cover of episode Trump’s Triumphant Week ft. Alina Habba, Rep. Wesley Hunt, Batya Ungar-Sargon, Riley Gaines, and Paula Scanlan

Trump’s Triumphant Week ft. Alina Habba, Rep. Wesley Hunt, Batya Ungar-Sargon, Riley Gaines, and Paula Scanlan

Publish Date: 2024/7/17
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The Charlie Kirk Show


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Hey everybody, it's the end of the Charlie Kirk Show. We are live here, day three at the RNC. As always, you can email us freedom at and subscribe to our podcast and become a member today. That is to get our new shirt, Never Surrender with President Trump surviving an assassination attempt. That is

Pray for President Trump. Pray for his family. We are here live at the RNC all week. As always, you can email us, freedom at Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks.

I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

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We have Alina Habat joining us. Alina, how are you doing? I'm great. How can I not be? So, Alina, you are speaking tomorrow night. Is that right? Tomorrow's the day. I'm excited. So excited. What? What? It's not even a week. Were you there with the president in Butler, Pennsylvania? I was not. I was at the rally prior and I was going to go to Butler and then stayed home because I needed to with my children.

But it was emotional even from my living room. It was a tough day for everybody. So you first heard about it on television? No, I got a phone call the minute it happened from somebody and panicked. And then I spoke to the kids. And we were just trying to get a hold of him. And it was really difficult. I would say an hour and a half where we didn't really know what was happening and wanted to make sure he was okay. We were analyzing that picture, analyzing whether...

You know, was it just that it grazed his ear? Was it that anything? Exactly. So we were worried. We now know definitively two bullets went. One went right through his ear. The other one went right by him. This is nothing short of divine providence. 100 percent. God's hands were definitely on President Trump that day. I actually think something that's interesting fact is that.

That was also the day that Ivana Trump passed. And, you know, they had a special relationship, obviously. And you never know. There are angels and they do believe in God and divine intervention. And there's no reason that that didn't hit him other than that his work is not done here.

Amen. And so the convention has been moving on here in quite dramatic terms. You are now on the campaign team. Is that right? Yes. So you can now talk openly about politics. Yes. I'm so excited. One of, I'm sure your speech will address this. I don't want to spoil it, but you have a primetime slot on Thursday, which is a very big deal. It's a great honor, but is reaching out to women and women voters. What is your message to

And what is the campaign going to be doing over the next couple of days? Because that has not yet really been on display yet. A reaching out towards suburban women voters. A little bit with Nikki Haley, a little bit with Laura Trump, but it hasn't really been built out yet. Yeah, I think they're more in the political realm. Obviously, Laura's family. So mine is going to be a little bit more...

A different one, because people are used to hearing me speak about legal. That's all I speak about, legal, legal, legal. But now I get to speak to a much larger platform and I get to speak about who President Trump actually is. I think that that's important. I don't think that many people have had the opportunity, unlike you and I, which is a blessing, to really know who he is. And the media has made him out to be a misogynist and all these anti-female things that are frankly quite the opposite. So-

I hope to get across to America who the president that I know is my friend. And the convention has been an incredible win and success. Tonight, we're going to hear from J.D. Vance. And he's going to just, I think, give a wonderful speech, right? Can you guys kind of give into, from your perspective, what went into that decision? There was a lot of drama.

around them. There was nothing short of that. But look, at the end of the day, everybody has a person that they think is the right person for the right reason. Politics is a crazy world. I've been, you know, baptism by fire and seen how there's a lot of lobbying. There's a lot of jockeying. And at the end of the day, I think the one thing that keeps President Trump separate from all of that is that President Trump

does what he thinks is best for America. He kind of puts that noise, listens to it. He considers it. But at the end of the day, he makes the decision of what's right. And J.D. Vance, I do believe, and I stand behind President Trump's decision 110 percent. I think he is going to bring a new, fresh perspective. He's our generation, which I love. He is not

uh tainted by the political world yet he is not one of these old bought by lobbyist person and i'm just so excited he stands for america first which we obviously do um and uh i think he's just going to be great trump fans tickets going to be amazing we're going to take it home so we can't lose i know you hate talking about not hate but it's illegal stuff you and i were on the floor yesterday together

Yes. And some maniac comes up and starts screaming about Fulton County or something. Yeah, I don't know what that was. That was the weirdest thing. He's like, what is your comment about Fulton County? I felt like saying, wait a second, the president got shot like three days ago. Like maybe ask about, I don't know, the documents case being dropped. Anyway, I don't want to talk about that. No, but that's what they do. That's what they do.

That's what they do. They go back to BS, right? So that's what they do. When you have nothing, you try and distract with noise. And I am the queen of ignoring the noise or just drop kicking you if you try and do that to me. Because I have no tolerance for that. We were not here for that conversation.

that those cases are falling apart all by themselves. Let's talk about the documents case. I mean, if it wasn't for the convention, wasn't for Trump getting shot, if it wasn't for the VP pick, it wasn't for Biden and it wasn't for the Secret Service failures, this would be the biggest story of the week. It's a big deal. It was a big deal. Let's take a step back and walk through it methodically. This was from some legal experts that really wanted to get Trump

Even Alan Dershowitz has said, you know, they might get him on a technicality on the documents case. I know you can't comment on that portion, but this is a major legal victory. Major, major. And it's amazing. They don't like talking about the victories. It doesn't matter what's going on in the world. There's always an excuse that when Trump wins, we don't talk about it. So let me make it very clear. The victory was nothing less than perfect.

Because it not only affects this case, much like the Supreme Court immunity decision, it affects January 6th, another Jack Smith hoax. The decision effectively said, and I'll say this in plain English for the American people, you cannot, Merrick Garland, take one of your buddies, Jack,

Put him out and say, you're going to go get Trump. We don't work that way. There's something called the appointments clause. There's confirmations. There are statutes. There are laws. And America has to get behind the Constitution. So I think this is so. First of all.

Bob Mueller, he was Senate confirmed at one point. He went through Senate vetting. Again, I'm not a Bob Mueller fan at all, but he was FBI director. He went through the protocols. Ken Starr, he was a federal judge. So he went through Senate vetting and he had to be confirmed. But Jack Smith has never gone through rigorous Senate vetting or appointment before.

My only question, Alina, why did we not lead with this legal argument last summer? It felt as if this grew and then Clarence Thomas gave it so much life with an opinion recently. Was this something you guys were looking at for quite some time? Yes. I think that this is also, by the way, brings up a good point. Every filing is not public. Every conversation is not public. Privilege exists. I can't speak to some of the issues. And frankly, I wouldn't

I'm not trying to put you in a tough spot.

Be patient. If you look at it, they are falling like dominoes. We are doing everything. Some of the motions are private. Some of them are under seal. There are rules and regulations that we, unlike the Biden administration, do follow. So we are we are knocking them down one at a time. And I have to tell you, they're crumbling. They're crumbling quick. The presidential immunity decision should also impact Fulton County, should impact every case. And just from a PR standpoint now, Alina,

It's amazing. We thought that this convention, hanging over this convention would be convicted felon. That no one even thinks about. I mean. Nobody talks about it. It's remarkable. They kept on escalating against Trump from impeachment to indictment to conviction to now assassination attempt. And he is stronger than ever before. 45 seconds remaining here. Alina, this is a difficult question. Has he changed at all in your opinion since he was shot?

I think so. I think that anybody who is nearly assassinated, I think that I could tell, not when I was on the plane with him on the way here, he was his typical self, working, hustling, bustling, laughing, joking. He was him. Now, there was a doctor on hand and he had to keep getting checked and there was all of that. But I will say that the night that I saw him come out to a crowd again, and I think the American people did see this as well, he looked...

Solemn. He looked moved. And I was most certainly moved. And it's been hard for everybody, but I know he's just frankly the most resilient person. He looked like a stoic Roman general that just survived the front line of a war. He did. That's what I felt like as if we were watching someone who just...

survived a gladiator match or if this is not war charlie what is well no it's terrible what they're doing to him he literally got shot so he got shot and they've been attacking him but then you get shot and you have to come out rises defiantly again you learned so much in that moment yes and i had a breakthrough this morning tucker said this and it was just so amazing which is i now know why the crowd didn't freak out

Because Trump was strong. But that's exactly what America needs. And that's why America is not going to freak out. When the leader is strong, people are calm and measured. When the leader is weak, you have chaos. Alina, you have to go. God bless you. Thank you so much. Thanks for Alina Hava, everybody. Thank you.

Hey, everybody. Charlie Kirk here.

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We have Congressman Wesley Hunt from the great state of Texas. So we were joking around. This is 2024 in Milwaukee. In 2028, we are going to be in Houston, Texas. It is going to be hot. There will be no outdoor activities. Do not go outside. Do not go outside. There will be nothing outdoor. This will be the indoor convention. You are correct. I think they have the facilities to do it, though. Houston is a beautiful city. It's great folks.

It's the most air-conditioned city in the entire world. Is that right? That is correct. It is the most humid. Yes, it is. When they say drain the swamp, I always ask which one. Houston or New Orleans. It's like nowhere between. It's really something else. You think it's New Orleans? Yeah. So, Congressman, you're doing a great job. First of all, excellent speech. Thank you very much, Charlie. And I want to say, you having our president's back...

has been so awesome to witness. You were early in your defense of Trump. And if I remember correctly, you were like, wait, he endorsed me early. So why wouldn't I endorse him early? Am I summarizing that right? You are absolutely correct. The first time I ran sight unseen, President Trump supported me. We talked on the phone. The first time I ran, he endorsed me. And then I realized that

He endorsed me twice, and then I realized the second that he decided to run again, the least I can do, the least I can do is support him as early as possible. So by the time he finished that speech, we were already all in. I love that. And you received some backlash for that, I remember, at the time. I did. But it was out of loyalty, and I just love that. It's so hard to find in politics. Yes, it is. We are in a moment right now where we thought that Congress was going to be low drama. Yeah. Because it's a political cycle. Yes.

With what happened this last weekend, and I want your perspective from a military standpoint, from a...

Congress standpoint was one of the most humiliating, unacceptable, but yet divine providence moments in American history. Your reaction, Congress? It is clear that God had his hand on President Trump in that moment. There's no denying that. Charlie, I'm a combat guy. I'm an Apache pilot. I've been shot at before. So I understand exactly what this means. And the resolve of somebody to get into the fight and go to that next mission after you've been shot at is something that I understand intimately.

What President Trump did after he got shot at, the first thing he wanted to do was put his shoes back on to walk off that stage with dignity. And then he raised his fist and said, fight, fight, fight.

So for a civilian to behave like this and to have that military resolve is the quintessential definition of courage under fire. The world saw it, and that's our leader. So, again, I'm the farthest from a military guy. I'm a layman. I'm a citizen, okay? However, based on the literature and based on what people have said for many years, you don't know who the tough guys are until that moment. Is that a fair summary? That is unbelievable.

100% correct. So his response in that moment was the quintessential just display of strength that the average person just can't do. We were trained to be that way. And you're kind of born that way as well. And then you're trained that way as well, especially being in the military. The fact that he just stood up and wanted to fight, it's like what Dana White said, he's the toughest man in the entire world and he's watched the toughest fighters ever. And I'm sure you even saw in the military some guys that might have been super tough,

at you know in boot camp but when the shots were firing sometimes there's a different conversation it's a different conversation right yeah but here is a guy who is 78 years old yeah the former president and he goes down to the ground after he gets shot in the ear actually getting shot yes now mind you

Don't you get a medal in the military if you're shot? Absolutely. And I don't, you know, I got a combat action badge and I really actually want to give it to him because that officially counts. There should be all the military guys that support Trump yourself. All the, you know, I could think of 10 or 12. There should be a ceremony to give President Trump.

Some sort of a medal. And I'm not saying this jokingly. I love this. Let's work on that. Because this is a great idea. It was completely heroic. Now let's get back to this was a humiliation. Yes. There is no reasonable explanation as to what occurred. And so why was there no helicopter support, drone reconnaissance? Why did they get Trump off stage? The Secret Service director is coming in front of you on Monday. Yes.

What is, what is your role going to be? So we need to have a full transparent investigation of the American people. We had a former president and future president that was shot. There's no excuse for that. This hasn't happened in over 40 years. That's a complete disgrace. And the idea that a shooter can get 150 yards from the most powerful man, right over there, that's a chip shot, Charlie. And I'm an AR-15 guy too. That's a chip shot. There's no

way. There's no, that's unexcusable. There's no way that should ever happen. And I think we are going to work hard in oversight with Jim Jordan. We're going to work hard on judiciary to get to the bottom of this and heads need to roll. And so that this never happens again to any American president. No one has resigned. No one's been fired. This is, this is unacceptable. And by the way, Biden is down big time in the polls. Why doesn't he just go fire the secret service director? You know, she's here by the way. Are you serious? Oh yeah. She's walking around with more guards than Donald Trump had. She's walking around with 15 guards and

As if she's like the Sultan of Brunei. Well, Sean, you know what I will say? There have been some adjustments because when President Trump walked out a couple of days ago, he had the AT. It was overkill. He had the whole Roman army with him. The night that he got shot, I said, that poor guy is not going to be able to go to the restroom without a Secret Service agent. Never again. The Secret Service agent will be in the shower with him. Never again. Poor guy. I know.

Mayorkas claims, oh, I don't know anything about this. You know, how could this possibly occur or happen? Unfortunately, it seems to be a pattern.

The pattern is that no one gets fired for the Afghanistan withdrawal. Nobody gets fired for the Hunter Biden laptop lies. No one gets fired for COVID. Are we actually going to get people fired, pensions revoked and potentially imprisonment for gross negligence if the investigation pans that out? So that absolutely needs to happen. It should happen. But again, these people are completely incompetent.

They don't fire anybody. So it's up to us in November to fire them all. And I hope that the American people are watching because if heads don't roll for this, then the American people have an opportunity to change this. That is such a smart point.

If you want to fire the people who didn't protect Trump, we fire them in the ballot box. Yes. Right. We fire them all. Fine. They're not going to fire them. Day one, President Trump will use Schedule F and anyone who was remotely involved in this, they can go and they could go back to PepsiCo and guard Mountain Dew. Charlie, you know what? I got it. I have a funny, I have a sneaking suspicion that on November the 6th, they're going to quit. But they're not going to need to be fired. There should be no pensions. None of that.

We almost lost a former and future president in this country. And we did lose an American citizen, just so we're clear. Thank you for bringing that up. We lost a patriot, too, by the way. He was a firefighter. He was a patriot. So, yes. Kobe was his name. Yes. Yes. Corey. Sorry. Corey. Yeah. Beautiful family. He put himself in the light of fire. Of his family, yes. So, last point. I have a theory about this. So, typically when there is a crisis, you know, the old adage, just don't say fire in a crowded theater because people could die. Right.

When there's a crisis, the crowd creates a stampede, and that usually is sometimes worse than the actual event itself. Correct.

From your personal military standpoint, how do you explain the fact that 10,000 people stood stoically after bullets were fired and their president got shot? The answer is very simple. That's the leader. Everyone was watching the leader. They were watching the strength of the man that we are all following into the future. And so when he doesn't panic, they don't panic.

Then nobody else panics. And I'm a guy that's been in the military. I've been a commander. I've commanded troops. If I act crazy and if I act, you know, if I lose my resolve and if I lose myself, then guess what? My soldiers are going to do the exact same thing. That's exactly what happened.

When this is true in families, this is true in communities and in life. In business and companies. When dad or the leader loses it, then all of a sudden you have mass chaos. Yes. And so when Trump came up and he was defiant and measured, the audience was taking a cue from him. Okay.

Yes, that's right. We're going to be here. We're going to stay here. We're going to fight, fight, fight. But I also just think our people are built differently. We are. We are. We're conservatives, man. But it's just – but these are not all military people. These are farmers and ranchers and small business owners. And bullets are whizzing by them. And you rewatch the footage. They're just – They're hanging in there with our leader. Unbelievable. Yes. And if the media, who are a bunch of dishonest hacks, had any integrity, they'd say –

Explain this. Well, you saw the reports, right? They said President Trump has to leave stage. He fell. He fell. No, he was shot. This was one of the most. He was shot. And we've been through. We've had some humdingers. Yes, we have. This has been one of the most embarrassing, humiliating NBC News, CNN. They're ridiculous. They said Donald Trump fell after loud noises. It's a disgrace. It's an absolute disgrace.

And I think a lot of people's eyes are open. And Congressman, you're in a pretty safe seat. Is that fair to say? Yes, I am. I'm doing pretty well. Where do you want the people's energy, attention, resources to go this cycle? What is your call to action for that? We have got to have record turnout for the Republican Party. We have to be.

enthused to do this. This is what this whole thing is about. The feeling and the sentiment that I feel around here, I think we're going to be in very good shape, but we cannot take this for granted. You have to keep in mind that yes, Joe Biden is pulling the worst of any modern president that we have seen in this juncture. But at this point, we cannot take it for granted. We've got to show up in November, every single soul, bring your neighbor, bring your friends. We must show up.

I love that. And this is now a two-pronged thing where you guys have to do your part in Congress starting on Monday. But I have a feeling the American people are going to turn out in major and massive numbers if we do the work. Yes, we have to do the work. And tonight we're going to hear from hopefully our future vice president, J.D. Vance. Yes, he will be. J.D. Vance will be our future vice president. Yes, he will. And it's going to be one of the most important speeches, I think, for a vice president in the modern era. This is our future. He's our future. It's our future and ours.

After two inches almost collapsed this country, people are thinking what comes next. You are correct. Congressman, you're a great man. God bless you. It's an honor to be here. Thank you.

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How are you? I'm so happy to be here with you. God bless you. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you. You work with Newsweek. Yes. And you are a free thinker. Yes. And you are an advocate for America's workers. I hate all these labels. I think they drive me nuts. And you have been so clear about what Donald Trump represents.

Just as someone who loves truth, what do you think of this moment we're living in from the last couple of days? Charlie, we are undergoing a vibe shift nationally right now. So many of the sacred cows that so many people on the left believed because the media lied to us for so long, they cannot believe these things anymore because these sacred cows are being murdered before our very eyes anymore.

in front of everybody, in front of the entire nation. So for example, the sacred cow that political violence comes from the right. Nonsense. You cannot believe that anymore when you have this in front of you, when the right is the target of

political violence in such an explicit way. The idea that the Republicans are the party of old white men. Look at the leader of the Democratic Party, right? It's so hard to look at Joe Biden and say the other side, the guy who stood up after being shot and said fight, right? That there's something old about that. No, the youth vote is turning to Trump. Young people are understanding this.

Voters of color are understanding this. The idea that Trump is racist or the Republicans are racist. You can no longer believe that being at this RNC and seeing the premium that's being placed on diversity. So I don't know. I feel like the country is changing more unites us than divides us as Americans. I think that's becoming very clear. And I would say that.

You sometimes come after things. I don't want to say left, but can you describe yourself just so that it could add some context to the audience? Yeah, I would say I'm a populist. I'm for the American worker. And so for me, seeing the head of the Teamsters Union come out here on Monday night and get a standing ovation because...

President Donald Trump invited him to come here and to speak truth to power about American workers. That's where I stand. I want what's best for the American family and the American worker. Yes, and workers have been deprioritized and capital has been elevated. I say that as someone who is a free market guy, but you have to be honest, right? You need a balance between labor and capital. And right now, American workers are poorer than ever before. In my speech, I mentioned that homeownership is harder than ever, that family formation is harder than ever.

What is your opinion, as someone who's a populist, of J.D. Vance getting the vice presidential nod?

J.D. Vance is the pick for the American worker. This is a man who has experienced the American dream firsthand and was not content to get out on his own. But he said, I need to now go out and help more American workers achieve the kind of success that I did. He comes from the opioid crisis, the opioid epidemic. And more importantly, Charlie, this is a man who has worked across the

aisle with Democrats to elevate American workers whenever he can. So when the media tells you that J.D. Vance is an extremist, this is more lies and more nonsense. This is a man who will do anything to help American workers. And what does that look like in contrast with the Democrat Party? And the Democrat Party is in complete disarray right now. Walk us through what's happening there right now, because Biden is still on the ropes.

Yeah, it's really amazing. You saw Joe Biden's oldest friends and allies come out and try to effectively do a coup against him, which is something that I think for many Republicans are like, wow, Joe Biden's getting the Trump treatment, right? Suddenly the media that carried so much water for the Democrats turned on a dime on Joe Biden when they realized that he couldn't defeat Trump. You see people like

President Obama and George Clooney and all the elites who knew that this was the situation with Joe Biden and hid it from the American people, turn on a dime and abandon him and throw him to the wolves the minute that people realize this. And so I do believe we're living through a realignment where we have a diverse party. The Teamster Union keynote address is so remarkable. Do you think that the party of Mitt Romney would have had the Teamster Union even speak?

Definitely not. And what I want to know from you, Charlie, is, okay, you have been wise to this from long before I was, long before many people who are waking up and smelling the coffee now.

What is it like for you to have been a young person who figured this out so far ahead of not only your elders, but now all a lot of your peers who are figuring out what you realized so long ago? I was very lucky because I believed all the pablum that I grew up with all of a sudden started to fall apart.

And again, President Donald Trump deserves all the credit. He was the one that was not interested in these abstractions of the D.C. think tank consensus. And he saw reality. He didn't care about.

lofty ideas of free markets are always going to improve people's lives. Like, well, why is it that we keep on sending our jobs to foreign countries? Like, why are we importing stuff? And it made me reconsider a lot of my beliefs. But I don't care that I was early. I am thrilled that we're now all on the same page. I mean, you look at who's not speaking at this convention and not even welcome. Liz Cheney is not welcome here. Mitt Romney is not welcome here. Paul Ryan is not welcome here. George W. Bush is not welcome here.

They're not welcome because there is no home for their worldview. Their worldview is invade the world, invite the world. Their worldview is to bring in as much plastic garbage from China and deindustrialize our base. Their worldview is that we don't care about the American workers because they look at America as a colony, not a country. We are a nation and you cease to be a nation when your leaders don't feel an obligation to deliver results or represent the people. A colony is just a place where you do commerce.

No one has any shared bonds. You can still buy stuff and trade stuff. But there's a fundamental distinction between a country and a colony. And that's the Republican Party has now decolonized the country, if you will. And it's like, no, we're actually a nation. And a nation is constituted of people. And the people need to be prioritized above abstractions or foreign countries. I think that's so smart. And what you're effectively pointing to is that Donald Trump took on not just the Democratic Party, but the elites in the Republican Party. This is the most important thing.

The most important thing that Obama never actually did. I was just going to say, but when you look at the Democrats and the elites of the Democratic Party that signed on to this disenfranchisement of the working class, the dispossession of the working class, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, all of these elites are still solidly in place and still totally directing the direction of the

Yes, and the Democrat Party is captured by the intel agencies. The Democrat Party is the party of war. The Democrat Party is the party of neoliberalism. And yet their base, as you well know, are not really neoliberals. And that's why you're starting to see base decay and they're starting to come to the Republican Party and they are welcome here. And again, they might disagree with us on some social issues, but there is no mistake that Donald Trump is the advocate for blue collar America, for the muscular class.

What Donald Trump has been able to pull off at this convention, Donald Trump could have kept a relic of what once was as his VP. He decided to put a MAGA America first fighter. That's a one-two combo. That's courage. 100%. And I just want to address the social issues. You look at where Trump is on all of these social issues and every person,

Every position he has staked out is one that has 60% support among the American people, whether it's 15 weeks for abortion, whether it's being pro-gay but very strict on trans issues. That is where the vast majority, not just of Republican voters, but Democratic voters are. In fact, Trump sounds a lot more like a New Deal Democrat than he does like a Mitt Romney type, right, than he does like a George Bush type. We must understand, though, that the things that tie us together are

We want strong families. We want strong communities. And I'm more conservative on those social issues, of course. And I think Donald Trump has allowed a great platform for this party to still represent, which are common sense values and issues, especially on the trend stuff, which is just insane what's happening. So then what is your prediction now?

as someone who is not as into it as I am of how this election will end up. Well, I can only tell you about the conversations I've been having with service workers since since Saturday. And there's a lot of people waking up and saying, oh, my God, the media really lied to me about this. What else have they lied to me about?

And the image that President Trump made standing up and his first thought was, let me reassure the American people that I'm OK and stave off civil war. That was extremely powerful. And again, I'm hearing from a lot of people who are typically Democrats that they feel very, very lied to. I think that's coming off of the debate where they saw Joe Biden and thought, oh, my God, how is it possible that I didn't know that this was our president? And I hope that that's going to have a big impact.

So, Batra, how could people support you, follow what you're doing at Newsweek? I don't know. They should support themselves, you know, their faith, their families. My book, yes. I wrote a book called Second Class, How the Elites Betrayed America's Working Men and Women. It's available for sale. It's all about the struggling working class. Thank you so much, Charlie. I think that you're so important at this moment. And thanks for everything you do. God bless you. Thank you so much. Give it up for Batra, everybody. Thank you.

All right, everybody, you want to get this shirt right here? You guys can get it at Can we show that? Is that not the most iconic thing you've ever seen? You guys could check it out. Donald Trump was shot and he remained steady. I want to repeat this point because it's very important. Why did the crowd not freak out? Because the leader...

was stable and was courageous and was defiant against opposition. A country goes into chaos, which we'll be living through when a leader is weak, is not assertive and has no clear direction. What you saw on display right there was a microcosm of the macro problems that we have been living through, which is that the crowd understood that, OK, our leader is steady at the wheel.

Praise God that he is alive and well. Tonight is going to be one of the most important speeches in vice president history. Who's excited to hear from J.D. Vance tonight? Everybody, right?

Hey, everybody. Charlie Kirk here. It's happening right before our eyes. America's at the end stages of a Marxist revolution. The new documentary, Beneath Sheep's Clothing, is a stark commentary on the communist infiltration of American culture, pushing a Marxist ideology in our colleges, our churches, and media. Beneath Sheep's Clothing exposes the dark truth about the communist playbook. To overthrow America without firing a shot, we're told we'll be liberated from oppression, but instead...

It takes away our freedoms to impoverish us and enslave us, to subvert control of our culture and government until we're just another Soviet communist state. The next step is a political revolution unless we the people wake up and reclaim our American values and freedoms. Don't miss the shocking documentary Beneath Sheep's Closet.

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We have two incredible young ladies here. And one is a friend of Mr. Thomas. Is that right? So not so much. Riley Gaines. And remind me, I'm sorry, Paul, is that right? Yeah. Okay. Introduce yourself, please, for the audience. My name is Paula Scanlon. And I swam at the University of Pennsylvania with one William Thomas. That's right. And everyone knows Riley Gaines. Riley Gaines is great, isn't she? Riley, say hello. Hello.

Hello, hello. Good to be here. And so I want to dive into this. One of the core pillars, President Trump repeats it frequently, is that men should not compete in female sports. How common and how frequent is this happening right now, Riley? It's happening every state, every level, every division, every sport. People who push the narrative, people who believe the narrative that this is a non-issue, it's a solution in search of a problem, it's not really happening. That could not be further from the truth. I know Paula and I can both attest to the amount of messages we receive online

daily from parents, from female athletes, from coaches who are dealing with this, but who are terrified to speak up for themselves, to speak up even for their daughters, which is a tragic reality. So Paula, we had you on the show and you were formerly a swimmer with biological male. And so you are here advocating for

Decency in female sports. President Trump has said that he'll do everything he can to protect female athletes. Tell our audience what Joe Biden did recently. It did not get the press coverage deserved regarding Title IX. Absolutely. Joe Biden, I mean, we already knew all of this. He's crooked. He's horrible. He's awful. He's pushing these terrible policies.

But they recently rewrote Title IX to say that your sex is equivalent to your gender identity. Meaning any man that wants to say he's a woman can now take over women's bathrooms, women's locker rooms, women's sports, all of those different opportunities. And essentially he's encouraging for more men to do what William Thomas did to me and my teammates. And I think that that's just so disturbing and we need to be aware of it. And it didn't get any coverage because the leftist media would never talk about it. So from as an executive order, Joe Biden or his team...

Did what exactly, Riley? He rewrote, for our audience that doesn't understand all the details here, bring it down into bite-sized bits.

So Title IX is a federal civil rights law that at one point prevented discrimination on the basis of sex on any educational program that receives federal funding. So colleges, even your local YMCA, your Young Men's Christian Association, enacted 52 years ago in 1972 under President Richard Nixon. But what Joe Biden has done illegally and administratively has taken this

37-word piece of legislation, only 37 words in its original implementation, rewrote it entirely, created a new policy that is now almost half a million words. From 37, now 1,577 pages long. That should tell you everything you need to know. But as Paula said, it allows men to have academic and athletic scholarships. Take those from women. It allows men into our bathrooms, locker rooms, changing spaces.

It allows men to be housed in dormitory rooms with women. Your speech would be compelled. So now you are forced to use preferred pronouns, but biologically incorrect pronouns. And if you don't, or if you, a 17-year-old girl, moves away from your family for the first time, you're housed with a male in your dorm room, if this is something that you feel uncomfortable with, and you go to your administrator and merely request a new roommate, under this new policy, you would be guilty and charged with sexual harassment.

Not the man parading around your locker room. No, to President Biden, that's considered brave. He said it many times. He says these are the bravest and most inspiring people I've ever met. But you calling a spade a spade is grounds for sexual harassment. So, Paula, help me understand. Joe Biden says that he you know, this is the the woman's election, that we need women's rights here. Why is he OK with creepy, perverted men to be able to undress next to women, which you had to experience?

You know, it's so funny when they talk about women's rights. The only thing that they say is the right for a woman to kill a baby. That is all they mean when they say that. It's awful. It's controversial. And yes, it is completely crazy that I could be charged with sexual harassment for saying William Leah Thomas is a man.

But him flashing me 18 times a week in our locker room doesn't constitute a sexual harassment. I mean, I make it make sense. And that is what they were pushing. They're saying it does not matter. And if you don't accept a man undressing in front of you, for some reason, you're bigoted and hateful and you're the problem. They cannot tell you what a woman is. As you well know, Matt Walsh popularized that. I've repeated it many times. And how in the world can you defend what you can't even define? And it's so amazing. I had a lifelong liberal tell me that.

She came up to me, approached me, someone who considers themselves, I mean, a lifelong feminist. And she says, how can my party claim to defend what they can't define? And I thought it was super powerful and very true. I mean, we have a sitting Supreme Court justice, a Supreme Court justice who can't even answer the question of what is a woman because she claims she's not a biologist.

Well, guess what? I'm not a veterinarian, but I know what a dog is. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my entire life. But again, that's the Democratic Party. You both have such an important voice right now. We need President Trump to win. Why for this issue? Why is it so important that he wins on this issue? I think this issue in particular. I was so excited when I saw the platform number 17, big, bold letters, no men in women's sports. I was...

I was thrilled to see this. And understand, this should matter to every single person. Woman, man, black, white, old, young. Whether you have a daughter, whether you have a daughter who competes athletically or not, this should matter to every single person for the mere fact that...

that what the democratic party is doing in regard to the sports issue, but broader, the gender ideology movement as a whole is denying objective truth. They are denying biological reality and understand if we are willing to deny the most basic of truths, that being man and woman, a truth we have never struggled to understand in the nearly 250 years we've been established as a country. And certainly much longer than that, then there are no limits there at,

There are no limits on what they will next ask us to deny and not only ask us to deny, ask us to lie. This is a real life scenario that we are experiencing as American people every single day being told to say two plus two is five or else. That's why we should care. So Paula, from a political standpoint, why is it so important that President Trump wins? Because you would never think that a president of the United States would have jurisdiction over female sports, but that's where we're at.

That is where we're at. I mean, we have, again, this is not just about sports. I think the biggest realization here is you do not have to be an athlete for this to affect you. You do not have to be a female athlete for this to affect you. If you have a woman in your life, you should care about this. This is happening in bathrooms. I mean, you go into a bathroom and you're seeing these

men wearing dresses in the women's bathroom. There's girls being assaulted in bathrooms. I mean, this is every single level of society. If we do not know what a man is and what a woman is, we will not exist anymore. Every single person here around us, all around us came from a man and a woman. And if you can't figure that out, I don't know what else to tell you. And so I want to pick your brain here just for a second, four or five more minutes. What advice would you give Trump and J.D. Vance to do better with young female voters?

I think what young voters, people like Paula and myself, look, recent college graduates, of course, we're women. What we want to hear is the willingness to take decisive action. I think that's something that our leaders, quote unquote, have failed to do as it pertains to women, as it pertains to our equal opportunity, as it pertains to our safety, our fairness, our dignity, etc.

our privacy in areas of undressing. And I've been very, again, thrilled to see the president Trump. He said the first day in Oval Office, he will reverse course from what Joe Biden has done, again, illegally and administratively to Title IX. That's what we need to see. And I think that's what young people like myself. There's a lot more people like me and Paula. I agree. No. And just for younger women voters that are obsessed about being able to murder their babies and

How do we navigate that issue? Is that even possible or do we just say that's not what this election is about? I'm just curious because they're so obsessed with this issue. I mean, I've noticed that. I mean, even like reporters walking around here, that seems to be the big topic they're pushing at.

I think it's really at an interesting age where I think there's so many more important issues to look at. We're looking at the economy, right? We're looking at this issue of people not even knowing what a woman is. You're losing opportunities for women to even exist in society. I think that's a much bigger deal. If we don't know what a woman is, how do we know who's getting the abortions, right? Like, we need to define that first. And I think this stumps all of that. And I know there's a lot of issue, one issue voters and women in particular are going to fall into that. And I really urge them to say, again, your rights as a female are

are at risk here. And if you don't vote this way, you're going to lose all opportunities to be a woman in society. So, and then as far as the younger vote.

I think there is a shift happening. Would you agree, Riley? 100% there is. Again, talking to my peers, people on my team, at the University of Kentucky where I swam collegiately, we were a team of 40 girls, okay? And of my team of 40 girls, only two disagreed with everything that I'm saying right now. And that's not because we had –

a team of 38 staunch conservatives swimming at the University of Kentucky. No, we had a team of girls who didn't want their opportunities stripped from them by unelected bureaucrats and officials, people within the NCAA. And so, again, I think we're seeing this shift. I think people are waking up, whether it be the instances that happened, I mean, even just this week. I've been so thrilled to see friends that I've had, friends who have considered themselves apolitical even, who are...

I mean, I think the best verbiage here has they've come out of the closet. They were closeted conservatives, but they're posting stuff on social media. They're posting stuff on their story. And I think that's again, I think it's awesome. And to your point, I think it it unites us. Weirdly enough, do you think that J.D. Vance with his beautiful family, younger typeface is it is a potential entry point with younger voters? I mean,

I think that him being a younger pick is huge. I really am looking at that. Even my parents are saying, wow, he's so young. I mean, I know that people across both aisles are saying, right, Trump's on the older side, Biden's on the older side. I mean, on the way older side. I mean...

And I think that's what's really opening the doors for younger voters to be excited, to be excited about the future of the Republican Party. I think that's really where we're at, needing to push the future. And again, that comes with our generation and people that are younger. I know you have a lot of campus visits scheduled for the fall, right? Yes, yes. I'm going to do everything I can to get both of you in front of as many young female voters to try to get them stamping out of how they're told to think and view the world, because a lot of them I think are actually very reasonable. And it is the elimination of women in the West.

No doubt about that. Super excited. We have a big campus tour this fall. I'll be going to 17 different college campuses. I'm doing 21, so you have to catch up to me. I'm amping it up then. But one I'm very excited for, last year it was a turning point event. I went to Penn State University on October 10th.

I had this idea. It was actually during Women's History Month, right? March, Women's History Month. We saw all these these accolades and awards and recognition that should have gone to women went to undeserving men, whether it was Hershey's with their her she's campaign, whether it was Rachel Levine, what have you. And I thought to myself, how can we get back to honoring real women, real women, women?

thinking, thinking, I thought October 10th, right? In Roman numerals, this is the 10th day of the 10th month. In Roman numerals, this is XX, of course, denoting female pronouns. So I went to Penn State University. Penn State, as you could maybe potentially remember, the president released this huge video saying that I was a bigot. She canceled my speech. She wouldn't let me come. I went there anyways with a megaphone. I stood on a soapbox and I shared to the people. Multiple students were arrested.

for trying to, to kill me quite frankly, but it was awesome. It was, it was great to be able to reach the students this year on October 10th, real women's day. We have wonderful leaders in Congress, wonderful women, uh, leaders in the Senate, uh, Senator Marsha Blackburn, uh, representative Lisa McClain, who, who just walked by the booth, who have been champions for this. They've introduced it on the house floor. Um, they've introduced it in the Senate. Now real women's day is a national holiday, October 10th, mark your calendars, uh,

We will be going to Cal Poly, which last year Chloe Cole was there. She's a hero. She's a hero. So very excited. October 10th, Cal Poly.

Paula, how can people support both of you on social media? What do you guys, any way to get behind what you're doing? Yeah, I mean, just follow us on social media. Continue, I mean, just to talk to people about this. I mean, I will share one last thing. I had a teammate who I hadn't talked to in two years since the Leah Thomas scandal call me on the phone and say, I'm so fed up with this, I'm voting for Trump. And I think that's a great sign. Trump vance. Trump vance. Trump vance. God bless you guys. Thank you. Thanks, Charlie. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening, and God bless.

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