cover of episode Can the SAVE Act Save America?

Can the SAVE Act Save America?

Publish Date: 2024/7/11
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The Charlie Kirk Show


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Hey everybody, Dan the Charlie Kirk show. What is the SAVE Act? Well, Chip Roy and Mike Lee joined the program.

Who does the mayor of Chicago blame for all the murder? Well, he's not alive anymore. It's quite interesting. Email us as always, freedom at As always, you can get involved with Turning Point USA at That is Become a member today at That is Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky.

to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

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Charlie, this is Robert who emails us. Email us your success stories as they come in. Charlie, this has taken me months, almost a year, but finally I got my mother to vote, my brother to vote, and my sister, my sister who has voted since Reagan is now voting again. My brother has never voted. Neither has his sister. I'm trying to do my part as a part-time truck driver. I get to speak to a lot of people. I'm always talking about Trump. Love your show, Charlie. Keep up the good work. God bless you, Robert. We're going to send you

Assigned copy of the book, Right Wing Revolution. That is the type of work it requires. Own your circle. Every conversation. Find new voters. Joining us now is Chip Roy. Chip Roy is doing a great job and was pushing forward on the SAVE Act. Congressman Roy, tell us again, what is the SAVE Act?

Yeah, Charlie, great to be on the show. Look, we sent out a couple of months ago to make clear that we should ensure that only American citizens vote in American elections.

And people think, well, gosh, wasn't that already unlawful? Well, yeah, technically we've had a law since the 90s that said that it's criminal to vote in an election if you're a non-citizen. But we also had barriers based on Supreme Court interpretation in federal law to states being able to enforce that.

So we fixed that in the SAVE Act, which I authored in the House, Mike Lee in the Senate. I worked closely with the Speaker and others to get this done. But we also went a step further. We will require in federal elections that in federal elections only, to respect federalism, but in federal elections that states would check for citizenship and

for providing documentary proof of citizenship to register to vote. We put in all sorts of safeguards to make sure nobody would be disenfranchised, trying to balance the interests of enforcement, but also not, you know, being a burden for someone who shows up and wants to vote. So we allow for different ways to accomplish the goal. But it's important to do it. It's an 81 to 87% issue.

You know, it passed yesterday. Five Democrats voted for it. That's the good news. 198 Democrats voted against it. And they're going to have to answer for that in November. 198 Democrats, by the way, including Ruben Gallego in Arizona, who is now trailing Carrie Lake in the latest poll. I hope everyone's aware of that. We got it. That's a separate issue. But Carrie Lake has come back.

She was like down 15 points. She is now within the margin of error. Congressman Roy, Elon Musk, the world's richest man, came out and said failure to vote for this bill would be akin to treason. It's a heavy word. What is your reaction to that?

Well, I think Elon's been a great voice for what we need to do to preserve and protect the republic. And he gets it, frankly, more than a lot of Americans. Frankly, I find that a lot of Eastern Europeans, a lot of people that understand why it's important for us to save and preserve a strong, sovereign, free country, they get it. And he's not wrong.

that it is, I think, problematic and dangerous. Not sure if I'd say treasonous, but you could argue it. It's certainly anti-American and against the rule of law to say that we should be having non-citizens vote in elections. Now, Democrats say, well, that's nonsense. That's not what is happening. That's not true.

We've got Oakland, San Francisco, New York, Washington, D.C., other Democrat-led jurisdictions that are purposely trying to register noncitizens to vote in state and local elections. And they say, don't worry, they won't vote in federal elections. But we have evidence that across the country people have been. And we've been registering people through Medicaid rolls, the DMV. And so now we're pushing back on that. That's why this bill is so critically important. So Elon is right that it is certainly un-American.

And you cannot say that you're for the rule of law or for sovereignty or for saving American elections and make sure they're secure if you voted against this bill. You can't do it. By the way, Colin Allred voted against this bill. He was running against Ted Cruz in Texas. Ted Cruz is running a great race. We have his back 100 percent. So, Congressman Roy, help me understand this. And I'm going to ask you to speculate this.

I know this is a hard question and you're doing hero's work in Texas. Joe Biden has allowed hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people that are now in the interior of Texas that otherwise were not. Now, it's important to note that while Texas is a border state, Joe Biden has been sending these guys all over the country. Right. And so but Texas really feels the carnage more than almost any. I mean, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, but really Arizona, Texas, as far as the human smuggling, the trafficking.

Do we believe that some of these people are now being registered to vote in Texas potentially? Well, certainly because federal law requires that these places where you have, for example, Medicaid rolls and they require that the documentation be there is certainly a problem. I know that the state leadership in Texas is doing what they can to ensure that that's not the case.

They've been working to clean the voter rolls. The secretaries of state over the last two or three terms have been working to do that. We can probably do more there. I'd let the state leadership talk about that. But we know that it's being attempted. Right. And we know that the paperwork by federal bureaucrats is put in front of people when they come forward. So the state of Texas is having to fight that.

Just like, for example, Arizona has two different systems for voting, right? They've got one system for state and federal and one state. I'm sorry, one system for state and local and one system for federal because of the federal law problem. That's what our bill sets out to fix and then take it a step further to ensure that we're checking for citizenship.

This should be an absolute no-brainer. And in some ways, we are a victim of our own model because we have federalism and every state can do elections as they see fit. And we don't want the federal government to be overly involved in our elections, but it presents several problems here. Do you think this has a chance of passing in the U.S. Senate?

Well, look, I mean, this will depend on the leadership. I know Mike Lee, you know, authored the bill in the Senate. He's one of the key leaders on it. And he's working to make sure that we get maybe amendments or consent requests. You might see a betterment or you might be somebody see somebody who's willing to break and go with us. You know, you've got Kyrsten Sinema and others. But remember that there is a legitimate federal role here.

The Elections Clause specifically says Congress has a role when you're talking about the time, place, and manner of congressional elections. Secondly, we control uniquely naturalization. Frankly, the court has probably said we control it more than maybe even constitutionally we do. The point is Congress has a unique role there. And I would also point out 15th Amendment, 19th, 24th, 26th, all talk about protecting the right of citizens to

to vote. The Constitution contemplates that we have the power to do this. We acted. It's a good bill. The Senate should take it up. If Schumer won't do it, Republicans should find every way they can to force consideration and move to proceed to the bill and make sure we get a vote on this before the election.

So I'm going to ask you just some palace intrigue stuff, Chip. The top priority right now in Congress doesn't seem to be anything legislative. It seems as if your Democrat colleagues are hustling and bustling to find if they want to still have Joe Biden as their nominee. Just as a guess, using hallway chatter and inside baseball, if Joe Biden was up against a secret ballot with Democrats within the House, how would he do?

Oh, secret ballot? Yes. He would do very poorly. I think I think Democrats very much see and observe that he should not be the nominee. Frankly, that he shouldn't be the president. They recognize that he's not all there, but they are, I think, split and divided about how much to call it out. I think now you've got now 10 Democrats who have called him out.

Nancy Pelosi was pretty circumspect yesterday. I haven't seen any of her commentary today. I think Hakeem Jeffries just did a press conference where he said that, oh, you know, I think he was trying to defend Biden. Like they are torn and pulled apart on this. And look, I personally believe we have an obligation as Republicans to keep pushing on this point.

because the leadership around the president, they're complicit. They're not trying to say that you can have a president by committee. You're a scholar of our founding and our history. That's garbage. We rejected that. You can't say that, oh, he's got people around him. They can decide. No, no. He's the commander in chief. We have a unitary executive. He is supposed to make those decisions. Secondly, the people around him are complicit in lying to the American people in one of the greatest cover-ups in history.

He is not mentally competent. Jill Biden knows it. Kamala Harris knows it. All the Democrats know it, including Hakeem Jeffries, including Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and all of the staff in the White House and his doctor. We should subpoena these people. We should force this fight. This is something the American people need to know because it is scandalous what they've done lying to the American people. Congressman Trip Roy, keep up the great work. Thank you so much. Come on soon. I hope to see you in Milwaukee if you'll be there. Thank you. God bless.

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Joining us now is Senator Mike Lee, the Senate sponsor and advocate of the SAVE Act. Senator, welcome to the program. What do you think are the chances of the SAVE Act passing in the U.S. Senate?

Look, it's a long shot. This is a body that's controlled by the Democrats. Nonetheless, we've got to push ahead. We can't say that because Democrats are in control of the Senate, we don't have to do everything possible, everything within our power to get this thing passed. Because the fate of the republic is on the line. The significance of the vote is on the line. You can't proceed to this election with Joe Biden just having let in an additional 10 million illegal aliens just since he's been president.

And pretend that nothing has changed. And you can't leave the SAVE Act unpassed without creating the inevitability that a whole lot of non-citizens are going to be voting. So I'm going to do everything I can. I'm going to go to the Senate floor in a little while. I'm going to call up the SAVE Act. I'm going to ask that we proceed to it and pass it immediately. We'll see how the Democrats respond. If they shut me down today, I'll try it again very, very soon and keep trying it.

As long as as long as it takes. And when the time comes, we might need to look at some creative options like attaching this to other pieces of legislation that must pass. And if we can get enough Republicans to hold the line on that, we might be able to stick them with it. You know, it's interesting that one in 35 people in this country were not here four years ago.

And this is a major influx into our country. And Democrats seem largely either OK with it or not interested in fixing it. What are exactly in the details of the SAVE Act? Educate our audience so we know exactly what is in it. OK, so bottom line, it requires proof of citizenship when you register to vote. If you're going to be eligible to vote in a federal election.

Under current law, you can register to vote simply by applying for a driver's license. Now, Charlie, keep in mind, of the 30 million non-citizens in this country, literally every state issues driver's licenses to non-citizens. And under the 1993 National Voter Registration Act, by filling out a little federal form that goes along with the driver's license application,

All you have to do is check a box and sign your name. No documentation required. It's on the honor system. You can register to vote, including in federal elections. Now, a few years ago, the Supreme Court of the United States, and bad ruling in my view, with the great dissent by my former boss, Justice Alito, but the rest of the Supreme Court concluded that the National Voter Registration Act actually prohibits the states from asking for proof of citizenship when you fill those out.

So anyway, look, the SAVE Act closes that loophole by requiring proof of citizenship when you register to vote in a federal election. And it also provides things like penalties, penalties for what happens, criminal penalties, if you register an illegal alien to vote. Now, the Democrats are opposing this. And I submit to you, Charlie, there is one and only one

reason you could provide that would make logical sense as to why you would oppose this.

And it's the reason would be if you just want to make sure that noncitizens vote, perhaps because you want to influence the outcome of the election. That's what we're dealing with here. And that's why I'm so glad the House passed the SAVE Act yesterday and why I'm going to do everything I possibly can to get it passed in the Senate. Who could possibly be against this? I unless you have ulterior motives that are nakedly political, right?

And they obviously are. What do you say to their argument? This is already on the books. It's already illegal for illegals to vote. This is an unnecessary duplication.

By that logic, Charlie, it would make no sense to have laws on the books requiring ID to prove your age eligibility when you buy beer, liquor or cigarettes. That's exactly right. It's already illegal to sell beer or cigarettes to children. So why on earth would we need something like that provided? That's where the argument goes. In fact, to choose an argument more near and dear even than that

to progressive Democrats. Let's look at something like, say, I don't know, are laws governing background checks for the purchase of firearms? It's already against the law under 18 USC 922G for a convicted felon to purchase or possess a firearm. So why would we need a background check?

Their own logic collapses under its own weight. Every one of the arguments that they throw out there, and that's the most substantive one they've used,

collapses on closer examination. And that's why we're left with the conclusion. The only basis for this, they must want where these votes naturally lead if they're allowed to be cast. I want to play a piece of tape here. This is cut 112. This is Representative Jennifer McClellan, Democrat from Virginia, says requiring that only U.S. citizens vote is the new version of Jim Crow. These people are so unoriginal. They're so shallow. And honestly, this is so destructive. Play cut 112. Yes.

This bill is essentially a poll tax because I am not aware of a single proof of citizenship document that does not cost an individual money to get it unless we are requiring every state to provide one for free. And then it's on unfunded mandate. This is the 2024 version of the Jim Crow poll tax, and we should vote against it.

I mean, these people are so unoriginal. I could write their talking points for them regardless. I mean, we could have a bill that says, you know, happy 4th of July and they'll say it's Jim Crow. Exactly.

Exactly. Senator, what is your reaction? Can I respond to her point? Yeah, please. So two points, two points. Number one, this is rich coming from the party of Jim Crow, the party that literally put those things on the books. They're now pushing back on us with that. This this makes absolutely no sense. And one of the reasons it makes no sense is that number two.

Under this bill, there's no finite list of ways that you can prove your citizenship. Now, when you fill out an I-9, when you start in any American starts new employment, they have to fill out an I-9.

And you've got only a couple of options. You've got to provide a U.S. passport, some combination of a U.S. passport and/or a U.S.-issued birth certificate. Now, understanding that not every American may have it. There may be some Americans who, for whatever reason, don't have, never had, or lost irretrievably a birth certificate or some other verifying documentation.

There's enough flexibility built into the law. We made it so that somebody lacking those documents...

can still provide other means by which they can prove it. People who can vouch for when and where they were born, there are other means by which you can prove it. It doesn't cost the voter anything. This is not a poll text. That is an absolute flat out lie. And it's the kind of lie you would expect to see coming from the party of Jim Crow. It's so harmful to political discourse and dialogue where everything harkens back to this.

Representative Summer Lee says that requiring only American citizens vote is a xenophobic attack.

Play cut 113.

And this xenophobic attack that we're debating today will make it harder for Americans to vote. My Republican colleagues will claim that requiring IDs is a small ask, but nearly 30 million people lack a valid driver's license. And about 15 to 18 million adults don't have access to documents proving their birth or citizenship. Americans don't need more obstacles. It's already hard enough. That's why I'm proud...

Wait, hold on. First of all, it's not hard to vote. Secondly, in order to get government benefits, you need to prove that you have an ID. In order to board an airplane, purchase liquor, in order to rent a video, you need to show identification. Senator, your reaction to that? Look, that was one of the more disturbing clips that I've seen. I've seen some doozies. I've seen some absolutely absurd responses, including and especially President Biden's response that came out of the White House on Monday about this. That one that you just showed...

from a congresswoman representing Pennsylvania's 12th district has to take the cake. This is the absolute worst that I've seen. This is utterly illogical. Now, to suggest that, first of all, that we somehow can't limit the franchise, the voting franchise, to citizens, which is, I think, where her argument is going, it's what she's saying, to suggest that you can't limit it that way

sort of rejects not only existing federal law, which says that non-citizens can vote, but it also rejects the basic premise of what it means to be a country. And so this is absolute lawlessness. And it's also race baiting and fear mongering. But more than anything else, Charlie, it reflects something else, an absolute form of terror that exists today within the Democratic Party.

The party of Jim Crow is finally suffering the consequences of what the Democratic Party perceives as its own successes, but are experienced by all Americans as failures. Black Americans are moving to the Republican Party in record numbers.

The Democrats are scared to death of this. And so it's sad to me that they're resorting to this kind of sort of condescending fear-mongering. It's going to backfire, and it's going to backfire badly. So I have one piece of advice for the Democrats. There's still time to overcome this.

All you have to do is pass the SAVE Act. If you don't, this is going to harm you, especially if you keep throwing out crap like that. Absolutely. Senator, God bless you for your heroic work. I hope to see you in Milwaukee next week. I don't know if you'll be there or not, but hope to see you there. Great. We'll have you on the program. Let's connect there. Senator, you are doing awesome work. He is one of the good guys in the Senate. He is a man of high integrity. I have such respect for Senator Lee. Thank you so much. Thanks, Charlie.

Hey everybody, Charlie Kirk here. America is the first nation in history founded on the idea of God-given natural rights. The first country dedicated the principles of liberty and limited government. That's why my friends at Hillsdale College want you to join them in continuing to celebrate America's founding on July 4th. So they created a special July 4th video that I think will inspire you. Go to to see Hillsdale's video for free. The video portrays Thomas Jefferson reflecting on the Declaration of Independence,

in one of his final letters written prior to his death on the 50th anniversary of the Declaration. It'll help remind us and remind our children and our fellow citizens about the blessings of liberty and the need to preserve them. Again, go to to view this inspiring video, and in appreciation, you'll receive a free commemorative copy of the Declaration from my friends at Hillsdale to keep or to pass on to a young person that you know, but this is a limited time offer, so please do not delay.

Go to as we forever and always celebrate Independence Day. That is Chicago is going to be the home of the Democrat Convention, and it very well might be an open convention. Now, it will be fascinating to see. Mark my words. Don't let me forget. If murders go down temporarily while the Democrat Convention is underway.

This is not a new phenomenon. When Xi Jinping visited San Francisco, they cleaned up the streets of San Francisco. When the Major League Baseball All-Star Game came to Seattle, all the homeless vanished and disappeared. Afterwards, they let everybody else go onto the streets. In Detroit, when Kamala Harris and Joe Biden visit, all of a sudden they clean up the streets. It is an act of the will. If you want to create safe streets, you can. Last weekend in Chicago, there were over 100 people that were shot.

Media couldn't care less, of course. 100 people shot in Chicago last weekend, including 18 people died. Now, Mayor Brandon Johnson is the mayor of Chicago. He's a Marxist. He's a communist. It pains me in saying this. I love Chicago. I have a heart for Chicago. I want to see Chicago return to greatness and to prominence. Now, who would Brandon Johnson blame? Would he blame Donald Trump for all the killings?

Would he blame systemic racism? He blames Richard Nixon. You see, this is the view of a Marxist. It is not the individual who is to blame for taking out a handgun and opening fire on innocent civilians. No, it is the system's fault. It is the culture's fault. Play cut 58. So we cut off the pipeline.

of boys between the ages of 10 and 19 being either victims or the perpetrators. So, yeah, it is personal. Black death has been, unfortunately, accepted in this country for a very long time. We had a chance 60 years ago to get at the root causes, and people mocked President Johnson. And we ended up with Richard Nixon. I'm going to work hard every day to transform this city. That's what it takes to build a better, stronger, safer Chicago. I need everybody to step up. Richard Nixon is to blame.

Richard Nixon died 30 years ago. But of course, Brandon Johnson would not take responsibility that Democrats had have had monopolistic control over Chicago. And this is a divide between leftists and conservatives. When we hear that a

A bunch of criminals and thugs take out their firearms and start opening fire indiscriminately into crowds, shooting 100 people and killing 18 people. We blame them.

We don't blame society. We don't blame systemic racism. And we certainly don't blame Richard Nixon, who was president 52 years ago. But this is the Democrat Party, that you'll never have to take responsibility for your own choices. That's how you get student loan debt relief. You don't have to take responsibility for your choices. It's somebody else's fault that you went into debt. It's somebody else's fault that you studied economics.

Eastern Asian poetry. It creates a cult of victims, and that is the base of the Democrat Party. Brandon Johnson could say, knock it off. We're going to have more police, more people on the streets. We're going to have anti-crime units. But Brandon Johnson refuses to do that because his concern is not the safety of Chicago. They're going to keep on breaking records, by the way, all summer. 100 people shot. They're going to break those records.

Chicago is an all out war zone in these neighborhoods, a war zone. And he says, I'm all invested in creating a safer, better, cleaner Chicago. No, he's about pandering to the worst elements of the Democrat Party. So it'll be fascinating to see when the Democrats come rolling into Chicago. All of a sudden, the Chicago crime rates are going to go down.

If the Chicago crime rates go down, it shows that they can fix this. But they're beholden to ideology. So they would rather have the downfall and the decay and the collapse of a once great American city, even though they have the power, the ability, and the knowledge and the capacity to solve it.

But for that one week, when Democrats come prancing into Chicago in August, you'll be able to eat off the streets. You'll be able to walk mag mile again. The murder rate will likely go down. It'll be clean. And the media will say, wow, Chicago really is great. And as soon as they leave, the criminals will retake the streets as rulers in a once great city. No more.

Email us freedom at This is a live ball. This is happening in real time. In the last couple of hours, there is now a new betting favorite of who is the Democrat nominee. Now, what are these betting markets? So you understand.

This is not talk. This is real money in the game. And if you know anything about politics, you're not supposed to do this. But I have known people that have done this and I don't support it. But a lot of insiders will trade on insider information and make a lot of money. Staffers, consultants, donors, they will trade on their inside information. So there is a new frontrunner now in this fluid Democrat operation.

Kamala Harris is now the front runner for the Democrat nomination by eight points. It's not even close. The separation speed is incredible. Now, this is a fluid situation. As one Democrat operative has put it, Joe Biden does not need to just do well at the press conference at the NATO press conference. He needs to do well every single day to appease these concerns.

And this fluid situation shows no signs of weakening or slowing down. Now, let's just play this out. If they can convince Joe Biden from backing off, which is highly unlikely, because Joe Biden is a very, very, let's just say he is a strong-willed individual. And by the way, you know who's going to be doing some insider training? Nancy Pelosi. Maybe that's why Kamala Harris is going up in the betting markets. Maybe Nancy Pelosi and her staff went and placed a big bet

She knows something about that. She's the whale in the room. New York Times front page of The New York Times. The embattled Biden campaign tests Kamala Harris strength versus Trump. The campaign is quietly carrying out a head to head survey of voters between the vice president and Donald Trump in a sign of uncertainty, even atop the Democrat Party. Now, let me say this. Whatever number that you show Kamala Harris v. Donald Trump, that will be her ceiling.

This is before we have properly introduced the country to the horror that is Kamala Harris. Remember, she was the border czar. She cackles her way. She likes Venn diagrams. She's not charismatic. She's not likable. She's not warm. She's very intense. She comes across as, yeah, a prosecutor. She comes across as somebody who is not a political friend or friendly in the political way. The problem.

The element here that I think is very important to isolate is how even Democrats don't know how this is going to end up. Democrats are uncertain at the end result of their own nomination process in mid-July. Cut 111, Joe Scarborough back from vacation. Hey, we might run into Joe Scarborough in Milwaukee next week. Wonder if they'll have me on the show.

Very unlikely. I'm a big fan. If I run into Joe Scarborough, I'll say, I'm a big fan. I'd love to come on the show. I mean, I'd love to go on CNN, MSNBC. It'd be fun. Play cut 111. This result is not doubtful, Lincoln said. We shall not fail if we stand firm. We shall not fail if we stand together.

Because so said Lincoln then, and so says a watchful and very worried nation now. Democrats have to unite against the immediate threat before America's 240-year constitutional republic is no more. Cut 107. This is 60 Minutes telling Kamala Harris to her face, nobody likes you, including donors.

Plot Cut 107. We were talking to some Democratic donors, and they have told us that should something befall President Biden and he is not able to run, that there would be a free-for-all for who would run as president. You are in the spot that that would be a natural for you to step up, but we're hearing from donors that they would not naturally fall into line. Why is that?

Well, first of all, I'm not going to engage in that hypothetical because Joe Biden is very much alive and running for reelection. But you do know. I mean, that is a concern and a legitimate concern, I would say. I hear from a lot of different people, a lot of different things. But let me just tell you, I'm focused on the job. I truly am.

Our democracy is on the line, Bill. And I frankly in my head do not have time for parlor games when we have a president who is running for reelection. When in crisis, say our democracy is at stake. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to