cover of episode Why Building Relationships Is Key To Increasing Your Net Worth EP 70

Why Building Relationships Is Key To Increasing Your Net Worth EP 70

Publish Date: 2022/11/9
logo of podcast Escaping the Drift with John Gafford

Escaping the Drift with John Gafford


Shownotes Transcript

From the art of the deal to keeping it real. Live from the Simply Vegas studios, it's The Power Move with Jon Gafford. Back again. Back again. Back again. Back again.

welcome to the power move my name is john gafford on this podcast we talk about life we talk about business we talk about lots of stuff to make you better i talk the counselor chris connell talks how are you counselor living the dream what's good and then we always have the insight

From the mind. The Polo Assassin. The deep space. The Polo Assassin. Voting day too, guys. The Bulgarian mongoose. Cold M&M. Cold just going to go right into it. You didn't wait. Listen, listen. When we're announcing you to the ring, you stretch to the ring. And then when the pyro goes off, then you start talking. That's how it works. Get some indoor fireworks. Get a whoop.

That's how it works. We did have your quinceanera, Colt. Yeah, dude, there was. I swear to God. Indoor fireworks. I swear that that building was made of asbestos. Yeah, there's no way that those things. Yeah, those fireworks were not made for that. I went to the person and asked. I'm like,

Those are not flammable, right? Yeah, pretty sure. Wait, how are fireworks non-flammable? No, no, no. The ceiling tiles that were just being showered with flames. That was going to be a great white concert for sure. I thought we were all. I'm like one fire exit that's like a fortune. How crazy would that have been like on the news? Local businessman, attorney. Got barbecued by Quinceañera fireworks. Died. It's more interesting than like. Quinceañera. Yeah.

I have a heart attack on the golf course. I mean, I think it's more interesting. I mean, you want to die at specific way like that. Yeah. I'd like to not know it's coming. Yeah. But I'd like something crazy like that. Cause then, you know, a hundred birthday off the bass coordination of Ferrari is kind of my, you know, that'd be awesome. That's a way to go. Kelly, Grace, Kelly, go out like royalty. Speaking of royalty today is election day. Vote for your King or queen.

Yeah, I mean, you know what? Look, so let me ask you this, Cole. What's a bigger letdown that you did not win the $2.9 or $2.3 billion in the lotto? Or who was on the ballot today? What was the bigger letdown for you? You know what? Like the $1.9 billion is just fun.

the ballot's not fun, right? Like that's actual real stuff. And I legit have never last election. I felt it a little bit, but this election was like, Jesus, I don't want to vote for any of these people. Like it was that bad. Like I'm being serious. I'm fucking up.

The world is ran by a bunch of idiots, and you guys are laughing about it. No, I'll just, anytime you ever say anything serious from here on out, I'm going right to the can after. You know what I saw yesterday going down the street? It's perfect. A big billboard from McDonald's. It was in Spanish, of course, which I didn't understand. I live in the hood, apparently. That's for dad. It is $179 or something for any size of coffee. Okay.

Oh, yeah. I saw you coming. I thought it was a buck. No, no. It's $1.70. Whatever it is. You pick your size. They've had their drink. Well, because some people don't want the full extra large. They're not value shoppers. Some people want a large. Some people want a medium. Some people just want...

you know it's like do you want to go to a buffet same no but again it doesn't matter because your coffee is your coffee right a gallon of coffee or some people like a little espresso it's about preference at that point right no no espresso yes but if you're getting the same coffee you get the large thing they offer me something i'm throwing it away i think most people would here's a question but do you like you go to 7-eleven do you go for the big gulp

you're gonna feel like the double big gulp the biggest thing you can do I don't drink that stuff so I would I get to Excel coffees I don't get big I don't know I haven't when I see like the the popcorn is the tub that no one can eat but it's only 25 cents more yeah so I get that but a lot of times people just coffee's a part of a daily routine and they have their preferences people have preferences about coffee well I think you have preference about anything too but I think coffee's kind of particular don't you I went to dinner once

And they forgot my salad.

Of course I'm not eating the salad. I'm like, give me my salad. Then I didn't eat it. I paid for it. You just poured it right on the waiter's head. Just picked it up and just dumped it right on his head. I touched it. Now you can't resell it. Get it out. There's your tip, buddy. Extra ranch. Yeah, I don't know. I mean, I thought that was weird. I guess Chris would pick a smaller cup. No, I wouldn't. I would go. But I understand what they're doing. They're trying to make everyone maybe. So let's say they used to sell smalls at $1.49. Mm-hmm.

It's a way of forcing people to either buy the highest, because it was a dollar for a long time. Their dollar cost averaging up. They're bundling up. Yeah, they're bundling up. I get it.

Well, on the podcast today, we're going to talk about something actually important, I think, which is good. It's one of the things that is probably the most important thing I think you can have, and it's the value of your network. We've all heard, let's go and get the cliche statement out of the way, which you are. Network is your net worth. No, you are the sum of your five closest friends. There you go. Show me your friends. I'll show me your future. What else are we missing? What else?

- I think that's it. Those were the two I'd have gone with. - What's your net worth? Show me your network, I'll show you your net worth. - Yeah, show me your network, I'll show you your net worth. All of those things.

which is true and i think um and i think the value of your network we're getting in green with people and people have such a hard time doing it of growing their network that you know they go to the wrong events they don't know how to work the events properly they have no idea what they're doing and and quite frankly people don't know how even after they make a connection with people how to interact with them in a way that still creates value for the other person i got a call today literally along this line it was a realtor called me up and said

Hi, I want to blah, blah, blah, maybe send you referrals if I have them, right? So can we get together? Can we go meet each other and go hang out? We could see how we could like a referral source for each other. I forgot. A hundred bucks. A hundred bucks. No, but that was kind of the thing I'm going, look, under no circumstances do I want to go meet you ever. I don't know you. Yeah. Like you find a way to meet somebody organically. That's one thing.

But to say like, hey, random person on the phone, let's go meet for coffee because I'm just going to network. There's people that they just do this thing. Let's just network. Let's just network. Yeah, they love it. What's your time worth? Well, they love it. But my thing about that is like if you're going to reach out cold to somebody like that, you

You better find an in that creates incredible value for me. Yes. Yeah. I'm not, I'm not calling you with, with, uh, like if I really wanted to do business with you, right? Like if I really wanted to like cold do business with Chris Connell, I would go on your Instagram, which is, uh,

Connell co-n and el37 personal con law LV for the business. Okay, that's a mistake Don't have more than one but we'll just say that anyway Pictures of like Colts feet and all that That's the point but that's the point. That's the point, right? So I would go if you were a high value target for me and I knew there was a high value target I would go and I would scour your social media I wouldn't necessarily like any things or comment on it But I would look to everything and I would get to know who you are as a human being I would get to know

the things that you like. And then I would send you something or send you like, for example, I know you love jujitsu, right? So I've got another guy that I know that has hookups at the UFC training facility. It's really good there and knows the current, what is it? Welterweight champion of the world at the UFC. So I could leverage that and maybe say, Hey, I'm doing a dinner.

where we're going to get some people together. This is who's going to be there. And all of a sudden now you're like, you could give two shits about meeting me, but you want to meet this other guy because I know you love jujitsu. So now you show up. Yeah. But think about doing that when you don't have leverage. But there's always leverage. That's the point. This is what I would do. Let's say I was on, you know, um...

like you said, yours or something, go through it. Oh, I saw this article about private plan ownership and I thought of you because I saw one of your posts before. Yeah. I would do something that was not, hey, can I meet with you so you send me clients? No, that's... I'm a realtor. That's funny. You're like me. I'm the easiest person because I'm very...

Like you always say, I'm so easy to kill, right? Because I'm at the same place as doing the same thing, right? If you want to get to me, I would sit there and start following me on social media. Oh, hey, I'm there. Or I'd love to have a cigar with you or whatever. Like no pitch at all. Or just show up with some good cigars. Yeah, or just, hey, here, go send something. Hey, Colt, somebody popped up and I noticed you like the same cigar as I did. Whatever. Do something that's not just...

Hey, can you send me business? I'm a realtor. I see you're an attorney. Can we go meet? It's like, why on earth? Who have you met doing this? Who?

Well, I've never met an attorney that would go meet a realtor to go talk about possibly getting, you know, one of your, your real estate law cases that don't exist. But do you know who else would other realtors, those guys, those guys network because they don't know how they, other realtors will go meet other realtors. But here's the, here's the thing. Like what's, what's, what's the funniest thing I've gotten from anybody in the last, cause I get sent a lot of swag and stuff all the time, but what's the funniest thing I've gotten in the last six months? You remember this? Uh, yeah. Multiple things.

Somebody sent me a $10 Chili's gift card. Oh, that's right. And as soon as I saw the Chili's gift card, it said, I know you'll use this in good health. Yeah. With a smiley face. That's wonderful. I knew that this person had made an investment into what we do here because the only way they could have known that is if they listened to this.

And so I'm like, you know, this person is making an investment in me every year. They're spending an hour with us a week. So, yeah, I called him and thanked him and saw if we could do something because that was a great little deal with that gift card. It's still my office. I'm not using it. I'll take it. I'll take it. No, you will not go to Chile. Different ownership group. The only, no, it doesn't matter.

It all falls in some dead belt. The only way you're going to Chili's is if you're walking in there with a camera to assault, not assault, verbally assault. Verbally lambaste. Verbally lambaste. Give it to me. Next time I'm in Salt Lake, I'll go do it, and then I'll order a lava cake. Actually, you know what? I'm just going to have a vet go in there and do that. I think we'll probably go further. Oh, man. She wants to get mad at me. Yeah, but if you're trying to handle it. Hang on a second. You almost glazed over a gen there. What'd you do, Colt?

just being me like i was sitting there complaining like i just had the worst sinus and i've had the worst migraine and she just yells at me for it like it's my fault yeah i tell you she is somebody goes oh have you ever look at this funny joke it's somebody coughing or something i mean and consider it right i mean i'll go yeah how dare you well we talked about your weak ass white blood cells yeah

Inconsiderate. She did make a comment about that. Mi primero. There you go.

Yeah, no. You know, even it's funny when you talk about giving gifts or something, too. Somebody sends you a gift, you're more likely to hold them in high regard. Remember the mustache realtor guy sent you that? Oh, yeah. I love that. That was great. I still think about that. That was great. Guy with the suit. I still think about that. That suit was great. So there's things that other people have done for you that they don't even realize that I saw that and think higher of them. But here's the interesting thing about that. I got this from Steve Sims from his book, the first one, Blue Fishing, which is an amazing book. And this is what Steve used to do, which I thought was so interesting.

amazing but you kind of can't do it anymore steve would go up to women and be like hey hey cupcake smack on the ass no no no you don't do that he would uh he would get on an airplane when they had the skywalk right and he would just ask the flight attendant can i have all this can i have all the sky malls at the end of it right can i have these and they would say sure take them all because they don't care they're you know ratty whatever he would just take them and they would sit in this hotel room he would go downstairs

to the concierge and say, you know, hi, I'm one of the number one luxury concierges in the country. I wanted to send out some posts to some of my clients. Do you have any stationery I could use? And they'd be like, hell yes, we do. There you go, sir. And it was, they give him the stamps, everything. And this cost him nothing. And then he would sit in his room with the SkyMall

and he'd flip through it and he'd see like the Bigfoot statue, like the one that's hanging out in the yard. And he would just rip out the Bigfoot statue and he would write, "Saw this and thought of you." And just put it in the envelope and send it to his clients.

and he goes, you have no idea how many times I would run into people and I'd be like, my name's Steve Sims. I'd be like, Steve Sims. I was at a dinner party once and the guy that was throwing it was like, this guy sent me like a golf cap with like, does anybody understand why this would make him think of me? And he goes, I was the center of conversations that I wasn't even at.

In the best possible way. Why do you even think about doing that? It's the best possible thing. What's the best thing somebody's given you? The best thing somebody's given me?

Not most expensive. Because everybody always goes expensive. I'm like, it's not expensive. I'll tell you. I would push back. I assume that most people, it's not the most expensive thing you can give it. It's not. I will tell you what that is. I'll tell you. Years ago, and I don't know. I've read this somewhere since. So obviously they read it somewhere as well. But somebody at one point...

That their kid was on the same flag football team as my kid. And they were a really good photographer, had like a really good camera, like a really good everything. And they just took pictures of like everybody's kid, like all season. At the end of it, he just sent me a folder with like all these great photos of my kid playing sports.

And if you're not a great photographer, you can hire somebody to go out to it. Like if you have a championship, hire a factor. I mean, it's nothing. And then you got everybody that is on that team. Those parents will be so grateful to you for doing that. Unless they're weirdos and weirded out by it.

No, I don't think so. Taking pictures of my kids. I don't think. I bought a photo shoot for somebody. I'm sorry, man. There's just somebody. Maybe with girls, youth sports, but not with boys. With boys, everybody. You go, you root. Everybody, you know. You throw them in a pile and they all just kind of. I'm being cynical. I'm being cynical. What about you? Where have you been going? My wife got me a 24-carat.

Yeah. Cold-plated. But that's okay. You can't count that, though. That's sick, dude. You can't count it. That's from your wife. Especially me. That's your wife. You can't count it. A client that doesn't know you that well. Nothing from your wife. You're talking about out of the blue, shows up at the office. That's what we're talking about. Oh. Similar to you. Having a guy send me that Connell lawsuit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A suit with my logo. It's like a fully tailored suit because the same guy did another suit for me. Yeah. Sends me this suit with my business logo as the interior lining of it. Yeah, it's awesome.

I like that a lot. It's freaking amazing. It's awesome. I love the suit. The suit was a lovely touch. It was lovely. That's pretty cool. And I have actually given away a lot of suits to my people as they do well. I think that's something that feel good, look good, play good. You know what I mean? I wouldn't even have thought to do that. I'm just not thoughtful like that. You're not thoughtful that way. All right. Well, I'll say this. Hire people to do it. Be thoughtful for me. When it comes to creating networks, when it comes to creating...

a network and getting with people. I think that, you know, the higher up the ladder, the more high value they are. Again, you've got to always be coming from a place of value. I mean, whenever I call somebody, I leave them a message. My standard voice message to anybody I call my network is always starts with, Hey, I got something for you always. Cause if I need something, I'm not going to call unless I, unless there's no, unless sometimes there's, there's stuff that I need that there's no other way to get it. Like for example, um, Dan Fleischman, um,

I needed a hundred of his books and I just wanted to know the easiest way to order them. Right. I was going to pay for them because I was, I'm like, Hey, I'm coaching like a bunch of our people. I want to give them a copy of your book. What's the easiest way for me to buy a hundred of them? Like, can I just, cause I know you self published it. So they're sitting in a warehouse somewhere. Like who can I call? Just send, send them. Oh, they send me one big box and that's it. So I don't have to go to like Amazon and do the multiple, whatever you're getting charged a big, how can we do this easy? Right. And Dan being Dan just sent me it.

Right. So when Dan sends me a little microphone, ask me to do his event, which I'm going to pay for that. So, you know, that's all give back. There's no there's no money changing hands at those events. And but I will drop whatever I'm doing because of that stuff. Not a problem at all. But like you look back, we had already gold here. We had the snack daddy. You're like, how do you hang out with Post Malone? How are you hanging out with all of these guys? That's something I can do for you. Yeah. And the answer was, I don't ever ask him for shit.

I don't ever ask him for anything when, when the, you know, the higher people are, the more people are trying to get something from them all the time. Yeah. Yeah. I think professionals, it's like Colt today asked for a specific thing that I just don't have a copy of because it was just paper. It's like, if you haven't done it yet, I don't want to waste my time. Yeah. Like recreating a wheel. If a wheel already exists in your basement. Other than that though, you know, people ask me all the time, Hey, do you got a contract for this? That? Yeah, here we go. And people need to realize that, you know what? I'll,

And if you can't afford stuff, like I said, it doesn't need to be the most expensive thing. Thoughtful.

a thank you card sometimes will go a long way i'm still laughing about the sky molecule it's the best i just somebody ever seen that like a foot massage you're like hey made me think of you yeah why like did you ever see that comedian together but yeah that's like a big foot really it's just blurry it's not everybody just blurry what if he's just blurry well

When you talk about approach, I'll tell you, you know what, when you're meeting people, let's talk about actually when you're actually out shaking hands and kissing babies and doing stuff and how to network and how to grow people at events. You know, I think we've talked about it before, but you know, if you're going to an event that is singular for your profession, you're in the wrong place. I get it. If it's a seminar, you need education, you need those things. That's fine. But if you're going to network with a bunch of other people that do exactly what you do, that makes no sense. They're never going to send you any business.

Realtors love to do it. Holy smokes. Lawyers love to do it. They get together with other lawyers. Yeah, but you guys refer a lot back and forth. Real estate agents. I understand because there's specialization. There's family law. Commercial people don't go hang out with home sellers. They don't. But a family lawyer, I like having people that do all these different things that I can just lean on. Hey, I got a case for you. Like I said, I called a guy the other day.

We had a case together. I'm going to say, hey, this is the guy. Next day, he sends me a commercial client. He goes, oh, I forgot you were doing commercial here. I'll send you a commercial client. It's just you. That's where it makes sense to network people that actually you can help. Yep. You can help and receive stuff from. Yeah. Well, you have to come from a place of giving. And I think my buddy, Ben Humble, I just was watching a clip of him, and I thought it was very well put.

He's like, you know, he was speaking an event. He had his hand out and he said, you know, this is your heart. He goes, if your heart is open, it's just like your wallet. It can send money. It can receive money. Get that out. If this is your heart, you ain't never going to get anything. Yep.

And so leading with that, that trying to give or coming from a giver's point of view, which we do talk about a lot is, is so important when you're, when you're approaching people. And it, cause if people think you're on the take dude and you're just there to get something from them, they're out, they're going to be out quickly. You've got, you've got to be something that can offer some sort, something to the group. You gotta, you gotta be after something. And, and,

For a lot of my life, probably, I ran around with some people that were way more successful than me, and I was like the funny guy. You know what I mean? The problem with it, if you're just a funny guy, but you can't talk serious, that runs out of steam at some point. You run out of steam. Right now, if you're listening to this, and there's nothing wrong if you're that guy, but you need to advance your skill set, because I promise you, the runway is coming short. Like the Louie guy from the state. Yeah.

Which guy? Remember the movie, the show, The State? MTV's The State? Vaguely. Was that Bob Odenkirk? I'd like to dunk my... That guy? Was that Bob Odenkirk? No, no, no. It's just like, if you're the guy that, you know, you get kept around to be the Bert Kreischer. Oh, yeah. You know? It runs out of bandwidth, man. It does. But I'll tell you some tips for meeting people in person when you're at events and you're talking to people. First of all,

One of my little secret things that I always do is I never ask people what they do. I ask them, tell me about you. And then when they give me their canned spiel of I do A, B, and C for company A, B, whatever.

I'm like, oh, cool. So you're this. But tell me about you, man. Like, what do you like to do? Like, I don't work at your company, so we don't have that in common. So like, what? Tell me about you. Fill me in on it. And then people are normally skip such a beat on that question. I don't know how to answer. They're so because they're in that. What do you mean? I'm a shake business. I have a kid. But you will be absolutely unforgettable if you approach.

that a meeting like that and don't do it creepy like tell me about your children the lady that's a girl there for sale don't do that but no but if you just say tell me about you as a person like what do you like to do or do you have a family like what about you man people will remember that because everybody's just trying to hand the business card check the hand get to the next thing just all they're trying to do they're they're not doing anything smart bob vance vance refrigeration exactly exactly no exactly exactly it's

It's funny how we laugh about it, but I just went to an event because I was trying to push out the roofing thing to some guys and I went to a van and that's exactly how it was. Bob Vance. There you go. And I'm like, Oh my gosh, I sat in the corner. I'm like, I can't even deal with this. People, you know,

you gotta have a plan when you go into a networking event and people go in with this plan to collect as many business cards or hand out as many business cards. I can, that is the wrong plan. I'm networking your plan. I have networked with people. Your plan should be to create memorable relationships with a handful of people. And the grocery store though. I mean, honestly, like,

There are some times when those events make sense. Like my wife's got a business doing medical lead and stuff. So she goes to different events and goes in, you know, because there's doctors at those events that can literally use her business. That's different. Like you said, every single person. No, you got to sometimes let them know that you're there, you know, can't, which is, which is, which is fine. But let me, let me ask you this counselor. Cause I'll go with this.

What is your wife's elevator pitch when people ask her what she does does she say I own a collections medical account What does she say she actually has a she was in sales. She's like, oh we help doctors, you know get medical records or whatever perfect Yeah, she does. She says the actual this is the problem that I solve. Yeah, not I am a account executive Yeah, we help you see how we help we help doctors. We help streamline their their records process because you know, I

HIPAA compliance could be a real pain. So we're there to take that off of the company. We provide, if you even look on the website, it's a part of their website.

identity to say that we're here to provide liquidity, you know, so that you don't have to hold old paper for X, Y, Z. Yeah. No, that is, it should be, you know, one of the, one of the people in my coaching group, it's so funny for, and this person been in business for a long time and we did a whole thing through that on networking and how to network. And we actually had an event they had to go to. I actually hosted an event

that all of them had to go to with a, with a, with a mission to work it. Like it was a seal team six, baby. It was, it was serious. Kind of like the pickup artist. Yeah, it was exactly. It was, we took a mystery. We took him into a real life thing, which was amazingly amazing by the way. And if you've never, I've ever read the game by Neil Strauss. Oh, it's amazing.

But anyway, so we sent them out there and one of my agents has been in the business for probably 10 years. She says, anytime anybody's ever asked me, she wrote this in our Facebook or good. And she said, anytime anybody's ever asked me about real estate for 10 years, I've always said, what do you do? I'm in real estate. That's what I've always said. And she said the other night she was sitting at a bar and striking up a conversation with her and her husband with a couple of next. And I said, what do you do? And she goes, I help people make, you know, I help people make money.

by transacting real estate yeah and they said how do you do that yeah and then she now is talking about this and then before she left she sent an appointment with them and then the bartender's like i overheard your conversation i want to buy a house so by having a better conversation that carried on longer than real estate i'm in real estate how's the market well you know it's tough oh you know up and down that was 99 of real estate conversations you hear at networking events but by having something you could perpetuate it's actually led to some business i just

I got pitched really good at a thing. The guy was just like, oh, I teach people how to buy stuff through life insurance, stuff like that. But when it sat down to him, he's just purely a life insurance guy, right? But he sat and had coffee with me because his pitch was so good. I'm like, good for you. What I do, one of my things is

find whoever's hosting the network event because they know who's coming to that mostly and i go up to them and say hey how are you about hey who should i connect with well i like that i always and they will they'll sit there i was just at one at at the legacy club up at top of the circle i go hey

I'm here. There's 150 people. 0.3 people I need to talk to. It goes, that guy, that guy, that guy. Cool. Thanks. That's it. I was there for 45 minutes. Then everybody else going, here's my card. Here's my card. Here's my card. I handed three cards out, talked to people, had lunch with one of them. Like, don't try to hit the whole room. Figure out who you need to talk to. Strategery. Strategery. Strategery. I got three words for you. Strategery. Strategery.

Yeah, but I like that. I like that because in a weird way, that's one of my one of my points, too, is being the guy that can connect the dots. That's who I like to be known as. You know, I like to be the guy that anything you need is, you know, no more than a phone call or two away. Yep. Connector. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I like to be that connector. And like, you know, the guy hosting event is the guy you can go talk to.

and get that done. You know, Tai Lopez, I don't even know who Tai is, the Life in My Garage guy that's built an empire. - Dude, I'm sorry. - Whatever, you can say whatever you want, Tai. - Is that guy? - But let me tell you how Tai got so connected.

All he started doing was throwing parties, throwing meetups. That's all he started doing, inviting all these people. And he just got known as the guy that knew everybody. He's that guy that's like, I'm in my garage. There's my Lamborghini. That guy? What's his thing? That video, he is an entrepreneur at the purest heart. He now owns like Pier 1. He owns a lot of, he owns Radio Shack. He owns a lot of failed brands and has reconverted them to online. But he's bought-

He's a branding expert is essentially what it is, but he's bought these brands with name brand stuff and converted them to online businesses. The dude, he bought dress barn. He owns, he does very, very well. Yeah. I never, all I saw was that one commercial. And you saw it, but no, do you know that video had like 30 million views? It was like the first viral, viral, viral video. And he, and it was just, that was it. And it was, uh, it was amazing. But again, with him, uh,

It's all about just making sure that, you know, you lead with value. If you know everybody, right. It also helps you in your business. If, if,

I'm some perfect example, right? Our friend, Adam Sadie, right? Yeah. So anytime somebody would be like, Oh, I need, or I can hook you up with this. I'd go to him. Who is this guy? And if Adam knew who he was, I knew he was legit. If he didn't. So no, having people that are on top of their game, know who you are is automatically going to set you up with, you don't have to sell yourself as hard too. So if your network, uh, is, uh,

very well connected people that they can trust, then you're automatically going to be trusted too. Well, I'll tell you too, you know, we talked about the other day, people do business, people, they like no one trust. And, and,

One of the main reasons that we do the podcast, I mean, one of the reasons we do here is to be known and trusted. You know, I am never, how many times have you been shocked when you walk up to somebody and they're like, I love your podcast? And you're like, you listen to the podcast? I mean, I've had some people that like. Say that shocking. No. Breaking my chops. Right. Don't do that. But it's because they're jealous. Whatever.

But the point is when you hear that they're like, "Scribbr said to me, he's like, bro, I love the podcast." I'm like, "Thank you, man. I appreciate that." But the point is when, but just like a random person you never thought would listen to this or see these clips, like comes out to me like, "Bro, I love your podcast." Like when Cody Sperber was like, "Man, I want to come on your podcast." I was like, "Okay, Cody, with millions and millions of views on YouTube and you're calling me, I'm not calling you. Absolutely, bro. I love that."

But yeah, and you know, I'm gonna drop I'm gonna segue for a minute or sidebar if you will sidebar sidebar I happen to look at the stats the other day on our podcast and this is an interesting stat 16% of our listeners have something in common. Does anybody want to guess what that might be? They have real estate licenses. Oh They also have hookers bearing their base Canada

Really? 16. I'm telling you, you're bringing that great white demo right home for us. That's definitely, yeah, that one's on me. 16 from Canada. Those are my people. And 100% from Regina. So thank you very much to Chris's mom for spreading the word up there. Whatever you're doing is helping out. But yeah, I thought it was great. And dude, and there's people all over the world that listen to this, which is so funny to me because I just sit here and thinking. Right?

Right now, there's some dude in Uganda trying to figure out. Hell yeah, bro. Send me some Waraji. Yeah. Connell Law, 7318 West Post Road, Unit 203. I would love a bottle of your finest Waraji from Uganda. There's somebody in Uganda listening right now. Waraji is a Ugandan banana liquor, and the name Waraji came from war gin. Waraji. Waraji.

I love how you throw some random country on this guy goes to the mall. You got to get up pretty early. Putting in an order. Particularly in the morning, putting an order in, which is awesome. Press the press.

So when you look for it's okay and another question you're in a my box Saturday who's my box was that oh you like that I mean who doesn't was pretty sweet by the way that was probably the nicest vehicle I've ever been were you in town yeah, so dosa no no no different client John different client for client totally different unrelated client to that just sent the car for you and

sent me and the Maybach and the wife home from dinner. Home in the Maybach from dinner? Home in the Maybach from dinner. Mm-hmm.

And yeah, I fucking went full Rick Ross. I think I beat me. You're there pushing all the buttons again. Shout out to Cole. I mean, at some point, though, at some point, it's annoying because you got to get out. Because I could see myself just doing cross-country trips and that for no reason. Just literally sitting there with like bottles of champagne. That's why when we take the Sprinter van, I don't want to get out. Yeah. Or when we take...

But this for on a jet, it's like, can we just rotate? It's like being in a, in a lay flat, um, you know, Emirates first class. Yeah. Sweet. That's what the back of the car is like. And that was a,

game changer for me. How flat did the seats go? They go pretty good. Like, very cushy pillows. Don't answer that. The wife was just looking at me like, do, do, do, do. Some people are like, oh, that looks like a cool Uber. I'm like, if you don't know, you don't know. Who didn't know that was a Maybach from right away? Nice Uber, Chris. It's awesome. Pardon?

Where do you Uber? Uh, nope. That was it. How much of your, how much of your business, like again, how much of your business comes from referral? How much of it comes from other places? A hundred percent referral. A hundred percent referral. A hundred percent. Colt.

95. Yeah. All mine comes from referrals. 95. And you never, and you just never know. You never know who you're, who you're talking to when it comes. I mean, one of the clients that I had this year was a billionaire from Louisiana. One that was the wealthiest guy in the state of Louisiana. He owns all of like the power companies there. It's crazy. And yeah. And, and I got, he got referred to me and, um,

Yeah. You know, and again, and here's, here's a great example, right? When we were at that wedding in California, we were there talk about odd little things, right? So I closed a deal for them maybe seven, eight months ago. But as we were, as we were going, when we were in that wedding, that, that horse, that was free, that free horse at the wedding. Right. So she loved, I remember she loved those Friesian horses. That was her thing. Right. So I took a picture of the horse and,

And I texted to her and I said, Hey, I'm at this wedding in Northern California. I'm standing here by this beautiful French horse. It made me think of you guys. I hope you're well. And I sent her a picture of the horse and she was like, Oh my God, that's amazing. It cost me $0 to do that. But it was a very small detail about her that I remembered that made her day that I remember that small thing. Top of the mind again. Yeah. People forget you. The little things. You're not always on top of mind and sometimes your best network, it's not always the

the richest people or the people with most power. Like I get a lot of referrals from a guy that, Hey, he has family that is real estate agents and brokers. And he, he, he's not well connected, but he just loves to refer and he's an awesome guy and sends me a lot of stuff. And I, I love that. Like I've got other people that,

They'll refer you every once in a while. That's a good thing to point out is that none of this stuff can be for its own purpose. You didn't do that to be like, oh, I can't. It's like, no, I literally thought of you. Yeah, I literally did. And I'm not doing it to ingratiate myself. It's a second. It's like when people say this drives me crazy.

You go do community service. You go do charity. You go hand out food to the homeless or whatever. If you take a picture of it and put it on your social media for your own memories or whatever, hand out food to the homeless or whatever, some people will say, oh, you're just doing it for that reason. It's like, well, no, no, no, no. I'm trying to put out good. I'm trying to do this and that.

If one of the byproducts of it is you seeing it and going to do it, maybe it reminds you. There's a specific way to do it. There's a way to do it. Not to be obnoxious. But I'm saying I don't care if you're doing it for those right reasons or for the wrong reasons. Just keep doing it. If you're doing it. Just do it. Just do it. So just be a decent person and good things will happen. Don't do it. Wouldn't the world be easier if everybody was just a decent person? Just be decent. Yeah. But there's so much trauma. There's so much trauma in people. There's so much.

Every single person in prison thinks they're still the good guy. - Let me ask you a question. I'm gonna ask you a question right now. What, because it is election day, and this is a problem. What percentage of people that voted today

are actually aware are actually mad at the people that voted the other way like like angry a lot at them yeah but these are the same people that think 80 that don't understand how economics works don't understand that no no but it's not about that it's it's it's about if you're not if you don't think exactly the same way that i do fuck you

If I was a woman, I'd be pretty pissed off if someone was trying to take rights away from me. No, but I'm just... I mean, I think you have a right as a woman to say, if you're trying to take rights from me and people that are inalienably characteristic like me, then fuck you, pal. I totally understand that. If it's like, hey, choice A or choice B,

Well, no, no, no. That's very specific. Yeah, you could. Choice A or choice B about two different things. Should we buy Clorox or should we buy this other brand? That's one thing. But here's the thing, though. So you're not putting religion in this at all because you're not religious. But you can be mad at somebody that's religious that that is actually against their religion to do that. You can't be mad at them. You just have to accept that that is their viewpoint. It's not against their religion, though. Hang on.

If they view it as it is. But they're wrong. Again, they're wrong. If they view it as a murder. But here's the thing. I could say there's people that view themselves as being the opposite gender. Right. So people have this thing, oh, but in the Bible, literally, abortion is a cure if your wife cheats on you. Well, we're supposed to acquiesce, but the point is. But I'm saying. You're missing the point. You're missing the point.

You're arguing a point that we're not trying to fucking argue. You're trying to get us canceled. Jesus. The point that I'm making is, is the civility and respect that other people need to have for differing opinions and having the right to exercise their opinions. That is the problem. I'm not talking about an issue. Jerk nuts. Try to get us canceled. Not at all. I'm saying that I understand why people would feel a certain way about you voting a certain way. If it was hurting them, if it literally hurt them, if it literally prevents somebody from

from accessing a certain amount of equality or whatever, then I do understand people saying, this isn't just a matter of, oh, you know, like there's some Nazis over here and people were against Nazism. So let's meet in the middle and just have half Nazism. It's like, no, no, I understand why people were mad at Kanye West. I understand. Yeah, come on.

But again, if that's the whole thing about understanding others and being tolerant, you know. Can you believe we still have Nazis in this day and age? No, that's what I'm saying. Isn't that the most amazing thing ever? I don't understand it. You know, there's some stuff you hear and you're like, Jesus Christ, that is crazy. That is crazy. Well, okay. Like, well, okay.

It's it's shocking to me that anybody goes down any type of a road like that anymore because I mean you look at what who's the Boston Bruin guy they're like an eighth grade terrorized some little kid and now he's Basically kicked out of the NHL not saying it's right. I don't remember it just happened He's now he's a pariah to the league but like yesterday this morning On Fox or whatever I was on or see him this and I read them all I was on one of the sites and it showed a fight happening on the University of Kentucky and

between a black woman and a white woman, two students. And the white woman decided on camera to yell the N word. And my initial thought was, A, if you're that fucking stupid to do that, your whole life is done. That chick's whole life is done. Right now, done right there. I mean, but is it? Yes, it is. You think that? I think it is. No, but like you could now...

If you ruin your life that way, you just have to go try now to be so extreme. Now you have to just go. Yeah. Again, I uses these. Well, the problem is this, the problem is this though, is there is no path to redemption to, to John's point. Yeah. I'm not going to sit there and I want to educate people. I don't want people just having these platitudes about, oh, that's just this. And it's like, no, no, no. I want people to be educated. Like,

it's a very important thing for me to say, you're not doing something because your religion says so. And it doesn't, or you're not doing that because you're doing it because your parents didn't like it because their parents didn't like it because of the sect they were in. That's not what that book says. I promise you, I went to Catholic school. I will tell you verse and chapter and where it doesn't say that. What, what happens is I just want honesty. I want there to be honesty and integrity in all those things. So when I look at somebody and they say, I would like to deprive, um,

X type of people from having X type of right that Y person has or would never be exposed to. I can see why people would say, hey, that affects me. And if you don't respect me enough to think that I'm your equal in this matter, then I don't respect the way you voted. I think that's perfectly on the table. That's why we need more than two parties. Okay, question, question. So based on that logic,

Do I have the right to be outraged at the waste of my tax dollars because I pay more than most? Do I have the right to be mad at you because you voted for an entitlement program, but it would benefit you when it comes out of my pocket? I have the right to be entitled by it. Should I be outraged? I think you can criticize it. Absolutely. I don't think I, I think, no, I think the bottom line is with stuff like that is my opinion is over here. I understand why you want to have that opinion. You do what you do. It affects them. It affects me. Same way.

- Yeah, so that's a good point. But then again, to that point, which is where it gets interesting. - We're not talking about networking at all. - Well, no, but we are because we're understanding other people and how things work. But at the end of the day, what you need to consider is if a guy who's got a million dollars is complaining about not being able to make $2 million versus a guy who's got $40,000, was born in a different circumstance, to say that it affects me more, right? It doesn't affect base quality things like healthcare.

It's not like your ability to continue existing on this planet. But who do you think, okay, for example, you look at hyperinflation now because everything's been ridiculously free forever. And now you have all of these people that are hyper upset about the inflation because they're uneducated in the fact that you can't just keep taking. At some point, you got to pay that money back. Sure.

You know, I don't understand like the college education thing. I don't get that at all. I mean, the going to college, no, the debt forgiveness. Yeah.

I don't get that at all. Cause I'm like, I'm like, dude, what about the GIs that have gone into harm's way and been shot at to earn that? That's not, but again, why do we have to, why, why do you have to go get shot at to go get educated? Like I want everyone to be educated. You should fix the problem, right? The problem is that the institution is blown out of proportion. You fix the problem going forward and,

retroactively. But again, you don't retroactively help the people that weren't helping themselves or couldn't help themselves. But I'm sorry, if you go to college and get a liberal arts degree, you're a dumbass anyway. You don't deserve to get it paid for. At the end of the day, though, a rising tide lifts all ships. And one thing about a quality of a society, there is a high correlation to a quality society and education. Sure. So I'd rather invest in that than blowing up people and

in sudan no i agree i agree but i think in the greater i think in the greater set well i mean what part of sudan not the part we were air show driving down the freeway our air show is badass chris i'm sorry stop talking crap on our planes bro i i love top gun too as much as anybody but the sr71 costs something like 20 million dollars a flight

A flight? Yeah, so again, we get mad about- How can something cost $20 million a flight? When you take in the fixed cost of everything and you break it down, it flew 40 times, it cost $800 million or whatever. So it doesn't seem cost- All I want is this. I want an economics party. Can we all just agree that the Stinger missile is the greatest thing ever invented? Because it's like-

It just doesn't cost that much and it doesn't. Just to be consistent. I hate how excited I get about military ordinance while at the same time complaining about the cost of it. Exactly. No. Yeah. No, but the libertarian in me, right, wants me to think that all people are going to try to look out for them, their own interests, which would mean that I want. They are.

Yeah, but I also understand that if I was you, I would understand what your interests are, right? We're all living each other's lives just from different experiences. Yeah. No, I get it. But I think a big problem is people just don't bother to respect any, well, not educated, but they don't respect people's opinions on things. I don't feel, I think everybody has a right to have their own opinion. Yeah, but not all opinions are the same.

there's this uh newspaper ad for the globe and mail there was this newspaper ad it said this it had all these outlandish things i think the earth is it's like this like this is why we have 16 canadians because they like it yeah i'm trying to get that to 20. no no no there was this globe and mail as a newspaper and it said there was people oh the earth is flat what's my opinion the earth is flat well i think this should be this there's just these really exaggerated outlandish opinions and then it says

Everybody has an opinion is yours informed and it was the end of the newspaper Because we have talked about that as well We've said like look if somebody if you hear something ask them where they heard it if they heard it from not a credible source what research did you do to verify it and

And, you know, and before you disseminate these terrible ideas, we have talked about that. Could we all just agree like a pina colada is an okay drink for a guy to drink? 1,000%. Who said it wasn't? 1,000%. Dude, I'm so tired of people making fruity drinks a not manly thing. Dude, I...

There's been days on the strip when I'm walking somewhere on the strip and you roll up on the dagger stand and you're like, I can do it by the vice. I can do this. Men have taste buds too. I hate to tell you this. We need to normalize it. Why don't we normalize things smelling nice like candles or plug in freshness? Dude, I am so excited about the Bed Bath & Beyond free wick candle sale. Free.

pretty quick. I walk out of there. He knows he's in. Oh, man. How many people do you network with in the department of bed, bath, and body work? You know what? I get hit on a lot. I will say that. I got to be careful, yeah. I love bed, bath, and beyond. We need to normalize. Bath and body works. Yeah. I mean, I get the bed and bath. Yeah. I definitely see you more in the beyond category than the better bath category. The bath and body work. For sure. No question at all. Well, guys, listen. What?

I'm trying to break it up so we can bring back I mean I'm assuming it's just Canadians that are listening at this point so oh jeepers did you know like 90% of Canadians live within like 90 miles of the border that's pretty crazy

good fun fact because they're trying to get to america son i hate to tell you what's above that threshold but it ain't a lot the great white wasteland it's just all land white water all the resources and water on earth it's just literally where all the water and that is all the oil and water and yeah

That's how it is. It's so resource rich. It's insane. Well, listen, if you're going to go network, which hopefully you are, you will take our advice. You will have a plan where you will go. You'll walk in. You'll understand who you want to meet. You will not go in with your hand out, but instead offering something smart to somebody lead with generosity and

be memorable in this stuff and take care of your spirit. Yeah. There's nothing worse, man. I don't know if we talked about that, but there's nothing worse than the guy that hasn't called you in like 18 months. And then out of the blue, Hey, how are you doing? I was thinking about you today. And you're like one, two, three, because I need this. Yeah. That's why you were thinking about me. I'll think about it the other time.

just because you needed this. Follow up. Right. Like that. I've been to advance and people are like, Oh, Hey, I've got this, this and this. I'm like, I'm interested in nothing. You think I'm not saving your card that you gave me.

Send an email right away at the spot so that I can search if I need to. Yeah, I like the video text message when I leave events. I like that. Oh, that's good. I like the video text message because if they didn't necessarily know who I was, now they got my name again. I'm normally sending it through the gram. I don't connect. I'll say it's good for you. It's good to meet you. Yeah, I don't connect on business cards. All my connections are made through Instagram. And then as soon as I leave the event, I go back and I make a mental note of why I kind of –

met and then I'll go to the messaging app and Instagram and I'll shoot a real quick video of me just saying, Hey bro, it was great meeting you, blah, blah, blah. You want to talk about this, get with me, whatever. Let's, let's, let's catch up. Oh, cool. I like that. And then they can then, cause you know, again, if you,

We all like to think we're the most memorable person in the room, but sometimes you're not. And this way they see your face along with who you are. And they just talk to you and like, oh yeah, I remember this guy. So that's a good way to do it. And plus that's another reason why I like social media because if you connect with them there, now they can kind of see who you are. Now you're connected. And this is, you know, again, man, talk about the power of network and the power of imaging. That blue check mark on Instagram does matter. I've had times when...

I've talked to people and I've been like, oh, let's connect to Instagram and I'll just connect on them. And I can see them literally walk away from the room and then they'll flip over and they'll turn on the Instagram and they'll look at me and then they'll come back around.

Cause also I'm telling you, it's the weirdest thing. Certain crowds, certain crowds don't care, but certain crowds, maybe they were just gassy job. No crop dusting. No, not at all. No, I'm telling you in certain, in certain that like the younger crypto type, those rooms that, that shit matters and it carries weight. That's because again, they now are like, who's this guy? He must have a good network. Like it all gotta be somebody bucks for it.

No, I want to pay the bucks for Twitter. Oh, yeah. No for yeah, just for the experience. I'm with the check. I don't care about check mark on Twitter Twitter's I don't who still use it. Do you? I never like Twitter. I've never been a fan of it. I don't get it. I use Twitter a lot. There's huge business sales going down on Twitter. Yeah, there are. That's just little community. Is it how you communicate to the mothership? Is this how you do it? No, I swear to God, man. There's real estate. They call it retweet. Uh,

And there's a huge, I mean, these are big time people. These are people worth hundreds of millions that are. - I'm on it. - They're getting it. - My sister loves it up and down. She says it's the great way to communicate. It's just pure information. I find it totally uninteresting. - You have to be. - To see people screaming at each other. - No, you're following the wrong thing, right? Like I'm telling you, if you utilize Twitter, right? Man, I'm watching this, it's crazy.

- So do you get new deals from it or just people on there? - These guys are getting deals left and right. - Is he saying opaque, John? Is he saying these guys like keeping it real? - I'll show you, I'll show you. It's wild, but again, it's like anything. You gotta utilize it right. Your Instagram set up a certain way. My Instagram set up a certain way. Yours is too, right? Like you have to stand out. And if you go to a networking event and you're wearing all black suits and stuff with, and everybody else is wearing black suits, ain't gonna happen.

I go in and I watch so many people scan in the rooms. They see me and they stop. And then they go and you see what they're doing. Hey, who's that guy? Who's that guy? It's the deadness. It's when I come in my seat. When you come into a Speedo, when you come in with a Speedo,

The world changes. I thought I saw a picture of pure evil in the Khmer Rouge Museum in Cambodia. I have suits that are purely for networking. Just staring like, who's this guy going to eat? No, I have suits. I have my loud suits. If you see me at a networking event, I'm usually in a louder suit. Dude, I told you the one guy I met, we met at, I think you guys were there the night we were at the barbershop thing when I spoke and there was a guy in the cowboy hat. And I just walked up to him. I got to meet the guy in the cowboy hat. What's your story?

And I figured he was going to say like, I'm from wherever. And he's like, I'm from, yeah, no, he's like, I'm from San Diego. I'm like, San Diego. He's like, yeah, man, I was at a networking event around Halloween a couple of years ago and I went as a cowboy and people love the cow. And I just kept, I wore it the next day as a Lark and everybody just started calling me cowboy. So I've been wearing it ever since. I was like, I gotta be honest with you. Cowboy hat, cowboy hats, a sharp piece of attire. Oh, by the way, by the way, by the way, by the way, real, real quick, real quick, real quick.

The Halloween costume was amazing. By the way, I can't believe we didn't talk about it. Going as the Yellowstone couple was amazing. You didn't see it? I went as Rip. Rip, and then, yeah, it was amazing. It was well done. It was very well done. Yeah, Caitlin was sitting there coloring my face with mascara to give me a ripped beard. I wasn't real, huh? Do you want to know something crazy?

The guy who plays Rip? Do you know who that is? Yeah, it's a guy from Days of Confused. No, that's a guy from frigging Too Fast, Too Furious. No, no, before Days of Confused. Fast and Furious. What? You don't remember him from Days of Confused? No, that one shocked me. That shocked me, too. That shocked me. That just shows you. It was his first movie. No, but that was McConaughey. I always tell people, when you have a guy with a beard, make him shave it before you date him. Oh, yeah. Because he's...

Not the same guy without a beard. He's way more handsome without a beard. Conor McGregor. Really? You think so? I think he's more handsome. He looks more evil, but definitely more handsome. Colt just because he has a beard. He's just like, I got to hang on to it. Is this considered a beard? Yeah. Really? Yeah, kind of. Beard is the makeup for men, by the way. Yes, it is. That's why I tell people, make and shave it. I will say this, though. You hit a certain age. I've hit this age now when I get this stuff. I just look fucking awesome.

old. Well, you get the white out. Because for me, it'd be like, oh. When it comes out, I just, I gotta shave it tight now. I can't do that. Like, I can't do that. I would look like I'm 100 years old if I had that rotten. All right, well, we're drifting. So if you're still listening to this, thanks. If you're watching us on YouTube or whatever you're watching us on, make sure you like, subscribe. If you're listening to us on a podcast, make sure you give us five stars. We'll be back next week with another episode of The Power Boots. See you next time.

Hey, it's John Gafford. If you want to catch up more and see what we're doing, you can always go to where we'll share any links that we've things we talked about on the show, as well as links to the YouTube where you can watch us live. And if you want to catch up with me on Instagram, you can always follow me at thejohngafford. I'm here. Give me a shout.