cover of episode Trump Unchained vs National Association of Black Journalists

Trump Unchained vs National Association of Black Journalists

Publish Date: 2024/8/1
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The Charlie Kirk Show


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Hey everybody, it's the Charlie Kirk Show. Stay steady, stay calm. We go through the latest Kamala Krays. Donald Trump going to the National Association of Black Journalists. Is Kamala Harris black?

We asked that question. Email us as always, freedom at Become a member to listen to all these episodes advertiser free and get involved with Turning Point USA at That is Start a high school or college chapter today at As always, you can email us, freedom at Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk.

Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

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from the amazing patriots in Butler, Pennsylvania. When Donald Trump got shot and he went down for a couple moments and bullets were flying, the audience did not scatter. They did not run for the exits. It was a remarkable moment that lacked panic. There was a calm, measured, stoic response from the audience in Butler, Pennsylvania. They refused to scream, yell as if a plane was going down. They were vigilant.

They were aware. Right now, there are some people that are starting to get a little bit upset, getting a little bit worried. Charlie, the polls are tightening. Charlie, the betting markets are showing Kamala Harris is the favorite. We anticipated all of this on this program. That's why last week we were very, very clear about staying stable, calm. Do not allow yourself to indulge in the panic.

We are a fatigued nation. Tens of millions of people that will decide this election have disengaged from politics right now. They're happy to watch the Olympics, hang with their friends. They've had enough. They said, wait a second. I thought we already went through the election with Trump and Biden back in June. And we had the RNC. The population is understandably fatigued. It's summer. You should have something better to care about than Trump versus Biden in the latest tracking poll in Pennsylvania. The Democrats have their sugar high.

One of the most important metrics is that Biden, when he was running, was at 79% approval with Democrats. Trump has always been about 92% with Republicans. Now Harris has 91% with Democrats. Similar reality in most states. So the race has changed in the Democrats' favor now that they have a nominee that they will vote for. That's one of the only things.

That has changed. Independents still slightly are in Donald Trump's favor. The issue set is still in our favor. Democrats have a normal non-dementia candidate. It's not that Kamala is some superstar. She's just not a disaster. She has a lot of flaws. She's very radical. And many of us

grew accustomed to a new cycle where we felt that we were going to win this election by five or six points, something that we on this program have never, ever, ever said. So just like those great patriots in Butler, Pennsylvania, it is a moment here on the first day of August to take a breath, to let the ebb and the flow and the wax and the wane and the up and the down of the cycle to continue. It is not the time to pull the fire alarm or to panic.

There will be more and more polls that are rather ugly in the next week or two. Get used to it. The DNC is coming up in Chicago. They're going to get a bump with the vice president. What we must do is focus on our issue set, play offense, which President Trump did beautifully yesterday in Chicago, and understand that a large portion of the American population is fatigued. They have not had a chance to breathe from mass hysteria

from 15 days to slow the spread. They have been engaged in a nonstop information war from vaccines to COVID to lockdowns to school closures to masks to discharging people from the military and their jobs for not taking the mRNA shot to the Ukraine war to bio labs to the border to lawfare, Department of Justice, Trump indicted, Trump raided, Trump convicted, Trump shot, Biden's running, he's not running. We have presidential debate in June. We are a politics obsessed nation.

And right now, a lot of people that have cooler heads are saying, just give me a month off. We're Democrats. They are enthusiastic to answer polls for Kamala Harris. They're enthusiastic to give money for Kamala Harris. But there are some really good clues to show that our movement has real results. The Maricopa County primary on Tuesday that we highlighted with Justin Heap. It's the real deal. It's a real clue.

Our hundreds of ballot chasers on the ground succeeded in getting over 50% turnout in a primary, taking out corrupt Stephen Richer. The data is there. The tactics can work. We can turn out voters. And we turned out Stephen Richer, who was responsible for widespread dysfunction in the Maricopa County election administration of elections.

This has been and will always be a turnout election. Who can get first-year base out, and then who can get people that fit the rough demographic profile, people that are plumbers and welders, electricians, police officers, firefighters. So right now is the Democrats' surge. They're going full throttle, and it's tempting to want to act as if 2020 is happening all over again. It is he who does not panic in the time of uncertainty.

who will win the prize. It is the movement that stays steady, that does not become despondent, that does not become cocky, that chases the ballots, that gets involved in local Republican races. So the question is, and it remains, how do we arrest the surge? Some people think that it will dissipate naturally. I'm not certain of that. I think it is a mistake to

to think that the momentum will slow down necessarily. Why? We have been running full throttle since December of 2022. Democrats have largely taken the last year off. Biden wasn't raising that much money. He had no enthusiasm. So they have a fair amount of pent up energy and they see the finish line. And here we are. We've run an entire 22 miles of the marathon. Boy, we got another four miles left.

This idea that the Kamala momentum will slow down on its own is a fallacy. Now, you might be right if you believe that. There might be some evidence to that just because she's so cringe. She's so radical. She's so I was going to use a different word, not talented. She's shallow. She's phony. She's cold. She's inauthentic. All of those things.

And that's why we said yesterday, and I'm both privately and publicly lobbying the Trump campaign about doing three town hall debates. Do one on the border. Do one in downtown Chicago where they're having their DNC and take questions from real voters in Chicago.

People that have had to dodge gunfire going to school and going to work. People that have lost their daughters because of gang violence. People do a town hall debate in Athens, Georgia where Lakin Riley was killed. Go out into the country. Do not do this in a television studio where it's just Jake Tapper and Dana Bash asking you questions and it's Trump versus Kamala disputing the whole time.

The town hall is very important. If you want to arrest the surge, do a town hall debate. And then finally, and we will get this, we'll figure it out. We must highlight with precision which attack vectors are the most effective. And we're going to figure that out. And it's not all bad news. President Trump's turnout yesterday in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania was a triumph. It's 20,000 to 25,000 people. I don't know the final count.

President Trump showed him remarkable versatility. Not only does he take questions, he sat down with one of the nastiest people I've ever seen. And we're going to dissect it question by question as Donald Trump did exactly what we need to do. You go win this election and you take this election. You don't act as if you are entitled to it.

You go into the unpopular places. You take the tough questions. You play to win. And if we lose, then we lost going for it. That if we fall short, we did everything. We went into the uncomfortable environments. We outworked them. We did not play it safe.

Hey, everybody. Charlie Kirk here.

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The first question that he received, who is this woman? Very, very nasty person. So Trump gets shot two and a half weeks ago. Big deal. He's also the Republican nominee for president. He sits down and within one moment, this journalist with ABC News comes up with one of the spiciest, ugliest questions. Not like, hey, how are you doing, Mr. President?

Thank you for being here. Instead of thanking him for being there, she says, a lot of people don't want you here. Well, that's really welcoming. I thought diversity was your strength. This is ABC News' Rachel Scott, who should be ashamed of herself. This is one of the most embarrassing displays in modern journalism I've ever seen. You have a former president, nominee, and could-be next president, and you treat him like this? Matt Lauer, who is a sexual deviant,

He used to say in interviews, you crescendo and then you decrescendo. I talked about this with Megyn Kelly this morning on her wonderful podcast. He used to say this, two questions for the interviewer, for the interviewee, one for the interviewer, meaning I'll give you two softballs, then I do a fastball. I'll give you two softballs, I do a fastball.

By the way, the audience likes that. They want to hear the candidate with some comfortable questions and then uncomfortable question. How about this? Welcome to Chicago, Mr. President. I know some people here are have mixed opinions, but I look forward to a spirited discussion and the pursuit of truth. That would have been fine. Instead, hear this. This shows the venom that the American media has for you, not just for President Trump. I have not seen the media this captured

This poisonous towards the American body politic since Barack Obama running in 2007 and 2008. I'm telling you this since Donald Trump even ran in 2016, they were terrible. They were awful through Russiagate. They were really bad during COVID. It is worse now. That's right. They're lying about Kamala Harris is even worse than what I saw at the height of COVID. And that is a huge statement.

Just listen to yourself. ABC News, Rachel Scott with the opening question. He sits down and he is nice enough to be a guest at their event. Here is how she treats him. Play cut 116. I want to start by addressing the elephant in the room, sir. A lot of people did not think it was appropriate for you to be here today.

You have pushed false claims about some of your rivals, from Nikki Haley to former President Barack Obama, saying that they were not born in the United States, which is not true. You have told four congresswomen of color who were American citizens to go back to where they came from.

You have used words like animal and rabbit to describe black district attorneys. You've attacked black journalists, calling them a loser, saying the questions that they ask are, quote, stupid and racist. You've had dinner with a white supremacist at your Mar-a-Lago resort. So my question, sir, now that you are asking black supporters to vote for you, why should black voters trust you after you have used language like that?

Well, first of all, I don't think I've ever been asked a question so — in such a horrible manner, a first question. You don't even say, "Hello, how are you? Are you with ABC?" Because I think they're a fake news network, a terrible network.

I think it's disgraceful that I came here in good spirit. I love the black population of this country. I've done so much for the black population of this country. I was told my opponent was going to be here. It turned out my opponent isn't here. You invited me under false pretense. Hello, how are you? Instead, she goes straight for it. By the way, the audience, they were kind of loving it.

This whole idea that you have to be super politically correct in any environment, let alone at in front of the National Association of Black Journalists. Just to be clear, the least politically correct community in America would be the black community. And that's great. God bless him. President Trump did not pander an inch.

I think the media reaction is totally off here. I think his instincts might be right. My favorite, favorite part of the entire discussion was that what he was saying in front of that audience was exactly what he would say at a MAGA rally, a turning point action conference, an NRA event. He's consistent. There is not an inch of pandering. Do you understand the fortitude and how difficult that is?

It's a human temptation to want to just win over the audience you're in front of by giving them what they want. That is what Democrats do. And that is one of the reasons the country is in the shape that it's in. Prepare cut 106. President Trump refuses to even give an inch. Refuse to say, you know what? No, we're going to do mass deportations. The invasion is hurting the black population and he is right. Play cut 106. My message is to stop.

people from invading our country that are taking, frankly, a lot of problems with it. But one of the big problems, and a lot of the journalists in this room I know and I have great respect for,

A lot of the journalists in this room are black. I will tell you that coming from the border are millions and millions of people that happen to be taking black jobs. You had the best. What exactly is a black job, sir? A black job is anybody that has a job. That's what it is. Anybody that has a job. All right.

And they're taking the employment away from black people. They're coming in and they're coming in, they're invading. It's an invasion of millions of people, probably 15, 16, 17 million people. I have a feeling it's much more than that. And everybody's been seeing what's happened. The first group of people, the black population, is affected most by that. And Kamala is allowing it to happen. She's the border czar. She's the worst border czar in the history of the world. There's never been a border czar like this.

He just crushed that answer. And the audience was loving it. And he was joking. Many people in this audience are black. Of course, they're all black. That's why it's hilarious. And he's right. The invasion is disenfranchising black youth. It is taking public services away from black youth. It is making black neighborhoods more dangerous, all in the name of diversity. And Kamala Harris is opening up the borders for tens of millions of people to come in to black neighborhoods.

President Trump also had a terrific answer on abortion. Play cut 114.

The Democrat Party is really the one that has the problem. I think they're radical on abortion because they're allowing abortion in the ninth month. They're allowing the death of a baby after the baby is born, based on the governor of Virginia. Based on the governor of Virginia, they're allowing the death of the baby after it's born. They're allowing abortions in the eighth and ninth month. Well, Democrats have denied it.

And I think the Republican Party is actually much lesser. I think I've made them much less radical. It reminds me, guys, we have to tweet this out. This reporter, what is her name? She is a moron and she's a dishonest hack and she should be kicked out. She was lying. She says, oh, yeah, this discussion will be fact checked by PolitiFact. Oh, really?

Did you know that New Mexico, Colorado, Oregon, Minnesota, Vermont, and New Jersey allow abortion up to the moment of birth? She says, oh, that's not allowed in any state. She is a liar, and she should no longer be allowed to be employed by ABC. This is ABC News' Rachel Scott. She says, oh, no, no, no, that's not allowed. That is a typical Democrat talking point, and that is a falsehood.

Again, New Mexico, Colorado, Oregon, Minnesota, Vermont, and New Jersey have zero restrictions on abortion, including all the way up to the moment of birth, full gestational period. And the journalist or the woman, ABC News, Rachel Scott, was trying to sweep it under the rug and she was interrupting. And Trump didn't say, just stop talking.

President Trump should say, you're wrong. Your job is to try to inform this audience. And you are not a fact checker. And your fact checking is wrong in New Mexico, Colorado, Oregon, Minnesota, Vermont, and New Jersey. You are allowed to murder a baby with no defined limit. To be clear, Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, Virginia,

Nevada, California, Washington, Montana, Wyoming, you are allowed to terminate the baby 24 weeks or later with no defined limit. And that's 18 states. New Mexico is well known as the late term abortion capital of America, with Colorado close by and Oregon close by. Trump is against infanticide. And Rachel Scott lying to the audience saying, oh, you know, this is not

This is not legal anywhere. But that's what ABC News does. That's what the media has done. The media is an enemy of the American people. I've never seen it as bad in 15 years of doing this. President Trump knows that in order to win this election, we must play offense, go where we are not welcome, win new votes, make tough arguments, and play to win.

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undertook. This is a dangerous path with a very, very high reward. The downside, to be perfectly honest, is a bunch of people that already hate you are going to hate you more. The upside, though, is potentially being able to introduce into the narrative and into the zeitgeist this fact that Kamala Harris is fake. She is a phony.

Kamala Harris is a different person in front of every audience. If she needs to win Indian voters, she's an Indian American. If she needs to win black voters, she starts code switching and talking like black voters. Now, this is a tough argument for President Trump to pull off, but I believe he has the talent to be able to do this. And guess what? White liberals in the media hated it. The Bolshevik

activist who called herself a journalist far from a journalist next to him hated it but if you listen carefully when president trump went there the audience loved it now the conventional view is donald trump should only talk about immigration and inflation and he should only stay to the issue set that might be right

But we're in a new era of politics where we want to try to, first and foremost, define our opponent who is enjoying an uninterrupted shotgun wedding honeymoon with the greatest Pravda that we have seen in nearly 15 years. So Donald Trump took a risk and he did it in a very delicate way. The media saying, oh, Donald Trump questions whether or not Kamala Harris is black. He did it in a very, very polite way. I'm OK with both. But what is she? And it is true.

I think we have the Kamala Harris Indian cooking show where she self-describes as an Indian in certain places and black in other places. It doesn't matter to me. It doesn't matter, President Trump. But it should matter to the National Association of Black Journalists. That's what should matter to because isn't that whole idea there is that blackhood and being part of the black community is a very important thing. Donald Trump went there, broke the Internet. And I got to be honest, I think his instincts, he's onto something here.

Because Kamala Harris is a phony. She is a fake. She is a liar. And she is inauthentic. And she will do whatever it takes to assume political power. So much for living authentically, a core value of the modern left. Play cut 105.

I've known her a long time indirectly, not directly very much, and she was always of Indian heritage and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn't know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black and now she wants to be known as black.

So I don't know. Is she Indian or is she black? She is always identified as a black. I respect either one. I respect either one. But she obviously doesn't because she was Indian all the way. And then all of a sudden she made a turn and she went. She became a black person. Just to be clear, sir, do you believe that somebody should look into that, too, when you ask a continue in a very hostile, nasty town? The audience is loving it.

And I'll be honest, it is a what they call a Rorschach test. I can never pronounce that word right where everybody hears the same thing, but they hear it differently. And I will say this, the higher up the income ladder of the people that texted me hated it. The lower down the income ladder, people loved it. The D.C. and New York media hates it. I know a fair amount of people that text me said, I just can't stand this is a terrible. I said, I hear you. I'm not even overly defending it. But hear me out. We're trying to establish a narrative here.

And it's not about race. I don't care what her race is. It's completely irrelevant. Instead, I care if someone is lying. That is what is critical. And since the current regime cares so much about identity politics, shouldn't faking your race be a cardinal sin?

Or at least not necessarily always faking a race, but playing one card to one person or one card to another person. Now, some people say, well, she can be both Indian and black. Fair enough. But that's not what is said here in this tape of who is this Mindy Kaling, who's from The Office. No, nothing about her. Good actress. Fine.

Indian, sweet woman, doing a cooking show with Kamala Harris. Play cut 119. Okay, so what we're going to cook today is an Indian recipe. Yes. Because you are Indian. Yes, yes. Okay, and I don't know that everybody knows that, but I find that wherever I go and I see Indian people at the supermarket, on the street, everyone's like, you know Kamala Harris is Indian, right? It's like our thing we're so excited about to have you running for president. Yeah.

So we're both Indian, but actually we're both South Indian. Yes. You look like the entire one half of my family. Okay. Thank you. You do. I've been telling people we're related already. So this is perfect. It's basically true. And so were, do you raise eating South Indian food? South Indian food. I got, I, wonderful people are Indians. I have no problem with that. But she says that one half of my family is Indian. Okay.

I think that the instincts that President Trump is seizing on here is that she is a fake con artist and she has been her entire life. Now, hilariously, just so you know, Mindy Kaling's brother faked being black to get into med school. Completely unrelated. Mindy Kaling's not running for president. Just a hilarious side note to the story. But it's true. So President Trump's instincts are this. I'm here at the National Association of Black Journalists.

And everything is about being authentically black. But she's a fake. And the audience was laughing because deep down they know that she's playing them. And by the way, he said it perfectly. What is she? I have no problem either way. Kamala Harris got her start in politics being the girlfriend of Willie Brown. He gave her a bogus job paying the equivalent of $150,000 a year.

Kamala Harris then ascended and became a failed local district attorney giving free stuff to illegals and foreigners, barely won the California Attorney General's office to then go after pro-lifers, criminalize people that are practicing Christians.

protect men who are women to go into prisons alongside all the other most radical things you can imagine as being California Attorney General. And if she is willing to lie about her identity, what else is she lying about exactly? And also her father was a communist professor, a Marxist. And the apple did not fall very far from the tree and the Harris family bloodline. And what President Trump is getting onto here is some rightful criticism.

Where is the media actually doing their job? They're not doing their job. What I loved about President Trump's appearance at the National Association of Black Journalists is he did not pander an inch. Unlike Kamala Harris, where she's one thing to one audience, all of a sudden Kamala Harris, she sees one black person and she starts talking in black parlance. Play cut 117. You all helped us win in 2020. Do it again in 2024. Yes, we will. So let's get right.

That was at a rally in Atlanta, Georgia. The biggest lies that Kamala Harris is remotely qualified to be president. She can't keep her staff around her because they hate her. In a White House where the president is basically a shell after 4 p.m., nobody turned to Kamala. She is, as we have said, DEI Hillary. Every job she was given, she flopped at. Every single job. She is an unimpressive person, and she code switches in front of black audiences in Atlanta.

That should be insulting. And what I love about Trump, whether you hate him or love him, is that he refuses to pander in front of any audience that he speaks. Kamala Harris is an imposter. And therefore, President Trump must debate her and must expose her. If you are debating against a fake, you must get in the arena. It'd be one thing if he was debating somebody with a perfect biography. It's like, ah, it's a tougher situation.

She is a creation of the Hollywood Democrat machine. She is a con. She is selling something to you that is not legit. She is the type of person that lies about the integrity of the product.

For example, if Shapiro was on the top of the ticket, might be tough, but he's not. You have somebody that has never been honest about who they are, where they come from, what they believe. We have a woman who has failed her way up her entire life, barely won the California Attorney General's office. And the more America learns about her, the harder and harder it will be for her because she is not who she says she is. She's deeply insecure.

And we need to be confident knowing that Kamala is a joke and they can't rewrite that reality. And it's not about race. It's about integrity. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always freedom at Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to