cover of episode CboysTV Is Never Allowed Back In Vegas

CboysTV Is Never Allowed Back In Vegas

Publish Date: 2022/11/15
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Life Wide Open with CboysTV


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Today's episode is brought to you by Angie. Angie has made it easier than ever to connect with skilled professionals to get all your jobs and projects done well. Let me tell you, there's the version of it where you try to do something at home and then there's a version of it where you have someone help you, you watch them do it the right way and you go, thank God I didn't try to do that myself.

I have fully done things around the home that I think look good and then a bang in the night and I wake up to a shelf collapsing, a painting falling off the wall. Like it, I've seen it all go south. I own a home and I can tell you, I know how much work it can take. Whether it's everyday maintenance and repairs or making dream projects a reality, it can be hard just to know where to start. But now all you need to do is Angie that and find a skilled local pro who will deliver the quality and expertise you need.

Whatever your home project, big or small, indoor or outdoor, you can Angie that and connect with skilled professionals to get the project done well. Right now, one of my wishlists is I want a bike for my condo in Milwaukee and I would love to rig it up on a pulley in the ceiling because I have one of those like lofted ceilings.

but I'm so scared to try that on my own. Angie has 20 years of home experience and they've combined it with new tools to simplify the whole process. Bring them your project online or with the Angie app. Answer a few questions and Angie can handle the rest from start to finish or help you compare quotes from multiple pros and connect instantly, which means you can take care of any home project in just a few taps.

Because when it comes to getting the most out of your home, you can do this when you Angie that. Download the free Angie mobile app today or visit That's A-N-G-I dot com. Alrighty, guys. Welcome back to the Life Wide Open podcast. We always remember to say this at the end, but never in the beginning. So if you are watching and you enjoy the show. I just hit the thing on my chair. I made it go down. Carry on, sorry. Please subscribe or if you're on Spotify or Apple, rate us five stars. Whatever those things are, please do them. We would really appreciate it.

Let's get into it. Let's get into it. First off, can't believe we're drinking a beer, CJ. I know. That's what I said. I was thirsty. Yeah, I just actually can't. So right now we have Ben mad, like under the weather. He's got the suds, dude. He's got the suds. Yeah, I guess if you guys can compare it to anything. Have you ever seen Spongebob when they get sick? The suds, yeah. The suds. Evan's down with the suds. I believe I'm coming down with the suds, so I am drinking...

A healthy drink for once. I'm a heavy believer of on the vitamin C, lots of it. You can maybe not surpass getting sick, but it helps. I'm a big believer of that. Yeah, Ken was laying down before this too, and he's thinking he's sick. You see, I was feeling pretty sick on Sunday, the last day of Vegas. So we just came back from Vegas, and that is where everyone got sick. What a surprise. Because we were...

doing a bunch of running around we were flying we were getting a little sleep and on top of that we were drinking and uh having a blast i don't know if ben's actually sick or if he's just that hung over no i thought that at the concert because he was talking about how he didn't feel good all this and i was like that's what it feels like to get old buddy like your hands are worse and then yeah it turned out to be real real sick so definitely a bummer definitely not good for the productivity which we needed after vegas because

The boys did not do so hot. That's, I think the worst part is, is like we get back, you know, it was, uh, we went to SEMA. It was amazing. Kind of a business trip. Got to enjoy ourselves. Then we come back. I'm like, all right, let's, you know, let's kick it back to it and get back to it. And then everyone's just like, not only down, bad, they're down, bad, uh,

financially you know some of us lost a lot of money yeah dude i think ben really came out the worst on the trip i hate to speak for him but i feel like i have to because i don't know if we're going to come back to this on the podcast basically ben lost at least visibly in front of me two thousand dollars he lost more than that i think it was probably around somewhere between 2500 to 3000 and

Oh, my gosh. I thought I lost a lot, but then I dropped all my cash off at the bank and I was like... Well, actually, because you said you were going to bring like 10 grand. No, I said five. Five. Sorry, five. Wow. And I only lost $1,200. Okay. That's pretty bad. That's still pretty bad. It's better than I expected, though, because I was thinking it was going to be closer to two, but I just straight up didn't count the cash until I went to the bank.

So I don't want to like lock in that Ben lost that much, but I watched, he said he was down, I think a thousand or maybe a little more than that. And as we were walking out the door in the casino, we were already outside. He said,

let's go back in. I'm going to put $1,000 on red. I think you did the same thing. I did as well. Yep. And they lost. They lost that $1,000 and then Ben took $500 out again and put it on red and won that and then he got all hyped up. He's like, I'm going to do it again. And I think he put the other $500 down and then lost it. So he lost $1,500 in like a matter of a minute and 30 seconds on our way out the door. I was actually...

legitimately sick like visibly sick after we did that because maybe that's what it is maybe that's what it is if we're down bad on gambling it just like ruined our emotions because like

As much as we kind of spend money on things that probably wouldn't be considered good investments, such as cars and four wheelers, dirt bikes, we at least can use them for fun on videos. It's where we spend all of our money. So it's a bit justified because I hate wasting money. I hate having to spend money on shit like that, that I don't need. And I was like,

ill on the way home with myself. I acted like I didn't know you guys were going to go do that. So that way you didn't have to partake. I knew what was going down, had my thousand dollars with you ended up. How, how did you end up on the whole weekend? Well, so here's, here's my take on Vegas. You guys know, don't gamble that much. Gambled the most I ever have for sure.

I ended up as far as that goes, believe it or not. Probably like total, probably threw in a total of 300, came out with a total of 350 over the entire weekend. You came up 50 bucks up. There you go, dude. You are the only winner. But here's where I go down in Vegas is that I'm a sucker to give money to someone in need, but you know, homeless people or whatever. So when we were wandering around SEMA, Kevin, Evan, and I were...

Hitting up all the small kiosks, not even kiosk booths. There's guys there, like there's Dodge and Ford, and they have the biggest booth ever possible. And then there's guys with legitimate eight-foot table selling one product. No one speaking to them. One guy there, maybe a banner in the back. Are you going around? Pity bot from them? Pity bot from one guy. What'd you get? Some like DeWalt...

drill holders. Oh, and Kevin, Kevin was the one instigating that. He was like, are they indestructible? He's like, well, I've never broken one. Kevin puts it on the ground, stomps on it. No way. Didn't break it, but we're like, geez, Kevin. Kevin's a savage sometimes. Yeah. Whatever, whatever he gets like just out in that setting, like our buddy Kevin. Yeah. And then I bought these things that when you take it out, it's like malleable and it's like plastic, but when you take it out and expose it to light, it turns hard.

So you can like fix bumpers with it. But that one was my funniest. Cause those guys were the best like salesman. And then I'm like, right, these guys, they got like chains and like maybe kind of expensive watches. And then I seemed interested. I'm like, genuinely, I could see my, I could see myself using it. Like this is, I've never seen anything like this. It hardens and you can drill into it and it's cool. And then he's like, sweet. Start showing me. I'm like, I'll take like the smallest pack or whatever. And the smallest pack was 150 bucks for like, you know, I'm like, ah,

And I was going to bail out, but I was like,

just that screw it. And then the guy just like starts bickering back with the other guy who's also wearing chains and a watch and shit. And he's just like, wait, why don't you just help this guy out? I got to help these guys. They have a New York accent. Yeah. Like you could just, it was just so funny. So anyway, catching guys like that. So I lost my money on random. Oh, like this, you know, none of this stuff seems that bad though. No, uh, Evan and I are at the liquor world. Uh,

and we're waiting for our Uber driver back and a cab pulls up and he goes, yo, what's up? You guys got some of that? And we're like, uh, no, sorry. And then he's just like, you guys look like you're into cool clothing. And I'm like, yeah, who isn't?

And then he's like, I got a brand. You want to check it out? And then he gets out, starts going to his trunk. I'm like, what the fuck? No way. I thought this didn't happen. I would run if he's like. He seemed, again, it's just the vibe you give off. I feel it. You get easily startled on the street. He seemed pretty nice. He doesn't have much of a peripheral right now, dude. Yeah, true. You can't trust people in these big cities like that.

His name was Gus, but he opens it, pulls out a, he's like, it's called rare cloth. Wait, right? Yeah. Rare cloth. And then he pulls out, he has like two designs and I'm like, they actually kind of fire though. All I got is 47 bucks. He goes, they usually 50, but I'll take that. I got bad news for you, dude.

That's an online brand. Really? Yeah. I've seen it. I like it, but that's just funny. I don't know if it's his, but... It's probably... Honestly, he might have been getting a deal because there's no way that that sweatshirt would be less than $50 on the internet. Right, as I thought. Honestly, you...

you might've still came out on top with that because watch in like five years or something, or even a year, that rare clothing brand is just going to shoot up. It'll be like the next Gucci. And he was, that will be like, yeah, I bought something back when he was selling stuff out his trunk. Just like, uh, just like, what's that one brand? The guy was selling shoes. I was drunk. Tom Ford. Was it really the Nike guy? No, there was, it was like, I've heard that though. Gucci brand. I think. Well,

Also the Nike guy. Yeah. I mean, a lot of people were selling stuff out of their trunk. So you got to respect the hustle. Yeah, I guess so. That's where I'm down on the weekend though. Moral of the story. I'd say that's a walk. At least you got something instead of just putting it in a video machine and watching it disappear. Yeah. So breaking down the weekend could be probably put into three parts. The gambling slash the gambling and then SEMA.

SEMA is awesome as always. If anybody ever has an opportunity to go, it's really cool. But there is the Hoonigan burnout pit. And this is something that I have not seen too much on the internet other than like the day it happened.

So they have this a burn yard or whatever they call it. People bring out crazy built up cars and basically just drive them until either the wheels explode or the engine explodes. Last year, an engine exploded so hard that parts of the engine, like the pistons blew out and like went into the crap. So you're really close. I mean, it was in our last scene of video. Yeah, it was close. You were to it.

So this year, some guy comes out in just this boat of a challenger and seemed to have stock suspension, but he had a lot of other stuff done to it. Full wrap. Yeah. So he turns the corner and instantly the diff breaks.

So that's why he was only spinning with one wheel. So he's doing like a one wheel wonder burnout and blows to the max, to the max, to the, to the floor rev bombing, one wheel burnout. And it basically, the tires started getting taller and taller and then it exploded, blew the whole side of the car off and flew like 75 feet,

over a semi and landed on top of a show car. Like a whole half a tire. Yeah, like... Just what it looked like. Yeah, just like the tread of it. It looks like they sliced the tire. It basically like RC card, you know, when you rev up an RC car. Yeah, and it just goes...

Yeah. So it messed up his car really bad, but thankfully didn't mess anybody else up. Apparently when it flew over and hit this like early two thousands truck at the mother's booth, it was like flawless. Yeah. Flawless. And it like hit the roof and left a big tire imprint and then dented up the hood and like mess up the bumper. But it like rolled into a guy in a wheelchair. Like he was okay.

But it was like that. I can't believe they're allowed to do that show. I want them to be able to do it, but it is so dangerous. I was nervous. After that, I was like, anytime like a car had like the back end towards us, I was like, Ooh, I'm going to duck down here. I don't want to. Yeah. Yeah. Like if that tire different trajectory, bad news bears. Yeah.

I don't know if I have anything of me on camera saying it, but last year I was saying, like, dude, I can't believe we're able to get this close to these cars. Like, you're literally just a little barrier. Cement barrier. And, like, they have trophy trucks and stuff out there, and they could... If the trophy truck...

hits that cement barrier, it's going to at least get half the, it's probably going to go over at least half the truck. Dude, it kind of actually reminds me, they've become really popular, at least for me on Instagram, is those sideshow videos where people are just whipping it in the streets and like, or a street takeover video. And then dudes are always getting hit at those. Is it just me? Or have you noticed like more and more people are getting hit? Because the videos of it happening are happening. I'm seeing more and more and more and more of them, or they fall out.

the car when they're trying to freaking hang out and they get freaking run over i feel like we used to see him like a few and far between you know once once or twice a year let's all that that was a good one of the guy getting his pants ripped off that's a classic but now i swear i've seen five in the last two weeks i used to watch this guy on youtube it was called super super car suspects and he kind of started with car shows and then he started going to those

and like filming them, which I thought was really cool. And never at those did anyone get hit. I feel like the earlier people-

Were the people that found out about it through somebody and they were smart. And now people are just like, it's getting too big. The drifters are getting bad. And the people there are such idiots. Well, it's like the bigger it gets, the higher the odds of someone being in the circle trying to drift their freaking Nissan Maxima. Yeah. The bigger it gets, the higher their odds there's going to be a higher percentage of crappy drivers. And think of this. You...

like 10 years ago when these maybe this has probably been a thing forever you're not getting you're not getting in there risking it for the shot because you don't have a nice phone maybe you don't have a camera with at all maybe you got so true you're like I'm gonna get in there with the wide angle yeah I'm gonna make some reel that's gonna make me go viral and then it ends up being the dude behind you watching you get hit by the car yep

My favorite's when the guy gets hit by the car and then he grabs, like his gun falls out and he grabs his gun and starts shooting at him. What the fuck? Yeah, it was crazy. Did he ever start shooting? I don't know, actually. It's just still so funny. Like, it's literally bopped across, like skids 25 feet and then takes out his, like, Mac and first thing he does is grab his gun. You get hit by a car, which is obviously, but...

Those guys get just booted. Like, obviously you're going to get booted, but I just have never seen anything like that. Did you guys ever see the one where the guy gets, this has happened multiple times, but they get like ran over by like the back swinging and the guy's pants get ripped his pants. I mean, gets back up. He seemed to be okay.

Dude, I hope they get to keep doing it, but that definitely is the craziest part of SEMA. You know, it's like the event-wise, they have some racing, they have some like drifting, and that's all really sweet, but the Hoonigan burnout pit definitely tops it. Yeah, watching some dude go out there with like,

some built whatever. And literally that guy in that, uh, Silverado, I think it was legitimately did not lift off the floor the entire time he was out there. And I think he just kind of gave up because nothing is tires didn't blow and his engine didn't go up. He went for like three minutes. And I remember him last year. He went like, that's when they like went head to head with another dude, like, you know, single cab, short box, whatever. And they're just literally sitting there head to head, not even hardly in the car.

on the gas for, I don't know, five, ten minutes. It's amazing that like, well, there's a perfect example. My dad doesn't drive his Sprint

that he has and I drove it to go bring it to the detail shop today or the other day and it filed a plug and would hardly run to the detail shop and it has like 600 miles on it and then you got dudes out there legitimately rev bombing their cars for 10 minutes and they're fine. Yeah. I mean obviously they're built and all that stuff but shit we can hardly get a racing lawnmower to run. Right. I know. I feel like once it's good it's normally good. It's good. But if it's not then you're screwed. It is amazing though. 600 miles. How do you have trouble with something like that?

Yeah, honestly, no idea. And then to top it off as far as the crazy side, the motorsport side, the F1, they block off all the streets. I'm sure they... Does this happen a lot in Vegas? No, this is like... I'm not saying F1 in general. I feel like they block the street off for like...

A lot of things. Like every week probably. I don't know. Maybe. But anyway. It seems like you see it. They start blockading all the streets. And then I was like, this will be cool. This will be cool. F1 car. And then once the first time I saw it drive down and it didn't just drive fast. It drove and did crazy donuts. I've never heard anything like that. I've seen an F1 race on TV and I know they go, oh,

but I've never heard anything like that. Yeah. Did you guys see the video of it driving through the casino at the win? Oh yeah, I did see that. The one dude is just sitting at a table like, what the fuck is going on here? Wait, they drove a car through the casino? Yeah, the whole F1, like right down a main hallway. There was like limited amounts of people there.

but it was like set up for that. Today's episode is brought to you by Angie. Angie has made it easier than ever to connect with skilled professionals to get all your jobs and projects done well. Let me tell you, there's the version of it where you try to do something at home and then there's a version of it where you have someone help you, you watch them do it the right way and you go, thank God I didn't try to do that myself.

I have fully done things around the home that I think look good and then a bang in the night and I wake up to a shelf collapsing, a painting falling off the wall. Like it, I've seen it all go south. I own a home and I can tell you, I know how much work it can take. Whether it's everyday maintenance and repairs or making dream projects a reality, it can be hard just to know where to start. But now all you need to do is Angie that and find a skilled local pro who will deliver the quality and expertise you need.

Whatever your home project, big or small, indoor or outdoor, you can Angie that and connect with skilled professionals to get the project done well. Right now, one of my wish lists is I want a bike for my condo in Milwaukee and I would love to rig it up on a pulley in the ceiling because I have one of those like lofted ceilings.

but I'm so scared to try that on my own. Angie has 20 years of home experience and they've combined it with new tools to simplify the whole process. Bring them your project online or with the Angie app. Answer a few questions and Angie can handle the rest from start to finish or help you compare quotes from multiple pros and connect instantly, which means you can take care of any home project in just a few taps.

Because when it comes to getting the most out of your home, you can do this when you Angie that. Download the free Angie mobile app today or visit That's A-N-G-I dot com. Hi, I'm Angie Hicks, co-founder of Angie. And one thing I've learned is that you buy a house, but you make it a home. Because with every fix, update, and renovation, it becomes a little more your own. So you need all your jobs done well. For nearly 30 years, Angie has helped millions of homeowners hire skilled pros for the projects that matter. From

From plumbing to electrical, roof repair to deck upgrades. So leave it to the pros who will get your jobs done well. Hire high quality certified pros at That reminds me of driving my Bugatti, well our Bugatti down the hallways of the casino. Jumping stairs. When's that thing get here? The real question Ken is will it get here? Ben and I

You know, if it was anyone else, I would say you got scammed. We got conned. But you got a really good excuse. But we got to get the thing. So we were basically, Ben and I were going back from SEMA. It was just us two. We got separated from the group. And we were like, well, you know, we're in Vegas. So we start picking up drinks along the way. And it's kind of a long, like, walk slash tram ride. And we're going past this thing. And we see this guy.

Bugatti scooter, which has kind of been popping up. I've seen online like Stradman has one, Jake Paul has one, and we see the Bugatti scooter and we go and look at it. Honestly, like it was pretty well built. Like it was pretty nice and it was sturdy and supposedly, uh,

It is endorsed by Bugatti. They probably don't make them in the factory, but I think there's some kind of connection. Like Bugatti, obviously they had to have been like, yeah, we're cool with working with you guys on this. You put our name on it. Anyways, Ben and I bought it from these two guys.

debatably was it more than the cyber quad it was 1500 bucks oh it's really not that bad no the cyber quad cost literally like cheaper than a one wheel yeah 1500 bucks it's pretty nice scooter but so we go on these guys were trying to upsell us on freaking everything he was like trying to get us to buy this shitty little projector shitty headphones shitty phone chargers

The only thing that was pretty decent was these phone cases, but I didn't have anything that fit my phone. But anyways, Ben and I, like, this is whole commotion. We end up getting the thing from him. We leave. He was trying to get us to, like, get a new one and then have it shipped or just have us unbox it. But I was already on it and we're kind of on. So I'm like, oh, I'm taking this one. The one that you had literally sitting on the showroom floor.

I just like left with it after we paid. And then he called my phone because I gave him my number because you had to like have it shipped and I was going to drop it back. I don't know. He had me fill out this whole thing. I was like, oh, I'm buying a Bugatti. So it makes sense why you got to fill out some paperwork. And he called me. He's like, you need to bring this back. Yada, yada. Like, I can't have you driving. And I was just like,

You'll just have to watch the video. But I was like, sorry, man. It's real bad. It's real bad. I wrecked it real bad. And he's like, what? And I'm like, yeah, I hit a wall. It's in like three pieces right now. And I think I broke my arm. He's like, oh, no. God, fuck, man. And he's got this accent.

And it was pretty funny. The best part is when you go, can I get a refund? Yeah, yeah. I was like, it's cool. Does Bugatti have a warranty on it? And then I was asking if I could bring it back, yada, yada. But then basically, Ben and I go to go charge this thing, plug it in so we can go rip it around some more. And we realized we left without the charger because we freaking...

Took the one off the showroom floor. I asked, too. I was like, where's the charger? That's kind of what I was like. Oh, you at least got the charger, right? Bad deal. Now we're like, God damn it. We just trolled these guys. How are we going to go back there and get the charger? We need to get the charger. We got to get the charger. So I'm like, well, dude, I can't go in there. I just told him I broke my arm.

so I at least walked down with Ben. I wait around the corner and he goes walking in there. I wish he was here. Cause the way he told me the story of what, how the interaction went, it was really funny. You basically just told him like, yeah, dude, like he hit this wall so hard. And like, Oh my God, I don't know. Like his arms and pretty rough shape, but I think he's just being a big baby. And, uh, he does this all the time and they were just like rattled. And the whole thing was super confusing because, uh,

You know, we were filming it and... Oh, my God. Like, they're going to be talking about the interaction for a while. CJ, this is what I pictured. This is you. Oh! Dude, he was moving. Honestly? You've never seen that before? Okay, I've got to get a replay. Dude, this guy's got his wind knocked out of him. So hard. So, yeah. Next week. This is you when you told him you crashed. Oh! Oh! Oh!

I feel so bad for laughing. Let me just hear this. Aww dude. Picks the bike back up. Like he, I don't know if he can breathe yet. He's just trying to breathe. Not a soul inside. He's okay.

I feel like I remember getting hurt like that as a kid. There's just nothing you can do but just audibly scream and cry.

So my question is this ring video his house like he said I hit this or did these people were they just at work and then they got a notification they click like what's going on in front of my house and they just see that. I also wonder that too because if you found that in the second scenario. Just meh.

Oh my gosh. So that, I mean, yeah, that could happen. Yeah. Yeah. So anyways, basically, uh, we bought that scooter. We overpaid on it. I think it was probably worth maybe like 1200 to a thousand bucks, which honestly to have it at the time and be able to rip it around Las Vegas, Evan was like trying to grind it.

I jumped down some stairs on it. It was pretty fun. It was a lot more fun riding in Vegas than it would be around here. I'll tell you that much. Some dudes tried stealing it from us. You just have to watch the video. I'm not going to explain the whole video. Then we went to go ship it back. The guy working at FedEx might have been the laziest driver.

Or the stupidest dude I've came across the whole time. Dude, I was so thankful to get back to Fargo and deal with competent, nice people. I can't even explain how nice it was. The gate attendant at the airport, at the Fargo airport, shout out to that guy. So nice. I was like, man. It was refreshing to be back home. Every interaction I've had since then has been someone who seems like they are not...

10,000 brain cells short. Extremely stupid. Well, it's Minnesota nice. That's true. And also North Dakota. I think it's just these, you know, the northern Midwest is known for being super nice.

And also, I'd probably get sick of dealing with people in Vegas, too. Dude, the guy was he wasn't even in a bad mood. I think he was either just really, really lazy or really stupid. And I'm sorry for him if he's really that stupid. But like we brought it there. So we bring the scooter there and we're trying to ship it home. And I didn't want to deal with the guys anymore because we just trolled them. So you didn't have a box.

No. Okay. And I'm like, we'll just go to FedEx and buy one and have it shipped back. And this guy's like, oh, I don't know if it'll fit. I'm like... Bigger box. Well, go and grab it. Let's see if it'll fit. He's like, oh, I don't think it will. I'm like...

Let's try, bro. Let's try. So then he goes and gets this box. Like, dude, it was just this whole fiasco. And then he was like, I think you better just... Like, he just didn't want to ship it. I don't know how much work it was for him to ship it, but, like, he was acting like it was just the biggest pain. Or even just undoable. And we ended up getting it to fit in the box and shipped it, but...

Hopefully he was able to put it in the right area where it's supposed to get sent out. Yeah. Hopefully we get it back. Also, it reminded me, Mike, when you talked about F1 in Vegas. So we went to Diplo, which was an electric show. It was in this really small club, basically. It was one of the small ones. So we ended up getting there really early. So we got front row. Yeah.

Some of the crew hung out the whole time. Some of you guys didn't. You guys dipped. I think Ken and I were there for a total of four minutes. It was 45. Yeah. We weren't there for 45. I'd say 45. I was being sarcastic before. I looked at my watch and I was like, ah. Wow, that was 45 minutes? Yeah, I was like, ah.

Did you include how long we stood in line for? Including standing in line. We stood in line for probably 20. Yeah. No, I watched my watch when I walked in. I was like, I'm going to stand here this long, and then I'm going to leave. I'm going to gamble. That's funny, Ken, because you normally like shows. Well, he's got a broken neck, Ryan. Fair enough. I really didn't want to stand around getting pushed around by people. I was not having fun standing there getting pushed around. Well, we weren't supposed to stand, Ken. We weren't. So...

Should I just say it? So basically, we got a table given to us, which we never go to the club. We don't know shit. And also, like, I don't... We're not... We don't really care. We're pretty simple. Mark didn't have to pay? No. So, oh, you didn't even know. So Matilda had talked with...

We'll bleep them, but the win. And they were like, oh, yeah, yeah, we're going to give you guys a table because they wanted us there. Because basically, it's just like get... They legit cared about how many Instagram followers we had, which is what I should expect. They wanted influencers or whatever. And they had this whole table set up, and we got a table for all of our dudes and all that. And we go showing up.

With our posse, which keep in mind, we didn't bring our girlfriends with 10 dicks deep. Obviously we're not rolling around with stray girls cause we have girlfriends. Um, so we roll up basically, I think it was 11 of us, 11 dudes and all of us just, and they, they looked at us and I go, yeah, we got a table. It's under CJ. That's so funny. And he, he goes back to the thing. I'm like, watch him talking to the guy. They look at us, look back and then they just comes back and goes, Oh,

Oh, yeah. There's no more tables left. That makes so much. I didn't think about that until right now. I think they just looked at us and were like, we're not giving these guys a table. Walk in, they're not a single table had anyone sitting at it. Yeah. I mean, like, I look like a freaking goon. I got like a mop haircut. Dude, you should have saw how I was dressed. Well, I look good, but I also look like an idiot.

I mean, we look... We think we look good. I don't know what people in clubs in Las Vegas think we look like, but... We looked like a bit of a Motley Crue. Yeah. Ken's in a neck brace. Yeah. We didn't look like we were coming there to, like, get a bunch of bottle service and stuff like that. Yeah. Well, I mean, shit. We would have paid and whatever, but... I don't know. We were trying to have... It would have been nice. We could have sat. We would have, like, actually get a little taste of, like, this, uh...

Royalty treatment. Luxurious Vegas experience. Of being an influencer. Yeah. But they saw us, took one look, and were like, no tables left. That makes total sense. And we got there early because we then... They told us we need to be there at that time. That's why we got there so early. Because I was wondering. I was like, damn, we got here so early. And normally, I'm all about it. I...

Didn't even make it the whole night. But we got up to the front because we got there so early. And again, normally, like, I wouldn't try to get to the front because you get beat up up there. Most of the time with the openers there, we're chilling. Every time there's a little bit of hint that Diplo might come out, we get a little push.

Get a little push. Dude, I wish Ben was here too. We'll have to talk about this. Ben did not know how good he had it where he was. Oh, yeah, because he was sheltered. We were originally perimetering the whole group. We were perimetering. It's hard to do once the opener comes out. Anyway, Ben's chilling on the rail. Just chilling. Just ass out.

sipping his drink he's got like mark on his right butch behind him you behind him we had this whole little like security bubble around it kind of ended up being a little bit of justin and ben that was like they were on the inside and i even kept telling ben that i'm like dude that you you're just just enjoy dancing stuff because you don't get to do this and that's what like it was tough because i knew i'm not too pushy i can't get back to the front so like

Tint and I finally tapped out after about an hour in a Diplo. Keep in mind, an hour in a Diplo, he starts at one. Yeah, so late. That's tough. And then this dude in a wheelchair, well, a bunch of people behind us were like, there's a guy in a wheelchair trying to get to the front, you dicks. And then I was like, okay, yeah, let's, where's he at? Okay, he's right there. Honestly, I was thinking about leaving, so you can actually have the spot. We'll kind of shuffle him in. Thank you, Tint.

And I was like, sorry. I mean, yeah, we'll get him to the front. And so then we did give him our spot. But you guys stayed. I mean, it was fun. But I feel like there's so many other shows you go to for so much less money that would be more fun. But I had a really good time. Diplo bumps. So what was fun about it is me and Ben were front row and Justin. And so, I mean, you're probably...

six seven feet away from diplo and then lewis hamilton showed up who's that one racer yeah if you don't know so being that we were so close dead center front row like the lights kind of were coming on us so like we we

Like almost got into like a couple moments where like they were looking at us like Lewis Hamilton was looking at Ben going like this and then Ben was dancing back. That's fun. That was sweet. And like, you know, I mean, yeah, they're normal people, but also they're not. They're freaking superstars. So it was really sweet to kind of get that type of interaction. And then.

They go like you guys down in the front like you guys are raging blah blah blah and then they brought shots around to us Yeah, they brought me they probably like 20 yeah, oh Pretty cool right to us and then people like attacked him that whole experience couldn't happen in

somewhere else. Like I was just explaining, Oh, he goes somewhere else. Bad experience. Having a good time. You were too, dude. I saw the video. You were on his story and you were fist bumping so goddamn hard. Where am I? I stood out. I was having a fucking blast. On Diplo's story? Yeah. Yeah. Dude, I don't know why. I just don't enjoy when I'm sitting there and getting pushed around in like the thing. No. And see, honestly, if I'd even been for a while, I was one row back. Yeah. And that was not,

a tenth as fun as it was being on the rail because then it's only people from behind you just grab like yeah and then you kind of only have a little bit to block but when you're maybe i just wasn't on the right level i yeah that too and you're still like that but i i feel like as i've gotten older it's less and less enjoyable whereas i can stand back a little further and not have to be right at the front if we weren't on the rail i would not have been anywhere near the front i would have been standing in the back yeah

Yeah. Oh, yeah, I agree. It's either like to the very front or just don't get, yeah, it's not fun to get pushed around. Same thing. I wish Ben was here to explain his interaction with Diplo. Then he threw the cake at him and he caught it. Oh, yeah, Diplo threw the cake. Ben caught the cake. What's up with they always have cakes there? Well, it was Diplo's birthday. Steve Aoki does cake. That's his thing, but yeah. It seems like they all have cakes that they throw into the crowd. Yeah.

So it was quite the experience. Me and Lewis Hamilton and Diplo are best friends now. That's amazing. DM him. Tell him to come hang. Ben said he was like, put on there. He's like, yo, say Lewis, let's party tonight. I was like, he doesn't want to party with us. He's like, yeah, I will. We're boys. And I was like, no, he doesn't. I was like, I guarantee. Look at us. No, he doesn't want to party with us. Look at the...

All the chicks he's with. You think you want us there? Dude, meet us back at the... We're on the ninth floor. We got... We're sharing a king right now, but come party. Yeah, come back. We can hang out in the casino floor or something. We're planning on getting free drinks at the slots, playing plenty of slots. Yeah.

he's just like, no, I'm good, man. Thanks. It was a pretty fun trip. Glad to be home. Glad to be back to work. Yeah. Glad to be back at work. Still taking L's though. Yeah. Uh, we were supposed to go drifting today, take my car to the drift track and it was running like shit. And then it actually started running halfway. You know, I got to,

basically get it fixed. I don't know what's wrong with it. Get it tuned. But, uh, it started running like shit again today when we were supposed to go to the drift track. Keep in mind, I think just doesn't want to go to the drift track. I know. And, and the worst part is this is just, it's starting to feel like my whole life. And this is partially me and my planning, but just, I've been trying to get this thing for a while and get it going. Um,

And we have other things. I end up wrapping my sled at the end of the sled season and wrapping my bike right before winter and getting a drift car right before winter. A lot of things right before winter, but...

Dude, it was like 29 as a high today and like super windy and like trying to freeze in rain and tomorrow is double that. Yeah. Even worse. I think you might be. I'm scared. Yeah. So then I look at the weather and then the high for the next 10 days is like 27.

The low is like negative five. Which reminds me, thin ice is coming. It's coming. And I think we should do a contest of who guesses when the lake freezes over, they get something. I don't know. Instagram, like picture thing. I'm just going to make a slightly guesstimated guess here based on the weather. Oh, for the crowd. Yeah, like everybody. Oh, okay. Okay. I don't know. I was just thinking about it. We can implement it.

I think with the way the weather is going to be, dude, I have confidence it's going to happen soon. But a lot of people on the Big Cormat Facebook page were saying like a month. Oh, wow. Then you're talking the whole lake. Yep. Yeah, dude. I would say... I'm looking at this forecast. There's like two days above freezing and then below freezing for like 24 hours of the day for a week. That's pretty good. Yeah. I'm going to say...

I want to say the 20th. Okay. Of November of November. Oh, also that reminds me last podcast. I said, Hey guys, this is great. It gets posted the day before my birthday, all that. I totally lied.

This podcast gets posted on my birthday. I don't know what happened. I think I looked at the wrong calendar. Oh, and it's on. Yeah, it's on whatever today when it comes up. Did you leave that part in the last one? I did. Right. Because it was how we introed. So I was like, well, it's sticking. So thanks for the link. That's even better, though, that the fact that if this next one was the day before it, it'd be like, meh. Yeah, same difference, but it's actually on the day. But it's on the day. So happy birthday, Ryan. I'm going to go late.

Happy birthday. I'm going to go later. I'm going to say December 2nd. Okay. I'm going to say the 21st, November 21st. And I'm going the 25th. Wow. I'm really late. I don't know. Honestly, depending on what happens the next week and whether you could be right.

So yeah, we'll end up hosting a contest around that somewhere. I don't know. Throw your guesses in the comments and we'll figure it out from there. You'll win something. We'll see how windy it is. I want it to freeze over perfect. The more perfect it freezes over, the more fun we can have on it. I'm mostly just not

i'm not ready for the cold weather yeah cold weather sucks compared to warm weather but i'm just like this is the most fun i've ever had ever playing in the dirt this summer easily you know i'd say like two summers ago we did a lot of boat uh this summer we got plenty of it but a lot more playing in the dirt for all of us because of the track yeah for the track the land so i think that's what it is it's like everyone's you're excited for snowmobiling yeah i always am but a

A lot less than... Well, now you'll have a track, though, for hitting jumps. Right, this is true. I think our track's going to work great for, like...

I agree. It's so wide and just like such perfect trajectories. Yeah. I might have to put some studs in, but, uh, that's true. Yeah. I, I guess I didn't start thinking about thin ice until now. Now you got me kind of going. We got a lot to do on it for sure. We got all of our street bikes that we're going to be putting on ice, which that'll be fun in itself. Yeah. There we go. Tires changed over. Of course. Okay. Speaking of street bikes, this,

This reminded me last week you said we should start a segment called do a wheelie, right? And I found the perfect clip to kick off the segment and people should send it in. They can DM us on the life wide open podcast, Instagram channel, and then we'll see them if they're, if they're good. And then we'll might use them in the video, but. And in the video, do they have to say do a wheelie?

Because I was just wondering that. Like, someone sent me one, and it was super funny, and, like, you don't necessarily have to have someone in it saying, do a wheelie right beforehand, but it is the vibes. No, you don't have to, but it is perfect that this one does. They better...

Why would you tell him to do that? It's my favorite funny trick. Why would you tell him to do that? And the poor kid. The kid's rattled. He's like, oh no, I didn't know that could happen. He's like, but you told him to. Go to his face with his hand above it.

That's funny. I see a little kid like that guy smiling in the back. He thought that shit was funny. You think of it like the dude would never have done that if they weren't cheering for it. But yeah, it's perfect. That was a perfect kickoff. Just a classic example of don't do something that you shouldn't be doing. All right. I got something for you guys.

Okay. Um, have you ever drank apple cider vinegar? I want to say like, I would have guessed. Isn't that really good for you? Supposedly, but it does not vinegar. It does not sound good. Doesn't it taste weird? Hmm.

Yeah, so I brought some, and I would love for us to take some small shots of it to see how it really is. I've never had it either. Isn't it supposed to actually fight sickness, though? That's the point of this? It's supposed to improve your immune system. Originally, it was just going to be a taste test. I was like, I've never had it perfectly. Neither of you guys either. But the fact that everyone's about to potentially come down with some sickness could be perfect. Let's run it. Let's do it.

Well, I poured some rather small shots. You don't have to finish it. It does not smell good. It smells like vinegar. Dude. Just smell it. The fact that I can't smell this that well is alarming. I might have to plug my nose. My heart is racing. Yeah, that was gnarly. I haven't done it yet. Maybe once. Alright, if you gag, don't gag into the mic. No one likes to hear that. Make sure you throw up into the mesh trash can. Alright.

Wow, that's bad. I didn't even drink all of it. I didn't either, but happy I tried it. Why does it not taste that bad to me? The worst part is the remaining vinegar. It's really funny. The best part is the apple cider portion of it. The worst part is... You guys drank the whole thing. That's why it didn't taste so bad. I barely took any. Are you sure it's good for you to drink? I think I've heard this before. To be honest, no. I'm not sure. I'm going to do it.

Here we go. Here we go. I almost threw up. That's nasty. That wasn't that bad. You also drink tons of healthy shit that tastes gross. That's true. So you're trained. That's why I just assumed you had like CJ's, you know, tried, not tried at all, but some algae stuff that you keep in the fridge or the freezer. It's like green grass or something. Bluegrass algae. I don't even know. Yeah. And that stuff. That stuff is a lot worse than that. Really? Yeah.

Dude, whoa. According to this thing. I'm alarmed. My insides feel like warm like I just took a shot of. Yeah, you kind of feel it go down. That's weird. It's actually alarming to me that I couldn't taste that. Like, yeah. You can smell that either. I can smell it. It reminds me of when you dye Easter eggs. Yeah, that's the smell because you use vinegar with that. Yeah, I think so. It's funny. It has 0% everything other than 1 milligram of calcium and 10 milligrams of potassium. So what's the point of it?

I don't know. There must be something in vinegar that's good for you and the apple cider must make it taste. Not to be consumed. That was wild. Wait. Really? Just fucking with me. I was like, it says great for food somewhere else. Dude, I don't know. There maybe is the drinkable stuff and not drinkable stuff. Who's the guy that used to drink apple cider vinegar? Alex Ernst. Oh, yeah, dude. Is that guy still on the internet? He did every day.

Not really. He kind of gave up after David Dobrik got exposed. David Dobrik's best friend would make kind of pretty funny vlogs, but they're really random, weird out there. I like that. He would drink that every morning. He's from Minnesota, guys. That's right. Really? I wonder if he's back home now. That's right. It aids in weight loss, reduces cholesterol, lowers blood sugar, and improves symptoms of diabetes. Yeah.

So it's more of a longevity health than a potential immune system boost. I'm all about short-term games right now. That was bad. My insides are warm right now. Yeah. I don't need to do that again. Well, I'm glad we did that. I'm good never doing that again. I might have to make the rest of the boys do it. Yeah.

Yeah, you pretty much have to. I feel like Ben could do that one easy. Yeah. He's always taking vitamins. He's like, oh yeah, we never had apple juices, kids. Literally. Yeah, it's super good warm. You guys drink it cold? Oh yeah, no, you got to heat it up and mix it in with some shavings from your lawn. Ken, what do you got for me?

Well, I'm going to preface this with, have you had any updates on your IRS audit? Unfortunately not. Yeah, I mean, I can get into depth with it. Sent the stuff in. Tried to update my address so they could send it here. I haven't heard anything. Okay. Well, I got you a t-shirt. Oh. Should help with it. It's just the same. It's just the Barney t-shirt. No, this one's better. This one's better.

Life's too short to pay taxes. Ooh, that's good. That's really good. That's actually awesome.

That's a Ryan type of shirt, but it fits Micah's lifestyle a lot better. I pay my taxes like a good human being. Life's too short. What is that, a Lamborghini on the back? It's the Jordan Belfort car. Yeah, it's a Lamborghini Countach. Why is that like a knockoff version of the guy from American Psycho? Yeah, it's not Christian Bale, but it's somebody else. Like a knockoff Pam Anderson. I love it. Thank you, Ken. That's actually a sick shirt. I'd wear that. Especially on the podcast, all you see is too short.

That is true. Life's too short and then all that burning. Life's too short. It's perfect. Just like we have that poster. It says, it doesn't even make any sense, but it says everything will kill you. So choose something fun. And then it ended up in our Fargo Inc thing. I just like it bought like a $5 poster. I was so embarrassed. What does it say again? Everything will kill you. So choose something fun. It's like, we just like look at it every day. Like,

The motto. Hit it. It's like a sports team. When you walk out of the locker room, you tap it. I do remember that. When they took a picture of it, we were almost like, ah, maybe. And then he was like, no, it's like perfect for you guys. That's a joke. Everything would kill you to choose something fun. That's fucked up.

Ken, how are the final weeks of the neck brace? It didn't seem to slow you too much down in Vegas, but it definitely did. I'm ready to be done with this thing. I bet. And it is nice to see some light at the end of the tunnel there. Going to the doctor tomorrow. Really? Is it sore? Not bad. It's mostly like if I get like some weird angles and it's bad or like rolling over in bed, like...

I got to like twist a certain way or else it like, I can really feel like something hurts back there. Did anybody ask you about it in Vegas? All the time. Cause you'd most annoying thing you, cause you looked really hardcore walking around. Like I'm trying to think of, I did not see a single other person in a neck brace the whole time. I saw one chick. Oh, I saw her walking by. I was like, Ken, it's not see here. Cause you're in this neck brace. You are. I didn't see you either, but I think me and, uh,

I don't know if it was Kevin or who, but we saw another girl and you guys walked right past each other because you probably both. Both of you two are like horses. She was on a different one though. She was on like a rubber one. Oh, it was like a donut. The cheap one. Yeah. Like sometimes I'd roll up to Ken at the blackjack table where I could find you a lot. And,

I'd be like in my head, you know, just a little schmoozed up. He's like, I'm like, why is he not like talking to me? But he can't turn around. He's like, he was responding, but I just couldn't hear him. He's like, how's it going, Micah? I'm like, dude, what's up? Yeah, when we were eating dinner at the bar too, and you were like...

Hey, good to see you. And then he turned back and then I was like trying to talk to you and then I could kind of just tell it was a major inconvenience. Also at SEMA, I saw you like walking around and you just go like this to try to look at everything, which was hard enough to look at everything. So I can't even imagine walking around. Oh, I just thought of a really funny thing that would have been really easy because you wouldn't have needed to do anything really, Ken. We should have mic'd Ken up and then have him go up to people who are next to their build really casually and go, kind of go,

Damn, dude. Your ride broke my neck. Just see what they react. That's all you'd need. You'd get in a conversation if you wanted. Can I go over with papers? I was here yesterday and I saw your ride. Anyways, uh...

Yeah, my neck's pretty fucked. Dude, that would be really funny. I'd have to talk with my lawyer. Yeah, so when you go into a cast and then after that you kind of go into a soft brace, is there something like that for you or is it straight to physical therapy? I have no idea.

no idea he the doctor like didn't mention anything he goes into physical therapy i think it's physical therapy but i honestly do not know ken's like once the doctor told me i could still drink i basically turned him tuned him out the whole time it's funny because the first like couple days i didn't and then i saw him at the bar and he's like yeah you can get you can get drink why aren't you yeah oh it's all the information i need pussy it's gonna be weird having ken with a working neck yeah i can't wait

Whatever happened with not going to the Palmer's? So Rich, Evan, and I were going to go to the Palmer. They had their last pit bike race there on Saturday. And it's like, at first he asked me, I was like, ah, well, I mean, we'll be in Vegas. He's like, it's like an hour and a half drive. Okay, cool. And then apparently they're having Rich build a track for them on

Um, so they, they basically had the race Saturday and then they wanted rich to rebuild the track for them Sunday. So he's like, I don't want to go Saturday. I have to be there at six 30, but I still want to be there Saturday night. But he didn't even do anything. I just think rich just wanted to keep gambling. Yeah. So we never went looked lit. Like they have some crazy pit bike races. Now they do the e-bike races.

I mean, but I don't think I would have entered. It's really too much. I don't know. It's like, no, maybe not the jump size anymore, but like the competitiveness. Yeah. That was kind of the thing. Like it's the, I mean, I would have loved it. I, if I would have been there, I would have just fell. Goddamn quick on pit bikes. Um,

And every other bike compared to us. But when you compare them on pit bikes, I don't know if there's really anyone that much faster than them. No, I mean, especially their home races. They always win. Top two. I mean, I swear that's all they do is just rip their pit bikes around their track. And they're so fast and so good. It was just like Evan is the best pit bike rider I know. And I don't even know what place he would have gotten that. Yeah.

Right. And they're like, yeah, we got pit bikes for you. But yeah, the level of competitiveness seems like... I basically, I'll be straight with it. I wouldn't want to go out there and then have a bunch of people. I mean, it was kind of like when we were there, even though that was fine. But I thought these guys were pit bike guys. They suck. Like we are. Because we're kind of being compared to the best.

They suck. I don't want that to be said about me. We are pretty open about our skill level. We've never been like, we're good. Yeah, right. I'm always just stoked to progress and stoked when people are about us progressing or anyone. But yeah, I never made it to that. Especially home track advantage.

That's true. I wanted to go, if you guys were going to go, just to film it. But then at the same time, I feel like races don't make a lot of content. It would have been more for the connection, the hangout. I like those guys. They're cool guys. Yeah, it would have been fun. Yeah, maybe this winter when we do another RV trip or something, try to plan that in. Because that would be pretty sweet to end up at one of those things. Yeah, I agree. Just for the experience, because they look gnarly. I feel like there's always a fight.

Or at least a fairly gnarly crash or some type of like competitor fight. There's always something going on. Yes. Side events that just somehow happen. Yeah. Because there's just so many people like-minded. Yeah, like that. All right. Enough about our trip. This is just a very basic question that I wanted to ask for a long time. What was the most...

played video game for you growing up? You don't need to go too into depth just what it was and why you played it so much more than every other game. Call of Duty, but obviously there's so many different ones. I played them all a pretty fair amount, but some of them definitely outshined

Dude, you and I used to play together. We did play together on Modern Warfare 3. You remember that? Yeah. Way back in the day. Yeah. And obviously, I played a lot of Call of Duty 2. Mine is Skate 3. Probably logged even more on that than GTA and

again i guess cods but you played a lot of what's the nascar okay there's two games and then burnout oh okay three games and they were all racing games i was really into racing games one is need for speed you can't really go wrong with that no um burnout paradise was sick because you could crash and like there really wasn't anything with that good of graphics

Back then. So like to have a game where like when you crash the car, it actually fell apart. Normally it was just like a brick that hit something. Yeah. So that was sick. But definitely probably my most played game was when I was like 12 and I had a GameCube and I played NASCAR Thunder 2003 or something like that. Oh my gosh. Starts out with Magic Carpet Ride playing. It's, ah, that game is so lit. Nostalgia for sure. Exactly. I feel like nowadays, and maybe I'm just completely wrong, but back in

Back in the day before Xbox Live or PlayStation Live, or really it was a thing everyone had, you would almost go through so many games. I felt like you needed so many more games because you would kind of get bored of them relatively quick. I loved James Bond. Simpsons Hit and Run. That was so fun. Yeah.

God, what was it? Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 and Tony Hawk's Underground 2. The best games. I actually went and bought...

bought Tony Hawk's Underground 2 and then was going to play it on my Xbox One like last spring when I was sick and it doesn't work. It's not compatible because it's an Xbox original game and you can't pop it. I just assumed that you could because you used to be able to do that on the Xbox 360 but I don't really. I think it's like you can only play one generation older or something like that.

Yeah, but that game was lit. Dude, the worst part about trying to turn on a game now is you turn it on and then it's like your Xbox has to update. That takes an hour. And then you get in and it's like the game's got to update and that takes an hour. And then you're just like, all right, never mind. I don't want to play anymore. The two hours that I was going to play are already gone. And then before you know it, it's another month until you have time to play Xbox. Yeah, that does happen. Ken, did you game at all ever? Forza and...

Why can't I think of it? Clearly it wasn't too important. The freaking LA driving. Oh, Midnight Club? That too. What's the... Crazy Taxi? That's a good one too. GTA. Wow.

That was rough. GTA? Holy shit. Thank you for that beautiful piece of entertainment for not being able to remember GTA. I sometimes walk downstairs and see Ken playing his airplane game. That's fun, yeah. The Microsoft Flight Simulator thing. It's kind of fun. No way. Yeah, I'll go downstairs and do some laundry and Ken's kind of post up on the couch just

flying around is there like missions or do you just like they they're like a top gun update and it's like you gotta like do the low flying thing go around that and then there's like a whatever like supersonic plane that he flew you can fly that thing

It's really boring, really quick because it's like real time and it's just like. I mean, moral of the story is if Ken is on a flight and someone needs to land that thing, I'm pushing him. There's no way. I crash every time. True. It's fun. Well, he should keep us alive for a little bit longer. Do you, can you fly around here? Does it look real? Like there's our shop on it?

Yeah. Yeah. Like what? Take off from like the airport and see our shop. I never really looked. I didn't think to take off from the deal airport and look at your own house. No. Fuck. What? That's really cool. I didn't know that. Yeah, that is pretty cool. So where do you usually take off from?

I don't know, somewhere interesting like Florida, Hawaii. Somewhere that looks cool. Yeah, makes sense. Otherwise, like around here, it's just like flat. It's got like satellite pictures of the ground. Okay, so it probably would have the shop in there. But it's not like... You should land in our parking lot. It's not like 3D. Yeah, can you land on Highway 11? I never tried. You should try that. For how much you play that game, you must really play it seriously. You come down like...

once a month when I'm playing Xbox and like you always time it just right where it's oh he's playing that game he must play that all the time I don't care I'm not making fun of you at all I just I just assumed you liked that game because I figured it'd be difficult or I don't know I maybe turn my Xbox on once every two three months

Yeah, it makes sense. It is nice though. What do they call it now? The Game Pass or whatever? You pay like 15 bucks a month and you get all the games that you can download. Yeah, but it's limited. It's not like you couldn't get Call of Duty. It's only at Microsoft exclusives. Oh, yeah. I download this. I get sick of it.

Yeah, it's easier. I agree with what you're saying. You're not paying 50 bucks a title for something you'll play for two days and then delete. I'm so old, I'm only interested in the classics at this point. Yeah. And the only thing as far as being interested in something new is like, dude, yeah, I mean, we talked about it before. Simulator, driving simulator, not flying. Oh, dude.

Oh, dude, I want a driving simulator here so bad. That was fun. They had a whole bunch at SEMA. I think how sick it'd be, like right over there. Honestly, it'd be a good spot. Yeah, it would. Or it could even go on our little... They're pretty expensive, though. I know. That's the problem. I saw one in this car club I'm in, and they made some exclusive one.

And I mean, it had everything, but it was like 10 grand. I was like, holy shit. But I would like one just at least with the steering wheel and the pedals and maybe like a little bit of feedback. It doesn't have to have the thing where the whole thing rolls. Yeah, it doesn't have to tilt. But I mean, so then you break it down. It's like, okay, for the cost of it. I mean, I'm sure the PC doesn't need to be that insane to run like four games because you're not playing that many other games on it. But yeah, the cost of your PC, your monitors and everything.

That alone has to be three grand. I don't know. That's true. We could just go buy like a beater Bonneville and then go drive around in the parking lot and do the same thing. Almost. And get the real life experience out of it. I just love when people like cut cars in half and then actually put the simulator in it. It's a lot of work for kind of for show. Just do it with a new Corvette.

Buy like a salvage one. Anybody looking for the rear end? We got it for sale. Buy a perfectly good one. Chop it in half. Yeah. Do it with what's like the worst car ever made.

Just have like a Pontiac Aztec, half of a Pontiac Aztec sitting in the show. I wonder what the worst. I hate, yeah, my brain just went to Aztec immediately even before you said it. I thought Prius right away, but. Okay, yep. What would be the worst car ever made? I feel like you would, I would have thought that you would have some more appreciation towards Priuses, Ken. Fuck no way. I don't know, it's a fellow fuel efficient vehicle. EV rig. It's ugly. It's slow.

Why would I care? All right. Okay, fair enough. All right. All right. I figured you guys all kind of rolled as one. Fuck no. You fuel- Tesla's are. Okay. Top tier. I mean, now, if you're going to the store, if you're like, I want something fuel efficient, we should get a Prius in 2023. They still make Priuses.

There's no way. I think they do. I think they do. They have their full electric though or something? It'd have to be. No, I think it's still just normal Prius things they've been doing for 20 some years now. Yeah, I don't know. I still don't think no matter how bad gas prices got...

I don't think I'd go Prius. I'd ride a bike before that. You just shouldn't. Yeah. I mean, I'd drive a Tesla or a Fisker or a Rivian or something like that, some electric car, but I don't think I could go to a Prius. Prius is like, I gave up on life. This is all I have left now. I'd be surprised. My Prius. Ryan with a Chevy Volt. I did. That's got to be the worst...

full electric car ever made right keep those around yeah my neighbor has one i don't think they make them anymore but i remember being like whoa chevy's going full ev like this is before tesla even was a thing yeah and then they came out and they were like trash right it's still got a gas motor in it it's basically oh it does it's a prius but not yeah it's basically a prius yeah never mind i uh i did manage to track down an idiot of the week if that interests you guys it sure does for me so the caption is how to lose your license in five seconds

Which leads your brain to this guy doing a burnout on the road, you think. Probably going to be something stupid. Oh my gosh, I saw this. Wait, no, maybe I didn't. Oh! Why? That is bad. So with the caption, how to lose your license in five seconds, I figure Buddy gets caught doing a burnout. Cop pulls up on him, pulls him over. And that's what the video is going to be. Some friends going, ooh. Not Buddy, just completely blacking out on this burnout.

And clipping this car, dude. Dude. They're lucky they didn't hit that pole. Why didn't that guy slow down? Why was he going like 60? It seemed like his wheels were still like, you know, the turbo is spooling down. And I don't know. But, like, that was horrible on that guy's part. Horrible. He literally rolled a compact...

Four-door car. Just punted that thing. I mean, dude, can you imagine... It had to have hurt. pissed you're getting out of that car? Dude, I've had people, like, you know, almost hit me, like, running a stop sign or something. Think of how, like, immediately angry that makes you. Bro, could you imagine someone doing that to you? Yeah. That was a tough one. No, I mean, I agree. Let's just say...

someone came into our parking lot, even a buddy we know started doing donuts and just fully side-tapped a car, one of your cars. You would be livid, but he didn't almost kill you. Yeah. See, then at least that's one of those things that money can pay for. And not that money just appears on trees, but at least it's not you almost killed me and my family type of deal, you know, punting me across the road. But it does remind me that someone in a truck did a burnout, or now there's more in front of our...

like driveway. I know the shop. Please don't do that. People don't like when they drive by and see a bunch of burnout. I know it looks so like it totally looks like we did it. Yeah.

I was wondering who did that. I was like, who the heck did this? But it wasn't us. No. I mean, there's also like marks out there from us. Yeah. Evan comes in, hits the brake. That's all I remember. We don't usually put marks out there, but Evan came in and locked the brakes up on the Harley and skidded all the way in. Still kind of same thing. But there's more out there that we get blamed for that weren't actually from us. Yeah. Like we've stopped doing the razor pulling out on the road because that leaves like the

sky sideways skid mark and stuff like that. But it's, this is one thing if you do it in your driveway or at the end of your driveway, it's like, yep, I left burnouts at my house. Just don't go leave burnouts at other people's houses. Please. I always just get a, I mean, I'm not, I'm not encouraging it or being a naysayer. Just get a kick out of it. Cause it's just the typical like chopped exhaust, uh, diesel or gas. There's been a couple and they just, you're like,

Kind of like double taking you like, geez, dude. All right, get on with it. Get on with it. Get on with it. Like, duh, duh, duh, duh. I swear they just drive by, throw their truck in neutral and just blast.

Well, yeah. You know, it's like you get the... Evan took a snap of him doing it in there and then Jake's like, you're not going to believe this. He's just out in front of my place doing the same thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That is a problem. Yeah. Does anyone feel a little weird after that vinegar? Yeah. I'm feeling it in my stomach. Do you guys feel it? I'm good now, but for a little bit, I'm like, I didn't like that. Like the feeling in my stomach. I can't tell if that beer...

Finally put me over the edge and now I'm sick like you guys. I'm feeling something overcome my body right now. Or if the apple cider vinegar is doing something to you. It's like a war going on in there. I was like already battling a sickness and then the apple cider vinegar hopped on my immune system side and just started attacking. They were kicking ass. That's why I'm just like something going on.

I might try another one after this. We'll see. And on that note, we got to get out of here before one of us. Yeah, I need to get off and sit next to Ryan. He's sick. Yep. Sorry, I shouldn't be talking. Ryan's sick? Yeah. Yeah. I got the suds. Ah, shit. I thought... We should have put me and Mike next to each other. We're the only two that aren't sick. I'm sticking to my guns. All the vitamin C. Cue the song, Down With The Sickness. Down with the sick. Happy birthday, Ryan.

Hit the subscribe button. Thank you, guys. Peace.

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