cover of episode C01 - Ep. 86 - The Infinale Part 2

C01 - Ep. 86 - The Infinale Part 2

Publish Date: 2023/3/8
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Tales from the Stinky Dragon


Shownotes Transcript

This podcast is supported by FX's English Teacher, a new comedy from executive producers of What We Do in the Shadows and Baskets. English Teacher follows Evan, a teacher in Austin, Texas, who learns if it's really possible to be your full self at your job, while often finding himself at the intersection of the personal, professional, and political aspects of working at a high school. FX's English Teacher premieres September 2nd on FX. Stream on Hulu.

This is a Rooster Teeth production. Just heads up, since this is like part two of the finale, there's no bartender intro. Okay. I refuse for that to happen. All right, Ajahn, go! Welcome back! Welcome in to the Shinky Dragon! Sit down and take a sip on our latest sarsaparilla-inspired... Libation! It's a mixture of gin,

Tonic. Alliteration, alliteration, alliteration. He needs more alliteration. Lots of alliteration. All right, as the battle wages, you feel a soothing warmth pour over your bodies and you see the morning sun peeking over the horizon. And suddenly the red mist, blue clouds, and black shadows stop pouring from the archways. You see the black gem fully crystallized above the diaphanous. Entropos begins chanting, Sega ne. Sega ne.

Entropa's remaining armor and diegems clatter to the ground save for his crimson crown. The black Entropurl flings straight into the center of his crown and you feel the wind violently pick up around Entropa. Faster and faster the gale swirls around him growing taller, cloudier, and more crimson with every second. Within moments Entropa has grown into a torrential tornado reaching high into the phasen sky.

The once golden sun is blotted out and the sky turns ashen grey. You slowly feel power drain from your bodies, and at the same time all around you, the grass, your clothes, even your skin fades and dulls with color and by power. Two bloodshot eyes emerge from the cyclone followed by a crooked smile. You fools! I was there at the birth of magic!

Everyone needs to make a dexterity saving throw. Am I still a dragon? A dragon. Well, you grew dragon bits, right? Yes.

Well, it was a spell that I cast. It's like you're... Sorry, just to clarify. You didn't turn into a full, you know, big old dragon, but I think you got dragon... Draconic transformation. Maybe you did. Did you turn into just a dragon? I have featured. Draconic features. I couldn't tell if it was the ones that's like you just get like the tail and wings, but you're... So you are a dragon. So yeah, good question. I am still a dragon? Yes. Excellent. All right. Asterisk. We're going to deal with that. Interesting. And you said... Dexterity saving throw. Dexterity saving throw. 14. Ooh.

It's good sounds from kyborg. No, I rolled an 11, but I have a lucky, but I'm not sure if it's worth it or not. I rolled a 15. I don't think that's good enough. I feel like it's got to be like 20. Did mine not happen? No. Yeah, yours is just blank. Yeah, I rolled and then hit the button to look at rolls, and it went like, your thing, you screwed up. All right, I'm going to roll again. Oh, cool. I'm glad that I'm sure that last one was just a nat 20. That's a four. Four.

So we have, it looks like, an 11 from Kyborg, a 14 from Gum-Gum, a 15 from Bart, and a 4 from Mutt. So no good rolls. I don't think any of us did a save. Nice knowing you guys. Yeah. No lucky, no nothing? Mutt puts his hands in the air and just goes, wee! And he waves them like he just don't care. Just ready to be taken away by these winds. It's like when you're at a theme park and you see that wave of water coming down that's, you know, yeah. You're just like, here we go! And Gum-Gum's here too. Yeah.

All right. Well, all four of you lose your footing as the strong winds pummel you and you're pulled up into the N-Tornado. Uh,

And you're flung around. The greatest from Taco Bell. Man, I can go for some Taco Bell right now. We should get that as a reward after this episode. Let's go get some Taco Bell after we're done recording. I want a steak quesadilla. And you're, uh, you lose your footing and you're pulled up and

and throw it in a random direction. Mike is over here with his hand in his hand. He has tried to craft a meaningful and emotional finale. We're like, Taco Bell. He was running in, he's like, Enjoy your jolliness. Got him, got him. If it helps, it didn't make me want Taco Bell.

If y'all want serious people, go listen to Critical Role. We're in goofballs here. All right, in Tornado, we all get lifted up. Yeah, and you're flung into various directions and you're swirling around in the Tornado. Each of you is in a different corner, not terribly close to each other. Each of you is in a different corner. The way he said that, it's really funny to me. And you hear a voice. Gum-Gum, we don't have much time, my son.

Entropa is training the magic from all of Phaser. You and your friends must be quick and retrieve all of the diagems at once. Everyone make a perception check. This is very much like ending of never-ending story vibes. A 27 for Bart. A very misleading title. What am I doing? Perception? Perception check. Perception check.

I'm not gonna lie, that messed me up as a kid when the horse- That was a dark ending! The horse gets stuck in the mud and goes like, "Oh my god!" It's a wonderfully dark movie. Yeah. I remember being a kid just screaming at the screens like, "Just name her! Name her!" 20.

Three. Sixteen! These are all, uh, this is more like it. This is about what I expect. Low for mud though. Gum gum? Yeah. The deafening howl of the tornado and its swirling debris are making it difficult for you to hear or see your surroundings. I can smell though. You can smell. But, uh, it doesn't smell very good. Yuck.

Mud. Two shimmering colors catch your eye, flying around inside of the tornado's vortex. They're diagems. You think you see the orange and the yellow, and as you're looking at them, you see the green and the blue flash by as well. Stop singing that song from Joseph May's Technicolor Dream Cut at this point. We already have one, right? Correct. We got one last time? You have the red one that Gum Gum has. Yeah, you got it.

Five musical theater nerds got that joke I just played. I know no one here got it. I got you, I know. Red and yellow. Yes! Green and blue. Validate me, Gus. Bart and Kyborg, you two are the only two that catch a glimpse of the final indigo diet gem as well. Okay.

and it's swirling around in the tornado. - Yeah, all of you and all of this is all like swirling around inside of the tornado. Everything's swirling around in a clockwise fashion right now. - Could we try to grab it? - Like swim towards it? - Yeah, we're gonna go ahead and maintain the initiative order that we had. I saved it from our last recording. - Look at you. Also, are you on purpose saying "tornado" or is that just how you say tornado? - That's just how we say it. - Okay.

Tornado? How do you say it? Tornado. I've lived in Texas my entire life. That's an N twister. I didn't know if it was like a T-Rex kind of thing. Tornado, tornado, and tornado. How would you say that? And tornado. And tornado. And tornado. Or a coffee drink. I grew up in South Texas. Also, as a correction, I said five musical theaters. I'm realizing we're talking to D&D kids. All of them. Some were over them. I got it.

Okay, Mud. Yeah. We'll go ahead and restart this initiative order that we had. We'll start from the top here. Mud, you were first. You're just swirling around. You remember that scene at the beginning of Wizard of Oz where Dorothy goes to the window and looks outside and everything's just kind of swirling around? Yes, you didn't have to give a description of what it was. We have a lot of younger listeners. They may not know. Wizard of Oz is this movie that came out starring Barbra Streisand. John's in a funny mood today. I...

I'm upset that I have to go first because we've just been given all of this new information and everyone else gets to spend some time figuring out their moves. We just got a good hold. We got to collect the die gems. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. I'm trying to figure out, like, do I have anything that would be really cool? Actually, I think I do have something. I'll lay it out specifically for you. I've been kind of vague in positioning just because I had to see where the perception checks roll and everything. If you had to, like, give a frame of reference to all of it,

Mud, you're kind of like... You see the orange Diagem not too far away from you. It's probably...

30 feet to the northeast from where you are currently. Okay. And you're telling me that to help me in what way? You said you were looking for diagems. Okay. Yeah. That's the closest one. I can point out. Dude, I told you. He's in a mood. I don't know what's going on. I'm going to be honest. I was trying to read a description of a spell I was trying to look for. I was trying to multitask with you telling me important information. Okay. Then... The orange diagem is 30 feet away from you. Thank you. To the northeast. Then I think what would just be the easiest thing since we're flying...

is to... Flon. That sounds good too. They don't sell flonic Taco Bell. They don't sell flonic Taco Bell. They need to sponsor this episode. I'm just going to... Oh, actually, no, I'll do this. Oh, perfect timing. I'm going to help everybody.

I'm gonna give you all a little bit of help. Although I don't really need to do it to Bart. I'm also flying too. Oh, because you have wings. Yeah. What the heck? Well, then that's even easier. I cast Polymorph on Kyborg. Turned me into something cool. Yeah. With hands, preferably. Wait, do I have a spell slot for Polymorph? So he can grab things. You know, some things don't have the most dexterous... Oh, I see what you're saying. So not a Tabulian. Or like... Yeah, he got wings, but no hands. Or like a chicken, you know? Yeah.

I just cast to turn Kyborg into a- I'll turn you into a bin chicken. Remember those? Yeah, like a turkey.

No, so the spell transforms creature you can see within range to a new form, but I think it's limited to a beast who's equal to the target's level in challenge rating. So that would mean I do have a tab open of all the beasts so I can pick the best big, probably like a Quetzal. There's like a big old dinosaur flyer. Like a Quetzalcoatl? Yeah. Is that what you're thinking of? Yeah. Yeah.

Hold on. I can find you something cool right now. So I'm level 16, so it's something that's like... Well, the beasts don't go up that high, unfortunately. Giant crocodile. Ha ha ha ha ha!

I could actually turn him into like a killer whale. I want to see a Free Willy recreation with Gunga going, yeah! Whale Kyborg just kind of floating over. And I'm trying to talk to him going, hello, Kyborg. It's like Free Willy meets Twister. Hello, you two.

I'm trying to find the biggest thing that can fly on here. Why does it need to be big? Well, sorry, like the cool, just because it would give him a lot of HP and that kind of thing. And a cool factor. And it'd make him cool. Giant bat? Yeah, I'll turn him into Quetzalcoatlus. And for people who don't know what those things are. It's like an arching for Pokemon. For people who don't know.

For people not in this room. Imagine one of the Skeksis being able to be big and fly almost. It's like a feathered serpent thing. Does it have hands? Rayquaza, that's what it is. Rayquaza from Pokemon. Yeah, yeah, yeah. From Emerald? Emerald. Does it have hands? I don't think so. I got a big old mouth. I think I just turned him into one of the flying serpents that we...

we're friends with basically a taboo. Yeah. Funny because well, they look kind of like pterodactyls that can walk around on their wings. So I did that to him and then I will use a bonus action. Do me a favor. Make me an arcana check. Oh, it's not going to work because he took all the magic. Magic. Oh,

He's just up there. He's wasting all that time for nothing. He's in his tornado singing. I've got the magic. I need to roll an arcana check. Correct. Good news. I'm not good at arcana. Plus one.

I got an at 20. Oh, curses. I was over here in DM chat be like, yeah, I'm just gonna let him waste his time. This isn't gonna work. Oh, because there's gonna be rolls for doing magic. I'm sure all of us will have to do that for any sort of spell. Yeah, you try to focus your magical energy and it feels different. Like normally magic just kind of flows out when you try to focus and conjure it. But this time it's like it doesn't.

focus and you have to really concentrate and pull every little bit of your might into it and you're able to refocus magical energies and get your polymorph spell off and convert kyborg into a quetzalcoatlus transform convert convert transform i see the light the lord quetzal ah going to the wetzel pretzel ah so it's our temple our holy place that should help you you got a fly speed of 80 feet

That's apparently, I mean, no one's ever heard one, so let's just say that's what it does. Micah's going to modulate it to sound even cooler. Make it tiny. Make it sound really quiet. No, make it beauty. Make it sound like Blaine's in like five rooms away from us. What's the opposite of auto-tune? Yeah. Um...

And since I can't turn into whatever I want, because that's not how that works, I will use my bonus action though to wild shape into, if you're going to let me, we'll do just a giant bat. Okay. You've kind of taken wild shape for granted. It's just always there for you, but it seems to be acting weird. It's kind of ghosting you right now. Make an arcana check to see if it answers.

New phone, who this? Hey, Wild Shape, you there? Wild Shape, you up? You up? You up? Oh, I almost rolled that twice. 15. Oh, okay. This one's a little more difficult. It's really hard to focus your Wild Shape, but you do manage to get enough arcane energy together in order to execute your Wild Shape. Hmm. Hmm.

Okay, so then I turn into a giant bat, and I suppose I fly to that, because I have movement action still. I fly to the orange one. Yeah, it's very difficult moving just because the swirling winds are really pushing you around. You have to apply some crosswind correction in there to get where you want to go. What is your flying movement speed as a bat? What is the unladen airspeed? Unladen airspeed.

Giant bat, 60 feet fly speed. Oh, okay. Nice. Ain't no Quetzalcoatl this, but it'll do. Yeah, you have enough movement to get to the orange diagem. It's very difficult. You have to kind of... The winds are swirling about in a clockwise manner. So even though it's kind of, you know, in one direction, you kind of have to fly into the wind to make it as it pushes you across over to the orange diagem. And yeah, I mean, you have enough movement to be able to make it there.

It's kind of lodged into part of a tree trunk. In the sky? Yeah. Remember the Wizard of Oz when Dorothy goes to the windows and looks out and everything's all swirling around? It's like that. Okay. The wind is almost like...

picked it up and buried it into partially into a tree trunk. My question is, I've already done action bonus action. I can't grab it out of this tree. I'm going to say no. Based on everything that you've done. Can I grab onto the tree at the least? Can I like, can I, can I at least like hold onto this so I can, it doesn't like fly away from me. Yeah, sure. Why not? Or just, just imagine a giant bat just flying right at it and then just hugging it as it collides. Yeah, sure. So I'm not even using any action. It's just me going, wham.

Are you grabbing it or are you flying like straight into it? Oh no, there's a bat wrapped around this tree right now. Gats do do that. With wings, yeah. No, with my wings. Yeah, make a... It's a tree hugger. Let's call it a dex check. Nice. Dex check. Meet the dex checks. That's a seven. That's not going to be a good dex check, is it? Yeah, you don't quite stick the landing. You come in and...

and maybe just 'cause of all the variables, everything flying around, you're not quite able to grab onto the tree. You're in the area, you're close to it, but you're not huddled up on it. - Okay. - Turn over. - All right, that means it's Gum-Gum's turn, then after Gum-Gum is someone else's turn, and then Bart. - So I didn't see where anything was, right? - What do you mean? - Any of the diagems were, right? - Correct. - I wanna grab my sack of boom, boom, boom, boom, ba, boom, boom.

One more time? My sack of boomba. Yeah, and some of the poop.

And I want to toss it like let it go so that all the dust and poop flies through it cuz that's great cuz we're all flying around Yeah, it's throwing cat litter. But it also is drawn to magic. Dust is gonna make us roll checks to see if we get hit by poop. It's drawn to magic. Disease. It sucked to magic so all the dust and stuff would be drawn to the die gems right? Maybe? Like the little things they threw up in Twister to make it so they could track the uh... Oh the Pepsi cans. It may be. Can I try that? Only if you sing dust in the wind for me.

No. Uh, yeah. Uh, we'll say you open up your sack of Boomba Boom Boom and let it go. Uh, so it begins flying all around the Entornado. Entornado? Whatever. Um. Show me the way, Boom Boom. Boom Ba. I close my eyes. I'm looking for a mummy. And the mummy's gone.

There it is. I was waiting for it. Make an arcana check for your boomba. No inspiration dice. You already have one. Do I? No, I don't. Oh, no. Yeah. Give yourself one, Kyborg. Yeah. Oh, wow. It's been a while since we've been given inspiration dice. I thought that deserved one. Yeah, that does. I thought you had one. That's a four. Oh, you have a minus three on your arcana. But I would imagine the boomba poop has nothing to do with me. Yeah, but it's still a seven. It's still your action. And tornado. Okay. Okay.

No, you keep switching the R and the O. Wait, has he been saying it wrong the entire time? Entronado. Entronado. Entronado. Oh. I love it. You've not only been saying tornado weird, you've been saying the made-up word Micah did wrong. Entronado. Entronado. I'll do pickups on all of those. No, you are not. Then we'd be talking about Taco Bell randomly. This is a gift to our audience. Oh.

Gum Gum, you open up your bag of Boomba Boom Boom and because of the way that the wind is just swirling everything around, all of the pieces go up into the air, begin swirling, then immediately go into your mouth. Boomba's giving me his power. I think you mean... Can I spit it back out? Yeah, sure. It's all wet, though.

Hate this. So none of it got caught up in the tornado? No, no. Oh, man. I thought that was a good idea. It was a good idea. And then a bad roll. All right. That's D&D. Idea plus roll. Can I try something else? Yeah. No. Can I try... I'm just kidding.

Show me the magic. I'll detect magic. Yeah, let's see here. What gives you that? Yeah, what gives you the right to detect magic? I'll read it if you want. Magic awareness. As an action, you can open your awareness to the presence of concentrated magic. Till the end of your turn, you know the location of any spell or magic item within 60 feet of you that isn't behind total cover. When you sense a spell, you learn what magic school it belongs to. Okay. You close your eyes and you say that

famous catchphrase, show me the magic. And what's the range, like 30 foot range on it? - 60 feet. - Oh, 60 foot, sorry. You know, you're more than 60 feet away from your party, so the only magic you really sense is everything on you, but you do sense something else as well. Position wise, it's hard to say 'cause everything's kind of flowing around. Position wise, you're like a direct opposite from mud, like mud's all the way across diagonal from you. But in that direction, kind of towards the southwest, maybe 15, 20 feet away from you, you sense magic.

You sense a die, Jim. Okay. Can I try and, because I'm still got my wings from my celestial revelation. Can I 180 in the air and fly towards it?

Why has he got a 180? Yeah, why you got a 180? Well, like, turn, go up that way. Like, backwards. Because you said it was behind me. That's like 90. Oh, oh. Did I say it was behind you? It's just kind of like opposite, like diagonal towards mud. The 90. You just said turn in the direction of the turn. I was trying to make it, I was trying to do a fun spin move. Yeah. He wanted to impress us with his man. I like how, in Chris's mind, this is one of those, like, skydiving simulator things. Where he's just like, whoo!

And what's your movement speed with those wings? Flying speed equal to my walking speed, which is 40 feet. You're able to make it there. How precise is your show me the magic? Because when you get there to the area where you can sense the magic from, there's a lot of rubble and rocks. So how precise is this detection? Is it not the thing that makes it glow? Yeah, it's like to me, it's like glowing. Open your awareness to presence of concentrated magic. It's like Assassin's Creed, like a little scene. I know the location of it.

Within 60 feet. Or your hitman vision. Yeah, so you come up to a pile of loose stones and rocks that are all kind of swirling around. And in there, in the middle of it, is the green emerald diadem. Oh. Thank you.

Catch. All right, make a... Catch. Make a dexterity check. Say catch. I cast. Catch. I cast. You're playing catch with your dad. 16. Okay, yeah, you're able to pluck it out from within the rocks, and it is now in your hand. Can I stick it in the crown? Yeah.

There you go, Micah. Son is untaken care of. It's done for you. Do you want a pneumatic sound? There you go. I got one. That one's mine. Okay. So you did get it? Yeah. I don't suppose I see any more now. Yeah, make sure you add it to your inventory. Okay. He's got a Christmas crown. He's got the red and green jewels. It's the gray one. That's right. He's doing gotta catch them all. How far away was it? And do I have any? It was about 20 feet away. So you got another 20 feet of movement. Now do I see any others? Now that I've moved 20 feet. Loading.

Our D&D is on a dial-up. That was great, Barbara. That was great.

- Yes, kind of to the south of you, there's another one. There's like a big clump of dirt, almost like it was just shoveled up from the ground and it's now floating around in the air. And you sense that there is another little bit of magic over there. - How many feet away do you see? - This one's about 50 feet away. - Okay. - But asterisk, it's in the direction the wind is currently whipping around. So the wind could help push you there. - Oh.

So even though it's 50 feet away, you can't get all the way there, but you can get most of the way there because you're being pushed along and assisted by the wind. And I go... And like, uh, like, swim, like, and then go make myself gum-gum aerodynamic and like... Give yourself some wind resistance to stop. Yeah, you get within about, let's call it within about 10 feet of it. Okay. There's one over here!

If anyone would be able to hear you, it would be Bart because he's closest at this point.

And because of our connection, right? Because we're just such great friends. Yeah, absolutely. That's actually what I meant to say. It's a regional dialect. It just sounded different to you. You know how some people claim that mothers are evolved to hear the cries of their children better? That's what Bart is. Or like twins could read each other's memory. Bart has evolved to hear the cries of Gum Gum more. Yeah. I could lift a car if he's trapped under there. Yeah.

Especially when I got wings. So that's... Is that it for you, Gangnam? I assume that's... Yeah. Does he get there? Does he get the gem? No, he's about 10 feet away from it. And that's which gem? I didn't say, but it is a blue one.

Not indigo? The indigo one is the one that you and I are the ones that can see. So that takes care of Ruby and Emerald are down. And then he's got eyes on Sapphire. Yeah, I got eyes on orange. And then he's got orange. And then you and I got indigo. How many total are there? Six? Five?

Six. Six. Yeah. So it's Kyborg? No. Oh, it's the unknown. Entronado. Entronado. Entronado. I will never hear that. No, that's the wrong way. Now with the new Mountain Dew flavor. Baha Blast. Entropurl. Entropurnado. Okay. Oh, y'all are kind of really far from each other, except for Bart and Gum Gum. How far apart are you two? Eh, y'all are still very spread out. I don't like that.

Okay, in that case... It's hard to do AOE stuff. Exactly. Remember that time I learned what AOE meant? So do I. It's a day of growth. And I kept saying AEW. The wrestling game.

Gum-Gum, you notice that the sky above you seems to get particularly dark. And you look up and you notice scorching stars of black fire plummeting from the sky down towards you. Make a dexterity saving throw. Okay. That's a 20. Ooh!

Ooh, why do I target you? You're good at this. You see these stars of black fire come down and land all around you, creating like a sphere of darkness. But with your wings and your newfound mobility, you're able to deftly dadge. Dadge. Dodge all around them. Well, it's his dad he's dodging, so it's a dadge. Dadge.

Gus is just flubbing today. It's because you didn't start off with a little... You didn't warm up with your bartender. You didn't warm up with your bartender. That's what happened. You still do take a little bit of damage, however.

Just a little bit. Just a tiny, tiny little bit. It's like, I don't know if I should even bother rolling. It's going to be big. It's going to be huge. He's pushing. Oh, I can see you pushing on your trackpad like 20 times, you little turd. All the dice are still rolling. Yeah, that's what he's waiting for. You take half because you saved. So you take 30 points of necrotic damage.

Oh, are you resistant? I'm resistant to necrotic damage. Why are you resistant to necrotic damage? Celestial resistance. So you take 15 points of necrotic damage. You want to push your buttons a few more times to make you feel better? You're next. I guess who's next? Yeah. He'll try to murder me anyways. I might as well get some jabs in. Gus rolls a d6. One through five is mud. Six is anyone else. Bring it.

On top of that, the impact of that gives you a little more damage. Again, just a smidge more. A little bit of bludgeoning damage. From what? He's just like tapping the button again. He is. I'm watching him. You're also touching it like you're some aged senior who's never used a laptop before. What's wrong? Interesting. So that's another 30 points of bludgeoning damage just from the force. Okay, but I'm also raging, so it's half of that. Yeah, so 15.

Great job, guys. I hate you, GumGum. That would have been 120 damage. Whoa. Yeah. If we had rounded down, it would have been 122 because it was two different rolls of 61. Oh, my God. I see why there might be a party wipe. The storm rages, and you can start to see electricity and lightning crackle, and it coalesces and arcs over straight towards mud. LAUGHTER

Make a dexterity saving throw. I've won already. That's all I care. I made God bleed. That's only a 10. You don't have anything that could reroll? I might. I don't know. No. I don't think so. I don't think I have any. I think I was looking at... I could have been lucky, but I was like, I won't be that.

- She's a fool. - Nope, that's me. - Okay, the lightning impacts you doing, oops, nope, that's too many. - Just tapped it 11 times, I just counted. - Oh, you counted wrong. - We have binoculars. - You can see it, it's in the combat log. - I have a phone. The smallest phone of anyone in the office. - Doing 62 points of lightning damage. - Okay. - Are you okay?

Okay, your guess. What's 62 minus 25? 37. There we go. So I was a giant bat. I'm now no longer a giant bat. And I take... Shocking. 35. Chris loved that. Chris loved that. So we're here for... 35. What kind of damage was it? Lightning. Lightning.

- Why is everyone talking so far? You're goofy today. - Oh, we just had that, you know, little stroke. All of us, that group stroke. - Are we all dead? - Yeah, I guess I take all that damage. - After impacting you, the lightning arcs off of you. - Uh-oh. - Chain lightning. - Yeah, it jumps over to the tree trunk that you were trying to grab onto before and impacts it, splintering it into thousands of small wooden splinters, freeing the diagent. So it's also floating around.

Oh, because it was embedded. Right. Convenient. Thank you, lightning. This guy felt a little bad. He felt a little bad. No, I don't think so. Nah. Evens. Odds. Oh, God. You pointed to Kyborg and Bart. Odd. So, Bart. Bart, above you, storm clouds coalesce. It begins raining. Bart pops out an umbrella. It's a nice little drizzle of acid rain. Ah! Ah!

Salutations to all you Stinky supporters. We hope you're enjoying part two of the infidelity so far. If so, you're going to want to follow us at StinkyDragonPod on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok to stay up to date with all of our noxious news. Make sure you tune in next week to the show when we go behind the tails, look at the whole infinite tale with the entire cast and crew. Might even be a few teasers about the next tale because this is not the end of the show. We will be diving right into our next full-length campaign with the original cast and crew.

Acid rain. Make a dexterity saving throw, Bart. Was this supposed to be a chocolate rain? 25. Oh, beautiful. Well, the drops of acid rain are starting to fall all around you, but you're doing your best to dodge them so you don't take full damage. It's like a training montage. Can you dodge the rain? The rain. You take acid rain, acid rain. Oh, he's really giving that mouse a go. It's a lot. Oh, God. 18 dices.

46 but you save so you take 23 points of damage acid damage yeah I'm okay where is padmate is she safe what it's just trying to figure out what that was it's like one of the first things Vader says when he wakes up yeah but he got he's lava then he says no it should have been more of a like a two-face reference okay that's gonna be it for the intronado there you go I did it

Bart, you're up. Then after Bart is Kyborg. Okay, I'm still a dragon, correct? You took some damage, so you need to actually make the concentration check for your dragon form. What would that be? It's not constitution. What do you roll? Constitution. That's what I'm asking. Yeah, it's under... No, constitution is not concentration, I don't think. No.

Isn't that what you roll for? You roll a d20 and the dc is I think it's dc 10 plus the amount of damage you took. So I just roll a d20? So roll a d20 and we'll see where we go from there. That seems high. Yeah, she's gonna have to roll a 40. I'm gonna do a lucky on that. Is it just a concentration check? You take damage while concentrating on a spell. You must perform a concentration check to see if you can maintain it. A concentration check is a constitution saving throw where the dc is equal to

equal to 10 or half the damage you take, whichever is great. - Okay, well I rolled a nat 20. - Yeah, and then, so you took 20, what did we say? 22 points of damage? - I did, it was 23. - Oh, that's right. You took 23 points of damage. Half of that would be 11 or 12. You rolled a 20, you made it. So your concentration maintains. Yeah, and Ben's right, on a nat 20, you should just get it regardless.

Okay, so I'm still a dragon. Yes. Okay. All right. So now I would like to know what diagems I see and how far away they are for me. Oh, what did I tell you? You had a really good perception check earlier. I saw the indigo one with kyborg. Okay. So yeah, you can account for just about all of them. Just a little bit kind of to the north from where you are. You see gum gum closing in on the blue diagem. A little further west from you out by where there was a tree trunk. You see mud and the orange diagem in that direction. Okay.

Okay, and those are approximately how many feet? The blue one, we'll call that about 45 feet away. Okay. I think that was your sapphire plectrum. The orange one's about 90 feet away to the west. That's where mud is. The indigo one is almost like in the center of this swirling entornado. Can I get my entornado on corn tortillas instead of flour? I'm trying to watch my figure.

Get in the bowl. That one's probably about 75 feet away in the center of everything. So what direction from? Northwest, roughly. And then that leaves the yellow one, which is the furthest away from you. Micah just said extra diagem sauce.

The yellow one's like past the center, like diagonal opposite end of the entronado from you. Probably 110 feet away. Okay. And that's yellow? Yeah. Where's Kyborg in relation to me? He's over there, like past the yellow one. Oh, so he's... Okay. He's like opposite from where you are. How much of Bart's action time is Bart drawing a diorama?

I'm not making fun of it at all, but I just like thinking like in story, Bars just like pulled out like, all right, so the yellow one's over there. Just doing some quick napkin math. So Kyberg's closer to the indigo one than I am. You both are about the same. Equidistant? Yeah, roughly. Okay.

Okay. Because the indigo one's kind of roughly in the center of everything. Right. So if I... I'm trying to figure out what to do here. You do have double movement as an option, just a reminder. Yeah, I'm just trying to... Because I could reach the blue one with my speed. I didn't clarify this for you, but I should. Just like Gum Gum was able to get extra movement and pushed in the direction of the wind, that could happen to you too. Okay. So if you're moving with the wind...

helps push you a little further than you can normally move. But if you're moving against the wind, it's going to slow you down. And if you break some wind, extra distance, that helps. Speaking of Taco Bell...

- I'm gonna go towards the blue diet jam. 'Cause that's 45 feet away, you said, right? - Yes, but it is directly into the wind. - Okay. - The wind's blowing from that direction. - What about if I went to the indigo one? - You would just have the wind pushing you sideways. You wouldn't have necessarily a bonus or anything negative. It might take a little of your movement because you're having to move into the wind. - What about the yellow one?

Same thing. Okay. The one that you would get pushed to is the orange one. The orange one. Okay. Which is where more mud is. You could try mage handing where the thing is and it'll fly and then make it. Well, I was going to try to put myself in a place where I could get a die jam and also use my mage hand to try to grab another one. Mage hand is a concentration spell. It's a cantrip. I don't think it's concentration. It would have a little C next to it if it did. It does not. No.

There you go. Use the force, Bart. I'll go towards the indigo one. Okay. You thread the needle between Gum-Gum and Mud. Do you all wave at Bart? I put out a high five. Okay. It's not that close, but you can see each other. Hey. Gum-Gum. Mud.

You make your way towards the center of the vortex. Like everything's swirling around. And yeah, there in the middle, there's like a wooden door. Your most feared nemesis. And floating next to it is the indigo diadem. Could I reach out to grab it? Yeah, make a dex check. Dex check. Oh, 10. Yeah.

You happy with that? No. I think I have one more lucky. Oh, you can call that after I tell you whether it's success or failure. I'm guessing it's a fail. Yeah. Yeah, that is not. Okay. I'm going to use my last lucky for my dex check. 16. Oh, yeah. Okay. You get close and you reach out to grab it and you become a little frightened by the door after all of these encounters, but you're able to pluck the die gem out of the air and it's in your inventory. Excellent. And that's the indigo one. Let me add that to my inventory real quick.

- Okay. - It's what you always suspected Bart, the entire world's revolving around you right now. - Just as it should be. - He's accurate. - I am the son of Omar and SimSoon. How far is the blue or yellow diagem now? - The blue one, you kind of passed. It's like back in the kind of back in the direction you came from, but you know, angled a bit. It's probably about 50 to 60 feet in that direction. - Okay. - The yellow one's about the same, roughly in the opposite direction.

Okay, well my Mage Hand can't reach those. Just make whatever progress you can at this point. But I could do double movement? In some directions. Okay. You mean like use your action as movement? Oh, oh, oh, oh, yes. Yeah.

Could I... Jess, what did you do? You came out here. Yeah, yeah. You can move again. Can I go towards the yellow one? Yeah, absolutely. It's weird. You're starting to grasp it. You can't go straight in the direction you want to go. You kind of have to use the wind. So you end up going out to the west and letting the wind push you around. Like a whirlpool. In a clockwise fashion. Yeah, okay. Go towards the yellow. How much move did you have left? You said that was...

75, the first one? The yellow one? I'd say it's about... Well, yeah, you just use your full movement, so 60 flying speed. Yeah, I have 60 feet. Oh, yeah, you get pretty close. Okay. But not quite there. I'm just trying to figure out mentally where I'm going to put you on the map here. Gotcha. And then does it take...

Anything to drink a healing potion? Is that like a bonus action? I think we determined that rule is if you wanted to use a thing you get the full advantage and if you wanted to just have it as like a bonus action it was... Yeah. You rolled for it. Yeah, so you can just roll for it if you want to use it as a bonus action or drink it as a bonus action. Yeah, could I do that? I think it's a great rule. It's 2d4 plus two hit points. That's five. Plus four, nine. Roll me an Arcana check. Okay. Mother... Nine. Nine.

Have the healing potions always tasted like this? Yuck. Yuck, but still feels good. Like yucky cough syrup. No, no. Doesn't work? Even drinking a potion? Mm-mm. One magic. It's like, yeah, it's like drinking a flat Coke. So did I just essentially, I just burnt one of my potions. Yep. Damn. Well, I still have three more. That's okay.

Well, that's my turn. That's sad. All right, Kyborg. All right, so I am the closest to the yellow of the group. Is that correct? Bart is now closer, but Bart's turn has passed. Okay, and then Bart just got the blue. Is that what that was? Indigo. Indigo. Gum Gum is closest to the blue. Yes. And then Mud is closest to the orange. Correct. Okay, which one am I closest to? Yellow. Yellow.

Okay, how far? Let's call it 30. 30? And then what's the next closest one from that location? The next closest one would be the orange one down to the south where mud is. It's pretty far and it's against the wind. So it would be way more movement than you have. Still running against the wind.

Okay. If you wanted to, call me crazy. Okay. How much movement do you have? Apparently, I have 80 as a... You have 80? As a Quetzalcoatlus. Lightspeed. Yeah. So I'm trying to like, you know, like Pythagorean theorem, like figure out like, okay. Even though it's...

- Uh-huh. - With that much flying movement, if you flew with the wind, you could make it around to the blue dia gem way on the opposite end. - Where Gum-Gum is, right? - Oh, where Gum-Gum is. If you really wanted to, I could count. You might even be able to make it all the way to the one where mud is. - That'd be pretty fun. Yeah, let's go for that. Let's go for that. - Okay, let me do some counting. - Okay.

- You can make it to the blue one. You cannot make it to the orange one. You're still a little bit short. You can't quite get there. - What about the yellow one? - The yellow one, I think you're actually closer to now. - Okay, okay. Oh, right, 'cause I flew around. - Well, although Gum-Gum's about to go, is that right? - I'm after Mud. - After you, yeah. Then we go back to Mud and then Gum-Gum. - So in theory, unless John just completely butchers his roles, he's gonna take care of the orange. You're gonna take care of the blue.

And then does that leave just the yellow? Yeah. Yep. Which is going to be a ways because we still are after that. Do you want me to just go ahead and go for it? Okay. Yeah, I'm going to head for the yellow. Okay. And then I'm going to head after that. Just make as far of a distance as I can to get closer to mud to help him with getting

orange it might be good to head towards gum gum where the crown is oh because we're putting them on all your crown okay then i'll do that i'm gonna go i'm gonna grab the yellow and then i'm gonna go as it so happens i think that's exactly the amount of movement you have to get to the yellow and then use the wind to get around and you can get all the way to gum gum okay let's do that then so you see the yellow you move the 20 25 feet or so i snaked around i'm going okay

over to where the yellow Diagem is and it's in a... like there's a bunch of broken pieces of lumber, like two by fours. Maybe this was part of a farmhouse at one point. This kind of floating around in the air. Lots of nails. Hope you have your tetanus shot. And you see the yellow Diagem, but it's like almost within a crate of some sort. You're gonna have to break up the wood in order to get at it. - Okay.

- Yeah, I'll Pac-Man this, waka waka. I got this thing called dive attack. If the Quetzalcoatlus is flying and dies at least 30 feet towards the target and then hits with a bite attack, the attack deals an extra 3d6 damage to the target. Yeah, let's do that. - So you're gonna dive and you're gonna make the mighty Quetzalcoatlus war cry.

And dive at the wood and yeah, make an attack roll at it. Okay. Is that actually what it does? I wonder what it actually sounds like. I get an extra 3d6 damage. What's my initial... It's a prehistoric creature we'll never know. Prehistoric. Your bite is 3d6 plus three piercing damage.

Roll d6 twice. That was 10, and then this is an additional 8. You have to roll your attack roll first. You gotta see if you hit it. Let's roll a d20 and... Plus 4. Nat 20.

Heck yeah. Take that barrel. So then in that case Nat 20 on the attack of a cracker barrel. Your bite attack deals 28 points of damage but you're diving so that does an additional 8 points

The short version is that the box explodes into splinters and you grab the yellow dye gem into your mouth. I want to be clear. I don't swallow it. We don't have eight hours. All right. Wow, that's pretty quick. For like a... Digestion? Yeah. Eight hours? It's a little less. I don't know. Yeah.

How long it takes for someone to pass through your system? How long does it? How long would it take for me to poop out a die gem? As it quits a quaddle? Because you're like a snake thing. That's pretty long. That might have been longer. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think I'm going a lot longer. The yellow die gem. It would take six hours. Did you equip it? Oh, yeah. I'll equip this yellow die gem. So for our next D&D in real life TikTok, we're going to have...

Blaine, swallow a rock and then see how long it takes to find it. Per Ben's request, we have to do it twice. With Taco Bell and without Taco Bell. We need to get the next campaign sponsored by Taco Bell. So you got the yellow one? Yeah. Do I need to attune? No. No. No.

Damn the ruling here. No. Get the ruling. It is. The rule was nah. Nah. That is a N-A-H coming down the field. It's called elemental gem, right? Or is it source die gem? Die gem. Just look for die gem and you should be able to find it. The party.

the party's second greatest enemy inventory management for real though tell me about it there's so many things we've collected over this campaign that i've just never used it's like playing an rpg in a video game where you're like what was it where did i get that i still want to use my key mimic is there a box that can open at some point yeah but the quesacotalus just ate it it's just the your

Did you have any more movement or anything? I'm moving towards you. Yeah, I'm waiting to resolve it once he's done with his inventory. You got it? I'm pretty sure it's in there somewhere. That's not the answer I was looking for. Source Diagem. Force Diagem. Yellow Topaz. Hey, it's a wondrous item. Hey. I increased my strength score by two. That's fun. Advantage on strength checks. I should have gotten this one from the beginning. Why'd you guys give me the ruby? What the hell? What the hell? All right.

You swoop, destroy the box, pick up the Diagem, and move with the force of the wind around in a clockwise fashion until you meet up with Gum-Gum close to the blue Diagem. Wow, that's a Boolean.

Okay, I want to stick this on his crown. I'm a giant dragon snake thing, so I'm just going to put the easiest and quickest method I have to do this, Gum-Gum, is I'm just going to put my mouth over Gum-Gum's head and then use my tongue to put the dye gem onto his crown. All in a whipping tornado. Oh my God, Gum-Gum, that giant thing's trying to eat you. He's kissing me. Make a tongue dexterity check. I hope you've been tying up cherry stems. All right.

Here we go. The one part of his body has not been working out. That is how Kyborg has picked up chicks. Wait a second. Does this count as a kiss? Someone's appearing. I'm going to say no. It's an eight, but I'm going to roll a... You're lucky. No, inspiration.

Here we go. 24. And I braid his hair. With your tongue? Yeah. Yeah, so you place the yellow diadem atop the crown. Oh, actually, atop the diadem. Take it out of your inventory. On Gum-Gum's head, yeah. And now take it out of your inventory and Gum-Gum put it in your inventory. A lot of short-lived. I know. You spent so long looking for this stupid stone. That's what I was wondering. I was like, are you out of movement? Yeah. Yeah.

Our listeners, Blaine looks so dejected. I was looking at all the cool things. GumGum now has witch ones in his crown. He has red, yellow, and green. My movement screen increased by 20, by the way. Because of the Dyson? Yeah, that could have changed everything. And green he has too? Yes. Okay. And then he's right by blue. Okay. And I have the indigo one, but it's not witch.

- Not with Gum Gum. - Correct. - Okay, copy. - And the orange one is right by Mud. - So you have increased, yes. And increased strength. Wow, woo, look at those muscles. - You put it in your inventory, right? - Yup. - Okay. Chris, I'm talking to Chris. I'm not talking to Gum Gum.

Yes. Is that it for your turn, Kyborg? I don't think I have anything left, do I? Do I have any movement? I'm asking you. You tell me. Oh. As far as movement, no. You would have used all of your movement. Wait, but you said you had extra movement because of the Diagem? No longer, because I sucked on Gum-Gum's face. Right, but you would have burned that movement leading up to here. It was 20 extra? Yes. So I would say you have like another 20 feet of movement then. Okay. And then where's the closest...

thing to that then. The next closest one is the orange dia gem, which is by Mud, which is it's more than 20 feet, but with the wind you get extra movement in this direction. Is he still sucking on my face? No. Because then he could... Let's go.

- What? - You could get within about 25 feet of mud if you keep going in that direction. - Okay, I'll start wiggling that way then. - Okay, the giant dinosaur puts your head in its mouth briefly, Gum-Gum, then it takes off flying in a westerly direction out towards mud on a nice AOE grouping. Is that it for you, Kyborg? - Yeah, yeah. No, I'm far enough away. It's not gonna do AOE. It'd be worse if I stayed by Gum-Gum. - It's not the Tornado's turn yet.

I know, but I'm still stressed out because I know he's trying to make me feel bad. Stress me out. Anyways, yeah, I'm good. You start to hear thunder rumbling. Yeah, we're turning it off. That makes sense. I haven't eaten in a while. Boy, sure could use a fourth meal right about now. Specifically Taco Bell. Introducing the new intro and audio. Talk with five digestives. Is that thunder or is your stomach rumbling from hunger? No one tell the sales team how much time we gave to Taco Bell this episode.

You're welcome Taco Bell. Mud and Kaibor, both of you make me a constitution saving throw. Why?

They've been thunderstruck. Eleven. Unless I did it lucky. Do you think it's a lucky thing, guys? Bart, fellow lucky partner. Ten. Oh, man, I'm out of them. You rolled a check, Kyborg, not a saving throw. I'm not sure if it's a difference for you. Oh, it's way different. Do you want to add to that or do you want to roll again? Okay, so that was a plus one. Instead, I get plus six. So add five to whatever I just... So you rolled a 16 then. Yeah. Does that fail? Those are currently both failures unless you can do anything.

Constitution saving throw I love when it gets worse. All right, don't worry. You know take that much damage There's a lot of clicking happening, oh my god, there's a lot happening, okay, okay, he's still clicking clicking Now you just doing it for dramatic effect

14 points of thunder damage. That's it? Gus, I hate you. I was like, he's about to roll like 50 d20s. I was clicking and right clicking at the same time to add and remove dice. So both of you take 14 points of thunder damage and both of you are now deafened. What? Exactly.

That was right into my ear. Now John's actually deafened. Yeah, I'm sitting next to Blaine. He's trying to get you in character. Barb starts doing sign language to them because he knows they can't hear him, but he's just doing the like finger, like thumb trick. It's like... Pulling his thumb up. Mud is confused. In my Quetzalcoatlus form, is one of my wings metal? No.

In the fan art, sure. We'll have to figure that out canonically. Everyone make me a perception check. The two of you who are deafened with disadvantage. Perception. All right. 20 for Bart. 16. 16. 13. Why do you have advantage on that? One of the die gems. Oh. All you rolled pretty good, even with your disadvantage, huh? The lowest roll was Kyborg with a 13. You don't have to call.

So all of you notice this. None of you are oblivious to this. In the distance, you see figures growing larger. Outside the Entrenado or inside? Yeah, outside and then approaching. A giant purple worm crashes through the Entrenado. March is here!

I know you see on top of Smarsh are Sleek and Spectral. Cool. Then as you're looking at them, seemingly out of nowhere, a Woonicorn warps into existence. Who could it be? Carrying Brink, Paralyte, Meld, and Swordo. Why would the Unicorn be carrying that many when Smarsh has only got two? Because it's a Woonicorn. Wait, are you going to kill Smarsh? What's going on here? I don't know.

All cards are on the table. Let's not manifest that right now. Okay, play. Let's see if you put some of our least favorites on Smarsh. You better not kill Smarsh, all right? Some of our least favorites. Sleek. It's our only least favorite. It's Kyborg's least favorite. Yeah. I like Sleek. Sleek yells, Hi, Kyborg. You look different. Oh.

He pulls out his loot and begins playing a song. Kyborg, you now have Bardic Inspiration. Yay! Cool! What was that? You got a D8. Oh! I think it's like you can add that to any roll, right? Yeah. Ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. Cool. See? Look at that. You hate him? He's like your best friend. You're just trying to get me cozy up to him because you're going to kill him soon. Which is fine, but...

If you take Smarsh and throw in these hands, throw in these quits of codal hands. Hear me out. We get the crown full of the diagents. Yeah. We give it to Smarsh, and he is now actually king. He's so pure. He's the purest. He's actually Smarsh's king. Yeah, it would make sense. He needs a crown. Yeah, he's warily eyeing the crown atop Gum-Gum's head. Gum-Gum forgot. He's forgotten he's worn the crown. He's like, hey, Smarsh.

Mud, you're up first. All right, you're up next. And then after Mud is Gum-Gum, the false king.

Wow. Am I able to just grab the die gem? Yeah, it is now dislodged because of the lightning and just floating in the air next to you. Yeah, just make a dex check to see if you can pluck it out of the air. 21. Oh, yeah, you're able to easily grab it as it's floating near you. You now have it. You can spend five minutes putting it in your inventory if you want. Yeah, I mean, I should at least look it up, see if there's any abilities it's going to give me.

Did we ever get the orange one? You're by the orange one. Sorry, previously story. Did one of us get the orange one? I don't think so. Have we ever encountered it? The orange one was the Reach diet jam. That didn't answer my question.

I thought you had it. I had the green. Oh. So since no one here is saying they got it. The reach was the one that was in quadrant. Remember the whole point was the reach and emerald? Oh. And that was one that Entropa took immediately. That was the one I grabbed hold of for one minute and then it disappeared. And then he grabbed it from me. Okay. So we did encounter it. We just never really possessed it for a while. Correct. Okay. Mud. Okay. Since I'm no longer a bat, Kyber's like 25 feet away from me.

Yeah. Wind with me or wind against me if I were to try to maneuver my way to him? Against. Oh, cool. Because he used it to help get close to you. Trying to ride me. That's cool. Well, mostly just trying to get to the thing that has a fly speed of 80 feet that could take the gem to where it is supposed to go. You put it in my mouth? Just throw it into my mouth and I'll catch it.

Well, my turn is next, by the way. But GumGum, you're even further. You also could maybe call out for help from your newfound friends. Oh, yeah, let's do that. Okay, so I've got a die gem and a yell out. Hey, Woonicorn. I could use an aid. I've got four people on his back. Yeah, but it's the Woonicorn. It's the Woonicorn. He's OP. He has smarts right there. Oh, yeah. Mud can understand the Woonicorn. That's right. Oh, yeah. It looks at you and says, No!

Okay, where do you need to go? Wilbur? I mean, Mud? I either need to get to Kyborg, or if you feel like you could get to Gum-Gum, that would be the ultimate destination. You got it. Micah is dying over here. Oh, man.

With that, Spectral stands up on top of Smarsh and you see him blink out of existence and he appears next to you, Mud. And he says, here, take my hand. I grab his hand. You grab his hand. Fingers laser cupped. Like that, like that.

- Predator handshake. - Cupped. - Cupped, got it. - Cupped. - All right, then from everyone else's perspective, Mud and Spectral blink out of existence. But Mud, you can see that you shift planes into the ethereal plane briefly and move very quickly over and then reappear atop the Woonicorn. - Oh, cool. That's helpful. A little bit of a, was that Misty Step or something? - Yeah, kind of, similar.

Okay. I'm just here for the ride. Let's go. Onward! Atop the Woonicorn, you get that familiar sensation that you've been through once before where everything seems to stretch out and slow and stop. And then seemingly in the blink of an eye, you atop the Woonicorn with some of your allies appear next to Gum-Gum. Hey, smack that orange gem onto that boy's crown. Smack that. Smack that.

All right. So you no longer have it in your inventory. John, Chris, make sure you add that to your inventory or to GumGum's inventory. I like how you were doing that before he was finished talking. So he's going. Shoot me the magic. Chris, did you ever like go into the bank with your mom as a kid? Yeah. Just so they can get the pneumatic tubes. Yeah. Yeah. I like how you immediately just say yeah. I know what he's talking about. I loved it.

Oh, so cool. Do I have any action time available for one or more potions of healing? Yeah, I would say at this point, you pretty much just used a bonus action to grab the die gem and all the other movement was motivated by Spectral and the Woonicorn. So you still have your actions.

The potion of healing is poopy. Yeah, Bart can agree with that. Yeah, it tastes awful. Yeah. Maybe you should check the expiration date on those. I have had them for a while. Yeah. Can I instead... They're good for three hours. I guess I'll just wild shape again then. And I just like, what we do in the shadow style, just go, bat! And back into a giant bat.

I thought you were saying Bart with an accent. There's a Matt Berry right there for you. That. Okay. Is that it for Mud?

Oh, wait. Wild Shape, make me an Arcana check. Oh, you... You almost got away. I almost forgot. Arcana? Yes. That's only a 13. You try to focus it all, but maybe it was the plane shifting. Maybe it's that riding the Woonicorn. The magics don't quite coalesce in quite the way you were expecting, quite the way that you're used to. So I'm part bat. You close your eyes, focus on a giant bat, and out pops a tiny chicken. I am a tiny chicken. You're a tiny chicken. Okay, I'll take it.

Adorable. I'll take it. That's what you get when you cluck around out here.

Take away inspiration dice from the TM. I'll tell you what. Paralite looks over and sees you regrettably transform into a tiny, cute little chicken. Don't worry. I'll help you out, Mud. She flicks a special dart straight at you, and as soon as it hits, you feel a robustness cover your feathered body. You receive 15 temporary hit points. Thank you. That's Mud. Gum Gum, you're up. Okay, so I'm how far from the blue one? You're pretty close. You're maybe...

15 feet away, but it's in the direction of the wind, so you get there very quickly. Okay. And is it just floating or what was the deal with it? I remember I said it's like a giant clump of earth was picked up and is floating around and this is lying on top, the giant clump of earth. There's like little bits of grass and rock. When you grab it, say, welcome to earth. Okay.

Yeah, can I fly towards it? Yeah, it takes, we'll say it takes about five feet of your movement together. And you see it, this clump of earth is big enough that you could walk on it if you want to. It's about 15 by 15 feet or so. It's pretty sizable. But I don't think I need to. Welcome to Earth. I'm just trying to set the stage in case you wanted to use that for whatever reason. Okay, so grab it. Yeah, you got to make a dexterity check to see if you're able to pick it up. Dexterity check.

21. 21. Yeah, you're able to easily pick it up. And yeah, you have it. Make sure you add it to your inventory.

That's what, four, five, or six? That was blue. So you got red, green, blue, yellow. I got blue, yellow, orange, red, and green. I have all but one. Oh, so you don't have Indigo yet. And where's that one? I have that one. Bart has it. Bart has it in your hand? Yep. So where's Bart in relation to me? Bart's kind of across the center of the storm, like northwest of where you are. How far? Hmm.

Show me the distance. Let's call it 75 or 80. Okay. Correct me if I'm wrong, but my rage from the previous battle or when we were fighting was teleportation. I believe so. Yes, that is correct. Okay. I'm going to use my bonus action to teleport 30 feet towards Bart. Okay. You close your eyes and you blink out and then reappear 30 feet closer to Bart. Okay.

I'm coming. You're coming? I guess that's appropriate too. So now I'm... When you reappear, you're kind of in the center of the vortex. Okay. Kind of by that door that Bart saw earlier. What's our distance away from each other now? 30, 25, 30, something like that. Okay. Well, I have a 60 foot walking or flying speed. Yeah, you're able. You can get there. I want to go...

Bart puts all of his appendages out. And then like, kind of like puts his arms out. Like they're going in for a hug. Yeah. Bart Starfish is in this guy. But he's still a dragon. That's fun. Just for fun. Both of you make me a dexterity check. Let's see how cool this is. All right.

Well, I'm re-rolling that because it was a one. GumGum got a 22. I got a 21. Whoa! So cool. Yeah, both of you converge. Maybe it's all the time you've spent together, but you know exactly how to position yourself in 3D space for this hug. You impact very softly together in a very lovingly friendly embrace. I guess it's GumGum's turn, but is Bart able, when he reaches around for the hug, to place the gem and the crown at the same time? Or is that something that GumGum has to do? Sure, why not? Okay.

Yeah, so you all hug each other and Bart normally goes for the wallet in this instance. But instead, you reach up and place the gem into the diadem. And takes Gum Gum's wallet at the same time.

What's in there? Just a... More Boomba. I was going to say Chuck E. Cheese gift card. Expired Chuck E. Cheese gift cards. As you are reaching up to place that gem into the diadem. Let me guess. Something bad happened. Of course something bad has to happen. Once again... Lightning starts to form and a bolt of lightning shoots out towards you, Gum Gum. Ah!

Make a dexterity saving throw. You should have some uber advantage on this. Is he able to equip this one or no? I'll say this is before, like as you're trying to put it in. But you have reach, which is a dex gem. Okay. So it's a plus two or something. It's a five. You have advantage though, I think. Oh, on a dex saving throw? Yeah. Okay. Then yes, I do. That's still only a 10. Golly, Chris. Plus two. You're a god. I don't think it's going to...

It's because his back was turned. He was looking at Bart. He was a little distracted. That's what happens. That's what gets you every time. All right. A lightning bolt strikes you, Gum-Gum, doing 71 points of...

71. But is he raging still? It wouldn't protect me from that. Oh. I'll tell you what, as the lightning, you know, is forking out towards your direction, faster than you can comprehend, Smarsh dives over, providing you with some cover. Smarsh! And a bonus to your AC and dexterity saving throw. The lightning impacts Smarsh, who roars in anger as he takes the damage. No!

You'll pay for that. I'll save you, Mr. President. Yeah, he did. He really did. He was just going for the crown, turns out. So then, Bart, you're able to place the gem into the diadem. So that's the indigo one, if you want to add that, Chris. Is that all of them? Red, orange, yellow, green.

Every time we do this, I think of Lucky Charms. Herbs and rainbows. Clovers and balloons. Balloons? Blue moons. Blue moons. Pots of gold and rainbow. And the red balloon. And the red balloon. Shoot. Man, everything has an advantage now. A brilliant array of rainbow colors showers around Gum-Gum like a waterfall of light. His eyes begin to glow and the voice of Dia echoes in the air. I am with you. I am with you.

- With all of you, you all must strike at the intro and go together. Make haste. - And out from Gum Gum, a wave of dazzling light washes over all of you. You feel a powerful serenity pulse through your bodies. You look down and see all of your weapons and equipment now glows with a rainbow aura. - Healing us for... - Meta-game wise, everyone receives a long rest and an inspiration to--

Wow. I needed that. And an inspiration die. Yes. Okay. Magic food. Thank you, Daya. I mean, thank you, Daya. And Gum Gum. Thanks, Gum Gum's mom. You play good with your friends. Can we hang out after school? Can I reset to kyborg and not Quetzalcoatlus anymore? If you want. I want. I got some pretty beefy attacks. Can the subject of a voluntary polymorph voluntarily drop it? I remove the spell. Yeah.

Yeah. Are you still a chicken? Oh, man, am I? I think that's up to you whether or not you drop that. Okay, so this is everyone's chance to make attacks against the Entro Pearl. Mutt, since you were first here, what are you going to do? Scroll to the bottom of my spells and see what I can do. What's the state of the Entronado?

It's still whirling around. There's still a tempest. And you said there was a door in the middle, right? Yeah. Like all the other debris, just a door that's floating around. Like at the beginning of The Wizard of Oz when Dorothy goes to the window and looks out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, then I guess I'll just go with Sunbeam. Ooh. Can I attack it? Yeah. Okay. That's a six-level spell.

It's an Ironman. It is. It is a repulsor ray. Ooh, powerful.

So a brilliant line of radiant light shoots out from your hand, striking the enteral pearl, doing 68 radiant damage. Yes. Let's go. So go ahead and roll that damage. Not bad. 28. 28, okay. And blinded. It's a pearl, but okay. Got it. 28 points of radiant damage. The pearl is now blinded. Is the pearl floating in the middle of all this? Yes, it's floating freely currently.

How big is it? It's sizable. We'll say it's like twice as big as a normal pearl that you would expect. A big clam. Bart, how do you want to attack the intro pearl? I would like to cast Cloud of Daggers around it. Would that hit any of us, though? No, no, no. Okay. And I'm going to do it at the eighth level. Yikes. What is that, like 8d4? 16d4. Oh, my. That's a lot. Let's see what it is. Oh, my God. I rolled so many ones. 42. That's quite a bit. 42 points of damage.

Yeah. Daggers appear out of nothingness, almost like a blender, chopping everything up around the intro pearl, doing 42 points of damage. All right. Kyborg, how do you want to attack the intro pearl? I raise my hand up and I use my hand cannon. Yeah. All right. So that's 19.

That's going to be the end. Okay. So it's like 4D. Our last math. 46 bludgeoning damage, 46 fire. So I'm going to roll 146, 19 bludgeoning. And then here's fire. It's 15. So 34 points of damage total, 19 bludgeoning, 15 fire. And then I'm going to continue on with my actions and say, forever winter!

So now the pearl is my mortal enemy. It's all of our mortal enemy, I think, right? So I'm going to use Longbow of Crystallina. So in addition to the attack, I get 46 cold damage. A little bit of this. A little bit of that. 25. That hits.

That's eight plus ten, eighteen. Eighteen points of damage. That's eight piercing and the ten is like cold? Yes. Okay. The pearl is cold. And another shot! It's blind and cold. Yeah.

30! Oh, that hits. Wow. Here's a little piercing for you. 15! 15 points of piercing damage? That's... Is that your maximum? That's your maximum. That's max, yeah. Plus cold! 16! That's some good rolls. Yeah, that's 31 points of damage. How does that pearl look now? It's no longer of the top quality. You would not find this in the finest jewelry shops in Faiza any longer. Huh, okay. What else? Three attacks. Okay. Action search! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Rollin' it again! Seventeen. Uh, yeah, that hits. Little bit of this! Another fifteen. What is the gems, AC? I'm not telling. Fifteen, plus nine cold. Okay, that hits. Uh, doing twenty-four points of damage. Okay. Little bit of that! Twenty. Yep, that hits. God, even with a six, you still get a twenty. I know. Ten points piercing, plus a little bit of cold damage. You look too warm. Let's eat you. It's going off. Eighteen. Put you on ice. Okay.

And then another little bit of that! That's another... 30. Yeah. Uh, piercing. 11 plus... 12! Okay, that's a good chunk. Alright, is that it for kyborg? Uh...

I want to move towards Smarsh. Okay. Yeah, you move towards Smarsh, who's still grumbling and thrashing around because of the lightning. He looks angry. You've seen him in this mood before. You know how he can get. I know how he can get. Is it the lightning or the lack of ground? When he showed up, he was already in a bad mood when he saw that, and then the lightning just kind of made it even worse. I mean, I have no other actions, but I do want to just kind of comfort him if possible. Pet him. Oh, okay. Can you sing a lullaby to him? I'll play the loop for you. Um...

Was that Chris's kiss from a rose? There's so much cover I could tell you. Wait for me to sing a lullaby this morning. Okay. There, there's Marsh. I know that attack was harsh, but I'm here to come for you. We're going to the marsh and then we're...

Blin's listening around feverishly. ABCDEF, J.K. Gertler. Oh my gosh, I love you, Smarsh!

Have fun with that, Micah. Make a performance check. Oh, I'm sweating. Yeah, you're red. Okay, that was not easy, is it? What's up? Negative two. Fifteen. Meld very quickly pulls out some metal and some wood from her bag. It begins cobbling together a little device. And as you're singing partway through, she hands it to you and it begins auto-tuning your voice.

Go ahead and roll your performance check again. That way you get advantage on this check. Ah, here we go. This will be a better roll. A T-pain roll. Nine. Okay, we'll stick with the 15. You have a negative two to performance. It could have been worse, but... I felt that negative two sitting next to Blaine. You get auto-tuned a bit, and it comes out...

My head hurts. You're allowed to breathe while you sing. Gum gum, you're up. How do you attack the intro pearl? How far away is it? We'll say it's roughly 30 feet away. Okay, I'm

I'm gonna fly towards it and recklessly attack it with my axe, my balancing axe. That's a 24? Yeah, 24 hits. So that's 10 plus 3... So 13 plus the damage from the Diadem. And once on each of your turns, you can deal extra radiant damage to one target when you deal damage to it with an attack or spell. Extra damage equal to your proficiency bonus. So that would be 5. So what was that? Sorry.

10 plus 3 is 13 plus 5 is 18. Okay, 18. And then I'll attack again. That's... It hits. Yeah. It's a 32. Well, did you just roll? Uh-huh.

I think John got bored and rolled 150d20. Can you see my screen? Oh my god. Well, you're never getting back to your character sheet. It's frozen now. 1,628. Alright. So 15 plus the, what was the other one? 16 or whatever. Before it was 18. 18 plus 14. 32. And then those are my two attacks. And then, I don't know what else I can do with my bonus action. I'll do something cool. That's the important thing. Looking cool. Action switch.

I don't have an action surge. Do a backflip. You got all those die gems, you can't do no action surge. Do a backflip. And then with my bonus action, I will... Make a flower.

Where do you make the flower? On the... A Venus flytrap. No, I just make a flower... A targeting flower! Everyone aim for the flower! Are there any flowers that have bioluminescence? Probably. Gum-Gum, you swing mightily with your balancing axe, cleaving the Entropurl twice with your radiant blade.

The dark stone begins to fracture and crack. You hold out your staff of flowers and summon one final flower in the air. Its shimmering petals softly float down toward the gem. The black Entrapearl shatters into dust from your barrage of attacks, and the tornado slowly dissipates and shrinks into a single crimson cloud. The red shroud takes shape into a humanoid wearing a long scarlet coat. He falls to his knees. "Fools. All of you.

- This world isn't ready. You'll see, magic will be your demise. - Sordo chimes in and says, "I think we've heard enough. Mud, do you have the last Briah orb?" - Yeah.

Do you want it? No, he was just checking on it. Hang on to it. Am I going to use it on Entropa? Is he looking like he's damaged at all or feeling down? Oh, yeah, he's down on his knees. Personally, I feel like we should give him a second chance at that final word. Paralyte says, I agree. Mud slaps Kyborg and throws the briar orb. Wait. It's coming, it's coming.

You pull out the Briar Orb and Entropa shouts. The Briar Orb crumbles to mulch and floats away. Entropa rises into the air and tears a rift in space, summoning a giant kinetic axe. He raises the enormous blade.

My wrath cannot be quenched, mortals! I've killed you before, and I can do it again! And Entropa brings the axe down, and in a panic, Sordo shouts, No! and launches towards the axe, and with a croak, the spear implodes into a silvery singularity. No! Entropa shrieks as the crimson cloud is slowly squeezed and pulled into the gleaming void. The singularity collapses and vanishes before your eyes.

You blink your eyes and look around but find no sign of a chaotic crimson cloud. Instead, you see an orc. It's a silvery orc floating in the air. With closed eyes, he takes in a deep breath. The orc opens his eyes, and though his whole body is a silvery mist, you swear his eyes are brown. He looks down at Gum-Gum, and a gentle but crooked smile comes across his face. Gum-Gum? You... you found me! Thank you, son. Hi.

Where'd you go? Yeah. Hey, where's Sordo? You see the sphere now shattered, kind of like crunched in on itself on the ground. Cool. Way to go, Entropa. That was our friend. Why'd you let that happen to yourself? Or how? Garidor opens his mouth but stops, his eyes fixed on his misty hands. He turns them over, perhaps noticing he can see straight through them.

He looks around, taking in the ashen sky, the colorless soil, and devastation as far as the eye can see. Finally, he sees what's left of Sordo and his face drops. I did this, didn't I? Yeah, you did. I really wish you hadn't. It'd be lovely to have the magic back in the world. And our friend Sordo. So much pain. So much destruction. So much anger. It consumed me.

He looks down.

A shimmering celestial more beautiful than a field of flowers and more radiant than a thousand sunsets appears next to Geridor. Dia looks at Geridor with moonlit eyes, and he bows before her. The fault is mine, my queen. I see that now. Magic was never the problem. I was. Do with me what you must. I am not here to punish you, Geridor. I'm here for my son, Gum-Gum.

As the rightful heir of the Diadem and wielder of all six Diadems, you now possess a power. A power that belongs to no one else. The power to wish. With but a few words, you can change the entire world, Gum-Gum. But you only get one wish. Suffice it to say, this is not something to be taken lightly.

I spent many ages of reflecting and seeking counsel before I finally used my wish to bring magic to Oliphazer. Perhaps your friends can offer you some wisdom?

I had to take a picture of Chris's face just now. You get one wish. Mutt realizes the gravity of the situation and just kind of starts reaching for the diadem. He puts it on someone else's head. Remember when I had it? When I was a spider, that was...

Gungum, Gungum, what if we thought about something like bigger term that would help everybody? So like maybe... Everyone spiders! Peace across the... No, no. So just for context, like the text for this says, Wish is the mightiest spell a mortal creature can cast. By simply speaking aloud, you can alter the very foundations of reality in accordance with your desires. Gungum, what if you wish for like peace? Wouldn't that be fun? So is magic gone?

Yes. It seems like you can no longer feel or see any magic in the world. So if I show me the magic, there's nothing. That's sad. Unless your wish is to show you the magic. Yeah, you can bring it back. Back to the world. What if I wish that my dad was never angry? I would alter the timeline a bit. We probably would have never met. All the episodes on Spotify get deleted. On our system, you have to delete them from your own devices. Yeah.

It feels like you need to figure out a way to phrase for what Entropa did wrong to be righted. Mud thinks it's a good time to smack Gum-Gum's butt and gives him guidance. Oh. Share the magic.

And so that brings us to today. It's been 30 years since Gum-Gum the Wiseheart made his wish and forever changed the world. Magic was once again restored to the furthest reaches of Faiza, and a new era of peace and unity was ushered in between the lands and its peoples. But the story of the Infinites didn't end there, did it? The tavern owner looks up at the four of you. Oh. Bart.

What happened to Bart over the last 30 years? 30 years. 30 years. What did Bart do after all of that? Well, first Bart reunited with his dads, did some fatherly son bonding, and then brought them aboard the Jebediah and sailed the seas with Captain Marge and his papas. And after a few years of that,

he and his fathers started their own band. Oh really? Yeah. And they call themselves the Sideshow Bobs. Of course. They're known far and wide. Did they ever encounter again the Titorians or the Tabulians? Just in the audience. Ah, of course. Big fans. Yeah, they'd come to see them play. Big fans. Maybe that was one of our adventures, is bring in peace.

Yeah. Are people that follow your band around everywhere you go called bobbleheads? Oh, I like that. That is good. What about Kyborg? What happened to Kyborg over the 30 years?

Kyborg, of course, teamed up with Smarsh, but also went on several more adventures with his fellow Infinite's. But he and Smarsh continued to be good, good friends. And then he returned to Infinite Castle and picked up where Doctor Him kind of left off with Atton and Dant. And he started making prosthetics for like amputees and stuff like that in FaZe so that he could help them become like warriors and stuff. I like that. Did he do any changes to his arm?

No, I think he kept it just the same. Yeah. And then I think, I mean, this is kind of up to you guys too, but I feel like he would have wanted to go back and actually like see how things were with Lynn Burr and see if that there could be like a relationship. Cause he didn't want to just like have this like weird deal with her. It's like, no, let's see if we can make this thing work. Oh, nice. Yeah. Yeah.

Very valiant. All the kisses. So did Qyborg ever confront Quadarius or Quadrin again? Wait, was he... He's in one of the Briar Orbs, right? Yeah. Maybe. I don't really know what I could be doing with him. I mean, he killed my family. Outside of straight up murdering him, I don't think there's much I want to have to do with him. I'm just curious if there was any, you know, follow-up on that. Well...

I mean, Dr. Him, one of his final words was that he tried to help out Quadrant, but he like kind of helped him turn evil or something. I wasn't quite clear on what had happened there. I don't know. Do you want to expand on that? Because personally, I'm good to just... I don't think I want to say anything else on that. We'll leave it as it played. I mean, if he was... Nah, he burned my family. Nah, he burned hell. Nah, Quadrant sucks. Quadrant sucks. If anything means Smarsh destroyed that Briar Orb. Yeah.

Mud, what about you? Mud made his way back to Urbloom because he liked the vibe of that city and it's different and it's commerce and it's population and he opened a

combination cafe bookstore. Oh. Um, but, uh, it's a special kind of cafe. It's a badger cafe. What is that? What's a badger cafe? Well, it's like, it's like a cat cafe, but it's just full of badgers. So the cafe is like, so everybody's like kind of like drinking their coffee and like, you know, there's like getting attacked by badgers, 15 badgers running around the floor of this cafe slash bookstore. Um,

Um, the bookstore obviously specializes in these special kinds of books that are mostly pictures and panels arranged in a, in a certain composition. And, uh, yeah, short of the specific instances that his old compatriots called upon him basically retired from adventuring. Not, not really his vibe, um, likes living a quiet life. Um,

you know, managing his store. And he obviously learned magics along the way to keep Gumbo alive for 30 years. And I assume Mud still enjoys his coffee with a heaping amount of dirt. Oh, yeah. Yeah, what's the name of the cafe? Gumbo's Grounds.

That's good. Yeah, he has to have the health code violator guy. The health inspector. He pays him off. The health code violator guy. Did Mud ever get another haircut? Yeah, Mud actually, you know, it's very important to find a stylist that gets you. And once you do, kind of to keep fostering that relationship. So Mud actually makes a trek to Pious Pass every few months to get topped up by the, what were they called?

I almost said it. They were the something about... What was it? The Bardbershop? Oh, the Bardbershop. There you go. It was a quartet or something that did it? Yeah. And he gets topped up there and has tried all the colors. It was the Toon Sisters. Yeah. Goes and gets the Toon Sisters to tune him up. Nice. GumGum, what about you? Well, I have a couple questions. One...

What happened to Gum Gum's mom? Like, can she still talk to him? You tell me. Did Gum Gum ever see his parents again? Well. Did you start a band? It's your chance to create. Write the story. Not so easy, is it? No, it isn't.

We just do improv. We don't write. They don't have physical form, right? I mean, they could. Oh, I should say Dia could if she chose, but her power is diminished in this plane. I would say that Gum-Gum forgives his dad for abandoning him and doing everything and tells him that before he moves on. Then he goes about, first he goes to the Tabulians and tries and works on a

a potion to give them their limbs because he promised them he would do that. Did he make any progress on that? Yes. Oh. Because he had the, he kept the potion that Dr. Ahim had made to turn him into a dragon. He kept that. He didn't use it. It wasn't a potion. It was a concoction. What was it? Decoction. Decoction. So he kept that and I think he would work with Meld and the Tabulians to try and make something that would give them back their farms and legs because he promised them he would.

And then he would go to the orphanage and stay there and help a chesty raise the orphans. And maybe try and teach them magic. Does Gum-Gum ever still get angry or rage? Yeah, he does. But he tries to teach the orphans to use their anger to redirect it to good things and not let it consume them. Like making...

Planting flowers. And he starts a garden. Oh. Does the garden have a name? Garden of Hugs. That took 20 minutes. Well, you know, it seems like Gum-Gum leads such a serene life. I have to ask, what did he ever do with the wand of the Wysard? Or what about the diadem? He lost them.

He put them in a shoebox under his bed. I think he put the wand of the wiser. He made a grave or a memorial for his parents. In the Garden of Hugs? Well, no, not in the Garden of Hugs. That's for growing things. Okay, I'm sorry. How dare you, John? I know, God, a memorial to the garden. Never been done before. No. He has a separate memorial. Okay. One for his dad.

and one for his mom and he put the wand of the wiser in with his dad where his dad was buried and then his mom he still talks to her what happened to the crown I asked you you're writing it yeah this is our opportunity to make our own stories he keeps it and he tries to talk to his mom through it and he knows that she can hear him even if he can't hear her nice what about the paladians did gum gum ever run into them again like all the people trying to protect the die gems yeah

Oh, I don't know. Should he give them all back? Well, that's GumGum's decision. I think he'd be okay with that. I mean, it would be better than having them all in one place for a person to take them all. Yeah. So redistribute them? Redistribute them back to the places where they came, but in a way that's like they're protected and they're not like out for grabs from meanies. Yeah, that makes sense. And maybe also GumGum promises to protect them if someone tries to take them. Nice. And you have my bow. Nice.

And my axe. You don't have an axe, you have a dagger. Dang it. And every year he has a party at the Orcanage where he invites all his friends to come and play. And we come perform. Yes. And I am happy. I have a okay relationship with Sloth.

That's the best boy to do. I think you guys live together now. You're like frat boying it up in an apartment together. Just like getting chicks. I mean, it's infinite HQ. I think I want to keep the infinites going. So like it is a revolving door of everybody, including Paralite. Oh, yeah. Well, speaking of sleek, with the help of Sleeks.

Troll Knive and Goddess Andi, the Ishbjorn and Valrasians returned from the ethereal plane, rebuilt and renamed their homeland, Ishval.

The Valrossian royalty was dissolved and replaced with a council of elders that accurately represented all of the people. Paralite returned to Boulderae, took time to grieve and bury her old friend, Dr. Accutarius Hansel Emeritusian. Eventually, she took it upon herself to watch over and protect the briar orbs of the tetragaugs.

As she aged, she trained other honorable folks to defend the orbs, and they call themselves

The Evergards. Oh, okay. Brink humbly stepped down from his short-lived mayorship and decided to spend time with friends and pursue his dream, opening a magic-based franchise called Made You Look. You can learn magic in the brink of an eye. Excellent. They were such a sensational success, he opened up 20 more pop-up shops. His goal is to put one in every town of Faiza. Pyramid scheme. Ha ha ha.

Sordo's sacrifice not only saved his friends and the fate of Faiza, but it also freed his spirit. After his fear collided with Entropa's axe, his spirit returned to his body, still on ice in Boulderae. After some much needed recovery, Sordo decided to put his centuries of knowledge and wisdom to good use. In partnership with Brinks Made You Look, he opened a hero training school in Boulderae to teach the next generation

It's called the Ahem Academy. Aw. Slik, Spectral, Grizzly, and Illieve all returned to Boulderee and officially retired the titles of Infinites. Instead, they became tutors and teachers at the Ahem Academy, and word is they're still teaching there today.

For a few years, Meld offered her crafting services to Sordo at the Ahem Academy, but eventually she left Boulderay and continued her search for her mother, Sedate Tempore. After the Throne Gauntlet Tavern was destroyed by the Anarchs, Duncan decided to start fresh. Instead of rebuilding, he decided to travel for several years. Eventually, he took a job as a mixologist at another tavern, far, far away from Faesa.

Speaking of which, hey, Duncan, how about another round for my friends here? A petite red scaly face pops out from behind the bar. You got it, Guzzler. Anything for my favorite customers. Duncan comes out from behind the bar and freshens everyone's beverages. Anyway, I think that just about concludes the tale of the Infinites. Ooh, boy, I'm bushed. If y'all don't mind, I think I'll head upstairs to catch some shut-eye. Wait, I want to grab the bartender. What happened to little Jimmy?

Quickly, what happened to Little Jimmy? Where is he? Little Jimmy? That's a name I haven't heard in a long time. That's a story for another time. Turns out the bartender is Little Jimmy. That's a tale for another day. The horned humanoid grunts as he gets up from his rocking chair, nods to y'all, and makes his way upstairs. Duncan waits till he hears old Guzzler shut his bedroom door, then scampers up onto the rocking chair. I thought he'd never leave. Duncan claps his clawed hands, and the tavern's torches dim until they're barely flickering.

I think it's about time for a new tale. I've been practicing my storytelling voice. *ahem* Be warned, my friends. This tale is much darker than the last. It promises to be gruesome, ghastly, and grotesque. Or should I say... grotesque. *laughs* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *laughter* *�* *�* * laughter* *�* * laughter* * laughter* * laughter* * laughter* * laughter* * laughter* * laughter* * laughter* * laughter* * laughter* * laughter* * laughter* * laughter* * laughter* * laughter* * laughter* * laughter* * laughter* * laughter* *

I'm scared. Want to give a special thanks to some friends who provided VO for characters in this episode. Daya, voiced by BK. Paralite, voiced by Hannah McCarthy. Sleek, voiced by Ben Ernst. Spectral, voiced by Christian Young. Sordo, voiced by Jack Patello. And Entropa slash Geridor, voiced by Armando Torres. This concludes the Infinite campaign, but the good news is that

Our next episode is Behind the Tales. It's a special look at this whole Infinite campaign with the entire cast and crew. We spent time reminiscing about favorite moments, answering questions submitted by you, and offer some teasers as to what's next because this is not the end of the show. We are diving into our next full-length campaign with the original cast and crew. So get ready for that. Thanks for listening so far, and we'll see you guys next week. ♪