cover of episode The Left's Psychotic Post-SCOTUS Bloodlust

The Left's Psychotic Post-SCOTUS Bloodlust

Publish Date: 2024/7/2
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The Charlie Kirk Show


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Hey everybody, it's the Charlie Kirk Show. Robbie Starbuck joins the program to talk about the war on children, tractor supply, and James Clyburn. We have Mark Pelletta to discuss all the Supreme Court news and more. Become a member today. That is That is

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Joining us now is Mark Paoletta, who's amazing, senior fellow at the Center for Renewing America, personal friend of Justice Thomas, and doesn't have to say anything. I think he'd be a great attorney general of the United States if we get a second Trump term. Mark, welcome to the program. Mark, the media will play some of this tape here. They're saying this makes the president a king, an untouchable king. What is the truth of what the Supreme Court decided yesterday?

Charlie, thanks for having me on. The Supreme Court decided what everyone in America has known for many, many years, which is that, and the Supreme Court has essentially held for many years, which is that the President of the United States has immunity for his official acts. It's always been that way. The Supreme Court touched on that in 1981 in the Fitzgerald case.

And our whole, as John Roberts points out, the whole structure of our government, the separation of powers requires that the president has immunity. It's only because the left, right, in this unprecedented lawfare to go after President Trump on every conceivable, despicable level, did they indict him to try and take him out as the opponent in 2024. So the Supreme Court says, we've never dealt with this before.

The reason why that is, is because no other party, no other administration has tried to attack a former president like the Democrats are doing now. So what they did was they said, look,

You know, the president needs his protection. It's written into the Constitution in the sense that our separation of powers makes it clear that the president and the responsibilities that are entrusted to him by the Constitution to be our chief executive requires him to have that immunity. And if you didn't, right, when you have these crazy scenarios, that Sotomayor and then dissent, right, president's ordering assassinations.

Only Democrats would think about that and presidents doing that. Right. But what John Roberts says is like those are ridiculous examples. What the dissent is is is like encouraging with their view is the cannibalization of the executive branch, that the president would be basically enfeebled by the fact that anything he does.

As Roberts points out, by any creative prosecutor, you can go after the president for anything. And so it would really disable, harm the president. And that's what we need. That's what the beauty of our system was. It wanted an energetic president, right, with checks and balances. But it's essential to have an energetic president.

and dynamic president to take on the challenges in the world, to represent our country. And the dissent, in my view, wants to cripple the presidency. In part, I don't think they like a strong president in any event, but it's really to get Donald Trump, right, at all costs. And the idea of Joe Biden coming out last night to sign on to this opinion was just...

Unbelievable. You know, this lawfare on the Supreme Court goes right up to he's been going that direction. But to come out and give a nationwide address to attack the Supreme Court is just unheard of. Yeah. Part of the reason he gave the speech is he wanted to remind people that I guess you can read off a teleprompter or something. And just everyone is clear. I mean, this protects former Democrat presidents to Barack Obama drone strike, drone struck an American citizen without due process.

And so this whole idea of like assassination, it's a very bizarre thing. They are, they're really losing it. I want to play cut 62. This is an LGBTQ activist on Instagram with a million plus followers. And he speaks for a lot of people on the American left. Let's play cut 62. Done. I'm done. I'm seriously done. The Supreme court says,

has pissed me off so much right now. Like, so much. Joe, you're a reasonable man. You don't want to do this, but here's the reality. This is a war. This is a war now. And we are fighting for our country. And these a**holes are going to take it away. They're going to take it away. F**k you, Clarence Uncle Thomas. F**k you. Joe, you now have the right

To take that Trump out. Take him out, Joe. If he was Hitler and this was 1940, you'd take him out. Well, he is Hitler and this is 1940. Take him the out. Blow him up. Blow him up or they'll blow us up.

So, Mark, I mean, that is one person. By the way, that is not a fringe opinion. The one after the other people that were calling for the death of Donald Trump, that Joe Biden should use the military. What do you make of this, Mark? I hadn't seen that clip, Charlie, so I'm actually disturbed by it. You say he has a million plus followers. Look, the Democrats, here's the bottom line. The Democrats have been encouraging this, right? That's, you know, somebody out there with a lot of followers, unincorporated.

unhinged and disturbed. But the Supreme Court, again, 6-3 decision, absolutely in line with what has been the Supreme Court's... That's what Roberts does. He goes back and says, this is what we're following, our prior precedents, extending it

because it's the first time they've tried to prosecute a president. But it's all in line with what the court in our history and traditions has had. So it's not a surprise. It's just like the 14th Amendment case, right? The delusion of the left

When they come up with these crazy ideas that they're going to win at the Supreme Court. Remember, everyone thought Trump would be disqualified off these ballots. It was a 9-0 decision. This one was 6-3. But it's right in line with Fitzgerald and other cases that the president, of course, has immunity. Now, going back to those very, very disturbing comments. I mean, those are kind of like, right, you know, Schumer talking about physically attacking. That's exactly right. Right.

This is a theme. Please continue. That's right. Yes. Yeah. So so we go back to March of 20. So, again, what's going on? OK, a little bit back is that the left is furious, unhinged that for the first time in 80 years, they don't control the Supreme Court. And that all happened with President Trump's three appointments. Right. And you saw it coming with the first two so that.

You know, in March of 2020, before Amy Barrett is appointed and confirmed, Schumer goes to the Supreme Court during an abortion argument. Actually, that Mike Johnson had actually argued or been involved with at the district court level. But he basically stands outside the Supreme Court with a press conference type setting and tells Kavanaugh and Gorsuch by name,

You better vote this way or you will release the whirlwind and you won't know what hit you. Now, I take that as a physical threat. I take that as, you know, you need to vote. I am going to control you. I am going to tell you how you have to vote or you will be harmed.

This is the leader of the Democrat Party in the Senate standing on the steps of the Supreme Court. And what happens, Charlie? A couple of years later, during what? An abortion case, Dobbs, an assassin comes to, you know, Brett Kavanaugh's home right outside of it and wants to murder his family, his wife and kids, his daughters and Justice Kavanaugh. And so.

I think that's a through line that Schumer and the Democrats have unleashed physical violence towards the Supreme Court. That's why you see all of these, you know, these protesters or, you know, I call them violators outside of justices homes nonstop to this day. They go around just conservatives. OK, let's just be clear. These are not liberal justices. I don't know if a liberal justice has ever been protested.

protested even in the crazy, crazy days, right? Are you kidding me? Right. So, yeah. So even it was never done before. Years and years of Republicans, conservatives, originalists losing case after case after case. We never went to justices' homes to make their lives a living hell, to intimidate them. There's a federal law that makes that a crime. Of course, Merrick Garland doesn't enforce that.

But so that's what's going on right now. So you get, right, the byproduct of this or the direct product of this is this crazy person on X literally threatening the lives. And again, you can see also, right, the racism of the left. It really is despicable. Well, who does he call out? Clarence Thomas, right? Who does he use a racial slur on? Clarence Thomas. That's what triggers them, right? A black conservative, right?

A guy, again, and I put this up yesterday, 33 years ago yesterday, President Bush announced Clarence Thomas nominated him to the Supreme Court. So this amazing Supreme Court, in my view, the greatest Supreme Court in generations, started with Clarence Thomas in 1991.

going on the Supreme Court. He's been laying down the law for 33 years on all of these cases where the court has had all these great rulings. Thomas had a dissenter or concurrence somewhere along the line.

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Mark, I want you to break down the Thomas concurrence and why you think that deserves more attention. Yeah, Charlie, I think this could be the sleeper issue in this case. Justice Thomas in his concurrence, so he agreed with the majority's ruling, but he raised the idea that Jack Smith, the special prosecutor in this case, is unconstitutionally appointed. He was appointed by the attorney general, okay? And as Justice Thomas points out,

Goes back to our founding. The king had appointed all these officers to harass people. So in the Constitution, they said that Congress will establish the offices. So there is no special counsel office established by Congress. And so the attorney general appointed a private citizen, Jack Smith, to exercise the powers of a prosecutor. He has no authority to do that. Compare that to...

the U.S. attorney, right, in Delaware. We may think he's doing a terrible job, right, on the Hunter Biden. But he was a U.S. attorney or is a U.S. attorney appointed by the president, confirmed by the Senate as an officer of the United States. So he got sort of an additional responsibility to look into the Hunter Biden stuff here.

With the Jack Smith case, with the Jack Smith appointment, there is no office that was created. He was holding no office when he was appointed. And so the attorney general does not have the power to appoint him. There are these Department of Justice regulations that set this office up, but it's unconstitutional. OK, and Justice Thomas raises this. Now, why is this important? OK, because it was a concurrence. It wasn't raised.

below at the Supreme Court. My law firm is the firm that filed, I'm not involved with it, but some of my colleagues filed a brief, an amicus brief at the Supreme Court. That is what Justice Thomas discussed in his concurrence.

Right now, though, running alongside it is the Mar-a-Lago case down in Florida. And that case is before Judge Cannon. Judge Cannon, we filed that brief down at the district court in amicus brief. Judge Cannon ordered oral argument on that two Fridays ago to argue this exact issue as to whether Jack Smith is constitutionally appointed. The fact that Justice Thomas has come out with this concurrence

Right now, when this other case is down in the district court, Judge Cannon has it before her, but she could look and see, here's our greatest Supreme Court justice issuing this decision of this concurrence that says Jack Smith is not constitutionally appointed. What does that mean? Every single thing he's done is invalid. Every indictment, every part of his investigation is fatally flawed. So

That is that's a pretty big deal in terms of what's coming out of this case. And so, you know, Judge Cannon had the oral argument. We're waiting for her to rule. But the fact that Justice Thomas devoted his concurrence to it was it was pretty amazing.

Is that also go back to Mueller and these other special counsels or were they U.S. attorneys that were confirmed or is this just a special carve out? No, that's exactly right. You have to be like you could be a U.S. attorney that had already gone through the process and get added to your responsibility. But right. If you're a private citizen that hasn't been there is no special counsel.

office that was established by Congress. So that would be a problem too. This came out of the independent counsel statute, right? Which they allowed to, which was a congressionally authorized statute, unconstitutional 'cause judges appointed those prosecutors. But when that lapsed and the DOJ, I think under Reno, came up with these regulations for a special counsel.

It's always been fatally flawed. Nobody's challenged it. And again, with this, what I'll consider this more originalist court looking at these types of structural setups and not violating them, this is an important thing. The founders wrote into our Constitution that

Congress is the one who establishes these offices. And you just can't willy-nilly make up a new officer to go prosecute anybody, let alone the President of the United States. So a pretty big issue. No, I mean, you can't just give...

Joy Reid as a special counsel because you like what she says on television. You have to go through the process of vetting in front of the U.S. Senate and to be confirmed. And Jack Smith is a deranged lunatic who also is disgraced. He got overturned 9-0 in the Supreme Court. He was at the Hague. He's a ferocious attack dog. And it begs the question, would he have actually passed

through Senate confirmation. Maybe, maybe not, because he would have had to answer a lot of questions. Hey, if you're going to be confirmed, can you explain why you got turned 9-0 on appeal on the McDonald case? These are very important things. That's why Senate confirmation is necessary. So this is not just a technical thing. This is the essence of the entire project.

If you can now get a special counsel that does not go through Senate vetting, that does not actually get the approval of the legislative branch, because at its core, this is a separation of powers issue. The executive branch does not get to appoint their own attack dogs to especially go to look into former presidents without the approval of the U.S. Senate. Thank you so much, Mark. Excellent job. Thank you. Thanks, Charlie.

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Okay, we have some breaking news here. First, we have Robbie Starbuck, who is amazing. Robbie, welcome to the program. Robbie, I want to talk all about tractor supply and your amazing win there. But first, I want to get your reaction to this viral clip that is really growing. It is Clyburn, who is definitely part of the aristocracy of the Democrat Party. Remember, Clyburn was the vessel of which all things ran through in the 2020 election.

Fake primary the Democrats had in that in that selection. Remember, Joe Biden finished six in Iowa. He finished fifth in New Hampshire and they had the South Carolina reset because Clyburn did this huge rally with Joe Biden in the midst of COVID and he failed.

essentially christened Biden as the chosen one. Go to your basement, young man, and you shall become president. Clyburn has a lot of power. If Obama is the pope, Nancy Pelosi is the deputy prime minister. Clyburn is like the foreign secretary of the Democrat regime. This is very telling. Listen carefully, play cut 64. This man, how would you feel if there is a decision for him to step down if he decides that and he has to decide that?

or if the party pressures him to do that, how would you feel if they worked around and tried to go around Kamala Harris because of her lack of high poll numbers and popularity and broadly based? Do you think it's hers to have if it is not his?

I will support her if he were to step aside. But I want to support her going forward sometime in the future. I want this ticket to continue to be Biden-Harris, and then we'll see what happens after the next election. No, this party should not in any way do anything to work around Biden.

Miss Harris. We should do everything we can to bolster her, whether it's in second place or at the top of the ticket.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Second place, top of the ticket. What's going on here, Robbie Starbuck? Yeah, you know, this happens at the same time that this morning Nancy Pelosi went on the news and said, hey, it's a legitimate question to ask whether this was just a one-time thing or whether this is a condition that Joe Biden has in reference to the debate. So I think that there's very clearly an internal civil war happening. And I

I think that no matter what, they've got a big problem here because if they try to get rid of Joe Biden, which clearly many of them want to do, and I think everybody understands why because it was an absolute train wreck the other night. But if they do that, you're stuck with Kamala or you're stuck with everybody realizing that everything that you've preached for the past few years, this whole embrace of DEI and all this stuff, it was all a farce. It was all just a naked grab of power.

Because if you go over her and you pick St. News, you went for the white guy instead of the black lady who was vice president. Now, why is that? They're going to have to explain that to people. And I think everybody understands what's really going on.

Remember, the Democrat Party is built on oppression Olympics and you get different points based on your criteria. That means nothing in the real world or in the conservative movement. But being a black female puts you as a high priestess of the entire thing. Now, if she was a black lesbian female in a wheelchair, I mean, this thing would not even be close. I mean, it's just untouchable. Forget it. However, I think that if Kamala Harris becomes president, who in the inner circle has oppression Olympics points? Buttigieg.

Right. Openly gay. He runs. He's a terrible transportation secretary, which obviously gets them extra points. The less competent and the more gay or diverse you are, the more points you get in the Democrat Party. Diversity, equity, inclusion is a great segue. Tell us about your successful campaign against tractor supply. This is a amazing story that deserves more attention.

Yeah, you know, I think this is our biggest boycott win that we've had in our lifetime. And it's because we got actual changes and it set sort of a new mood in corporate America where CEOs are starting to have to ask themselves questions. Because first thing I did is I went out there and we had a three week long expose of tractor supply where we explained to people the woke policies that had sort of infected corporate in many different levels. And this was something that was wholly out of alignment with the customer base.

And, you know, long story short, Tractor Supply came out with the most complete reversal that anybody's ever seen from a boycott where they said, we're getting rid of DEI entirely. We will no longer fund gay pride anything. We are going to get rid of the roles that we had that were DEI based everything. It's all going to be gone. We're going to stop giving any data to the human rights campaign, which is a huge reason why so many corporations have gone woke.

And I think all in all, it was a total, you know, sort of a understanding that we were right, that this is out of alignment with the customer base. And you can see here, this is the Washington or I'm sorry, the Wall Street Journal. It's also in the Washington Post. You can see this front page of the Wall Street Journal. Okay. So, yeah.

That makes a difference. This is hitting every corporation, every CEO, every executive's desk this morning and yesterday in the Washington Post. And they're seeing, OK, there's something here. There's a real sort of pullback on these DEI efforts. And at the same time, on the heels of this is.

Wall Street Journal also did another story. And that story was that the entire McKinsey study that DEI has been pushed from, which was essentially a study that said, hey, DEI is going to make you a ton of money. It's going to make companies rich.

It was all a farce. It was all bogus. And Wall Street Journal is now admitting that the DEI does not make companies money. And in fact, the diversity DEI fund that was formed on the London Stock Exchange has underperformed every company that is not on it. So.

You know, there's sort of an awakening, I think, that's happening here. And this proved a model. You know, if we start from the right and work our way left and we say, OK, what companies have a more right wing customer base and have they fallen out of alignment with the values of their customers? Well, I think there's room for a public awareness campaign to

bring the news of that to the customers so that customers can make new choices and we can do the same thing across all those places. And the more we normalize it on our side, that, hey, it's unacceptable if you have mostly conservative customers to go this direction. Well, then after we've completed that, you can go sort of to the right leaning. Then you can go to the center and you work your way leftward

Until this becomes the norm and this is the more normal thing for a company to do and you prove that you can be successful while rejecting this stuff. And I think an interesting point to this is Tractor Supply has done well in the stock market since they released that statement reversing on all these policies. Yeah, so I mean, talk more about that criteria. I mean, Tractor Supply, for example, here in Phoenix,

The nearest tractor supply is up in Cave Creek. Super rural, super red. I mean, the customer base is as MAGA as it gets. Remind our audience specifically of what they were doing and tell us why. Why would tractor supply, where their main customer base are a bunch of wingers,

Why would they involve themselves in anything remotely DEI? Who's running the place over there? Well, so this is sort of something that's infected a lot of corporate America that falls out of touch with the values of their customers. People start to forget who their customers are. You know, when BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street are in your face on a regular basis, making it seem like they're your customer will eventually some of these CEOs start to believe that.

And the reality kind of slaps you in the face when your customers find out what you're really doing is out of alignment with their values. And then suddenly you realize, oh, BlackRock's not walking through that door to buy our farm supply products. Farmers are.

And so, you know, I think to get back to where this all started, I had a whistleblower come to me that works Tractor Supply and they showed me some of the DEI policies and I couldn't believe it. And then they started talking about the support for gay pride events. And I was like, there's no way. I actually thought this person was pulling my leg because I know the customer base. I go to Tractor Supply. I have a farm. I've got cattle. There's no way they're that far gone. We looked into it and we started this investigation. We realized, oh, they are that far gone. They had been giving money to like, let's say Waco Pride Network, which

We'll use that as number one, okay? They gave that money to them, $5,000, and that money went toward a Pride event where there was a drag queen performing really inappropriately for kids. And not only that, if you go to Waco Pride Network's website right now, they're currently advertising a summer camp for sixth graders in conjunction with Planned Parenthood that is exclusively about sex, a summer camp exclusively about sex, okay? So I think most TractorSplit customers look at that and they go,

I don't want to fund that. I'm not okay with my money going to that. And so, you know, my request is like, hey, if you're going to be a company out there that takes money from people on my side, just don't give money to things that are diametrically opposed, not just to our political values, but more importantly, our faith values. That's where I was really upset. It's like you're asking me as a Christian dad, as a father, to give money.

All of this money I give to Rectorsupply, I've probably spent around 10 grand a year with our farm and our cattle and everything, somewhere around there on farm supplies. And so you want me to spend that money at a company that is going to turn around and fund people who hate me. Another one of those groups that was given money is $100,000 to Conexia Americas. That group said when Trump was president that they were, quote, working around the clock. This is what the founder said, working around the clock to stop deportations. Okay.

why Tractor Supply would give money to a group like that, I can't tell you except for to say that at corporate, they have really fallen out of touch with who their customers are. But I do want to say this. My goal from the beginning of this was not to just destroy Tractor Supply because the reality is this is infected so many places. You have to prove a model of success for other companies to follow. So as much as I...

I would say I got 90% of what I wanted. The other 10% would have been firings of the CEO and board members. However, I'm a realist. And so you can't let perfect be the enemy of good. And so one thing I would tell people here is I'm actually not holding it against tractor supply in terms of not going there anymore. I will go there at some point. I haven't gone yet.

I do have some co-ops and farmers I would rather support right now, but eventually I will make a purchase there. And the reason why is because if Tractor Supply dies, the left is going to blame their rejection of DEI for the company dying. Okay. We don't want that to happen.

We want to prove that rejecting DEI, ending the pride donations, ending all of this embrace of leftism is a good, healthy thing for a company to do. So as much as we kind of have to grit our teeth and go like, OK, we don't agree with CEO and ultimately it would have been better if he was gone. We do have to understand for this to be successful in the long run. We've got to keep that buying habit.

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Yeah, thanks, Charlie. You know, I think since we last talked, we've logged another 10 million views on the movie and soon there's going to be news about more places to watch. And we're very excited about that so that hopefully, you know, by the end of this year, people will be able to watch really easily from any app pretty much.

And so, you know, it's just been incredible to see the effect it's had all over the world. And it's really led to a lot of child protection wins like here in Tennessee just yesterday. It is now an active law in Tennessee that you can be given the death penalty if you were a child rapist.

And so a convicted child rapist can be put to death here. That is a massive win. And our movie was a big reason that we were able to rally support behind the law. And the lawmaker who wrote it, William Lamberth, just thanked us yesterday publicly because I think that the film had a really great effect

on that. And this has been happening all over the world, not just here in the U.S., but there's a multitude of states where we've had similar interactions with lawmakers to get child protection laws on the books. So ultimately, it's not just a movie that gave people awareness, but I really think in the long run, if you look like 10 years down the line, it's going to have helped and saved a lot of kids.

I love that. Do you, are you seeing Democrats start to wake up to this butchery, this transgender nonsense that's happening in this country? I have seen some wake up to it, but you know what it's been is they've, it's not lawmakers. Democrat lawmakers are all in on this stuff. They will not come back. I'm convinced at this point, nothing that could convince them to come back and pretend to be sane. And what's really sick and evil about that is that they know it's wrong. The

The Democrat lawmakers know it is wrong, period. There are very few that are actually like true believers that really think it's a good idea to mutilate children's genitals. I mean, that's a small group of crazy people, okay? Most of them know it's wrong, but functionally feel like it's more important to pretend to support it so that they can have more power.

And that is a very, very, very sick person. And so that makes up the multitude of the leadership in the Democrat Party. But when it comes to voters, I am seeing like your sort of old blue dog Democrats come around and go, this is wrong. I was told this wasn't happening. Now the Democrat media is telling me it is happening, but it's okay. Don't worry about it. It's not that many. And now they're saying any kid should be able to do this. And

Parents essentially should have no say. And I think so to them, they're going, something's not right here. And then they see a movie like this and they go, okay, this is wrong. And what I'm seeing from those people is a choice to say, you know what? I can't vote in good conscience for this party anymore. Just based off of this, if they understand the magnitude of what this means, because I,

You know, it's not just that we're talking about thousands of kids' lives here. We're talking about the sort of psychotic state of mind it takes as a party to stand behind something like this. If you've seen sort of what this does to these kids,

We're not even just talking about like straight up murdering them. We're talking about really horrific mutilation these kids live with for many years. I mean, this is a lifelong medical problem that they're having to deal with. Okay. The poor girl, Layla Jane, that we interviewed in the movie, that got a double mastectomy at the age 13, uh,

she will never recover. The pain that she's in, the psychological anguish, that's something that will never go away. And so you have to be a very, very, very sick party to get behind something like that. And it tells you that the party is ultimately willing to do anything for power. And a party willing to do anything for power is a party that is, I think, incredibly dangerous to this country.

Well said, Robbie. Excellent work. And thank you as always. Appreciate it. Thank you, Charlie. Anybody wants to see you go to the war on That is a war on Check it out, everybody. War on Thank you. Hey, everybody. Okay, so let's go to this right here. Hey, Charlie, I live in North Carolina for 20 years. Most of my family still resides in New Jersey. Never really cared about politics and Trump came down the escalator. After 2020, I started listening to you, Charlie, Steve Bannon and Bongino and taking courses through Hillsdale College. I like this person.

As a union member in New York, my older brother, he woke up to the BS under Obama. I want to let you know that in North Carolina here, I have flipped four lifelong Democrat voters, two in their 70s and two in their mid 30s. Even one of them with a trans family member to vote Republican and secured their votes for Donald J. Trump. I printed the forms.

addressed the envelopes, walked them through how to update their voter registration. They are very concerned about being able to vote in primary elections going forward since they want to vote for Trump in June and couldn't. If I hadn't been listening to you for so long, I never would have been able to explain the process and successfully flip these voters.

Thank you for all you do to make our beautiful country a better place. God bless America. Kate from North Carolina. Kate, I am going to send you a signed copy of my new book, Right Wing Revolution. That is just, I'm inspired by it. I think it's amazing. And if everybody took that kind of agency, by the way, those are just people in her life. And she said, why aren't you registered to vote? Let's get registered to vote. Take it out, slash vote. You down the Turning Point Action app. This is the citizen force.

You've got to educate people on how to do it. And you have to ask them, are you registered to vote? Are you registered to vote? Get it done. If every single person in this audience does that, we're going to have a much better country a week from now than one today. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to