cover of episode Shawty Bae Talks Getting a BBL, Her Friend With Benefits & Being BANNED From Malls

Shawty Bae Talks Getting a BBL, Her Friend With Benefits & Being BANNED From Malls

Publish Date: 2023/11/16
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Welcome back to the Just Trish podcast. Today, I am just beaming with excitement for this guest. So requested, highly anticipated. I've been blowing up her comments in the live. We have Shadi Bae. Hi, guys. I'm Shadi Bae. I'm here.

Okay, I love you already. We have been talking for the past, like, 15 minutes, and you are just, first of all, so humble. You're so, like, sweet and, like, shy in person. Yeah, I'm a little shy, but I'll be okay in this account. Yeah! You're vlogging now, too, which I love. How long have you been vlogging for? Because I didn't know you vlogged. Um, for a little bit months. I'm not sure when I started. Why YouTube now? Like, you're famous on TikTok and Transitioning to YouTube. Well, because...

TikTok is not forever, so I need to go back to a different social media. And YouTube is forever. I've been on YouTube 16 years, so I think it's going to be around for a long time. But you started on, so TikTok has been around for a while. How old were you on I'm not that sure. I was so young, though. Yeah, because you're not even 21. You're going to be 21 next week. Yeah. So you're 20 now. So how old are you? Like 12? 12.

I think so. Yeah. Wow. And you were in Minnesota making music, please. I was in Minnesota. Wow. I'm Midwest too. I'm from Illinois. So I love a Midwest girl. What were your parents thinking? Did they know you made these lip sync videos? No, they didn't. I didn't tell them. So, but you were like blowing up, like people were duetting you like Justin Bieber and all these things. So like, were they like, what's going, they didn't, had no idea. No, they didn't. How'd you keep it from them? Well,

PewDiePie put me his video. That's when I showed him. And that's how I blow up the first time. What was he talking about? Just your lip sync videos? Like, yeah, he was. What did you think when PewDiePie made a video? Were you like, this is so cool? Or were you like, oh, no? I was like, no way. I was like screaming because I was in a restaurant that moment, bro.

And you're in Minnesota. Yeah. And so you're like, oh my God, PewDiePie just made a video about me. Oh my gosh. Did people at school like just like... When I went to school, they started to recognize me and then someone else posted about me on Instagram and then I blew up on Instagram. And then that's how I got my fame. Wow. Thanks to PewDiePie and the guy that dueted me and yeah. PewDiePie, like literally, yeah, he can put anyone on the map. So the kids were excited. They weren't like jealous because you're like famous now and they weren't like... Yeah. They want to take a picture everywhere I go. Wow.

Wow. Yeah. That's wild. Do you still get stopped like every day? Yeah. Every day. Cause you're so recognizable. You're so like a, you're a staple. You're always on live. You're always, I think people just like love you and you're like very like, you're very like, what is it? Relatable. You know what I mean? You talk about body positivity. So I think people feel like they know you, you know? Yeah. And they're just like, want to be your friend.

Yeah. I'm just myself and I don't try to be nobody else. I just am myself. And that's why people love you. That's why I love you because you're just like a breath of fresh air on social media, you know, because you are yourself and you just don't follow the trends. You're just like yourself, which is beautiful and wonderful. Sometimes I try to go on trends, but I don't know how to dance them, so I need to learn them for a little bit.

Your dance ones are good. Thank you. I like the dance ones. Your new place now, you moved to like a new – you just recently moved? Yeah. It looks so cool. We'll talk about that in a minute, but I also want to talk about your meet and greets. I was first introduced to you – well, I've seen you on TikTok, but we share glam. We have a lot of the people that do the same hair and makeup. They love you. Shout out Damien. Shout out Tony. Shout out Jason. Yeah.

And you get glammed a lot because you're a glam girly. And I think it was Tony who showed me, he does my hair and he showed me a clip of you, or maybe it was Damien, showed me a clip of you at the mall and it was like 10,000 people mopping you. Tell me about that.

To be honest, that was my first ever meeting. So I had anxiety, to be honest. You did? Yeah. Because did you expect that many people? No, I didn't. I didn't know people loved me that much. Like, for real, I didn't know, bro. I've never seen that many people ever. I've done concerts. I've done shows. Like, no, 10,000 people have never showed up for me. I couldn't even imagine what that felt like. I was nervous. I don't know. I was, like, in the room because I was too nervous to see that much people. And then they were pounding the window. That can't be real.

Oh my God. And then the security with you or did they come after like the police? Yeah, the police. They called the police because we couldn't even get out. They couldn't even make room for me to. And then I fell on the floor. Did you see that part? Yes. Oh my God. It was slippery on the

floor oh my and you're so tiny so you're like close to the floor they're probably just like good thing somebody picked me up really fast because you've been trampled yeah oh my gosh were you doing a meet and greet is that what it was yes i was doing a meeting at a store yeah which store was it it was beauty creations so beauty creations was doing sweet greet i expected like a couple hundred people to show up never thought that much to be honest never thought

And you got anxiety, but did you feel after like, oh man, that was really cool? Or are you still like, oh no, I can't do those anymore? When I was in the cop car, I shut the door with lock because I was too scared, bro. I was too nervous, bro. How old were you? I think I was like 20 or 19. I'm not sure. This was recent then. Yeah, it's recently. This year, I'm not sure. It's a long time. That's...

Four months ago. Yeah. This was the Cerritos Mall. Yeah. Which I know that mall very well. And it's just like all those people showing up. So now you can't. I heard that you were like banned from malls. Yes, I'm banned. Why do you want to go shopping? I know I can't. There's other malls now I can go to. Yeah.

Just not the Cerritos one. I feel like you might get mobbed anywhere you go. I think also meet and greets because you like advertise them. You know, obviously so many people are going to show up. Yes, you have to go incognito. Yeah, sometimes I look like a mess, but I need to take pictures. I can't say no. You always look good. You never say no to a photo. No. Wow.

Wow. I saw one where you were getting your hair done. I think this was recent, a couple months ago. And it turned into a meet and greet in the salon. Oh, yeah. That one. Was that planned? Was that a planned meet and greet? No, it was not planned. So what happened? People just found out you were there and they just came in? It's because I told them where I was. That's why. Were you live on TikTok? Yeah. Yeah.

Do you know now, if you're going live, people are going to show up? Yeah, that's why when I go somewhere to eat, I shouldn't tell them. And then when I leave, I can post them or whatever. Yeah. Always, always do that because people will, and probably most of the time they're nice, but then you just won't be able to enjoy your life. Yeah, that's true. Did you get free hair that day? Yeah. They colored my hair. They put extensions on. Oh, that's nice. It's because I had events over there in Indiana and Chicago. Oh.

Okay, so they came. You're doing a lot of hosting now? Yeah. I love hosting. It's fun. Because you like to go out. You're like a party girl kind of, right? Because you're young. You're 20. I'm stopping from going to clubs right now. Wait, why? Because something happened last time. Oh my God. Scary? Can you talk about it or no? Yeah. They threw me drinks, so that's why I don't go to clubs anymore. What do you mean? Like they threw at you?

Yeah. Oh my, who? I don't know. Random people. So that's why I don't like clubbing no more. Only events. Where you're like hosting. That, okay, first of all, this is why I don't go to clubs. I've never been to clubs, but that always scared me. People are wild. Where were you? Was it LA? Um, I was in this club. I'm not sure. I forgot the name.

People are wild. That's so weird. What did you do? Did you just leave then? I just left somewhere else. Yeah. Go to a different one. Do you bring security with you? No. No. You probably should with those kinds of situations, especially with like your level now of popularity on TikTok and Instagram.

Just the people that come. Some of them can be rowdy. I saw at the mall. I'm like, gosh. They love you, which is a good thing. But it's kind of wild. So you're doing your 21st, but it's not, it's just private. You're just doing a private party. You're not going to go on a tour and host clubs around the country. No.

Only in LA. I think I'm going to the Bay Area to do an event. So that's your main thing you'd like to do right now is the hosting? Yeah. But I'm going to take a break after that. Yeah. For the holidays? Yeah. Because I'm getting kind of tired to host right now because I've been busy working. You are so busy. I've been trying to get you on here literally since I started. You were one of the first guests that I wanted on here and it's been four months. I think this is your first break, your manager told me. And I was like, that's amazing. To be that busy at your age is crazy. Yeah.

How long have you been doing full-time creating? For a while. So this has been your like full-time job. You never really did like waitressing or anything like that? No, I never worked in my life. Wow. That's amazing. That's so cool that your generation is just like can be an influencer right away and do really well. I never thought I was going to ever blow up and not get to die. Really? Yeah. So when you were making these videos in Minnesota, you just were doing them for fun? Yeah. Wow.

You never, did you have aspirations of like singing or dancing? Um, I love doing my makeup, dancing. I love like dancing a lot. I mean, this is the perfect job for you because you do your makeup, you dance. How often are you live? Every day, but I need to stop going live though. Why? Because it's, uh,

Every day is not good. It's a lot for you because you'll be on there. You'll do your makeup. You're just chilling. But your lives, again, are so real. They're so refreshing. You're just sitting there listening to music, doing your makeup. And it's just great. It's not like you're being anybody. You're just like, you're just living your life.

Yeah. Which is super cool. Or sometimes I give people advice. I like your advice. I like the stuff that you tell people. I love your body positivity. I think that's what I love to talk about too. What other advice do you like to give people? Well, always be yourself. That's a good one. What would you give it to 20-year-olds who don't have the confidence to go after what they want like you do? Always follow your dreams and...

I never believed in myself, but my friends believed in me. So I just kept going. And yeah, that's where I am now. I'm really happy. Yeah. Yeah. Are you at, because, you know, I saw a live of you a couple, I'm telling you, I'm a fan. I watched all your lives a couple days ago and you had, you were a little sad. Yeah. You were sad. You were talking. Yeah. I was going through it because my dog passed away. So yeah. How are you doing now? I'm doing a little bit better.

You have people around you that help you, and that's so tough. Yeah. How long did you have him for? I think my mom said we had it for nine years, I think. Yeah. And was he back in Minnesota? It was a girl. Her name was Chiquita. Oh. Yeah. R.I.P. Chiquita.

That's so, I'm so sorry. I saw that. I saw everyone was hurting for you on that. Yeah. I'm so sorry. It still hurts, but I'm going through it. Yeah. I mean, it's hard. I've never experienced loss like that. I don't know. It's like a hard thing to get. I guess if you have friends around to help you get through it and distract you from it, just processing it's a lot.

I saw that you're talking about, and if you want to talk about it again, how your parents too, you said that you're close with them, but you said that you didn't feel like you got loved enough like your sister. You said your sister got a lot of the attention. Yeah. How do you deal with that? Because I know a lot of people deal with that, like not feeling loved enough by their parents or not being good enough for their parents. To be honest, it's really hard for me. I just try my best to be okay with my family, but...

Sometimes there's rough times. Sometimes I'm too busy to call my mom, but now I got to try to talk to her more. Yeah. Yeah. You are busy making time for, especially when you're young, and they live back home, right? Yeah. In Minnesota, so you don't get to see them a lot. You said you always put your family first. Yeah. Sometimes it's hard. Like, when I first moved here, I was sad because I moved out, and it was a hard time, to be honest. But I was like...

It was for the best so I can make moves here. And then when I'm ready, maybe I can go back home or live somewhere else. I don't know. Do you think you would go back there to Midwest? I don't think so. No. You like California. Yeah. But I don't think I'll get to live here forever. I'll get to just do my own thing here for a little bit. Yeah. Maybe move somewhere else. Where do you see yourself in 10 years living now?

I don't know, to be honest. I need to think about that one. Yeah? You don't have any, like, dream locations like New York or... No. I don't think I will be in New York, girl. LA is nice. The weather is nice. I think somewhere that's warm because I don't want, like, cold snow, you know? I know. I'm from the Midwest. That snow is not it. And then when you're out in California, it's just so nice.

It's beautiful. How long have you been in California for? I don't even know. Like maybe- A couple months. Oh, you're really new. Yeah. Oh my gosh. That's wild. Can we talk about, we talked about a little bit before you came on. Can we talk a little bit about, I think it's really, again, you're so young and you're so like wise, the money situation. And I relate a lot to you when you talked about this. You came from nothing, made some money, kind of

wasted it, kind of wasted it on stuff. First of all, what did you waste the money on? I need to know. Okay, I'm dumb. Stop. Okay. First of all, I wasted it on a MacBook, my phone. I really wasted it on... Those aren't bad. Those aren't bad. I was going to say like if you bought like purses or drinks. Yeah, every time I go to the mall, I shop a lot. Yeah. It's addicting. Yeah. Girl, I'm with you. I'm 36 and I still can't help myself. I feel like I used to have a problem with

the money because I used to waste it a lot and my friends told me and I got big mad and then I went to the club that moment. Oh my god. Yeah. And did you waste money at the club then too? No, I didn't. Okay, were you paying for everybody? Would you pay for everybody when you'd go out? No. Oh, okay, okay. So you were just, good, you're just wasting on yourself as you should. Yeah. So you would just go shopping a lot and spend all the money in your account. And then one time I was broke. I couldn't even pay the people that worked for me. Oh my gosh. Because I wasted a lot. At least my, like at least

The people waited for me a little bit and then I got on top of it and then, yeah, I paid everybody. Oh, well, you're young, so you didn't have any help. You didn't have any financial people to help you with payroll or any of that. Oh, no, I do it myself. Or sometimes I ask my manager if she can help me pay people. That's nice. So you can kind of budget. How now are you budgeting better? I try to not go shopping. I just try to stay away from the stores. Stay away from the stores. Because I love...

love uh street wear i like clothes oh my god i love makeup sephora i need to stay away from that because i've been wasting a fortune in there sephora you go to get foundation eyeshadows like 300 it's so expensive i've been wasting like 500 when i go i know the makeup's your thing you do need it technically for your job you're doing live and people like to see the makeup they should give you a sponsorship have you ever been sponsored by them i want to sephora sponsor shawty bay right here guys

She's amazing at makeup. Like, I saw your makeup today and I was like, oh my God, it looks so good. Thank you. Yeah, you definitely need a sponsorship. That's the way to go. Influencers get all these free things and I never get free clothes. I buy my own Fashion Nova and everyone's getting free Fashion Nova. I'm like, how are they doing that? Or even streetwear, they should sponsor you just because your clothes are so cool. I love wearing like,

good stuff like cute stuff looking good like what brand shout them out maybe they'll send you clothes um i don't have a special brand i just love streetwear where do you find that like mal i'm so not fashion i don't know i go to the malls and um i have a stylist so he helped me you do oh that's exciting one of my friends is one of my roommates he helps me i think i saw someone say that in one of your comments like oh is this styled by what's his name

Isaac. Isaac, yeah. And you're like, no, I styled it myself. You do have cute fashion. Yeah. You do have cute clothes. Sometimes I just go to the store and try to look it for myself. Yeah. Yeah. But I think you dress good. Is this a stylist or is this you today? Me. It looks good. I love the kicks. I love the pants. Thank you. Everything is, the nails are on fleek. Thank you. It's really neat. Where do you get that from, like your love of makeup and fashion? When I first started doing makeup, I did it myself. I learned little by little. Did you watch tutorials or you just learned? No, never. Wow.

So when you were growing up, did you watch like YouTube or? I don't remember. Not memorable. No beauty people. Because beauty was big. Makeup was big. But you didn't really watch like those kind of things. Yeah, no. Yeah. I'm always curious. I'm just curious to know because I've been on YouTube for so long. I'm like, I wonder what people watched like growing up. Because you were born in 2002. Yeah. Gosh, that's wild. I graduated high school like just a few years after you were born. It's like so, so crazy to see the young people.

I think of myself your age. I think of myself young. And then I'm like, wait, I'm not your age actually. So the fact that you're doing all this at 20 is like so remarkable. And the fact that you know now how to like budget your money, that's so big. Like I still haven't really grasped, but it took me a while to learn how to do that. It's amazing. So now you have a help with that. Yeah. That's good. And then just don't go to the malls. Is that your best spending advice for people who... Yeah, don't go to the malls.

What would you tell? I mean, it's good spoiling yourself sometimes. Your birthday, for instance. Are you going to go shop for your birthday? Yeah. Yeah. What are you going to get?

I don't know yet. You don't have like a dream list? No. No. What would you tell people who make a lot of money at a young age? What would be your best financial advice for them? Well, don't be wasting everything. You need to have some of your savings too. You need to save up too if you want to do a business or anything. Interesting. Do you do any investments? I really want to start my own business actually. What? What kind of business? Like...

Clothing. Because I love clothes or makeup. I want to do two. Oh, you should have a makeup line. What would it be called? Let's not say it because people... Yeah, yeah. Trademark it first.

Do you like when people call you Shadi Bae or do you prefer Jasmine? Shadi Bae. People call me by Shadi Bae, but my friends call me by my middle name, Vanessa. Yeah. That's pretty. I like that. Why do you go by your middle name with your friends? Because I love that name. It's beautiful. Vanessa's a beautiful name. Your musically was Jasmine. Was that your name? Yeah, Jasmine. Okay, so when did you change from Jasmine to Shadi Bae? Um...

Long time ago. I just heard a song and then it said Shadi. And then I just put Shadi and then Bae together. You did it yourself? Yeah. It was your own name? Yep.

so good. Do you have a trademark? What's that mean? I don't know. Is that like when you like, oh, like you own the name if someone uses it, you could like sue them or something. Oh yeah. I need to do that. I don't do trademarks either. I tried and I'm like, they're expensive and confusing, but it's such a cool name. Like it's, I feel like a rapper or something would take that name. It's so cool. Wait, you were in, you were in a music video. I forgot to write this down in my notes, but you were in a music video. Was it, was it Drake or someone really big? Did you do a

No, I didn't. No. I want to start music, though. Really? I love singing. You do? Yeah. What kind? What genre? I just hear different songs that I like to hear, like sad music. Wait, what? I love music.

to press they're sad or something why sad music I love sad music it just makes you feel like you're not alone yeah what's like a sad song that you listen to right now I like X extintacion changes I like that song oh can you sing a little do you know how does it go um no don't worry about it I'm so nervous to sing

I love singing with my guests. And no guest will ever want to sing. I can't sing, but I love to sing. It's like my favorite. You collabed with Kali Uji, who I love. She's one of my favorites. How does that come about? Are celebrities like DMing you? Are you DMing them? I think she DMed me. Oh, wait. No, actually, I DMed her first. No way. Because I remember she wanted to like hang out. No, I went live with her once. Oh, so she saw you. At first, I said, who's that? I didn't know.

She is such a queen. She just did the Hollywood Bowl. Have you been to her show? Yeah. Did you go to this last one here? Oh my God. So good. I love her singing. So good.

So good. I love her songs. She has like a new one that's kind of like sad and slow out. It's really good. I love sad music. I love it. Do you listen to like emo music? No. No. Okay. I love Spanish music though. Who's your favorite? There's so many. I can't even know. I love Spanish music too. I really got into it recently. I love like Carol G. She's so good. Becky G. I went to see her. Wait, at the Rose Bowl?

I don't remember which one. She's so good. Have you got to meet her? No. I want to meet her. Oh, man. I feel like you guys would be a great collab. You should feature on someone's song. No, I love it too. I love Cheeky's. I love all of it. I've been really into like Latin music lately. Do you speak Spanish? Yeah. Oh, really? Fluently? I'm Ecuadorian. Really?


Oh, interesting. I know how to read some words. Right. Yeah. But just speak. It's probably more useful to speak it than to read it anyways. I love learning it. I love learning languages. So I've been trying to learn Spanish, but I'm not so good at it. It's a cool language. It's so pretty in song. It's hard learning some other language. Have you tried? Have you tried anything else? No. No? Not like Japanese? It is. I tried Duolingo and I tried to learn Hebrew. It's just very hard. Spanish is very difficult.

Would you sing in Spanish? Yeah. Oh, my God. That would be so cool. I could see it. I could see your music career. What would you wear on stage? Would you wear, like, the style? No, I think dresses. Oh, that would be cool. Yeah. That'd be really pretty. Just, like, glittery. Yeah. I love Bad Bunny. Why don't you collab with him? They're two favorites for me. No. Shadi Bay, you and Bad Bunny would be amazing. Or you and Maluma? No. Like, when I meet people, I get nervous. So I don't know how I will be when I meet him. I don't know.

Wait, I'm shocked because you come across so, you're so confident online. Like, I'm surprised you get nervous. Yeah, because they don't see me like in real life like that. It's on screams. So, I'm confident on screams than real life, right? Because you're like, I can't see you. You see me, but I can't see you. Can I tell you I'm the same way? I actually get really nervous. I get nervous at being people too because I don't have a lot of friends. So, when people come over, I'm like, oh, I don't know what they're going to think. It's beautiful actually. Thanks. I love that you said you like the pink. That's my color. Hi.

love that color. Pink is the color. It really is. It's just the best. It's so fun. But the shyness, were you always shy in school? Yeah. Even to talk to guys, I'm really shy. Really? Wait, but you just had a relationship. Are you? No, I did not have a relationship. Bell's cracking up over there. Wait,

He, like, set up, like, this whole surprise for you in your house. Oh, you're the number one fan. I'm your number one fan. I tell you. I watched it all. And I was like, wow. You're like, no guys have done that. I'm like, that's amazing. Marry him. What happened? That's not real? Well, um. Give us the tea. Well, I think we're friends with benefits, but. It's because I'm not ready for a relationship right now because I'm in love with someone else. Oh, my God. Yeah. It's good.

This is a team. I just tried to heal from him because he's one of my roommates. Oh, my God. Does he know you're in love with him? Yeah, he knows. And he lives with you? Yeah. Oh, my God. How are you healing when you guys live together? Well, I don't even know how I do it. I see him every day. I know. Oh, my God.

Oh, girl. Okay. This is like a soap opera here. So you're in love with your roommate. He's not feeling the same way back. No. Or you don't know? I don't know, bro. I don't know no more. Okay. You don't know. And then there's a friends with benefits situation. That's the one who's on your TikTok with you. Yeah. And he's okay with that. Yep. Or he wants more. He wants to be more than that, but he said he's good to wait for me. I told him I'm healing, but he won't wait for me. Oh, okay.

Okay, that's actually so sweet. Yeah. And you're just not, you're just in love with this person. You're just not fully over this person yet. Yeah, not yet. I think maybe it's best maybe not to be roommates with the person you're in love with. Oh, yeah, true. Maybe get another roommate temporarily. I just did it because it was good to be better for me to do content in that house. So that's why I took the opportunity. I see. How many people live with you now?

It's four. Okay. It's cool. It is a cool house. It definitely looks like a hype house or something. It definitely looks like content and stuff. Are you guys filming every single day? Yeah. I'm starting to record YouTube. Wow. And so what are you vlogging? Your day-to-day life? Yeah. Sometimes I do that. Or I have someone to record for me. Yeah. I think that's easier when you have someone else because I was always vlogging myself, but when someone else records you, it's just a little easier and you don't have to think about it.

as much. Do you like vlog when you're like going out to eat or your meetups or your hosting? Are you vlogging that kind of stuff? Oh yeah. When I went to San Diego, my cameraman recorded it for me. So will that, that's up on your YouTube then? Yeah. Oh my God. Would you ever do a reality show? I want to, but they will ask too much questions. What do you mean? Like do personal? Yeah. Have you tried, has people approached you to do a reality show? I want to do Hulu, but I want to do like a show. Oh, I thought they

I thought they came to you. I was like, oh my God, girl, take that. Hulu's where you need to be because it's like the D'Amelio's. I don't want to. Shari D'Amelio knows me. Last time I went to a restaurant, it was my friend's birthday. She recognized me right there. No. She said, bye, Shari B. No. Yeah. I took a picture with her. No way. Okay. She's like so massive, so big. You guys should do a collab. Yeah. That would be everything. Do you love her? Who's your favorite TikTok? Yeah, I love her. I always wanted to, like since I've been watching her, I always wanted to meet up with her and

and meet her one day and my dream came true. That's why I tell people always believe in yourself. - Yes, yes. Always believe in yourself. Dreams come true, like manifesting almost, visualizing. I mean, you're the greatest success story of that is just like believing in yourself. - Yeah. - You said when you didn't believe in yourself, you had friends that did. What would they tell you that you started? - They gave me good advice. - What did they say? - They say, keep doing you. When I'm sad, they always comfort me to not be sad. It's not worth it. - It's amazing. You have great friends.

To have a core group of friends like that in your life is, like, really, really beautiful. I love having a small group of friends, not too much, because then who knows who's fake or not. Well, how do you decide for that? People who want to be your actual friend versus people who just want the TikTok clout? That never happened to me, so... No one's ever used you? You never felt like, oh, they just used me for views? Well, sometimes, like, I feel like guys use me for clout. I don't know. How can you tell? Like, you just...

i could tell by i don't know that chemistry or something it feels like they're kind of only around when you're filming and stuff like that that's just the worst feeling to feel because i feel like now it's hard to know it's like do you like me for me or do you want to just be on my tick tocks and my vlogs or sometimes i feel like do they like me because of me or do they like me because of my cloud i don't know yeah and i feel like that's hard i think for the rest of your life you'll just you it'll be hard for you to like decipher yeah sounds like

the one who's gonna wait for you might be the one that like loves you for you yeah that's true I think TikTok's rooting for that I was rooting for I was like oh this is cute and then I was like oh they broke up no we didn't okay okay it was just this is there but just not full on yeah he doesn't care about the viewers or anything that's that's yeah that's someone he doesn't post about me or anything wow

So he's just there for you. Yeah. That's a beautiful thing. I love that. Oh my gosh. So like a core group of you, would you, if you did a reality show, would it be like your roommate situation? Like all your roommates would be on the show? Yeah. And like, what do you think you would be doing on the show? Like pursuing a music career? I don't know, to be honest. Just being yourself people would watch, you know, like Cheeky's show, you know, just like her performing and just being her. I think that'd be amazing. Yeah. I want to do it in the house. I don't know. Yeah. It would be...

like are you hosting things too? I think this is such a cool, your just life is very exciting. Like you just go out and have fun. Have fun. You're young. Oh my God. I think it'd be amazing. What, did you watch reality TV growing up? I've been watching the D'Amelio's actually. You love them? Yeah. They're on season three now. It's like wild. I like Dixie. I think she's kind of. I want to do it bro. I want to. Oh,

Well, I think it might happen for you because just people are so interested in your life. And because you're on live constantly, it's like watching. It's almost like watching in real time, like the Truman Show, like watching someone's life. Instead of going live, I should do like the show. Oh my gosh. They just follow you all the time, 24 hours. Would your family be on it, you think? Or they're more private? They're more private. I mean, this month I'm going for Thanksgiving. Oh, you are? So you do go home. I never go home. I'm from Illinois and I haven't been home since I graduated high school. Oh my gosh. Because it's just

It's cold. It's just like not my thing. I just like to be out here. Where do you meet the guys that you date? Sometimes I meet them in person. Okay. Always in real life. Never apps. Never apps. No. I don't believe in apps. Really? You've never done Tinder? No. Why? Just because it kind of scares you? Yeah. Yeah.

And it's scary. We don't know how people's intentions are. Yeah. Especially on there. I don't know. I also don't know if they're real. Like you never, that scares me. Like we've both been catfished. I'm like, oh, it's scary. I wonder if anyone's ever used you as a picture on those. They did many times. What do you do? Nothing. I just like, what the heck is going on here? You don't report. You ever say like, this is fake. This is a fake profile. So people know. Cause they probably think they're like going out with you or something. Or they're probably catfishing people asking for money or something. Yeah.

Yeah. Wow. So you meet people in real life, like going out to bar, like, you know, your clubs that you host, you like meet the guys and they just, that's a good way to meet people. I never met people that way. But then again, they'll know you're famous because you're hosting. They'll be like, oh, this is the person on the poster. Would you date someone who's a fan? Um, yeah. Yeah? I did before. And how'd that go? It was long distance. Okay. And it was what? Just toxic? No, I did not like it. Oh my God.

I had to fuck up with him. Really? Yeah. Wait, because he was a... I've been with him for five months, so like...

But he's a fan, so you think he would be so excited to be with you. What was the toxic part of it? It's because when I used to go live with Walid on live, he always get jealous. Why? Because we make like people see like flirting or whatever. Were you? Were you flirting? Trolls. I've been a troll on social media. So yeah, I tell him each time, bro. He gets mad. Wait, you're trolling with the flirting? Yeah.

He doesn't get it. Maybe he doesn't understand the trolling part of it. I love it. So would you consider yourself somewhat of a troll online? Yeah. Sometimes I troll. Sometimes I don't do that because people can't take a joke these days. Yeah. Yeah. I love trolling too. And I think people got like, wait, is this real or is this... I think trolling is fun though. I love when people still do it and you kind of don't know if they're trolling or not, you know? I think that's great. So you do troll a little bit. Yeah. You just like to like have fun online. Yeah.

think people know I feel like your fans know when you're trolling versus the real you sometimes they don't believe what I'm trolling do you tell them are you like no that's not real yeah I'm joking so you troll with the flirting what else do you troll online anything

I don't even know anymore. Just random. Just like, hey guys. I love when you go live and you're just like chilling. You're just vibing with your own. Because this is where I try to get your attention. I go into your lives and type in comments, but you would never look at the comments. I'm like, look at the comments. Oh yeah. I don't look at the comments because people are hella rude. Oh really? Yeah. You don't have a moderator to block them? We do, but that's too many people.

People are, yeah. People just like love to hate. They're just, TikTok can be that way. But I really don't care what they have to say. I'll just myself. Yeah. You're just, you're like, and that's the best way to just ignore it. Just not even look. And that's great though. I just do my own thing. So it doesn't bother you ever like hate comments or? No. How does, how do you roll that off?


No. Never. They never come up to me. That's why I'm telling them, why you mean online and then you can't say it to my face? Always the case. I've never had one hater in real life. Everyone, they're too scared to ever say anything. I know. That's just so crazy. And usually people that hate online, they are a secret fan because they're always watching you. So it's always been good experiences, positive. Have you ever had a crazy fan experience in person? I don't like people that just take videos of me without asking permission. Ugh.

My biggest pet peeve, yes. When they do it from far away, they sneak it. And then the ankles they take. Oh, no. Wait, the what? The ankles. I don't like how they do it. Oh, the ankles. Yeah.

just ask for a photo. Just ask for a video. Like, you always say yes to a photo, so. And you also don't know their intent. Like, what are you doing? Are you being mean? Are you being, you know, whatever. Or there's some people that try to be included in my group and just take videos of me. What? I know. What do you mean? They see you out in public and they just, like, join in? Yeah. Not join in, but there was this one guy that, he was bothering me, bro. He was taking videos of me the whole time and he went viral. Oh.

Yeah. Wait, what? Were people cheering him on or like, you're creepy. Why are you doing this? I know. Were they being, would they like him? They were like, oh, this is so cool. Or like, what are you doing? He was drunk, so I let him be, bro. Oh my God, girl, you need security around you. My security was there. They kicked it out. He was still coming back, still coming back, bro. Was this at a club appearance? Yeah. Girl, your life is wild. So this person's just like filming you the whole time and uploading it. Yeah. Oh my God. People are...

crazy, huh? Yeah. Well, I guess he was just a fan, just trying to take... I know. That's my biggest pet peeve, too, is when they don't ask when they're doing it, like, secret, as if you're, like, an animal in a cage or something. It's like... I like when people are respectful, like, can I take a picture, please? And then, you know... Yeah. And you always say yes. I think it's amazing, because I'm sure a ton of people come up to you. When you go out to, like... We were recently at the same restaurant, Salsa and Beer. It's one of my favorites. And the hostess was, like...

Oh, Shadi Bay was just here. People go crazy for you. So when you're with your friends and stuff, are they used to it or are they like, whoa? Yeah, they're used to it. Yeah. Because my friends are celebrities too. Oh. And famousness. Okay. So they all have followers. Yeah. So it's not as weird for them. It's like, okay, we're used to this. How do you get friends with people like that? Like, I love famous people. How are you friends with them? I don't even know. I just met them and then, yeah. Just working. Thanks to Julito, I met the Riveros. Wow. Thanks to Angelica.

How are they? They're so sweet. They're kind. Oh, I know so many mutuals too with the Rivera's. Jessica opened the doors when I, the second time I came here. No way. She opened her doors in her house for me. No way. Wow. And just from meeting online, you met them? Yeah. Well, through your friend, you said. Yeah. Oh my gosh. And they're huge. They're like royalty. Like they're stapled in music and-

Wow. That's really amazing. And so you keep your friends with them? Yeah. Do they give you advice? When I hang out with them, I just don't tell people. I just keep it like low key. Yeah. That's the way to go. That's beautiful. And I love that. I love that everyone does that. You know, they take you, you know, because you're so young and people who are established kind of like befriend you and you know that they are genuine and they don't need anything from you. And I think that's a great person. Those are great people to be friends with.

you know, and can give you lots of career advice. Who did you look up to growing up? If you had an idol, like who would you say was your idol? Charli D'Amelio. I've been looking at her for a while. Wow. Is she older than you? She's a little older. Or Jacob Sartorius. I've been watching him too. That's a blast from the past. Oh my gosh. I've been watching him since Musically, actually. Wait, where's Jacob Sartorius now? I hang out actually with him recently. Yeah. I didn't make a TikTok though. I didn't. I was so nervous. What?

Yeah. Oh, my God. He was, didn't he have that song, like, Backpack? Yeah. You remember that song? Like, you can wear my. Sweatshirt. Sweatshirt. Yeah. Oh, you know. I remember that video. Oh, my God. I can't believe I'm friends with him now. That's, wait, that's wild. How did this all happen? You just, like, messaged him or what? Um, no. Our friend group were hanging out. So, yeah. Did you tell him you were a fan or were you playing it cool? I was playing it cool, bro. Okay. That's the way to go. I'm so nervous. Oh, my God.

God, wait, how are you manifest? How are you doing this in life? Like, how are you meeting the people you love? Like that's like, what is the secret? I don't know. I don't even know how, bro. I just do it. Yeah.

Because your life is amazing. Again, you're only 20 years old and you're just like one thing after the other. You're getting your finances in line. You're friends with these people you've loved and they're famous in their own right. It's amazing how you just line up one thing after the other. I'm glad to have my friends, to be honest. Yeah. They're the ones that pump you up. And you think positive. You're not looking at negative thoughts.

you're not looking at any hate comments so that's probably a big key i think you read if i read hate comments and it spirals you make sure sometimes it does get to me yeah sometimes yeah if you see something on accent or tiktok and then what do you do it hurts me and do you talk to someone about it or do you just push it down or talk to somebody about it my friends yeah do you ever talk online about it i wouldn't no no i'm trying to not on social video because they always judge yeah giving attention to it they'll know it gets to you but it seems

like that you don't see it a lot which is good and that you just stay focused that's amazing so you've met Jacob Sartorius you met Charlie D'Amelio Chikis Chikis which is crazy wow I met a lot of people and who's next on the list I don't know there's so many people I want to meet

There's, yeah, there's amazing people. I'm sure you can meet anybody you wanted to because of TikTok. Like, it's amazing. And now you're doing YouTube. I want to meet Addison Rae. Oh, I love her. She's like my queen too. Wait, did you meet her? No. Oh my God. She's like Britney Spears. She's so famous. I love her. She's such a good actress too. She's like acting in movies. She might be my favorite above Charlie. She inspired me so much, bro. Really? So you're...

They're older than you. They're a few years older. So when they're blowing up on TikTok, they're like 18 and you're like 15. You're a little younger than them. So you saw what they were doing and you're like, but you were already pretty known on Yeah. So did that transfer to TikTok, right? Because I wasn't on So became TikTok. So all your followers kind of stayed with you. Yeah. When did you, because now you're at 1.1 million. Is that where you're at now? Yeah. When did that happen? When did that fluctuate up there? I don't even know. I just, myself, I don't even look at the following. You never look at the following. Oh my God. Yeah.

don't really check your messages either. I remember I'd message you and I'd hear, it's like, oh yeah, I don't use TikTok. That's why I give you a... Yeah, that's better. Honestly, it's the way to go because I'd message you. I'm like, girl, hey, what's going on? And then you're like, oh, hey, sorry. And I love it because most 20 year olds would just be on their phone constantly DMs, comments, and I love that you're just living your life. Yeah. I don't text people back. Never? No. Not even your friends? Oh,

All of my friends, yes. Yeah, but just in general, like people you don't know. Yeah. I'm not a texter either. I don't love to text. If I express to my supporters how I feel, they could expose it or something. I don't know. Yeah, you don't talk to fans then? I mean, only in the live. Sometimes I read the comments. Yeah. I talk to them. That's funny.

a better way to be some people get a little too friendly with their fans and then people yeah it gets to be weird but I think people like there's so many people that love you they'll like react to your lives and stuff like that they just really genuinely think they're like your friend you know which is a cool thing you have you give off very good friend vibes like you're the friend everybody wants you're chill you're funny you're cute and they're like that's the girl I want to hang out with I would if I was 20 I'd come party with you for sure

When you go to the club, what kind of a club girl are you? Are you someone who's like sitting at a table? Are you dancing in the middle? Are you with the DJ? Everything. Yeah? All of it? Yeah. Do you turn up? Yeah. Yeah? Are you out then to like 2, 3 in the morning? Yeah. My other event I had in Chicago, I was there for a while. Wow.

And then do you sleep in? Do you get to sleep in? I still wake up early, even though I sleep hella late. Wow. So you wake up early. What's your morning routine? Can you walk us through that? I go to the gym. I started to lose some weight. You look amazing. Thank you. Amazing. Everyone's been saying that. Tell me. Thank you. I've been working out because I want to get my BBL. No! You're going to get what? Yeah. Oh my.

Do you know where, like, are you going in the country or out of country? No, here. Wow. You have to give me the name. I feel like I want to get a name. I had a BBL like 10 years ago and I loved it. Wow. Wait, so you have to hurt? No, I was just talking to Tana about this and I'm like, it didn't. People, I think, a little.

A little. It feels bruised, but it doesn't hurt. It's not crazy. So you're going to get... Why do you have to work out before the BBL? Maybe because to lose a little weight before doing it. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah, because just in case something bad happens, so that's why. Yeah. You'll be fine. Lose weight a little bit. It's pretty non-evasive, but...

You know what? I was addicted to plus surgery. I really liked plus surgery. So I'm all about like if it makes you feel better, go for it. But you look amazing. Like you look so great. Do you think that you would just maybe not do it? Like you're working out now, so maybe you don't need it because now you're squatting and stuff like that. To be honest, I still want it. Yeah. Because there's...

You know what? And I like that you're real about this because like the Kardashians and all these people, it's like, yes, you can work out and they do work out and you get squats. But that shape comes from a BBL, you know, the little Coke bottle with the hips. Yeah. Well, that's exciting. Do you think in the next year you'll get it done? Yeah. Okay. And you've thought it through. You're like, this is what I want to do. I'm for it. I'm like, whatever makes you feel good, you know, if you have the money to do it and stuff. Cool.

So you're going to the gym in the morning. Do you have a trainer? No, not yet. You do it yourself. That's amazing. How do you know what to do? I don't even know what to do. I want to go to the gym and I have no idea what to do. I used to go to the gym since I was little, like with my dad. Oh, okay. So I'm already used to the gym. Okay, so you know what to do. Yeah. I don't even know what to do. We go for walks. I'm like, maybe that'll help me lose weight. I don't know. So you're just going to like go before your surgery, just like tone up and get...

I do meal preps. No way. So you're taking this like so seriously. You're doing meal preps. How is it? I love everything. I love Cheetos, soda. Oh my God. Desserts. Oh my God. Donuts. Oh my God. So much stuff. Me too, girl. I mean, how are you?

How are you dealing with that? I love food. That's my problem. It's really hard. Sometimes I just take a little break and eat a little bit fast. Okay, good. So you have a little cheats in there. Okay. I mean, that's amazing. I think the balance is so good. It's something I've never been able to do. So you can have a little Cheeto. Cheetos I don't think are too bad for you. I don't know. They don't seem that bad.

You look great. Everyone's been saying it in your comments. I know you don't read comments, but I've been seeing that too. Yeah, I do read comments in my videos. Okay, so like, and they're always pretty positive. I never see. Yeah. Honestly, on yours, I don't see bad ones that much. Yeah. And so they have live people I wrote. That's why I don't go live. I have Moses sitting there and like moderate. So he like blocks people.

And we don't have as many people. I bet yours is so much people, bro. No, you have more than me, girl. Oh my God. Are you kidding me? When I go on your live, I was like, I can't even barely get my comment and it goes. No, yours is. What's the most people you've had in a live? 30K when I met Walito. Wow. Or 10K, 13K. Yeah. 70,000? Wow. And you guys collabed on TikTok live? He did my makeup. Oh no.

Okay, so you collab a lot with big influencers. I didn't know that. I knew you did like with musicians. I always watch his videos too. Okay. I saw a video of him singing and I like how he sings. Yeah. Yeah, he has a good voice. Influencers have pretty good voices. I want to hear yours. I don't feel like I've heard yours sing. Do you sing on your TikTok? Yeah. You have? Okay. I'll watch it. I'll see. Do you karaoke ever? Yeah, at home. Oh,

gosh, I love a karaoke. I want you to sing. If you're not comfortable, maybe by the end of this interview, you'll sing. I just love, love singing so much. I love people who sing. Like what's your go-to karaoke song? I don't know. You don't have one.

I just love it. I just think it's so fun. But it's amazing that you're doing meal prep. Again, being 20 and doing all this, going to the gym, crazy. So you have good willpower. You have good dedication. Or if I don't feel like going, I just eat healthy or just dance. That makes you lose weight too. It really does. So you just like dance to music in your room and stuff.

Wow. That's amazing. And do you talk about this online? Have you talked about your weight loss on YouTube or TikTok? Oh yeah. TikTok. Yeah. I've been like, if you don't go to the gym, just, just dance it out. Just dance it out. Yeah. And that works. Yeah. I mean, and you're so young too. And you know what? You're short too. And I feel like I'm five, three, but what are you? Four, nine. You said. When you're short, I thought I was short and it's like, oh man, it's harder to like, you know, someone who's six foot, they can like lose weight so much faster. So we already have it against us when we're like low to the ground.

If I'm focused, then I will lose the weight. Yeah. But you look great. Honestly, everyone's like on Ozempic and stuff now. And I feel like not, again, it's fine if you're like skinny, but I always just like, I look a little curvy, you know, I feel like there's not a lot of influencers out there like that have a little curves to it. So I think it's good to be healthy, but also keep who you are. Yeah. Especially you, you know, you're just, you're just you and you're just cute and I

I love it so much. What is next for you in 2024? Like if you had a magic wand and you could do anything next year, what would you be doing? I would just start my business. Yeah. Yeah. So are you taking steps now to do it? No, not yet. Not yet. Because you're saving your money. Yeah. And you're going to invest in it. Yeah. You have the marketing. You don't need to pay anyone. I mean, it's you, you know, people.

will be so invested. Or I would love someone to work for me too. That would be fun. Like what? Like doing what? Like packing orders. Okay, so hiring like a team around you to do it. You'll probably have so many people. You're going to have like a warehouse of people doing this for you. It's going to be really cool. I want a warehouse one day. Oh,

Oh, man. That's going to be so cool. You're going to get it. You're going to have all of that. You're going to be having so many people at Shoddy B. That was my dream. Like, in Minnesota, I was doing my business, but I was going to start it, but I just needed, like, more advice from her. I didn't know really what to do. I mean, how? Yeah. Starting a business out of nothing is so hard. Do you have people now that are experienced in, like, makeup and fashion that are helping you? Well, my friend does, like, her clothing brand, so I can ask advice from her. Yeah. Oh.

That's good. But you have a good team around you. You have a great manager who's helped you with your finances. You have great friends. You have famous friends, successful friends that can all help you. So I think you're in a good position for it. Plus you have a loyal fan base, 10,000 people. When is your ban from the malls up? Like when can you go back to a mall and promote? I think six months. Okay. I think the past six months. I don't even know. So when your line comes out, you can go to the mall, open a store. That's my dream. I do want to open a store. Oh, man.

Or I want to give my mom money to open a store. It's her dream. Really? Yeah. Like, with clothes and stuff like that? Yeah. You know what? Your parents are probably so proud of you. I know you say you, like, struggle, but they're probably so, like, proud of you. Like, you're famous, you're rich. They're probably like, what? My grandma's proud of me. Yeah? Do you talk to her? Yeah. She came over here. I fly her out with my family, with my mom, my brother. No way. So they got to see how you live. Yeah.

And what did she say? I got them an Airbnb. Wow. Okay. So they can feel comfortable at home. Yeah. So it's not with everybody in the house because you're like a little hype house and then... Oh, I used to live in an apartment. I used to not live where I live. Oh, you're in LA? You did an apartment? Okay. So when did you move from the apartment? I used to live in Hollywood. Oh, how was that? A lot of traffic. Oh, were you like in the middle of Hollywood? Yeah.

Yeah. Oh, man. I think so, yeah. Lots of traffic. Yeah. Was this during quarantine? Were you out here during the pandemic? No, I wasn't. Okay, so this is after you- I was back home that moment. Oh, right. You just said you moved out here recently, just like a year ago or something. Okay, so you're living in the apartment out here. So that was quick. So from going to the apartment to the house, that's just a few months? Yeah. Wow. And you built up a business that quick or built up your income that fast? Yeah. And how are you handling it? Are you like, oh, are you still like, this is so cool? Or are you thinking like, okay, I'm used to it now? I still can.

believe it where I live right now yeah yeah you're like wait is this my life is this real yeah it's like you're it's like a job where you're just like wait this doesn't even feel like a job so amazing I love meeting my supporters they make me happy yeah yeah when you see them out in public and they just get so excited for you I get so excited for you I saw I was so excited for today you know

You're just one of those people who's just, again, you're just relatable, but you're so successful. So it gives everybody hope. You know what I mean? Like, okay, she did it. You know, we can do it too. You know, you didn't know anybody. You didn't have connections. You did it yourself, which is beautiful. Who would be your dream lip sync collab? Like you do a lot of lip sync videos. Who would you love to lip sync with? Oh, Chiquis. Yeah. She's a good singer, bro. Oh.

Amazing. She looks so good lately, too. She looks beautiful. She has a podcast. You did... But you did... You didn't do Cheeky's. You did... No. I did Angelica. Oh, that's right. That's right. Would you do more podcasts? Yeah. Would you ever do one? A lot of people are hitting me up to go on podcasts. Now, do you feel more comfortable, like, to go on people's podcasts? Yeah. Because I already went to one, so... And now two? Yeah. I felt...

I felt so honored because, you know, I looked up clips and I was like, oh, she hasn't really been on a lot of podcasts. So I love when I can get like a first interview because it's just finding out so much about you, you know? And I think people want to know more about you because you're public, but you're kind of private, you know? You share some stuff. You share about body positivity and stuff, but you don't like go too deep into stuff too much. Yeah.

But when you do, I think people definitely feel it. They're definitely like, oh, okay. What would you have said to yourself musically at 12 years old? What advice would you give that person? Be confident and just ignore the haters. That's the most important thing. Ignore them. To ignore them. When you were that age, did you read the comments? Did it affect you more? Not even that age? No. And how did you know that from a young age to just ignore it and just not read it? Yeah, because I know people get to be rude.

Yeah. You just already knew that in your mind. So crazy. You're so like mature beyond your years, you know. Have you ever gone to, do you have family in Ecuador still? Yeah. My dad. Oh, have you gone to visit? No. No. You've never been? I want to buy maybe a rancho over there. Wow.

Wow. Or something like a big house when I go vacation over there. But you've never been? No, never. Wow. Oh my God. So your dad's over there and his family. Oh man, that'd be a great trip. That'd be a great vlog. I want to go see my great-great-grandma and my grandpa. How old is she? I don't know, to be honest. Great-great-grandma. Oh my gosh. That's crazy. Have you ever been outside the country? No. No? Oh my God.

Oh my gosh. Yeah. I want to go everywhere. I want to explore everywhere. Yeah. You need to do a world tour. Oh my gosh. You need to go to like Australia, London. Yeah. Wow. That's wild. Oh my gosh. I do have British people. Fans are like, oh my God, London. I asked who lives in the UK. A lot of people said yes. Would you go there? Yeah. Oh, that's good hosting. Did you ever went there?

Yes, I did a show called Celebrity Big Brother over there. It was like a reality show. And it's wild, but the UK would love you. You know what they love over there is very camp. They like people who are camp and just a little over the top. And you're very that. You know, you're very much just this fun, outgoing character. They would love. And they have a lot of clubs. They do a lot of hosting appearances over there. Oh, wow. I should do one over there. UK tour! What?

What's your favorite meal? Like, if you're going out to eat, like, you're going to splurge, calories don't count, what would you get? Oh, like, steak. I like the steak that is red in the middle. A little bit. Yeah, like a little pink. Where do you go for it? Like, where do you kind of steak place it on? I don't know. My friends pick the restaurant. Mmm.

There's a really good one called Mastro's and it's so good. I love steak too. I miss my mom's cooking though. I miss it. She's really good cooking. I like when she does soup. Really? I never ate soup. I've never eaten soup. It's like a weird texture. It's like liquidy or something.

It's probably good for you, though. Soup probably has no calories in it because it's like liquid. It's like drinking water. Oh, what kind of soup is it? Like chicken or maybe those chicken legs. Like the legs of the chicken. Wait, what? Yeah. Chicken legs? Like the drumsticks? Is it like drumsticks? The feet. No. Yeah, I love those. Really? Yeah. Oh, I never heard of this. Oh, my gosh. Where do they get chicken feet? Like in the stores. Wait, what?

Wait, really? You had chicken feet? Am I the only one that's ever heard of this? Oh my gosh. Is it tasty? Yeah, it tastes good. Oh my gosh. Is there meat on the chicken feet or? Yeah, a little bit. Okay. I'll have chicken anything. Well, soup is good. Soup is like healthy, right?

My husband's laughing because he's like, sometimes I don't know these things. I'm someone who eats like chicken fingers and grilled cheese. Like where, you know, I'm very into like nuggets and stuff. I don't eat. I eat like a 10 year old. I have no mature taste except steak. Lately I've been into steak, which is a little more mature. Steak is good. And it's healthy. That's good for you too. It's protein. You know, I think it's good. Did you finish school back in Minnesota? Yes, I did. So you graduated high school? Yeah. I want to learn how to dance like Mexican music.

Oh, I love dancing. Like, do you, have you taken classes like salsa? No, I want to. Yeah, you should. And are you good at dancing? Because you are a senior dancer. So I think if you took like a class or something. I would be much better. Yeah. Oh my God, you should do, okay. Get her a reality show where she's going to dance. Okay. I'm going to sing, going to do her business. It's going to be amazing. So you would do what? Like ballroom dancing or hip hop or? Anything. Anything.

That'd be amazing. That'd be a good TikTok too, is like learning dances. Do you dance at the clubs? Yeah, I do. And what do you wear when you go out? Do you wear dresses? Yeah. Or two-piece. Yeah? I love two pieces. Yeah? Just showing like a little crop top action. Me too. I love it. I love it. It just would be like... Or sometimes I bring people up the stage. It's fun too. Really? Yeah. How do you pick someone in the crowd? They just raise their hand and then I pick random people. So people are like, Shani Bae, pick me. And you're like, come up. Yep. So you help out.

have confidence there. I mean, then you're not shy. Then you're just like, hey, go on up. Yeah. It's really fun dancing with people to be honest. How do you dance? Do you dance like Autumn or are you like, what do you do? Yeah, anything. That's fun. I just hear the beat of the song and then if I like the song, I keep dancing. Yeah. Do you TikTok live when you go out to clubs? Like when you do your hosting? Yeah. I tell people, I get ready on live. Uh-huh. Yeah. And then they can come out? The professional people do my makeup and everything. They see it. Wow.

And do they come out with you, like your glam squad and stuff like that? Yeah, I always invite them every time. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. Every time they do my makeup, I'll be like, come to my club. Yeah. How fun. Yeah. Yeah, just live it up while you're young, you know? Just do the club scene and have so much fun doing it. So when you host these things, people can come and take a picture with you? Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so they know. It's sort of like a meet and greet slash come party. Yeah. Yeah. Do you ever party just for fun? Yeah. Yeah. So you don't have to like always be hosting and stuff like that?

Do you keep in touch with anyone from school? No. Nobody talks to me. Really? Yeah, I'm telling you. Why? Why? I don't even know. I don't like making friends, to be honest.

I like keeping... The circle you have. ...private to myself. Yeah. Especially, like, high school, it feels... Like, did you enjoy it while you were in it? Like, middle school and stuff? You did. I was just scared to talk to people. Maybe... I don't know. Yeah. I was not confident in high school. Yeah. And when did that flip for you? When did the confidence flip for you? Where you're like, now I'm who I am? Yeah, because people...

know who I was so people started talking to me. Oh, so they gave you the confidence. People liked you so you're like, you know what? I'm pretty cool actually. Yeah. Yeah. I think a lot of people. But I tried, if someone talks to me, I would talk to them. If they don't talk to me, then I wouldn't say a word. Yeah, because you get just shy. It's just like, I get that way too. You don't know if they want to talk to you or not. And when I meet my supporters, I don't know what to tell them. I don't know. I'm too nervous. Really? Yeah. So they come up to you and they're like, Shani, baby. And you're just like, hi. And

And you're just like, I was just like, yeah, you don't know. You don't know if they want to talk or if they want a picture. Yeah. That's cute, though. I think that's endearing. Yeah. Yeah. Just being nice. Just being yourself works, I think. I think that's so fun. Oh, my gosh. I think it's cool to get recognized, you know? Like, it's just fun. It just feels like something. Yeah. It makes my heart, like, happy when I see them. Yeah. Oh, my gosh.

And that means you're doing something right. You know, you're making people happy, which is like such a gift, you know? So when I first started, I didn't have many friends. So like I didn't have no one to talk to. So that's why I did social media. Really? You were like your outlet to engage with people. I relate to that too. It's like I had no one to talk to. So it's like these people, it's almost like, you know, these people already like you. So it's easy to be friends with them. Back then when you did, were you talking to people directly? Like...

As far as like. I've been talking to people on social media, not like to face to face. So people would just DM you and you DM back. Yeah. And just talk there. It is a cool thing, isn't it? Like social media still to me is cool. Like the fact that we got to meet, you know what I mean? Like it's so neat, you know, I love connecting that way. Yeah. And the fact that you can connect with people on there. Like the fact that I got your attention on there is so cool to me. Like I said, I love celebrities. People were telling me in the comments. Really? You texted me or something. I guess. Yeah.

I did a DM. You hadn't seen it. So then I'd go on your lives because I always watch your lives. And I'm like, tell me.

I'm one of those annoying. Usually I'm bad. I'm telling you I don't annoy anyone else the way I annoyed you. I was just like, can you tell her to come on my podcast? Because I was just so fascinated. Because like I said, you're so out there, but you're still so like, you're mysterious. You're like a little bit of an enigma. And I'm like, where did she come from? What is she doing? But fame at a young age, I mean, you handle it so well. Yeah. You know, it doesn't seem like you're going down any crazy paths or anything like that. You seem to have good people around you. Yeah. And did you move to LA for what? What was the reason you moved here? I moved here.

for work because everything is here. You get more sponsors or more work here. Have you ever done acting?

No. Would you try it? Yeah. I want to be in a show or a movie or a love show or something. Wait, what's a love show? Like a dating show? Yeah. Like a reality show you would do? No, like I watch this show, Never Have I Ever. I will be in like a romantic show or something. I've never seen that. What is that? It's like a love story or whatever. But it's scripted. It's like acting. Okay. It's not like you want to go on like Love is Blind or something like that. No. Okay.

I would love to do that. Oh my God. I would love to do Love is Blind. I think that's so fun. I don't know if you'd find the love of your life there, but I would say hold on dating unless you meet the one, you know, but yeah, I think I should hold on to that because I'm too busy for a relationship right now. Yeah. And sometimes it like drags you down a little bit. I was so worried about boys when I was your age. I was like,

I didn't get stuff done when I was young. Yeah. And that stuff will come. Either you'll meet the love of your life on your way or you'll just, you know, you'll have time with that later on. Or if I focus on somebody, it's really terrible because I'll be only caring about him and not my career. Yeah. Or are you someone who just like goes full into the relationship? Yeah. You become like...

into that person, that's your life. Yeah, I'm the same way. So get your career, get yourself established and then have the boyfriend later. - Yeah. - 'Cause you're so young and you'll figure that out. Do you see yourself getting married and having kids one day? - Yeah. - Yeah? - I love kids actually. - You do? - Yeah. - Okay. - I used to take care of my nephews. - Really? - Yeah. - How old are they? - They're young. - Yeah? - Yeah, they're little. - Okay, so you have like sisters and brothers. How many siblings? - I have two brothers and one sister.

My sister's the one that right now she's pregnant. So she's having more. Oh my God. And you're close with them. Yeah, my nephews. Are they out here or are they back home? Back home. Okay. Sometimes I just wish my family lived here. It would be much normal. Maybe they will. You know, I moved my family out here. I told my mom, can I move you over here?

What did she say? She said she doesn't know. I think coming out here a couple more times, they'll, like, get used to it. It's because my brother has a girlfriend over there, so that's why. What? How old is he? He's, like, 16. Okay, okay, okay. For some reason, I'm thinking little brother in the head. Okay. So, in a couple years, then. He's still my little brother, even though he grows. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I think of you as so young, so I think, oh, a little brother, five. But maybe in a couple years then when he's like an adult, she'll move out here. That's what I did. You know, my mom moved out here when I was like 24 or something. And now she lives like five minutes from me and it's great. Oh, that's cool. Because I didn't want to go back to Illinois. I'm like, I don't want to go back to the Midwest. But having family out here, it helps so much. I know you have your friends and stuff like that, but it kind of gives you another level of like security. Yeah.

Feeling at home. Sometimes I just feel sad. I just, I don't know. I miss my family. Really? Yeah. It just comes like at nighttime. You're just like, I saw that on your live. That broke my heart. Like a couple of days ago, you were like really sad on it. Yeah. I know it's just because of your dog, but just talking about your parents and stuff too. And I was just like, oh, it's hard.

It's hard. You're young. I mean, you're still very young. I'm 35. I don't know what I'd do without my mom out here. You know, it's hard. Especially with the successes, too. You know, you have these successes, your birthday, all this stuff. You know, you want to show them. I just try to, like, go back home sometimes. Yeah. When I have time. Just having a break. But you don't have time. You have no break. You're always going. But I do have time on the 20th. I got to stay there maybe two weeks or one week. Well, I'm glad you came here before you left because I was...

I know we kept missing you. You were gone for a couple weeks and I kept missing you. I'm being busy. I'm being everywhere. You are. You are one of the busiest people I know and I think that's amazing. I love being busy. You do? Yeah. You don't get tired. I love being busy because if I'm not busy, I'll be sad or something else with me. Yeah. You got to just keep going and going. I love being busy. I like working. You do? Yeah. That's when you found the dream job. If you love what you do, it's amazing. You make money. You love what you do. It's perfect.

job, you know? No, so you're actually crushing it. We were just saying you have like four more events. You're like, I don't know what I'm doing. But you're like, actually, you're doing so much, which is amazing. So where do people find out when you're doing these events? Just on your TikTok, you promote it? Yeah. I put it, promote it on my Instagram and my TikTok. And your Instagram is just Shadi Bay. Oh, did you Snapchat? I want to get on that thing. The program, the paying. I want to get on that too. I was like, how are people getting paid? People say they get paid a million dollars to Snapchat. I'm like, what? Whoa. Yeah, I've heard that.

heard that. I know. I was like, how are people getting on it? So you just Snapchat for fun? Yeah. Like your day and stuff like that. I haven't been on Snapchat. I should probably get back on it. I hope they come to one of your events soon. I would love to come. You have one in LA coming up. Yeah. And then you're going up north. You're going to Oakland, Atlanta. You're going to just be all over the place. Yeah. Oh my God, everyone, check out Shadi Bae. She's on TikTok and Instagram and any final words you want to say to everybody out there? I just want to say I love you, my little coconuts. That's how I call my supporters. Coconuts! That's so cute!

Thank you! And I will see you next time, baby. Come back! Will you come back, please? Oh my god, you are so fun. Such a breath of fresh air. Coconuts, we love you. And anyone watching me that doesn't know Shadi Bae, go to Shadi Bae. I don't know how you don't know her. She's amazing. Shadi Bae, everybody. That was so good. Oh my gosh, amazing.