cover of episode Get Ready for a Business Show Like No Other! : 60 Day Hustle

Get Ready for a Business Show Like No Other! : 60 Day Hustle

Publish Date: 2024/8/2
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Living The Red Life


Shownotes Transcript

Most non-entrepreneurs think, "Oh, entrepreneurs just, you know, drive their fancy cars and they go on their yachts and they make a bunch of money and it's all a scam," right? So it's really good to show what it's really like to grow a business to the general public. That's what this show's all about. It's the first show of its kind in mine and the producers' and studio's opinion of like,

combining entrepreneurship with reality show competition style, fun, challenges and education. And obviously the point there is to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurship. I think this will inspire a lot of entrepreneurs. A lot of people need this right now in the world. There's so many people trying to get out of the nine to five, create their own future in life. And my goal with this show is to help them do that and to inspire all the entrepreneurs out there that are doing great things and

the next generation of entrepreneurship. My name's Rudy Moore, host of Living the Red Life podcast, and I'm here to change the way you see your life in your earpiece every single week. If you're ready to start living the red life, ditch the blue pill, take the red pill, join me in Wonderland and change your life.

What's up guys, it's good to be back in the driving seat. It's been a couple of weeks, I've been traveling, I had six events last week and a red carpet event for what I'm talking about today, which is my new Amazon Prime video show. I'm the main host and it premieres on August the 8th, so it's probably live if you're listening to this or it's coming out in just a few days if you're one of the first listeners.

I'm the co-executive producer and host along with the main studio that I created this amazing show with, Sonic Gods, and I'm so excited.

to take you through today a bit of the show, behind the scenes of the show, what to expect, and most importantly, if you don't worry, six takeaways from the show, right? Because during this show, it was basically 12 participants competing for $200,000 in prizes, including $100,000 cash. And I took them through six different challenges. So six episodes, it drops on August the 8th on Amazon Prime Video.

And there's six areas of business I take them through. And I'm going to talk to you about that today and a little about the show, of course. So you'll get some takeaways. So a bit of a background before we dive in on the show and how it, you know, what it is and all that jazz. And then we'll go into some of the lessons you can take away.

So as I mentioned, the show comes out on Amazon Prime Video. It's a six-part series, and you get every episode right away. So make sure you binge watch all the way through. And so you'll get all six episodes. It's not like every week one comes out. You get all six to watch right away. And basically, I'm not going to give too much away, but you've got to go watch it. But 12 participants start the show, right? And they're put through six different challenges, so one per episode, right?

And I bring in a lot of my friends, contacts, business connections, large brands that I know, and the show knows, and the hosts, you know, me being the host, I kind of picked a lot of people, and then the producers and the studio picked some people too. So we assembled this like big team of experts. So I think over the course of the show,

There's about 20 different experts that they learn from alongside me. Obviously, I'm the main expert that's there every week as the host, teaching them, mentoring them, supporting them. And offline during the whole 60-day sprint, I'm supporting them behind the scenes.

And then each week and each episode is a different phase. So we take them through all these different phases, okay? And we bring in different experts relevant to those phases. And their key phases and parts of business that you also need to master, that's what I'm going to teach you about a little today, okay? And basically each week or each episode,

over the 60 days, they go through one phase and like every reality competition show, sadly, they don't all make it through every phase. And of course, at the end, there only can be one winner. Okay. So someone wins the $100,000 in cash prize and $100,000 in mentorship coaching from me, PR, all of those great things too, to support their business. And what's

great about this show is it educates, it inspires, and it shows what entrepreneurship's really like to the general public. Because, you know, if you've been in this industry a long time like me, I think us

because non-entrepreneurs think, oh, entrepreneurs just drive their fancy cars and they go on their yachts and they make a bunch of money and it's all a scam, right? So it's really good to show what it's really like to grow a business to the general public. And obviously the point there is to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurship, something I'm very passionate about. I think entrepreneurship's an amazing and beautiful thing that should be part of more people's life. And obviously one of my main businesses is

is to actually educate, empower, and help small businesses and entrepreneurs and start entrepreneurs grow. So the show's got a good blend of reality, competition, a bit of drama, a lot of education, some like emotional, inspirational moments. So I really think it hits all those sectors and I really hope you love it when you tune in. So like I said, Amazon Prime Video, August the 8th,

And it's called 60 Day Hustle. So 60 Day Hustle, you can obviously just Google it and you can head to my Instagram and find the link in bio there as well. And there's an official Instagram page as well, of course. And I'll be dropping lots of segments and snippets and behind the scenes and stuff on my socials and my Insta too, okay? And the trailer is live on my YouTube. If you want to go to my YouTube, you can watch it there. So let's talk about now that's a bit of behind the scenes to show all of the sort of stuff.

So now let's talk about what you can learn from the show, right? And obviously watching it, you're going to learn the most and I encourage you to do so. But I'm going to take you through a few key elements, not in the exact show order because I don't want to spoil it for you, but I'm going to talk about some of the key elements, okay?

So one of the most important elements is pitching, right? And you've probably seen other TV shows and competitions about pitching a product, right? In fact, two weeks ago, I was with Kevin Harrington. Me and him hosted a pitch your product event. I think the week before that I was with Steve Forbes, the president chairman of Forbes magazine and John Mackey, the co-founder of Whole Foods. And

and a couple of other big entrepreneurs and we were on a panel at another event in Vegas being pitched, right? So pitching is a massive part of business, whether you're going to a competition, whether you're at an event. When you're at an event and you shake someone's hand and it's 6 p.m. and you're at cocktail hour before the event starts, you bump into someone, you're waiting at the bar to get a drink. That is pitching, guys, right? Most people don't understand that.

But that is pitching. Every time someone tells you, someone asks you about your business, you are pitching to them or you should be pitching to them. Right. And this isn't like a hard pitch to buy my product salesy. It's telling exactly what you do in a clear, concise way that demonstrates your unique selling point and makes them stop and goes, wow, I want to learn more.

And it's such a valuable skill because your network is your net worth. You're going to get the biggest breakthroughs from meeting people that help elevate you, get you in the right rooms, get you a license deal, a joint venture deal, whatever that might be. So don't underestimate the power of pitching. I mean, a lot of people sadly confuse pitching with like,

I'm going on Shark Tank or I'm pitching to investors. That is not it. 99% of the time, none of you will ever do that or maybe once or twice in your life. But every single day, you're pitching your product. You're pitching your product to a new employee that might want to work with you. You're pitching it to your customers on social media and on landing pages. You're pitching it on sales calls. You're training your sales team to pitch it well on sales calls. So everything you're doing is pitching your concept, business idea, philosophies and product.

So, yeah, really big episode, really important point, something I'm passionate about, as you can tell, because I see so many people that when I, you know, if they pay me and I'm consulting with them, I sit with them for 30 minutes. And by the end of the 30 minutes, I'm like, okay, now I understand. But the

But the problem is if you're not paying me or someone else successful a bunch of money to sit with you for 30 minutes, you've lost them in 10 seconds because you can't convey what you've got correctly. And it doesn't mean what you've got is bad. It just means you are sucking at the pitching part. So work on your pitching. Watch this episode.

in 60 Day Hustle, because you'll learn a lot. You'll actually see, I don't want to give too much away, but you'll see it before and after mine and other experts' advice on pitching, okay? And there's an extra cool thing about this show. First show I've ever seen like this is you've got the main episode, then we have what's called Teachable Moments. So we partnered with Teachable, who's a big, you know, we host a lot of our course content there for me and celebrities.

And what we do on that is we actually provide extra free content. So like if you watch that episode and you go, I love the pitching part, I want to get better at this. You can actually go for free and learn from me and the experts on pitching through Teachable. OK, so that's one of them. The next big one, which obviously, you know, I'm a big on is marketing. Right. So I kind of lead this session myself. This is my bread and butter.

And in marketing, you know, we're talking about everything you would imagine with like, how do you convey your message? How do you take people from an A to Z sales process? I break down four steps on a whiteboard for everyone, um, A to Z. And obviously in the show, there's only a minute segment of that because it's not like this 20 minute boring, uh,

a video explainer like you'd find on YouTube. But again, you can access more of that training for free if you like it. And I'm taking people through like four steps with a customer, okay? And the four most important steps with your marketing. And you're gonna actually see them go out and create some really cool marketing strategies

promos, right? So that's a really exciting episode and I don't need to probably spend as long as I did on pitching explaining why marketing is important. You have to market your business. I say it a million times. I see so many people with a good product.

but no one knows who they are. No one sees their product. They don't have a good way to drive traffic, clicks and eyeballs. So they don't get any sales. If you don't market it, you don't get views, you don't get clicks and you will not get sales. Sales do not magically appear just because you have a good product. Sales are only driven by clicks and eyeballs. So it's your job as the business owner to market the heck out of your product to get more clicks and to get more eyeballs. Okay. So that's marketing. Another episode is sales.

Sales, obviously, it doesn't need an explanation, hopefully. How do you sell your product? How do you convey your product? How do you drive revenue? How do you drive sales? How do you drive B2C, so to a customer and then B2B straight to a business line?

Very, very important. Lots of great experts coming in there. Really cool challenge in that episode talking about driving sales. Now, here's one takeaway nugget for all of you listening. I didn't have a sales team for about six, five, six years in my business. And I probably lost like 10, 20, 30, 40 million by not doing that. I don't obviously know. I'm guessing.

But, you know, when I added a sales team and I got to learn this from some of the best in the world, Grant Cardone, Tai Lopez, you know, friends of mine, some of them old business partners and mentors. And I've been fortunate to, you know, spend a lot of time with some of these people.

When I started to really learn sales teams and building sales teams, it was really like life-changing for my business. Something I'll value forever and use forever. And it's already gone on in the last, say, four years and probably added

20, 30 million dollars into my businesses just from building really good sales teams and sales systems. In fact, it's the main driver of my business now. So don't sleep on building a sales team. I used to think I didn't need it or it was more advanced or I couldn't manage it or I didn't have a sales background like

I've been selling my whole life as an entrepreneur. I'd say I'm pretty great at sales, but I've never run a sales team. But it came naturally when I got going and I brought in consultants and sales managers and stuff. And actually, me and my COO, who don't have a sales background, actually manage our sales team better than most sales managers we brought in because all they want to do is train them. But anyway.

The point of me saying that is you as an entrepreneur are probably qualified to sell and train some sales reps because you're selling your product every day and you know it better than anyone. So yeah, pay attention to that episode. And I really encourage you to start selling on the phone and build a sales team for most businesses. There's a few businesses that don't need it. Most businesses will do well with it. Okay. Next one, branding PR. I don't know how much to go in for that. Like, I mean...

You guys see my branding, I guess I'll say about three, four years ago.

I started paying a lot more attention to it because I wanted to go to that like 100 million. I think when you're trying to make your first million, it's about marketing ads, getting customers, getting a good product. But then once you've got that going, it's about building a brand around it. That's what gets you to tens of millions. And also in the last three, four years, branding has become way more important. I mean, five years ago, you could have a good landing page ads and boom, you'd make a bunch of money. At least I did and lots of people I know. Now you need the...

the branding and the social around it. So that episode's great. We put them through a very funny challenge. A lot of you would probably be sweating if you went through that challenge with them, but it is a useful challenge. You'll see some really great examples. They get great mentorship and there's great bonus trainings. So yeah, really watch that one. I think you'll enjoy it. It's a lot of fun.

Um, next one is kind of more around, again, I don't want to spoil it too much, but like more around creating virality, um, which I think is something that I've started to get good at and started to learn. I'm by no means like a top expert. I think in the next five years I will be because I paid more attention to like mainstream virality. Now I'm getting more mainstream and building bigger companies. And then the last one is, um, scalability. How do you scale your business? Uh,

How do you present it in a scalable business plan? What are all the things you've got to consider? This is more your typical like, hey, here's my business plan to go from where I'm at now to tens of millions. Here's how I'm going to expand product lines. And they're actually, this is a very special episode. It's the finale.

um, and it's, uh, yeah, some amazing judges. Um, it's super, super good episode, the best one, probably in my opinion. Um, and obviously it's the big, uh, the big bang and you get to see who, uh, wins the show. So, um, and again, you'll learn a lot cause I break down and we have a bit of a format and a template there and you can get access to these things when you watch the show for free. We're not making money from those. They're there for you. Uh,

to support you because that's what this show is all about, right? It's the first show of its kind in mine and the producers and studios opinion of like combining entrepreneurship with a reality show competition style, fun challenges and education and external education from me, the host, from some of the mentors we brought in, the judges that we brought in and from some of our partners like Teachable. So

Definitely check it out. I mean, it's going to be really, really cool for you to watch it. And obviously, if you followed me for a while, it's probably cool to watch me on TV. It's a new, exciting adventure for me. It's kind of the next phase of my life, something I'm getting more and more into. I'm really enjoying the creative side. Like we're starting to produce in-house our first TV show. You know, this was my first official show. We're already talking about a season two and about other entrepreneurial shows.

So yeah, I think you'll love it, especially if you like entrepreneurship and there's much worse TV that you could be watching, at least with this. You, your friends, your family will get some value and some inspiration and some knowledge at the same time. And of course, if you have followed me for a long time, I would love nothing more than you to share it with your friends, repost it, I'll re-tag you. Tag me on Instagram, repost it, I'll repost you to say thanks.

and just help blow this up because I think this will inspire a lot of entrepreneurs. A lot of people need this right now in the world. There's so many people trying to get out of the nine to five, create their own future in life. And my goal with this show is to help them do that and to inspire all the entrepreneurs out there that are doing great things and

the next generation of entrepreneurships. Remember, 60 Day Hustle, Amazon Prime Video, August the 8th. I will see you there. Go binge watch it all. Leave a review, repost it, share and tag me on Instagram, etc. Tag the Instagram 60 Day Hustle and enjoy the show. Thank you guys.