cover of episode The Senate vs. The Secret Service: Who Made the Decision?

The Senate vs. The Secret Service: Who Made the Decision?

Publish Date: 2024/7/30
logo of podcast Human Events Daily with Jack Posobiec

Human Events Daily with Jack Posobiec


Shownotes Transcript

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this is what happens when the fourth turning meets fifth generation warfare

A commentator, international social media sensation, and former Navy intelligence veteran. This is Human Events with your host, Jack Posobiec. President Biden is proposing major changes for the U.S. Supreme Court, like an enforceable code of ethics and an 18-year term limit for justices. If adopted, the sitting president would nominate a new justice every two years. Well, how are you going to pay for that? You know, that's what I heard.

Well, I'll tell you guys how we're going to pay for that. On day one, we're repealing that tax bill. For one thing, don't ever shy away from our progressive values. One person's socialism is another person's neighborliness. A failure of imagination. A failure to imagine that we actually do live...

in a very dangerous world where people do actually want to do harm to our protectees. The radio traffic from Butler, we did not have recordings. Do you normally? Not on the road outside of DC or outside of a presidential or vice presidential stop. My investigative team went to Pennsylvania to meet with local law enforcement and document the scene.

One of the concerning things my team was told is that no one from Secret Service has talked to them since the shooting. The Secret Service's counter-sniper role is to neutralize those threats that are looking in on us from where the protectee is, not necessarily this position. You think maybe you might want to revise that protocol in light of...

What happened here? They were protecting the principal, and I think in the— The principal got shot. I understand that, sir. So do you think you might want to revise the protocol? Who was the lead site agent who made the decision to leave the AGR building completely outside of the security perimeter? Who was that? Senator, I cannot give you that name. This person is operational. They're still doing investigations. They're still doing protective visits. Have they been relieved of duty? Senator—

They have not been relieved of duty. I know their name, by the way. Why have they not been relieved of duty? They are still cooperating, not only being interviewed by the FBI, but also by our Office of Professional Responsibility. Do you know whether those individuals submitted to interviews with the FBI? We're in the process. Those employees are being interviewed if they have not already been interviewed, sir. When will Congress get those 302s? When will we get those transcriptions of those interviews?

Senator, I'll take that back and we'll get those to you as soon as possible. So Acting Director Rowe, when will those individuals be made available for Congress, for this community to interview them? Senator, we'll make them available. All right, Jack Wieselbeck here, live at Human Events Daily. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard. Today is 30 July 2024, Anno Domini. Who made the decision? Let me tell you something. I watched all three hours of this testimony with Acting Director Rowe.

Ronald Rowe, but you know what I'm going to call him? We're going to call him Director Lunkhead because that's what this guy is. This guy's up there. He's a lunkhead. He's complaining to Senator Hawley. We're being unfairly persecuted. Oh, woe is us. Excuse me?

What you're seeing here is a government bureaucrat, a government employee, someone who's never actually faced accountability for anything that he's done in his life, starting to get a minuscule taste of what real accountability is. This is a guy who won't even give you 17 days later basic information. Who made the decision? Why was the building not within the security perimeter? And listen to some of his statements.

Our teams were on the inside looking out. Well, guess what? This guy was outside your perimeter. So why weren't you looking at him? Why wasn't he the first person that you were supposed to be looking at? Why wasn't he the one that you were going for? And he said, oh, we couldn't see. It was very hard. It was very hard to see the sniper. You see, he kept his head down. He kept his head down?

This is an elite Secret Service counter sniper team. This is what we have counter sniper teams for. And you're going to sit there and say, oh, well, he kept his head down like this is some issue. And then he goes and then the probably the coup de grace of all of this.

Not to mention the abject disrespect. And this guy is Cheadle's right-hand man, by the way. He's in complete CYA mode. He's protecting the chain of command. He's protecting management. He doesn't care that President Trump was shot. No, he cares that he has to answer questions about it. He cares more about that. He's more upset about having to answer questions about what went wrong than the fact that the President of the United States was shot in the head once.

on his agency's watch, period, full stop. Not only should these people be fired, they should be in handcuffs, they should be arrested, they should be investigated, they should be prosecuted. This is an abject disgrace. And by the way, there are numerous times where he contradicts himself. He says, "I didn't disapprove of additional resources for the president.

And then Ted Cruz says, well, what about these requests? He said, well, no, no, there's a process for that. Oh, so you did. So you lied. So you just lied to the Senate right there. So you just committed perjury again and again and again. He won't give a straight answer. Director Lunkhead up there just lunking it up, just lunking it up with Director Lunkhead, who won't give us basic answers.

to what went on, to how this happened, and why his agency failed to provide the resources to Donald Trump, the former president, the current nominee for president, and people lost their lives. People lost their lives because of this inaction, and you couldn't seem to care less. Be right back. Big show. Roger Stone's coming.

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Jack Pesoba here back live Human Events Daily. Folks, four years ago, our way of life was completely turned upside down. Think about the timing and how that impacted the economy in our election. Since January, we've seen lawfare on an unprecedented scale. Sham trials and now an attempted assassination.

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We need to understand everything that went on with this assassination attempt, J13, and of course, we're still not getting the correct answers. One thing that I haven't even had time to get into yet...

is that the FBI is up there saying that there was a social media account unnamed, no evidence given, saying that potentially the shooter was anti-Semitic and anti-immigrant. But then Senator Marsha Blackberg gets up there and says that in fact there was an account directly tied to Gab

was actually pro-biden and pro-immigrant this is something by the way where gab earlier today released information from the fbi essentially a notice provided to them with the account and screenshots in question that they are looking into that was incredibly pro-biden and incredibly uh pro-immigrant and among among these other things anti-trump

No information as to what exactly is going on. We've got Roger Stone on with us. Roger, you and I have done investigations and pieces. You've got an entire book out about JFK, about everything that went down in this. It feels so much, Roger, like we're living through the events of November 1963 and the aftermath all over again. What are your thoughts on this hearing and what we've been hearing and not hearing from the Secret Service and FBI?

Let's cut to the chase. I think we need to go to the big picture. I mean, every day we learn something else outrageous. Local police offered the Secret Service to do a drone surveillance to gauge the layout of the event three times. The Secret Service declined. Yet now the government tells us that the shooter was

the man they allege shot and killed Corey Comparatore and grazed the ear of Donald Trump, wounding two others,

is Thomas Matthew Crooks. They tell us quickly that he's a registered Republican. They say that his social history doesn't exist, hard to find online. But then the FBI director tells us that he was online researching the distance between Lee Harvey Oswald and John Kennedy in terms of shooting on November 22nd, 1963.

So could he be a patsy? Look, anything is possible in this situation. Here's the two things we do know definitively. Now it turns out that the Secret Service and local and state law enforcement knew there was an armed man. They had observed reacting mysteriously. They had seen him use a range finder. They knew most of this, if not all of it, for 92 minutes.

But they neither informed Donald Trump, nor did they evacuate him, which is what the Secret Service regulations and protocols call for. Then secondarily, we have confirmation that a government counter sniper had the man who shot at the president and others in their sights.

But they waited until he discharged around until killing him, killing him instantly. So, of course, he could never answer any questions when the requirement would be to take him out preemptively because he has a gun.

And he's in the line of vision of the man you're protecting. Those two questions, those two examples tell you what's at foot here, which is something far deeper than just incompetence or happenstance. It is a pattern in which we know that a police officer confronted the man they say is the shooter, saw his gun, that he waved the gun at him, and the police officer retreated.

to whom did he report? What did the people he report say and do? The answer appears to be nothing whatsoever. So you have failure after failure. Add to that, Jack, the initial lies about requests for additional resources and personnel for Trump's

protection by the Secret Service, having habitually been denied any increase routinely denied. The Secret Service put out a statement denying that that was true. I was told that by an agent at that great Palm Beach Turning Point USA event that both you and I went to, Jack.

An agent there told me, an agent I knew from a previous Republican president's detail when he was a much younger man, told me that, in fact, all of their requests had been routinely denied.

We also know, Jack, they were denying Robert Kennedy Jr. Secret Service protection, which is not acceptable. I'm not a supporter of his, but he was a duly qualified federal candidate. And given his family history and to some extent the hate that the mainstream media has brought

whipped up against him because of his views on health, freedom and vaccination issues could potentially be a target. Finally, finally, Mayorkas grudgingly ordered protection for RFK only after President Donald Trump's ear was grazed by a bullet.

Roger, we're also seeing information that's coming out drips and drabs. And it really seems to me that you've got two parallel streams of information coming. One, of course, coming from the Secret Service and FBI. So the feds. And then you've also got a separate stream, a much more robust stream of information that's coming from local police and local law enforcement, the same local law enforcement who have repeatedly stated that they were denied any direct

tactical or operational communications with the Secret Service. And this was something, by the way, that the Secret Service director, this, I'm calling him Director Lunkhead up there because he gets, he's getting more angry at the senators for asking questions about this than the shooting itself. Basic questions about why were they not on the same radio frequencies? Why were they not in direct communication? Roger, we're being told that the locals were forced to use a, uh, a

text message group chat on iPhone to get in touch with these individuals and go through liaisons rather than simply having radio access.

We also learned that local police, the township police, who requested a meeting with the FBI to coordinate their actions outside the perimeter, never heard back from the Secret Service. They got no response whatsoever. So yes, these small failures all still lead up to those two central questions. Someone knew that an armed person

who'd been seen with a rangefinder, of all things, was at the scene. He was harassing people by the magnometers. There'd been complaints about him acting obnoxiously. He wasn't slipping in here and slipping out. But they didn't evacuate the president. And then we know that a government shooter, a counterterrorist, a counter sniper, had him in their sights.

but didn't take him out until he got off a volley of shots. That's what tells me, uh, that this is, uh, that this is sadly willful. I predicted this Jack back in late 2017. I gave an interview to new, the new American magazine, uh,

a great interview. Uh, and, uh, I said that, look, they're, they're going to try to, they're going to smear him with this Russian crap. They're going to try to impeach him. They're going to fail. They, they, they will ultimately, uh, to end his movement and his, and his, uh, chances of saving America, they have to kill him and they will try called it plan C. Uh, and I based all that Jack on the fact that I had written my book, uh, uh,

The Man Who Killed Kennedy, the case against LBJ, in which I document specifically how the Secret Service violated all of their regulations to stand down on the day Kennedy was shot.

Just as the building that they tell us Mr. Crooks shot from should have been sealed, searched and sealed, the Texas School Book Depository building, the Dow Tech's building, for example, should also have been searched and sealed on Daly Plaza. But they weren't.

There's supposed to be undercover Secret Service agents in the crowd in Dallas, supposed to also be in Butler. Doesn't appear that that was true. There are so many examples in the Kennedy assassination. Just the trip through Dallas and taking the car to a stop in a full right hand turn violates the Secret Service manual regarding the president. Kennedy's

advanced men had pointed out that both the airport and the merchandise, where Kennedy was supposed to speak, were both outside the city. The freeway was the easiest, fastest, and safest route. Why did the motorcade loop into the city of Dallas?

for a confined area with a sharp right turn. There's so many questions on this, Roger. We have a quick break that we're coming up on. Hold that thought because we need to apply the same rubric and the same amount of tenacity to the situation that appeared to us on January, July 13th, J13. Be right back. And then boys had a saying.

You can't be listening to all that slappy, whack, trim out his outlets, a bam ship, nippy, bam, bam, like human events with Jack Posobiec. All right, Jack Posobiec back live, Human Events Daily. Folks, we've seen it time and time again. Somebody exposed the truth just to be labeled a...

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I simply have to ask you a very, very quick yes or no question on this. Given everything that we know at this point, is President Trump safe?

No, I fear that he is not. It doesn't matter to me whether now this Secret Service, who I believe created a series of events in which they likely thought he would be killed. I'm sorry. It's curious why CNN decided to cover this rally. They never cover Trump rallies. It's why would somebody hire a very famous journalist?

a foreign photographer who shoots in a super high speed to catch the bullet skimming by his ear. I guess it was to get the best gory pictures of a dead Donald Trump. So no, something stinks very badly here. Uh, and if I were the president, uh, and there are certainly people who know more about this than I do, but I would be consulting with Eric Prince, uh,

who knows a great deal about security issues and personal security in the dangerous world we live in. And I would be meeting with some foreign intelligence agents or people who are currently providing private security services because I think things need to be tightened up. Look, I love Donald Trump and he loves people. And many times I've seen him, I think, put himself at risk

to greet and meet and talk with people and be close to people that the service, you know, is nervous because they haven't been screened. But Jack at the,

at the Bitcoin conference, two men got through, got into the event of after first being repelled at a first checkpoint, somehow got beyond the second checkpoint, which is where the magnometers, the machines you have to walk through to detect a gun or other weapon, got into the event. So this does not, this does not make me comfortable. I'm praying a

to the Lord to protect the life of Jesus Christ. We know in the book of Samuel 1, chapters 15 and 16, when there are two kings, Saul, who I think is Biden, David, who I think is Trump, Saul is an illegitimate king. He's not a real king, but he tries to kill David with a javelin that skims by his ear. It happens three times.

Many Christian prophets have said that this assassination on Trump is foreseen in the Bible. I think there's a lesson there. So, yes, I'm worried about another attack from him. I'm praying about it. I've said publicly I think he needs additional personal security, perhaps to augment or oversee the Secret Service to make sure that there are no stupid lapses.

Indeed, Roger. Now, let's jump over to the politics of this, because this is something, obviously, that was the central theme, I think, of President Trump's speech at the RNC, which you and I both attended. The idea, though, that suddenly it's been taken out of the news cycle, Kamala Harris, J.D. Vance, all of these various things that are coming on top of it. Meanwhile, we've just had a former president in

who was almost assassinated. And it seems to me like the mainstream media and perhaps even big tech are now suppressing information about this. So I think we have a new danger in this country, Jack. It's called the assassination deniers. Thousands of people on the internet and elsewhere in public, and sometimes people who have previous voices in the mainstream left media with this narrative that

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump was not real. It didn't happen. Or if it did happen, it was a psyop. And Trump had one of those bullets that you bite that looks like fake blood. And he wasn't really hit by a bullet. This wasn't helped by the FBI director speculating that he didn't think that Trump had been grazed by a bullet. He said, well, it could have been shrapnel or glass. Well, the teleprompter was intact, so there was no glass from there.

And shrapnel from what? Shrapnel is what happens when a bullet hits its target, not when it skims by it. So, yes, I hope the president will take every possible precaution. He poses an existential threat to the established order. I think the established order is complicit in this effort to kill him. That is my opinion based on my prior experience.

A Secret Service that will stand down for the murder of John Kennedy will also stand down for the murder of Donald Trump. And these agencies have been completely politicized. They were supposed to be, you know, law enforcement agencies that treated Republicans and Democrats differently. But even they, too, have been the victims or I should have the impact of VEI hiring and worse.

And Roger, this is, of course, I think is what everyone's getting at. And the fact of the matter is that we're not getting basic answers, basic answers from the Secret Service. Let me ask you, though, switching gears a little bit then, Roger, what would the best vehicle for getting answers being? It seems like this permits like him on investigations in the Senate is getting complicit.

completely stonewalled this task force uh look I'm just gonna say it I think the task force from the house side seems light seems like it doesn't have the heavy heavy hitters up there that are required to do the actual work and investigate what happened that vodka is unbelievable no pardon me I'm joking uh

Jack, this idea of the Speaker appointing an investigative committee is the right instinct. The only entity that has any legal power to investigate what happened are the House Republicans. But I was happy to see Clay Higgins.

A former law enforcement officer, a fine, courageous member of the House appointed the committee. He is someone who will fight for the truth. There are others on the committee who are more go-along-to-get-along Republicans, for sure. But any suggestion that the Democrats on the committee should be Dan Goldman,

The Manhattan Democrat who said days before the assassination that Donald Trump had to be, quote, eliminated, close quote. Or Benny Thompson, who was the chairman of the January 6th committee investigation hoax, a man who filed a lawsuit against Donald Trump, a civil suit, charging him with insurrection before appointed to head a bipartisan, honest investigation into what happened that day.

Neither one of them, I think, are acceptable as Democrats on this committee. I hate to say, but what Speaker Johnson should do is what Nancy Pelosi did, which is do so legally. That is to say, I will refuse your recommendation and I will take these five Democrats.

Now, they could try to refuse to serve, but I think they would hurt themselves politically if they do that. There must be an investigation. Otherwise, Jack, this is going to be like 1963. I just wrote a sub stack piece on this. It will be the Warren Commission all over again. We need an unbiased investigation.

investigation of what really happened here. The House Republicans are the only ones who have the authority to do it. Whether they will do it or not remains to be seen, but they cannot do it if this becomes a public forum for a shouting match with lunatics. Look, there's a very dangerous trend here in the country. You called it, as I say, election deniers. Go to Google and look up

a Trump assassination attempt and you won't find it. It is missing across the board. It is shuffled out of the news cycle very purposely. There's a reason for this. Look, Trump had several great cycles here. The debate was great for him. The immunity decision before it was great for him.

He gets public sympathy, of course, from the assassination attempt and our heartfelt thanks to God for preserving his life. We had a very successful, upbeat Republican convention that I think spoke to people well beyond the Republican base who could vote for us in this election.

And then CrowdStrike, the company that lied two years about the DNC computer servers having been hacked by Russian intelligence assets, lied about it for two years, suddenly had a tech outage that ended that positive spate of publicity for Trump. And then the news cycle focused on Joe Biden while Barack Obama bludgeoned him out of the race over his objections.

Getting Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries and the Hollywood crowd to help him, not to mention the folks at The New York Times. And now Obama seeks to assert control of Kamala's campaign as they lift her, trying to erase her entire record. We have a quick we have a quick break coming up here. I know you have to run, but let me ask you because I tweeting about this.

um coming down do you think josh apiro becomes the vp pick based on what your sources let me say this first of all these elections and i are saying this didn't happen or that it was somehow orchestrated a psyop orchestrated by roger stone is laughable bunk your question uh again one more time jack

Josh Shapiro, do you think he gets the campaign nod? Probably yes. Josh Shapiro. Here's what I think is happening. Obama is asserting himself now to try to take control of Kamala's campaign and the vice presidential pick. I believe he has counseled, based on my Democrat sources, which are many, he has counseled Kamala that the choice of Shapiro, a Jew, would cost him among Muslim voters in Michigan and Minnesota and probably lose both states.

There's a very large and very active Muslim American population in both of the states there. And they've been a force within the Democratic Party and within the electorate. They're unhappy right now with Biden and Kamala. I think this diminishes- Roger, we're up against the wall. Can I hold you over for just a couple of minutes? Yes, absolutely. All right, we're going to hold for a couple of minutes because this is important. People need to know Roger's got the sources. Stay tuned. Quick break. We'll be right back. Where's Jack? Where's Jack?

Where is he? Jack, I want to see you. Great job, Jack. Thank you. What a job you do. You know, we have an incredible thing. We're always talking about the fake news and the bad, but we have guys and these are the guys who should be getting policies.

All right, Jack Pacific back live. I wanted to wrap up here with Roger Stone, who's breaking down bombshell reporting on the VP chances of Josh Shapiro. Roger, just to recap, you were saying that Barack Obama has sounded the alarm within the Kamala Harris camp, which, of course, he and Michelle are very, very close to. And I think everyone realizes at this point.

specifically regarding the potential nomination of Josh Shapiro, the current governor of Pennsylvania, because in effect that they think that he would potentially make vulnerable the ticket for their chances in Michigan and Minnesota with the Muslim vote that is there, which of course also goes back to Obama's presidency when he was importing so many people from the Middle East and planting them in America's heartland.

I've also heard that Senator Mark Kelly from Arizona has kind of fallen out of favor because of revelations buried in the New York Times piece, but pointed out by Miranda Devine in the New York Post that Kelly is partners with a communist Chinese company that manufactures the kind of surveillance balloons that Chinese intelligence used to fly across the United States.

unimpeded earlier, you know, last year, I guess it was, or not all that long ago. And I guess he has a side job as a U.S. senator from Arizona. So I think they recognize that enormous vulnerability would be a huge vulnerability. So they seem to be moving, and this is Obama's idea, to Governor Tim Walz, W.L.Z., of Minnesota.

a man I had never actually heard of. I had to look him up to find out who he was. He's very white and he seems very angry, very angry indeed. And today I saw him on Twitter saying that Trump just dislikes Kamala because she's a black woman, which is racist. That's race baiting. It's a lie. But I think that they're going with the do no harm approach.

Remember, Jack, I told you that President Nixon once said, when you're looking for a running mate, don't look for someone who can help you. Just find someone who doesn't hurt you. And Waltz is your garden variety progressive leftist.

He's from a key state. Trump was just in Minnesota. That's a tip off that Minnesota is in play. Donald Trump would not be going to Minnesota if his polling didn't show that suddenly a state that was thought to be locked up for Biden had been within his grasp and will be competitive now. So I think that may be where they're headed. Also, with Shapiro, there's a concern that, look, the Pennsylvania State Police were responsible for outside the perimeter.

of the assassination, attempted assassination place. And the police commissioners, Pennsylvania police commissioners appearance before Congress was less than stellar

it revealed even more and more security lapses. That guy works for Josh Shapiro. So if you want to nominate him, I think it'd be a mistake myself, but for different reasons. But I once thought he would be the candidate. I now believe Walz goes as the man where is the least political risk. Kamala Harris does not need at this point, Jack, is political risk.

I think it's exactly right. Roger, where can people go to follow you to get more information and to get your breaking reporting as it comes out? Well, first of all, you can find us on Rumble. Download the Rumble app. You can follow Roger Stone, the Stone Zone there. You can follow Jack's great programming as well, Human Events.

And set your notifications, but also go to, There you'll find all things Roger Stone, print, video, interviews, my 77 WABC radio show in New York. You can get my book, The Man Who Killed Kennedy, the case against LBJ, which I wrote about that assassination, which is why I fear another one.

Roger Stone, thank you so much for your time. Thank you so much for your expertise. I want to move over here, folks, because we've also got someone else who's known for raising hellfire over on Capitol Hill. That is Mike Davis of the Article 3 Project. Mike, I've got to ask you, I'm sure you watched those hearings today as well as the rest of us. What did you think about the way that our senior law enforcement officials at Capitol

the Secret Service and the Deputy Director of the FBI. Did you find them forthcoming? Did you find their temperament and tone to be respectful? And did it meet the occasion of a president of the United States being shot in the head by a sniper? - They're partisan operatives, and that's very clear that they're partisan operatives. They pretend like they're

They're nonpartisan career law enforcement officials. They're not. Let me give you an example. This acting Secret Service director, Ronald Rowe, he's the deputy director. Guess how he got there. He worked on the Senate Judiciary Committee under Chairman Pat Leahy when Joe Biden was a senator. He worked for the Obama White House as a detailee.

when Vice President Biden was there. And then Vice President Biden is the one who appointed him as the Deputy Director of the Secret Service and the Acting Director of the Secret Service, or at least Biden's administration did that. Biden's Secretary of DHS did this. This guy is unbelievable. You have a former and likely future President of the United States

His Secret Service detail, which is required under statute to have a Secret Service detail for the rest of his life, President Trump's Secret Service detail requested beefed up Secret Service protection for Trump because he didn't have enough protection. And it was this

deputy director, now acting director, who played a key role in making sure that President Trump did not have the Secret Service protection that he needed. At the same time, this Biden Secret Service beefed up security for President Zelensky of Ukraine, but they refused to beef up security for President Trump himself.

of America. Look, you have a president, President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, who have campaigned on the fact that they claim Trump is an existential threat to democracy. He is a dictator, and he has to be stopped at all costs. And after Biden and Harris tried to bankrupt Trump, throw him in prison for life and take him off the ballot, the

The Supreme Court stepped in and stopped them. And so what is their response? They allowed President Trump to be a sitting duck on July 13th, and that didn't work. And now they're trying to destroy the Supreme Court.

And that's what I want to get into. We've got about three minutes until the break here. And I wanted to carry over, but Mike, this is something where it seems like Biden is, you know, I don't know if he actually wrote this himself, but this is a laundry list of wishes for the Democrat Party, birthday wishes, if you will, saying that they want everything possible for the Supreme Court because that's the one institution in America they don't have total control over.

The Supreme Court is our last line of defense that is protecting us from these Biden and Kamala and Obama Democrats. These are not our parents or grandparents, Democrats. These aren't liberals who love America. These are leftist.

These are Marxists. They hate America and they're trying to destroy America as we know it and build back better, as they call it. Right. They don't believe in equality. They believe in equity. They don't believe in free speech. They believe in censorship. They don't believe in equal protection and due process of law. They believe in a politicized and weaponized justice system. And there are two key.

key institutions in the way. That's the Supreme Court of the United States that President Trump transformed to the first constitutionalist majority in 90 years and President Trump himself. And they have these Biden, Kamala, Obama Democrats have proved over and over again, they will stop at nothing to destroy President Trump and to destroy the Supreme Court of the United States.

And that's what we're looking at, folks. Look, the Supreme Court, and by the way, this is exactly what FDR tried when he wanted to take total power because the Supreme Court was knocking down all of his unconstitutional organizations like the original NRA, the National Recovery Administration, not the National Rifle Association. No, he went completely too far with the power of government he was

pushing us towards a communist style central control top-down system and that's why he wanted to go after the supreme court why because they were the ones knocking down what he was doing and by the way this is something that barack obama was able to get away with at his own discretion with almost complete discretionary power because the supreme court would rubber stamp his executive orders and would rubber stamp the things he was doing including up to and including

Obamacare itself, saying that it was a tax rather than a massive government takeover of the health care system. Stay tuned. We got right back. Quick break. And the last part here, the show, Mike Davis buzzing in my ear about the boring people at your office and trying to listen to the new human events with Jack Pazubic.

All right, Jack Posobiec here, back live, Human Events Daily. Mike Davis joins us from the Article 3 project. Mike, tell us some more about what we're hearing about the Supreme Court, Biden's attempts to basically take this thing over in a style reminiscent of FDR.

So the Supreme Court stops President Biden and Kamala Harris from putting President Trump in prison for the rest of his life for non-crimes and throwing him off the ballot for the bogus insurrection theory that the Democrats had. Joe Biden doesn't like that, so he's retaliating against the Supreme Court, and he's trying to destroy the Supreme Court. He's trying to destroy judicial independence. This is a failed president.

who got taken out in a bloodless coup by his treacherous vice president, Kamala Harris, the acting president right now. And the two of them, they've long wanted to destroy the Supreme Court because President Trump transformed the Supreme Court from a left of center Supreme Court to the first constitutionalist majority

in 90 years. And this Supreme Court is in their way. It's in the left's way because the left does not believe in our Constitution. They don't believe that the federal government has limited power, that we the people loan to the federal government through our loan agreement called the Constitution. These leftists don't believe that that limited power that we loan to the federal government is supposed to be divided between Congress, which writes the laws, the president, which enforces the laws, and the courts, which interprets the laws

and decides cases and controversies. These leftists want these unelected, unaccountable executive branch bureaucrats, the Tony Fauci's of the world to have all of that power consolidated

in the executive branch that's not accountable to courts, not accountable to Congress, power that the federal government doesn't have that's supposed to belong to the states and we the people. And this Supreme Court's changing that. That's why the left is trying to destroy the Supreme Court. And this is why November 5th is so important because do you want President Kamala Harris or President Donald Trump replacing Justice Clarence Thomas and Justice Sam Alito on the Supreme Court? Because if you think

The BLM and Antifa riots and the upcoming Hamas riots are going to be bad. If you think the COVID lockdowns are bad, we're bad. Just wait until the leftists take over the Supreme Court. There goes our God-given rights to speak, worship, associate, and protect ourselves. Everything is on the line on November 5th.

And look, we keep seeing this again and again and again. Plus, Mike, there is a strong possibility, by the way, for one or two potential nominees for the next president. Isn't that true? There's no question it could be one, two or maybe three. And you want...

Look, look, it could be Thomas stepping down. I think Alito is going to walk out the door the second he can. If President Trump wins and the Republicans win the Senate, I think Alito is gone on day one. And then you look at Thomas's age, you look at Sotomayor's age and health, maybe even the chief justice, although I think the chief justice is a lifer. So, you know, there could be three picks to the Supreme Court between Alito, maybe Thomas.

maybe so to mayor. And this will be a monumental shift. I mean, President Trump's biggest and most consequential accomplishment of this first term was transforming the Supreme Court to the first constitutionalist majority in 90 years. And again, they may disappoint us from time to time, but overall, they are doing a phenomenal job. This last term just proved that. And that could all get

reversed if President Kamala Harris takes over. She will put hard-charging leftists. She has Brian Fallon from left-wing Demand Justice as her top communications aide. Brian Fallon wants to pack the Supreme Court. Brian Fallon wants to put radical leftists on the Supreme Court. So does Kamala Harris, and she will absolutely do it. If Kamala Harris is elected, she'll probably win the House and Senate along with that election. They will nuke

the legislative filibuster in the Senate, the 60-vote threshold. They will pack the Supreme Court and they will appoint left-wing radicals to the Supreme Court, the Tanya Shuttons of the world. And there goes our God-given rights to speak, to worship, to associate, to protect ourselves.

And this is something that everybody needs to pay attention to. Mike, where can people go if they want to take action, if they want to do something about this, if they're tired of sitting back and complaining about all of this and they want to get involved, what do they do? How do they get involved with you and Article 3? Article number You can donate there as we're gearing up to take on Kamala and these radical leftists. You can take action. We have an action page on there, and that is critically important to take action. And you can also follow us on social media. And thank you, Jack.

All right, I appreciate that. Mike Davis there from Article 3 Project. We're going to go now to Henderson, Nevada. We've got David Sear on the ground. We are going to be getting a J.D. Vance rally going on in just about one hour's time. David Sear is there on the ground. David, how are you? David, how's it going, man? Guys, tell me a little bit about, you know, when we can. Of course, J.D. Vance is hitting the campaign trail now.

because there's a lot going on and he's out there really rocking the swing states. The fact they've got him outside the Midwest, I think is very important because they've got him out from not just his home area,

of the rust belt. This is a rust belt sunbelt election. So rust belt and sunbelt, you got the rust belt and you've got the sunbelt. This is the way whereby in we are able to find the JD Vans is useful, not just in the rust belt, but also in outside there. Do we have David now? David, is that working? - Check one, two, one, two, three, four, five.

No, guys, we don't have David. We don't have David. But if you can give us some just shots, it looks like a great crowd there. It looks like people are really enthusiastic. And this, of course, pushes back on the mainstream media narrative saying, oh, J.D. Vance, he's weird. First of all, he's not weird. OK, what he's got, what he's got is Midwest media.

Dad energy. Look, you need to be dad maxing, okay? J.D. Vance is America's Midwestern father. We've been posting the memes up on Twitter all day. That's what you put out. Look, this is a guy who they're going to say, oh, J.D. Vance was missing from the campaign trail for three hours. Where was he? He was mowing his lawn.

And so this is the idea. Guess what? There's millions of suburban dads all across the Midwest. And you know what? They've all got JD Vans energy. That's what he's got. It's Midwest dad energy. Can we call that MDE? I don't know. I don't know if we get a little careful there, but folks...

I love the fact that J.D. Vance is out there. You're seeing the crowds for him all across the country. It's only going to expand. I'm told he's got multiple rallies this week. Real America's Voice will be there for your coverage. And we here at Human Events Daily will be keeping asking the questions about what happened on J13. And tomorrow, I'll be in Pennsylvania. Ladies and gentlemen, as always, you have my permission to lay ashore.