cover of episode Giggling about good time girls, burning man, and irretrievably broken

Giggling about good time girls, burning man, and irretrievably broken

Publish Date: 2023/9/6
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That's I-L-M-A-K-I-A-G-E dot com slash quiz. Sup, gigglers? Gary, fix the Wi-Fi. Manifest that shit. We can't be managed. I mean, the day just got away from me. What's up, my good time gigglers? Good time gigglers? Is that what you said? Gigglers. Wait, what did you say? My good time gigglers. Do you remember, like, in Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, how...

lisa barlow called heather a good time girl and it was like a six episode fight yeah and i think she's like wait it's like calling someone a slut the first season of any bravo show is so funny because the things that they fight about like i had a bunch of like girlfriends the other day asking me like oh what did i think of real housewives of new york city and i was like oh i really like it because the

what they fight about is not dark at all. It's like cheese boards. Cause they don't know each other yet. You can't get to the root of people. Like you don't know what strings to pull, but then by like,

season seven everyone's family's falling apart and you're like okay i literally was like let them get through one airing season and off season and then like them talking shit about each other like season two they'll be ready to go with some real bullshit or they fight about stuff that's serious but they call it something else like pasta right right exactly you

You never get the full truth. Should we just dive into front page news because I just feel like there's so much happening. I just had a nice tea. I'm jacked up. And it just officially dropped about Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner. What a bait and switch. Because there were all these stories coming out that they were getting a divorce. Then she shows up at his concert.

And then he's wearing his ring. And so everyone's like, oh, OK, those were like just rumors. And then this morning it drops that he filed for divorce in Miami. So I follow these like random PR TikTok accounts because I act like I'm in the biz. And they were like, it's actually classic to pick a holiday weekend, kind of drop the news on Friday, let it die. And then Tuesday, when everyone's tired, make it official.

No, it's literally genius. Because let's be honest, we're tired. I'm exhausted. This is how you should do all your difficult, like tell your parents you have chlamydia. Do it the Tuesday after Labor Day.

So any really bad news, you have to wait till a holiday weekend. Yeah, it's just too much going on. People can't handle it. But this is the thing. This is a weird bit that I'm like oddly committed to. I reference Flag Day a lot. Like I'll throw it in. I'll throw it in.

I'll throw it into conversation where like it just catches people off guard. Like the other day I said to Craig, I was like, oh my God, like he hasn't like bought me a gift in a while and I've noticed. And so like the other day I was just like, oh, you like haven't given me my Flag Day present yet. And like that's, you know, I don't know when Flag Day is. Or what it stands for. Or what it stands for. But I'm committed to that holiday. I love it.

You feel connected to it maybe because it might be colorful and you like colors. Yeah, I'm like down to raise the white flag of like a bed sheet or like I'm just like I'm sleeping now. Thank you. But I'm very like flag day is really in my repertoire. So you want to lose the war. You just want to what's it called when you put up the white flag? If I ever start to an S conceding surrendering.

Surrender. Yeah. I surrender all day. If I ever get divorced. That's a bit I want to do. Yeah. Just saying I surrender at all times. Someone sends you an email and you just go, I surrender. No, I'm literally.

That is literally what just happened in my head. I'm like, how many things like that are super minor? Could you just say I surrender? Or someone literally is like, hey, you need to get this done, that done, this done today. And you just write I surrender. It's like it's like life bankruptcy. You're like, I surrender. We've been trying to reach you about your car insurance and you're just like, I surrender. That's like fine. This is the most admin issues like example of my life right now.

I've been getting harassed through mail, which I find so aggressive. First of all, it's killing trees. How do you know where I live? Wait, what are you getting harassed about? I have a delinquent bill, which is giving like I'm going to be arrested. Yeah, like it's giving like they're called debt collectors. Yeah, it's given white collar crime with the Christie's in jail. It's giving it's very Texas jail. Like it's.

Yeah. Delinquent. So I, um, I don't know, like, you know how you do random stuff. Like it's probably like a COVID test or like, I don't know. Everyone all winter. I'm sick. I have a $5, 70 cent delinquent bill that is going to collections. And Des is like, why don't you just pay it off? And I'm like, cause they don't let you pay it off online. You either have to call or,

absolutely not absolutely not or mail it back which i actually you could pay me i wouldn't figure out how to do so i'm gonna go to small claims court for this five dollars seventy cents delinquent bill and if you don't see me again get my affairs in order get my affairs in order this is how it ends for me here okay you know that amazon show where it was like they put the guy in

like the fake court system and he was like sequestered and like all of that.

I just have this vision. I thought that was one of the best shows of 2023. Like one of my top favorite shows. Like I fell in love with that man. He was so likable. So likable. So cute. I just feel like there is a court show for us in the future. Like I can feel it. I can manifest it. If we were ever put in that Amazon show situation, I feel like we would have sniffed it out in a second. Yeah.

But like for whatever reason, I need us to be in a courtroom for something good, not something bad. Or do we become like the millennial Judge Judy where girls are like, look, my friend facetuned herself, did not facetune me, posted it.

are we still friends and you're just like the bailiff that's collecting the evidence and doing like saying weird bits and then throwing it in the garbage because i'm not gonna read through it i'm like thank you this isn't needed um okay so joe jonas so they four years two kids that's a lot of kids to pump out in two years it's gonna be so dark this is so dark that what i'm about to say do it

I wonder if when people get divorced and it's like a lesser like amount of time that they've been married, like a four or five years. I'm not talking like a seven to ten. Like I mean like two to four years they're getting divorced. Do you think they ever think like, damn, I didn't really need to have that second one? Oh, the child? Yeah. I thought you meant the child.

Oh, for sure. Like that's so dark and I'm sure they love their children so much. But like my first instinct whenever I hear like celebrity couples are getting broke up, I'm always like, but what about their kids? Like that sucks so much for their kids because it's so public. Yeah. And

I don't know. I just, and I feel like Joe Jonas. I've never seen you care about kids before. I know this is so odd, but I do think I don't really though. Cause I'm like, you don't, did you have to have the second one? You shouldn't have had it. You're like, do you ever want to just rewind, undo, um,

I do think that if you have kids, we don't have kids, but if you do have kids, you know those like stories where like, oh, they have their ex-boyfriend's kid and they fucking hate their ex-boyfriend. I feel like you would look at the kid and you'd see his fucking little sneery little smile just reminds you of your ex all the time. But I don't think that happens. I think like,

First of all, you're in their head. You're like, we hate daddy. We hate that. Yeah, no, for sure. Like, I don't act like daddy. I'm reading those parenting books and immediately throwing them in the trash. Like if their father has done anything to go, this parenting book was written by someone's horrible ex-boyfriend who's trying to not be accountable for his actions. Daddy's new friend fucking sucks. Okay.

It's a good time girl. Okay. She's a good time girl. She's God. Do you think that Sophie and Joe were going to make it? It's so funny because when I was reading one of the articles like about their relationship and about their breakup, this was like it was he was quoted saying like when they first got married that Sophie has a lot of things that are her own and he really wanted something that was his own and

And for me immediately, that was a red flag because women are so much stronger than men. And I mean this in terms of we can be, I'm about to sound high, but I promise you I'm not. I feel like women are so much stronger than men because we can be with a really successful guy and be less successful than them. And it not totally mess with our own self-esteem. Men cannot do that.

So, like, men... And he's Joe Jonas. Well, I was about to say, what do you mean he doesn't have anything for himself? What about your houses and songs and fame? He's one of the most famous. And so he couldn't be with Sophie Turner, who, yes, of course, like, has a really great career, but is, I don't think, in any situation, more famous or, like, more accomplished than Joe. So I felt like that, like, just from reading that, it felt like he had...

some self-esteem, some confidence issues. Interesting. But I don't, I obviously have no idea why they broke up, but it said the marriage was like irreverent. What is that word? Yeah, they said an aggressive word. Normally they just say,

Normally they say something differences and they said like it's irreconcilably. Irreversible. It was something. Hold on. Let me get the exact word because I know exactly what you're talking about. I know, but I feel like we should start saying that in our emails also, whatever it says. Irreconcilable differences is like someone cheated. I don't even know what this word is. I'm going to have to spell it. I-R-R-E-T-R-I-

E-V-A-B-L-Y. Broken. Irretrievably? Okay. Yeah, irretrievably broken. The fact that they said broken, that makes it sound... I feel like people have affairs and they say irreconcilable differences. Yeah. Wow, there are too many fucking vowels in these words. Way too many letters. Broken, does that mean someone murdered someone? What would you have to do for it to be worse than an affair? Right. She fucked his dad? No.

the bonus Jonas I don't know I don't know what unless it could I mean it could be parenting stuff like it could be kids stuff you never know but he um said that he wanted joint custody so it wasn't like he was taking it's interesting that he was the one that got the lawyer does that mean he's the one who like is mad or is it just he's the first one to do it

Because I could see myself being the mad one, but I'm so bad with admin that he gets it first. He filed, but what I also thought was interesting, the two daughters have been spending the most time with him in Miami and traveling. So he's solely providing for them, but he wants joint custody. So maybe it was something with their children. You also have to remember that dating, when you're that famous...

their a-list celebrities i feel like dating is so hard that once you find one other celebrity that you like get along with you're like this is good right you get my life i get yours yeah i feel like they can't it's so fucking hard to like really get to know people and really like see your options because like you can't even fucking walk outside right and just have a couple managers like being like hey do you want to get coffee with my client i don't fucking know i feel like

They're so fucking famous and love is difficult at that level of fame. And that's why, you know, it's a blessing and a curse. Also, not to mention the average person's temptation is like not swiping on a dating app or not like DMing someone back. The average temptation for like a Joe Jonas or Sophie Turner is literally anywhere you go.

Someone's hitting on you. Like someone would like, it's just so crazy to think about. She also is British, right? Yeah.

I also, I think she's like so uniquely stunning. Do we think that she just, no one deserves her? And that's why they said it was broken. I think maybe she was too funny. Like she was funnier than him. I was going to say British people are so funny because he wants to be funny. What's funny too about these breakups is, you know, the dinches happened yesterday. Like it probably was like at least nine months of this. Yeah, it's at several months. That's why I'm like,

when they had that second kid, like, did they have to have that second kid? You know? You're so mad. The second kid is going to listen to this podcast one day and be like, what the hell? Fuck you Paige DeSorbo. Fuck you Paige DeSorbo. Fucking bitch. Well, why do you think Sophie went to the concert? That's,

That's what I can't figure out. Was it a stunt double? What like what would be the purpose? OK, like if they were doing the whole announce it on the Friday of a long weekend and then like finalize it on that Tuesday, what would be the point of her going on Friday? Yeah, because it's going to be announced anyway.

Maybe it was just to show that it's like supportive and he was wearing his wedding ring because they just don't want drama. But also imagine if you just had to go there because of PR. Unless they had made up, like they had made up and she like went to the concert and was like, we're not getting a fucking divorce. Went to the concert, they were good and then got into like another huge fight this weekend and then filed. Yeah.

No, I feel like they've been getting divorced for months and they were like strategically figuring out how to do it. But if the PR team made her go just to make it look like they got along, how fucking pissed would you be if you had to listen to like SOS? I'm literally putting a fork in my eyeball. This is why I couldn't support my ex.

doing anything other than death row like i'm i'm pissed unless if i'm supporting his downfall in a courtroom watching him like go to jail for 30 years and like supporting his life blowing up i'm not going i'm his boss and i'm about to fire him unless i'm showing up at thanksgiving and telling him that i'm now dating his dad i'm not supporting him in any of his endeavors

Unless I'm the bank teller telling him that he has to file for bankruptcy. Not supporting anything. I do. I do also think you should never. Not that like it happens every day, but like this is why I didn't date Charlie Puth or message him back during my dachshund is because when you date famous singers, their songs are everywhere.

right so just how you like love them it's like lady gaga how she's like i want to become so famous that all my exes wherever they go every bodega they go into they have to hear my voice um and that's how i feel about my comedy that's why i post on tiktok eight times a day that's how i need to piss someone off no literally i sometimes i'll watch certain videos or certain things you put on your story and i'll just be like

The haters are going to be mad. The haters are going to be mad. From a perspective of someone else. Yes. Yes. Like you watch it yourself, then you're like, okay.

how would my ex like this and i'll do it to your videos too i feel like i actually do it to yours way more than i do it to my own like i will think of like a specific person that i know hates your guts and i'll watch your instagram story and i'll be like oh that had a heart that had a hurt him that had a really hurt him you know and i'll get giddy at

about it and then i'll be like and then i'll have to stop and take a second be like page what are you doing with your life because both of these two people don't think you do anything like get out of bed oh my god and that's what friends are for

But I'm going to say it. Yeah. I didn't think they were going to make it because hindsight is 20-20. I thought it was too good to be true. They're both too cool. They both are too awesome. Also, I'm going to be honest. I wasn't like fully, fully invested in their love story only because I feel like they started dating and then immediately they were married. So I almost like kind of forgot about them. Like there wasn't this like long dating period that we like really like got to know them as a couple. Yeah.

You know what I would also argue? That when you marry Joe Jonas, you also marry the business that is the Jonas Brothers. For sure. You have to deal with Kevin and his wife Danielle. Yeah. Nick and Priyanka. Yeah. I heard there's drama where like Danielle gets annoyed because she's the least famous wife. Like it's actually like a whole fucking thing. I actually feel like I would probably be the closest wife

to Danielle. If we went to hang out at brunch with all of the Jonas's and their spouses, I feel like I'd gravitate toward Danielle, but I'd laugh the most at Sophie and I would just probably stare at Priyanka because I do find her to be so pretty. In a creepy way. Yeah, I would just like stare at her from across the room. But no, you're so right. But here's the thing. She's also like in...

She's also very famous too, but not, it is, you're right, it's different than what like the Jonas Brothers embody. And I do have to say, I do have to say we have nothing against short kings. No, we don't. But when a short king does get divorced, you have to factor it in. He's 5'7 and a half on Google, which means he's 5'6. I thought you were going to say when a short king gets divorced, an angel gets its wings. What?

Of what I know in this universe, short kings are not known to be good with other very successful women besides Nick Jonas. When a short king gets divorced, six more weeks of winter. It's Groundhog Day.

Okay, that's a great segue topic because I didn't, I don't like pictures. This is just my own aesthetic. I don't, I didn't like looking at pictures of them when she was like towering over him. Like love is love for sure. Like marry who you want, but it's just, it's, I don't like it when the guy is shorter than the girl. You sound like an old Italian grandma. I don't like it when you can put them in your pocket. Yeah.

Get a big, strong, hairy man. I don't like it. But can we talk about Irina Shayk just dating Bradley Cooper and Tom Brady at the same time? I'm obsessed. It's such a power move. I'm obsessed. And no one can get mad at her because he's her baby daddy. And then no one can get mad at her because he's Tom Brady. People are coming at Tom Brady a little bit because they're saying he's gotten way too much Botox.

yeah like he's been doing a lot of like ad campaigns like and like random like commercials and stuff and they're his new one i think it's for like a car or something and people are people are upset about it i don't care how famous you are it's almost like the more famous you are the more insecure you are sometimes about and you're being aired everywhere but i you know he's trying to look young you got to get your college and up

You know what? No one also talks about how like Tom Brady and Giselle look alike.

They definitely both give like model high cheekbone vibes. I feel like they could be siblings. Like I feel like they have the same eyes. It's almost like when people like when you get a dog and then like your dog looks like you. It's almost like they were married for so long. They started to look like one person. One of my favorite Instagram accounts is called sibling or not. Yeah. Follow that. It's so good. I get it wrong every time. It's so good. Siblings are dating.

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After you purchase, they may ask where you heard about them. Please support Giggly Squad and tell them that we sent you. Honeys, you deserve this. Free the pain and discomfort. Keep the support with Honey Love. I do have to say, though, that Tom Brady getting Botox makes me happy because I want the men out here to be nervous about aging. Like, I want them to feel, like,

an eighth of what pressure women feel like good for him let him be insecure right like everyone's always like oh my god brad pitt he just looks so good he's aging so well like clearly brad pitt had a facelift you know but like he's getting work done i i saw that instagram he's getting work done and good for him we're we're all insecure together and i'm sick of men walking around looking like fucking um

What are those things that are underneath bridges? Trolls. Trolls. Looking like trolls under bridges and everyone being like, oh, they're amazing. No, we should be insecure. Get that boat. Get some Botox troll. What are those things under? No, I like can't. All I do is talk and I can never find any word at any time.

I just feel like I am like for how like not smart I am. I have you and Craig in my life that treat me as if I'm some like encyclopedia. Like what was I think or an assistant? I don't know which one, but it's like, what was I thinking? You know, that thing that I'm thinking about right now. And then you get mad when you don't know it. I'm like, bitch, read my fucking mind. What's your only job? I realized why my Uber rating is lower than yours.

because it's been keeping me up at night i was gonna say like i'm not saying i'm not upset i'm upset i was upset about it okay i looked internally i asked i did some shadow work and i realized uber and you said i have a break i have a mistake can i please speak to the manager

Like, there's no fucking way. I'm like this rude little bitch who people say is mean. The math isn't mathing. Yeah, it's not. You are not rude. You're not rude at all. Thank you so much. I wanted to figure out what is it? And you know what it is. I eat in Ubers.

And that is my downfall. Because I'll get, I've, multiple times I'll get an Uber and I'll be like, what could possibly make me get a bad rating? Every single time I have something in my hand, stuff in my face, artichoke pizza, spinach feta egg wrap from Starbucks, a bagel with schmear, Nature Valley bar that they need to literally take to a shop and get an entire, what is it called? Detailing. Yeah. I will say too, I've thrown up.

But you do it neatly. You do it neatly and discreetly. Discreet, secure, a literal FBI agent in the CIA, if you will. I'm on the Navy SEAL team in terms of me doing bad things in an Uber.

There's this girl, her name is Ellie Rallo. And she just wrote a book. She's amazing. She's like influencer. And she talks about how she, she has like a phobia of throwing up. Yeah.

and I do too I hate throw up yeah and she said she'll literally have people watch movies before her to tell her when the throw up scene is so like throw up in movies I can't I would close my eyes every time yeah I don't like needles in movies why do they have to show the insertion of the needle I don't like that okay I actually don't like any violence in movies I will close my eyes to this day and

And Des is always like, it's fake. And I'm like, yeah, but it's like, I don't want to. Okay, quick question. Are you the same way with the opposite things? Like when something's really, really sad in a movie, are you immediately crying? Like, do you feel what the characters are going through? And that's why you can't. Like, I didn't want to say it, but I'm an empath.

As an empath, I see and feel things stronger than the average person. I don't know what that voice was. But no, violence since I was a kid. Like, I can't. Like, the most unrealistic shit. I, like, can't watch it. Because I think I can... Like, I don't... I haven't cried at a movie. No, I literally couldn't tell you the last time I cried at a movie. Because I can differentiate, like...

this is fake these are characters like i'm watching something so i don't feel like oh this is happening to me or this is happening to someone i know like i go into it being like this is fake like most conversations like most relationships most experiences and stupid i'm going home um i would care if this was fucking real okay yeah um

I just feel like the point of art is like reflecting on real emotions and stuff. And I'm okay. I'm too, I'm too in my head, but that's why we're like, if you were as emotional as me, I feel like our friendship wouldn't work. It wouldn't work. It literally, it literally, but in terms of, but speaking of not in terms of speaking of things I watched, I recently, I recently started watching the Netflix series.

reality TV show at home with the Furies. Okay, I wanted you to what are your thoughts?

I have so many. Hannah, what in the mental illness facility is going on in that show? Well, he's open about like bipolar, ADHD, depression, anxiety. They don't touch on. But he is on zero medication. Like, do they not believe in because they don't say anything.

anything about it like about being on medicine but the way it came off was that like they don't

He's raw docking. Yeah, whether it's like religious reasons or whatever it is that there's no medicine being taken. Maybe in like Britain, they don't believe in dentists or doctors. They met when they were like really young. They met like after church or something one day and they were young, like seven, 16, 17. They got married when they were 20. I like love how she spoke to him in that like promo. Yeah.

She, hardest working person. Hardest working person by far has the suckiest like

job like she basically just goes along with whatever he says because she has to navigate his emotions him being bipolar and then how it's going to affect like their children like on things he does so she is the nicest woman in the world doesn't get any credit doesn't get any accolades literally keeping that family afloat and like okay so if you're sitting at home right now sad that you're single just take a second

And appreciate it. No, her life sucks. Do they show him like... I mean, and again, it must be worse in real life based than like what they even show. Absolutely. You could tell... You could tell that there were a lot of things cut out from like... From like situations because he would start like yelling about something. And you could almost tell he was yelling at the camera crew or whoever is there filming because... Yeah. I don't know. You could just like pick up on it, but...

it's such a great show made me made me love molly may even more than i possibly like didn't know i could have but this is what happens when you meet a guy on reality tv you know nothing about like what his actual life is and like you would never actually just run into him because you have the same circle of friends i'm in delaware also i do have to we're talking i do have to say about reality tv

Whenever you see a scene where someone looks normal and then they cut one second and the person is sweating, screaming, crying, throwing up, something happened. Something happened. Something happened in the interim that we're not talking about. I know I've done a scene before where I was normal and the next one I look like I got hit by a car. My hair is everywhere. It literally cut to someone else, cut back to you and you're like, whoa, what happened? It seems like some bits were cut out.

Well, so do you overall like the show?

I love it. No, I literally love it. And then I got Craig into watching it and he was just like, these people are nuts. And it was... It's just such a good show. I want to see reality TV people watch other reality TV shows and judge them. Like you and Craig watching that, I would watch. Wait, so Molly May, does she have decent screen time? She's only on it like a little bit. Like honestly, she's only in like two episodes, I think, because they...

touch up they go to one of tommy's fights and tommy's trying to be like as good of a boxer but tyson fury i mean he really he's never lost like the greatest he's yeah and he his whole thing it's the show started because he was like i'm going into retirement and he was home with his family i'm not kidding for five days and he like came out of retirement he was like i'd rather be get the shit beat out of me than be at home with you guys another day and it's like his kids

He goes, oh, I have to celebrate Flag Day. Sorry, I gotta go. Literally. Speaking of mental health, I did have a mental health moment. I feel like we haven't had one in a while. Okay. It was like a random quote I saw on Instagram where most of my insight comes from. Yeah. And they were saying if your goal is coming off like too big and scary, break it down into smaller pieces to make it bigger.

to comprehend. And I feel like I've always done this subconsciously. Like I did this with one of my friends once who was, I was like, what's your biggest dream? And then we like went like, okay, well, what do you have to do to get that? And what do you have to do to get that? And we like kept going all the way down to like, okay, so tomorrow you have to join this like acting class. Cause like once you bring your goals down to like small things,

it becomes attainable because you can freak yourself out any second and be like, oh yeah. Like for example, if we start Giggly Squad and we were like, we want to have like a top podcast doing live shows, we probably would have quit two days in. For sure. This is too much. Yeah. But we had no expectation. Yeah.

We would have surrendered in four days. We would have surrendered like Tyson Fury surrendered with his family. Honestly, one of their really good health moments for that show was that's why they work out so much.

because he's like the only thing that gets my brain like regulated and feeling good is if i'm training so he works out for like two hours a day the dad is like in his 70s and he's like i run every single morning like you have to i was like you guys should just pop a fucking bill just take one prozac no i'm not running a country mile because i'm stressed my doctor get out i'm gonna call my friend act delusional for two hours and feel better after i'd rather eat a

a tub of peanut butter and cry myself to sleep than run on the treadmill. Honestly, last night I was so anxious. So you know what I did? This is a mental health moment. I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And I'm not kidding. Cured my anxiety. Did it really? It was very nostalgic for some reason. I felt like a little kid. How would your mom cut your peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? She did down the middle.

Did she cut the crust? No, I liked the crust. I know. I didn't make her cut it off because I'm not like a baby, but like I wasn't like asking for the crust. I liked actually the crust better than the mushy like middle because I liked... It's your Supreme Court. Yeah, I was...

Honestly, I did like a really sophisticated palate as a child. Like y'all were here eating chicken nuggets and fries and I was indulging. Burrata. Like veal and peppers. Had a clams casino every once in a while. Like I was fucking out here living as a four-year-old. I'm dead. You're like, I only have bruschetta if it's not a soggy bread. Okay.

No, honestly, I probably was such a nightmare as a child because going to other people's houses, like my friends for dinner and like seeing what their mom would put on the table, I'd be like, you can't eat that. Like, I didn't know what hamburger helper was for a while. I didn't either. And we're very spoiled with Italian moms. I was like, are you guys OK? Oh,

I didn't know that like eating pasta was bad because like we'd have pasta with broccoli on Monday, pasta with like sausage and peppers on Tuesday. Well, pasta with broccoli is like healthy. Pasta with fagioli on Wednesday. Yeah. Pasta fagioli is actually really healthy. It has beans in it. Pasta with pesto. That's literally greens. So I'd have pasta every day of the week. And then someone was like, you can't eat pasta. It's bad for you. And I'm like, what was my entire life? Yeah. That you're coming for my throat. Yep. Yeah.

are you following the burning man drama what is happening i saw your tiktok yeah the hair dryer in your hair was honestly one of your most genius moves you've ever pulled okay thank you so much because because i had to look i looked twice because it looked like a like a real thing that people would wear burning man then i was like that's a fucking hair dryer so i've never been to a

Burning Man. You've been to Burning Man. No, no. Your friends have been to Burning Man. When the fuck would I elect to go to the middle of the desert?

You would never. I have people that I have friends that have gone and you were spot on about the stylist thing. And they got stylists for it. 100%. 100%. So my thing is I had this vision of like, because I googled what Burning Man was because I actually had no idea and I didn't care. But it said it's about community, like being selfless. There's no money.

There's no money you use like you get things for trade. Yeah. How fucking crazy. The funniest part is it's all like the richest people in the world who hired stylists and then they're joking about like what happened to women and children like

It all got muddy and then like Diplo and Chris Rock are at the front getting shipped out. So basically it rained and then it turned into like quicksand. I kind of made that up, but that's what I envision. Where are they? Where in the country? I feel like somewhere in California and it's like the desert, but it rained. So like there's like people, hundreds of people trying to get out. It's kind of like Fyre Festival meets Woodstock.

People like say people go and legitimately say like it is the best thing that they've ever gone to. But I they're on ayahuasca. I when I think of it in my head, I think of it as like a four day drug bender. It is because they're these are not the same people who like like camping or like want to go to a meditation retreat. These are people that are like I could be feral with a bunch of rich people and pretend like I'm poor. Right.

They're cosplaying. And feel free. They're cosplaying as poor aliens. Some people without a home. And they're just running around in the dirt. With metallic, like, boots on. Yes. Really stylish, expensive Balenciaga boots. But that's why no one feels bad for them right now. Because they're, like, it's just, like, rich people cosplaying not being rich. And then, apparently, Fyre Festival...

He's trying to be a thing. And honestly, I support small businesses, but I do not support... Like, he already conned people. Let's not... Like, why do it again? Honestly, I'm...

30-year-olds against festivals, like, I can't do them. Like, unless it's a comedy festival where I know I'm going to be sitting. Like, anything other than that, I'm not going to a festival. If it has the word festival in it, count me out. One thing I learned recently is that clubs

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No, like parades are my biggest nightmare. I'm so scared of a parade. First of all, if you're in the parade, it never ends. It's scary. There's too many people. It's the same shit. I don't like that. If you're watching a parade, again, too many people, same thing. I don't understand it. And I think it's because I'm not drunk.

I think parade festival, they're just words that people put in front of things as an excuse to drink. It's just there's nothing I emotionally connect with that I'm going to go parade about it.

True. I've never been happy enough for anything. To be like, let's celebrate this at a parade. Like, let's get more people and walk a long period of time. Yep. And don't even get started on like, where are you parking? How are you getting out? Also, what happens at the end? Does anyone win? Is there food? No one knows. We just disperse.

- No, it's a multi-level marketing scheme. - And getting stuck in a parade? 'Cause like in New York City-- - It's a stampede. It's the Lion King. - And you can't just cross the street willy nilly in New York City during a parade. Like God forbid you ask a police officer, how do I get to the other side? As if you've asked them how much money they make a year.

They're livid that you would ask such a question. The problem with parades is if you're not in the parade in New York, everyone else hates the parade. So people are either way too happy or really fucking pissed off. And that energy is not good for me. When there's a parade, I like to be in the backseat of a taxi cab because that taxi driver hates the parade more than anyone else could on

on that street and I find comfort in being with someone who's more disgruntled than myself but literally burning man is a form of a parade for people with rich parents yeah in the desert I think of like when I think of like the quintessential burning man like guy I think of a guy that owns a um

small coffee shop but is trying to trademark his own like beans and he tells you like how he's traveling to columbia to get like all these different coffee beans and he's traveling like all across the world when in reality he's just like gone to vermont and bought different ones like and in reality his his

store is losing hundreds of thousands of dollars a month yeah but his family like invented toaster strudel right so he's not letting you know that his grandfather like is in charge of nabisco but he's telling you the problem with old money they could be an idiot because like they like they could have fucked up and lost hundreds of thousands of dollars and still be rich yeah

And that's just like who I think goes to Burning Man. And like while he's telling you this story, he's also in a top hat. And so you're just like, what's going on? You know, don't take anyone seriously who's wearing a top hat, you know? And then he takes off his top hat and he has a ponytail. And you're like, what the fuck?

I do think also with festivals, some people love dressing up as someone else. Like they love becoming like a festival girly. Yeah. A little, a fairy or like, like Halloween. There's something about dressing up, not myself that just makes me uncomfy every day. I'm trying to just find who I am. Right. The idea of being like, let's dress up crazy. It brings out all my insecurities and I don't, I don't like it. And I feel like if you're too comfortable with it, like,

I would sign a petition that said, like, we're banning themed parties and we're banning costumes. I am, like, the worst friend when it comes to themed parties. Like, people think I'm being disrespectful, but, like, I'm actually just, like, not supporting the bigger cause, which is... The bigger scheme here, which is a pyramid scheme, really. The patriarchy. Yeah. And capitalism. I'm not... Benjamin Franklin. Thank you.

Look it up. Look it up. Oh, speaking of costumes. Yeah. Can I speak on... It's been like 46 minutes. I can bring her up. So Hailey was all over the press and people are hating on her for her outfit being so different from Justin's when they went to her road event. Yeah. I was so annoyed by this. Not only because obviously we're close, but because...

This isn't like you bringing your boyfriend to like a potluck in your local town. Okay? Okay. This isn't like, oh, they're supposed to wear a certain thing to church. This is a girl who's an entrepreneur who's throwing this thing and her very famous...

husband who's there just to support her on the side like let's stop acting like everywhere you go you have to be wearing the same thing also he was comfortable like what was he if he wore like a suit that would have been fucking weird they're at a Krispy Kreme in Times Square okay she was just doing it up I'm also gonna say justice for Justin in terms of

There's no better feeling than when your partner has to go and do something and you're not involved. It's another thing if he was like part of it, like he had to give a speech, then I'd be like, okay, I could have worn something a little more fun. He literally, all his friends were there and they were in a corner, like literally looking like they were selling donuts and she was doing all the work and he literally was like letting her do her thing, but just wanted to physically support her. So to then see the next day that everyone's like shitting on them, it really made me,

so fucking annoyed. Yeah. Well, specifically shitting on her like, oh, you can't even get your man to like take your event seriously that he showed up like this and then like hating on him and it was just like,

like more and more hate. Craig and I had to go to the airport the other day and he was like still dressed from an event. So he had like a collared shirt on and like pants and I came in like sweats to get on the plane like a normal person. And I looked at him and I was like, is it okay? Like, can I wear this? You look like so dressed up. And he was like, yeah, you can be the Justin to my Haley if you want to be. That's really funny, Craig. I know. I actually did say

That was funny. Good job. But like, I, I think we should normalize going to two different events at the same event. Sometimes you just don't feel like getting dressed. Like I, they also were not doing the same thing at that event. He was literally just like, it's like when Des comes to a standup show, like,

I'm dressed in a fucking dress and he's in the green room chilling. That's literally what it was. Right. When the boyfriends come to pick up their girlfriend gigglers from Giggly Squad shows, we don't expect them to also be dressed up like us. It's our event. Yeah. I want him to be cozy. It's not about him. If Justin came in a crazy outfit, I'd be like, OK, you're making this about you. That's so annoying. Too much.

Do you remember that one time when we were at a Giggly Squad show and we were doing a Q&A and that one straight man got up and walked toward the stage and said, hi, can I have a question to ask? And we literally thought we were being sex trafficked. We were like, sit down, sir. Not only are you not ever getting called down, but we don't care what your question is. Tonight is for the girls.

Let women speak for one second. Also, I don't know if you noticed, but the next day they went to the US Open. They forgot to text me about it. And they were like, and they were like, laughy.

Yes. Yeah. They were wearing the same leather jacket. And I thought that was funny. Like they dressed exactly the same, but he wore cool sunglasses. I want to get to that level of cool that I could wear insane sunglasses. They make those sunglasses, those dupe ones on Amazon, put them in your Amazon shop. We'll add them to our pull it off. We'll add them to our newsletter this week. Do you think I could pull it off?

I think you could and then I feel like you'd make it like a bit. The Luwewe ones are the sunglasses he was wearing. The Luwewe ones. Yes. And you love Luwewe. I do. I just like saying it. I know you do. Oh my God. The segues are so good right now. Speaking of fashion, I famously cannot go to fashion week next week. Yeah. I didn't turn down any invitations. I just literally am not in town. I don't know.

But I'm actually like for the first time, now that I know some fashion brands, I'm like excited about Fashion Week. I feel like I've been like getting my style together and I'm excited to watch Fashion Week with a little more like insight. And I want to know from you, how are you feeling about Fashion Week? What's the vibe? What's the aesthetic? I'm actually kind of, it's funny you say that because I'm also kind of a little bit excited for this year's Fashion Week too. And I...

Typically dread it because I hate public outings. I hate other people. I hate socializing, speaking, you know, things like that. Anything besides Flag Day. Right. But I'm going to a few...

things that like I actually like like the brand and like like their clothes. So I'm excited to see that and my hair and makeup. I'm getting my hair and makeup done for like all my different events and I just like that's my favorite part of doing anything is getting my hair and makeup done. So like I'm excited for it this year. This is my thing. I hate to be like glam but like when glam is before 10 a.m. I can't.

No, I can't. When glam is in the morning. I have two glams this week that are at 6.30. I said it in front of like one of my normal friends. I was like, I have glam at 6 a.m. tomorrow. And she was like...

at 6 a.m and I'm like you're so right I sound so stupid like to wake up on my bloated face and have people like lie to you and say you look good it's like I don't need that I've dreamt about getting glam every single day of my life since I was about five years old so it's one glam was a thing it's one time that I it is in moments where I'm getting my makeup done that I'm like you prayed for this enjoy this moment and so I do always love getting glam do

Do you know I'm that person in a documentary who's getting glam while she's asleep. Like I'm the one laying on the couch because I'm the one falling asleep during glam. Because whenever I do something, I'm always like, could I be asleep while doing this? But glam, I feel like feels so good. Some people are aggressive, though. Some people I'm like my face. You don't have to literally beat it up.

I think the next Giggly Squad show, we should ask our makeup artist if she could do it while we're napping and see. Like a corpse. Like what it would look like. But I wouldn't want her to get offended or mad, but I do want to see like, I mean, that's why I get my glam done and then I immediately nap. Yeah, we do the nap post glam.

But I do think it is so fun to be like, okay, you just get gorgeous and then you go around and you see, what specific designers are you excited for? I feel like I become a different person when I have hair and makeup that I didn't do. Like I, she's better. She's more motivated. I'm going to, Alison Olivia is having a presentation that I'm going to. I'm going to retrofit and then I'm going to. I love retrofit.

Naeem Khan, which I'm very excited for. And I'm like sitting and I'm like very excited for that one. But here's the thing. I never know anyone. Like I do know people at certain fashion things, but like I'm so fucking awkward that I hate like going up to people and saying like, hey.

Nobody talks about the initial like hi to a group. I'm really good at that stuff. And you're used to just standing next to me and I go, come on. And then I say hi to everyone. Yeah. And then you're like, this is Paige. And I'm like, hey, like that's my role. I don't like being like, hey.

like if no one says hi to me like I'll go to I've gone to entire events before and not spoken because I think you're like you you don't have resting bitch face you just have like resting cool face where people think like you're actually too cool yeah but it but in reality I'm just like oh my god I want to go home this is so awkward for me I do think it's easy to just be like go up to them not for conversation but just to be like by the way like I love your content I'm a fan of you that's what I do even

even if I have no idea who they are. No, I'm just kidding. No, but like a lot of people I feel like I'm friends with, but I'm not. So I just go up to them and say like, I love your stuff. And if they don't say it back, fine. I can deal with that.

They're like, hi, security. I did say that to one influencer one time and I didn't expect her to know who I was at all. But she was like, oh my God, thank you so much. And who are you? The way she said it. I expected it. But when you do hear it, you're like, oh, okay. Heard a little. She could have said, what's your name again? Yeah. But she was like, yeah. Saying, and who are you? I'm like, your worst fucking nightmare. I don't know.

I go up to everyone, say hi, and I go, nice to see you again. Nice to see you. Not nice to meet you, nice to see you. And if people call me out and say we've never met, I go, oh my God, I thought I did. I hate when I go like, nice to meet you, and they go, we met four times. But I'm pretty good with faces. I haven't had this happen to me in a really long time, but me and Craig are out to lunch the other day, okay? And...

I meet a lot of gigglers and actually like right when we sat down a giggler brought me and Craig both a glass of champagne and it was so good and didn't plan on drinking that dinner fully got fucked so I was like I mean I'm not gonna like not drink it from a giggler like she works here like you know so anyway so that was amazing

So I'm sitting and I when I'm like out at like a dinner or something, especially like if it's me and Craig, like I actively do smile more, I think, because if someone wants to come up to me, like I want them to feel comfortable enough to come up to me. So like I'm always like smiling, thinking like someone's a giggler, even if they're not. So I see this guy walking with this girl and I just like stand.

smile at them and he smiles really big back at me and I'm like, oh, okay, like these people are gigglers. They're definitely like gonna come up to me. He comes up to me solo without the girl and I'm like, I miscalculated this and he's like, oh my God, how are you? So good to see you. I mean, I think I hugged this man and in my head,

I'm just like, you have to, you know, like, how do you know him? We have a full conversation. I introduce him to Craig. Craig meets him. He walks away. Craig looks at me and he goes, who the hell is that? And I was like, Craig, gun to my head. I have no fucking idea who that person is. Craig thinks it's like some ex-boyfriend because I got so awkward.

he goes you got so fucking weird I was like because in the moment I was realizing I have no idea who this guy was but I think it was from college but I genuinely have no fucking idea but do you ever get a text message

and you haven't saved the number and you scroll back on the conversation there's not enough context but you decide not to say who is this and then you think it's gonna come up but like you've gone way too long be like I have no fucking clue who this person is I'm texting that happened to me the other day and the first text was me saying what my name was and I'm like okay so obviously I wanted this person to have my number

No, someone asked for my address today. Like, what's your address? And I was like, who is this? And she's basically the wife of one of my good friends. And I was like, oh. Because I was about to just give my address to some random number to avoid the social awkwardness. I go, this is my social security number. And steal my identity while you're at it. Oh, my God. No, literally, I surrender in that situation for sure. Oh, our newsletter. Okay, long story short.

We got so many subscribers, which is such a good problem to have. But like a...

Apparently it's been going out But some people haven't been getting it Because the email system we have is like not Handling all the emails and that's not us That's an admin issue that's an admin Issue so if you've been getting it we're Obsessed if you haven't gotten it we're going To get it to you because we're now moving to like a Better one yeah where everyone's gonna get it So subscribe we'll have you in the list And then we're also gonna do a blog So you could see all the ones that you missed It's all happening Sheena Shea

shisho and then we have some tickets left for new york and toronto and i think we're sold out in chicago yeah and we'll be in chicago on september 10th amazing that's it thanks for gigling love you guys see ya