cover of episode The Rules of Money EP 13

The Rules of Money EP 13

Publish Date: 2021/9/22
logo of podcast Escaping the Drift with John Gafford

Escaping the Drift with John Gafford


Shownotes Transcript

From the art of the deal to keeping it real. Live from the Simply Vegas studios, it's The Power Move with John Gafford.

Back again, back again, back again. Number eight, number eight, fine. No! No, we're good. Number 13, boys. Lucky number 13. That intro, I swear to God, you were going to come in Macho Man Randy Sabbers there. Oh, yeah. Oh, I'm going to tell you this, brother. Let me tell you something there, Macho Man. No, I don't know what I'm doing anyway. So welcome back to The Power Move. This is Lucky Number, episode 13, boys. 13 with me as always.

the always saucy midday cold armadon what's happening what's up back to it back to it and of course

Chris Conwell Esquire. Chris, what's happening? How are you? Living the dream. Living the dream. Boys, we got lots to talk about today. I mean, lots of stuff going on. So first of all, man, I, as you know, I went to my mastermind group over the weekend and that's my big deal that I go do. The big thing, the big cheese that I get to go do, the Avengers mastermind. If you're not in a mastermind or you've never been in one and aren't familiar with what this is,

It's basically where you go hang around with a bunch of people that have a bunch of knowledge. And for me, a good mastermind, it leaves me feeling like I'm not doing enough. I come back from it feeling like, oh shit, I got to get on it. I got to pull this together because if I don't, I'm just going to, I'm falling farther behind. And that's what I think a good mastermind does. This is a, it's a pretty high dollar ticket deal I go to and around a bunch of very, very smart people. And, and,

The first thing I got to tell you is, is how the weekend got started. I don't know if I, if you saw this on my stories, you saw what happened, but how, how we got kicked off for the trip was not exactly a banner start to the old weekend. Um, we're in, sorry, start that way. Yeah, no, no, they're not. No, no, but this didn't, yeah, we're, we're in valet and, um,

We're getting ready to, we pull up to McCarran. We're in Valley and become taking my wife with me on this one. And we're, we're, we're getting to Valley and I'm running around the side trying to deal with the Valley. She's opening the back of her hatch. Right. And as she's opening the hatch, I'm running around, I'm looking at the Valley and I turn and I run right into the corner of her hatch. I did see that. And it was one of those things where as soon as it happens, you just kind of know like this. It looked like it crunched like a hit. And I was like, Oh man.

man and i you know i yelled f-bombs saying little ladies walking around like and my wife thought i yelled because it hurt and it did sting a little bit but the reason i yelled is i just knew what was coming and as i turned to my wife to ask her if it's bleeding i could just feel the blood come running down i'm not talking about one little trickle i mean a stream

I'm a big fan of the UFC and skull bleeds aren't ones that trickle. Oh, dude. Yeah. It was like, it was like Ric Flair, steel cage, Mick Foley to Mick Foley bladed myself up. It was brutal. I'm shocked that it got through your hair. Right. You would think my hair would have protected me. You would think it would have protected me. It didn't. So anyway, I'm standing there in Valley and my wife's like, just looks at me kind of this white face and she's like,

We got to go to the hospital. And I go, no, no, I'll be fine. So I'm playing here. The valets come and hand me like a stack of paper towels and I'm wiping off of my face and I'm trying to get it. I'm like matting my hair into it, kind of trying to get it to stop bleeding. So I can calm her down, but be convinced her it's okay for us to get on this floor.

So I'm like, no, I think it's going to stop bleeding. I think it'll be, I think it just needs some pressure. Let's just, let's just get to the airport and we'll see what happens. Let me see. Let's go. Let's get to the gate. We'll wait it out. Let's do a wrap. So we go in, I,

I've got a paper towel stuck to my head. It's covered in blood. It's like in Fight Club where he shoots himself through the throat. Exactly. He's like, I need some gauze. Exactly. It's that same Fight Club look. I don't know how they let me through security. I have no idea. We get to the gate and I get down. I'm like, let me just run to the bathroom and see what I'm working with. Let me just run over and see what I'm dealing with.

So I run to the bathroom and I look and dude, and I start like just getting some water to try to like fix. Cause I'm just like, now I got blood stuck hair and look like just, just shoveled in every direction. I'm trying to get some of the blood out of my hair. It's blood all over the sink. People are like, like, is this a Greyhound station? I'm at the airport. Where am I at here at this point? They can't quite get their head around it. The public bathrooms in Huntington. Yeah, exactly. Which oddly enough is where I was headed.

I'm not the public restroom general. And, uh, and so we get to the gate, we're sitting there and I've got like a, I've got like a rag on my head and I'm like, cause I'm pushing it slowly, but surely it's kind of bleeding less, right? Less is going along. And I'm like, all right. Um,

You know, I told Gidget, I'm like, you know, we can, we can make it. We're going to be fine. Look, we'll just get there. If it's still bleeding, I'll keep pressure on. It's fine. So we get on the plane and kind of sneak past the flight attendants. Cause I'm figuring open head wound is kind of a guaranteed kick you off the flight. I'm figuring it is something about it. The Geneva convention. It is. So I get in my seat. I'm still holding, keeping pressure on it. Cause you know, that's going to stop it. And anyway, we get to the hotel, we make it all the way there. And I go, let me take a video of it. Let me see what we're working with. And so she turns the video camera on. I look at it and I'm like,

She's like, is that like coagulated? And I think that's actually the word. So we go to Quick Care in Huntington Beach, which oddly enough, my Nevada insurance, it was cheaper to go to Quick Care in California than it was here. It's a win. Yeah, it's a win. I don't know how they do it. And of course, they're like, we're going to put some staples in your head. And I'm like, OK, see, that's what you're not going to do. Because, you know, Dr. Google, I don't know. I'm here to tell you how to facilitate. I read it on WebMD. Exactly. Read it on WebMD.

And I do my own research. Exactly. So I'm like, you're going to glue me back together and I'm out of here. So she brought in two nurses and they pushed it together and then she glued it and was done. And I was like, and then she's like, you know, the staples aren't going to hurt. I'm like, I'm not scared of the staples. I don't want to have to come back to the doctor. I didn't, I don't want you to shave my head as I'm going to this mastermind group is what I don't want to do. And so they glued me back together and I was no worse for where I got to, got to the weekend. But

What I want to talk about today on today's show, let's get to it, is one of the things that I sat through that I think is super interesting and was super really cool was one of the guys in my group, Ryan Steumann, he's known by the Hardcore Closer online. If you don't follow Steumann, go follow him. He's a good dude. He's not for the faint of heart, as he probably would say. He's not everybody's cup of tea, but he's probably your shot of tequila. But Steumann did a deal where at one point he went up and he just said, hey, these are my 21 rules of money.

And you think to yourself, man, I, you know, I'm good with money. I don't, you know, this is why are we teaching elementary stuff? And some of it was rudimentary. Some of it was stuff like, yeah, you can tell your kids, I'll get it. And then a couple of these on these lists, when he said it, it was very profound for me. Then I was like, wow. So first and foremost, this is not my list.

This is Ryan Steumann's list. I want to give full credit. Opinions of Ryan Steumann, not the opinion of Chuck. No, no, no. It's not that, counselor. What it is is I loathe when people hear something interesting and then try to pass it off on their own. This is 100% Steumann credit, 100% hardcore closer. So let's jump into them. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to kind of lay them out.

this is if we can get right into this now or called has some no equestrian olympic thing no i just this reminded me of something that happened four score and seven years ago actually when i was stealing people's thoughts yeah when you're still back and back in the day i just you almost hit me in the parking lot and well that was intentional yeah but i thought you noticed that i was pretty quick on my feet and pretty athletic that i thought maybe you would have

Be like, hey, you know what? After seeing that, you jogged really fast. You could be a... Okay. I'm taking that as a challenge now in the parking lot to see how athletic you are. I wasn't really trying to hit you. You could have hit me if you'd want to. But now I will. Even if I just did the speed walk technique, you ain't hitting me. Assumption of risk, Colt. I know. Exactly. He's assuming the risk for this situation. So I'll say this. I'll say I'm pretty sure...

like i wasn't trying i have a better chance of being able to run you over with my car than you do a speed walker no way no way if anybody wants to take me up you know what i will take this is what's known as an illegal contract ladies and gentlemen an illegal contract thank you is it is this a legal kind of you want me john used to do and we need to bring it back we used to have uh little bets on

on Fridays. We did have Friday backs. We made one of John's right-hand women. Yeah, my assistant. Could she squeeze into the mini fridge? Mini fridge. That is a great challenge. She's like 5'9". That isn't like intentional infliction of damage with a vehicle. No. I mean... But he's not catching me. That's the thing. I guess if you stop me, it's different. At some point, he's asking for it.

Go ahead. Take me on, you guys, with any car you want. Oh, my God. What is happening? You have to run over him. Number 13 is just off the rails already. Sorry, guys. All right. Okay. Because it won't be a 14. It'll be a eulogy. This is definitely going to be evidence used. This will be evidence. So let's jump right into these rules. I wrote them down as he was saying, and I thought it was good. So-

Well, I'll tell you what they are and then we'll discuss them real quick. So it says when, let's go back. That was the wrong page. Hang on, let me get on the right page here real quick. Oh, again, anybody want to take me on sports? No, no, no, no. It was, the first rule was live on 70%, invest 20% and give 10% is what it was.

And, you know, he ties 10% to his church. If you're not in a church, give to charity, do what those things are. And I like that. You know, living on 70%, always living on 70% of your means, you know, paying yourself first and living with it. I think in this day and age, way too many people, and I'm going to give Gary Vee Carter for this one. And it's still from him as well. Is he, I like a comedy says he goes,

People go broke buying shit they don't need to impress people they don't know. That's an old saying. I'm not even sure if that's Gary V's. Really? That actually might have been Fight Club. Is that Socrates said that? Is that Socrates? Buying shit to impress people that you don't know. I think that is actually a Tyler Durden-ism. Is that a Tyler Durden-ism? I'm pretty sure it is. But the point remains. Who would have thought Fight Club would have made it into the show twice in the first eight minutes? I mean, I would have put money on it. It's one of the most profound movies of the 20th century. Yeah.

So, yeah, that is completely a reasonable way to go. I had a conversation with someone today talking about how kids, 52% of young adults live with their parents, which is the highest ratio of that statistic since the Great Depression, even including the Great Depression. Really? 52% of young adults live with their parents.

Which is completely understandable because we live in a culture where people don't live on, first off, their means. What constitutes a young adult? Is that like under 25? Probably under 25. Like what I got, an 11-year-old that thinks she's 35. I mean literally a legal adult. A legal adult. A legal adult, right? Where kids don't move out at 18 anymore. They move at 19. Have you met an 18-year-old lately? They're not the same as a couple of decades ago. I promise you this. You want to come see two 18-year-olds that are moving out? I'll show them to you. Come to my house. My kids are well aware. You can't tell 18. You're out at 18? Oh, yeah. I will pay for school.

Or I'll pay for this, but you ain't living a home past 18. What about college? No college. I'll pay for that. You'll pay for their lodging somewhere else. Absolutely. But you want them to get out at 18 to go live their life. Absolutely. And as long as they're in school and doing what they're doing, I will invest, support, and do those things. Yeah. But I'm not doing the 25-year-old living off me. I'm not doing that. But are you saying that because you don't want them going to UNLV?

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Even if they went to UNLV, they're out. You're going to go live in the dorm, go live in a dorm, go live in an apartment. You'd rather pay for an apartment. Yes, I would. Yes, I absolutely would. And here's what, and here's why, because I think, you know, anymore, I think you go to college to learn how to be an adult. Sure. Right. I mean, most of, in most cases, unless you're a professional like yourself, we talked about this in the

past you're not going to learn anything in those classes that you're practically practically going to apply into day-to-day life but you're going to learn how to do an adult i don't know how to think yeah you're learning how to think and i don't think you're you're able to do that if mom's doing your laundry and making your i i completely don't disagree with that i think 18 is i think 18 is a little young now because there are no expectations of maturity at 18 there just aren't

I know 17-year-olds that weren't allowed to work. Their parents were like, you're not allowed to work. You'd have to take the car and be out at night. It's just helicoptering. Nope, not at all. I mean, again, I think that's just that. I think if you look at a lot of how mid-20-year-old folks act these days, they're a product of that environment. And my kids are just not going to be a product of that. So that's good. Totally agree with the 70-20-10, though. Yeah, 70-20-10. And here's what I thought was interesting. If you're somebody that's like, man, I couldn't afford to give $10,000

He flipped that in a weird interesting way from the stage and he was like look here's the deal even if you've never given 10% like trust me if you do it you won't miss it like you won't even realize that you did it and then it almost becomes like a flex that you can give away 10% of your income and you don't even notice. Here's the thing though in all fairness you guys are talking about individuals that are highly ambitious like you were saying you're going to a room where you know you don't want to be the most ambitious person in any room you're in. No.

No. So he's not giving this speech to kids who are at Starbucks trying to pay college tuition. No, no, no. But he fucking should be. Parents need to give these lessons to your kids. I'm actually speaking. It's so funny how the world works. I got invited to speak for NAREP, the National Association of Hispanic Realtors, and they want me to speak on wealth building and money management is what they want me to talk to their agents about. And I said, cool. And then I went and sat through this, and I'm like, okay.

thanks, Newman. I have to prep for the speech now. I'm just going to roll this out because honestly, this is the best. When you hear some of this stuff, it's the best information ever. Some of it's free baking, like I said, but let's move on. Number two, if you can't buy something with cash, don't buy it. Totally agree. Live by that. Don't buy it at all. If you can't buy it, I mean, for me, honestly, I take that a little bit further, which is if you can't buy it twice, don't buy it. And I also think if it's something that's a luxury or not a necessity purchase,

wait four days to buy it. Totally. Go see it. Think about how you feel about it in four days if you still want to go buy it. He's talking about anything other than obviously the one thing where you should use leverage. It's real estate. Yeah, we'll get to that. Anything that's not a mortgage. Yeah, that's... Anything that's not a mortgage. 100%. I financed one car in my life. Yeah, he said cars and real estate. But I financed one car one time because my credit was hurting because I'd never financed a car. Yeah. Mm-hmm.

It wasn't per grade. It was like, how do you increase your credit? Now this, this next one was something that I thought was kind of out there. Well, not out there, but I just was like, wow, okay, cool. Never keep more than six months of living expenses in the bank ever. And here's why. Interesting. Here was the thought process behind it. Your cash that you have in the bank will never be worth more than it is right now.

Tomorrow, it's going to be worth less. Every day you leave it sitting there in a banking facility, it becomes worth less. Inflation is a real killer. Yeah, it's a real killer. Especially this year. Yeah, so you've got to get that money out into the world working into appreciating assets or cash flowing assets as soon as possible. If you leave it sitting in a bank, you're nuts. And...

And the reality of it was so many of us in that room have – you get a little bit of a big lifestyle. You have a lot of responsibilities. You have this. You tend to want to – you feel like, oh, I'll sleep better at night if I see big bank accounts. So I know that I can go two years and not have to worry about anything. But the reality of it is and what he said was he goes, dude, everybody in this room, you're a hustler.

Like, no matter what happens, you would turn it around in six months. That's a really great point. And just from a legal point, you don't want to have that much cash on hand to be sued anyway. Yeah. Yeah. Which would be. You said 12 months of living expenses. Six. But you said you personally, and a couple shows ago. Too many. Have 12. And I'm reevaluating that. That's interesting. I actually have, truth be told, I have more than that cash sent around, which is just dumb.

It is. It's not useful. I sit there daily and that bothers me. I'm the same way as probably John. I'm on board with all these so far. I think they're great. Yeah, okay. Next one, don't waste money. I thought that was pretty obvious. Don't just waste and unfrivolous things. Respect money.

Uh, the next one, don't spend money based on emotion, uh, just cause you like something or, or if you want to invest in a product, if you love the person and the person is one of your best friends, don't invest in their business cause your friends know invest because you like the model, you like the product, you think you understand the ROI, you know, there's going to be a good exit on it. Make sure you're making your, your business investments based on solid data and not emotion whatsoever. Literally couldn't agree more on that one too. Yeah. All right. Um, when investing, do your own due diligence. Um,

Don't just take somebody else's word for it. Do your own due diligence. Never use a credit card or carry a credit card balance unless the interest rate is zero. If the interest rate is zero, you can use it to leverage to do other things, but never carry a credit card balance. I totally agree with that. If you have a credit card, you should really just be using it to pay off balances every month using it for points. Yeah, using it for points. And we're going to have your point hacker on here at some point soon, which is great. But yeah, you should do that.

Never spend more than you can afford to impress others. I thought that was obvious. We just talked about that. And this was the, this was the, this is where it started kind of getting interesting. And this is like one of my lessons for my kids. Treat every dollar you get like you worked for it.

I like that. What I mean by that is like so often like people are like, oh, I get a, you know, I get a dollar. I get money from grandma on a card. So I immediately think I need to run to the mall and just buy some nonsense with it. You make equivocations if it wasn't from a check. Yeah. You're like, well, I didn't earn it, which is exactly why, you know, lottery winners come out broke. Yeah.

Because they're like, well, I didn't work for it. So if you treat every dollar you ever get like you actually had to go to work for it. Well, it's like Tosh says, Daniel Tosh, the comedian, goes, there's a reason lottery winners go broke. And that's because if they were any good at fucking money, they wouldn't be playing the lottery. They wouldn't buy lottery tickets. It's true, too. No, no kidding. They wouldn't have that. Never have more than $1 in your, I'm sorry. Never have more than, I'm sorry. Never.

You never have more than one dollar in your bank account. I'm like, where's this one going? I should have been a doctor because I can't read my own handwriting, which is crazy. Never leave all your money in one bank account. And I preach this religiously. This is something that I religiously preach. Whenever...

I'm talking to new agents or new people that are coming, especially in real estate, is so important because in real estate you get these big checks, man. And I see it all the time where realtors get a big check and they go on what's called the real estate roller coaster, which is I'm broke and I work and I get a huge check and yay, I'm rich, I'm rich, and they don't work and they don't work and then they get broke and they go up and down and up and down and up and down. So just like this, you need to have what it takes for you to exist on the planet in cash in one bank account. And that's the account you see if you go to the ATM, the card. That's the account you see when you pull it up.

your other accounts for saving stuff. You don't even need to see those and forget they even exist because here's what happens mentally. You start to see those big balances and you're like, Oh man, I can, I can, I can relax and drink scotch in the middle of the day. I don't need to do anything.

Cheers to that. Cheers to that. I'm comfortable. I don't have to do anything. I can relax. Hypothetically speaking. Yeah. Hypothetically speaking. Not towards anybody at this point. Not towards anybody sitting at this table. Let's pretend bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. Bold. bold. bold. bold. bold. bold. bold. bold. bold. bold. bold. bold. bold. bold. bold. bold. bold. bold. bold. bold. bold.

seven, eight accounts, but I do keep too much cash in two of them. Yep. Yep. But it's not, but you can, do you see it often or no? No, I don't. And I intentionally don't look. I'm one of those people where I have taken steps personally to take my 401k is now all in cash, but that's sitting in an investment account. I don't like spend from it, but I want to take it out in cash because it's self-directed. I'm going to buy real estate with it.

I have two other accounts that have two higher balances of cash. And the reason why, first off, you don't have all your cash in one account is because the FDIC only insures up to $50,000 of it in case something happens. Yeah, to your bank. So you should never carry more than $50,000 in an account anyway, even if it is your account.

Right. Uh, your living sticks takes six months of living. Maybe you're nuts. 9,000 still. Yeah. We keep 15 there. What about you cold? How many, how many bank accounts you got? Uh, probably five, five. Yeah. Probably. Do you pre, do you follow this? Do you keep just enough in there to pay? Yeah. Do you know what I don't let me see anything? Uh, no. Yeah. I mean, I think that, um, I also probably keep too much cash. Um,

And I think a lot of that has to do from the 2008, 2009 days. I think a lot of us, you know, realize how quick that happens. So, yeah, I'm probably with you guys, probably five accounts. But I don't – I keep – I pay myself X a year, and that's my –

My spending money. I know. I don't because thankfully, you know, I don't really have to, but I don't live lavish. I don't spend a lot on crazy stuff. I don't buy a lot of things. Yeah. I don't have like, because like I said, I won't buy a car unless I pay cash. Yeah. I bought my wife a car because I thought it was a good deal. And instead of buying it, because I save, I don't, I'm not a big spender. Yeah.

I don't go out and blow stuff. I don't go out and blow it on expensive stuff. I have the things I want. That's enough. That's enough. That's good. All right. Well, here's the one. This is the one that literally everybody was talking about that we go from like super basics. This is going to kind of screw your head up. So first off, I'm guilty of somebody already. Yeah. No, no, no, no, no. Well, well, well, let me, let me hit you with this one. Cause this is the one that, that I think everybody in the room was just like, cause especially being in the business, we're in a real estate. Here it is.

never work for the same dollar twice. Now, what he means by that is he goes, look, hang on, hang on. If he goes, look, if I earn a dollar in my main business, if I earn a dollar, right? If I go out and I have to work, if I have to show up at a job and I earn this dollar and I take my money and I go, cool, I'm gonna go flip this house. Then I invest the dollar that I just earned

And I go out and I invest in this house. I'm going to flip, but then I got to go chase down the contractors. I got to go over there when the shit hits a fan, I got to go run the squatters out. I got to deal with all this. I'm working to get my money back. He goes, I'm working again to try to re-earn it. He goes,

I will go out and earn money. I'll go flip houses. I'll lever money and I'll go flip houses. But the money that I earn, 100% of it, gets reinvested into hands-off, passive, either cash flow investments-

Or back into like loans or whatever else that it does 100% pass. Oh, so what say you can I see you guys? You know, I think that one's a really like I understand what he's saying But I don't think that actually pencils out because here's the saying if I want to invest in if I if I earn $50,000. Mm-hmm, and I want to buy a apartment unit and I take that 10% that 50 grand I lever it into a half a million dollar building 10% Okay, 250 thousand dollar building whatever. Just numbers don't matter. I

I'm not working for the same dollar twice. I'm working for the same 10 cents to get me another 90. No, no, no, no, no. But here's the difference. Okay. Okay. If you buy a hard asset, you buy an apartment building. All right. Are you going to run around and collect the rents every month? So that, that is something. So right now I'm doing that. You're physically running around. We're buying a bunch of units, standalones. All right. And I,

And the third guy coming in, it's understood. So the first guy is lending him the money for it. Okay. I'm just passive. I'm just money in. Okay. So are you working for the same dollar twice? I'm not doing it that instance. Exactly. But the point being is that's the type of deal you need to seek out. That's the situation. And I agree in that deal. But here's the thing. If I wasn't a 40-year-old lawyer,

who earns my money by not doing things other ways. If I literally inherited 50 grand and I'm trying to build wealth, you're going to have to work for your same dollar more than once when you're building wealth. You're going to have to because you're going to have to invest in yourself because it's, I understand the value of time, but I know people that it's better off for you to go be your own property manager at first so that you understand what's happening so you don't have to do that a

Right. I think there's periods of time where that's true, but I think there are also periods of time where it's not like everything I do. I equivocate. Right. But there are times when you're going to need to collect the rent checks. You're going to need to be there doing evictions and justice court. So when you hire someone to do all that shit for you, you know, when they're ripping you off or when they're not doing a good job. Well, let me, well, let me get back to another profound thing. It's not, not part of Steumann's deal, but this was a whole nother deal that somebody said, I remember who said this. Oh, you know who said this?

I was at a breakout session with my group and Chris Crone from Utah, who's a gangster. If you don't follow Chris, go check him out too. What else is in Utah, John? All kinds of stuff. Yeah? What's your favorite restaurant? Oh, you know what's not awesome? Chili's. You suck at Chili's. See, I almost blocked it out and forgot about it and bring it back like a wave of emotion. Just when I thought you were out. Just when I thought I was out. Yeah.

I'm not done with you, Chili's. I'm not done with you. Anyway, back to Chris Krohn. If you don't follow him, check him out. He's awesome, too. But during the breakout session, somebody at my table, because really what you do with these things, you sit through kind of a presentation through certain parts of it. There are speakers that come in, and we have some cool guests and stuff. I mean, Tito Ortiz came in this time because we're in Huntington Beach, and that's like his place. We had Emmett Smith one time. Just a lot of cool people come through and talk. Yeah.

But primarily what you're doing is you break out into individual groups several times with a lot of different people. And you kind of unpack issues or challenges with your business and things that you're trying to overcome or whatever it is. And then utilizing the collective brain power at the table, which there's a lot. You get someplace. And a guy was having trouble –

with justifying or justifying replacing himself in his business. And Chris Crone dropped and said, here's an excellent exercise for that. Take out a pad and just keep track of everything you do in a given week, whatever it may be, everything you do from answering emails to editing podcast, posting on Instagram to all of the things that you do for your business. And then draw a line to the right of it and write how much you would pay somebody to do that job or how much you feel that you could get somebody to do that job.

Now, when you lay all this out and you put all of those in order, I guess spreadsheet would be a better term. Use a spreadsheet. But when you get that, you can sort. Use charcoal. You can sort it. Coming from the guy that's the most. Papyrus paper. Yeah, the most. Yeah, I mean, you want to sort, I guess, at some point. Otherwise, you're going to have to erase and draw stuff. It's going to be a pain in the ass. Anyway, sort that. And then from the highest to lowest. And somewhere on that page, there's going to be a line.

Like everything above this line is secret sauce. Like I'm the only person that can do this. And I really wouldn't want to part with this much money to have this done. And then he said, quite frankly, never, ever again, do anything below the line. Totally agree. Just don't, don't Tiger Woods should never cut his own lawn. There's this old thing in economics about the opportunity costs. Cause you could go make a doll. You could go make a hundred dollars an hour while you could pay someone $10 an hour to do it. I agree. I always like to say, if you don't have a good assistant, you are that. Well, they said that Bill Gates though, like to my other point though, that,

There is a point, though, where just because I don't want to do it doesn't mean I shouldn't do it. Yeah. Right? Like when I first started off as a solo attorney, I was my own paralegal. I was my own assistant. I was my own runner. And learning those things, now I know what they take to be done. And I wouldn't have before. I'm my own clerk. I'm like, you know. So.

But otherwise, I completely agree that we don't understand our own economic value of time or the opportunity cost of replacement of ourselves. No, no idea. But I think that was such a good exercise. I've been meaning to get to it. I haven't done it yet. I have a busy day. I didn't have a busy day yesterday. I tried not to, but here's the problem. So I have a great, like I've been trying to stop listing houses for probably,

probably two years, but I have such great, amazing clients that I love. And when they call me and they're like, I want you to either help me buy this multimillion dollar house or help me sell a multimillion dollar house. And I enjoy them as humans. I don't say no. Cause I, it's, it's great return on my, on my time. Sure. And I love them and I love doing what they do. Anyway, my client yesterday, Michael, who is a international banker that lives in Moscow, uh, I've bought and sold many houses for Michael. Michael is a wine aficionado.

Right. He's a wine aficionado. And I go to his house history because he's finally decided to pull the plug completely on Vegas. And he's just going to be full time in Moscow. Well, the problem is he's like, I can't take my wine.

I can't take it. So it's 1130. Now I learned, I don't know who was like Floyd Wickman or some dude a million years ago when I got in real estate and you get their super closers seminar or whatever it was. It came with cassettes and a paper binder. Yeah. Whatever it was. And it said, you know, like if your client ever offers you a drink, you never say no. If it's, if it's tea, you drink tea. If it's coffee, you drink coffee. If it's water, you drink water.

Dude, this dude was cracking open. It's 1130 in the morning. Opus ones. Okay, fine. No, more. Yolo. He has this incredible reserve stock of the Spanish wine that he flew in. It's impossible to get in the States. We're cracking open the Stag's Leap, the super reserve. It's like 900 a bottle. He's like, fuck.

let's drink it drink it thanks for the call john yeah no no no kidding so anyway so my my listing appointment which normally you know they take 30 minutes i'm there for three hours and uh to the point where yeah i did kind of hang around drink up a coffee for a while before i left and uh yeah so so my whole day got ruined yesterday but anyway back to ruin that sound like a rune day yeah i don't know how rude it might be a tough word but let's talk about that so let's do this uh

Let's take a quick break. When we come back, we're going to finish it up talking about the hardcore closers, rules with money. Hey, it's John Gafford. If you want to catch up more and see what we're doing, you can always go to where we'll share any links that we've things we talked about on the show, as well as links to the YouTube where you can watch us live. And if you want to catch up with me on Instagram, you can always follow me at thejohngafford. I'm here. Give me a shout. Back from the break, boys. If you're just catching us on YouTube,

My name's John Gafford, of course, with me as always, Colt Amidon and Chris Connell, counselor. Today we're discussing, or part two, part deux, if you will. Deux in French. Deux, if you will. I was at my mastermind group this weekend, the Avengers in...

Huntington Beach our meeting was this weekend of all the cool stuff we learned and all the stuff that I went through that I picked up Ryan Stumann the hardcore closer if you don't follow him go check him out over on Instagram or really on any channel the guys on me present which is good But yeah, he did a deal where he was the 21 laws his 21 rules of money Some of it rudimentary and some of it was very eye-opening We've already been through a lot of it so far Which was good had a little bit of a difference of opinion on the never work for the same dollar twice. I

See, I still think that. I want to go back to that for a second. Yeah, okay. Because I think you're trying to say that you have to do that if you're building up. I think there are – so it's one of these things where there's always, for examples, right? There can be these – nothing is monolithic, though. Nothing is going to be just like this. Sorry, Colt. What was that?

can you spell that smell that mono he's got a bad coffin he was ruling out things one of them was the kissing disease but no there's times like i remember a time in my life i uh

paid for my own college coming up and I had negative $981 in my account. I had a line of credit for 10,000. - Okay, but again, that's an investment in yourself. That's not working for the same dollar. - But that's not what, so what I'm saying is I couldn't give 10% of anything to charity.

Like I was literally starvation. I used to take food that they were going to throw at my restaurant. And that's how I ate for the week until I got a bus boy shift where I'd make $50 to be able to buy books and bus fare. So I was taking a bus. I was living with roommates. I literally had no money. I see. Again, I'm going to argue with you on that one because there are people that I know. Um, there's a kid named Caleb Maddox and I kid him when I was growing man, but I've known Caleb since he was probably 13. Uh, he was like the young Tony Robbins guy and his dad's a wonderful, wonderful guy. Um,

And they always said it when they were at times were hardest when the fridge was empty, when they had nothing. That's when it was time to go give. That was it was time to go out there and give into the world. And, you know, maybe it's not money. Maybe if you don't have money to go do that, maybe it's just going to give them back somewhere. And I did. I started a charity back then called because I was walking by homeless people all the time. And it was, you know, young idealist. I was 21 years old and walk my homeless people. So I started a foundation.

a little thing for myself. Back then, I would walk by homeless people and I'd say, "Hey, I'm making it and I got nothing. "You literally have a greater net worth than me "because I have negative $9,981 and you have zero. "I would trade financial positions with you "and I would become way ahead."

I never thought I'd get out from under $10,000. Yeah, there were a lot of times in my life when the goal was to get back to broke. I was just trying to get back to square. If I could be square, I'm rich. Just get me back to zero. I lived for four years under that revolving line of credit where I'd go, pay it down, and work busboy shifts. So there was a point. So I did. I started a foundation where I said, you can't get a job?

It was one of those things where I thought that the job. So your foundation was yelling at homeless people on the side. It's like, what? You can't get a job. Are you lazy? You can't have my money, but you can have my time. Oh, there you go. And I was young college students. I had access to computers. This is 2000. I mean, like, it sounds funny, but so I was like, give me your information. I'll type you up a resume. This is back in the day. I'll show you how old I am. I'll type you up a resume. I'll send it out to people who have, you know, free classifieds because I had the university library at my hand. So does everybody else. Yeah.

Yeah, I could live without money. I could entertain myself for free. I know where resources come from, but

But a lot of people don't. So these people that guys like, oh, I got my forklift license. I could do this. I could do that. I just can't find a job. I'm homeless because I can't find a job. Yeah. So I said, I guarantee you that I can fix that. And I have no money, but I have enough that I can mail out your resume or drop them off on my way to whatever. Send it Pony Express. I'm going to get this guy a job. I have that power. And I think that was a flex. Were you successful with this? I got a job interview. Guy never called me back.

So that was round one. And there's a lesson. That was round one. And there's a lesson. And that was a lesson. And then I did it again and again. So probably after five or six people, I stopped. Yeah. But I was dedicated and I did it. And I felt fault through and I kept getting calls and callbacks for jobs. Then I realized...

Whoa, I don't really understand why. It's not that they can't find a job. That is not the right. It's a lot of times the will of health. It's the will of the way. Whatever. But I was at an age where I didn't understand that people have different motivations and reasons for whatever. So that I remember was very, very disheartening. I didn't let it completely destroy. All fucking people are this in that way. Yeah. But it did open my eyes that it's not always that people need.

or a hand up or whatever. Sometimes people have other things going on or, you know, I still to this day am salty about it because I really, really cared and I tried more than I just was like...

Hey, I have the power to do this. Watch this. I think all, I think all of it. I think, I think that's a, that's a youth thing. I think everybody's burned, burned in a situation like that where you have this project, you're going to help this person and you're going to get them back on the square and you're going to get them moving in the right direction. And, uh, yeah,

you know, pretty soon you kind of realize there's some sort of ulterior thing going on, alternative deal that maybe alcoholism or drugs or whatever it might be that is... Why aren't there any mansions in Alphabet City? It's like, well... Yeah. Because sometimes you invest in places that have, you know, aren't great places to invest a lot of times your time. So that's where I learned... I think you try to help people out and you'll learn that. Some people learn it earlier, some people later, but the world...

can't help everybody out yeah and i think that's why you see some of those missionaries what was that one those missionaries that got on boat trying to help out that little island in milano that was a guy who was told not to go there i thought it was two or three no no one you're exactly right it was a guy he paid these fishermen this is off the indian coast yeah and he got murked because they're like don't come here and he's like oh i'm gonna bring you jesus yeah what's fears well because yeah is there top five worst ways to die

Being speared to death on a boat. Take the spear in the neck. It's got to be close. Let's see. Okay, let's go. Why not, Colt? You know, whatever you want. Take a hard left here. But whenever he tosses one into the ring, I think we owe it to the world to entertain it. Top five worst ways to die. Here we go. Hard left into Colt's brain. Am I top five? Yeah, sure. Yeah. I was asking your top five. No. I mean, I think.

I'm dying to hear this. Let me start number one because I don't want to get number five and then forget number one. I think Burning Alive is number one. Burning Alive. Burning Alive. Second is Drowning. Drowning. Third, possibly Be a Spirit the Next. That's possibly number three. Number four, just dying at...

Does your wife choke you? That's a real threat to his house. That's a real threat. A real scare. Beaten to death by the chunk list. Number five, I think would be like,

being an equestrian person because the horse got mad at you. Number five. So this is obviously a kid that didn't spend too much time reading about medieval torture. No, no, no, no. There's one where they heat up a cauldron and put a rat on your stomach and it literally eats its way through your organs. I'm going to take drowning over that because it's, that is literally a pain, painless. Yeah. Have you seen the ones where they hooked your arms together and see this? You guys got to give me more time to take my top five next time. You picked drowning? What?

Have you ever almost drowned? It's a fraction of a second. It's pretty peaceful in that moment. Mine was scary as shit. And some random guy looked like an angel came out of the woods and saved me. That's a true story. Wait, what? Yeah, I almost drowned once. Again, I'm going to take that over the rat in my stomach.

How do you pass over the angel guy out of that? Because it's cold. I thought he was kidding. No. It's a real story. Listen, listen. Because the evangelicals are going to come out and be like. No, no, no, no, no, no. Listen, listen. You know how they say when the surf's up, you got to surf? I mean, when it pops up, you got to go. The wave's high right now. Yeah. So I was super young. Okay, go ahead, Colton. Super young. With my brothers, we were camping, and there was a little bridge that was, the river was flowing over it because it was such a high flow of

And my brothers were older. They got across that I didn't. I went in. My older brother, my oldest brother took off running.

asshole just left to drown. But I was hanging on one little rock. He's thinking, more Christmas presents! I'm pretty sure this is like half the first episode of Lord of the Rings. They're gone. Pretty much everything in my life's movie. So then my middle brother grabbed me. He went in. He was holding on to the bridge thing. We're under. I could not swim at this time. I was a goner. Some guy came out of the woods, grabbed us, put us up.

He was white haired, white beard, everything. Santa Claus? Kind of. And then he just put us there and walked back into the woods. Did you offer to get him a job and then he didn't show up for the interview? And then he said, no. Why would you go angel and not Santa Claus? Yeah.

He said white beard. Sorry, that's what he looked like. Was he chunky? No, he was too skinny. He was like 6'2", probably 190. Too small to be Santa Claus, but probably too big for an angel. This is the Doss Hickey's most interesting man. Let's back up. So you're not old enough to know how to swim.

But I'm old enough to know a guy's 6'2". Yeah, you can profile a guy to 6'2 and 195. You can size him up that quick. When you almost died, you smelled of sandalwood. You smelled of sandalwood. Sandalwood. You smelled like meat and cheese. Yeah, I almost drowned. It was not peaceful, Chris, for sure.

No, no, no. Yes, I understand the moment a panic arises, but I'm sure the moment a panic arises when you're being ripped limb from limb by the four horses of the... I guess we should have gone top five. That whole brave heart thing? Oh, you don't want to go with the horse would be? You know what? I don't like Mel Gibson, so I don't like... Did you watch the Viking show? Yeah. You ever see that? Oh, yeah, yeah. The blood eagle thing.

If you didn't see that, see, this is what they do. And I don't even know if this is like a real Viking thing. It just was on the show. But apparently they would take you and tie you up on a deal with your arms up like this, right? With your arms straight out. And they go behind you with an axe and they would cut you in the back to where it broke your rib cage, but not enough to kill you, but to kill you. And then they would reach in and pull your lungs out.

of you out of the slits so they were on your back like wings like you're dying right at that point yeah and if you cried out you didn't get to go to Valhalla whatever else is that Odin has a bunch of rules Valhalla is very specific you have to die brave yeah you can't be a wolf you can't be like not die brave yeah you and you and Mel Gibson both love angels and I think you'd both die brave yeah I'm pretty sure if Mel Gibson had nothing

If you showed up at Valhalla, they'd be like, what happened? You're like, well, my wife told me to shut up, but I didn't listen. I guess I should reach out to Valhalla. Oh, Vette's going to Valhalla for sure. Again, I don't know if I've told you this, but every single Father's Day, I call and wish Vette a happy Father's Day. That's a true story. That's a true story. Every single Father's Day, happy Father's Day, buddy. To Colts 1.

Such a dick.

And this is why I don't like you guys. I know how I got stuck on that. I'm shocked I stayed here for 13 episodes. I know. I know. No, we love you, Scott. We talk about money strategy. Money, yeah. How boring would this be if we were talking about this? But everybody's sitting there thinking, how would the worst way be killed? Now I think of it getting your head caught off the way you're alive. Do you think that people like that show because the Vikings are so handsome, John? Is that why? Because you get your wife to watch it? My wife refused to watch it. That's why John watched it. Did she? She's the biggest girl crush on Lagertha.

Oh, yeah. Dude, I loved it. That was one of those shows where I would watch it and my wife hated it, but it was cool because it became like...

The only time I could watch it was when I was on the treadmill. So then it's like, okay, I want to be on the treadmill all the time because then I can watch this show. That was it. I stopped watching when Ragnar died. Oh, did you? Yeah, the sons. We haven't watched that season. Oh, you haven't watched this? It finishes up pretty solid. Yeah, I know. Pretty solid. But the earlier stuff, I like the earlier stuff better. I like the Ragnar. Did you watch that? There's another one, Last Kingdom. Have you watched that one? No.

Similar idea equally as good. Do you ever just think of those shows and think about how horrible it would live to be in a time, not only when life was just difficult like that. I'm talking about pre-Novacaine. Have you ever had a toothache? Oh, my God. You know, they say I have a time machine. You can go anywhere. I'm like, the day after they invent Novacaine. Novacaine.

Because having a toothache and having someone smash it out of your face. Oh, no, they're doing it. They're going straight. What was it? Castaway when he takes the skate and just bangs it out with the rock. God, six. They pull a tooth. You're passing out. Is that not the worst movie ever? Castaway?

Top five worst movies. Welcome back, Colt. Welcome back to the conversation. Colt, what would you say are the top five worst movies? You're throwing Castaway in there. Honestly, I could go... Saving Private Ryan? Saving Private Ryan? Don't like it. I don't think you're not allowed to like that movie. Forrest Gump? Horrible. Castaway. Absolute. Horrible. Hate him. Can we go back? Can we go back?

I think now after hearing this list, I'd rather hear the top five movies you think are good. I think I'd rather hear that. I think I'd rather hear that. Give me a second to think about that. I'll tell you mine. Mine are at the top of my head. Go ahead. Fight Club, Seven, The Game, Usual Suspects, and American Psycho. Okay. I'm there with you with Seven. I'm there with you with Fight Club. I'm there with you with Usual Suspects. The Game.

A lot of people haven't. With Michael Douglas? Michael Douglas. And Sean Penn. Yes, Sean Penn and Michael Douglas. The whole cycle. It's Fincher. Yeah. That is the most. See, for me, I'm going to go, I think Pulp Fiction is just. But then like five Tarantino's are six to ten. I know. You got to kind of put them all in there. And then they're all just like. Then Tarantino is probably my favorite director. And then Fincher. Yet Fincher has three of my top five.

And I would say Godfather 2. Yeah, it's a great film. Godfather 2. But I don't think about Godfather in the way I think about Fight Club on a daily basis or Pulp Fiction. Remember that video John was shooting for Simply Vegas Real Estate? No, it was for the Simply Group. That is just cool. There's just something cool, California. It's lifestyle. It's interesting. Godfather's got a place. Apocalypse Now has a place. Love it.

They have these things, right? But I don't sit there and crave to watch Godfather 2. No. I'll watch Pulp Fiction right now. Okay, well, okay. Let me ask a more important question. All right, Colt's still trying to figure out what his top five favorite movies are. Not Tom Hanks. Not big. Not Tom Hanks. Not big. Oh, big? He's like big. No, he was in that with too big. He's in that when I can't go there. I'm telling you, there's going to be something like 20 years. It's going to be something like 20 years.

It's going to come out. Tom Hanks. You've got me. I can't do that. Horrible. Yeah. I think they're all horrible. Okay. Listen, listen, I can kind of appreciate where you're going with it. Cause this is how I feel about Mumford and sons. Like I went to a Mumford and sons concert. Uh, Carrasco dragged me to one, right? One time, one point. This is when they were first coming up and I'm sitting there and I'm watching this band and I'm looking around at the crowd and I'm like, none of these people know the words of this song. Yeah.

They're all kind of head-bobbing, but nobody really knows what's going on. And then you're like, 90% of the people are here because someone told them this is supposed to be good. That happens in a lot of things. I think that's why everyone liked the movie Crash and the movie Avatar. Because people... Oh, my God. Never saw Avatar. Yep. I got my... Number one worst movie ever. He's going to say Star Wars. He's going to say Star Wars. Star Wars.

He's never seen a Star Wars movie. Norm MacDonald. Did you know this? He's never seen a Star Wars movie. One of the new ones? Any of them. They're horrible. Because I'm not a freaking little 13-year-old nerd. What are you talking about? No Empire Strikes Back. No Jedi. So I'm not a big Star Wars guy. I had this stuff as a kid. But I don't go back and nerd out. But those are

unbelievably good movie. Yeah. The hero's journey, my friend. It is the hero's journey from beginning to end. You know what I hate? Indiana Jones. Yeah. It's like, what are you talking about? How do you hate that? You know what? The ride's a lot better than the movie. Cole, you've never seen a Star Wars movie. Never. Never. Even the one, two, and three that came out. I'll be honest with you. We had this discussion one day and he said, and this came out of his mouth. You ready? This came out of his mouth.

I don't care nothing about Dark Vader. Okay. So me and John, how did they miss that? How did they miss that? How do you go Darth Vader and not Dark Vader? You're putting me on. No, I swear to God he believed me. I know there's cameras here, but this is the thing. It's like, let's see how dumb Connell is. This is real. How did they miss that? Now that you think about that.

Fucking two people on earth that would have this conversation with. No, this is real. 50% of humans on earth that I could have this conversation with are literally in this room. I know. Statistically, this is more improbable of you being a fucking Olympic speed walker.

What is that? Dark Vader's a better name? The writers? Fuck that up. Darth is a title. Yeah, it's his title. It's not dark. It's because he wears black. But he should, and he's a bad guy. Everything about him is darkness. The level of sophistication. It's not. He's got the force. Do you know what's hilarious? One of my top ten favorite movies? Spaceballs. Spaceballs.

I'm not saying you're wrong either. But I've never seen Star Wars, so how could I... Dark helmet? Yeah. Is it dark helmet? Big helmet? They nailed it for you. Mel Brooks is your lane. Mel Brooks? Oh my God. Why would I not know this? How does this not come up? I don't know. I don't know. I forgot about it. There's so many gems like this, but...

that's just no money dark vader is a way better character than darth have you ever met a guy named darth not somebody you want to go drink with and i love it or anything have you ever met anakin he doesn't have to do it he has no idea darth vader is anakin skywalker

Chris, though. Darth Vader is a better name for a villain than Darth. I'm not afraid of anybody named Darth. Have you ever met anybody named Darth? The closest is probably Garth, who is scary as shit. Have you seen the Garth Brooks? Have you seen his documentary? That guy's got dead bodies in his farm with Trisha Yearwood. You know, I totally agree with that. Actually, Colt's now back talking sense. Yeah.

Garth Brooks. If you ever watch it, he starts referencing himself as G in a third person. He's scarier to me than Anakin Skywalker. Oh, boy. For sure. He's got dead bodies. But you understand that there's something a little bit more complex just about bad guys and good guys, right? These aren't like Arnold Schwarzenegger movies where it's like,

That's the predator. And even that had nuance to it. I didn't like the predator. You didn't like the predator? Do you know what Arnold movie I liked? Did you see the one where they... No, Kindergarten.

It's not a tomboy. That's the best part. But no, have you seen the one where the kid gets sucked into the movie? Yeah. Last action hero. Great film because it broke down the fourth wall. Yeah. And in film, that was an interesting character thing to do in 1994 or whatever it was. Whatever it was. So back. Okay.

God, that was great. So, Cole, you still haven't come up with your top five movie. Let's do this. My top five would be Casino, number one. Casino's great. All right, it's a great movie. There you go. Casino. That's a good movie, kid. You know what I like, movie-wise, that not too many people love? Man on Fire, Denzel. Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen Man on Fire. Yeah, come and go. Okay, yeah. HBO, sure. Number three, maybe like Superbad. Great movie.

Okay, yeah, come and go. You're like the North Korean judge at the Olympics at this point. It's just going to go left field. Siskel and Ebert are both... They're going, no, huh? Are they both dead now? Yeah. So what else you got? Keep going, keep rolling. Number four would be...

I don't like movies. Like Coco. Sicario. I love Sicario. Great film. Number one. And I'd go Godfather 2. 2 was a great one.

But more importantly, when you're at home by yourself, no more Dark Vader. We can't have that discussion anymore. I could do that all day where he literally says it with sincerity. Dude, he's married to it, which is the best part about it. One more time. Hold on. You're going to say Darth is his title? Darth Vader. It's not dark.

No, that would have been better name. What's Darth? Is that his first name? It's like, okay, you understand that there's a lot of things going on in the intergalactic space that Star Wars exists in, right? Do you realize that? No, he's not real. He's not real. Was Darth Maul? Darth Maul is a Sith. I think Vader is a Sith. This is going to be a long... I had a Sith taken out of my leg two weeks ago. Could you imagine if you're like... Now he thinks he has a Sith taken out of his leg two weeks ago. I don't know.

This is going to be a lot. Yeah. I think we need to let this one go. Why is he a Vulcan and not a Vulcan? I don't know. Like Star Trek. I know people are behind. Norm MacDonald was on this. What do you think of Star Trek? Reading Rainbow guy? That's the only thing I remember about it. What? The guy from Reading Rainbow. That should be the... He should be. Oh, yeah. He should be the new Jeopardy. The thing... Yeah. Still one of my favorite memes. Horrible. The meme where he said, I got...

If you're having hole problems, I feel bad for you, son. I got nine-iron problems, but a breach ain't one. I thought that was hilarious. I don't get it. Oh, man. But that's as far as my Star Trek goes. Yeah, we went to a Star Trek trivia. Yeah. By accident. Went to trivia night, my buddy and I. Because it's been a long time. Bar trivia's kind of fun. I bet you're good at that. I mean, it depends on the categories. If it's just general trivia, we mop up. We went accidentally to a Star Trek trivia night. We ended up sitting. We recruited a nerd. Obviously, I'm not just going to sit there and take my lumps. Because I've watched...

Couple the movies maybe and my dad had to show that's it like I have no no idea. That's it and Surprisingly, there's stuff that comes up in pop culture where you kind of absorbed it But we we recruited a nerd who kept us afloat there for a first couple rounds that it fell apart Oh god, there was a gadget million years ago when she was single my wife a million years ago John she's only 35 No, no, but I'm saying when she was single we've been together forever, but when she was in a long time ago the

The one of the Asian guy from one of the Star Trek Next Generations or whatever,

I used to come to the Palms where she worked and ask her out all the time. And finally she acquiesced and went on like one date with the guy. And then the guy was like, you know, oh, I'm going to take you to India to see all this stuff. And I kept coming around the work and it was weird. So they all nicknamed him the Klingon, which I thought was pretty funny. I thought it was pretty funny. That's where we want to take her, India? Life imitates art. Life does imitate art. But, you know, speaking of movies, one more thing about movies. And this thing drives her nuts.

So obviously it's not Star Wars for you, Colt, but you're home. It's the middle of the day. It's Sunday. The kids are out doing whatever with the wives, and you're on your own accord, and you're flipping. And a movie comes on. What do you watch? You are compelled to watch it every time it's on. Give me two or give me three. John Wick 1. Okay. I will watch Casino Royale with Daniel Craig Jason. Okay.

Like that is just John Wick 2 and 3 kind of whatever. John Wick 1 is just always time to watch John Wick 1. And then probably Bourne 1. Which one? Bourne, the first. Jason Bourne. Yeah, Bourne. All right. What do you got, Colt? I can't wait to hear this.

No, do you know what I was thinking now that you said that? Who knows, Colt, but I can't wait to hear. On Sunday, this was going through my mind because the only thing that's on is football, which I don't watch. And secondly, it's John Wick 1, which I watch too many times. You don't watch football. No, I don't. But don't get me distracted because I'm really pissed off at this. Yeah, let him go. So I got on Netflix and went through Netflix for like 30 minutes.

Fucking there's so much to choose from. Garbage. So I go to Amazon. Amazon. Go through it. Garbage. I spent an hour looking for something. Here's the thing. Within a year, I bet I could make a documentary on something and get it on either Amazon or Netflix. Just as good as I could be on a- You know what you should make a documentary on?

Equestrian. Olympic equestrian. Or you know, you can make a documentary. We could make a movie. One normal man's attempt to make it into a movie. You know what you could make a documentary on? You could so do? His training. You chilies, how crappy it is for you to serve somebody six margaritas and then have their car towed during a Garth Brooks concert. Chilies, that's how, that's what you should do. Careful how you start throwing Garth around because he'll get a little worked up. I know you do. But for me, what are your movies? Maybe they were.

Casino. Casino? I could watch that. Honestly, there's not too many. Man on Fire. It's the same list. It's the same list. It's the same list. That's it. I could have watched it. Not like the Matrix one. Never seen the Matrix. I turned it on for 20 minutes. It was fucking garbage. Audio wants a good movie?

What are you talking about? You've never seen The Matrix. Okay, there you go. There you go. I saw 20 minutes of this garbage. 20 minutes of The Matrix and it's garbage. You watched The Matrix 1.

Yeah, it was garbage. What was garbage about it? It's just stupid. I don't like that stuff. You know what? It was great. Step Brothers. Great movie. But I agree with you. I think Step Brothers is a great movie. Movies that I'm compelled to watch whenever they're on. Point Break. I don't know. Point Break. Did he just plant that or was that actually on there? No, that really happens. Point Break. That was on my list. Irving Cowboy. I have no idea why. You've never seen it? No clue why I have to watch Irving Cowboy.

Childhood? Nope, Talladega Nights. Every single time. And Step Brothers. Those four movies, if they're on, I'm watching them. Did you see what they named our lacrosse team? What did we get that they just named the...

i don't know if they had do they have an official name oh it's the night hawks night hawks yeah you know you know you know night wasn't that the part of the step brothers call me night hawk or something i think it was yeah it was yeah you know our team owned by 99 himself wayne gretzky gretzky yep gretzky owns it they're trying to talk him into playing henderson that'd be awesome you guys seen his daughter jesus christ no

No, of course. Of course. You guys say, of course, but that's a bad question. I'm more impressed with him bringing a beautiful daughter than his hockey career. I'm going to point something out. We're going to get to the rest of these rules about money. I know. We are now on minute 28 of segment two.

We haven't talked about anything except for great show guys. Yeah. Lucky number 13, Jamie. Lucky number 13. So my first year university film art book about, I took a movie class. I did too. The cover was the matrix. It was talking about basically why, what was so amazing about effects like bullet time, the philosophy of it. Yeah.

And it's just awesome to be like, ah, it sucked. That movie just sucked. Horrible movie. Well, just think, okay, real quick, in case you're wondering what the rest of the rules of money are as the clock winds down to one minute left, know your numbers always. Check your budget once a month because what gets measured gets improved. Don't just let things roll like that. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. There's no such thing as a guaranteed investment.

Figure out about taxes and how to work with and around them. Never rely on one source of income. You should always have multiple income streams. Something I cannot read because my handwriting is terrible.

And, oh, I'm sorry. When you start out, you trade your time for money, but you want to move to trading money for time. So I think that fits in from what you talked about earlier, not working for the same dollar twice at some point. It all. Because I can tell you right now, the most valuable thing that you can buy with money, the most valuable thing without a shadow of a doubt that you can purchase with money is time.

And having the freedom to spend with your loved ones, to do the things that you want to do on a day-to-day basis is the most absolute valuable thing money can ever do for you. I totally agree. That's what it is. Yeah.

So that's going to wrap it up for another episode of the power move. If you're still listening to this, I'm shocked at this point. I just can't. And please, if you want to berate Colt in the comments, underscore and IG, hit me up. Yeah, you can hit him there. You hate Star Wars. That is your man. This is your guy. It's your guy. There's a lot of people that are behind me on this. I have a feeling. Oh, God. What's the IG for you? Yeah.

Connell Law, LV. Connell Law. Well, guys, remember, if you like what we do, please tell a friend. I mean, I got to tell you, the response has been overwhelming. I'm super happy with what's going on. If you like what we're doing, tell a friend. If you hate it, tell two, because it doesn't matter if they're talking good or bad. What is it, Connell? As long as they're talking about you. As long as they're talking. That's all that matters.

Dead serious. Dead serious. Never. Never. If you want to catch up more and see what we're doing, you can always go to where we'll share any links that we've things we talked about on the show as well as links to the YouTube where you can watch us live. And if you want to catch up with me on Instagram, you can always follow me at thejohngafford. I'm here. Give me a shout.