cover of episode The Debrief with Shawn and Katie | #007 Ed Calderon

The Debrief with Shawn and Katie | #007 Ed Calderon

Publish Date: 2021/1/27
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Shawn Ryan Show


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Are you recording the audio? Microphones are on? Check, check, check, record. Check, check, check, check. Checkity, motherfucking checkity. Check. What are you drinking over there? Vitamin C. Mmm. What are we doing? Calderon. Ed? We had two Eds in a row. I know. But we can't talk about that because it's not time yet. Right. But Ed Calderon. Yep. That was back in... A real world Nacho Libre. Yeah. Yeah.

TSA's worst nightmare. He's not really a Nacho Libre. He's TSA's worst nightmare. I don't even know if he likes nachos. What? But we know he likes gummy bears. He does like gummy bears. He likes them a lot. How many bags of gummy bears did he crush? Holy cow. How many did he crush? Yeah, personally. I don't know. That was a long day, though, that he was here. He does love the alpacas. He does, but he really...

Really loves the gummy bears. So do we. We can't keep them in stock. I know. I don't. Literally, we just ordered like 10,000 bags of gummy bears. Yeah. And they're like gone. I know. Like that. And it's not me eating them all. I know. They're out of the house finally. Yeah. Well, most of them. I think we've got 40 bags left in the house. A little bit less than that now. Yeah.

But I don't know who's keeping New Year's resolutions because people are just buying up the gummy bears. It's insane. Unless a New Year's resolution was to eat more sugar, which could be. Yeah. Why not? Yeah. They're selling out quick. But yeah, Mr. Calderon, that was a lot of fun.

Was it? Yeah. Well, you weren't up here with him for five hours. No, but I was like enjoying all the breaks. That was a lot of fun. It was fun. Downstairs and... You know, Ed is like the first Mexican-American that we've had on. Yep. And, you know, we've been keeping it pretty diverse. Yeah. You know? Yeah. So...

I know in 2021, you want to have a woman on. Yep. So that'll be cool. Yep. I would like to have a woman on the show. That sounds so weird. Oh my gosh. But dude, Ed's story was fucking amazing. It really was. You know? That was really... You just wanted to keep listening. You know, not that all the guys you don't want to keep listening, but man, that was just...

Way out there, you know. Well, it was different. It was a different subject matter for both of us, you know, because it's been veteran, you know, special ops guy after special ops guy. And they all have, you know, awesome stories that are extremely unique. And then we brought in Travis House. And Ed's was just, it was just a whole nother, you know, it was a whole nother,

Left turn we went on a left turn with Travis house bringing in the firefighter cop author motivational speaker And it went really good You know I was a little worried about that because it wasn't the typical it wasn't it was out of our wheelhouse You know and then and then we bring in ed and we do another we go take another turn you know hard left and But shit man they loved it. They the audience

loved that episode. They compared our episode to all of his other episodes and he's been on some major fucking podcasts. Yep. I know. And, and all of a sudden, you know, it's, it's the, it's the best interview that they've heard with Ed Calderon. And so for those of you saying that, thank you very much. But you know, it's,

I always get really nervous interviewing these guys and because I want to give them the best interview, but you know, when it gets down to it, when they sit down in that chair, it's, it's fucking easy because everything coming out of their mouth is extremely, it's just captivating, you know, all of them. And, and especially, you know, I was, I needed a different subject matter, you know what I mean? To kind of keep,

keep going you know i need some fresh material and bucket hey man he knocked it out of the park and some of the stuff he was talking about especially with china you know and everything that's going on today and uh you know we just got through the election and uh there's been all these conspiracy theories and all this and uh and a lot of and a lot of truth too you know going going uh with with

You know, in China and everything that they're doing, especially south of the border, what he was describing. I thought it was a really good time to bring all of that to light, you know? Yeah. No, the timing was perfect for that. But, yeah, it was really good. Yeah. I really enjoyed it. I really enjoyed getting to know him. He just had, like, a really...

good energy about him. He's a confident. Yeah. Really confident in what he does. And so he taught you a new skill on one of the breaks I heard. Oh, yeah. He was somehow phone chargers came up. I think he was looking to plug his phone in or something. And and he recommended that I get a certain type of phone charger. And I was like, well, why? He was like, well,

You could decapitate someone with it. Oh. It's like, oh. I thought he was going to say maybe you could charge your phone a little faster with that one. But yeah, so not only did we like break for sandwiches, but I learned a new skill. Don't piss that man off. No, definitely not. You know, I don't know if I told you this, but he gave me a million dollars. Did he? Yep. Right here. Wow. Go ahead and take a look at that. $1 million.

Million dollars. What are you gonna do with all that money, babe? Buy some goats? Goats? Yeah. What I'll probably do is buy myself some more gummy bears. But yes, no seriously, he said this came out of uh, it's it's a I wish it was a million dollars, but it's still pretty fucking cool. It's like a sticker that these narcos like put under the steering wheel in their taxi. Why?

It's like some kind of good luck thing or keeps him motivated. So they put a million dollar, like a million dollar bill, a gold million dollar bill, like on the, in the taxi. So he ripped this out of a taxi. No way. Yeah, gave it to me. So I'm going to have this framed and we'll put it up next to. What, you're not going to put it in the Vic? I don't think the Vic is even starting right now. That is cool though.

Nah, we'll put it in. You know, we'll put it in. We'll get it framed. He gave us a bunch of stuff, like some cool coins. Yeah, and those little cards that he gave us. I still have mine. And the Christmas card. He gave us death cards in the Christmas card that he sent. So, yeah, I want to get all that stuff framed, and we'll put it up in the studio. And who knows how much longer we're even going to be in the studio, you know? That's true. We're looking at a new studio.

That'll be nice. That's cool. I mean... Although there is something about this studio that I've said before, and I still believe it. When people come here, and they're in our house, and then, you know, we're getting to know one another, and then they come upstairs, and there's something about the energy and the intimacy here that it just feels good. And I think people really open up when they're in this chair, you know? Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, I'm not. What does that mean? Are you worried to bring people into a new studio? No, it'll be great. Is going to go to shit? No, I don't think it's going to go to shit. But I do think it's been really nice here, you know, but getting it out of the house is going to be really nice. So, yeah, it'll be good. Yeah, it will be. I think I'm going to go with a whole new design. Really? Yeah. You should film it.

We will. We'll film it. We'll put something together. Maybe take some polls or something. See what you should do. You want me to put some polls in there? No. No. What kind of polls? No polls. What kind of establishment do you think we're running here? Like auditioning polls? No, babe. Oh, you mean like a... Take a poll online. Like an election poll. Yeah. Oh. Right. Yeah. Well, those could be exciting polls too. You know?

But it'll be nice to have it out of the house. Yeah. We've had a good run here. And there's a lot more to come for 2021 with the show. Yeah, there is. Well, we can't talk about that yet because we still owe everybody another debrief. I know. But, man, you know, a lot of people want to like, they want us to crank these out and do like, do it weekly. But I'm not going to do it. Don't do it. I would love to do that.

But the quality of the show would go this way because I you know how much I've researched these guys You know before they show up and it's a lot and people don't realize that yeah Well, you know the prep work behind still like it but you know and and and I don't want to like we're selective you know, we're so very selective with who we have on the show and Following size none of that shit matters. I don't care about that shit. I

But what I care about is that they're doing good in the world. And, you know. Yeah. Quality rather than quantity. Yeah. I'm not going to bring some fucking turd in here to sit in that chair. Yeah. So. We have been getting a lot of emails and, you know, about people that are recommending people. And so that's always good. You know. Yeah. I'm keeping a folder of.

All those. I would like to interview a Vietnam veteran and a World War II veteran. So if anybody out here is listening and knows of anybody who served in either one of those wars who's done something amazing, extravagant, over the top, whatever, email us. Go to the website and email us, please, because I would love to.

I would love to kind of keep switching it up a little bit, you know? So Vietnam vet, World War II vet, that would be really, really fucking cool. Yeah. Maybe like a fast mover, like a F-16 pilot or an A-10 pilot or a Spectre gunship, AC-130 pilot. That would be cool. That would be really cool. You know? That'd be different. You know, or, you know, fuck it. Let's get an astronaut in there. Yeah. Going to the moon, man. Yeah.

But yeah, I want to keep switching up the content. It keeps it interesting for me. Ed's story, all the shit that he's went through. You know, another thing that really stood out about his interview was when he was talking about his mom. And his mom was saying, there is no coming home now. I know. And I was like, fuck, man. I think I was starting to tear up a little bit on that one. Yeah, no, for sure. But...

But what a solid human being, you know. He really is. Like, he just, you know. And he's the first one we've ever had that showed up. We did the podcast, and he was gone. I had dinner with him the night before at a nice steakhouse up in Nashville, but showed up, 9 a.m., was here until, yeah, the wee hours of the morning. Yeah. Had a couple of Coronas.

Typical typical Mexican fashion. And and then him and his boy were out the fucking door gone. Yeah. And but I think I think we'll see him again. I do, too. He's a fucking cool dude. I do, too. And I you know, it's I love being around that guy. Yeah. He's just.

He's a really cool dude. Like I said, he just had a really unique energy about him. Yeah. It was really interesting. Yeah. And to kind of talk to him about the PTSD and what treatments he's been through. And that was cool, too. And, shit, I forgot to even mention this. The guys that got him across the fucking Mexican border, I served with.

really yeah at the same seal team that name came out off off the record and um and i can't put it in yeah what i mean but um but yeah what a small world no shit right he'd like drop the name and i was like i'm sorry did who and he said his name and i was like son of a bitch i was at fucking seal team eight with that guy that's crazy it was either seal team eight or team two but uh

Yeah, I haven't heard that name in probably 10 years. Oh my goodness. You know, and... And he held dead. Yeah, got him across the fucking border. That's incredible. And they're still like really good friends to this day. So that's pretty cool. Yeah. Wow. That's really neat, babe. Yeah. I thought that was cool. Yeah. But, well, we got to start cranking these out a little bit faster. I know. We've been pretty bad about it. I mean, we did have like the holidays and all that happened, but...

There's no excuse. We're like exactly two months behind. Yeah. And weren't we on the last one too? It might've been a little bit long, but, uh, but we're going to do the next one. We got Eddie Gallagher next. We've already released his podcast. We'll debrief that later, but I got to wait until your interview with Andrea is complete and then we'll do that debrief. So hopefully next week, but, um, we'll crank it out. Let's talk about what's coming. Okay.

Well, we've got a flannel being released. Does everybody hear that? There are Vigilance Elite flannels. They are finished. All we're waiting for is the product photo. I'm not going to lie. There's not very many of them. No. Because we weren't sure if you guys really want them or not. I mean, we get a lot of emails, but...

Yeah. Yeah. Well, you know. You just never know. You can email all day long, but we've fallen for this before. I know. But so I don't know. I don't know if they're going to sell. They're going to sell. They might not. They're hot. They look good. Well, if you want a flannel, there's, I can tell you this much. There's like almost 600,000 people subscribed to the podcast, to the show or to Vigilance Lead channel. We didn't get 600,000 flannels. So.

We don't have that kind of bankroll. So if you want one, my suggestion would be go to the website and sign up on the email list because that's where we give all the updates. Anything cool that's happening, you got to be on the email list. So we got like, you know,

All kinds of good shit happening. We do. You know, so, and then we got. I'm really excited about the next like food item though. I know, me too. Should we talk about that? If I don't eat them all first. No, they're not coming to the house this time. They're going right to Fulfillment Center. The S'more Bites are going right to the. Yeah, I didn't know if you were going to actually drop the name of them, but. Shit. Might as well. Cats out of the fucking bag now.

S'more bites. They are amazing. Let me tell you something. If you have an addictive personality, careful, because they're that good. Yeah. I've heard they're, you know... What? We know somebody that compared them to crack. Yes. They're that addictive. Yeah. Not that I've ever done crack. I haven't done crack either. I've done a lot of things, but crack isn't one of them. Haven't done crack. Not knowingly. But...

But I have done a lot of s'more bites. They're really good. I'm super excited about those. Yeah, those are going to go like that. For sure. Probably, I don't know. I don't think the flannels are going to sell. But the fucking s'more bites, those are gone. Guaranteed. Yep. I'm going to have to get a personal stash. And how about that hat you're wearing? That's the new green one. I love that one. I think that's by far my favorite hat so far.

I don't know if it's my favorite, but it's pretty cool. But now that we've like flooded them with shameless product shout outs, let's wrap this thing up. All right. Ed Calderon, 007. What a fucking badass. Total badass. Cannot wait.

To meet him again. Yeah. It'd be fun to have him on the show again, for sure. I mean, anybody would be fun to have again, but he's a really cool dude. One person right now, off the top of your head, if you wanted to have him on the show again, go. Nick Kefaletus. Nick? Yeah. No shit. I love Nick and Jillian. Like, I just, they're, I like hanging out with them. They just had a baby. They did just have a baby.

Yep. Yeah. So that's another reason if they come up, I get to see the baby. I would like to have Nick on the show again. Yeah. That was a good time. And they were here for a couple of days and it was, it was fun. Yeah. So what about you? Top of your head? I would go Nick. Yeah. I would go Nick, but I honestly, I could have, you know, the way we do these shows, we just, you know, it's, it's, we build like,

It's so fucking personal. Like, the personal, like... Like the connection? Yeah, that is spent here while we're filming on and off set is just... It's, I mean, shit, Ed was only here for, you know, less than 24 hours. And, like, I feel like I know the guy. You know what I mean? Like, a lot more than I should. Not in a weird way. But I could have any of them again. I would love to get...

I'd love to get Don back on here after he gets through his fiasco, which is still on hold. Everybody wants an update, but there's no fucking update to give. Glover, I would love to get Glover back on. Yep, Glover's cool. And see, I mean, his business has grown tremendously. And a lot of the shit that he went through in 2020...

was just for him to pull out of that and do what he's doing. And it's just, I mean, that's a whole story in itself. Travis Kennedy, he's going a whole other direction now, it sounds like. I don't want to drop that bomb, but it sounds like he's doing really well. You know, Nick doing really good. Travis, you know, Travis has got his farm. He's been farming his ass off. Ed and then...

And then Eddie. Yeah. But I don't want to have anybody on too fast. You know what I mean? We've got to let some space go in between. And I'm excited about what we've got coming this year in 2021. So kicking it off with a real fucking master at his craft and...

That show is going to be out of this fucking world. I'm looking forward to that. Yeah. But all right. Let's wrap it up. Let's you heard it. Boss says we got to wrap it up. So we're out of here. Thank you guys for watching. Subscribe to the channel.

You know what? I'm not even going to give you the pitch. We love you guys. We love doing this. And it just makes us happy that you guys, you know, all the viewers and audience get something out of this and they enjoy the content. And that means more to us than anything else. So sure does. Cheers to you guys. Happy 2021. Let's hope this year goes a little bit better off than how it started. It will. Cheers. Cheers.

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