cover of episode Tayler Hansen Uncensored: Don Lemon SUES Elon Musk Because His Feelings Got Hurt

Tayler Hansen Uncensored: Don Lemon SUES Elon Musk Because His Feelings Got Hurt

Publish Date: 2024/8/4
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Welcome to our special weekend show Sunday Uncensored. Every week we produce four uncensored episodes of the TimCast IRL podcast exclusively at and we're going to bring you the most important for our weekend show. If you want to check out more segments just like this become a member at Now enjoy the show. New York City size pizza.

Well, it was fucking good, man. You were telling your pizza story, so I hit the live button because I thought it was funny.

And I was just thinking, like, I hope she doesn't say something shockingly offensive. About what I put on my pizza? No, I don't know. For all I know, you're going to be like, and that's the moment when, insert something embarrassing. And I'll be like, oh, well. Some people do think it's controversial to say you're making New York-style pizza outside of New York, you know? Well, it was, listen. It's serious about their pie. The best New York-style pizza I ever had was in Las Vegas. My great-great-grandfather was a pizza man. He had a bakery in Brooklyn called the Rosalia Bakery, and he made pizzas. So I feel like...

If, you know. You have a claim to it? It's in your blood. If great-grandpa Luca could make pizzas, and then they were in Connecticut, and he made pizzas there, I could make pizzas anywhere, too. Anyway, I got a really giant pizza pan, and so good, and it was, yeah, it was great. I love it. Well, let's talk about the news. We have this. It was a whole slice.

You can talk about pizza instead. Don Lemon is suing Elon Musk because his feelings are hurt. That's it, right? He said that he was tricked and then people were mean to him on the internet? Is that what it was? They were mean to him on the internet. He's such a fucker. But he set himself up. Let's be honest here. The worst guy. Well, I mean, did you see the interview that he did with Candace too? And like tried to set Candace up time and time again. And Candace was like, no, being gay is a sin. I was like, let's go, girl. Like, thank you.

So the 17 veteran announced he would do the show, and then he didn't. On Thursday, Lemon's legal team filed a lawsuit against Musk and X in the Superior Court of California. San Francisco alleged the platform and its owner engaged in fraud, negligent misrepresentation, misappropriation of name and likeness, unjust enrichment, and had breached their express contract. The lawsuit claims Musk and X had agreed to pay Lemon $1.5 million for the exclusive show with an upfront $200,000 payment within three business days and the remainder paid in quarterly installments.

Lemon was a top prospect for X and thus defendants on opportunity and sought to reach an exclusive partnership with Lemon following his termination at CNN at a time when Lemon was vulnerable. Yeah, blah, blah, blah. I don't care. You know, look, I'm actually not mad at Don Lemon. He's a moron. He's a fucking idiot. I'm actually mad at Elon Musk. I like Elon Musk. So this is like a minus five out of 100. So it's not that big of a deal. But Elon thought

Like PBD did that. These people have audiences. Patrick Bet David was like, oh, I know I'll hire Chris Cuomo. And his statement publicly was like, well, that way people can hear both sides. Chris Cuomo, Chris Cuomo, you know, fucking both sides. He has no fucking audience. He represents the corporate oligopoly. The left doesn't give a shit about him. And you can clearly see as soon as he leaves, there's no audience to be had. Don Lemon is the same shit. These are propped up shill nobodies that CNN was like, get him.

Get them to read a prompter and then we'll put them on TV. And they were the personalities that led CNN into the fucking shithole. Well, and that's the biggest difference too between like alternate media personalities. These guys actually have platforms and an audience and a massive audience. But then these guys are artificially propped up by the propaganda machine and then they get out of it and they shit the bed and get no views. And it's like, it's funny to see Chris Cuomo try and like

restyle himself as somebody who has some right-wing takes on NewsNation. And I like NewsNation. I think they're probably the best out of mainstream media. Jorge Ventura, my buddy, works there as a reporter. He does awesome work. But it's funny to see him try and rebrand after years of just spewing bullshit leftist propaganda over and over again. But honestly, if I was Musk, I would have canceled this douchebag show too. One of the first episodes he had, he interviews Musk

and starts basically telling him he has a drug addiction and attacking him on all these personal things. It's like, yeah, dude, get the hell out of here. I'm not going to pay you millions of dollars. Why would I put up with this? I think the point that it's the difference between mainstream and alternative media is true. I know with Tenet, what I've always heard is like,

It's the cultivation of people who have something already going, right? Versus coming in and being like, you can sit in that chair and read this teleprompter and then say the things that we ask you to say. It's a very different investment in your own craft. And I think that people are actually aware of the difference. Like,

maybe, maybe one of them, like Tucker Carlson. Tucker Carlson had a really devout fan base that moved with him, but he was so different from everybody else that it makes sense. He had real personality and real points and he wasn't just a talking head for the establishment machine. And, you know, like with, with,

alternate media. It's so great, especially Tenet and these other sources. But like Tenet, it is a conglomeration of hosts that already have their own platforms. You got Tim, you got Lauren Southern, Matt Christensen, Benny, and then I'm just the on the ground guy. But we all have slightly different audiences. And then you throw them into the pool together and people watch what they want to watch. You should say you're just the on the ground

That's what I do. I'm not on the ground guy, you know? You have really unique content and I think this is what people are starting to look for, which is like not just another background live show that you put on, right? They're looking for people who are interested in what they're doing and devoted to giving you something that you're not getting anywhere else. When people in alternative media actually have skin in the game too. They want to make a difference compared to people in mainstream media. They just read a teleprompter and get paid millions of dollars to do absolutely shit all.

Yeah, I mean, it's post-millennial. It's like a constant hustle. We're just like, you know, and reporters will come to me and be like, can I cover this? Can I cover that? And increasingly, I feel like my job is just to say yes. Which is probably cool because like, I mean, probably I don't know if people realize this on the show, but like a lot of times you as the editor, you're working all the time. Like we did the show the last night of the RNC. We were live with an audience. Taylor was also there. Libby is next to me.

full on working and like helping support this full newsroom. It's very cool to see. They work really hard. Like the editors at Postmillennial, you know, Hannah Nightingale, Tommy Stevenson work really hard and they do a really good job. And there's a lot of demands because we have a lot of like really interesting people who are working with us. Also Jack Psobek, Andy Ngo,

And they really want to, you know, they want to like have stories out and they're like, what about this? What about that? Or Andy will go out and cover stuff. Katie Davis Court goes out and cover stuff. Beth Bache, they all just go out and

And do the thing. And then it's like, we have to put it all together. And then mainstream media uses their footage. And then, yeah, well, we were talking about this earlier because Beth goes out and covers stuff and like they'll strip her watermark. You know, they do the same thing to Katie. They'll just strip it off. They were doing it to Andy too. And I was like, Andy, watermark, watermark, just put it on there. And so he started doing that. And you have to get really creative sometimes.

to make sure that your stuff can't get stolen and it is credited back. But it's true what you say. I mean, like, you know, we run a, we run an opinion section at human events, um, and CNN just shut down their opinion section and they didn't give any reason as to why they were shutting it down. It's not easy to run an opinion section. We have a good op-ed editor who like handles that and does a really great job, but it's like,

you know, it's important. It's important to comment on what's going on and to bring in other ideas. I've always said like, and we're read, like we're read, you know, we're read by the people who are powerful people in the conservative movement. And it's important to be able to like talk to them right now. Yeah. I was about to say the whole thing. I mean, do they really need a section? Yeah. Well, and like, I've, I've always said to the, like who better to comment on, uh,

events than the person that recorded said events that were actually there. Like it's insane to me that we've lived in a culture that reporters aren't allowed to comment on what they report on. And it's like, that's what I do. I report accurately and honestly when I'm on the ground, it's just the caption with what's happening. And then afterwards, I'm going to give you the rundown of my experience, what I saw. And you saw that kind of rise in that with the gonzo journalism when that kind of first became a thing is like,

through your eyes as a reporter, you are the most experienced and justified person to talk on those events if you're writing the stories or if you're on the ground covering these stories.

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Let me grab one of them. He says, I expect every man who considers himself a man to take a hard line and just say no, not even joking about it. That's how we got to this point. We got to this point because men and women of ill repute have publicly stated that men should be allowed to fight and compete against women, including Angela Carini.

I do not understand this idea that conservatives have where and maybe it's not even conservatives, but certain individuals where they're like the poor advocate for feminism just did not realize she was wrong. So I will defend her while she advocates for more of this.

this. This is the mentality that has led to conservatives losing everything because the left will come over and say, oh, woe is me. Won't you just give me a bit of your resources? I'm but a wayward lost soul who's so ignorant. And if only I could be helped. And the conservatives go, yeah, here's some money. And they go, OK, I'm gonna go buy a gun and beat you with it, not shoot you with it. But fine, I'll shoot you with it.

Conservatives keep taking these positions where they believe the left and they offer the left condolences. And I'm like, maybe at a certain point you should stop defending people who advocate for bad things. There is no excuse for Angela Karani to publicly state that she is supporting this person. I do not understand. No, but she's just a woman who doesn't understand. So let's defend her, rally behind her, lift up her voice.

We see this time and time again. It's not just on this issue that conservatives do this. It's literally they attach themselves to mainstream celebrities that hate them and everything they stand for. Like Bill Maher is a perfect example. It's every other month that I see something trending on Twitter or a clip going extremely viral that the right is like,

Bill Maher being based, doing this. It's like he hates you. He literally hates everything you stand for because he says one good thing on an issue, you latch onto him and then make him more money in the end. Ready to Rumble says, see what Tim did to Clint, one of his number one viewers. Stop giving your money, retard. He's buying $60,000 swords and running away from fights. Fights with who? And what fucking sword are you talking about? $60,000. I had $10,000 sword. You need some crusader armor. My morning show is where I get paid and is absolutely

outside of everything else, Timcast IRL and Timcast memberships. The memberships pay for people's salaries. The memberships pay for the server space. The memberships pay for our subscriptions, pays for the after show, pays for all of these things. And then I personally get paid less money than my morning show generates because my salary is less than that show actually generates. And then the excess money goes back to paying people. So, you know, but I will say this.

If you'd like a show and a discord server where I'd be demure and tell you exactly what you want to hear, Sam Cedar awaits. By all means, you can go hang out with that guy. You can go hang out with any other YouTuber who's going to blindly agree with everything you say all the time and not defend their own positions or have their own morals or logic because someone with $10 is like, I will not only cancel my membership but advocate others do so as well. I'm not saying Clint did that. I'm saying someone else is doing that. I'm not going to do that.

Look, man, if we were a staunch conservative show that after the election just said, yep, the election was stolen, I completely believe everything. All you got to do is say it and I'll follow the zeitgeist. I'd have a lot more money.

Not interested in that. People outside the industry also don't understand what people inside the industry do. And that's one of my biggest critiques is they always have so much to say, but they don't understand how the industry actually works. And it's like, pretty much everybody in the industry knows Tim is the, probably one of the most giving personalities when it comes to helping people and raising new voices up. I mean, I,

I come on TimCast regularly. It's helped my career significantly. And not even that, but giving money to people that need it, giving people things and the supplies that they need, but then people outside the industry just have no actual insight of what goes on inside of it. I respect that you'll disagree with people in the chat and actually have that conversation. A lot of people would just ignore it. I was told recently by a high school...

I was told recently by one of the higher ups at one of the largest news organizations, which people don't like, by the way, a liberal organization, that they found my show was the only show where I, as the host, actually disagreed with the audience. And they were like, why do you do that? And I said, what do you mean? And they're like, no, like.

we've watched a bunch of shows. You're the only one we've seen actively disagree with your chat or super chat. And then I was just like, but I agree with them most of the time. It's rare. And they're like, yeah, but literally no other show does that. And I'm like, I don't think that's true. Like look at Hassan Piker and you know, people like him, like Sam Seder. It's like, they never disagree with people that are giving them money. Hardly. I mean, they're always, they've curated such an audience that their audience won't even disagree with them. They live in their own little echo chamber. It's like almost dialogue is kind of important.

What is this? Ready to Rumble says, Tim would know nothing about being a professional athlete and what it takes to get to the Olympics because he didn't even do skateboarding professionally. He doesn't know what it's like to try your whole life and then have to step aside because there's a man in your way. It's weird how you just like assume all of these things. I was, well, to find skateboarding professionally, the skateboard professional industry was, and until its demise for the most part, they refer to it as the mafia. Yeah.

because there were like three big companies that owned all the other companies and being sponsored had nothing to do with whether you were good because there were tons of people who are good. Being pro was not about whether you were striving and training every day. It was about being well-connected and knowing people who would put your name in a magazine. It was very Hollywood-esque. Things changed quite a bit with social media, but as much as I'm a big fan of the Barracks and I think Steve Baer is fantastic, I will give them this critique that

The battle at the barracks and skateboarding was only ever invite only of well-named pros. And they eventually did a series called Pros vs. Joes. And I was like, what does this mean, Joes? These Joes are better than the pros. Johnny Geiger is better at flip tricks than half these pros.

pros well the pros were people who are accepted by the industry and chosen because for whatever reason they fit a a marketable mold for the culture and the joes were guys who were equally as good but built up their own personal followings so being pro in skateboarding means what i've got a pro model skateboard right now heck i've got two i got a mr bocus board what does that mean does it mean i'm not professional skateboarder i filmed skateboarding today today what did i land um

Oh, I didn't do too much today. Actually, I barely skated. Yesterday, I did a half-gap cancel flip. I did a nollie no-slide, shove it no-slide to fakie. Not a good one. I wanted to get a better one. But what does that mean? And my friends who were growing up skateboarding,

I got to tell you, my friends, the idea that I would advocate for an industry that was destructive to its own ends to try and get ahead in that industry is despicable to me. For Angela Karani to defend a man beating a woman, whether it's her or anybody else, the future fighters that Khalif's going to go up against, I think there's a lack of backbone there.

And see, here's what I think. I think people watch Karina get punched and say that poor woman, I feel so bad for her. It's emotional. I look at it more logically and say, at first, this is wrong. There's a disparity here. This woman should not have to fight a man after she trained so hard for the Olympics. She told a story about how her dad died and she was going that extra mile just for him.

And then she said, the reason I dropped out of the fight was because my nose was hurting too much, not because he was a male. And then she said, I hope he makes it to the end. And it wasn't sarcasm as far as I can tell either way.

If Carini had come out and said, like Riley Gaines, who I support tremendously, had on the show or Taylor Silverman, who is a part of our skate team. Taylor Silverman lost money, made a post about it and said, this is unfair and I refuse to compete against men. And I said, that's fantastic. Welcome to the team. Angela Carini says, I hope this male fighter beats up more women. OK, not interested. And then y'all would defend that. Not interested.

But I do appreciate the conversation, and this is the best part of the members only, that you get to post in the chat. But I have no idea what Ready2Rumble is talking about saying I'm running from a fight. I don't quite know what that fight is about. The only real drama I'm involved in right now is that guy gifted hater, and I made my third 40-minute video calling him out. So I'm like directly engaging with a guy over skateboard drama. Intentionally. But you know, so I don't know what fight I'm running from.

Yeah. I don't even know what kind of like an internet fight would look like these days. Celebrity boxing match. There you go. Yeah. R says, that's sponsoring an Amskater flow non-funded sponsor and saying, okay, now go play skate with Rodney Mullin.

Skateboarding is an interesting thing. So I was skating with Cody McIntyre the other day. He's probably the best mini ramp skater in the world next to Dave Baczynski. And he did a... I probably should... Well, it's members only. I'm going to say it anyway. He landed a nollie flip back tail backside flip out on the forefoot quarter pipe. And it's funny because when he was trying it, I look over and I'm trying to explain skate tricks to Allison. And I'm like...

He tries the first one and misses. And I'm like, so he's going to do a nollie, nollie, backside flip, tailslide, revert. And I was like, hey, Cody, you're doing a nollie flip, backtail revert. And he goes, no, backside flip out. And I just like basically shit a brick. I was like, holy fuck. And then I was talking to him and I was like, how many people in the world can do that? Like 10 is like, I don't know, maybe Dave, like one other guy. And then I was like, who do you think is better? You or Dave? And he was like, our skill sets are both so different.

And the reason I tell that story is because, for one, it's funny because Cody is so fucking good. But also just because in skateboarding, there is no like what is pro. This is the problem skateboarding has the Olympics. The big controversy right now is that one guy did. I don't know if it was Naja who did. I don't think it was Naja who did this. I can't remember who did it. Nollie frontside 270 front blunt. And then who did it? You know, it was Yuto did the Nollie back 270 back blunt on the rail.

Now, anybody who knows anything about skateboarding knows that a nollie frontside 270 to frontside blunt slide, is that what it would have been if he did nollie front 270 front blunt, is substantially harder. How did he do that?

I don't know. Substantially harder than a nollie backside 270 to backside blunt slide, though they're both really good tricks. Locking a blunt slide on a rail is a lot easier than on a ledge. And there's a big controversy now over who should have actually gotten the gold medal. And this is a limb. Hey, hey, you're all shrugging because you don't understand what I'm saying. No idea. I'll basically break down for you. There's a controversy in Olympic skateboarding over who actually did the better maneuver because you can't quantify it.

So the skateboard industry community is divided as to who actually performed better. I was wondering about that and surfing. Both of those seem challenging to sort of judge and scale, at least with the gymnastics. It's like your ankle is outside the line. You have like, I don't know. Which is funny using gymnastics as something where it's quantifiable because it's also. It also seems subjective, but at least they're sort of like with the, you know, Olympic surfing's in Tahiti. And I keep wondering like, but what if one guy gets a worse wave than the other, you know? Right. Does that go into the score?

Yeah, I was actually watching Olympic women's skateboarding the other day, mostly because those girls seem really cool. So this is I mean, even in the R slash Olympics, they were like, why did Horigome's trick deserve gold? And, you know, and like, I've heard a lot of I'm not going to rag on either of them. But people are saying, like, did it really deserve that high of a score? And that's the thing about skateboarding. You can't quantify what is better or what is what is worse. You literally can't.

Some people are just good at some tricks. There's no real way to break it down. Ski jumping is kind of like that, too.

If it's distance, it's easy. It's like, how far did you go? Is Olympic scoring for skateboarding different than like if you had like a competition at a park? Same. It's the same. Judges will give you a score of like either zero to 100 or one to 10 with decimals. So I guess Utah got a 97 on the last trick and nolly back 270 blunt slide on a rail. Really great trick. I could never do that. Let me think. I could probably do it on a curb. I could do it on a ledge down here, but down a handrail ain't never going to happen. Not at my age.

But I'll tell you this. If someone put a gun to my head or the heads of my families and said, you have a choice. Nollie frontside 270 to frontside blunt slide down a ledge or a nollie back 270 blunt slide down a rail, I'd be like, I'll do the rail. I'll do the rail. So a blunt slide is when, think of a skateboard, the back wheels. So the wheels, so a skateboard's going forward, the wheels in the back.

The tail and the wheel rest on top of the obstacle with the wheels here and the tail here and the rail or ledge in between. Right. On a on a ledge, you're being held in by the tail, pressing against it with your inertia going forward and your tail stopping you. But if you start to lean backwards, you can roll off on a rail. Your wheels and tail are locked perfectly in. So you're not going anywhere.

That's why a lot of people are like, but he's on a rail. It's a totally easier trick on a ledge. It's very difficult. And the Olympics scored the rail a better trick and gave him the gold. Interesting. But I don't know. This is just what I'm hearing in the country. I don't actually know who even did the Nally 270 blunt or whatever front side. So, you know, it is what it is. But anyway, let's go to callers. First up, we've got Asfera, not Afuera. Hello. What up? How's it going, everybody? It's going well.

I actually think you guys do good more than well. Well is amazing, but good, you're doing the Lord's work here, my friend. Oh, thank you. I appreciate it. So my question is going to sound more derisive than it is. It's just my mind trying to figure out the difference between two situations. So it's for Tim, and it's considering your stance, and we've been hearing all night, on women allowing men in their spaces so they get what they get.

So to speak. I mean, it's, that sounds a lot harsher than it is, but, um,

not standing up for them against the abuse since they are okay with it. How do you feel about, sorry, how do you feel about say domestic abuse with the woman when she's okay with it and refuses to go against the person abusing her? Is she on a massive platform to millions of people advocating men beat women or is she locked in her house and terrified the man's going to beat her if she speaks up?

Well, I'll go with the former than over the latter. Let's say it's somebody who advocates it on a platform. The first thing is you're talking about someone committing a crime and that man will be arrested and punished for the crime of beating a woman, whether she wants it or not. I will not publicly support a woman who advocates men beat women.

I don't care if she's being beaten by a man. If if if a woman comes out and she's like men should smack their women up more often, she's got two black eyes. I'm like, that's a bad person. We should not support this. I would not tweet out. I stand with her. It's not her fault. She's just stupid. She's a dumb woman. You know, she's got a vacuum in her head and it's it's it's just unfortunate for her. Not interested. I don't think so.

That's kind of how I feel about the men in women's places. As a lot of these women, in my opinion, have Stockholm syndrome after years of being told, if you speak out, you'll lose everything. There are people like Riley Gaines.

And Taylor Silverman and many, many more women who have outright said enough. I refuse. And so long as these women and you didn't understand this, too, about people like Karini. And it's not just her. These women who are victims of their own deranged voting patterns.

It is an absurdity to me that we would ever support them as they vote for Democrats who turn San Francisco into a literal shit stain, who vote for Democratic politicians, who enforce mask mandates and vaccine mandates. And then the response over and over and over again is, oh, but these poor victims, if only we give them more support, more psychotic, man.

Lauren Boebert launched a fundraiser for Karini and last I checked, it was at 30 grand. It's probably way more. This is a woman who publicly stated this man should beat more women. Like you give her money, she's going to get a louder voice and keep advocating that women get beaten. It doesn't matter if you think women are weak or stupid. What matters is you don't give them the opportunity to advocate for more Democrat policies.

So you can say it's really sad she got punched by a man and that she has Stockholm syndrome and that she's scared to speak up. But so long as she used her limelight, her 15 minutes today to advocate that Khalif go beat the fuck out of more women, I will not give her more support and I will not lend power to her voice. She's advocating for more Democrat bullshit.

And Democrats kind of like a hyperbolic way of describing it. More leftist, woke bullshit. And you can argue once again, all these women are just captured or otherwise. And it's plain and simple. The moment we stop supporting woke feminists, the moment we start boycotting their ideology and rejecting them all outright.

The sooner it goes away and it only requires a small percentage change in the cultural demographic. But Karini's life should be damaged from this. She should get attacked by the left for being a bigot. And the right should say, you spoke up in defense of this. We won't support you. And then she can say, well, fuck me. And maybe some other women might be like, I can be like Riley Gaines, who's successful and famous and leading the fight to defend what I love.

This woman, Karini, could have said, I love boxing. I want to fight to be the best. I don't want men in this sport. I'm going to be like Riley Gaines. Instead, she said, I'm going to be like, I don't know, who's a feminist? Kamala Harris. I don't know. I'm going to be like Hillary Clinton. Betty Friedan. There you go. Angela Davis. Kimberly Crenshaw. She's like, I'm going to choose to be the embodiment of everything that destroyed what I love and pander to these people to give them my voice and support.

Look, it's not even an emotional thing about her personally. It's just me being like, no, I won't support her.

That's it. I'm not going to go make a documentary about how she's it's awful. She did this. I'm not going to make a long video criticizing her like I would any other prominent feminist. There's not going to be a long treatise like Anita Sarkeesian's hatred of video games because she's just some woman who advocated that a man punch a woman in the face and I'll let it be just that. But the idea that all these conservatives line up behind her and empower her to keep advocating for this is a bad thing for all of us.

Yeah, I agree. I just had to ask the question to see how the two, because in my mind, they're both the same, but I can see the line that you're drawing. So it makes a huge difference. Yeah, like if a woman was being beaten up by her husband and she was like, no, don't arrest him. Please stop. Stop. And the cops are going to arrest the guy. First thing is it's a crime. The guy gets arrested. And maybe you'd argue that it should be a crime that the sporting event happened. Sure. Fair point. But if the woman then came out of jail, held a press conference and had a million followers on Instagram and said,

We should abolish the law that makes it illegal for men to beat their women. It was my fault. And I'm the one who pissed him off. Join with me, ladies. And then tomorrow you had 10,000 men out in the street protesting, being like, let men beat women. Let me. I'd be like, yeah, let's not agree with her on this one. Let's not empower her voice. Yeah, agreed. All right. Well, I mean, that pretty much answers my question. I was wondering if I could just do a quick shout out. Do it.

All right, cool. Well, obviously the Discord, because it's like the most amazing community in the world. So if you're not on it, come to town. It's where it's at. And secondly, obviously PCC, Pop Culture's Crisis is where it's at. But also, Very Dark of Dark Titan Media is doing a lot of work, but more on the cultural side as opposed to the political side. Right on.

Very dark media, I think. I don't know if the caller's gone. Oh, very dark, dark Titan media. She's been on PCC before as well. Right on. Thanks for calling in. Thank you very much. Have a wonderful day. And already, Beyblade says, someone clip Tim chanting, let men beat women. That'll be good. That'll be good. All right. Harold of the Omni Stone is here. How are you, sir? Pretty good. How are you guys? We're doing well.

Welcome to the show. Well, yeah, thank you. I just wanted to start by giving a compliment because I know my question is going to be a little bit heated, but I love it when Tim Poole starts talking about all of his skateboarding lingo. He really gets into it and you can hear the passion in his voice. It's really awesome to listen to.

So question is, given everything we have seen the past couple of years involving transgender individuals committing acts of violence and now even being allowed to beat up women in sports, including like not not just a boxing incident, but like replacing them and or paralyzing that volleyball player.

And as a husband and father of four, two of which are daughters, why shouldn't I be transphobic? They are a threat to my family, my wife, and I am not being cute about this. I'm very serious. I'm terrified of what they will do to my family. Agreed.

Thanks for calling in. Next call. I'm kidding. No, I agree completely. Well, but I wouldn't even say transphobic is the right term because when you say phobic, it's a fear of them. And I get, you know, being scared of the cultural ramifications, but like I'm transphobic.

death but not by definition but in the same aspect that you're saying like i don't think this has any place in civil society it makes absolutely no sense to me to even be allowed to exist we did not have this problem a long time ago we should not have this problem now but the current media sphere and that everything that has been kind of cultivated has allowed for it to seep in now we have these bigger problems of men literally beating the asses of women and where does it go after this

Who knows, but it's only going to get worse. But in my opinion, I mean, there is no reason not to be. We see it throughout culture time and time again. You know, I'm Christian. I'm not tolerant of that. I think it's an abomination to just Christ and just to being a generally good and real human being. In my mind, you know, not to dehumanize anybody. That's not the goal, but it's like,

You're not a man if you say you're a man. You're not a girl if you say you're a girl. It's absolutely absurd that everybody's hopped on this lingo. Yeah, I think we'll look back. This is sort of a dark period of time, in part because it allowed people with evil motives to creep in to spaces that they shouldn't be in and cause harm. But also we allowed all of these systems, like I would say medical and governmental, to allow harm to people who are obviously suffering.

And specifically children as well. Specifically children. I think people who have already other like preexisting mental health issues who were sort of fed this, this option as maybe this will cure you. Um, and I think we are leading, we are allowing our, uh, our society to lead a lot of people down a dark and dangerous path. So I, but I, I don't, I don't want to be Ian. I know Ian gets really, uh, into the word game, but I kind of agree with you. Phobic is not like the root that I wish we could attach to it. Um,

And anti-trans makes it sound like it's about the individuals themselves, but really for me, it's like, no, we should not validate or uphold this ideology that is not good for anyone involved in it. - Well, in my mind, there's not a single trans person that is not mentally ill on some level.

It's not a disease, because obviously that would be contractible, something along those lines, but they are mentally ill and it shouldn't be celebrated in society. I'm not a father. When I am a father, my kids aren't going to be hanging out with trans people. That's just not how it's going to go. I wish people had been speaking up about this 10 years ago. If people had not been afraid, if people had not been worried about that they were going to be cowed, if people were not worried about...

about losing their jobs 10 years ago, if more people just stood up and spoke out against this, like literally 10 years ago, we would not be where we are now. We would not have so many young women in their 20s running around with their breasts having been cut

cut off, unable to nurse children, feeling that grief. We would not have that right now. We would not have what's going on in the UK where they've finally banned puberty blockers, but the, you know, that's still happening here in the US and in Canada and Australia and New Zealand. We wouldn't have this happening if more people of courage and faith had just stood up and spoken the truth.

and not allowed themselves to just lie because that's what society wanted them to do. I can't believe how many people, good people, right? People who think they are good people just allowed themselves to be cowed, to be talked into telling untruths

to the world, to their children, to their neighbors, to the people at church, to the people at their jobs, just because they were afraid. It's not transphobia. It's fear of speaking out. And that's got to just come to an end. For a while, I believed fully, you know, oh, I understand, you know, it's hard to speak out and maybe you'll lose your job. Maybe you'll lose your career. Maybe things will get all screwed up for you. I lost my job.

I lost my career. You know, fuck it. Like, I would rather stand by the truth every time. Well, the conservative stance on this issue, too, is so...

quote, fucking retarded is what I would say, is they always say, oh, I just want to be left alone. And then they have them seize ground, seize ground, and seize ground. Like, I am not conservative. I am much farther to the right. You'd be left alone by standing up... Stating your values in the government. Stating your values and saying, you know, from here, no further. No, I think it should be illegal. I think it should be illegal even for adults to do it, in my opinion. It is...

an abomination to God in my mind. It is mutilating, the intentional mutilation of your body, especially when it transitions to children. Like if I was dictator, that isn't happening in my country. Just flat out, absolutely no. Well, you don't have to be a dictator. The UK suffered from this for a long time. And finally, there is a ban on puberty blockers for minors in service to the lie that you can change sex. I think we'll see that here in the United States in a while. I think it's going to be a while, especially if we get this stupid Kamala Harris as president. And she is very pro, you know,

trans for minors and trans in, in prisons. She spearheaded the movement to get men into California prisons. Um, Amy Ichikawa was on Charlie Kirk yesterday talking about it and she works with incarcerated women. She's really fearless and I respect her a lot. Um,

And this is what's happening. Kamala Harris wants taxpayers to pay for men to alter their bodies so that they can be in women's prisons. And most of these men are already sexual offenders. So, yeah, that's what we're looking at. I mean, this stuff is existential. And why?

Literally 10 years ago, there were women saying, this is existential. This is a problem. This is going to destroy women. It's going to destroy society. And now it is doing that. And everyone's just like, oh, like, what can we do? And it's like, you know what? Don't let it fucking happen again. Like, if you care about your family, if you care about this country, speak your mind, speak your values, stand on your word, for God's sakes. Final thought, you should be transphobic for the sake of protecting your children. Yeah.

I'm going to try and come up with another word. Trans ideology phobic. Or anti-trans. I mean, it comes with the ideology. I would consider myself anti-transgenderism. I mean, in my mind, it's literally you're no longer a human in my mind anymore. What you're doing to your body, you're still a human. You still have a soul, but you are quite literally, this is transhumanism. Alex Jones talks so much about it. And then now it's here and everyone's just like, oh, this is normal. This is okay. This is a good thing. No, it's not.

We're always going to slow roll those things in. Hopefully that addresses your question. Oh, yeah, definitely. And I totally agree with Hannah Clear. Suck it, Luke. I can get your name right. But because you have a high IQ, Luke does. I was just going to say, yeah, I guess the idea of transphobia is a semantic game because phobia is an irrational fear of something. And I guess you'd say this is much more rational than I thought it was. Rational, deeply rational.

Yeah. And, uh, just don't want to hold up your time anymore, but just, uh, I wanted to say a shout out to my wife cause she's going to watch this later. Uh, love you, hon. I'm sad that I can't always be there, but I'll, when I come home, we'll go up the mountains again and, uh, shout out to my, my ex account, uh, ex ex isms at ex isms on X. Right on. Thanks for calling in.

It was very difficult for me to look up the Olympic runs for Jagger Eaton, Nigel Houston, and Yuto Horigome. Oh, I found the Horigome one. I was watching it while you were- Yeah, and I watched him. Jagger Eaton's trick was sketchy as fuck. What do you mean sketchy? It was improperly done. Yeah, he landed it, but it lacked control. He nearly fell.

Yuto did the Nally Back 270 Blunt Slide perfectly and landed perfectly. And so a lot of people point out it's the Olympics. They're not saying, like, which trick was better. They're saying, like, execution matters. Next up, we got Jay Carmichael. What up? Hey, guys. How you doing? I, uh...

called in and sort of talked with this with you guys about this a few weeks ago um but tim you weren't able to be there you had to run off and i i had to have a conversation with hannah claire so that sucks anyway but in light of the story about karini um

Tim, I'm curious if this affects your position on drafting women at all. And elaborate. What do you mean? Well, look, man, like 46 seconds and she's out. A choice. A choice. Sure. But 46 seconds and she's out. Yeah. And we're talking about mandating that my 11 year old daughter,

Sign up for selective service. You want your 11 year old daughter in the army? Oh, oh, no, no, no. I'm saying no. I'm asking. I'm advocating for that. You were saying a few weeks ago that that or it seemed like you were saying a few weeks ago, sort of if if women are going to vote for war, then they ought to be part of the draft. Right. Agreed. 100 percent. OK, so anyone who votes for war should be forced to fight in it. All right. So it does. So.

Forty six seconds in a boxing ring with a male doesn't affect your opinion on that. Let me try it again for you. Anyone who votes for a war should be forced to fight in it. You think that women should be allowed to vote men to go off and die?

Like if all the men were like, we vote no on the war and the women go, we're 51. Women make up 51% of the country. So every woman says, no, we want the men to go off and fight and die. And the men are like, no, we don't want to do that. Too fucking bad. Welcome to democracy. Now you vote for a war. You can go fight it. I don't care if you're a man or a woman.

I think if we have an existential threat, I think that the men are going to step up like my sort of my feel like I don't like the draft. You don't need to. I don't want my son, my friend. You don't vote for an existential threat. Existential threats happen to you. So if we're at war in Ukraine and women are overwhelmingly voting for it, I say send them off to Ukraine.

Maybe they'll stop voting for it. I tell you, that's to guarantee, actually, if you went to every single Democrat woman and say, if you vote for a Democrat politician and they bring us to war, you will go fight in it. They will say, I will vote for Trump in two seconds. And, you know, I know because the videos went viral like fucking crazy, where all these women were like, I ain't about to sign up for no fucking draft.

Yeah, the Senate, the Democrat Senate wanted to make it so that women had to sign up for selective service. And all of these women came out being like, fuck, no, I won't do that. So how about it's simple. I don't care if you're a man or a woman. If you vote for war, you go fight it. That's it.

Sure. Don't vote for a war if you don't want to fight it, because I'm going to go fight it for you. Now, if we face an existential threat, something that happens to us like there's no reality in which I as American need to be in Israel for American interests. Fuck that right off. There's no there's no reality where I need to be in Ukraine for American interests. Bullshit. And so this idea that we as America are facing an existential threat with Iran. No, we're not. Iran's on the other side of the fucking planet.

They won't do shit to us. We don't do shit to them. I do think we want to secure our interests to a certain degree, but that's not me leaving the United States to go fight over there. Now, I'm pissed off that you've got 72 percent of millennial women voting Democrat overwhelmingly waving Ukraine flags so that we will have to go fucking die. That is bullshit. So if these women want war so bad, they go fight it.

Now, let's be real. They're not going to. No one's going to go send women to go fight it. But if the stipulation was you vote for war, you fight it. Ain't nobody going to be voting for war. That was something that was proposed in the early 1900s. It never went anywhere because powerful interests are like, now, look, sometimes you got to force people to go fight for our interests. But I love the idea that any war has to be a popular vote and anybody who votes yes can go and fucking fight it.

Because I'll tell you this, if China invades our shores and then everyone's like, should we vote on this war? It's shut the fuck up and man the battle stations. They're shooting at me right now. There's no vote. Right. The votes are all like, should we go invade Germany or something? Go fight it yourself. Yeah. Okay. That's fair, man. Go right on. Appreciate it. It was a good one. Cool. Can I shout something out? Go for it. I mentioned this last time too, but I've been on tour all summer driving around the

Western U.S. mostly in my forerunner sleeping in a tent. And I'm going to be out in Nashville September 24th playing some songs. And I would at some point love to come and play at your guys' coffee shop when you guys get it running. I don't know who to reach out to, but I'd love to get in contact. Ian? Yeah, Ian is just like the open portal for whatever reason. Tweet at him. Okay, I will. Right on, man. Thank you. Thanks for calling in. Bless you guys.

If we ever do get that place open. Crown Doors, you are here. Hey, good evening, everybody. What up? Hey, welcome.

So my question is, considering since 2020 the use of AI generated fake images and videos and even audio has greatly improved as far as the technology, along with the biased media and the Google meta dumping fake news and information onto the internet, what's to stop the

the powers that be just when November 5th comes around, just claiming that Kamala won. If you just repeat the lie enough, people will believe it or they'll wonder like, why is Trump walking up to the White House instead of Kamala? They said Kamala won. There is no county is going to check the other counties.

So if the reporting comes in and they just say, Nevada went Democrat, then the Republican counties are going to be like, well, you know, we tried, guys, and that's it. They could literally just go on TV and say Kamala won and Kamala won. Yeah, that is why democracy has turned gay.

So, it's not actually a representative of the people. It never really has been. A long time ago when it was a constitutional republic, it was. But now the powers that be, they pretty much dictate and control everything. And it's terrifying to understand that they literally can just go on the news and say, "Yeah, they won. We called the election early. Kamala won all these states. It's actually a landslide. She won all 50 states. First time in history.

it's very, very easily doable in this instance. I do think we should say, and I mean, I agree with everything you're saying. I think there are a lot of, the media has a lot of leverage in a way that's kind of unchecked and not fair. I still think you should go vote because you can't say, oh, they stole the election if you yourself do not participate in it, right? Like part of the reason that states or counties that do go back and recount ballots, like they have to have your vote there to count. If you say, oh, well, it's,

it's all loss and everything doesn't matter. That's kind of a defeatist mentality. You have to put up a little bit of a fight. I mean, it is funny too. I'll, uh, I'll mention, I won't say any names, but like there's, there's three very prominent influencers in the state of Texas and they haven't voted in the last two presidential elections, but they're always telling people, go out and vote, go do this, go do that. And then they, you check their ballots and they actually just don't vote. So you have, it's not just a problem with Americans, but we, now we see

this idea that, you know, yeah, voting doesn't matter. So we're not going to vote, but that just increases the problems that we run into. I, I'm in MAGA country. This is second most Trump supporting state in the country. And I'm going to vote, but I ain't going to vote for people I don't know. And so if I go into the ballot box or whatever they do out here, cause this will be my first West Virginia, then I'm going to just not vote on the guy. I don't know if I, if they've not campaigned, if I don't know their name, I don't vote for him.

Well, it really is that easy. You know, people, they always also have this idea of like vote. I think it's like what vote red down the ballot or vote blue down the ballot. But then you don't even know who you're electing. Like if you're going to vote for somebody, you should at least know their policies, you know, just know who this candidate is instead of just voting one specific way, obviously.

Otherwise you get rhinos and they vote Democrat. You get Kinzinger and shit like that. Well, that's exactly how Governor Cox gets elected time and time again, apart from the, you know, billion dollar corporations he caters to and the Olympics and everything that he wants. But it's literally just the LDS church voting for the people that the LDS church tells them to. They have no idea what their policies are. So I got to, I got to mention this because I tweeted, I don't support, I don't stand with Karini. She's a feminist who supports men fighting women. And I posted the quote where she said, I wish her to carry on until the end and that she can be happy.

And despite the arguments in our Discord, the Twitter replies are fucking kind of off the wall. Like, yo, I didn't go this far. I support Karina getting rocked in the face again at the next competition because she endorses it. I personally am appalled by such things, but she likes it and wants it to continue. She should train harder. This loser couldn't even last one minute. Yikes! I'm just saying I don't stand with her. Like, I'm just not going to support her, but...

You know, the idea that she should get punched in the face, a domestic abuse victim gets punched in the face by a guy is a victim. And I feel bad for her, but I'm not going to support her if she's coming out and speaking in favor of this shit. But anyway, shall we elaborate on your your question? Is there anything else anybody wanted to add? General agreement. The media could just say she won. Should we just have everyone? Should we just gather all of the podcast voices to have them declare Trump won? What would the media do?

Yeah, what if we pulled a State Department in Venezuela and we're just like, hey, the other guy won? Well, they're trying to do that thing where they said, like, Trump was saying there are no more elections after him, right? So there'd be some kind of hysteria if any conservative coalition of media outlets were like, it's going to be him. I would like to see some hysteria for once on our side. Remember when there was that the New York election and everyone said that Jamal lost, Bowman lost before the results actually came out? Mm hmm.

And then I'm sitting here being like, I can't find any confirmation this is true. And I was like, why? And then I actually started tweeting at people like, hey, what's your source? They start deleting the tweets. And then later that night, it turned out he actually did lose. What if on election night, November 5th,

And then even following up, people started doing the same thing. I'm not saying they should. I'm saying what happens if every major influencers like Trump won, Trump won. And it actually creates this major push where you end up with people like Joe Rogan being like, damn, Trump won. And then ABC is going, no, no, he didn't. No, he didn't. But it doesn't matter because no one's listening to ABC or CNN anymore.

Like, honestly, CNN's ratings are in the gutter. If they come out and they say the winner is Joe Biden, but Joe Rogan is like, I don't know about that. I'm seeing like all of these posts from, you know, we've got a bunch of news sources saying that Trump won and they're showing the maps.

Then what? I think that then mainstream media was run with even more weaponization. And then the government would probably get involved with the aspect of like, this is why you can't trust alternative media. Look at what they're doing. The point is, if we get to a point where alternative media has more views than mainstream media, then people are not going to listen to mainstream media. Yeah. All right. Well, Crown Doors, anything else?

Uh, yeah, two things. Just wanted to see if I could run them by you. Um, have you guys, have you ever considered doing like a charity poker night? Um, cause I, I, I always hear you saying that you like poker, but I'd always like to see like you and guests and maybe even eating at the table, see how he plays and how you play against him. Let me tell you a story about Ian. So Ian rarely plays. I play all the time. Um, there was a period where I was probably playing like 20 hours a week.

And we also play Magic. So poker is if you like card games, you like card games. So Ian doesn't play that much. He knows how to play. And then one day he goes to Miami and he starts talking. He comes back and he talks about how he played a poker game with Luke and the boys. And he won and he won all this money and he was so excited. He's going to come play our poker game. And then in like 10 hands, I cleaned him out and then he got up and never came back. He had, I think, I don't remember what he had. King, Queen, maybe I'd Ace, Jack.

And so I opened the pot. Then I think Ian raised me preflop. And I'm thinking Ian doesn't know what he's doing. So his three bets probably meaningless. So I'll just call.

I flop top pair on a dry board. So I'm like, I'm probably good with ace-jack. What am I scared of? Ace-king, ace-queen? Very few hands I'm worried about. So I will continuation bet here. And Ian raises me. And I, okay. What does he have, a set of aces? Yeah, right. It was like ace-seven-five rainbow. So I said, sure. So I call. The turn is a jack. I now have two pair.

And I'm thinking like, okay, dude, he's got aces or I've lost. There's no way he's got jacks here. He could attacking the board, hoping that I've got something less than an ace, but I don't think he knows how to play. So he's probably got nothing. So then he jams all in. I snap call and flip over two pair and he goes, I got nothing. I was like, okay. And then he got up left and never played again.

And we want him to play. It's just one bad game or whatever, but that's how Ian plays. You know. Poker, it's fun. And it's also funny, too, because whenever I tell poker stories for the hands, the response I usually get is, you remember every card in the hand? And I'm kind of like, yes. How do you play the game if you don't remember every card? I can tell you a hand I played in Miami a year ago and all the cards that came out and the cards the guy had and what I had and how much we bet.

But, you know, that's how I play. I wouldn't remember every card, but I do remember stories we wrote two, three, four years ago. There's only 52 cards. It's like, what happened to this hand? That guy got a full house. I had a straight. He rivered the full house king. This was in Miami. I was playing at Hard Rock.

And I flopped a straight. And so I decided to overbet the pot to push out anybody. But the guy had two pair. He had King 10 and what was it like King 10 Queen and I had Ace Jack. And then I went up going all in and the river is a king and he's got what does he have Kings full of 10s.

Could you stream like the Friday game that you guys play for charity? Because you had some problems with like Pogre the Boys and Laws. Charity was one of the answers. Oh, cool. But it's like the action doesn't matter. So someone might be like, ah, whatever. It's for charity. I'm all in. And you're like, meh.

But yeah, that was an idea. And we have the poker table. It's right there. It's massive. It's $20,000. It's a very expensive poker table. It's got speed cloth, very beautiful RFIDs, all that. And it's just illegal. And we were trying to amend the law in January and that it's just too fucking difficult to lobby government to fix bullshit laws.

Got to hire a lobbyist. I see. Yeah. Well, the only other thing I want, I don't want to go too long, but just what do you think is the scenario of October 7th this year? And if Kamala picks Shapiro as running mate, what do you think their reaction might be if there's protests or people in the streets about Israel? What do you think their response might be just as far as a scenario?

I think you're still... So if Trump gets elected, you're going to see a lot more unrest, riots, whole nine yards. I think you're still going to see some when it comes to if Kamala picks Shapiro and they end up winning, just because it's the exact same organizations that do it. But whenever a Democrat is in control, they're kind of tame. But now you've almost seen they're eating their own and they don't care. I don't think you're going to see...

2020-level riots if Kamala is elected. That's only if Trump is elected, in my opinion, with what I've seen on the ground. But you're still going to see unrest. It's going to be the exact same thing that we see literally right now with one in 10 of these big Palestinian movement protests are hijacked, and then they end up turning into a riot. It's not going to be full hands-on of the situation of where cities are burning like we saw in 2020. It'll just be

or some fights with the police sparks up once or a few times a month. Do you think we'll see the return of the college campus protests? Just because she's going to pick Shapiro, and if she picks Shapiro early August, a lot of colleges reconvene sort of mid-August. That was one of the...

the mainstays of this anti-Biden Israel protest? Well, I can confirm that the college campus protests are already coming back. They already have plans whether Trump wins or Kamala wins, but it's just the sake that the school's out right now. So there's really no organization behind it. A lot of the people that go to those protests don't even actually attend the colleges that they're protesting at. But it's only a couple more weeks. Yeah, you're going to see encampments pop up again because it was highly effective to bring attention to their movement. And that was the most effective form of protesting that they've had so far.

And that's also the most, you know, kind of prone to turning into an actual riot and an unlawful assembly. But, you know, internal Discord chats, Telegram with these groups, they're already organizing. They've been organizing since school got out to go and protest at these campuses again. Yeah, they're planning. I'm seeing chatter about that. Yeah, they're going to do it. We shall see. Right on, man. Well, thanks for calling in.

Thank you for the response. Have a good evening, everyone. Take care. And lastly, I'll address this. Charles says, I missed the pre-poker Tim. Poker changed him. My friend, I've been playing poker since I was probably about 12 years old. We used to play five-card draw for magic cards.

Me and my friends. So the ante was the magic cards. And then it was really funny because the value of cards was different. But, you know, five card draw, first hand, okay, I'm going to bet three rares. And then everyone's got to call the three rares or fold. I'll take it. And then I remember one time I was like, I'm going all in. I put in 50. And all my friends were like, shh, they put in their 50 rares. They're really worth like 10 cents each, so it's not a big deal. And then I end up getting, I think, like a pair of aces. And then I won. And then I had this huge stack, went to the card shop, traded them in, and got a box of boosters.

Those are the days. Anyway, everybody, thanks for hanging out. Thanks for being members. Tomorrow, Tenet Media on YouTube is going to be a blast. The merger of communism is what we're literally—communism is going to be the subject of the story, which is really funny. And are you going to be joining us? I will find out literally right as I get off the show. All right, sounds good. And then we've got a couple—let me see who else we have on that show, because you don't want to miss it. We're going to have—ooh, a lot of people. Ben Weingarten and Apostate Prophet.

So it should be really fun talking religion as well as politics. My friends, thank you all for being members. Thanks for hanging out and we will see you all tomorrow.