the nominee. It'll be Kamala Harris. Obama has...

issued that decree ex cathedra what is your reaction to that well look i've been saying for about two years that biden wasn't going to be the nominee and as soon as the uh missteps started to happen then the physical missteps started to happen then the mainstream media started to come in and now everybody that said they would always support joe biden pelosi schumer the democratic party the mainstream media joe scarborough and all those guys are now calling for his resignation so it's happening

What are you working on? How can people support you, Cash? Yeah, look, my movie's premiering down the street at 2 p.m. today, Government Gangsters, the movie, in collaboration with the great Steve Bannon. So go to if you can't watch it there. But, pre-order today, releasing tomorrow. Miller High Life, 2 p.m. today. Cash, come back on soon. Thanks, man. This is not Senator Marco Rubio, for the record. This is not Senator Marco Rubio. It is Nigel Farage. Thank you. Nigel, you are amazing.

90 days ago, you had no such plans to run for anything. Is that correct? Well, I did 20 years in the European Parliament. I fought for Brexit. I fought against globalism. I'd retired.

But I just, I don't know, a few weeks ago I thought I've got to do something. So I stood a rebel movement against, I mean, basically our conservative party are like your rhinos. Oh, they're worse than that. They probably are worse than that. I thought, right, the rebellion starts here. Yes. And we've made a start. So tell us what that looked like. Labour, unfortunately, was able to form a government rather significantly. But the buried lead is your vote total, your actual raw vote total was significant.

Yeah, I mean, we've got, you know, more than half the votes of a Conservative Party that's been around for 200 years. And we've done it in the space of a few weeks. And do you know what? We actually stand for something. We believe in borders. We believe in the family, community, the country. We believe in the Judeo-Christian roots of our civilisation. So we've won. We've got five seats in Parliament.

If it was proportional, we'd have 100 seats. So why isn't it? Your system is foreign to me. We need a bit more reform. But we've made a start. Reform UK is there. And I'm going to reconfigure. It doesn't sound like a democracy to me. Well, it's a very flawed system. But I tell you what, we're going to reconfigure.

The center right of British politics, the way that people like you and Donald Trump have done so here. And so let's go now back to American politics. Nigel, what a week. Where were you when you found out that Donald Trump, your friend, was shot? I was in a car. I'd been to a dinner. I'd spoken at a dinner. I was in a car. Phone call came through. I was absolutely sick.

to the bottom of my stomach. I couldn't believe it. And now I've seen the 3D image of his head turning, the bullet. Two bullets. I mean, it's unbelievable. It's just unbelievable. I believe it was divine providence. I really do. Well, I tell you what, I had a near-death experience 15 years ago. Did you really? In a plane crash. I thought that was it. I was smashed to pieces. And you know what? There are powers greater than we understand. What did the near-death experience do to you? It made me quite emotional for the first few weeks. Yeah.

Do you think that President Trump might be dealing with that? I think you'll see on the stage tonight a slightly different man. Not wholly different, slightly different. But better, different in maybe a good way. Do you know what? When you think you're going to die or you come close to it, you're very grateful just to be here. I think we'll see that tonight. And I also think we'll see a healing Trump who can bring together America and win this election big time.

I pray you're right, Nigel. And the Democrat Party in this country is currently in shambles. It's different than labor in your country. Joe Biden looks increasingly as if he will not be the nominee.

You have a very prescient, clairvoyant take on American politics because you're not in it. So you can look at it as an outsider. Do you think anybody can stop this movement right now? No, I don't. I don't think it matters. I mean, the fact they've had Biden there for all this time, they've hidden him away. What I can't work out, by the way, if his son and wife love him, why are they allowing him to be put through elder abuse? Because frankly, that's what it is.

And I it doesn't matter who they pick. There is momentum behind the movement. There is momentum behind Trump. And you know something, that image close to death, covered in blood. And he stands there and does that.

That shows you the instinctive courage the man has got. No, nothing will stop Trump. And just this image, I want to dwell on that. You guys can put up cut 75, I think, on screen. What do you see when you look at this image? This will go down as one of the great iconic photographs and visuals in human history. Well, Iwo Jima, of course, is that amazing image after the huge losses that the Americans took. And you've got that statue in Washington, D.C. But Iwo Jima was staged.

This wasn't staged. That's a phenomenal point. This is raw courage. It's raw courage, and good leaders have courage. And I believe, Charlie, and I mean this...

I think Trump is the bravest man I've ever met in my life. Just so you know, we're going to raise money at the Turning Point headquarters and build the first statue for this. What a good idea. I'll contribute. If I'm allowed as a foreigner, I'll contribute. Yeah, but we're not. After we win, we'll contribute. Wouldn't you guys love to go visit the first statue to this? Isn't that a great idea?

Like an Iwo Jima will cut one or two of the guards out. Right. But Donald Trump rising after being shot. That is such a profound point. This was not staged. But the media's Joy Reid has actually suggested that it was staged. Despicable person. Nigel, what is next for you? What? I don't understand your system. When does Parliament meet? I'm sure you guys have me. Well, yesterday morning I was with the king came and read out the the you were in.

Britain yesterday. I was in. I was in. I listened to the King yesterday morning. I was here yesterday afternoon. And you know what? I came because somebody I regard as a friend of mine came very close to death. And I've come to show solidarity. No, I'm going to see him later on the scene. Yeah, I hope. I don't know if they have you scheduled to speak or not or what. But he really respects you. Nigel Farage and Donald Trump were the ones that saw 2016 coming. And I think you both see 2024 coming to Nigel. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you, everybody.

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Now, Senator Marco Rubio is on. Senator, great to have you. You got a fan club here, Senator. And you got you got sparks. You got the whole thing. Senator, welcome to the program. You gave a wonderful address. One of the best of the convention.

What is your thought on this convention? We were talking about this off camera. The unity, the stories, it's just remarkable. I mean, I think there's three things that come to me in this convention. This is my fifth that I've been at. It's by far the best for three reasons. Number one is the enthusiasm.

You know, at every convention, obviously, people are going to wave flag signs and all that. But this is legitimate enthusiasm. The second, I think it's reflecting a transformation of the Republican Party, which I think is phenomenal. And it isn't by abandoning principles. We've actually become the party that's trying to connect what government does to how people live. Real life stuff, real world stuff. So I think those two factors are incredibly important. And the third is the talent.

I mean, we have in this week alone probably seen 150 people on that stage that are better than anyone the Democrats are going to have at their convention. And just think about it. I mean, from yourself to Dr. Carson, Vivek Ramaswamy, obviously J.D. Vance. I mean, Don Jr., it's an all-star cast up there. Yeah, we just have very talented people. We've become the party of talented people. And I think that's...

really important that we're able to attract people and that that comes from such varied backgrounds have some differences of views by the way on maybe this issue or that issue but they found their home in this party and that's a transformation that i think is going to bear fruit for the next 25 years and so senator i want to just take a step back here this could have been one of the the saddest conventions

in American history. Where were you on Saturday when you heard the news? I was in Miami and I was actually watching it live on television. And when you saw it, your mind can't process it because it's so foreign to anything you've ever seen. And it sounded maybe somebody set off some fireworks, maybe something sparked up on the stage because I could see the president react to it. But as you come to the realization of what's happened, the first thing that flashed across my mind was

If this is the worst case scenario, this is going to tear this country apart. Like, I don't even know there would have been a convention this week. What would have happened to America? Because that's the point that we have reached. And then I think you start as you people start talking about we got to lower the tone in American politics. I agree. I don't think we should call anybody Hitler. I don't think we should call anybody a future dictator. I think people should be able to vibrantly disagree about public policy. But ultimately, the reason why we do all of this in politics is not for politics. It's for people.

This is about what do our people need and want in America and what can we do to help deliver that. And there'll be differences of opinion about how to do that, but that's what we should be focused on. That's what I think the president will talk about tonight. That's the only place we're going to find unity is finding ways to speak for what the people want and delivering, not just talking about it, but doing it. And J.D. Vance gave a great address last evening. Wasn't J.D. great?

It's not about abstractions. It's about real-life implications. You've seen the Republican Party change in the last decade over this, and you wrote a whole book about that. This is a different philosophical approach to a convention than we would have saw a decade ago. Well, and I don't want to get too deep in the weeds on it. I think J.D. says something.

very similar things about this as well. But at the end of the Cold War, right, it looked like, OK, we're the only power in the world. We can do whatever we want. Everyone's going to become a democracy and we're going to become this global economy. And it made a lot of people rich. Let there be no doubt the global economy. And it made a lot of people rich. It also did this. It took a lot of American, good American jobs and sent them to other countries because labor was cheaper there.

It left behind a lot of broken communities, gutted, gutted communities. And I think the lesson to take away from the last 20 years is that we are not a market. We are a country. We have a market. And the market is a way that we do a tool that we use to serve the country. And so I do support the free market. But what do you do when the free market outcome is bad for America? Because it is cheaper. It is more efficient to make medicine in China. It is not good for America to depend on China for our medicine.

And those are the things that no one was asking about before. I mean, I think it's forced a lot of people in American politics to reevaluate it from that standpoint. And you start to realize we need to have an industrial capacity in our country or you're not just going to leave our country vulnerable. You're going to leave a lot of Americans permanently behind. So a question I have is that within the delegates, 95 percent would agree with what you just said. President Trump does the platform.

In the U.S. Senate, in the conversations you're having, the robust discussions and debate, do you see that your viewpoint is growing and having more momentum with members? It's growing. It's growing, but it's a process. Yeah, it's growing, but it's a process. And it's a process because you have to understand, for a lot of people who came of age in American politics – by the way, people say Reagan wasn't – Reagan actually was more aligned to this than people think he was. But –

It's a growing process because you came of age in American politics from 2000 to 2010, 90 to 2010. You know, the dominant theory in the Republican Party was that.

you know, unfettered market, irrespective of the impact on America. And so I think it's really only been since about 2014, especially with Trump in 2015, that that began, that orthodoxy started to get challenged. But what's happening now is that the people getting elected are a product of that way of thinking. And so it begins to change the Senate. It's most certainly already changed the House. So I think from now moving forward, the trend line in the American and the Republican Senate is going to increasingly reflect these views because that's who voters are electing.

And eventually there needs to be a mirror between the voters and those people who are actually representing them. Yeah, well, I mean, hopefully or else the system is unsustainable. Exactly. If your political class does not respond and is completely out of touch with people, that's not sustainable. By the way, it's not just happening in America. It's happening in every Western industrialized economy in the world where everyday people being left behind by globalization are pushing back against it. It's not just a unique American phenomenon. It's happening everywhere.

I also see a positive attitude shift in the Republican Party, and I saw it on display yesterday and something that I don't think I ever would have saw. Senator Barrasso, who I think is wonderful, and Senator Blackburn, they were not they were not happy with the Secret Service director. In fact, they kept on walking with them through the halls because of what the outrage. I don't know if we would have saw that a decade ago. They would have just kind of sent a letter and said, well, you're back in a couple of weeks.

There's a passion and energy and a zeal now from Senate leadership saying, no, no, no, you respond to us. The Secret Service, we have legislative oversight over you. I think the worst part about what we've seen with them is that I believe that in the future people will point to how the Secret Service has handled this in the aftermath and say that's how you do not handle the aftermath. There should have been daily press conferences. Yes.

We should not be finding out things about this from leaks here and videos posted online. They need to be transparent with the American people because we came to the edge of a cataclysm, not just for Republicans. Obviously, it would have been tragic for the country. For all of Western civilization. This kid was not some ninja. I mean, you can see this guy is not some highly trained operative. I mean, and he climbed on a roof. They saw him there an hour before. They knew there was a threat.

A hundred and something, less than 200 yards away. Which is from here to the Trade Hotel. Yes. How could that have never should have happened? And then the question is, who's responsible for that breakdown? And more importantly, does this point to a broader problem in the Secret Service? But the way you address that is through full transparency. People deserve to know that these agencies are working and the fact that they refuse to still divulge enough information.

leaving people increasingly doubtful that they can police themselves. This is a topic that's difficult to wrestle with, but it's important. There seems to be a pattern of institutions we once trusted that are failing the mandate. CDC, FDA, FBI, the Afghanistan withdrawal. That is a

major topic to tackle if we are blessed to have president trump win in november how do we restore faith in these institutions it's more than personnel it's culture it's direction it's purpose well the best way to restore faith in institutions is for them to do what they're supposed to do again for them to actually work for them to actually function the way they're supposed to function the best way to destroy faith in institutions is for them to become arrogant and out of touch

and act like they are smarter than the people they're supposed to serve. And that's the attitude you see from a lot of these agencies is we know what's best for you. We will even lie to you the way maybe you'll tell your kids something when they're growing up to get them to do good behavior. They treat us like children as a country. They did it during COVID. They're doing it now with this whole attempted assassination. And you repeatedly say that pattern. And Afghanistan. Well, the Afghanistan thing was one of the most humiliating moments in American history.

And no one was fired. No one's ever been held accountable. Ultimately, the commander in chief is accountable for what happened in Afghanistan and entirely predictable. They lie when they say that that was not predictable. That was a predictable situation. Humiliation. And worst of all, they kept like 90, 80, 90 billion dollars worth of our equipment.

We left them $90 billion worth of our equipment. And, you know, we have images around the world of people hanging off the wings of a C-130 as it's evacuating. And it was not a coincidence to me that a few months later, Putin says, oh, my God, you know, let's go in. Let's go into Ukraine right now. And by the way, how powerful was that to have all those gold star families last evening? Powerful and tragic and tragic. You know what was so hard for me to watch? They have not healed.

And you could tell that there's like this open thing being like, can you just say my son's name?

And it's tragic. It's tragic. And at the same time, I think it reveals that one of the reasons why they don't want to say their name is because they're so prideful that it would be admitting that they made a mistake. The president should say every name of a service member who was killed in the line of duty, period. By the way, they died at the hands of ISIS that were completely wiped out when Trump was in office. And they were gone. They reemerged. And they've now reemerged. They're smuggling terrorists into America. And we must remember the preconditions for that.

It was near the end of this botched withdrawal as the temperature was being raised. It was like day three or four and we were all warning domestically, this is a disaster, this is bad. And it was right at a checkpoint near the airport where these Marines were just left out to dry. They were left out to dry and frankly, we were counting on the Taliban to be our security. We were counting on the Taliban. The administration was saying, we're working with the Taliban to secure. So you're working with the Taliban to secure us?

And you saw how well that played out. It was a complete disaster. It was completely botched with tragic consequences, has had tremendous negative impact on our prestige and respect for America around the world. I believe in many ways has incentivized our adversaries to become aggressive. But it also led to the tragic loss of every single one of those young men and women who are so brave American heroes, whose leaders put them in harm's way and did not give them the resources to protect themselves.

Senator, you deserve a lot of credit for getting Florida to become a deep red state through Miami-Dade with the Cuban community, right? Amazing. Do you know how awesome it is that we really don't have to do a campaign in Florida very much? That those 30 electoral votes, I don't want to take it for granted, but it looks good, Senator. Yeah, it does. That's because we've always been a place that people come to to get away from Marxism and leftism. Now they used to come from other countries. Now they're coming from other states to get away from Marxism.

But they're coming to Florida. It's a place of people that know how bad things can get and they're not going to allow it to happen. So but one of the ways you've done that is building an amazing coalition with Hispanic voters. Hispanic voters are a swing demographic more so than any other time. What are you seeing in the Hispanic community in Texas, Arizona, how it connects to what you've been able to successfully do in Florida? What I'm seeing in the Hispanic community is that they're Americans.

And that their identity comes not from their ethnicity. It comes from the fact that they're a worker. They're a small business owner. They're a mother. They're a father. They're a community activist. They're involved in their church. And they're Americans. And their identity comes from that. And that's what we have forgotten. Listen.

If you're Hispanic, maybe that influences where you get your news or what music you listen to on the radio. But it doesn't. But it doesn't make you any different than anybody else in America in terms of caring about having a good job, affordable prices, safe streets, good schools and a country that's respected. And in many ways, people that know what life is like in another country will never take this one for granted. Senator, you are an amazing advocate for the America First agenda. And I

When we win, you're going to be one of the most important members of the Senate to make sure that we deliver these legislative wins. So, Senator, thank you so much for your time. Thanks for having me on. God bless you, man. Thank you. Give it up for Senator Marco Rubio, everybody. Awesome. All right. I need to tell you guys about Strong Cell. It's amazing. With nearly a million units bought by you.

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And we went to that black church. It is that gentleman's church that we were at in Detroit. He came by earlier. Oh, he did? Yeah. Oh, so I'm telling you something you already know. I was distracted, so I didn't say hi like I should have.

How you doing? Good, man. It's doing good. It's been it's been a great week. Byron, you're on House Oversight. Is that right? I am. What we have here is a looming constitutional issue of who's actually in charge. The Secret Service thinks they are their own independent agency with no congressional oversight. And we need every single potential eyewitness or agent to be subpoenaed and brought in front of Congress and interviewed.

First of all, we had to threaten a subpoena for Kim Cheeto to show up in committee on Monday. We wanted to just get the information. Chairman Cuomo was prepared to issue a subpoena. When that was made aware, she's coming in on Monday to testify. Or at a minimum, just have open dialogue with the members of oversight. I think it might be an open hearing. I don't have that full information yet. Number two is the point you were making earlier. This is not a situation where you can just simply have...

We accept full responsibility. We're making changes, blah, blah, blah. We need a timeline of the chain of command. What was communicated when? If some of that stuff is classified at a minimum members in a classified setting need to be able to get that breakdown right.

from the agency so that we know the chain of command. We know how information was disseminated and then who needs to be held accountable is held accountable. And if there is a process that needs to be changed and I'll probably say it's not a process issue, probably it's probably much more of an incompetence issue and somebody dropping the ball. And that's where you get true accountability. Last thing I will say is

We have a real issue in all the agencies. None of them are responsive to Congress under the Biden-Harris administration. They stonewall all the time. So this is the modest operandi of this administration. And number two, the political brass is rotten.

And we got to have a clean out of the political brass in Washington, D.C. So the facts that we see around this are really bad so far. They're really, really, really bad. And we're talking about an hour ahead of time. They knew that this guy was walking out of the range finder and a backpack that they lost. They lost eyes on him 10 minutes before they still let Donald Trump come on stage. They didn't pull Donald Trump off stage.

He was just crawling on a roof and the snipers didn't see him. No drones, no helicopter support, not securing the roof. They knew that the roof was a potential threat. This is a really disturbing pattern that we are seeing. How how do we hold accountable? What does that look like? The Homan rule? Because the Secret Service director, she just kind of acts like, oh, Congress is just like a mosquito. I have to swat away. Yeah, well, first of all, this this is where presidential leadership is required, right?

Because this one in particular, but every other crisis that's happened under Joe Biden's administration, nobody's ever fired. Nobody's ever let go. So if nobody's ever fired and you're somebody else within the bureaucracy, you know you're not getting fired. So the number one thing you do is you cover up, you stonewall, you obfuscate, you hide information and maybe other things like that. You leak to try to push the blame onto somebody else. So the number one accountability is somebody has to get fired.

Call it what it is. Somebody dropped the ball. They need to go. Kim Cheadle, you're in charge. You need to go, quite frankly. And that's when this accountability measures really start to get into place. Nobody wants people to get fired. Let me say this. Nobody really wants people to get fired. But having had to fire people myself, when you do that, everybody else in the organization tightens up. Just so we're clear, though, I fired security guys before that...

Like weren't professional enough and not doing the job to the crispest ability. We're talking about protecting a president here. Yes. I mean, there should be widespread firings. Every person who was on that detail that had something to do with it, other than the people who put their lives on the line and jump towards Trump, just resign in humiliation. Where's your pride? Yeah. I mean, seriously, you just allowed a president to get shot and you still want to get a salary and a pension. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I'd say, you know, I'm done. I'm gonna go find a different line of work.

Byron, they're trying to slow walk this investigation. They're not being transparent. But what are they potentially hiding here? That's the part where I don't want to speculate. And that's why I want to make sure that we have the questions for her when she comes in on Monday. And I will tell you if she answers them, talk to some of my Democrat colleagues. They want answers to this as well, because obviously this is a shooting attempt of President Trump.

But we have former presidents that are living. If there are real issues at Secret Service, it puts them all at risk, not just them, the families of presidential families. It puts them at risk, vice presidents, et cetera. So this is something where members on both sides of the aisle want to get to the bottom of this. That's promising. But I don't want to speculate because I think the speculation is irresponsible. We need concrete information. Byron, thank you for all that you do.

Looks like Joe Biden is not going to be the nominee. Yeah. It's increasingly that way. This race is about to reset. Yes. So, look, I think it's going to be Kamala Harris. They have a money situation that they got to figure out. She can accept the funds. I think what's going to happen is he's going to take the nomination, accept it, and then he's going to step down and she moves to the top of the ticket. They do their delegate thing for a new vice presidential nominee, and then they keep the money and they go.

The real tragedy here is that the reason why they've been basically having a circular firing squad is not because Joe Biden's mental incapabilities, it's because they were exposed for lying and covering up Joe Biden's mental incapabilities. And so if they're going to lie about that, how can you trust them with the White House for four more years, no matter who the next person is? Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless.

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