cover of episode Inauguration Observations

Inauguration Observations

Publish Date: 2021/1/23
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The Jann Arden Podcast


Shownotes Transcript

It feels like a brand new world because there's great things happening all over the world today. Hey, listen, I'm working on a new song. Boy, hey guys, new world, new day.

The Nina Simone song comes to mind. ♪ It's a new dawn, it's a new day ♪ ♪ It's a new life for me ♪ I think we need Michael Buble. The Inauguration Gang. - Oh my gosh.

I am so relieved that it went off without a hitch. Frankly, it was weird. It was weird to see, obviously, a very different inauguration than we've been accustomed to. I read that, you know, usually 200,000 tickets are issued. And this year there was 1,000.

But it was great that this went well. It was great that, you know, they they managed to say, look, we just had an insurrection on these very this very place mere weeks ago. And yes, we're in the middle of a global pandemic, but we can still deliver an uplifting message and we can still do regular things like inaugurate a president. I didn't realize how tired I was.

Really, this kind of a, I don't know, this ominous fatigue. I think everyone kind of felt it. I love the fact that Joe Biden was so demonstrative with his wife, so respectful to the people around him.

He spoke calmly and just that voice of reassurance, I guess. And we haven't seen that with our neighbors to the south for a great many years. It's been antagonistic, to say the least. Is that fair? And you just feel like truth has come back into office. And, you know, it's not going to be without its challenges. My gosh, look at what he's inherited. He has walked into...

So many problems. I think it's going to take them months and months just to see what Trump did environmentally and

What Trump did as far as, I mean, God only knows that we hear probably that tip of the iceberg analogy. But I think what we heard about what Trump kind of got up to and his and the Republicans is just a fraction of what's going on. So lots of triage, lots of COVID stuff to deal with, stabilizing the country, stabilizing a very split country. But yeah, what a day. Amanda Gorman, I have to throw to that young, that young black African-American woman.

poet laureate, 22 years old, who I cried from the second she started speaking with her hands cutting through the air like swans as she spoke her beautiful words. And perhaps we should just throw to a small clip. This is a clip of

Amanda, talking about coming from slavery, coming from a descendant of slaves and that here she was standing. Anyway, let's throw to Amanda just for 60 seconds and hear a little bit of this. So let us leave behind a country better than one. We were left with every breath of my bronze pounded chest. We will raise this wounded world.

into a wondrous one. We will rise from the gold-limbed hills of the West. We will rise from the windswept Northeast where our forefathers first realized revolution. We will rise from the lake-rimmed cities of the Midwestern states. We will rise from the sun-baked South. We will rebuild...

reconcile and recover and every known nook of our nation in every corner called our country our people diverse and beautiful will emerge battered and beautiful when day comes we step out of the shade of flame and unafraid the new dawn balloons as we free it for there is always light if only we're brave enough to see it if only we're brave enough to be it

That just was a fraction. It was just over a five minute piece. And she was so calm, so beautiful. It was like, it was almost like she was like, her presence was like regal.

Very much so. Yeah, I really enjoyed her words. And I really enjoyed, I think a lot of people enjoyed the message of the entire inauguration, which was, you know, unity, restoring faith and democracy. I think Joe Biden went down in history as the president who used the word democracy the most in his speech.

in his inauguration speech. And it was just nice because I think, you know, look, he's getting right to work. I think he signed something like 17 orders on his first day and there's a lot of work to be done, but it wasn't about the details of policy. And I don't think that's why he won. I think he won because it was about dismantling the loss of hope and the apathy and the, the,

division you've seen in the U.S. I think the reason why a lot of people voted for him was because they wanted that overwhelming message of positivity and we can still get stuff done and we can work together so it was like that was really what it was about yesterday instead of getting into the nitty-gritty of policy which was which was kind of a welcome message and a huge departure from the theme of his of his speech was unity the theme of Donald Trump's was like American carnage I mean yeah

That's, that's such a, that's such a huge difference. Yeah, I was talking with my friend Wendy, a couple of days ago, and, you know, she makes such a great point and that is the importance of words, and the magnitude and power of words, and I think that has kind of been lost.

you know, a lot the last few words because you were dealing with a leader that was not gifted with words. He used them as it was weaponry. He used them to incite anger, to actually cause more divisiveness. There was no part of him

that wanted to close that gap. And so here we have a man, and like you said, it's not so much about, I'm going to make money for everyone. I'm going to lower taxes on it. It wasn't policy. It was, it was absolutely what you just said, Caitlin hopefulness,

calmness, a steady hand at the wheel, a steady hand at the helm of a country that once was a world power. And I think Americans want that to be regained to some, they want, they want to be proud of themselves again. So, you know, here was Amanda,

standing on the steps where you know just two short weeks ago we saw one of the most unbelievable sights that any of us have witnessed certainly as Canadians to our for our neighbors of people tearing stuff apart but anyways words are important and anyone that doesn't think that you know whether it's a mother encouraging a child whether it's you know a boss talking to their staff or

Words can really, really give people tools to be better and do better. And I think we will witness that with Joe Biden. And also, I have to go to you, Caitlin, about Kamala Harris, the first BIPOC vice president and the first woman. Like, there's lots of firsts for her.

It was so cool to see her and to see her being sworn in by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor because she was the first Latina woman, you know, to be on the Supreme Court. And she also swore in Joe Biden in 2013 as vice president. And so that was a really kind of cool full circle moment, which I enjoyed. Yeah.

And I thought, you know, like, and I know, again, it's never been, I think, harder for people who are from different ends of the political spectrum to have conversations. Because there's so much noise now with things like QAnon and conspiracy theories, like infiltrating everyday conversations for people in a way that they just have not before and truly poisoning people's minds and making it difficult to have a conversation with someone who's different than you. And I think like,

watching people try to reach across the aisle yesterday. I didn't know how that would feel. I didn't know if it would feel like, you know, Pollyanna in a way or insincere, but I honestly thought that it was sincere. It looked quite earnest, right? It did. And something that was pointed out to me actually on the morning show by Marilyn was that you'll notice the color of the day for a lot of people was purple, including Kamala Harris.

Harris, she wore purple, Hillary Clinton did, you know, Michelle Obama was in this beautiful plum pantsuit, you saw a lot of men wearing purple ties, and that the symbolism there was the combination of red and blue together to make purple. And I thought that was fantastic. Like Lady Gaga is wearing this giant golden dove with a olive branch in its mouth. And you're thinking, okay, so for all the people who didn't support Joe Biden and still don't,

you should, hopefully, I would hope that they take some solace in saying that the people who are coming into power are will hopefully serve you and your best interests, even if you don't yet realize that even if maybe you think that someone trying to get you healthcare is going to harm you in some way that maybe that this maybe this could benefit you just try to go into it with some optimism. I appreciated that message, even if it did fall on deaf ears.

I don't think it did. I mean, the fact that we're having this conversation just about the minutiae is important. And there is a lot of there was a lot of symbolism, high powered celebrity appearances. I think had the other side been victorious in the election, it would have been unthinkable.

quite a different lineup of celebrities. I don't know who it would have been, but J-Lo did just a magnificent job. And of course she looked like an angel and she just is so beautifully put together. And she managed to sneak in a little snippet of her song in that great patriotic montage sort of song. And that really made me laugh. I was like, did I just hear that? Oh yes, I did. Yeah.

I laughed, I tweeted about it and I said, God grant me the blind inexplicable confidence of JLo fitting. Let's get loud into Woody Guthrie's. This land is your land, but you know, that's how people make it in Hollywood. I have to say, because they have that confidence in themselves. And I thought you, you go ahead and slip your own song lyrics. Having said that Ms. Gorman, the poet, young poet laureate snuck in a piece of a Hamilton song and

And I saw that Lynn had tweeted her from Hamilton, the writer-creator of Hamilton,

Lin-Manuel, he had tweeted her and was like, I noticed that. I saw that girl. And she was so thrilled. She's like, I'm so glad you heard it. And this reference. So there was a lot of people trying to do things on a subliminal level, but also trying to send out messages to people that they respected. And then there was Lady Gaga who sung a really difficult song, the national anthem, the American national anthem.

is difficult, but she did it with the, the band, the, the, was it the Naval Academy? No, it was the

the presidential band but it was a I think it was to do with the army the army band so and if I'm wrong about that I really apologize but it was such a great version and she sung live I'm not convinced that J-Lo sung live. I'm with you on that one. Yeah I you can tell and this is just me being nitpicky I mean I've heard J-Lo sing live when

We're going to talk about it when we come back. Anyway, nerve-wracking experience. You're listening to the Jan Arden inaugural podcast. We are so excited to welcome another new sponsor, our friends at Cove Soda. Have I pestered Cove enough to come and join us here at the Jan Arden podcast? I love them so much. They are Canadian, first of all. They are a natural, certified organic, zero-sugar soda, which includes, get this, one big

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Welcome back to the Jan Arden podcast. I'm here with Caitlin Green and Adam Karsh. I didn't say that right off the top of the show. We have all breathed a global sigh of relief and it actually does feel better. It feels better. Twitter was a light social media Facebook post.

Instagram was pouring with beautiful tributes to the incoming, the new president and the vice president and just the entire vibe that is happening right now in the White House. I, I just, I can't, I really can't believe the palpable, the

difference that my body even feels. I don't know, like I spoke about it earlier in the show, but just that difference in the looming energy, the energy that the past administration cast globally over this planet. And it was a very scary and dark time. Mm-hmm.

Yeah. And I think even when you get into, you know, because there are there are there are many people in the US. I mean, heck, there's like 70 million of them who still supported Donald Trump and wanted him back in again. And so I think of, you know, even if you had supported him and you share some of his ideals, when you even just look, though, at how little information like useful information was being disseminated from the White House during a global pandemic. Yeah.

When you think about how many lives were lost, potentially just because of the lack of work being done during a pandemic. 400,000 they're saying now. The new number is 400,000. The lack of qualified people, truly, who were in his administration and not fit to rise to this incredibly once-in-a-century circumstance that we find ourselves in. Just that change alone, when it comes down to something like the pandemic,

I think even if you were a Trump supporter, you should try to take some comfort in because like just the difference of having a White House, of having the press correspondent, I forget, the press secretary, just having a press secretary who actually tells you information is like, I forgot how good that feels as somebody who has to like, unfortunately, like talk about news sometimes. We're used to seeing, you know,

10 news agencies having like this is I'm just making this up but for example there's a you know they'd have a 10 different agencies having proof of like say President Trump picking up a cat and throwing it and so at the press conference they'd say but listen we have 10 news agencies all independent have have got footage of President Trump picking up a cat and throwing it and you'd have a press secretary standing there going uh the cat for one thing wanted and

to be thrown. It had requested that it was thrown and it wasn't thrown. President Trump stumbled and, you know, it was always this weird, bizarre take on whatever. Anyhow, there's so, there's so many good things happening, but like I said earlier, there's, there's so much that the new administration has to wade through and sort, but it was great to see. And all my friends, you know,

um were just overjoyed and just lots of crying like I saw lots of uh clips on Instagram of people taping themselves crying their heads off and I'm sure they'll I'm sure they'll become like viral videos of people sobbing and I mean like really crying people cried when you know the first black president came in Obama um there was lots of tears then but I think this was even magnified more

Well, and also I always waited because, you know, any sort of major event around the U.S. election usually is filled with memes now and these viral kind of side Internet moments like, you know, the fly that landed on Mike Pence's head at the VP debates and all that stuff. So yesterday, definitely like I'm not even joking you in the top three trends globally around the inauguration all day long was Bernie Sanders. So Senator Bernie Sanders, you know,

with his mittens that a teacher in small town Vermont sent him made from, you know, reused sweaters and recycled plastic bottles. And he's wearing his ski jacket that he has on and a bunch of his other previous campaign videos. And everyone's like, is he wearing that same jacket? And you could just hear his voice going like, it's a perfectly good jacket. Why wouldn't I wear it to the inauguration?

He's like holding his mail. Like he's, he's the most regular looking person in a sea of people who seem, you know, like they're from a different planet that I've ever encountered.

Well, I think, you know, you also looked at images of body language to me speaks volumes, arms crossed, legs crossed. I'm not an expert, but it was kind of like, you know, a person, a man at that age would face, you know, several attempts at trying to become the president, the leader of the Democratic Party. And so he's looking at someone up there, his adversary, who's

you know, taking it all in. And there has to be that come to Jesus moment where this ship has sailed for me. I am not going to be that. And I think that's what kind of people are picking up on that vibe. He didn't, he wasn't celebratory. You didn't see him standing up and clapping and fist pumping and you know, whatever he was, he was very sullen to me.

I'm sure he's glad that his party won, but it's got to be a lot of work campaigning. You're out there campaigning for basically almost two years.

Yeah. I mean, he's, he's not the political insider type. Um, he's not a, a, you know, um, like he's not good. Like he's not going to the opening of an envelope kind of guy, right? Like this is somebody who, this is somebody who takes public service seriously and views themselves as a servant. Um, by Washington standards, he is not a wealthy man. People like to say, Oh, he has a net worth of 2 million. Well, that means you own one house in Toronto. So like, give me a break. Um,

So he's like, he's a different, he's a horse of a different color and he definitely stood out yesterday. And to me, he just seems perpetually like I have stuff to do. Like I'm late for the post office. Like I eat a sandwich on the run. Like I, you know, like he just, and that was his vibe yesterday. You're right. It wasn't. I got to have a mold burned off my back. It

It's been there. It's been there for three weeks. My wife wanted to do it and I'm just not comfortable with her. I would say what's money, but I don't want my wife burning a mole off my back. Exactly. And so that part of him being this exception to the rule and being there yesterday and being very unapologetically himself. I think that's why the internet wound up having so much fun with him sitting in that chair and just looking like this.

many, many people. And also just the mittens. I mean, I love... It was so good. They're putting that little...

of him, our little meme on everything. He was sitting on the CN Tower last night. I know. I am dying laughing. If I had, you know, any kind of wherewithal of how to work, like any kind of Photoshopping program, I would be sitting him on the deers in my yard and things like that. But very interesting to see the very first few hours of the Biden presidency. He's got that stack of books in

in front of him, those leather, those beautiful leather folders where he's going to sign these, you know, these things back into law. He rejoined the world health organization that Trump had taken them out of. He is back with the Paris climate accord. He canceled the XL, the Keystone pipeline. So, you know, Canadians, Albertans in particular, I think Jason Kenney, the premier in Alberta spent, uh,

I don't know how much money. Anyway, we're going to come back. 1.5 billion. Yeah, but it's taxpayer money, but now they're calling it the pipeline that's going to go nowhere. Anyway, it's all sad. Nobody is really winning in this argument because it's sad for everybody and it's a lot of wasted money and a lot of wasted energy. You're listening to the Jan Arden Podcast. We have lots more to come. Stay with us. We'll be right back. ♪

Hi, welcome to the Jan Arden podcast. Well, you know what's really great, Caitlin and Adam, is that we can actually go forward and not ever really speak about what Looney Tunes stuff Don Trump did. I just, I can't, I had to really laugh because Greta Thunberg...

Her tweet, and we're talking about this like the inauguration was yesterday because we're pre-taping this particular podcast. So if you're hearing us talk about dates and times that are completely not right, you're not wrong. But anyway, Greta Thunberg, she tweeted, there was a picture of Trump on the steps of Air Force One helicopter, leaving the White House for the last time in his life. I'm sure he'll never go back.

And he had a grimace on his face. I mean, he just looked so dour, hand clenched in the air. And anyways, Greta said, oh, I hope you have a wonderful life, old man. You know, you look like you're going to have just a wonderful life wherever you go or something. It was just so kind of passive aggressive. It was funny. But you wonder what is going to happen with him and where...

He's headed in his life. He's there's rumblings of him starting another, an alternate political party outside of the, the independents, the Democrats, the Republicans that he's going to rally those same followers again, and 70 plus million of them to, you know, follow him. So I wonder how that's going to be dealt with as we go forward, because as much as we'd like to think we're not going to hear anything,

from him anymore or about him, I feel like he's going to be a thorn in our sides until the day he dies. Well, and I also think, and I hope that the coverage of him, um, becomes a little more scaled back, uh,

I know I saw a lot of people saying, okay, I never want to hear him covered ever again. I don't think that's entirely realistic. I just wish that we didn't constantly have a spotlight on, on him the way that we have, because I think it diminishes a lot of the other leaders that are playing important roles in the U S and around the world. And especially here in Canada, because, um,

You know, we have enough stuff going on in our own backyard that we don't necessarily need to be Trump watch 24 seven. And so I hope that now that he is no longer in office, even if he does do something like start his own political party or start a TV network, I hope that that receives the scale of coverage that it deserves for a change, which I would which I think will help put him into perspective.

Well, the impeachment is apparently still going forward. Nancy Pelosi is talking about those proceedings. There's been no talk about them being withdrawn. So that looks like it's going forward. I think they want President Biden to have his feet firmly planted and kind of carrying on with his job before they proceed with that.

They don't want to, you know, they don't want to take that right off the bat. On another sidebar note, they have found the woman accused of stealing Nancy Pelosi's laptop out of her office. She's 22 years old and her name is Riley June Williams and she's from Pennsylvania. And she was in jail very briefly and she's now been released back into the custody of her mother.

So, you know, when we're thinking about these toughened criminals that are demanding that their government be restored to their rightful winners, and these are just a bunch of misinformed people.

people that are living in their parents' basements, which is kind of sad. Well, that was the same thing with the guy who was kind of the insurrectionist Viking. You know, he showed up with that weird hat on and he was wearing like Chewbacca's bikini or something. Anyways, he gets tossed in jail as well. And a big headline was that he hadn't, his mom told the press that he hadn't eaten since Friday. Yeah.

And it was an organic food, right? The food wasn't organic for him in jail. And I thought, well, why don't they just wave a wand over it and tell him it's organic and move on? Like, give me a break. And so you realize, though, that the person that they were interviewing was his mom. And it was the Virginia, the Virginia politician who was arrested at his grandmother's house. And I just thought to myself, these poor moms and grandmothers.

and grandmothers I know and their kids can do no wrong well the real kicker on this Caitlin is that the person that turned in uh Ms. Williams was her ex-boyfriend oh my god and he I know and he tipped off the FBI because he was sitting watching the news and he saw her on there and

And he phoned the FBI and said, this is my ex-girlfriend. And she was identified from the tapes. And he's claiming that she told him she was hoping to sell the computer to the Russians. Oh, my gosh. Honestly, this is a little fragment of the world we're living. It really is laughable. It made me laugh, but it's also funny.

These people are, they've been just watching way too much Trump TV to believe that that was, how is she going to get ahold of somebody in Russia that would be interested? Hey, I got a computer and I stole it.

This is the power of truly of internet conspiracy theories and conspiracy theory networks like QAnon and how seriously they have infected people's minds and disconnected them from reality. And it is incredibly hard to bring people back from that.

if you truly believe that as a random us citizen who's now guilty of a crime that you're going to be able to what reach out to vladimir putin's personal handers and hand off nancy pelosi's laptop like you fall so far down the rabbit hole of misinformation i don't know what i don't know how you can come back from that so it's just it was crazy did you notice who was escorting though on like a flip side the positive note did you notice who was escorting comel harris yesterday the

The guard that distracted the mobsters...

from heading to the Senate where they could have done grave physical damage to the people hiding in there. And this lone African-American gentleman directed them in the opposite direction. He acted like, no, they're that way. And they all went that way and bought them some more time. And what a tribute to him to have Kamala, Vice President Kamala on his arm being carried into that historic moment. Um,

And he's been promoted. He is now the acting sergeant at arms for the Capitol. His name is Eugene Goodman, man, put his face on a stamp. And he also was like, he looked suave yesterday. I was like, I love this guy. He's a real hero. And he took on this whole, you know, band of idiots. He could have really been hurt. He could have been really hurt. He could have been killed. They were chanting, hang Mike Pence. And Mike Pence is like a hallway over.

I know. So, you know, it was, I thought I was like, look, that's a case of the right person getting the spotlight, the right person being promoted and getting the recognition that they deserve. And he's a real hero. So I was like, good for that. On the COVID front, there's some interesting things happening privately with all the vaccination campaigns.

Things that are they're trying to put in place right now. Starbucks has stepped into the game saying that they would offer all their empty stores as injection sites. So I don't know how far they're going to get. But, you know, I'm in my car. I'm listening to this the other day and I'm like, what a great idea.

They've closed them now. They're just doing mostly takeout in Starbucks. And I think Starbucks, they've been hit hard too. They've closed like a thousand stores. They're kind of regrouping because of all this stuff. But I would go and get vaccinated at Starbucks. I would also order a peppermint mochaccino. I'm hoping that they still have their baristas working.

My espresso machine broke during the pandemic. Oh, no. And there's a Starbucks that's still open at the corner down on my street. And I got the app. I love the app. You order in advance. You pay in advance. You walk in. You say your name. You're in and out in 10 seconds. It is fantastic. You get all their rewards points. And you're right. They're just about everywhere. Maybe we could use the app. What can you order? One vaccination, please. Exactly. Exactly.

Well, I mean, and there's a lot of like drug stores, I think Walmart, this is in the States basically, but you know, that are just saying we can do this. We can get volunteers in, come and train 10 of our staff members and we will get on the get down and get this country vaccinated. My friend Nigel that I often talk about on this show, his mom got vaccinated yesterday and his aunt, they are 80,

3 and 85 respectively. And he said he cried and just felt such a sense of relief for his mom and his aunt. Anyway, is this the end of the show? No, the end of the segment. We have 12 more minutes still. Whenever you point at me, Adam, I get really nervous because I'm like, there were so many things I had to say. You're listening to the Jan Arden Podcast. I'm here with Caitlin and Adam. We'll be right back. This end is yours. From California to the New York.

Welcome back to the Jan Arden podcast and show. We're a little bit of both. Listen, if you want to subscribe to our show, you can just hit the little button on your favorite place to listen to podcasts. And that way you don't have to go searching for us.

it'll pop up in your phone and it'll say, there's a new podcast we'd listen to this week. Anyway, thanks to all our listeners. We appreciate you so very much. And if you want to sponsor us, I think you can do it privately. If you want us to, you know, do a birthday shout out, maybe that would work. We could just dedicate 10 minutes to birthday shout outs. Um,

We haven't talked about Caitlin's pregnancy. Caitlin is still moving along. I want to know what your app tells you this week of the size. Caitlin, you've got to get on top of this stuff. So when we started asking Caitlin a few weeks ago, it was the size of a Care Bear. I don't know if that seems big to me.

And then the week after that was a cantaloupe. So as of today, I'm butternut squash. And I think it changes to a different piece of produce tomorrow. And there was another thing I subscribed to. It's a service called Baby List. And they send you an email once a week. And the email this week was like, hey, your baby is the size of a lunchbox. And it showed me like an old school lunchbox. Okay, that does not, that's not right.

Doesn't seem right at all. Don't they know you're picturing things like this coming out of your body? You can't say lunchbox. I know. I think butternut squash I was okay with. And lunchbox seems too angular to make sense to me. But yeah. They need somebody else running that app. Adam would do a better job, honestly. Yeah. Please pick spherical things for us ladies. All you have to say to me is lunchbox. And it's so nostalgic for me.

As soon as you said that, my baby blue plastic lunchbox came flying into my mind. I can picture it sitting on the seat beside me on the bus. I can picture the smell of those weird brown vinyl seats with this white plastic piping. Yeah. And the back of the bus driver's head, John Romney, driving the bus to school, 45 minutes. And it was just mayhem. I don't know where we all got our energy from. It was like this...

He just tuned us out. Our bus driver was just like, we didn't, we could have literally been shaving each other's heads back there or burning a pile of shoes in the, in the, in the, in the, in the walkway. And he would have just kept driving us to school. Totally. You have to, it's a coping mechanism. It's probably a real skill actually. But yeah, it is. Anyway, what, what a great, what a great few days this has been.

And I don't know about you, but I'm feeling hopeful. You have to feel better for your kid, Caitlin. You have to feel better going forward for a world that is at least going to attempt to be bipartisan and to reach across those aisles and to not be so much about party, but the wellness of the people in your country and to kind of tackle COVID for once and for all. That's the big one. That's the big one.

That's the big one right now, because it's like we have this unmitigated health crisis on our hands here in Canada and to our neighbors in the South. And so when you talk about things like, you know, let's let's get everyone vaccinated. Let's push this out. Let's make this so easy for anybody who wants to get the vaccine to just get it and then be able to reopen the border and see friends who live in the US. I have close friends who live in Detroit. And, you know, you just want to get back to normal as much as you possibly can.

Um, so yeah, that part of it felt good. I thought, Hey, look at this. It's a, it's a reasonable inauguration speech. I'll take that. Oh, look, press briefings that are going to feature information. Like I just, I'm not, I feel like we're not asking for a lot here, but I'd like to return to some reason. Well, I think it's just going to be really fun to watch this unfold. I, I just know, I, I feel like

Even Trump supporters are secretly cheering. I feel like they're going, yeah, it's probably for the better because things were kind of getting away from us a little bit there near the end. But it's a perfect example of what happens when people are desperate to

And when we all got so used to these catchphrases over the last 40 years, fake news, things we'd never heard before in our lives. We got so used to lying. I think we got so used to stories, you know, these narratives being completely twisted into completely different things. And that was hard to watch because I think most people are good. I think our natures are good. And I think we want...

and we want calmness. I don't think we want to live in that state of turmoil. I sure as hell don't. I hate contention. I hate even having an argument with anybody. If I was to have an argument with either of you guys, I wouldn't sleep for weeks. I would feel so bad if we fought. What are we ever going to fight over? What do you think our first fight is going to be? Probably because Caitlin won't let me hold the baby. Might be food. We could disagree on food perhaps, but I don't care.

Could you, and that's what I think about all the dinner tables that have these heated arguments and families with different political views and how you-

And how you used to be able to have different conversations. It felt like with people that weren't so terrible and weren't so heated and people didn't come in with such. The other thing too is, and I will say this, the internet has made an expert out of absolutely every single person. Now that is not necessarily going to end, but I'm about damn well done with it because I'm like, I'm done arguing with people who have no information and no common sense. And so I just, that's not healthy. I think people do still have to limit that. I don't see that going away. Unfortunately.

unfortunately. But yeah, I think it's like, it's, it's just back to like, if we could get back to some, you know, some work being done, I would love that. That would be a thrill. Can we get some stuff accomplished? You know, osmosis is a real thing.

And you will really see, you know, millions and millions, hundreds of millions of people absorbing a new way of thinking and absorbing a new way forward. The young woman that's the press secretary, is it the press secretary? Yeah. She looks really interesting and she's made lots of statements about being completely transparent. She's just going to tell it like it is. And, and, you know, I, I,

You know, I like her already because she is a redhead. And I think that speaks volumes about, you know, where we're headed with that. But don't you think just that whole vibe of what the Republicans kind of did and led by, you know, Don Trump, it really bled into Canada a lot. Like, I'm sorry, the Alberta that I'm living in now. Yes, things change and people get different, but

There's a vibe here that it echoes that kind of thinking. And, you know, it's that us and them thinking. And that always breaks my heart because we really are in it together. And we're not going to get anything done divided. And I feel like if people met in the story. Go ahead, Caitlin. Go.

But I was going to say, but you look at how, like you look at how little was done and how much money was spent on vanity projects, like the, the border wall, the South border wall in the U S and you know, it is a real waste of resources and time and energy is a finite resource. And I think people all around the world have been wasting so much energy on news and on news and things that are just really depressing to them. And you think of all the, all the children separated from their families at the

Yes. My gosh. You know, and that stuff, it infects your brain. It bums you out. Certainly for me, what happened was I eventually started thinking like, well, I, my circle of control over these issues is about yay big. So I'm not going to pay attention anymore because what does it matter? And that is a very effective tool for people to just wear you down and make you lose interest in things that you should be interested in and you should care about.

Agreed. Well, I don't know. I'm still just like, I'm still high on Amanda Gorman. I'm still high on Lady Gaga's Hunger Games outfit. I was a very beautiful red skirt.

And her big broach, there was so many fun memes, Hunger Games memes about Lady Gaga's outfit. But man alive can she sing. And I will just say, I'm going to swing this bus back around to the J-Lo lip syncing. Now, don't get me wrong. I freaking love J-Lo. She is a massively talented, and I think she's a really good person. I think she's a great, I think she's worked freaking hard, and she is so talented. But she didn't sing live.

That was not a live vocal. And I know I'm just being a pain in the butt. When a singer holds their mic and you guys go back and look at it, go check on your news. Lady Gaga had a microphone held the way it's supposed to be held. It's kind of down up in front. You get every little breath. You get every little nuance. Adam knows this because he's an audio and he spent his lifetime in audio. He knows what...

That sounds like, and a breath out. When you record. Yeah. You could always tell. Always tell. So JLo had her mic right in front of her face and it's held there strategically because your lipstick is going to be off. It's very difficult. Even when you're singing along with yourself, uh,

To match a lip sync. It doesn't matter how many times you practice it. It is hard. That's why drag Queens are so God dang great because lip sync their butts off and make it look flawless. But it is, it is, it takes a lot of practice. So I don't blame her at all too. I cannot imagine how nerve wracking that would be, which is why a performance like this,

Gaga's Amanda Gorman's when you see how they're speaking how they're singing Lady Gaga was flawless JLo did a great job but she was lip-syncing and I don't blame her the thing that really worries me though and people think back to the Beyonce she sang was it the national anthem what what was Beyonce singing you guys can write me and tell me anyway the tape screwed up the tape screwed up

And she was, you know, defending herself afterwards, you know, it was live, it was obviously live, it was very nerve wracking. But Jennifer obviously made that decision. And she just didn't want to screw it up.

Yeah. And I think also like JLo is a fantastic performer. I wonder about her as a vocalist sometimes because I've heard live performers with her that are hit and miss. And I didn't know she, I didn't notice that she was lip syncing yesterday. And I thought, well, good for her because she stayed at least in her vocal range. And I even thought Garth, I thought Garth Brooks had

Brooks did a good job of Amazing Grace. Garth, Garth, Amazing Grace was amazing. And he sang live. Anyway, we're told to wrap it up, but just one final thought. I went and saw JLo in Vegas and the whole thing was lip synced and I didn't give a crap because it was so fantastic. She was so beautiful and she danced her butt off and I'm jealous. And I wish that I looked like her. And you're listening to the Jan Arden podcast. We really love you guys so much. Totally do.

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