cover of episode Is Britain's Present America's Future? ft. Calvin Robinson

Is Britain's Present America's Future? ft. Calvin Robinson

Publish Date: 2024/8/1
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The Charlie Kirk Show


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Hey everybody, it's on the Charlie Kirk show Calvin Robinson, one of my favorite guests that we've ever had on the show from the UK. Do you know what a Mohammed it is? You find out he is eloquent. He is sharp. He's terrific. I wish we had him here in America to be honest.

And he gives us a very chilling analysis of where America might be headed next. Email us as always, freedom at Become a member today at That is Get involved at Turning Point USA at That is Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks.

I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

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Mr. Calvin Robinson. Did I get the prefix correct? Or is it father? Or is it... Whatever you're comfortable with. It doesn't make a difference to me. So you have been, I think this is public, kicked out of the Church of England? Yes. Kicked out of the Conservative Party in the UK? Tell us, why are you such a troublemaker?

The troublesome priest, right? Because I speak the truth, or at least I try to. I try to speak the Christian message in a country that used to be Christian that has forgotten its way. Well, the Conservative Party recently kicked me out because, and to quote them, some of my tweets may be seen as anti-Muslim, which paints the picture that they want a Christian cleric to be pro-Muslim or something. I don't know what that is.

It's a universalist attitude that all faiths are equal, all ideas are equal, all cultures are equal, and that we should just treat everything the same. That's a lie. That's a grave, grave lie. We know there is one truth. His name is Jesus Christ. But in England, that's old-fashioned. So the Conservatives kicked me out for that.

So you're, you're formerly a member of the church of England, which is the Anglican church. Is that correct? So for our audience that don't know that is not Catholic, it is Protestant, but it has some of the same imagery and symbology of Catholicism. Just do us a little bit of a one-on-one on Anglicanism. I'll try. I'll try. Um,

The Church of England obviously split during the Reformation, but it wasn't like the European Reformation. So it wasn't a case of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. It was more a case of how do we return to the roots of our country? Bear in mind, since the 10th century, England has been Christian. So it's been Christian for over a thousand years. And at the point of the Reformation, they said there's too much corruption in Rome. We don't like that a foreign country is dictating policies to us, pretty much like Brexit, actually.

The Reformation for England was the first Brexit. It said, we are an independent country. We don't want bishops in another land dictating to us the laws of this land. And so we stepped away from Rome, but we kept our faith and we kept it very much intact. There were a few changes, the 39 articles, the Book of Common Prayer, but essentially Anglicanism is the English expression of the Catholic faith, small c Catholic. And so the Church of England changed

has become very broad. There are evangelicals who are non-liturgical and very much charismatic, and then there are Anglo-Catholics who are very much like the Roman Catholics, but without the Pope. So you say a country that was once Christian. Yes. The numbers are so bad. What is the...

Church attendance, Christian identifying of England today? The average church attendance is 25. So parishes are incredibly small. Wait, 25 people? People per parish. So what percentage of Brits would attend church? Well, that's a good question. So for the first time ever in our history...

it's not in the majority. So the majority of people in England have been Christian up until this point. The recent census of two years ago showed that we're below 50% now for the first time ever. So atheists and agnostics are now the majority in England. Christians have come second to that. And then the Mohammedans are rapidly taking over. But of course, this is demographics, you know.

In England, the birth rate is 1.4. So mothers and fathers are not replacing each other, and the Mohammedans are rapidly outbreeding us. Yeah, there's so much to unpack here. So when did the trend towards secularism begin, and when did it accelerate? Since the early 20th century.

World War I and World War II were massive catalysts in this. But of course, liberalism has been pushed on us since, well, contraception, divorce, remarriage, the feminist movements. All of these liberal ideologies have been pushed on us for the last hundred years, and we've gradually given up ground on every single one. It's the frog in the boiling water effect. So there's been no moment where we say, okay, now we're a liberal nation, but liberalism has been creeping in and replacing Christianity.

And of course, secularism is not solid. It cannot replace anything. It's just an empty hole. And so what's happened is that void that has replaced Christianity, that secular void has been replaced with Mohammedanism. So on the one front, liberalism has been chipping away at Christianity, but liberalism cannot replace Christianity. And so another faith has come in to replace it in its turn. So you are one of the only outspoken people in Britain who,

That I can think of in the faith community. I'm sure there are others. Do you fault this also on priests and pastors that did not speak out boldly and prevent this decline from occurring?

And I put this massively... I'm not the only one. There are others. There are a few others. But it feels like you're alone quite often. And it shouldn't, because the church should be there to be our spiritual pastors, no matter who we are or where we are. And in England, we've lost that because of our class system, massively, because the upper class, the upper middle class...

of clerics want to be seen as nice. They want to be seen as acceptable and reasonable and moderate. So they don't want to rock the boat. They still want to go to the gentlemen's clubs. They still want to go to the house of lords. They want to be a part of the establishment bubble. And you can only do that if you play the game. Now, we live in a time where we can no longer afford to play the game. And speaking the truth can cost you everything. But Christians should be able to step forward in the faith, to stand firm in the faith, and to

lose everything, to risk losing everything. And I keep saying that it's actually nothing. When we get persecuted today, we get a few friends and followers on Facebook. We may get banned from social media. We may potentially lose a job or a promotion, but we're not truly being persecuted in the same sense that our forebears were. And so we're actually cowards. We're afraid of nothing. But what we're seeing is more and more people are being cancelled. And every time someone's cancelled, they find that strength of Christ.

They find that courage. Because it's not our courage, it's not our strength, it's his. But you kind of need to go through the cancellation first in order to realize it doesn't matter. It means nothing. So I don't want to overemphasize the depressing nature of this, but I'm going to ask you a question very bluntly. Is England lost? Unfortunately, I think it is. I think England...

There's no democratic means to save England at this point. We've seen this in our capital city in London, where white Brits are in a minority for the first time in our history. Imagine the capital city where the native indigenous people are in a minority. We've re-elected a Mohammedan mayor for the third time. There is a block vote there that we cannot beat. Christians don't come out and vote. Conservatives no longer live in London. And so we have no democratic means of taking it back.

And the country as a whole is following suit. We just had a general election. We elected 15 Mohammedans to the Houses of Parliament. We elected more liberals and more socialists than ever before. There are very few conservatives and very, very few Christians. We need more Christians to stand for office. We need more Christians to get out and vote. But it's not happening. And so if it doesn't, I don't know by what means we can take the country back. I see England as fallen. I see Europe as fallen. And if you look at it, Europe is...

This is the old world. It's gorgeous because it was made, it was created and designed in a time when we believed in something bigger than ourselves. We believed in glorifying God. And so it's this beautiful shell of

That doesn't really have a soul anymore. It doesn't really have Christ anymore. It's a husk of its former self. It is a husk. Which is why I come over here to warn you guys. Because you guys don't have the beautiful shell, but you still have the soul. You still have the spirit. And so you've really got to fight to protect that. Because once that's gone, there's no coming back from it. So look at what we're doing. Look at the mistakes we're making and don't copy us. And let's look at this pattern. So Christians didn't speak out. Mm-hmm.

That pastors did not speak out. The hyper secularization of your country and liberalism, which is a toxin on a society. It will eat away, eat away, eat away. And then one thing in particular, immigration. Yes. When did the mass Muslim immigration begin and why?

Did you guys allow yourself to be invaded and conquered by, as you beautifully put it, the Mohammedans? Yeah, I use that term Mohammedan for a reason. I'm going to use that. Good. Because Muslim means true believer of God. And they're not true believers of God. That's a lie. That's a falsehood. The devil twists our words, twists our language. So Muslims are not Muslims. They are Mohammedans because they are followers of Mohammed in the same way we are followers of Christ. So let's not use their terms. Let's not play by their rules.

But when immigration began, I mean mass immigration in 1997 with Tony Blair, who is definitely not on our side, the

The purpose of it was GDP. So countries have been measuring their success by GDP for a long time, as if the success of a country is dictated by how much money is coming in and going out. It's a stupid, superficial measure. But we've been using GDP. And so they saw that the birth rates were declining, that British people were not having children, not starting families. And so they said, we need to raise the population somehow. What do we do? So they mass imported immigrants from other places. Unfortunately, they didn't consider where they were coming from.

And I think there's a bit of anti-Christian rhetoric here because southern Sudan is a place where Christians are persecuted.

Northern Nigeria, China, Korea. There are plenty of places around the world where there are people that believe what we believe, have our values, and could do with coming over to the West. But we don't support them. Instead, we imported mass immigration from countries with values that hate us, hate our way of life, and actually want to take over. And they come and get the amazing benefits that we provide. They use all our resources. And then we have no school places. We have no hospital places.

The country's a mess, and the people that we've imported do not want us to live. They don't want us to survive. And so since 1997, mass immigration has been on the increase under the Labour government and the Conservative government. We've had Conservatives in power for 14 years, Conservatives in name only, and they've increased the problem rather than solving it. Yeah, we have no idea what mass immigration is like. So that's a uniquely British problem.

Well, at least your immigrants tend to be Christian, right? Yeah, well, they used to be. Now we have people from China and Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. And yeah, I mean, again, you could be Christian. You also be part of MS-13 and be a Christian. So I'm not sure what to think of that. But yes, correct. Generally, the body politic that is being imported is a little bit more compatible with Western society than what you've lived through. But so Tony Blair did this in 1997. That's very educational for me.

And, but at no point did anyone say we're an Island. We can only, we only have so much land, so many resources, so many people. London is already, I think the densest city besides Tokyo, if I'm not mistaken, literally you got a hotel room. It might as well be a closet, right? What, what is the thought process of let's go bring in people that are obviously going to disproportionately leech on social welfare and

that do not share Western values, was this ever questioned throughout the 2000s? Or is diversity your strength? It wasn't allowed to be questioned. So Tony Blair's on record as saying, what we need to do is we need to convince the right that to question this mass immigration is xenophobic and racist. And they kept pumping this message, diversity is our strength, diversity is our strength.

Of course diversity is not our strength. Diversity is our Achilles' heel. You can preach for multi-ethnicity if you like, but multiculturalism does not work unless there's a predominant culture that people are unable to assimilate into. If you have multiple cultures, by definition you've got ghettoization and you've got conflicting ideas and ideologies, and somewhere along the lines there's going to be a battle there. And so Tony Blair pushed this ideology that anyone questioning his ideology

ideology is racist and xenophobic. So the right, the conservatives, again, were weak and cowardice and would not stand up and say, call me a racist, call me a xenophobe. I love my country. I want to protect my borders. Instead, they say, OK, we're nice. We won't rock the boat. We'll play along with you. And that is the doubt. The conservatives have been our downfall, not the left. We expect the left to do what they do. The conservatives have not been standing up to them. That's the problem.

So in this audience, anyone Cuban or has Cuban family here? Yeah, of course. So typically growing up, Calvin, the cautionary tales that we would receive were for people from Venezuela and Cuba. Now I have somebody coming from Britain giving me a cautionary tales as if you're like, I'm a survivor from Venezuela. I feel like it. And strangely enough,

The British tragedy is actually more applicable to us than Venezuela right now. Right. Because it is a wealthy, once great, once Christian nation that had mass migration. Diversity is our strength and a very corrupt and weak ruling class. So you're coming here with a cautionary tale. Oh, yeah. We have a major presidential election.

What are the stakes of this election as somebody who's an outsider, as someone who loves the West? Is it just another election? For me, this is it. This is make or break. This is the turning point, to your point of phrase.

Because the West used to be called Christendom because it had Christ at the center of it, the foundation of it. And they've stripped out the foundation. And as we know, a house cannot survive without a foundation. It will implode. And we're reaching a point now where what's left of the West is just America. This is it. Europe is lost for the most part. We discussed the democratic means or the lack thereof of taking it back. So this is our turning point. Because if we

Allow the liberals to take over here. All is lost. Who's going to be fighting? You guys are the last one fighting. This is the last stand in America. This election is that important. Because if you survive, we survive with you. Since World War II, Britain, which used to have a great empire, has been the little brother following America around. And whenever there's been a bully in the prairie ground, we've called our little brother, our big brother, to help us.

Now, you guys have to remain our big brother. Otherwise, we will get bullied and we will get annihilated. And so we're looking to use for help to stay strong and to protect what you have and what you know is true, beautiful and good and to keep Christ at the center of Christendom. Amen. And so, Calvin, there's something, though, that exists that in this country that you don't have. And Turning Point USA is an example of that.

where we both have wacky left, evil lefts in our country. We both have deep state administrative governments. But America has a very well-organized, energetic, and very resolute conservative movement, actually conservative movement. Can you speak to that? Because we have a legitimate opposition movement in this country. And I hope you all understand Europeans wish that they had what we have.

It does not exist. Is that correct, Calvin? Absolutely. I mean, when I look at your politics from the outside, it looks like it's becoming more and more polarized. It looks like the left wing is becoming more left wing and the right wing is becoming more right wing. And that is both a pro and a con because we were talking about this backstage a little bit. The left are collectivist. So they like to put everyone into a box, which we find harmful. But for them, it works because they all vote together. They work together. They campaign together collectively.

And on the right, we tend to be entrepreneurial and individualistic, which is a problem because we tend to be on our own or all coming up with the same ideas but not working together and all thinking we have the best approach. The truth is somewhere in the middle. The truth is Christian communitarianism. It's understanding that we are individuals, but we also have a duty and an obligation to each other because we're part of a community. We're a parish. We're a nation. We're things that unite us as well as things that separate us. We've got to see our strengths in those.

And right here in America, you have that. You have that option to back the conservatives, to back the Christians, and to make your voices heard. But as we heard last night, Christians aren't voting. Christians need to get out and vote and run for office too. It's easy to sit on the sidelines and say, I can't vote for either candidate because neither of them are as overtly pro-life as they should be. Well, that's because more Christians aren't running. If more Christians were running, we'd have someone to vote for. So we need to become more active.

And more Christians aren't involved in all the county process or the party processes, right? And so, Calvin, the stakes of this election are very high, but it's deeper than our election. I want to take a step back on the cultural landscape because in some ways it's a perplexing thing because you're farther gone on almost every issue except the mutilation of children.

And this is where there really is no rhyme or rhythm here. You're farther gone on immigration and all this, but for whatever reason, in this country, there are still several states, the most populous one in particular, California, that allows the medical mutilation of children under gender-affirming care. In your country, it has now been outlawed. Help me make sense of that.

We had a win, and we should celebrate our wins. We had something called the Cass Report that came out and said, there's not enough evidence in favour or against transing children. So it wasn't actually a very right-wing document at all. It didn't say that chemical castration is bad for children or that surgical mutilation is bad for children. It said there's not enough evidence in favour or against. It played a very neutral card, but it worked on this occasion with the left, and they saw that actually it could be damaging in the long run, and so we halted it.

But it's only been halted for the last few months, and the Labour Party have just gone into government. So that could be turned around instantly. We have a culture secretary, a minister of state for culture, who came out the moment she got into office last month, said, the culture wars are over, which made me think, does this mean she thinks she's won? And so last week she came out and said,

The Conservatives banning men from women's sport was outrageous. A woman is a woman. A woman is someone who identifies as a woman. Anyone should be able to enter women's sports. So the trans movement is reversing back, unfortunately, and men are being allowed back into women's spaces. But I think out here, where we can win on this is the money. So there's so much money in transing children. But we're starting to reach a point now where people who are trans as teenagers are entering adulthood.

And they're saying, you harmed me. I can never have a child. My whole life has been changed. And they're suing their doctors. So the moment it no longer becomes commercially viable and actually becomes detrimental, they're going to stop doing it. So you've got to encourage these people and support these people, whether it's crowdfunding or giving them a platform to make sure that people who've been harmed by this

Evil ideology. I'll hold to account. And secondly, we must support Dr. Ethan Heim in Houston, who's being targeted by the Biden Department of Justice for blowing the whistle on the medical mutilation. And this is what drives me nuts when some pastors say, I can't vote for Trump. Do you not see what is going on with what this DOJ, just that issue alone is worth voting for Trump?

He's sending out his shock troops after a doctor who blew the whistle on medical mutilation in the Houston Children's Hospital. That case will be dropped the first day that Donald Trump becomes president and a new attorney general gets sworn in.

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Help the audience understand this I think I understand this but I won't be able to say it as eloquently or as smoothly as you can Thank you. You Brits have a way with words. Aren't you jealous? It's just so great, right? Well, but before you get to your question

Trump wrote an executive order, which I think was one of the best pieces of legislation that I've ever seen. He signed this order against stereotyping children. So he said, if you are going to say that your school or your university is racist, we're no longer going to fund you because we're not going to fund racist institutions. And so he defeated the critical race theory by using their own logic. And I worked with ministers in my country to put something similar together. We tried to copy it. Of course, our country is slowing in this legal process. So it wasn't a case of just signing an executive order. But this is the approach.

take their money away hit them where it hurts and trump is is willing to do this he's shown this by his record but of course as soon as biden got in one of the first things he did in the first 10 days was get rid of this executive executive order so i'm hoping that trump will bring it straight back and and more more is coming in addition to that and it will be it'll be significant so so calvin uh

A common question I get, so let's go back. I don't know if it happened this June, but I'm sure it did, is during Pride Month, London looks like a colonized city. Is that still the case, I'm sure? It's bad, but it's not the worst I've seen. Yeah, so last June was really bad. I don't know if they repeated it, where every street had the new gay pride flag with the circle and the inverted triangle. The child mutilation flag. The child mutilation flag. Right.

And it is a colonized city, right? It's the same thing that the Ottomans would do when they wanted to take over Vienna, right? We fly the flag. You're no longer in charge. And so help me understand, though, and the audience, why the Mohammedans put up with London being full of gay stuff. Right. Okay. I'll get to the Mohammedans a bit, but let's start with the gay stuff. There's so much gay stuff. It is all gay. Right.

I went to Ireland during Pride Month this year because I thought this is a Catholic country. I went to Dublin, Catholic city.

I walked around for two hours. How many Irish flags do you think I saw? One or two, maybe? Yeah, two in two hours. I saw the trans mutilation flag everywhere, hundreds of them. And this is a conquered state. And this is exactly what they do. They say, we are dominating you and there's nothing you can do about it. In fact, there was a video of last year where these workmen on Regent Street, one of the main streets in London, were lining the trans flag down the street. It's

very much like what the SS did in Germany, like just a flag everywhere, right? And they dropped the union flag to the ground. They dropped our national flag on the floor to replace it with a child mutilation flag. It was horrible to see, but someone questioned these workers and said, "What are you doing?" And he said, "I know it's a disgrace, but I'm just doing my job. And if this is not enough, we have to stand up." I happened to be staying in a hotel recently, and they had the child mutilation flag on these banners everywhere. I just turned it down. I cannot stay in a place

I can't stay in a place that is promoting the mutilation of children. It is evil. It is wrong. In your country, is that a hate crime? It is a hate crime. Yeah, it's a hate crime. Just so you understand, it is not a hate crime to burn the United States flag. It is a hate crime to desecrate the gay pride flag. Please continue. That's Biden's Department of Justice. They are prosecuting federal Department of Justice claims against people that have run over the gay pride sidewalks of their cars.

It's amazing. So I tore these flags down because I couldn't stay in a building with them. I gave them to a friend of mine, Lawrence Fox. We have a show together, Fox and Father. And he burned the flags. He got arrested for burning the flags.

It was all over the newspapers, but they wouldn't press charges. They wouldn't go through. So they try to intimidate you, but they don't actually want it to go to court because then they'd have to set a precedent and say that this is either illegal or not illegal. So they want to use all the pressure they can without going through. And we see this across the board. I've got friends in England who have been arrested for silent prayer in their own heads, arrested, charged, and they wait around for months with police intimidation. And then at the last minute, they drop it just before it goes to court.

And so we have to be strong enough to actually go through with that, again, minor inconvenience and minor persecution to send a message that we will not be silenced by these child-mutilating people.

Insert derogatory term here. So help us understand, though, and it's a deeper question than just, you know, the Mohammedans and the gay pride flags. For outsiders, it's a running joke. How on earth does the trans mafia, the purple haired jihadis, why do they get along with the actual jihadis? Right. So the trans mob.

are old-fashioned racist, right? So they see the Mohammedans as lesser than them, and they think they can patronize them, and they think they can educate them into a better way of being. They'll say, you know, your medieval faith, but they won't say that to their face. They'll be like, we have a different standard for the Mohammedans than we do for the Christians. The Christians should be better. They should be more progressive. They should be more liberal. The Mohammedans can't help it because they're exotic. They're from another land, right? This is the thinking of the left. And at the same time,

They are not aware of how stupid they are because they are being used by the Mohammedans. The Mohammedans hate them, hate everything they stand for, but they understand that they're chipping away at Christianity. The liberals are chipping away. So they're doing the job for the Mohammedans. They don't have to come in with swords this time. They can sit back...

Watch our culture and our society and our values be deteriorated by the left. And then when there's a massive gaping hole, because nature abhors a vacuum, they'll step in. And we see this time and time again. Like I say, 15 members of parliament that are Islamists now. We have a Mohammedan mayor of London who was a backer of the Nation of Islam. They are taking office. They're taking holes, voids that have been left empty.

which would have been held by conservatives that the liberals have destroyed. So I want you to make a prediction. In 30 years from now, will Britain be more Islamist and Mohammedan or more secular left-wing LGBT gay stuff? If current trends continue, it will be an Islamic country, predominantly Islamic by 2050. So then let me interrupt. The trans zealots, they don't realize what that means for them or they don't care? Right.

They're stupid. It's Palestine's... Okay. That's fine. It's a good answer. But it's trans for Palestine, right? It's the idea that all minority groups are oppressed and all oppressed groups have to come together. Again, it's that collectivist attitude. They don't understand that they are... It's an oribos. Wokeism is a self-eating snake. And so...

One part hates the other part, wants to eat the other part alive. We saw this with people like J.K. Rowling, right? One minute she was a massive feminist hero, the next minute she's a transphobe. You can't keep up with the woke movement because they all hate each other really and truly, but they're sticking together because that's what their ideology does. So by 2050, what we see as woke today won't be woke then. It'll be something entirely different and unrecognizable, but it won't matter anymore.

Because they will genuinely be oppressed by them, by the Mohammedans. But which might be a good thing for them because they think they're oppressed now. Let's see what they're like when they're truly oppressed. So let's go even further here, Calvin. What a lot of people who call themselves conservative in both of our countries actually are,

are liberals driving the speed limit. They're not where Marxists are liberals that are going 90 miles an hour. Most people that call themselves conservatives are actually liberals just wanting to go a little bit slower. Do you find that to be the case? Absolutely. It's a conservative's job to preserve, right? It's to protect the past so we have something to hand down to the future.

But they see it, a lot of conservatives see it as their role to slow down progress. But progress isn't always linear. Progress isn't always a good thing. Progress can be detrimental to our way of life. And so a conservative job should be to monitor and deter progress sometimes, and sometimes to engage with it and embrace it. But not always. We have to be discerning. We can't let the liberals keep going on with things as long as we slow down the pace. Let's not look at trans. Let's look at homosexuality as an example.

50 years ago, there would have been no such thing as a gay person or a homosexual person. We would have recognized the act of sodomy or that kind of act as a sinful act. And we would have said, no, that's sinful behavior. Let's talk about how to live in Christ, whether that's marriage or celibacy, chasteness. But now we've let the language change. We've let the culture shift because the liberals changed.

the boiling the frog in the water effect again, have said that no, this is a person's beat. This act is not just an act. It's the very essence of their identity. That sin shapes them and labels them. And they are that sin. And so you can no longer talk about the sin because to talk about the sin is to talk about the person. Whereas Christians have always been hate the sin, love the sinner. Whereas if the person identifies as the sin,

When you're addressing that, you're hating the person. And that's the progress that conservatives have allowed rather than halting it at the beginning. And it's the same with feminism. It's the same with the contraceptive movement. Same with remarriage and divorce. All of these things we've said, well, let's just let them get on with it. They're not hurting anyone. They are hurting people. They're hurting each other and they're hurting themselves. They're harming their souls. They're harming the body of Christ. And we've let them get on with it for too long. We've got to start saying no. Whether it's nice or not, we've got to say no.

So Calvin, I have one final question, and then I want to get to some questions from the audience here and get some audience participation, which is as a outsider, as someone who has a heart for the West and for Christendom, we are in the heart of this election. I find that sometimes the crispest wisdom can come from somebody who's removed from the situation. What advice or wisdom do you have for us as we are now in a political trench war

against Jezebel Kamala Harris, what do you think we need to do? What advice would you give us? Stop playing their game by their rules. So they're going to start painting Kamala Harris as this cool person. We're already seeing headlines of from cringe to cool. We know she's a horrible person.

But we don't have to attack her. We can just show people what her policies have been. We can show people how she's voted and what she would implement if she was in office. But we've also got to stop expecting the left to play fair

We keep saying, you're a hypocrite. We keep holding mirrors up to them, but they don't care about the hypocrisy because they hate us and they hate our way of life and they think they are superior. So they don't mind being a hypocrite. They don't mind lying. They don't mind all of the things that we see as abhorrent because they don't share our values. So we can't hold them to our standards. And so in turn, we've got to hold ourselves to those higher standards. We've got to play by our rules, by God's rules, stop playing the left at their game. And that means...

Being fair, being true, honoring beauty and goodness, honoring our Lord, and actually living in Christ. I know it sounds like just a line they throw out there, but it shows when people live by truth, beauty, and goodness. It shows in every essence of your being. So the left is horrible. It's toxic. It's divisive. And people are getting sick of it. Not just the left, but people who see the left are getting sick of it.

And so when they look around and they see the world darkening and see the West imploding, they see Europe lost and they see America becoming the last stand. They look around and they say, where is the truth? Where is the beauty? Where's the goodness? Where's the alternative? And they'll see in you, they'll see Christ in you. That's your opportunity to introduce them to Jesus Christ. That is how we win people back by opening their hearts, helping that lead them to Christ for him to soften their hearts, for him to convert them to him. Of course, we do want to win the election and we have to convince our friends and our family,

that the orange man is not necessarily bad. But in the long term, we've got to lead them to Christ. That's the most important message. And then we can tell them why orange man is not bad because they don't share our perspective yet. We've got to give them the lens of Christ first. Amen. And I will add to that.

that one of the reasons why we're in the constitutional crisis we're in, we mentioned this at a previous discussion, is that the current form of American government is wholly and only suitable for a Christian and moral and religious people. And so we're at this place where can we still keep that form of government going when the country is barely Christian?

And we don't know the answer to that. And the answer is we might be able to win one or two more elections. But if you do not then ignite mass cultural change, then you're going to have that form and structure of government will cease to exist. We're seeing this in England. Democracy has become somewhat of an idol in the West. Democracy is the least worst option that we have. It's good, but it's not great.

But in the West, we've assumed that democracy is based on Christian values. You know, in England, we have a common law. We have a Christian head of state. We have an established church. We have a Christian at the head of our judiciary, our legislative, our military. It's explicitly a Christian country.

But when you take Christ out of it, democracy as a method doesn't function anymore. And so we're seeing already the Mohammedans saying, well, we need blasphemy laws. But they're not saying it overtly, but they're saying if someone is Islamophobic, they should be dealt with. And then they change the definition of Islamophobia, which used to be an irrational fear of Islam, to a dislike of Islam, thereby going round the houses to implement blasphemy laws in our country because our system wasn't set up to protect us against this.

It wasn't made for Hindu Sikhs, Mohammedans, or any other faith. It was made for a Christian nation with Christian representatives. And it's a great shame that we've been infiltrated, but we have to remind ourselves that we've got to put him first and foremost and put him back in because without him, everything else falls apart. Amen. Let's do some questions. Who wants to go first? Yes, ma'am. Hi. So I'm actually going to school in England right now, so I'm seeing exactly what you were talking about. Whereabouts? Brighton. Okay.

So very gay and on the other side. Yeah, the southern tip. That is the gay capital. Brighton is very gay. Luckily, I wasn't there in June, but they were – I mean they're still doing stuff in July. So they have more than a month. And I'm also seeing on the other side in like London, I think it was Whitechapel where everything is in Arabic. There's no women on the street. If they are, they're covered head to toe. All the men outside looking at their shops.

And then going to my class in gay liberal Brighton talking about degender tampons in my marketing class. So I'm just wondering as a Christian conservative over there as an outsider, how am I supposed to combat that issue and how am I supposed to – What are you studying? I'm doing fashion communications. So I'm surrounded – That's the gay city, right? So I'm in a gay class in a gay city, which probably wasn't the best option. Do you think you're getting your money's worth? No. Yeah.

Luckily, like I've really been looking into you. I do all of my research on the side of like I'm growing here, but I feel like I've been placed and they won't allow me to change my major. Yeah. So I'm sorry to interrupt, Calvin. Is this a study abroad program or is this actually? I'm actually there. So I'm there for two more years and I can't change my major. I'm completely stuck. So I'm like, all right, God's putting me in this situation. How can I be a beacon of light to them when all of them call me a bigot, like xenophobic, all this stuff?

Yeah. Turning points outlawed at a lot of colleges in the UK. But yeah, Calvin. It's going to be difficult.

But actually, I think if you can embrace it, if you can find joy in the suffering, remind yourself that every time they persecute you, you are blessed because of it. And they hated him before they hated you. If you can remind yourself that constantly, you'll be a good use for people around you. I don't know why the Lord's put you there, but I'm assuming it's because there are very few Christians in that environment. So if you are, for example, to make your faith known, invite your friends to prayers before class or after class or something like that, so that they can

almost exercise themselves of the wickedness that's surrounding them in that gay city and in that gay university, that could be a good start. Yeah, and look at it, you're a missionary. That's how you have to look at it. So no different than going into a mission field where you're going into a conquered country. Boy, Brighton as a... Yeah, no, that's... Turkey's for Christmas. Yeah, exactly. I know a good church in Brighton, though. I'll hook you up after. That would be really great. Thank you. Stay strong.

Let's go here, and then, Daisy, let's work deeper into the crowd, okay? In America, thanks to Charlie and a lot of other people that come on to college campuses, there seems to be a movement of young men especially who are becoming more conservative. Are there people in the U.K. doing things like Charlie's doing, and do you see a similar movement, especially with young men 18 to 25 years old?

Well, I wouldn't say that, but yes, yes, we are. We are. So we do have Turning Point UK. We've got a new movement called Disciples for Christ, and we're

We have a lot of younger people finding tradition and looking to find something that's outside of modernity because modernity is so degenerate and indecent. We have a ground movement growing. So today, as we're out here, there's a rally happening in London where my friends, people like Tommy Robinson, Lawrence Fox, Carl Benjamin, are rallying the troops. And what we're trying to do with the young people is get everyone together and create a block vote. Because in the United Kingdom, there aren't really block votes. We don't have these caucuses like you guys have.

but the Mohammedans have a block vote. And so we're trying to counter that by creating a patriotic block vote. And so we've got 50,000 people out in London, in the centre of London today, all waving the union flag. That's quite rare. I want to also mention something, is that

One of the reasons why we have a robust conservative movement is because we still have the best free speech protections of almost any country on the planet. Would you agree, Calvin? A hundred percent. What the founders did to be so explicit in our free speech protections in the UK, Tommy Robinson, how many times has this guy been in jail? I know. For journalism. Literally. Because 20 years ago, Tommy highlighted the problem of, I'm sure you guys have noticed,

heard about this, the Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs, they call them, but they're rape gangs. And what they do is, it's part of the Pakistani Mohammedan culture. They don't see people outside of their faith as human. And what they do is they take young white British girls and they rape them. They groom them and they rape them.

And Tommy noticed this 20 years ago and called it out. But because he's a working class football lad, the establishment hated him because they were exposing, he was exposing them. And we found out that the police, the local government, the national government were all complicit in covering up these Pakistani Muslim rape gangs.

for the purposes of diversity. They didn't want to rock the boat and spark any race hatred. Instead of protecting the young British white girls, they left them. They gave them out as bait in order to protect diversity as our strength. Of course, it's not our strength. And that's why all of our fights against censorship online, why Elon Musk buying Twitter have been positive developments? You guys have both. It's not just your free speech. It's your First and your Second Amendment. We gave up our guns in 1997 over one incident. The

liberals, they never let a good crisis go to waste. They used it to take our pistols away. And now we have no protection of our speech or ourselves. So you guys, I've got to hold on to those first two amendments. And they're tied together. Absolutely. A government that has a monopoly on the weaponry has a monopoly on speech. If you cannot defend yourself physically, you will not be able to defend your right to speak. There is no First Amendment without the Second Amendment.

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Calvin, I've been following you for a long time, and that's awesome. The church, 11th through 15th century, had a church militant, right? And going to Charlie's point in an earlier conversation he had today, men being involved in most American churches is problematic. And I think...

So I'm asking your opinion on a new version of a church militant, because that is how men will relate moving forward, I think. So I'll put it back to you. Thank you. That's a good question. Thank you.

You're right. I mean, we are the church militants. We are the church in this realm. But the problem with that is that we don't have a muscular Christianity anymore. We don't have men being men. Masculinity has been frowned upon because of fourth wave feminism. And so we need to reverse that ideology first and foremost and say feminism is bad. The patriarchy is God ordained. God revealed himself through the patriarchs, quite literally. He is the ultimate patriarch. He is God the father. He gave us this hierarchy for a reason.

And men are looking for this. We see this with, you know, they're attracted to people like Andrew Tate for a reason because he shows muscular masculinity. He's a Mohammedan. This is the problem. He's a degenerate and a Mohammedan. So it's a problem. But we need to offer an alternative, a Christian alternative. Show men how to be men again and to provide and protect for women and show women how to be feminine again. Men are too effeminate and women are too masculine and it's not helping anyone. It's

It's the devil who likes this androgyny. The only person who's called they, them in the Bible is a demon. We need to move away from all of this. I love that. Nice hearing from all of you. I appreciate all that's going on. I was a little confused. Maybe it wasn't confused, but I'm curious about the problem you were talking about with labeling and how it's affected our situation.

I work in the field of psychology, and it seems like there's an opposite trend going on also in the DSM. Have you noticed? DSM-5 is a disaster. It is an utter disaster. So just so you know, it's the Diagnostic Statistic Manual, right? Yes. Statistic Manual, which is the Bible of psychology. Exactly. And they're on their fifth iteration. It's witchcraft. It is witchcraft. It's evil. It's evil what they're doing. They're actually taking...

pathologies that they considered in the past that they literally, you know, would turn people away from are now removed. They don't even exist inside there anymore. Instead, they just list all the behaviors. So you can put everything in there. Now they have all the child, you know, child predators and everything else. They have categories of descriptions of what they are. Pedophilia is in there. Yeah. Yeah. Pedophilia is in there and it's,

It's just a behavior is all they're looking at. They're not using it as a label for anybody. So how do you how do you, you know, blend those together with the other idea that you brought up about the labeling problem? I'm just kind of curious because they seem to go kind of against each other.

I don't know about the, I can talk first about the DSM. So any person who cares about humanity, who's in psychology should burn the DSM five and should not follow it. And I get, I'm not a doctor. I'm not, that's not my view. This is Dr. Jordan Peterson. This is Dr. Miriam Grossman. These are real clinicians, real people who understand it. And by the way, this does not take a doctorate from Stanford to know you read the DSM five and

Just so you understand that transgenderism, which used to be called gender dysphoria in the DSM four, three and two gender dysphoria, which was a a treatable issue of an individual that had a brain body disconnect.

And the treatment was very simple. It's called watchful waiting, which is you do not give them drugs. You do not give them interventions, but you allow puberty to be a solution, not a problem. And you try to find underlying issues and underlying events or traumas that lead to it. Secondly, you

Almost every single person who has gender dysphoria has underlying issues of bipolar issues, schizophrenic issues, generalized anxiety disorder, depression, so on and so forth. The DSM-5 rejects all of that. This is the Bible, by the way, that all of your local psychologists, if you go here in West Palm Beach, a local psychologist that, you know, just right out of school, they'll just go to the DSM-5. Gender dysphoria is no longer a condition to be treated. It is something to be affirmed.

So the standard operating procedure, the manual – so this is not that like, oh, it's an opinion. What they now look at on how to quote-unquote treat your child has been totally corrupted, and it's even worse than that. Do you want to – I could go on at length because I just read a whole book on the DSM-5. However, do you have a thought on the labeling? Just briefly. Yeah.

Because liberalism always ends up in paedophilia. Always. Even conservatives who think, oh, no, classical liberalism is different. It's all BS. Absolutely. Because it doesn't identify the truth of what freedom means. Freedom is obedience to God, right? To his divine order. Thank you.

Whereas liberals will always say, well, freedom is freedom too, or freedom from, or their own personal freedom to do whatever they choose, or it's not. And the moment you go down that path, it always ends up always in paedophilia because it says, well, this behaviour, this is a protected group, they're stuck, they can't help how they feel, they're born that way, this or that or the other. It's always an excuse because there's no objective good or bad.

And we can say as Christians that, no, anyone who's attracted to a child, that is a bad behavior. That's a bad thought. That's a person who needs help and prayer. But they would protect them as a characteristic. And so we've got to get back to teaching about the binaries of what is true and false, what's right and wrong, what's good and bad.

And for so long they've said everything is a grey area. You're too biased. There is a nuance. There's not always a nuance. Some things are just evil. Pedophilia and bestiality is another one. I saw recently in the UK some psychologist was saying, actually, some people are attracted to animals and animals can't consent to being fed, so why would animals have to consent to being manipulated in a sexual way? What are you talking about? This is wrong. It's objectively evil. We don't need to reason our way into it. We can just say, no, it's bad. Stop it.

Yes. Next question. Yes. Charles with the Spark Free Press. I just had a question about what do you think about them openly mocking the Christians in this like the Olympics over this last supper? How do we respond to that as Christian or as Christian media? And what are your thoughts on that? Yes. So that's a really important question. This is what conquerors do.

When you take over a city, you use the symbology of the civilization that once existed in a humiliating, mocking way. I mean, there's hundreds of examples of this. And by the way, Christians used to do this to Islamic symbols and vice versa. But when you take over a city, you're like, I'm in charge. And this used to be your symbol and not anymore. And so what you saw at the Olympics, I don't know if you guys saw this or not last evening at the Olympics last night, which is

I was busy, but I saw some of the clips right in France, which is another occupied, conquered country, was in their opening ceremony viewed by a billion people worldwide that a secular country decided to go out of their way to recreate the Last Supper in a trans gay way, openly taunting it. You say, wow, that's interesting. You guys have already won. Why are you doing this?

It's because they want to remind you on a daily basis that we're in charge. You guys lost and that your symbol of the most powerful, most beautiful painting, which is the last supper. It's in thousands of churches worldwide. Is that it's, it's, it's all that, that mythology is gone. And that we're in charge. Secondly,

They can't help themselves. This is my deeper, more spiritual part. Then I'll have Calvin. Is that, mention this, is that since this is a spiritual war, that they could not resist the temptation of ignoring it.

is that they had to try to bring something from the Christian tradition to openly mock Christ our Lord. Calvin, do you see it similarly? Absolutely. So you'll remember a few months ago when they announced the Paris Olympics, they prayed to Zeus and Apollo. So they told us from the offset that this is a pagan event. So the fact that Christians tuned in means we're ignorant, first and foremost. We should not be watching the Olympics. If they want to offer it up to false gods, let them do that. That's nothing to do with us.

But again, people keep holding up the mirror to them and trying to expose their hypocrisy and say things like, well, you wouldn't do this for Islam, would you? Or, okay, now do it for Muhammad. They're not going to do that.

Why? Because they know Christianity to be the truth. They're attacking the truth. That's what it is. And again, they don't care about hypocrisy. They just want to fight against God. That's all this is. The revolution in France was the tipping point for a lot of this. And France is a godless country, unfortunately. And I'm avoiding France as much as I'm avoiding the Olympics. You mean the French Revolution back in the 1780s and 90s? It's so important. I don't want to get to KC here, but the French Revolution is important to study. Right.

Because remember, when the Jacobins took over the French Revolution and they ushered in the secular era that we know. And by the way, that was...

245 years ago-ish, right, is that they rewrote the calendar from the Gregorian calendar, from the seven-day calendar to the 10-day calendar. They brought in all these different imagery of religious objects, but most critically and most importantly is that they reconfigured

the entire value system of what France cared about. So they thought the three, the American Trinity is in God we trust, e pluribus unum, and liberty. In France, it is fraternity, it is liberty, and it is community. Very, very communistic type core values there. And this is the final kind of fun lesson from the French Revolution. Who led the French Revolution? Maximilien Robespierre.

He was the one that invented the guillotine, popularized the guillotine. How did Rob Spear die on the guillotine? They will eat their own and the bloodshed will come for them too. It will not spare them. Casey, yes. Hi, Casey. How are you? Good to see you, brother. Listen, I'm Casey Crecci, founder of the Great Awakening Project in America. And I want to point out that in America there are tons of awesome ministries. I'm also an avid supporter of Charlie's TPUSA faith. Thank you. They're doing an amazing job. And

Look at Charlie. 20 years old, you started this. You're a young man. You didn't come in with tons of influence. You literally built it person by person, step by step.

And you chose the colleges and you dominated in the colleges for now it's been a dozen years and you literally have changed the culture. And so what happens is we have so many ministries. Yes, it's the Lord. Of course it is. It's the Lord. It's very evident, brother. So, yes, it is.

But what I'm saying is that that method that you went about doing, you've proven that method. And the problem is we have so many wonderful ministries, even in the same city, even in your place, but it's great ministries and none of them know what each other are doing. It's like they're out there trying to have an impact and they don't even know what their friends down the street are doing. And so my question, I guess, would be to Calvin, listen, you're in a conquered country, okay? So let's just say that

If money were not an option, okay, and all these wonderful ministries that have various strata, they go to culture different ways, the seven mountains or however you look at it, they go after culture different ways and different expertise. And so if money were not an option and you had your dream, because obviously you've been in the crosshairs of a lot of ministries and a lot of culture, right?

If you had your dream, what would you do? How would you, and I'd like Charlie to speak to this as an idea too, how would you overwhelm the systems in that country that has been conquered but still has to put, I mean, with Christ all things are possible. How would you overwhelm that system if you could get armies of different people to come in there and treat it like you're going to go and try to take the country for Jesus? Very good question. Thank you.

How would I change the culture if money wasn't an option? Schools. So in the United Kingdom, we don't do homeschooling. It's seen as quite strange, unfortunately. It's against our culture, so that's not going to be a wing point. But setting up schools is. All of the state schools at this point, in fact, it's still law in our country that every single school should have an element of

Christian worship. So we used to have hymns, the Lord's Prayer, and perhaps a C.S. Lewis story in assembly. But that's all been ditched because it's all been secularized. But of course, we have a culture where parents no longer feel it's their responsibility to educate their child. They pass their child over to the state, and the state indoctrinates their child. And so we need to offer an alternative. And actually,

parental choice is a thing in our country. So parents do get a say in where they can send their child. So if we went around the country setting up good Christian schools where we indoctrinate with Christian values, then we'd have a whole generation of people that can see the mess and can fight. We'd create a church militant. I love that. We have time for...

Hi. Just first, I appreciate the use of the term Muhammad, and I haven't heard that since reading Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, so that's refreshing. And then, Charlie, I was really convicted watching one of your college things where you essentially boldly claimed that if you're reading less than 25 books a year, you're not taking learning seriously. And so I just want to tell you that your book, I just finished on the airplane on the way here, and it's the first book in my adult life I ever finished in less than a week. That said, thank you. Thank you.

That said, what do you both have as far as not just book recommendations, but recommendations for discerning that the thing I'm about to read and absorb is historically honest?

Yeah, it's great. So let me tell you a couple of rules for reading books. Number one, there's more than one way to read a book. You can listen to books and you don't get extra points if you read or you listen. OK, however you comprehend. OK, number two. And this is one of the most important as someone who's read a lot of books in my life. And I try to do 100 a year, which is if you find as you're reading the book that you're not getting a lot out of it and you feel stuck, you don't have to keep reading that book. That is a very, very important lesson. OK, and here's another third thing. You can jump around to.

There's no rules against that, especially if it's written in such a manner where my book, by the way, is easy to jump around, right? Each chapter exists as kind of its own. But finally, look, the older the better. And if it's existed for a long time, it's probably existed for a good reason. And ask the question, has this piece of literature either inspired or built something beautiful?

Or is it pointing towards something beautiful? And if it's not, then it's probably not a great use of your time. And then finally, if someone you really trust or look up to is recommending that book, especially enthusiastically, that's the best of all reasons to read it, right? I'm a big believer in two other things. I got this from Dennis Prager. Number one, every house should be filled with a library, at least where you have the physical look of books, so that kids are raised with at least an idea that learning is taken seriously.

Even if you don't even read those books, just the idea that physical books are around. And the second thing is this, which is that we are we're flooded with information, starving for wisdom. So books that are filled with wisdom more than knowledge. Those are different things, by the way. Wisdom and facts are two different things. Wisdom is the understanding of things that do not change.

That's why on college campuses, they're so confused because they have lots of facts at times, but they have no wisdom. So wisdom is about things that will be true 200 years from now, and they were true 200 years prior. What is a man? What is a woman? What is justice? What is mercy? What is love? What is truth? What is goodness? These are questions that are worthy of grappling and exploring. And so happy to share a reading list. Do you have a thought, Calvin, because we've got to wrap up? Yes. First and foremost, C.S. Lewis's collection is a good place to start.

But on the topic of books, Tucker Carlson had an interview with someone recently who was talking about his book. And I thought, I'll check this out. I want to see this because it sounded quite taboo. Couldn't get it in the UK. It was banned in the UK. Could get it over here, but not in the UK.

And then there was another book that popped up, Cardinal Fernandez, horrible book, but I wanted to see what he'd written. And then I searched it online. It didn't exist anywhere. The ISBN had been removed all around the world, as in the Vatican had leaned on someone to wipe it from existence. And then thirdly, a friend of mine was listening to an audio book recently. And in this audio book, there were, it's like a John McCarr book. It was like a story of the Labour Party in Britain. There was a bit of truth in this fiction book.

And so my friend said, I wanted to get note of this. I wanted to look into this further. And so he ordered the physical copy of the book and it came and the chapter was missing. So he ordered the previous version of the book and he found the chapter was there, but it had been rewritten. And so at this point, we're getting to the point where books are either banned from the country, banned from your country, unavailable worldwide, or even being doctored. And the author of that book did not know that they changed the words and or removed chapters. And so

And so I think we are reaching the point where we could potentially enter a new dark age, but the monks and the nuns held on to the knowledge in the previous dark age. We don't have the monks and the nuns anymore, so it's on us to collect and own old books. Get as many old books as you can and hold on to those and read old books. This is so important. Yeah, I mean, and store them, because they're going to edit them. They're going to eliminate them. I have three or four examples of that I could share as well. Calvin Robinson, give it up for him. He does great. How can people support you and follow you, by the way? Good question.

They're giving you a standing ovation, first of all. You're very kind. It's well deserved. Thank you, thank you. Really quick, I want Calvin to share how you guys can support him, then I've got to dash on stage really quick. Thank you, God bless you all. is my sub stack, and I have a show with Lawrence Fox called Fox and Father. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening, and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to