cover of episode Pro-Family MAGA vs. The Anti-Family Left

Pro-Family MAGA vs. The Anti-Family Left

Publish Date: 2024/8/2
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The Charlie Kirk Show


Shownotes Transcript

Hey, everybody. It's the Charlie Kirk Show. We have Terry Schilling joining the program all about the pro-family agenda. And then Darren Beattie asks an important question about Kamala Harris. Email us as always, freedom at Become a member today at That is to be able to get your MAGA hat and get to work and listen to all of our episodes today.

Advertiser free. Email us as always, freedom at and get involved with Turning Point USA at That is Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks.

I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at That is It's where I buy all of my gold. Go to Families will determine the 2024 election. Let me say that again.

It's not single women. It might be partially black voters, but I think that is overemphasized in the data. It's going to be families. It's going to be people that have children. It's going to be families in Western PA, families in Gilbert, Arizona, families in Madison, Wisconsin, families in Charlotte, North Carolina, families in Athens, Georgia. The Democrats have been going very hard against J.D. Vance because they know that families are a threat to

to big government. Many families are so busy that they can be put into the low propensity category. One man and one project is going after the family vote because the family vote is the swing vote in the 2024 election. And that is Terry Schilling, president of the American Principles Project. Terry, you've been on the show before. Reintroduce yourself, please, and the critical work that you're doing at the American Principles Project.

Well, thank you so much, Charlie. It's an honor to be here. It's an honor to call you a friend. Terry Schilling, President of the American Principals Project. We are what you and I call the NRA for families. The same way the NRA protects our Second Amendment rights, we protect parental rights and the innocence of children. And Charlie, three years ago today, we launched our Big Family Program. And

The big family was meant to compete with big pharma, big oil, big tobacco. Everyone, every industry has a special interest arm in this town. They punish their enemies. They reward their friends. Everyone had a pack except for the American family. And that's what we set out to change. And that's what we did change. So we started spending millions of dollars through the help of a lot of people that watch your show and a lot of people that watch War Room with Steve Bannon and thousands of others and organized

over the course of time, we ended up spending millions of dollars. We got 25 states to protect girls sports, 25 states to protect kids from these disastrous and evil gender transition procedures for minors. But Charlie, something that you and I have talked about is that we both feel very strongly about is we've gotten 19 states now to implement and pass age verification laws to protect kids from adult content online.

We're slowly but surely changing the game for the American family. But our argument in this latest video that we're relaunching the big family program with is that we have to finish the job. We've gotten a lot done, but we have to finish the job and we have to get President Trump back in that White House so that he can start protecting us from all these crazy people. Charlie, you know better than anyone, they've only gotten crazier. And that's saying a lot.

Yeah, the Democrat Party hates families. Everything about the Democrat Party is about destroying the family, making it harder to have children, and also just mocking people that have children. And the Democrat Party, they want a soulless, dark, dystopian agenda where they could take your children from you, where they can trans your kids, and they're doing that.

This is the world premiere of your video, which is relaunching Big Family. It's a couple minute video. We are honored to be able to premiere this. And we know the power of the American family. And we need all of you that are part of strong families to unite together.

and to defeat the Democrats, regardless of your own political affiliation, we must destroy the Democrat Party in its current form electorally. It is critical. Let's play Cut 158, the relaunch of the Big Family Project.

Summer is the best, especially if you've got a family. Cookouts, pool days, and backyard football. But you know what's the worst? Government schools. They're indoctrinating our kids, and they're making them dumb. I bet you didn't know that over two-thirds of our kids can't read or do math at grade level. A lot has changed over the past few years. Three years ago, we only had five kids, and now we have seven.

But three years ago, we formed APP's big family to give families a voice when it comes to public policy and elections. And thousands of you joined, and we got so much done. Three years ago, we had almost nobody protecting our kids or families. And now, we've got 25 states protecting girls' sports, 25 states protecting kids from the gender mutilation industry, and 19 states are now protecting kids from adult content online.

We've got so much done, but we still have a long way to go. This election couldn't be more pivotal for American families. Kamala Harris has made it a core policy priority to attack parents and families. She's even classifying parents as potential domestic terrorists just for showing up at school board meetings. Are you kidding me? There's only one guy in this race that's promised to protect our families and our kids, and that's Donald Trump. President Trump has our back, and we need to have his.

Elections are crucial to the future of our country. And unlike Hollywood, academia, or corporate America, you and I can make a difference right now. And that's why APP's big family is launching our $18 million Every Family Votes campaign to finish a job and elect a president that will defend us against all these crazy people. And we mean every family.

So what are you waiting for? Join APP's big family today and get engaged. Go to and sign up today to help save this country. It's going to take a big family to save America. I love that video. First of all, let's go through all the things that the Democrats hate in that video. Seven kids.

Beautiful family, loyally married, hot dogs, right? They want to get rid of meat. You guys have a single family home. You have a trimmed garden. You don't have a bunch of illegals running all over the place. You don't have the diversity is our strength stuff. I think I saw a bunch of American flags, very clean, very sharp flags.

Terry Schilling, tell us about Big Family. That video right there was a really great, powerful video. And the Democrats, they hate it. Why do they hate the family so much? The family, Charlie, as you know, is the ultimate bulwark against tyranny and oppression, right? When you've got little kids that you have to take care of, when you have a wife that you have to protect and take care of, you're going to be more loyal and concerned about that than when

When some tyrant like Joe Biden or Kamala Harris is in office telling you that you've got to pay more taxes or support more government programs or indoctrinate kids, you are more loyal to your family than you are your government. And that's how it's supposed to be. It's supposed to be God, family, and country. And that's what they hate. Charlie, the exit polling in all this is very clear. Families and married people vote strongly Republican.

And that's why they've been working so hard to keep people from getting married. You know, they want people going to college until they're 40 years old now with $500,000 worth of student loan debt. If you do the math, it's $40,000 a year just for undergrad now. They want you dependent on the government. They want you focused on paying your taxes and joining the ranks and getting your certifications of approval so that you can help corporate America, you

And all these rich, evil, progressive dudes make more money on Wall Street. It's absolutely a travesty. But that's why they hate the American family, because it is a competitor for your time, love and affection. Yeah, I just I loved that video. Can you comment on the attacks against J.D. Vance? J.D. Vance has gone all in on the importance of the American family, and they've been criticizing him relentlessly of that. Terry, it's very clear Kamala Harris hates families.

And again, Kamala Harris decided to put her career above family formation. Some people make that choice and you have the liberty and the ability to do that. But why are her policies so anti-family in your comments on J.D. Vance?

Well, listen, JD Vance is one of the greatest picks of all time for the American family as vice president. Donald Trump is the best president. He's the most, most pro family president period, Charlie, that we've ever had in arguably the most important time to have a pro family president. Uh,

But the reason that they're and I just want to say Kamala Harris is so extreme, not just on, you know, the obvious stuff like transing kids and confusing them in schools and using our tax dollars to get our kids to hate their country, their parents and their God. She even wants to get rid of the child tax credit.

Right. That's what this whole debate started. J.D. Vance wants to expand the tax, the child tax credit to give working families more flexibility in the economy and more relief under Joe Biden's, you know, Biden inflation and everything he's doing to ruin our lives. And she wants to get rid of that. How terrible of a person do you have to be to support giving tax credits and tax breaks to

to solar companies and wind companies, but not to struggling families with small children that they have to take care of. You know, Charlie, you've had, I think you're up to two kids now. You'll catch up to me, I promise. It comes faster than you realize. But I'll tell you. I don't think I'm going to seven. Seven, that's like the Everest of children. That's quite a...

That's quite a lift. But you have to have a bigger house when you have children. You have to have a bigger car. You have to spend a lot more money when you have kids to get them educated, right? The clothes, the food. I got four boys now. They're eating out of house and home, man. And these guys don't even want to give us tax breaks to offset the huge federal taxes we pay?

It's absolutely terrible. And it really says that she wants to destroy families. She doesn't want you... Actually, Kamala's quoted as telling people to stop having children in order to save the climate. I mean, our awful file gets bigger every day. I love your framing of the family. It is family against the Democrats. If you are a...

advocate of the family, and you believe in the community and the beauty of the American family, you cannot vote for the Democrat Party, period. There is no way you could vote for the Democrats on issue after issue. And let's not forget, Donald Trump has five kids. So you have him beat, Terry, but he has five kids. He has been fruitful and he multiplied.

Hey, everybody. Charlie Kirk here. Summer's here and the weather is beautiful. Everyone has a favorite outdoor activity. Golf, bike riding, bird watching, long walks. Ask 100 people, you'll get 100 answers. But if everyday aches and pains are keeping you on the sidelines, I have one answer. Relief Factor. Relief Factor is a 100% drug-free daily supplement that helps your body fight back against pain naturally. Developed by doctors, Relief Factor uses unique formula of natural ingredients. It doesn't just mask pain. It helps reduce or even eliminate it.

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The family is the backbone of

of any stable and free society. That is why it says in the Ten Commandments, "Honor your mother and father so that you may live long in the land of which you are in." The only one of the Ten Commandments that involves a promise and your nation. Terry Schilling continues with us. Terry Schilling is creating the NRA for families so that families have a voice in Washington, DC. I want to play this tape here. If you are raising your sons, which I now have a son, praise God, and Terry has several, just you should show this video to your son periodically and say,

Do not become this. I want you to become a good person. I don't care if you're a plumber, a welder, electrician, a teacher, a firefighter, police officer. But this is unacceptable. This whole white dudes for Harris. This is a white dude for Kamala. This is the modern picture of what the Democrat Party thinks a man is or what a man should be. Play cut 49.

And that happens at the same time as the myths around America that we grew up with, that we as men are expected to be protectors and providers, are going out into economy that doesn't really allow for that, especially for working class folks.

And sort of like compounding on that, you know, masculinity as a trope has been co-opted by the MAGA right into something that feeds into and exacerbates the loneliness epidemic, as well as the mental health crisis that many face that end up leading to really destructive behaviors. We aren't the only ones that are hurt by these things. Black and brown people, LGBTQIA plus people, especially trans women and indigenous people. This guy should be boxing in Paris.

Terry, your reaction? It's pathetic, right? And this is what the lie of feminism has always been about, right? They told us that it was about equality for women and to elevate women. Charlie, you and I both know very well that it's always just been about tearing down men.

and removing them from society. Every goal of the feminist movement, ever since they got the right to vote, after that, it all went downhill, right? They have done nothing but attack men to the point where you have men right now saying that our job is not to protect our wives, not to protect our daughters, not to provide for them. What the hell is he talking about?

What is he talking about? That is our main job and our main reason for existence is to protect our families. But this is what the divide is, right? And I wouldn't expect a political movement like the leftists that we have in America that can't even understand that only women can have babies and that men and women are different and you can't change. These people are so screwed up on gender. Of course they don't think that men are responsible for protecting their wives and daughters.

It's pathetic and it's disgusting. But I'll tell you what, Charlie, there's lots of ways that we need to protect our families. We need to protect them physically. We need to protect them economically. But we also need to protect them spiritually. But a lot of that runs through who's in power, who is setting your laws in your country, who is making the rules. You have to protect your family and all those other areas. But you also have to show up to the polls and make sure that you're protecting them with the people that we're electing in office. And that's what this big

family program is really about. I love it. I want you to plug the website again, but in closing here, what do you have to say to moms and dads that are families? They say, I don't want to vote for Trump because he's mean or that he's upsetting or that I don't like how he talks at rallies. What is your response to that when Christians or families will say that and they're willing to give the keys to the kingdom over to Kamala the communist?

Well, the first thing I would say is go to and sign up and get engaged because we're going to make sure that we get the right people elected up and down the board. But if we don't get President Trump back in office, you might not like how he talks. You might not like the jokes he tells. But give him a chance. Take Trump seriously. Don't take him necessarily literally.

Because this is a guy that is on the front lines willing to fight for our families. And it's not just fighting for the innocence of our children. That's paramount. That is so important. He's fighting to protect your parental rights. Kamala Harris will not just eliminate your parental rights. She will take your children from you. In California, if your child is transgender or tells the school that they're identifying as a different gender,

and you as a parent don't want to put them on puberty blockers, don't want to put them on cross-sex hormones or give them a gender transition, California will take your children from you and put them into foster care. They will rob your children from you. That's what Kamala Harris will do all across America if we give her the keys to the White House again. That's what's on the line. This is not fear-mongering. Check out That's It's not fear-mongering. If Kamala Harris becomes president as she's VP, she is licking her chops to be able to enact...

federal kidnapping laws or regulations to be able to take your children away from you. It is not a joke, everybody. Look what they're doing with Title IX right now. It is a national takeover that has deteriorated the distinctions between men and women. By the way, if you have a daughter in high school right now or a daughter in elementary school or a daughter in college, she is not safe from predator men. A man can now walk into her locker room thanks to Kamala Harris.

Hey, everybody. Charlie Kirk here. Is the bird flu the next pandemic? Why do globalists keep talking about disease X? Everyone knows the next medical crisis is just around the corner. I refuse to lock down again or take another experimental vaccine. What can I do?

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Email us as always, freedom at We have Darren Beattie. Darren, welcome to the program. Darren, why isn't Kamala Harris out campaigning on the fact that she survived the January 6th insurrection? Wasn't she almost blown up? Well, you know, that's a fantastic question. And it's a question that ultimately leads to the convergence of two major things that we've been reporting on for quite some time. Just think about it. This should be the number one talking point of the Democrats.

for January 6th. They've been so desperate to shove down our throats this notion that January 6th was a domestic terror event, even to the point of making stuff up that we've refuted time and time again. But the one thing that they don't have to make up is that Kamala Harris was in the DNC building when the pipe bomb was there. In fact, she came, her motorcade as she was driving came within 20 feet of the pipe bomb, which the FBI says was a viable device.

And yet, instead of this being the number one talking point, instead of her shouting this from the rooftops, what should be the number one talking point is the most carefully guarded secret. And we just recently published a piece, an absolute bombshell of Revolver.News that provides some insight as to why she might be guarding this secret so carefully and so vigorously. So yeah, just help me understand that Kamala Harris said

has now become officially the nominee breaking news she's officially the nominee you have this story at blocked oig report confirms kamala harris's secret service role in january 6th pipe bomb cover-up do we have any leads on who the pipe bomber actually was or any idea of that

Well, there are some leads, I suppose, and all roads lead to a place that I think the regime really doesn't want to go. I mean, we've been on this pipe bomb story for years now, and there's a multiplicity of deeply, deeply suspicious people

things, a convergence of a series of infinitesimally probable events that all had to come together in order for the official story, quote unquote, to make sense. There's a reason that we've reported for a long time that the January 6th pipe bomb

is one of the two smoking guns of the feds erection. But again, now this gains renewed importance. Not only is January 6th been a talking point for the left in terms of 2024, but January 6th and specifically the pipe bomb story of the DNC implicates two

two entities that are very much front and center in the news and cycle now and in our politics now. One is Kamala Harris, and two is the Secret Service. And so what is this OIG report that I'm referring to? The Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security, which is the most politicized and weaponized agency in the government that just happens to oversee the Secret Service, which is now, as we know, politicized and weaponized.

But it turns out the inspector general is actually a good guy. And of course, the Democrats hated him for it. And they've been trying to shove him out. And they've been suppressing this document in question for a very long time because this document confirms a lot of pretty damning things. So I've talked to a lot of people who've seen the document directly, and I have direct knowledge of this. And so it confirms a couple of things. One, confirmed that

Kamala's Secret Service details, they had a K-9 unit and they did sweep the DNC building prior to Kamala's arrival, which just highlights the question we've been asking for a long time. How in the world did they miss the pipe bombs in the first place?

If people go to and read the piece, you can see just how conspicuous this pipe bomb was at a bench right outside the DNC building within 20 feet of where Kamala's motorcade was going. So how in the world is it possible that not one but two Secret Service agents with two canines could have missed this pipe bomb given it was laying right out there in the open?

And that really punctuates the broader context of the fact that this DNC pipe bomb, like the RNC pipe bomb that was discovered barely 15 minutes before it,

Those two pipe bombs had been sitting around in their respective locations undiscovered for nearly 17 hours. And then both of those pipe bombs were independently, we're told, discovered within a 15-minute timeframe that perfectly coincides with the unfolding attack on the Capitol that began with the Ray Epps breach at the Peace Monument. Now, so...

Why is it weird that Kamala's Secret Service detail missed it in that initial sweep? Well, if they had found the bomb, say at 1130 or so when they conducted the sweep, the situation likely would have been very different.

They find a bomb at 1130. They say, oh, my God, people are planting bombs in and around the Capitol. We need to beef up security leading up to the one o'clock certification proceeding. Then January 6th likely doesn't unfold the way that it did. Instead, the Secret Service conveniently misses the pipe bomb earlier in the morning when it would have led to enhanced security.

And the Secret Service, in fact, they don't even discover it at all. This DNC one was discovered by a plainclothes Capitol Police officer under very suspicious circumstances. What are the chances that

They find this bomb just like 15 minutes after the RNC bomb was randomly discovered by a pedestrian after sitting around for 16 hours. Are you going to magically think, oh, there is a bomb kind of close to the RNC. So let's go check the DNC immediately. Doesn't make any sense. But sure enough, plainclothes officer found the bomb, as we know from circumstances.

surveillance footage, when the Capitol Police officer informed Kamala's Secret Service detail, the Secret Service detail did nothing. They stood around like it was no big deal. They even let a group of schoolchildren walk right by the bomb before minutes later going through the spectacle of having a bomb-safe robot defuse it.

So there's very suspicious behavior pertaining to the Secret Service Kamala's detail in this pipe bomb. Now, in this report, we confirmed that indeed it was Secret Service canines who swept the area. Secondly...

They caught the Secret Service in a lie. So usually there are EOD officials, basically explosives experts who direct the canine agents where to take their dogs and where to sweep. And so in this case, they didn't have that. And the circumstances were very suspicious. The agent, the relevant agent at the Secret Service, we need to know these people's names, by the way, the relevant agent at the Secret Service said,

told the inspector general's office, well, we didn't get the EOD people because they require 72 hours advance notice and we couldn't give them that. The report goes on to completely expose them in a lie and say, well, this very same detail

got this very same EOD service without 72 hours advance notice this time and this time and this time. They provide like three or four examples of that happening, totally refuting that. And so very suspicious why there wasn't this EOD personnel to direct the K-9 units where to do the sweep. But even more glaringly than that, I don't think this really even serves as a cover because, again, people go look at the pictures and

The pipe bomb was so conspicuous and so close to the known entrance route of Kamala Harris. If you're a Secret Service agent, let alone two with two dogs, it doesn't take some additional expertise to know that you sweep that area. And in fact,

These dogs are trained to sniff explosives. They can smell miles and miles away. They're going to smell the viable explosive material that the FBI claims is on the pipe bomb anyway. So even their cover story, which in itself is suspicious, doesn't add up because there's no way anyone with common sense wouldn't think to sweep and find that bomb, let alone the fact that there were

The report also says there's a Secret Service agent standing within feet of it for over five hours who magically doesn't find it. And so we're starting to see these eerie parallels to Butler, Pennsylvania. These things that maybe one instance you can chalk up to the profound incompetence that's increasingly a staple of our society. But when you see two, three, four, five people

instances of inconceivable and yet extremely convenient incompetence,

The data and the evidence begins to suggest something else. Now, another detail about the cover-up. So there's supposed to be an after-action report. The Secret Service is required to write up a report when anything weird happens, especially in instances like they missed a pipe bomb or they had to evacuate somebody, exactly like what they had to do with Kamala. For whatever reason, they didn't write the report at all.

And according to the inspector general's report, even the secret service head at the time acknowledged this was a flagrant violation of protocol. So again, yet another. So let me ask you, Darren, really quick. What does this mean for the 2024 election? How can we use all of this? And thank you for that wonderful summary. What does that mean for this election as potential political attack vectors against Kamala Harris?

It means this is the biggest story in the country because it's not only about January 6th now, which is big enough. Now it's about the very same Secret Service whose similar incompetence or maybe something worse almost led to the assassination of Trump. It's a convergence of the Secret Service story with the Kamala story, with the January 6th story, with the Butler story.

Strangely and amazingly, all of these things are coming together as the Secret Service is going to be exposed. And again, the Butler instance just highlights how bizarre

And damning this is. In light of Butler, why wouldn't Kamala again say, I too almost lost my life to political violence to even it out. And yet what should have been from the very beginning, her number one talking point is her most closely guarded secret along with the media is

And now with this damning evidence, I think we're starting to see why that is. This is going to develop very rapidly. And again, this is going to be the biggest scandal in the country.

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Darren, let me ask you a pointed question. If the election was held today, who do you think would win? I think it would be very close. And I think it's going to be very close on Election Day. And I've been saying for weeks now, and I'm glad that things seem to have adjusted to this, any talk about a MAGA landslide, a Trump landslide.

landslide is ridiculous. And it's dangerous because it encourages the kind of complacency that does lose elections. I think our attitude toward this should be it's going to be extremely close no matter what. And we need to fight and push with everything we've got. Zero complacency. So let me ask you this. You are a very skilled political thinker and operative.

What are the most effective vectors of attack? If you were senior advisor of the Trump campaign, Darren, give me one, two, three ideas that you currently aren't seeing that Trump or the campaign should employ. Well, just recently, we're seeing a lot of stuff in the economy. So Kamala recession, Kamala economy, I think that needs to be driven home forcefully.

Kamala, the president presiding over open borders disaster, linking Kamala to the open borders disaster, to the chaotic protests that have been engulfing our nation for a long time.

to the crime in the streets, generally unsafe and filthy conditions, dangerous criminality, that should also be linked to Kamala Harris. I think those two things can be very, very effective and need to be repeated ad infinitum, really, to drive the point home to the American public. Do you think that Donald Trump should debate Kamala Harris? You know, that's a tough question. I tend to think...

I think he should. I think he should. But again, the emphasis has to be appropriate. The emphasis needs to be on what Kamala has presided over. It's not just Biden, it's Kamala. The disaster at the border, the criminality that that allows in the country, the economy. I think

there's this sense of, oh, what's going to happen if Trump debates Kamala? I think we need to realize that Kamala fizzled out in her own primary, and there's a reason for that. So I think, and especially given how protected she is from the media, I think the risks are higher for Kamala that at least in a debate, there's like a somewhat arguably unscripted, unprotected moment, and that could provide a very effective opportunity to show that

the dark side of Kamala to the American public, the real side that the media is assiduously covering up now, just in the same way that they covered up Biden's senility until it became so manifest that they couldn't do it anymore. Darren Beattie, it is That is Excellent work as always. Thanks so much. Thank you, Charlie. I want to challenge all of you this weekend to turn off the noise and to get to work.

This is a working person show. This is not just about commenting and saying Democrats bad, Republicans good. Yeah, we do a fair amount of analysis, but this is about getting to work. It's about doing stuff. It's about results. This is not just about complaining and hoping things get better. You must seize the victory yourself. That is included in registering new voters, in finding new voters, in writing down name by name, person by person, who in your sphere of influence you are going to get out to vote.

Who are you going to try to persuade and convince? You see, there is a temptation to say if we lose, it's because of all these overarching forces. No, no. If we fall short, it's because of us, myself included. We just didn't work hard enough. And that is the tough love that this movement needs. Donald Trump is not going to swoop down and save you. J.D. Vance is not going to swoop down and save you. It's going to be the crawling scratch trench warfare in the weeds. And that's where all of you come in.

So what does that look like? So people have asked repeatedly, how do I register voters? You go to slash vote and you have them fill out the form. It is ridiculously simple. It is stupid simple. slash vote. The best people to find a register to vote are people that recently moved to your neighborhood that might still be registered in other states. Tell them to unregister in California and re-register in the state they're living in in Arizona.

Tell them to unregister in Colorado and re-register in Arizona. Vote in the state in which you live. And when you're a transplant from one of these communist states, register to vote in Arizona. Get on the voting rolls. Every conversation, every single voter will matter. Darren Beattie said it best. This will come down to 5,000 votes. And we're going to look back in August. We'll say, boy.

I wish I would have registered more voters and drank less beer that month of August. The civilization is at stake. We'll come down to how bad we want it. And that is the open question. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to