cover of episode [Second Wind] C01 BONUS - Ep. 01 - Infinight Infirms - Return of the Infinights!

[Second Wind] C01 BONUS - Ep. 01 - Infinight Infirms - Return of the Infinights!

Publish Date: 2023/10/24
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Tales from the Stinky Dragon


Shownotes Transcript

Hey, stinkers. This is a special release just for you. Second Wind is a special bonus show that first subscribers get access to. We talk about the episode, character choices, and give you a more behind-the-scenes peek at what's going on in the Stinky Dragon world. If you want to catch up on all the previous Second Winds, you can sign up to be a first member at slash first and catch up on everything you missed.

Blurb-a-gobbler, everyone, and welcome to Second Wind, our bonus show just for you extra stinkers out there. We're here to hang out, talk about the show, just vibe, maybe roll some dice. Roll a d20. What do you got? Do we ever? Oh, gosh. Eleven. I don't have it prepared. I got real dice. I got a seven. Ooh.

Micah? 15. 15. Micah wins the roll-off. I love how Micah has a keyboard and a keyboard. Yeah. He's got his computer. Gotta be ready to compose at a moment's notice. Speaking of dice...

I might as well go ahead if it hasn't been made clear quite yet. I'm not sure when we're releasing them, but we actually are working on another set of Stinky Dragon dice just to let you guys know. They are so pretty. Yeah, we're theming these one after Groteth. And so while the first one was our like, you know, infinites, you know, Stinky Dragon green and gold, this one's got some Groteth vibes to it. So a little spookier, a little more gothic vibes.

um very excited about that and uh we'll have more info on that soon um but uh we should probably introduce ourselves oh yeah far into in case you don't know i'm john reisinger i play uh mud bramblecrack or metis confuses um in the show i like how it's an or

Well, I mean, we're doing Infinites this episode. I know. This is an Infinite bonus show. But I'm Barbara Dunkelman, and I play Bart in the Infinite campaign and Elga Von Brath in the Roteth campaign. And then lastly, we have a special guest. Micah Reisinger. I write the show. I help edit the show with David, and I make music for the show.

Have we like, I don't know if we've ever like made it very clear, like what everyone is contributing to the show, like on a roles level. I, I say this only because I, I want to make it very clear. Uh, this show is not made by a, like a, uh,

cacophony of people in the background, like a huge team of support. It is genuinely like made and performed by mostly everyone who you see in the show or hear in the show. And so that's it. Yep. Yeah. We, you know, we've got the cast of us that you see in every episode of the, of the four of us plus Gus. And then Micah made it very clear what his roles are with the show and everything like that. We also have 15.

Yeah, you got a 15. Very good. Very appropriate. We also have David, who is our associate producer slash audio editor slash social manager and that kind of thing. He is very...

very kind to take on many hats in order to help make sure he's the zero and ones yeah yeah yeah he he pushes all the buttons and keeps things posted and updated and everything like that um and then we have ben who is our producer um and ben is uh ben's doing

Everything in between. I got to be honest. He is the DM behind the DM with Micah, helping with questions about Dungeons & Dragons rules while we're recording. He's also... Breath of knowledge. Yeah, he's running the cameras while we're doing Second Wind. He's coordinating with anybody who's working on our...

website at stinky dragon and making sure that looks all pretty and everything like that. Our merchandise. He's coordinating with that with myself and everything like that. And then he's also, he's, he's, he's everything behind the scenes, uh,

um i just want to make that clear like that's small and mighty yeah that's that's that's basically our stinky dragon uh team um and uh and i i think i love that uh everybody is um contributing i mean like you know blaine and chris uh have been uh directing and writing stinky dragon adventures um

and helping with that kind of stuff. Barbara serves as lead puppeteer on set for Stinky Dragon Adventures. I go see them all the time in the office, and I just see them having these sock puppets, and they're just talking to each other. We're not even rolling cameras. It's so weird. They're just doing that kind of thing. I call it method. I don't understand. Yeah.

It's been really fun. We've been hard at work on that show, the Stinky Dragon Adventures, which is our full-length puppet show, which I know a lot of people watching this podcast and hopefully this bonus show might have found our podcast through the puppet videos we've been making on social, which are just clips directly from the podcast.

But the show is going to be full length puppet shows of like adapted stories from the first campaign. So there's going to be, you know, familiar characters, new characters, new kind of plot lines, but all in the same kind of universe and like just adapted essentially from the wonderful writings of Micah. Yeah. There's you! What?

And not to put a plug inside of a plug, but if you want to see some BTS stuff, you guys as first members, you have access to our Discord and specifically our first only Discord channel. We're posting stuff in there. We're also posting stuff in the BTS channel. But I highly recommend you go in there because they're posting...

uh, photos, they're posting videos. I saw people on the sub Reddit were excited because Barbara, you went live on Instagram and, uh, we're showing people like a tour of the show and you, uh,

You let people see a special new character. You gave a little bit of a sneak peek to a new character that appears in Sneaky Dragon Adventures. Yeah. I saw some speculation of people talking about who that character might be. But a lot of the speculation was of characters that were in the first campaign of who that might be. Yeah.

Some characters you see might be brand new ones written for the show, I'm just gonna say. But yeah, I'm really excited for people to see it. It's a huge labor of love. The entire crew for that show is like seven people total. You know, you have Blaine and Chris directing, you have me doing puppeteering.

Cody Hawkins on lighting and gaffing and also puppeteering. You got Cameron Pester on camera, who's just a fantastic DP. Ashley Jones, who's essentially like our set PA. She does like everything, gets us lunch and runs the slate and all that jazz. And then Marla, who is our producer.

I think that's it. Am I missing someone? You got Ash. Ash, of course. Oh my gosh. Ash Schmidt, who is our art director for the show. So like anything that you see visually. Yeah. And of course, Patty Reisinger, who's made all of our amazing little puppets. I think I've heard of her. Have I told you guys about the conversation I had to have with my kid about a request for their grandma? Did I tell you guys about this? I think I know this, yeah. So...

Before my mom was making dolls for Stinky Dragon as gifts... Was there ever a time? Since the day you were born. She's always been crafting. I can at least say that. Little dolls of each of you throughout each year of your life. Yeah, my mom has always been crafting and has always been doing all kinds of different kinds of crafts.

But before she was doing dolls for the show, she was making dolls often for the family as well as especially my kids. I'm her favorite son because I'm the only child that gave her grandchildren so far. She told me different things.

And so she told me that I was her favorite. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That tracks. Um, so she's been making that kind of stuff. So often my kids on their birthdays and Christmas, they can expect, or even just a visit, um, from Mimi. Um, they would get toys. And so, uh, recently me and my kids, we've been watching a lot of blue eats. One of our favorite shows, especially me and my youngest. Um, there you go. Um, and, uh,

My youngest was like, "Oh man, we should ask Mimi to make some Bluey dolls." And I was like, "That's a great idea!" And then like a week later, my kid asked me, he's like, "Oh, did you ask Mimi to do this?" And I realized during that time, I was like,

Mimi's busy. Because we had just commissioned my mom to make a myriad of new puppets for Stinky Dragon Adventures. And so I had to tell my kids, Mimi can't make you dolls right now because Mimi's working. Mimi's pumping. Mimi's a doll-making machine right now trying to make all these new dolls for the show. And so once Stinky Dragon Adventures wraps, then we can go back to Mimi and ask Mimi to make you toys. I agree.

Mimi is going to have to do some serious repairs on all the boys after the show is done because they are getting put through the ringer with this show. They're so well-crafted and so well-made, but boy, were they not designed to be manhandled by our team.

Well, I think that's... I don't know if we've made that clear. I'm going to make that clear right now. They were not intended to be puppets for video production. They were genuinely just these gifts that my mom sent to everybody because...

I think Stinky Dragon might be the first like production I've ever been participating in where my family can fully enjoy watching it because it's not only is it very fun and very well made but it's also like a little bit more family friendly which is more of their vibe and

And so our entire family, Micah and I, our entire family listens to the show and enjoys it. And two of us are involved in it now too. Yeah. I've done stuff for you in the past, but like this is the first one I'm like fully in on. Yes. That was also like an easy in was that, you know. It's almost like I'm the favorite son or I don't know.

I don't want to put words in people's mouths, but I just heard things. It's fine. You can think that. Maybe we'll do a dice roll up at the end of this to figure out who exactly. Brother dice roll. Yeah, brother dice roll. Dice roll followed by us wrestling. I also, well, you know. I'd actually be curious to see who would win that. I feel like Micah would be a lot more feisty than we give him credit for. Sorry, I'm in a weight class above him. Yeah.

I've always been the heftier, ricier son.

Not when I was one. When I was one, I was like a beefy boy. Beefy boy. We have a dog to prove it. Yeah, he came out as just the biggest chunk, and then I don't think he gained weight ever since is what it is. Just like stretched. Just stretched out. We made that joke about my younger brother too, about how he just stretched out instead of out. You have the tall, younger brother. Yeah. Tall, slim, younger brother. I do want to make sure we talk about...

this episode and what we're doing. Obviously, this bonus show is a mix between us just catching up, talking about what we're up to, and also, of course, the episode that we just recorded.

so I had no idea we were going to be doing this, uh, until Micah messaged like, Hey, you guys should review your campaign one characters, be familiar with their spells. And then I asked Blake, cause we were in stinky dragon, uh, dragon adventures production. And I was like, Hey, why do we need to know what our, like, like review our first campaign characters? Like, what are we doing? And Blaine's like, Oh, we're going to be doing like a, a,

a special one-shot, like, two-parter thing. And I was like, what? That's amazing. Because I think we all have missed our Campaign 1 characters, of course, and are excited to do this special thing. But I'm curious, like, why? Like, why are we doing this? What kind of spurred the idea? It was... I can't remember who originated it. It might have been a Chris suggestion. Um...

But it was mostly like with Stinky Dragon Adventures being a show that showcases the original campaign, Infinite Characters. We thought it would be fun to highlight that and just kind of celebrate that whole campaign with this kind of a tie-in. So we're all kind of having a little return moment to the Infinite interns while that Stinky Dragon Adventures is coming out.

Because, I mean, it's part like, yes, it's for fun because we like these characters. We adore these characters. It's a campaign that will be special. Yeah. They'll be special to us for forever. And then it also like, I'll be honest, it's also part of like, we just want

To do everything we can to let people know about Stinky Dragon Adventures because it is the biggest endeavor we've done thus far as far as like a production. And we're putting so much time, effort, and resources into it. We just want to do everything we can to showcase this amazing thing because it like...

Just like the show, Stinky Dragon Avengers is even more. I'm like, everyone needs to see what you guys are making. I haven't even seen edits of what we're making, but every time I see, I go into the room and check out what you guys are doing or see any videos or pictures. I am agog with just glee.

Because it's beautiful. It's puppets. I've always, Micah can attest to this, I've always been the puppets kid. I was Muppets. Everything Jim Henson, I adored. And so this is, I'm just like, I'm so happy. So yeah, we're just trying to like, we're trying to do our best to make sure everybody's like, yo, this is out. You should check it out. Yeah, that's why.

that's awesome and i think that's a great idea too and i i'm curious too micah i saw that you posted and i want to know if it's related you posted like i think it was on twitter or something like that saying that like you just finished writing something that like a story you've been really excited to tell i assume that's related to this i don't know maybe someone's got secrets and i don't know who it is could be you uh it's this is definitely involved with that yeah okay uh i i

I was, um, I had these ideas in my mind a while back. Like I, when, when Ben, I think reproached me and said like, you know, infinite kind of stuff. I was like, okay, like,

I was worried at first because it was so well bookended. I was like, what do we do after that? But I was like, I have ideas of who we could bring back and that kind of stuff. And so I think it'll be fun. You guys have done the first half so far. And the second half is going to even one-up that, I think. Yeah, I'm excited to see what happens in the part two. I think the audience is going to adore the fact that it's little Jimmy again.

Oh my gosh. I also noticed, I don't know if you guys saw, but when we record our podcast remotely, we're recording remotely today, which is why we're all in our individual homes. Yeah. But I was watching, we have our webcams on so we could actually like see each other when we record just like we do in person. But when Gus was recounting like what all the characters were up to and like kind of how we ended the campaign, I saw Blaine getting a little misty eyed. Hmm.

like he it looked like he was getting a little emotional and it was really sweet like i think these this story and these characters just mean so much to us that's true for me too like when i when i was writing this like i found moments from like oh wow like these characters are like i've really been this story has really become part of me uh which is true of like when you create something for so long it's just inherently like i remember the final episodes of the campaign like writing that or editing that it was just like like weeping like crying

making music for it, especially because the theme is just kind of capture emotions for me. And like, that's, that's so true. I think it's across the board too, with the audience. I remember, I remember seeing so many people react to the end of, of the infinite campaign of like, Hey, what else? Just like crying on the bus, listening to this or like when people say they're doing a repeat list. And that's so great. Well, I, I,

I, I will, I'll, I'll close this out since we're, we've, we've been recording a good amount. We all got to go have lunch and then we're going to record the second part of it. So we got a big day of recording ahead of us. Um, but I have a question that Barbara, uh, actually both you and Micah made me think about. Um, you, we just recorded that episode. So Micah, you haven't gotten to the editing room or anything like that. Um,

that you know of do you have thoughts on uh he's editing right now we're doing at the same time we're gonna have a new song are you i i our happy birthday our happy birthday song what you gonna do with that you're gonna do something with it i want to your time you're gonna have time yeah that's that's the part it's the hard part is like if i have enough time i will i will try to put some stuff in there that's yeah that's every week that way i do editing for this show is like

what decisions do I make that I focus music on? I wish I could do music for like every moment of the show, but it's just impossible. That's 90 minutes of music. Well, we already gave you a perfect song. You just got to add a melody to it, right? I got the kazoo, so that's one. I know, I know. The whole time Chris is going...

like covering his nose the whole time. It was great. So funny. Yeah. I hope you either sample that for something or help with our birthday song. Either way. Just a remix social video. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Mike is going to run out of time and we're going to get to the edit and all it's going to be is just like a staccato piano note with our stupid song. And that's all it's going to be and it still would be fun.

I know. It'll be amazing. We always love getting to record the podcast and I think getting to do a revisit to the first campaign has been great. Stinky Dragon Adventures, again, to remind you guys, comes out in November. It's a huge production. We are literally filming from 9am to 7pm every day and every moment of those hours is packed with

figuring out how to get a shot setting up a set and if you want you can check out our instagram live where we actually archive the video on our account if you want to see but you'll see how it takes like literally half an hour to set up and get just one quick like movement and so it is definitely a very tough show to make but we love it and we love you guys who watch the show and help support us so please spread the word when it comes out and check it out

It's a labor of love and we appreciate your support. Okay. And listen to part two of this. Yeah. Let's go have lunch and record some more D&D. All right. Thanks all. Brother Roloff. Oh yeah, Brother Roloff. Place your bets. No modifiers. 13. I got...

Oh wait, I rolled a d6. It just automatically did a d6. You lose! You lose! I win! Wait! You lose! 17! 17! 17! Okay, you win this one. Alright, thanks all. Until next brother roll off. I mean second win. Bye! Blurb-a-gurble! Blurb-a-gurble!

Hey there, stinky friend. Thanks for listening to our humble mom and pop Dungeons and Dragons podcast. You know, if you like listening to this show and you're hankering for more, you can support us at slash stinky dragon and get access to a whole other show called Second Wind. We've recently rebooted Second Wind, so not only will you get a behind-the-scenes look at each week's episode of Stinky Dragon, we'll also talk about what's going on in our day-to-day lives and share funny stories exclusively for our lovely stinky patrons. So help keep Stinky Dragon alive and get access to some exclusive content while you're at it.
