cover of episode Erik Prince Special: Who Shot Donald Trump?

Erik Prince Special: Who Shot Donald Trump?

Publish Date: 2024/7/26
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Human Events Daily with Jack Posobiec


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I want to take a second to remind you to sign up for the post. So daily brief, it is completely free. It'll be one email that's sent to you every day. You can stop the endless scrolling, trying to find out what's going on in your world. We will have this delivered directly to you totally for free. Go to human slash post. So sign up today. It's called the post. So daily brief read what I read for show prep. You will not regret it. Human slash post. So totally free. The post. So daily brief.

This is what happens when the fourth turning meets fifth generation warfare. A commentator, international social media sensation, and

and former Navy intelligence veteran. This is Human Events with your host, Jack Posobiec. Christ is King! I think there's all this talk of all this Harris momentum. The massive change is actually the change of candidates because prior to Biden dropping out, he trailed by six points among these, in these exact same polls that we look at here, where Harris was only trailing by two points. So the movement is actually from Biden to Harris, not actually Harris herself,

Another big endorsement for Vice President Kamala Harris. This time it's coming from former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama. This is going to be historic. We call to say Michelle and I couldn't be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office. You have been bandied about as a possible running mate choice for Vice President Harris, so... I think anybody would be flattered to be mentioned in that context. What I know is that

I'm really excited in whatever capacity to be part of this campaign. Giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity, understanding not everyone starts out at the same place. A different topic. Russia and China are teaming up in the skies near Alaska for the first time ever.

Are you getting a sense yet, based on everything that's been going on, that some of America's enemies might be looking at what's happening here and think there's nobody in charge? So let me just say this. There is very much someone in charge. The president is the president until the end of his term. So that statement is certainly false. We do know that Iran has been funding and encouraging some of the protest activity here in the United States. Some of it.

We do not believe that all the protest activity out there on a daily basis is

being fully funded by Iran. There's more shocking revelations seemingly coming out every day of the assassination attempt, Jan, on Donald Trump's life as a whistleblower says Secret Service actually repeatedly rejected officers from local law enforcement to use drones at that Pennsylvania rally. With respect to former President Trump, there's some question about whether or not it's a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard today's edition of Human Events Daily, live from Washington, D.C. Today is July 26, 2024. Anno Domini. Who shot Donald Trump?

And more importantly, what shot Donald Trump? Was Donald Trump shot? Is it possible that Donald Trump wasn't shot at all? Was this staged? Was this a lie? Was this not actually what happened? That's strange, by the way, because we've got a photo. This is actually one of the most documented shootings in all of American history.

This is the most documented shooting in the history of shootings. Not just assassinations, not just political killings, no. Shootings, all shootings. How many times do you have a video of the shooting, a video of the shooter, a video of the bullet itself in flight just before it strikes the victim?

We have all of those things, all of those elements. But what's really going on right now? I'll tell you what's going on right now. And FBI Director Chris Wray is at the heart of it. When he went up there and spread the Trump shrapnel hoax, you think that happened just by accident? You think that happened just by happenstance? No. Like I told Tucker, the point of a system is what it does. FBI Director Chris Wray is going up there

to spread this hoax because he knows it will be disseminated by mainstream media, by regime allies across social media, and be put into the information environment. And in the info environment, now suddenly, these talking points have already started to emerge. Oh, it's just glass. Oh, it's just shrapnel. Of course, he's breathing fire on those embers. Why?

because they want half of America to believe that Donald Trump was never shot. Donald Trump was shot in the face. He took a bullet for this country less than two weeks ago. And in less than two weeks, the head of the FBI was on TV telling you that it didn't actually happen. Never forget this. The head of the FBI is running an information operation, a PSYOP, a psychological operation on the American people.

And many people will fall for this. Normies will fall for this. Liberals will definitely fall. Liberals are already pushing this.

They're pushing it because it gives them a false because. It gives them an out to say, "It wasn't one of our guys that did this. We are the good ones. We are the ones on the right side of history. We are the ones who are peaceful. They are the ones who are violent." Because it takes away the story of who is violent. The FBI has done this for years, and it's no mistake. No, no, no, no, no. It is, in fact, a feature, not a glitch.

that fbi director chris ray went in front of the house in front of the american people and gave life to this conspiracy theory and hoax that trump was not shot understand eric prince joins us next for the full hour stay tuned

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He's got a great job.

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now and and Eric, you know, the last time you and I spoke, we were we were talking about the potential for new warfare. We did that big Fourth of July special. We had no idea, no idea that just one week after the Fourth of July that we would live through a presidential assassination attempt. By the way, an assassination attempt that it seems like the entire mainstream media is now trying to downplay to memory hole and to erase and wipe from the public mind.

Now, we are going to do as much as we can to make sure that we do not erase that from the public mind, because I think the American people deserve answers. And by the way, everyone in politics, both sides, deserve answers about what happened when the potential for political violence could turn fatal. Eric, what are you hearing now, by the way, about this? And what do you make of this report that the Secret Service actually declined drone coverage from the local the local augmentees that they were working with?

It doesn't surprise me. That event, July 13, happened before the inflection point of the convention when Trump became the actual nominee for the party. So there was a much, much lower level of security coverage. The fact is there was four, I understand there was four Secret Service officers that were there called post holders, poststanders.

And Jill Biden on the same day, same afternoon actually, had 12 poststanders at her indoor event. This is someone with no statutory authority. She is not an elected official at all. And she literally sucked up three times the resources that Donald Trump did for an outside event. It's disgusting. It doesn't surprise me if they turned down Bridge because I'm sure

State police, SWAT teams, et cetera, had additional resources that they wanted to contribute and use in their tactical environment. And small minded people that are outside of their outside of their comfort zone will always turn down and just say no and kind of duck and cover. I understand that the even the protective agents immediately around Trump, only one of them was actually Secret Service. The rest were HSI agents.

And that would indicate why there was not much training, why they didn't get him off the X much more quickly. For all the chatter, the speculation about there being a second and a third shooter, well, that second and third shooter didn't shoot when Donald Trump was standing there exposed after the first shots went. I believe there was only one shooter.

It is unclear whether it was government-sponsored, a government-sponsored conspiracy or a conspiracy per se. What I can say confidently is that the extreme rhetoric by the left calling everything, calling Donald Trump Adolf Hitler, which allows the crazies to open their mind to say, you

by saying, "I'm going to kill Donald Trump." They opened that door intellectually, and this idiot 20-year-old walked through it. And he just about did it, which is really disgusting to think that a 20-year-old outsmarted the Secret Service. Imagine what they're gonna do against an eight- or a 10-man Hezbollah hit team with real skills and a full spectrum of weapons delivery. So it was an extremely bad day. It's important to remember that wars start

World War I started with the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Started World War I, which rewrote the map of Europe, killing millions in the process, and of course even leading to World War II. So it's a

Donald Trump dodged a bullet. The United States of America dodged a bullet. And it is disgusting for the media or other federal officials to minimize the fact of how bad that would have been and actually what happened. Chris Wray saying, well, we're not sure if it was glass or a ricochet or whatever. That's disgusting. The fact is.

a bullet traveling at around 2,900 feet per second left of a barrel aimed at his head 140 yards away with federal law enforcement officials that were supposed to be protecting him, and they completely cataclysmically failed in every way to prevent that from happening. And that is beyond disgusting. But the sad thing is it's another clear example of

another federal agency that just fails because they've developed a culture of no accountability. Whether it's the complete screw up in Iraq, Iraq is now subjugated to Iran, the pullout and the debacle after 20 years in Afghanistan, all the blood and treasure we wasted, to the Houthis closing one of the major seaways of the world, to even the Gaza support effort when the US Army can't even put a 200, a pier,

to field it for more than a couple of days that cost $230 million. It's just a fail after a fail after a fail. And I think the American people should expect more. We certainly pay enough more. And we should expect from these federal employees much greater excellence and not losing all the time.

Now, Eric, I've got to go in and hear situations. And I know you've talked about this earlier. You've been putting your reports up. But this idea, and we've got now Eli Crane is going down, Corey Mills and others, they've actually taken a position on that AGR building 148 yards away.

We still, and when I was speaking with Tucker, the reporting is still kind of out. It doesn't look like the shooter used a scope. He may have used a red dot sight or an EOTech or something like that. But talk us through the shot itself. From 148 yards, people keep going back and forth as to whether or not this was a hard shot or an easy shot. What is your take on that? A skilled shooter could have made that shot with a handgun. Not a headshot, but...

It's a 148 yard shot, a first time 12 or 13 year old deer hunter could make that shot. I mean, I remember my young son made his first cold bore shot on a deer at 255 yards. So this is not rocket science. And fortunately,

the would-be assassin was aiming at his head, not center mass, not on his chest, because whether he missed by an inch or two, he still would have hit Donald Trump in the upper chest and would have done

extreme damage to him. So it's terrible, it's unacceptable, it's unimaginable that the security perimeter was that close that they didn't regard buildings. Anybody with any skills at all that stands at the podium, that's doing the advance work, because the most important part of executive security

is the advance to look at the venue, where the threats are going to come from. And if you look to the right, you would have seen all those buildings and said, aha, that's the sniper hotel. That's the likely place a sniper is going to set up. And obviously that's well within the engagement range. It's not a kilometer and a half away. It's 140 some yards away. And you absolutely have to lock those down. You have to look at this, the advance people,

Good protective operations has to come with an offensive mindset. You have to view it like a predator would to say, these are all the ways I'm going to attack that target. And you want to plug those gaps. And clearly the gaps here are wide enough that you could drive a truck through it.

And this is what we keep learning more and more and more. Tell us more about, by the way, this new, so just talking about sync, about working with our other agencies, the fact that the Secret Service team didn't actually attend the sync at the morning briefing on the day of the rally itself, didn't have the same frequencies, were going through liaisons, all of this. Again, that's just a lack of professionalism. It doesn't take more money.

to practice. It doesn't take more money to show up at the briefing in time. It doesn't take more money to dirt dive. Okay. If we have an attack on the principal, this is what we're doing. We're going to, we're going to get them down to cover. We're going to put them in a position where we control his bodily movements and we're going to move them off the X.

It doesn't take more money to do that. It takes discipline and professionalism and get up two hours earlier and practice it until you know it's right. The fact that those things weren't done and it was so callous, so blasé about it, it's like I said before, it's either massive incompetence or malice. And I'm still tilting on the side of just massive incompetence and people that are not very serious about their jobs.

And I feel bad. I'm sure there's some great Secret Service agents. I'm sorry that their entire career and their employment is now subject to this kind of scrutiny because of some people there that just don't belong there. But it is what it is. If you want to have credibility, fix yourself.

well and certainly we know that an outdoor presidential rally is one of the most dangerous one of the most potentially fatal events that any detailee could do but we're also told that the secret service was splitting resources between this indoor event which was happening in the same aor with jill biden that was happening later that night in pittsburgh and and there's so many there's so many questions about the allocation of resources quick uh quick comment and then we have a break coming up in about a minute

Just another slice on Jill Biden. This is the same woman that after 240 some years of the Marine band playing Hail to the Chief when the president enters, she made the Marine band write music just for her, Hail to the First Lady for her entry song.

No first lady from Martha Washington on has ever demanded such a thing. Stay tuned, Human Events. We are on with Eric Prince. We're asking all the questions. We're getting the answers, but we're coming up with more questions every single time. Stay tuned. Quick break.

All right, Jack, we're back live here, Human Events Daily. We are on with Eric Prince. We're going through all of this. And folks, look, I got to tell you, the world is in absolute flames. Bidenomics, a complete and total disaster. Cannot and will not ruin my day. Do you know why? It's because I start my day with a hot America first cup of blackout coffee.

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Eric, I want to ask you as well about some of the things that we've been learning about the shooter himself, this Thomas Matthew Crooks. They're going back and forth as to whether or not he had a sedan or whether he had a van. There's been some information that goes back and forth on that. Haven't been able to give us much in terms of motive. Say that he's apparently the only 20-year-old with no social media profile. But also one piece that, and I really think that the House should have asked

Director Ray more on this was about the explosives, these explosives found in the vehicle, the remote detonator. He talked a little bit about this. I've been told from people that I know that are still in saying that these were not pipe bombs, that they were something potentially more expansive than a pipe bomb. We'll put it like that. Really sort of cans, like an ammo can type of thing filled with explosives that

that he was able to make. Walk us through, is this the type of thing that you think a 20-year-old would be able to make on his own? And what are you hearing about on the explosive side of this? This is highly unusual. He did not learn that in high school chemistry class. And so he either got books. I doubt he learned that on YouTube or on some Reddit thread. So that, again, it speaks to what was the guy doing to...

organized this way. I'm surprised if he was not using an actual magnified optic on his rifle, why he would have bothered with a range finder to make that much preparation. That surprises me if you don't use a red dot because you at least want some kind of amplified shot. The testimony of the Secret Service director, Cheadle,

It was so bad. I think it's one of the worst I've ever seen. And it was at least became to the came to the bipartisan conclusion that she needs to go. And at least Congress was going to go through with an actual impeachment and to zero out her salary. But the next day when the new guy takes over, what's the first thing he says? Trump administration or the Trump Trump campaign should no longer do outdoor rallies. Kind of seems like election interference if suddenly the Secret Service takes

is claiming they can't do their job. So again, it speaks to the need for wholesale cleaning of high, medium and low officials all through the federal government. Chris Wray talking about spinning it, whether Trump was actually shot with a bullet or not, ridiculous and wrong and speaks to Washington trying to wash this entire thing away and just ignore what you're not seeing.

Beyond, I think it speaks to, I think to me it heightens the need in the next administration to actually call for an actual change in civil service protections and even to tilt back to a spoil system so that if you're elected, elections have to have consequences across the entire government.

And if you're going to be held to how the government behaves, whether your social security check gets there on time, whether the EPA is screwing you around with some environmental remediation issue or whatever, let the government be accountable to elections. And because we have this civil service problem of truly unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats and the Cheetle's conduct in that hearing was shocking. She just hid behind

so-called FBI investigations and didn't really answer the questions, nor did she take credit, did she take responsibility to say, clearly this was a major screw up. This is the five things I've done since then to fix it. I visited the site, nothing. And I think that's just a tip of the iceberg of how bad Washington bureaucrats have become, how inured to, to,

any criticism because nothing ever amounts to more than criticism or an unfriendly hearing in Congress or a mean newspaper article, but not wholesale firings, pensions being pulled, etc. Until we get to that kind of accountability in government, we're going to have big problems. I just drove across Virginia and Tennessee, and I was really reminded of how big the states are

and how effective most of the states are at governing themselves. And because there's a much closer accountability between voter and bureaucrat at the state level, which we've completely gotten away from in Washington, and especially because Washington, because of the dollar being the world's reserve currency and able to print unlimited amounts of it, $34 trillion of debt now has allowed Washington to gorge itself on created fiat money

It has gotten morbidly obese and caused an enormous compounding amount of bad habits across our society. And the next administration must put that government on a very severe diet.

Eric, you know, talking about this, the bureaucracy, the bloat, the false incentive structure that they have for promotion, it's promotion because of who you know, promotion because of your physical, you know, identity attributes rather than actual excellence or qualifications. And advancement based on loyalty to a party.

An advancement based on loyalty of party above all things, of course, above all things, loyalty to a party. And we know which party that is. Does it make sense to and, you know, more of an open ended question, but obviously as someone who's a security expert as yourself, does it make sense for the Secret Service as currently constituted to still maintain the lead, still have the con for these presidential level security events? I guess that remains to be seen.

Early in the Civil War, the Alan Pinkerton and the Pinkerton Detective Agency was brought in because they had actually uncovered a plot to assassinate Lincoln. I think it was called the Gunpowder Plot in Baltimore. So for a while there was a combination of Pinkertons and army protecting Lincoln. And then Lincoln was assassinated and then the Secret Service

which was part of the Treasury, was this main job of the Secret Service is stamping out counterfeit dollars. And obviously that was a big problem after the Civil War. And they got this protective function as a side job. If they're not taking that side job very seriously, then all bets are off the table. In my other two experiences with the Secret Service, with federal protective entities,

the shoe thrower in Baghdad in, I think, 2008. I had one of my Blackwater guys was there in the room because the deputy chief of mission was in the press conference as well. And my guy saw the first shoe go, drew his pistol, had a sight picture, saw that it was only a shoe, reholstered quickly, and went forward and tackled the guy before the Secret Service moved at all.

And I was shocked that the Secret Service never reacted to someone actually committing assault and battery on George W. Bush. I think it's also important to remember when Benghazi happened. For all the correct righteous indignation about that, that a U.S. ambassador was killed, murdered in the line of duty, how many rounds were fired by staff diplomatic security service agents of the State Department? Zero. They fired no rounds defending that ambassador.

Again, cataclysmic failure. So until America demands accountability from its bureaucracy, this will continue to happen and we will continue to lose and get our butts kicked all over the world. Well, and that's a great point you make and obviously something you have experience with because we've got to the point where our government, yes, we have our elected officials, but as I think we've been seeing certainly with the administration right now,

That they aren't the ones always calling the shots. And it really is this Leviathan, this permanent managerial class, this permanent state, this bureaucracy. They are the ones in charge. They're sitting there fat and happy. But meanwhile, when things need to get done, when not just seconds count or minutes count, but as you say, milliseconds count that people come up who come up through that system don't always have what it takes to respond properly.

Yeah, I think the most important parts of Congress going forward are the appropriators. And they need to be held under a very tight leash and really made to spend less money on all of these things because the Leviathan will continue to grow and feed and gorge on our liberty with their own incompetence.

until they are literally brought to heel by zeroing out some of their budget or wiping out some of these federal agencies that just don't belong anymore. Like Ben Franklin said, it's a republic if you can keep it. The one positive thing is the Chevron Supreme Court case that just came out a few weeks ago

is a major shot across the bow against the permanent regulatory state. Because when that Supreme Court decision came through in '84, which started something called the Chevron deference, where it was Chevron versus the Natural Resources Defense Council,

and the EPA was deciding on some rule, and the Supreme Court gave the EPA the leeway to just write these rules. And they took an inch, the Supreme Court gave them an inch, and they've taken many, many miles since. I think it's like an average of 78,000 new pages of regulations with the force of law every year since then. And Chevron, this Supreme Court case, God bless those fishermen in Massachusetts who were sick of

paying, I think, $700 a day for some fisheries bureaucrat to ride their boat. They said, enough, we're not going to do that anymore. They litigated it. Those guys were doing that, have every bit, as key a role as the guys that showed up at Lexington and Concord in terms of preserving our liberty and rolling back this regulatory state. So thank you, Massachusetts fishermen. Amen. Eric Prince, I know you got to run. Where can people go to follow you and keep in touch with everything you have going on?

at real Eric D. Prince on X. All right, folks. God bless Eric. Oh, yeah. Make sure you go to Make sure you check out his podcast as well, Off the Leash. You got to check it out. Eric Prince, Darren Beatty joins us next here at Human Events Daily. Short break. Where's Jack? Where's Jack? Where is he? Jack, I want to see you.

Great job, Jack. Thank you. What a job you do. You know, we have an incredible thing. We're always talking about the fake news and the bad, but we have guys, and these are the guys who should be getting policies. All right, Jack, we're back live, Human Events Daily, folks. Our country witnessed a moment we will never forget, but they're trying to make us forget it. We saw a man get shot, stand up, fist in the air, and in defiance, scream, fight.

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Get shocked today. That's,, promo code POSO. So folks, we still have so many questions as to what went wrong in that field in Butler. Eight days in July, folks, eight days in July. If that bullet had just been half an inch to the right, would Joe Biden have been taken out? No, he would have, he was taken out because the,

the bullet missed. But there's also some questions that remain to be asked about the explosives. And so for our the greatest question asker out there is Darren Beattie from Evolver News. Darren, we've got you on today. Man, I've got to share with you what I'm hearing about these explosives. Great. No, I'd love to hear it.

So, all right, and this comes from, look, I'll just say, I'll put it this way. I'm not attributing this to anyone other than the fact that when I was in the intelligence community, in Navy intelligence specifically, I was attached at one point, actually two points in my career, to explosives ordinance disposal, Naval Special Forces, so NSW through the EOD teams,

So in that world, which is a very small world, very small community, some of this information has been going around. A lot of the photos have been going around of the explosives. I'm working very hard on obtaining photos of these explosives. But what I'm hearing is these were not

pipe bombs, that there were electric matches from fireworks that it looks like, that it seemed to be some sort of tannerite fuel oil type mixture. There's this question about whether or not they would have worked because of the specifics of the detonator as well as the specifics of whether they would have maintained that explosive force. They were in some type of cans that appeared similar to ammo cans. They

Weren't entirely sure what would have happened. However, this is the key point There's a lot of talk that the remote detonated bombs found in Thomas Crooks his vehicle were not the kind of device a Random 20 year old would have come up with on his own So we're hearing not pipe bombs not the pressure cooker bombs, but something in a sort of modified ammo can type device Darren Beatty, I know you're hearing this cold for the first time. What is your reaction to that? I

Well, I think this is a really fascinating component of an already deeply suspicious and deeply troubling story surrounding the whole affair in Butler, Pennsylvania. As to the mechanism of the explosives, you know, I wonder just what, you know, ostensibly he was trying to do. His car was parked away from the crowd or, you know, what would have happened had the explosives gone off or the explosives disappeared?

powerful enough to affect the crowd? Like what was theoretically the plan there for having all the explosives in the car? If he had survived, he would have driven the car toward the crowd and exploded the vehicle. That's also kind of an interesting component that I haven't heard much speculation. Actually, actually, I will I'll throw out my my theory on that is that

Takes the takes the shot hides under the sloped roof clearly picked that roof while he was using the drone hides under the slope roof detonates them right detonates them with that remote detonator and then because he had the bike pre positioned uses the ensuing chaos to escape on the bicycle.

Interesting. No, that's plausible. In which case, you know, would he have needed anything more sophisticated than, you know, the less developed versions of pipe bombs and so forth? It's, the whole thing is very strange. You know, it seems like

a mission like that is a suicide mission. So the fact that he was planning to get away, as this might suggest, only reinforces our questions as to why wouldn't he, like any ordinary person, assume that the second he gets to the third rung of the ladder, if that, he gets his head blown off right then and there?

Even if his aerial surveillance indicated that there was no Secret Service personnel on that roof, as we all saw, there was a building right behind it with windows and there were allegedly people in there. So why wouldn't he have assumed that those guys would blow his head off the second he tries to climb up that building with a gun? So the fact that these explosives suggest that it wasn't simply a suicide mission is

really kind of underscore those other questions as to why he would have expected to be able to do that.

Explosives are, of course, a regular staple of government operations. And there's always been questions surrounding how the person who allegedly put together the explosives did it. Now, we've run through a whole history of this. We should probably re-up these pieces on Revolver.News, but people don't know the first World Trade Center bombing, the bomb was created with the assistance of an FBI handler. As you know, Jack, because you're into this story too,

Oklahoma City bombing. There are serious questions as to whether McVeigh and even Nichols could have put together the bomb because they had a lot of difficulty explaining how it was put together in various subsequent interviews and so forth. Michigan Fed napping hoax. More recently, the bomb maker, there was a bomb maker who was a Fed. And so this follows a certain pattern that, again, adds to this. Well, and

Also, I mentioned this one on Tucker, but the Merrick Garland shooting, when the shooting took place, when the shooters got out of their car, there Eric Simpson gets out of his car, that an FBI handler was actually in the car behind them, following them to the event, taking photos of the event and speeds away without ever notifying local law enforcement.

Yes. No. So again, we have these patterns here in the system, the regime, whoever the network is behind these kinds of matters. And again, you know, you speak about the explosive ordnance community being a small world. I suspect that the dark ops community is a small world because there's only a handful of people with the confidence, the maliciousness.

and the ability to keep their mouths shut who can work together on things like this. I suspect this is a small world as well, and they don't necessarily reinvent their playbook because unfortunately they usually don't have to. So you see the same patterns recurring

over and over again. And of course, I would be remiss in a discussion about explosives, even though these weren't pipe bombs, not to bring up the trillion dollar question pertaining to Kamala and the Secret Service. I mean, this was a big story before Butler, but now it just underscores if people haven't seen it, go to Revolver.News and look at the piece. It's the surveillance footage of the DN of the

Secret Service being alerted to a pipe bomb outside of the DNC building on January 6th. Kamala Harris was in that building at the time. They somehow missed the pipe bomb in their initial sweep. And if they had found it in their initial sweep at 11 a.m.,

That would have had a whole different trajectory in terms of how the events unfolded, because you find a bomb near the Capitol in the morning of January 6th. There's probably going to be beefed up security around 1 p.m. when that happens.

first RAEPS orchestrated breach occurred. Instead, both of the pipe bombs, one at the RNC, one in the DNC, were coincidentally, miraculously discovered in near perfect synchronicity.

to the unfolding attack on the Capitol, like what was unfolded with the Ray Epps breach. And in fact, I recently came across a congressional document testifying to the fact that there were tons of additional bike racks that would have been used for security right at that Ray Epps breach location, but

couldn't have been moved there because of the chaos of the cops addressing the DNC pipe bomb that was found right as the attack was unfolding. So, um, absolutely disturbing, absolutely disturbing stuff. Quick break, right back. Darren B, you remember 1776 at human 1776 at human is your email for all contact. That is your conduit to us. Send us the Intel that you're receiving 1776 human

My ear about the boring people at your office. I'm trying to listen to the new human events with Jack Posobiec. Jack Posobiec back live, Human Events Daily. Remember the email 1776 at, 1776 at Darren Beattie, finish up your point that you're making about Kamala Harris, the fact that we've never once heard from the Democrats that Kamala Harris's life was potentially in danger on January 6th because of the pipe bomb.

Yes. Well, all of the details and discrepancies and peculiarities and downright falsehoods surrounding the pipe bomb, it would take a long time to get into all of that. So I just direct everyone, go to, read our catalog of pieces about the pipe bomb. Here, I'll suffice it, keep it to the most salient point. Number one, there's surveillance.

footage that was released of the plainclothes Capitol Police officer informing Kamala Secret Service detail of the existence of the pipe bombs. They respond with total nonchalance. They wait for over a minute before they get out of their vehicles, whereupon they stand around in the most lackadaisical fashion imaginable.

They even allow a group of schoolchildren to cross the street and walk right by the bomb, only minutes later to go through the spectacle of defusing the bomb with this bomb-safe robot. So it's overwhelmingly clear from this damning surveillance footage was the Capitol Police kept under wraps. It was not released as part of all of the media stuff that people have been hearing about. It was released with great reluctance after tremendous pressure from Thomas Massey, and they thought no one would understand the significance of it.

But it's very damning because it shows an overwhelming likelihood that Kamala's Secret Service detail either were fine getting blown up or fine letting kids get blown up, were fine letting Kamala get blown up, or they somehow knew that that bomb was fake and didn't pose a threat. The question is, how would they have known that in advance?

Now, that in and of itself would be a damning thing. But when we combine that with Kamala Harris's inexplicable reluctance to talk about this, she to this day hasn't even acknowledged that she was present in the DNC. And yet you would think this should be their number one January 6th talking point that Kamala Harris narrowly lost her life to the MAGA pipe bomb. She hasn't mentioned it at all.

all. They've bent over backwards to try to make January 6th into this deadly terror event. They've lied over and over and over. And yet in this singular instance, they don't even have to lie, at least in as much as Kamala Harris actually was in the building and did narrowly escape the pipe bomb. And so this bizarre fact pattern is only underscored now.

in light of Butler, Pennsylvania, why wouldn't the press highlight that, yes, Kamala too almost lost her life to political violence to even it out, especially now because there are these narratives trying to play up Kamala's need for security. Forget the fact that Trump had a bullet whiz within millimeters of his face. Now they're saying Kamala is the one who needs security. That's what the media is playing up. And yet,

Shockingly, they don't mention the fact that she narrowly escaped the pipe bomb. So it makes one wonder how dark does Kamala and her Secret Service details secret have to be for her and the media to go against all political interests and neglect to mention this once, what should be the number one Democrat talking point.

The number one Kamala talking point about January 6th is the most carefully guarded secret. And I think it's time to learn why.

Well, here's something else that's interesting, and I couldn't agree more, by the way, Darren, and is this idea of the Trump shrapnel hoax. Now, this was something that was started on left-wing Twitter, Blue Anon X, that Trump wasn't really shot. Despite the fact that we have photographs of the shot, videos of the shot, we have video, in fact, we have a still image of the

bullet racing across the sky in Pennsylvania just as it's about to strike Donald Trump. It's not a piece of shrapnel. It's a bullet. We can all see it. Why is it then that the FBI director, Chris Wray, would sit in front of the House and the American people and testify that it may have actually just been a piece of shrapnel?

Yeah, I mean, it certainly seems like this is a coordinated effort to downplay the event. As to the specifics of it, I mean, he clearly got shot, he got nicked in the ear, but even the benefit of that, devil's advocate, even if it was shrapnel, which it wasn't,

Who cares? The relevant fact is that bullets were whizzing by his head and he narrowly escaped a successful assassination attempt, which never should have happened and was only able to happen because of a sequence of unfathomable security errors that are so inconceivable that it's beyond the threshold of attributing to mere incompetence.

has every indication and all the hallmarks of being a kind of setup or inside job that is the only thing that matters so even whether it's shrapnel or bullet whatever i mean it's it's clearly dirty and kind of just low that they would try to downplay it when clearly he was shot with bullet and that's what hit his ear well and and that's even i think the deeper reason

The deeper reason, of course, is you'll get millions of Americans who actually fall for this gaslighting and say, because they'll use that as a false because to say, well, the FBI director says that it, you know, it was just shrapnel. And so they will believe this because it downplays the left-wing violence. It downplays violence from the left on the right. And because they will always...

promote and amplify this idea that it's right-wing violence, right-wing violence that must be the position and the target and the coordination of all FBI must be directed towards right-wing violence.

Right. And no, that's absolutely why they're doing it. But I don't even grant them that premise because I'd say even if it's shrapnel or whatever, don't lose sight. The bigger picture is a guy got on a roof 150 yards away from former president of the United States and presumptive nominee and presumptive next occupant of the White House. He got within 150 yards of him, got multiple shots out.

And the only way that that could have happened was a series of inconceivable security failures that are starting to look like they're not just incompetence. Like anything that distracts from that is, you know, is insane.

is doing a disservice to the American people because I think still people, because it's such a dark thing to contemplate, the fact that there's a non-negligible possibility that elements of the federal government, including elements of the Secret Service, set up, were in on an assassination attempt of President Trump.

is insane and it's so dark and we cannot let that go one single bit. We need to pursue the truth wherever it leads. Who shot Donald Trump? Go follow Darren Beattie,, Ladies and gentlemen, as always, you have my permission to lay your foot on the floor.