cover of episode Micah was accused of stealing a snowmobile

Micah was accused of stealing a snowmobile

Publish Date: 2022/10/25
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Life Wide Open with CboysTV


Shownotes Transcript

Today's episode is brought to you by Angie. Angie has made it easier than ever to connect with skilled professionals to get all your jobs and projects done well. Let me tell you, there's the version of it where you try to do something at home and then there's a version of it where you have someone help you, you watch them do it the right way and you go, thank God I didn't try to do that myself.

I have fully done things around the home that I think look good and then a bang in the night and I wake up to a shelf collapsing, a painting falling off the wall. Like it, I've seen it all go south. I own a home and I can tell you, I know how much work it can take. Whether it's everyday maintenance and repairs or making dream projects a reality, it can be hard just to know where to start. But now all you need to do is Angie that and find a skilled local pro who will deliver the quality and expertise you need.

Whatever your home project, big or small, indoor or outdoor, you can Angie that and connect with skilled professionals to get the project done well. Right now, one of my wishlists is I want a bike for my condo in Milwaukee and I would love to rig it up on a pulley in the ceiling because I have one of those like lofted ceilings.

but I'm so scared to try that on my own. Angie has 20 years of home experience and they've combined it with new tools to simplify the whole process. Bring them your project online or with the Angie app. Answer a few questions and Angie can handle the rest from start to finish or help you compare quotes from multiple pros and connect instantly, which means you can take care of any home project in just a few taps.

Welcome back to another podcast by the LifeWideOpenFellas. Why did I say it like that? I don't know if anybody has ever referred to us as that. We're the C-Boys on the other channel. Over here, we're the LifeWideOpenFellas.

This is actually our 50th podcast. No way. Yeah, way. So, I mean, like, it's... Over the Hill. Good job, guys. Wait, also... Good job, everyone. I mean, quick question right into it. Is Over the Hill 50 or 40? I feel like Over the Hill would be 54. Oh, okay. Or 52. Well, that...

That's 52 weeks in a year. Yeah, I guess you're like, oh. That's one year, you know, of posting. Wait, what? No. No. Over the hill is like a statement about age. It's 10? I thought you were talking about podcasts. No, they always say if you do 10 podcasts, then you're like actually doing podcasts because most podcasts don't last 10. Yeah. So maybe I thought you were... No, we just... I was talking about age. Yeah, you meant age. I remember...

Two different pages. I've been to a couple different birthday parties where Over the Hill, it's a 40 Over the Hill. My dad's 40th birthday was an Over the Hill party. And I was like,

Eh. I'd say 50. Yeah, it just seems too young. Kind of short, man. At that point, he seemed really young to be over the hill. I know that's technically the top, but 50 to me is that. Life expectancies are getting longer and longer, so they just keep bumping it back. Bumping it up. Yeah. I heard the other day that somebody projected that

by like at our age right now we could live to like 140 that's awesome what yeah i don't know it definitely was not a reputable like a credible source is this like when you gotta be doing all the pulling out all the stops there's no way i'm making it to 140 dude and do you know i don't think i want to because we would be on the cusp of like where we'd have to like pull out all the stops to get

to even pass a hundred where like maybe people in another 50 years, a one 40 might be, uh, still oldest frick, but like a hundred might not be, but like by the time if we hit a hundred, we'd be crusty as hell, dude. Well, I'm already on the right track. I've been pulling out all the stops lately. Yeah. You have some cryotherapy. No, it's, it's hyperbaric. Sorry. Hyperbaric. I have done that too. Yeah. How is that going? Uh,

And explain what it is exactly. Yeah, and genuine opinion on it. Yeah, I'm going to give my genuine. So, hyperbaric chamber. Joe Rogan's probably talked about this. I don't know. It's basically, it's literally a chamber. I'll pop it up. I took a video of it today. It's like five seconds, but you'll get the gist of it. So, if you're watching on video.

You can watch that. But you hop in this tube. It's like this glass tube and it's like lock shut. It's basically like a cellar. When you walk in there, I feel like I'm in Stranger Things or like some kind of show where they're like... Yeah, it sounds like they're going to freeze you. Creating people with superpowers. Because you walk in, it's kind of dark and there's just people quiet. You're in this blue...

Based on pictures I've seen, it doesn't look like a friendly atmosphere per se. No, it's fine. If you're a classophobic person, you would freak out. My mom could not do it. I was telling her about it. Hyperbaric chamber, it's basically a

a pressure right they they increase the pressure and increase oxygen in there whereas like so it'll be a hundred percent oxygen uh inside that chamber which is obviously good for your health because the more oxygen is probably better for your brain your heart and you're just breathing it normal like you're just sitting yeah you're not really supposed to huff or anything like that you know like breathe heavy hold up you're wearing a like a special suit you

You can't. No, it's not really a special suit. It's just like all cotton uniform. They don't want you to. I don't know why. Okay. Okay. It's basically just a gown. Got it. I wasn't sure if you were just in this like glass tube naked. Everyone's looking at me. I'm like, come on. So if you were outside right now or probably even in here, it's 21% oxygen.

Yeah. So you're not breathing in pure oxygen where they're inside that chamber. They pump it in and increase pressure. I'm not sure why the pressure helps, but force it in. I don't know. I'm not entirely sure, but, uh, you know, it's on your increasing your oxygen intake. It goes through your blood, your, your blood cells carry it to all the different,

the different parts of your body, which can help and be good for like healing. It's, it's supposed to help for like concussions. They didn't know if it would help for me. Cause it's like more of a post concussion. Like my problem is like post, but like if you were like someone new that had it, yeah. Apparently they say that they have seen benefits. Don't quote. I mean, I, I haven't seen any benefits, but I'm a whole different situation.

situation. How many have you done? Seven. When do they usually start seeing any kind of change? The dude literally like has been taught like the doctor there like he's like curious about me because I'm more of like a different case and he always talks to me he's like have you seen anything yada yada I'm like

I hate to tell you this, but like, no, no, I'm not. And, and he just kind of told me like, like, it's kind of, it's expensive to do. That was my next question. So it costs. So in order to do it 10 times, I've paid $2,000, which to me is expensive. And, and on top of that, I have to drive an hour to go do it. So I have to drive an hour. Then I have to change, get in the tube, sit in the tube for an hour. And then,

get out of it, change, drive back. So it's like a three and a half hour deal for me, which kind of also interrupts my whole day.

But no, it hasn't been helping me at all. But the other people that go there, besides for concussion people, are like older people. And I think it's just ultimately maybe better for your health. Yeah, I mean, it speeds up. Like, I'm sure it's good for you. You know, injury. Our grandpa, actually, he suffered like some burns on his back. His house burnt down last November. Like, his whole back. Yeah.

His whole back was like third or maybe was it fourth? There was a couple of fourths. Like it was really, really bad. And he didn't want to do surgeries. Like he's just stubborn that way. But also he made the right choice. Like would not do skin grafts. Wouldn't do anything. And they said, if you don't do skin grafts, your skin will not grow back and you're guaranteed to get infection. Cause he wanted to go, he wanted to leave the hospital and not come back. And they were like, we can't let you down. And he was like, I'm not doing that. I'm figuring out another way. Ben was in the hospital with them.

It was super uncomfortable. I was at the house and he was sitting in the hospital and Ben was like just texting me. And I was like, what's going on? What's going on? He's like, I don't know. He's kind of like grandpa's arguing with them. They want to operate, but they want to help him. And he's not letting anyone touch him. And he's like, it's so awkward right now. They were like, they sent four different doctors in and they were like, if you leave, you will get infected and you need skin grafts. Your skin will not grow back. And he was like, I don't care.

No, he does not fuck with traditional doctors. I think he just doesn't... There's a lot of people like that, though. I shouldn't say he was saying, I don't care. He was saying, you're wrong. I guarantee it will grow back and I'm going to be okay. But he was like, I should say...

He was saying, I don't care what you say. I'm going to do what I want to do. Which is, I mean, I wasn't surprised, but I was just watching four different doctors come in, and they were in disbelief. I'm sure nobody has ever told him that. They're like, told a doctor that has third-degree burns on their back that they're leaving tonight. So anyway, he left, and then he got his own hyperbaric chamber. He didn't get a hyper... No, he didn't get a... So I don't think his is quite as...

I would just imagine it's not quite to the degree of the ones I'm going to. Like, his was like a tent, some kind of oxygen tent. So, basically, I think you could pop it up in your own house. And I'm not sure exactly how it worked, but it was like...

I think it was like $10,000. Yeah, I've seen it. It's obviously not the same as that chain, but his back has now healed. It has been one year. His back is healed. I think there's maybe like a couple. Obviously, there's some scars and stuff, but they wanted to do skin grafts off of his legs, his butt, all these spots and put him on a very serious surgery, and he wouldn't let them do it because he thought

He could basically heal naturally and obviously doing a couple of the other things. There's other things that he was doing to help that, which ultimately proved them all wrong and saved him probably...

A lot of pain. Surgery is pretty abrasive. I know I'm not a doctor, but you typically don't want to get surgery if you don't have to. Surgery is kind of like that last step. Especially when you're older, they knock you out. It's an interesting stigma around surgery just sucks. When you get injured, I'm not always bummed if I get injured, but I'm bummed if I have to get surgery.

You know, you're like, okay, they put you in a cast or whatever, you limp around or this and that, but if you have to get surgery, it's this whole other ordeal. But I'm just surprised that if they would have been like, you should get skin grafts, but like...

Kind of one of those situations. They were like, you need to go to the main. They wanted to like fly him there that night. They wanted to send him to the burn unit. Wow. And helicopter him there. And he wanted to go home. We're going to helicopter you to the burn unit. And he said, no, I'm going to drive home. Was he not? Was he just chilling through the pain or what? I think he was in a lot of pain. He was in a lot of tolerance of pain. No, he was in a lot of pain. More than most. And he had a lot of pride.

Yeah, he wasn't. Pride's a hell of a drug, that's for sure. And he was right, so you got to give it to him. I'm very happy that it went that way, obviously. That's his situation, though. I'm not saying that everyone that has that should follow that or take any of the advice, I guess. It's different for everyone with every situation. So anyways, he had one of those tents, and he said that he...

thought that really helped his back like it and just you know obviously if you're have an injured part on your body and you increase oxygen flow to it it's going to help him you know oxygen is good another thing too is he had covid like two weeks prior to his house burning down and like at post covid you have like extreme extreme brain fog i don't

I don't know if you guys remember that or if you had that too, but that's just like one of the posts. I got it all the time. I was going to say, yeah. His like was super bad, pretty noticeable. And he said that that also helped him with the brain fog and like kind of just like his cognitive. Oh yeah. That was another thing that people go there if they recently had COVID. They did mention that to me.

Interesting. Yeah, but moral of the story is, let's say we're all rolling up on 80 and we're slowing down a lot. CJ's going to be like, man, you guys are crazy. We'll figure it out when we get old. And CJ just leaps and bounds ahead of us. I have actually started to probably have something to do with Ken, but my health has become, I've become much more thankful for it.

Each time I am not sick, it's kind of like the same on a really mini scale. When you get like a really stuffy nose and you can't breathe out of it and then you can finally start to breathe out of it and you're like, oh my gosh, this is the greatest feeling ever. And then you just start taking it for granted and then you can't breathe through your nose again. You're like, this sucks. Yeah. Just trying to like classic.

Just trying to be thankful for my health 24-7 because shit changes fast. If you don't got your health, you really don't have a whole lot. That's probably your number one thing. It's weird because I get more consciously thankful of it when people around me are sick. I'm like, ha, ha, ha. Someone's hurt or sick, but you're just like, dang, yeah. It makes you think about it more. Even if someone legitimately has a stuffy nose, you're like, thank God I don't have a stuffy nose. Yeah. So Ryan...

What's your shirt say? I see you got a new meme shirt on. It has a golf cart. I like that. I do. I actually asked you that because now I can read it.

I only go golfing to practice drunk driving. Damn, that's a mint cart on there. That is a mint. It's a quality cart. That's a proper Yamaha, I think. Yeah. Dude, I've got like a whole stack in my locker down there of good meme shirts. I like it. Keep it up. Keep your eye out for them on the locker. I love that shirt. And for those of you wondering, that is a joke. Yeah. Yeah, it's definitely a joke. Yeah, you can't get a DUI on a golf course. Yeah.

Speaking of, I guess, new merch, we have a merch shop coming up this Thursday. So that's the 27th, Thursday at 7. Going live. We got a bunch of hunting stuff, a bunch of...

halloween i don't know fall type theme stuff and we're also dope giveaway giving away a 1000 sportsman a camo one like a utilities four-wheeler yeah i guess in two day if you're watching this right now or listening you now know what the giveaway is before everyone else yeah one of the benefits of listening to the podcast but this is kind of like the one time a year that we do uh

Like, it's not all hunting themed, so if you're not a hunter, it doesn't matter. But there's, like, a portion of this drop that is very hunting-y.

themed obviously if you look at mike's outfit right now and i'm not a hunter but i think it's like some of the coolest hunting gear like all these guys are big hunters mike's about to climb into the deer stand yeah also if you order it right after the drop or super early we'll have it to you by deer opener correct yeah we gotta uh shaking his boots yeah well we we're gonna hopefully hopefully hopefully

But yeah, it's going to be cool. It is really interesting. I'm sure there'll be some comments. I mean, not that this really matters, but there'll be some comments about, oh, you guys don't hunt. You guys don't really fish. We

We don't spend a lot of our time doing that. We're still somewhat passionate about it. Some of us more than others. But we can't do that stuff on YouTube. YouTube just doesn't like it. We talked about this a few podcasts ago. So it really sucks. That's why we don't have show that. Honestly, I think a pheasant hunting video would be lit. And also even a deer hunt. Or you could go on some crazy hunts. And it would be extremely entertaining. It would be very much so worth...

because it would be such an awesome story and video and also a lot of fun too. We could go hunting Sasquatch. I don't think we'd get anything. I don't think we'd get anything. Yeah, dude, that would be a really sweet video to go elk hunting or moose hunting in Alaska or something like that. Just put ourselves balls deep in it. I was talking to a guy at the bar the other day that...

loves fishing and he was asking us all about like oh have you ever been to alaska like you got to go to alaska and go salmon fishing and halibut fishing and like fly fishing in the river and i was thinking well we could probably do that for a video right like you yeah you can do fishing yeah yeah so that would be a fun video go up to alaska i

I bet we have like a lot of people listening from the Alaska area. Yeah, if you got an Alaska fishing plug. Yeah, that'd be a good time. That would be definitely like the peak place to go, I think. Mike and I did it in Michigan and we like went out on like a big yacht boat, like a big 40 foot boat and caught like 30 pound salmon. Yeah. And,

And I mean, you're out there. It felt like you're in the ocean. You're in the great lake, but like it was, that was so fun. And so, I mean, I know we've got invited out. Um, you know, we're busy. It's hard to make stuff like that happen, especially when you don't know, planning a fishing trip. Like we don't know exactly how that's going to pan out. Like,

we know how a riding trip is probably going to pan out. But anyway, someone invited us to do it in the Hamptons. Oh, yeah. New York gym. Yeah. Yeah, that would kind of be like 50% fishing and then just 50% living the New York gym lifestyle. It's our buddy that also eating at the finest restaurants. Who knows what goes on in the Hamptons, really? I have no idea. It's actually a New York gym. I saw this, like, someone just like a,

a meme or a rant or something. Someone was like, dude, East Coast people are built different, think different, act different. Everyone in the Midwest is kind of on the same page. And then we meet people like out West that are kind of the same. But then like, you know, Boston people and New York people like they're they're very different from us. Dude, I've never really had that much desire to travel or go and see like different places. No, not even to the east. Yeah, to the east. But like Europe or like

South America or anything like that, every time somebody mentions studying abroad or something, I'm like, that just doesn't really sound that fun. But now, I don't know what flipped, but

Maybe it's just like wanting to experience different cultures to be more like educated on different people. You know, I think we're so well, I'm so used to just like living in our small little Cormorant and kind of experiencing like the same thing. And obviously we've traveled, but like we really haven't traveled much.

outside the United States or really outside like just going west. West of the Mississippi. We've never gone east at all. Haven't been able to travel outside the country but like even experiencing different places like

To our neighbors up north in Canada. I don't know. That'd be fun, too. I'm so excited that we can go back to Canada. Yeah, we can go back to Canada. We've got a snowmobile trip lined up to Revelstoke. I'm stoked for that. But I think we should go to Europe. Like, that'd be a fun trip. I'd love it. Like, the whole crew went to Europe. What would be, like, a good spot to go to? I mean, like, Greece.

Paris, London, Venice. Somebody needs to buy a Porsche and we can go to Germany. That seems like a big Ken thing to do. It kind of does. Doesn't it? Like Ken takes European delivery of your Porsche? I think I'd feel pretty comfortable traveling way abroad like that with you guys. But I think...

Back in the day, it was a desire, but going into a different culture where a lot of people speak a different language, some speak English, it was intimidating. First and foremost, it was intimidating. So much so that I wouldn't do it. But now, we've been through a lot. Where'd you go? I didn't go anywhere. I remember one time... No, I'm saying... I didn't go anywhere because it was such an intimidating thing. Even my grandpa, he's been in Norway a billion times and he's like,

you should go. And I'm like, I, it's intimidating. And like, most of them don't speak English and some do. Yeah, I know. But like, you got to find the ones that speak your own language just to like accomplish something. It's intimidating. Couldn't you guys see Mike backpacking around Europe? Yeah, dude. Absolutely. I wasn't like that close to doing it. But at one point it was like kind of in that transition of not knowing what I was going to do and not making it into the guard. I was like,

I almost signed up to go be like a ski bum, you know, work at this ski at in Switzerland though. Oh, yeah.

And then he looked up what's their main language and he saw it was Swiss or Swedish. German. Hi, I'm Angie Hicks, co-founder of Angie. And one thing I've learned is that you buy a house, but you make it a home. Because with every fix, update, and renovation, it becomes a little more your own. So you need all your jobs done well. For nearly 30 years, Angie has helped millions of homeowners hire skilled pros for the projects that matter. From

Today's episode is brought to you by Angie. Angie has made it easier than ever to connect with skilled professionals to get all your jobs and projects done well. Let me tell you, there's the version of it where you try to do something at home, and then there's a version of it where you have someone help you, you watch them do it the right way, and you go, thank God I didn't try to do that myself.

I have fully done things around the home that I think look good and then a bang in the night and I wake up to a shelf collapsing, a painting falling off the wall. Like it, I've seen it all go south. I own a home and I can tell you, I know how much work it can take. Whether it's everyday maintenance and repairs or making dream projects a reality, it can be hard just to know where to start. But now all you need to do is Angie that and find a skilled local pro who will deliver the quality and expertise you need.

Whatever your home project, big or small, indoor or outdoor, you can Angie that and connect with skilled professionals to get the project done well. Right now, one of my wish lists is I want a bike for my condo in Milwaukee and I would love to rig it up on a pulley in the ceiling because I have one of those like lofted ceilings.

but I'm so scared to try that on my own. Angie has 20 years of home experience and they've combined it with new tools to simplify the whole process. Bring them your project online or with the Angie app. Answer a few questions and Angie can handle the rest from start to finish or help you compare quotes from multiple pros and connect instantly, which means you can take care of any home project in just a few taps.

I don't know, dude. I think you would have figured it out. That would have been cool. And that's the beautiful thing about all of this. There's no reason, there's no true reason to be intimidated because you would figure it out. I think we've got to go some more places this winter.

I would love that. We got to just Oktoberfest in Germany. I think we already missed that. But next year. Yeah, it is October. Damn it. That'd be lit, yeah. We'll plan it. It seems like those videos are always pretty lit. Everyone's in a good mood and excited. And that's the thing of experiencing something new. You never know what you're going to get into. Nope. Very true. Especially with our group. Yeah, exactly. Ev, where do you want to go? Amsterdam. Amsterdam. We know why Ev wants to go to Amsterdam. Amsterdam.

What? The hookers? Yeah, that'd be a bonus. Oh, I thought he was doing it for the legal... It's legal marijuana. You don't have to go all the way... That's what I was going to say. That's what I was going to say. I was like, I mean, shit, dude. Amsterdam is the place that has the red light district, right? Yeah. Where, like, the girls are just, like, in the window. That's crazy. Dude, Europe's a different place. Mm-hmm.

I think mushrooms are legal in Amsterdam too. Really? Yeah. I'm assuming a lot of things are then. Back to the U.S. I want to trigger somebody right now. What do you guys think is the worst state? Is this the worst place to live? California. Triggered.

You're saying California. Okay. I was going to go with Seattle, Washington. Oh, nevermind. Yeah. Seattle, Washington. I just remembered. Holy shit. I take that back. I was just going to attack someone and just go like Arkansas. I know Arkansas is sick. You've been Arkansas. You ever seen Ozarks? That's Missouri. No.

Shoot, I'm pretty sure it's Missouri. Yeah, I think you might be right. I feel like Arkansas would probably be like, it's people like us. Yeah. I was just going to say. I would not suggest, I'm going to go a little farther west, like Dickinson, North Dakota being like, you got to go to Dickinson. You got to see it. Also, trigger all the people in Dickinson. I don't think anyone in Dickinson is like, you got to come to Dickinson. Yeah, true.

That'd be a good prank. Tell someone how good Dickinson is and send them there. Yeah, there's tons of stuff to do. I mean, that's the other thing too about traveling and going places. Even if it sucks, we come home and we just have something to talk about how much it sucks. And like going to Seattle, I'm happy that we went to Seattle. The fact that I didn't die or get mugged. That place was terrible. Every single corner that we turned. But now that we're home, to laugh about it, it's funny because I...

I've talked to so many people about how shitty Seattle is.

And most of the time they agree, but if they don't, I'm very passionate to change their mind. One of my buddies, Ben, uh, Ben from another Ben that, uh, from high school, I actually saw him last weekend. And the last time I had spoke to him was almost like eight months prior to now, uh, eight months ago. And, uh, he told me he was thinking about moving. I go, where? He goes, yeah, I was thinking about Seattle. I just like bit my tongue. It was just like, Oh,

But also, he had a nice part of it, and it was fucking sweet. Like...

Not downtown Seattle. Bad news bears. But we were legitimately, we landed in Seattle and went 45 minutes that way. Yeah, but we also came in on a private jet and we took a helicopter. I think we were at a different spot than Seattle though. You're right. I'm just thinking of the actual sound. It's like saying Fargo versus Cormorant. Yeah, exactly. So he said that to me and I just bit my tongue. I was like, oh. And I was kind of like, man, maybe he's changed.

And then I saw him last weekend. It just doesn't seem like the type of place you like. I see him last weekend and I saw that he went on a trip just recently to Seattle. I go, hey, how was your trip to Seattle? He goes, man, that place is a shit hole. I was like, so you're not moving there? And he goes, no way. That place has got to be the worst city in the world. He was on the same page. Without you saying anything. I go, dude, I literally bit my tongue when you told me that the last time we talked.

And it was really funny because then we both bonded over. I was telling him stories and he was basically the same exact story. Homeless drug doers. You're like outnumbered by the homeless over there. But anyway, so he recently went there, though. Yeah, literally like two weeks ago because we went kind of like post COVID right when it was, you know, shitty.

Right. Apparently. Yeah. I was wondering if it got any better, but no. Well, speak. We need to get that place under control. Anyway. We should do a tour before we move on from this topic. We should do a tour east this year. I would love to. I would love to take a look. I don't know where we would go for it to be as interesting. Epping, dude. I feel like there's some pretty cool places we could go east. We could hit the Carolinas. You could go...

I'd like to see New York. Probably not going to drive the 40-foot RV with a 40-foot trailer through New York. We'd go up to Crandall's. But it'd be cool to see New York. It'd be cool to see some different type of stuff and probably end up doing some different things, and then we can just enter back down in Florida. Stay in Florida. Forever. That's not a bad idea. Not forever. Not forever. I think the worst part is I have some weird bucket list to go to Maine. Yeah, Maine would be sweet. Why? Why I got to be way over there? Why Maine? Because Maine is like...

Sort of Midwest vibes. Sort of UP vibes. And they have the ocean. They get snow. They have terrain. It's an interesting state to me. I think it's cool. Way up there. It's like the northern version of Florida. I mean, horrible comparison. But you know, it's just like a peninsula. I think that was a pretty bad comparison. Just because they're so different. But I want to go to Maine. But like, it's so out of the way. There's no reason to drive to Maine, in my opinion. Unless you're going to Maine. Yeah. But along the lines of our great state of Minnesota...

Dude, Young Gravy has been killing it lately. And he, if you guys didn't know this, I didn't know him for a while, but then when I found it out, I was obviously stoked because it's always fun to hear creators and musicians and whatnot from your state. And Young Gravy is like from Rochester, Minnesota. Yeah. Just been killing it lately. I mean, among many artists, but like,

I mean, he's just song after song after song. That's what I saw. They were dating, dude. I think that's a thing about the TikTok world. I think that was just like a social play. No, dude, they were dating. They were kissing and stuff. Still, I think it's a publicity stunt. I hate the TikTok people and the media always goes when two people are together.

Like young gravy and Addison Rae's mom. They go, they're dating. They were dating. No, man. They're fucking. No, they're, they're fucking. No, they're hanging out. Maybe not even. Yeah. I think they were dating, dude. What is your proof? Other than you saw them walk up to her and go, I'm pretty sure they were dating. Why? Why? Is going on a date, dating or what do you qualify as dating? Does he go, Hey, Addison Rae's mom, will you be my girlfriend? Like that to me is dating. They were like doing like,

like interviews and stuff together that's what i mean publicity they're just maybe they were hooking out maybe they're giving a little smooch at the vmas or whatever the frick they were but i just don't like the term dating it makes it way too dramatic the thing about young gravy is he has to tacky there he has he has made himself the milf hunter of the internet and

And now he just has that title. He's locked in. He's locked in. He's locked in. But like every interview I've ever seen with him or like any video on, on Instagram or Tik TOK that's gone viral, it was him making some kind of mom comment. So now I wonder, I wonder if he, if that's how he's been his thing or now he's just locked into it. I think it has been for a long time. Yeah.

Like at least the past couple of years he's been in a mom's, but it's definitely peaked now. Maybe it's a Midwest thing. I don't know. But dude, when anyone else is around him, like as far as guys or competition, don't stand a chance. He's like six, five, got a super low voice. And then just like all the blonde hair. And he's like, I'm a rapper. Like how could any mom say no?

That's your type, huh, Mike? Did I mention that I wanted to fuck Young Gravy? I don't know. That's kind of how it came. That's kind of how it was coming off. I don't know of a whole lot of moms, but it depends what group of moms are hanging out with. Okay. All right. All right. Picture this. The complete opposite. Shorter, dark hair. No beard. No beard, but a little bit of facial hair. An absolute hog.

And his name is Evan. I was going to say, you kind of sound like you're describing Evan. And what does he rap? Does he rap? Well, he can't rap, but he can ride wheelies. He can ride basically anything that he puts his leg over. Evan loves moms, too. All right, so winter's coming up. And I don't know why, I was just thinking about...

taking a snowmobile trip this winter. And then I started reflecting on all the other snowmobile trips that we've taken over the years and kind of how it's just like evolved into, I don't want to say the only reason we take snowmobile trips is to film videos, but basically over the last couple of winters, it has been.

So I was thinking, man, what is it like to even go on a trip without filming it? And I was thinking about the time in West Yellowstone and you rented that sled from... I thought we talked about this. No, we haven't. Never told this story on the podcast. I don't think we ever have. When it got stoned?

Yeah, I don't think we ever have. I totally forgot about it until now. The last time I heard this story was when it was happening and we were in the college house. This was a wild thing. And the fact that we never like picked up the camera to explain what was happening. It was a different time. It was a different time. And we were, I think, well, I didn't film any of it because I was terrified. So now we have the podcast to reflect on it. But anyway, okay, just, just, uh,

I don't know. Start from the top of renting the sled. So we go to West Yellowstone all the time to ride sleds. That's where we always go. We didn't have sleds. So you want a cheap rental, right? You want the cheapest possible. If you go out there for a three-day trip and rent an 800, you're a thousand in just on rental. So we hooked up with...

Highmark Rentals. I dropped the name only because there's new owners now and there's nothing wrong with the company. It's a great rental company. Well, did you get screwed over to them? To be honest... It's still up for debate. Just tell the story. Mostly them and then I just got tangled up in it. Rented a sled from them. They...

you know, bring it back at six. And it was pretty loose because they gave it, I got insurance, but I think they gave it to us for free, you know, rent like, I don't know. Or maybe it was like some cheap, but it was like definitely a deal. Okay. So you kind of like, we're, we're filming a video here and they got it. We're going to give you a little promo. Yeah. Yeah, we did. In the beginning of the video, we walked out and we're at Highmark. Look at all these sleds. This is great. It was all good. They were kind of already giving. And,

Then we rode one day and they were like, wow, how many days you ride? And I'm like three, but we're going to go to this expo. Cause that was when Ben races snow bike in West Yellowstone, which is also pretty cool. Dropped it off too late. Like we were all kind of like, it was getting dark, but we were like, well, it's our last day. You need to get your rental back, Micah. And I was like, I think they'll understand. Yeah. You have to have it back to them by like four or five before they all kick it. And,

and basically brought it back, pulled it into their fence area with all the other sleds, took the key out, but put it in the dash, you know, so it wasn't at least in there. But that's all I did. And then I texted the owner or whoever was helping me and I said, drop the sled off.

Sorry for having it late. I definitely felt bad even at that point. Like it didn't, nothing fell off, but I felt bad for bringing it back late. But other than that, things seem fine. You'd think they'd have cameras, at least one camera out front watching their a hundred thousand dollars worth of sleds just in the front yard. And then fast forward to. Yeah. A little backstory on this is whenever we would go on a snowmobiling trip and

Basically, whenever we got to the edge of Fargo, which is the city nearest to us, Micah would not have service for the next days until he got back because he had Sprint. Some Wi-Fi at the hotel and that's it. But you couldn't even really get calls on Wi-Fi, I don't think, before. So he basically was cell phone-less the entire trip. They were trying to get a hold of you. Get home, get some calls. He goes...

where's my sled i'm sure they thought you ran off with it because you just totally they probably yeah and then you weren't answering where are you calling and they're like this dude just took it yeah and i said i'm back home in fargo he goes that's a problem where's my sled you take it with you and i was like so confused you know didn't even know what to say and i was just like dude no do we accidentally load up the rest yeah i'm like wait um sorry this is i gotta where is your sled

That's what I'm wondering. Where's the sled? And you didn't drop it off. Yeah, I dropped it off. I swear I dropped it off. You know, getting a little panicky. And I was like, I swear I pulled it in. I really apologize for bringing it late. I apologize for not like...

hiding the keys better or tracking someone down in person or something. And they were just pressing me and pressing me. And then I'm like, okay, well, we got insurance on it. Did it get stolen? I don't know. We're talking to the police. And I'm like, okay, good. Yeah. And anyone else ever, did anyone else ever hit you up? Like police or? No, no police or nothing. So then I said at this point, I'm like, I don't know.

What else to tell you? But I don't have your snowmobile. And I didn't do anything with your snowmobile besides bring it back to your property. And then he's like, oh, well, you know, we're talking to the police. I'm like, good. Figure it out. Good. We'll get this figured out. They're being real dicks to you. Yeah, they were. Because it was a true misunderstanding. And basically, someone that night, since it was like an expo weekend, there's a big event going on. Someone must have drunkenly that night said,

wandered in there somehow you know started it how many sleds are there in the front yeah I'd say there was about 20 and in the back there's probably another 30 and only yours got taken but the keys were out of all the other ones yeah and the keys must have been nowhere to be seen but then the fact that he goes up to that one and like somehow finds the keys they had to have been checking every one are you sure you didn't leave that shit in the ignition Mike

I couldn't tell you for sure, for sure. So basically, someone stole it. I don't know if that happened. I don't know if it happened. No, because we have video footage of me dropping it off too. So I sent them that too. There was a bar right next to it too. They were neighbors with the local hooligans bar. So basically, someone stole it, but they found it piled up.

At the bottom of one of the popular riding mountain, you know, hills. Like probably Ghost Road, that thing. Something like that. It was like out in the woods. Yeah. So somebody stole it and then just drove it out in the woods. Or they took it for a little, hit it, and then in the day went and piled it.

true and the way I found that out was like I called again and was like hey because they never reach back out and Mike is like calling and being like yo we do we find the sled yet like do I gotta pay you still pay well I was like I'll still pay the deductible like I feel horrible about this and then the dude before I even preface all that the dude just goes the what whoever answer the phone goes Oh see but you're the kid who crashed the sled at the bottom of two tops and I go dude

Nope. Nope. That's not me. I mean, I'm the dude. Yeah. I, you, I'm who you think I am, but I'm not, I didn't do what you thought I did. And so then I kind of found, I was like, someone stole it and crashed at the bottom of two tops. What on planet earth?

And how did I get tangled up in this? And why aren't the police involved? And why am I getting, like, kind of pegged for this? Hey, Mike, you should call them back this year and say, hey, Micah, think I could... See, boys, think I should borrow another sled? It'll be in the video, so, like, maybe we could exchange that for no payment. Like I said, it's... He's just like, for real this time. Fuck off.

Oh, that's what you'd say. No, there's different owners now, but it's like, it's always been a really popular rental company in West Yellowstone and nothing bad about them because they always have the cool sleds. That's why we went there in the first place, but it was a giant miscommunication. Um,

And like, what are the odds that, yeah, like that I rent a sled off of a, maybe a good word from us and someone else. And then, oh yeah. And then Sam Busker. And then one of my, well, actually a bunch of my buddies went out the next week. Like the week after that. And they were asking, where should we rent? And I was like, oh, Highmark Rental. No, no, they didn't ask me that. They didn't ask me that. They just watched the video. And then they saw us promoting that.

And then they go to Highmark Rentals, rent a bunch of sleds, and then they go, hey, yeah, Seaboy sent us. And the guy was like, all right, fuck those guys. They owe me money. He crashed my sled, all this shit. And then they come back, and then I was talking, hey, how was the trip? And they were like, yo, you guys really did the dirty. And I'm like, no, they think that. But it's just funny. I met a bunch of people.

went and rented because we promoted a couple times that wasn't the first time that we'd worked with them and then they were just like no fuck those kids they're like what man that was a mess that was just one of those one of those mistakes you make being like 19

Yeah. You know, going out there by yourself and making deals. And I mean, also, honestly, there really wasn't much of a mistake. Really where you went wrong. That sounds like something that could happen. It's just. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Just a small lack of thinking in the now. Yeah. You know, there's always a lot going on in our lives and it, it kind of. The,

The takes the edge off of thinking in the now, the one part that got a little bit cloudy in the story is that you would rented it for a few days and then we were going to stay for

for this expo, the snowmobile meet thing. And then we decided, screw that, we're tired, we're going home. So we, to this guy, looks like we didn't bring the sled back and then dip town a day early. And then the entire day while we were driving home, he's calling trying to figure out where we are, where his sled is. Mike, his phone is going straight to voicemail.

So he had a whole day of being panicked. I can see the issue in it. Classic cripe situation. Man, the rental market is a slippery, greasy slope. Can you imagine renting out a Lamborghini or these exotic car rental places? I follow one in Vegas. It's called Royalty Exotics. And they got to be the biggest because they have an insane amount of cars. But it seems like...

A car is getting totaled once a week. Oh my gosh. Like total, total. And like STO. In one crash, total, total. Like Huracan STO is so like $400,000, $500,000 cars. I'm sure idiots are renting them. I mean, it could happen to anyone. But it's a high horsepower car. And you're also in Vegas traffic.

It really doesn't sound that much fun. Well, no, you can go and hit the canyons to the Hoover Dam and a bunch of different places around, and they have to kill it. Like, the fleet that they have. Yeah, they do. Oh, yeah. It's not cheap. Well, actually, I heard the owner talking about, so, just, Hurricane Evo. He said they'll rent out about 45 times a month. Wow. Damn, so they're getting, like, more than once a day. Yeah. Yeah.

You probably rent it twice and you pay for the car payment on it. Yeah. So that's what I've actually, one thing I have heard about exotic rentals in particular is that the insurance, I mean, this is not that surprising, but the insurance costs more than the payment of the car and more than like, you know, oil changes and stuff. The guy said that he's so afraid to make a claim. To make a claim. Because they'll just drop you. That he'll just self, he just mostly just self insures all these crashes because he said if

If he were to make a claim on a $500,000 STO crash, he was like, it would be an absolute nightmare. So he has to pay to fix it? 500 racks out of his pocket? I guess that would be a replace it cost. It is like...

So disgusting how much I already pay in insurance and I don't even get to use it. I'm terrified to make a claim. That is so messed up. Yeah. Also think of like being the guy that rented the car. You're like, all right, honey, going to Vegas this week. And she's like, all right, be careful. She's worried about like him going to the strip club or like.

betting the farm at the casino and he calls and goes hey honey and she's like hey how's Vegas and he's like oh not so good I crashed a car oh no that's not good yeah it's a $500,000 car

Like what? How do you, how do you, I'm sure they're off the hook. They're probably off the hook for the most part. Really? You think? Yeah, dude, I'm sure you sign a thing or you pay the, well, actually, I mean, not that they're on the hook for the whole 500 K, but man, that's gotta be an expensive deductible. Like the deductible insurance would have to. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah. I don't know how that works. Um, legitimate question. How does Turo work? Turo.

That's a bad deal. You don't want to do that. So that's what I've always thought. Mike's renting this throughout Ontario. Mike, you have so many cars. You could. You wouldn't even know if one of them were gone. And I'm not asking that question because I legitimately want to. I've always looked at that and never looked into it and been like, that seems so sketchy. You can just rent someone's car. So you basically, I think, rent it and then leave it at a spot. I've seen this one video anyways, and...

Some dude had rented his... The other guy's car on Turo. And he took it. And the guy was tracking it. And he found it at a shop. He brought it back to his shop. And was taking...

all the good parts off and then putting like so he would take like an OEM bumper off and then put like a cheap eBay ABS like crappy plastic one on and then repaint it and redo it right and like so he'd do mediocre work and then sell the OEM stuff. Wow. Yeah. And they caught him like on video. That is a wild chop shop. Yeah.

It's a whole other version of Chop Shop. Yeah, exactly. I bet that guy was doing that with rental cars too from the airport. You do a Turo car, your car is going to get so messed up. Yeah, you can't have any personal connection to it. They're going to spill a drink of pop in it, whatever. No. They'll probably eat hot wings in it.

So, and obviously you guys are respectful, so... Dude, well, yeah. Okay, so Ken and I are considered to be respectful people, maybe. And we rented a Tesla in Salt Lake City, and we hooned that thing. I mean, obviously they're fairly tough cars, but we...

hooned that thing the entire four days that we had it but you turroed it yeah we turroed it because i know mostly most of the time when they do a tesla rental they can like detune it and oh no this baby was so powered we went up like the canyons it was still early like spring so some of the roads were closed but like nobody was on them so you like ripping up to these ski resorts and it was just like open roads

So fun. Another thing that the Vegas guy was saying is that they curb rash so many wheels. I bet that's just a given. He started his own wheel company and has just like an entire warehouse full of Huracan wheels. Wow. So he just gets them fixed. He has a guy fix them and then probably. Yeah. But like, yeah, I mean, it's not easy driving those cars. I mean,

especially if you've never driven a lower vehicle before it'd be so freaking easy to tear the lip off and you're in a different city and you probably were up till 4am drinking the night before like and you know it's a rental all bad things definitely wouldn't rent mine out that's for sure no i don't think so either that's why i was confused i've heard like a couple videos where people like just organically mention it like yeah i was renting my car out on turrell i'm like oh you that car really

I don't know. I just doesn't seem, I guess maybe you do it once and you make the payment on it and it's like, all right, I got to lose it. There is something valid about that. Yeah. You, you rent it like once or twice or once for three days and all of a sudden your monthly payments. What'd you got for us, Benny? Ryan, I hate to out you. Oh, frick. And if you don't want to tell the story, it's fine. But have you ever told the story about the time that you told your mom that you were, uh, Ubering people with her car? Yeah.

Oh, man. My mom hasn't commented on the last podcast when I got in a crash and I told him something else. Well, that was your... No, so my freshman year... I don't know this either, for the record. So my freshman year of college, I loved going to concerts. And...

They were always down in the cities. We'd take like these little weekend trips down to cities. Well, we were on college. None of us really had good cars. And I think we wanted to take like six people down there. And so I'm like, all right, well, nobody's going to fit in any of our cars, whatever. I'm like,

I got it. I'll borrow my mom's car. Well, I started like, I borrowed it for one trip and I bought it for another. And then I don't know why, but I was like, or no, she, I don't know why, but then she just drew the line at that one. She's like, no, you can't take my car to the cities again. Like I need it or whatever. And I was like, Hey mom. So then I made up a story. I was like, Hey mom, I need some extra money, but I can't, uh, use my car. So can I use your car this weekend? And I'm going to be an Uber driver for the weekend. Yeah.

It's brilliant. It's a good... She's not going to like that. It's a good tale. No. And so we all loaded up in her caddy and then headed to the cities for a concert. But she said okay. Yeah, she said okay. She said okay for you Ubering it. She's like, yeah, you can be an Uber driver. What? And even the...

The times before, too. God bless her for letting us use that because we rode to the concerts in luxury in the cab. Yeah, it was sweet. Wasn't she like, how'd you put 450 miles on my car in two days? Probably. No, but also. I was like, oh, I'm driving around town all night. A lot of back and forth. It was kind of true. I was Ubering my friends to the cities. Yeah. In a way, yeah. I guess you'd be an Uber, Ben, in your Lamborghini.

That's like a bummer. All the easy Lamborghini videos are played out now. Like you can't just like go take a license test in it or go bring it to your school or be pick up people in Ubers. Like that was like 10 million views five years ago. Yeah. And then, Oh, so there's one, maybe one thing, this is still pretty generic, but a buddy of mine hit me up and he like, they, um, equip, um,

cars like police cars among other like special forces cars with the sirens and lights and the and like the loudspeakers yeah you know so he's hit me up and said there's a controller depending on what brand of uh like siren speaker is in your lambo does it have a siren speaker yeah yeah okay he's like you can put a little head unit thing on there and load like any sound you want

Sick. Really? Oh, it's like a Tesla. So we have to figure that out. He just hit me up about it. But yeah, anything. Anything you want. So that's where it's kind of funny that options are endless. So what would be funny? If you saw a Lamborghini... Fart noises. Yeah, just fart noises or like that one... Or something. But yeah, it can play basically any sound we want it to. But again, it's pretty generic. Just a Lambo making weird sounds. Have I ever said why...

It has the siren and the lights? I don't think so. So the guy that I bought it from... Just in case you need to make any citizen's arrest, you know? Okay, well, I guess, yeah. So the guy that I bought it from had it as like a rally car. He would do not like off-road rallies, like car rallies across the United States. And he had it wrapped like an Italian police car and had the lights installed in it.

and the guy like messaged me after i bought the car he saw it and was like enjoy those lights those were eight thousand dollars or something like that jeez i mean it looked all custom yeah it was super custom and i'm sure it was a wiring nightmare um

But yeah, I basically I got the lights and I knew if I use them in a video like we would hear about it immediately from our, you know, just local sheriffs or really any law enforcement. So I didn't. But obviously I was so surprised when I got the car and I pressed the button underneath and it and it had the sirens. I was like, what the fuck? Like not expecting that at all.

At all. And then come factory. And then, yeah, I had a buddy reach out and was like, Hey, I talked to a couple local law enforcements and they're not happy that you're one or yeah, they're not happy that the Lambo has lights. And if,

They see you using it. Actually, they said, like, if they see you on the road, they're going to impound the vehicle and throw you in jail. And I was like, hold up. He said, quote, I can't wait to see it on a tow truck. Yeah. Whoa. I was like, okay, so...

What do I do? I was like, I'm not going to spend eight grand to have them completely uninstalled. I was like, obviously, I don't care that much about the lights. I didn't have them put in. Not trying to play cops and robbers. Yeah, exactly. And I'm also not trying to use them. And so I was just like, okay. I mean, good to know. And obviously, I get that because...

let's just say I am a total idiot and I'm driving around pretending to pull people over. That was a thing around here a few years ago. Some guy did it in like a Ford Explorer. You know, a car that looks like it could be a cop. He'd pull people over and then just never get out of the car and people would just sit there, which is super scary. And I'm sure that they thought they're going to do this for a video. They're going to like pretend to pull people over. Oh, man.

totally makes sense like i was i wasn't too like that's right i was like yeah it makes sense i was upset with their assumption because there's about three ways you could go about having a system like that in your car one where we legitimately go try to fake pull people over that's really illegal and something we wouldn't do no two it would be funny to do to your friend though would be really fun yeah you're right it's even if it was like set up it would be funny like obviously the person getting pulled over wouldn't know but do you could um

Overuse it. You know, you got these sirens. You're not using it as a police officer. You're just like, look what I can do. Yeah. Doing making all this noises and the lights. And then three, it would have been like, let's say you didn't get threatened. You would have used it every once in a while. Maybe at a car show. Well, that's a thing to me. Maybe parked. There's a difference. You pull into a holiday gas station and someone's like, cool car. And you'd be like, yeah, man, check this out. Check this out.

And then there's a difference between you and driving through town. You go, oh, I'm so sick of these red lights. I'm just going to flip them on and drive through. Oh, my gosh. There's two uses to it. And one of them is pretty extreme and understandable why they'd be so mad. So that's why I hated the genericness behind their statement. If I see that thing on the road. They were just excited. I think if you use it in the wrong way, I can understand. There's just one guy, by the way, not me.

Well, whoever. So I ended up having them disconnected. And so I hit the buttons and everything. They can't turn on. But I think it'd be really cool to...

Get the local sheriffs involved and then slap some stickers on the side. Then for Thanksgiving, have the lights on, pull people over. The sheriff, drive the car, pull people over and give them money. That'd be super cool. Or like turkeys or something. How hard is it to wire them back up? It's not super hard. Let's do that, dude. We could totally do that. I feel like they'd be down to do that. That'd be really cool. That'd be awesome. But the only problem is if you're pulling people over that...

are obviously they're not doing anything wrong. And then also like, maybe they're in a rush now they're getting pulled over and they miss something, you know, but they wouldn't be able to money. Are you giving him, you can do it in a, this happened to my friends in Fargo. Uh, they got pulled over one day, totally random in a work truck. And they're like, you know, they're driving a DOT work truck. They're like, Oh no, what'd we do all this? They're running through the things.

and uh it was just a cop to pull them over for thanking them for wearing their seat belt and they gave him a donut that's it there was no fines maybe they didn't turn their blinker on early enough maybe they have to have probable cause to pull you over but yeah they literally pulled him over and was like hey guys thanks for wearing your seat belt today here's a donut okay cool the only thing i think about with that like imagine you were late to your work and then you get pulled over just for someone to give you a donut i'd be like

This is really nice, but I am now going to get in big trouble with my boss. That's my only concern is if we're pulling people over. That's a very valid thought. Maybe just catch them hopping in their car right out of Walmart. It really is. You just have a dick boss because most would go, oh, you got pulled over?

you can't help that. Yeah. And you'd be like, I wasn't even speeding. They get whatever, but there was a guy in Florida that, uh, was literally dressing up and pretending to be an officer and pulling people over. And it's all on video. And it's so fricking funny. You got to watch it. I mean, this guy was a psycho. No, no, no, no. He was just, he would dress up as a cop and he had like these cop lights on his, like it was for a funeral procession, but he would, all his cronies would act like they were police. So yeah. What is that? Yeah.

I was in tears watching it. Can we pull it up, please? It is so funny. We got to pull it up and put it on. I'm not kidding you. I think I've watched it like 40 times, and I was in tears every time. This guy was such a psychopath. Like a psychopath troll. No, no, no, no. He was just being serious, and he was playing cops. Basically, his job was to run the lights and S...

be the escort for like a funeral where they have to drive from wherever they were doing it to basically the grave. And there's always those lines and they have people that hold off roads and stop stuff. And he would be on a motorcycle and he would have a GoPro because he freaking, for some reason, thought it was awesome. Got to film it. So he'd be whipping around and like fucking swearing at people and like, pull up, pull up, like, baby.

It's so fucking funny. I'll pull it up, but look at this dude. Look at the dude. That's him. That's him. Oh, my God. Acting a fool. So I'll pull up the best video, but I mean, they call him like a serial police impersonator. It's so funny, you guys. Oh, my gosh. Dude, I'm just happy we get to watch this again. Oh, man. This is such a funny video. I remember finding this and showing it to CJ and him crying the first time. This had to have been a couple years ago you showed me this.

Look at this. Let's go, let's go, let's go! Look at us! Oh, this is... We're doing it for a Corvette rally in this one. Full-blown ch-ch-ch. Stop pretending you're a police officer! He's crying now. Can you imagine thinking that this isn't gonna backfire? So he's blocking the road. And he'd be doing this for like, not even just funerals, but like Corvette rallies and stuff. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What?

Come here dude, sit right here. He's so angry. Right here, stop. Right here, stop. Wait, is that a real cop? No. Go past me! Go past me! This is another one of the funeral procession cars. Like, but they make it look like they're cops. Metro State vehicle protection. Repo, take this intersection and keep this shit under control.

He's got a little Starbucks cup. Yeah, we gotta get to like the best parts here. Who the fuck knows? All I know is he has a right of way. There's a real cop there. He's just flying. He's just flying past these people. He's going like a hundred, dude. Look at this.

He's risking his life. And my favorite part is keep in mind, these people that he's passing right now are in a funeral procession. The funeral escort statue doesn't cover this. Those are the people that hired him for a safe and effective drive through town. He's doing that to them. Yo, this guy is the classic situation of didn't get through cop school and now he's figuring out a second option.

They're in the funeral procession. Yeah, he's probably mad at them. He is. Look at him, dude. Dude, oncoming on a bridge? With that much traffic and a semi coming? Jesus, dude. I love this dude. Look at all these caddies, fricking. What the? Probably the family in these cars. He's splitting lanes between them.

You gotta hear what he's like saying. I know, when we get to the part where he starts yelling "THIS-THIS-THAT'S THE HEARSE!" "PUSHING THE HEARSE OFF THE ROAD!" I love how he lets himself get behind and then angrily passes everybody. He's stopping everyone with a red light. He expects everyone to know what's going on. I don't get- Do you not see my bike?! Oh my gosh.

He's constantly hands up. What are you doing? Hey! Stop your vehicle! He reverses. It's the siren on full blast. He's shaking his head all pissed off, dude. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. Tears off. Some white bitch in a blue car. Some white bitch in a blue car.

He goes after I think And they have no idea what's going on at all! They have no idea why or what! Imagine Mike driving this guy comes after him I'd be such as... Well I'd probably think he's a real cop to be honest just like everyone else Get over! Get over! They put...put...put them in the median! Put them in the bitch! Dude! You better figure it out! You gotta figure it out!

I would love to run into this guy in public. Yeah It would take 30 seconds to get him riled up you better you must like funeral out of my funeral heck dude You only put him in timeout literally

I think this blue car is in it and he's like pissed off. This guy's just continuing to drive. Dude. Like imagine being in that car driving to the funeral and you got this jackass. Grabbing the bike up. Like it's okay. The guy in the Nissan Sentra isn't bothering us. What are you doing? What the fuck does it look like I'm doing, dumb fuck? Get the fuck over me.

over before you find out stop pretending you're a police officer listen motherfucker i know what i'm allowed to do and what i'm not allowed to do what you need to do is figure it the fuck out before you start talking shit i'm not cutting anyone go ahead and pull your little phone out i'm not doing your little google search and figure out what we're doing and what we legally allowed good then back off and give us room i'm not i'm not interfering with you at all you are by running along you've been blocking traffic yeah i need you to stay to the side sir dude

That's what the legal law is. Go back and look it up. 316. Good. Call him. Please. 911 right now. Go ahead. Call the 911 right now. Tell him it's on video too. Let him know all of this is on video. We also have your tag number. So please let me know. This is when he pulls on the interstate and then shuts down the entire interstate. Yeah, for a Corvette rally. For a Corvette rally.

This guy is definitely a psychopath. I know what you're saying now. Watch this. They shut down the interstate. Hot lanes, hot lanes, hot lanes, hot lanes! Drew! Asap, where the fuck are you going? Dude, this is some quality entertainment. This guy could have his own show on TV. This is the best. Let's get some body footage of the cars racing by.

Especially ASAP get off your bike with the body camera footage of the cruiser You just shut down fucking 90 fucking motherfucking five He's like getting off He's getting off to it Not a motherfucking can do anything about it Yeah he's definitely getting off to it Tell him we outrank him We outrank him

I can promise you there's cops coming right now somewhere. He knows real cops coming. What is this? What event is this? This is a funeral for somebody that owned Corvette, right? Goddamn. You goddamn fucking right it is. Somebody that designed Corvette died. I can't control this guy, dude. You want to get to the front? Get to the front and find out who it is.

Can we hire this guy? Yeah, can we hire him to just like... Is he like out of jail and shit? Drive us around? Or just do something? We should just hire him to escort us and then rile him up. He gets off and he's like, we just shut down 95. Not a fucking thing we can do about it. That's...

Dude, yeah, something tells me... Well, you guys are right. If he ever stopped me, we wouldn't get along well. That guy? No, because I'd be sarcastic and he'd start to get all riled up. Oh, man, I can't imagine. That's only if I knew that something was fishy, I'd start to get all sarcastic with him and I'd be like... Yeah, I'm sure you would. I need to stop you. You're not even a real cop. And then I'd say, too, I would never wish this upon anybody, but...

The dude needs to get a little fendy bendy, I think. Yeah, he's already... Yeah, he went into jail. But, like, dude, the way he was driving at the beginning of that, he needs to get, like, reality checked, which he did, again, with the penalties, but... Dude, Ross Creations...

was impersonating a police officer and handing out tickets parking tickets and i think he went to jail for like six months that's right that's right a long time yeah yeah they don't mess around with that no no i mean rightfully so because like some weirdos you know you ever thought about that when you're getting pulled over especially an undercover cop like you're in the dark of the night you don't see the car it just comes up lights behind you it could be

Someone that just showed up and they had cop lights installed on their vehicle because you can't see. It's just lights behind you. Comes up.

kills you, takes your car, or just takes your car or whatever, you know, like, especially if you're, like, a girl or something. I think they worry that with undercover cops. Yeah. Like, if an undercover... I think there's some kind... I don't know if this is a real rule, but... I think you could probably call 911 and be like, I think I'm being pulled over, but I'm just calling right now to say I'm going to keep going until an actual cop car gets behind me because...

Yeah, I don't know. It would be so weird to even be in that situation. I've definitely heard that before. If you're getting pulled over by an on-mark, give them a ring if you're scared, unsure about it. But it'd be weird to even be in that situation. It's tough, though, because most people panic. Yeah. Yeah, okay, get over it. Don't do anything wrong. Dude.

One time I was driving the SEMA truck and every single time I drove that thing, I would get pulled over, I swear. And I was in like the middle of town and there was like two roads or like it was like a two lane road. But the curb was right up to the road. There was no shoulder. So it was like curb and then like grass and a cop.

Pulled me over because the truck is a walking violation or a driving violation. And I was basically just waiting for like, I don't know, 50 yards to pass. And then I was going to pull off off the road.

Because I didn't want to just stop right in the middle of the two lane road. On the side of a highway. Yeah, you were giving him more like a safer spot to be on the road. Which I thought was pretty normal. I didn't drive for like four minutes, right? It was like maybe 15 seconds. And I had my blinker on and everything. And then the guy came up. I don't think he was like, had his gun out, but he was like, came up hot. And he was like, get out of the car. Whoa. And I was like, whoa. Was this in the day or at night? This is at night. Oh.

Oh, okay. And I like get out and he's like, why didn't you pull over? And I was like, oh, there was no shoulder and I didn't want to just stop in the middle of traffic. And he was like, when I pull you over, you pull over right now. Or when you turn on my lights. When I turn on my lights, you pull over right now.

which I guess also kind of makes sense from the standpoint of them assuming, assuming that if, if you don't pull over, you're probably switching seats or something like that. It could be going on or you're hiding drugs or pulling into a parking lot. He's like, I want to be on the side of the highway, not in some dark parking lot where, you know? Yeah. Yeah. It's an age old problem. Then he saw that I was like alone and he saw like, I don't know. I was probably, I was just like, dude, I was just getting like off the road and Ben was crying. I was like,

I hate this job, dude. Just tow it. I don't fucking want it. I don't want it anymore. It does kind of remind me of this guy being really entitled and whatever. Definitely not good. But last night,

I wanted Domino's. So I tried to go to Domino's. It was closed. Oof. I heard you getting all hyped up about it last night too. That's really sad to hear. Yep. So then my desire for hunger, my hangriness grew. I went, all right, I'm going to go to McDonald's. Go to McDonald's. The drive-thru line is out into the road. And I go, wow, fuck this. I'm one guy. I'm going to go inside.

So I go inside, walk up. There's tons of people. The whole restaurant's full.

And I go to the door. It's locked. I'm like, what? Where's the lock? Go try the other door. Locked. I'm like, what the fuck? So I'm like, well, this is weird. Private party. It closed at 10. It's like eight. We're good. So I knock on the window. Everybody in the restaurant or a couple of people kind of look over at me, whatever. And I'm like trying to signal to the door and everyone's looking at me. I think you accidentally locked this. Yeah. I'm like, I look like I'm crazy. I look like I'm crazy out there.

Send this other group of people walk up by me. I'm like, the door's locked. No, the people aren't letting me in, whatever. So I keep knocking and, uh, the, the guy is not getting through. So guy in the drive-thru sees me knocking and goes, Oh, he must not be able to get attention. So he rolls down his window, goes here all honk. So then they get your attention. Yeah.

He starts honking in the drive-thru. Then the whole place looks at me, and I'm outside going like this. I'm like, door, door, trying to signal to it. And everyone's looking at me like this. They're like, this guy's trying to break in. Yeah, and I'm like, someone. The other guy's pretty serious. Help!

Pretty soon everyone in the line is honking. So I'm like, what the hell? So eventually, finally, some lady figures out what I'm trying to say. She goes to the door and she goes, Oh, she couldn't figure out that you wanted to get in? No. And I mean, I guess I can see from their perspective, it was maybe a little weird, but yeah, there was like 25 people that could have to figure out. She just cracks the door and she goes, Oh, what's going on? And you go, I got shit so bad. No. So she comes up.

She opens the door a little bit, like a little bit, like answering the door. She says they're closed. They're not serving inside anymore. And I was like, what? It's eight o'clock. I was like, yeah. And she tries to close the door. You put your foot in there. But all she's got is the push bar. So she doesn't have any grip. I got to have the leverage. So I grabbed the handle and opened it up. And she kind of goes.

And then kind of like scurries away. The whole place was scared of you. Me and like four people behind. There's some psycho outside. I mean, like I don't look that scary. I know, I know. But I had a look in my eye. I was hungry. I was trying to get a damn McDouble here. Yeah. And then so I walk in. There's no line at the register. There's a nice old lady standing there goes, hi, what can I get for you?

Oh, you straight up barged your way in. Yeah. She kind of like tried to close the door and I just grabbed the door handle. I wasn't taking no for an answer. I was not waiting in a 30 car line to order a fricking crispy chicken sandwich at seven o'clock at night, eight o'clock at night when the lobbies open. Sorry, we're closed. Well,

No, you're not. No, that was a random lady in the restaurant. Oh, patron. Oh, they're closed inside. And she didn't understand Ryan's past trauma of Domino's not being open. Yeah, that'd be Ken. If Ken worked at McDonald's, he would be like, oh, we close in three hours. Lock the doors. Lock the doors. He's starting to wind down. He starts having customers lock the doors for him. So, yeah, I was, uh, it was quite the experience, but the, the lady wouldn't, like, we didn't want to let me in. And,

And then I think she may have said something. She was like, they're, they're not, they're not going to serve you. She said, they're not going to serve you. I just go, it's okay. I have a permit. And I just opened the door and locked it in. No. Yeah. Ryan, you pulled the permit card? Yeah. I said, I have a permit. For what? I don't know. Fucking eating McDonald's when it's open. Yeah.

I like it. Good for you, Ryan. So that's my sense of being an asshole. The people behind me loved it. They thought it was funny. Normal people. They were like, oh, those. I'm glad you got us in. Whatever. But I'm sure. You brought a whole crew in. Oh, behind you outside. Yeah. I had two other people behind me. And then another crew of kids came up. They got locked out. I went and let them in, too. Oh, you did? Yeah, dude.

Ryan's a local hero. Yeah, McDonald's. Next time we go in there, there's like a picture, a photo of Ryan on the wall and just says blacklisted. Do not let this guy in. Yeah, McDonald's is just, it's turned into a meme now. You know what I'm saying? Like that type of behavior isn't even crazy for you to do. Dude, there's some crazy Facebook videos of people

shit going down at mcdonald's like sometimes it's like workers fighting people people get by the counter to fight how how fucking hangry are you to jump the counter at mcdonald's and start beating up the cashier i was not that hangry yeah not that hangry like i know i know you weren't but like that happens that's what i mean like it's they mess up your order the interiors of mcdonald's and mcdonald's in general are just treated as like uh

It's similar to Walmart. Anything goes. We walk into Walmart. We're not disrespectful, but it's Walmart. It has something to do with the crowd too. Straight up. No one gives a fuck over there. Sorry, I just swear so much. The listeners have been asking for a little bit more of Evan, so I'm going to give it up for the last... No, no.

We don't speak until we get 100. Evan doesn't get to speak. 150. Well, he can come sit on here. He's not going to speak. He's like, screw you guys. That was funny. So when we hit 150,000 subs, Evan will come on. We'll get them all teed up. He'll speak again. Okay. No, that's totally fair. I think we've reached the end of the podcast, so that gives something people –

A little homework. Yeah. The subscribe button. That's what I was. We just never hit 150. I was scrubbing through the comments. To be fair, Ryan, so Ryan's girlfriend, Alondra, actually lives in the same apartment that Alex, my girlfriend, used to live in, Indio. And I would kind of have the same thing. I would always do the order Domino's or I'd go there and pick it up.

More times than not, they would mess my order up. Yeah. And that actually would make me mad if I had them delivered, I get it, and I get it back to the room, and I order like CineStix, and there'd be no frosting. I'm like, actually mad. Because I'd give them a good tip and stuff. It would happen all the time. So I was just going to say, like a little piece of advice from somebody who's been there, whatever you get from that Domino's, just double check it. I'm not saying they're all messing up, but it seemed like 50% of the time,

It was messed up. Maybe it was just one dude and hopefully he's not working there anymore, but. Well, Nolan was working there yesterday. Yeah, apparently not. They were probably all messing it up and they shut the place down.

Okay. So this just happened recently. Obviously, you guys saw that we went to one of Cletus's many Crown Vic races. I forget. Ours was the LeMullet's 2.4. That was fun. I didn't even realize when we went to that how many he does. He does like... It seems like he does once a month. I don't know how often they actually are. So just recently, his last one was...

the Ranger Danger 9000. And pretty dope. Cletus puts on some amazing live events. And this one in particular was the winner of it got to go to the Lomolets 2.4.

So maybe that race is considered even better. But anyway, this Ranger Danger 9000 race seemed like... Well, the Lomolets is invite only, and I think there's some kind of different picking for the... Just one winner, though, of this Ranger Danger. I didn't think... I thought it was just the same as Lomolets. It was invite only. He's got a bunch of Rangers. Everyone races it.

But it's anything goes. It's just like anyone can enter. I mean, I think you have to apply. But any ranger, it doesn't matter if it's single cab, short box, month. Oh, you bring your own ranger? Holy shit. I didn't know that. Imagine we showed up with ours. That'd be lit. That's what I'm saying. We'd run someone over. I believe – I looked it up. I believe there are some rules. People wouldn't be able to get past it's such a wide load. You have to have a harness. You have to have a cage.

and I think that's about it. We were going to do that anyways. Right. So I couldn't believe that. I thought it was just another one of Cletus's races where he provided said car. That'd actually be Rangers are pretty easy to get. I'm sure we've got to do that. So he did it, but anyway, it happened. And it seems like you'd think you'd take a few more, like maybe the top three winners to go into little modes, but whatever, just the top one. Yet he's got, it was something like 40 Rangers in this, in this event and only one. So they're beating up their own, like nobody's

paying for this besides the people entering and yeah they're floridians i yeah i saw a couple i saw a couple new gen rangers in it any ranger goes any ranger has more power that's what i'm saying uh yes more more power but then keep in mind i'm seeing motor swapped rangers like with race tires and lowered and shit so obviously however again in all racing common swap dually

Would be pretty sweet. Would it fit? You put like an LSX in the Ranger? I think Weston did a Cummins. Winter Project? Well, that's the only thing at this point you guys have seen, hopefully seen our Ranger video. We do eat it. The only thing it's missing is some true diesel smoke. Yeah. But I mean, that's beyond us. We got a power stroke swap then. Yeah.

Or whatever fits, to be honest. Whatever's diesel. We got to do a Ford. But I just thought that was so crazy. Let's send it off this winter and have... That actually would be sick. All right. Cool. Let's end it quick for retention. Nah, just kidding. Peace out.

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