cover of episode Can The Real Democrat Party Please Stand Up?

Can The Real Democrat Party Please Stand Up?

Publish Date: 2024/7/11
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The Charlie Kirk Show


Shownotes Transcript

Hey everybody, time to Charlie Kirk show. Joe Biden remaining in the race. The odds are changing by the minute. What would an open convention look like and more? Email us as always freedom at Become a member today at That is As always, you can get involved with our organization, Turning Point USA at That is Buckle up everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what are

you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks.

I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

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There is no GPS for where we are. There is no Garmin compass. We are in uncharted territories. I get asked by the hour. Do you think Biden stays in? Do you think Biden goes out? Do you think Biden stays in? Do you think Biden goes out?

I have a different answer hour by hour. If you would, earlier this week, I was in Montana helping my friend Governor Gianforte doing a great job, also trying to rally the troops to retire John Tester, a critical Senate race. I was asked, Charlie, do you think Biden remains? I said, as of right now, yes. On Monday, it looked as if Joe Biden had dug in. The siege was decreasing in its intensity, and we thought he was staying.

But in the last day, even more developments are now percolating to the top. Wednesday morning, George Clooney's op-ed was a big deal. Now, for those of us that are in the conservative world, for those of us that are raising families and going to church, what George Clooney's opinions of politics are is not just inconsequential. It's negatively interesting to me. Couldn't care less. However, remember, we went through the five power centers of the Democrat Party.

And one of them is Hollywood. In the Democrat coalition, George Clooney has as much power and as much credibility as if, for example, the head of the National Rifle Association during its heyday would have wrote that op-ed. That's how much power George Clooney has. George Clooney has fundraising capacity. George Clooney has clout within the Democrat Party. George Clooney has for quite some time

been loyal to Joe Biden and loyal to the entire Democrat Party. And then Nancy Pelosi goes on mourning Joe and kind of pitter patters around the whole thing. I want Joe to do what Joe wants to do. And we'll see what happens this week. Democrats are continuing their siege against this White House. Now, I'm not exactly one to give advice here.

But if they really wanted to get rid of Joe Biden, I could tell you exactly how they could get rid of Joe Biden. And it wouldn't be hard. And no, it wouldn't require the FBI or the CIA. It wouldn't require the Department of Justice. Well, it could. There are two ways I could say. The first of which is they could release the her tapes, the Robert her tapes. But that's unlikely. They're going to keep those probably under seal because Garland is loyal to Biden. But it's even easier than that.

Here's what you got to do. And they did this to Trump time and time again. How many times did you see someone that worked in the orbit of Donald Trump resign and reappear a week and a half later with a book deal and a primetime interview talking about how Trump really is behind the scenes? If you really wanted to get rid of Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama, if you really wanted to get rid of him,

Here's what you do. You go raise some money from Reed Hastings or Reed Hoffman and your Democrat donors, and you pass the hat around. You say, we need like a million bucks. We're going to go find a White House aide who has worked closely with Joe Biden. You peel him off, resigns, and they do a sit-down interview with a person of your choosing, Stephanopoulos, Lester Holt, Kristen Welker, and...

That aid, all the aid needs to say is we have been covering for Joe Biden for the last couple of years and I can't live with myself anymore and he has to resign. That right there would potentially end all of this. Now, Joe Biden is holding out. Remember, we asked the provocative question earlier this week. Is Joe Biden Bashar al-Assad or Muammar Gaddafi? Which one? Muammar Gaddafi.

The Clintons went after Muammar Gaddafi. Remember, she was Secretary of State and Obama did, and they got rid of Gaddafi. This is not the first regime change for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. They've worked together on regime change all across the Middle East, and they have a mixed track record.

They wanted Assad bad. Assad was the crown jewel. Remember, Assad was the proxy of the Russian Federation. They're very close. Pipeline goes right through Syria. Remember the Syrian red line? They wanted Syria bad. For their globalist imperialist project, they wanted to get rid of Bashar al-Assad. And they weren't totally upset about the Syrian civil war because it resulted in massive influx of terrorists.

migrants to Europe, which has changed the political fabric of Europe permanently. Joe Biden is holding on as this siege continues. The salvos keep on getting launched. If you really wanted to get rid of Joe Biden, peel off one of his aides, pay him some money, get him a book deal and say, tell us the truth. And he could write this book, The Big Lie I Can't Hold Any Longer.

That's it. You just got to find one White House aide that will say you have no idea how bad he actually is. He doesn't know where he is half the time. All the rumors are true. I can no longer live with myself. Thank you so much. By the way, that person would not even be torpedoing his or her future career in Democrat politics. In fact, that person would be potentially celebrated in Democrat politics. I was up late last night listening to a Mark Halperin podcast. I've always found Mark Halperin to be super smart.

And very well researched here. Mark Halperin, I think, leans to the left, but he has this new program called Two Way, where it's essentially a big Zoom call with a lot of almost everything. One of them is very, very engaged, incredibly well read Democrat voters. I found actually be very easy to listen to. I'm going to listen to some more episodes. But he understands the pulse of the inner workings of the Democrat Party better than any reporter that I've seen in recent weeks.

And he's very direct and he's very clear. Listen to this. Play cut 102. I haven't talked to a single Democrat today who doesn't want Joe Biden gone, regardless of what their public position is. They would be relieved. They would trade him for Vice President Harris. Increasingly, they would trade him for an open convention, which we'll talk about. But they're going to be an extreme push. And in part, it's because there's so much unhappiness on Capitol Hill. So many members of Congress who want him gone, even the ones who haven't said so publicly. Here is the open question.

Will Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer conduct a secret ballot of elected officials in Congress? That would be interesting to see. According to Mark Halperin later on in the episode, Mark Halperin said if there was a secret ballot, if you want Joe Biden to remain or Joe Biden to go, it would result in 20 percent of people saying that we want Joe Biden to remain. Chuck Schumer.

One of the few voices considered close enough to Joe Biden to sway his decision has privately signaled to donors that, quote, he is open to dumping him as the nominee. This comes as Representative Pat Ryan, someone I've never heard of, becomes the eighth House Democrat calling for Joe to step down. Halperin in this episode.

also gets why Pelosi matters. Other than Obama, she basically is the only other top Democrat who doesn't need to worry about backlash. She's not running the caucus anymore. She controls a lot of donors. Her whole life has been building the power center in the Democrat Party. So a lot of Democrats are looking to her. And let's be honest, Hakeem Jeffries has not yet won the trust over of the caucus. If Nancy Pelosi

publicly turns on Joe Biden this weekend, then all bets are off. Now they're waiting for the end of NATO, waiting for the end of NATO, because NATO is like the most important thing in their mind. Fine, whatever. They don't want to disrupt the grand imperialist project of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Sure.

As soon as that ends, you see the Biden people are being crafty. They say, oh, no, a Lester Holt interview because they know if they can run out the clock enough, there's a virtual roll call nomination that gets Joe Biden on the ballot in Ohio. And then it's done. They have 10 to 14 days. But oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, wait, wait. There's one thing that might bail out Joe Biden. What is the news going to be all about next week?

Trump hasn't chosen his vice president yet. And there's something called the Republican National Convention where every credentialed media on the planet descends in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

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Second, the Ph.D. program starts nutrition, but it's so much more. Go to my Ph.D. weight loss dot com. My Ph.D. weight loss dot com. Glide six four six four four one nine zero zero. I lost over 30 pounds. Dr. Asher Lucas, great American. Check it out. My Ph.D. weight loss dot com. So what options do you have if you're a Democrat party? If you can convince Joe Biden to get down and a new national poll came out yesterday that Joe Biden is going to tattoo to his chest.

That showed Joe Biden tied or up one against Donald Trump in a national poll. And that very well could be true. National polls are goofy. Could be an outlier. But I think this race is much closer than people realize, especially given their infrastructure, their apparatus, their ballot chasing. I still give us a 50-50 chance of victory. Democrats are freaking out more about their chances than our side is celebrating. I want to give credit to our side before I play cut 104 about the open convention, which is.

Our side is viewing this with almost shock and awe. There's not flowing champagne. There isn't calls for celebration. There's almost like, what's really going on? Who's in charge? And many of you in this audience have decided to keep your head down and go find new voters, register new voters. That is the proper reaction to all of this.

Democrats are the ones that are pulling the alarm because they know that the chances of them replicating what happened in 2020 is diminishing. Placut 104. Clooney called for an open convention. One of the things that's changed in the last day or two is the assumption that Vice President Harris either couldn't be talked out of wanting the nomination or couldn't be expected to fight for the nomination at the convention, that you would need to be coronated.

That stock has dropped precipitously. There have been people for an open convention from the start, but Clooney put the flag hard in open convention. Again, not an accident. And I think if Joe Biden does step aside and Vice President Harris wants to be the nominee, increasingly, again, this is a 180 flip for me, increasingly, I believe it's more likely to be an open convention. Now, this is all just speculation. What is an open convention? Now, hilariously,

The Democrats thought the way that they were planning things, that it was going to be Republicans that would have an open convention. Oh, Donald Trump will have all these felonies. Donald Trump will be facing prison time. DeSantis will be ascendant. The primary will be bitter and brutal. Nikki Haley will raise all this money and Milwaukee will have the open convention. Now it's more and more likely that

That if Biden collapses and this siege is about to intensify, I have reporters that have texted me that are harmonizing with what Halperin has said, which is they have yet to drop the Moab, the mother of all bombs. And the Moab is a combo of Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton. They have not deployed their best weapons.

dark arts operators yet. Again, I host a talk show and run Turning Point. You're saying Turning Point Action. I'm telling you how you do it. You peel off an aid and you get it done. You might say, well, Charlie, don't give them any ideas. That's pretty obvious, isn't it? Let's see if they do it. What is an open convention? An open convention would mean that you release all the delegates. Now, they need to understand this and they know it, that according to reporters, about half of these delegates are to the left of AOC.

They are rabid.

You would have a convention where people would be interrupting each other for using the wrong pronouns. You would have all the trans stuff, all the groomer stuff. You would have mass calls for amnesty. You would have climate change. You would have people booing the idea that one nation under God and the Pledge of Allegiance. You would have calls for post-birth abortion paid for by taxpayer dollars. I mean, you would have the most radical elements within the Democrat Party on full display

In Chicago, meanwhile, you got all the Gaza-Israel stuff still going on. If they can even hold back the fences from the potential riots that are going to be happening in a redux of the 1968 Democrat convention that happened in Chicago, the oligarchs of the Democrat party are going to do everything they possibly can to prevent and to hold back an open convention.

At an open convention, you could get Bernie Sanders as a nominee. In an open convention, you could get Elizabeth Warren as a nominee. In an open convention, there are no rules, and they release the beasts of the wild. And then you would have a nonstop speech carousel. Now, mind you, selfishly, for ratings...

I would love to watch this. I mean, could you imagine our live streams at night? Instead of having speeches every night, they would have a competition of who could be the most trans. You got Pete Buttigieg, you got Kamala Harris. No, no, no, I would do more DEI. No, I would push CRT more. Oh man, that would just be something on full spectacular display.

Will Joe Biden survive the siege? I want to hear from you. What do you think? Email me freedom at That is freedom at The White House and Joe Biden's presidency is on its last breath. Will he survive? All right. I need to tell you guys about Strong Cell. It's amazing. With nearly a million units bought by you.

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reported on twitter last night that some people couldn't be bothered to rebook their flights let me say that again there this vote was not able to be successful because some members had to go back to their districts to go raise money what the heck is going on on a paulina um you know so i

I don't know the full dynamics of some of the absences, but what I will say is we had a few members out due to family emergencies. I think two members ended up going to the hospital. So what I will say is that there was actually a numbers issue. It's not just this that went down. There was a legislative approach

appropriations bill that actually went down. And that's one of our biggest bills that we do of the year. And so I will say this, we've already refiled and I'm actually currently in talks with one of the members that has been a hard no on multiple contempt votes. And so it's my hopes that we can get everyone on board. And obviously we will be fully bringing this back up as soon as we get back. As you know, we're out for convention and then we return. So we will be bringing this back up. So there...

Yeah, this is what I don't understand. So there's only so many work days and I want to walk through the entire story. So just everyone understands John Duarte from California, David Joyce from Ohio, Mike Turner from Ohio and Tom McClintock from California. They couldn't be bothered to rebook their flights to hold Merrick Garland in inherent contempt.

Well, they're actually there and voting. And I think, you know, these members, again, I am in talks with a few of them to get them on board with what we're doing. I think there was other absences that were actually I think the numbers close to 11 Republican members were missing. As you know, Representative Massey, he had.

his wife passed away and Representative Mass had his father pass away. And so there were some members that were gone, but they will be back. And so those

members remember last night between last night tonight the democrats actually flew in people and we lost people and so i believe that's actually why this went down um if you saw it was by a very few votes and also to remember um they actually put this vote midway and there were people leaving early for flights and so um i actually am going to be asking leadership to ensure that this is actually placed at the front of the pack for the next vote series because sometimes this happens on fly out days

So the let's take a step back. What is the significance of this inherent contempt vote? What would this mean for Merrick Garland?

So it would mean that Merrick Garland is a not above the law, but also it would find him for defying subpoenas. You know, there's been it's crazy to me that the media has not linked this to really what happened with Watergate. And the fact that we've had in the Watergate situation, there were tapes that were being prevented from Congress was prevented from seeing. And obviously that was used during impeachment. And ultimately, you know, the fact is, is that.

We have to ensure that the institution is protected and that people are not defying subpoenas. And that's what this is really all about. And I think the fact that Garland is getting a free pass, meanwhile, Americans go to jail for less is a huge problem. And so, again, my Republican colleagues and also Democrats were unaware that this was a tool that has really been used.

in the Jefferson's manual for a very long time. It was kind of forgotten since the 1900s. And so we are bringing it back. And I do hope that one of those no votes will actually help me with the legislation and that we will get final passage on this when we return.

So the no votes, I hope, you know, have a change of mind and a change of tune. And the process as it is fit, this is all very timely. Right now, Steve Bannon is in a federal prison cell.

for contempt of Congress. Right now, Peter Navarro is in a federal prison cell for contempt of Congress. Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress. No one held him accountable. Merrick Garland, no one is accountable. You said it perfectly, Ana. We are lectured by the apparatchiks in the Operation Mockingbird media on a daily basis. Well, no one's above the law. No one's above the law. No one's above the law. But is Merrick Garland currently above the law?

Currently, he is. And that is exactly what I'm trying to prevent, is there to be a two-tier justice system. Again, if you could see what we were dealing with, and I'm sure you saw some of the floor debates last night, Charlie, but there was multiple attempts, not just by deep state actors, and I mean that. There were people that even before this came to the floor for

the parliamentary procedures to even allow it to come to the floor. They were trying to kill this. They were telling members of Congress that the house had no legal standing, which was actually false. There's Supreme court precedents for what we're doing. They were trying to convince members that this was not actually something that could be done and that the

fine was unconstitutional, which is also false. Again, I actually faced the same pushback from the same people, actually, when we had the Adam Schiff vote. But again, members, especially every member, is going to vote their conscience. And I do believe that some of those no votes may have their reasonings for not doing something

really what the rest of us are doing, which is holding garlands. However, it doesn't mean that they can't change their mind. And so I'm having this conversations. But what I will say is that we are in a very curious time in our country because we know that Trump is going to be to be taking the White House. Democrats are already making their exit plans. We're hearing Kamala Harris is actually considering a governor's run. And also, too, we're hearing that Obama's team is increasingly trying to push Biden out. So you're actually seeing a massive riff. And then also this week,

the Democrats that flew back in were not the ones that support Joe Biden. They were the ones that do, that do support Joe Biden. And so you're seeing this come to, I think the forefront and again, going into convention, I think that a lot of people have something to consider, but remember if we're in a truly free country, we need to establish that Congress is an equal co-branch of government. And so we can't have people undermine that. That's exactly what, um,

What is happening right now with A.G. Garland? And again, there's massive comparisons into what happened with the Watergate scandal. And I'm surprised we hasn't picked up on that. So you say that Kamala Harris is thinking of running for governor of California? Yeah, actually, the Kevin Kiley actually had posted that they were receiving words that she's actually considering that and that she's already prospecting. So they know that she's primary in Gavin Newsom or.

I think Gavin Newsom is going to potentially make a 2028 run. We'll see what ends up happening if he ends up leaving prior, but she's definitely considering that, possibly primary. But I'm also hearing that Joe Biden is now trying to pass something that would effectively treat Ukraine like a NATO country and prevent us from cutting off funding. And that's going to be something that he's doing by executive order. So he knows that he's leaving and that Trump's going to mitigate and stop what's happening with Ukraine and Russia. And so he's making a last ditch effort to tie our hands.

So let's let's kind of summarize all this together. Is leadership behind this inherent contempt vote? I think that leadership is behind it currently as it stands. And I will say that I do hope that they continue to help push this towards the front of the pack on the next vote series. And I also hope that they have had all their questions answered, especially after the floor debate.

where we actually destroyed the Democrats' arguments that this was not constitutional or could not be argued in the Supreme Court. Remember, Charlie, there's a lot of people up here, not leadership, but staff, that have been extremely problematic and that do intentionally every step of the way try to undermine and also get in the ear of the representatives, whatever it might be, whether it's saying that it's not accurate legislation or that there's no case law for it. And so

Again, if you guys could see what we were fighting just to get it to the floor, you guys would be shocked. But what I will say is that you saw the Republican body as a whole supports us. And we do want to fight for this country. We do want to establish us as an equal co-abranch of government. So I look forward to working with one of those members, Leta Novo. And what I will say is that we're not stopping. I hope you guys continue to support those members of Congress that are trying to bring accountability to Garland. And what I will say is

Garland, from what I know and I'm hearing, was absolutely sweating. And he was actually continuing to call members, trying to convince them to take a walk. So just really quick, I have to you're doing amazing on it. We're so proud of you. You said that there are Republican members of staff that are trying to undercut the wishes of Republican voters. Tell us more about that. Yeah. So I actually caught several that were intentionally lying to

to keep people that advise members saying that this wasn't constitutional. And I think that it's going to be appropriate for those people to be dealt with on the back end. And I'm going to ensure that that happens. But they are in very powerful positions and have been in Washington for probably 20 years and are in positions that advise the House legally. And that can't be tolerated. Yeah. And by the way, the power is in the staff. You know that so much of the power that is vested in

Congress is in the step. So what is the call to action? One minute remaining on it for this audience. I'm going to ask every person to please nicely call your representative and voice voice your conscious and that we need to get this passed. But more importantly, it's important that you guys are engaged because moving forward to a Trump presidency, which is going to happen. Remember, when Trump had his initiatives, it was conscious.

Congress that had actually blocked a lot of what he wanted to do. And that was a Republican held body. So there were people here that did not want to secure the border, et cetera. Now, since then, some of those people have not gotten reelected, but it is really important that you guys know exactly who you guys are voting for. Get involved with ballot chasing operations, help out and work at local precincts, get involved in local politics. It matters.

Congresswoman Ana Paulina Luna, great work. Thank you so much. Thank you. So here's the list. Dan Crenshaw was not there. Let's see. Granger from Texas was not there. LaTurner from Kansas was not there. Thomas Massey, his wife just died, so that's completely understandable. And McHenry from North Carolina was not there. This needs to be a priority. No more excuses, guys. And by the way, Massey's back. If Massey can make time after...

his wife dies, to come back to vote for this, there's no excuses.

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I want to read you this wonderful email. Charlie, I am so excited. This is Philip, one of our listeners. I just registered three Trump supporters this afternoon. I was wearing one of my many Trump shirts this evening. And I asked three of my employees who all said they loved the shirt if they were registered to vote. All three of them said no.

I pulled up your turning point action website for the first time and said, here you go. Each one of them took less than one minute. And now we have three more registered Trump voters. My shirts are a way to get the conversation going. I try to submit this on your website, but I kept saying error. We're trying to submit in case there's a problem. Okay, email this. We're going to get that fixed. But you guys can always email us freedom at Boom. That is three new voters. This audience is the tip of the spear. You guys are the citizen force.

And for Philip doing that, I'm going to send you a signed book just because I'm so excited about that. That is the energy. That is the force multiplication. This country will not be saved for you. You have to save your country. And what Philip did is three times more than what I expect out of people. The exponential impact of that.

Every single person in this audience can do that. And if you're not comfortable getting into the details of registering voters, OK, let's say you go out to your favorite diner on Saturday morning to get breakfast, strike up a conversation with the waiter or waitress. You know that your tips will be tax free if Donald Trump becomes president. When you go to the hardware store, if you go to the if you go to the gun shop, when you go to get your hunter's license, be bold, wear the Trump hat.

By joining this citizen force, you become a force multiplier. We make it too big to rig. While the Democrats are in a slow motion collapse, while the media for the first time in nearly 30 years has the knives out for a Democrat president, this does not happen, everybody. We can watch this as spectators or we can seize the moment and do the work. It is about action, action, action, as Steve Bannon would tell us. I want to continue here.

This is the Mark Halperin show or two wave or something. They call it. Let's go to, this is about the deadline. That's very important. The RNC, which starts Monday, it's going to be the center of gravity of all politics in the greatest of all irony. The RNC could bail out Joseph Robinette Biden play cut one Oh six. I, even though I think that sometimes there are kind of artificial deadlines created by the media and by some politicians, uh,

I really do believe that by early next week, given the timing of everything, they'll either be a successful effort to convince him for his own good, not for the good of the country, for his own good. He needs to step aside. Joe Biden does not take well to any of this. You see, there's a article, which is very important.

In addition to what we believe is a clear pathway ahead for us, there's also no indication that anyone else would outperform Biden v. Trump. Hypothetical polling of alternative nominees will always be unreliable. And quote, this is from the Biden campaign. Surveys do not take into account the negative media environment that any Democrat nominee will encounter.

How long? All right. I want I want the gambling odds, Blake and Ryan and Andrew. How long before Joe Biden at the NATO's the big boy summit tonight? He goes, boy, you guys are fake news. The the the Joe Biden arc towards becoming Donald Trump. The metamorphosis is underway, by the way. Joe Biden's becoming he's got he's got a tan going.

Joe Biden's fighting the media. Joe Biden's running against the elites. When I see Joe Biden in these interviews say, yeah, it's the elites that want me gone. All roads end in this big merge where they just become the same person. And in a Marvel movie type ending, Biden and Trump announce each other as VP picks teaming up to fight the media and the deep state. Joe Biden is down in every tracking poll. So he says, I might as well become Donald Trump. The siege against the Biden campaign is continuing, but the timeline changes.

is everything. The timeline is critical. The RNC could bail out Joe Biden. Joe Biden and his campaign are holding on. They are death gripping. And July 21st really is the big day. July 21st is, so you have 10 days from here. So if Joe Biden can survive the Lester Holt interview, Joe Biden could, by the way, just say, I'm going to Camp David. I'm not stepping out. See you later. 10 days, everybody. What was that movie where they said seven days?

Was that The Sixth Sense? I can't remember which movie that was. The Ring! Thank you, that was an awful movie. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us, as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening, and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to