cover of episode Micah Is Becoming A Professional Stuntman

Micah Is Becoming A Professional Stuntman

Publish Date: 2022/7/26
logo of podcast Life Wide Open with CboysTV

Life Wide Open with CboysTV


Shownotes Transcript

Today's episode is brought to you by Angie. Angie has made it easier than ever to connect with skilled professionals to get all your jobs and projects done well. Let me tell you, there's the version of it where you try to do something at home and then there's a version of it where you have someone help you, you watch them do it the right way and you go, thank God I didn't try to do that myself.

I have fully done things around the home that I think look good and then a bang in the night and I wake up to a shelf collapsing, a painting falling off the wall. Like it, I've seen it all go south. I own a home and I can tell you, I know how much work it can take. Whether it's everyday maintenance and repairs or making dream projects a reality, it can be hard just to know where to start. But now all you need to do is Angie that and find a skilled local pro who will deliver the quality and expertise you need.

Whatever your home project, big or small, indoor or outdoor, you can Angie that and connect with skilled professionals to get the project done well. Right now, one of my wish lists is I want a bike for my condo in Milwaukee and I would love to rig it up on a pulley in the ceiling because I have one of those like lofted ceilings.

but I'm so scared to try that on my own. Angie has 20 years of home experience and they've combined it with new tools to simplify the whole process. Bring them your project online or with the Angie app. Answer a few questions and Angie can handle the rest from start to finish or help you compare quotes from multiple pros and connect instantly, which means you can take care of any home project in just a few taps.

And we're back. Welcome back to the Life Wide Open podcast, guys. We're back. We're rolling. We're getting back into the swing of it every week. So if you haven't yet subscribed, we're trying to get 200,000 subscribers. We're at 130 right now, and we just started the podcast. We're going to do a little bit of a podcast.

little over a year ago to this day and yesterday i said i just remember cj kind of chiming out in the shop he goes six years ago this was yesterday but six years ago basically today we made our channel yep they have any videos on it yet wait the podcast and the main channel both the podcast wasn't on the same birthday but it was very close i mean basically isn't that crazy though

Yeah. So six years ago, how much has changed since then? It was funny because I got that notification on my, when I went to upload the video and I was literally walking down the stairs and I was like, I got that and I was like, wow, that's crazy. I look up and I'm like walking past your Lambo. I'm like looking around the shop. I'm like, man, dude, how much has changed? I'll fight later. And I,

Go ahead. You go ahead. I was going to say, and I had literally the worst day yesterday. I was editing, and I was having the hardest time editing, and I was just literally like, what the fuck? Honestly, it would have been a good time to quit. It was miserable. I know. I was thinking, I was like, I thought about it for a second. I'm like, maybe I'm fucking losing it, and I was like, nah, no. And I mean, the video came out, and it's awesome. Everyone loves it, but... Yeah, dude. I had one of those days... What? Yeah.

three videos ago for the helicopter drop video the worst day ever and it's just like all everything just hits you at once and you're just like what the fuck you just can't get into the flow of anything you got a deadline at seven o'clock if you miss it people are mad around here the fans are mad well the problem is there's also a lot of variables but yeah it is crazy though so anyways it was inspiring though to me because i went home and i was like man six years ago today

I never go back in my camera roll because I don't really take pictures, but I just don't like going and reliving just, you know, the past. I'm not really about that. But I was like, I'm going to go back and look because I remember I wasn't sure if I had taken like screenshots of stuff for the channel when it was just bare bones. Yep. And I did, but I didn't know what I was really doing. So I took some screen grabs. We can put them up on the screen, but I'll show you guys right here.

I took a screen grab of when we posted our second video. So the giant slip and slide 15 hours ago, it had 116 views. And then life of a seaboy, our very first video was posted two weeks ago at that point. And it had 853. Wow. Wow. I literally distinctly remember for the slip and slide video of you and

I think at the time you took out your phone maybe you didn't have your camera with you I didn't have a camera I was just using an iPhone you took your phone out and I remember like we got all of us had the same reaction anyone has when you film them when you're like not ready for it and you were you were just like what are you doing this is you were like I'm vlogging this is what we're doing now so just just get used to me filming you it was an iPhone 6 yeah and it was all cracked and the

battery was running out so I had a portable battery plugged in and I just had it in my pocket and I was just filming everything. Then I ran out of space. Suddenly like middle of it I'm deleting shit off my phone trying to make more space so I can keep filming. Yeah, I remember that like quite literally like it was yesterday. I have a screenshot or not a screenshot, a picture of the computer

At Quartz Plus where I used to work. Where you were working. Where we had our, we hit a thousand subscribers and I was working at Quartz Plus and I took a picture. What was the date of that? The date when we hit our first 1000 subscribers was October 18th.

Oh, wow. So 2016, like three months later. Yeah. So at the time, the shifter cart on the highway video was we had posted three videos after that, but that video had 38,000 views. We thought it was viral. And we were thinking this is viral. 38,000 views, which is really nothing. For only having three videos on the channel, it was and it was to us.

um i also like i've got to say for anyone listening that we have we say what up to if they say i've been watching since the shifter cart video or somehow before that the slip and slide or but whatever the shifter cart video you are an og you are there's a lot that's where that's where i start to get skeptical because it's like everybody's like oh i've been watching since the first video the shifter cart one i'm like

Hmm. Man, it can't be that many. I've sure met a lot of you guys. But I'm sure a lot of them are honestly OGs. But if you think, yeah, like 38, let's say 50,000 views before the end of the year, maybe even more. So if like 20,000 of those were...

were like Midwestern maybe because that's where YouTube was pushing it. I just love when they say that that was their first video or just I love when people do remember their first video they watched. Get a load of this. So October 18th, 2016, we hit a thousand subscribers. And then November 8th, 2016, we hit 10,000. Wow. So we were blowing up rather quickly just because that video, I mean, I don't want to say blowing up, but we were.

Like this show and want to make your own? Let me tell you about Anchor. It's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Now you can even add any song from Spotify directly to your episodes. The possibilities are endless for what you can create, whether it's music analysts, your own radio show, or something the world's never heard before. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and many more.

You can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place. Download the free Anchor app or go to to get started. We're gaining in size quickly at that time. And at that point, we were posting quite a bit. Because, I mean, we had posted three videos since then. And then we hit 20,000 subscribers.

November 25th. So we doubled again. I remember those days. Like I remember when it took off, the shifter car video took off and we were all at Dave shop and we would refresh the like live subscriber count and it would go up, you know, like a hundred. And we'd be like, Holy shit. And I mean, it was at the time, you know, the growth, but I remember like us all sitting there refreshing, refreshing, refreshing, and just watching it tick up.

That's pretty good. Like 10K in a matter of under a month. That is, yeah. That's still pretty good. That's really good. And then December 23rd, we hit 30,000. January 18th, we hit 40. I have like a bunch of – I must have stopped at 40. Anyway, so I was like kind of reliving all these like old moments and stuff. I haven't looked at them.

Really ever, I don't think. But I thought it was cool because now we have time stamps of a little bit to see what was happening. When I think back to six years, we've done so much stuff in six years. And the scale of it, it's not that long of a time. But then when you think back to how many things that we've done, it seems like a really long time ago just because we packed so much in in that time. So it's like if we continued on that same scale,

Same just like busyness and like where are we going to be in six years from now? But not just where we're going to be. What are we going to do in between now and six years? 100%. It was crazy how fast it went by. Yeah. It was just flowing by. I was telling Alex that. When you look back on it, the six years simply went like that. Dude, it's been absolutely like almost to the point where I'm scared how like fast it's

Things are going now. I know. Now we're getting older. I'm like, it was like, it was literally, it was Monday, like an hour ago. That's what I, how it's Friday. A day or a week can go slow. And then you look at the board and I remember like it was yesterday when we wrote down our month's plan and I go, geez, we're almost done with our month's plan. Like, what are we going to do next month? Right now we're back to it. Back to it. It's just amazing how.

living like life always going how fast it can go I think it's the best way to live because you I don't know I think it gives you the most fulfillment and like happiness but get this guys so you guys know I don't like scrolling back and looking at the past because it kind of reminds me or whatever and also I have really bad night terrors you guys know like I always have bad dreams it seems like

This was a different type of night terror. Okay. I didn't wake up screaming like, ah. He woke up looking through his camera roll. No. So I was looking at those pictures before I went to bed. I go to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night, like half awake, half whatever.

and my room's all dark and i thought i was in my parents basement again in like 2016 2017 my heart sank and i was like so fucking like i was like is this where am i and then i realized i was back in my room i was like oh thank god and then i went back to bed and did it again holy crap oh my god that's that's how much fucking ptsd i have from that era of time like i i woke up like

Like, oh, no, it was at all a dream like the last six years. I thought I was just back to where we were. And I was just like, no. Wow. It's like when you're when your Xbox, I would rather erupt or something. And you're just about done with the video game. I'd rather wake up screaming or like sleepwalking. That was the worst. That was probably the worst night terror. Oh, my God. Yeah, that is. I mean, I have nothing compared that to. But like when I've been waking up.

recently, like almost where you're about to doze off. I, for a second ago, where am I again? Like just, you know, dead sober, just like sleeping kind of like about to fall asleep and go, Oh yeah. Mostly. Cause like, I don't sleep. I sleep all over the place, but like I did that when I was staying in my bed the other night, I go,

Where am I again? That's how you know you haven't slept in your bed in a long time. But dude, that's crazy. Like what? Talk about like a, a niche, like a terror to have. Yeah. You know? Yeah. I thought I was back to like a back in time to a harder time in your life where you weren't necessarily happy. Yeah. It was terrible. Weird. I like sat up. It happened two times, dude. And I, I kind of had to like, okay, nevermind where I know where I'm at now. And I had a,

a dream last night. It wasn't a night terror, but it was a really good dream. I had to be nice. I had a dream that I walked into the garage and Ryan's Camaro wasn't there. And I go, what happened to your Camaro? And he goes, I sold it. I go,

Before we could finish the tires off? Why would you do such a thing? There was still good tread left, Ryan. And he was like, yeah, I sold it. It was just time to go down the road. And I was like mad. I was like, dude, what? Why would you do that? And then you guys all come out and you're like, I sold it because I bought you a Rolex. And I'm like, what? What?

And you pull out the shittiest watch I've ever seen in my entire life. The cheapest rolly. It's like one that you'd wear around your elbow and it comes down. Doesn't look cool at all. There's no face on it. It's just basically like a band. And I'm like...

like this isn't a fucking rolex and you're like yeah it is and i'm like well then you got screwed man oh you didn't even try to play it off like you were happy or like you wouldn't even try to be nice like mark when we gave him the card where he's like oh thanks no i think maybe i was but then i was like this i don't this isn't a this isn't a watch right and i don't know what you what you sold your car to buy me it's like some like lingerie looking thing that's just like on my wrist and i'm like what do we get going on here ryan and you're like

Dude, I sold my car. The least you could be is happy. Jeez. Dude, I think you're onto something there with the elbow watch. No, it wasn't even an elbow watch. Forearm watch. Yeah, basically that, but it had no watch on it. It was no face. It was just like a stylish piece. Weird, man. I love those memes. It's like...

dreams are so important or something like that and it goes like my dreams and then it's like you riding a trx like dinosaur a t-rex a t-rex thank you i literally can't get that out twice fucking uh you're riding a dinosaur through like a bowling alley or something like that it's like bro it's crazy what your brain will make dreams of i've got uh i've got good news

My jet ski is done. No kidding. I got a picture in my camera roll. One year ago today, I took the motor apart. It has been dead for over a year. Over a year, yeah. And it is finally done. And I'm just waiting for the shipping guy to pick it back up. Where is it? In Australia right now? No, Chicago. Oh, pretty much same thing, though. So, yeah. Ryan's jet ski has traveled the world.

and left me at home to pay for it, dude. I feel like a dad who sent his daughter out freaking to study abroad. Are you excited to get it back to knowing that you have to finish your task? Well, I'm excited to actually backflip it now because I feel like that probably works.

It's really been holding over me, but I'm not excited to possibly not do it right again and break it again. And break it again. The whole process starts over. That makes me happy to hear. Don't feel like you have to. I wouldn't. It makes me happy to hear that you're excited for the backflip.

but not excited to break it. Cause I mean like, I'm a lot of people were like, he's going to backflip it. Right. And I'm like, I think he, and I was telling people that I'm like, I think he's ready. Mike's been out. Yeah. He's going to backflip it. Of course. Right. Well, I was like, but you know, it actually has been very, very anticipated. It has. I know people. And then people were even on the same page. They're like, Oh, but he's more worried about like just breaking it the same way he broke it last time. I'm like, yeah, yeah.

Yeah. Would you not be? It's like a fucking ball of horse and break your leg. That's where you're probably nervous about getting back on the horse, but you got to get back on the horse, dude. That's true. It's the attitude. Hi, I'm Angie Hicks, co-founder of Angie. And one thing I've learned is that you buy a house, but you make it a home.

because with every fix, update, and renovation, it becomes a little more your own. So you need all your jobs done well. For nearly 30 years, Angie has helped millions of homeowners hire skilled pros for the projects that matter. From

Today's episode is brought to you by Angie. Angie has made it easier than ever to connect with skilled professionals to get all your jobs and projects done well. Let me tell you, there's the version of it where you try to do something at home, and then there's a version of it where you have someone help you, you watch them do it the right way, and you go, thank God I didn't try to do that myself.

I have fully done things around the home that I think look good and then a bang in the night and I wake up to a shelf collapsing, a painting falling off the wall. Like it, I've seen it all go south. I own a home and I can tell you, I know how much work it can take. Whether it's everyday maintenance and repairs or making dream projects a reality, it can be hard just to know where to start. But now all you need to do is Angie that and find a skilled local pro who will deliver the quality and expertise you need.

Whatever your home project, big or small, indoor or outdoor, you can Angie that and connect with skilled professionals to get the project done well. Right now, one of my wish lists is I want a bike for my condo in Milwaukee and I would love to rig it up on a pulley in the ceiling because I have one of those like lofted ceilings.

but I'm so scared to try that on my own. Angie has 20 years of home experience and they've combined it with new tools to simplify the whole process. Bring them your project online or with the Angie app. Answer a few questions and Angie can handle the rest from start to finish or help you compare quotes from multiple pros and connect instantly, which means you can take care of any home project in just a few taps.

Mike's been the stuntman lately. I want to talk about this. Since when did you just become good at everything, Mike? It was literally since the razor jump.

Like, I mean, before that, I like to soak up. Yeah, I like to indulge myself in everything. I was literally just thinking about this going to bed last night. You're good at everything now. Wow. Why did it take me till I'm 27 to become the true sponge that I wanted to be? That's what I freaking said on the phone. I said, Mike's like a fine wine. He's just getting better with age. Right, because, like, when I was younger, I could, like, skate and bike, and that's...

I mean, like, about it, you know, I was like, that's... I didn't have a ton of talents, but I love doing everything. And now that I have the opportunity to do it, I'm like, well, might as well...

you've hit it head on and I don't know. You've been doing like everything. Your highlight reel has become legendary. I would say within recently, it was actually since I got the mullet. No, I don't know. It's, but I was thinking that cause it's like, we've been doing this for so long. And then all of a sudden you're just like, I'm going to do crazy stuff now. And like, I'm not worried about anything. Like you don't hesitate for a second at pretty much anything.

It's so weird because there's so many instances where if you're not confident, you don't jump to it. But then when you are confident, I'm literally like, well, just let me know if you guys want me to do it. Not even like a, if you guys are too pussy. It used to be, Mike, Mike. Anybody else does any...

Seriously, can anybody do it? Mike's like, I'll do it. No, no, no. And it's been really fun going back and forth with Evan because Evan has stuntman qualities as well. But he's like so fearless when it comes to certain things and so scared when it comes to others. Like, so there's that. He's afraid of water. I'll definitely still leave the backflip up to Ryan. But who knows? It's like...

Mike might have to come through with his superhero cape. Mike just does a first try. Who knows? Here's what I don't want to happen is, like, Ryan fail and then you guys push me into it and then, like, I get it first try. Like, that wouldn't be fun. If you... What?

That would not be fun for you. He'd hate to show him. Stay humble, you cocky shit. I just hate to show Ryan up on his own jet ski. That being said, though, I genuinely don't know if I could do it. The only thing embarrassing that could happen on that is I spent a lot of money on my jet ski to do backflips, and you come out on your $1,200 old jet ski, and then you rip a backflip.

Not a chance. That's worst case scenario. Not a chance. That thing gets upside down. That would be funny. No, that is like if your jet ski broke and then I did it on my 89. Yeah. That would be worst case scenario. That'd be the fucking funniest case. What do you mean? That'd be the best case scenario. You know how funny that video would be?

Dude, what if we set it up with the two boats again where it makes like the inner ball wave? Unless maybe not. Ryan would send that shit to orbit. The cool thing is that you could hit it really slow. Like you could literally come in and right when you dip down into it. Dude, I've done mods. Well, I haven't done the mods. Buddy's done the mods. But Buddy's done mods. Yeah, he's doing it. You got a mod jet ski now? Yeah. Aftermarket E-Scooter.

ECU in it. ECU impeller tune. There's stuff on the inside that's different. Holy shit. You better just keep this thing, dude. Maybe. We'll see if I actually like it. We'll see how long it runs for once we get it back. It's like the mudstang. We all knew that was going to break. And I think there was like some hesitation to like, do we really want to break it again? The problem is, and I've said this many times, like tiny and the mudstang is

Aren't quality builds. They were just like a garage build to that works. They move.

And it's kind of cool to look at. It's funny. It's like, lifted Mustang. But it's not an actual capable machine. Right. I mean, prior to... It just looks capable. Yeah, it looks more capable than it is. I mean, prior to us getting it fixed up last time, it had blown out shocks. It was running on one cylinder in the motor. It really wasn't like this vehicle made to just...

rip. It's just something cool to run it down the road to the local car show and drive it back. That's the problem with us making YouTube videos on it. Your average person, the person who built it or the group of buddies, they're probably like, dude, we put a Chevy Avio on it. It's so funny. They just drive it around their property and they're stoked. We got to take it up a notch. We got to always take it up a notch for YouTube for entertainment purposes. It's like,

They just cannot. They can't do it. None of our thing. Dude, every single vehicle that we've had in the last like six months has broke. And we show it on camera breaking, but off camera, we're like, dude, we're so over this shit. Every single time we go to start something or move something for like video purposes, we're like, dude, we're so over this shit.

Never works. I think it comes down to if you're using something to do something. We're doing something with it that it's not really supposed to be doing that's going to happen. Realistically, the dirt bikes, they all work great. The snowmobiles all work great. It's when you combine them. Yeah, it's the hack job Facebook marketplace. It's the Facebook marketplace. That's literally only it, but it's only Facebook marketplace hack job items. Going back to my sheer impulse buying snowmobile quad,

Oh, there's somebody else interested. I'll pay a hundred dollars more and I want it right now. No questions asked. But it was fun. It was worth it. We had it all. It ended up being an awesome video. Yeah, it was an awesome video. It just didn't live as long as we wanted to. Exactly. And the thing that a lot of people didn't see in the video was we showed up not working probably like three times.

It didn't work like 17 times. So when we finally got it going, we're like, screw this thing. We're jumping into the pond before it doesn't work. And we just have to go, all right, guys, see you next week. And it would have been lame. Yeah, we were doing all these little fixes. And I hate it because then people go...

That was perfect. It's really hard to really show the full story without it getting boring. Exactly. So then they watch it from home and they go, wow. I feel bad because I can't even afford anything. All I want is something to ride. And then you guys just...

these things just for no reason. It was so broken, you couldn't have actually wrote it. But I would say a majority of the people are usually pretty stoked. Yeah. It's for entertainment. It was worth it. Exactly. It's for entertainment. There's also this threshold of amount spent on...

on these vehicles where it's just not worth us selling after we're done making these videos. You're not going to be able to sell it. One, might be a piece of shit and whoever gets it is going to have the same problems as us. Two, it's a pain in the ass to sell stuff around here because 90% of the people that will inquire about it are just like, hey, do you still have that? Yes. Yes.

cool man, was just seeing if you'd respond. Bro, get the fuck out of here. And also, most people don't want a snowmobile quad. No, exactly. If you ask the guy that we bought it from, he was very sought after and he was going to sell the next day if we didn't pay. I think we fell for that one. We fell for that one.

You have a great point there, the threshold of, okay, well, we don't want someone to go through the same. We clearly want to make money back on it. Like, not make money, but, like, get money back on it if we sell it. But we don't want to screw someone over, so maybe we would sell it for super low. But then there's a certain number that at low enough, when you sell it, well, we could just –

Destroy it, among many things, and then make that money back on YouTube. It's a wild, beautiful thing. And have more fun. And have more entertainment. And that is the cold, hard truth of us destroying some of these vehicles. Yeah, and I don't think most people care. It's just the ones that do are the loudest. But I don't think most people care because at the end of the day, it's like nothing really matters. It's all just for entertainment purposes. You're right. Nothing really matters.

It's true, though. Nothing really does matter. It really doesn't. No, I mean, if you look at life that way, it's definitely a lot lighter. Everyone's going to just end up in the dirt anyways. Jesus. Yeah, I mean, that is true, I guess. I'm going to be cremated.

What do you want to be like sprinkled off of the mountaintop? A pack saddle? Yeah, sure. Yeah, he makes someone lug that all the way up. Here's the funny thing. I'm not bringing you up there. I'm going before. I'm going with. I'm not trying to like make...

Like my kids or someone like actually, okay, I want a little bit of the ashes on the top of Pac's saddle. I want a little bit of ashes in the ocean in San Diego. I want a little, you don't need to do that. Just go dump it all somewhere. Mike hypes up his kids that he's got, they've got this big trust fund coming, right?

All they have to do is spread his ashes where he wants. And he gives them just the most extreme places. Down to coordinates. He's got like 46 degrees north. All over the country. They're going on this Indiana Jones type adventure. And they get back and they sit down with the guy that does it. He goes...

He left you six shitty dirt bikes and a Subaru and like all this. And they go, what about the money? What about the fortune that daddy always told us about? Oh, there was no fortune. No, that was the fortune. However, that would be shitty of me to do. But if that, if I did have a bunch of money and I did send, how legendary would that be? Put a lawyer in charge of it or the, you know, a homie that is able to do that and they come back, verify it all. And they don't get, I mean, not some crazy amount of money, but some,

gold at the end of the rainbow for completing the ash spreading across the country. There's fucking nothing. And Mike's just like, what do you mean? It wasn't even that hard. I did it. I did it. It took me my whole life, but I did it. Dude, my grandpa loves to send...

People on like these wild... Both of our grandpas, Grandpa Dave, loves to send for like gift giving. Oh, yeah. And do like a scavenger type hunt thing of like figuring out next information. Oh, this is a funny story. Why? So for my mom's like 50th birthday or something like that, told my mom like, all right, I'm

I got a good one for you. So it's a scavenger hunt. Yeah, but just with word information and then she has to come up with it and send, like, all right, is it this? And they'll say yes or no or hot or cold. Anyway. Okay. I mean, he's super into stocks. He's done very well for himself, right? So big 50, my mom thought, hey, I'm the only daughter. Might be getting something like this.

something big from my dad, right? Hyped it up for like a while, right? It's a good, it's worth your time. He's sending, he's sending her like clues and she's like, what are the clues? Um, Oh, it's going to be a car or they're going to make a car. So she's like, Holy shit. Did she buy me a car or something like that? She's dropping things. Tesla. She's losing sleep thinking about all this. Is it a Tesla car? Nope. Nope. But they do technology. She's like, Oh my God. Okay. Oh,

Wait, so she had to just guess what he was getting? He had to just guess. Was he just going raw? Yeah. Finally, she just guesses, is it one Apple stock? And he goes, it's two. Hyped it up to two Apple stock. How much was it? Like 200 bucks. Like 200 bucks.

Gives her two Apple Stock and took two weeks out of her time. Yeah, I thought it was funny because she spent two weeks working for this. What? Yeah. That was it? That was it. Jeez, dude. I feel just as blue balls your mom. I was waiting for this big adventure. Dude, him and- Get something cool. It's Apple Stock. Dude, him and Jake should plan a surprise together. Dude, I think people-

hate surprises more than they're like stoked for them if they get drug out too long. I agree. I agree. Because they're just stressful and people don't like to be like stressed and like let on. You don't have to think about it. You don't have to go back to your life. And also, I think the biggest thing about a surprise is it's a build up. Same with a hype up. You hype up. If I hyped up tonight, I'd like to have a bonfire night. I go, guys, tonight is going to be the craziest bonfire of our lives. We're going to go on the boat and do all this stuff. You guys are like, yes, it's going to be great. Yes.

And then you have expectations. Yep. But if I just go, yo, guys, bonfire tonight, come on over. And then we might have a legendary time. Who knows? Then it's awesome. The hype up is the biggest detriment to whatever you do. You can do something super sick, but if you hyped it up more than it was, it's a letdown. It's not worth hyping up anything. Mm-mm.

Really? There's something to be said about both surprises and hype ups. Like I've always said, if you're trying to hype up your New Year's Eve, obviously lots of people do lots of fun things for your New Year's Eve. Sometimes people even travel really far for it. Whatever. Yeah. If you hype it up and say, this is going to be the craziest ringing in the new year ever.

Don't. Just go have a good time with the people you love and you'll have a way better time. Usually. If you hype them up for too much and too long. Not it. It blows it, dude. Unless it's got to be freaking there. You better be on the money. You know what else, too? If you want people guessing, like, all right, guess what it is. And then they guess. Imagine they guess something better. And the whole thing's just fricked after that. So more of the story is almost just don't even hype your surprises at all.

Just say you have a surprise and that's it. Under a promise, over deliver. Exactly. It's very important. Yo, okay. So two podcasts ago, we filmed this entire thing and then it was all deleted or there was no audio. So it was kind of just lost. Yeah. Well, anyway, during that podcast, I went on like a 20 minute rant about my sheer hatred for Snapchat influencers. I was pretty heated about it. I still am. But, um,

Last night, I clicked on a Snapchat influencer's story and started watching it, expecting to be disappointed like I always am because these Snapchatters will put up like 500 stories in a day, right? About nothing. And this chick was like, yeah, my car got stolen. The person that stole it had it for two weeks and I just found out because I went to go get my car out of like the parking ramp and it was gone. So then I had to track it down, right?

And so I'm like, oh shit, that kind of sounds interesting. Long story short, she ends up tracking her car down out of impound. There was like guns and like heroin in like the back seat of everything. And this person was like living out of the car. It was Portland. Of course, of course.

living out of the car for like two weeks, ended up getting arrested, but left their phones in it. So then this chick is like, like Snapchatting all of this, like showing like the whole process of like getting it back, like everything in like the back, finding the phones and being like,

all right let's try and get into these phones and it was like one of the androids so you had to like use like the pattern guesses the pattern to get in you can see the greasy fingerprints oh yeah that too yeah and uh gets into the phone post on their facebook page like like just basically exposing them and like saying like what they've been up to and everything and then like shows the whole process of like going to the police and the police are like yeah we we like

Aren't going to help you with anything. And she's like, I'm going to take these matters into my own hands and like just filming this whole thing. And I was actually very just intrigued and like entertained by the whole thing. And right before the end, I was like, you know what? Snapchat influencers aren't that bad. And then the last two slides, the last two slides was...

Hey, thanks for asking how I get my teeth so white, Christine. I actually use this. Whichever Snapchat influencer always plugs like the... Hey, plug. Like the... Yeah, the whatever it's called. Yeah, I don't even want to give them a plug. You got to make your bread and butter, though. Yeah, I know. And I just go, oh, my gosh. Of course, of course. And then the last slide was like...

So anyway, tomorrow I'm going to be going to the grocery store. I think I'm going to try and sell my couch. And I'm like, God damn it. They suck again. They suck again. Yeah, she just got lucky as far as that whole story unfolding. That was a great job, Doc. But Snapchat influencers do suck literal ass.

annie milanaka said it respect the content or sorry respect the hustle do not respect the content and that can apply to most snapchat influencers half of them are like clickbaiting half of them put a story of like addison ray at the very end so you click on it but it's really just some homie post and raise kind of like stock is kind of going down maybe she just made her bag public

No, but I mean... Why do you say that? I don't know. She used to be like such a big deal. She's not as talked about as much anymore, I would say. She's kind of...

It's taking a step. It seems like out of the limelight, obviously still incredibly famous, but would you guys not agree? You don't really see or hear much about her anymore. No one cares as much. I'd agree. Back when Addison Rae was just starting out on like TikTok, like I maybe had like a couple hundred, a hundred thousand followers or something like that. Like barely anything on Instagram. I remember telling Ryan, cause Ryan was single. I go, dude,

Hit this chick up. I guarantee she's going to be a big deal. And maybe, maybe you could get in early and it might work to your advantage. Well, he didn't. He slept on it. And now she's what? One of like 30 million followers. And it was a guaranteed superstar. Yeah, it was a guarantee. Dude, I was perfect. I told you. I'm going to stay here. You missed on that. But he's got Donda now. Exactly. No, it was before any of that. Right. I told Ken the same thing with Cardi B. What?

Ken and Cardi B are dating. She's live on Instagram. Oh, you bitches. Just like in the Tesla driveway. Yeah.

I didn't actually, but that's super funny. I remember following her on Twitter. Imagine fucking Ken, Danny, Cardi B. I would love it, dude. There's just no way. I can't even picture it. Just picture it now. It would be a great combination. Ken's quiet. She's loud. She's clearly now one of the biggest female rappers out there, along with Nicki Minaj. Nicki Minaj has been up there for a while. Right behind Lizzo. Yeah, Lizzo's up there, too. Jesus Christ.

What's funny about that? I remember following Cardi B on Twitter before she made any music. She was just simply a stripper trying to hustle, so she'd make random videos. You were following her? Wait, what? You were just following a random stripper trying to hustle. I mean, I guess... I was following her way back when she was just a stripper. She wasn't a random stripper. Just hustling.

She didn't even make music. She was definitely big on Twitter, but she would just get on and just rant. I'm like, this chick is so weird, but everyone loved it, right? And this is before she made a single song. And then she's like, I'm going to stop making music. And then little did anyone know she was going to be that. She was destined for success and fame. Yeah. Wow, Mike. That's actually pretty crazy. It's literally the one person I followed before they made it. That's your success? Oh, okay. I thought you...

I thought you meant you followed one person on Twitter and it was Cardi B. Just her. Just this random stripper. Yeah, dude. I actually used to watch Drake on TV when he was still in a wheelchair. I remember that too. On Degrassi. Which that's not quite nearly as cool, but it's pretty crazy. He was still on TV. Yeah. It's just crazy to think that he was just a character in a random teen soap opera almost or whatever they're called.

And now he's where he is. Yeah, it really is wild what a superstar he has turned into from that spot. From that spot. From that character of all characters, too. And it was the same vibe when he started making music. I was like, yeah, he's good. He's going to make some good music to them where he is now. Dude, Drake is on so many features or he hops on so many different tracks and they all pop off. Like, it's amazing. He'll work with pretty much anybody now.

And they're always seem to be really good. And I was thinking about that this morning. Obviously there's like a rate you have to pay and Drake has got to have the highest rate, but I, I bet you anything.

he doesn't charge that high of a rate because he's just at a point where he doesn't need any more money. And this is a legendary type of move. He's like, I'm trying to, I'm doing this for the books. I want to be on this many hit songs. I don't care about the money. And I bet you he's just like, cause I always hear that. It's super easy to work with. Right. And he's, if the song's good, he's, he's about it. He's on it. He seems like one of those, those guys. I mean, it's like,

like collabing in youtube or like featuring on songs he's one of the guys that you get a feature on and it actually does better for you yeah statistically does better having drake on it sounds like it's pretty easy though to like have another nowadays have another person hop on your track because they just will send the song over and they're like yeah let me see what i can do and then they just hop on it and it sounds like they sometimes crank it out in like a couple hours and they just send it back and that's just it and then it gets

put on iTunes and whatever and it blows up. Usually if they're big I'm sure they have their own studio. Drake charges a million dollars to feature on a song. Whoa. That's probably highly underpriced undervalued because I think for what it does to them. Yeah. Because I heard Logic talking about like hopping on hit singles will pocket you like 20 million. Whoa. That's

That's what he said. Hopping on hit singles will pocket you $20 million, like on a collab and stuff. That is insane. Hopping on them or having a hit single? I think maybe hopping on or collabing with someone on one will put money in the bank like that. Dude, where is the money in music right now?

That's a good question. How are they getting paid? Cause they're not buying the songs like they used to. Like how are they getting paid that much money? Like it's Spotify revenue. There's no way I pay them. Seven 99 a month is getting, I know, but you gotta like keep in mind Spotify is paying them a little bit. YouTube's paying them a little bit. Uh, believe it or not,

SoundCloud probably is paying them a little bit. Apple Music is paying them a little bit. Whatever record company that their label... But still, it doesn't seem to add up. A lot of these guys, too, they start their own label. It's just like they don't want to be paying the cut, and they get big enough, so they start their own label and then sign up-and-coming rappers, and then they take a cut of their shit, and it's just crazy.

crazy world out there. J. Cole charges $2,000 per word. Really? Wow. Whoa. That's an interesting way to break it down. However long of a verse. Look up Lil Baby. See what Lil Baby... He's $300,000. Oh, wow. So maybe Drake isn't undervalued, but at the same time, it seems like they always pop off. If they're charging like a million dollars to get featured on a song, that's just straight up being paid by the record label. Mm-hmm.

Like the record label will pay Drake a million dollars to have them feature on their artist's song. I did hear this song. I actually sent it to Justin because it was so bad. It was on my New Music Friday. Which is ass, dude. New Music Friday fucking sucks. What are you using? Spotify. Awful. Awful. Anyway. Do you like Spotify? Okay.

Okay. So I see it and it's like so-and-so featuring Wiz Khalifa. I'm like, I like Wiz Khalifa. Let's check it out. And I clicked on it and it legitimately sounded like right here we just went, Ben, just make up a rap quick. Yeah. I don't know how much they had to pay Wiz Khalifa to be on this or he must have had a bad gambling debt or something that he needed the money because it was awful. I mean, like...

awful and i go how does he even like approve to be on it it's like you gotta wonder i'm so curious though i want to i know and i think we we could actually play it because we are reviewing or reacting to the thing i don't believe there's copyright and it'll only take a few seconds yeah it's not worth it they're still gonna like that shit oh he also has a collab with rick ross rick ross this is him his name is janab janab day

Hustlin', featuring Wiz Khalifa. I like the name of it. Off to a good start. It sounds like a song that I'd have to sift through on Epidemic for non-copyrighted music to use in our videos. Yeah, it kind of does. He's got collabs with Wiz Khalifa, The Game, Rick Ross.

Like, how do you pay for it, dude? He's probably on a good record label. Or he's got rich parents. This kid looks like he has rich parents. Does he not? Oh, my gosh. To a T. Yeah. He's a trust fund kid. He's got the fucking go. That's what Mike is going to be. We're going to have to get Mike in a button-up collared shirt. But, yeah, get him out of this tiger shit he's wearing. Not to get on the trust fund stuff, but I could have been a trust fund baby. So, it was my great, great...

He was many uncles out, but his name was Ub Iwerks. Ub Iwerks and Walt Disney started Disney.

Disney together. They were best friends in their early 20s, started it in South Dakota, and they moved to California and updrew all of the first cartoons for Disney. Created Mickey Mouse, created Steamboat Willie, created a lot of fundamentals of how animation works today. What? Yeah. I don't know how you don't know this yet. I'm surprised. Randy's told me about it. Yeah. So anyway, it...

He and Walt Disney literally created Disney company and it used to be like I works Disney and then it was Disney I works and like it always changed. But what was the businessman of was the artist?

And they grew it up. And eventually later in the years, Ub thought he was making or doing more. Disney obviously thought he was doing more. And so Ub split from Disney, sold his entire shares of Disney for a ton of money back then, but all of it.

And then started Iwerks Entertainment. And actually, the Fargo Theater in Fargo, not the downtown one, but another one, was an Iwerks Theater. Iwerks Entertainment is still going. Huh. But he... So he and Walt got in a fight. And he split from Disney. You know what, though? No offense, Ub, but...

If Ub would have stayed on, I bet Disney wouldn't have been what Disney... You know, like everything happens for a reason or like things, you know. Yeah, you never really know if he was holding back. So if he would have stayed on, if it would have turned into like the massive, massive monopoly that it is. I don't know if I'd say monopoly. That's actually a pretty good point. I wasn't thinking that at all. I was just thinking, damn. He could have been with them. I could have been. He could have been with them. But think about it. If Disney would have never, you know...

into the thing that it is, the conglomerate that it is. Um,

You know, how much would that have affected every other entertainment industry? We might not be sitting here right now having this conversation if Ub wouldn't have left. Probably not because probably he wouldn't have had the kids that he did and all the stuff. The family tree wouldn't have been the same. You might not actually be here. I know, but if I was here, dude, I would have been so rich. I would have had that Disney money, dude. I would have had that Disney money. I'd be sitting on a brand new boat floating around in the lake. Yeah, in freaking Ibiza. Okay.

Would have been a yacht. Yeah, he wouldn't be here. He'd be somewhere else. Have you guys ever been to Disney World? Yeah. I haven't. Well, whatever one's in Florida. Yeah, I've been there. Dude, they've just done such an insane job at making all this content, right? Yeah.

But that just is all just a funnel into like the upper brand of Disney because they have so much stuff. Like for these kids, they get, like my nieces love Disney movies, right? Well, then they go to Disney World. When they go to Disney World, they stay in a Disney resort. Mm-hmm.

And then they go to the actual Disney World. Then they eat at Disney restaurants. They buy the Disney products. Disney products. They go on the Disney cruises. Yeah, it's truly insane. That's why when you were like, maybe I wouldn't call them a monopoly. I'm not saying that you're wrong for pulling that back. They're such a monopoly. And now that they own... I didn't realize they own Pixar. They just bought Star Wars, so that's Lucas. I didn't know that they own Marvel. Yeah.

That's pretty much half of media today in a sense. It is pretty fascinating if you look at the history of Disney too. You look at the old pictures of Disney World being built and there's so many little Easter eggs or just hidden things. I'm pretty sure there's an underground...

The entire park has a labyrinth underground. So like characters, when they're done, they go underground and never have to be seen. Like a character when it's not performing, you know, because they have people everywhere, never walks back to a thing. They go in a castle or a building, go underground, and then they can take their stuff off. I mean, but think about the geniusness that was put forth to build something like that. They're actually still not to the level that Walt...

when he was like way back in the 50s. Like Walt imagined it to be crazier than it is today and they're still working on that plan to make it cooler. But they've invented colors that people, that the human eye doesn't pick up so they can hide big buildings that you don't see. Yeah.

um there's a certain color it's called the go away green but they did a big study and they figured out that there was a certain color that the human eye didn't notice if you like put it in a room of stuff that green just blended into everything else and so they paint everything you don't they don't want you to see that color like giant building stuff like that you can look at a picture you don't even notice the building unless they like point an arrow to it it's not like a

In giant optic. Yeah. It's not invisible, but it just, your eye doesn't look at it. Your eye doesn't go to it. How big is Disney world? Can you look up like 500 acres? I thought they had like their own zip code. Their own government. What is it? I've been so much land. They created a deal with the state of Florida. They're their own government there. What? Right. Which, which, so they have to own more than 500 acres. 500 acres. Isn't that much? Um,

But the way I've been looking recently, like Disney... Disney World is 27,000 acres. Okay. Holy. They definitely... Just Disney everything, they've been definitely acting like they're their own government. How many square miles is that? 39 square miles. They're so big that they're able to hide things from us. They're able to steer us in a certain direction. They're able to...

I don't know. Like, it feels slightly like a government. Everything is done with decision. Just because it's so big. What do you mean, hide things from us? Like, paint them green? Yeah, stuff like that and, like, the underground stuff. But they're able to, like, if they don't want you to see something within the company, they have the power to do that. I'm sure a lot of companies do, but, like, they have just such an influence on such a large amount of people. I don't know.

I feel like there's some sketchy shit that goes on. That's what I'm saying. It's too big of a company not to be wildly corrupt. It's so big that it reminds me of the government because I think the government's like that too. Just corrupt. Hiding things from you because they can, because they need to, because they think they need to. I mean, they probably do. I think to a point if...

All the information was just public. That would probably drive people more insane. You know, same thing with Disney. If all their information was public, probably would drive parents away from letting their kids watch a Disney movie. 100%. That's pretty damn hard to do, though. Well, dude, talk about Disney stars when they grow up. Most of them turn out pretty shitty. Yeah, but they've been better lately. Some of them. It is crazy to think about all the shows that we used to watch when we were kids.

where all those stars are now or like, it seems like oftentimes they, they don't, uh, continue to grow after their youth.

Like, they don't go into movies and stuff. I think a lot of them do. I mean, think about Zendaya. Zendaya is obviously a superstar. Selena Gomez. Selena Gomez. But there's still a lot of them. Cole Sprouse from, like, Suite Life. What are they doing? Like, Riverdale and, like, a bunch of different shows. Oh, you're right. My big thing is, so there is that. There's plenty of them that come out of there. Well, actually, I think Cole Sprouse, one of the twins went in as just, like, a barista. Yeah. Yeah.

But then the other one carried on. Yeah, but that's his only thing he's in is that show. And before that, he really had nothing else. You didn't hear about him for a long time. He's still huge. I know he's huge, but I don't know. They don't end up being as big. Dude, the thing that blows my mind about kids that were in Disney shows, like actually this blows my mind, just a shitload of them can just sing. They can sing and they can sing well. To me, it blows my mind like,

was Ariana Grande that was Nickelodeon? I don't know. I'm not a huge, huge, huge fan of her, but love her music and she's extremely talented, but she started off as this ditzy Disney Channel actor. Same for Selena Gomez. Miley Cyrus. They're massive singers and obviously they're not going to be massive singers when they're on Disney Channel. All I'm saying is

How on earth do they take voice lessons while they're on Disney Channel? Dude, they go through a whole thing. Because when Disney picks you up, they probably take a lot of your cut for the rest of your life. But they groom you. I'm going through the list. Britney Spears, Nick Jonas, Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera. So they train you. They get you at eight years old and they go, all right, this girl's got it. And they send them to acting lessons, singing lessons, everything.

everything and then raise them for 18 years. That makes even more superstars. Cause I just, it, it blew my mind over and over and over how these, these girls and guys are coming out of there as like,

class A singers. I'm just like, well, that's ironic. Another one, another one. The Jonas Brothers. Yeah. I'm sure it's part of the audition. That makes total sense though. Yeah, you gotta be, but that makes total sense where they just like, they almost like take your life over and make you a star. I retract my statement that they don't end up

I was totally proven wrong there. A lot of them. There was like a time when it seemed like every child star would just get into trouble. Like Lindsay Lohan. Yeah. I don't know. I feel like there's a number. I mean, yeah, you could go...

Obviously, you give a young kid a lot of money. When she got in trouble, Lindsay Lohan, when she got in trouble, was way older. She did a bunch of good stuff. What's she up to nowadays? I don't know. You know what, though? The people that really exploded and got big...

They were a part of our generation of watching them when they were young. And then right at the time that we kind of transitioned over watching less TV and more internet entertainment and listening to music more and kind of becoming your own person and just growing up, so did they. They transitioned into a different talent. They started singing. And then...

Everyone that watched them is also transitioning at that same time. So then that's why they blow up because they already know them and they're familiar with them. Because dude, it's kind of the same thing now. I think with like YouTubers, like think about like Logan Paul, KSI, like these, these guys that used to just be strictly YouTubers that are going into other realms. Everyone is growing up with them and they're changing with them. And that's when it's like,

so much easier to just go into a different avenue when your fan base is growing up as well. But it's like, if you are, you know, 40 years old, make your 30 years old, making like strictly kid content and you shot yourself in the foot, you kind of already missed that wave. Right. But for us, like our demo has like always kind of been the same age as us. Yeah. We change, but our, our audience changes with us. Yeah. Yeah.

So it's like the ones that do that, do that really well and like explode. And the ones that don't do that just kind of like fall off. You got to wonder what's going to happen with all these little kid YouTubers where they, uh, they're not even like a fricking YouTuber. They're family. It's just like,

we're going to make a YouTube channel. We're going to come up with the ideas and you're going to be the star. And oftentimes these kids are just reciting lines or whatever. Like, what do you think is going to happen to Ryan's toy review? Like, what do you think? Not even happen, but what do you think he's going to be like when he is our age? I think he's already chilling in a mansion. I think he's an anomaly. But there's a lot of other ones. I shouldn't use Ryan.

Well, they had him kind of transition over to like educational too. So he's like educating. Yeah, but eventually he's going to be like 17 years old and he's going to be like, fuck educating kids. And then he's going to have to rebel. Right, right, right. But what I mean is like they had him start with the toys and then they had him go into education. Like they might just keep him in that –

And like, you know, one day he's going to be jumping smart cars. Here's my only problem with the whole kid thing.

They didn't get to decide to be a YouTuber. Now they're this famous YouTuber that all these kids watch and they don't get to go to school because I've talked with other YouTubers whose kids are these said famous YouTubers. They have their own channel that have freaking 5, 10 million subscribers or even a million. That's a lot. And I asked, do they go to school? And they said, no, we don't. I'm like...

aren't you like worried that they're going to like grow up and be like, I didn't want this or miss the development. Yeah. I'm sure there, cause you always want what you can't have. So I guarantee you, they're going to be like,

Eventually, they're going to be like 15. Why did you do this to me? I want to just go and play football and go to the prom and all this. And then they're kind of like weird. Or maybe they quit doing YouTube. But they still missed that whole thing. And it's basically the same thing as child stars. Except it seems like nowadays they are so good at regulating and making sure they don't turn into shit birds. But when you're freaking... YouTube's not that regulated for these kids. You could probably quit.

If your kid was like, you know, like 10...

They could probably quit and get a couple years of not being anything. But the problem is it might just stick with you. But you know how when you age up. Just because kids always make fun of, for whatever the frick they can. Anybody who's different. Even if it's not. Yeah. Say Ryan's story review is 10. Quits. It's pretty tough to quit at this point. Quits. Spends like three years being homeschooled. Goes into a school. Changes his name. Different dude. Nobody knows him. Throws out his hair. He could be a normal kid.

And still have a bag to live off of. You'd have to really want that. Again, we're just using him as an example. But I have mostly seen in America, it's pretty hard for people to put a knife to making money, to cut that off. Yeah, how do you turn off the spigot? From viewing that, just seeing...

once they start making money, they like make changes to their lifestyle because they're making a bunch of money and it's really hard for people to cut that off. It's like in every drug lord movie you watch them and you're like, dude, you're already making so much money. Just quit. Just quit before you go to jail. Right. And that is always cold. Telling too much, too much. They're like, yeah, we couldn't find anywhere to put the cash. We were putting it in the walls. You start learning. Yeah, dude, just stop. And

And then a lot of times, yeah, you can't because you're in the cartel. True. But he was the cartel. That's an interesting way to look at it. But last thing on that, CJ and I were just, and Ken were listening to the Roman Atwood Steve-O podcast.

And it was really interesting that Roman Atwood was like, I made pranks. I was like one of the first ones on YouTube. And then like any age was watching me, but kids. But now I started making like vlogs and now I just make whatever I want. He's like, now kids don't even know who I am, which is pretty crazy to think like they all grew up 10 years ago. Everyone knew who Roman Atwood was like, even if you were a small kid. And then now he's like, yeah, now I just have like.

People our age a little younger than us, and other than that, it's a cutoff at like 18. Interesting. Yeah. If you guys could bring one celebrity back to life, who would it be? Mac Miller. That was mine. I was listening to a Mac Miller song, and I go, man, I miss that guy. I just want more Mac Miller music and a lot of it. Yeah. That's a pretty good one. I don't know.

I like Mac Miller. I like Juice WRLD. It definitely seems more of like a music-oriented thing. There's not a lot of actors that I'm like, oh, I love them so much that I need them to be back making movies. I'd bring back Robin Williams. I was going to say Robin Williams. Such a good dude. Honestly, and another close top one would be Steve Irwin. Dude, he was a legend. He was a legend. There was not a single person that I've ever, ever, ever spoke to that was like, I didn't like Steve Irwin. Except for that singer. God, fuck. Is it?

Isn't it amazing all the shit he did? And a stingray is the one that takes him out. I know. Like, dude, kids pet stingrays. I think there was a whole thing about how it got him. It literally was worst case Ontario. If you guys ever look into it, his kids are completely carrying on his legacy. Yes, I've seen them on TikTok and stuff. And I'm like, oh...

That's totally Steve Irwin's kids. I thought that was Steve Irwin. They're so good, too. I remember he's holding some venomous snake, and I'm like, he's just like him. Don't get stung, boy. That was so prime, though. He was a household name. Everyone knew who he was. You'd see him on TV and stuff. That's so prime, early 2000s, late 90s TV. No one nowadays really cares about that kind of stuff. You're not as wowed by it. You'd see him on, and you'd just settle in. Oh, God.

Steve's working with some sort of venomous animal again. This is just nuts. I remember I used to rent his VHSes and watch it. Really? Yeah. I'm going to be honest. Blockbuster. Yeah, I missed that. Missed that wave. The VHS thing? No, just most of Steve Irwin. Oh, okay. You're probably too young for it. Yeah. Ben would just go on Netflix.

Dude, actually, it's also a crazy thing to think about. I saw someone that was, like, we're the last generation to have grown up with the internet but lived in a time where you did not have it. Yeah. If that makes sense. Like, I grew up, you know, up until I was, like, 11 or 12, I didn't have access to the internet. Period. It just didn't exist. I could call people on the phone and that was it. And now, like, you simply cannot...

Be without internet unless you live in off the grid. Yeah, it's insane. I mean, what would you do? You were young. What were you obsessed with? It was like cars, dinosaurs,

Trains. It was like the little boy personality traits. I can't remember the fourth one. It's either like construction, dinosaurs, trains. I liked farm stuff. Yeah, farm stuff. We'll go heavy machinery. Yeah. I think I did too. I guess dump truck stuff. Yeah, just give me some more. I don't know. I like the piano. This is off topic, but Ben.

I don't have a problem with it because I love like walking around the shop. But your Lambo literally just sits in the shop. Do you ever drive that thing? Like, I swear to God, it's in the shop more than anything. And I like it because I get to walk around and fucking look at a Lambo. It's sick. But you pull up in your Subaru six days out of the week.

Yeah, I drive it, I guess. My dad drives it more than I drive it. Your dad's out driving it. Yeah, yeah. It's when somebody else isn't driving it, I usually drive it. I was just curious if you were like, if there's a reason why you don't drive it. Which also I want to get into your dad driving too, because that's actually funny. We'll get into that actually right now. Two different people. To answer your question before we move on from that, why I don't drive it is, dude,

It's actually kind of stressful driving that thing. I believe it. Because of the price tag of what could go wrong. If I know that I'm driving into Greta's house and I won't be coming home until 11...

It actually stresses me out driving that thing... Having it sitting out there? No, driving that thing at night because of deer. Okay, fair. And that's what I was wondering if there was a reason like that. So that's one reason. Just the slightest possibility of a storm rolling through and then quickly having to find if it's going to hail. It's kind of hard to...

Something I noticed whenever I ride with you and it's kind of like hard to get around fast. Like when we go into DL, if it's like a day when there's people there, like fucking everyone's coming up to you and they're either trying to talk to you cause you're, they watch the videos or because you drive a Lamborghini and they're trying to just talk to you about the car. And it's almost like it's the same conversation over and over and over again. We're just trying to like navigate to wherever we're going. Yeah. That,

And if I'm like running late or something like that, I got to let it warm up. You're right. And I can't rot on it for like 10 minutes. It's like that thing takes a while to warm up. It's like my CTR, dude. I mean, I guess I could just hop in and go, but then I'm like stressing over like, what am I trying to keep the RPMs? Yeah. Am I hurting this or am I going to blow a gasket or something like that? And then cost $10,000. So yeah.

Yeah, I mean, just like reasons like that. But if I know that like I have time or like if I'm going somewhere where I'm not worried about like parking or what I'm pulling in and out of to then I'll mob it. But there's just certain things that like I never really thought that would worry me or that I would think about until you're kind of like forced to. Fair enough. Forced to. And you're just like.

If shit does go south or if I have a problem with it, then I got to ship this thing off to Colorado or Chicago to get fixed and things like that. So I guess I'm just like more selective than just like hopping in and just driving it. Okay. So that's kind of what I was assuming. And I will say, honestly, after driving yours and riding in it and everything, it's freaking awesome. But I don't have any desire in buying one anymore. Really? I don't. And I'm not trying to pump up my own car, but like the GTR costs like...

One third of the price of that is just as fast. And I think it's just as good. It's not like a huge target rolling around in. Everyone's not freaking out. Only people that freak out about GTR are people that are actually car enthusiasts. I don't know, but I just like that car better. I realized just because it's cheaper. Yeah.

And I'm on the same... It's roughly the same performance. I don't think... I see what you're saying. Your car is over $300,000. Your car is half. No, it'd be like $290,000 new. Okay, but your car is half of his cost, but... No, it's not. I don't know.

I got mine for $120. I got mine for $102. Yeah, but then I don't know. So he paid what? You were like, yeah, but it's $120. His is more than double. I still agree. I think I'd just rather than you start to break it down like that. I'd rather have CJ's car because, yeah, I'd be like, dude, I paid half of what Ben paid. I still will probably baby the thing, and it's super fast. And then I'm on a completely different page. People are like, when are you going to get a super nice car? I'm like, just after viewing you guys, actually all of you guys,

I don't think I can do it. Bro, I would never drive it. I would never drive it. I think I would drive it even less than you guys just because I daily drive mine. Less than Ryan? I daily drive mine. Right, and you do. Yeah, actually, you do. I love it. It's a great car. So, no, I mean, yeah, I just find myself not driving it. And Ryan doesn't drive his Camaro because he lives on a gravel road. And I hate it. It's actually a major, major bummer. It does suck that you live on a gravel road for a day.

Just for that purpose. Yeah, it does. That's literally the only time I drive my car. It's a long gravel road. It's not like it's a short one where you could just kind of inch it down it. No, I'd take, it'd take too long and it just wouldn't be worth it. But yeah, literally every Friday morning I just drive and fill it up the little quarter tank and get a car wash and then drive it back. And then next Friday I pull it out again. And it's, it's, I hate it. It's, I wish that I was able to utilize it more and it was different. And that's why I regret selling my truck. So really? Yeah.

Yeah. If I could go back in time, I would. Really? Yeah. Without a doubt. No kidding. Some things you only find out when you actually do, you know, like I said, I'm always greener. Right.

I wasn't sure if you're trying to keep miles off the thing just for resale, but then I figured your answer is going to be, you're so right. Is it, I'd say more so your, your dad, but your whole, like your family and other people drive that thing more than you is what I started realizing. And I was like, why does Ben never drive it? Pretty much. Well, one, they don't care about the things that I worry about. And two, they should. Well,

Well, they'd have to pay for it if they broke it. Yeah. No, I don't know. I think it is cool, though, like, if I'm not driving it. Like, I think it means a lot to somebody who can just, like, hop in. It's just, like, they're just stoked about it. I'd be pretty stoked if somebody was like, yeah, you can just take my Lambo, whatever. It means a lot to me. I take it home every Wednesday and Thursday. You don't even notice it's gone. I have had a few people. Scott actually goes, so...

I saw Ben's dad driving that Lambo two times this week. So is that like their car together or whatever? And I go, no, no, no. I was like, it's Ben's car, but he does let his dad drive it and he drives it more. He lets anybody drive it basically. But I've had someone come up and it was just like a random person. And they're like, yeah, I saw...

Ben's dad driving that Lambo, he was filling it up at the Holiday Gas Station in D.L., and he goes, so is that Ben's dad? He lets him drive it for the video, or is that? And I was like, no, no, that isn't Ben. But it is funny that he's driven it so much that people started thinking it was his. Yeah, that is kind of annoying. Yeah.

I mean, I understand that. Because like people would just love to think that. I know. It kind of discredits you. It's like you worked really hard to be able to afford it. And then now everyone thinks your dad bought it and you just get to drive it in the video. Yeah, that is super annoying, actually. That sucks. Yeah, it really does. So, yeah, I'd like to clear that up.

Because if it did, I would just not be able to say shit about it. It's just a few people around here have asked us. Yeah. But then to be real, then your dad could go, Ben, I let you drive my cars, which is true. But you drove his Corvette like a total of five times. Dude. And then maybe his Raptor a total of five times like ever. I was in a wedding last week.

And my mom, my dad must have had my mom text me because my dad probably knew he was running out of chances. Opportunities of just constantly asking me. He probably knew I was getting sick of it. And so my mom texted me and was like, hey, we're about to leave for the wedding. Your dad wants to know if we can take your car. And I was like, oh, fuck.

Yeah, there's like a short little gravel driveway just like from the road into the venue. But like go slow down that. Other than that, like, yeah, I don't care. That looks like the wedding. So they drive it to the wedding and everything. And I have like buddies like taking pictures with it. And they were like, your parents are mom in your car. And it's like sitting in the middle of the field because there's like kind of like a farmhouse wedding. And I'm just like, oh, my gosh.

And I get home the next day and I'm looking at my car. It's just dusty as fuck. And I'm like, holy crap. How fast were you going down this like 300 yard driveway? Like, why is it so dusty? My dad goes, well, your mom needs to figure out how to put into her phone how to avoid gravel. What? I go, what? Well, you can't avoid the driveway. Yeah, but there was like a little gravel stint.

that we went down up until that point. And I was like, what do you mean gravel stint? How long we talking here? He was like, two, three miles, four miles. Oh my gosh, dude. And my jaw literally drops. I'm like, I literally look him dead in the eye and go, you drove my fucking Lamborghini down four miles of gravel? And he's just like, white. He's just like, I know, it sucked for me too. Yeah.

Oh, did it? Okay. Good to know. I love how he didn't even... He could have just gotten a car wash and gotten away with it, but he didn't. And my mom is sitting there and goes, why would you tell him that? He didn't need to know that. He looked the car over and there was nothing wrong with it, which there was really nothing wrong with it. And my dad goes, well...

When he was driving it around the roads before the salt got washed off the roads in early season, that was harder on it than four miles of gravel. And I was like, you can't tell me what I can and can't do with my car. And he goes, I know, I'm just saying. I suppose it's probably the end of you allowing me to drive that thing, huh?

Dude, roles just flipped. We'll see. I know how they did that. I've been to a wedding there and I entered it in the thing in...

On my phone wrong, or I must have came from the wrong direction. And I had to go down that same exact gravel road. And I was thinking to myself, why is there so much travel to this wedding venue? And if you go the wrong way. So I know exactly how they did that. And that's actually easy to do. But anyways. Still though. Yeah, I was actually pretty pissed. Because I was like, you know how mad you would be if I did, if you had a Lamborghini and you let me drive it and I drove down four miles of gravel. He was like, I know, I know. I'm sorry about that.

god damn that's funny yeah no i mean it is what it is but i don't know it's pretty cool though i guess just the amount of people that have driven it that like dude that was like the first lambo i'd ever even really seen in person especially around here there's none around here so like and we travel quite a bit we're in like a lot of positions that we'd see cool cars and i rarely even see them and so like the people around here

I truly never see that. And it's like when you can just throw the keys and be like, yeah, take it for a rip. Like that is like, I don't know. I think the car should be. Yeah, that's what it should be used for. And like, that's like the coolest part of it. Yeah, for sure. Well,

I think that's probably all we got for today. Oh, yeah. I got to go. I got to go. Okay. Yeah. I got to go too. All right. Thank you guys for listening and watching. If you're on YouTube, make sure you hit the subscribe button. Please, please hit the subscribe button. We're going to be back next week with another one. So hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Yes, sir. Hope you guys are having a great summer. See you next episode. Talk to you later. Yeah.

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