cover of episode CJ’s Worst Drunk Text, Buying Cheap Cars, and an Insane Racetrack Freakout

CJ’s Worst Drunk Text, Buying Cheap Cars, and an Insane Racetrack Freakout

Publish Date: 2022/11/1
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Life Wide Open with CboysTV


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Today's episode is brought to you by Angie. Angie has made it easier than ever to connect with skilled professionals to get all your jobs and projects done well. Let me tell you, there's the version of it where you try to do something at home and then there's a version of it where you have someone help you, you watch them do it the right way and you go, thank God I didn't try to do that myself.

I have fully done things around the home that I think look good and then a bang in the night and I wake up to a shelf collapsing, a painting falling off the wall. Like it, I've seen it all go south. I own a home and I can tell you, I know how much work it can take. Whether it's everyday maintenance and repairs or making dream projects a reality, it can be hard just to know where to start. But now all you need to do is Angie that and find a skilled local pro who will deliver the quality and expertise you need.

Whatever your home project, big or small, indoor or outdoor, you can Angie that and connect with skilled professionals to get the project done well. Right now, one of my wishlists is I want a bike for my condo in Milwaukee and I would love to rig it up on a pulley in the ceiling because I have one of those like lofted ceilings.

but I'm so scared to try that on my own. Angie has 20 years of home experience and they've combined it with new tools to simplify the whole process. Bring them your project online or with the Angie app. Answer a few questions and Angie can handle the rest from start to finish or help you compare quotes from multiple pros and connect instantly, which means you can take care of any home project in just a few taps.

Because when it comes to getting the most out of your home, you can do this when you Angie that. Download the free Angie mobile app today or visit That's A-N-G-I dot com.

What's up, guys? Welcome back to the Life Wide Open podcast. I'm going to just come out and say it. Somebody sitting at this table smells like they should be working at a Hollister store right now. Oh, I thought you were going to bring me up. I smell like ass right now. Yeah, I was going to say, I definitely stink. Okay, it must have been Mikey. Okay, I'll narrow it down. It's Mike. I was just in my office putting cologne on. Oh, that would make sense. I'm mostly doing it for you guys so that I didn't have to, like, I smelled like before.

before this too there's no way you could possibly smell worse than ryan mike dude you've changed wearing a hollister cologne just because ben thought he smelled the hollister cologne doesn't mean that it is hollister cologne what kind of cologne is it it's abercrombie this is right bro don't know the name of it you got a date tonight gray bottle

I kind of, yeah. Do you guys usually wear cologne? No. Do you? Like, I try to. On the daily? Try to. Not on the daily. I'm not, I'm not habitual about it. But like, if, if we're cleaning up, going out, me and Alex, my girlfriend, I'll put it on. She wears it too? No, I'll put it, I'll just like put a spritz on, but I don't overdo it. That's how I put one spritz. What are you doing tonight? What's up with the... It's Halloween weekend, but when did Halloween weekend or whatever? What? Did you just...

I've never heard that term. Come on. You've never heard a wood girl's beat? You never went to college, dude. Even I've heard that. You had a year. If you're down in LA, it's like a full week. So since it's on Monday...

like halloween parties go pretty much all weekend and i'm sure into monday too and i love how if you're in college it goes like thursday friday saturday sunday monday sunday monday well halloween's on monday i'm sure people just so is sydney been she already went out last night then for no no she didn't she's not your typical uh college crazy party college girl or boy but yeah we're going we're going downtown tonight i'm dressing up as going to the bar that's on train conductor

Pretty fun. And then tomorrow we're going to be. You could almost pass as that just says, as is. You're going to show them and be like, hey, where's your costume? Does Mike look like a train conductor? He fucking could be. Hold on, what's your definition of a train conductor? Like he's old enough to be one. I look like my professional college party. They're like, hey, you looking for your daughter? Are you going to a college party? I guess. Sure.

Shit. So it's a call. You're going to like a house. I don't know. She should bring Kenway. My friends are throwing a party. There's a keg there. We're going to go there. Then that sounds like you're going to a college kegger. Sounds like it. Sounds lit. That does sound kind of lit. Have you been to a college party with Sid? Ah,

Kind of, one. What do they say when you walk in? Who's the guy with all the gray hair, dude? How old is that guy? They try throwing you out and then she vouches for you? No, no, he's cool. It is pretty funny because it's usually me dragging her places and I know everyone. So it is interesting going somewhere where I don't know. Maybe know one or two or three people and kind of end up gravitating towards them talking with them. It's different. Doesn't it suck when...

When you're just like, you're like the tag along. Yeah. That it's very clear. No one cares if you're there. And maybe it's different for you. But when I go places, it's like, yeah, he's here with his girlfriend. You're just her boyfriend. Right. So I try to. No one's. No one really cares. So then I try to like at least take it in and be like, I don't enjoy this. I hopefully don't put her in that position. No. Yeah. You got it. You got to try. But it's like sometimes you just. You know, my version of that is weddings. Yeah.

Like when I'm invited to like, and you're kind of required to go cause you're the plus one actually doesn't go. No dude. Greta. So Greta went to a wedding last weekend and I was like, what are you doing this weekend? It was like the middle of the week. And she was like, Oh, I have a wedding on Saturday. And I was like, Oh my gosh.

She just stopped asking me to go to weddings with her because she knows I probably don't want to go. She probably doesn't want you to come either. Well, that's what I expected too. And she was like, no, I just didn't get a plus one. I was going to ask if I could bring you with. The people having the wedding didn't want you there. Right.

Right. Everyone else shows up with their significant others. I just got one for no plus pretty much. But she was like, yeah, I was going to ask if like I could get a plus one. But then I just figured like you probably wouldn't want to go. And like, I understand. And so I just didn't. And I was like, oh, babe.

thank you that is too we've talked about this so much but my mom not this part but my mom recently just got married and she goes hey i have a invitation for the rest of the boys do you think we were invited you were so like she's like do you think they'd be offended if uh like i didn't invite them like obviously i'd want them there but it was just small or whatever i was like nope i think they'd be

You know, just like it's one wedding they'd have to avoid. But anyway, she made me give you guys. Well, actually, no. I, she made an invitation and then I. Yeah, honestly, the thing is like, like realistically, you skipping out on weddings is only doing the couple a favor. It's one less meal they got to pay for. If they're comping drinks, it's significant amount of drinks they are saving, especially if you're not inviting the whole crew.

Can you imagine just like a bunch of people don't show up and then they're all like, we all did them a favor. I wish a few people would have came. Everyone sent, they send out like, thank you letters. Thank you for not coming and saving us the money. That'd be interesting. Oh my gosh. How petty would that be?

oh if you like you i you like even rsvp but then ended up bailing at the last second but didn't tell anyone but i noticed that like if it was my wedding i noticed that so and so didn't show up and then i send them a thank you for not coming ended up saving me money on drinks and food once you rsvp though they already vouched for the drink yeah you're locked in dude yeah shoot true dude you just sent him an invoice then with it yeah i found myself being like the worst kind of

communicator lately mostly because of like our uncertainty of our schedule that's tough and then i just catch myself just being a terrible terrible communicator do you guys like do the same like when people are like hey can you do this or that and then you're just like i don't know and then you just never get back to them yeah and then they hit you with the follow-up email you want to like hey did you see that i am in the same boat as you but i was just singing today we also

get to do a lot more than other people because we don't lock ourselves in the plans. So we're always like agile and, and like head on a swivel. Something crazy has happened over here. We're like, Oh yeah, we'll be there. Our notice. Sure. You know, like we can, we're pretty good. That's true. I mean, unless there's like, I've never looked at it that way. Basically the only thing that really comes in for the most part is just like,

If we're editing a video that day. But we don't necessarily go like plan to have an open schedule. You know, it's interesting. It's like everything happens. Everything's going to happen, but we don't know when. Realistically though, it is on us because it,

You can always, it's just all about prioritizing. Very true. Make time for what you want to do. Well, and then there's two sides of that. Like probably like two years ago, I started, you know how you, when you have the red dot above your text, your notifications, you kind of like to clear those up. At least a lot of people. How do you leave texts unread? Now I just can leave texts unread, uh,

And how many are a text you have? Dude, I mean a lot because if I get it. Oh my gosh. Okay. Mike just opened up 58, 58 unread texts. Damn. So it's tough because like the next number doesn't mean anything and you don't even know if you're missing something important. So you get past that point and then, and now, so a lot of times if I don't answer right away, it means you sent me sometimes a question, but usually like a piece of information I need and I don't want to forget it. So I won't open it.

but it just and then and then it ends up staying on forever yeah and so that's unfortunate but then sometimes i go to like tackle a handful let's say i go to tackle 10 different people well by the time you get to the 9th or 10th one the one you already responded to it's already responded back and it's like it gets to be a lot and i'm like i thought i did a pretty good job trying to get back to them but you guys know on the new apple thing that you can read it and then swipe over and then unread it so then it stays as like the notified that's kind of nice they do that on instagram too

I have 34,759 unread emails on my mail. I keep my Gmail clean because that stuff's important. My iCloud email is a mess. If you stay on top of it, as dumb as it sounds, when you sign up for the 15% off for signing up for the emails, you get the 15% off and then you just unsubscribe right away. It's not really that hard. It sounds...

I'm good at keeping my shit clean. It's worth it. I got like a junk email. So it's like a Gmail account for me to like use for signing up for stuff and whatever. But like my business account, strictly business, man. It's important stuff. Unless you're signing up for the email subscription list or text. Do we do that? Yeah, we do that. We do email. I kind of hate that. Wait. I kind of hate that we're a part of the problem.

I only send one email on drop day and I say, Hey moms and dads, there's a drop. Okay. You know, like cause they don't watch the video. They don't see it come. And so that's my way of letting them know. Ken set up a text blast and I fucking hate text blast, but he uses them only on drop days. So it's fine.

That's, I agree. We still do that? We still do the text blast? Can't set up a new one. Yeah. But yeah, as long as you're not getting. We used to do it and you had to pay for it. And I was like, who's this money going to, to text people? Yeah. You had to pay like what? Like 0.05 cents. Maybe 50 cents a text. It wasn't cheap. It wasn't cheap. 50 cents a text? I don't know if it was that. That would just run it up. I'd rather give up. Yeah. That's not good.

So I actually found this last week, but it took me an entire week to track down the video. I have quite possibly the greatest rivalry in sports caught on film. It's normally what you would consider a slightly boring sport. It's actually sponsored by NASCAR. It's not NASCAR. It's short track stock car racing, but they're on like a asphalt strip and

And it's at this place like Bowman field in Kentucky, I believe it's this crazy little short track stadium. And, uh, they do races there every week and it's known to have like one of the best racing atmospheres in short track racing. So we hear the leader in the red car is Nick wall.

Followed by Nate Gregg and Billy Gregg. Nate is the son, Billy's the dad. So, funny story, Nick Wall and Billy Gregg, the Gregg family, the Wall family and the Gregg family have a rivalry going back and racing to their grandpas. Apparently their fucking grandpas hated each other. And so last weekend, same situation, Nate here spun out Nick on a restart.

So we are now at like lap 18 or something like that of a 20-lap feature, and watch what happens. Not much bank on these corners either. No. So there's the Greggs. Oh, comes up behind him. Oh, it's a repeat. It's a repeat of last week coming to the

Exactly how it happened last week. Nick Wall was slow to the start last week. He got turned. Is that allowed, though? No, not really. Maybe kind of. Oh, this is the equivalent of. No.

Oh my gosh, dude demo Derby. Yes, how legendary is it and it's not over dude. No way Yo, this guy's gotta be so hot right now. He's gotta be to legitimately take a bullet. He's just ripping around

He's going to come back around. Holy, ripped off his... No way. Why is he perfectly timing? Why didn't he turn? I think the other guy was trying to run away or something. Nick official comes in and just...

What's the only guy doing? Kicking the door? Yeah. But dude, I mean, I don't know a ton about racing, especially this is like a NASCAR sanctioned event. You know, these guys are like, yeah, they're trying, dude. Yeah. What if they could have got out of, if they could have got out of their cars faster, they would have definitely. Yeah. If those guys hadn't been there. Now they're telling this guy, they're like, listen, man, you're not in trouble yet.

That's smart. Yeah. Yeah. And then the other guy gets up, watch how hot he's so hot, not hot. It's like NASCAR, NASCAR, they get mad. And there's like this whole fucking like one minute, like, let me get out of the car.

And then he gets stuck. And then he falls. And then after this, he gets up and you can tell he's just like, fuck. Whoever number 15 is, fuck that guy. I don't like him. Is the crowd going wild? Yeah, the crowd is just screaming. What if the dad came across with his car and just ran him over? So then it goes on. Just hit him. Oh, he's hyping up the crowd. So this guy was in second place. He's obviously happy because the other guy's made a total fool of himself. That's Billy.

I'd fight him. So they end up disqualifying. You ain't fighting shit. In that situation, if someone did that, I would. Fuck yeah. Would you? Oh, well, if you're out

out there and you just got rammed? Hell yeah. So why did older Greg, old Greg do that in the first place? Because number 15 did it to him last week? Everyone else is sitting in their cars like this is amateur racing. We're not even on an actual NASCAR track. Do we keep going or what? I don't understand why he drove up under him like that. That was clearly not legal, right? No. Yeah, he just spit him out like that. Nick walked the

When a person in first place was slow on the restart. I don't know if it was technically legal what he did, but Robin's racing, you know? This is some amateur stuff, though, to be doing that. They're only doing 20 laps. They're not even on a real track with banks. Yeah, I know. So it's kind of a bummer. It's like beer league. Yeah, exactly. But that's where some of the biggest fights are. Yeah, because that's where the biggest idiots are. CJ just going after an entire sport. Not just sports, just in general. Yeah.

They ended up giving the win to the guy in third place because they disqualified the other two. Why did the other one get disqualified? Well, the one must have been because they basically tried to fight each other. And he still spun the guy out. I'm a little bit on 15's side, a little bit. There should have been a restart and then 15 should have gone to the front and then they should have restarted again.

That guy's probably going to be kicked out of their beer league. Yeah, I think. That was awesome. But pretty legit, dude. It's got to be some, it's not actual beer league, obviously, but it's lower NASCAR. Yeah, I'm sure it's probably pretty expensive still to get a NASCAR like this. Yeah, that's what I'm saying, dude. You have to be real mad because that totally cost him a lot of money ramming another car like it was a freaking 1995 Blazer. Dude, I can't imagine that were the people to do this, but.

How legendary would it be if we got both of them on the podcast to squash the beef or not squash the beef and just go after each other? I think we'd be better off just sending them a boxing ring. Send them to a boxing ring? And then we're the promoters? No. They're like, how did these guys get involved at all? We just love it. We're selling tickets. We go make a dirt track out in the backyard and we say, no rules. Last guy driving wins. Yeah, maybe we should just invite them to a demo derby. You know how Cletus does...

his races at the Freedom Factory. Yes. We just do a demo derby, but around our dirt bike track. This isn't even a race track. We're like, the entire field is fair game. Go at it. Yeah. Speaking of wildly spectacular action sports events, obviously you've seen the Instagram clips, but the triple backflips. Yeah. Who guys did them? I got to have you pull your computer back up. But yeah,

Absolutely insane. Travis was trying to double backflip. Everyone shit bricks, especially that he did it at a live event. Everyone went crazy. That was definitely monumental. Then Josh Sheehan did a triple backflip at Travis'. Did he do that? Okay, yeah, I saw that. Yeah, he did it. That was kind of like...

I think similar ramp to what they use now. He did the bag though, right? No, no, no. He did that one. Maybe he did it to bag, but Josh Sheehan hit a really, really, really steep ramp. That was at Travis's. Steep landing too though. So I think that one was in a bag. Here, let's watch this.

Two guys, Harry Bink, you guys maybe heard of him. And then I believe his name is... J.O. Archer. J.O., yeah, J.O. Archer. They both did it at the Nitro World Games. A triple backflip. Both landed it. J.O. landed it. First try. And then Harry went... Didn't get it the first try. Got it the second one and stomped it. The crazy part is...

is that the guy who won the scooter best trick did a triple backflip no-hander. Whoa. So it's like the guy who won third... R. Willey? No, it wasn't actually R. Willey. Some dude stepped up and R. Willey did like three worlds first and still didn't win. What? Yeah, the dude who did a triple backflip no-hander on a scooter won first. And then the dude who did a triple backflip, two triple backflips. What?

Tell me about his arms. Why is he riding like that? Because you have to stay so sturdy. He's just like this. Yeah, when you're doing the triple, you have to make sure your axis is perfect. And so they're flexing the whole time. I mean, what looks like they're flexing the whole time. Can you imagine what's going through your head? And this is a live event, too. 1, 2, 3, 4. Dude.

And like really, really landed it pretty perfect. That is so gnarly. Bro, where do you go from here?

Honestly, not anymore. Who's going to do the first quad backflip? That's what I mean. Is that physically possible without going to the literal moon? I don't think it is. Wait, we've got to watch Harry's is even better. I think. Man, that would suck. Okay, so this guy did it first. It sucked for both of them. But they practiced together, so it is kind of like a literally altering moment. It's like the other guy landed before you, so now it's like mine's not going to be as cool. And then the other guy lands it after him, and it's like, well, that just took away from mine.

It also worked out because J.O.'s was like almost perfect and Harry's was perfect. So he actually won. Is this guy not running a front break? Yeah. Doesn't look like it. You need a front break when you're doing backflips, I guess. Yeah. Dude, I can't believe how slow they come in. Let's go.

oh it's so gnarly so all right so harry bink did it second though and his is pretty much the only one that i've seen like going around instagram really oh you oh okay well they both are i've just seen that one like shared all over the place yeah i was like damn dude he didn't even do it first but he's getting more love yeah well i mean yeah especially because he won and he did it a little more perfect but like

that's what's also tough is like it does really just come down to an Instagram clip but also this one's more of like a record you know you have you hold something you hold a triple backflip NFT that no one else has I think it's really cool to see the

like the sport is kind of being like boundaries are being pushed because I felt for like a really long time there was like Travis's generation when the bikes got a lot better and then there was crazy progression shit was happening really fast and now I feel like with bags it's made it possible for stuff like that because you could never do that to a dirt landing in competition you never want to take the risk that's what I mean

It's just like not even... I agree completely with what you're saying. The bags have been clutch in the progression, but also at the same time, it makes it less cool. Hi, I'm Angie Hicks, co-founder of Angie. And one thing I've learned is that you buy a house, but you make it a home.

Because with every fix, update, and renovation, it becomes a little more your own. So you need all your jobs done well. For nearly 30 years, Angie has helped millions of homeowners hire skilled pros for the projects that matter.

from plumbing to electrical, roof repair to deck upgrades. So leave it to the pros who will get your jobs done well. Hire high quality certified pros at Today's episode is brought to you by Angie. Angie has made it easier than ever to connect with skilled professionals to get all your jobs and projects done well. Let me tell you, there's the version of it where you try to do something at home and then there's a version of it where you have someone help you, you watch them do it the right way and you go, thank God I didn't try to do that myself.

I have fully done things around the home that I think look good and then a bang in the night and I wake up to a shelf collapsing, a painting falling off the wall. Like it, I've seen it all go south. I own a home and I can tell you, I know how much work it can take. Whether it's everyday maintenance and repairs or making dream projects a reality, it can be hard just to know where to start. But now all you need to do is Angie that and find a skilled local pro who will deliver the quality and expertise you need.

Whatever your home project, big or small, indoor or outdoor, you can Angie that and connect with skilled professionals to get the project done well. Right now, one of my wish lists is I want a bike for my condo in Milwaukee and I would love to rig it up on a pulley in the ceiling because I have one of those like lofted ceilings.

but I'm so scared to try that on my own. Angie has 20 years of home experience and they've combined it with new tools to simplify the whole process. Bring them your project online or with the Angie app. Answer a few questions and Angie can handle the rest from start to finish or help you compare quotes from multiple pros and connect instantly, which means you can take care of any home project in just a few taps.

Because when it comes to getting the most out of your home, you can do this when you Angie that. Download the free Angie mobile app today or visit That's A-N-G-I dot com.

Like Travis's double backflip, like when he landed that at that time is way cooler than them landing this triple. Yeah. I think you think that maybe because you grew up in the era. Yeah. But even like the situation of when he landed too, is that X games dirt? Right. I agree. Fucking stadium. I think situationally Travis's was more electric than these, which sucks for those guys. I'm not taking anything away from it. It's also tough. And they also,

landing on a bag isn't as lit as landing on a ramp or dirt. But with this one, if you watch the full, like it's like a 25 minute little, little mini doc, all the interview, like, you know, Tony Hawk. And then a bunch of FMX guys, a bunch of like death defying action sports guys. And they're all like, you know, they're crazy. Some guys that he, they're like, yeah, you can land comfortably your body maybe from 20 meters up and not die.

Anything above that is a death wish. That's like 30. That bag is still rock hard. Yeah. The fact that you can land a bike on it from that high, and obviously you see it sink in, but...

Your body lands on it, no bike with it, you're going to just... It's still going to hurt. I think there's a big misconception. They say the same thing with foam. Yeah, and then they have the one bags that are just a square, you know, that's not really a landing. Yeah, where you're just landing flat. When J.O. was practicing it, and the bike lands... Let's go to the bike on the second flip. The bike lands before he does, so it depressed all the air. And he landed on, you know, some air, but basically just smacked the ground. Oh, my gosh.

Yeah. I think the bag is really good for the progression of the sport and like the safety. Cause now we've got to know people. Like I watched Brett do that backflip, the KOD flip, whatever he calls it at heydays. And if it had been to dirt or snow, I, I don't think he would have like walked away from it at that point. And,

And when you put that type of stuff in perspective that it allows these people to go out and do shows and ride consistently and not get hurt and or die, like that's invaluable to the sport. You know, because otherwise people like people like this, there'd be like, why would I, I'm going to go ride. Maybe then it progresses in a different way. Probably a little more technical, like in a way that Axel's done it. Axel still goes huge, but he, where he's like looking at things in a different way. So it's cool to see like big tricks, style,

still progress yeah and and like i said i'm not taking anything away from i'm just saying like you know trap when travis on his double backflip to dirt that was like pretty much the max of like i mean what more they do to dirt beyond that maybe like a double backflip

Like a little bit of a combo in there. I don't know. But like, it was crazy how normal double backflips are now. Yeah, exactly. That's the thing. So all these guys, if you're doing a triple backflip to the bag, you can definitely do a double to dirt. Yeah, I've seen. And then they do like a couple backflips. Now they hit the same ramp as that triple backflip ramp, but they just do a double and they don't tuck at all. It's so weird. Yeah. They go, well, and then they're like literally standing up like that. It looks so steezy. Wow. I still think the coolest trick is,

that anybody has ever done on a dirt bike is the TP7 when Travis Pastrana did like the backflip 720. Pull that up. Pull up the video. He never landed it though. Yeah, I think he did in the Nitro Circus movie. It was a sketch landing, but like the coolest part about that is he's the only one to land it, but he's also the only one to really ever try it. Don't quote me on that. Man, TP's a bad man. Yeah, he's still, in my opinion, the best FMX rider. Travis Pastrana is a TP7.

And that was also just kind of like the golden age of World Cup. It really was. Like, you look back on...

X games of when Travis landed his double backflip, the whole thing was packed. Shoulders to shoulders, people standing. It was just electric. Everyone's screaming. It was nuts. And then you kind of look at that. Granted, they're in a way bigger stadium. It was like there's a lot of open chairs there, which sucks. Dude, the first triple backflip there and they don't have a full house. It's weird that I was thinking of factors like that, how Travis's when he did it at the stadium was so much smaller. They had a better venue though. It was probably a little smaller, but still. Yeah, I mean, when we interviewed Travis,

uh greg he talked about how like the progression of the sport kind of changed with instagram because all of it is so much more you know you see all of it on the daily whereas if you wanted to see some insane action sports like that you actually had to go to the event like when they were watched on tv but you had to be there at the right time or you'd catch it on sports center type of vibe but like when they were first doing those shows he said they were doing like a million two million a night because they would just sell out these stadiums that's like the part that maybe the

generation we're in the part of me that still wanted to watch that live but that event was in australia so it would have been live for us at like 6 a.m lord knows i'm not getting up that early to watch that but then i literally like wake up check my text check my instagram and then that was like in the dms of our group chat and i watched it i was like oh he did land it okay amazing but i wanted to watch the whole thing yeah like that shit was lit the x games back then

Holy shit. That's it. How crazy is that? He shoots off into the woods. Oh, my gosh. That's way cooler than the other one. Holy frick. He was so high. That is so gnarly. Like, how do you even know where you're at in the air? He's probably just freaking hucking it. Dude, people's aerial awareness is so amazing. What the fuck? Is that a double backflip 720? Double backflip 360, I think.

Or is it? I don't even know. Dude, I don't even know. Yeah, some comment warrior says... That was perfect. Technically a double backflip 360. He couldn't have landed that any better. Yeah, he butters it.

Still the bag seat. And then he's just on the throttle. Yeah, that was epic. Definitely that and the triple backflip is just mind-blowing. Next level. When I was doing the research for the Brett podcast, I came across a video of him and Levi racing each other in X Games. And I'm kind of on the same page that...

live action sport events have kind of been, you know, the coolness factor has been taken away by Instagram. But I watched what they had set up and they had, it was a snowmobile speed and style. They were racing together

And then they hit two jumps each in the middle, head to head. Like, dude, they're taking off freestyle ramps, like inches from each other, feet from each other. And I was like, now this is electric to watch. And I think, I hope one day people who make TV will be like, all right, obviously the craziest tricks isn't,

what's going to get the people in it's going to be like the competition back and forth yeah the race factor and then it was so cool to watch obviously the hardness of the tricks in there as well yeah yeah i agree i think that makes makes sense because it's like at what point yeah and how much more can you do whereas like almost if you look at skateboarding there's so much more possibilities like you can flip the board in such a number of ways and and do like such combos and with it but it's

Obviously, it's harder with dirt bikes and snowmobiles. Did you guys see the video of Tony Hawk kickflipping? No. I haven't. I've heard about it, though. Yeah. He basically can't kickflip anymore. It took him like two hours. I saw a video. So I watched the Tony Hawk documentary on HBO, and it was really, really good. But I think it was in 2020. He slammed really, really hard. He had all of his homies that he grew up skating come to his...

like ramp he set up he set up like a big half pipe and uh it was bad like he knocked himself out really bad and i think he was really like female yeah didn't he break his leg yeah but he also like

I think they were more worried about his head because he had had so many. And like at that age, like if you watch it, it'll show like from people who have had a lot of like concussions talking about it, like his, they were very concerned about his head. They're like, he can't have any more of these. And, and it was, it was really nasty. Like it was hard to watch. Like he was just out and he, I think he was down for like an hour. Oh my gosh. Like,

It is just tough. I don't know. So maybe that might have something to do with it. So maybe you got to give him a break on the no kickflip. No, no, I'm not roasting him. I know, I know. I'm just saying in general. Well, I guess, yeah, before people do jump, I don't think he was ever super phenomenal at kickflipping to begin with, even when he was younger. But, ah. Well, it's not really his thing. He's more of like a vert skater, yeah. But, not to plug it, but there's so many good HBO Max documentaries. Yeah.

Like Tony Hawk. Kid Cudi has one. Oh, that's on prime. There's, there's a little baby one on prime. I watched, uh,

Um, we all watch that. Just documentaries in general. Yeah. But they've been getting really good. I want to make a documentary about us one day. Hey, we've talked about that. Great. Coming. Yeah. Start taking notes. Well, especially cause just the other day, Evan was like showing me all his old clips like on YouTube. Yeah, I know they're popping up and are recommended now. I saw the one of him running down the street or rollerblading in a speedo.

And that was 12 years ago. I commented on it. I said, he does this all the time. What do you mean? Why are you filming it? We won't get too deep in on that because I'd love to do it when he's here and he can show us maybe a few. Some ski edits, some stuff like that. Just some random funny stuff. And I was like, this is like perfect. You know, the era where you just film everything with a fisheye. But I was like, this would be perfect to bring into the documentary I'm going to make one day.

But then there's this video that was definitely, well, I didn't think it was him. You know, if you search your name and there's a video, like clearly not of you, that's not you, you know, it's someone else. But, oh, they have the same name as me. It said Evan Chef, Chef Speedo. That's it, right? And then. That wasn't him? No, it was. But he like quick scrolls over. I go, me and Gavin go, what's Evan Chef Speedo? He goes, ah, nothing. He's still embarrassed. And he goes, that's not even me.

I was like, oh, okay. I don't need to watch some random guy in a Speedo then. Skip past it. He didn't show it to us because it was him and he's rollerblading down freaking Cloquet streets in a Speedo in what looks like November. Speaking of videos, did you guys see Whistling Diesel's last video with the G-Wagon test number two? Yeah, I did. You got to watch that then. It's fucking insane.

Yeah, I mean, it's not insane due to just like what has been set for the standard for him. But it's just it as like a fellow creator, I look at I'm like, wow, he really put a lot of money into these couple of videos like that.

you know so let's say if you combine all of them he got 15 million views that's roughly let's give him the benefit of the doubt let's say 150 grand yep he bought that thing for like 180 i think it was more than that i thought it was like or i mean 280 sorry yeah so so he's still in the hole on it but on top that he had to pay to get a whole new motor put in like right quite a few number of different things which he throws around a lot of money but i'm just saying like

He did that one for the people. And although he got a lot of, he made an awesome video and he got a lot of views. He definitely did not come ahead financially on that.

Did it break it? Like, is the G-Wing dead? No, I guess it is still fine, but he had, like, these cop car, like, pit maneuver it and didn't even tip it, which was impressive. You'd just have to watch it, I guess. But anyways, he had a brand deal in it. Oh, yeah. Yeah, which he's been very out. I mean, if you watch the progression of Whistle and Diesel's channel, I remember actually at one time he came after us for doing merch plugs, which now he does merch plugs.

um which is fine i'm obviously i'm all for that but he actually had a brand deal in it when he started probably saw the bag well he saw the bag but also he i'm sure he was like fuck yeah i gotta fucking make up for this which i i completely understand and also that's just basic business as being a youtuber but it is it is interesting i guess to watch and i thought it was an awesome video so you should check it out but it was it was slightly i did chuckle to myself i was like it's

He finally did it. You've got to be careful, though, because you can't condemn people for doing merch drops, but then you do merch drops. And you can't condemn people for doing brand deals, but then you do brand deals. And I like him. I think he's an awesome guy, and I think his videos are...

amazing. Um, but I just, I do laugh at that, I guess, but that's just a, it was just bound to happen in my opinion. Yeah. It's like when you say certain things on the internet and then you become forever. Yeah. They live forever. But then eventually you just become a hypocrite cause you've said like so much. Right. And I've definitely made a hypocrite out of myself on the podcast. So I'm trying to be, I try to be very careful, especially like even when I'm talking about the triple backflip, I'm like, uh,

I'm not saying that's not lit. I'm just saying, in my opinion, Travis Pastranas was litter. Yeah. So imagine you're like, I noticed I come across that way. So I decided I'm going to start calling other people out for it too, just so we can check some balances of the internet. No, but when he did the promo thing, like I didn't even notice it right away. What promo? Or the one you did in the video? Yeah.

We didn't need a name drop. When he did it, he was like, yeah, I spent a lot of money, so I'm going to need to do a brand deal. My heart actually sunk because I thought he was about to make fun of people that did brand deals and then do something else in place of it. And then he did it, and I went, huh.

Thank God. Yeah. Yeah, it is kind of annoying when certain creators like shit talk it and then make other creators look bad. That's all I'm saying. Like you can't trash other people for it, but then end up coming around and doing it. Yeah. Yeah, you almost just got to like being a... Listen, I'm not happy about necessarily doing brand deals. Nobody wants to do it, but in order to make...

videos especially even support was like for us in our case like we have five guys six guys living off this salary and now we're paying justin to help ken too which i love you justin you're awesome and ken's been spending half the day doing nothing so it's like you got it you got it and also like it's just a business it's just a business yeah and in my opinion it's become so standard now

Who cares? That's what I was getting at. When I first saw it, I didn't even notice. If you're a viewer, just fast forward through it, dude. And then I was like, wait, this is the first Addy's I've ever seen. And the guy making the video, so whoever made the video and they put the brand deal in and you as a viewer fast forwarding through it, it doesn't really hurt you at all. It only hurts the guy making the video who was compensated in terms of money because obviously you skip through it and it hurts the retention of the video and it doesn't get suggested as much, yada, yada, but...

And I think it's tough too. I think there's ways you can do brand deals cringy. You can do them straightforward. You can put a lot of effort into them and make them a part of your thing. And also like views and opinions and situations change. Like, yeah, maybe. Exactly. So it's kind of tough to shit on too much. It's tough because if you ever say something bad about someone ever in anything, like...

Like you could, someone could roll a stop sign in front of you and you're like, man, fuck people who roll stop signs. And then later that week you're rolling stop signs. You gotta be so careful. And so it's just tough to put yourself in other people's situations and probably just go to the show that, especially in the YouTube creation space, it's all on camera. It's all on camera and it is always changing. What's cool today won't might not be cool tomorrow and it definitely won't be cool next year. So like,

And vice versa, almost things that aren't acceptable now could be. Yeah. Yeah. I'm stoked when I see other YouTubers like taking brand deals because most of the time they just take that brand deal because they're making a better video. Yeah. And apply it to the video. And they apply it to the video. And that's kind of what we try and do every single time that we do a brand deal in the videos. We're like, all right, so we got this money. What can we buy? What can we spend it on to make a better video? And so it's like, dude, you skip through, you skip through that.

That 60 second mention, but then you watch the creator go and spend it and make it way more entertaining. And whether it goes in that video or not, at least with us, I can vouch for us. Dude, we don't buy shit that you don't see on camera. Like, that's not like... Like, we don't recklessly spend money

on anything other than YouTube videos. Yeah, for video. You know, like we're strictly for making just better content. And luckily for us, it is easier than most YouTubers because like obviously us buying cool cars and modifying them is part of our content. Whereas if you're a YouTuber who doesn't make

car content videos and obviously but you want a sweet Lamborghini I can't blame you for that but luckily for us it works out I do have a confession guys I'm not proud about this one I'd have to go grab my phone let me just grab it real quick okay sorry interesting

I might've embarrassed ourselves. Well, mostly, I feel like, like me doing it definitely roped in you guys. And it also involves Whistling Diesel. So like a few months ago, big Ken and I were having a Sunday fun day. And like, we were really like, it was just us two. We were really like having a good time. If you know what I'm saying, drinking a lot of root beers and, uh,

Ken had just won a bunch of money. I was having so much fun. And I hop on Instagram and I see this story and it looked like Whistlin Diesel was at Shields holding this sword. Which is like a Cabela's, but for... Yeah, but it's just like 40 minutes from here. I'm like...

no way. Is he at shields? Like I legitimately was like, this guy's at shields and he's got a sword. Well, yeah, but I was just like, Oh, I wonder what he's doing in town. Yeah. And, uh, thinking that there's only one shield. Yeah. That's where I wasn't thinking. Okay. Okay. So here's the problem with me is I'm, I'm not that smart. Yeah. So, uh, anyways, dude, I don't even fuck. So I text him. Oh no. Yeah.

I go, you in Fargo right now? He goes, no. I go, oh, ha ha ha. I saw your reel and thought you were. Never mind. He goes, wait, what reel? I don't know why I said reel because I thought I saw it. I'm sorry. Dude, like, oh, no. God damn it, dude. I said, dude, I saw a reel of you holding the sword at Shields just like 10 minutes ago. I was like, oh, shit. He's around here. And now I can't find it.

And then I just, and then he just doesn't respond. And all I say is disregard everything I just said. So, yeah, yeah. I'm sure he's like, I mean, at the end of the day, he deleted that whole conversation. Yeah. I mean, hopefully he's living in his head. He's free. He's still wondering up there. What was that talking about? No, he's just confused. If he ever sees, how,

at somebody to be so stupid. Those guys are fucking idiots because it was like Sunday midday. Most people would be doing normal things. But Ken and I were having a good time. I don't know why we were celebrating because he was...

on a roll on pull tabs. Yeah, he jumped somebody's jar and he won money. What'd you say, Ken? You're getting lunch, washing the bike. Yeah. Ken and I were having a good time. Ken and I were having a good time. Our season, by the way, Super Bowl bound. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So speaking of promos. When you need to work quickly and confidently, you need Grammarly. It's a trusted AI writing partner that helps you get work done faster with better writing. And it works where you work, across 500,000 apps and websites.

Thank you.

Grammarly. Easier said, done. Ryan got a Coors Light promotion. This dude is just the Thanos of drink companies. It was first Mountain Dew. Just him. Just him, too. Who I have been training for my entire life. Yeah, you've been just free plugs. And then...

Does a sponsor or does a promotion for him. And then Coors hits him up. Who I've been training with for ever since I turned 21. Dude, I can't say I've been too jealous of anyone else because most of the time we just go through things together. We all experience the same. The Mountain Dew promo was like a Seaboys TV brand deal. So I was like, oh, whatever. That's cool. But this one was personal. And he gets a bag from it. He gets a bag.

a bag from it. He gets a Coors. Honestly, Ryan, you could have done that for free and it would still look cool. People are sharing it like, damn, you got a Coors. Thank you. You got to shout out Matilda and Abe. I don't know if they want to shout it out. Yeah, they're the greatest. Our brand deal manager, the best. I'm jealous, but I'm so happy for you, bro. That's so cool. You're on their Instagram? Yeah. I know I was hoping for the fallback, but beggars can't be choosers. I think the biggest bummer is they just gave you money and no beer. I

They did. They did give you beer. Funny enough, so they sent me a package and they said, wait for this package to come on Monday. Then you can film it. You're going to need it for the thing. So I figured it would be like the Mountain Dew thing. I opened it up and it says it's all branded. It's cool. Whatever. I opened it up and it was a cardboard box taped up and I opened up the cardboard box and it was just a case of beer. One case.

They just sent me a case of beer. Do I have like a case in the fridge? And I love how they say like you're going to need this. Like the Mountain Dew when they sent it. I don't know if it was in the store yet. So you needed it, right? But you can get a case of beer anywhere. That's funny, dude. Well, okay. I've decided then since he made a personal bag. Go Ryan. You can daily the Ranger this winter. Fuck!

It's only fair. Yeah. I mean, that's great. No, that's a good point. That's a good point. Dude, finding a winter beater is harder than you would think. It was between me and Ryan who got to drive the Ranger because neither of us have a vehicle to drive this winter. So we built the Ranger. It's carpool. We might have to. We might have to at this point. And I thought you guys were joking. Like Ryan did daily the Ranger here and there, which totally fine. Um,

Cause my other daily was broken the entire summer. And like technically I still own it. The Ranger? Yeah. But I just haven't got paid for it yet. Yeah, you did. Did I? Bro, you got paid like nine months ago. We paid you right after the, uh, right after the SEMA truck, when it pulled the SEMA truck, we paid you right away. Oh, nice. Well, anyway, uh,

Yeah, so I thought... If that was Ken, if this was Ken, there's no way he remembers that. He'd be like, oh, we'll pay you again then. Doubles up on it. I thought you guys were joking about dailying it, but... No, dude, it's a good rig. No, I'm serious. So my question to you guys, and this is, I was honestly kind of genuine. I was wondering this last night. I don't know why I was thinking about it, but...

Let's use you and your Cabriolet, for example, Ryan. So you have your Camaro, which is a sweet car, but you want to buy like a beater daily. Why do you buy a beater daily? Because...

I guess my thought process on it is like that car has given you a lot of trouble. It doesn't start sometimes. You have to bring in the shop. He doesn't want to buy another Cabriolet. No, I know what I'm saying, but just listen to me here. Like it's not working. You're kind of driving around in an uncomfortable car. You know, it's not necessarily the best because you're ideally in, at least in your mind, you're like, I'm saving money. Mm-hmm.

At what point is it like, okay, I bought this beater, but now I got to fix this up. I got to do this and that. It doesn't work half the time. The heat doesn't work. It runs like ass. Is it like, I should just buy nothing special, but just like an average car, and then...

I'm going to end up selling it for less than I bought it for, but it's like, and what is an average like the less, the less, like the loss on that would end up being the same as the beater car. Once you fix it up. And it's like, yeah, you could have just been rolling around in a, in a normal F one 50 and, uh, and, and just had a D like a nice vehicle and came out the exact same. The,

First reason I, one, drive a very... My Camaro and my Cabriolet. I like the Cabriolet because it keeps me humble about my Camaro. It feels great getting in that car, driving, and I appreciate the Camaro more when I get in my Cabriolet and the heat doesn't work and the windows seal. It's just nice. I don't know. I can deal with it, but...

When it comes to buying the winter beater that would be probably considered like in the budget range, like all I was going to, I went to go look at this Hummer and it ended up being a bigger piece of crap than expected. And if it had not been such a big piece of crap, I would have bought it and it would have been like eight grand and I would have put money into it and fixing it up. And so my thought process behind it was, is I could put,

a little bit of money into it, making it cool and personalized. And then it would be a cooler car than going out and buying a regular F-150. And then that would just be a means. And it would almost give me just a little bit. I know, you know, we have the, some cars shouldn't be modified, but I just thought like a nice wrap. I think you can modify a Hummer. I've always wanted a Hummer since I was a little kid. I just think like doing wheels,

and a wrap on a Hummer would have really made it something that when it goes by, people would have been like, oh, cool. I would appreciate it. For the record, I think if you would have bought that Hummer and wrapped it and did some cool shit with it, I would have liked it. I would have been all for that. So that's kind of my reasoning is I... Maybe a little more fun, I guess. One, I want to just keep a cheap car because...

I don't really care. I don't have to drive that far in it. Yeah. And then two, it was almost like finding something a little bit unique. That's why I like the Cabriolet. It's not like a convertible. It's like just a weird car that I still get attention in it. Yeah. It's almost funny. I still get attention driving. You love attention. I do. I'm a little attention whore, but you know,

You know how it is. It gives you a little chuckle and a smile driving it. There's major truth to all of that. I mean, just all of it. What both of you guys said. Because you said the same thing about the Ranger, right? You really did. When I got it, you really... I did too. I was like, why the fuck did you buy that thing? You really going to drive that thing? I love that Ford Ranger for the record. But now we do. Now you do. I do. I don't know. Maybe you did before. But it's like when I had it and CEO was like, look, but I love this thing. It's $2,500. I mean, you just got your Raptor. We talked about this. You could literally buy...

how many $5,000 Rangers for the price of a Raptor? Yeah. But then I'm also thinking, I'm like, keep in mind, I still had four at once. I still had to put like, this is besides the tranny going after we towed the SEMA truck. Like I still had to put probably a thousand bucks into it to get it where I wanted it. But yeah, it's like,

dude it's all relative i also love what you said about keeping it humble because i felt the same way you drive i like that hop it in the ranger it's like it's all minimal and you enjoy that in its own way and then you get in a really nice loaded up car and you also enjoy and then it makes me remember that the ram has every amenity that we could ever use so then i actually remember to use them yeah exactly you know i i agree exactly what you're saying like when when i'm driving around in the raptor which i'm gonna keep just bone stock

I like it because you feel you don't stand out.

which is nice. And, uh, where he got lifted trucks. I just, there's just something nice about it being, it's like a completely different thing. Like driving the SEMA truck and then driving the GTR are, even though they are completely different, they are somewhat the same experience. It's, it's an inconvenience in a different way. They're both loud. Um, they draw a lot of attention. You don't, they are slightly though the same, same driving experience. Um,

you don't necessarily that's what i remember saying driving the seaman truck is like driving a sports car not for the speed and the the drivability of it but for the looks the potential of getting pulled over yeah that yeah yeah not building to fill up gas but even like the ram slightly has that which i i love lifted trucks so i'm saying that but but moral stories i get what what you guys are saying and uh

When I would drive your Ranger before it was dually converted, I loved it. Just take the gravel roads home. Now it's too much attention. Now it's too nice. Dude, I guess just thinking back to 30 seconds ago, I booed you when you said you were going to keep your Raptor stock. But there is something to be said. I still wouldn't prefer mine stock. However, I drove my Bronco around on those dinky-ass highway tires for a long time. And then as soon as I lifted it and put the big 35s on...

I was like, wow. It drove like a dream with those highway tires. Yeah. Like a dream. To be... So me being fully transparent, if...

I was driving yours or Ken's Broncos. I wouldn't love left at stock. Right. Just because personally it just, and you guys were thinking the same thing. It just, it didn't look as cool as it could, but like Ford Raptor, if I put, let's say I do exactly what Ben did, it'll look cooler, but it's like for the cost and the time. And especially if I already have, I have a 2023 on the way, like it's, it's only going to be marginally better. And it's just like, realistically, I bought that truck just to drive.

to working back to haul stuff to do whatever you know something that's reliable and i didn't need it to be necessarily cool yeah it's definitely gonna be reliable this one yeah things a beast i love that truck i think there's something that probably a lot of people can feel at home there's something nice to me about changing your car and making it your own even if it is you say like oh putting different wheels on it it's not going to make it that cool it's

But it differentiates if you went and parked it on a dealership lot, not to sell, but if you parked it with 50 other Ford Raptors, you would notice that one because it's got different wheels. It's yours. You maybe put a sticker on it the way you like it. You put a light bar on the grill and it's just those little things that you notice about your truck or your car.

that make you happy. I'm all for a modified. I'm just saying I'm not touching that one. You're not doing that to yours because you have another car that's modified. Yep. And then it goes back to keeping all stock is so conspicuous. Or inconspicuous? Inconspicuous. Yeah, inconspicuous. Like it really is. Not that I'm trying to be inconspicuous. You know, if you cruise around the Jeter, everyone, like they kind of know.

I'm really stoked that you adopted the term Jeter. You've been calling it. I pushed for it for a while and it didn't stick. It didn't. I'm like, the Jeter. And then every time people would go, what? What car are you talking about? The Altima. Ah, the GTR. Oh, the Jeter. Okay. And now CJ calls it a Jeter. Anyways. We also have this issue with taking a reliable vehicle though and then making it not reliable or unyielding.

unusable and then you're just back to square one which is pretty much where i'm at i had my subaru yeah last car for the winter all-wheel drive i could drive it everywhere actually last winter was kind of rough because i plowed the roads out here but it's still great and then i slammed it down put all this carbon fiber on it and then i'm like oh shit it's i need a new car to drive this winter yeah okay so did you guys see the renderings of the

Saudi Arabia building called the mirror. Yes. Yes. Yeah. I thought it was the wall, the wall, the mirror, mirror, wall, mirror, wall, the line. It is the wall, the wall. I thought that would have been maybe controversial, but maybe not over there. No, Trump's a big investor. So he's getting his wall in the matter. I love how they like reveal like what, like a product video. Basically it,

I knew it was the line. Oh, it was the line. Okay. That's what I thought. I thought the wall would... Good joke about the Trump thing. But it's insane. Thank you. For those of you that don't know what we're talking about, it's a 105 mile long building that looks basically... It's like covered in mirrors so you can barely like see it. And then it's supposed to be like 1,500 feet tall, which is taller than the Empire State Building. Whoa. Yeah, it's like extremely tall. I didn't realize that. Extremely long. And it's supposed to house 5 million people. Whoa. Wow.

So it's going to basically be like a self-contained... Like a habitat. Yeah, like a habitat. A human habitat. Yeah, but 105 miles long, and then it's going to have like a railroad in the middle of it. Yeah, what's the stat? And then you're supposed to be able to get from like side to side in 20 minutes. Holy... Yeah, it's crazy. But basically they want to just like completely change...

like the way people live over there and make it like destinational, but also, I don't know. I was reading on it and they were also saying like to eliminate the waste of like cars and help the environment and shit. But then there was also arguments like, that's a bunch of BS. Well, it's Saudi Arabia, aren't they? Like the biggest producer of oil. It kind of seems counterproductive, doesn't it? Yeah. And then people are like, what about the birds?

Good thing. Dude, think about how many birds just fly into our 10 foot by six foot window. That was a big concern with the Minnesota Vikings new stadium when they built that. That's right. Too much glass. I don't know when they, maybe 2018 they must have built that, but it was killing like a number of, like a pretty, it was a pretty sizable chunk. Fair number.

This is going to be taken out entirely. Possibly like 100 a day or something. Because it's all glass. It's definitely a real thing, right? The Google search is U.S. Bank Stadium bird killing machine. Oh my God. How many birds a day? Get this. The U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis kills more than 100 birds each year. What the frick?

Who even cares? Oh my gosh, dude. They will make a story out of anything we sell. I thought it was 100 a day. Me too, dude. Okay, so now that I'm thinking, like, let's say... Each year, 90 to 230,000 birds crash into New York buildings. Wow. So you come to the... Bro, we probably take at least 15 out a year around here. You come to the board with this massive idea that you've been probably planning for the last...

20 years. Who knows? I don't know. And then they're like, what about the birds though? They spent $300,000. There's that one. Something tells me nobody in Saudi Arabia has given a shit about the birds. It's that one girl that's got like the turtleneck on and like a beanie and she's holding a book with glasses. Yeah. What about the birds?

And then they're like, oh, we can't do it. But yeah, we don't want to piss her off. And I watched the video of the line and them explaining everything. Yeah, it's epic. It seems dystopian, but I wouldn't want to be there. So wait, are they actually building or is it? No, they started construction on it. Yeah. Like they started digging the foundation of it. Obviously, it's going to take forever and it's going to cost a trillion dollars. Well,

they got the money for it man projected to me that number is just that's like fake but yeah with the way they've been selling these gas man these these gases man they've been slinging running it up and we've been just paying it dude the other day i bought 30 gases from this guy so i was thinking about this what's it gonna be like to live in that right you're you've

You're basically just living in like a closed off environment. You're not going to need a winter beater. Yeah, you won't. No way. Think of all the money you'll save. I was like, damn, dude, this is going to be like college, but for like 5 million people living in college dorms. Yeah. Which I know absolutely nothing about because... What if some shit goes wrong in there? Well, that's the other thing too. They were like, what if like another outbreak happens, you know? Or the sewage backs up. There's a lot of poop.

Yeah. And just also, I mean, it'd be so weird to not actually go outside. It's like a giant cruise. Does it have? I'm sure. It's got to have. A top on it? I think it's open. Okay. So you do get weather. I mean, whatever weather Saudi Arabia has. Yeah, but you're going to get like sunshine for half the day. Yeah, because it's so tall. You wouldn't get any sun coming in. That sounds terrible.

It doesn't sound ideal, but... Do you think they thought this through? You know what? Tell them. Now that I think about it, I don't know if anybody did. You should call them. Yeah, tell them not to spend a trillion dollars. Some guy named Ben just called us and said not to do it. Oh, shit. We better call it off. Where did he say it? On his podcast. No! No! But when I was looking at it, I think I started thinking of all... I asked the same questions. Like, what about this? What about this? What about this? I'd hate doing this. But then, like, there's... I'm sure there's a bunch of upsides. Yeah.

I'm just saying not for me. Yeah. I mean, not for anyone that grew up around here. It is kind of cool, I guess. Like they're just doing it. Yeah.

They're just building something that should not or has never even been thought of. I'm all for that. Whenever I see somebody just doing something, maybe not the smartest thing, but I just see them doing it. I'm just like, and they're determined. And if it's not, it's not hurting me. I'm just like, yeah, man, go for it. They hear, they see this podcast and they're like, who are these guys? They look up our YouTube channel and they see the last like five videos of us taking things that aren't supposed to be off road and putting off road tires. And they're like, Oh man,

They're idiots. These guys are dumber than we thought. Oh, I thought you were going to say they're engineers. They're geniuses. Oh, they're geniuses. Maybe, yeah. Yeah, you could go one of two ways. Did you see their Ford Ranger video? Revolutionary. Tape Pills are one of one.

It didn't make it in the video, but I totally had been convinced that they made dually Ford Rangers in Europe. Oh, that wasn't true. No. And I was really hoping it'd make it in because then all the people would be like, no, they don't. I cut that out because I didn't want people to think that we weren't being original. No, I mean, you made sense. You really had him. Yeah. So this is what it feels like to troll someone.

Do you feel better? Yeah, I do. It's just like something's nice about making someone else feel stupid. Right? Best. Do you guys see that Elon officially bought Twitter? The whole thing? Yeah, like closed the deal and everything. He owns everything.

Twitter. 100% of Twitter. Yes. That's amazing. Now I'll probably start using it. Yeah. So the first thing he did was fire the CEO. Good. The CFO. And then actually. Fuck those guys. Let me see the exact title of the other person. Head of legal trust and safety. I bet those guys didn't even want to work for him, honestly. They probably have such opposing ideas for how it is.

It cost him like $130 million to fire those three people because of like they had all these... Yeah, to get them off. Yeah, they had like all this guaranteed money in stock. I was like, Jesus, how much are they paying these guys? No, he had to like buy them all out basically of their positions. But that's like $13 to Elon. But anyway, so yeah, he gets in there. He fires these people, basically like the woke...

uh people running the show people had probably one sided i would assume yeah yeah yeah no matter what what side of politics and then and then he like locked out the engineers like the twitter engineers like the coders he locked them out and then he had all of his tesla programmers and engineers go in and look at all the code to make sure that

Twitter isn't shadow banning people unfairly and have any code in place that's basically unfair. He needs to buy Instagram. Yeah, dude, I saw just a video...

They were secretly being interviewed, but I assume now they could release it. But it was like all the people, all the high-ups, all the chief engineers, whatever. And it's basically just incriminating. Maybe not incriminating, but them saying, yeah, we shadow ban. Yeah, we can do this. Yeah, we can do this. But they're having this... I don't know how they got it, but they're having a very casual conversation. They're all admitting to everything. Oh, yeah, well...

Well, they probably think it's right. Right. If this person keeps showing up, yeah, we can just do our best to get rid of the nasty people on Twitter. All this. Interesting. They admitted to it and then they could post it now because Elon owns it. Yeah. I don't know. Hopefully one day everything gets a little bit more fair. I don't really care what you're... As long as it's not hurting people.

I personally just feel like it should be more free speech, which things aren't. No, I think it's people getting a definition of hurting people twisted is a thing. Quote Elon said when he bought Twitter. The reason I acquired Twitter is because it is important to the future of civilization to have a common digital town square where a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy manner without resorting to violence.

So he basically, he doesn't want to silence anyone. He doesn't want it to turn into like a left or right. He basically just wants it. So like people stop hating each other and like can communicate more instead of just being like silenced on either side. Cause I mean, that is kind of what's happening right now is like these, these social media platforms, like,

I don't want to say our boss YouTube, but certain companies are kicking people off. Steve will do it, kicking them off. And then they go to Rumble, which is the polar opposite. So then it's just like, oh...

You're either left or you're right. You're with these people or you're with these people. And it's not like you can like kind of coexist anymore. It's kind of where it's like going and seeing. Yeah, I think that's bullshit. Everyone should be able to... I don't care what side you're on. I just think it should be...

fair for both sides or whatever side you're on. I mean, shit. Assuming that that's genuine just because it seems genuine. You know, he's not saying much. You don't spend $40 billion. I agree. And then, so he comes out with a statement like that and then,

Some people are like, no, he's definitely lying and he's going to fuck all of us over. I'm like, what? At the same time, though, it depends what side you're on. There's a lot of people that are Republican that think Biden is out to get them. And there's a lot of people that are Democrat that think that

whoever is the Republican president is out to get them, you know? Yeah. It's realistic. And it seems like it's only gotten worse not to get all political is probably where we end it. Um, the politics talk, but like when, when I was like a kid, it seemed like you were either Democrat or Republican and it's just like, yeah, they're that they're this and maybe you don't agree with them, whatever. But like nowadays it's almost like,

It almost seems like it's harder for... You don't have a Democrat and a Republican really hanging out. It's a little bit more hostile. I feel like people get a little... I think they just make it seem like that. We have tons of friends on the other side. They want to make it seem like that. I think the more people have a voice, more people can say...

what they want easier to more people. And it's way easier to pick that up. Like one, I'm just saying it seems more divided now than ever. Yeah. I think it was just because it, it was just, it's always been divided. It's just people have really divided. People have a way to say it now. Like our parents, when they were kids, political activism or whatever division has been a thing forever, literally since politics were invented. It's just now it's,

I can tweet, I hate this, and other people can see it. Where normally you would just see it sitting in a bar. And then it's like, oh, I hate this person. Exactly. We got into this whole argument online, which if you're getting in arguments online with someone on the vice versa of your politics, you're not going to change your mind. Exactly. You're just wasting your time. And you're in for it. Just stop.

Just fucking save it. This person's not changing. You're not changing your view. Just forget it. Just move on past it. Especially the arguments. None of that matters when you say, I hate this, I love this. None of that matters if you can't actually do it. You don't actually have a place for it. I'm not saying that I'm crying because I need a place to do that, but Twitter was not that place before and now it will be. I just think it's a step in the right direction. Yeah.

I don't know. Maybe, maybe it is definitely a step in the right direction. I think maybe other platforms are like, Hey, you know what? Maybe we have been going that far, but then again, who knows? I don't know. Yeah. It's just, it's changed and whatever, but it is crazy to see like one person come in and completely change a platform overnight, like overnight. Like,

Like he bought it and then fired all these people and it's like kind of changing. But then again, who knows? Maybe it won't change. I don't know. Dude, I got a really quick, fun little story to end it on. So I'm waiting for my Halloween costume to come because of course I ordered it too late. Right. Yep. Uh,

Amazon Prime is a beautiful thing. It says it's being delivered between 5 and 7 p.m. tonight. And I'm like, that's cutting it really close. I need to put it on in about six minutes. Luckily, it came. The Prime guy, now, they drive all the way from far. They drive an hour to come out here to deliver me my Halloween costume. Sometimes, but then I asked one other guy, I go, do you drive all the way out here? Do you have other places to stop? He goes, no, this one's it. No way. You drove an hour.

basically an hour pretty impressive dude how is amazon coming ahead on that because i can't imagine the margins are that big yeah and so uh this guy did free shipping first time i'd ever seen him and uh his name's dion shout out dion he uh he pulls up and he's kind of just like whoa you guys got crazy shit going on here like he sees the lambo sees everything and i'm like

Oh yeah. What's going on? I go, yeah, we got a YouTube channel, you know, check it out. It was brief. Check it out. See boys TV. He sees that I'm like taking pictures of the flag. Oh that. Yep. Okay. Drives off. I was like, sick. Nice dude. I have a good weekend. He pulls back in and then I'm like still out there grabbing some pics and I go, Hey, I was like, what up man? You, what'd you forget? Another package. And then he's just like, no. Okay.

okay, so it is that. Looks at the flag, CYSTV. It is that. And then I'm like, yeah, okay. I looked it up, but I didn't know if it was you because it had 1.7 million. So I had to double check. And then I was like, no, that's us. And then he was just tripping. It was cool. He's like, I got to check it out. But it was so funny that he had to pull back in just to make sure he's like, no, these guys...

It can't be here. In the middle of nowhere. The FedEx guy did that today. I came out here for one person. I was out in the parking lot this morning moving shit around. The FedEx guy came in, right? And he's like older. And he was like, quit the car show around here. What's going on here? And he's basically, yeah, same thing. Exactly.

So funny, yeah. I just love our background. I was just like, I'm just a car guy. I just move around. Yeah, sometimes I never know what to tell them. I'm just the lot manager. I'm the lot manager. Dude, that'd be pretty funny too. I just move them around. Yeah, they're cool. I just move them around though. Yeah, we love our delivery drivers around here. We do. We've made quite a connection with them.

We do. Some we made very good friends with. Wade, I'm sure you guys have heard us talk about him. And then other ones that I've seen for the first time ever today, also make pretty good friends with. Our UPS driver, Wade. He's been our man for what? Five years? We hang out with him. We go on limo nights with him. He comes in with. We all drink. Well, here's the progression of Wade. Almost getting bar fight. One time, Wade and I almost got in a bar fight with these guys we were playing pool with. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, not a bar fight.

They were like pressing us because we were beating them. Well, we weren't supposed to be there either. We were... Apparently, some bars are fucking weird about where to go. I guess we weren't regular. They were pressing us. No, I'm good. I'm a local there. Wade, for the record, I'm not trying to fucking get this whole thing. Wade and I weren't trying to fight anyone. We were just trying to play pool against these guys and...

They were like those kind of guys that are like angry drunks. And you could tell they were like getting angry and anger as we're beating them. And then we ended up talking. We ended up. No, we were playing for like five bucks. And then we ended up like losing. And then they were all happy. But I was literally kind of like, if we win, I feel like we're going to have trouble. I'd rather just let them win, which I didn't let them win. But they ended up beating us. But I'm glad they won. Who the hell?

I don't even know. All right. How long we've been going on my hour and 15. Let's cut it. All right. Thank you guys for listening. We're going to end it here for retention purposes or something. We're actually going to end it at the right spot this time. Yeah. I'm sorry. People thought that the editor just cut Ryan's story up. Ryan is the editor. I know. I know. That was an accident. I did. I got it. Yeah. People are like, yo, what's up? I wanted to hear the last story. Whoever the editor cutting out Ryan talking pretty unfair. Yeah.

It was me. I hated the story. I hated the way I sounded and looked, so I just cut it. The worst part was the two hour, two and a half hours I spent editing the rest of the podcast that no one got to see on YouTube. You can find it on Spotify. You spend time doing that, and then it didn't even go out. If you go to Apple or Spotify, you can listen to it. I guess you got to listen here and on Apple, Spotify. Speaking of that, go drop some stars or some likes and shit, whatever it is on Apple and Spotify. Let's get that up higher. Let's rank it up. Yep, and we're quickly approaching 150K on...

on YouTube. And once we hit 150K, Evan will come on and speak. And now we're totally doing the opposite of what I thought we were going to do. But we're keeping us in. We'll see you later. Today's episode is brought to you by Angie. Angie has made it easier than ever to connect with skilled professionals to get all your jobs and projects done well. Let me tell you, there's the version of it where you try to do something at home and then there's a version of it where you have someone help you, you watch them do it the right way and you go, thank God I didn't try to do that myself.

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