cover of episode The SSSniperWolf VS Jacksfilms Drama is OUT OF CONTROL!

The SSSniperWolf VS Jacksfilms Drama is OUT OF CONTROL!

Publish Date: 2023/10/17
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Just Trish

Shownotes Transcript

We are here with manifesting the real one on the pod with Duncan, employee number one. With the ice spice munchkin drink. I'm excited to try these. Me too. Oh my god, we got drama with that. And then we also have our Duncan drink. Munchkin is back!

love the costume it's probably gonna stand for five minutes because he hates anything that's around his neck but that costume honestly that costume it costs like four hundred dollars on ebay they're very hard are you serious yeah i honestly probably should have spent that much on it cherry forever and why hard to find it was so hard to find the iced coffee dunkin costume i don't know they should have more of those but today is a very special episode okay today is obviously where i spice and we're also going to be nice this entire episode

Yes. Because we did get a little haterade. I don't know. Maybe because I wasn't in glam. I feel like when I'm not in full glam, I feel just a lot more like a toad. I feel like the trolls on the internet and under the bridge. So I feel like this week, the challenge is we're going to have stories and we're going to be nice with all of them. And it's going to be a challenge. No, it's going to be a challenge.

fine honestly i like to be positive thank you guys for pointing that out i was like yeah it's kind of feeling a little bit of a hater i'm gonna try and see the positive in these stories you know even the jada pink i'm gonna try and see the positive side because i feel like there's probably a spin people just love to be negative negative negative and i feel like we can try and be some positivity i think you just took your cosplaying too seriously because you were like a straight man so i was like oh this is like she's just dedicated which i found out that

Everyone's like, The Weeknd is not a feminist icon. Oh, really? Yeah. I got some emails. Like, Oscar probably doesn't take her to tell you. But I'm like, I don't think he knows the drama. No. It wasn't even that drama. It was, like, more about, like, the idol, the show being, you know, it's very... It has, like, a little bit of aggressiveness towards women. Yes. Well, when it comes to the idol, I mean, I remember telling you when you first mentioned the idol a little bit about it. But then I kind of just gave up trying to, like, you know, say anything negative about it. Because you love it so much. Oh, really? You do? And it's, like, letting a kid believe in Santa. Like, that is what...

when it comes to idol i'm like i'm just gonna let her have it wait but you didn't watch it you just no i just knew behind the scenes like production wise and the rolling stone expose about the idol blah blah wait did we talk about that it was like episode one but i guess to me when i think of like art like or even just like tv shows i don't i don't i think of it like that like i don't think of it as like oh this is like anti-women and then it

And then it ends up turning, spoiler alert, it ends up turning the opposite. Like it's all turned around on the weekend. Like at the end, like she's in control the whole time. We find out Jocelyn's in control. She manipulated everybody. It's like, which I guess makes the woman the villain. I don't know. Anyways.

think art is art and there's certain things that I'm like I get it but it's not like that crazy because everyone was like no he should be canceled for this this and this and I said oh my god what did he do and then I was like oh it's all about the idol and like the misogyny in it and a lot of people I think probably didn't make it past episode one so didn't because I had no idea about that ending I'm like okay that's a nice twist so I think that changes things for sure crazy he becomes like this little puppy at the end like he's yeah it's actually like crazy so it's uh it's it's good but I never even think about things like that to me I'm just like this is hot or whatever so I

Anyways, I don't know. People were... But yeah, I think I was being... I don't know. There was a little bit of hater. I was feeling really fat in that outfit. I don't know why. I don't know why. For some reason, I feel sexier when I have not as many clothes on. I don't know. That one, I was feeling just frumpy. I don't know. I was just feeling a lot. So today, we are being nice. It's so funny.

funny because Moses brought it to my attention. He's like, yeah, everyone's saying that you're being like too much of a hater. I was like, but I wasn't. And he's like, no, everything was like this. The poor I've had it ladies. Oh my God. Apologies. There's so many fans. There's so many apologies I shouldn't make.

I was like, I'm going to make apologies at the top of the show. He's like, you don't need to apologize. But I was like, no, there's a lot because the people get so, and you know what? Honestly, like this is why I love the podcast is why I love you. This is why I love people. Cause it's like, sometimes I don't think about things, right? Obviously that I've had ladies, I have my own opinion, but then so many people are like, no, they're actually really this, this, and this. So I was like,

Okay, we'll just agree to disagree on that because I haven't watched that much. I've only seen the like negative stuff where they come for like manifestors and stuff. But like for instance, the stay-at-home mom conversation versus the working mom and like is it full-time, part-time? Like that did open my eyes because there was one person in the comments who was like, you know, I work like a 16-hour shift at the hospital and then I have to come home. I'd rather be with my kids. I'm like,

Obviously, like, yes, that. I was just trying to more stick up for the stay-at-home moms. I felt like they get a bad rap because it's so hard to, like, raise your kids, like, period. And there's a lot of stay-at-home moms in, like, a hetero relationship where the guy goes to work and he gets to, like, maintain his life and they don't get paid. They end up getting divorced so they don't have, like, a job. They're not in the work field. They have, like, you know, they put in all this time basically, like, cleaning, cooking, taking care of the children, which is, like, five jobs in one. So I was trying

to stick up for them. That's where I was coming from. Obviously, everyone was like, Trisha, we're all not podcast people. And I get it. I have the cushiest job. So I'm like the last person. Plus, like I have my mom that helps us. Moses is like the super dad. Like it's, yes, I have a very cushy mommy lifestyle. So yeah,

um so thank you for that and i apologize to the working moms that are like it's it's hard like you said you said i should have listened better to you oscar you were like it's kind of like there's no comparison it's all difficult so yeah it's like the grass is always greener situation because both are hard and until you you know if you experience both you kind of have an idea but if you don't experience both you think you don't really know like the trials and tribulations of either so you know just we're open-minded we're learning learning and

That's why I was like, I'm just the last person to say anything on parenting. Although I did come on TikTok and came from a parenting. There's this one...

It's not a bad thing. It's really not a bad thing. And I was trying to say I'm not judging. I was like, you're judging. But I'm like, no. It's this one couple and they show their nighttime routine with their newborn. Have you seen it? They get like 20 million views and they show, they like literally film themselves either. Okay. I was having this theory. Either they film it ahead of time and it's not like real, it's not happening in real time because they'll put like 1am, you know, 2am getting up with the baby, trying to like, you know, whatever. Both the parents are out there switching. There's like a ring light involved.

you know, like all something that everyone's like, the reason the baby can't sleep is there's a ring light. But it's, but also just the idea of like setting up, like I remember the newborn stage again, luckily I had Moses literally for the first three months we get the baby. So I can't even fathom it. So I was asking him, I was like, could you imagine like setting up a camera? And he loves doing all this stuff. And he's just like, I, he goes, I was just like, so out of it. You're like a zombie. Like, how can you even think of like setting up a camera like every hour or is it just going 24 hours? So I did,

I wasn't coming for them, but I was like, this is interesting. It makes me not want to put so much of my baby out there because it just looks like a lot. You know what I mean? Again, not judging, but it's just like, that's like a lot of extra work. You're taking care of a newborn and setting your things up. I don't know. Also, I understand if they're educating people, like this is how you do this. This is how you swaddle. This is how you, or here's something I learned that might help you. There's none of that. We're just like, we're just really tired parents and we're taking turns. And I don't know. It's more about them. Yeah.

But none of that is realistic because none of that look real. Yeah. And especially all the lights and everything. It was, it was odd. It's odd. And they do so many of it and they get like 20 million views. And I'm just always like, there was one too with a five day old, there was a five day old and the lady was doing like her nighttime routine. So many people came for her too. They're like, she's five days old. Like,

know I don't know again we're being all nice here I'm not like I guess I was like I'm the last person to judge anyone and again for this kind of stuff but in that sense I'm like lots that's just a lot of work honestly some people are super moms the way they're so aesthetic and they put everything together I'm just like sometimes we just go out to lunch with my daughter in her pajamas I'm like we'll just wear baby shark out which is a lot easier but they put full outfits together I don't know anyway shout out to those parents shout out to the I had it girls I'm so sorry I'm so scared they're

scared they're gonna like reply or something and say something about me because I said something about Botox I'm like oh my god they could come for me for my cellulite or my belly or any of this stuff so no they seem sweet like yeah I mean I've I've only seen them with you know when they have like a gay on as a guest but every time I see them with the gay they're just very open-minded and uh it's sweet I think so I think you know the clips the clips are there to get views and then but when you see like the full the full episode I think it's probably a different story yeah okay I love it and I love and I truly love older women doing things like I love it because like I

I said, I'm very close to being that 40 year old or whatever doing this stuff. And I think it's amazing. And I love older women. I love Wendy Williams. I love, um, we were just talking about a podcast. I think it's a podcast with Julia Little Dreyfus. Have you seen that one? Where she talks about people who she talks with people who are older than her. She had like Jane Fonda on anyways, the guests we had this week was talking about it. And it's about like women who are older and sharing their wisdom. And I love stuff like that. So I love that. I've had it ladies. Also,

Apologies to the MF Doom community. Oh my God. My mask last week was MF Doom. I don't even, what is that? Oh my God, it's a rapper. And he's actually, he passed away and he's actually like such an emotional rapper. My photographer Isaiah was telling me, he's like honestly like, cause I showed him when I came on the costume, he was like, oh my God, you're MF Doom. I was like, no, I'm the weekend. Yeah.

And he's like, oh, he's like, no, you should listen to MF Doom. He's really emotional. He has like, he's like really, he's really powerful. And so like, and I guess The Weeknd takes off the mask and like sings to the mask like during his show in honor of MF Doom. So I thought it was like a wrestler, a superhero. And honestly, MF Doom is like superior. His like music is so, so good. So like shout out to the MF Doom fans. Honestly, like I never try to be disrespectful, but

you think I don't know but then I like realized how like powerful and what an impact he had on people and I was like it's like Tupac it's like disrespecting Tupac or something like that you're just like oh I mean honestly MF Doom is just like has so much more like heart and stuff I don't know Tupac music don't come for me Tupac you could have heart too I have no idea Jada Pink coming for me but but anyway shout out I had so many apologies from last week so I

I'm learning. I was feeling fat. We'll just blame it on that. I feel skinny today, though. I guess I should apologize to Adonis, Jake's son, because I said the album art for the album was cringe. Oh, no. I think the cover, I still don't really like that much, but I respect the artistry of a four-year-old. Oh, his son did it? I'll say that. Yes. Oh, no. You're coming for a kid's artwork.

I mean, I think the artwork is cute to hang on a fridge. So I apologize for that. But I still think I don't like the album cover. I kind of live for it though. Honestly, I would put Malibu's art on there.

This is the art we're having today. That's kind of everything. I kind of like Drake that he shows up for his kid. You know what I mean? Yeah, that's cute. Not everybody does that. His kid released a single as well, I think. Oh my God. Wait, what? Is it like a singing or rapping? A rap, I think. Yeah. Wow. How old is he? I think he's four. No, he's not rapping at four. I'm pretty sure. Wait, Adonis. Adonis is his name. I wonder what that means. That sounds kind of Greek or something. He's 2017. Wait, so how old is that? 2017. Oh my God. Bad at math. Six? Yes. Yes, six. Oh, okay.

Okay. Okay. I love that. He's probably so talented. I mean, if your dad's Drake. Yeah. The prodigy. Is this one that he planned or was it like a surprise? I have no idea. Yeah.

I don't know the story, but I just remember him being like, he didn't know for sure if it was his kid or something. I don't know. Maybe not. I could be wrong. I don't know. I don't know. I love that he stepped in though. Yeah. We love that. And Adonis is super cute. And I like that he's rapping. That's cute. He's so cute. I love his like curly hair. He's actually a really cute kid. I haven't seen the mom. I just saw a tattoo she had of Drake. But then someone told me that was temporary, that the tattoo of Drake was not. Yeah. Cause I was like, damn, that's like hardcore. But I am very tapped into a lot of parts of pop culture, but Drake is.

is just not, it's just not for me. It's like, I can't, I can't mentally, I don't have the mental capacity to tap into that. And people were saying Drake and The Weeknd clapped or something like that. I have no idea. But then he was mad because The Weeknd didn't want to sign his thing. Also, The Weeknd did clap with Nicki Minaj. Yes, I did. Oh my gosh, I'm just getting it all wrong. I'm a new Able fan, so come lightly for me. Learning curve. Learning curve, for sure. But I love that Drake is in his son's life. I think that's like the most important thing.

important and then also like nurturing them and also like i mean honestly nepo baby is like kind of everything like i love that if my daughter wants to host a podcast at six why not i get mixed about those things yeah i think once they're old enough to like make that decision then you know support them i think yeah she loves this like she loves singing now so i'm just like ah i feel like i would let her perform or something on america's got talent i'm like four years old or something you know they

girls on there they're so good and you're just like oh my gosh should we try these before they melt oh yes we have to try oh my god this is wild okay so tell me the story so oh my god you literally went which was so nice I was gonna post me and

to post me because you're like should I go and I should post me because I hate asking people to do favors I hate especially since you do 5,000 jobs here the last thing I want you to be is like go get a stop can drink but you offered and I was like oh it's on postmates so tell us the story this is so many ingredients yes the ice spice munchkin drink first of all it's not on the app anymore I was panicked it's not on the app it's on postmates so I was like oh no like is the drink gone my backup plan was just to get like a frozen drink and then just make blend the munchkin and then not tell you and just put an ad in

Did they blend the munchkins in here? Yeah, the munchkins are blended in here. Why is it not all three pumpkin munchkins? So I called. They confirmed that they still make the drink. But then I went and no one knew what drink I was talking about. Then I had to ask a manager. It was like one of those. But I was very sweet. I was like, I called. I'm like, I'm very bad with that stuff. I called and they said that they make the ice spice drink. And I showed the YouTube video. It was so embarrassing. So they just learned how to make it on the spot? Someone else remembered, I think. Yeah. Wow.

They crumbled up munchkins in here. I'd rather just eat them. I know. I don't want to drink them. I spilled a little bit of mine in my car and it instantly caramelized on the leather. Science project. How many calories are in these? I forgot how much. It was like 1,500 or something. It was a lot. Cheers, everybody. Cheers. Okay, let's try them.

That is serious. Like pumpkin pie.

The giggling over there. What's munchkins? I feel like there's a cake mixed in there. It's the donuts. It's a little donut hole. It's a little donut hole. Oh my God, it's so good. I mean, it's good. What do we think? I think the problem is it doesn't taste like 1500 calories. Like it just tastes like a sweet. It just tastes like a pumpkin spice or something latte. So that's kind of. It's thick. But it feels like a whole breakfast is mixed into here. Yeah, it does. It almost feels like, it feels like a pumpkin pie to me. Like I'm just drinking pumpkin pie. It reminds me of your little, your pumpkin pie tea recipe that you made that one day on TikTok.

Oh, yeah. Oh, yes. It does look like that. It's very that. And that's it. It has that liquidy form. You're right. Yeah. It's very that. I just love a pumpkin pie mixed with, like, iced tea. That's kind of what this tastes like. Before I even knew, maybe Iced Spice took my... Do you think Iced Spice had a hand in making this, or they're just like... I think just because her fans are called Munchkins, and then they were like, how can we make a pumpkin... Wait, her fans are called Munchkins? Yeah. Oh.

Oh, but that's like a perfect collab because Duncan had munchkins. Yeah. So I think they were like, okay, pumpkin, ice, spice. Oh my God. Fans are munchkins. Let's blend the munchkins in. Pumpkin spice and she's ice. Yes. Ice spice. That's so interesting that she had munchkins. Yes. Pumpkin ice spice munchkins. It was like meant to be, I think. That's actually amazing. It's actually super...

so good. We're so behind on this because I wanted to wait until I did my I Spice cosplay but it's so good. But it's worth the wait. You had to do it with I Spice cosplay. Like, like, well, do you know what she said? Yeah, I just did a rap for that this morning. It's like, and I give him my pass. Like, because I have bends.

but I was like, because I'm going to be me and I don't know why. Stop playing with them, Riot. I love when she says that. Where's that from? That's what she always says at the beginning of her songs. Wait, what? Stop playing with them, Riot. I love it.

A lot of people. What did you think of it, babe? Give it a 10-10? It's 20 out of 10 because it's so much in it. Oh, my God. Okay. 20 out of 10. This is not a drink anymore. Oh, my God. You're already done with your Dunkin' costume. That was it. Okay. That was a wrap on the Dunkin'. Yeah, I loved it. It's just like so sweet. Like I would just, maybe we should keep drinking because we'll be like going five hours today. I haven't had like an iced coffee actually in so long, like maybe in a couple months. So that was like my first iced coffee. I'm like, whoo. It's definitely sweet. Yeah.

That's so sweet. You look great in your Duncan outfit today too. I love this. It made me understand why you like a cosplay with like an apron and a hat. This is a cool one. It's so easy. You feel good. It kind of cinches your waist a little bit and you tie the apron. It's nice. You feel like official too. You feel like you're a part of something. Yeah. You're so right. It gives like a little bit of power I think. A little bit of power. You came in with everything. I was like wow. You look like a Duncan official.

coming in with all the drinks. Like here at Just Trish we're sponsoring. God, I wish we were sponsoring. Duncan used to sponsor every TikToker like Charlie D'Amelio. I think Charlie D'Amelio had a drink there. She did. She had the Charlie. Yeah, and that was great. I was into it. I love it. I just, wow. The power those people have. The D'Amelios on Hulu season three. I was like, wow, they do.

really have another season. They're kind of powerful. I think I'm also in a good mood because I didn't watch the Kardashians. Like it would've been hard for me to keep positive because I saw another Tristan jump scare on TikTok this week. I'm like, God, they really have him on again. He's back in. I didn't watch either out of solidarity. Yeah. I just,

like you know what it really did make me mad and I'm like okay let me not watch something that makes me mad because that's what I never understand about haters is like why watching that angers you and it really was like angering me I don't know I think that's why it put me in a bad mood too so I didn't watch it I did see some on TikTok and I'm just like wow they're really still pushing him in another episode which whatever

whatever you know they know what they're doing obviously they're billionaires so um I think he's on like an ESPN show or something so I think that was the tie-in was like they got him an ESPN show and good for him you know like at least he's in some of the kids life we're pretty the positive spin at least you're on some of the kids life what a great attitude yeah you know okay there's some people who do it with

see any of their kids so we'll give you that you know bare minimum but we're gonna try and spin the positive today but love that yeah my spice my photographer had no idea who i spice was he thought everyone thinks she's like a spice girl the people that like don't and he's pretty with it he knew mf doom he's pretty with it so i was just like

he's like yeah I don't know who that is I was like wait what so we were thinking talking about and this is not negative either but like industry plants you know how we're talking about Bobby Alltopping one like do you think iSpice is did she come out of nowhere or maybe she didn't don't come from iSpice fans but she kind of feels like she came out of nowhere and all of a sudden it's like besties with like Taylor Swift Nicki Minaj she's on SNL like

She kind of came out of nowhere, right? Or is she even grinding and I just don't know. I don't think she's a plan because the first song that she had that took off was like the Boy's a Liar song. And she was just a feature on the remix. Okay. And it just kind of went viral. It's kind of like Doja Cat would like say so. Like you have that one song that goes viral then it just kind of opens the doors to like so many other. Okay.

Opportunities, you know. That makes sense. And I think she's just so – she has, like, such a unique look. She's very talented. She's very, like, funny. Yeah. She's young. She's self-aware. She's, like, sweet. I feel like in any type of feud with, like, Matt Healy, she was, like, sweet about it. Yeah. You know what I mean? So I think it's just, like, she's charismatic and she had that viral song and then it made – She's young and cute. Yeah. That makes sense because I was, like – and I guess plant does have, like, that connotation. Because when I was talking to my glam people this morning, I'm, like, but doesn't plant mean there's, like, an agenda? Yeah.

Like if you plant. So I was like, oh, okay. Cause like we talked about Bobby, I don't know what the agenda would be for that, but I know they say like, I love Dylan Mulvaney, but they say sometimes she's like a plant, but I'm like, what would her agenda be? Like they push an agenda like left or right. I don't know what is an agenda, but I guess there have to be an agenda to be a plant. The label puts a lot into them and like the marketing in order to like profitability.

big like with Ava Max I was another one that was a whole like industry plant like she actually was I don't know I mean she never like confirmed her way but a lot of people thought because all of a sudden she like came out and like she had big budget music videos and the songs were being like pushed and

It takes a long time for a new artist to get known organically. So all of a sudden, if the song's on the radio and stuff, it's like, okay, well, how is this happening? Yeah, she was on the Barbie soundtrack. And I was like, oh my gosh, that's crazy. Yeah, I guess it makes sense. I guess also you just get lucky. You just collab with the right people and stuff like that. But Ice Spice was on...

now so it was like perfect timing we had this planned for a while to be this day yeah she was oh well we were supposed to ice spice a while ago i was waiting for this chain i ordered this chain from india it was like all crystals it was like this chain all crystals but it's still not here it's literally been since we started this podcast i think i told you about it like two months ago it's like still not here i like asked for it was like a special mold because no one sells these replicas and so i like had to find this like person on etsy the special mold all the stuff like that so yesterday i was like oh my god i

tomorrow i don't even have any chain and i saw an snl she had the big chain and i was like oh my god so i literally told moses like last minute when we were like walking we were like getting coffee i was like can you find something around the house like sparkly and just put it on a chain because i just needed something he made this literally out of a crystal he went to michael's at like two o'clock yesterday and made this within an hour for me it's like this christmas ornament with like sharpie and puff paint i i was at getting my nails and i like posted a thing on twitter about it and i was getting my nails done and he sent me this and i was like oh

God, it looks so legit. Like, how did you find it? How did it work? It's cute. I mean, I went to Michael's. I had like three different options. I thought I'll get a foam ball and paint it and put glitter on it and then draw on it and all that stuff. And as I'm walking through, you know, I just walk and look at things. I saw this ornament. I was like, wait, that kind of looks like it. Amazing. And yeah, and I just, it took a minute. I just drew with a Sharpie the eyes, the lips, and then hot glue the chain. Amazing.

little ornament was like this so he saw it like this and he's like oh that could be the hair so then the hair was like yeah I just kind of have to imagine it sideways I was amazing for someone he just saw the chain for the first time yesterday and then went to Michael's and made this and I was just like oh my gosh I hit my little ice spice chain and it looks so legit actually I was like I spent like literally a thousand dollars to get this concept

Someone made this. I'm here. And you went and spent like 20 bucks. I was like, please film this. Wow. They don't make replicas. There's like nothing like this on Etsy. There's nothing anywhere. And I'm like, wow, this is very, very exciting. It was very exciting to get this. It's fun. There's always a challenge of like, you know.

Something needs to look a certain way. Make it work. Like, they think about it for a minute and then we make it happen. I feel like Sunday is like a project day. I'm like, can you build a tavern today? I wanted to build like this fast food drive-thru. We have this little nook in our living room. I'm like, can you put a little drive-thru window there with all our bling fast food? Soon. Yeah. He's like, that's easy. I was like, okay, great. So I honestly just asked. Most people don't

Most people don't like homemade things. Like, people don't like when you, like, homemade your costumes. Like, when I was a kid, nobody wanted their mom to, like, make their costumes. Everyone wanted to buy it. But I, like, love homemade things. Like, go on Etsy. I love things because it's so unique because you're the only person that has it, you know? Yeah. One of a kind. I just think it's cool. One of a kind. Yeah. It's... I don't know. But Ice Spice was on SNL. Did you watch? I watched clips on Twitter. I didn't watch the whole thing. You don't like to sit down and watch on...

On Saturday night For SNL Yeah No I'm asleep It's out late Is it? Yeah I feel like on Hulu it's Oh maybe we watched it Sunday Maybe it was Yeah I like to sit down And like watch the whole thing Maybe it is the next day Yeah you're right I kind of watch the select Unless there's like a host I really like Then I'll watch the whole thing Like who? Who's the last one You watched the whole thing for?

I don't even remember the last person. Not Travis Kelsey? Or were you not a Travis Kelsey fan back then when he hosted? No, I didn't even know who he was back then. Isn't it crazy how he's... And they were there. Taylor Swift and... Oh my gosh. I'm just so shocked you didn't dress as Taylor today. Because she's very Ice Spice coated. Yeah, I mean, they're like sisters now. Yes. I think Ice calls Taylor her big sis. Wow.

But I'm like, first of all, I'm out of Taylor cosplays. I'm just, I'm straight up out. What? How? Yeah, because I've, reputation was like really the only one I have. And I've worn literally my two reputation outfits. I feel like her looks lately, you could definitely pull off like her little trench coat look in New York City. You could have worn that today. That could have been the vibe. You don't do drag, right? You're not like a drag person. No. Never. Well, with me. You said you were me one year for Halloween. I was, I mean, but it was just like a blonde wig. No makeup. No, I don't think any makeup. Not really. You're not makeup. Or like boy makeup, I guess, which is just like a.

What is it? BB cream. What is it now? Like tinted moisturizer. Tinted moisturizer. There's CC cream. I don't even know either. I don't know anything about makeup. It's just like, yeah. But you don't do like a face ever. No. I just think, oh my God, I did do, unlock memory. I did do when she released like what she made me do, like I think that was 2017. I was a drag Taylor Swift actress.

with like makeup and a wig and everything. Yeah. Me and my coworker, she went as Trixie Mattel and we went to the Sports Illustrated Halloween party. Oh my gosh. And it was like wild because we just like looked so ridiculous and there was all these like little pretty models walking through. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. What did you feel? Did you feel cute or were you like, oh God, I feel embarrassed? I felt cute in the moment. But then you look back and you're like, oh, a little rotted. I think 2017. Yeah. And I feel like even back then, just like –

anyone's makeup like in 2017 just looks a little like busted compared to now yeah and I mean I'm not good at it to start with but then like just trying to do drag myself was just like wow choices yeah no drag like makeup is this whole thing but I feel like for Halloween that's when like I feel like all guys kind of just go for the full on drag which I like love

Like, love. Yeah. Like, especially my makeup artist friends, they would always go as drags. They would be like, drag Selena, drag this. And they would look so beautiful. And you would see them and you're just like, I didn't even recognize them when they show up at my parties. So I love that time of year. And I think it's like the one time even like straight, masculine, gays, whatever, they all kind of go for it because it's Halloween, you know, which I think is great. Most of my favorite characters or artists or whatever are female, but I just like gender bend now where it's like, I'll just be a boy, but like wearing like the girl costumes. And I feel like that's fun because I don't have to worry about like,

Hair and makeup and all that stuff too. Yeah, I kind of like that. I like that too because I'm like the opposite of you for so many years. I like boy stuff mostly but I used to always like to be the girl version until I started being the boy version but that makes sense. Yeah, I think it's fun when people do that. I think it's cool. I think Taylor Swift is such an easy makeup look. It's like winged liner, red lip. Yeah. It's easy to recreate but – I think if I was a skinny little thing, like a little twink, I think it would be super easy to be Taylor Swift all the time. Did you see – speaking of beautiful –

Is twink offensive? I don't know. Beautiful twink. I was going to say beautiful twink, but beautiful boy. I don't know. Is twink offensive? No. Okay. Beautiful twink. Who might become... He said he'd come on the podcast. We're just trying to schedule. It's Dallas Mendoza. Did you see him as Taylor Swift? Who? Dallas Mendoza and Patrick Star. Oh, yes, yes, yes. The Teyonce look. Yes. Yeah. What do you think? I thought it was great. I mean, that was such a fast turnaround. Such a fast turnaround. I was like, oh my God. I always can appreciate a cosplay that happens within days of it happening.

Because I know I've done it like a couple times and it's so hard. Like Britney Spears over the weekend just had this like leopard dress number on. She was like in front of her thing. And it was like mi gente or something. Mi gente. Did you see? It was like my people. It was like Spanish. She's in her Latin music era. And let me just say I've been in my Latin music era for the past two months. And I'm like we are just so – she was hanging out with Maluma, J Balvin. I was like ah! So we're very that. She's like doing Spanish like subtitle, like captions. Yeah.

And I've really been in my Spanish era too. Like today I learned, me encanta el pedo. You love the dog? I'm here for the bullshit. Like I love the chaos. Like I'm here for the chaos, me encanta el pedo. It's not that pedo too, but that's my favorite thing. Cause that's how I'm not going to Benjana on a Friday night. And I was like, it's chaotic. It's chaotic. My hairstylist was like, oh, like he goes, me encanta el pedo. And I was like, what does that mean? He's like, I'm here for the chaos. I'm here for the bullshit. I was like, yeah, me too. So I also learned, yo soy flaca.

Or yo soy gordita. Oh, I know that. Yeah. Oh, my God. They say they call like gordita like a big fat cow or something. I was like, oh, my God. I'm like, well, I'm both. I'm a placa and a gordita. But Britney's in her Spanish era. But anyways, we went so far. Oh, the turnaround. Yeah, Dots Mendoza was the blue Taylor Swift, which you said. I don't know if this is controversial. You might want to cut it out if you want. But you said you did not love the Taylor Swift song.

outfit at the premiere. No, I thought I liked the outfit. Okay. There's so many Taylor things. So I guess we should start with the, the premiere. You guys, this is mainstream news. Moses's timeline is Taylor Swift. We have to talk about it. Honestly, I, we did a no Taylor rule, but she's everywhere. I was like, I can't, I can't help it. It's fine. You're the resident Taylor Swift fan. So we can talk about it while she's relevant and poppin. So yeah, the air store premiere. So yeah, I did my, I love the look. She wore like this blue Oscar de la Renta look. Um,

to go with 1989 i just don't like when she does the fake bob i don't really like that hairstyle it's a wig it's she like her hair is like long but then she folds it up and pins it in the back so it looks like a bob because she had a bob during the 1989 era so she's trying to like recreate that look oh and i just i like her hair i just like her hair long the premiere was wild i told you i was i could have gone but i didn't go i was like what you're like the biggest

Taylor Swift, yeah. Like, you work for a company directly that will take you there. And I was like, how are you not there? You said you didn't know she was going to be there. I knew she was going to be there. I didn't know she was going to sit in the theater. Because usually in premieres, it's like, there's like one specific theater that like is just for, you know, the crew or whatever. And then, and it's usually really, really big. But for Taylor's premiere, she took over the Grove, which was like random. I thought, I was like, who does premieres on the Grove these days? I kind of live for that though. A Grove party. Yeah.

And then she completely closed it down. And you couldn't even go to the Cheesecake Factory if you wanted at the Grove. No way, really? Yes, it was completely closed. You couldn't go to the Farmer's Market, nothing. Who paid for it?

I think Taylor or AMC probably. Oh, yeah. But yeah, so she closed it down and she played the movie in like 13 different theaters. And each theater had like there was fans that were there from Spotify, fans that she invited, influencers. It was a whole thing. But yeah, the theater that she sat in was like the press one. So I thought, yeah. Yeah.

I was like, but you said she went around to different theaters. She went in to surprise each theater and like talk. And then she actually sat in the press one. Um, and that was the only like FOMO I had usually cause premier is going to be like anxiety. There was so many people there and you don't actually get to like have a moment with like, you know, the stars or whatever, because they're like so busy and there's so many people. So I didn't really like care that much, but I,

I had FOMO. I don't even care. I was like, God, I want to be there. And I strongly disagree with Oscar. I was just like, this is the most beautiful she looked. Like, you know, I'm not a Taylor hater, but I'm not a Swifty by any means. And I'm just like, okay, she's, you know, cute. Like, you know, a difference of, you know, the people I find cute, maybe not everyone finds cute or whatever. But I, this is the one time I was like, oh my God, she's like gorgeous. She looks like a stunning vision. Like, oh my God. I was like, honey,

I didn't like love this. I was like, what? It's just, it's not my favorite. The hair, like, I just don't really like the, the fake bob. That really doesn't thing. But other than that, she looks, she looked really good. Like I love the dress. Yeah. So that was the gag of the century was beyond and Beyonce who doesn't come out like really for anything, you know, unless she's like the star that, you know, I thought it was AI. I was like, I'm not going to be Trisha and fall for AI. The new Ariana albums out. Yeah.

Because I was like, there's just no, it was just so random. So God, but I guess because they're probably because they're both AMC, like they both have big AMC movies coming out. Yeah. I think there's like, I think a few aspects. I think they know that they kind of are pitted against each other a lot because they're the two most successful tours right now. And there's a lot of Stan wars between the two on Twitter. Did it stem from Kanye?

No, just because it's like, I think because they're just so big that people always want to fight. It's like, who's bigger? To me, there's like no comparison. They're just such age differences, generational gaps. Like there's just- Different music. Yeah. They're just better. Like they each have their own lane, which I think is the best. To me, that's like comparing like The Weeknd and like Troye Sivan.

Yeah, just like very different. I think this was a nice way to like show that they're like in solidarity and supporting each other. They may not be like besties or anything, but like they see and respect each other. And it's good. Like I'm sure Taylor will come for the Renaissance movie premiere, you know, and like promote that too. Taylor is doing the rounds. She's doing the rounds everywhere, promoting NFL. She's

promoting everything right now. I'm just getting a cut of it all. I know. It's amazing. Yeah. Did E.T. do an interview with her? Did Denny get an interview? No, she didn't do any interview. Oh, she didn't? She like walked by and like waved, but that's all that she did. Wow, really? That's so weird. Well, all the time that she spent there was to meet the fans. Like she had about 200 fans. Wow.

But she went through and met every single one that was like on the red carpet. And that was like her priority, which I thought was really cute. That's so, you made me want to go see it. I want to get the tins. I want to go see the movie. I think we might go see it this week. Yes.

like i love one of the movies period but i'm like kind of you know if it's too long i'm like i just like walk out if it's too long you know what i mean yeah i just want to see like the vibes the ambiance because i love yeah the stuff i almost went got it you texted me when you got it i was like i kind of wanted to go that night because i love movie theater popcorn it's like so good i didn't get sick last time that i went to the movie did i get sick no i don't think i got sick last time i had the movie theater popcorn and so that's like a good sign i didn't eat as much last time i do portion control now with my popcorn i'm doing portion control just period uh

but everyone's just like, oh my God, she's gay so much. I'm trying to do portion control. Everyone's so mean sometimes. It's like, even when the ones that try to point it out be like, I'm worried about your health. I'm like, okay, like, you're not my doctor. Yeah. Like, I'm trying to walk. It's been so freaking hot here. We couldn't walk, but anyways.

I wasn't even talking about my body today because I hate when I'm like, I'm not gonna talk about my body anymore because I've been sorry to myself lately. Anyways, I want a tub of popcorn. That's what I want. It looks so good. But I kind of want to go see it now. I kind of want to just like go and I do. It was an experience. So she announced that she was originally supposed to come out that Friday. She announced that tickets were she was actually going to go a day early. So tickets went on sale Thursday. And it's like, crap, because you made me scared because you know that popcorn is going to sell out. The popcorn is going to sell out. I was like, shoot. They always do. They always do.

do so I was like I gotta go Thursday like I can't afford to wait so I already had tickets for Friday but I'm like screw it like I have to go Thursday to secure the popcorn bucket and the cup but you can get the popcorn bucket without getting a ticket yeah well I was just I was very paranoid yeah I'm the same way I'm like let's just buy a ticket so I thought I went earlier in the day when they opened to secure the pop and I felt crazy because they had just opened the boxes and no one was there and I was like can I get the popcorn no but people

No, but people did that for Barbie. Like, I told you, we went at, like, 8 a.m., and it was, like, there was a line, and we barely got one bucket. That's crazy. So you're smart to do it. Yeah. And it did sell. Like, by Sunday, it was sold out. Oh, no. Yeah. You think it's sold out everywhere? No, I don't think it's everywhere. I bet it is. REMC sells out of everything. I'll call around. I bet they're all sold out. You should call around, though, and see. They're so cute. They are very cute. I love the pink. I mean, the pink inside. Yeah. It is very, very cute. The cup. Oh, my gosh. I wish it came with the lid. That was my one complaint. Like, I don't know.

Oh my God. Those are the cups I drink all around the house. I have like a Scream one. I have like Fast and the Furious. I have like stupid movies. I would love to have that. I would totally drink that. Oh my God. Okay. I'm going to go. Maybe I could.

I'll go. I will say the movie experience, like seeing her up close, like she looks like a Barbie, like her hair and was so pretty. The outfits are so pretty. Her hair and makeup is gorgeous. And she just looks like she's having so much fun. I got so into it. I cried because she has a song about her grandma. And I was like, oh my God, I was weeping. But you had already seen it and you still were so excited. Yes. Once I, once it started, I was like into it. I was seated. IMAX screen. It was incredible. Who took your photo? You had a picture. I mean,

So my boyfriend went with me. He's not like the biggest Swifty. I started like singing and dancing in my seat a little like respectfully, quietly. And he was like giving me looks. There was a little girl who was like dancing like in the aisle and he kept looking at her too. I was like, let her live her life. Let her dance. Yeah, yeah. Little kids, they can do anything they want. He just gets cringe about like, you know, standing out in the crowd. He gets very cringe. Oh, okay. But I was just like singing, dancing and...

he was just you know he was watching respectfully but then at the end I was like you have to take my photo and he was embarrassed to take my photo I was like no yes at the end I'm gonna go to the beginning when I'm fresh and ready but the experience though was solid for me on the Thursday everyone's gagging over her dancer I'm gagging over the dancer I'm like I want to

see him. Yeah, I mean, even before the movie, like, I knew that he was just, like, beautiful, but then, oh my god, like, on the big, and, like, you really see it. You really see it. I would kind of get it, because he's, like, mature, too. He's not, like, a young dancer. He's kind of, like, this mature dancer. He kind of looks like Oscar Isaac to me. I thought you were going to say you. Oh, my god, I wish. Oh, my god. God damn, I can see it. Oscar Isaac. Who's Oscar Isaac? Everything I know that he's in, you would not have seen. Like, he was in a Marvel show. He was in Star Wars. Definitely not. Yeah. All that stuff. But he's really hot. Okay.

Okay. I feel like I would have heard of a hot guy, but maybe not. Maybe in a couple of years. Yeah. Five years from now. But I mean, I had tickets for Friday too, so I was going to go again, but my boyfriend topped out. He's like, I saw it's long. You know, I saw it once. Right. Right.

And then I was like, okay, I guess I'll just go by myself because the tickets are non-refundable. So I had buddies a month ago. I'm like, shoot, I'm stuck with them. So I'm like, I'll go alone. But then the TikToks of all the Swifties in the theater had me shook and gagged. And I was like, I don't know if I could do it. You were not about it.

I think I'm just too old. So there's so many viral takes off to like kids like running up to screen dancing, running around in a circle singing. The circle's wild. I felt like that's just like we're in a cult. We're the Manson family here. And not in a bad way. We're keeping it positive. I was like, okay, you know, they're having fun and it's obviously not the Manson cult. So I was like, this is harmless. They have the flash on the phones, waving the phones. The bowing? Did you see what they bought? Yeah. It was like straight up like they were at the actual concert. I love it. I'm going

it. I'm going to put it out there. I love it. I think it's like to me, like I wish a fandom I was a part of would be that wild for it. You know what I mean? I wish we could all go do that. Like who do I love? I don't even know what I love. Not that we can, but like who else? Like I don't know. Brittany. Brittany. Yeah. Like I just feel like it's not acceptable or like everyone would be like don't do that. But like for some reason in the Swifty community, everyone's like we're going to just do this. And I love it. And the other Swifties coming for those Swifties, I'm like just let them have fun. Like you all are making friendship bracelets and training with each other. Everyone's kind of side-eyeing you. That's not in the Swifties. But

you allow them to do it because it's not hurting anyone. Yeah, it's cute. And I think, I mean, she even kind of said like, you know, go and sing and dance and have fun or whatever. Yeah. Okay. Because that could be annoying because with Broadway shows, if someone's singing all the lyrics right next to you, like that's like the biggest no-no on Broadway shows. Like people will do that with Hamilton that are obsessed with Hamilton. They'll be like right next to you and like sing all the words and you're like, I'm here to like listen to this performer. So obviously at a concert, do you sing along or do you? I sing along, but like not at a crazy level there. I remember when I saw her in

like actual concert, there was a girl behind me who was screaming top of her lung for the first like six or seven songs to the point where it's like you literally can only hear her scream. Like you sing, you can, the specific voice of her screaming but then she lost her voice and then after that like she couldn't sing anymore. So,

But I mean, that's why for opening weekend, like I see the vision. Like it's not really for me. I think I'm just too old. Like I think if I was younger, I'd be into it. You wouldn't appreciate even watching it and being like, wow, look at all these people having fun. I think I'd be with like the flash and stuff and everyone like wanting to make a TikTok of themselves. Oh, interesting. I didn't think about that. I think that would take me out of it. I'd be distracted, I think. Because, you know, we come to this place. I guess as Nicole Kidman said. I was like, where?

We come to this place to escape. Yeah. So I think it would pull me out of like that escapism experience. So I'll go again when it like dies down, I think for sure. Cause it's like, it really is like,

Like it's just shot beautifully and she's beautiful and I love all the songs. I honestly like really want to go for that. I could never go with you. I don't like – we're just talking about this. I don't like to go with people to the movies or like Benihana or like a pasta place. Like I – okay, because I went Friday night with Zach Sang who I love so much. We went out on like a little date. It was so cute. His boyfriend has been out of town and I need an excuse to go to Benihana honestly. And we can't really go with my daughter because it's just like really smoky and like loud and she's just like not that age yet. We'll go early with her but it was like 7 o'clock. He lives literally so close to Benihana. So we went.

And it was like fun. Oh my God, we talked so much, of course. But when I came home, I had all these leftovers and was like, how was it? I'm kind of hungry because like I didn't really get to eat because you're like in the conversation. You don't want to. I love shoveling my food in my mouth, especially at Benny Hunt. I get double veggie fried rice. And it's not that I was like embarrassed in front of him. It's just like we were talking so much. And you know, when someone's talking to you, you don't want to like shove it in your mouth. And he was eating nothing. Okay, skinny queen. Like he literally lost like so much weight. He like was eating nothing.

So when we go, I just like to shovel. We don't talk. Like I just get it in as fast as I can. And same thing with the movies. When I go to the movies, I get so much food. I get like popcorn, nachos, I get tater tots, I get pretzels. But with the popcorn, I dump it in my nachos. I take my nachos, I scoop the cheese and then I put like five popcorn things and then I put the whole thing in my mouth. That one's like, like that. So to go with somebody, I would be mortified and I would never ever do it. Honestly,

not even with my husband i don't like to do i usually go to the movies with my mom because she's no judgment not that my husband judges me but he doesn't like popcorn and nachos so i'm just like here like a big pig like eating this um so nothing wrong with pigs by the way we're keeping it positive i think pigs are so cute like miss piggy is like such an aesthetic right now i love her she's a bad but um yeah i don't think pig yeah pigs get a bad rap and even calling for the pig i don't think like someone a pig should be a bad thing pigs are cute they eat from a trough

They make great bacon. I love pigs anyways. My mom uses that term. She'll be like, oh man, I ate like a pig and then sometimes I feel a little self-conscious because I'm like, oh, you ate nothing. You must think I'm like a freaking what's bigger than a pig, a gordita pig. Yeah.

But, yeah, I can never go. I don't like going to the movies with friends for that reason because I'm just like I have so much food and I just feel so judged. I used to go to the movies alone all the time. I still am not opposed to it. Yeah. I used to go, oh, my God, I love going to the movies all the time for that reason. Like I just love to chow down and just – Just like sitting alone in a dark room. It's nice, I think. So I get it. I get it. I don't – I'll go see a movie with my boyfriend, I guess, and that's pretty much –

That's pretty much it. Otherwise, I would go alone. Yeah, I would go alone too. Like, we used to go, like, before. But you were never, like, a movie person. You don't, like, love going to the movie theater. It's not your thing. I love going to the movie theater. I love movies. I just used to watch them at home, you know? You never went to the theater, really, before me? I went if it was, like, a special, like, IMAX or something like that. Yeah. Like, this sounds amazing, like, to watch. Wait, really? Do you want to go?

- Should we go? - Anything music I love, 'cause the sound. - Wait, really, should we go? - The quality of the sound is probably amazing. - Should we have a date? My mom can watch Malibu. - Yeah, it's the closest thing to go to the show probably. And in some ways maybe even better, 'cause it's kind of like calm and quiet. - Do you judge me when I eat the popcorn and nachos? - I look at a movie. When I'm in a movie, I'm in the movie.

You don't judge me, actually, when I eat. I'll eat pasta. I'll, like, shove it all in my mouth. No, but what? Popcorn? Everyone is eating popcorn. And nachos. I mean, it's kind of disgusting. No, it's not. You're exaggerating. Thank you. But it's not. It's like a little tray of nachos. Oh, yeah.

She has this thing with the nacho with the cheese and the popcorn on it. Oh my God. It's like the little thing. It's like when you're a little kid. Oh my God, Trisha. And there's so much cheese and I have to get it out of my mouth so it doesn't fall. I actually don't know this because in the movie I'm like, so that's why I like movies. You inside the movie. Oh my God, we should go. This is going to be cool. Cause like there's very few movies I feel like you want to see with me. Like, but my mom will like see anything. We saw the My Big Fat Green Onion which was like horrible. Thank you.

Wait, what? No, thank you. Oh, no, thank you. Yeah, it was, oh my God, there was nothing. I was like, saw it was this. So I was like, maybe my big fat Greek wedding three. And again, no, no, maybe if you're Greek, you like love it, but there's just no storyline to it. There was nothing. There wasn't even hot Greek guys. It was just like, so.

I don't know. Anyways, we went and we ate the popcorn and nachos. But yeah, we should go see it. Yeah, it's been a while since there was a good movie to go to. And there's nothing really coming out for a while too. So you might as well. I know. I looked it up. I was like, the next movie I'm excited to see is like Color Purple. But that doesn't come out till like December. It's like a musical version with Fantasia Farina, who's like my favorite person ever. God, I've got a weird tangent. Oh, because you were saying you were going to go.

Because I was like, oh, my biggest – what's the word? The worst thing that I do is – and I've gotten better at this – is tell people, like, we should go. And, like, people follow up on it. And I'm like, oh, I didn't really mean it. But I like the idea of it. Like, when you're like, oh, I'd go watch it again. I'm like, I'll go watch it with you. But then it's not that I don't want to. It's just, like, I know myself. Like, I never leave my house, period. It sounds good. It sounds good. And it really does. Like, we are – like, we're probably – you're probably, like, my only friend at the moment. I mean –

had a baby like I just lost not lost a lot of friends but they're just it's not in their realm you know yeah so she's like my gay friends they're just like you know very in their own like they're in we ho every night you know it's very that or they'll be like let's go to dinner at like eight o'clock at night oh my god yeah yeah or they changed the plans last minute can we meet at this time like oh no you know because you have to like find a sitter all that stuff like that so um I really need uh friends and actually going out with Zach was so great it was late it was like eight o'clock on a Friday night but I was like oh I kind of loved it we kind of just chit chatted and stuff like that but

No, but I do that a lot. I'll tell people more. I'll tell people online that I never met. I'll be like, yeah,

out when you're in California. And that's what got me in trouble all my whole life. I was like, oh my God. Cause in the moment it does sound good. It's not like I don't want to. And it's not even them. It's just like, I'm so bad at hanging out with friends, period. I'm so bad at leaving the house. We never leave the house. But when the moment comes, it's a different reality. Like it sounds good. But when the moment comes, we just, we either finished filming, we're doing something, we're going somewhere, the kids, you know, like that moment suddenly is not the most. It's actually so hard to leave you guys too. Cause Malibu and Moses stayed home and we had just done a podcast. I had glam. So I was like, okay, but it's

But it is so weird. And I go out by myself. And it was Friday night. And I was like, oh, my God. There were so many people in Benihana. And I'm just, like, by myself. It was just, like, such a weird feeling to, like, not be with him and not be with Malibu. And I was, like, kind of... I don't know. It's, like, an adjustment. But it's good. It's healthy. It's healthy to get out of the house. So, like, I need to start doing it more. But...

I don't know. Not the movies though. That's like my, I need to pig out. But I feel like you would be the last person to judge me because like, you get it. Yeah. And when I went to see the Aristore movie, like I think we ordered chicken tenders. We ordered macaroni with chicken tenders in the macaroni and nachos. Yeah. Macaroni and cheese? Mm-hmm. And they put a little chicken and bacon in it. It's so good. Okay. Mac and cheese is my weakness. I'll like order, have Malibu ordered off the kid's menu and I eat it. I'm always like, mm. So I was like,

like crab mac and cheese too and I eat all of it. It's so good. Oh my God. I was living and like it's just so easy there too because they have the little tables and like you sit there take one little entree at a time eat it. Yeah. We went to the Pantages no no out

El Capitan Theater in Hollywood. Have you been there? Not in a while. The last thing I saw there was Beauty and the Beast. So that was like. A while ago. Yeah. We saw Haunted Mansion in July there. And it was like so cute. We went at like nine in the morning. They have Mickey pretzels. It's like really, really cute. But the chairs are literally so tiny. Like I could not fit. I couldn't fit. I was actually like so triggered. I was like, oh my God, there's so little. And then if you want to eat, there's no tray. So you just, I had all this food. It was literally so triggering. I had to set like a space between like me and my mom and sister. I was just like, I need like everything.

It was so uncomfortable. I was like, wow, they really did cater these seats for bigger, which is good to be more cushier and comfier. The seats now, I can't go back. I can't go back. So great. For Barbie, I went to see it in a different theater, not an AMC, and they didn't have the big recliner seats. And I was like, how do people do this? Yeah, it's crazy. I can't do it. We have one at Sinopolis. Have you ever been there? Yeah. Oh, man, those are so nice. The only thing, they don't have nachos.

That's why I don't like a Sinopolis. I'll go to AMC because they don't have it, but I love it because it's so great. And they have like service where you like push the button and they come and like take your order. We saw Barbie there and it was like so cute. They had like pink sparkly drinks and the movie is...

They're so comforting to me. We went to movies all the time as a kid. Like we went like every week basically. Sometimes twice a week. And then that was with my mom on the weekends. And then with my dad, we'd come out in the summer and it was like almost every day we'd go see a movie. Like Pirates of the Caribbean came out when I was like 14 or 15. And I just remember like, I think I was homeschooled at the time. I think this was like May or something. And we would go see the movie literally every day. My dad took us probably 16 times, like no exaggeration, every day to go see Pirates of the Caribbean, the first one. And I remember,

And I just, it's like such a comfort to me. I don't know what it is. I love it. I've always been that. There was, I had a little bit of an era when I was younger where I was agoraphobic and I was afraid of the movie theater. But when I got over that, I like went all the time. Wait, agoraphobic means fear of movies? Like going outside. Like I wouldn't be able to leave. Yeah. Yeah. So luckily I went to therapy as a kid and that helped. But I was afraid of movie theaters and restaurants. Which are my two favorite things. Interesting. What did they say was the reason, the trigger? I just had like really bad anxiety. Like-

I remember when I would go out. Maybe you could relate to it. Like when I would go out when I was little because I was a really big kid. So I would always feel like judged like eating at restaurants. So we'd have to order takeout and I would have to eat at home for like a year. Wow. I felt that way too. How old were you? I think it was like maybe third or fourth grade. When you were so young. I felt that way so young too. Isn't that weird? I wonder like where that comes from. Like where did we get that?

because i think when you grow up you don't really have that like awareness of like what people should look like you know you just see yourself and like oh this is just me yeah but then once you get that awareness it like really like could be where did it come from though because like my mom was never like your fat so it's kind of weird yeah it must have been something on tv or something where we're like like school and people i remember like being called fat at school or something and maybe so maybe something like that but i was called fat all of my life at school and i was never the fattest

kid. I was like, I was like mid. So I was just weird. Cause I was like, there was people way fatter than me and they always made fun of me. It was very odd. And I was always triggered. Yeah. I didn't eat at school either. I didn't like eating in front of people. I still don't like eating in front of people, ironically, even though I eat on like mukbangs, but I don't like to eat like at business meetings or just in general. I just, I won't eat. Like, that's why I like to go out with just the people I know, like my husband or my mom.

Yeah. Same with my boyfriend. Like where I have to feel like I have to eat, like look cute when I eat, then there's just no point. Yeah. Especially your favorite restaurant. Like when I went to Pina Hanna, I was just like, no, I did eat leftovers the next day and I never eat leftovers. But I was like, I'm going to warm this up the next day because I was so hungry for it. But yeah, it's, uh,

the movies are just so great. When people don't like the movies, it's always bizarre to me. Again, not that Moses didn't like the movies, but he's like, yeah, I just never really went to a movie theater. I was like, really? Like my boyfriend was like that too. And then because it was like the only thing to do, like where we live. So now he loves going to the movie. I converted him because I just love it so much. We just have a fancy one near you too. Ours is not fancy at this mall. This is kind of like, yeah. And he only goes to that one. Yeah. So he, it's like the experience. I like that one. We drove there once to go see a movie. Which movie do we see there? Hmm. Hmm. That's so weird. I'm like,

I was like, God, what was that movie? Oh, did you see? Oh, well, we already talked about I Spice. But there was an I Spice TikTok. People photoshopped me as I Spice. Oh, yes. Yeah. And so I did one today. I recreated that. I was like, because everyone was like, you should do I Spice. You should do I Spice. I feel like I Spice.

feel like I kind of look like her. Well, I told you my boyfriend once sent me a TikTok because he thought you covered I spice, but it was like an AI cover. But the actual like photo that went with the audio was you as I spice and he thought it was real too. So I honestly see it. Okay. Anyways, that was part of my thing. Do you see the Swifty stealing the sign out of the very me coded? I thought of

of you i was like is that oscar running down the stairs with it security not being able to catch up i was like did he get away with it yeah i saw the follow-up he got it for his girlfriend as a present which i thought was sweet oh well yeah okay that's weird i thought it was like a swifty that was so hardcore that went to the side okay that's kind of weird if you're selling it for your like girlfriend was she if she wanted it i'm like you know that's very sweet boyfriend

Um, I would do it for myself. Like when I, well, when I worked at Target, I just stole, I mean, they were going to throw it away. So I just, I stole when she released a new album. Yeah. I know. I would always ask movie theaters for displays and they would never want to give it to me. I think they probably keep it for themselves or something. I think so too. Yeah. Cause if they just throw it away, like what's the, what's the point? I don't know if that's problematic cause it's like technically stealing, but I thought it was like Robin Hood kind of like steal it.

But also there's no price on it. That's true. Yeah. They're just like a handout. Yeah. Can you steal something that's not for sale? That's a question. Do you know what I mean? Like, is it really stealing if there's no value to it? In California, you can steal up to $1,000. So I guess it doesn't even matter if you steal that or whatever. Bebe Rexha had stolen pumpkins. Did you see that? No. Oh my God. She had a ring. It was this whole thing. I think she's

tiktok but i think it was still on x but yeah she had a neighborhood thief stealing her pumpkins oh i hate that i know because pumpkins are like so much work to go get yeah and it's like really and this lady was just going like literally broad daylight like stealing pumpkins in her neighborhood and and baby had said that her neighbor who's like an old man who just lost his wife like literally a week ago to cancer like went and put the pumpkins out for everyone and then that some person stole all the pumpkins oh no i hate that's like grinch but like halloween grinch like that's sick yeah there's

They're so crafty with the stealing. When we lived in a different place, actually it was like the Hollywood Hills, like someone would come steal packages in a car. And I used to have security outside and he literally stopped this woman because, oh no, I'm picking it up for her. And she was like trying to throw it in her thing. And my security guard who like literally didn't have to do this, he was like taking the packages out of her vehicle to put back in mine. But she was just like stealing packages like that. Oh my God. Broad daylight. People are so bold. People are bold as hell. Yeah. It's crazy actually. I'm just like, wow. Especially like in the holidays like –

I get it. I mean, I get it. Positive spin. It's hard times. And we're thinking positive, like, you know.

And they should – I think they're upping the minimum wage for fast food employees, I heard. But I don't know if that's like all minimum wage. I think California. I don't know if that's all around. I think it's California. That's what I know for sure. I mean they really should up minimum wage. They should lower the cost of living because I feel like with upping minimum wage, they're going to up everything else. It's just hard to like survive. Yeah. It's hard to survive. And it's like crazy like how the price of living – the cost of living keeps going up. Like gas was $7 the other day.

And I was like, dang. And like daycare too. We're talking about kids and also daycare, healthcare, all this stuff like that. Dentists. I mean, the dentist is like expensive for me. I'm like, how do people just like budget this in their daily life? Like I can barely budget it like in my monthly and stuff. It's just so crazy. It's not fair. I don't know what we're going to do. This world is going to crap.

But we have Taylor Swift. Oh, yeah. Positive spin. We have Taylor Swift. We have Taylor Swift. But you know, positive spin, people are just spending the money. Even though we're making less and the cost of living, we're still spending. Literally. Like my ass spending $25.89 per movie ticket. And then I think the bucket in the cup is like 30 bucks. But I was like, I need it. Wow. Yeah. I clearly need it. Consumerism. I'm the same way. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh.

like that though i i always see tiktoks of people being like you know spending my last eight dollars on starbucks or it's like you know like whatever gets you through yeah i really do feel like you should just like enjoy life i've always been that person i'm just like well you know you just need a little treat sometimes you just need a little treat to keep living yeah i'm very pro little treat that's my stance yeah the girl is on tiktok say the same thing because they'll be like financial people being like if you didn't spend eight dollars a day on starbucks drink they're like this makes me happy i have depression i can't get out of bed like this is all i have going for me and i'm like absolutely like that's

Totally. It's really worth it right there. But I did see you tweet something about Taylor when she was with Joe Alwyn. He was sitting in the booth. But then Travis Kelsey. I thought it was like Matt Healy or I don't know. Joe Alwyn was her last one. Her last real boyfriend. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Okay. I feel like when there's like a two side thing, we can be nice to one side and like the other. Okay. Because there's a positive.

the positives into this one i guess okay when i first saw it i was like they they showed him sitting in the booth you know the booth there's one booth and there's one chair yeah at a restaurant but worse we tried to squeeze in a booth like if we have the like little booth we both will sit on the booth side because it's just like i mean we'll sit in the chair too but i just like to sit on the booth together even if we have a double booth we sit on the same side of the booth we just like to sit in the same anyways joel allwin like took the booth and made taylor on the table and it just

looked uncomfortable anyways because she was she's like tall and she's kind of like hunched over on this thing I'm like why would you not get the boot that's like lower and just cushier for the girl the positive spin I guess is that people were like well guys take the boot so they can like keep an eye out for people behind her or something like that

oh but also if you're in the booth like i guess you're backwards so you can't like no yeah the booth is more protected this way she's in the way like somebody can approach her faster right and you can still look out you can't getting out of the booth he's gonna be stuck there while something's happening if someone comes out i know did you see the picture did you see yeah yeah and i was just like and some panic i'm like why would you do that like it's so weird it's

Yeah. Right? Yeah. I mean, that's why everyone is so happy that she's with Travis Kelsey now because, I mean, he literally told Taylor's bodyguards that, like, don't worry, like, I got it under control. Like, he... Yeah, right. I

he's protecting her head with his hand yeah like hand around her waist it's actually like really cute i mean i knew i was supportive even before there's so many names swelsey tavis traveler i don't know which one but i was supportive even when it was just like a fever dream when travis was manifesting it seeing it i love it even more yeah they're cute together i have to say the hard launch if

it was for publicity or not i think it's like adorable i'm like even if it's for most they seem to like each other and he seems to like be really sweet to her they look really good together like he looks all like manly and stuff like that i love it i'm here for it i think it's super cute i love that he supports her i love that she supports him did she go to an out of town game even she yeah i forgot where it was but it was because her premiere was wednesday yeah her premiere was on a wednesday the next day she went to watch him at a football game thursday

I love it. It's very cute. I'm here for it. Cause it's like, oh God, that was always like my, even though I don't like sports, I always just think like, I don't know. There's a whole now sports girlfriend, wife fantasy thing. Like Alex Earl's dating someone from the Miami dolphins. I don't know who it is, but they just look so cute. She's on the sidelines, like cheering him on. They like do these cute, like kissing photos on the field. I'm like,

Even though I've always disliked jocks and like can't stand them. Part of me always wish I could have dated a jock in high school or something, I guess. I don't know. You just like that fantasy of there's my football husband. I mean, I would probably drive me nuts. I like, I hate football, but like,

Like, yeah, the fantasy of it sounds great. The big and this, you know. I know. He's – I think he's like 6'4", 6'5", or something. He's just like that's – Yeah, he looks huge. That's a man. The way that – that's like the first guy that she can like look up at for once because usually she dates like, you know, 5'11"-ish. Yeah. So they look good as hell together. And I –

As a couple, I was thinking about this yesterday. They give me like Trisha Moses vibes, I think, because he's so like, he's so the girlfriend being like an artist, you know, and then Travis is so like supportive of her. Oh. Yeah. Well, he's the other YouTube. No, I mean like music artists. Oh, right.

No, like the music artist. Yeah. And I think he was watching his brother. Travis was watching his brother at a football game and someone like gave him a friendship bracelet that said like put you on the map. Yeah, he was like so happy about it. At the SNL after party, they were talking about what they wanted to eat and it was like 3 a.m. It was like, should we order steak? Should we order like espresso martinis? I don't know. It's just, it's so like sweet and they're so supportive of each other. And it's like... Wait, how do you know this conversation they had? There was like...

Every single outlet had like an eyewitness, you know, what they were, how much they were kissing other PDA. Wow. And the way that he like leads her and like protects her. It's all very like Trisha Moses coded to me. I love that. It's cute. I'm going to live for that. Oh my gosh. You're my Travis Kelsey. Yeah. You guys need a cosplay. I think you hate a Taylor cosplay, but it'd be cute. I love a Taylor cosplay now. Okay. We'll do it. Well, let's look up their latest outfits. Well,

Well, I feel the whole thing. I mean, like we, you guys started talking about Taylor when this podcast started and then suddenly she's all over the news. And then we put her on the menu. We inspired this relationship. Moses,

think that. You always think like we're the reason. Like you're the reason now that she's on the math Oscar. One day they'll talk about it. Yeah. Like episode one or two, we were like, who should we see her with? And like, you were like, I know she, I think she wants a relationship that she seems like the girl that wants one. I was like, I want her with an athlete. Did you know about the Travis thing?

I know that he made the friendship bracelet and tried to reach out to her. I was like, this is kind of the kind of guy that she would need. Because I have not liked, I didn't like Joelle and didn't like Calvin Harris. I think the only guy I liked her with was Harry Styles, just because I liked Harry Styles all the time. Right. But otherwise, she doesn't have like a good track record. But this is, I feel good about this one. I really do. How was he?

I don't know, actually. I literally, I know his mom's name is Donna and that's about it. Okay, love that. I feel like he's younger than we think. Like, I don't know. I always think of him as like in his 30s, but he's probably younger. Oh, he's 34. Oh my God, he's also same age. Born in 1989. So same age as Taylor. Oh my God. This is good. This is really good. I feel good about it. I feel good about it. She's 34? Mm-hmm. She looks good. God, she seems very young to me. Like Taylor Swift seems like 12 years younger than me. Oh my gosh, she's only a year younger. I was born in 88. That's so...

wild to me. Yeah. God, I remember when she came out, I thought she, I mean, like, I swear she was like a little kid and I was like an adult. Did you see Taylor Lautner? That theater? That was in a movie theater. He's one of the Swifties going wild. He loves to do a backflip. I think it's Taylor Lautner and his wife, Taylor Lautner. I think they rented like a private theater to do like a private screening. Yes. It was like in one with everybody. I was like,

He's putting on a show. I love it. I went to go look. I saw that and I was like, I need to find the original. I was like, contacts? So I went to his wife's Instagram story and she was like reposting all her friends that were like recording. That's so funny. That's when I was like, oh, okay, they rented a theater. I think his wife was a fan, right? Taylor. She loves Taylor. Yeah, Swift. Taylor Lautner. But I think she was also a fan of Taylor Lautner. Yeah. I mean, good for her. How? Wow. That's all.

because she had like twilight like photos of her when she was a kid too and I was like that's some really good manifesting Taylor Lautner I was like wow like that's everyone's dream right like you like look up to them and you're married and then you get to go to Taylor Swift concert and it's like they have a podcast I would love either Taylor Lautner to be on the show both the Taylor Lautners can fit there I'm fascinating I was like how did you manifest that that's

And then what does Taylor Lautner think? And again, positive, but is he like, oh, this is a fan or does he see her as like a person? I think, I mean, they're married, so I think she's probably like a regular, shmegular. To me, I would still look at someone like a celebrity. Like if I was married to my celebrity crush, like I would think of them as like, which is like not bad for their relationship. It'd be bad for my relationship because I've been with like, again, Zilla celebrities that I look up to.

I don't know. What? I wasn't even in the Twilight era, but I remember people lived for him.

I mean, I think Team Edward was the winning. I mean, it was the winning side. So I don't know. I'm Team Jacob.

really i am yeah yeah i think he's way cuter than uh robert hattinson really yeah for sure even in the movie like it was just he was more like animalistic no pun intended did you taylor wagner is he not he's not native american right i don't think so did you know they had a native american actor originally casted for jacob they actually shot scenes with him but he didn't want to cut his hair oh wow because of his culture and stuff like that he was so hot he ended up playing one of the wolves in the um in one of the twilights but i thought that was so interesting i don't know if

I don't know. I don't know the backstories of these characters, but I think Jacob is supposed to have Native American background, which is interesting that they wouldn't, like they couldn't give him a wig, the guy that didn't want to cut his hair. I know. And there was some problematic stuff too because I was, I saw a couple of posts that

when the twilight, cause they're doing like a twilight series remake or something. And a lot of people, I know when they were filming the movie, they'd ever paid anything to the tribe that the native American tribe that inspired the werewolves. And so now they're saying, okay, well if you do this series, you better like pay up and you know, the anthology made so many trilogy anthology. I don't know. Series. There's four series. No, there's four twilights.

No, there's three. There's four. I mean, movies, movies. Wait, no. Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn. Four books, five movies. Wow. Okay. I'm a sweetheart, dude. They definitely should pay those people. And I'm very much into like, yes, I think now in 2023, even if

like then though in 2009 like if there is roles for like indigenous actors like they should cast indigenous actors because it is they don't get to play like every I mean they should and they do but like they don't get as many opportunities as like a like Taylor Lautner or like

I don't know. I feel like if it's meant for that character, they should have that. Hopefully they course correct if they follow through with the reboot series, which would still be... I don't know why they're doing that. They seem to do that. I feel there was a new Peter Pan and they had a Native American actress play Tiger Lily. Oh, okay. So I think they're like... Which is good. Right.

More. I mean, that's the wokeness. We need to – I mean, in a good way. In a good way. Like, I feel like 2009, I guess, was still a long time ago. People didn't know better. But interesting. I like Twilight. I'm a fan. But I'm not a stan. I'm not a Twilight heart. Well, other, like, weird casting news that's a trigger warning. I'm scared. But remember Positivity. Okay. Did you hear Justin Bieber was almost Elvis instead of Jacob Elordi in the Priscilla Presley movie? Okay. I don't hate it. Really? Okay.

Okay. You hate it? I don't hate it. I just didn't, like, that just seems so random to me. I don't think Justin Bieber acts. Me either. So it's kind of, that's like Harry Styles was supposed to play it in the Austin Butler. He was, he auditioned for the Austin Butler. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Which I was like, I can't really see. But sometimes, you know, when you have the prosthetics and the hair and the makeup, you know, Harry Styles is a performer. Yeah. Austin Butler.

has a singing career but I don't want to consider him a performer like Harry Styles you know what I mean yeah um I mean Austin Buller was great though uh interesting I don't hate it I don't hate it also because I was like a Jacob Elordi like hater don't hate Jacob Elordi anymore either I saw him in something and I was like oh I kind of know my name I think I saw like a clip of

And I was like, okay, I don't hate him. But it was the one where he called, I've never seen Euphoria, so like this is bad. But he called Cassie. He's like, pack your bags. I'm coming to get you. I love you. And then she's like leaving the house and she looks at this woman who I don't know, I'm assuming it's her mom or like a drunk or something. And she's like leaving. And then he like picks her up and she goes, I love you too. And I don't know. I don't know. I don't know the storyline. But it's like, okay, I don't mind.

I don't like him in this. Is that movie out? The Priscilla movie? Yeah. I think in a week or two. Is it in theaters or is it on streaming? I think it's going to be like theater, like a limited release. Because it's like an awards movie, so it has to be released in theaters. I'm actually not... I know. Last week I was like, I hate her on that show. I'm not mad at that movie. Yeah. I don't know. I feel like Justin Bieber...

I've never seen him act, so I don't know. I've only seen him in one. He was in a – I wish I knew the specific. I remember it was like a Selena Gomez movie and he had like a tiny little cameo or something where he was in jail with Selena. What? And I forget what it was, but I swear to God he was in prison. I don't know if I've seen a Selena Gomez movie. Oh, I've seen like almost every Selena Gomez movie. Yeah. You love Selena Gomez? Yeah.

Yeah. Every episode we talk. No, I thought you weren't like a huge Selena fan. No, I love Selena. Yeah. You love her. Yeah. I've seen, I think I've seen her in almost everything. You watched Only Murders. Did we talk about this? Yes. Only Murders. But you don't like it that much. Not this current season, but season one, season one of Love, season two was pretty good. Did her voice change? I saw a TikTok where it's talking about her voice changing. Like the way she talks in Only Murders, is that really how she talks or is that like a character decision? Hmm.

I don't know. She's very like... And I love it. I think it's a cool voice. But I'm just like, wait, did she always talk like that? And then you go back to Wizards of Waverly Place and it's like she doesn't talk like that. No, I don't... Maybe it was a character thing. I don't know. But I don't really see her talk...

Because on TikTok, she's always doing her little sounds. So I feel like I don't really hear her actually talk that much. You never hear her. Yeah. Did you ever see her in a Cinderella story? Yes, of course. Another Cinderella story. It was iconic. So good. She's so good. What was the other one she was in with Demi Lovato? Was it Princess Protection Program? Princess Protection Program. Love that one too. Ramona and Beezus, Spring Breakers. I haven't seen that one. Oh!

I've never seen that one, but that looks scandalous, right? It was. Yeah. For the time, especially because it was like all, you know, the team. Yes. Ashley Benson. I'm a Vanessa Hutchinson. Me too. I love it. I think she's really sweet. My favorite is when she like the 2020. It's like, yeah, people are going to die. It's like inevitable. And everyone ate her up. But then like a year later, everyone was like, okay, let's open up. She was like, my God.

I think Vanessa Hutchins is so gorgeous, so beautiful. She's been with like the most gorgeous men like Zac Efron, like Austin Butler. I'm just like, damn, like girls got it all. Now she's engaged like a baseball player. She's in her athlete era too. Yeah. I think that's a new. Everyone's in their athlete era. That's a new thing. Which is good. Hopefully these athletes are not cheaters because I always heard like athletes are all cheaters. Like you just are used to it if you're that wifey, but hopefully they're not. I know. Let's see. Let's see.

let's not see let's hopefully him with jacob alorti i don't know i think he the more i see him as elvis the more i'm like into it i think really yeah and you know what really sold me on it though with jacob alorti because he plays like a jerk in euphoria which so i didn't really like that and watch euphoria season one i watched season two i watched via tiktok same um i saw him in the kissing booth but then i heard him him and joey king's breakup was like messy so i think that made me like

Because he dated Joey King from the Kissing Booth for a while. And that made me look at him a little sideways. But he walked...

kaya gerber too right maybe olivia jade olivia jade yes yes no i don't think so i don't think so but he always he like wears purses now which i think is fun love yeah every time i see him he's walking around with the purse and i was like that's cool what kind of purse like a satchel over the shoulder i mean like a like a bag bag or like a satchel yeah i love it i love stuff like that when like men can be like have feminine stuff to them also i

I feel like men should be able to wear purses because like, how do you put stuff? I know. Most always gives me stuff like put in your bag or something like that. I'm just like, and now we have a diaper bag so you can just put everything in there. But it's just like men should be able to wear purses. Yeah. I really respect him in his part, but granted he's like so hot and like six, six. So I feel like he can like really literally like wear anything. You're like a Jacob Elordi stand. I think I'm turning around to a Jacob Elordi stand. Yeah. I really think I'm coming around.

I have to watch it. Look, I love any Elvis movie. I mean, I've seen horrible people play Elvis. Not that they're horrible, but Kurt Russell played Elvis in a biopic, and it wasn't the greatest, but Nicolas Cage has played Elvis. So I'll watch any Elvis, any Elvis anything. So I don't hate it, but I think Justin Bieber... Where did you hear that? Did he say it or did someone else? It was a reporter from Deadline said that he was their first choice for Elvis.

first choice Sofia Coppola's first choice for Elvis but then someone from Billboard said their sources said that Jacob Elordi was always the first choice so there's conflicting reports between Deadline and Billboard um

Who do we go for? Who's the trusted source between the two? Usually Deadline is pretty on it. But I think in this case, because I feel like Justin Bieber is kind of like such an outlandish choice. Like I think because it's such a serious movie, if Justin Bieber was, it would take away almost from. It could either take away or like, you know, that's like his breakout role. We're like, oh my God, he's such a good actor. Because like Austin Butler to me, I always think of him as Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure. So like when he was cast in that office, I was like, no, I was very anti that. I was like, he's too skinny. He's too this. Like.

And then you watch it and you're like, oh man. So sometimes I feel like I could like make or break, you know? Yeah. Like I wasn't like a Lady Gaga fan really until I saw like A Star is Born. I was like, oh my God, I like love her in that movie. You know, I get like cried. I was like, I get it. Um, I think it'd be interesting. I don't know. I feel like they'll continue to make Elvis movies just because they're so popular. Maybe his time will come. Yeah. Yeah.

Elvis, I mean, Elvis is just iconic. I do put blinders on when it comes to Elvis because I just – he was just so cool. He was just so cool. I love his music. He's also a comfort of mine. My dad, like, loves Elvis. He's obsessed with him. Like, when he was younger, he styled his hair – he still styles his hair like Elvis. He talks like Elvis. So Elvis was, like, a comfort. All the Elvis movies we watched as a kid. So it's kind of like the movies for me. Fast food, Elvis, and movies are, like, my three comforts, you know? So I always – I love that Elvis is making a comeback, especially with, like, the new generation. I'm like, oh, this is so cool.

Yeah. You know, I get it. I think it always comes back around. Are you doing anything for Halloween? Not really. No? I'm not really a big, I mean, I guess now. Maybe I'll take like my nephew trick-or-treating or something. Yeah. But like, I don't know. I don't really like Halloween party that much. Really? You don't go to WeHo? Oh God, no, no. Really? I like getting dressed up, but just for like a little photo or something. And then other than that, like. Yeah. I like the festival.

the festivities that surround it. Like we did stuffed peppers and watched Haunted Mansion. I'm like, okay, it's cute. I love going to a pumpkin patch. Like I love the idea and like the, I like the coziness of Halloween. Yeah, very much. We're very much in that. I tracked down the car because I want to dress as the idol for one of our couple's costumes and I tracked down the exact car

And they were going to charge so much to put it on a flatbed here. I'm like, can we just drive to you and pay you like $5? Because it was going to be like $2,000 to get here. But I think I've negotiated down where we can pay like $500 and drive there. Because this is like my dream. I want to do this so much. I know Moses was like, he came in when I was talking. It was like the worst time to come in. Got an office and the guy's like, okay, so it's going to be about $2,000. Moses was like, what are you doing? You know?

is like my dream he's kind of okay with it but you know what then they did come back and they were like i was like what if we drive to you and they're like okay five hundred dollars so i just have a couple costumes are you gonna dress up with your man we did a couple's costume last year and he didn't like he's very particular about his costume so it's like a whole thing with him there's this marvel show called wandavision

And with Elizabeth Olsen. Yeah. So we were like the two. I was Wanda and he was Vision. Wanda and Vision. It sounds like fairly odd parents. Weren't they like Wanda and Cosmo? I know nothing about them. But people, every time I wear pink and green, they're like, you're not fooling us, Wanda and Cosmo. I was like, what? I don't, that's a millennial that I don't get. I don't get it.

So you were WandaVision. Yeah. They had them at Villains Night at Disneyland years ago. Oh, yeah, yeah. Because the show was pretty big. But that was our one and only couples costume, I think, for a while. Until I think when we have kids, then I feel like it makes it more fun to do little family costumes. I think that's cute. You said when we have kids. I love that. I want a kid. You guys, especially. Yes. Okay. I definitely want a kid. Yay. But.

I thought you were on the fence about it last time when you talked where you're like, I don't know. I think when you get to an age, you kind of just realize like, you know, nothing really matters. And like, I think just having like a family and just like that being like what really matters to you. I think that's like really sweet. It's cool too to like have something just like live on past you, like your family roots. You know what I mean? Because you think about it and it's like, again, if you're like childless by choice or childless, just like totally fine, obviously, of course. But it's like, you know, there's something where...

I don't know, your parents get older and everything and you're just kind of like, and then your friends are all getting older and you're just like, oh my gosh, like, you know, what is, what is the meaning of life? And then, yeah, it is, it's like almost like a,

something in you where you're just like okay I've done everything now maybe I should have a kid and I know people think that's like weird to say but it is it's kind of true you're like maybe this is the time because some people who never want a kids when they hit like 35 they're like maybe I should have a kid because you've done everything and now you're like what and I see like people my age now like everyone's having babies and I spend time with my nephews and stuff and I'm like it's just to have that sense of like purpose and fulfillment I think and just like I don't know a wholeness I think that comes with like having a family so that's like

I'm excited to have one. It seems like so much, I don't know how you guys do it. It seems like hard as hell. So I'm like, but it's such like a natural thing. Like every, you know, everyone's meant to be parents. Yeah. Not everyone's meant to be parents, but like it,

It's funny. There's like an instinctive kind of like. Yeah. It does. And like even me. I always talk about how it wasn't like naturally maternal. And it wasn't for a very long time. And for so long I kept saying it. Because I just didn't think I was good of a parent as Moses. But then he's like. No. You actually are maternal. Because you like. Know when she needs something. Like if she. You don't know how to make her laugh. You don't know how to make her smile. You don't know how to soothe her. And stuff like that. So in that sense. Like yeah. But I just always thought like. Well I'm not as good. She doesn't come to me. Like she comes to Moses. So I thought. You know. But.

It's all like timing and stuff like that. I don't know. It is a sense of purpose and it's like a sense of like, okay, this is like what I'm here for, you know, which, yeah, it's interesting. I just saw something on TikTok too. I guess there's a whole Reddit about people who like regret being parents. And I was like, I didn't know this was a good thing. Oh my God.

And again, I'm not, it's not like a judgment. It really isn't because like, I think it's a good conversation to have, but it's like, once your kids are here, like it's almost one of those things where like, maybe don't share. I don't know. What are your thoughts on that? I don't want to be judgy. Cause I'm just like, damn, like, okay. They have kids. Their kids are here. They're like, I regret having kids. I think maybe, pause this, spin on it. Right. Okay. So I think maybe it's like a,

kind of like a venting thing almost like because i think there is like a sort of like anonymity anonymity when it comes to reddit like it's so i don't know it's not like a twitter or like a facebook or anything where it's very like public facing you know it's like it can be as anonymous as you make it yeah um and then with reddit too it's like you go to you know a subreddit where it's like people will like you can like validate your feelings or whatever so it kind of

I feel like maybe for people it's like a way to get those feelings out without it actually like being harmful to like their family maybe. Well, there was a TikTok. The reason I saw about the Reddit because I don't go on Reddit. There was a TikTok of a woman talking about it. Like she was in an interview talking about regretting having kids. Oh. Yeah. And then everyone's like, well, there's a whole subreddit called I regret having kids or something because I was like – because that was wild. Like I was like, wow. Like –

I get having like those thoughts here and there, like, you know, they call it mourning your past life, you know, where you're just like, oh man, you know, that went away completely for me. But yeah, at the beginning, like you're kind of like, wow, like this is really not all about me anymore. And it does scare you for sure. And you're just like, okay. And that's what it's like. It's like an adjustment, but it was just wild. Yeah. There's a lot of people that get, I don't have to say it, like almost tricked into having kids. Yeah.

Because there's not enough honest conversations about how hard it is. So a lot of people just like, you got to have them and especially your family, you know, family, parents, they want to have grandkids. They want to have. So a lot of times people get kind of almost coerced into having kids without anyone telling them it's going to be hard. Yeah. It's going to be this. You need to be prepared. You need to be the right age. You need to be with the right partner. So some people that just

kind of bought into it thinking it's one thing and finding out something else I think that's the voices we hear that's true I think that's actually a good point that's why I try to be I mean people like really judge me for it but I try to be really open about like you know how hard it is and like the you know mental breaks it takes and stuff because

You really do. Your whole life is changed. Like your life is no longer your life like at all. And that's why I always think it's like important to have like your separate life and do your own thing, you know, as much as you can because like having your whole identity be a mom can be a lot. But your whole life is like no longer your life. So that is – I guess that's true. And I do think in general people really glamorize parenthood, which it is like amazing and it's so fun. But it is like – that's why I try to say like a lot. Like it's actually really hard and really tough but –

Yeah, I think you know, but you're not prepared until you do it. So it is one of those things like it is funny because it's like you don't know until you have a kid. Oh my God, it's so hard, but there's no going back. But you fall into it. I'm only a year in and it's like already. I'm just like, oh man, this is like so much easier. You know, after a year, they say that first year is really hard. And after a year, it really is like, oh, yeah.

it's like a it's like a it's like a person it's like a part of your family because they don't do much for the first year honestly they kind of just no expression they're cute but they don't do much so um the year they start getting a personality and i was gonna say as soon as they start having their own little personality and they start liking things um and like i don't know their kids are just like funny like they're just gonna crack me up mal who laughs at everything she just giggles all the time she got just like laughing i'm just like

And now she wants to make you laugh. Yeah. So it's really... In the car, she just like was laughing like nonstop to me. And I'm just like, we're laughing at each other. And I was like, what's happening? I'm like, I don't know. Yeah. Malibu will laugh. We'll make her laugh. She's laughing. She's laughing back. And there's this echo chamber of laughter. Because her face is crazy when she laughs. She's like... She does that laugh. She's like... She's great. I mean, no, it's actually amazing. But it's like tough. So anyways, I think that's like wild...

I feel like I'm me trying to segue it, but I actually do me. Let's hear your segue. Troye Sivan in drag though does give me like, it gives me like, that's like your daughter, I think. Like, yeah. Drag Troye. I don't know if I could do my daughter because he's so hot. I just like, like that whole thing made me feel, that made me feel more than like the idol and all the able songs combined. I'm just like that. If able was like cross-dressing in the idol, I'd be like, oh my God.

you know what I mean? I just like, it's my favorite. It's just so, because, okay, there was a debate on that. What's the difference between cross-dressing and drag? Yes, I was going to bring this up. Yeah. Because I was like, wait, you know what? That's a good question. What is the difference? I don't know. I guess, I don't know. I feel like you would probably have to ask like a drag queen or drag performer in general, I think, because I really don't know. Like to me, I don't know. I kind of assumed they were like interchangeable really, but I guess there's like a difference. But I know RuPaul has even like made jokes about, you know, being cross-dresser or whatever. So I don't know. I feel like,

I don't know either. My guess would be maybe like drag is more like character. Like, you know what I mean? As opposed to cross-dressing is men just wearing feminine clothes as opposed to like drag is performance. Like you're performing as a female. You're performing...

That's the only thing I could think of where it seems more realistic to be like a... Troy was realistic, right? I don't know if that would be considered drag. Troy considered himself in drag for his music video. Oh, he did. So maybe just whatever you want to identify as. The music video is for one of your girls, I think, right? Yeah. I love the idea. The concept of the song is so good. It's like, let me just come over and be like... It was a gag. It was definitely a gag. Him in drag, beautiful. He did have some Trisha-isms though when he was performing. It was like a mix. It was like Trisha, Brittany, Gaga. It was like the pot.

I'm serious. But I just studied one of my preferences on my video. It was like, I studied this too. And,

And people were saying because he learned probably learned a lot from like the idol like Lily Rose Depp. Yeah. He's pretty like as a boy too. So in drag I kind of I don't know I kind of figured he would be pretty in drag too. Like it's not that he's not pretty again like subjective obviously Tara Swift's pretty and like whatever. Troy was never someone I'm like but like seeing him in drag or cross drag I was just like like he was gorge like he was there was something that was just like

Oh, my God. Like, I just was tingly all over. Like, and seeing him dance with, was it Ross Lynch in the video? Yeah. With Ross, like, he's always on, like, there's always photos and videos of him on Twitter. And he's always shirtless. And it's always, girls and gays are always just like, oh, my God, he's so hot. So, it really made sense with, like, the fantasy of the video. Like, just thirsting after him, no matter your sexuality. But, again, perfect bodies. Yeah.

Yeah, well, there was like a more, I guess like thicker muscular guy in it in the video too, I guess. So I feel like maybe that was Troy having a little bit more body diversity. Oh man. People were body shaming Travis Kelsey saying that he was too hairy and that he needed to shave to be next to the queen. Oh my God.

I think, but I feel like that's like the younger fans because I don't know, it's body hair. Like, Travis is so fun. He's like, he's so big and like he's for Harry Chess. I was like, oh. You loved it. I loved it, yeah. I'm not a Harry Chess fan, but I wouldn't body shame him. Oh my God, I loved it. Oh, yeah. Well, that could have been in, because I feel like Troy and Ross, they just had very perfect vibes together. Yeah. I mean, it's the fantasy, so I get it. Yeah. But I loved it. I'm a big Troye Sivan fan lately. Everyone's coming out

with new music why is it is it just like the fall everyone comes out with new albums i think it's like all the time because like wait no because i feel like all of a sudden it's like drake it's like nikki it's like uh bad bunny just came out with a new album yeah like i feel like there's never this much new music at once it's a little it's been a little bit of a drought i guess but like what came out this summer there was no like albums that came out this summer everyone's like yes this is the album um

Maybe the writer's strike and the movie's strike. I don't think that affects the music industry. No, you have more music now. Or at least we talk about it more. We talk about it more as far as entertainment. When we were talking about podcast guests, I was like, oh, we should get music people because they don't really get affected by the strike so much. But Bad Bunny had a new album. Did you see that? Yeah. Are you a Bad Bunny fan? No. You're not in your Latin girl era.

No, I'm really not. You're a no-saboy era. I'm trying to think. Even my – I mean, I'm trying to think of my parents. They listened to, like, Luis Miguel, who was, like, an older – Yeah, Luis Miguel. Yeah, okay.

Bad Bunny Especially because he's very Like pop culture now I feel like with Kendall Like he had a song About Kendall Jenner Hooking up with her In his sister's house Did you see that? Wait what? I'm not That's another like Vertical that I'm like I know a lot about A lot of things But that's like He did a whole album He dissed Carol G I did see that For a thing I know the real Butch O does In Puerto Rico He did a whole thing About Kendall Jenner And then people were Kind of like

were kind of like okay how are you gonna disc carol g being like i know real bachotas when like they're like check your girl for the 818 tequila i did see that her pouring it out yep we love keeping it positive but it was kind of funny they're not gonna be kind of funny sometimes i'm

got it. But he talks about how like, ooh, like, oh, the way they, everyone asks how they communicate and he's like, oh, you don't see us making love together. I'm like, what is this? Like, Bad Bunny is wild. I kind of like him though. I'm kind of here for him. I like Bad Bunny. I like Maluma. I love all the, I'm like a J-Belvin, all those people. They're so good. Maluma was with Bobby Alltop. Did we talk about

Oh, no, we didn't talk about the Maluma one last week. Oh, my God. I kind of get it. I mean, straight up, I'm just so jealous of this girl. Like, how? Also, did you notice? Okay, we're being positive, so we're going to say positive things about Bobby Alltop. Yes. Scarlett Johansson. Yeah. I was like, well, at least she's turning more positive. Anyways, before we get to that, when she was interviewing Maluma, she had, like, her hair done, her eyes done. She had, like, full-on glam. And I was like, okay.

okay. And she was kind of like flirty and she was like more like, I don't know. And she had her baby. She was like breastfeeding. I was like, oh my God, I feel like she's being more, not that breastfeeding is flirty, but she just overall, she was being warmer. Like I'm a mother. I'm this, like look at me. I don't know. But then she's with Scarlett Johansson. You know, she got an interview with her and we were just saying the Jess Trish impact, Moses will agree. Now she's interviewing women. Cause I was like, why is

interview women you know what i mean and she was being nicer so maybe she's uh taking notes and it was like maybe i'll change this character up and try and be more sincere i mean she totally took your thing i mean she was matching her like yes you're the only person matches the guest she was matching her okay they're watching the show and taking notes everyone is copying just trish people talking about taylor swift all of a sudden in their podcast i'm like oh my god really our niche podcast

Taylor Swift over here. Yeah, super small. Super small. How dare you? And now Bobby matching Scholar Johansson. I was like, they have the exact same outfit on. Noted. Yeah. Suss. But yeah, X was upset. It's funny because like they get so upset about this, which I kind of understand. Like she's, you know, now all of a sudden she's being nice to women. I take it as like she's trying to rebrand. Maybe she'll start being nicer. Yeah, I was going to say maybe you have to see. I don't know.

Because she's since like she's got a lot of criticism, like these are the most recent guests that she has. So I think you have to see like if this continues or, you know, and then you can maybe, you know, people can criticize, like be more critical. But as of right now, it just seems like she's just like warming up, which is good. I need to look so back as it was a certain type. It was like hip hop artist male being uncomfortable and gay.

this is what I'm saying sometimes like calling out people right like not calling out but just the whole internet being like we don't like this people listen and then they're like okay let me change this character up you know what I mean like last week when people were like you're being a little too much of a hater I'm like that's right that's not the brand of Trisha 2023 we're being positive we're being happy we're being excited and thank you for calling that out we switch it up because yeah like you don't want to be like a hater no one wants to listen to like hate all the time that's every podcast it's just like

the I've had it girls I've had it like this you know we have enough of the I've had it girls we are the we love everything girls over here so we love Bobby Altaf I love that I truly love that she's if we're

spinning it positive like i love that she's getting these huge interviews like it's actually amazing i it actually is really for some reason the scarlet jordan someone really gagged me i think because i just think of her as so like traditional hollywood almost you know so when i saw that i was like oh my god like yeah that especially the strike girl the strike like i right but she just must have not been promoting like any like movies or whatever but

Right. Yeah, I was gagged by that. Yeah, because you can't even talk about past stuff, right? No. So she's probably just talking life, I guess. That'd be wild. I know. I feel like the reason The Weeknd hasn't come on yet is because we can't talk about The Idol until the stretch of our life. But maybe he doesn't care because maybe he's like, okay, they're not getting a season two. Oh, no, he's like an actor. He's like in horror movies now. Anyways. That reminded me. Yes. So I'm going to Horror Nights this week. But it reminded me, last year, Abel had a Horror Nights maze. Yes. The Weeknd maze. And I went through it. Yes. What?

that and I forgot to tell you about it but yeah what was it it was just it was him it was like I'm not even yeah it was like different like big version like um with his cheekbones and stuff it was like his like the weekend's nightmare or something he designed it he designed the whole horror nice maze first

Like, how? He's almost like a plant. Like, how does he get to be the Super Bowl? He's in a Horror Night maze. He's on these TV shows, like, with Euphoria. Like, how? That's crazy. It was wild. Because that sounds, like, scary, right? No, it was, like, his... I don't know. Literally, just my memory, like, unlocked as I was buying my Horror Night tickets. I was like, wait, The Weeknd had a maze. I gotta look it up. I wonder if it's online, like, a walkthrough or something. Someone must have. Yeah, but his music was playing in it. And then, yeah, big, like, different versions of him would, like, pop out. It was wild. That sounds like a dream. Yeah.

I want to do so bad. It's like, I feel like it'll have to go continue into November. I want to do prosthetic, um, the weekend, like, you know, from the, was it save your tears video? Yeah. I want to, I just don't know how you do it because he kind of has like a little bit of like, um,

I don't know if it's like an afro or something like that. I just, I don't know how to like cosplay anymore because I don't like, you know, I don't know what's like offensive, what's not. In an offensive way, yeah. Can someone let me know? Can Abel let me know if it's okay? Yeah. Because I just love, I love like we were talking about like, it's almost like drag, right? It's almost like being a drag king is like going into that full, but yeah. Anyways, I don't know. I always try to be respectful. Today I felt like

I felt like I was like, you know, I spice it's like a little bit of Annie, you know what I mean? Yeah. It's more just really curly hair. Yeah. It's very Annie, but it works. Yeah. I mean, everyone is the internet that told me to dress like this. I was like, okay. And I think she is just so cute. She really can pull it off because I put this on today and I was just like,

I'm not as cute as Kite Spice because it's really a face. Like, you see your face. When we had Brooke on last week, you know, I tried to match my guest, so she always has her hair, like, slicked back super tight. And so she had her hair down that day, but I was like, I had my hair slicked back. I've never worn my hair slicked back. My face is so huge. I was like, wow. People who slicked back their hair, they really can pull this off. Like,

I definitely have a big face. But that's why I want to do the Abel cosplay in his – is it Savior Tears? Save Our Tears? Savior Tears, yeah. I love the prosthetics. I love the whole thing. I thought it looked so cool. He's just so cool. I really like him. I know we talk about him too much because honestly we need to stop. But he's in Chile at the moment. He's in Chile at the moment. I thought he was in Chili's. I was like, oh, he's in Chili's. Do you remember seeing the week – I always – every time I go to Chili's, I wear a weekend shirt there. Yeah.

I don't know why. I'm like, what if we see him here? I always think, what if I see The Weeknd wearing a Weeknd shirt? Then I think at that point, you can go up and ask for a picture. If you're wearing the shirt of the person you see. Oh, yeah. Then you kind of earned it because you prove it. I had that happen one time at an airport. Someone wore my merch. The only one. So I was like,

That was wild. I was like, wow. You never see people wearing YouTuber merch out in public. So when you do, you're like, right? Yeah, I guess so. Maybe back in the day. I think it may be like Vlog Squad and stuff people wore. I was going to say the cancel. No, not canceled. What was it? Clickbait. Clickbait was his. Oh, my God. Which is like, everyone wore it, but who doesn't have a guess? Yeah, I did donate a Clickbait sweater to Goodwill last week. Yeah, I was cleaning out my closet and I was like, oh, Goodwill. No way. Yeah, it was the end of an era for sure. I know. I had so much of that stuff. I'm like, what?

was cool at the time. At the time, yeah, I loved it. I was like, wow. The look, the varsity look of it. I was like, yeah. Yeah, no, it was kind of, it was kind of cool, I guess. I don't know. Oh, man. Vlog squad days. Clothes that are not that cool though. The Mean Girls wardrobe. Did you see it? How are

We can't be haters if we're being nice today. Well, no. Okay. I can be positive. Me too. Me too. Me too. The Mean Girls trailer. Yes. It aired before. They're not putting it online. It only aired before the Aeros tour. Which is all over the line now. Yeah. Everybody, Chris Olsen, you, everybody's like. So I was like, why don't you just like release it if everyone's just going to film it off the screen anyway? That was so dumb. Like, of course people were going to just do it. I will say, Renee rapping it. Love her voice. Oh my God.

Her as Regina. I love her. Oh, I love her. I love her before she, I guess she's on the TV show that made her famous. Like we talked about it. You know Renee Rapp. I'm like, I saw her when she made her debut in Mean Girls. Like I was obsessed with her. I am obsessed with her. And her as Regina. I was like, my name is Regina George. You know it? Just from the trailer. Oh.

Do you know the rest of it? No. And I am a massive deal. She is so good. She's, oh, the song is called like Watch the World Burn. And she's like, it's when they throw all the papers up when she like finally like turns and it's so, I want to watch the world burn. She's like has such a, she's so good. I love her. So I'm genuinely so excited to see it. I think she sounds amazing in the trailer. Yeah.

I pretty much loved everything that I saw in the trailer at the end when she's like, get in loser. And she like, looks like so hot. I was like, Oh, so hot.

That's so my Regina George. It's like, I love her. She's cool. She's hot. She's quite – and even Renee Rapp in general, I think she has like a cool factor about her. Yeah. Something about like she just seems like very calm and like self-assured. Just the way she carries herself. I'm like obsessed with her. My favorite quote when they're like, and what gave you the confidence? She's like, delusion. I love it. It's so good. She's great. That is my girl. However – Mine too. The styling of the plastics, I was – like a lot of other people on Twitter slash X –

did raise a little bit of an eyebrow because I was like especially right now because like the early 2000s like I feel like everyone kind of dresses like all the TikTok girlies dress kind of plasticky oh that's the fashion yeah that's the fashion so why not just use that styling that there's one and then as someone who's like a Broadway fan who's like obsessed with Mean Girls the musical like I love it more than the um the movie I'm obsessed with it they

Regina in a lot of pants in the musical. They have this like cute white ensemble when you first meet her. She's like on the cafeteria table. She's in white pants and like this white halter top thing. It's like a gorgeous outfit. She's in a lot of pants in the show. When she does the world burn, she's in an all black ensemble. Like she has...

she looks good in pants in the musical so I'm like why did they translate those outfits because the musical has such good outfits too like they're so iconic very different than the plastics for the most part especially Regina I think she dresses very different and I'm like why did they put them in what were they almost like parachute pants and I'm just like it was an odd choice the tops everything just very unflattering they all kind of had the same style too which is like even in the musical version they all had very distinct styles like Gretchen has a very distinct style from Regina and

Yeah, that was shocking. I was gagged. I was like, oh! Like Mean Girls wardrobe, I feel like that's hard to mess up. Yeah, the stylist just maybe needed assistance on this one. Because it was their fault. But how do you miss it so much? It was such a big movie. How do you miss the mark? Yeah, and it's just so in right now. Literally that early 2000s style. You can't really go into a store and not see what the plastics were in the movie. You know what I mean? Oh, everywhere. Fashion Nova has it.

has it like everywhere you see it it was very bizarre and I get it I get it because it's not supposed to be a remake of it it's like no totally different than musical adaptation but like then take from like the Broadway you know because they're the clothing designer or the costume designer of Broadway is like so good like their outfits are like I said even better than the movie when they do the I'm a Mouse scene the Halloween one like oh my god like the Broadway version of it is so sexy and cute and I'm just like

What did they, where did they miss the mark? I know. And I get maybe like trying to modernize it. Like I do get that element to it too, but it doesn't even really seem that like modern. Like I don't see. So I feel like girls in high school don't really dress like that right now anyway, you know? Yeah. But it's also like a musical version and I feel like musicals are always just supposed to be more glamorous. Yeah. You're always going to have like sequins and stuff like that. Like it's just going to be, it's a musical. Yeah.

They drag it up a little bit almost. Oh, very much drag it up. I feel like all the plastics got dragged up. Like I love, love, love the musical more than I love the movie. And it's like kind of weird that they stylized it the way they did. I was like, okay, they kind of all look like Katie's. You know what I mean? Yeah, that is so true. Like when she dresses in her pink day, it's kind of like, oh no, you can't wear those. You know what I mean? Or, you know, the beige, like they all look...

Yeah, but I think when I see the movie, I'll be able to overlook it though. I mean, it tested really well. It was supposed to just be like a Paramount Plus streaming movie, but it tested really, really well. So they decided to put it in theaters. So the fact that it tested really well for all the groups...

makes me really and I feel like I'm easy to please anyway with like a Mean Girls musical movie like how you know Renee Rapp it's like Tina Fey's in it yeah it's like a lot of the original Tim Meadows is like the principal in it is Jeannie Mai in it I feel like I saw Jeannie Mai in the trailer oh I don't know I don't know who Jeannie is I saw it like a second I was like oh my god yes Jeannie Mai who else is in it I wrote it down let's see Jenna Fisher is in it she plays Katie's mom Busy Phillips is Regina's mom no

I wish I wanted to play Regina's mom. Jon Hamm is Coach Carr. Jon Hamm is so hot too. Oh, that's funny because Coach Carr is the one that like hooks up with the student. Yeah. Okay, random. Love that. So I don't know. I'm excited. Renee, like I said, I'm putting a lot in Renee Rapp because I love her. Yeah, she'll carry the movie. Who plays Katie? I wonder if Katie is the Katie from Broadway. Like I wonder if she's the – Oh, Anjari Rice is Katie. Katie.

Yeah, this girl was in like Spider-Man or whatever. I don't know. I'm excited to see it regardless. And despite the wardrobe, I still have. I genuinely have faith in it.

Yeah, yeah. It sounds like it's good if it's going to theaters and stuff like that. I totally do, too. I know the outfits are just sort of disappointing because that is so iconic for me. The clothes, the little bit dramatic. Which they don't have that in the musical, the little bit dramatic tank top, but I love it so much. I mean, even in Ariana, you said, thank you, next. Yeah. Whoever styled thank you, next, you should have helped with this. God, that was such a good spot on. Yeah. Oh, man.

Yeah, I'm super excited to see it. I feel like they should definitely have released it just like a full version for people to watch because it's just leaked. And I'm just like, why would you? You know it's going to be leaked. Put it out at the time it's going to come out. And did you see the original Plastics minus freaking Regina reunited to film a commercial a couple of weeks ago too? Yes, they say what it was for. It's probably Super Bowl or something, huh? Probably because it's so big. Why didn't Rachel McAdams? I know. She's just too famous. That's what I was trying to think. But she doesn't have like any huge like roles or anything lately. Like,

If Lindsay Lohan can do it, you know, Amanda Seyfried is in a whole bunch of stuff. Yeah, Amanda Seyfried's like really popped off. Lindsay Lohan, she's like iconic and she's coming back for it. Yeah. Again, never was like a huge Rachel McAdams fan, not a hater, but she, you know what it was? It just, she always came across like not relatable, you know, she's very, who's the girl from American Horror Story? Emma Roberts. Emma Roberts. You know, there's just certain girls and maybe they are and maybe that's just the way they come across, but you know, you're like, you just can't relate. You're just like, like Vanessa Hudgens when she went on her like COVID tangent, I'm just like, oh,

Relatable. You know what I mean? Like you say stupid things, but then you're just like, or like things you're just feeling, not even stupid things. And you're like, oh yeah, I kind of get it. I get where she's coming from. But like those kinds of girls, Ashley Tess is another one who I like love, but I can't relate to him. Like she looks like she just has like a perfect, like she's, you know, healthy and. There's like a perfect kind of demeanor to him. There's not like really the human, like Amanda Seyfried is like, so like quirky and like, she's a little bit out of pocket. Like she calls herself Minj. Like I think that was her. Minj? What's Minj? Oh, I love it. That was like her Instagram handle for a long time. Oh my God. Yeah. She seems,

she seems quirky for real. I like it. Yeah. Rachel McAdams seems like she takes herself seriously, which, you know, I get it. Yeah. She just seems serious. Yeah. I like Lindsay Lohan because she just seems like she owns up to everything and just like, I don't know, she seems fun. She seems to like appreciate her work. She talked, did a whole like dissertation about Mean Girls and recently she did an interview and she was talking about how like, you know, she was the only one that was in homeschool at the time. So like, you know, not having makeup and stuff

for the movie made sense because she didn't have to sit in hair and makeup for that long and she loved it. She just has a lot of cool insights. And then when Katie progressively started getting more plastic-y, she's like, oh, I really loved it though and then I got to be glam. She has a lot of cool insight to it. Because I wonder how the other girls were. Rachel McAdams was like 27 or something, right? I think so, yeah. She looked good. I mean, she looked like a teenager. Yeah, I'm here for it. I don't get excited about movies and because of this musical. I'm like, this and Wicked. Are they coming out the same year? No, I don't think so because Mean Girls is out really soon. Oh. I think November. I don't know.

I think. I'm pretty sure. Oh, I'm so excited for that. Oh, no. I lied. January. Beginning of January. So, yeah, I guess so. Oh, no. Hunger Games comes out November and then Yummy Gross. Oh, my gosh. Not the Hunger Games. Is there Florence in it? No. Not even a cameo? Just Rachel. No, because it takes place like...

100 years or something before jennifer lawrence was in the hungry games world like it's a prequel um yeah yeah yeah but just rachel's my girl she does sing the song that jennifer lawrence sang the the hanging tree song how's it go wait first of all what are you are you coming to the tree do you know this that's a fun zib

Oh my gosh. It was like a, I think it was like symbolic of like people unaliving or getting unalived, I think. Ew, I hate it. Okay, I'm going to use my one negative pass on this. You don't see any positive in this. Even the song sounds morbid. I mean, the title alone, I feel like is like,

an offensive song in the past. Like, I'm sure that's not what it's meant for, but I kind of remember learning about this in history class. Well, it was more offensive when Jennifer Lawrence, because it got remixed to like a dance club song back in the day. And I feel like that was more offensive, but the actual context of the song makes sense in the

in the story there's a lot of people who posted on twitter that are like it's like the heiress tour and the hunger games poster side by side and like this is like this is girlhood and i'm like this is girlhood yes by roman empire it truly i'm like this if i ever thought back in like 2008 or whatever we get hunger games and taylor swift movie a month apart like my little head would have exploded like this is everything that i've lived for is coming to it well we can appreciate

I appreciate that. We'll get that. This is another one the movie's tested really well. So it's supposedly really, really good. Because I didn't really have high hopes, I would say. But so far, everything I hear is positive. I mean, that's good. I feel like, you know, in the world of Hunger Games, you need like dark, dreary, like, you know, nothing's happy, nothing's positive. And I think Rachel Zegler plays it well. You know what I mean? That's a good role. Yeah. That's a positive spin. She likes to just, you know...

She doesn't like to keep it too happy. And that's what's needed in the Hunger Games. We need a little seriousness. We need a little bring down the party. She's very pretty and she sings very well, so I'll give her that. She is like, you know, there are certain people where you're like, they're probably just like so attractive so they don't need to have like a good personality or they can get away with more stuff. And that's like her. And that's a good thing. Honestly, I wish I was like that attractive where I can just get away with more things. I think because I'm like fat, people are just like, oh, well, she's fat, so...

attractive and pretty, they don't have much to say. You definitely get the pretty privilege. Pretty privilege. But you have a lot. I think you get...

No, when I was editing the Zach saying, I was like, every time I would cut to your cam, I was like, oh my gosh, she looks so good. Really? Yes. Oh my God. You had no bad angles. Every angle of you was so pretty. I was like, wow. It was stunning. Picking a thumbnail was hard because you just looked pretty and everything. Your thumbnails make me look gorg. I'm always like so. I think it was the camera leader when I was so skinny, my chin was like. No, I just make your eyes bigger. That's it. I love it.

I love that. Yeah. Oh, my God. Thank you. I've been so, like, hard on myself lately. I don't know. I think you see a couple comments and just, like, kind of, like, I don't know. You see, like, one or two comments. And people are very nice for the most part. Like, oh, you look so great. But it's, like, I posted the pumpkin ones where you see my full body. And people are, like, oh, I just wish you would get healthy. Like, think of your daughter. Oh, no. I thought you looked gorge. Thanks. I loved it. It's not like I've been trying. But I feel like I'm also, like, not trying to, like, overeat. Like, when we go out to lunch, I try and have, like, a smaller portion something. Like, I'll just get, like, a cow more eating, like, half of it. And that's it. Yeah. You know? I've been trying. But...

It's just been so hard. You know, people say like one or two things and that's all you hear. I know. And it's like, you're always going to be your own toughest critic anyway. So then there's like one, there's a couple of little things. I got the ones that like stick with you when you're like, you know, cause I don't think about, I really don't think about my weight that much. And then like lately I have been just cause I've been hearing those comments. I'm just like, you know, but thank you. I appreciate that. My favorite part of that photo shoot though, is like Moses, not like I would like zoom in and like the eye hole would be like completely off.

by side but I don't want to get like sued like sometimes they come for you yeah so you know what it was yes the Spidey okay because some people didn't know and his was off his was off

off so we literally looked at that detail even that detail was okay i was studying his demeanor and picture and his whole body language and the way the pumpkin was so yeah i should have put the side by side because some people just didn't like they liked it regardless but then i was like but it's so good the recreation but then i was like what are they trying to sue me or whatever i don't know like you said the paparazzi people trying to get pictures so um yeah it's

was fun that was like last week in the midst of like we had like two interviews last week but I'm like let's go do this in the middle of it so much we had a hike oh my god we had to hike this was in Malibu we parked on the side of the freeway we had to hike down this like big long path which was like a lot it was like a sandy path walk in the sand it was probably like an hour round trip or whatever we had to walk back up the

up this oh my god i didn't think i could make it back up it was crazy it was absolutely insane and it was but it was beautiful and we got the shots it was just for funsy you know that's why i went to the idol shoot i want to do it for fun i hope it works out i don't know if it's gonna work out but really this one worked out perfectly yeah this one turned out well i was so exhausted i was so tired we didn't have chicken parm for lunch after the reward because i was like that was very difficult it was so much where'd you eat at that restaurant this time a burger last time like salmon something he loves

salmon we always get a pizza person he will always get salmon everywhere I'm like wow he is so healthy I can't really eat I don't like a fish not fish and chips not fish anything it's like a psychological thing though it's kind of like a mental another fear it's like so unrelated

it's so like okay i just because i had a lot of when i was little like i loved having fish so like psychologically like i always think about like i couldn't eat it psychologically as a kid like when i found out like fish sticks were fish like it was like uh a whole i don't know if it's really fish well as a kid i just didn't process that it was like i would like see my fish and then like see when i realized that i would like like look and i'd be like i can't do that do you still have fish now

Like pets? Yeah. You do? How many? I have a lot of aquariums. I have like four aquariums. In your house? Yeah, in my apartment. What? How many? Four aquariums? Yeah. They're expensive. I mean, they're smaller. You have four aquariums. How many fish? I can't even. Like a lot. Yeah. Like 20. Like 30 maybe between the four tanks. Can you insert that? Be where I can see it right now. That's wild. I have to send us pictures. Isn't that wild?

they're so freaking expensive like i want to say david dobrik was talking about fish tanks back in the day and he was his one would be like a million dollars they can get great like if you have a saltwater one especially mine are just like regular like fresh water but what kind of fish like clownfish like what kind of fish you have no i used to have a clownfish but there were two it's really hard to have a saltwater tank but it's just like fresh water like what's a freshwater fish like a guppy i don't know a goldfish and

No goldfish. A lot of guppies. My boyfriend really likes guppies. Oh my god, that's wild. Yeah. Oh my god, that's maybe the most shocking thing about you. You're a fish person. Yeah, I am a fish person. Since I was little, my dad had them. So when I processed that, so now I can never eat fish. And it's always hard telling people. You're the real life little mermaid over here. Oh my god, he's living with the fish. Oh, Halle Bailey. She would never eat them. Those are her friends. Totally, that's why.

Do you clean it out every day? No. There's like filters and stuff. Do you have like little castles in there? No. It's like rocks and plants and stuff. Yeah. I love when they put like little scuba divers in there and stuff. I think it's so cute. My boyfriend does not like the camp. He loves like the naturalistic. My boyfriend just like decorates some. It's probably so pretty. I mean, I love fish tanks. I love looking at fish. I do think they're so – I think it was – is it Rainforest Cafe used to have –

They were just so pretty. I just love looking at them. Fish are great. We really want one in our living room, but it's like so expensive. They are really expensive. I think ours was like the cheapest, like a hundred thousand or something. Oh yeah. The big, I mean the really big ones. Cause we want to have a whole wall. Oh, well, yeah. They build it for that. But we'll have them. I mean, I'm sure Miley will love it. Yeah. Maybe someone wants to buy the rainbow Birkin. Who was it? Cardi B loves her Birkins. Maybe she'll buy it.

We're so close. There's a company in like England that wants to buy it. So please reach out to this English company. They're like, we might know some people. Or if you have a big aquarium and you want to exchange.

for your hand yeah just install it and stuff because it's so expensive I don't mind buying the fish but that tank is expensive there's like YouTube channels and stuff that set up tanks for influencers so maybe we can get you oh my god because we have a mermaid room and we have like a little ocean wall and we have the mermaid couches like Mariah Carey had and stuff like that so we really want fish tanks I want to say did Mariah Carey have fish tanks I don't know for some reason I always envisioned fish tanks in this room I have a feeling she had

I remember in the wall or something. I don't know. I kind of remember that too, but maybe that's a – what do they call those? Mandela effects. Maybe it wasn't real. I feel like I saw it, but I'm like maybe it wasn't. I don't know. That's wild. You have fish. Yeah. That's crazy. Yeah. But you eat like steak first. Yeah. I don't have like a – if I had a cow growing up, I'd probably think differently. Yeah. Yeah. That's true. I guess, but you don't think of it like an animal. Yeah. I don't either. Like when you eat bacon, you don't think of like a pig. Fish is just so – because I literally – it's like –

be cooking a fish next to like my fish tank and I just wouldn't be able to look at them the same. Yeah. I can get that too. Dylan, Dennis and Logan Paul. It finally ended. Thank God. It finally ended. I mean I guess my For You page is just very different because I feel like I didn't really see much. Usually I've seen their little antics but the big match I didn't really see much until I had to go look it up. That's gonna

I felt too. I kind of just saw what was happening and then like, oh, Logan beat Dylan Danis and I was like, I didn't even know what was happening. Yeah. I didn't see anything either. I saw like a little clip. It was on TikTok of like Logan Paul. I don't know what it is. Some press conference where they just like roast each other. Yes. And he's like, take care of your daughter. And he's like, I have a son. Like, what are you talking about?

This is weird. It's a weird. And at a press conference, too, I saw Logan like this through his microphone towards Dylan Danis. And then Dylan Danis smashed Logan's face with a microphone. And he was like bleeding. He like threw it right at his face. And then he like cut the side of his face. Oh, I didn't see Logan throw it first. So Logan threw it first. Yeah. Like just at the direction, I think. Like didn't like hit him. But then Dylan actually like made contact and like cut Logan's face. That was wild. And was there a security guard that did it, too?

No. I saw something where like a secret career came in like maybe through a water bottle or something. Like it started to become like a brawl. I think there was a brawl after the fight because I saw like Jake trying to get in there. Like I think there's just brawls happening all the time. Oh my God. I'm just so – I'm glad it's over. Me too. I hope they made a lot of money, both of them, because that was just a lot to put everyone through. I know. I wasn't even a part of it and I'm just like this is like a lot. This is a lot. So Dylan disqualified. So he didn't even actually like lose technically? No.

So, and a lot of people, like Drake placed a bet on Logan, like knocking him out. So then Drake lost money. $80,000 or something like that. Yeah. And then X-

$850,000. What? Oh my God. How does Drake have this money? Oh yeah, $850,000. I think he has a few millions to spare. Really? Can you imagine being that rich where you just spend like $850,000 on a bet? And XQC, who we talk about randomly sometimes. I have no idea who this person is. I always hear about XQC. Maybe ask Tana who he is because Tana knows him. Oh, does she? She does.

Yeah. There was like a rumor that they were dating for a while. XQC? Yes. Oh, man. I need to look him up. He's like a Twitch streamer. But he's like, he's humongous. He has like millions of viewers. It's crazy. Okay. But he also placed a bet of $820,000. And then he was upset because he lost the payout for...

Shout out to Dexerto where I get my straight man news. Dexerto? Yeah. Is it with an X or a Z? X. Oh, I think I've seen that before. I think I've been on Dexerto. Yes, they have covered you before. Okay, because sometimes I Google my own name and nothing comes up except Dexerto. I'm like, this feels like a fake site. They cover a lot of straight news. Oh, okay. So probably the Barstool thing maybe they cover. Yeah, I feel like they would. Yeah. They did the math. And so XQC is to pay out if he...

would have been $3,362,000 if Dylan rightfully lost to Logan. Because you have to say specifically how they would lose when you place your bet. I don't know. Basically, it's so confusing. Even looking at it now, I don't know. Basically, you have to lose by a specific way when you place your bet. And XQC said he would lose properly, but he disqualified. So everyone lost money. Why did he get disqualified? Because he was having antics. He was having so many crazy antics that they just disqualified him. What did he do? I don't know. He just was being crazy. Yeah.

That's all I read. I'm like, that's enough. He didn't start talking about how he had to bring up photos in the ring. Yeah. You have to be really acting up, I think, to be disqualified from a boxing where everyone's rowdy. Logan didn't really. Well, he was winning up to that anyway. Yeah. He would have lost it. He would have lost it. He would have lost anyway. So, yeah. Okay. Not to defend him at all. But like, is he? How old is he? He's like older, right? Yeah. He's older. He also said he was an MMA fighter. Again, not to defend him. No, he's 30. Oh, okay.

Just kidding. First off, he was like a 40-year-old retired MMA fighter who just wanted to box Logan Paul. I guess according to him, he said he wanted to MMA fight Logan, but he said no, he was going to only do boxing. Whatever, yeah. Obviously, Dylan was set up to be the villain from the beginning. So I think that was always it, and Dylan played into it, got paid a ton, and doesn't care. I'm sure that was the whole setup, right? I guess. But now they're saying he's going to lose all the money he won in the lawsuit.

With your fiance. He probably had a ton of money for this fight because he was going so hard. Like you had to get paid like $30 million or something. Yeah. The payout must have been pretty crazy. Yeah. And so many people watched like because you had to pay. It's like pay-per-view, right? You have to pay to watch. So you have to make sure. I don't know. I was seeing clips on X. It's like weird. I mean, I didn't watch it. I don't care. I wasn't like fake. I just saw it on my For You page. Yeah. But maybe it was just like little clips here and there. I just saw them. Yeah. I'm sure you have to pay. It's probably like an error store. Like they control like who, you know, how much money. That's a straight guy.

the straight guys' era's tour. They were all like, oh yeah, I feel for sure. That is such tea. You're so right. Yeah. See, that's why little girls like being passionate and crying in the era's tour theater. Like straight men, look at how you're acting about it. I'll take that. Yeah, I'll take that over like people brawling, throwing microphones and stuff like that. Who would you rather see? Would you rather go see the pay-per-view fight or era's tour? Era's tour. Period. Oh, period. This is why I married him. This is why I married him because I'm just like, guys...

not hating on your entertainment but it's wild to me what people find like how that's entertaining to people and it's like I guess it's just like like if you're into that and you're having an emotional response like them you know whoever wins whatever then don't hate on like on girls being excited about Taylor Swift yeah totally yeah no one comes

these guys acting ridiculous. Yeah. No, but the concert, there's something creative. Somebody's just creating something. There's emotion. Here it's like, what are they creating? Just violence and hatred. Fake hatred. Yeah, no, that's what it comes down to. I feel like it's fake hatred because he's still going. He's still going after the fight. No one else is like, well, you know, your girlfriend's had 500 people like,

Oh my God, it's going still so hard. And now he wants, Dylan wants to fight Jake Paul. This is his new, his new angle. Well, Jake's a better boxer than Logan, right? Yeah.

He's won all his fights? Oh, I don't think he's won everything because he talked about – Jake's talked about losing once. Okay, maybe Logan won everything. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah. I hope that doesn't happen because I can't – these influential boxing matches are so wild. It's crazy. Because didn't Jake just do KSI, which was Logan's original opponent? Yeah. It's wild. I don't know. It's a lot. I know. To me, this actually hurts my head when I think about all this stuff because there's so many – so KSI, doesn't he have the Sideman thing, which is kind of like Jubilee, right? It's kind of like dating and –

Oh, yeah. Right? Yeah, I think so. I don't know. It's like movies. You know, there was one good movie made them a lot of money. So now they're doing the sequel, the prequel. So he's going to fight his younger brother, his older brother is dead. I mean, he got a private jet. I think he talked about that. I wouldn't know. I don't know him like that. But I think he said he got a private jet, Logan Paul, which is insane. Like, that's so much money to maintain. It's crazy how much money they make, though. Crazy. I mean, I would box for that much. I would box for like...

Would you? Less, yeah. I wouldn't. I don't think I could. I would not want to get like hurt.

I know. Sometimes they really do get effed up. You said you could fight. I can't fight. I could. I don't want anything. I would have to win though because if I lost, I'd just be like – I'd probably be Dylan Danis like, no, I'm not. I'll take your brother, whatever. I would be terrified and scared and I would just not want to. There was a female – actually, this girl named Susie Antonian. She was in the vlog squad. Oh, did she do one? She did one. I think it was like a barstool one. It was a pretty big fight and she fought – I think like a professional fighter anyway. She –

She got like pretty much like knocked out. Like she couldn't like land a punch and stuff like that. She was talking about it on something and I was like, that's so interesting. Like that would definitely be me. I definitely would not be able to. I don't know who I could even fight. Like there's no one I could take at all. Bobby. You could be Bobby. No. That's me. I would look like

look, I would look like I could. And then I have this like little girl beating me up a thousand percent. She could, anybody could a thousand percent. I just imagine her running around the ring, running away from their partner. I would a thousand percent hide. There's literally no one. I remember the day someone was like, oh, her and Gabby Hannah. I'm like, Gabby

would whoop my butt. Gabby's strong. She's strong. Gabby's really strong. There's not a question. I'm not someone who's like, let me go fight this person. I'm sure even like the, I mean just anybody, like I'm sure Bella Porch, I mean she's two, she's also like military, so I'm the weakest. Don't come for me. There was one a couple months ago where it was like a, it

it was like boys and girls like there was twitch girls twitch streamers that were like boxing each other too number one of joey's um friends was like in it and she's really strong too but even she got beat up by um another twitch streamer oh it was in real life in real life like a boxing thing yeah wow that's so wild it's wild oh my god when did it become like a huge thing for influencers to do i don't know i don't think i could do it for any amount of money i really don't i i

I'm just like not good. I just know myself. I know my endurance. Like I also feel like I don't know something. I don't know. But maybe you could fake it. Like if you have if you can set up like okay I'll lose. Just like hit me like soft in the face. I'll just like knock out. I don't know.

I don't think I could. That's like one of my biggest fears is getting like punched in the face. Like I don't. If you pretend you were like in a music, like the fighter music video. I feel like if you thought of it that way, like you'd like. The Christina one? Yes. No. Brittany would never. Brittany would never do a fighter music video. Um, I, yeah, no. There's nothing that I could even cosplay that I think is cute. I never liked boxing movies.

I never – just none of it appeals to me. I'm going to pass even for like a million. And I'd do pretty much anything for money. Even like five million you wouldn't. Yeah, I don't think so. Oh my god. I think I would do almost anything for five million but not that. But not boxing. I would just feel like I would just – I would like have a heart attack or something. I don't know. Not even because I'm like unhealthy. I just feel like even on roller coasters I don't do it because I always heard – when I was a little kid, I heard a little kid died because his like – his heart gave out on the roller coaster. Oh, yeah. And I feel like that would be me just because I have so much anxiety. Like not – it's not anxiety that I have. I keep using that word. It's just like –

I get nervous and anxious and I guess it's anxiety. I don't know. No, I think it is anxiety. Yeah. I don't know. I'm not the one. I'm sorry. There's just no one. I don't like aggression period. I don't like it, but yeah. No. Pass on that one. Straight guy news. I wonder, has Tana ever done one? No. Oh,

Oh, I feel like she could definitely whoop some butt. I definitely could see her, but she's also so, I don't know. I was going to say, but she's so like pretty, like I wouldn't want anything to happen, but I think she would really, she's strong. She's scrappy. Scrappy. But I think now she has like, and she talks about like her veneers and stuff like that. I feel like she wouldn't. She's invested a lot. I think she has a lot of money too. She doesn't want to get like, maybe it was for boxing. I wonder who she would box. I feel like

just have like beef anymore she's very like drama free i feel for the most part with people yeah i feel like tana has a lot of like scandals and stuff which but not like drop i don't know if that makes sense like that's why i was related to her because i always feel like i don't know why people think i'm like a drama beef person like maybe maybe but i don't i always thought my scandals were around me like my you know like things that i said that were dumb or something you know like transgender chicken i feel like you had your fair share of both back in the day yeah i

That's so weird. I don't think of myself like that, but I guess. I mean, I guess. Like who? Like David. Like who else? Gabby. That's wild to me that me and Gabby were like a beef thing. Yeah, there's a difference with defending yourself from things. You didn't actively start anything. Okay, not to rehash 2015 or 16 or whatever this was, but that is what's wild to me is that the

It's crazy how you do get connected to a person when you're not even connected to them. So the whole thing about me having herpes or whatever that she told somebody I was dating. And I was just like, so it was me just being like, wait, what? And then her being like, we're friends. And then you're like, but no. And then you're trying to correct. You're trying to correct. But now you are intertwined with this person.

my life story and it's fine i wish gabby well like i heard she's doing good someone actually emailed me she's like oh she moved back home to her hometown like oh really okay someone's like she's doing great she's in her hometown she's great which is like awesome i think she's like super religious so like truly but like how we got intertwined it's like my like worst nightmare not just gabby but it's almost like it's like selena having yolanda in her story it's like she don't want that ending you know what i mean and it's like no it's not just gabby but it's like i didn't ask for this you know what i mean i don't

It's always bizarre when you beef with someone you don't know, truly. Of course, now we know each other better, but I truly did not. Anyways, I'm glad she's good. Truly, truly, truly, truly, truly. I'm glad she's good because, like I said, at the end of the day when we did start beefing or getting to know each other or whatever, I did have a little bit of – I do have a soft spot for her and seeing how she was online and manic and stuff like that. I was the same way. There's soft spots, so maybe we're more similar. Yeah.

damn you know like reliving all that again you're just like wow that's like such you'd be you feel a little crazy you know no i got it it's like you like uh all of a sudden these people are like chapters in your wikipedia or something i'm gonna ask for that chapter that was not me and then you know it's it upon you yeah it's to be like oh you guys had drama and i was like but there wasn't it was me just being like um and then it became that and then i guess that's what it happened but it is wild i know when you start thinking about stuff like that you're just like

damn that's that's crazy i don't know and then you because i'm also like mentally ill you just like think like okay am i crazy did i misremember like i'm because you did i remember doing it i just remember back then being like maybe i'm crazy like maybe i really am actually a crazy person where i'm not seeing something you know what i mean yeah um the self-gaslight yeah i love it i love butterflies all the dragonflies in the sweet me off if you'll get yours eventually

Yes, of course. Yeah, that was great. I loved it. Like that's one thing. People kind of came for her for being manic on the podcast where she just starts singing her own songs. Like, but me, I would, I love that. She just quotes her own songs. I wrote a song. Pull the finger, point the trigger, because it'll knock your chalks. You'll get yours eventually. And her friends, like literally just like now, people just like, okay.

I live for it. And then people were harmonizing it and stuff like that. Yeah, I love her. I love her songs. I think she's great. I love anyone who lives their pop star fantasy. Yeah, and she was really doing it too. There was a time I was like, I can honestly see her at the Grammys for that EP. That EP, Two Way Mirror was very, very, very good. Okay, I was going to say the one, say what you mean out loud. Remember? Yes, of course. Heart islands, but I'm lost in the... Because every sweet thing you've never seen is happening...

but knowing what could be. Wish I could show you how. But you're just a ghost now. The twist. The twist at the end of that video where he was actually dead.

yes girl that was cinematography yeah cinema that was film and that song was co-wrote by bruce who was like a really he was like behind all the good vlog squad oh yeah he dated carly yeah i think he became like a pretty big producer i think he had some good songs because i remember like reaching out to him at one point i don't know if i was in the vlog so i was and he was like charging like 10 000 good for him 10 000 a song he was but i think he co-wrote that one and i remember thinking that was such a bop and i was so jealous yeah she got me on some hits

She kind of did. I'm not going to lie. It was kind of good. And her body was really good and stuff like that. And I just, yeah, well, I'm glad she's doing well. Like I said, someone literally like checked in and was like, oh, she's on this Facebook. I won't say what, but like this like hometown Facebook page and she's good. I love that. Yeah. I think that's amazing. I love when people have like the happy endings. Yeah. But speaking of unhappy endings. Oh, Lord. I know where this is going. Where do you? Is it Jada? Yes. Yes.

Jada Pinkett. This is like on the top of mine. And then here we are, you know, two hours in. But wild. We're being positive. We're being nice. Okay. The nice aspect of this, right? I understand Jada so much. Like, I love that she's just like putting it all out there. Like, I love that she just has no filter. She's just like that, you know? I don't love, of course, like, you know, putting her on

like husband and father of your children on blast. Like she's like, as people are saying, like humiliating will, you know, like why are you constantly saying like, I didn't want to get married. I was so sick. I hated our wedding. Like we had a horrible marriage. Like it's like all this stuff like that. I'm just like, Oh, like airing all that out is kind of wild. Saying Tupac was the love of your life and your soulmate. Um,

It's just kind of wild to me. And then also not like defending him for the Oscars. However, I will say I'm glad that she's kind of like talking about it because I think people were blaming her. Remember when the Oscars happened? Everyone's like, you know, you know the eye roll. She like told Will to do it. And she goes,

I didn't tell Will anything. Like, I was just as shocked as everyone. So I don't like the narrative that everyone's like, crazy Jada and stuff like that, you know, just because she's like a woman and stuff like that. She's saying a lot. She's wild and for sure. But I kind of love that. Honestly, if I was that age, right? Like, again, not in ages thing, but maybe when I'm like 50. I talked about this with Tana before, too. It's like at a certain age, you just like don't care. And you're just like, I'm going to just say everything. And I think that's kind of great, especially with the Will Smith slap. Like, she didn't really...

get to, like, say her piece with it. Red table talk was out, right? That was, like, no longer a thing. And so I kind of love that she's talking, especially with someone like Will Smith, you know, in this power couple. And they're very open and honest recently, almost to a fault, like, them talking about her... What did they call it? Entanglement. Like, I...

very open you know it's i think it's all one of those things where we're like don't you have friends to talk to about this but at the same time i think that's cool because like entertainment people don't really talk that openly about stuff like this yeah so it's wild what was the wildest thing you thought from her interview did she do it she has a book coming out so her book is out tomorrow for us tuesday uh today for everyone listening um worthy worthy and she was her interview with hoda was that who yeah so i love hoda i love hoda is she still in the morning show i think so did she do it with mccain

Is that who does it? I don't know if it's her. Meghan McCain or no? No. Or no, Jenna Bush. It's one of those political girls. I think one of them. I think, yeah. Right? I think Jenna. Jenna Bush Hager. Yeah, that sounds right. Yeah. Yes. I loved her with Kathie Lee. Oh, yeah. Those girls were like iconic. Oh, my God. That's like my dream job right there, just drinking wine at 10 a.m. Hoda's great. And Hoda's journalistic. She is. That's what I like about Hoda. She can be silly, but she can also like lay down the journalism degree when she needs to. Yes. I love it.

I love Hoda so much. So she was interviewing Jada. Yeah, so she was interviewing Jada to promote her new memoir that's coming out. So yeah, I think for me, really like the biggest thing is that she revealed that her and Will Smith have been separated since 2016. Just because, like you said, Jada's like...

She's highly read Table Talk and she's typically like very like honest about a lot of things. So it was kind of shocking that this was something that was like kind of kept secret, especially like the entanglement. There's all this other stuff that's kind of like been around that they've publicly addressed or been at least known about. So I think to like announce that they've actually like been separated for all these years. Living separate lives. It is shocking because it's like, okay, why were you guys talking about the entanglement? That wasn't entanglement. You guys were separated. Yeah. It was just like she was dating someone.

Yeah. Because I've entangled my open relationship. That's kind of what I had thought. But to be actually separated all this time is pretty crazy. They have the whole bad marriage for life. They were very that person. So I was like, okay, but you guys weren't in a marriage or separated. So...

So it was shocking. I feel like this is when the book comes out and you just got to like spill that tea to get that coin. You know what I mean? Yeah. A lot of people are being really, really hard on her. But I kind of because we've kind of talked about before, too, like when you're been with someone for so long and you're older and you kind of just like, you know, that's all you know is like this relationship. It's like, you might as well not just like be together, but still have, you know.

Do you be able to do your own thing but still have this person? I don't know. So part of me kind of gets it. No prenup they said either. No prenup, yeah. So everyone's like, wow, that makes sense too because it's so expensive, especially when you have that much money and you're so high profile. Like lawyers are just going to like suck it all up. And they have businesses together. They have like productions together too. So that's a lot to like split up. I think the Red Table Talk was done out of their home. I heard they had a crazy like ranch, like this crazy, like crazy. It's like universal, like going to their back lot.

Because someone I know did Red Table Talk and it was like this crazy thing. You go to their house. It's like there's this big studio set up there and parking lots you pass and stuff. Yeah. It's like a whole thing. Yeah. I'm sure they're like so rich. Yeah. Yeah. It's crazy. I think they were married since 1997, I believe. So, I mean, yeah, like 20 years together when they decided to separate. Oh, right, right, right. Yeah. That's wild. And she's like, I don't even want to get married. Yeah.

Because she was pregnant. She was three months pregnant, I think they said. And she's like, oh, I didn't want to get married, but I was pregnant and this. And I was like, oh my God. Real. We love the realness. That's what I'm going to say. I like that she's open and honest about it. And I feel like that's always kind of been her thing. But then part of it's like, yeah, I don't know. Going to events, they always presented themselves. When they went to the Oscars, they presented themselves as a couple. Well, she said she was shocked. When he said wife, she goes, he hasn't called me wife in seven years. So she's like, why would he call? So that was her shock moment. I think it's also like...

it's also like a weird thing when like your partner's still alive i mean it's weird when they're dead too but like they're still alive so you're kind of like almost humiliating him in a way being like i don't know it's like a weird thing to say just like i don't want to get married i was so sick like all the stuff like that especially when he's not really talking i don't know yeah well he recently came out and like and showed his support for oh he did and where the yeah it's all been via one of the statements was via jay shetty randomly oh my god yeah

How does he get all these interviews? It's amazing. Will just like sent him a statement to like read, basically. That's going to be me one day. Britney Spears is going to give me a statement. I'm going to read it for her.

That's wild. He said, I applaud and honor you. If I had read this book 30 years ago, I definitely would have hugged you more. I'll start now. Welcome to the author's club. So he was like supporting it. And then he released another statement through the New York Times and said, when you've been with someone for more than half of your life, a sort of emotional blindness sets in and you can all too easily lose your sensitivity to their hidden nuances and subtle beauties.

So he is showing his support for Jada and the memoir despite like it seeming like it would, you know, it would be embarrassing towards him. So I guess that like kind of changes the narrative a little bit. You probably understand like it's business and it's for shock value and I support it. I support it. And honestly, I don't know. Like if Moses one day came out with a memoir, I was like, I was never attracted to Trisha. I don't know. I guess it's like

book, I guess. I don't know. Give the tea. I'm not sure. In the big picture, it seems like Will Smith was on the wrong behind the scenes because she's giving punches and he always takes them. That's true. And then also, it seems like he's the one that kind of turned down the fire in their relationship and let her down in some ways. I would disagree because she said she didn't want to marry Will. She was like, I did not want to go through with the wedding. It was not great. I feel like she's so disappointed from him that she's kind of like

I don't know. Like, it just sounds like something happened that made her... Early on, though? That early in the wedding phase? Do you think there's... No, later. But now, looking back, she's... Basically, he became a liability for her. Now she's trying to be like, you know what? I didn't like him anyways, anyway. But what she's saying is like, Tupac was her love of her life. And it's like, well, why Tupac? Yeah, because she's like, you know, we've been separated for seven years. So anything Will Smith did in the last seven years that embarrassed her, you know, she's like, let me just separate from this. I didn't know you had such strong opinions on this. You didn't say anything all weekend. Because I was like,

- He was saving us. - I was trying to think about it. - I love that, okay. I mean, that's an interesting take. That's true. She could just be like, maybe you're right. Maybe he was the one that was like not giving anything. - Think about you're sitting there at the Oscars with a person that you separated. You're there to be basically kind of presentable and like, yeah, we're somewhat together for the kids, for the family, for the business. And he does a stunt like that. - Yeah, that's, well, I mean that for sure. - And you're like, okay, you want to call me wife? How about treat me as a wife first? You know what I mean? Like that's a lot.

Yes, venomous icon Moses over there. I love that. Yeah, you're right. You're so right, though, honestly. She said, yeah, that whole thing was very wild. She said that, like, Chris Rock had asked her out. Yeah. And it was something about that or something like that. Yeah, Chris Rock had asked her out. It was, like, around 20, like, when they had, around when they had separated because there was all these rumors with the entanglement and stuff. Oh, right. Like, rumors that they were, like, actually divorcing. Yeah.

And he called to ask her out and she had told him, no, like we're not getting divorced. Then he apologized. God, she's putting all that out there too. So maybe that's why, because then she was like, he's like, I meant no harm. I meant harm. She's like, it's not you. It's something a long time ago. And I was like, okay, well needs to get it together. Yeah.

And she's like, it is like one of those things. Chris Chalk was so small. Not to get back to that, but he is so small and stuff. And it's like, well, so big. It's just a weird thing at the Oscars too, of all things. It was like the Oscars. Yeah. Whoa. Did that really happen? That was a crazy moment. I love the craziest stories about Will Smith. I mean, back in the day, I remember I was like trying to expose him and it was not my place to, cause my dancers had like wild stories about him and stuff like that. But for like wild stories about him. So maybe you're right. Maybe there's something to that where like, he's maybe, you know, Jada's gone through her own humiliation with that and stuff like that. Yeah.

Your tell-all book would be wild. And I hope you do write it one day. Like, hopefully when I'm, like, dead or something. Like, you could actually say so much stuff. Like, stuff you found out, like, later. Like, there is actually so much tea you could expose on me. And I wouldn't be mad about it. No, but I think that that's normal for everyone. What? Having tea? I don't know. To have some. I feel like you found out, like, more surprises about me, like, even after we were married. Ellen!

I was so, like, ashamed of and stuff like that. I was like, damn, like, you know, and I feel like that's, to me, I would write a book one day. No, I think you're making them to be bigger than they really were. Babe, no, they're pretty, anyways, we don't even talk about this. There's some big stuff, like, no one knows, like,

Yeah, like stuff that, I mean. But that's the difference. Everything you talk about is in your past. Your past doesn't exist to me. Yeah, but I feel like not being honest about your past, right? That's like love is blind. He wasn't honest about bad credit. Like if you're not honest about something. But again, the past doesn't exist in our relationship. So anything that happens in the past, when you walk into a relationship, you have to live in the past. Otherwise, it's a problem. So you don't think you need to bring up like the past at all? No, in a way not. No.

Wow. No. I mean, if you're not opening a new page, then what's the point? Like, that's... What do you think? You think you're the same person? No, but I think there's, like, some serious things that if you're not open and someone finds out later after you get married. Like, some of the stuff you found out about me after I got married, I think if I was reversed, I would be, like, filing for fraud. You know what I mean? Like, not that way, but you know what I mean? Just like... It's almost like a technical thing. It's not a personal thing. Hmm.

You know what I mean? You were great. He handled so many... I mean, there's no more surprises. He handled like every single surprise that...

could have happened because it's like one of those things it was almost like i was uncomfortable i wasn't trying to be like dishonest i just like when's the time to talk about yeah and i've always been like that in relationships and like some things came up like you know after we're married and i was just like oh but it's a technical thing you know so it's not i don't know i think i mean all together that's the key to a relationship is like you're the most open-minded because then you think about like what if you had like a whole secret family and didn't tell me so then i'm just like well that was before me but i'd be like wait no that's not fair because now that's different because that affects the present

You know what I mean? Like anything that happened in your past does not affect my present. But there was stuff that affected, anyway, there was stuff that affected the present. It's not the same. Wow. I love that. That's a lot right there. Oh my God, I love that. No, Moses is like very forgiving. What do you think? I think morally I would agree with Moses, but like in practicality, I would probably like, I would want to be like that, but I don't know if I could be like that, if that makes sense. What would be a shock? Like if your boyfriend didn't tell you you're married and he's like, baby, I'll tell you something. Maybe murder.

That's a good one. Like what if someone didn't tell you like maybe, maybe it was accidental, maybe it was whatever and they never told you that. But I think if he was like a killer. Yeah. That's wild. I also feel like when you're married too, it's just like you made that commitment. You've gotten so far. So it's like, you know, it's almost like,

Moses was very honest about me. There's nothing that ever like popped up that surprised me, but there was always like little things that pop up with like, oh, by the way, I never told you this and this and it pops up and you're just like, ooh, so sorry. And he was very great. Like I would literally just cry. I'd be like, I'm so sorry. Whatever. I thought you divorced me a couple

So anyways, there's tea. If you don't spill it, I'll spill it when I'm like seven. Maybe when I'm her age, when I'm like 50. How old is she? 50, 60? I'd probably spill the tea too. It's not like a negative tea. It's more about the triumph of the relationship. It's more embarrassing. It's just like really embarrassing stuff that I would like never talk about. But I guess one day I would. That's what I'm saying. Like this kind of stuff, like Jada says, it's not like that embarrassing, but...

maybe for the memoir yeah but then you have kids too like you think about your kids and you're just like i don't know she must have like talked to that especially because willow was on red table talk so i feel like they're the family dynamic is probably very very transparent yeah yeah the kids are probably just very mature and yeah know how to handle because if they're separate for seven years the kids are that's true they're all like living their own life they have two kids together they i think they have yeah jada i mean jaden and willow

And then I think Will has, yeah, Will has another son from a different marriage. Oh, I saw three and I didn't know that. Yeah. That wife or the mom was on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills too. Wait, Will Smith's ex? Yeah. Who is it? Oh, yeah. Sheree Zampino. Oh. I think that's her name.

I didn't know. Similar celebrity memoir. I really, I just have to say, I'm like very shook that you were not the person chosen to narrate Britney's audio book. And instead of Michelle Williams. Yes. Yeah. Crazy. Right. Cause Britney doesn't want to narrate it cause she didn't want to relive it. Yeah. But,

Yeah, I would have loved to. Oh, my God. I feel like you would have been the perfect fit to narrate the audiobook. Man, I know. My heart sank a little bit. First of all, that's my dream job is to narrate books. I used to look into it. I think Fiverr, you could be a voiceover for people's books or something, and I wanted to do it, and no one hired me out there. But I love the idea of it. Michelle Williams. Okay, I can see.

can see it it's just kind of random right they should have gotten someone who was like a britney like more britney coded you know what i mean oh my god that'd be wild where's he i don't love him on the podcast that's a good question where is chris crocker god i'll have him on when the woman in me comes out um yeah that was crazy i know i heard she's like not doing any interviews for it yeah because it's soon it's like what two weeks away yeah i'm so excited i have it being delivered that day i'm gonna like read it right away so i can give a full dissertation on it um

supposedly Justin Timberlake is scared of it. Did you see that? Oh, wow, no. Yeah, he, today I think it was like breaking news as we were filming this, but he's like, he's worried about the memoir. And I was like, as you should be. Because they did kind of, he did kind of have a hand in villainizing Brady Spears. Yeah. We love Justin Timberlake now, but I feel like he definitely played the victim. Threw her under the bus, for sure.

Oh, yeah. With so many things. Saying that she implied she cheated with Wade Robeson and then the Crimey River video. And she never really got to, like, say her piece. It's kind of like the Janet Jackson thing at the Super Bowl, too. Like, everyone kind of blamed Janet. Like, oh, my God, how could you do that? Kids watching. But it's like, Justin was the one who did it. You know what I mean? Why does the...

back to men but why do they get the free pass why do they get to just be off scotch free like it's it's nice that they're being held accountable you know so they can like reevaluate yeah and I think that's like the memoir is good I always like when memoirs come out and people get like the ones that get scared are the ones that are like what are you hiding do you know what I mean

Because if like Justin was like this saint in the relationship. He wouldn't have anything to worry about. Yeah. Especially Brittany. She's like almost too loving and forgiving to like past relationships. Seeing how she used to talk. There was a clip I just saw recently of her as she was dressed as a witch for Halloween and shaking her boys out. And she's like, oh, my dream is just to be on an island with my man and my kids. And it's like,

she was always like painted recently as like a bad mom and like the kids don't want anything to do with her but she was always like such a good mom and always just talked about like her dream was just to be with her boys like so i just like i just hate how everyone's like villainizing her all the time and it's like one of those things i feel like it will never go away until she's like dead and then people will be like oh britney and she is iconic and people are celebrating her iconicness she has her stance for sure but just the way that like media paparazzi everyone portrays her as like crazy and what's wrong with britney and i don't know and she seems

living her life like she was in New York with Maluma and she like you know like she obviously although she was kind of funny she was like I have no idea who these people are I think she was being tongue in cheek you know obviously because then later on she posted I think it's still on her Instagram which is oh my god it just hit me who these were so cool so I think

I think she's a little trolly. Yeah. She's in her Latina girl era. So she's the mi gente, you know? So I think it's, I don't know. I think it's cute. I just love Britney. I can't wait for her book to come out. Me too. Are you going to read it? Are you a reader? Yeah, of course. I'm definitely going to read that one. Me too. I can read it. I read Harry's memoir in like literally like two days and it's like 400 pages. It was like the biggest and I'm not even a Harry stan, but.

but I loved the memoir. I thought his was so good. His is wild. His is wild. I mean, they're wild. The Meghan Markle and him are crazy and his stories about her are like insane, but I kind of love it. I love to Lulu people. Like he's like Prince William and Kate were too starstruck because they love suits. They didn't know how to be around her. I was like,

I mean, if that's true, that's crazy. But I think it's a little delulu, which is fine. I mean, you have to be that way. Especially about your love of your life, you know? Yes. Yeah. Very much like Moses. Things that impact everyone. Bobby Alltop, Taylor Swift, we popped off because of this show. Yeah.

a beat for your loved one and I hope Brittany finds her love again too because I think she thrives and she's in a relationship but I guess she added a part about Sam I guess that's like yeah it wasn't in there like that didn't happen and then she like went back to her you made the cut in the last minute yeah oh my god

You should have held out a little longer. Big mistake, yeah. Yeah, I know. Oh, man. We should have a special episode. Our first, like, book club. Oh, yeah, book review. Trisha's book club. Well, we can. We can dedicate a whole hour to hot topics about it. We can put it at the end if people don't like it. Or put it at the beginning and make sure people watch it.

either one we could be like skip ahead if you don't like book club but yeah i love book club i love book review like video chats and stuff like that where people all review the same book there's someone on tiktok that does that maybe it's a podcast maybe it's like celebrity memoir podcast and they read celebrity memoir books and i always see it pop up on tiktok that's how i found so much about like travis barker and kim because they were reading that or like tommy lee they had a lot from him his memoir and stuff like that about pamela anderson i think it's a podcast i don't know but i love that i love that they just read these celebrity memoirs and because the celebrity

some of my memoirs are kind of wild. Like even Travis admitting like, you know, being obsessed with Kim Kardashian and like, you know, he didn't want to have sex with her and blah, blah. I'm like, they really just like go wild on their memoirs. They spill everything. They're not afraid. Whatever sells the books, I guess. Yeah. And they're so young. I would wait until I'm like 60 or 70 until the majority of the people are like dead or something like that. Remember that era when like every YouTuber is writing like an autobiography or whatever? There was like. Yes. Yeah. That was wild. God, who was it? It was literally everyone. Everyone. Joey, Connor,

um grace hellbig tyler oakley shane had like two yeah everyone had a book back then gabby did two books that was published oh yeah her poetry books yeah everyone was getting book deals except for me i was like yeah publishing deals i know because even now they say book deals are basically just like an upfront cash grab because they give you an advance that's why people do them and i'm like

someone do that for me. Like I would, I have a book I wrote. I'm just waiting for an upfront cash grab. Okay. I was like, it was, I don't even know how to say the name. It's not that good, but I had a clear vision. It was right after I gave birth. For some reason, I was like, I remember I was like typing like all night long. I would type from like five, like 7 p.m. to like 7 a.m. I was just like typing. Yeah.

Yeah. Every day. 50 pages a day or something. I was like going nuts with it. I was like, wow, I'm really... Maybe 20 pages a day if I'm being realistic, but it was wild. No, but you're fast too, so... They were pouring out of me. You should definitely... I mean, it's a good book. It's a good book. Someone give me a cash up front for it. Okay, I'll take the title.

It's not that good though. I don't know. But maybe. Don't give it away. Okay. Let me not give it away. It was such a good title and it was such a good like, it was kind of like a pickup of where like, I don't know. It was kind of like in my like 20s. It's like, it doesn't even do my whole life. Because I have a couple autobiographies. They're out on Amazon, self-published from Amazon Publishing, where I still get a couple hundred dollars a month from them. So someone's buying them somewhere. But those are lies. So don't worry about that. I want to do a truthful one. I think I exaggerated like a lot of the story. People could tell. It was like, I'm like, oh, from 2001. I'm like, I was on my iPhone. Like there wasn't a

wasn't a nice one. I was like, oh, there was a mcdadrick. A lot of it came from truth, but there were some exaggerations in there. So if you're going to buy one off Amazon, just know some of those are like, sorry. Loosely based. Yeah. Loosely based on truth. Yeah.

proofread it's like so many ground up errors and I don't live for it that'd be your next title loosely based on reality loosely based is a good one very much like some of this is untrue yes guess which one's the lie two truths one lie god just the mental image of you just sitting there late at night it's like dark just your like laptop screen lighting your face typing away oh my god I was determined this is like my comeback book this was gonna be New York Times bestseller because they all went to

I went to New York Times bestseller every YouTuber did a New York Times bestseller I was like I guess they did the book tours and then they sold Rape of a Cell a lot which is cool but yeah I was definitely jealous of that too every freaking YouTuber getting a book deal about their life because I remember being jealous and this is the hater in me that came out I think it was Connor Franta by the way I love Connor I remember I came from him in front of me he's like I'm right here because I was like where did Connor go he's like I'm right

He's like, I'm right here. But he was huge. He was really big. He's very Troye Sivan, very Tyler Oakley era. Oh my God, that love triangle of Tyler, Connor. Yeah. That was an era. That was the era. And he was very huge and very popular. And I remember he got a book deal and he was like 23 writing an autobiography. And I was like, what? How does he get one at 23? And I was so jealous. But literally, again, good for them. I love that so much because get that coin, get that bag. But I do think it's like fascinating. Yeah, that whole era. Oh my God, YouTubers. Yeah.

The nostalgia era. It's just like, I get so nostalgic for our YouTubers. We have a YouTuber coming up this Thursday who's very old school and we were going through so many of the people and I was just like, wow, it's crazy to think like what a different time that all was. I know. You know? And you remember, you wouldn't think of it too. Yeah. You were the strawberry era. Yeah. I was like, I Justine Stan. That was like my first. Really? Yeah. She was probably the first YouTuber I explained. No way. Were you into like gadgets and stuff? Yeah.

Why did you love her so much? Because, like, I thought she was so pretty and gorge, but I'm like, oh, she only talks about, like, MacBooks. And I was definitely not interested. I was a PC girl back then. She... I remember she used to, like, vlog. So I would watch, like, her vlogs. No way. Really? Yeah. She just had a vlogging channel, I think. I thought she never was personal. Like, she vlogged, like, her and her sisters a lot. And I remember she was, like...

Is there a reason I signed up on Twitter? Because it was like back when Twitter was like, you had like, you couldn't even, it wasn't even a website. You had to like text in your tweets. And she's like, you guys should join Twitter. I was like, okay. And then I joined. She was like the first person I followed. Yeah, she was big on Twitter. What was her sister's name? Jenna. Jenna and Brianne. Oh yeah, Jenna. I remember Jenna. Jenna had like, she was like the one that was always around. Yeah. Wow. Is she married? What is she doing, Justine? I don't know. She's still doing tech stuff, I think. I don't know if she. No, yeah. She's definitely still out there posting. Still like Apple and stuff. Hopefully she gets paid big by then.

I would think so because now she actually before she had to like sneak into events but now she actually gets invited so that's like yeah that's funny that was your first because like that's not you coded you know what I mean like you don't check me as like a techie or something that would like those I guess if she vlogged she did do cute music videos too yes and like the apple store and stuff yeah there was one where she's like it's gonna be all you don't even have to try I think it was that one oh yeah or there was a black eyed

He's one. I think she did. And she did like Shakira, like she wolf, I think. Yeah. Yeah. Parody arrow is crazy. Remember Venetian princess? No. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I need to look it up. Cause it sounds familiar. And I think it'll unlock. And her parodies with like 300 million views. And she would do Britney Spears, like womanizer parody and, and,

Yes, this girl. Oh my God. Poker face. Yes. That was so huge. Her parody videos. They were so big and I wanted to be here because she was so pretty in them. And I was like, oh my God, I wanted to do parody videos, but they costed a lot. You had to know how to edit and stuff. And I just didn't know how to do that. But I love bar bakeries to do them all the time. Like Shane was big into parody videos. That's how we met. I was in a video of his called the one who turned you gay, which was like Katy Perry's, the one that got away. And I think he took it down because I'm sure people found it offensive.

Obviously, the one who turned you gay. But he hired me to play like an exotic dancer. And I think I gave him like a lap dance. It's when he had like the emo hair and stuff like that. It was wild. And it was about this like boy that got turned gay or something. I don't know. I don't really know. But I remember I got paid like $300. Wow. I think that's the first time I met him. It was like 2010 or something. But yeah, those were huge back in the day. I want to say Strawberry did parody videos. She did a lot. I remember she did one on Fireflies, I think. Oh, my God. Yeah.

The one with her and her brother on the bridge. Yeah, that was her big one. That was kind of everything. That was kind of viral, right? Yeah, it got a lot of views. It's like, you would not believe your eyes. That one? Yeah. That was everything. Where's he at now? I loved him. Her brother? Is he still around? I don't think he does. He does styling. He styles. Well, maybe he should have styled the Mean Girls movie. Maybe he did. And then we just donned his work. Oh, man. What an era. You were such an era. God, are those videos still up? Yeah.

I want to go back and re-watch them with Moses because you were such a vibe. Working on those, like, you guys had, like, cafeteria-style tables, like, almost like benches, like a workbench thing, right? And you guys would all sit there on your computers, like, in her house. Like, she'd be upstairs and come down, and it was just, like, a bunch of interns. And I was like, how does she have all these interns?

That was crazy. I love that you think it's an era. That's so funny. That was an era. That was such an era. We watched it so much. We were like strawberry stands for sure. It was so crazy to think of you on there. Yeah. I know. We should look back. Maybe a member exclusive. Yeah. Reacting to Oscar and Strawberry. What year is that? Like 2008, 2009, 10? 2010.

12, 13? Oh, God. I just felt like, oh, maybe that makes more sense. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense because I didn't know. That's when I knew, like, Sheen. I'm around that era. Yeah. You're part of it. You're part of YouTube history. I love it. I love it so much. Yeah, it was always funny. Every time, because Joey was, like, that was, like, his prime. And I remember, like, being scared of him. Or, like, when Colleen, trigger warning, would come. And we had to, like, hide because she would come through. But they would go up to, like, his room or whatever to collab. Wait, why would you have to hide? We just, like, couldn't be seen. Yeah.

T, why? We just like, we had to like really stay out of that because it was like, it was, we were working out of Megan and Joey's house. So like, you know, like, so we kind of had to be like hidden when, you know, Joey would come around or whatever. But she literally vlogged you guys. Like it wasn't a secret. That's so, first of all, it's kind of a flex to be like, these are my interns. I don't know their names. I don't want to know their names.

it was very bad yeah but we had to like i remember we'd always be like super quiet every time we heard joey's footsteps or like but yeah whenever he would they would let us know when joey had a collab i remember he did one with like like lucas crookshank it was lucas and jenny remember lucas and jenny and they were so big and they were coming over like okay we have to lie yeah that's wild they would walk through and like we wouldn't say hi or anything we would just like sit there and be like is this

house that was like kind of in the forest like it's kind of like foresty it was like in the hills yeah okay I remember I was like where is this house it's so cool Joey lived there I didn't know that yeah wow I think for like two years one or two years but yeah he lived with everyone because he lived with like Sawyer right and Anthony Padilla yeah

Yeah. That's wild. Yeah. I wonder why. He just didn't want to live alone because he had the money. I guess. Some people just don't like to live alone. They like to just like live with people. Yeah. That was always wild to me. Like YouTubers living with each other. It's something that I'm always like, what? It was so crazy. I loved it though. I loved it. I used to live in the Palazzo like years after Joey did, but I always thought it was bougie because he walked to Whole Foods and get his chicken. And I was like, yes. Memory.

Wow. You just spilled all the tea. I'm shook by that. Yeah. Just hide. It's just like quiet. Like, did not make a sound. Like, did not. As if we're going to be caught or something. But even though we're supposed to be there, like we were invited. But yeah. That's so funny. I love that. That was quite an era. That's for sure. That is. Oh, wow. We're back with the shoe cam. I love it.

I actually wore these shoes on an episode before we can't remember which one do you guys know which one I wore these on I did wear these before gosh I don't know but these are the ice spice ones she's wearing them in the princess diana video they're the exact ones they're actually a few hundred dollars but beware because those heels are sharp you can't see it but my right leg has literal just or my white toe has this crazy blood stain which we won't show on youtube but it looks like it looks

So severe. It looks like I literally lost a toe. But it's just like this. It weirdly cut the bottom of my big toe. It's very weird. I didn't feel any pain. I felt it. Like it tripped. I was like, ow, that kind of hurts. But it was crazy. So be careful with the heels. I don't know how you would even walk in these. These are for show for here. But one day when I get my own talk show and I have to walk out, it will not be in these shoes. Oh, that's going to be hard. When I do the Wendy Williams walkout.

But she wore her shoes out. I don't know. Maybe it was just when you walk out, we'll never be wide. We'll be close up. That's the idea. Do the slipper and switch. Have Moses come in, switch him real quick. That's actually a really smart idea. Because I thought about that. I was like, hmm, what would I do? All right. Big story. Top story of the day. Which is wild because I wasn't even talking about it. And you came in and like, this is the big story. And I was like, is it the big story? If you heard about it...

I saw it, but I was like, maybe it's my timeline because I actually follow one of the people involved. The other person involved, I feel like we've had like beef that shouldn't be beef either. We're probably like, why is there beef? And anyways, there's, okay, Jack's films and S.

Sniper Wolf. Yeah. Which I always thought was just Sniper Wolf. Me too. But it's S Sniper Wolf. Yeah. Yeah. Leah, I guess I would just call it because it's like easier to pronounce. I thought she was so pretty. You too. I always just thought she was so cute. I always loved when she had that boyfriend who was like a little heavier and she was always just like super skinny and like, I don't know. I like that dynamic in the sense that

It's like so it's like a stupid to say, but like, you know, she wasn't shallow. You know what I mean? She's like, oh, she just like loves this guy for his personality. I actually did not know about any of these like scandals that came out like mugshots. Again, no judgment. You know, we all have a past, but but that doesn't mean

I just thought she was really pretty. I never watched her react videos. I just always saw she reacted. That's how I found Dharmon in the first place because she would always react to Dharmon videos. And that's when we started on this channel. There's still Trish Talks. We thought about privating them, but people kind of like them. So we did like Dharmon parodies like two years ago. And it was because of Sniperwuv. I would see her react. So...

You know, this isn't the controversy, but part of the controversy is that she, like, steals people's content. She just, like, reacts to videos and steals content. But, like, Dharmon, maybe he was the exception to the rule, but I feel like she always said Dharmon. Like, that's how I found him. Like, I feel like she'd always say this is a Dharmon video. So, with Leah, she... Her whole thing is, like, reacting, right? And I'm, like, very...

like neutral, I guess on this, because I like, I knew of Leah. I didn't really know of Jack's films, but I sound like I haven't, I haven't really watched Leah either though. Like I've seen her here and there. Um, again, thought it was cute. I liked her glasses. And I thought she was just like, Oh, okay. Like, what is this? Like, I love the way she talks.

little body she's like a cosplayer not to like dagger down but you know she's cute like she was like gorgeous to me i was like wow this she had fancy houses in vegas she always had like mansions i was like oh she had like rules braces i'm like this girl's popping yeah yeah and so but her whole her whole channel is reacting to like different tiktoks and viral clips and has it always been like that i'm pretty sure well she used to do gaming before she used to play call of duty um and then she would also react to like gaming stuff before and then i guess

I started like I'd watch it here and there when TikTok started like blowing up. Like I remember I would look up like, you know, before like I was on TikTok, I would be like people would talk about a specific viral TikTok and I would YouTube it like a friggin senior citizen. And then, you know, Leah would come up. So that's when I would watch her. Right. So to me watching, I didn't watch a lot, but I was like, oh, I thought like that's how people found out about things. You know, like the soup or the talk or something, you know, like.

Was it the soup with Joe McHale? Yeah. Was for new clips. Yeah. So I guess like the difference is with Leah's stuff, like a lot of it, she's kind of like an aggregate. So she will react to a lot of different like viral TikToks. But-

She hasn't really added anything super substantial. It's kind of just commenting and narrating what's happening. And some of them, I guess she would... Some of the TikToks or clips that she comments on does have the handle of where she got it from or anything. But she doesn't link back. And she's not clearing beforehand. So with copyright law especially, from my work, we request to show different TikToks or whatever all the time. But we have to specifically...

reach out to the person who posted it and get their like written consent to repost their um whatever video they have like if it's a video of like taylor swift at a concert like i can't just see that and grab it i have to reach out get their permission document that i have their permission and then attribute that clip wherever i show it if it's on tv or if it's on a different platform attribute it to that person so with leah she's not like getting all that clearance before um

posting or reacting. Isn't there also though, and again, I'm not on anyone's side because I just thought she was pretty and whatever, but like, isn't there like fair use? Because I see my stuff getting reacted to all the time. Yeah. So the whole thing with fair use is that the content has to be transformative. So that's where Jax Films has kind of like been calling out Leah for a while because they're

There's nothing super transformative about her content. Like she'll narrate or react to it, but she's playing out the clips in full and not like editing it in a specific way or like read or trying to like tell a story basically, if that makes sense. Like you kind of have to make edits or and change that intellectual property enough to where like you kind of make it your own a little bit. Like the whole thing. So Jack Stones has been calling her out on that for a long time because it's pretty much just like,

the entertainment comes from all the TikToks that she's pulling and she's not really adding much of like her own to it as a criticism. I just recently found that out about Jack's films because like I saw it trending obviously and I actually wasn't even aware there's beef like honestly I didn't and like Jack's film has been around as long as I have. I think he's been on like 17 years and it's like the same as me and okay let me just set the record straight on this because I do feel like for some reason I'm intertwined and this is probably I'm probably his Gabby Hanna where he's like I don't want to be involved with this girl like where did this come from? There was always like this like on

ongoing and it really was like a joke that I didn't like Jack's films because to me Jack's films was always truly I thought he was like just like liked by everyone like it was it's like hating Philip DeFranco or something like you're just like I thought it was just like a random beef to have but it was never like meant to be serious and I was like taken serious like and I was just like oh my gosh like um and then I then got brought up something and it was just like literally one time when we met we met and he talked about this we met a couple times like at a Shane Dawson thing he was very nice and it was

And then it was just like another time at the Shorty Awards. And I just said, I mentioned in a story, I don't even remember seeing it online, but maybe I did. But that was never what I hung on to where it was like I was at the vlog spot and he was at our table. He was like, because he was accepting awards, he was just like by himself and he went up, whatever. And he said hi to everyone but me and my feelings were hurt, whatever. And it wasn't like, but that was never why I was like, I hate Jacksfilms. Like I never, to me, I always thought it was funny. I always thought it was just a random beef to have with someone. Not knowing that it was going to turn into a real beef. And so like, I apologize. Like I truly, like I said, Jacksfilms probably like, ah.

what I don't want to know this person I think he said that like recently in something I think he was just like I don't want to talk to her totally totally fine I was like I get it like it's really not that deep and then it became really deep and I was like oh my god I'm so sorry so full transparency but I also thought like I said I knew Jack's films from just being an OG YouTuber like I always thought he was like creative like he used to have that like um why dad I think it was like your grammar sucks or something I don't know that's not why that's like why yes I don't know I just

I'm going to be like this dummy. But he's into like a Hamilton like parody where he's like rapping by like Bill Bowie. Like I always thought his stuff was like kind of creative. So like, I don't know. Again, totally different genres. He was friends with Sean Klitzner, which that's a throwback from the past. Do you remember Sean Klitzner? Him and Tobuscus and Tobuscus and Jack's films. They had like this thing called like the Sideburns crew or something. They were like a band. I don't know. Where is Tobuscus? That's a whole other thing. Is he okay? He's probably, there's like a whole sexual assault thing with him. God.

Are you serious? Okay, well, whatever. But they were like, he was, but Jack's films were really close to Sean Klitzner, and Sean Klitzner always seemed like a really nice guy. He was like a host, I think. Like, nice and non-problematic. So again, that's why it's almost like me starting a beef with Sean Klitzner. Like, just random. Or Luke Connard. Or just someone random. I don't know. I guess it wasn't random. Jack's really cute. So let me just clear that up so there's not, like, some preconceived notion that I'm a Jack's films hater. Like, I actually think he's very sweet. Like, he seems sweet. I didn't know about this stuff with Sniperwolf. Like,

I saw the screenshot from Sniper Wolf of him, like all the videos he's done. Was that in a row or she just putting her name with his and showing all the ones that came up? So Jack Jones had like called out, um, maybe it's been like a year now, but he also started like a channel where he basically like react slash parodies to like, um, Sniper Wolf, SS Sniper Wolf. I thought it was at

Where he like reacts to Leah's content. A separate channel, not Jaxfilms. It's J-J-Jaxfilms. It's like kind of mocking like Leah's channel. But it's the same channel. It's Jaxfilms channel. It's Jaxfilms. It's a side channel basically of Jaxfilms. It's not on Jaxfilms. Not on the proper Jaxfilms, no. Okay, so he started a whole new channel to do this. A side channel, yes. Okay, I kind of respect that

that that's kind of like a parody i feel yeah like at least it's not like on his main channel where his whole thing is becoming her because i went to his main channel and there's like a few about her yeah he's definitely done a few videos like um talking about like the different antics and calling her out and stuff on the main channel but he created a separate channel where he basically will react to leah's reactions and he doesn't like that it's not transformative that she doesn't really add her own commentary and he doesn't like that she isn't

clearing all the videos from like the different TikTokers or wherever she pulls the videos from. So the way he does it is he will spoof on Leah's video, but he also will reach out to all the TikTokers that Leah's pulled the videos from to get their permission. So he's kind of like showing the right way that she should be doing it. I kind of like that. Also, wait one second. Where did that donut go? Did you eat a donut? What? Donut eating break. Did you eat one?

I would have loved that. I didn't know we were eating the donuts. I think it was Skellington. Babe! I think Skellington had a donut. I'm starving over here. I didn't know we had... When did you eat that? I didn't even see you eat it. Roll back the tape again. Did you see it? I saw it sneak over there. When we were rolling? When we were setting up. Yeah. Post-break. Really? It was part of the design. Why didn't you tell me? You didn't offer me a bite. You can have one now. I'm far away. No, we're talking about various things anyways.

I mean, love that you have that. I wish I would have known on the break. I almost thought about having one because I was like, I could use a little sugar rush. Well, I wanted to test it to see if you like it. And I think you'll really like it. They look delicious. They do, right? Yes, they look great. Back to Jack's films. First of all, I love that it's separate. Yeah. Yes. Okay. And I kind of love that he's doing that, like crediting the things. I think that's like a cute way of doing it.

Continue though. Yeah. So he's like kind of showing like the proper or like respectable way that reaction channels should go about. Is he dogging on Leah? Like is he making fun of her looks or anything like that? No, it's not about – it's not her looks. It's like the actual content that she's – it's about the content she's making. Yeah. So he's always kind of been very vocal about reaction channels that go about the quote unquote the lazy way, which just like –

using other people's content you film yourself watching it but you're not adding much to it you know frustrating i think back in the day i would like like people's videos that were just like like showing my entire like podcast but not adding anything to it and i know i got in heat for that trouble but i'm just like don't take my end because they would get more views than mine my district trish actually they would put my whole like like like maybe 10 minutes of the interview up there and everyone was getting more views to that and i was like

So I was fighting it because I was like, wait, I'm putting in production. I'm putting in money and all this stuff. So like, yeah. Okay. I kind of get that. Yeah. So that's kind of like the side that he's like kind of, you know, trying to stand up for. And how it started is like YouTube really pushes like Leah's content. And they've had her like as a featured creator. Yeah. And. It's everywhere. Like you see her thumbnails everywhere. You see. Like you get so many views. Yeah. It's.

It's insane. And I think he was really set off when like VidCon was like really promoting her and talking about it. And Leah was saying, I get my content ideas from my fans, blah, blah, blah. And that he like had a problem with that, obviously, because it's like, you know, you're kind of just pulling TikToks and not really doing anything transformative with them. So that he kind of like made that his platform, Leah specifically. So they've been kind of, um,

going at it for, I think like about a year. June is when I caught on this past June. Cause that's when Leah like clapped back. And that's when she posted that screenshot. Like this guy's harassing me, posting all these videos. Interesting. Who has the stronger fan base? Cause like two big fan bases are scary. Fan bases. I don't have, I've never had a big fan base. I'm scared to be involved. Like even talking about this, I'm like, whose fan base is coming for us? I mean, they're both very big. I think Leah's fan base is,

It's like a lot of children, I think. Okay. Because it's like... As a kid... Or someone who doesn't have full access... Anyone who doesn't have full access to TikTok or whatever... You kind of will go... You just want to see them all in one place, basically. And that's kind of what Leah's channel is. It's like putting all the funny, viral, trendy TikToks together in one place. And you can...

You don't have to go searching for it. Right. Kind of like a BuzzFeed listicle or something. Right. Where they just put everything in one place so you can consume it all. Yeah. But yeah, they're both very popular. I have to say when I first heard about this in June without the full context, I was like – Leah had basically said like, he's talking on me because I'm a successful woman that's doing this and he's not getting as many views as me. And I was like –

Okay, like, let me take her side. Like, period. Totally, yeah. Period. The big scandal recently, though, is that Leah had actually doxed Jack's films. And that's why everything blew up these past few days. So wild. I woke up to this as a Saturday morning. And this is, like, so wild. Because, like, I didn't know about this beef, first of all. But this is, like, so...

so wild because I think of Leah right again before all this obviously happened I was like oh my god this like sweet little girl like just keeps to herself on the internet you know and I'm just like wait what like that's so wild and of course I was like to me that just can't be true like it's obviously not true and then when I saw like the stories and stuff like I was like wow that's

And then, of course, all this stuff came out, like, you know, just to her past, you know, arrests, I guess. I don't know. Like, her past. And you know what? In that sense, you know, and then here's, like, where it is kind of twisted with, like, sexism, I guess you could say. It's, like, you know, you think, like, again, I didn't know the severity of it. I did not know she was, like, at his house or anything like that. But I was, like, oh, my God, why is he, like, scared? He's scared of this, like, girl or whatever like that. But then it's, like, you know, I think one...

think one of course if someone's at your house you're just gonna be scared like oh my god this is like real also he was like live streaming at the time which I've always said about live streaming it's so terrifying because if someone knows you're live streaming and they really want to make like a

Spectacle. Right? Yeah. Like, you know? And I was just like, oh my gosh, that's scary. And then, you know, again, not to judge people who've been like arrested, you know, whatever. But, you know, then you start thinking like, oh, okay, this person like maybe – I think she's had like armed robbery and I think a domestic dispute. So you are kind of maybe like – again, not to be whatever, but I know for me in slamming, it's like, why are you scared of this girl? You know what I mean? Like you're a guy – whatever. But, yeah. I mean, no, you can totally be – you should –

someone shows up at your house I would be terrified too and like seeing his video he made a response video I think it was yesterday was it Sunday you know he had like a two minute video and he's just like we're like scared at our house his wife was scared and his wife had a again I didn't even know like he got married like that's amazing like I think that's so cool so he has like his wife is there she's like a civilian that's like such a weird way to put it but she has a non public job and she basically was like tweeting at YouTube and was like so what I was basically just like you know I'm a non YouTuber and like my privacy has like been doxxed is

Okay, two questions about doxing. One, instantly I was on Jackson's side with that. Which is weird because I'm a Leah fan and like...

Not that I'm a jacksman playing around. I'm a Leah fan. Like, you know, whatever. I didn't believe it. But obviously that one, I was like, holy shit. She's like, outside. It's like, if someone took a picture of the outside of my house, I would be so freaked out. I don't care if it was like the like Bobby Althoff. I'd be like, you know, I'd be so scared. But it's like, so I get that. But is doxing, two things. Is doxing illegal and is it against YouTube's terms of service? It's definitely against YouTube's terms of service. And doxing is like, okay, just to be clear, because I don't really know. Doxing is like...

If you take a picture of someone's house, it's doxing. Because not that it's okay. Obviously, anyone can find this stuff like that. But it's like if you don't show the address, I don't know. Like these things, obviously, like a picture. Nowadays, people can just, using a picture, can find somebody. Okay. So, yeah. Like on Reddit, they're famous for that. Yeah, that was a dumb thing for me.

No, not at all. Not at all. Because you would think, okay, I'll blur the address. Right. But people use satellite views and things to find a house. It's also a little threatening. Like if you're doing it on someone's story and it's like they're live and you're just like, I'm outside your house. Yeah.

Yeah, that's kind of scary. Yeah. So, okay. So it's against YouTube's terms of service. So I guess that becomes the thing here is like do – because even if it's not against X's terms of service, I know you can get deplatformed on different platforms. You know what I mean? If you dock someone. So –

But they probably just won't write. And that's what everyone's mad about because she's so popular. They push her so much. She makes so much money. Yeah. And it's like, when has YouTube actually... There's been a lot of people who have committed some crazy crimes on YouTube. And it's like... I mean, look at like eight passengers. It took literally being arrested for like the channels to be taken down. Or Onision with Chris Hansen coming for him. Like, okay, we'll demonetize him. Yeah. So it's... I don't know how... I don't know if they would ever like actually take action like that. I think just because she makes so much money for that. It's...

It's kind of like not fair because that is kind of wild. Like she's so big and so rich. Like she does like know better. And I feel like that's one of those things that's like... And then the next day her... I think what also like made people upset is her kind of like mocking it. Being like with her sister. Did you see that? Yeah. Where she's like, we show up to your house. What are you doing? Yeah. And it's like...

Like just like really bad taste. And I think that's again where the – is sexism the right word? I keep using the sexism. The sexism in the world is kind of like not fair because it's kind of like – obviously a lot of people aren't jackass as I feel like I probably take jackass in this. But it's almost like one of those things where it's like because she's a girl, she gets off with it. She can make the jokes as opposed to if it was a guy showing up to a girl's house and making that joke, it would be a lot – More threatening. Yeah. Yeah.

yeah because you just don't you just don't know anybody you just don't know what they're capable of like even if they're famous or whatever yeah and doxing is illegal in california which i think also i think because i heard he was going to pursue legal action so that wouldn't make sense why he would and she took it down so she kind of had to know if she really stood by because what did she say she said she just wanted to talk and i was like girl girl you know and those kind

those kind of situations you have to question like are you okay because like oh I think it's one of those things where I'm sure you're just like oh that was not smart but yeah I know so it was like I don't know it was hard because again like my like instinct to go with the girl was to go with the girl and then and like in June without even like knowing much of it I just like mentally was like oh yeah like I agree with you Leo just like I'm it's not like I would say anything but just like in my head that's the side I took but then with

With the doxing thing, no one deserves to feel unsafe in their home, period. And then especially when it comes to influencer stuff, it crosses a line where I feel like people kind of – when you're in the content creation thing and you – especially Leah who's a machine posting so much and that's her whole life. I feel like you can almost lose the reality, the humanity, the seriousness of the situation. You don't think about it. It is wild. But she's just been on the internet long enough I feel like to know. Yeah. I really don't know why she would –

That was wild. Yeah, it was really wild. And I think that's when you do get almost a little more scared because you're like, whoa, like this is an unhinged person that showed up to my house because that is like the most like violating thing. It's one thing to have like a random fan do it. It's awful. Like I think when random, like we're like pretty secure in here so no one can even like come up to us. But when it's happened before, it's like so violating. But then you have this big YouTuber who you think is like who you have beef with or something like that show up to your house and then you're like, I don't really know

what this person's capable of. Like, they just showed up to my house. You wouldn't think that with a YouTuber. Yeah. And it's also, like, the fan base. Like, even if, like, you know, Leah wouldn't do anything, it also just, like, enables one of the followers to. And, like, granted. Yes.

it or maybe like 95 of her followers probably like same kid who wouldn't do anything yeah of course but you don't know there could be literally just like one out of those three million people who that like enables and like radicalizes to like you know do something crazy you know that's a huge thing i think with like big fandoms or big following people forget that like if you're inciting your fans to do something like that's also a crime you know what i mean if you're inciting something well not only inciting it she's like basically showing like a blueprint like go do this and stuff like that which i think is because if something did happen and like i

God, it's like, and you can't move that easily. It's not like you can just up and move. They probably own their house. You know what I mean? It's like, it is one of those things where it's like, you know, now there's this beef, it's very public. And maybe there's someone who's in love with Leah or like something like that. That's like, how dare you do this to her? You know, it's like, I mean, she's kind of like at fault for it. Cause she kind of exposed it and showed his house. Right. And she's saying it's on Google. Yeah.

I don't know. I didn't look it up, but I mean, even so. Yeah, that was like the defense. Like, oh, if you just Google that, you could find it. Oh, oh, I thought she said he posted it for some, like posted it on his like Twitter or something. No, I don't know. I just, I think the sister said like, oh, just look on Google. It was like one of the tweets. Well, I mean, then yeah,

Yeah. If you can't just like make it easier for, you know, it's kind of like one of those things when you educate yourself, you like see the layers like, oh, this whole thing's kind of like messed up because like beforehand I was like, oh yeah, like team girl is what it's like. Very my stance. And you do see like the harass, like you see all these videos and you're like,

like oh he's arresting like leafy is here got banned for making a ton of videos on pokemane yeah i don't know i don't really know that situation either i don't know what he was coming for her for but it's like if you're critiquing someone's content versus like again i don't know what leafy did obviously something enough to get banned but i've had people like just attack my like looks constantly just attack me my baby like that kind of stuff like that's a little more harassment when you just make video after video about how awful like a person is and how whatever as opposed like just critiquing and also probably creatively or something that you know it's

It does. It is kind of scary. It is kind of crazy. And then she called him like, what is she? She called him like a stalker. What did she say? She said. In June, she called him a stalker and she made a joke about his hairline. Oh, see. But that's again, there's like sexist things.

Yeah. Yeah.

And then it also like, it is annoying having someone like make content continuously about you, like not stop talking about you. You're just like, oh my gosh. But at the end of the day, like really if you can like rise above that and just be like not paying attention to it, it's just like-

But I know how annoying that can be too. But this is like a whole extreme thing. The doxing thing is like there's just no excuse for it. You know, it's like you just – you can't do that to another high-profile like YouTube creator or really anyone but especially someone like on that level. If it's illegal in California, that's like a global crime. Yeah, you just don't do it. You don't commit a crime. That's what I'm saying. There's canceled and then there's people being criminals. Remember I asked you like the first episode. I was like, what kind of women don't you like? You're like criminals. And I was like, yeah.

yeah like that's you know yeah like you're really putting people's like safety in jeopardy and then and he's married and has dogs and I think she said something about one of his dogs or something like I can see or maybe someone just made that up but it was crazy to watch the live stream like I just I of course saw it on X and stuff like that and just like the kind of like fear he's just like wait what and then like his wife was like I'm gonna go outside I'm honestly like his wife's tough she's like I'm just gonna go out there I was like I

Oh, my God. I would have never because you just never know. But it sounds like a Lifetime movie or something. It just sounds so scary. Yeah. I don't know. It's hard because I'm like, the way that it should have been handled, it could have been done, like, so easily. You know? It's like, if Jack is, like, calling Leah out, you know, like, and showing the way that –

the reaction channel game, like should be like done more, you know, ethically to other creators and stuff. Yeah. It wouldn't have been that hard to just be like, okay, like I understand that I'm going to do things a little bit differently going forward. Like all you'd have to do is like, it takes more work to like reach out and clear and get people's permission to like react to their videos. But when you're making that much money, you could have a team do it for you. Yeah. So when you're like monetizing other people's content,

And especially it's like a lot of like random, you know, people with TikTok, anyone can go viral as a thing, you know? So it's like literally anyone, it's like they make money most of the time. They're not in the creator program, you know, they're not making hella money. Yeah, no, it's just random. Yeah. So to like make money, millions of dollars really like off of like- Millions. I mean, she has like Rolls Royces, mansions, like that girl's making like millions on it. She gets sponsorships and she's making-

crazy and to be so endorsed by youtube too so it's like not only making millions but then you're being like pushed by youtube so like the way that really should have been handled is just like addressing it kind of like you today with like i'm gonna be more positive today like just take the note and be like okay like how can i because not all criticism is like valid i feel like jack's for the most part was very valid like as far as how to properly you know do a reaction channel and i feel like just

taking that criticism in and like adapting and doing it wouldn't have been like the hardest thing in the world you know just like and that would have been and if she did that then i would be able to like you know be like yeah like you did that you reacted you responded to jack the right way you know but yeah and then if he kept going then he just looks like obsessed you know what i mean but like it is probably frustrating he has been around for 17 years you see someone get pushed for doing this like content that you don't like agree with like i get it i mean it's dedication honestly on his channel on his

his effort, but I get it if it's something you're like passionate about. And he's also like a very large creator. So I think like his voice means more than most people like calling her out, saying like stealing content and stuff like that. I mean, the day we are siding with the straight man, like that's when you know he went dumb. I know. Because I will always take a girl's eye back. Yes, go. Especially her. I feel like we've talked in the DMs before, like just briefly and nothing like any crazy, but I've always really, really liked her. So I just, I'm like so touched.

Is it one of those ones where I unfollow? Because I honestly felt that way when I was watching your stories the next day. I'm like, I don't want to support this or like that you're friends with someone, you know, that you're following someone and, you know, I don't know. Yeah. It is one of those things where I think once you're a criminal, like, well, like it's fine if you're a criminal, but like if you like atone for your, you know, if you're a criminal in the moment. Yeah. Unfollow, you know what I mean? Until you can, because that's a criminal. I mean, that's criminal. It's really breaking the law. Yeah. Yeah.

to to dock someone and it's crazy if there is no repercussions in real life or on youtube i think youtube hurts worse for her because that's like her job yeah and but i i don't see it happening and i don't feel again if it was a mistake i feel like she can like reach out and apologize to jack rather than kind of like egg it on and be like you know doing the jokes like if you're showing up she has to be doing or also just like minimalizing it and being like you know we just want to talk like

Like, as if, like, everyone's dumb. I was like, why? What? I know. Yeah, I'm just, like, disappointed, I think, too, because it's just, like, it's like a tired moment. Like, we were rooting for you. We were all rooting for you. We were all rooting for you. And I feel like it's just, yeah. And she was doing so good. And it's just, like, you know, you could have just kept it moving. When you're doing so well and you have that much, like, money and fame, it's, like, you just don't think you would be bothered by people saying that because, like, they'll always be critics. And, again, it's bad criticism. But if, like, YouTube's not doing anything about it, I guess, you know, if you don't think it's wrong. Yeah. Yeah.

um you know keep doing it rather than just like acknowledge i think acknowledging it might have been a bad mistake but also going to the house was so crazy yeah it's just it's frustrating because it just could have been if she just responded to the criticism i think in a healthy way then it's like jack when i've had made his like a side channel and like you know it could have just avoided a lot of stuff and too because going like before like the doxing situation she was okay making a whole channel and dedicated to like ripping apart another person's content i was like that's just like a lot

a lot right because it's like that looks like you're obsessed yeah and it's like you're also now making money it's like okay you're calling it out yeah but and like i'm from a moral standpoint but it's like you're also making money off of it right so it's like is it really taking like the moral high ground when you're profiting off of it that's where like my like whole conundrum was you know because it's like it's like your job because i get like that too with what we do i sometimes i'm just like uh like you are like profiting off of other people's like misfortunes or whatever if we talk about gossip but

But I will say it like again, and I'm just because I support Jack. So I'm just like posing the question really, you know, but it's like, okay, with you, it's like if you had like every if you had a whole channel where every single thing was like looking back at like Colleen's videos and like, yeah, if you had a whole channel looking back at your podcast and every collab video you did with her, wouldn't people say, oh, Trisha's obsessed. Trisha's crazy. Or even like look at like Adam when he was doing like a lot of Colleen videos back and back like he didn't get views. Yeah, but he also had a lot of critics saying like,

you're obsessed like you need to move on blah blah blah so it's interesting with like a straight man um

you know the the dynamic is a little bit different i guess like he does i don't know if he gets like as much criticism saying like okay like you know we get it because he gets a lot he gets like 400 000 plus views per yeah there's not even like a personal relationship i feel like with adam i've always like defended him in that sense because like he had this like personal relationship traumatized him and it's like you should talk about it forever there was someone else i talked about oh yeah we had another guest and she's talking about like her breakup and she's like i've been talking about this forever and i'm like honestly like you're allowed to talk about if you have that yeah

that's interesting yeah I don't know I mean I definitely it was like originally like yeah wow it's like a lot to do all these videos on her but I guess at this point it's like a parody and um yeah she probably should have just ignored it but yeah uh it's scary I hope I hope something's like done it is frustrating when like nothing gets done like these people and so far it's been so many females this year it's like females like what it's like you know I don't know when something when there's no action being taken and a serious one like when it's like something serious like that like

I just think that everyone knows like a, like a, just every sane person knows to like not go to someone's house, especially film it then on top of that. I remember I'd be scared just like driving in like studio city that I would see like the vlog spot or something and then seeing it, I was stalking them. I was like always scared to like, like let me just get out of this neighborhood.

to the state road as fast as possible so no one thinks I'm stalking them because that's like it's just it's just weird I don't know it seems like the majority like random YouTubers I haven't seen in a long time like there's one called Cinnamon Toast Ken who I remember back in the day I remember his girlfriend um I like knew her I think we did a music video together and he like supported and like all these people and so like you know I think the YouTube community takes it very seriously so hopefully like YouTube does I just think at the end of the day she just makes so much money for them they probably won't

yeah yeah i don't know i really don't know because it's not like they take action they take action very very rarely and what was like the most with like a quote-unquote like scandal or whatever was just like demonetization for a little bit but like even they bring it back yeah but russell brand was demonetized so quickly after with his recent um it's not a scandal i guess crimes allegedly in the uk and they took his off real quick so i feel sad i

I feel sad. I feel like that situation is scary for like everyone just because like it happens once and people let it go and it's just like it can happen again and then people like you said and like you said it's more even like maybe she won't do anything but like a fandom like that's what always scared me as like someone from the fandom would come and like because it really is like I've been in huge fandoms and then when I leave you know it's like that fandom like it's wow I so see where you live I know where this is you know it's almost like that and that's it's literally such a scary feeling even like

those hate pages and stuff like that when they know like oh this is the schools around her area that her daughter would go to or the thing it's like it is the worst feeling because even though they're kind of empty threats out there like there's just so much like darkness and it takes like one weirdo person and yeah and like you can't just move that easily we stand with jack's films i've never had beef with him and i feel like that i don't know when that sometimes when the name comes up i always feel like embarrassed like oh my god he probably thinks i have this beef and i'm obsessed and all that stuff like that no beef you said that too i couldn't remember

if you have you. If I say Jack's films, am I going to trigger her? No, we have zero. He's actually been lovely to me. There was like one occasion. It was very busy. It was a shorty where I did not say hi. My feelings were hurt because I'm very sensitive, but he actually always has been pleasant. So there's that. And Sean Klitzner, I love. Keep all the Sean Klitzner stuff in because he was always very nice to me too. He was very Sean Klitzner. Positive vibes today. Oh my God.

vibes all around and positive vibes to Leah. I hope like to me that's almost like someone that doesn't. It's weird because you know you see someone that's like so famous so rich you think they're like so smart but then you're almost like hmm like I hope they're okay because it's like that's a weird thing to just do. Even though I completely agree with like Jack and like Sam with Jack it's like I don't like wish ill towards Leah and I feel like I just I'm

I'm interested to see how she responds and hopefully she takes, she like learn, I hope it's a learning experience. That's true too. Like taking away someone's like job and like livelihood, if it was like an error in judgment, like if she really like meant no harm, but it's like at what level can you use that excuse? Like, yeah, do you believe it? Like, yeah, I'm the same way. I'm just like, Oh no, it's all, it's all sad. Oh,

Oh, gosh. Well, you guys, this has been a very positive and uplifting Trish Talk. Obviously, the end. We always get a little heavy. We always get a little heavy. It kind of makes me scared. I'm just like, oh, my God. I'm scared for everyone involved right now. But wishing well. Positive vibes to Bobby Althoff and who else? Jada Pinkett and Maluma, Bad Bunny, Kendall Jenner. Everyone we talked about. I spiced.

coming next week on Jess Trish. Could you imagine? Oh my God, I would love that. We love it. We love iSpice. We love our Dunkin'. Not sponsored. Should be. They sponsor a lot of people. iSpice drink for the win. We did not drink at all. There's proof over there. We only drank a little bit. One donut missing. I'm shocked. I'm shook by all of it. I'm still shook we didn't get this donut break. It's fine. Stay tuned. I'm going to go get a Squishmallow.

McDonald's. You should do one. You should do one. Thank you. You have a channel. You have a channel. You don't have a TikTok? No. So when you eat, you just eat. You don't like, you don't film it. I always think that. People order food. I'm like, they never. What a life. Simple life. All right. This has been Jess Trish and we will see you on Thursday.