cover of episode Worst Classes in Highschool

Worst Classes in Highschool

Publish Date: 2023/6/23
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Now, I don't know how y'all feel about school, but personally, me, I hated school. That shit was booty cheeks. I gotta tell you how many times I was praying to the heavens just waiting for the day to be over. It was crazy to me that we had to spend seven hours in this godforsaken prison. Either way, it still felt like solitary confinement to all of us, unless you were that one nerdy kid that was like, I'm

Actually, I love learning. Okay, Lil Bro, shut the fuck- And a lot of the reason as to why I did hate school is because a lot of the classes sucked. We were just in there doing some bullshit. I don't know. Like, it just didn't feel like any of the classes would have any sort of use towards me, bro. Like, I kind of just felt like I was wasting my time.

When I entered high school, I kind of realized I'm like, oh shit, bro. I'm not going to need like half these classes when I leave. I got this video idea from Koff. So check out his channel if you'd like. The link is in the description. Now let's start off with music class. Now music class for me, I was pretty much just forced to play an instrument and it kind of sucked because I had no desire or passion to play an instrument, but they kind of just made me play an instrument anyway. When I was in elementary school, I had to play the recorder and that shit was ass.

I'm sure about everybody watching this video can relate to that. I know so many of you probably had to play the recorder in elementary school. I know that wasn't just me. And of course I sucked ass at the recorder, bro. When it was my turn to play, the music teacher, he was like, okay, birdie, uh, you're up. Here we go. Yo, watch. He's gonna fuck it up. Yeah, he's definitely gonna fuck this up.

That's literally what would happen every time my mouth would touch the recorder. Pause. And I'd have to painfully go through the entire song while everybody would just watch me like, fail at like almost every single note. And it was kind of tough because we were supposed to practice it like over and over again. And ain't no way I'm practicing that shit over and over again. I got new Super Mario Bros to play. Fuck that shit, bro. Like I was really cooking up in a completely different studio, if you get what I'm saying.

Like, I'm like, hell nah, bro, I ain't practicing shit, bro. I'm gonna go home and play some Nintendo games instead, because I knew, in like a few years, this shit wouldn't even matter anyway. Like, I was not passionate about this shit at all, so it just didn't really matter to me. I mean, in middle school, there were some times where we had to play an instrument, but it was more or less just learning about music. Still, it was boring as shit, and I would sleep in like most of the classes. And I was just not passionate about it at all, which is why I just did not even bother taking it in high school. Like, I had the option not to, and I was like, fuck that, bro, I'm done.

Next up we got art class. Now art class, I mean, it wasn't bad for the most part. I had this one art teacher that was a fucking bitch, bro. She was always on my ass whenever I'd do something, quote, incorrect. And I mean, as you can see from my drawing skills, my beautiful MS paint drawings, like I'm not artistically talented, bro, but I'm trying my best, all right? I'm doing the most to make these videos and get these out on a timely manner. You know, I got to feed the streets with some content, bro. But obviously, since I was really shit at drawing, my art teacher did not like me.

At all. I couldn't even draw a straight line, bro. And for God's sake, I still can't even draw a straight line. It's kind of embarrassing. It is what it is, but I somehow made it work. She would literally take my fucking paper, throw it out, and tell me to redo that shit. It was just unfortunate. And every girl in the class, she would treat them, like, completely differently. She would be like, oh...

It's okay, honey. Just redraw it and you'll be all good. But this lady was just fucking screaming at me for no reason, bro. Over a goddamn straight line. It's insane. Now, obviously I'm gonna start crying because I'm in fourth grade. I'm not trying to be screamed at by an old hag. What if my passion was to be an artist one day? That would have completely killed my dreams. And she would have been responsible for that.

But if I'm drawing like I have a goddamn stroke, then no. It's definitely not my passion. But I do love these simple drawings though, because you don't have to put like a shit ton of detail in them. And I really like the simplistic vibe of it, you know? And for the rest of my art classes, they weren't so bad. I mean, even though it kind of sucked, the teacher wasn't an old hag, so I was able to get through it.

Next up, we got English class. Now, English class was fucking dog shit, all right? Like, I just didn't understand anything that was going on at all. Like, I was just completely lost when people would say the answers in class. Like, God, bro, I was pretty slow, all right, when it came to reading. Because in elementary school, my ass was in the lowest reading group. So, obviously, I was destined not to like English. And I was kind of behind in reading comprehension, too. So, it just wasn't gonna work out for me. Now, next up, we got history. History was...

Boring as shit, bro. I'd always get put to sleep right away. No matter if the teacher tried to do the most to keep my ass awake, nah, bro, I was going right to sleep. History, it just didn't even matter what teacher I had. It didn't matter if they were really cool, but the subject was just boring as shit, in my opinion, at least. I don't know, I just never really found any of it interesting. Last semester, I had to do history for college, right? And I didn't know what the fuck I was doing, but I still passed the class, even though I didn't even pay attention once.

Like, I don't know when the hell I'm gonna need history in my life ever again, but I could not tell you a single thing that I learned in that class. I don't remember shit. And why do we always have to remember the most insignificant facts? Like, oh yeah, by the way, this happened in 1877. Remember that, guys? Like, who cares if some-

Founding father wiped his ass for the first time in 1877. Like, bro, I don't give a sh- I'm just trying to get through the school day and leave, bro. Like, I just don't care. But the worst part of history is when we had to learn about goddamn Neanderthals in middle school. I don't know how I sustained the brainpower to get through that class, but that would have been mission impossible for me right now. Ain't no way I'm doing that shit ever again. Next up, we got Jim. Now, Jim, it wasn't bad for the most part, but you had some kids out here thinking they were like NBA prospects dunking on some fucking emo kid. Like, clearly he's not playing the game.

Like, I don't know why you dunk it on him. He's too busy writing poems about how he hates his life, even though his mom just bought him a new Beamer. And this kid wouldn't even play on the basketball team or anything, like, he was just a sweat for no reason, bro. Gym class itself wasn't so bad now that I think about it. It was- it was the people in it that made it fucking garbage. Every time we played dodgeball, it would go a little something like this.

Bro, oh my god, this kid's so garbage. Holy sh- What do you want me to do? I just caught three balls. And I didn't get you in, unfortunately, because I got out. Like, what do you want me to do? It's not like I'm not trying at all, bro. I'm doing the most over here. Like, I was one-handed them bitches, too. I was really showing off. But these motherfuckers still say I'm trash just because I didn't catch enough balls to get them back in. But instead, I got that one emo dude too busy writing poems back in.

And his ass got knocked back out right away. People were treating this shit like they were about to get drafted to the fucking NFL if they caught a touchdown in gym football. These motherfuckers would really do some sort of touchdown celebration like, bro, it ain't that deep. It's just gym class. I understand if people want to try, you know, it is what it is. Some people are more competitive than others, but there's no reason to sweat your nuts off and think you're like some kind of NBA prospect just because you're on the fucking basketball court.

court in the gymnasium. I was definitely not a math nerd, bro, but I was behind in math in elementary school. Like I was actually slow as fuck in school. Like it was crazy how behind I was, but you know what? I still made it work somehow. But anyways, as I progressed into middle school, math kind of became easier for me. But in high school, this shit was like a foreign language. Like what the

fuck is that? Even though I passed the class to this day, I don't remember what that shit even means. I don't know what it is. And I never used it ever again. And to be honest with you, that doesn't exactly surprise me because it's the most useless shit I've ever seen. Like, unless you're actually going into a math profession, then fair enough. But what the

fuck is that? This shit really some hieroglyphics, bro. Like this is some shit I'd see on fucking Cardi lyrics. But luckily I think I'm done with math for good. I don't think I ever have to do math again. So thank God for that. But apparently for some reason I have to do this next one because it's so important for whatever reason. Science. Fuck science. I've always hated science with a burning passion. In elementary school, science was like really fun and we do these really cool experiments. And because of that, I really grew to like science in elementary school.

But as soon as I hit middle school, I was like, yeah, fuck that shit. Because we went from that to just staring at goddamn rock. Like, what use am I going to get out of staring at rocks? Like, please tell me. Like, I would love to know. Like, geology class is really fucking garbage. Like, I don't know why the fuck I had to take that shit. I don't know. Maybe it was just these specific subjects alone that made me hate science, like biology, geology, and all this other bullshit that I had to do. And to be honest with you, that's why I hate a lot of things like education related. You can thank school for that. To this day, I don't read.

And I hate reading because of school because they assign me some books that I don't fucking like and I think it's kind of the same thing with like Subjects and shit is why I don't like science, but we can't forget chemistry now chemistry was a goddamn foreign language to me I took that shit in high school and I had this dude as my teacher that was literally a pro smite player Yeah, I don't know how you go from a pro smite player to a goddamn chemistry teacher But it I mean anything's possible now this guy he was chill, but he was like so nervous in front of the class, but

And I felt bad for my boy. I mean he was practically teaching a goddamn foreign language to a bunch of 10th graders. Now we got health. I already made a video on health class, but in summary it was just really fucking awkward for everybody. Like we really had to go home after watching a goddamn child be born on a box TV from the 90s. That shit was fully uncensored and everything like I don't know I don't think I needed to see that in the seventh grade bro. Like that's crazy to me. Want another video to watch? Watch this video on screen. Anyways, I'm out, bye.