cover of episode Congressman Andy Biggs on Immigration and Border Security

Congressman Andy Biggs on Immigration and Border Security

Publish Date: 2022/9/3
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It's the new year and time for the new you. You've thought about running for political office, but don't know where to start. Before you start any planning, you need to secure your name online with a web domain. This means your constituents will know they are learning about the real you when they surf the web. Secure your domain from today.

Welcome, everybody, to another episode of Breaking Battlegrounds with your host, Sam Stone. My co-host, Chuck Warren, had an unfortunate death of a family friend and is not able to join us in the studio today. Kylie Kipper, the irrepressible Kylie Kipper, heading with him to Utah. So now...

Against her will, I have dragged Jamie Kleschuk back onto the mic. Thank you, Jamie. Oh, always, Sam. And we have a fantastic interview to open with today. Congressman Andy Biggs of Arizona, who is frankly one of the people I respect the most in Congress. He came out of the Tea Party movement originally, part of the House Freedom Caucus. He is a fighter for conservative values, unlike many others in this country today.

He has really served the people of Arizona well. Congressman Biggs, welcome to the program. Thank you, Sam. Thanks, Jamie. And condolences, Chuck. Congressman, so I almost don't even know where to begin because we have seen, unfortunately frequently, the last 48 hours have seen some pretty astounding things once again. And this president appears to be totally out of control.

What is going on there in Washington? Well, I think that what we saw last night in that speech, that demagogic speech, was actually pretty consistent with the way Biden and the Democrats have governed or ruled is probably a more accurate phrase. I mean, to basically come out

And demagogue, half the populist, half the electorate was it was astonishing. But but but I'm thinking of his spokesperson, Jean-Pierre, who had said that you're an extremist if you don't agree with.

with them and that's that's totalitarianism that's that's authoritarianism and i that's what i've seen happening here in washington dc since biden came to uh to power well you're absolutely right that's exactly what it is and and i gotta say congressman i never growing up in this country through the the late 70s the 80s into the 90s i never imagined we could get to a place where

where we have one party and they couch it and they try to couch it in polite terms. But the fact of the matter is they are doing everything they can to institute total totalitarian control over every aspect of the lives of Americans. They want to control everything from the kind of vehicles we drive to how we can set our thermostat to what thoughts we can have in our head. How is how has this come about?

Well, the infrastructure was there for kind of a Marxian authoritarianism.

But it just kind of coalesced. My own theory on this is that we were slowly moving down this path. The infrastructure had been laid and foundation laid. We were moving toward that on the path. But it was in fits and starts and fairly slowly. But I think when Donald Trump was unexpectedly elected president in 2016, that he proved to be a disruption.

to their intentions. When I say their, I'm talking about the left's intentions, you know, everything for taking over the institutions. And then in 2020, they insisted that they get it back, and when they got it back, they have put pedal to the metal so that in 18 months, you've seen every right acknowledged in the Bill of Rights has been under attack

as well as our economic freedom, and then our prestige in the world has been undermined by this administration. All of that has happened in 18 months. It's really unbelievable, and I agree that the roots of this go back much further. I've actually said, and tell me if you think I'm right or wrong about this, but I actually attribute a lot of this going back to 2012 and President Obama's re-election campaign when he was campaigning on

the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, really unpopular bill, and deliberately divided the country and brought forward, really dragged out of the dark recesses of academia, this critical theory-based policy or politics and tore this country apart. And I think we are still being torn apart by what began at that moment.

I would agree with you. I think he took some gasoline, put it on a slow-burning fire,

with the division that he caused. You know, the critical theory, which goes back, I mean, I actually studied that in my graduate school days, but it was considered fringe. It was out there. It was fringe academia. No one, I mean, people didn't really take it seriously. It was the kind of thing you could find in master's degree and higher level courses. Exactly. Exactly.

But people did not take this seriously as a governing philosophy. No, that's exactly right. I mean, it was the people who were propounding that were the deconstructionists and those types of folks that were kind of in the academic realm.

salons, if you will, at the universities where they would sit around and kind of propose these kind of outlandish ideas, which they continue to do today. But then they started moving it to the indoctrination type of part of the syllabus, you know, for grad students, and then it filters on out. I remember studying some of that stuff, reading some of that stuff, and you say, well, you know, that's really...

I mean, it really is, you know, but somehow now it's got hold. And so we're seeing it in schools. It's infiltrated from K through 12 to post-secondary ed. Yeah, there are basically three major textbook manufacturers in the country who manufacture almost all of the textbooks for all our K-12 students. And their textbooks, all of them,

use as a central basis this variations on critical theory when talking about history, when talking about economy, when talking about the institutions of the United States. And even the founders, for instance, of the 1619 Project have admitted it's not factual history. It's propaganda.

Yeah, that's exactly right. I mean, and it leads to the goofy stuff like the 1619 Project, ultimately, where you attempt to rewrite history. It's really, you look at it and you say, well, George Orwell was right in so many ways, where you're taking history and you're throwing it down the chute into the shredder.

and rewriting history constantly, as if we were at war with one country and now they're our allies, and now we're at war with a different country. It's as if we never were at war. I mean, those types of things that Orwell fictionalized about, they've become true in some ways, where you have Jean-Pierre representing Biden coming on and saying things like,

you know what it doesn't happen that way people don't simply walk across the border it just doesn't happen that way well well yeah it does i've been down there i that's why i wrote her a letter i said come on down i'll show you the border it happened it happens by the thousands the tens of thousands every day by the millions every year she is she is loony yeah

Yeah, absolutely. You know, the best place to go to see it is the Rio Grande Valley in La Jolla down there. That's going to give it to you. If you don't like that, we could go over to Eagle Pass in Del Rio. If you don't like that, we could go to Yuma. You know, Sam, it was 116 degrees three days ago, and I had taken some congressmen down to the border. And I said, oh, my goodness, it's 116. We won't see anybody cross. What do we see?

At 116 degrees in Yuma, Arizona, three Russians, a family of Russians, are across the border. Surrender. And then they're apprehended. And by the way, they're probably relocated already at our expense. So...

That happens every day. And yes, Ms. Jean-Pierre, they literally do walk across the border every day. Yeah, I particularly loved Lori Lightfoot coming out and saying it's racism to send some of these border crossers to the sanctuary city she created.

I love that, too. I said to myself, listen to yourself talk. You are the racist. You're saying, you know what? She's basically xenophobic. She doesn't want these people in her community. Well, nobody's forcing them to even go to that community. First of all, they illegally enter the country, and Abbott can't force them on the bus. He can't forcibly take them. He's got to wait until

until they've been processed through customs, and then he's going to take them where they want to go. You know, he's inviting them. Do you want to go to Chicago? Do you want to go to Capitol Hill? Do you want to go to New York City? And she gets them flown there all the time, every day. I guarantee you, every day, there are individuals who cross the border illegally that are being flown into Chicago already, more than the bus,

That that Abbott sent up there, you know, talk about a xenophobic racist and hypocrite. You know, that's that's a mayor Lightfoot. Absolutely. Oh, yeah. Mayor Lightfoot, Mayor Bowser, Mayor Adams. I mean, they are all doing the same thing. New York, Washington and Chicago and all these other cities. This is hypocrisy of the highest level. But but not only that, I mean.

These are the folks that created the idea and built these sanctuary cities. This is what baffles me. It's like,

Weren't you inviting these folks here? Aren't you the ones that told us to send them to you? And then when it actually happens, oh, no, we don't want that. That's racist. Well, think about this, Sam. The hypocrisy of it is, and this is what I find really beautiful, is the people who are shooting up her city every day, she's releasing back into the streets to be a danger to the community.

Yeah. And so so if these people were to come up and be arrested for shooting somebody, they're going she's OK with that because they're going to go through the city and then out they go back into the city. So, Congressman, that brings up a question. Do these migrants know what they're getting into going to these blue cities? Because, I mean, New York is a crime ridden mess. Washington, D.C. is a crime ridden mess. Chicago is a.

murder capital with actual murder rates in parts of Chicago that are higher than in the developing world anywhere. Do they know what they're getting into? I mean, I think their vision of America is 20 years old. Yeah, I think they don't know. I think that if they did, they would say, well,

We need to go somewhere else. Let's go to someplace that actually enforces the law. But then, of course, they broke the law themselves. Yeah, it's a catch-22, right? They can come to the red states, but then we actually do enforce the law and believe in law and order. Or they can go to the blue states and risk getting stabbed on the street by a deranged homeless person. I don't know. I think probably the best solution would have been to stay home and apply to come to America legally.

That's just me. We're going to be coming back in just a moment with more from Congressman Andy Biggs on Breaking Battlegrounds. Please stay tuned on that. And folks, if you're not, download our podcast. You get a little extra segment every week. Breaking Battlegrounds coming back in just a moment. Welcome back to Breaking Battlegrounds with your host, Sam Stone. Chuck Warren out of studio today in studio and against her will, as always, Jamie Kleschuk.

On the line with us, Congressman Andy Biggs of Arizona. Congressman Biggs, when we went to the break, we were talking the border. There was a photo that came up recently that has some sort of scary implications. I don't think most Americans really understand what's going on. The Border Patrol detained three gentlemen, and I say gentlemen,

Well, you know, cartel members wearing ghillie suits for people who don't know. Ghillie suits are the camouflage suits worn by snipers on the battlefield. And these guys are coming across. These are not migrants, are they, congressman?

No, no way are they migrants. They were doing something nefarious and had something nefarious planned. We're not sure what yet as they try to boil that down and investigate that. But here's the way to think about that.

You have every day thousands of people coming across that we don't catch. Most of them, by the way, are in the Tucson sector coming up between Tucson and and Naco and Douglas. And they're coming on up.

in camouflage and they will be transporting drugs. They may be what we call from countries of interest like the Middle East. They may be these three here, and I haven't heard whether this is true or not, but they may have been on the terrorist watch list, which we have caught literally five times as many people on the terrorist watch list this year as

as we have ever caught in a whole year before. And so these people are a real danger. And, you know, Sam, I have to say this too, because I don't think people understand this. When we start talking about the nearly million people who have gotten away, both known and unknown since the Biden administration has come to power,

We have no idea why they're here, where they're going, and whether their intention is peaceful or malevolent. But I can tell you this much, even of the people that we check backgrounds. And by the way, as we release millions of people in the country every year, we do check the backgrounds. But we only have background checks from the U.S. So if you have somebody who has committed a murder, let's say in Central America somewhere,

We won't know that. We won't know that. If there's a sex predator or anything like that, we won't know that because we don't have access to records. And many countries don't keep records nearly as assiduously as we do. The result is we are letting millions of people in this country that we have no idea who they are. We don't know what they're going to do. We don't know what their background is. We don't know whether they're friend or foe. And...

I just frankly am so frustrated with trying to get the administration to do something. But it's a danger, a real danger to us. It's very clear they have absolutely no intention of taking effective action because Donald Trump had taken effective action and they overturned everything he was doing that was working.

I mean, yeah, that's what gets me, I think, Congressman, about our modern politics is we used to at least be able to say, hey, if one side did something, even if we didn't like it initially, but it actually worked, then we could all agree that that was worth continuing. And I think having a secure border and knowing who's coming to this country is worth having.

And yet Donald Trump, against what everyone said was possible, actually did make significant strides on addressing illegal immigration. And the Biden administration came in day one and threw it out.

Yeah, I mean, think about this. In the entire year of 2020, using Trump's policies, Yuma sector, the 124, 127 miles, I guess it is, of linear border and a huge section only had 9,000 encounters. Actually, less than 9,000. Wow. And this year, 340,000.

Oh, my goodness. I did not know that number. And that is astounding. And one of the things I really get frustrated with, Congressman, is people saying, oh, we have an obligation to allow people to come here. I think that's true to an extent that we have always been open and welcoming to legal immigration. We allow a lot of legal immigration, don't we?

We allow more legal immigration than all of the other nations in the world combined. So we will naturalize probably six to eight hundred thousand people a year as new U.S. citizens. We will allow over a million people every year additionally to come in and get green cards. We will allow student visas. We allow more people per year to

to come and legally work and become part of the fabric of America than any place in the world. In fact, all countries combined. And yet on top of that, the left wants us to allow in

you know, millions more who won't even bother to come through the legal port of entry. They come between the ports of entry and they don't stop. And then they all claim that they want asylum. Everybody, even those Russians I was talking about earlier, they wanted asylum. And 93% of all asylum claims are bogus. And right now it's an 85-month backlog.

to get your adjudication, to get to your court hearing. And by then, we've let them into the country, we've let them work, and we don't know where they are, we can't find them. And this administration says, okay, we're not even going to look for them. That's the point. They won't even look for them. And through the 1.2 million people who already had due process and been given a removal order, this administration has said to ICE, you will not

look for those people and you will not remove them. These are people, by the way, Sam, who have already gone through the entire due process. And a judge has said, hey, your claim is bogus. You need to leave the country. And we're not even looking for it. It's astounding. One of the things I say a lot is if the left didn't have contradictions, they wouldn't have anything. They talk all the time about we have a housing crisis.

Well, when you're allowing in between legal and illegal immigration, the equivalent of 10 percent of the population every 10 years, doesn't that affect your housing crisis? Oh, absolutely. You know, I mean, I'm always asked by a congressman that I take down and they hear these numbers and they see the people come rushing across the border. They'll say, well, where are they going? How are they living?

Well, they come in and we provide them education. We provide them medicine, medical care. We provide them phones. They can get housing. By the way, in Yuma, you know what? They've had to eat, the Yuma Regional Hospital has had to eat over $20 million because every day 10 people,

illegal aliens, not brought over by CBP, but 10 illegal aliens will walk into their hospital, go to the emergency room, and they are required under federal law to treat them. And every day they also have four or five people come into the maternity ward. And, you know, Sam, that community of Yuma,

can't eat that $20 million at the medical facility. That hospital doesn't have that. No, they absolutely cannot. And they say we have a housing shortage. Well, where are these people going? And what are they doing in our country? We don't know. Absolutely. We have just 30 seconds left. Really appreciate having you on the show, Congressman. Can you give us, and folks out there, how do they keep up with you and the good work you're doing?

They can go to, and they can get on any of the social media. They can get my newsletter. They can see our podcasts. They can see the op-eds that I put out, and we'd love to have them follow me. That would be great. Fantastic. Congressman Andy Biggs, thank you so much. Breaking Battlegrounds, back in a moment.

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In studio with me, Jamie Kleshek. She's shaking her head, as I have been. I have been shaking my head a lot over the last week since I got to talk to all of you good folks out there. It's been a pretty extraordinary week. And in just a moment, I want to get to Joe Biden's speech, our divider-in-chief, doing his darndest last night. When you're hearing this, it'll be a couple of nights ago. I apologize, folks. We do tape on Friday mornings.

So you may be hearing this over the weekend, but I am still blown away, Jamie. I am blown away by the speech. And because Joe, he's getting a little older, he's having some trouble communicating from time to time. We had to clean up the audio on this speech.

For clarity, we had to make sure that people could understand what he was actually saying last night because it is pretty extraordinary. This is one of those galactic shifting moments in politics. So let's go ahead and play this clip from Joe Biden's speech to America. In order to ensure the security and continuing stability...

The republic will be reorganized into the first galactic empire for a safe and secure society. Yes, there it is, folks. Joe Biden's speech from last night.

I clarified the audio on that. So I thank Jamie for that, Jeremy, for their work, because I think folks really do need to understand what we just heard. And that was it. Literally, folks had Kamala Harris come out in some black robes covered in the blood of younglings.

I would not have been surprised. In fact, it would have completed the picture that they were providing for us. It was quite the picture. It was a little heavy handed on the symbolism, I thought. But, you know. Who on earth looked at that set, decided they wanted to have some Marine guards behind it? Seriously? We're joking, obviously, folks, that clip. Obviously, Star Wars. Is it obvious?

I mean, that speech really sounded like that. It's actually not obvious anymore, Jamie. Genuinely, this is...

This is where we're at in this country, and I don't even understand how we've gone down this road because what he did last night was unworthy of anyone who wants to call themselves the president of the United States. It was a travesty. It was an insult to half of America. And I am at the point of having a very hard time believing that they are not deliberately trying to create –

Real strife in this country. Real civil war. That seems to be where they're trying to take us. Am I nuts? That is kind of exactly what I was thinking last night. I mean...

He's asking for trouble. I think at this point he's begging for it. I think it's the only way he thinks he's going to win this election coming up in November is if something really bad happens worse than January 6th that he can say, look how awful the Republicans are. Well, no, that's absolutely correct, because, look, Democrats are tried desperately to turn January 6th into something it was not. Yeah. I mean, we've talked on this program. You know, we we were fairly new on the air.

When that occurred and we talked about it, we were very clear that we believed it was a riot, that it was wrong. Now, you had a lot of people who were just kind of literally thought they were on a tour. I mean, you watch the video and they're strolling around taking photos, staying between the velvet ropes. And, of course, then you had some idiots running around doing stupid things in there. But the fact of the matter is a lot of people –

Kind of were like, hey, the doors are open. Let's go in. They charged a huge number of people with weapons violations because they had sticks attached to signs and pocket knives. And look, I'm going to ask you, I'll ask you this question just, you know, in case I'm wrong. If Republicans ever decide to throw an insurrection in this country, are they going to do it with sticks and knives? No. No.

Really? You're sure about that? I'm pretty sure about that. Yeah, me too. We're well too armed for that. No, right. If there's an actual insurrection in this country, 200,000 Republicans show up to throw an insurrection. You'll know it. Yeah. There will be 200,000 long guns. Actually, that's an undercount. We have way more guns than that. Oh, yeah. I mean, so...

We're going to go to break here in just about a minute and we're going to come back with more. I have a couple of other things that have happened this week that I just kind of get off my chest and rant a little bit about because I'm pretty offended at what's been coming out of the White House this week in a lot of ways. And I think if the American people were aware, which a lot of them aren't going to be because the mainstream media is going to do their best to cover up and conceal and do everything else they do except report the news, which they try desperately not to do.

But there's a lot of things coming out of this White House right now that frankly are offensive and should have people very concerned about the future of this country. So we're going to be talking some more with Breaking Battlegrounds, Jamie Kleshek, against her will in the studio. This is Sam Stone. We'll be right back. Welcome back to Breaking Battlegrounds with your host Sam Stone. Chuck Warren out of studio. In studio with me, Jamie Kleshek.

We were talking about Joe Biden's historically awful speech to America. If you're the White House archivist, now apparently you are probably going to be okay with this because you've assisted in pursuing Donald Trump for taking home his coloring books. Yeah.

I mean, no, seriously, like every president in U.S. history has taken home classified documents. Yeah. I'm not even I don't even have any question about that. No. And when they were like, oh, they're nuclear secrets. They literally just straight made that up. Yeah. That came out of nowhere. Like literally, if I remember right, it was a Washington Post reporter who came up with that. And then they all started parroting it like they do now.

Because they're parakeets. I don't even want to call them parrots because parrots have more brain cells than this group. Yes. I mean, they can at least come up with some unique phrases. Yeah, no. Right? Like a parrot knows more than just 10 words. Yeah. Which I don't think modern journalists actually do. I have not seen any evidence. No. No.

Talk about an industry that has thrown away all its credibility. Literally, there's a third of the country now that believes or cares anything they say. And then the news media is offended when everyone else looks at their rants and screams and just goes, eh, shut up. That's what they deserve to get told because that industry has fallen into it. And I come from a background. I wanted to be a journalist until I actually interned in a newspaper and realized what a giant mess the industry is. But...

Let's talk about some other things here. That speech, obviously, we were talking about in the last segment, pretty extraordinary in its divisiveness. You know, I think it was I think it was I forget which Washington Post columnist today commented.

basically said it was cliches spattered with bile which i think is being too kind that is generous yeah no that was really i would my jaw was on the floor that was one of the most awful things i have ever sat there and listened to and when you think about the things that president trump said and was excoriated for oh yeah i mean excoriated for if the roles were reversed if that had been president trump standing up there at that microphone yesterday looking like pedo hitler um

The press would have been on him for the rest of his life on that speech. They would have been playing those clips forever. The thing that kills me, though, is if Donald Trump had said something stupid that he got excoriated for, it was usually something he just said off the cuff on his own. Right. This was written by a professional speech writer vetted by how many people? And read off a teleprompter. Like,

They genuinely all got together and thought this was a good idea. I don't know how you write that speech. You're not the villain. Folks, if you are not on the left and I don't mean just a Democrat, because there are a lot of sensible Democrats out there who are Democrats for reasons that frankly no longer exist. And I hope they catch up and realize that those reasons no longer exist. But there are a lot of there are a lot of good Democrats out there who are just misguided at the moment because.

But maybe by loyalty, whatever you want to call it. Well, it's not even their fault because they just don't know anymore because no one tells them. The media is not reporting it. No. I get it. Right. So but I'm talking about actual leftists. Oh, yeah. Like that far. Yeah. Under 10 percent. I'm not calling. I don't like to call them progressives. I've kind of tried to stop calling them progressives because progress. Progress is a good word. We should embrace progress. But embracing progressivism is embracing hatred. It's embracing racism. Yeah.

It's embracing terrible theories of the economy that are responsible right now for the inflation that is tearing up your pocketbook, that is making it impossible for people to afford both groceries and gas at the same time. They are pursuing an agenda that is hateful to America and hateful to our population. So I don't like to call them progressives. Now, I want to talk about something else because Corinne Jean-Pierre,

She had a week. She sure did, man. She knocked it out of the park. Well, if by knocked it out of the park, you mean lied on every single word that came out of her mouth. Yes, that was a grand slam. I think that's the criteria they're using these days. So, yeah. OK, yeah, no fair. It does appear to be that because this woman literally came out and said that Joe Biden was fighting to keep schools open while Republicans were fighting to close them.

Now, the job of the White House press secretary is to spin. That is not spin. No. That is a lie. That is the exact opposite of any truth. The CDC, the institutions that were helping keep us closed, actually recommended that schools reopen in person until the teachers union sent them an email and said, we don't want this. And then Joe Biden and the powers that be

Went along with the teachers union with no scientific backing whatsoever and kept schools closed in much of the country for another year. They did that. And now they are straight up lying about it. And the press is going along with it. I do not see NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN. I mean, where is where are the people calling them out?

They don't exist. No one's doing it. No. It is absolutely insane to me. And I'm not willing to let them off the hook for this, Jamie. It shouldn't be. Because they threw away 20 years of gains for minorities across this country, academic gains. They threw it away. You have Miro Bowser, the black mayor of Washington, D.C., saying right now that if kids are not fully vaccinated, which is like,

40, I think of the numbers, 40 percent or 60 percent of African-American kids in Washington are not fully vaccinated. Probably about right. They will not be allowed back to school at all. There will be no remote option, period. No, nothing. Now, they've started to back up on this because the pushback started to even come from the left. People were a little crazy. But the vaccine they're pushing on them is now three or four generations of the disease old. They know it doesn't work. They know it's totally ineffective. Right.

You might as well get the swine flu shot this year to protect against whatever the strain is going to be. I mean, it's... I think there was a vaccine for H1N1 from like 15 years ago or whatever. Why don't you just take that? Pretty much. I mean, it's probably better for you at this point. I don't know. It's almost certainly safer. I mean, that's the thing. These vaccines have real side effects. We are seeing the numbers. There are significant issues with them. These are not safe vaccines. That is just a fact at this point. Yeah.

you are at more risk from the vaccine than you are from COVID. COVID now is a bad cold. Oh, yeah. These days? Yeah. I mean, obviously, if you've got significant health issues, that's another story. But for most of us...

But the fact of the matter is if you have significant health issues and you get a cold or the flu. Yeah, it's the same story. It's the same story. So this is a bad cold. And they're pushing a vaccine for Omicron. They just approved a vaccine for Omicron. Folks, Omicron was last year. Yeah. I don't even know what the designator is for this year's one. It's like X21 or something. I don't know. They're getting to the point you need the X-Men to keep track of all the variants, all the mutations, everything.

I don't know. What was the organization they were trying to create to track all the mutants? That's what you need now. I'm not that kind of nerd. I do the Star Wars stuff. I don't know anything about X-Men. Sorry. Okay, I don't know enough, obviously. But I know there was, so, you know... Hugh Jackman's in that, right? The good ones. I mean, there's some without him, and those are terrible. Okay, I'll keep that in mind. Yeah, no. If Hugh Jackman's not in your X-Men movie, you just need to move on and watch something else. But, I mean, no, this is...

This is gas. I mean, it's not even gaslighting. They are just straight up lying to people. And look, I think Democrats, I actually credit them for where they were about a decade ago on some issues. Like, for instance, understanding that big banks and big business were not great for America. Oh, yeah. I credit them with understanding at that time that the FDA, the CDC, NIH were and are wholly owned subsidiaries of Pfizer Incorporated. Mm hmm.

you know, obviously big pharma as a whole. But I mean...

It's how the entire federal government works. Right. Regulators are run by the people they're regulating. By the giant corporations they're regulating. Now, who doesn't get a seat at that table are the little upstart companies that might disrupt it, might lower costs, might create new innovations. They don't get a seat at the table because they're competing with the big boys who own the regulators who then conspire together to keep the little guys from succeeding. At least until the big boys can buy them out and steal their technology. Sure.

So in that vein, let's talk about another thing that happened this week. We saw I have to at this point, I don't know whether to call him like the evil jack in the box at the carnival or if Dr. Fauci is simply he's like he's like an amoeba. You keep killing him and he divides and then he keeps popping up. I mean, I think Ron DeSantis was exactly right when he said someone needs to grab the little elf by the scruff of his neck and throw him across the Potomac.

For folks out there, I don't even call him Dr. Fauci unless I'm on the air and I can't use the actual words I generally use to refer to him, which start with the first letter of his last name and end with up. That'll be for the podcast segment. So check us out on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Oh, good. Good throw in right there. Thank you. I thought that was smooth. No, that was very smooth.

You know, but but this stuff is is really important and we cannot allow this stuff to continue to be tied up in the lives of the left and their media dogs. And they are dogs at this point. They're just they're running around the feet of their masters begging for scraps. It is it is absolutely insane.

But you and I have seen this because we both worked inside the city of Phoenix. And I believe in the deep state. I believe it does exist. But I believe you could very more simply call it the bureaucracy. Yeah. No, there are layers and layers of people that at best don't want to do anything and at worst are actively trying to stop you. And it's at every level. I mean, it starts with the federal government, but then it goes to the state governments, to your counties, to your cities, all the way down to your school boards and, you know, the most local forms of government you have.

One of the things that you see when you're working inside of it is that, quite frankly, a third of the people do 80, 90 percent of the work.

The primary purpose of the deep state bureaucracy, whatever you want to call it, is to replicate itself, not to serve the public. Right. Every federal program that gets created, not only do they create federal administrators for it, but then you have state administrators for that same program. You'll have municipal administrators for that same program, on and on, until a significant portion of whatever monies were set aside to benefit the public is

are taken by the professional political insiders and the government workers at every single level. I'm not sure how we clean that out, but to me, if we're going to make America work again, that's where we've got to start. We have got to clean it out. I think you could go in, the next Republican president could go in and order every single department to fire people

layoffs, fire, retire in place, whatever it is, get rid of half of the people that are currently drawing government salaries.

And nobody would notice the difference, except that we would have a lot more money to spend on things they would notice. Well, but see, when we do that sort of thing, they always go out of their way to make sure that they shut down the things that the public does care about. The libraries will be first because that's something you're going to see. It was like when they shut down the government under Obama and he puts the fencing up around all the monuments in D.C. Those require no upkeep for three days. It's fine. You can have those open, I promise. But no, no, no. We want to make sure that the public feels the pain.

Because otherwise they'd never notice. They really wouldn't. And that's actually where I blame Republicans for having gotten weak on those things every time. We rolled right over. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there's a lot of tough talk in 2010 and then we elected them and they rolled over. There's a lot of tough talk in 2012. We elected them. They rolled over.

And it's just kept going. I like to think that we're finally electing some that won't, but that remains to be seen. I actually do believe we are. I just believe that at the federal level, the barriers to effective change are so high and so daunting. And so few of the people that we're electing really understand the mechanisms of government and how it works, even the ones who are most righteously intentioned.

Do not understand that. I think that is a big issue that is holding us back. If you understand the bureaucracy that you're dealing with, I think we would be much more effective in tearing it up and replacing it with something that works.

Now, folks, we've got just one minute before we go to break here again. Sorry, we're coming to the end of this program. And thank you for tuning in. We very much appreciate it. Please do remember to follow us. It's at Breaking underscore Battle on Twitter. And download on Apple, Spotify, Substack, everywhere you find podcasts. You can find Breaking Battlegrounds. But do also stay tuned and download and catch our podcast-only segment.

Because I've got more ranting to do. And I know I'm a polite ranter. I'm not a microphone screamer for the most part. But this has been an extraordinary week. And I'll hope you tune in because we have more to talk about. Breaking Battlegrounds will be back on the air next week. I want them to turn their backs.

Welcome to the podcast-only segment of Breaking Battlegrounds. That welcome was probably way too loud in your ears. If you're wearing this on microphones, I apologize, or headphones, I apologize. We'll fix that in post. I was excited. I was excited because I want to talk about ivermectin. Oh, goodness. I actually don't want to talk about ivermectin, but I do. I would like to stop talking about ivermectin, but here we are. Here we are. Interestingly enough, ivermectin this week...

listed on the NIH National Institute of Health. That's Dr. Fuckup. Yeah, if you were tuned in, that's what I call him. I call him Dr. Fuckup. Fauci, that's his institution.

The NIH today listing ivermectin as a treatment for COVID. Quietly. No announcement. No announcement. Just list it on the website and hope no one notices. Yep. Oops. But hey, if you were trying to use that a year ago, you were a conspiracy theorist and probably going to kill someone.

Yeah. No. I mean, you know, fish, fish tank cleaner. Oh, my goodness. Right. Didn't happen. No. I mean, you know, the one woman who actually tried to use fish tank cleaner. It wasn't because Donald Trump told her to. It was because she was trying to murder her husband.

And I don't know her husband, so I can't speak to whether or not that was justified. I don't know. It might have been. But you know what? It certainly had nothing to do with Trump. It certainly should not have been a knock on Trump or ivermectin. Ivermectin, HCQ are valid treatments for COVID. Now the national authorities are admitting that as world health authorities have actually admitted for some time. But I want to go to something else. We're joking about this, folks, but this is not a joking or laughing matter because the fact is,

that hundreds and thousands of people died who did not need to because they were not told that there were and are effective treatments for COVID. A lot of those treatments are essentially the same you would take with a bad cold or flu that turned into a bronchial infection. And that is how most people end up dying from colds or flus. And we know how to treat those things. Pneumonia...

is something we have known how to treat for a long time. And when people die of COVID, mostly what they're actually dying from is pneumonia. Yeah. Right? Now, I have had COVID three times. Three times. The first time it was a three-day cold. It was a bad cold. It wasn't the worst cold I've ever had. I got lucky. Some people had it worse. Some people didn't have it at all or had symptoms so mild they didn't even notice it.

I had it twice more. The second time I had the sniffles. The third time my girlfriend got it and forced me to go get tested. And I tested positive for something I had no idea I had. But the first time, to go back to it, I did the exact same things that I would do for any other cold. I used emergency. I used a pseudoephedrine-based decongestant to keep my nose clear.

I took zinc to keep it from infecting my upper respiratory tract or from, you know, building up in my upper respiratory tract. Vitamin C, water, really basic stuff. I didn't even go the HCQ ivermectin route because I never needed to. I also keep, by the way, folks, and this is not a bad idea. Ask your doctor. They'll prescribe this. It's not controlled. Get an albuterol inhaler.

If you ever start to have trouble breathing when you're sick, you can use that. It will help at least buy you some time to get to real medical care. Now, I'm not a doctor, so don't take my advice for this, but go look for frontline doctors of America. Go look them up. If you or a family member get COVID now, in your hospital, your doctor is still saying there's nothing you can do.

Find someone else and do it immediately. Do not wait. Start treating it right away and go get with these doctors. These are some of the best doctors in the country. These are not quacks.

These are people who are leading major institutions and who are widely respected in the profession until they had the temerity to come out and say that there were ways to treat COVID when the goal of COVID was not to be treated. And the goal was not to address COVID as an issue, but to use it as a weapon against Donald Trump to get him out of office. That's what it was. That is what we have been through two years, two plus years, three years now of restrictions, lockdowns.

These stupid cloth and paper masks. I mean, this stuff is insanity. And none of it was helpful and none of it worked. And they continue to push these things. Fauci's still saying, oh, if everyone doesn't rush out and get revaccinated with the Omicron variant vaccine that doesn't work because Omicron is long gone, that somehow we will have another nuclear winner out of this thing. These people are nuts. Or they're evil. Or they're bought and paid for. Or all three.

And kind of I assume the latter. I assume it's all of it. They're bought and paid for. They don't care about people. And they're insane. That pretty much sums it up, I think. Yeah, I don't think I did too badly with that description. You know, here's the thing. We used to be able to rely on our government to tell us the truth.

Not always. Maybe not the whole truth. Not the whole truth. Some of it anyway. I mean, you know, there were certain aspects of the Vietnam War they weren't exactly being forthcoming about. There's been a few other conflicts here and there that maybe we didn't have the whole story about. There's been some things our government has done from time to time that were just flat shady or evil. And they're not great at admitting those things. The funny thing is a lot of that was from health issues.

It does seem to have a lot of connection, doesn't it? Yeah. But now you saw that speech and we, you know, we've joked about it a little bit and we've talked about it. But the end game for them is in sight. And the end game is a totalitarian one party state that.

That looks a lot, quite frankly, like China. Yeah. Not a not an ounce of a joke here. I genuinely was waiting for him to announce some horrible sweeping reform to round up all the Republicans and lock us up or take the rights away. And that does not that does not seem far fetched, Jamie, because you have 87000 new armed IRS agents.

I mean, he certainly has the power. He doesn't have the authority, but he does have the means if he wanted to employ it. I really was waiting for something bad to be announced. And it ended up being, thankfully, nothing. But well, it was a campaign speech. It's nothing. It was a campaign speech. But I believe it was one that set the stage for their agenda. I think so. And their agenda is total top down control of Americans. So for example, folks.

We just had a situation in Denver, Colorado, you may not have heard of, where over 20,000 people came home in the middle of the worst heat wave in Colorado summer and went to adjust their thermostats and found out they couldn't do it. They could not adjust the thermostat in their own home because they signed up for a program with Xcel Energy that installed smart thermostats that allows the energy company to control their thermostat.

So you're no longer even allowed to set the temperature in your own home if Democrats have their way. My apartment tried to install that kind of stuff a few years ago and I pitched a fit. I was like, no, I am not going to have this. This is not what I signed up for when I signed this lease. Absolutely not. And boy, am I really glad that I wasn't crazy because that's terrifying. Well, you are. You are. And you should be glad because one of the things that a lot of people don't know is

California obviously has not built a functioning power plant. They build solar. Yeah, but that doesn't actually work on a grid scale. It's a disaster. It's a great way to pick up some government subsidies. So they end up with rolling blackouts.

I mean, this is third world country stuff right here. This is not America. And California on its own is one of the largest GDPs in the world. Right. And this is how they're living. Right. Which is insane. Why are you settling for this? Why do you accept this if you're in California? Why do you keep reelecting these people that make you live like this? What most people may not know, and folks, if you're listening in the other states and you think this is, well, this is about Arizona, this isn't about us.

Folks, this is coming everywhere. This is coming everywhere. This is a couple years out from Arizona if we're not careful. Well, it's not even maybe a couple years out, Jamie, because we got forced by the feds into an agreement to provide power to California. Our power plants here in Arizona have to supply about 30% of California's energy needs. I'm real tired of picking up the bill for their mishandling of everything. Yes. Really tired of it. Yes. Now, California announces...

On, I think, the 24th, August 24th, they announced that in 2035, you will no longer be able to buy a gasoline-powered car or diesel-powered truck in the state of California. That you have to buy all electric. On August 30th, they send out a notice to Californians not to charge their electric cars because they're going to overwhelm the grid.

Now, I have a bunch of California friends who are on my Facebook feed and the like, and I post about this and they all start responding. Well, that's 12 years from now. That's 12 years from now. Do you know how long it takes to build anything in California? I was just going to say, even without the regulatory nonsense that they do, a power plant doesn't just spring up overnight. No, it takes years. And they're going to need more than one. Yeah, they're going to need a lot. They're going to need a lot.

Honestly, though, and maybe I'm just being paranoid and a conspiracy theorist here, but I kind of think this is intentional. Like, they want to be able to tell people you can't drive at all. Well, that's absolutely what they want. They want to force people into these electric cars and then say you can't actually charge them, so sorry, you're SOL. I really...

I don't like this. That's for sure. Oh, no. Look, this is insanity. If you want to have an electric car, if you want to drive a Tesla, go have at it. Have fun. But A, don't ask me to pay for it because I'm sick of that. Yeah. And we subsidize every one of those. And there's some of the worst drivers, too. They drive me crazy. How did we take the world's fastest cars and end up with a bunch of Volvo drivers behind the wheel? Well, we said it was green. Boy, that was a mistake. It was. It was.

We should have just said it was a race car and left it at that. That would have been fun. Hey, at least the Subaru drivers didn't pick it up. Well. Yet. I was about to say, Jamie. Jeez. Let's not go there. We're going to end up. It's bad enough. It's bad enough that I have to put up with the Prius and Volvo drivers who are now driving $100,000 Teslas five miles an hour below the limit in the fast lane. That's annoying enough. If Subaru drivers make the crossover, this may be war. We're done. We're done.

Yeah, no. Like, I honestly, at that point, I'm outfitting my car like Mad Max. I can't quite picture that with those little sports cars you like to drive, but maybe this one currently, your SUV, I could see. I don't know. Sports cars have big engines. I can strap some stuff on those. You think? Okay. Yeah. No, I can't. I'm fairly sure.

Folks, this is the dystopian vision of the future that the Democratic Party is trying to bring to America. Our roads are like something out of Mad Max. Our energy policy is something out of Latin America. And our freedoms look a lot like China. Boy, what a vision of the future they have. And if I haven't depressed the heck out of you yet, well, tune in next week. We'll be back with more.

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