cover of episode Earle Girls vs Paris

Earle Girls vs Paris

Publish Date: 2023/10/12
logo of podcast Hot Mess with Alix Earle

Hot Mess with Alix Earle


Shownotes Transcript

Hello everyone, welcome to episode 4 of Hot Mess with Alex Earle. Today we're doing something a little bit different. We are in Paris!

I'm standing under the Eiffel Tower. Everyone's looking at me like I am crazy, but that's okay. I needed to bring you guys on this trip with me. It just felt right. And I'm on this trip with my little sister Ashton. She's been studying abroad in Florence. So I flew her out to Paris with me. We have a lot to talk about. And first off, I think we just need to sit here. We have a little picnic blanket. I want you to meet my sister, Ashton.

Because I don't think you guys really know her yet. Some of you might know her from my TikTok videos, but you guys don't really know her and you need to get to know her. So welcome to Paris. Wee wee! 🎵

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This episode is brought to you by Tinder. We all have a dream of how we'll meet that special someone, right? We think it's going to be this big romantic moment. I'm going to be walking down the side of the road. He's going to see me, think I'm the most beautiful girl he's ever seen, turn right back around, come sweep me off my feet. But that's never a

quite how it happens. I mean, I met my boyfriend at the bar at a party, you know? I mean, I feel like that's how it happens when you go out. Some of you are still waiting for a meet cute moment to happen, but in reality, you might be more likely to find your meet cute on Tinder. A new relationship starts

every three seconds on the app and the time it takes you to get a drink. You could have already met your special someone. So don't overthink it. Open Tinder and take a chance on romance. No matter how your journey starts, you may join the millions of relationships that started thanks to Tinder. Explore all of the possibilities for yourself. Tinder, it starts with a swipe. Download Tinder today.

Welcome to Paris! Oui, oui, bonjour! We're literally in the middle of a park. We just put a blanket down. I think this is like the walkway. I don't really think anyone is supposed to sit here, but...

This is the best angle and view. This is just a quick reminder for everyone to subscribe and like the show. I forgot to say that the past few episodes, and I think I need you guys to do that. So if you could subscribe and like this show so we can keep it going and, you know. Follow me on Instagram. It's me now.

Yeah, and follow Ashton. Follow me. I'm really cool. Ashton, what's your plugs? Oh, just at Ashton Earle. It's taken us so long to set this up. Alex was running around with her little suitcase all over the place.

all over trying to find a spot I just was like I don't want to film in the hotel room if we're in Paris like we have to sit in front of the Eiffel Tower but I brought Ashton with me she's my little sister she has been studying abroad in Florence and I was like let's do a Paris episode together she's two years younger than me we've always been super close since we were little sometimes we will like fight though and bicker just like sisters though but you know it's always your fault

It's your fault. No. You're so slow. Well, you're the high-strung one who can't ever just calm down for a second. Well, you're too calm. You never get high-strung. Well, you need a little fire under your ass. You need a little chill pill. So we're like total opposites. I'm kind of like crazier and anxious. Ashton doesn't know what getting anxious means. I mean, I have anxiety, but it's different than that.

We were walking today, and I kid you not, her legs are three times the size of mine, and she was a mile behind me. I'm like, Ashton, move it. Like, walk. And, like, as fast as she tries to walk, she will just never be close to me because she is so slow. Well, I just like to take my time. But I actually have a funny story. What? Ever since being abroad, I've traveled a lot, and I have missed three trains and a flight.

because I take my time because I'm just like oh no it's fine like me and my friend Alyssa who are staying here we're both too chill and we were like had to leave for our actually we were leaving for a bus but we literally had like 10 minutes to get to the bus station we're like

Let's just have one glass of wine before we go. And then, you know, as it happened, we missed our bus. Speed it up, bitch. Finish the story. And neither of us are capable of freaking out, which is kind of a problem, I think. I need someone like you in my life, but you piss me off, so I don't know. Love you. Love you, too. We're like best friends. Yeah. We really are. We are.

It's so cute of us. We're the bestest of friends, but we bicker. Like, sister's bicker. And it's kind of those fights where we will, like, argue with each other and, like, punch each other and say, like, I hate you. And then we, like, look at each other and we just start laughing. Like, last night, Ashton passed out on the bed. And I was like, get up, you stupid bitch. Like, go to bed. And she's like, fuck you. Like, ugh. Like, let me sleep on the couch. She's fully clothed in her makeup, holding her phone in her hand. I'm like, go to bed. We got some wine from a man on the street.

It's really disgusting. It was way too expensive. It was like $40, but anything for hot mess. The tourist wine that they walk around in like little plastic buckets and they're like, you want wine? And Alex is like, yeah, I want wine. And then he's like cash. And she like looks at me because I don't, she of course doesn't have any cash. I spend $40 on this disgusting wine.

love you it's worth it so worth it see look how bougie we look with our little a little wine i know when we said we were gonna drink wine i imagined like having like a wine glass but i yeah i thought we were gonna have a picnic with like baguettes i thought we're gonna be sitting on grass we're on like the gravel in front of the eiffel tower yeah what's with that everyone is like who are these american bitches go back to the states get out of here that's actually loving paris oh

Paris is amazing. I think I need to move here. Oh, I am. I found like a lot of French girlies here who I love and they're like, love the podcast, love your TikTok. And I'm like, I love you, Dave. We've gone out, we've partied with them. We have a lot to unravel here. So actually the first night that I was here, I went for dinner in the Eiffel Tower, like up there. We went in an elevator and I

I have kind of a problem with like claustrophobia, like not too much, but I hate elevators and I hate like tight, crowded spaces. So we're going to have dinner in the Eiffel Tower. It's on the like first level right there. And we get into this elevator and the elevator has like when I tell you 30 to 40 people in it, I was like, oh, I'm OK. Like, I'll wait for the next one. And they were like, well, you can either like get in the edge of this one by the door or you're going to have to go all the way in the corner of the next cart. And I was like, OK, like I'll just get in.

We get in and it is like a subway or like a train at like the airport. Like when it goes, everyone goes like this. And it's because the Eiffel Tower is built like it is. It's sideways. Like you're not going straight up. You're going like through the structuring and you see the rope. Yeah. Do you all just like lean on each other? Yeah. I just fell on everyone. And you go sideways like this. You go...

Wait, that's crazy. And yeah, you're flying. You can probably see them now, see? They're flying sideways through the air and I did not like it one bit. I was having anxiety every single second of it. Yeah, but right up there on that first level is where I was having dinner. Do you think there's drugs in this wine? I do feel goofy. Ashton and I grew up together, so she probably knows me better than anyone, unfortunately.

She's like my built-in best friend. Sometimes she doesn't like me, but she has to like me, so she has no choice. You just drive me crazy a little bit. Why? Because, like, how you just, like...

Flip a switch In your temper And you get mad For no reason Well you make me mad I don't do anything To make you mad Yes you do You just like You make up things In your mind That make you mad And they would not make Any other person In the entire world mad I have a perfect example Of how Ashton makes me mad Okay We're in high school And

And I come into her room and she's sitting in bed and across the room is her backpack. No, I was not sitting in bed. I was sleeping with the lights off. Okay. So I go in to Ashton's room and I just needed flashcards because I was studying because I'm studious. Like I just wanted to write my stuff down from a test and I knew she had flashcards. So I go into her room, I turn on the light. She's like, I'm sleeping. Okay.

I was like, I'm sleeping. Why would you just turn the lights on? Like, because that's, that is a normal reaction for when someone walks into your room while you're sleeping and just turns on all the lights. Are you kidding me?

That is a normal reaction to be Oh god forbid that I want to study So see she's so dramatic you can already see her getting worked up So I come in And I'm like I just need the flashcards She's like no You go do you have flashcards And I go no I don't Get out I'm sleeping But I knew she had them No for the record I didn't Cause eventually I was like here Look through my fucking backpack I don't have them I wouldn't lie Okay just let me tell the story

I win this story, by the way. Oh, my God. She does not win. She won to my mom because of what happened. Wait.

So I go in. I'm like, okay, I just need these flashcards. She's like, I don't have flashcards. I'm like, can I just check? And she's like, no, I don't have them. And I'm like, but can I just check? And she's like, no. And I'm like, if you just let me walk over there, check that you don't have them. I will leave your room and go to bed, but I just want to like check and see if you have them. And she's being so stubborn. Okay. Wouldn't let me walk across the room. We had a 30 minute fight over this. It could have been done in 10 seconds. In my defense, in my defense, okay.

I didn't have flashcards and I was trying to go back to sleep. But that's not the point. You should have just let me check. But I didn't have them. Why didn't you believe me? So then I...

was like I don't care whatever she won't let me come in we're going back and forth I'm like what can I throw what can I throw at her head yes because that's a normal reaction for when someone doesn't let you have their flashcards well because she's crazy so I'm like what's my nearest weapon and I oh I'm the crazy one I'm not crazy this is normal I take a straightener and I just threw

threw it at her because I'm like... Chucks it. Stop. Square in the face. I didn't mean to hit her in the face, but I did hit her in the face. And then I got a bloody nose. And then my mom comes in the room because she hears Ashton crying. Well, I'm crying with a bloody nose at 12 a.m. Oh my god, it was like two drops of blood. And...

Not the point. I was sleeping and then I somehow ended up with a bloody nose. But all you could have just let me check for the flashcards. I didn't have flashcards. But if you just let me check, I would have left. Anywho, so my mom comes in. She's screaming. That does not justify you throwing a straightener at my face. And obviously my mom took her side because she had a bloody nose. Mom always takes your side though because Ashton's like the baby. Like Ashton was the youngest and I was the oldest. This was like before our little siblings like...

You were just the baby, so you always got all the attention and all the praise. Because you would always beat me up. But you were just a baby about it. I would feel like this, and she'd be like... Well, then I realized I could use it to my advantage a little bit. Yeah. She cries wolf. She's like, Alex hit me, and I'm like, I didn't hit you. Yeah, I started to do that. But at the beginning, it was because...

You would, mom always believed me because you would always hit me and always beat me up. So. Well, you could hit me back. I started, that's just not my thing. I just, yeah. Ashton and I are polar opposites. We're like black cat, golden retriever, except like, yeah, I think I am more fun than you, but you're really fun, but you're a little bit more quiet and like shy and reserved. And I'm more like crazy, like, ah.

Like, what's everyone doing? Like, all sorts of that. I'm still fun, though. No, you are fun. You are. Thank you. We've had fun together. But even in relationships, we're super different. Like, I'm... I was actually just talking about this with my therapist, and she was kind of explaining how, like, this works. Like, I'm more, like...

Avoid an attachment issue So I'm like I'm good with myself And like you can be there If you want to be there I'm not saying this is right I'm just saying This is like how I am I'm more like secure With myself And like I don't feel like I ever like Really need someone But it's like Nice to have someone And you're like the opposite You call me insecure? No no No I am It's okay

No, no. She's like, no. But you're more like the opposite. You rely on like the other person a little bit more. That's like, I feel like that's like fun though. Just to have someone like do everything for me. You're like make my decisions for me. I'm like, I don't want to do anything. Like you. Ashton's a princess. Yeah. She's always been that way. She's just like a little like diva princess. I'm not a diva. I just, I like to be babied. She likes to be pampered and babied. I like to be babied.

Is that so wrong? I'm not saying that's wrong. I don't think that's a bad thing to be babied sometimes. I am independent, though. Okay. I'm living alone. I will say Ashton has become a whole new person. If you knew her last year, no, you didn't because she just blossomed the past few months that she's been abroad because I knew this was going to happen. I was like so excited. Don't scratch my back like that.

I'm sorry. I love you. So I was like, she's just so great. And I just love her so much. So she went abroad and she blossomed into a new person. She's so like confident and found herself. And I think you really needed that. She needed to leave the U.S. She went through a bad breakup. And I was like, I mean, it wasn't a bad breakup, but it was just a heartbreak.

Yeah. Heartbreak and she, you know, she needed to leave the country to start over. I don't want to go back into the country. She has 45 boyfriends. I wish. I wish.

And she's killing it and she's loving life. And we need to like talk to you guys about how she has been doing abroad. What abroad is like because I didn't study abroad in college. I was actually... We'll get into this. I was supposed to and I dropped out two weeks before. And I think everything happens for a reason. No, I think for me, it's better that I didn't go. But for you, it's better that you did go. If I didn't go, I'd probably be like in a depression hole right now. Yeah. And...

Your French is so bad. Wait, I feel like that was good. I feel like I used a little bit of an accent there. Every time you're like, merci, I'm like, no. What is it? Merci. Merci. I don't know. Just like, don't say merci. Like, try a little bit.

I'm the most uncultured person here. Everyone's like, where are you from? I'm from London. I'm from Ireland. I'm from Paris. And I'm like, I'm from New Jersey. It is really humbling telling people you're from New Jersey when you're in Europe. I don't know why. Or just from the States in general. I know. I would rather be from Europe. I want to move here. We were shopping today and the guy asked me,

He was like, are you, where are you from? I was like, oh, I live in Miami. And he's like, oh, well, I thought you were like from Greece or something. I was like, thank you. That is the best compliment. When someone's like, I thought you were Italian. Ashton got told she was Latina. Oh my God. That is like, I was like, so you think I'm hot? Like if someone thinks you're Latina, that means they think you're hot. We could play like a who's more. Did you just spill all over my jacket? No. No.

Again, me, if you're watching this, I did not spill anything on the clothes that you gave me. I do have to say I'm a very clumsy person.

You're clumsy and I'm messy. Yeah. There's a difference though. Yeah. Like you can't walk. I can't hold a drink without getting it. Oh my God. Growing up, Ashton. So she would spill every single drink at the restaurant when we were little. But I was always the one to cry about it too. And she would bawl her eyes out because she didn't understand the concept of people like laughing with you, not at you. So like she spilled her drink and we'd all be like, huh?

I was like the shyest little girl ever. Like so shy. I like someone would like look at me the wrong way. I would just start crying and like curl into a ball. Like when I would spill a glass of something at a restaurant and even at home, like I would cry at home if I spill a glass of water in front of mom. Ashton was just such a little like baby. She couldn't even, she still like, I think just learned how to order food at her restaurant. Shut up. No, I didn't. Okay.

Okay, Ashton. Like, literally until two years ago, you'd be like, Okay, I could order. Can I have a, please, can I have a mac and cheese? I don't know. I don't know. I was just quiet. Yeah, but why is it scary to order food? It's not scary. I learned that a while ago. I'm just quiet. I just don't speak up. But I'm working on it. Yeah, you're better. Thank you.

She said something today. What did I say? We went to go get macaroons. She really learned how to speak up for herself, but I think it came off a little bitchy. I don't think that was a big deal. We go in to get these macaroons, and we've been talking all trip about these macaroons. We go in, and we knew the flavors we wanted. She was like, oh, can I have the rose, the raspberry, the chocolate, and the vanilla? He goes...

oh and the pistachio and she he was like um we're out of the raspberry the rose the chocolate the pistachio and national was like what the fuck that was every flavor i wanted and the guy was like i was like laughing when i said it right i don't know well i don't think in my sound is funny coming out of our mouths because we both have like pretty bad rbfs which is an rbf problem a lot rbf is a resting bitch face and like i have a bad one either

I think she may have a worse one. I also have a very dry sense of humor. So people just think I'm being mean. And I'm like, why would you think I'm mean? Like, I'm the nicest person ever. I have, like, positive, happy thoughts floating through my mind. And all of a sudden, my face is, like, anger, death. I want to kill you. I have this photo of me, actually, from my freshman year of college. And I said to all the girls, I was like, you know, like, I really want to be the nice girl. Like, you know, I want to be, like...

Different than I was In high school Not that I was a bitch In high school But like I just want to be A better person Like I want to like Up my game And She took a photo of me Sitting on the bed And she's like Look at your face right now As you're saying this And I'm literally like

Yeah. Like, I just can't help it. So I'm really trying to work on it. No. But Ashton's is really bad. RBF. Yeah. I have that problem really bad. It's the Earl. It's our Earl jeans. All of my Germans. All of my friends are like, yeah, I thought you were a huge bitch before I met you. But you're actually like the nicest person ever. That's what everyone says to me. I thought you were a bitch before I met you. I'm like, well, fuck me. You know that like trend on TikTok where it's like looks like could kill you is a cinnamon roll. Yeah. Everyone says that about me.

Because I'm a cinnamon roll Would you say I'm a cinnamon roll? No Like yes Like you are very nice But I'm not a cinnamon roll You're not a cinnamon roll Is there like an in between? I'm like a Baguette What am I really I think I'm a baguette I'm kind of hard on the outside And like soft and yummy Because

Um, ew. You're like, looks like could kill you, would kill you. If I need to kill you, I'll kill you. But you're also very nice. Like, you're not just like a straight up bitch all the time. I'm not a bitch ever. Only if I need to be a bitch. And the only time I am a bitch is if I'm standing up for myself or my friends or my sister. That's my problem. Alex always stood up for me, which, thank God, because I could never stand up for myself. I still can't. That's something I'm still working on. I would like...

prey on girls that bullied her oh no the police are here are they gonna arrest us? are we in trouble? no hi hi bonsoir all I the only French word I can ever think of is merci all I ever want to say is I'm like merci I'm like that just means thank you um what were you saying? I've been saying bonsoir to everyone and I don't know what that means I think it means like good afternoon bonsoir bonsoir bon? bonsoir I thought it was von no bon

You just said Vaughn. I said Vaughn, but I'm saying it with my French accent, so it's Vaughn! Bonsoir. Bonsoir. For this episode, we are gonna take you guys on our trip to Paris with us. We've been vlogging a little bit, and we need to tell you guys what's been happening, because I'm here for Paris Fashion Week, and...

And a lot has been going on. I've been out till 7 a.m. every night, which is disgusting. But the time difference is really messing me up. Today was the first time I saw daylight in Paris. Every other day I was sleeping until like 4 p.m. And then I would just get up and start doing my hair and makeup to go out. So I saw the daylight today. We went shopping. We got food. Let me play you guys a little vlog of what's been going on in Paris. As I am to leave my eyes.

Can you go away? Um, so...

So Alex is honestly the best big sister ever. She always includes me in everything. Even when we were little kids, she would let me hang out with her friends, which I feel like is very rare. She's always stood up for me because I clearly can't stand up for myself. She's always stood up for me in fights and like whenever I had a problem with girls or anything, even in high school, I remember she was like, let me text those bitches. And I was like, please don't text them. But yeah, no, she's really a great sister. And I

I couldn't be more grateful to have such an awesome built-in best friend. Can I come back now? I guess. Should we do runway walk because it's Paris Fashion Week? Oh, yeah. Yay. It's Paris Fashion Week. I was invited to walk in a show that I did not because if you've ever seen me walk before, I just can't shake it like Shakira like that. So I didn't do it. Okay. But I'm going to show you how it would be if I was walking under the Eiffel Tower. Okay.

Wait, I think I'm good. I think I'm good. Hold on. Okay, you go. You go, go, go. Don't steal my moment. What? Oh my gosh, is that Shalom Harlow? I think there's drugs in this wine. Wait. Yeah, there is. We need to go to dinner. We need to... I forgot about dinner. We need to get out of here. We should go.

This episode is brought to you by Tinder. We all have a dream of how we'll meet that special someone, right? We think it's going to be this big romantic moment. I'm going to be walking down the side of the road. He's going to see me, think I'm the most beautiful girl he's ever seen, turn right back around, come sweep me off my feet. But that's never a

quite how it happens. I mean, I met my boyfriend at the bar at a party, you know? I mean, I feel like that's how it happens when you go out. Some of you are still waiting for a meet cute moment to happen, but in reality, you might be more likely to find your meet cute on Tinder. A new relationship starts

every three seconds on the app and the time it takes you to get a drink. You could have already met your special someone. So don't overthink it. Open Tinder and take a chance on romance. No matter how your journey starts, you may join the millions of relationships that started thanks to Tinder. Explore all of the possibilities for yourself. Tinder, it starts with a swipe. Download Tinder today.

This episode is brought to you by Joiba Bubble Tea. If you're a fan of bubble tea, then you guys have to try this range from Joiba. I've seen this all over my TikTok and personally, my little siblings are obsessed with this Joiba Bubble Tea. They show me videos all the time. So Joiba Bubble Tea, it comes in several delicious flavors.

Hello. We need to debrief you guys on what has been going on in Paris because I think it's almost time we need to get out of here. Yeah. Yeah.

So let me take you back. Let me start with my flight to Paris. I had a very great flight. I was flown out by a brand. They put me in first class. I was living lavish. I made a video TikTok vlog. I was like, wow, this is so bougie and nice. I'm having champagne. I'm

I don't think you guys understand how hot it was on this flight. Holy hell. I was dying on this flight. There was none of the like overhead switches. There was no airflow. So I'm sitting on this flight and it's an overnight like a red eye. I'm like, okay, I should probably pass out go to bed, but I can't sleep right now because it's so hot. So I

I was like, you know what? I'm just going to take my pants off because there was nothing else I could do at this point. You took your pants off on the plane?

yes but alex there was nothing else i could do you can't do that i wait listen there are other options no there was no other options i had a zip up hoodie on and sweatpants in a tank so i took the hoodie off i'm in my tank in my sweatpants i took my socks off my feet were out it still was not enough i was literally dripping in sweat i had my handheld fan there was nothing i could do you can't take your pants off on an airplane well let

I had a blanket over me. So why don't you just take the blanket off of you and leave your pants on? Because the sweatpants were thick. So this is the last... I'm bringing 10 layers next time I go because I need to be able to strip down. I had to take off my pants, get into my thong on the airplane. And I was like, you know what? It's fine. I'm just going to be in my underwear. I'll put the light blanket they had over me and I'm going to go to bed. But the problem with that is that when you're sleeping...

I feel like you toss and turn. So I'm like, there's a possibility that I'm going to toss and turn on this flight right now. And everyone's going to see like my left butt cheek. Did you wake up like ass out? No, but I was like, there's no other option for me at this point. I would rather everyone see my bare ass than me deal with this heat right now. Cause I was dying.

So that's how the flight was for me, but we made it here. So I'm getting off the flight. I land. I'm like, finally, I'm in Paris. My sister is already at the hotel, so I'm going to go meet her there. I have a text from Ashton at 8 a.m. that says, oh, just getting back to the hotel. Here's the room number. My friend's sleeping over. I'm like, hello. Like, is there space for me in the bed?

And she's like, yeah, just go into bed. And then my texts don't send to you anymore. Did your phone die? I don't know. Maybe. But like, what did you do that night? Why were you out until 8am? I met up with my friends who are studying abroad here. We went to a really fun dinner. And then we're like, we're gonna go to Lark after like, it's this cool club. Apparently Quavo is going to be there. So we were like drinking at dinner. And I had ordered myself a dirty martini. And I

I don't think I'm allowed to drink dirty martinis anymore because the last time I did, I lost my phone in Ibiza. So... Yeah, Ashton's first night in Ibiza, she lost her... I'm like, hey, Ashton, how is it? None of my texts are going through. I'm like... My mom's like, she lost her phone. Yeah. So I don't think I'm allowed to drink dirty martinis anymore because I think I had like three at dinner and then everyone's like, let's take shots before we go. So we were like, okay. And then we did that and then we went...

We went literally the restaurant was across the street from the club. So then we just walked across the street. We met up with some people and we went in. We were only there for like an hour. And then we went to another club and we were there for a while. And then that's when things took a turn because I don't remember leaving this club. And then we somehow ended up in another club, which I don't even know how I got into. People were like, yeah, everyone was getting denied from there. Like, wait, so you went to four clubs? Yes. Okay.

Wow, I did. I don't remember getting in or leaving really. And then all of a sudden I'm at like some sketchy ass place at like 6am. And I was like, that's when like reality set in. And I like looked at my friend and it was just me and my friend left. We started off with like eight people. Dad's gonna like book you a flight home after hearing this. My phone said like 630 and I was like, okay, yeah.

We have to go now. Just me and the one friend. The sun was coming up. And she was like, should we walk back to the hotel? It's pretty close. And I was like, okay, yeah. It was not close. It was a 40-minute walk in heels. And I saw the sun come up. And at that point, I was questioning reality. And yeah, it was not a great next day. I think I slept all day.

Flash forward to that night. We decide to go out together. I come to meet Ashton at this restaurant. I don't get there till like 1 a.m. And then we were like, okay, let's go out. We...

go to this other club and Paris is kind of like Miami like everything starts really late which I find is cool like everyone's like going to dinner at 10 p.m. I'm like this is perfect for me but the problem is with this time difference during the day I'm so tired because it's like 8 a.m. at home and then it hits 1 a.m. and I'm like

Good morning. I'm ready to go. So like going out here has been dangerous for me because you're like drinking. I have tequila shots. I'm getting my second wind of the day. I'm waking up in the morning. I'm like, this is perfect. We go out and at first we were actually like we should go home. Like we were at this one club and we had one drink. Yeah, we were just kind of like standing there. And I was like, you know what? It's really crowded. Like...

We have a lot to do tomorrow. I'm tired. Like, I just got off the flight a few hours ago. Like, we should probably go to bed. So then we couldn't get an Uber because there was no service. So while we were waiting for our phones to load, we were like, we should just get another drink. Naturally. And I think we had a shot as well. Yeah, we did. And then, you know, our Uber's loading. It's like two minutes away. We finished our shots and our drink. I'm like, this is perfect. Like, two drinks. We're ready to go home.

And we run into these girls. And I love you guys. You guys are the best. This is all thanks to you that we had a great night because they were like, hey, Alex. And I was like, yeah. And they're like, oh,

oh my god like we love you we love your podcast we love your tick tock and they were french girls and they were so cool and so nice and they were like the french girlies love you i was like oh my god they're the coolest accents they were beautiful and i was like hi nice to meet you and she was like my husband is djing right now like do you want to come in the dj booth with us oh no

No. Girls go crazy for the DJ booth. I always end up in the DJ booth. I need to get out of there. So we were like, yeah. I cancel my Uber. We're trudging towards the beloved DJ booth. But you know what? I haven't been in a DJ booth in Paris. So we had to. And we get back there. And these girls...

are going crazy. They're like, let's take shots. We're drinking like vodka and something they did, which I don't know if this is a thing here or if we were just getting like duped or whatever, but they were like, oh yeah, we're just having this drink like vodka pure. And I was like, oh, like, is that a brand of vodka? Like, okay, sip, sip, sip. And I'm like, this is really strong. And they're like, yeah, vodka pure. Like it's just vodka. They just poured me, I have a photo. They just poured me a glass of vodka with ice. I was like,

Vodka. Do I say it like that? Yeah. Vodka. Vodka. Whatever. Then we're having these vodka. Vodka. Why do you say it like that? Vodka. I don't know. So we're having these vodka. That's weirder. Vodka. Whatever. We're in the DJ booth. We're having these vodka drinks. And now I can't say it. Whatever. We're having these drinks. And we had a great night with them. We were having so much fun. I end up going...

to the bar and do you remember when i gave the wrong card oh that was so we go to the bartender and i'm like trying to order a drink because i can't have any more of these vodka peers or i'm gonna be vodka passed out on the floor so i hand him my card at the bar and he's like oh no and i was like oh yes like it should work like it's fine he's like oh no no no and i was like wait what is it because like

like is this like a u.s dollar problem like what's happening right now like do i need euros do they need cash and he's like no no and i like take the card back and i look at it and it's a wooden rectangle and it's our hotel key room card no he shined his phone he whips out his phone to shine his own flashlight on the card because she was like no like take it take it and

It was our hotel card. So no wonder we couldn't charge. I'm like, room service? We get back to the hotel room. I don't know for what reason, like, Ashton went up before me. We ended up staying out till like 4.30-ish, 5. Ashton goes up and like, I...

I think I went to go get another room key. Where were you? Because I'm handing them out credit cards over at the bar. And I go to the elevator and it says four. So I'm like, perfect. Floor four. Floor four. And I click four. It takes me to this elevator. I don't think anything about it. And I start going down. And I'm like, wait a minute. We're going up. We're supposed to be going up. And I hit minus four, which...

Whoops, I didn't know. That's very confusing for me. I didn't see the little minus sign before I hit the four.

I go down to the dungeon of this hotel in Paris. I get out and I'm like, oh, okay, back to the lobby, like hitting the lobby button. It's not working. Not at all. I'm using my room key and nothing. So I'm stuck in this dungeon down in this basement. And I'm like, oh my God, at this point, my phone dies, dies. I'm like, oh my God, I'm gonna sleep in the dungeon of this hotel in Paris. I'm bawling my eyes out. I'm like, you're so dramatic. Oh.

Would you have been happy down there? Well, I mean, it's like just downstairs at the hotel. No, you don't understand. There was nothing down there. It wasn't like downstairs. Like there was like staff stuff there. It was nothing like a little white room. I was like, is this how they trap people? Like, oh my God, they definitely do this to drunk girls and take them down here. Taken. Yes. So...

I turn the corner and I see stairs. So I'm like, okay, we could just take the stairs up. We can just go up to the regular fourth floor. I go up one side of the stairs. I go up another. And there's a door that says like an exit door to the street. So I'm like, okay, let me just like press on that door. And it doesn't like open all the way. There's like a lock. So it like presses. I can like see the street of Paris, but I can't get out there. So I was like, oh my God.

Okay, so at this point, I'm really freaking out. And like, I just want to call Ashton. Ashton's probably down to sleep. She's ordering room service. She's like, I don't care where's Alex. So I keep going. I'm like up another flight of stairs. And I take a take a turn.

All of a sudden, I'm in the spa of the hotel and I'm like, hello? Like, obviously, it's the middle of the night. No one's in the spa. I see like the saunas. I see the gymnasium. I'm like, what is going on right now? And then I take a left. I take a right. I was making roundabouts. I'm sorry. Am I boring you?

Oh, no, sorry. I'm taking a left. I'm taking a right. I'm going roundabouts in the gym in the spa. I get to like a front desk. I go out. I see another elevator. I'm like, please, dear Lord, have this elevator take me up to the fourth floor. It led me to the lobby. Then I got to go to the regular elevators and I got to the room. I was shaking. Like, you know, when you're just so scared, like after you like hit something with your car and you're like, oh,

after you casually hit something with your car so finally we get back to the room we have a room service and then we're kind of up all night because i have this energy i just you know escaped from the dungeons in paris i'm like thrilled i'm having my vodka peers i'm like i am full of life right now i'm facetiming everyone on my contact list and we're up until like 7 a.m again

So the next morning I had something to do. I think I had something to post. And like my agent is like banging on my door, like banging on the hotel door. I don't think my phone was plugged in. I wasn't answering anyone. I was like sound asleep. It's 3 p.m. She's like bang, bang, bang, bang. And I wake up and I come out and she's like, Alex, like you have so much to do. Like you have to be ready in an hour. And I'm like, what is going on right now? So that's how I was woken up the next day.

And we went out again the next night. We had a lot of fun. And let me tell you, I know I kind of shit on New York Fashion Week, but Paris Fashion Week is much better. And the after parties are actually fun. We went to a Valentino after party.

and i was having the time of my life like i thought it was so cool everyone was having fun like i feel like in new york everyone was like miserable and like everyone here is just like fun and cool and fresh and funky and i was having a great time people are like actually fashionable here and like it's like intimidating everyone's really cool and like just like she knows all the fashion stuff and i don't know anything i want to be them

Yeah, we also saw... Who did we see? Oh, Dan Humphrey. We saw Dan Humphrey at one of the parties. And I was just freaking out. Like, I feel like I don't really fangirl. Me and Alex, like, looked at each other. I was like, do you see him? I feel like he's a gossip girl. I'm like, Dan Humphrey. Dan Humphrey. So, imagine we're at this party. It's like red lights. Every club here, by the way, is red lights. Just red lights. There's no normal lights. And...

I'm like, oh my god, Ashton, do you see Dan Humphrey? All of a sudden, the Gossip Girl song starts playing. And I was like... We were like, do you hear the Gossip Girl song? We were like such little geeks. We were freaking out. I was like, oh my god. And then...

I like saw him and I was like trying to like sip my drink and like be you know like nonchalant I was like yeah like maybe he'll come over like yeah I'm Serena Vanderwoods and maybe he'll come over to me and like just like say hi and um I'm like sipping my drink and I like forgot to like close my mouth I think and just like my drink when I tell you I basically just went like this and like poured my drink on my face like dripping down my neck I was like what is going on right now

so way to be hot alex then we went to another party then we went home you know we've just been up really late every night but we have been having a lot of fun so right now i'm getting ready to go to the mu mu show for paris fashion week so i'm going to show you guys a little bit of behind the scenes of me like getting ready and getting dressed let's go

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joyba on Instagram and TikTok at for fun giveaways and to find a retailer near you. Can I have your credit card? Can you have my credit card? Yeah. For the massage? Yeah. Oh my god. You said you would pay for it. Sure.

Gorgeous. Bonsoir. Bonsoir, bitches. We are back. I went to the Miu Miu show. Ashton took my credit card and went to the Ritz-Carlton and got herself a massage for an hour and a half. So that was cool of you to do. I deserved it. Yeah, whatever. Ashton has been studying abroad in Florence for the past month and a half.

month and she is loving it she goes to Tulane regularly for school but she's studying abroad right now and I feel like I need to hear about your experience because I was supposed to go abroad and I dropped out a week and a half before yeah so how are you liking it I I'm

love it like I don't want to go back to America I just I don't know everything's just so amazing Europe is better it's so much better like it's first of all we need to get our shit together I mean not Paris but like Italy everything's so much cheaper and I don't know it's just better like the food's better it's not all preservatives and all that stuff and

The only thing is I never have any euros with me, which is kind of a problem. Yeah. Yeah. Get your euros up, girl. Get your euros. So what is different than you expected? Okay, well, you know everyone says this everywhere you go. They're like, oh, it's not safe, blah, blah, blah. You might get some things stolen. Yeah, but we grew up near New York. We've heard that before. It's true. So...

One night, me and my friend Alyssa, who also goes to Tulane with me, we got drinks with a friend and we were walking home after and we saw a McDonald's on the way home and we're like, oh my gosh, we haven't had European McDonald's yet. So we're like, let's go. And as we were in there, we're just ordering. We're like, oh, like I kind of it was also like

2 a.m. I think but we were kind of like oh like this is the one by the train station we like we heard it was a little sus in this area at night so we're like okay like whatever though so we got our McDonald's to go and we were just walking home just like talking like me and her walking down the street all of a sudden Alyssa's

to the left of me I look to my left and there's this creepy little man he's like behind her with like his hands around her neck like this and she's just like silent and I'm like hey hey like I didn't even know what to do there's no way you're always so quiet no I was like hey like at the top and then all of a sudden he was gone and I was like what just happened did he just grab your neck and she was like oh my god he took my necklace off of me and it was like it happened within like

0.5 seconds. Like, I'm not kidding. I heard they're really quick with the literally he just we turned around and he was gone down the street and made like a turn like so quickly. And Alyssa's like, it was fake, bitch. And I was like, oh, thank God it was fake. She was like, it wasn't. And I was like, oh, shit. Oh, man. She had like this gold chain on from her grandma. I felt really bad. That sucks. Yeah. Yeah. So it's real. Just thank God. Like, he didn't like try to like hurt us or anything. Yeah. How do you think the guys are compared in Europe?

or like Italy compared to America? First of all, I think they're hotter. Yeah. But they're much more like forward. Yes. And I kind of like it because no guys at home like come up to me and I'm like, am I ugly? When I went to Greece this past May, I was like,

All the guys, like, they're just so flirty. And I was like, this is kind of great. Like, you're walking and they're just like, hey, sexy mama. I'm like, oh, my God, hype me up. They're very forward and it's very nice. No, some of them are definitely a little aggressive, though. So, like, the first night I, like, went out, like, clubbing in Florence. I mean, this isn't really a story. It's just, like, a scenario. I, like, like, three men...

tried to kiss me. Wow. No, but like old men, like not in a cute way, in like a gross way. So that's also like the bad part of the...

I kissed an old man when I was in Greece this year. And, like, no, but, like, when, like, this one guy tried to kiss me, and I was like, ew, no, like, get away from me. He was like, what? He was, like, so offended. I was like, we've been talking for a total of five seconds, and he was just like, I was like, no. And then I got asked out on, like, three dates my first week being there, also by creepy old men. So, like, it doesn't really... I mean, you're killing it. It doesn't really count, though, when they're creepy old men, you know? Yeah, not really. But...

They're very forward. The guys are definitely more attractive, I would say, in Europe. And they have such better style. Oh, yes. And they know how to flirt. They're just more suave over here. Yeah. I remember in

In May, I was posting on TikTok that, like, I had a bucket list with my friends when we were in Europe and on the bucket list. But it was kind of like predictions, like, of what we thought would happen or who we thought would do what. It was like, Alex is going to kiss someone over the age of 40. Oh, did you? Yes, I fell in love with this Greek man. How? Man? You mean grandpa? He was like 45. That's not bad. Dad's like 45. Dad, turn off the podcast. It's not that bad. Anywho.

He was so cute. And we just had a little kiss at the restaurant. He owned it. And, you know, he kept sending bottles of champagne. Oh, good. I was going to say, did you get free drinks out of this? Yeah. I had to say thank you. But, yeah, that's how the men are over here. Just better. Can we get two Aperol Spritz? Sure. And some spicy edamame. Spicy edamame.

And some maki rolls? And some salmon sushi? Thank you so much. I was signed up to go abroad two weeks before. I started getting really bad, like just a bad feeling in my stomach. It was like a gut feeling. Like, you know what? It just, I don't know how to explain it. I just didn't feel right. I was crying. I was like, I can't go. And I've wanted to go my whole life. So I didn't understand, but I was like, I cannot go.

ends up I don't go that semester was my spring semester my junior year and that's where I like hunted down on like management and was like I want to find a manager and I want to like start trying to monetize off social media and every single management company turns me down they're like no you don't have enough followers no that's not happening like no sorry we're too full right now like that's what they all would say to me and I was like I'm not giving up I really really want to find one so

What? Is there a parade? I don't know. There's always like fun little tunes playing in the streets. I love it. Anywho, finally, I find this one girl and she was like, yes, I'll sign you. I'll start working with you. And then that's where like my social media start came from in terms of like making money. And I was like, oh, I can do this as a job. And I didn't have money.

I didn't have really a lot of followers at the time, but I had enough to make money. And I was like, you know what? If I have these followers, I should try and monetize off of it. And it's so crazy because that manager, her name is Lexi. She was so sweet. She really helped me that summer. I would ask her all the time because I was like, I really, really want to take this seriously. And I really want to do well at...

social media. So I would ask her to like to like give me critiques on my social media and like what she thinks I could do more. And she was like, you have to show more of your personality, like you have to talk. And so I would try and incorporate that into my posts. And that's the summer I ended up like blowing up. And I mean, starting to gain followers at the time, but I just feel like I wouldn't be here today if I had gone abroad.

Wait, that's really cute. I didn't know that about Lexi. Yeah. That she like gave you all that advice to be more. Yeah, no, she was so sweet and so supportive and love you, Lexi. I don't know. I think everything happens for a reason. Definitely. Me, on the other hand, if I didn't go abroad. Yeah. I was in a dark hole this summer. Oh, I didn't go out. I like stayed in my room all summer. My dad would call me every day being like, are you depressed? Are you okay? And I was like,

yeah but like not really dad would call me every day and they're like what's wrong with ashton i was like she just needs to get i was like i just need to leave yeah and look at me now and now she's killing it and now i'm the happiest little turn up in the play what no ignore that i need a drink i was asked i was invited to a bondage party in munich what yeah

What is it? Like bondage? Like BDSM. Like what does that party mean? You just wear that? I'm pretty sure like everyone just like does like freaky shit together at the party. And okay, I was actually in a DJ booth. It always starts in a DJ booth. It always starts in a DJ booth. So I was in Munich and it was about 5 a.m.

and I was, you know, in the DJ booth. And I guess this guy was talking to my friend Lily, and he was like, oh, like, she's studying in Italy. And he was like, oh, like, I'm from Italy. And he's like, you're from Italy? I was like, no, I'm from America. And he was like, oh, you're an American girl. And I was like, yeah. He's like, I heard American girls are wild. And I was like, yeah, not really. He's like, you heard of... Yeah, no. And he was like, um...

Well, I actually, when he first said this, I was like, yeah, I've heard of that. Because I thought he said, you heard of...

Von Dutch. Cause he had an accent. So I thought he was talking about the brand Von Dutch. He was like, I'm having a Von Dutch party. And I was like, that's so cool. But what was he having? A bondage party. Oh, he's a bondage. And he was like, and then I like, and then I got it. Like the second time he said it, he was like, yeah, freaky American girls. And I was like, wait, bondage. And he was like bondage. And I was like, no. And he was like, Oh, like I thought the girls were crazy. You're not crazy from America. I was like, no,

And I was like, I'm so scared. So yeah, I almost went to a bondage party because I thought it was for Von Dutch. Ashton's working with Von Dutch now. I was like, cool, I'm getting invited to a fashion party. The fashion parties are a lot better though in Europe than opposed to in New York. Everyone's just like...

free-flowing, free-spirited here. Everyone's cooler and like they're just letting loose having fun. I feel like New York was like more like stuck up weirdly because like I feel like the people here are more... Wait, I feel like I haven't been to a New York fashion party.

But I feel like everyone in New York is like worried about like what everyone around them is like thinking or seeing or saying about them. I feel like the people here just like are really cool and they know they're really cool. So they're like, I don't give a fuck. Yeah. Everyone's just so cool here. I'm moving. I'm moving because I want to be cool like this. Goodbye, America. Thank you so much. Thank you.

Ashton is about to head to the airport in a little bit, so I'm going to miss her. It's honestly really sad. We're like the best of friends and we're so opposite, but it just works. Yeah, that's what's like fun about it, though. Like if we were so similar, we'd probably get bored of each other. Yeah. And you know what I say about Ashton is she's so similar to Kristen, who's my best friend, because you're both very like, I miss Kristen and like.

I don't know, like, not slow, but... Soft and pure and kind. And I don't know, I feel like I'm so... I feel like me and Kristen just, like, get each other. I don't know, high strung, and you guys are just, like, low-key chilling and, like, just so sweet and cool. And I don't know, it's funny how I think that I looked for Ashton in a best friend, because Ashton obviously is my best friend, but another best friend outside of my sister is just, like, the same vibe as you. And I'm like, it's just funny that...

I have attracted to the same type. I think it's funny too. Like some of my friends that I just like, I'm deeply bonded with like Ava and Lily. Like they're both just like my two, my crazy friends that like bring out the fun side of me and like kind of forced me to like be a little more cuckoo. Yeah.

Opposites attract. I feel like whenever I go to these type of events or trips or places, I always need someone who feels like home to me. Yeah, I would be so scared to do this alone. Okay, well, I guess that's all for the sister's trip to Paris. I'm going to miss you. Oh, no. Don't leave me. Wait, can we stay in Paris? No, I have to go home to tailgate with all my friends.

I'm going back to the U Miami frat parties and I'm so excited. Are you actually? It's alumni weekend, so it's allowed. You fucking loser. Okay, sorry. I like my school. Are you coming to Mardi Gras this year? Maybe. Oh, maybe I'll come to Mardi Gras. You should. Love you. I have a house now.

Love you too. Bonsoir. Bonsoir. Au revoir. Au revoir. Merci. Ashton, clear your fucking throat. What is with you? You have a disgustingness. I've been ill for weeks. All right. That's all for Alex and Ashton in Paris. I'm really going to miss you. I know. This was such a fun weekend. I'm going to miss you too. I love you so much. I love you more. See you in London.

Maybe I'll come to London. We'll see. I might be back in Europe soon, which means we're all going to be back in Europe because Hot Mess is officially traveling with me everywhere. And I'm so happy for you guys to meet everyone and meet Ashton. Yay. Thanks for having me. Love you. Love you. The fuck?

Now it is time to get real with me in this segment. I'm going to be doing my skincare routine while I tell you guys what has been going on behind the posts of my social media. Oh my gosh, I am kind of very unwell today.

It has been a long week for me. I feel like basically since Paris, I've been on a little bit of a bender and I think it's taken a toll on Big Al. I need a break. When I was coming back from Paris, I posted a TikTok that NFL man had picked me up from the airport. He had a cardboard sign. He had flowers. He was wearing a suit.

And everyone was like, what's going on here? NFL man and I have this kind of inside joke with picking up each other from the airport. The first time one of us went to get the other one was I was picking him up. This was like probably a few months ago and I wanted to embarrass him because I just thought that would be fun. So I showed up to the airport with like a sign taped to my car that said,

NFL man's name and I brought flowers like I did this whole thing and he wasn't embarrassed by it he was like loving it he thought it was so funny so we basically have just like gone back and forth with this and he was like you know I'm gonna come get you from the airport with like a sign and a suit and I was like okay like there's no way he's really gonna like dress up and wear a suit I walk out and this is like the international area pickup because it was an international flight and

And he's standing there. I almost walked right past him. I have a video of me like walking by because someone else took it. And then I look and I see him and he's standing there with a sign that says Mrs. NFL man with flowers in a suit. I was dying. I was like,

I wasn't embarrassed. It was very sweet, but I was like, oh my gosh, like we need to get out of here because you would have thought that like, I don't know, something serious and crazy was going on. And it wasn't, it's just like kind of our inside joke, but also really nice. He came all the way up into the airport, like right after I got out of the baggage claim and

And I don't know how he got up there. He like parked his car and everything. He was like, I was just following like the other drivers that were picking people up. I was like, okay, thank you. And it was really sweet. But that's kind of the behind the scenes of how NFL man ended up at the airport in a suit.

And then after this I get home and all of my college best friends come for alumni weekend So I just spent the past few days with them. We have been going out Non-stop every night like we were back in college Honestly, it's like reminded me that college I need to be done with it We need to move on because I could not be living this lifestyle anymore It's so much like unhealthier and I was just like, oh my this is bad so

No more college for me, but we did film our whole alumni weekend going to the tailgates at U Miami for Hot Mess. We literally brought cameras to the fraternity parties, to the tailgate, and I was like, obviously I need to bring you guys with me for this. So that will be all of next week's episode. You guys are going to freak out when you see this because...

Oh my god, it was insane and I had way too much fun at the tailgate. I should like I shouldn't have gone

Kristen had to rip me out of there. I was like, I want to stay. She was like, no, Alex, like you really need to get out of here. Like it's time to go home. It's time to wrap it up. My doctor told me that she thinks I might need to go back on Accutane, which I just don't understand because this would be my fourth time on Accutane. I'm like, what does this drug have against me? Like it's supposed to take it one time. It clears your skin for life. Like what's wrong with me? So I

I'm getting that all fixed right now. Hopefully we are like doing a bunch of blood tests because I'm like something has to be wrong. Like I'm gonna go get like a food test. I'm testing my hormone levels. I don't know what's going on over here. The crazy thing is I need to go pack right now because I'm getting on a flight to go to Ohio. It's been a long week. I will see you guys next Thursday. Bye.

Alex, cooch is out. You can't bend over like that. Welcome to episode three of Hot Mess with Alex Earl. Wait, I thought it was episode four. Oh, you're so true.