cover of episode University Lecturer Calls For The Murder Of Trump Voters (Ep.61)

University Lecturer Calls For The Murder Of Trump Voters (Ep.61)

Publish Date: 2024/10/10
logo of podcast Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita

Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita


Shownotes Transcript

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Arizona universities hand student information over to the Kamala campaign. Colorado Supreme Court tosses out a lawsuit against a baker who refused to make a cake that violated his conscience. Tim Walz and Doug Emhoff walk off without paying for their coffees. Kamala Harris decries hurricane disinformation on CNN.

FEMA spent $12 million on increasing equity in disaster responses. Brandon Johnson uses his race as a shield from criticism. And Reddit shuts down a message board dedicated to uncovering the truth about the first assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life. All this on Bongina Report, early edition.

One of the biggest forces poisoning our society is the university system. For decades now, the university system has been overrun by Marxists who have installed fake fields of study based on left-wing ideology and at the same time banished any academic who disagrees with them and bullies into silence any student who they deem to be a thought criminal.

And that's why this story from yesterday didn't shock me in the slightest. A Kansas University lecturer named Philip Lowcock was exposed on camera calling for the death of any man who dares not cast a vote for Kamala Harris. Take a listen. Guys are smarter than girls. You got some serious problems. Uh...

That's what frustrates me. There are going to be some males in our society that will refuse to vote for a potential female president because they don't think females are smart enough to be president. We could line all those guys up and shoot them. They clearly don't understand the way the world works. Did I say that? Scratch that from the recording. I don't want the deans hearing that I said that. We can line up all those guys and shoot them. This is what leftists do.

It's all about compassion and love and peace until you disagree with them and then they want to kill you. Now, the University of Kansas has come out and said that the instructor has been placed on administrative leave. But in their statement, the university made sure to defend the intentions of the lecturer who called for the killing of people who don't support Kamala, writing,

His intent was to emphasize his advocacy for women's rights and equality, and he recognizes he did a poor job of doing so. That's from the university, speaking for this guy who called for the death of any man who doesn't vote for Kamala. Do you think that if the roles were reversed and a professor called for the deaths of women who don't vote for Trump, the university would come out and say, oh yeah, don't worry guys, he didn't mean it. Drop a comment, yes or no. The answer is absolutely not.

They would never defend a pro-Trump professor if the roles were reversed. And these aren't just misguided people. They aren't captured by a wrong-headed ideology. No, they're captured by an evil ideology that has caused unspeakable horrors in recent history. I want to share with you all something kind of personal. My family survived the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s.

Spanish Civil War was a bloody three-year conflict spanning from 1936 to 1939 in which communists massacred Catholics because the church's doctrine and its head, Jesus Christ, stood in opposition to their ideology and authority.

In the 1930s, virtually the entire Spanish government was run by left-wing anti-religious radicals who called themselves Republicans, and not in the way that we think of Republicans today in America. These so-called Republican communist radicals engaged in the widespread persecution of Spanish intellectuals, the upper class, devout Catholics and clerics.

In the run up to the Civil War, the Republicans began their campaign of religious persecution with simply anti-religious policies, such as banning all religious schools, removing crucifixes from the classroom. And then they deemed all religious marriages invalid in the eyes of the state. Anti-church propaganda eventually escalated from smear campaigns to the burning of churches and mass executions of Catholic religious and lay people by the end of the war.

Properties were seized and stolen, and conservatives were convicted of crimes in kangaroo court rulings, leading to unjust executions. My great-grandmother and great-grandfather lived through the war. This is my great-grandmother.

And they were middle-class Catholic intellectuals and vocal opponents of communism. So it's no surprise that they were primary targets of the Republican aggression. My grandmother in particular was considered a threat to the Republicans because she was a prolific writer who poured her thoughts on medicine, politics, and Catholicism into hundreds of articles during the lead up to the war.

My great-grandfather was the subdirector of a large metal company in Madrid. He wasn't rich, but he did have a little piece of land outside of Madrid. So during the war, my great-grandfather was captured by Republicans who, following a kangaroo court proceeding, had him incarcerated. At the time, the communists made prisons out of anything, and my great-grandfather was imprisoned in a building in Madrid with three of his friends, one of whom was a priest.

in the middle of the war for reasons that still the our family doesn't know and the communists ordered that my great-grandfather and his fellow inmates be released my great-grandfather took his release papers and left immediately without picking up his belongings and then he went into hiding for the remainder of the war and the other three prisoners when they went to collect their belongings they were confiscated that were confiscated before they entered prison

My great-grandfather would later learn that all three of them were executed when they went to pick up their things. During this time, my great-grandmother did not know if her husband was captured or escaped, dead or alive, but she lived in fear that the Republicans would come for her too. So in the dead of night, she left her home in Madrid, escaping on a midnight train with her four children, aged one, two, three, and four, and her typewriter.

and she lived out the remainder of the war with her children and father in a rented room in Santander. My great-grandparents suffered greatly in the war. They lost their house, they lost their savings, their possessions, and even each other, only reuniting when the war was over in 1939. But even greater victims of the war were the countless religious people. One of my great-grandmother's extended family members was a priest.

he was captured by communists and was forced to dig his own grave he stood before a firing squad on the edge of his self-dug grave and when the squad fired they only grazed his arm and so he begged the men to shoot him but instead his executioners buried him alive by the end of the war it reported 13 bishops

Over 4,000 priests, 2,000, over 2,000 monks and friars, and over 200 nuns and sisters, and a number of lay people were killed by the communists.

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and i know that was a little bit of a long a personal family story but i'm telling you all this because the intolerance on the left in america is increasingly similar the persecution of christians and the crackdown on dissent the abandonment of our values here in america and if you think it won't happen here you are mistaken an authoritarian left-wing governments thought criminals die

This Kansas University professor isn't just some guy. He's part of a broader movement that dates back decades. I've seen it myself. At the University of Chicago, one of my left-wing peers said that because I oppose socialism, I got canceled. He said, because I oppose socialism, I'm entitled to a brick wall, meaning I should be shot. I don't even know this kid. Never met him. But he said this.

on a public platform online, calling for my death. For a lot of normal Americans, it's really hard to comprehend just how unhinged left-wing radicals are, just how far they'll go. Morals and standards do not matter to them. And that is what's so important to understand. They will do absolutely anything in the name of progress, including murder. And again, the university system is spewing this poison. They are the facilitators of it.

And they're also interfering in this election, which brings me to my next story that students at Arizona State University, the University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University, reportedly all received texts from the Kamala Harris campaign encouraging them to register to vote and to vote for Kamala. And Northern Arizona University president for communications told the New York Post that

Quote, we receive these types of requests many times throughout the year, and the requester must pay for the data they ask for. So apparently schools in Arizona are selling data to the Kamala campaign. And again, Arizona is a swing state. Universities are not truth-seeking institutions anymore. They are activist organizations. They are very, very partisan. And again, like I said, cancerous.

Speaking of left-wing intolerance, per the New York Post, a Colorado Supreme Court tossed out a lawsuit against a baker who refused to make a cake for a trans woman. That's per the New York Post. A couple of problems with this headline that we're going to talk about. The first problem is that it's not a trans woman. It's a trans-identifying man. And second, as Molly Hemingway, my former boss, points out,

The baker politely declined to make the cake, depicting raw sex acts and Satan smoking a joint. Yes, a man claiming he was a woman made the request, but it was harassment, not a real request, but Colorado persecuted the baker anyway. There is no agreeing to disagree with the left. If you don't believe in the same things that they do, they will destroy you, or at least they'll try to. You know another pattern that you see with left-wingers? It's that they're posers.

In George Orwell's book, The Road to Wigan Pier, Orwell famously criticized the British socialist movement, especially the communist wing of the movement, and said that they were really out of touch with working class people. He wrote,

Quote, the typical socialist is not a tremulous old lady's image, a ferocious looking working man with greasy overalls and a raucous voice. He's either a youthful snob Bolshevik or still more typically a prim little man with a white collar job, usually a secret teacher toller and often with vegetarian leanings.

So in the book, Orwell essentially argues that many leftists are disconnected from the realities of working class life and more concerned with abstract ideology than the practical needs of the poor. And he pointed out that the hypocrisy of left-wing intellectuals who advocated for the proletariat but often had no real understanding of or connection to their lives.

And you all know our favorite communist sympathizer Tim Walz fits this description to a tee. He wants to believe that he's this down-to-earth, Midwestern guy who's super concerned with the issues of working-class Americans. But I want you to watch what happens when Tim Walz and Doug Emhoff visit a coffee shop. And I think that this interaction really indicates that Tim Walz is much more like the communists that...

or well observed and talked about in road to wigan pier thank you so so much and um we'll be up here today right now well no like thank you so much

So if you're listening, essentially Tim Walls, Doug Emhoff, they get their coffee and they just leave. They don't pay. And then you have Tim Walls' daughter come in and say, oh yeah, one of the handlers will be here to pay for that. And it's a small interaction, but I think it speaks volumes.

Kamala Harris, Doug Emhoff, Tim Walz, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, name any Democrat politician. They don't give a crap about the working class. They're completely removed from it. And the worst part is that when the elites do implement equity in the name of the people that they claim to speak for, it has always consistently led to unspeakable horrors, like in the Spanish Civil War.

When Tim Walz installs a potential CCP asset in his Minnesota administration, travels to China, fawns over China, accepts speaking engagements with CCP influence organizations, and advocates for dismantling free speech in America, it's not folksy and cute, it's disturbing. And it's reflective of a history we don't want to see play out here in America. Speaking of out-of-touch leftists, you all know how incredibly devastating Hurricane Helene has been.

But don't worry, the government is here to help. Scratch that, no, just to prevent regular citizens from actually helping and then offering victims a measly $750 that many of them aren't even getting. Here is a report from a North Carolina mayor explaining that his own daughter applied for Kamala's $750 of FEMA payments and was denied. Literally, what is FEMA? So my daughter, whose house got completely wiped out, she has no flood insurance, meets with a FEMA person,

applies for everything she doesn't get the 750 that Kamala says that she's supposed to get, gets approved for $300 for personal items. What is that gonna do? That's literally what she got her entire first floor is wiped out. We hauled everything off, it's gone. So what is FEMA? And being a mayor- So they didn't even give her the full 750. They didn't even give her 750, denied the 750. They gave her 300. They gave her $300. That won't even cover what's in the refrigerator. This is why regular citizens are standing up and doing the work themselves.

a grassroots group known as the Savage Freedoms Relief Operation, founded by a North Carolina native and an Army Special Forces veteran, say they're mainly concerned about black bears and FEMA, which keeps getting in their way as they're trying to protect and save people in North Carolina. Here is a video of a Savage Freedoms member explaining what they're doing, what they're trying to accomplish.

When this area got hit and I saw what was happening, I diverted down here to run air operations for what Savage Freedoms is doing. We're staging out of a business that just got massacred, but they're giving us the property to work at an emergency operations center out of here. This mission out here has slowly turned into the recovery aspect of it. So today alone, we've had numerous supply runs with

requests from medical supplies to O2 to personnel rescue to recons in the areas we haven't been yet. Resupplies are going into the regions that cannot be accessible by ground and some of that is even by horseback or UTVs. The bridges are blown so our recon teams are telling us where we can and cannot send vehicles and we're dropping birds right on top of them with resupplies or reaching out even further.

We are communicating via Starlink. Let's be very clear, this region of the world is talking because of Starlink and SpaceX. So that's what's happening here outside of Asheville, North Carolina. Now the group says that they're wary of FEMA because earlier in the week, FEMA tried to encourage the group to shut down operations and evacuate the area. And of course, they didn't do that as FEMA's response to the hurricane has been slow and inadequate and the people of North Carolina need them.

This is a veteran and a volunteer pilot in Western North Carolina discussing why Americans cannot rely on the government. There is a complete and utter lack of federal government response. We think whoever's in charge right now flew by yesterday through the TFR. I've seen nobody on the ground.

Ivanka Trump came yesterday, talked to us. Elon Musk has been here talking to us. Glenn Beck is here now talking to us. I've seen no one from the federal government to help out at all. Nobody. To be 100% honest, the rest of the country, I want them to know normal, everyday Americans make the difference. Don't depend on the federal government. They're not here to help you. Community. People acting out of the goodness of their hearts.

That's who we can rely on and should rely on in times like this. Government's completely useless. But if you dare criticize the government's response, despite the billions of dollars that we give to them, like trillions,

You're labeled a spreader of misinformation. Here is Kamala on CNN saying that one of the biggest issues facing the government's relief efforts is disinformation. And then, of course, she also insinuates that the disinfo is actually coming from Donald Trump. Yeah, somehow this whole hurricane response failure from the Biden admin is actually Trump's fault. Take a listen.

It is dangerous. It is unconscionable, frankly, that anyone who would consider themselves a leader would mislead desperate people to the point that those desperate people would not receive the aid to which they are entitled. And that's why I call it dangerous. And we all know it's dangerous. And the gamesmanship has to stop. At some point, the politics have to end, especially in a moment of crisis.

Let's be clear about what she's calling disinformation. It's supposedly disinformation to say that the government is doing a bad job because that somehow prevents people from getting help. No, the government is preventing people from getting help. We have firsthand accounts testifying that the government has been slow and unhelpful in the wake of Hurricane Helene. And not only that, but they prevented regular citizens from acting, from actually doing the job, helping their neighbors.

helping their fellow Americans. Elon Musk has said that FEMA has gotten in the way of Starlink's efforts. What is the disinformation? Notice that Kamala doesn't actually cite anything. She can't. It's just information she doesn't like. There is no disinformation.

And let's be clear about something else. Kamala has never taken an interest in hurricane preparedness until she started running for president. FEMA has meetings with the White House during, had meetings with the White House during the Trump administration, and Mike Pence was always involved. Kamala, by contrast, has not participated in any of the Biden admin's hurricane preparedness meetings until this year. Do you know how I know?

FEMA, just like the rest of the federal government, is fully mismanaged and committed to neo-Marxism? This report from The Daily Caller. In May 2023, FEMA launched a $12 million grant program designed to increase equity in disaster responses by making greater investments in communities with high concentrations of racial and sexual minorities.

FEMA's 2023 Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program sought to disperse multi-million dollar grants designed to bolster disaster preparedness equity.

for what is called "undeserved communities," a label later defined in Grant documents as "populations sharing a particular characteristic as well as geographic communities who have been systematically denied a full opportunity to participate in aspects of economic, social, and civic life."

And examples of those groups cited in the FEMA documents include African Americans, Hispanics, Middle Easterners, LGBT people, and people living in rural areas, among others. And I played the video last week of Kamala discussing how disaster preparedness should be based on equity. But I want to remind you guys of this soundbite. Should black people get reparations? I think there has to be some form of reparations and we can discuss what that is. She wants reparations.

Reparations, that level of redistribution based on race in any of its forms ends in disaster. It ends in bloodshed. You know what else really gets me about neo-Marxism? The way that it allows black and brown leftists to use their race as some kind of

impenetrable shield. Here is Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson accusing a reporter of racism for questioning his trip to a Chicago Bears football game in London. Take a listen. Mayor, is this a good week to go to London for a Bears game? And also, who's going to pay for that trip? Okay, I'm going to London to attract business to Chicago. Sure. Okay.

I'm going to London to attract business in Chicago. Hold on a second, because you already know the answer to that. But I just want to make sure that you do the people of Chicago service, because I have to be very honest with you, it's pretty jacked up the way you framed that. It is. It is. It's disrespectful and condescending that the black man is going to London for a game. It's disrespectful. It is.

It's not racist to ask why your mayor is taking trips to London while your city is overrun by illegals and people are getting shot in the streets. Disgusting of him to use race that way. This kind of moral blackmail and speech policing is so typical of the left. It's their go-to weapon against any kind of criticism. Speaking of...

A forum dedicated to sharing information about would-be assassin Thomas Crooks has been banned by Reddit. Reddit said that it banned the Thomas Crooks subreddit because it violated Reddit's rules against posting violent content. Now, all the posts on the thread pertain to seeking answers and sharing information about the assassination attempt.

Questions about crooks, security failures that day, and whether the attempt was an inside job were all discussed before the ban. And notably, Reddit did not provide an example of the content, the violent content, supposedly shared that went against the company's policies. And we also know that Google and Facebook have suppressed the first assassination attempt story as well. Google scrubbed the assassination attempt from its autocomplete search engine,

And Facebook warned against sharing photographs of President Trump raising his fist in the air after being shot at, falsely accusing Facebook that they were AI-generated, these photos. Of course, they weren't. Trump actually did that. Trump put his fist in the air and said, fight, fight, fight, after getting shot at and hit.

Similar to Reddit's excuse to ban the forum, Google and Facebook also cited violent content violations. So very similar tactics being used across these platforms. And we all know that the permanent state has sought to remove Trump by any means necessary. From the fabrication surrounding Russia collusion, to the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story, to the endless legal assaults and media manipulation, their intent is clear.

Now, disturbing evidence suggests that the second assassination attempt on Trump's life involves an intelligence asset, the allegations against Ryan Routh, the strange history that he's had in the Middle East and, I'm sorry, in Ukraine and recruiting Taliban fighters, all very odd, orchestrating visa scams. Mike Benz has talked about this. And this is further compounded by the alarming security failures surrounding the first assassination attempt

The secrecy enveloping the investigation also speaks volumes. Trump is undeniably viewed as a threat, a thought criminal by those in power. The left has gone to extraordinary lengths to delegitimize his presidency, employing tactics that brazenly disregard the rules to manipulate the public and weaponize the government.

But what stands out most is the pattern of intimidation, the bullying, the threats, the weaponization of the law and censorship. These are symptoms of something far more dangerous and bigger than just Trump. The overreaction to criticisms of FEMA, for instance, reveals a deeper agenda at play. An agenda determined to silence dissent at all costs.

Throughout history, those branded as stock criminals have been targeted for suppression just as Christians were during the Spanish Civil War. During the chaos of 2020, we witnessed churches burned by Marxists, pro-life pregnancy centers torched by pro-abortion terrorists after the overturning of Roe. Meanwhile, peaceful Christian pro-lifers have faced raids, excessive fines, and imprisonment. Surveillance techniques once reserved for foreign threats are now being used on traditional Catholics.

And this isn't because the FBI truly believes that traditional Catholics are racist, but because Catholics and Christians in general challenge the foundations of authoritarianism, which is what the communists in Spain knew and feared. Christians by their very nature pose a threat to any irreligious autocratic regime because they're not beholden to any state authority that violates their conscience.

those who strive to uphold America's founding principles, starting with the defense of life and liberty, are seen as enemies of the state. And this is why history is so important. Because if it's taught us anything, it's that the left-wing ideology poisoning American culture and the authoritarian liberties taken by our government lead to violent, deadly consequences.

Okay, that's all I have for you guys today. As always, if you are listening on Apple or Spotify, please hit the like and follow button and be sure to rate and review this podcast. I'm here live on Rumble at 9 a.m. Eastern time, five days a week. I'll see you all tomorrow.