cover of episode C02 - Ep. 34 - Vengeance in Vainia - Painful Passing & Parsing Parcels

C02 - Ep. 34 - Vengeance in Vainia - Painful Passing & Parsing Parcels

Publish Date: 2024/2/13
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Tales from the Stinky Dragon


Shownotes Transcript

Mom, Dad, I humbly suggest you save some money and shop Amazon for back to school. It's for my growth, meaning my body's growing at an alarming rate. And clothes you buy me this year will be very small very soon. Plus, the clothes I love today will be out of style tomorrow. But at least your wallet doesn't have to be my fashion victim.

if you shop low prices for school at Amazon. Hopefully this is helpful. Amazon, spend less, smile more. This is a Rooster Teeth production. Best wishes, all you bats. Flap on into the stinky dragon and buy our latest brew. Look on the bite side. It's a mixture of Count Chocula syrup, a dollop of whipping cream, a dash of cinnamon and nut mug,

A gushing artery of caffeinated blood. And a gushing artery of caffeinated blood. I hate you, Ben. And a gushing artery of caffeinated blood. Rippin' and rippin', babe. Keep them all in. Keep them all in. One sip of this savage sauce is enough to make you screech and click to your heart's content.

Previously, our adventurers woke up at the base of a black mountain searching for signs of the Alchemist and Carol. After a few dragged bodies and drops of blood, they found their former horned foe, the Hema Goblin. The blood elemental was no match for the party and was put out to pasture, but the team was dealt a devastating loss of their own. Nab some nocturnal nectar and nestle in for this noxious narrative.

Hello, everyone. I'm Gustavo Sorolla, dungeon master of our future party. I'm going to hit our four players with an arrow. Do it. Take the shot. Take it. No one said ow. This week's role-playing warm-up question is thank you. Who said it? Was that you, Blaine? No, it was me. John Inspiration Dive. I have a much more manly ow. John, you get the Inspiration Dive. Role-playing warm-up question. What magical power does your character wish they had?

The power to understand the rest of the party. We'll get to introduce yourself first. I'm John Reisinger, the manliest man of all the mans. I play Matty Confucius, our Cochrane Ghost Monk. A magical power that I could have. Well, I already can do a lot of very, what some people think is very magical. It's true. Some people think that flight is very magical. So magical. You're a bird.

Birds can fly. It's not magic. Some people, someone sounds jealous over there. Yeah, I can fly. Yeah, but it has to be like dim and like you can only float a little bit. It's kind of sad. So, and get out of my confessional booth. This is my time. Just peeking through the curtains. My kids looking down their beak at Barney.

And I can pass through objects and sometimes stay in there for an hour. But what magical power does your character wish, Matide, what magical power do you wish you had? You're just like inventorying all your powers. I was having a moment, okay? Can I have a moment? This is our time to be able to share our personalities. Magical power, I wish that I could, I wish that I could always know the exact time when the croissants are perfectly cooked.

Just to have that innate. I mean, I'm already very good at it, but if it was just perfect every time, life would be good. That's a great magical power. Yeah.

Who's there? Silence. Hi, I'm Chris Damaris and I play Barney Farney, the human cleric. He's looking very aggressively at us as he says that. That might be the first thing we said, Barney Farney, not as Barney. Yeah, I know. Barney Farney. He was like looking back and forth at Blaine and me as though like trying to see if we would call him out on it. Like we told him he isn't Barney Farney. And he's like, no, I am. If I could have one magical power.

The ability to go back in time. Oh. If I could turn back time. If I'm far away. What would you do with that, Bernie? A lot of things. Why do you want to go back in time? I'd go to Vegas. I'd take the sports almanac with me. That's what I was thinking. What's a sport?

It's what you call a young child, don't you, Barney? I don't want to abduct a child in time travel. Didn't Chip like letter and something in the Amford? Did you play a sport in the Amford? Oh yeah, I played lots of things in the Amford. You know, I was a triathlete. What are the three sports in triathlon? Oh, you know. Stabbing. Sneaking. And... Feed me another one. This is on you.

Oh, he's fire dancing. I like that. Those three sneaking, staffing and fire dancing. Hey, there's Chip Haney. Did Barney have anything else to share about turning back time? He fell asleep. Chip Haney here. You know, Yannford alumni, alumnus.

Which one is it? I actually don't know. I don't either. Let us know in the comments. Yeah. They didn't teach me that in Yamford. The one thing they didn't teach. Not a single grammar class in all of Yamford. There's lots of powers that I wish I could have, you know, like, you know, to help me out with my, you know, killing. If I can have some like sort of like cool super death power or maybe to help fight fire, some sort of fire control, like water power. But really the power that I wish I had the most was just perception ability. Yeah.

I just wish I could perceive just anything, you know? That seems like magic to you. Yeah, yeah. I run out into the rain and then, you know, Carol would be like, hey, is it raining? And then I'd be like, you know, I don't know. Because I don't have perception. I don't perceive any rain. Yeah. Well, you know, humans can't perceive wetness. Well, he's a tiefling. Yeah, I'm a tiefling. Tieflings can. We know when it's wet.

Except for me. But you can't perceive it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What about depth? He's just wet and doesn't know why. What about depth? Cut, cut, cut. No, no, no. That stays in. So alumnus refers specifically to a singular male graduate. An alumni is the plural form for a group of male graduates...

And for a group of male and female graduates. Meanwhile, the singular term for female graduates is alumna or alumnae with an A-E at the end, which I've never heard. Those are for the horse schools. That is from the University of Nottingham. Isn't alumni also what you would call where you went? That's your alma mater. Alma mater. I'm a Yamford alumni. You can't be.

Yeah. Alumna. Sounds like a mistake. It does. But who's not a mistake? Are you done, Chip? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So hold on. Let me perceive if I'm done.

I don't know. Really turn up the volume on this. Yeah, we were sitting here before we started recording and John, I think, had moved Blaine's headphones from one plug to another and Blaine was just sitting there and not saying anything. I was turning the volume up to see like when it got to a point that he liked it. He did nothing. Then he just said, yeah, that's real loud. You kept turning it louder and then I was like, I was so distracted by the loud. You gave me no clue. It's like when someone like comes over.

and pours water you just watch them pour water until it's like overflowing you never said when well i'm just like well surely they're gonna stop i can't hear what it sounds like oh anyway hello party people elga in the house thank you for tuning into my stream i'm barbara donkelman what's up my voice elga von breath the half elf vampire barbarian level seven nice

And... I'm getting my thoughts together. That was like zigzagging verbally. I know. I'm going all over the place. You know, Elga, I have many, you know, powers. You know, I have...

I have superhuman strength. I have flight now that I could change into a bat. You know, that's also shape-shifting. And then I also have, you know, just in general, longevity, I guess, is another power. Living for a very long time. But what power do you want? So, yeah, you know, thank you, Barney, for asking. So nice of you to get out of my booth, please. I think...

I would choose invisibility because I think that would be pretty scary when you see an axe just flying at you with no little girl attached. Although it's probably even more scary having a little girl attached to the axe. So it's like Elga already has invisibility against Chip because his perception is so low.

He never knows where Elga is. I'm too short for him to perceive. You're below his line of sight, so you don't exist. Elga with invisibility would be like the worst mosquito ever. Because you never know when you get bit until you feel it. And that's what it would be like if it's just Elga. You just feel two fangs go in. You're all dripping and you're like, what's going on? Can I change my answer? Invisibility sounds real cool. Can I perceive if I can change my answer? I'm sorry!

I feel like there might be a good puppet compilation or something there with like all the get out of my booth. Get out of my booth. Oh, yeah. I feel like we had a few of those in this episode. Some confessionals. Yeah. Well, I feel like this arrow kind of turned into a humble brag session for a couple of characters. I don't know what you're talking about. Talking about all of their abilities and then capping it off with an ability they wish they had. I think it taught me a lot. Hopefully it taught the audience a lot too. I'm surrounded by undead gods and I'm just, I got a knife. Yeah.

That's pretty nice. It's a nice knife though. Though her clothes are soaked in blood, Carol is ghastly white. Her frail body gaunt with throbbing green veins. She looks up at you with a hollow face. Hey there. It's you. Chip. Chip.

Chip Haney. I said, "Hey there!" A weak smile comes across her face. You notice a sigil on her belt. Do I, uh, does Chip recognize the sigil? Why don't you roll a wisdom check? That's a 19, minus one, 18. With a roll that high, I'll tell you that you don't recognize the sigil, but because you don't recognize it, that's why it sticks out to you. This is something older than the knowledge of clan sigils that you know. You found me.

Her feeble hand reaches up to touch your face, but it falls to the ground and her body exhales one final breath.

Yeah, I didn't know we were gonna come right back into that moment. We just came right back into it. Hey, you wanna relive this moment? This better be like a big chip lore episode where he gets superpowers and a cool new weapon.

You guys have been really mean to me lately. And could bring back his now dead wife. Man, you asked for the wrong ability. What do you mean? You asked for resurrection. Oh, no. It should be like the original Superman movie from the 70s. You should want to fly, then fly around the world so fast you make it go backwards. I just start running. Yeah. Hey, gang. Can I have a moment? Yeah, what's up? No, I just... Oh, with her or with us? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry, gang. Sorry.

I'm going to let them like kind of leave eyesight. And then I'm just going to kind of hold Carol. Oh, I'm kind of tearing up. Going to hold Carol, close her eyes for her. You know, I feel like I know Chip knows death intimately enough to know

that there's probably nothing he can do at this point. Chip, why don't you go and roll a medicine check? That would be... You got intelligence. It's a nat 20. No! When he needs it. Can you imagine what you roll determines if Carol lives or dies? You have a negative one on medicine. Yeah, but you know...

It's still a nat 20. It's a nat 20. It's a nat 20. You can tell that her death was brought on by some kind of venom that poisoned her blood. In essence, the life was drained from her and the poisoning seems to have started from like the waist, like the midsection that spread out from there. Okay. Like she was stabbed in the midsection or something? Yeah, or is this like a pregnancy kind of thing? Is it? Like what is...

What else can I determine? Is there a... Check what he just said. Yeah, is there like an external wound or anything like that? You can make an investigation check.

He's like mortuary assistant. Oh, my God. Six. Hold on. I think I might have... Oh, I have inspiration. Can I also help him investigate? Are we still there? We've stepped away. This is a very private moment for Chip, and I think he'd want to do this on his own. Yeah, this would just be Chip then. I'm going to use my inspiration for another investigation. Not much better. Ten. Ten. That's fine. You don't need that high of a roll because when you look, you can see that...

It's pretty clear to you that the source of the venom seems to be a magic belt strapped to her waist. Seems like it's really on there tight and it's difficult to unfasten or move it. But when you, you know, open it up and look at it, it looks like it contains a vial with a few droplets left of some kind of green venom, maybe. You know, is this like a drip feeding thing or was it triggered like remotely? Well, there's a contraption in it, right? That seems like it's there to inject the venom with two fang-like syringes. So it wasn't necessarily like metered out.

Okay. And if you remember from the end of the last episode, the belt has a buckle with the shape of a red blood drop, and inside is the outline of a white upside-down triangle. You don't recognize the symbol, but you do know that it's something older than the clan sigils that you know. Hmm. Okay. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. Maybe she's getting married! Is Elga back? Yeah, my wife's definitely dead. Thanks for asking, Elga. Ha ha ha!

Okay. Well, so with that, can I do any other like look through or is there anything else to be done? If you want, you can make like an arcana check to see if you're able to figure out anything related to the belt. 13. The belt seems to emanate some kind of maybe divination or necromancy magic.

It's clearly some kind of rare magical device that's capable of being activated from far distance. Oh. And it almost seems like it would track the wearer's location. And the reason you were having trouble opening it or removing it from her is because it's magically locked. So it was remote triggered, and she was basically being held hostage. I'll relay this to the group, but can I go through her stuff? I feel like I can also piece together...

what's going on in her final moments by the equipment that Carole carried on her. Yeah, you go ahead and start looking through her pockets and you find, of course, the belt and the mechanism that we just talked about. In her left pocket, you find some letter supplies like paper, pen. In her right pocket, you find a photo that's folded in half of you, Chip.

Okay, I'll quietly pocket that in the bum bag. Okay, well then at this point, yeah, I'll just kind of hold her for a while longer, you know, and just kind of process that. And then, hey gang, let's gather around. Team meet up. Chip, I'm so sorry that you lost your wife again. Yeah, thanks, Elga. Barney trying to like, I don't know, cast any spells, like your healing spells or like.

I don't have, man. I feel like Chip would kind of sense that that's what he's trying to do, and he knows it's in good intentions, but I think maybe Chip would kind of back it down a little bit. It is okay, Barney. We know you would if you could. Yeah. Why don't, Barney, why don't you roll me a wisdom check? With pleasure.

I don't like the way you said that. I don't like that either. Cut that. I don't want to hear that again. I'm glad you said it too. Well, I didn't roll great. That was a 10 total. So, you know, you think about it and, you know, Chip kind of, you know, puts his hand on your shoulder expressing, you know, his desire. But then you realize that maybe your divine power would be better served assisting Louis, who's also laying there unconscious.

Oh. Oh. I forgot he was here. Yeah. He's in Lewis form? That's why I had you roll a wisdom check to see if you remember it. Yes, yes. I have a question while he's doing that. Poison's necrotic typically, right? There's various kinds. Do we know what type of poison is in injecting her? So you relate everything to them, right, Chip? Yeah, yeah. I basically just like very cold calculated, here's the facts, no emotions. Could I look at it and see if I recognize the sigil?

Yeah, but real fast to answer your previous question. In this specific case, there is necromancy magic involved with it.

So that's necrotic. Yeah, and then the necrotic would be necromancy. Okay. And then you wanted to see if you recognize the sigil? Yeah. Yeah, can I check too? Well, you're working on those, right? We'll deal with you and Louis here in a second. Then if you want, you can take a look at it after that, Barney. You take a look at the sigil as well that's in the magical belt, and you do recognize it, Elga. You recognize it as being the sigil of Vania, your homeland. Mm-hmm.

Chip, I promise I had nothing to do, but I recognize the sigil that's on Carol's belt. It's from Vania, where I'm from. Okay. But I did not put it

No, no, Elga. I didn't think you would have. You've seen my hands the whole time? Of course. No, this isn't your style. I know it's not you. It's much too subtle. Yeah. I like Elga's, you've seen my hands the whole time. I picture like a little kid holding their hands up. They clean. I have a question. Uh-huh. Help me remember, but you have to help me remember because I have perfect memory as a character. Okay.

John doesn't have the feet. Mateed has the feet. So Gus has to be the one to tell Mateed. That's true. Hello, Mateed. Bonjour. We were on the train before we detoured to Paris to Vania. Why were we on our way to Vania?

Or why were we? Someone said, maybe Weezer? It was Weezer with Vania. Yeah, we all met up. Yeah, you were going to Vania to try to follow on a lead to continue the investigation to go after, if I remember right, and correct me if I'm wrong, you were on the train to continue the investigation to follow potentially where Eddie might be.

might be. Okay, so it was just a latest whereabouts of Eddie. Correct. As far as I remember. Okay. Thank you. And I want to go back to Chris real fast because I did have him make that check. You, you know, you remember that Lewis is there and you think about possibly using some of your healing power to see if that could bring him back. But I want you to make, I'll let you choose either a medicine or an arcana check on that. Medicine.

That's 21. Nice. You think that your healing spells will not wake him. You need something more powerful and permanent to kind of counteract the curse afflicting his body. So he doesn't have a poison belt. He's just unconscious. He's just unconscious? Correct.

How did he go down again? You were not aware of that. When you found him, he was floating unconscious in the Hemogoblin. Oh, gotcha. Gotcha, gotcha. So can I see what, like, is he just unconscious? Like, is there anything else wrong with him? Like, what does he look like? Based on your medicine check, I'll say that it does seem like he's just unconscious, but you're not entirely sure why. You think, based on that medicine check, you think it has something to do with the curse that's affecting him. Could I...

I don't know if this is going to do anything at all. Could I attempt to suck the poison out of Carol? Ooh. Interesting. Yeah, that's interesting. Uh, yeah. How would we do that? I'll have you make a, I guess, a medicine check? How would you approach that? Because that's going to, optics-wise, not look the best.

Turn around for a second. Also, it is difficult. I do want to clarify. The belt is still, like, very much in your way. We have not been able to magically remove it. We can't take the belt off? That's what you said. It is... Magically attached. It is locked magically. Could Elga just look at the belt and see if she recognizes or not how it takes it off? Yeah, I mean, I just bring it up as, like, a point because I don't think anyone specifically said that they're really going to try to, you know, to mess with it. I mean, I'd absolutely try to take it off if I have the opportunity. I'll let...

Chip, try first then. Yeah, please. In that case, Elga, why don't you roll like an Arcana check to see if you're able to counteract the magic Sonic? No sleight of hand, huh?

Nat 20. Really? Nice. Nat 20, 24. 24. When it matters, you do it. He's not looking. Yeah, you're able to fudge around with it, and you figure out a way to unlock it. It seems very counterintuitive. It's not as straightforward. Chip is very much used to dealing with non-magical locks, picking locks and getting things open like that, so this is a little counterintuitive for you, but you are able to free it and get it off. Okay, and...

Does that do anything? I mean, now that I've stopped the feed of the necrotic poison? No, I mean, it wasn't still continuing to feed. It was like the syringes had already emptied themselves. So now it is free if Elga wanted to do that. Yeah, so could I just see where the punctures were and try to check the poison? Yeah, there are two small puncture wounds from the syringes. Like on her stomach? Her waist, yeah. Okay.

Medical assistance has arrived. Carol, everyone, please look away. I'm very embarrassed to do this, but I must try. Elga goes in and tries to suck the poison. All right, go ahead and make a constitution saving throw. And I am resistance to necrotic. Okay. 20.

Ooh. Nice. You know, you are able to extract some of the venom, and I assume, you know, you extract it and spit it out. Spit it out. And, you know, it leaves a very awful taste in your mouth, and it does make you feel a little dizzy, but you're able to, like, shake it off and maintain your composure. Is there anything I could identify about the taste of it? Yeah, I was going to say, you have to do this role play. Hey, Elga, have you, weird question, have you ever bit Eddie? Have I?

I don't think so. I don't think I have. Because I'm starting to think that this is definitely something to do with... Because he's green and Bane is... Well, it says, like, her Bane's turned green, yeah. Yeah. I have a question. I had John here with questions all the time. Hi, John. Long-time listener, first-time caller. Where are we?

Yeah, you're on the mountainside. Why are we on that mountain? Because if I recall, we were in the grotto-like area, the Talon headquarters with the tree and all that. And then end of combat, Carol went unconscious and we appeared unconsciously.

here or did I hear that wrong? So at the start of the last episode or at the end of the previous episode you all had lost consciousness and when you came to We lost consciousness and we came to. Right. You were on the side of the mountain and you began making you one of you I forget who found blood leading in the track up and then followed it up. So did we lose consciousness because of

Something Carol did? Oh, in the previous episode before. Yeah. Chirac cast a spell that had knocked everyone unconscious. Chirac, who was the one that was remaining in the circle of magic? No, she was the one that got banished, right? Yeah, she came back from banishment. Oh, I missed that entirely. Okay. So Chirac came, put us all into a spell, and we...

Became conscious in this mountainside. Unconscious. Oh, yeah, right. You regained consciousness on this mountainside. Correct. Okay, so playing off this, can we tell how much time has lapsed since the encounter with the... You can make a... I feel like I've been asking for a lot, but go ahead and make a wisdom. No, no, no. Make a survival check. Could I also assist that by doing a little bit of reconnaissance? Can Mati do some...

some flight and look and see like, where are we? Maybe even just see like, do I see parish parish or the hag place? Yeah. I rolled a three on survival talent headquarters. Yeah. Let me deal with Blaine while I'm doing that. Matide roll. We're throwing a lot at you today. Sorry. Perception check. I like these moments. I mean, this is a bummer, but we're like an investigation mode. We're like, now we got to figure out the next steps of our journey. And we have,

some leads. Did you roll three? You're not sure. You know that it's evening, but you're not sure if it's evening of the same day that previous combat happened or if it's the next day or even the day after that. Does Chip grow like stubble? He got a mustache. Can we tell how long has it been? Yeah. You bust out your yamford ruler and see how many millimeters the old mustache has grown. What?

One gray hair. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 16 for a perception check. You think that way far in the distance you may see the walls of Parish. Okay, so we are a distance away. Much further than we would have been if we had just come out straight up from Talon. Correct. Thank you. Let's huddle up, gang, because we've got to come up with some steps. Obviously, there's some holes in the memory, and, you know, we got some...

some crimes to solve. Obviously, we need to bring back Louis slash Alchemist. And I think based on the belt and what Elga said, we're going to have to go to...

Transylvania or something? We're going to have to go to Vania. I just don't know what to do with them. Is there anybody that we can call in for assistance? I got the cart to stay eyes. Do you think I should try messaging those? I always assume it was Carol talking to me. I think that's a worthwhile thing to try out. The cart to stay eyes were the letters that we write. He found pen and paper or writing utensils, writing materials in Carol? Is that what those were? Correct.

Do you want to check? Yeah, I mean... Is there anything discernible about the card just to tell that it's different than just regular paper? Yeah, you can see it has like a lot of calligraphy. Like it's very, very fancy paper. It's fancy. Yeah, I was going to say filigree, but that's not right. Paper wouldn't have filigree. That would be like gold on it. Yeah, like decorations on paper. So we don't know if the parchment she was carrying was the other... It doesn't seem like the same kind of paper. Then I would try Zucatis. Okay, Zucatis.

What kind of letter should I write? Because we don't know who holds the other end of this. I don't want to give away too much information. Have we actually done a check to see if she actually is in fact dead? Yeah. Is there? Yes. We have. Yeah. Okay. Worthwhile asking. It's a good question. What do you ask? Because what have you gotten? Hi, I'm good. How are you? Yeah. Who are you? Hi, how are you? Where are you at? You up?

Can we remember what messes we've gotten so far from the cartus? It was like, I'm amongst the dead. But that was the only one? That was like the most recent one I think that we got, which again, that led us to like, okay, well, Parrish is the land of the dead. Elga, do you have any notes in your little... It said the mail in his bag said, I'm amongst the dead now. Your little pocket pal. Oh!

Carol. He's awake. Didn't Carol give you a potion that said you might need something after this fight to gift you one of your friends? That's okay. Hold on. She did say that. I don't know this is Barney, but. I mean, you know this is Chris, right? I know this is Chris. Was that the thing that she put in that she didn't tell you what it is right away? Yeah. Yeah.

Do you want to try using it, Andre? The thing she put that you didn't notice was the silver pin that has the S around the sword. Right, but she did give me a vial of something. Yeah, a vial to... Make a wisdom check for me, Chip. Wisdom, not going to be good. Here we go. That's...

Could I look at it? Well, I'll tell you what. I mean, you do remember. Why don't you, you know, I assume you would pull out the bottle and look at it. And it has a label. And when you read the label, it reminds you of what Carol said. It says Hydian Cure. Hydian. Hydian Cure. Does Elga know what Hydian means? If I had to take a guess, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. So... Maybe we give this to Lewis. I mean, I...

Do you think... I think we give it to Luke. Does it say anything? On the nutritional information, does it say how many servings I've got here? It says one serving, and it has 75% of your RDA of sodium. Weird. Oh, jeez. That's salty. Electrolytes. Yikes. I mean, she did say one of our friends would need it.

Not her. I feel like it's probably Lewis then. Yeah, let's go give this to Lewis. Because, I mean, it's a separate thing from... But he's unconscious. Maybe it'll help. Yeah. No, no, no. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to uncork it. I'm going to lay Carol down. This entire time I've been sitting with Carol just like her head resting on my lap. I'll hold her for you now, Chip. Thank you, Elga. I'm going to walk over to Lewis and...

feed him the vial, hold up his head and just kind of drip him. That's the sound. There you go, Micah. You don't need to do the sound. Do a good like down. There you go.

Yeah, you pour the hide-and-cure down Louis's mouth and, you know, a lot of it dribbles out and kind of gets all over the place. But enough of it must enter his body because Louis begins transforming and shrinking back into a gray-haired robber who then slowly wakes up. Good morning. Oh, my God! Yes!

Micah's shaking his head. You know what? You're going to have to listen to that when you edit this podcast. Mateev would have been so startled by that. I think Mateev would have just kicked in that direction because I think that would have just been like, that's an enemy of clearly. That's a cursed sound. Yeah. Yeah. You know, Robert looks around and he has a very confused look on his face. Bonjour. Robert, we're on the side of the mountains near Parish.

We found Carol. She was a hag in disguise. She's passed away. So sorry, Chip. Do you think you can bring her back to life, Mr. Elkham? I don't know. I can certainly take a look. Well, please do. She had this poison belt, and Elga was able to identify that this is from Vania. Vania. Hmm.

Again, that's my-- I didn't do it. Just to clarify. -We know, Elgo. We know. -Another crime you didn't do. -The alchemist, you know, gets to his feet and, you know, before he goes over to look at it, he puts his hand on your shoulder, Chip. -You know, you can take solace in knowing that since Geralt's soul is connected to the Feywild, her soul will return to that plane in peace. It also means that in the day, her body will fade from this plane. -Oh, so we didn't have to bury it. -That's pretty metal.

Yeah. I just, I don't say anything back. I just let him just, you know, I don't know that Chip buys into a lot of the spiritual stuff. Sure. I just know he's just trying to make me feel better. Yeah. Like it's, it's all kind of bouncing off. Yeah. He removes his hand from Chip's shoulder and, you know, very slowly makes his way over. Just, it seems like maybe he's, he's, you know, he's got a sore hip, sore back. Slowly makes his way over and starts taking a look at the belt.

Certainly a Venom. Possibly vampiric in nature. A very curious device. I've never seen anything like this before. Well, we figured that it might have been remote controlled. Do you know who would want to do something like this? Also, do you see any correlation between this and Eddie? Because it kind of looks, you know, based on the green veins. It is definitely reminiscent of Eddie. I have to agree. So what's the play, Doc? What do we do? Well,

I think the first step is that we need to take care of Carol. Are you aware of any of her wishes? Is there any way you would like to remember her or something you would like to do to mark this place or occasion? I'll consider that. Well, she did want us to go complete her mission by finding sheath. Yeah. No, she did do that. Do you want to mark this ground, though? Her body's going to fade. Yeah, I feel like that would be something that Chip might want to handle separately, just kind of walk off and...

Fair enough. Yeah. Right before we depart. The alchemist is more trying to make sure you think about it. That, you know, he's making sure you have time to think about it and process it as opposed to like, hey, do this right now. Yeah. He just wants to make sure, you know, dealing with someone. We'll take care of that right before we leave. Understood. What about anybody else? Would anybody like to do anything?

I, well, one, I do, I don't have it prepared, but I have a spell called ceremony. I just don't know in the context of this world. It's going to fade, though. Yeah, I know. I'm just, I would offer that to, what does it do? I mean, I like, like, you know, I guess, well, shoot me straight, Robert. Like, is there anything that can be done? Because it doesn't seem like that's in the cards. No. No.

The call of the Feywild is very strong, and it cannot be easily overcome. I don't think there can be anything that can be done to stop that, at least not from this plane. You know, Chip, I just want to say there's a lot of crazy things that happen in this world. You know, Matide is dead, but with us. So who knows what could happen to Carol? You know, maybe she'd come back in different ways.

Yeah, you're right, Elga. Maybe you don't want me to do a funeral, right? You touch one corpse and for the next seven days the target can't become undead. I'll kill you. No, but that's like... Oh, oh, oh, oh. It prevents it from... Prevents it from someone like necromancy, bad necromancy take...

turning someone up from dead. Yeah, I mean, if her body's going to fade, go to the Feywild, then I don't know if that's a risk or something. I don't know. I just like, we've already done enough poking and prodding and like sucking blood venom.

I think Chip just kind of wants to let his wife rest. I think Mateed would like to do something. Okay, what's that? I think Mateed... No, I'm not going to do it because I can't make this kind of a sound, but Mateed would do a little song, like a little bird song. Something very melancholy and haunting as a ghostly bird could do. That sounds pretty cool. Yeah, and so that would be, I think, the closest thing Mateed could do to think of helping the situation. ♪

Hello, little stinkers. It's me, Barbara, talking to you in your ear holes. What's up? We wanted to give you guys a little update as to what is going on right now in the Stinky Universe. First up, for our first members, we have a very special live event happening on March 1st at 1 p.m. Central.

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It's going to be dropping over at If you guys watched our live stream, I was wearing it the whole time. It's one of my favorite shirts we've ever made. It's wonderful. And of course, we already have our GumGum shirt and our Kyborg shirt in the store, as well as a new Stinky Dragon dice tray. They are available right now at Go grab them before they sell out. They're beautiful. And finally, if you guys are feeling social, come on over and interact with us on the Rooster Teeth Discord.

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30 Morbid Minutes is a journey through the creepy, gruesome, and unexplained. Hosted by friends, comedians, and known weirdos Elise Willems and Jessica Basami, also friends of the show, 30 Morbid Minutes takes you inside cruise ship morgues and behind the scenes at body farms, back in time to Victorian England's obsession with death, and down a rabbit hole of alien conspiracy theories and celebrity death hoaxes.

You guys could subscribe to 30 Mormon Minutes now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts. And they have new episodes every Tuesday. Cannot say enough good things about 30 Mormon Minutes and the crew who works on the show. We love them. So go check them out. Nice. I like that. I like that a lot. Yeah. I would offer you an inspiration. I know you have one already.

I mean, are we before we start dealing with the, you know, Carol's body and what we need to do with that. Is there anything else that we need to investigate with the alchemist present? And like, what do we have to do? Like, what is our next step? I feel like Vania. I think we need to add Vania now. Can Barney look at the belt, see if he recognizes anything? Because he's pretty old. That's true. Make a wisdom check.

You have seen the sigil, you think, but you don't remember when. I've seen this. But you don't remember when. You hear the distant sound of a bird, and before long, you see a hideous bird with golden brown feathers, grayish bat wings, and a yellow-green lizard-like tail swoop down from the sky. The cockatrice swiftly dives for Chip. Chip, make an animal handling check. Get away!

Skipper, it's okay. No, it's not the time. He's just going to see his mama. 15. Yeah, you are correct. It is Skipper. That's your pet? Diving down. I forgot. I thought his pet was just a bird. That's the cockatrice. That's cockatrice. I know. I thought that was just a fancy word for like a cockatiel. How problematic would that be if I had my close friends, I was caging one of your brethren?

I mean, Aarakocranes are different than birds that are in the wild. You are? Oh. Yeah. Not a character I can see. But so I thought this was like attacking Chip.

No, no, no. You sound real good. Bad day. It's like an amalgamation of creatures. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I get it now. But yeah, so yeah, Skipper dives down from the sky and lands safely and very deftly on Chip's soldier. Soldier. Shoulder.

The strongest shoulders. Skipper nuzzles his beak against your face, and you notice he has four rolled up pieces of paper tied to his legs. Whoa. A newspaper, a note, and two letters. Okay. Let's crack them open. You haven't checked her mail in a while, Chip. Yeah, it's been a little busy looking for her. A couple episodes ago, didn't you ask your neighbor to get your mail and check on Skipper? Yeah, Sharon. Yeah. Yeah.

So you pull down all the papers? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll send it to you so you can read it. Oh, yeah. Might I have the crossword in the paper? I want to look at the comics. Vultures. Bonnie, do you want the obituaries? No. I...

I think that's a little inconsiderate considering the moment. Okay. I just feel like that's an old person thing where they just open their obituaries and just see, oh, Frank died. Oh, look, Carol. They're prompt. I feel like Chip has been handling all this stuff pretty privately, but if this is information that's going to help us solve the case, he feels like he's amongst friends, so he's going to share this with the rest of the group. So he'll read this out. Dear

Dear Chip, if you are receiving this letter then something has happened to me. No doubt you have learned the truth about me. It's true sweetheart. I'm a hag.

Like so many before me, I never knew my family. I was taken at a young age by hags. I was consumed by them and rebirthed as a haggling. However, the hags saw a potential in me, so I was groomed and trained like a witchy assassin from a young age. Thus, a new coven was born: Talon. As you know, during my tenure at Talon, I had a knack for clandestine work and crossed out many targets.

Once I met you, I put my killing days behind me. I changed my identity, procured a concoction from an infamous alchemist to change my appearance, and ran away with you. I thought that I succeeded. We lived years in utter bliss. But I was wrong. Not long ago, I was found. Not by Talon, but by a man representing a different organization. Sheath.

Society of Hidden Espionage Agents for Tactical Harmony. He warned me that Talon was hot on my trail and that I should let them find me. He wanted me to return to Talon to act as a double agent on their behalf so I could feed Sheath intel. But if you're reading this, it means that I need you to pick up where I left off. Sheath has been conducting a top secret mission of the utmost importance for weeks now.

Unfortunately, for security purposes, I cannot provide the details in this letter. But I've given you everything you need to find my handler. If anyone can find a target, it's Chip Haney. You have always been and will always be the best part of my life. Oh, I love you, sweetheart. Your wife and partner in crime, Carol Kino Haney.

Keynote. Keynote. I forgot. Sorry. It was a beautiful letter, and I just was reminded of Carol's beautiful middle name. I thought it was last name. That's a hyphenated last name. Oh, yeah. I'm hyphenating. Yeah, yeah. Thank you. Skipper also had, you know, like I mentioned, Skipper also had. That was the letter. Some other papers, right. And so there's two notes in a newspaper? There's also a letter to Elga. Oh. Elga, this one's addressed to you. Look at that. That doesn't make any sense.

Okay, let me take a look Hold on, let me unravel this paper There, Elga, that's me

Good start. It's been over a week since I last heard from you, my daughter. You were only meant to visit the Peace Parade and then return home to Vania. I worry for your safety, my child. Please take care and come home as soon as possible. Your father, Count Von Brath.

P.S. Remember to drink plenty of fluids. Don't forget to sharpen your axe every night. Oh, just like my daddy would tell me every night.

A little few weeks That we've been gone It hasn't been very long at all Yeah It's been action packed How would Elga's father Have gotten a letter To Skipper That's a good question Is a mystery What else You're gonna have to Ask him when you see him Okay What else do we got Does my dad know your wife

Dude, I am so lost. I have questions for the alchemist, but I want to continue reading all this stuff. Skipper also had a newspaper. Yeah. And there's a note pinned to the newspaper. It's a small note signed by Inspector Weezer. Okay. It says...

Too cold. No luck finding Eddie or infiltrating the ram spire. Urgent business has come up in Furlock. Please continue the investigation into Eddie and Vania.

I've provided an advance of your stipend. Ten gold pieces to each of you, and a current newspaper from the Atro Tribune. Good detectives keep their eyes and ears open. Keep up the good work, Inspector Carl Weezer.

Is that like a play on that they are coughs and we're cold? Did we make that dumb joke when we got deputized? That sounds like something dumb we would do. It does sound like something dumb you would do. Yep, that sounds like our flavor of idiocy. You all were deputized as the city official lawful detectives.

Did we come up with that or did my dumb brother come up with that? That was not us. He's sitting right here. That's classic dumb brother. Ain't the first time I've called him dummy going to be the last time. Hey, Micah, we're going to have words after this. Not just because of the cold thing, but because he killed my wife. What was the L again? Lawful. Lawful. This will be the last time you have to tell us because Barbara will write it down. All right, so then what's on the newspaper? He said it was like from Atro City. Yeah, it's the Atro Tribune. It's filled with news articles about the goings on in Grotev. Can we read it? Yeah.

Headline, atrocities in Atro City. I get it. There's civil unrest in the city. Many believe the Abrilians are to blame for the Wolfman's death. Curfew has been put in place for the safety of all citizens. Curfew? Does it say how early the curfew is? It says sunset. Well, we know the Abrilians didn't do it. Is it a curfew being enforced by a few coughs? Curfew, few coughs. Oh, gotcha. I was like, I don't get it. There's something I'm missing. Curfew.

So... Read more on page six. Elga turns to page six. There is no page six. Okay. What? I think that this has something to do with Ma and Pa, because I feel like the Area 15, the Abralians were always kind of pitted against everyone else for being so different. Yeah. And a lot of it had to do with, I think, their beliefs and how counter they were to the rest of the land. So someone has skin in this game, and they're trying to pit everyone against...

The Abrilians. Or no skin. Yeah, they are floating brains. I think Eddie has no skin. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's clever. Did Eddie have anything against the Abrilians? Eddie had something against... Everybody. Eddie had something against the...

The maw? Is that the thing that brought everything together? Yes, the maw and the paw, depending on what you believe. Yeah, sure, sure, sure. And Eddie was against maw? Eddie kept questioning other monsters about the officials about the maw. Something happened he did not like about them. Do we know what base, like, type Eddie is?

You know? What do you mean? Tiefling, human. Yeah, like race. Race. Oh, gosh. No, you're not sure. He looks so unusual. But he has green bangs. Right. Yeah, you can't place it. I didn't hear veins. I heard bangs. Green bangs. That was color. He went through a breakup. There was two letters, a newspaper clipping, and a note.

Lightning strikes twice. Okay. In a bizarre turn of events, famous scientists Dr. Frank and Stein Victor were evidently struck by lightning again. The two have fallen into a comatose state with no sign of waking up.

Frankenstein's right and left-hand man, Weigar, has temporarily stepped into leadership, vacuumed to carry the town through unforeseen tragedy. In other news, taxes have soared in Musketton. Man, taxes have soared in Musketton? Mm-hmm. It's keep coming. Why? Maybe because... Is that just a headline? No article? Because Weigar stepped into the leadership? Oh, yeah, because Weigar... Remember, he tried to give us a tax. Oh, wait, is Musketton where Weigar's at? Right. Okay, sorry, my brain... Yeah, it's the Volstax. That's the, uh...

Nice. It's a bold text. Yeah, it is. Yeah, you get one. Give yourself an inspiration. I'm alive kind of thing where that started. Right. Exactly. Okay. Sorry. My brain translated that to carcass soup. I was trying to figure out if you were moving into carcass soup, why they had text. It seems like stuff's going on everywhere. Is there any other information? Take extra care as a double full moon will illuminate the skies tonight. Oh.

Okay. What else do we got? Why was that interesting? Well, I don't know. We probably haven't experienced that before because it's only been a week, just over a week since this all began, right? Yeah. Is there any good news? No, that's about it. It seems like it's just the front page that was sent along and, you know, the further pages aren't there, which is why when Elga looked for page six, it wasn't.

What's the weather going to be like today? Mostly clear skies. Oh, that's nice. Is there any other thing we haven't read yet? Because we had the two notes, the newspaper, and wasn't there one other thing? Mostly clear skies. Where's our chance of revenge? It was the note from Weezer. The note from Weezer. Gotcha. And what is the note from Weezer? Can you read that one more time? Too cold.

No luck finding Eddie or infiltrating the Vamp Spire. Urgent business has come up in Fomalhawk. Please continue the investigation into Eddie and Vania. What do we know about the Vamp Spire? Was he invest-- Why was he investing in the Vamp Spire? I don't know if he told you.

I think he was saying that we were going to divide and conquer. He was heading to, we were all collectively heading to Vania. He continued on when we had to go chase Stinker. Correct. I know. Good memory. It's a good job. You can have inspiration. So engaged with the story. Elga, you know. Rich storytelling. You know the Vamspire is where you're from. Vamspire? Vamspire.

Spires and like the castle spire. Do I remember where I'm from? This is about Elga right now, Bart. Elga time. I'm going to say no, that we've had little flashes, but nothing definitive that you've identified yet. And he said he was going to go. He's giving up on Vania, but he's going to another land. Faunalog. Faunalog. What do we know about Faunalog? Make a wisdom check. I'm going to do one too, because I want to know. Please. That was my question I was going to ask. 15.

That's an eight. Oh, that's a... So, 23. Normally, Matita's good wisdom checks. I did. I rolled a wisdom check about five minutes ago for something else we didn't use, and I rolled a 19. And Nat, 20 for 25. There we go. Oh. All right, getting some good ones in there. You know that...

Fauna Locke is near the center of Groteth, and it's near a body of water, and it's filled with people... Oh, the Snessy! ...who are very religious. The Snessy, the Loch Ness Monster, is one of the peoples in charge of this place. You know, I would have thought that, like...

Vania would have been like the final boss fight plays. I didn't think. I feel like after Vania, we're going to go to Fauna Lock. What are you talking about final boss? Do you think this is a game or something? Quick question. I just died. What's wrong with you? I know you should be in running. I'm in running. I'm in running. I'm upset. I think you're in shock. Do you need a problem? Do you need a moment? Okay. Well, we know. He's screaming. Resetting meta. We kind of know that we need to go to Vania, obviously. The Weezer basically confirmed it. Yeah.

Lewis slash Robert is awake. I have questions for him, but I'm going to do it away from Carol. I think in the meantime, like maybe Chip is going to go take care of Carol and then we can all depart. Let's do that. Yeah. Okay. Chip picks up Carol's body, takes her to far away from the rest of the group, finds the prettiest tree he can, a restaurant that sits with her a while. Not much words are spoken. He just takes a moment and then...

makes sure she looks comfortable, and then he leaves. As you stand to leave, a small ball of light emerges from Carol's chest, and her body slowly dissolves into sparkling green dust. And after a moment, the ball of light fades away from V. All right, well, Chip enjoys that moment, kind of takes in the scenery, takes a couple of deep breaths, and continues to do his group. Okay, guys, now nobody say anything in a loud voice to ruin the moment with Chip, okay?

I know some of you are tempted to do this at some point, but none of you do it, okay? I have a genuine question. Did Carol have something like the blurble blade? Like the arm blade of blurbling? No, she had a dagger, but that was it. I had already searched her and kind of got

So you've got the dagger? She had a dagger when you saw her in Talon headquarters. That dagger was not on her body when you searched it after she came out of hemoglobin. Yeah, I don't suspect I'm going to get any loot off of Carol. No, no, no. I had different intentions, but this is interesting that the dagger's not there. So Chip walks back quietly to the group, pulls out his arm blade, and holds it up to Robert's neck and says, why didn't you tell me about this? You'd been working with her. You gave her a disguise. You didn't tell me about any of this.

That's my wife!

But like genuinely like, like Chip is like, you knew so much that you could have told me and you're, and I find out in a posthumous letter. Carol probably kept him to a secrecy and he was, he was following her wishes. Probably for your own safety, Chip. I understand your anger. I'm with Chip. I apologize. I did nothing out of ill will or had any intention to mislead you. Her decision to do what she would with the information was...

Hers, not mine. If you have any other information, now would be the time to share it. I am not messing around, Robert. I have no knowledge of this device. What's attached to her waist? I think our next step is to investigate this. You didn't know it was on it? No, I had nothing to do with this device. And you've never seen anything like it? No. Do you recognize the sigil? Well, the sigil is from Vania.

Wow. We had a long rest not too long ago, but so are we doing okay? I wouldn't mind a long rest, sure.

so I could get a certain ability back. Yeah, okay. Oh, that's right. That's right. We pushed a lot of buttons in the last episode to try out new abilities. Oh, right. Chip is going to holster the arm blade, let Robert go. He's going to step away and say, let's just take a long rest. May I make a suggestion? Go ahead, Barney. Let me make a hut.

A tiny one. Wait, wait, wait. She was smiling as you said that. Let me read the tiny hunt.

We've heard about your tiny...

Effects can't extend through the dome and be cast through it. The atmosphere inside the dome is comfortable and dry regardless of the weather. So it is genuinely a spell to cast for a secure place to spend the night. Or to catch yourself if you're falling from the sky. No, it is not. I said what it is meant for is what I said. Tiny dome. Okay. That sounds cool. Let's take a long rest in that. I'm going to make a tiny hut. Thank you, Barney. It's like a one-minute casting time? I can do it as a ritual also, but yeah, it's one minute.

I also imagine if it's not in combat, it's not. Yeah. Yeah, I was just curious. Like, it wasn't, like, an hour. Yeah, yeah. I knew it was, like, normal than a... It wasn't just an action. Like, it did take a while. Yeah, it's one minute. But, yeah, if it's a ritual, it's ten minutes, I think, right? Yeah, but, I mean, we're not... I can just cast it because then I'll get my spell spots back. Okay. Yeah.

So you all decide to camp for the night. We do now. Do all you need to sleep or who sleeps? Who doesn't sleep? I don't sleep. I think regardless, Chip is just going to eat. He doesn't need to take a long rest. He's going to. He went through a lot today. I'm going to take a long rest. Barney? Yeah, I'm going to take a long rest and I'm let. Barney will let stinkers come hang out.

Do you cuddle stinker? No. That's cute. I love cuddle. It's not cuddling. Look, he's whining. He wants to cuddle. He's just not shooing him away or anything. Let him onto the cot. Let him onto the cot. That's a big sign of affection from a grumpy old man like Barney. Yeah, that's true. I can relate. So y'all take your long rest. During that time, I teach Gigi about all the different kinds of flowers. Ooh. What?

What kinds? Like how? There's wheat flour. Oh, I thought you meant... Oh, I thought you meant... There's almond flour and... I thought W-E-R. Another type of flour wizard. Not fleur, flour. Fleur. Fleur. What about oval nuts? There's oval nut flour. Oval nuts! I had oval nuts in my inventory. We should eat some. So you all take your long rest. And, you know, as you're relaxing, Barney, where are you? You don't recognize this place. What? You're like...

See a city of shadows with a tall black spire in the center. You spot two adult humanoids talking to each other. Maybe they know where you are? Hello? Can I get an approach to them? Yeah. You want to approach and try to talk to them? Yeah. Hi, I'm Barney. I seem to have lost myself. Where is this? Make a... Let's call it a... Just make a charisma check.

That's so great. That's a six. Six. That's about par for a Barney. It seems like the two people are entirely preoccupied and they don't pay you any mind. It's almost like they can't hear you. Hello? Okay, what do they look like now that I'm closer? It's hard to pick up. The female's back is to you. All you can see is her black hair, but the male has a fanciful face with pale skin and blonde curly hair.

He's wearing a tailored black suit with matching hat and sporting a fancy red necktie. Do you have your yarn? Your yarn? How do I remember your lore better than you do? Just wander up to people and talk to them while pulling yarn? Well, that's whenever I'm... That's just to pass the time. I'm trying to figure out where I am. Excuse me! It's rude to ignore people! Can I, like...

The two people you know

It's one male, the other female. It appears like they're arguing, they're in a heated debate. But it's hard to make out their words, it's like they're muffled. It's not the hour?

It's not ours? Why don't you roll me a history check with advantage, Barney? She teeth? You sure you don't want double advantage? Because that's a five and a six, Gus. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I know you're trying to deliver information. You gave me advantage. I have an inspiration dice. I can use it. You want me to use my inspiration? That's up to you. All of a sudden, Chip appears here and rolls your charisma checks for you. I'll do it. Ha ha ha!

I feel like you wanted me to It might be like a perception check that chip was doing that he had to do is lucky a few times Yeah, good one. You could find out that you know any number of things here it is. This is your landlord perhaps

Worth it. You think you've met this person before, but it seems like a lifetime ago. The man or the woman? The man. You can't see the female space. How are my feelings towards them? You know, you might not remember them, but you have an emotional... Yeah, you try to think about your feelings to them, but then everything goes dark.

Oh. And you said the guy had blonde hair in a suit? Pale. Yeah, a tailored black suit. That's it, Barney. That's the end.

R.I.P. Bernie died? Guys, guys, Bernie won't wake up. Oh, God. I feel that's what it is. Old man asleep and that's it. Scary. It is in front of a big tower, spire, tower. He found it. What's the word? Spire. Yeah, tall black spire. I feel like we're going to one of those. Yeah. That's like the way you did that was like going down the books and you missed all the books. Then you got to the right one, but kept going. Tire, fire, fire.

Fire? Wire? Yeah, like you got there and then just kept going. And it was the wrong hour is what I thought they said. It's not the hour. Or it's not hours. You couldn't tell what they were saying. And so Gus said that's what it sounded like. Or it seemed like, yeah. Question. You said that Elgo was from Vampspire. Vampspire, yeah. That's in Vania? Correct. Can we define that? So is Vania like a county or a state in Vampire's... So Vania is the village.

Vania's the village. Correct. And Vamspire is within Vania. Like it's a building, a neighborhood, a development? Yeah, it's like a building. Okay. Was that a memory or was that a premonition? I don't know. I don't think he's going to give you much else. We're going to have to figure that out. Chip, you feel soft blades of freshly mown grass beneath your toes. Stabs. Soft blades! That sentence went a different direction. This is my dream, huh? Yeah. Okay.

Okay, well, let's take a look at that note. Oh, it's your own handwriting, Chip. It's a simple poem meant for Carol that reads...

Oh, you're going to make me write the note right here? Yeah, sure. A poem? Yeah. It's just a simple, it's a short poem. Just like something that, you know, Chip came up with and scribbled it down. It's for training purposes to get, you know, Skipper to carry stuff. Right, right. But I do want an iambic pentameter. What is that? It's Shakespeare.

I thought you said it shakes beer. Which is why I was confused. Context clues. You are not the person that context clues from. I know. You are the antithesis of context clues. Okay, this is like a bit of a snarky one. The sky is blue and I am violet. I'll see you

In our bedroom, in private. It's like, it's a little cheeky. It's a little cheesy, yeah. This is for, that was for Carol? It's not for you, Barney. Sorry, I just thought, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's kind of like, hey, you know. It's like a training thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. After you read it, you know, you look back at Skipper and Skipper seems distracted. His head is turned back toward the house, almost like he hears something that you don't. I'm going to go check it out. Yeah.

stealthfully. Oh, stealthfully. So you like sneak up to like a window or you sneak back inside. What do you mean? So at this point, we've both given up. We're together. So like, I don't know. I still have this like assassin instinct. So I'm going to just kind of like quietly approach. Not like full blown, like lurking, but just like, you know, soft footsteps and hiding around corners. Yeah. Why don't you make a stealth check? Okay. Wow. Back when Carol was alive. How fun.

Wish I could get more of that in this show. I have advantage. You're having it right now. I have advantage on stealth. That's a 13 and a 13. My rules are always the same. I mean, you had a good one for when it mattered. That's true. You sneak up to a window and, you know, try to like,

peer in and see what you can see and, you know, what you can hear. And you see that Carol is talking in hushed tones to someone else inside the house. It's hard to make out what they're saying though. And you notice the man hands Carol something small, but it definitely flashed in the light as if shiny.

Is it the pin from the sheath? It could be. It seems like it's a very similar size. What does the man look like? It's hard to see him. The drapes are blocking him a bit. You only get little bits and pieces of his look. Okay. But you do notice that Carol is not meeting his gaze. She's looking down at her feet.

and the other person does have their back to you, but it does seem like they're large in a blue coat with a high collar. I feel like as soon as I make a move to go into the house, my dream is going to go out in the dark. I'm going to go in and investigate.

She seems troubled. I don't think that she's doing anything wrong, but I feel like this guy is making her feel like something is wrong. How do you, what do you mean you go in? Like, how do you want to approach it? Don't you open windows in the house? That's what he's looking at, right? Yeah, you're looking in one of the windows right now. Is it open? Yeah, I'll crack it open. Hey, guys, how's it going? Carol looks at you rather shocked. Oh, goodness. I thought that you were waiting outside.

Just checking if you're doing okay, honey bunny. Oh, yes. Everything's fine. Can I perceive if she's lying? You make an insight check. All right. Oh, 18. You get the feeling that she's nervous. Hey, big fella, can I get you anything to drink? He starts to turn around to address you and everything goes down. Okay.

He's at large wearing a blue coat with a high collar. Yeah. Yeah. Alchemist got a coat. Alchemist got a gray coat. It's a gray. Gray suit. Correct. Gray suit. Oh, there's no way that I can. Sure it's not like an orange suit. Orange?

What, you think like Dumb and Dumber? Did I see a head or anything like that? The collar was very high, so it was hard to make out. But you did see a little bit of like the top of a head. And when you say large, is that D&D large or just like big tall guy? It's a large man. A large person. So still like a medium-sized person.

Humanoid, but large for that. I'm not trying to milk details out of this, but I do think it would be in character for Chip to really take in a lot of what this guy's looks like, like down to like shoe size, specific height, hair color. Do I get any of that stuff? Because this is like, that's not how dreams work, man. It's all weird. You see like very full, thick,

Dark hair. Very full, thick, dark hair. Black hair. Okay. And feet say size, it's a large person. Big shoes. Size 14. Eddie's bald, right? Yes. Okay. Okay. Matee, there's a crack. Thunder roars overhead. Ka-chum. Your feathers are soaked from the incessant storm. But this is what you signed up for. The mission comes first.

You peer down from your rooftop perch to see if the coast is clear before you try to sneak in through the window. Go and roll me a perception check. Are you a spy? Are we like each other? Are you like me for real for real? 17. You see a brawny man around the corner and stop just below you right outside the window. They look huge like they can handle themselves, but you notice an itch in their step. I go for the leg. Ooh, go ahead and make, um, we'll call it like an unarmed strike.

16. Yeah, that connects. Go ahead and roll damage. Six. You hit the large person. You said you went for the legs, right? Yeah. Yeah, and it kind of knocks him off balance. He's big, so he doesn't totally fall down, but he definitely, like, you know, when your knee kind of goes out and you, like, stumble a little bit. I do another attack. Oh, okay. If he's come down, I go for the head. Okay. Dead leg. I'm David Fincher Sherlocking. This is what I'm doing. Mm-hmm.

Did David Fincher do Sherlock? Yeah. He did? Wow. Sorry, Guy Ritchie. Guy Ritchie. Okay, there you go. I was like, that is... Guy Ritchie. 23. Oh, that hits. That one only did five. Okay. The large person gets hit in the head and, you know, covers their face a little bit at the sight of impact and begins yelling out in a rather barbaric voice. Bad bird. Bad bird. And tries to grapple you. Is this done? Do I have time to react to the grapple? Yeah. Okay. Okay.

I want to do Ethereal Phase. Ooh, what does that do? It makes me intangible. Are they a ghost at this point? Oh, can I? That's a good question. That's actually a very good question. This could be from life. You attempt to, you know, Ethereal Phase, but the person, this large man, still puts their hands right on you. Oh. It's not, you know, they're, I rolled poorly, so from a metagame perspective. So they try to grapple you, but they're unable to firmly get a hand on you. Are we indoors? No, you're outside.

You're up by a window. This is your John Wick moment. And it's night? Yes. Could I grapple them and fly up? Yeah, sure. Go ahead and make a grapple check, and I'm going to oppose it. I didn't make you oppose it because I rolled a six, which is terrible. Do we get a physical description of this person? Large. Just large. Yeah, it's dark. It's hard to see. Hey, it's me, Dream Ship. Does he have dark hair and a blue coat? Mm-hmm.

That's a 10. So I'm going to reroll that and get a 23.

That's a huge person, though. Yes, it is. Twelve. Yeah, you did better than me. You know, you grab onto the person, and you said you were going to start flying up? Yes. As you, you know, grapple them and begin flying up, you hear a loud crash, and a body is thrust through the window and lands with a thud on the wet pavement. He strains to breathe as he looks up at you. His body's emaciated and skin tight. Something small and silver flashes in his hand. Maybe a pin? He's not...

what he seems. This is his world. A sharp pain sears from your neck down through your body. Your veins throb a sickly green color and you feel your life force being drained from your body. The world around you goes fuzzy and the last thing you see are two fangs dripping above a blood red necktie.

We just witnessed Mateed's death. Go ahead and make a perception check, Mateed. This was a separate person. I was grappling somebody and a separate person came through. Oh, interesting. He said the two fangs were dripping something about the necktie? Dripping above a blood red necktie. Blood red necktie. 24 on perception check. Without a doubt, you're immersed in a warm liquid and you've been here before. You're even able to make out other figures floating in the same fluid with you. Many of them seem similar.

A shadow eclipses you from above. You see watery silhouettes walking around just beyond the surface. They look like people. One of them stops and seems to look down at you. Oh, the person says that? Yeah. Is this your tomb? Oh man, I don't even know what it would do. Where am I? You try to speak, but it comes out as gurgles. I'm sorry, I can't understand you, but don't worry, it's almost time. And with that, everything goes white.

That's when Mateed went to hell. And they could not handle me, so they sent me back. We're in the bad place. Elga, what's that sound? You tell me. It's like a whimpering beast. The door's slightly ajar, and you can peek inside.

I peek inside. Roll a perception check with advantage. I ignore it. With advantage? Yeah. 18. Did you scoff at an 18? No, because my second roll was a 1. Oh, oh, oh. So I'm glad I got the 18. The wind rattles the window panes. The room's almost enveloped in shadows. The whimpering seems to be coming from the corner.

Amongst cascading shadows across the room, you spot a moonlit petite bed in the corner and hear whimpering coming from beneath the blanket. And you might actually get a closer look and see a young girl with dark features and jet black hair. It's your sister, Avena. She must be dreaming. Uh, okay. Could I tell if this is a memory or if it's like current events? Like, does this seem familiar to Elga? Or a vision of the future? Why don't you, uh, pinch yourself? I pinch myself. Ow! You take one point of damage.

And I'm free. That was just for us. Roll your, do you have a top? A little. Oh, my inception. Two piercing blue eyes bolt open and stare straight at you. With lightning speed, the little figure lunges from the bed in the corner onto the ceiling and quickly crawls along it like a spider heading straight for you. And this is not my sister. This was the person you saw as your sister. But you said that she had dark features and jet black hair and then something.

Two blue eyes open? Yeah, two piercing blue eyes bolt open and stare straight at you. It's her eyes. Yes. Okay, and she jumps onto the ceiling. She's got like Exorcist girl on the ceiling. Um, this doesn't seem like it's really happening. I don't know if I've ever seen you do this, Evina. Maybe you should come down from there? Make a persuasion check.

14? Rather than her coming down, suddenly the rune spins around and you feel yourself fall upwards onto the ceiling. Okay, this is fun! Make a dexterity saving throw. Thank gosh. Ooh, six. The change in orientation is too much for you, so you fall prone onto the ceiling and you take two points of bludgeoning damage.

I'm in a long rest right now. What's happening? I'm going to wake up with less hit points than I started with. The little girl lunges at you with her mouth wide open as if ready to chomp. Whoa. But it makes no sense. She's not a vampire. And with a chomp, you feel her teeth sink into your arm and your mind begins to spin much like the room. See you soon, sister.

Everything goes black and you suddenly wake up lying on the ground amongst your party members once more. Hey, Barney, we're never staying in this hut again. That was the worst I've ever gotten. Is it taunting? Ow. You feel a shooting pain in your arm and your head and you look down and see two fresh teeth marks in your arm. Whoa. Okay, so there are not really three

Something that I dreamed about. In fact, you feel like a little bit of life has drained from your body. Your total hit point maximum drops by five hit points. What? Maximum? Yeah. Is that permanent?

For now. Okay. If you guys could stop, like, goofing about, just let us have a happy day. Can we go to, like, you know, Hex Flags or something? What's the grotesque version of a happy place? I like the day that I had recently where I got a new kitty. That was a nice day. That was a nice day. That was a nice day. I think, yeah, no, no one died that day. Yeah, yeah. Everyone in my dream was so rude.

There was this dark-haired woman and then this man with a tailored black suit and a red tie and blonde hair. He just completely ignored me. Big man, big blue jacket, black dark hair, talking to my wife. I don't know why he's giving her a pin. My sister bit me. Mateed? I think I had a dream of how I died. Oh, that's way bigger than any of our dreams, I think. That's kind of a big deal. How old are you, Ty?

do you die, Matit? I think I might have been poisoned the same way as Carol. I did not do it. No, it was there was that figure as well in my dream. He had a red necktie. Was he also ignoring you rudely? No, actually his attention was quite on me. Quite a lot. Robert, did you have any stupid dreams? If Robert's dead, I'm okay with that. Okay.

Blaine's track record of hating all of our NPCs keeps going. Specifically the ones that Blizz voices. Well, no, Ben. Ben voices another one. Yeah, that's true. Robert's still asleep. Is he seen? No, he's Louis. Oh, no, he's Robert now. Is he in restful sleep? It's like a dog, you know, kicking their leg. Oh, that's nice. I don't know if you're going to let me do it. Can I put some more of that purple liquid on him?

Do you still have some? Well, I bought, I don't know. I bottled it. Was it a one use thing or did I have enough? You only bought one, right? I didn't buy it. I bottled it up at that cave or whatever. How many bottles did you have?

I think 14. I want to say 14. I think I only said the one, so I guess it's gone. That was the dream sharing liquid? Yeah. I wasted it. Chip, you find the silver pin that Carol gave you with an S wrapped around the scabbard. The pin shimmers across your eyes and you hear a sword unsheathed. You feel a new memory pop into your head.

Find out what that memory is on the next episode of Tales from the Stinky Dragoon. We were getting into so much lore. Turns out Carol is alive the whole time and everyone lived happily ever after. It was all a dream. It was all a dream. We don't know. What's a dream anymore? Keep telling yourself that. My hut did not work. Nope. We hate your hut. It was great. Y'all got a long rest. Y'all feel great. Chip goes against his firefighting ways and lights the hut on fire. With the alchemist inside.

Well, there's no emergency exit, right? Chip would be very concerned about that. Did you guys know that you could directly support the show by subscribing at slash first and become a first member? Yes, you can. And some of our amazing little stinkers, a.k.a. our first members, we want to shout out this episode, are ChevalrousPig12,

Gabe up in your head. We got cryptid collection, L the dragon and creative underscore Oh six. Thank you guys so much for supporting the show and being first members. These guys are directly supporting the show and they also get access to more great content like second wind and

interact with us on our subscriber-only Discord channels and events, and so much more, including getting an ad-free experience. Again, that's slash first. We cannot thank you guys enough for your support that lets us make this show. We also want to give a quick shout-out to some friends that voiced some characters this episode. We have The Alchemist, voiced by BlizzBear, at BlizzBear on social media. We have KKMD,

Carol Kino Haney, voiced by Laurel Rothamil, who is at Laurel Rothamil on social media. Count Von Breath, voiced by the wonderful Trevor Collins at Unwanted.

underscore Trevor C on social media. And finally, Avena Von Brath, voiced by Kristen Nelson, who is at Kristen Allen on social media. Thank you guys so much for lending your wonderful voices to our show. The Stinky Dragon channel is managed by Ben Ernst. This episode of Tales from the Stinky Dragon was produced by Kai Cooke.

written, edited, and composed by Micah Reisinger with additional editing work by David Saunier. Head over to for all things stinky and tune in next time for another thrilling episode of Tales from the Stinky Dragon. I'm back from the markets. Honey, do you mind helping me unload? A little early for a nap, sweetheart, don't you think? Did you really think that you could hide from us? You know we're always

Connected. No illusions can conceal your true nature to us. Besides, you have work to do. Talon isn't finished with you. The infamous killer, Karol Kino. Or is it Shivy? I always get those two mixed up. What do you want? Word is, you're the assassin that can handle any hit, no matter what the stakes.

Well, let me tell you, the stakes couldn't be higher, my dear. Wouldn't you agree, Chip? Stop. I'll do whatever you want. Just don't hurt him. Ooh, that's splendid news! See, ladies? I told you we'd all be fast friends. So who's your target?

Let's just say I've been meaning to discuss some rather grave issues with our clan leaders, starting with Lorenza Wolfman. Oh, that reminds me. Since we're friends and all, I brought you a gift. I had it handmade just for you. Call it an insurance policy. In case you change your mind when the time comes, this little belt will help us keep an eye on you and let us know if you're coloring outside the lines.

Who are you? Of course! How rude of me! You can call me... Eddie!