cover of episode Our Institutions Have Rotted From Within — Unpacking the Secret Service Failure ft. Sen. Marco Rubio

Our Institutions Have Rotted From Within — Unpacking the Secret Service Failure ft. Sen. Marco Rubio

Publish Date: 2024/7/30
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The Charlie Kirk Show


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Hey, everybody, it's in the Charlie Kirk show. Our institutions have rotted from within. Senator Marco Rubio joins us to discuss become a member today. Members dot Charlie Kirk dot com. That is members dot Charlie Kirk dot com. And as always, you can email me freedom at Charlie Kirk dot com. Buckle up, everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks.

I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country. That's why we are here.

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To be clear, many of them are wonderful people and they remain to be wonderful people. But the first time I came in contact with U.S. Secret Service, I was in awe. I was blown away. I was so impressed. And I saw how the Secret Service was operating. And Don Jr., who I was very close with, and President Trump obviously had Secret Service protection all throughout the 2016 campaign. And then we won. And I spent a lot of time with Secret Service agents. And I had such high trust of those institutions.

If we go back into 2017, I used to trust largely many parts of the FBI. I never would have thought that the CDC or the Center for Disease Control or the FDA or the Food and Drug Administration would lie to us and cover things up and manipulate information. As we did the long march through the institutions...

which of course is a left-wing phrase from Rudy Dutschka, said nearly 70 years ago of how the left would capture all of our institutions. As I saw these, as we marched through these institutions for many years, I soon realized, one after the other, the rot that our institutions have been experiencing. The infection that is present, the tumor within the once great institutions in Washington, D.C.,

And not just in D.C., but from colleges to corporations. But the one institution that I never thought that I would have to question is the U.S. Secret Service. From the first time I met these agents, they were so impressive. They put in very long hours. They're overworked. Largely underpaid. I never thought that the U.S. Secret Service would succumb to an ideological takeover. The scariest thing with the Secret Service going bad is you know that the rot in D.C. is deep.

And that tumor is metastasizing.

Sometimes conservatives think the left is just ruining public goods while reserving nice things for themselves. But when the personal security team of the president, which they obviously want to control and currently control, is getting ruined by DEI, lax standards and laziness, when a left-wing president is putting his own life at risk, you know that they are totally consumed with this arsenic, with this poison. Now understand, the Secret Service...

Has different physical qualifications for female agents and male agents. The old Secret Service director, the Dorito woman, who her experience was protecting Mountain Dew and Doritos, was trying to make 30% of all Secret Service agents female.

Did you know that Secret Service requires weapon carrying agents to take physical fitness tests every three months? That makes sense since the people protecting a president should be in top physical condition. But do you know that standards are radically different for men and women? To get an excellent score for push-ups, a 20-something male agent is expected to do at least 55 push-ups. A female agent...

Needs to get the same score, just 40. I can do 73 push-ups-ish. I just tested it the other day. I should not be on the Secret Service, for the record. I should be nowhere near the Secret Service. For chin-ups, a male agent in his 20s needs to be able to do 11 chin-ups. A female agent only needs to do four. I can do about eight chin-ups, depending on how you qualify it. I should be nowhere near the Secret Service. And a female agent only needs to do four chin-ups?

A male agent is expected to run a mile and a half in about 10 minutes. A female agent is allowed nearly 13 minutes. That is not even an eight minute mile, which explains some of the overweight female agents that I saw at the event this last weekend. I'm not criticizing them, and I'm sure that they deal with weight problems, but these were not exactly the machismo people you want protecting President Trump.

So just to recap, men have to be able to do 55 push-ups in the Secret Service. Women have to be able to do 40 push-ups in the Secret Service. Chin-ups, men have to do 11 chin-ups. Women have to do four chin-ups. Men have to be able to run a mile and a half in 10 minutes. A female agent is allowed 13 minutes. The Secret Service is not an agency.

that embraces meritocracy. And we have up on screen the Secret Service that is being cross-examined by right now, the excellent senator from Texas, Senator Ted Cruz. We saw one of the female agents, and I'm not attacking her because she's female. I'm attacking her because we have relaxed standards, obviously, to try to diversify the Secret Service, which then compromises excellence. Donald Trump got shot and Capitore died

Because of a diversity, equity and inclusive agenda that infected the U.S. Secret Service. Acting United States Secret Service Director Robert Ronald L. Rowe, who is now testifying in front of the Senate, said that Trump got shot and Kobe died because of a lack of imagination. It's not a lack of imagination. It's because you have allowed ideological poison to infect your institution.

It started with us questioning the FBI. Wow. I never thought the FBI would sit, would spy on a sitting president. I never thought that the FBI would launch a coup against the sitting president. That was bad. And then put forward the Russiagate stuff. Then during COVID, the FDA lied to us. The CDC lied to us. Pfizer lied to us. AstraZeneca lied to us. The Department of Education lied to us. Our local health agencies lied to us. They suppressed vaccines.

Early treatment information. Our tech companies lied to us. Hundreds of thousands of lives could have been saved with early interventions, early treatment, let alone just vitamin D supplementation. Millions of kids' lives were ruined during COVID unnecessarily. And we have seen institution after institution. But the one that I believe most Americans had trust in were those macho men around the president.

Whether it's a president we like or a president we despise, like Obama, we want that president protected for no other reason that the established order of a civilization cannot be thwarted or uprooted by an assassination. Many Americans would probably say, well, surely the president's security is the best of the best. Surely. It's a shocking realization to see otherwise.

Right now, the U.S. Secret Service director is testifying. This man should be fired. He should be humiliated. He was involved in the higher echelon of the Secret Service that created this culture. And just so we are clear, the culture at the U.S. Secret Service, they want one out of three of all agents to not be able to have the same physical fitness standards as men. When you introduce diversity, you forsake excellence.

And that is the buried lead of Trump getting shot. Diversity is not the strength of the U.S. Secret Service. Strength is the strength of the U.S. Secret Service. And I'm going to repeat and go into greater detail of what we saw on Friday when we hosted President Trump. We hosted President Trump on Friday. And our entire team independently came up to me and said, Charlie, what was that? They said that was the most relaxed, unimpressive,

security that we've ever seen. I was like, yeah, it didn't seem correct. It was porous. Agents were checking their phone. It was relaxed. It was unprofessional. It was laid back. It wasn't intense. Our security team totally agreed. They were floored. Multiple instances of some of our interns and people worked for us that had to go run and get food. And the Secret Service agents were like, yeah, just come on through. No wanding, no checking. It was not a secure event.

And this is after Trump got shot in Butler, Pennsylvania. Nothing has improved. Nothing has gotten better. No heads have rolled. There has been no humiliation and no firings. And Donald Trump is not safe with this current Secret Service.

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Thank you.

That is,

So let me tell you what happened on Friday. We hosted President Trump at the Believer Summit in Palm Beach, Florida. We've done multiple events. Our events team is the best in the business, and that is an objective fact. We host more of these events. They are better run, better looking, better presentation, better operation than any other events in the conservative movement. Very thankful and impressed with our team, top to bottom. They do an amazing job. And so we've grown used to the kind of flow of the U.S. Secret Service.

And the porous, lackadaisical nature of how the Secret Service took about their job to protect Donald Trump. And some of the agents were very sweet. They came up, they asked for pictures with us. They were fans. I'm not attacking the individual rank and file. They're nothing more than individuals that are just being used in a broader game. And this is not personal. This is about the protection of President Trump. But it is very clear that from the top of the U.S. Secret Service,

There is an attitude that has infected the Secret Service that the protection of Donald Trump is not a top priority. Now, maybe it's a protection of all protectees, but just one example.

One of our donor friends, the speech was going very long. They said, hey, can you go run and get me some food? I'm getting a little lightheaded. So I said, hey, Danny, just leave the perimeter. Can you go get some food? They're not going to let you back into the perimeter. But once it's over, you're going to be able to get some food back in the moment that's there. He said yes. And so Danny goes and runs and gets some food. Next thing I know, he's back in the interior. How did that happen, Danny? He's like, oh, I just walked through.

You just walk through. He's like, yeah, they just waved me in. Now, it could be and it could be that the Secret Service was trusting of us and Turning Point USA and Turning Point Action is worthy of that trust. However, I would not have taken the slightest offense at everybody being double and triple checked given recent events.

And let's just be very clear, even though that turning point might be very worthy of trust, and we're very thankful for that, I suppose, it could have just been a bad guy that put on a turning point shirt, or it could have been one bad actor or one person that is a proxy. The protection of the president and the former president, soon to be next president, God willing, this is not a game. This is not child's play. And the Secret Service...

is responsible with protecting the president. But let's broaden this out. If President Trump gets shot again, which there is no guarantee of his safety at this point, the Secret Service is tasked right now with protecting the entire civilization. That is not an exaggeration. If Trump would have gotten killed in Butler, Pennsylvania, if Trump would have died in Butler, Pennsylvania, what would our country look like today? We would be in very, very bad shape.

We already know about the hundreds of thousands of liberals that were upset that the bullet did not kill him. We have social media posts. There were local elected officials. Somebody I know that went into the event texted me afterwards and she said, hey, you know, I got into the event. I had a pocket knife and I forgot that I had it and they didn't catch it.

Well, that happens all the time. They miss stuff all the time. The Secret Service does. They miss weapons. They miss firearms. They miss pocket knives. I can't tell you how many times attendees have emailed us and told us throughout the years. Yeah, Charlie, I went to a Trump event in Georgia. I forgot I had a gun on me and the metal detector just didn't catch it and they didn't get it. Happens all the time.

Weapons on the interior, perimeter not secure, snipers, obviously snipers on roofs at Butler, Pennsylvania. And it's just the top down attitude. Nobody gets fired. You have some of the most unimpressive people that get elevated to the top of the Secret Service. The current director of the U.S. Secret Service has denied the idea that there were limiting resources to Donald Trump. I know for a fact that is the case.

I know that there were multiple requests for extra support and extra reinforcement. And the current attitude right now from the Secret Service is, eh, Trump got shot. What are you going to do about it? We don't really care. They just kind of shrugged their shoulders. That's what the director Howe is saying. He said that this was because a failure of imagination. Could you imagine in an honor-shame society that a former president gets shot and you have guys that say it's a failure of imagination?

Joining us now is Senator Marco Rubio. Senator, thank you for the time and for joining the show again. Just a quick reaction, if you will, from the U.S. Secret Service committee hearing. I know you were in another committee hearing, but this really is the viral news right now. Any reaction to the handling of the Secret Service's events post-Butler?

Well, I'm glad to see that he said the Secret Service is to blame and isn't putting it on the local police department. So my view from the beginning has been knowing the threats that exist against Donald Trump from foreign governments like Iran, that the protection that they had given him was not commensurate to the threat.

And it is also, you don't have to be a security expert to know that a sniper on top of a rooftop is the quintessential, like the most risky of all threats that you face in an environment like the one that President Trump was in. It should have been the number one priority in terms of securing perimeter and the like.

So clearly they failed. And the question is, why did they fail? And is that failure the result of an individual who's incompetent, who sounds like they're still on the job? Or is it a systemic problem within the agency that it's basically not good at its job? It's not doing a good enough job.

at catching things like this. The bottom line is that under no circumstances should there have been a guy on a rooftop with a sniper rifle who was known to law enforcement hours before the rally and no one did anything about it. The answer to that is not to have some counter sniper ready to take him out after he's fired seven or eight shots. The answer is to never let him get up there in the first place. And if he gets up there, not to allow Trump to take the stage until he's removed.

And why that didn't happen, why they're communicating using text messages, that's how we communicate. That's how we protect people. And look, whether you like Trump or not, obviously, I'm a supporter of Donald Trump. But let's say someone's watching. Maybe you have viewers somewhere that doesn't like Trump or doesn't support him. This is about protecting the country. Can you imagine where this country is?

right now and the damage it would have done to America had President Trump gotten his head blown off on national television broadcast to the world? Can you just, apart from the human tragedy, and we already had a human tragedy because someone died at that rally and two others were seriously injured. But can you imagine what would have happened if he had been assassinated, the damage it would have done to America? This is unacceptable. Someone needs to be held responsible and accountable. We have to make sure that whatever it is that led to this never happens again. We can't afford it as a country.

That's right. The civilization would be still in chaos. Weeks later, we would be in a place we've never been before. Speaking of chaos, Senator, it seems as if what happens in Venezuela they're trying to bring to this country. You represent a lot of Venezuelan Americans in South Florida. This is an issue that I know you've been studying. It has not been front page news for Americans, but it should be. Can you just quickly walk through the recent events of what has been happening in Venezuela? It is very applicable to what we're going through right now.

Well, first of all, we have to stop talking about the Maduro regime as a government. It is not a government. It's not. It's a narco-terrorist organization who makes money off drug trafficking, is in bed with Iran, is like Iran's foothold in the hemisphere. They do deals with Iran, with China, with Russia, with drug trafficking networks. And they're a disaster economically. They destroyed the country. They basically have just – this is a criminal organization that's empowered itself of a very wealthy country.

And so the result is eight million Venezuelans have left there in the last decade, many of them headed here and in other parts of the world. And they've been driving that. Trump put on very strong sanctions. Biden comes in and says, we will lift the sanctions and we will send you two convicted drug dealers, convicted, sitting in federal prison, who are nephews of Maduro.

Biden released them. He also released the number one, uh, money launderer, someone who the Trump administration went to great lengths to have them extradited to the United States when he was apprehended in Africa. They released all these bad guys in exchange for a promise to have free and fair elections, which they were never going to do. Well, there's, they stole the elections basically, um,

They won't release the precinct level count. Think about that. We're only going to tell you the final outcome, but we're not going to show you precinct by precinct the outcome. Everybody knows that he lost that election. And now, you know, the guy's trying to hold on to power and he's laughing at us. And the Biden-Harris administration were clowned again on foreign policy. And by the way, lifted oil sanctions on them because we wanted to buy more of their oil, but we won't let our own companies produce here at home. So it's a fiasco all the way around. And you're absolutely right. It is another reminder that everywhere where socialism is,

always winds up with the same thing, poverty and tyranny. That's the result of socialism everywhere. Look at our border. They come from Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela. All these are socialist countries. People flee those countries. Why the hell would we ever want that in America? Not to mention this is also is a story of election integrity and not having transparent elections is that illegitimate regimes try to put forward elections that do not have trust and do not have transparency.

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The Venezuelan story also is very chilling because we've seen the response from protesters in the streets that are now just being rounded up, being shot at by this basically a military junta that controls Venezuela. If President Trump is to win in January, what should the U.S. response be to, as you say, this narco state that calls itself the Venezuelan government?

Well, understand, I care deeply about this issue. And I always tell people the answer to what happens in Venezuela ultimately resides inside of Venezuela with their own people who very bravely, as you said, are taking to the streets and have for many years and done things about it. But we have our national security interests. Venezuela's and the Maduro regime is an enemy of the United States. They buy weapons from Iran. They help Iran evade sanctions with Hezbollah,

Their trafficking networks and their activity in the hemisphere is headquartered out of Venezuela. That begins there. The Chinese are heavily involved in Venezuela. The Russians are heavily involved. So all of our enemies rely on Venezuela as like their foothold in the hemisphere. They have also, because of what they've done, and we never had immigrants from Venezuela. It was one of the richest countries in the world. And now, you know, we have hundreds of thousands winding up at our border. Eight million have left the country over the last 10 years. So they've also created this migratory crisis, which, by the way, you're going to see another

two, three million people leave as a result of the stolen election. So it's creating a tremendous migratory catastrophe. In addition to that, Maduro has exported this gang, Trenaragua, which now is in the United States after terrorizing Peru and Ecuador and Colombia. They're behind a lot of these crimes that we've seen here in the streets. These are criminals that were criminals in Venezuela.

The vast majority of Venezuelans that are here are very decent people who don't want to live in a socialist country. But these criminals are part of the group that's coming in. And all of this created by them. They're enemies of the United States, about enemies of the United States. And now apparently at war also with Elon Musk. I don't know if you saw Maduro says that Musk wants to invade with his rockets. I don't know. The guy's a weirdo too. But Maduro is a strange guy. He says strange things. But...

Look, they're enemies of the United States and we need to adjust accordingly. And I think that Trump had put in place very powerful sanctions. He was very tough on them. And he never would have released those drug dealers and cut a deal like this one. It was a terrible deal. They got clowned again. Biden-Harris got clowned again.

We must defeat Ms. Harris coming up in November. And part of that is the ticket Trump-Vance. Senator, you took to Twitter this weekend. We were texting about it, defending J.D. Vance against some of the very nasty attacks that were launched against him. I want to thank you for doing that for many reasons because it was very credible coming from you the way you did it because you were a finalist.

for Trump's vice president. And you said, look, any one of us that would have gotten selected would have experienced this type of treatment. Can you elaborate on that, Senator?

Yeah, there's two reasons why. The first is they basically, that's what always makes me laugh. You know, I go back to 2008. I remember the day after John McCain, okay, who was a darling of the media for much of his career. But the minute he became the Republican nominee, I think it was like a day or two later, the New York Times ran this scandalous, outrageous story that turned out to be discredited that he was basically implying he was having affairs with lobbyists. Now,

They attacked him immediately. Think about the things they accused Mitt Romney of. They accused Mitt Romney of not respecting women, of all kinds of things that they accused him of, of being some sort of out-of-touch guy that didn't like working people and so forth. They called George W. Bush a war criminal. So any Republican, they're going to smear, I don't care who you are.

And the only difference is, you know, Trump was like the first one that kind of gave it back to them in equal measure. And they don't like that. So whoever he would have picked as vice president, they would have maybe there would have been different stories, but it would have been the same line of attack. And part of the reason for that is that Kamala Harris is indefensible. Look, here's the truth. Go back. Everybody should read this New York Times article. Very well sourced article by.

Jonathan Martin, I think, wrote it along with another reporter. And it talked about how Biden appointed this independent committee to help him pick a VP. And Kamala Harris was neither the candidate who most impressed them nor the person that the advisors on that committee thought was prepared to be president. And then she was a disaster when she took vice president. She was a disaster when she was in the Senate. The huge levels of internal staff turnover. She had this disastrous trip to Central America.

That led to all kinds of backbiting. So those are facts. And that, those are things that have been laid out in her career. She had a, she ran for president. Her campaign was a disaster. She didn't even make it to December. I don't think. And then she got in the vice presidency, which she wasn't the most qualified person. I'm not saying that the Biden people said that. And,

disaster there as well. So they don't want to talk about it. So she's going to get this honeymoon or the media is just going to build her up. And we knew that was going to happen. But I truly believe that when all is said and done, particularly after Labor Day, after their convention, it's going to come down to something very simple. Everything Joe Biden has done that's damaged this country, Kamala Harris was there for it and supported it. And in fact, I would say that Joe Biden's career, for the most part,

until recently was that he was sort of like a 20th century Democrat. You know, she, the liberals of far left, they sort of rented Joe Biden. They put up with him. And one of the reasons why they wanted them there for so long is because of his lack of mental acuity allowed him to get away with things. She's actually a real deal leftist, left wing Democrat who supported some of the most radical policies one can imagine. Well, as recently as 2020, that's right. And for president.

And she should be held to account for that. We should be focused on that. Eventually, the media will have to get to that. But first, they're going to smear J.D. Vance as they would have smeared anybody else that Trump would have picked. Can you please just tease our audience on the ActBlue story? Your leadership on that topic has been terrific and much appreciated. Yeah. In the back of everyone's credit card, we get asked for it all the time. There's this code called the CBV code, and it allows you to track that account and where it's located. And ActBlue, we use it at Rec Green Web Services.

When red uses it, everybody else uses it. But you can donate money, thousands and thousands of dollars to ActBlue without your CVV code on it. And so I want to pass a law that requires that all these online donations using credit cards require a CVV so we can make sure that that person is actually in the United States and eligible to contribute. Otherwise, you could have some credit card in China basically putting millions of dollars in small dollar donations into political campaigns.

America. Act Blue has become a money laundering operation because they don't take the CVV. It's a deliberate strategy on their part. We should have a law that closes that. I've been trying to get it passed. And as you can imagine, the reason the Democrats oppose it is because Act Blue opposes it. Because if they had to put CVVs, they

They had to use that code from their credit card. Their donation. I think you're onto something, Senator, here. I really believe that there is a flow of tens of millions of dollars of foreign money that is coming into our election system and hard money, small dollar chunks via Act Blue. That's just a suspicion. It feels that way. It seems that way. There's too many pieces of evidence. And I hope you stay on the case there, Senator, because I believe if we're able to stop that, the Democrats will lose a lot of their cash advantage. Senator, thank you for your leadership. Hope to see you soon. Thanks so much. Thanks, John.

So J.D. Vance, my friend, who, by the way, is going to be here in Glendale, Arizona tomorrow. I have the great honor of introducing him tomorrow at the event at Arizona Christian University. Looking forward to seeing him there. It's going to be terrific. He has really set the Internet ablaze because J.D. came on our program and said, hey, we need to reverse the collapsing fertility rate. We need to turn around this trajectory that we are not at replacement levels. This is one of the main drivers of mass migration.

That they want to try to import the third world because we are not having our own native born children. We are at historically low levels. This is a crisis, but the media thinks it's laughable. The media thinks it is a joke. Oh, you want more children? I'd rather have money. One of the reasons why we are the most depressed, suicidal, anxious, alcohol addicted generation in history and country in history is we have decided to no longer get married and no longer have children.

The existential despair that so many young people feel can be filled by getting married and having kids. Your life will be infinitely richer and better. Not easier, but richer and better. The future belongs to the people who show up and left is laughing as they abolish the future. So first I want to play Molly Jong fast, who is attacking JD Vance for saying that JD Vance just wants more white babies and

Now, Molly Jong is not exactly a bright person. Does she realize that J.D. Vance is married to an Indian woman and his son is named Vivek? Play cut 47. The stats are there. More and more Americans choosing not to have kids, which again emphasizes why J.D. Vance's comments about childless Americans, childless cat ladies could be so politically damaging. Well, so what's interesting is this is this natalism that comes from an authoritarian playbook, right? That there need to be more white children.

Right. That's the idea that there's you know, this is about great replacement theory, racism. Right. This is what this is. So don't misunderstand it for him wanting more children. He wants a certain kind of, you know, racist thing. Yeah. She has three children, apparently. So it's just it's unbelievable to me that she plays into that. And she's a lot on television, just allowed to say that. Now, why is it that so many people are not having children? Well, why?

As a little bit of a corollary, the white dudes for Kamala Harris had a meeting. So, hey, it's only fair. You guys get to do white dudes for Kamala Harris. I guess we have to organize white men for Trump. And there's a lot more of us than white dudes for Harris. And the testosterone level will be a lot higher. This is a perfect example. I couldn't think of a better example as to why our fertility rate is collapsing. If you want just a clip as to the Kamala Harris incident,

Now, it's not Jack Dorsey. For the record, this is not Jack Dorsey. Okay? This is not. You heard me again. This is not Jack Dorsey. Play cut 49. And that happens at the same time as the myths around America that we grew up with that we as men are expected to be protectors and providers are going out into economy that doesn't really allow for that, especially for working class folks.

And sort of like compounding on that, you know, masculinity as a trope has been co-opted by the MAGA right into something that feeds into and exacerbates the loneliness epidemic, as well as the mental health crisis that many face that end up leading to really destructive behaviors. We aren't the only ones that are hurt by these things. Black and brown people, LGBTQIA plus people, especially trans women and indigenous people. This guy just embodies the infertility crisis.

The whole white dudes for Kamala Harris Zoom call was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. These are sad excuses for men, one after the other after the other. Oh, yes, I'm so masculine because I'm a white dude lecturing you about LGBTQI+. Yeah, masculinity has been co-opted by the MAGA right. Well, no, it's not. It's that men want to be men and they don't want to be blurred with women and they want a masculine society again. Hey, but guess what?

The Catwomen are very mad. They mad. Play Cut 45. If this is what the election will be about, I think there are more people with families, more young men that want a future than whatever that is.

and the man bun laments of the white dudes for Harris. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always, freedom at Thanks so much for listening, and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to