cover of episode Evan on Being Deaf

Evan on Being Deaf

Publish Date: 2023/2/14
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Life Wide Open with CboysTV


Shownotes Transcript

Today's episode is brought to you by Angie. Angie has made it easier than ever to connect with skilled professionals to get all your jobs and projects done well. Let me tell you, there's the version of it where you try to do something at home and then there's a version of it where you have someone help you, you watch them do it the right way and you go, thank God I didn't try to do that myself.

I have fully done things around the home that I think look good and then a bang in the night and I wake up to a shelf collapsing, a painting falling off the wall. Like it, I've seen it all go south. I own a home and I can tell you, I know how much work it can take. Whether it's everyday maintenance and repairs or making dream projects a reality, it can be hard just to know where to start. But now all you need to do is Angie that and find a skilled local pro who will deliver the quality and expertise you need.

Whatever your home project, big or small, indoor or outdoor, you can Angie that and connect with skilled professionals to get the project done well. Right now, one of my wishlists is I want a bike for my condo in Milwaukee and I would love to rig it up on a pulley in the ceiling because I have one of those like lofted ceilings.

but I'm so scared to try that on my own. Angie has 20 years of home experience and they've combined it with new tools to simplify the whole process. Bring them your project online or with the Angie app. Answer a few questions and Angie can handle the rest from start to finish or help you compare quotes from multiple pros and connect instantly, which means you can take care of any home project in just a few taps.

I know what you're talking about. Not like every year, but a handful of times going through school. Yeah, they'd come in and you'd go to the school gym and they'd test your eyes and they would test. Maybe it was in middle school. I don't know. But yeah, they basically found out he was legally deaf. Actually, there's a pretty funny story to that too. He was always my line mate in hockey. And I'd be like,

Sean Sean or I'll use a different name here just so we don't like exploit him probably okay yeah I can't imagine that he's not listening to any podcast he probably doesn't care yeah so I'm like Sean Sean pass the puck and like he would just be looking down and like do his thing and everyone like I was on his line since I was a little kid we'd always be on the same line for some reason and everyone thought he was a puck hog but it turns out we found out in high school that he's just legally deaf and he couldn't hear me yelling

Did he not know that he had hearing issues? Well, he didn't know I was yelling at him. Yeah, but wasn't he like, I literally can't hear you? Obviously, it's not like fully deaf, but he just couldn't hear very well clearly. And it was bad enough where he was legally deaf. So are you legally deaf? So that's what made me wonder, when did you find out that you were legally deaf? Because you can only hear in one ear. Well, I'm not legally. Well, what do you mean when you say legally deaf? I'm sure.

I would imagine that you would be legally deaf if you can't hear out of one ear. I was like 12 years old and I got really sick, like vertigo or whatever, like inner ear thing. Kind of just realized I couldn't hear out of it. Went into the doctor and they said I had a virus that

really yeah oh i thought it was just from like loud noises and maybe a firecracker or something like that but it so it was a sickness like a fluky virus like they explained it a virus that's not contagious but i don't know how you get it if it's not contagious it's not something you can like fix with a hearing aid i don't know i don't know how to explain it i don't even know what it's called all i know is i just like can't hear out of it how fast did it hit that's what was kind of weird i i

I just felt sick and I don't know how long I couldn't hear out of it before I noticed. Cause I kind of just felt crummy and your head was kind of stuffy.

So maybe for a couple days until I really realized that I couldn't hear out of it. So I noticed that when you listen to music, obviously you only listen to music with one earbud in. But do you hear like vibrations or like bass or anything like that coming from the other one? I do. If I'm listening to music and stuff, I'll run the other one, both ears. And I can kind of tell it's there. But if anything, it's just so smothered and muffled, like...

You could never make out words. Oh, really? But I guess you kind of maybe pick up the bass or the beat a little bit. Well, see, that's why you're so easy to sneak up on and scare.

Not to be a dick. Ben just finds a weakness like a deaf guy and he's the perfect person. Picking on the handicapped kid. Actually, I don't think you would be considered legally deaf because I'm pretty sure you'd have to get like hearing aids. But you can't get hearing aids because like the thing that you would make louder. I suppose it would be no point for your case. How common is that?

I think it's actually pretty common. Really? It's pretty crazy. How old were you again? Sixth grade, 12 or 13. Wow, that's kind of a tough age to lose hearing in one ear. Honestly, I don't think... I was sick for like a week because it messed up my equilibrium. So I would lay in bed and watch TV and I'd feel fine. But it's been set up. Yeah, I'd stand up and just be super sick. So once I got over being sick, I kind of just felt fine and the ear thing was just whatever. Then you got your balance back?

I guess. Apparently. Yeah, dude, that's, that's a big thing. Like when I had a, when I was in my really bad post concussion phase, it was the same thing, except I felt like I was moving at all times. And I, I truly don't think there's anything worse than that. It's miserable. You can't get away from it. It's like being on a boat. Oh, it's terrible. There's just nothing you can do. Yeah. Do you think that's why you're so jumpy?

Evan is like extremely easy to spook almost to a point where even when you're not trying to spook him, you do like you were just walking up to tell him something. He kind of jolts and goes, whoa. And Ben has found that weakness in him. And now our Snapchat story, at least once a week has a spooking Evan when he's working on something. That was a good one, Ben. That one I kind of saw you sneaking up. I just flinched.

I think it's my cat-like reflexes. You wait for something to happen. If you were an attacker instead of a pranker, I'm ready to go. But then when I see it's Ben, I just stop. So he thinks I flinched, but I'm really ready to attack. It is actually Ken's birthday today. Not when you're watching this, but on the day of filming. It is Ken's birthday, so everybody wish Ken happy birthday. Happy birthday, Ken. He doesn't like it. He's not going to respond, but you can wish it. Ken, do you have a problem with your birthday? Yeah.

It's like just another day sometimes. I agree with what you're saying, but when people are just saying happy birthday to you. I responded to everyone that said happy birthday today. No, you didn't. You couldn't even respond in our group chat when we were trying to figure out where you wanted to go to eat.

Or even if you wanted to go. That just took a little bit. But like this morning, Sydney texted me happy birthday at 1210 and I responded at 1210. Thank you. But you didn't say thank you to any of the boys in our boys chat. We said happy birthday. I said thank you in person. And I feel like saying thank you in person is more genuine than saying thank you via text. Do you have beef with your birthday though? No, it's just another day. Do you have beef with people wishing you a happy birthday? No. Because we always wonder on your birthday because you go so radio silent.

We wonder if you don't like it and you don't want to like make a big deal about it. Cause I, I love spoiling you for your birthday. Well, like today you guys text me happy birthday and I slept in and laid in bed until like noon. And by that, by the time that rolled around, by the time I got back texting people, it was like, ah, that's like 20 messages ago. I really don't want to,

reply to this message from 10 a.m so to know the thought process we thought what could we get ken for his birthday that he would appreciate more than anything and we thought

Maybe we should just leave him alone all day. Not invite you to dinner. Not bother you with anything. Don't even say hi to you if they see you in person. We'll go out to dinner and we'll celebrate Ken's birthday without him. He would appreciate that more than anything. It's a great way to honor you still. It was beautiful. It was nice today. Ken, we do have a little history of throwing you the most legendary...

birthday parties ever like when i look back at people's birthdays i think ken's are the most notable because i don't think i've thrown you a birthday party when you turn 21 22 and 23 i don't know about 24 but those three years the cops came to your birthday party every time ken has bangers

They were like the peak birthday years. Those were the best. I feel like people without even your consent or asking, they just set you up for this extreme birthday party. And then the closer I get to 30, it's just been a slow decline. And 27, that was a low point.

With the cake smash by Ben? That was. That was bad. Candle to the eye. And this year, not drinking. That was just beautiful. So was that part of the reason why you're not drinking? You're like, I don't want to be drunk on my birthday and have my guard down in case Ben comes out with another cake again. No, so it's kind of like a few other people, they did dry January and I was like, I'm starting it late, but whatever. I'll just go into February so then I get the full like 30 days, one month thing. And it's been nice. Just happens to be over the top.

over elapsed my birthday you seem like you've been in a better mood and also i like visibly you look healthier too i will say i'm very very proud of you very proud of my apple watch notified me this week that my resting heart rate has been lower for the last 30 days i'm sure feel good damn so yesterday we went on the snowmobile ride we logged 100 miles

actually it was 99.4 to be exact because i hopped on the xcr which had zero so i was like perfect we'll know exactly how many and i was really hoping to get over that lump i don't know if we can claim that the 100 miles if it was 100 mile ride but it was so fun because uh you know it was cormorant's pastime snowmobiling and drinking and everybody was out and everyone was doing it

They had all the classics out and the trails were groomed and everything. We were cruising around. It was honestly a lot of fun. I end up taking a pretty hard crash. Dude. Hard enough to break my visor, Evan. It broke my visor. I don't even know how fast I was going. Pretty fast. I still don't know how you even managed to do it. First off, what sled were you on? No, so my dad came with me.

Cause he likes snowmobiling. So, and he hasn't written anything, you know, like new, like what we got, he has a, like a 2010 Skidoo XRS six sled. Anyways, uh,

Uh, and I used to ride that all the time. So we were leaving one of the spots and I was like, Hey, you should ride this sled and try it out. You know? So I hop on the XRS and like, it's significantly slower. It's a 600, but it's still a nice sled and nothing wrong with it. And I'm riding it. And, uh, I'm just falling Ben across this lake, just a flat lake that we literally already went across. So like normally when you go across the lake, you're kind of like

Looking for ice ridges. You got to be careful, but we already had gone across it and I was following Ben. He was here. I was like here. And I think what ultimately happened was I put my guard down because I was just thinking it's just a flat lake and maybe I wasn't holding on tight enough. Anyways,

hit this bump and the suspension on that that xr i don't want to blame the sled but the sled was set up like super super soft and it hit this bump and it's like out of nowhere and it's boom and then i hit another one and it threw my hand off i like was hanging off the sled and i tried grabbing the brake and when i grabbed the brake i think i grabbed it too hard and it like went did one of those where it slid out the back end yeah the sled legit went like

Like, rolled. No way. Fully wadded up. Rolled three times. And I full-on face-planted at probably, like... I don't know. Pretty fast. Because, I mean, we were cruising across the lake. At least, like, 45. I mean, enough to break my visor. Helmet and blow the windshield apart. Blow the windshield apart. Dude, I was very surprised. I was confused. You're telling me. I was fucking surprised, too. I'm going out there for a nice, easy, leisurely ride. And I'm thinking...

Like I wasn't even... I was mad about two things. I was like, I can't believe I just did this because obviously I'm conscious about like hitting my head. It's like the last thing I want to do. I end up like somehow hitting my head on just a nice cruising day, smashing my face. And then I rolled the sled, which...

I felt bad because it was like my dad's sled. So I'm like, the handlebars is all blown apart. The plastics are blown off. The bars are blown down. I was surprised that everything was actually fine because I can imagine. I'm like, what's wrong with it? I will pay to get it fixed. The only thing that happened was one of the plastics was cracked. So realistically, not that bad. But I was just mad at those two things. But yeah, I don't know how it happened either. I was just as fucking... It happened so quick.

And it just goes to show I shouldn't have let my guard down. Yeah. How fast shaking goes south. Yeah. Yeah. No, I was because you were right behind me. And I remember turning around, seeing you there and then get to the other side and turn back. And everyone's like huddled around you. And I'm like, how could something have happened?

gone wrong within like a hundred feet and I came back and I dude I went and looked there's no bump I don't know what you hit yeah I don't know what happened it legit just went boom like I I'm not trying to blame the sled it's completely my fault but I know for a fact if I was on the Polaris that I was riding it wouldn't have happened

I don't know. Something just, it just went like, it was very strange. It's just you and that snowmobile. I know. I remember the last time. I'm never riding that thing. Pretty much the last time you rode that thing, you supermaned it. I've rode it a couple times since, but yeah, I do not. I just came to the conclusion after that, I said, I'm never riding that sled again. That's probably a good idea. Jeff is probably like, okay, yeah, let's make sure that happens. I really wouldn't ride it that much ever, but yeah. He's got a bad crash to ride ratio.

on that sled. Yeah, definitely. Man, just like rolling up and seeing like that there was a crash. I was like, of course, dude. Like, I couldn't believe it. We just try and go for like a leisurely ride doing something. That's usually how it goes. It always happens. Yeah. Being that we're here in the subject of discussion, we call it a leisurely ride, but

but that was one of the most aggressive snowmobile rides I have ever been on. Well, following you, you were on, first of all, literally on a rocket ship, but it was like 85, 90 across every Lake. We're hitting every approach 55 miles an hour. It was like we were in a race. Yeah.

And granted I was on some older iron, but like me, G reg Jeff in the back, every time they were like, Holy crap, we are really moving. And I just, yeah. And which is not, not a problem of how fast you were driving. But I was like, we were riding, like you guys are in the truck next to us filming. It was like that pace for the entire hundred mile ride. Oh really? Yeah. It was pretty aggressive. I mean, of course the jumps are bigger and stuff like that, but I mean, you start going 55, 60 across lakes and,

accidents are going to happen and i'm i'm very glad you're okay like doing anything like that crazy though i think i it just literally fucking the biggest fluke thing but also i just wasn't really used to that sled which also really is an excuse but yeah it's strange dude it was such a great day though in the middle of it i was just like it's really fun to go out and ride

without a camera, not saying that like filming, it isn't fun, but just like not thinking about anything besides for just having a good time. We're like, when we go out and snowmobile a lot of times, like, especially on like mountain mountain trips, uh,

You're just constantly looking like, all right, got to set up here. Here's going to be like the shot. I'll whip out the camera. And you're just constantly kind of like making the video. But yesterday was just like strictly snowmobiling and just like pure enjoyment. And it felt like very refreshing. It made me like excited to go ride again. Got pulled over by the DNR. Of course. Yeah, of course. But that is going to happen. And yeah.

And, uh, that is going to happen. And what do you do? What do you do? But no, it was, it was a good time. It was, it was just like a very Minnesota thing. And like, it reminded me one of like the great parts of living here. Yeah. And there were so many people out riding and I was like, this just makes me so happy to see like the industry is just like, like flourishing and like all the bars were popping and people were,

They're just like out having a good time. Hi, I'm Angie Hicks, co-founder of Angie. And one thing I've learned is that you buy a house, but you make it a home. Because with every fix, update, and renovation, it becomes a little more your own. So you need all your jobs done well. For nearly 30 years, Angie has helped millions of homeowners hire skilled pros for the projects that matter. From plumbing to electrical, roof repair to deck upgrades. So leave it to the pros who will get your jobs done well.

Hire high quality certified pros at Today's episode is brought to you by Angie. Angie has made it easier than ever to connect with skilled professionals to get all your jobs and projects done well. Let me tell you, there's the version of it where you try to do something at home and then there's a version of it where you have someone help you, you watch them do it the right way and you go, thank God I didn't try to do that myself.

I have fully done things around the home that I think look good and then a bang in the night and I wake up to a shelf collapsing, a painting falling off the wall. Like it, I've seen it all go south. I own a home and I can tell you, I know how much work it can take. Whether it's everyday maintenance and repairs or making dream projects a reality, it can be hard just to know where to start. But now all you need to do is Angie that and find a skilled local pro who will deliver the quality and expertise you need.

Whatever your home project, big or small, indoor or outdoor, you can Angie that and connect with skilled professionals to get the project done well. Right now, one of my wish lists is I want a bike for my condo in Milwaukee and I would love to rig it up on a pulley in the ceiling because I have one of those like lofted ceilings.

but I'm so scared to try that on my own. Angie has 20 years of home experience and they've combined it with new tools to simplify the whole process. Bring them your project online or with the Angie app. Answer a few questions and Angie can handle the rest from start to finish or help you compare quotes from multiple pros and connect instantly, which means you can take care of any home project in just a few taps.

because when it comes to getting the most out of your home, you can do this when you Angie that. Download the free Angie mobile app today or visit That's A-N-G-I dot com. It was our like local trail club. It was the old timers run. That's what they call it. So everybody was out there. All their old slides out. We went to that hill.

And it's the biggest hill in Cormorant, I would say, arguably. And we didn't make it up. We didn't make it up. Me and Ryan, too. I was a little bit disappointed in that because there was other people who were like making it up just fine. And you two were going, I'm like, nice, they're going to do it. Whatever. I'll take a Snapchat. Sorry. You guys didn't make it to the top. It was very icy. Aren't these two like the big backcountry riders? No. Very icy. No. I was like, you guys are.

I thought this hill was small for you. But there were people on like freaking 85, like 82. It wasn't a good look. Three people. Three people. But the worst part is, is you, you come, there's, it's on like a pond and the whole pond has probably like, I don't know, 150 people on it. Everybody's watching, sitting there,

cracking cold ones, whatever. And if somebody doesn't make it up, the whole crap goes, ooh. What'd they do when we didn't make it? Did they go, ooh? They just started yelling, pussies! As the XLT is dragging us down the hill. We made it up the second time, though.

If we'd had studs, dude, we would have torn right up that thing. Of course. All right. So part of my stop Ken and Evan from vaping campaign, last week I hired a hypnotist to come to the shop and surprise them and try to hypnotize them to not like vaping anymore. And it did not work. It did not work one bit. Well, he did say that people with low IQs couldn't get hypnotized. Yeah, that was one of the biggest things. But I got to say that might have been one of the funniest things ever.

I have seen in a while. You two were not having it, and Ryan was relaxing, and Gavin was full-on hypnotized. Gavin was in it, and I still haven't gotten a truthful answer out of him. I asked him, Gav, were you hypnotized? Were you just going with it? I was trying to ask him that too. I was like, if you were just going with it just for the video, first off, you did a great job. Second off, were you actually hypnotized? And he would be like, no, no.

And I'm like, no, no, what? What are you saying now, Gav? Yeah, no, baby. I'm like, what? Were you hypnotized or not? I still have not gotten a solid answer out of him. I'm going to just assume that he was. Ryan, you had the craziest look in your eye, bro. You were like staring through me. It was like an out-of-body experience. That's how I truly felt. I remember the camera being there and I just was like,

I thought you were just relaxed. When I was editing that segment, I was finding myself relaxing when he was like saying like the breathe in, like most of it got cut, but he'd be like, dude, I was thinking, I was like, am I getting hypnotized editing this? Or, but it was relaxing me. Cause he was like talking about like, now it's moving up to your knees. Oh, your knees have had such a hard life, man. Pounding on this,

walking around on this concrete and now it's moving up to your shoulders and you're just like kind of laying back. I don't think you can post a video of that. What if everybody gets hypnotized that watches the video? Because you'll imagine. Well, when hypnotists do it in front of a crowd, people in the crowd get hypnotized. Yeah, supposedly, dude. I don't know. I do believe in it. It does seem like they all kind of have the same routine. So I wonder...

you know, the guy who came out was a great dude, super nice and pretty normal. But do these people, even if say that Ken and Evan weren't technically hypnotized and they didn't, they could so control everything they were doing, but they were listening to him. You know, he's like, all right, you're going to fake have a baby now. And they're like, okay, I'm going to do it. Whether it's a pressure of the situation or just because they don't want to let him down or something like that. Is that still being hypnotized?

You know, like you're listening to someone only because they're telling you to. So I wonder if like, I wonder the percentage of people that actually get hypnotized to the people that just are following direction. I don't know. I kind of believe in like the hypnotized thing. Maybe like, I guess I think it, I think it is kind of happening, but like Rob Dyrdek, he went to a hypnotist and got hypnotized for success at like a young age. Yeah.

What? Yeah, and he talks about it all the time. And I was thinking about going and seeing that guy. Hypnotized for success? Yeah, he got hypnotized for success. What does that look like? I don't know. He just does some thing and just...

I think tries to change your mindset or like you basically just programs you for success supposedly. And who knows if it works or not, but I mean, you definitely taken a good step in the right direction, getting hypnotized for success. I'd do it if it was convenient. I think he's based out of LA. I think when he, when the hypnotist that was here, Freddie, he was talking about like, everyone's been hypnotized, whether you know it or not, but let's say you drive home and driving at night and,

you pull into your driveway and you're like holy crap i do that all the time i don't i i think i just blacked out from for the last 20 minutes i don't even remember driving right and he was like well that's that's you're technically in kind of a trance you're hypnotized in a way but mostly like your subconscious it just takes over so i wonder when you're saying that when you get hypnotized for success you're just like you're just telling your subconscious like you

you will be successful. You will be successful. And your subconscious, like your deep down soul,

is hypnotized but you come out of it and you're just like nice i was hypnotized for success i believe in it now i believe that i'm gonna be successful and it probably didn't really change much besides for the fact of like somebody just told you and you were like nice i trust them and now i'm good dude it almost you could sum it down to it didn't change a thing but your attitude and your outlook on something

Which after having Gavin here, holy shit. CJ and I have said it to each other, but we're like, we're going to try to be more like Gavin and not be more... I don't want to copy him. Because he is incredibly unique and you can't be like him. But just his good attitude and the energy he brings to people and he's a positive person to have around. And he's nice to everyone and he...

Has like no ego. I don't know. I just liked a lot of his, a lot of traits. And I think if, if everyone could adapt a little bit of his traits to

whether it's you know being nice to people having a positive attitude liking three wheelers the world would be a better place i think so too when we were working on the three wheelers and like everything was going wrong i remember uh uh gavin was sitting there and and uh our mechanic buddy was like well here's the issues and this and that and just like basically just saying like how much of a pain in the ass it was going to be and gavin was like haha yep yep

yeah this is gonna be fun this is gonna be fun and i look up at him this is gonna be a fun one what do you like like what's gonna be a fun when he goes making this work baby this is gonna be a task and i was like damn that kind of fired me up right there yeah that's what i mean that's so good the only thing that and i think it's funny i'm not mad at him for this but i told him explicitly multiple times because i was like we don't we spent two days rigging this thing up

We don't need to take it out and start ripping on it extremely hard right away and break it because I want to at least get a majority of the shots covered so that way we have a video before it breaks or whatever. But we can progressively ramp it up and rip it. And you told him in the video too, but I told him so many times. I told him a few times just on my own like...

Yeah, he was acting like he was racing you, bro. I'm trying to keep up, so I'm going faster than he's going faster than that to lose me. We were out there 10 minutes, and he legitimately was going 70 mile an hour in the ditch, and we couldn't keep up in the pickup to film him. And he was going so fast that the wind was vibrating the camera, and I couldn't even... Like, it was just...

And he's just out there just... Getting bumps, tacoing the thing. I was so worried that a track...

I was worried that the front ski was going to break and it was going to pummel on him because he was going so fast. I'm like, dude, you don't need to go this fast. A mailbox or a signpost. Gavin did, could not remember how wide that thing was. Like he ran my ski over. He ran up on my track, like just pulling up to say hi. Like he, it was four feet wider than he thought, but just, yeah. Ripping past these mailboxes and signpost electrical boxes and thankfully didn't hit any.

I would compare Gavin to a dog that sees another dog and then they like make each other get excited. And then pretty soon they're both just like, like doing zoomies around the entire house. And they're just riling a jumper. They're jumping on the couches, even when they know they're not supposed to. And that's exactly what Evan and Gavin were doing. They would start going on pretty soon. Gavin would grab third. Yeah. Yeah.

Goddamn, dude. And then he'd look over and the truck is going pretty fast, but we're just so fast to keep up with him. He's trying to outrun the truck. I'm like, bro, I'm trying to film you. You don't need to go so fast. That dude, I love that guy. He's a good kid. Good kid. Good kid. All right, Ken, throw up this video. Little backstory. It never hit the light of day. And sorry to bring it up on your birthday, Ken. But when we rented the excavator to build our track...

We borrowed a ladder. Oh, no. Oh, my gosh. And this ladder caused significant quarrels within the group, to say the least. We borrowed it from Ken's parents' shed because it's tall and it would work good to set up the time lapse. Well...

Ken told us, don't break that ladder. It was my grandpa's. Multiple times. Multiple times. Well, to be clear, so I don't know who went over with me to get it in the first place. I went because I was told to go get a tall ladder. And was it you or was it you or was it Mike? It could have been me, but for sake of the story, don't involve me. So we sit here and we go to grab the normal ladder we always grab. And it's sitting there and it's this aluminum thing.

really big ladder that's very heavy and then there's a wooden one that's just a little bit shorter than it sitting next to it and we're thinking to ourselves I'm like well they probably don't want this old like the old wooden one probably won't be

be needed to be used in case they somehow need this one and it's going to be lighter. So I'm like, well, it seems like we should take the less nice one. So we take the less nice one, put it in the back of a truck and we bring it over to the shop. Ken immediately walks outside. He's like, why'd you grab that ladder? I'm like, I don't know. It's just that I told me to grab a ladder. He's like, that's my great grandpa's ladder.

or your great great grandpas and don't like oh shit he goes don't break that ladder i'm like oh we'll just bring it back right now let's just go and bring it back right now we'll swap it out he goes no it's fine it's fine like like like sometimes like don't bring it back but that's the wrong ladder i was like what do you want me to do he's like it's fine just use it just don't break it yeah that was the thing don't break it

And I am like, okay. So we bring it out to the field. I don't know why anyone would break this ladder to begin with. And I tell everyone, I say, no one break this ladder. I don't tell them the whole story. I just figured, you know, I'm not filming. I'm not doing anything. I say, nobody break this ladder. Don't break it. We're under strict instructions. Do not break this ladder. Okay. You know, day moves on. Ben ends up in the excavator. When he said that,

I was not there. Unfortunately, the excavator operator did not hear the story about to not break the ladder. So Ken's saying, I told you to not break this ladder. Never told me. Wait, hold on, hold on, hold on. I'm just clearing my name before it gets dragged through the mud. I think I didn't tell you. Clearance.

No, you never told me. But I think you thought I was joking. I said, don't break the ladder. And I think you might have not realized the seriousness that I had. Well, as you're laughing...

So I thought you knew because you were inching towards it with the thing. All right, all right. Just keep on with the story. So I threw a fit about this. No, just hold on. In the field. Hold on. We got to keep going to this. We'll keep the progression of the story. Now Ben is in the excavator and he's inching close and he's like measuring the distance that it can swing. And as long as he doesn't touch one of the

one of the, you know, buttons that either pushes it out further or adjust the bucket, it's not going to hit it. And he's got it within like a foot of this ladder and he's spinning around full speed and it's missing the ladder by a foot. And I'm like, I think everyone's sitting here watching and we're like, he's just messing with Ken, trying to get a reaction out of him. It's so funny. Everyone was just silent. I just like, I just kind of was like, he seems to know what he's doing. He hopped in here and just like has so much confidence in his, his,

operating ability so like who am i i've never driven an excavator i thought you were just trying to take him off and like he wasn't he wasn't getting mad and giving you the response that you wanted to like stop so then ben like stopped no no no i didn't know it was ken's ladder so i wasn't trying to get any reaction out of him well basically i was just i was literally just doing it i was just doing it without a care because you thought it was an old shitty ladder

Yeah, I thought it was just an old shitty ladder. I didn't know where it came from, but I was just up there just swinging around an excavator. And then he stopped. And to be fair, it was in the middle of a construction zone. Like it was in the middle of Rich going with a bulldozer in between a bulldozer and the excavator and the skid steer. Like it was in the middle of the track being built. So I was like,

It's like a hundred year old ladder. Clearly this ladder doesn't mean much. This ladder was a hundred years old. He used to paint houses with it. All right. Okay. So, so then there's like the little thing that comes out at the top of the ladder for like a paint bucket or a paint tray, whatever you want to call it to sit there.

And that's hanging out. And now Ben has like the bucket and it's like, he's like operating it, like flipping it up and down. Inching closer and closer to the ladder. Within inches of it. And he's like going past it. Past it. And he's just kind of teasing everyone. And we're all watching in silence. Ryan just staring in disbelief. He should have said something.

We were under such like, I thought everyone knew like, you know, like I didn't think I needed to tell you don't break Ken's hundred year old family heirloom ladder, which also it's very odd to have a ladder as a family. It's just like, if I,

I would have known. Your parents have old shit. You just know. I agree. Don't fuck with it. Yeah, exactly. It's never good to break the family stuff. Even if the ladder, even if Bob had literally taken that ladder and thrown it away the very next day, it's Bob's job to break the ladder, not ours. I agree. I agree. Well, that's why no one said anything because we're like, well, surely he's not going to hit the ladder. But I was like, man, he is getting so close. He is really good at operating this thing, and he has a lot of faith in it.

Next thing I know, smack! Fucking smacks the ladder. Crushes the paint tray. Wood goes flying. And then Ken says, bam! Grab my ladder! And then I'm like, almost dropped this whole thing.

Oh, dude. It wasn't even funny. I was just like, Jesus, dude. I, as soon as Ken goes, that's my grandpa. That's my a hundred year old ladder. I go real funny, real funny, real funny. I thought Ken was telling me. And then I thought you guys were behind it. Cause then Ryan is Ryan storms off. And CJ's,

CJ is standing there with the camera like down low, which the only time a camera's down low is when you're trying to hide it because it's so uncomfortable to hold it up. I couldn't believe what I was watching. He's just like holding it real low and I'm looking at CJ just hoping that he's going to go. It's a joke. I told him. I was like, dude. And CJ's just shaking his head and I'm like,

So he's telling me this is a joke. And Ken was mad. Understandably. Rightfully so. And Ken Storm gets in his Bronco and he rips off at like 50 through the fastest I've ever seen that Bronco go. Fastest I've ever seen that Bronco go too. And I'm like... He's in a quarter mile time out there. And it's just silent. It's just me, CJ, and Evan. And I think Mike might have been there. And I'm like...

Please tell me you guys are fucking with me. I'm like, please, somebody tell me this is a joke on me. And then Ryan comes back. You just have no fucking boundaries, do you? And I'm like, all right, this isn't a joke, is it? I'm like, this is real. I fucked up. So anyway, I was watching Facebook because I do that sometimes. Also, I want this to be clear. I just broke the paint bucket holder, like the wood on the paint bucket holder.

The rest of the ladder is good. His grandpa painted the Empire State Building, the mast on the top of it, and never broke the paint. I know. It was all the way down for you to come around with an excavator. Yeah.

I'm just kidding. So anyway, I was watching Facebook as I do sometimes. And I saw this video that's about to play. And I thought about just sending in our group chat and going at Ben could never do this. But then I thought it'd be funnier to talk about it on the podcast. So roll, roll 15 seconds of the clip. Oh my gosh.

Oh my gosh. Well, the brims are too big. This guy's cheating. I think my friend Ben could do this with factory hats. You want me to test on me? Holy shit. This is just some really odd Chinese game show Guinness World Records thing. Like fastest hats removed. This is dumb. These poor women are scared. Drunken laborers that could do this. That is true. Operators, it's like an extension of their body. But

This also just shows, like, I swear to God, Chinese game shows are so dangerous. So dangerous. Do you guys remember the show that used to be on Spike? It wasn't even in English. Yes. Most Extreme Elimination Challenge. People just getting wrecked. And it's all Japanese, and they'll just get fucked up, and then they go...

Oh, my God. That show is such a vital part of my childhood. I would watch it, too. Spike TV, what happened to them? And it's funny because the announcer goes, right, you are, Ken, in that I've been waiting for a meme to use that in. Kenny Blanketship. Yeah, Kenny Blanketship. That's right. Oh, that's amazing. The fastest time to remove six caps using an excavator is 21 seconds. We got six guys. Let's do seven.

And we'll have Ben operate it. Dude, Uncle Rich, I think he could blow the doors off this record. Probably. Man, that's funny though, man. I'm glad that you brought that story up. Just dig it up from the archives. Thank you for that. A buried beef. There was so much weight to it, we couldn't even put it in the video. It was just so bad. I mean, Jesus. It was so stressful when it happened because...

usually when bad things happen my go-to reaction is to laugh it's not a good reaction the best emotion to show but it happens every time and it was so hard ken's like peeling out in the bronco ben's i don't know everyone's fired up and i'm just giggling i feel so terrible where's where's mike

He bailed, dude. Mike's all on the leash now. He quit having fun with us, and he also quit working with us. Yeah. It's like a 50-50 shot if Mike's even going to show up anymore. Because he's either sleeping in or he left. Where's Mike? Mike Coho is over here. He had to bring in Evan. Thankfully, Evan's here. He's doing great. Evan's doing great. On the Modelo. I feel like Mike's beers coming from. Mike off the leash in Canada is going to be.

Like he's going to snap back to somewhere even worse than he was before. You think so? God, we could totally just ruin Mike his entire day when he listens to this podcast and tell the full detailed story unabridged without him here to interrupt us about that time when he hugged that one guy that was on like PCP in the bar. I think we should. I think we've talked about that. I think we have to. We showed in the video too. Yeah. They like hug each other and they like grab each other's shoulders and it looks like they're going to kiss. Yeah.

Then Jake's dick came out. Ev, I hate to go this direction. Oh, no. Just kidding. I hate to go this direction with the podcast, which it seems like they normally do. But the other day I heard the beginning of a story of you getting your nuts cut open.

What? Yeah, that happened. And I said, tell me no more. Tell me no more. I got to wait until I hear from Evan on the podcast. So I've been waiting for this moment. What's the story? Okay, so funny enough, actually. This is where the pods always go. I was in sixth grade when that happened. That was a hell of a year. It was a tough year. I went deaf and blew my nuts apart. Oh, shit. Okay. Yes. So when we were kids, we were...

We had a bike jump. We were jumping off of like a flatbed skid steer trailer over a little creek. So it was maybe two or three feet tall and we were just jumping out five feet to get over this creek. It was kind of muddy where we were landing and my buddy had my bike so I was just going to run and jump with my feet over the creek up onto the trailer.

rather than off the trailer over the creek. So I just came running in full bore and jumped. And I wasn't going to make it, so I thought if I got one foot up on the trailer, I could pull myself up. And that foot that got on the trailer was just covered in mud, and it just slid. So I basically, yeah, just ran at a full sprint and just jumped, did the splits, and then

like a 90 degree steel edge. You know, like the thin metal on the back of a flatbed trailer? Yeah. I mean, just, yeah, 90 degree angle. It's like the edge of this table. Okay. So right away when it happened, I got just like a normal nut shot where you like kind of get an upset stomach. You kind of get a hot flash, whatever, and

I just thought maybe I was okay, like walk it off or whatever. And my upset stomach wasn't going away after a few minutes. So I'm like, wow, I'm just going to go to the bathroom. I might need to take a poop.

Maybe that'll make my stomach feel better. You're not six years old. No, sixth grade. I was like 13, 12 or however old you are then. So I, and then, you know, but evaluate myself mainly. I just was going to go do it in private and go get in the bathroom and,

A relevant part of the story by walking the bathroom and the toilet just happens to be flooded to the ground. And it's like, not what I need, but it's just... That doesn't matter. Did you use it an hour before? No, that was somebody else. It wasn't me.

Go in there until it's already blown out. I knew they should come back to bite me in the ass. So just try to ignore that. As soon as I start to pull my pants down, or my underwear down, I notice there is blood. There's a bunch of blood. Sorry. So I'm like, oh my God. This is what I'm talking about. British Columbia. Sorry, sorry, sorry. So...

I know there's blood everywhere. So like basically just kind of grab my sack and start like starting to look down and there's like a little scratch or a scuff on top. A little blood. Yeah.

Yeah, it was just like a little abrasion. I don't really know what it was from, but I'm like, oh, this is manageable, right? All right. I hate to cut you off, but I was just getting a little too detailed knowing that you're like 16 or 13 years old. For the sake of the story, Evan is now 18 years old. Oh, yeah, yeah. I was 20 years old. All right, turn it on. Anyway, but either way, I thought I found where the blood was coming from real quick. No big deal.

Actually like was just gonna rock with it and then something just didn't feel right and I just like stuck my hand down further and I just felt like

like an open wound which turned out to be like six stitches i believe but yeah and then i checked again found out that it was bad had to like go tell my parents so we're at kind of like a barbecue with a bunch of family friends and stuff and i like pulled my dad aside i was like hey look at this i think it's bad she's like oh my god get your mother you're going to the hospital dad i blew my balls out but i think they're fine i think everything works like they're

They're supposed to now. Dude, honestly, almost the most pain, though, was I waited too long to get the stitches out. So there was a couple that were kind of grown in. And I could just...

The doctor with the tweezers, he's pulling on that stitch. It's just stretching. You got your legs out there. Before it finally, like, snaps out. Like, it's just... Oh, because the sack was just going with it. It was like if you were just plucking a pubo, but then it's, like, ultra attached. It's just fucking stretched from here to here. But it's not a zip tie. You're fucking way out. So, this might be too graphic. I don't know. But...

Was like the slice bad enough where like a nut could have just fallen out? See, nuts was weird. I think there might be like layers of stuff. And honestly, I think it might have been a tear. Like one ball went both ways potentially. I don't know. I don't honestly know because I mean, could you get truly cut? It's not that sharp of an edge.

It's like through my jeans and all my clothes. I kind of think it was a tear. Yeah. But that doesn't make it sound any less painful, to be honest. That was painful. I can't imagine if Ken would have suffered that trauma. Dude, he's got a big target. We've never seen this type of blood loss. He's way more probable for a nut shot. He's at way higher risk. Ken would be a good boxer.

Because they hit him anywhere below the waist. That's why they always hike their waistbands up over their belly buttons, right? I don't know. I think that's just a cover maybe if they're not in shape. I don't know. Jake Paul's fighting Tommy Fury now, I guess. No, I don't think he is. Oh, they backed out again? I'm pretty sure they backed out again. Holy shit, that guy needs to just not ever...

even talk about it again. Yeah, I'm pretty sure. There's no fucking way. No, I'm pretty sure he backed out again. No, he's going... I haven't heard anything about it. Tommy Fury refuses to attend face-off?

Maybe this is a dumb question, but who's Tommy Fury? Professional fighter, boxer. So Tyson Fury is like the heavyweight champion of the world. One of the greatest heavyweights to fight. Boxing? Yes. Boxing. And his younger brother is Tommy Fury, who is kind of like this Instagram model. He was on like a love show. Really? Yeah. Yeah. And he supposedly is a professional boxer, but it's tough because...

A lot of like, like he's kind of in the stage where he hasn't really fought anyone significant. He's like, he's like undefeated, but he just fought a bunch of, but Tommy and Jake have been supposed to fight what? Like three times. This is the third time they've been supposed to fight. Yeah.

But he keeps backing out. They call him Tommy Fumbles. Tommy Fumbles. Because he fumbles the bag. Just look up. Is Jake Paul. Oh, it says canceled. No fucking shit. No, no. I think that was the last one. That was just saying the press conference in Saudi Arabia. No, no, no. Look. No, up top. Yeah, yeah. On the about. Jake Paul versus Tommy Fugler. Bill, there's a truth. There's an upcoming. I feel like Jake Paul would be posting on this. The bout is scheduled to take place 26th of February in Saudi Arabia. Date canceled.

Damn, no one even knows if it's happening. We don't even know. I hope it is because I'd love to see that. I like watching Jake Paul fight. Oh, yeah, it is not. And the Google notice is a mistake.

I've moved out of my house. I'm living in a little apartment. I've gone back to the dog mindset. I thought Tommy canceled because his girlfriend is pregnant and she was supposed to have a baby like any day. Well, Ben, I'm looking at Tommy Fury's profile and why the frick is Greta liking all his pictures? Shut up. Deadass, dude. What? Why does Greta like this picture? That's a good question. What do we got going on over here? Tommy Fury fan. She's like two now. What? Would you fight him?

I might have to. He might fumble a bag there. I don't know how much of a bag there'd be, but he might back out. You might just do it for sport on that one. You guys scrapping the Roadhouse parking lot? Biggest pay-per-view event of the 2023. Of the Cormorant time. Holy shit. It's advertised in the paper and shit. We have it over at

Cormorant Square, just like the wrestling. The fake wrestling. Would you guys hop in the ring? To box? Yeah. No. It probably wouldn't be a good idea for you, but would you have...

Yeah, it's all fun and games, though, until you get punched right square in the nose. Yeah, everyone's got to plan until they get punched in the face. I can get hit in the side of the head all over the place. It's fine. You get bopped square in the nose and it sucks. Your eyes start watering. I don't want to do this anymore. You're like a shark. If it was a very significant amount of money, I feel like you'd have to. Even I would have to.

I don't know what that number would be. Well, yeah, obviously. Why wouldn't you? Might try to fight? Depends on how hard they can hit. Did you guys see in the paper? Someone must have listened to only just a fraction of this podcast today.

and heard the story of us talking about buying Tools & More. But they didn't even listen. Which is like a local large warehouse. Sorry, Tools & More is a large warehouse in a town over that's been changed hands a million times. But they didn't even listen far enough for us to say, no, we'd never buy that place. And it was in the paper.

It said, see boys to buy tools and more. We were like a headline, front page news. Yeah, I did see that. And I was not going to turn down that rumor because I thought it was really funny. We should start more rumors. What's another good one we can start up?

We are going to open. What's this something really? Let's open a bar. It's always about drinking with you, Ken, isn't it? It's always about drinking. Ken, there's no way that people would believe that. We're going to open a horse breeding center. Evan actually, a lot of people don't know this. He's a studied equestrian. I like it.

I thought you were going a different direction with that. I thought you were going a different direction. So did everyone listening, you sick fucks. Well, you didn't let me finish. No, just kidding.

Evan's actually an equine expert. And we're opening up a horse stable where we're going to breed championship racehorses. I am the size of a proper lawn jockey. I could ride those horses around the track. I guarantee you could. Can we get into horse racing? Let's do this. I guarantee you Evan could. I'll drop off 50 pounds. I'm a perfect horse jockey. I guarantee you Evan could. He'd be able to hang on just fine. Have you ridden a horse? Fuck no.

Fuck no. Really? You've never ridden an oval? We should strap. Why would I ride a horse? Unless I got to actually race around the oval, what do you normally get to do? Probably go ride around a pasture. You think he's going trail riding? No, he's going racing when it comes to horses. I'll go racing. Do you think we... Is that like a thing that you could do for sport? Ride horses? Well, I think you have to buy a horse and a barn and a farm. We need to get Evan on a really fast horse. And then like, I don't know what the...

It's pretty dangerous. Dude. Well, yeah, Evan's good at holding on. It is, dude. I rode a donkey. Here's a Palmer. If you get trampled by one of those, they also run hella fast. Ain't faster than any 450. That's for sure. I know. But, I mean, like, the horse is... You get...

really fucked up it would be pretty funny though send Evan off like a bad cowboy in the west you tie him up on the horse and you smack the horse's butt and send him off into the sunset oh my god wait until you slap the horse in the butt it kicks you so they would tie him up on the horse and then just slap its ass and let it run off how do they keep him on it they just tie him I think they'd put it maybe on like a wild mustang or something I think you're like hog tied to the horse I don't think you want to be there do you

As in, like, how do you get the horse back? Or what's your question? Well, I'm wondering how they tie them to the horse. I think you lose the horse. You may be sending him out on his own horse. I understand. Is this a punishment? Are you sending him out as a punishment, right? Yeah, it's like you get sent out of town, and I'm wondering how they strap you to the horse because it's pretty hard to hang on when you're willingly trying to. They tie you to a horse? They probably used to do that back in the day, dude. Back when Richard ran this town, dude.

They do like the freaking horse tie where they tie your arms and your legs and lynch you. Yeah. There were so few people here, they only had four horses.

So they did it to one guy and then they were like, oh, we're out of horses. I can't afford to do that to everyone. Yeah. Maybe it's just my lack of ability to properly ride a horse, but I hate, I hate horse. They're scary. Horses. Cause I don't trust them. And I definitely don't trust myself to know what to do in a case of like a horse going rogue.

I would be like, good. Yeah, you're on that, man. I'm just along for the ride. I'm along for the ride. Maybe this horse is just like a little rebel piece of shit. And it's just like... They'll do that. And maybe the horse thought the same about you. Maybe it's a... That's the thing is maybe he did. And now I'm riding this massive horse that does not care how many...

And how many times I kick it side or whatever the hell you do. I think both those things make the horse go faster. That's the problem. You're supposed to pull up and say, whoa. But yeah, no, that's why I said it is sketchy in its own way because you could have a fast ass horse and they don't want to listen and you're along for the ride unless you want to bail. And it's like bailing off that horse at...

It's different than the three-wheeler and half the other stuff I ride. I'm just along for the ride. That's true. I'm not saying you shouldn't have the same. Am I, though? Well, we did that. We've done horse riding, but I thought it was fun. Rodeo round two? Ryan's done the bull riding. The bull was scary. Dude, Ryan, I still can't believe you rode a bull, bro. That was wild. Very glad I got that out of the way.

It's a badass thing to do. Debatably one of the most badass things you can do. It's just really a bummer. Next to UFC fight, box, ride a bull, I'd say they're all up there. If you ride a PBR bull, that's fucking crazy. It is a bummer too because some people are like, well, let me see your run. I ride on weekends and sometimes and I'm like, it fell over instantly.

Yeah, but you wrote it down to the ground, bro. Yeah, Ryan Fring wrote it down to the ground. He shoved its face in the dirt and everything. Yeah, that was wild, bro. Borderline animal abuse. I was so anxious for you. Yeah, it was awful. We showed up there, and then it was like, it's kind of one of those things you don't want to get iced. When you're about to hit a big jump or something like that, you're like, I don't want to get here, do it, leave. Or not leave, but be done with the thing you're nervous about. And we stood around for like three hours.

And then the guy before me, the last person to go before me who like does it for fun and sport goes and held on a little too long and then went from the back of the bowl to the head and then like knocked himself out, broke his collarbone. All that got like really messed up. And then everybody came on was like, listen, you don't have to do this. Yeah.

And I was like, fuck. You're trying to hype yourself up to do it and they're like, man, you really don't got it. You really shouldn't do this. That's the worst. Yeah. Man, I don't fully understand the mentality of the guys that go out and just do it for fun on the weekends. I mean, talk about a hell of an adrenaline rush, but...

Dude, those dudes clearly are just built different. I think it's confidence in yourself that you're not going to get hurt, that you and this animal can duel it out, and you're like, the way that I come off is going to be okay. Like, dude, our buddy Blaine rides bucking horses, which are arguably even more nasty, honestly. He's just like, yeah, no, it's between you and the animal, you know?

Yeah, I guess you spend enough time on the seat. Perfecting your craft. You're probably a little bit more confident going into it. But just as a first timer, especially watching it, dude, it's so gnarly. Yeah. If you guys haven't seen it, you got to go and watch bull riding at least once. And you'll have a whole new respect for it because it's cool. As soon as you see how big they are, you're like, oh, this is...

This isn't a joke. And like you said, I couldn't imagine riding like a real competition. Yeah. Like they basically just like grab some bull out of the field. And that's the one that I rode. It was tiny compared to those.

Beasts. All right. So what time do you guys leave for British Columbia? I fly out at 9 tomorrow morning, 9 a.m. Do we have to get to the airport early? Can you bring me? I can either bring you or you can leave a truck there. It doesn't matter. I do need a pickup here this week. What? What? Oh, just one. What are you planning? What's your guys? Now my guards up. You're going to be there for six days.

Probably snowmobile. Six days of snowmobile. I don't know. Well, it is a bummer. We lose two days of travel, basically. We're going to Revelstoke, British Columbia, which we went to...

What was it already? Like four years ago? Yeah. 2019, 2019. Yeah. Four years ago. Yeah. It's going to be a really good time. I'm excited to go to, I wish, I wish the rest of the boys could have came. You were trying to come, but your passport didn't come. Yeah. I wanted to come so bad just cause it just would have been fun. It sounds like a pretty good time. You guys are talking up the bars and all that. It is. The snowmobiling in, in Revelstoke is like the best in the world. And what makes it better? Uh,

Really good snow, really good terrain, and you're not that high. You're riding at like 3,000, 4,000 feet, and usually you're riding at like 10,000 feet, so you can actually breathe. Thank God. This is the best news I've had. Ev, you're going to have to tone back on the vape, man, for at least the next—let your lungs breathe a little bit. I'm going to be good here, but when we were in Idaho, I thought I was going to die. You considered quitting there?

quitting my life not the vase going down with it maybe that uh so just the snowmobiling's better yeah and then like when you get up on the top of the mountain you look around and there's just like massive mountains everywhere and usually when you're out west like you get to the top of the mountain and like you're kind of up top and then you're kind of looking down on everything else out there it's just like

Huge country everywhere. Yeah, it's just like a whole new world. You guys gonna link up with Brett Turcotte? I think so. Yeah, I think we're gonna meet Brett up there and hopefully a couple other guys that are kind of local to the area and are just like ridiculously gnarly.

That'd be sweet. We gotta get Brett to do a backflip. That would be so sick. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know what that consists of. If, if it's like snow conditions or we just have to take the time to like build a booter, that'd be so sick to see a dude, Hucka back country backflip. That'd be bad-ass. Canon. I mean, we were lucky enough. We get to fly up there. We still have to drive like six hours. Ken, you got us first class, right? First class was not available. Oh,

Back of the plane. If it was, he wouldn't have put us... He definitely wouldn't have put any of us on the toilet. He's still thinking about that. Even in economy class, your tickets were still $1,200 a piece. Jesus Christ. Maybe we should have sent Evan up in the truck. Cripes. Evan's like, fuck no. Dude, doing a 24-hour drive alone. I'm going to need Slim for this one. If we leave right now...

We can probably pick them up at Calgary tomorrow. Some of these Canadian roads being so shitty too. They are shitty. I don't know what they do up there. If it's like the queen spends all the money back home in Europe or something like that, but the roads are fucked. I don't even know how you guys drive up there. It's not a priority probably. I think. Yeah, the queen owns everything, dude. I think there's a prime minister.

Hold up now. The queen is dead too. There's Justin Trudeau. Well, there's another one that came back, right? The king. Oh, now it's a king? Is he the prime minister or the king? No, no.

Wait, they owned Canada, though? I don't know. I thought Canada was independent. No, that was the thing. We went through the whole war to, you know, no taxation without representation. I thought Canada was French. We sound so dumb being that we are only... I mean, we are on the northern half of the United States. I mean, most northern. A couple hours away from Canada. We're a couple hours away from Canada. We're not Canadian. We're not Canadian.

The prime minister. Two hours from now, you don't have a prime minister. Justin Trudeau. That's basically their president. That's their president, yeah. He makes all the decisions. Yeah, but hold up. Are you saying that England...

owns canada uh i'm not really sure what are you saying here but i i do know when ken and i booked the tickets there was some weird thing that evan wasn't able to get in or something there was something back with his id so he was gonna have to finger blast the queen but now that she died is he gonna have to jerk off the king

Probably. No, it'd be the prince, wouldn't it? No, it's the king now. How old is he? It doesn't matter. He'll do it. The king is 74. Charles? You're always into some older ones. That's a pretty crazy thought. You don't even really have to be... You don't have to earn it over there. You can just be born into it. Be a total idiot.

And you're like, eh, it doesn't matter. It is pretty messed up. It is pretty fucked. I wouldn't like that. I'm glad we live where we do, honestly. Where at least it's like, you know, a democracy and you have a chance or a choice. Or the illusion of it. Yeah, somewhat. Do we, though? I know. Yeah. But still, somewhat of it. Yeah. King and Queen seems so like...

medieval archaic like it's just so old like the fact that anyone still runs that in whatever country you're in especially one that's like pretty developed i mean extremely developed but also i'm probably wrong so don't crucify me because i said that the two percent of europe listeners are like what the fuck i don't know that was not a european oh no i wasn't trying to oh then what was that i don't know it's getting late you know guys it's been fun

And it's been real. I hope you get back in from Canada so we can run another one of these. Yeah, maybe we should wait. We'll wait to drop this one until after we get back from Canada so we don't get stranded up there. Like they don't let us back into the United States? They might look you up and down. I mean, if I was a guy that was making a decision, I wouldn't... I suppose they'd probably want you out of their country. They'll probably push you back into the United States. No, it's hard. It's...

Well, actually, do you remember last time we got into Canada or trying to get into Canada? It was kind of a process. It's because I think I know why it's because I was driving and then Jake kept doing all the talking from the back. And I think they thought there was something really weird going on.

And then they pulled us aside and we had to explain this whole reason why we were going up there. And it's like kind of a gray area being that we're filming. So we're like there for business. They don't like that. They want you to pay the taxes on it. And I'm like, no, we're just going for fun. And they're like, they checked all of our luggage, all the stuff. It was really weird. Like we were drug smugglers or human traffickers. You better be careful. Don't have your vape stash. They don't let, they don't allow vapes in Canada. You know that, right?

Yeah, you're going to have to start smoking cigarettes like a man for this trip. No. Ken didn't go. They pull us aside. He's got a passport. He said, fuck that. They pull us aside and they're like, oh, these stupid Americans. They must not have heard about the future. Robots are coming. There will be no robots coming anywhere. Let's wrap it up. All right, guys. Thank you for listening. Thank you for subscribing. And thank you for watching, viewing.

And what else? What else do people do? I don't know. Fuck me, dude. I'm tired. See you guys next time. I'm tired. Today's episode is brought to you by Angie. Angie has made it easier than ever to connect with skilled professionals to get all your jobs and projects done well. Let me tell you, there's the version of it where you try to do something at home and then there's a version of it where you have someone help you, you watch them do it the right way and you go, thank God I didn't try to do that myself.

I have fully done things around the home that I think look good and then a bang in the night and I wake up to a shelf collapsing, a painting falling off the wall. Like it, I've seen it all go south. I own a home and I can tell you, I know how much work it can take. Whether it's everyday maintenance and repairs or making dream projects a reality, it can be hard just to know where to start. But now all you need to do is Angie that and find a skilled local pro who will deliver the quality and expertise you need.

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