Anderson Cooper 360

Anderson Cooper brings you highlights from CNN's premier nightly news program AC360.


Total: 1335

Schumer Warns Dems Against "Circular Firing Squads"; Gillibrand's Attack On Biden's Record On Workin

Round Two: High Stakes And A Heavyweight for CNN Debate; What to Look For Tonight's Candidates; What

High Stakes For CNN Debate; Will Moderate Candidates Take On Warren, Sanders?; One-On-One With Senat

Maryland Senators Respond To Pres. Trump Attack On Rep. Elijah Cummings, Baltimore; Pres. Trump Step

Supreme Court Clears Way For Pres. Trump To Use Defense Funds For Border Wall Construction; Supreme

Bipartisan Senate Report: Russia Likely Targeted U.S. Election System In All 50 States In 2016; Sena

Mueller: Pres. Trump Was Not Exonerated, This Was "Not A Witch Hunt"; Mueller: Trump Could Be Prosec

Pres. Trump: Mueller Deputy Shouldn't Be Allowed At Hearing; CNN: Pres. Trump More Irritated Than An

DOJ To Mueller: Testimony Must Stay Within Bounds Of Report; DOJ To Mueller: Testimony "Must Remain

Pres. Trump Adopts More Defiant Tone On Racist Tweets; Pres. Trump Praises Crowd At Rally That Chant

Crowd Boos After Pres. Trump Mentions "The Four Congresswomen"; Pres. Trump Rally Chants "Send Her B

House Passes Resolution Condemning President's Racist Tweets; Four Republicans Voted For House Resol

Khizr Khan Reacts To Pres. Trump's Comments; Pres. Trump Tweets, Not Backing: "If You Are Not Happy

Barry Closes In On Gulf Coast; Could Dump 20 Inches Of Rain; Labor Secy. Resigns Amid Outcry Over Se

Pres. Trump Ordering U.S. Agencies To Provide Citizenship Information, Instead Of Including Question

Former Florida Prosecutor Blasts Acosta, Says He "Should Not Be Allowed To Rewrite History"; Former

Federal Judge: Justice Department Can't Switch Legal Team In Census Citizenship Question Case; Pres.

One-Time Pal Of Trump, Clinton Charged In Alleged Underaged Sex Scheme; Epstein's Ugly History, And

Biden Defends His Record In Exclusive CNN Interview; Former VP Joe Biden Sits Down With CNN; Biden D

Trump Administration Reverses Course On Census Citizenship Question; DOJ "Instructed" To Find Way To