cover of episode WE CAN'T STOP PLAYING GACHA | Trash Taste #153


Publish Date: 2023/5/26
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Trash Taste Podcast


Shownotes Transcript

- I'm your host for today, Garnt, and joining me once again are the boys, Connor. - This feels, one of those episodes where I just feel like saying some outrageous shit. - Say it. - Okay. - Say it. Say it slow, right now. - Okay, well that's not, that's not. - Okay, no, no, not that far, not that far. - I'm not gonna go that far with it. - All right, I'll start off with a call to you, man. - Sure. - Okay. - I finally,

- Finally, watch the Mario movie. - Oh, thank you. - You too. - I thought you were gonna say something outrageous. I was like, oh, I've done that. Yeah. - I watched it in IMAX 3D. - How was it? - It was fucking awesome. - Why IMAX 3D? - Because the option was there at my local cinema and I was like, well, I don't even remember the last time I watched an IMAX movie, let alone a 3D movie. I didn't even know they were still making 3D movies. - Yeah. - What do you mean?

- What do you mean? - Well, because I thought- - Or just like, "Ah, fuck it, no more." - No, because like 3D movies were like kind of like a phase. - A phase. - It was definitely a phase. - It went everywhere at one point and a fad and like 3D TVs and shit like that were like a phase as well. - I mean, every movie is basically like shot in 3D now. - Yeah. - Well, not, oh, sorry, is filmed and they're like, "Oh, you can, this thing pops out at one point." - Yeah, exactly. - I have watched two movies in 3D in the cinema

- And both of them start with A. - All right, okay, all right. I'm glad we understood that. I watched it too, I liked it. - I really enjoyed it. - I watched it and sometimes when you watch a movie and you pretty much agree with what everyone already says, you're like, "Damn, I'm not special."

- Okay, so what was the general consensus with that film? 'Cause I didn't look at any reviews or anything. Do people like it? - Yeah, people liked it. - Yeah, people liked it. - People said that Chris Pratt was fine. - Yeah. - A lot of the voices- - Jack Black killed it. - Yeah, Jack Black killed it. - Holy shit. He did not need to go that hard as Bowser. I'm sorry. You know, some people were just like, "You know, I'm just getting my paycheck." And Jack Black's just like, "No, I was built for this role actually." - Yeah, he really was.

He over delivers on everything. But that's why he's so good. - It was just like a tenacious D role at one point. - That scene where Bowers is just playing the piano and singing the song. - Oh my God, where did that come? Do you think that was actually scripted or did Jack show up in studio one day and was like, I got a thing. - I got a thing. - I have a rejected tenacious D song, I want in this film. - I'd like to think that they cast him and then halfway through it, they're like, hey, Jack?

And he's like, "Of course." That made me like irrationally happy. I was so happy when that happened. I don't know why. It was just so fun. Good movie. - The insane thing is like out of everyone, I think he sounded the least like himself normally. - He put in a lot of work. - Yeah, he put in a lot of work. - I forgot his name, Toad.

- Oh, Michael Keen. - Yeah, Michael Keen. - He did not sound like Michael Keen. - No. - No. - Yeah, good movie. - I almost forgot at one point that that was Michael Keen. I was like, "Oh yeah." - It was good. - Why does he sound like that though? - Yeah, I will say Seth Rogen definitely sounded like Seth Rogen. - Yeah, Seth Rogen sounds like Seth Rogen in every movie. - It was an interesting choice. - Yeah, I was like, "Yo, Donkey Kong just hit the fucking one man." - "Danky bong." - "Danky bong."

- I definitely agree with the take of like, as a movie, it's like fine. Like it's okay. But as like a piece of fan service, it's fantastic. - Oh yeah. - I think just 'cause Nintendo have just starved the world of anything that's not video games for their like characters. - Yeah. - Or everyone wants to forget about the 90s live action film, you know? - Yeah, like, you know, the closest we got to like decent acting or anything that was good was like the porn.

- I will say like I came into the Mario movie with almost zero expectations just because I didn't really know what to expect from a Mario movie. Do you know what I mean? Like, how'd you make a plot out of Mario? Like I had no idea where this could go. And I mean,

- Princess gets kidnapped, Mario goes to save her. - Well, it was very like a very hero's journey, basic story. Parents didn't agree with what he does, yada, yada, yada. You've seen it all before. The story's not special whatsoever. It's very boring. But if you like Mario, it's fun. - It was just super surreal 'cause I couldn't see a movie like this existing

20, 15 years ago, 15, 20 years ago. Because it just, the entire thing just felt like a meme. I'm not gonna lie, this feel like a product of the internet and I can't put my finger on why it felt like that, but it feels like this movie was made for like meme culture and just for kind of like internet and maybe Zoomer culture in general. - I imagine like pretty people working on it,

- I grew up with that kind of humor and the games and stuff. - Definitely the part where I was just like, where the fuck did that come from? Was the suicidal Luma?

Do you remember that character? - Oh yeah. - I was like, where the fuck? 'Cause like, there's no, 'cause Aki was like, so is there like a character like that in Mario Galaxy? I was like, no. - Well, not like that. Yeah, I also realized that if you don't like care about Mario that much, the movie's kind of ass. - Yeah. - It's kind of like, oh, I don't,

- It's just like another illumination. - It was like the 15th reference to the size of Mario's scrotum. Thank you for that. I'm gonna continue. Like, I don't know. It was fine. I was happy. - Yeah, I was happy. I came in.

- I came in not knowing what to expect, but just knowing I would get a bunch of Mario references and maybe some inside jokes. And that was basically the entire movie. It was the highest budget Newgrounds flash animation I've ever seen in my life. Because some of those scenes where, you know, they just fucking, I think they slept playing Beastie Boys or something at one point. And I'm just like, what is this doing in a Mario movie? - Yeah, the aha take on me segment was a little bit weird. - Oh yeah.

- That was kind of unexpected. - But yeah, as like a certified Nintendo kid, I think, yeah, it was really just like one huge fan service to like the Nintendo fan base. But like, I think they also did it in a really cool way. 'Cause like there was just so many fucking Easter eggs in that film. Especially like musical Easter eggs. Like every time like a new, like Mario would get like a new power up or like there'd be like a new stage or whatever, they would like,

- Dude, this really cool thing with, I don't know who did the soundtrack, but whoever it was that fucking goaded. Because like they just so seamlessly incorporated little bits and pieces of like musical Easter eggs into it. Like when Mario got like the Tanooki suit and for a split second you can hear the Mario 3 theme. And I'm like, that's fucking cool.

- As like a Mario fan. - Yeah, I noticed the Luigi mansions theme coming on when Luigi was like by himself. I was like, oh, oh. - And like Rainbow Road as well, when it gets to Rainbow Road and the Rainbow Road theme starts playing, I'm just like, that's cool. - I was like, oh, neurons activating. Oh, okay. I know this game. - It almost didn't feel like an officially licensed thing. It very much felt like if you'd have told me like a fan had made it, I'd be like, yeah, that makes sense. 'Cause the whole, like the one part I did find kind of weird

was just the whole Mario Kart segment. I was just kind of like, all right, sure. That is a game. - It kind of felt like they would- - They were like, what else we got? - Mario Kart, everyone wants Mario Kart, put it in. - It kind of just felt like they just were writing the movie as they went along. So they were like, oh, we need to put a Donkey Kong here. Okay, let's go to a Donkey Kong country. Okay, Mario Kart, let's do Mario Kart. Rainbow Road, okay. - And then they get eaten by a whale.

- This could have been the most one out of 10 movie and it probably still would have popped off. I don't know. Yeah, I mean, it's fine. So that's all like nine months late discussion of the Mario movie. - So we all watched it, we all enjoyed it. It was good. - I also watched, I guess it was on movies.

I've watched "Guardians of the Galaxy 3." - Oh, I haven't seen that yet. I heard it's the first good phase five movie or the new like post-game movie. - Well, phase five of yeah, whatever it is, a disease it feels like. - It's fine. It's all right.

- And that's the review. Thank you very much for joining in. - I don't know if like learning about it, 'cause I was not gonna watch it initially. 'Cause like I watched one and two, one was very fun.

Two, I just found so boring. - Yeah. - I don't know if you, did you find- - I've seen the first two, yeah. - Did you like two? - I thought it had its moments, but at the same time- - It's weaker than one, right? - Yeah, yeah, at the same time, I'm like, well, one had the magic 'cause it had this new thing going on. - Yeah, it was fun. - It had like a fucking amazing soundtrack. And two was just like, all right, we're gonna do a little more of the same, but not too much different. And I'm like, okay, well, it's good popcorn movie. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Is Guardians of the Galaxy the one with Groot?

- Yes. - Yes. - And he looks like a fucking Roblox character in this one. And I just could not stop laughing every time I saw him. Yeah, it was fine. I mean, like it was not the most compelling movie ever. The music was fun. It was great. It was long. - Right. - Very long. The villain I thought was fucking stupid. And he just gives, all he does is scream all the time. - I can't believe we just talked about two Chris Pratt movies. - I actually found Chris Pratt pretty likable in this one.

- He's a likable guy in "Guardians of the Galaxy." - He's okay. What's his name? Fucking Draktharr, whatever, is the killing guy, the one who shouts. - Oh yeah. - He's still the- - Baptista? - Yeah, he's still like the best guy in that film. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - Every time he was on screen, I did get a chuckle. He was pretty good. - He carried the film for me.

Yeah, it was fun. It's a fine six, seven out of 10 maybe. It's not like a 10 out of 10 I would say. I don't know where people get that from. - I think everyone, I haven't seen it. So I think everyone's just so starved of good Marvel movies. - I think it's just people have just been, the Marvel fans have just been cucked for like five years now. They're just like, oh, something. Thanks James Gunn, I can't wait for the next film, right? Right James Gunn? Right, we're making another Marvel film, right? So yeah, that was nice. I wonder if DC was pissed.

They were like, "Why the fuck did you make a good film "when you're leaving? "What the fuck's wrong with you? "Phone it in." - Well, isn't he doing a new Flash movie as well or something? - Yeah, I saw the trailer for that. - Did you see it where they're like this? 'Cause obviously if you don't know anything about the Flash movie, Ezra Miller plays the Flash and obviously Ezra Miller is a very notorious

I don't know if you follow any of the- - Kind of a douche bag. - Is an understatement to say the least. - Straight up just committed crimes, like punched people in the face. - What? - Yeah, he's like a fucked up guy. I mean, on screen now we can get the list of some things. He's a fucking asshole. Well, supposedly. And there's like articles being like,

"This is gonna redeem Ezra Miller." It's like, what the fuck? Why do we have to redeem him? Why can't we just get someone else who isn't contentious? And all the critics are like, "This is the best film ever." And it's like, why?

- Like you could, I don't know. Maybe it's a PR thing. Maybe it's like a big brain, galaxy brain PR move. 'Cause no one's gonna give a fuck about a Flash movie unless you get some asshole to play in it. - Yeah, maybe. - I don't know. I feel like, okay, I've been noticing a kind of, I don't know if it's like a trend or just a thing that's happened recently in Hollywood because I don't know if they've, they've obviously done this before, but I think,

So much like AAA movies now, like the Mario movie, like the new Flash movie, it plays off so much nostalgia hype because a lot of people are getting hype about this new Flash movie because Michael Keaton returns as Batman. And everyone's like, "Oh my God, it's the goat, it's the OG Batman." - Who actually cares about that other than like diehard fans?

I'm sure a lot of people care about that. 'Cause to a lot of people, Michael Keaton was like their first Batman that they saw on screen. - Yeah, but that's like our age group, that wouldn't really appeal to us. We're like fucking Christian Bale fan boys. That's the Batman we grew up with, right? - Actually for me it was George Clooney.

- The greatest fucking Batman film with Arnold Schwarzenegger. - Yeah, 'cause I'm just wondering. - Oh yeah, that's a movie. - Yeah, that's a movie. - 'Cause like, let's be honest, we enjoyed the Mario movie, right? But if, like you just said, if we had no- - Yeah, if I didn't, yeah. - If you had no nostalgia about Mario, it would've been a shit movie.

- Yeah, 100%. - Nobody would have given a shit about it. Same thing with like the Sonic movie as well. I've watched the Sonic movie and the only reason I enjoyed the Sonic movies was because I am familiar with the Sonic franchise, not because I actually think that they are good movies. - When I went to the theater to watch Sonic, there was actually kids there. When I went to watch the Mario one, there was no kids there. - Yeah, that checks out. - It was all adults. - That says a lot about society. - I don't know whether to actually watch Sonic. I think actually the Sonic movie was a better movie for kids.

Mario movie, if you didn't play enough Mario, I just feel like you wouldn't get off the movie. I mean, kids, there's so much fucking, it's so vibrant and light that I'm sure 10 year old me would eat that shit up even if I didn't know what Mario was. But I mean, I don't know. - I think though with the Sonic stuff, like it's because like, I think Sonic has done a better job of, I guess, franchising themselves more to a younger audience. 'Cause like they have like the Sonic Boom animation, right? Like the TV show that they have. - Have you ever watched that?

- I have. I've seen like a compilation of like knuckle sink fucked up shit. It's so funny. It's like, how is this a kid's show? - The writers go hard on this shit. - But I think because they've like, you know, capitalize on that, whereas Mario hasn't really done anything like that. I think that's where it's like, oh, there's a fucking Sonic movie. Well, I've seen it as cartoons on, you know, Sunday morning TV. So I'll take my kids to go watch it kind of thing. Whereas with Mario, it's like,

- Well, I fucking played this game 30 years ago and I want to see what it looks like today. - Yeah, exactly. How long do you think it's gonna take before they make a Pokemon movie? That's not like Detective Pikachu, like a straight up, this is a Pokemon movie. Because I'm calling it now because the Mario movie did really fucking well in box offices. There must be someone in Nintendo that's having this conversation right now, if not like two years ago. - If they just made black and white,

- Into a movie, it'd be such a good movie. - Yeah. - But they would never, 'cause that's like the most mature Pokemon plot we ever had. And it's about like, is enslaving Pokemon okay and should we do it? It's not gonna be that. - What if they just remade the first movie, but like with the fucking budget of today's stuff?

- Yeah, true. - I'd be down for that. - The first movie was very good. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean like, you know, Pokemon already has animated movies anyway, so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to change that into live action. So it would take actually less effort than doing the fucking Mario movie. - Just get Chris Pratt to voice Ash.

- No, Chris Pratt, not even voice Ash, just play him live action. Chris Pratt has a 14 year old Ash or however old Ash is now. - He would get cashed in that. - He's like 10. - You joke, but he would. - Ash is like 10.

- No, 'cause you just know it would just turn into a bunch of references. It would be like, "Whoa, pass me the jelly filled donut. "Whoa, don't go there. "Don't go to Lavender Town. "Whoa, play the poker flute. "Whoa, Snorlax is in our way. "Whoa." You know what I mean? It would just be like, "I wanna die." So let's not. Let's not do that. - Yeah, let's not do that. - Yeah, but that worked for the Mario movies. - It did work and I'll watch it if they bring it in Pokemon and I'll probably like it. And I hate that I like it.

I hate that it works on me. I'm a fucking idiot. You know what does suck though? - What? - I can't watch Oppenheimer in Japan. - Yeah. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - Me and Connor were having dinner and I was like, oh, I'm so excited for Oppenheimer to come out. And he's like, I don't think it's getting released in Japan. I was like, why isn't it getting released in Japan?

I'm like, "Why do you think, Garnt?" - I think about what you just said. - "Why do you think the story about Oppenheimer is not being released to Japanese theaters, Garnt?" I don't know. - It was just that, "Oh, aha, no." - "Oh, but Christopher Nolan, no." "Frickin' Japan, Christopher Nolan, it's a..." - Realistically, I mean, it is a shame 'cause it's not like it's like,

- I'm not glorifying it in any capacity. - No, it's supposed to be like a tragedy, right? - Well, I mean, it's a horrific event. - It's a horrific event, yeah. - And I think there's a way that you, I'm sure knowing Christopher Nolan, he'll have a take on it that is interesting. And I don't know.

- I could also understand you just being like, let's just not. I get it, I get both sides. - Was Pearl Harbor ever released in Japan? - I've watched movies about World War II in Japanese theaters. Like they play them from both perspectives. - I think it might've been, yeah.

- Can you check that guy? 'Cause if Pearl Harbor was released in Japan, then I have hope for Oppenheimer. - I mean, it makes more sense to release Pearl Harbor in Japan than Oppenheimer, right? - Like, I mean, yeah, I mean, 'cause the- - The Japanese would be like, "Yeah, we fucked up." - I think it's a very different perspective. - Whereas with Oppenheimer, it's like, "No, we don't wanna talk about that." - I don't know if you've seen Pearl Harbor. - Have you watched Pearl Harbor?

- I think it's a very different perspective. Sort of scoreboard. - Japan won. - You're the only one, you're the only one on this table who can say that. - It's like a sports game, guys.

- We got the advantage. - Well, you know, they, what's that? I watched another movie recently that came out that was like of the perspective of one of the pilots and who it was like a goaded pilot who would just kill, I guess Japanese people and stuff. I watched that in the cinemas and I was like, this is weird. But it got released. Go on Kyle, you're gonna. - Oh no, it was released.

- It was released in Japan. - Okay, well then let's hope. - I mean, the thing is that, I mean, nuclear stuff in Japan is still a contentious topic to this day. Especially after 2011 as well, even more so.

I mean, I can understand it. And also I imagine it's more of a decision on the American side as opposed to the Japanese side. The American side might be like, "Eh, let's not." - Yeah, I mean, from the Googling that I did, it hasn't been confirmed that it's like not getting released. There just hasn't been a release date yet. - Which is weird though. 'Cause even like John Wick, we knew we were getting fucked when it was coming out in September. - Yeah, I mean, it was weird that the Mario movie was released here weeks after everyone else. I'm like, "How does that make sense?"

Like this is a Japanese IP and we're getting it after everyone else? - That just goes to show how slow paperwork in Japan is. It's like we own the IP and we still got a layer. - Couldn't even get the Mario movie. - I do wanna know what the inner workings behind that is 'cause I watched it just with subtitles. I'm like, why did this take a month? I'm feeling like this could have been done on Fiverr

- I don't think you've ever done translation work before. Because I watched it with subtitles as well. And every now and then I was kind of like reading the Japanese subtitles, 'cause a lot of the jokes are very American. Like very pun related, like idiom related. And so I was watching some of the subtitles for it as they were telling some of these like jokes. And I'm just like, I don't think Japanese people are gonna find this funny.

- Like legitimately, like I was reading the subtitles, I'm like, where's the joke?

Because it's like really hard to, you know, fucking me like, oh, you know, fucking Mario's mushroom is like really big and hoo hoo. It's like fucking dick and balls jokes. And I'm just like, it just doesn't really work. You know, when like, I remember like one of the lines like Bowser was like, you know, love really makes me come out of my shell. And I'm just like, all right, first of all, shut the fuck up, Bowser. And second of all, I was reading that in the subtitles. I'm like, they just like, they just gave up on that.

- Oh, they were like, "Oh yeah." - And I was just like, "We don't know how to translate." - She can't really translate, right? - Yeah, exactly. - I did notice though, how much did the audience laugh in your viewing of the "Mario" movie? - There was only another couple in our review. - It was only me, like giggling away at like Jack Black. - Yeah, pretty much. - I was watching the "Mario" movie and like for 90% of it, everyone was fucking like dead silent. - No, that's Japan. That's Japan. - Yeah, and then like,

It's like every time that I thought there was clearly like a joke there, like the one thing that like, you know,

stands out to me the most is, you know, as someone like, you know, kind of like edits jokes in my own videos, there's a certain like pacing and rhythm when a joke's being told. Like when you have really epic music and then you cut to silence, like with the scene of like the penguins throwing shit, like everyone was like dead silent. And then they would just like randomly laugh at like, when there was like zero joke there. Like when Mario was just like running, doing like the montage, people just started laughing. I was like, "Where's the joke?"

This is the hero's moment. - Welcome to the Japanese theater experience. I go like every week and I swear to God,

- If you just have like a random number generator at any point, odds are like that's the only time they'll laugh. Like you just stop it and they're like, all right, it's frame where nothing's happening. And I'm like, what? I watched the movie "Air". It's about like how Air Jordans was made. - Oh, okay. - And I was just like, fuck it, I'll just go watch it and see how it is. And also one thing I found funny is that

You know, you know, Christopher, Chris Tucker, right? From like Rush Hour. Yeah. He was doing, you know, his Chris Tucker-esque acting. Oh, okay. Which is like super fast talking. Yeah. Slang. And I was like, I was like trying to read the subtitles and I was like, there's no way they can translate what he's saying. Like,

like in a way that is like cohesive and Japanese. Yeah. Cause he's just like making a bunch of really like, you know, Chris Tucker isms. And I was like, damn, this is kind of so weird for a Japanese person to see this translated. It must just be like, like translating, like sterile English. This episode is sponsored by express VPN. Going online without express VPN is like not having a case on your phones.

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- It was a weird, I don't know if anyone else has watched the movie. I was just like, why don't they just show Michael Jordan? - Yeah, I mean, I like going to flip that around. I sometimes get that feeling when I'm watching like an anime and I'm like, I feel like I'm getting half of the experience here because they sound like, for something let's say like "Monogatari" or like,

other anime where it's just like, I feel like there is more to this dialogue than I can comprehend in the subtitles right now, but there is no possible way I can actually like- - Take it in. - Fully take it in without just, you know, becoming better in Japanese. - Yeah, that's why like, at least with like "Monogatari", I've always said it was a fucking miracle that there's even a fan base for it outside of Japan. Because it's like, it's already such a niche fan base in Japan.

let alone trying to translate that type of writing into English that still holds onto its meaning and makes it just as good. - Yeah.

I always wonder, I'm like, who are these fans of Monogatari that like watch these episodes and was like, yes, I gleaned enough meaning out of this for me to like it. - Oh, well, I think that just comes down to the writing was just so good that even if you didn't glean everything, you still got like a good enough idea to be like, oh, this is still good. And maybe just like a fuck ton of translators notes back in the day.

if we remember that stuff. I think the biggest hardest part was for me sometimes when there are some times where there's so much dialogue and it's speaking so fast and I'm like, I am breaking the limit trying to keep up with these subtitles. - First episode of "Tatami Galaxy." - Oh my God. That's just like machine gun, like it goes like microseconds. - That was "Rap God" before "Rap God" was a thing. - Oh yeah, that fucking thing.

- So like, I don't know how easy it is to like read, like translate from English to Japanese and be able to like read the subtitles as fast because some actors have certain mannerisms

And way of speaking that I'm like, I don't think the slang exists in Japanese, man. And you're always gonna get something lost in translation as well. - Yeah, definitely. - Yeah. But what else you guys been up to, man? You just came back from Italy, right? - I had a little vacation. I went to Italy, it was fun.

- Why did you, you just wanted to go to Italy or? - Well, yeah, 'cause the rest of our year is gonna be pretty rammed and I was gonna go pretty hard with work anyway. And I thought, you know what, fuck it, I'll take a little time off. I'll spend a week. I'll go to Italy and I'll just chill out. Literally do nothing, like do no work, which is crazy to think.

- Imagine you doing no work. How dare you? - Yeah, so I just went to Italy. I went to the car and then drove around and ate food all day. - Dude, I- - Sounds sick. - Coffee game is unimaginable in Italy. - Wait, which part of Italy were you? North or south? - North, north. I drove around the north.

I just basically went to, I was like, I like this food. Where does it originate from in Italy? And that's why I went there. So I love like Genovese sauce. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I fucking love that. So I was like, I'm gonna go to Genova 'cause that's where it's from. And I had like just an ungodly amount of pesto. It was so fucking good, dude. It was, oh my God, it was unreal. I went to Bologna, Bologna? - Bologna. - Bologna. - 'Cause that's where Bolognese sauce comes from.

which I wasn't a big fan of bolognese sauce, but they do it and it was unreal how hard they do. Dude, it's... I've been to Italy before, so I knew the pasta was good, but I just don't remember it being that good. It was like- - What do you mean? - I think I was like 16, 17, 18, I didn't appreciate it. And now after eating pasta a lot in Japan, I'm like, and I thought it was pretty good here. I thought it was all right. And then going to Italy, I'm like,

- It's not even the same link. It's like the kindergarteners versus the pros. It's not even like that. I don't know how it's just flour. Like, how is this so different? Like, this is crazy. But like every, you know, and pastures I've just never even heard of. I'm like, what the fuck is this? And they're like, actually, yeah, it's a sack inverted of pasture and we stuff it. And I'm like, what? Okay, yeah, give me that. - Hell yeah. - And like I said, like the coffee,

- How much coffee did you have? - Oh, like eight espressos a day. Just 'cause like- - Eight espresso, oh my God. - Just because like, dude, you go anywhere and people offer you espressos. It's so bizarre, right? So like- - Connor's like, why is my resting heart beating 120? - Yeah, for sure. But like I had the lowest heart rate in Italy.

- Yeah, probably. - So I was driving and the first areas I drove around, I needed the car, but then after that it was kind of annoying to have a car, so I- - I ran. - Yeah, I just got the trains, 'cause it was pretty good after that. - Oh, trains, okay. - It's super annoying. You couldn't really go around. You had to go back into Milan and then go back. - Right. - So I was just like, "Fuck this." So I drove the first part. You know where I went to actually?

- Oh, fuck it, I'll get it later. You know where I went to? And I guess this all started because of you. Is that you remember when you bought us the Barolo wine? - Yeah. - I went to Barolo. - Oh yeah. - Oh shit. - I went to Barolo. - You got some Barolo wine? - Dude, it was awesome. - Yeah, hell yeah. - Barolo is such a cool area. I'm talking like fucking son of a guy. It's basically just like this really like picturesque, sprawling hills, really beautiful. I rented a Vespa as well.

- Oh fuck yeah. - Drove that around. - Now we're talking. - That was super high. - Yeah. - Like dude, Italians just also like, okay, there's so much to talk about. Italians just don't give a fuck full stop ever.

I go to rent the spec, but dude just didn't ask me for anything. He was just like, come back in like a few hours. And then I was like, do you need to see my driving license? He was like, oh yeah, yeah, yeah. And I was like, oh, thanks for reminding me. Yeah, I do. And he was like, oh, just give me 50 euros and come back later. I'm like, all right, okay. Everyone was just super chill about everything. But yeah, no, like, so-

as I was saying, coffee everywhere. Like I got on this train and I booked like, I don't know, like the nicer version of the train carriage or whatever. And I sit down at this train, I get on, this guy comes up to me, he's like, "Hey, do you want an espresso?" And I was like- - He's just like carrying an espresso. - I was just like the guy who works there. I was like, "Oh."

- Oh yeah, sure, okay, I'll take an espresso. - Connor can never say no to espresso. - It was like super-sized me, but for espressos. It was like my rule was I wasn't allowed to say no to any espresso. - I had to take every espresso. - If someone offers me a coffee, I have to drink it. - Was it good on the train?

- Super good. - Really? - Dude, this is the thing that I learned about Italy. It doesn't matter how dog shit the area or the building or whatever your place is in, it could be like the most run down. Like everything had an espresso machine in it and a good one. Like I'm convinced people who are like, can't afford their rent or whatever, they're like, damn, I'm homeless, but I'm not an animal, holds espresso machine. You know what I mean? So then I went on the train as well.

And I went to like the food compartment where you can get food. It was barren, there was nothing. It was like two bags of crisps. But of course there was just a giant, one of those really massive espresso. - The pristine ones. - And they're everywhere. And I'm like, oh, I'm like, can I get a cappuccino? And he's like, of course, makes me a cappuccino. Every cappuccino is like one Euro as well. I was like, this is fucked up.

This is so cheap. Everywhere makes coffee amazing. Like everywhere, everywhere does coffee. - Does the Italian government just give each new resident of Italy just like an espresso machine? - Yeah, it's like subsidized. It comes with every house. - Like welcome to the country. Here's your espresso machine. - There's gotta be something I'm missing. 'Cause like those machines are expensive, but they're everywhere. Everyone has one.

And it's so good 'cause like- - That's where the taxpayer money is going. - Dude, I landed in the, I got in the airport and I stayed at the airport hotel, like one nearby. And I stay in this hotel and I wake up and I go to the breakfast and I was kind of just, I'm not gonna lie, I was kind of heartbroken 'cause I went for the breakfast and there was like, it said American coffee and it was just in this like jug and I was like, duh. So I pour it and I start drinking it 'cause I need coffee. And then I see people getting cappuccinos. I'm like, oh fuck.

- Fuck, they're too old. - Salvation. - I'm like, what? And they're like, oh, they're just to order. Fuck, I'm an idiot. So then I had to, I was like, oh, I fucking poured this thing and I drank it all. And I was like, no, one of my coffees, I've wasted it. Yeah, it was insane. - One of my eight a day. - One of my eight a day. - That was wasted on an American coffee. - Oh, it was so good. It was just like the coffee game in Italy is just,

the best I've ever had in my life. It's just the amount that everyone drinks and as well as like everyone just cares. There's no like chains anywhere. It's all just like, everyone just knows how to make good coffee in this good- - You didn't have to go to a single Starbucks?

- No, actually there is a Starbucks roastery, like one of the reserve ones, the fancy ones in Milan, which I checked out. 'Cause I was like, I wonder what Starbucks looks like in Italy. 'Cause it's gotta be like, it's gotta be good, right? - It has to be good. - 'Cause you're in Italy, right? - You'd hope so. - That's like saying McDonald's has to be good in America, right? Surely, surely, surely. - No, no, no, no. - Yeah, about that. - 'Cause I literally had like an hour to kill and I was like, it's right next to where I was staying. I was like, oh, fuck it, I'm gonna have a look. And then I went to the,

- 'Cause they had like the, they do alcohol drinks in that Starbucks. - Oh, do they? - Yeah, so I had like- - Oh, I suppose this is Europe, yeah. - Yeah, I had the espresso martini that they made with olive oil and shit. It was fucking bomb. It was so good. - God damn. - An official message from Medicare.

A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's Extra Help program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to slash extra help. Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

- Dude, but yeah, I passed her every single day for lunch and dinner because- - How much weight did you gain? - I don't know, I haven't checked. I'm not looking. It's like, dude, I remember this as well, but like Italians eat a lot or at least,

'cause you go to the, every dinner they have the like first course, which is like normally like just pasta and then you get a main, but the pasta is like the size of what I would consider to be a main. So normally I'm eating just two main dishes and a fucking starter every night. I'm like dying, but it's so good that I can't stop. And every night I was just in pain, like, oh, I can't do it again. Proceeds to do immediately do it again. But it's so good. And man, Italy is just like, I just felt like when I was there, I was like, man, this is just Southeast Asia.

- How did you get that? - Because there's fucking mopeds everywhere. The mopeds run Italy. Like they were just fucking everywhere. - Like Vespas? - Yeah, and there was no parking for like bicycles, only parking for like Vespas. And it was just, again, everywhere. There's so many of them. It reminded me of when I was in Thailand. And then also everyone's loud, very loud. You go to like a nice family restaurant and everyone is,

It's like a different, it's like enthusiastic. I wouldn't say loud as in like obnoxious, more like everyone's with their family. - Cheery. - They are very, very loud. - How's the driving over there? That's the real test. - Yeah, they're insane. They just, they're not, they don't- - They don't give a fuck. - I'm pretty sure the rules are a suggestion. - Okay, okay. - 'Cause like, I think they think they have like an Autobahn, but they, I don't know if they realize there is a speed limit on it.

'Cause I was going the speed limit and I was the slowest person on the road. - Yeah. - Dude, and like no one indicates ever. - Okay. - Ever. Like no one fucking indicated. - Okay, feeling at home now, feeling at home, all right. - That's anymore in Thailand. - You know what I mean? Like I'm here, I'm like, I'm just in Southeast Asia, but in Europe and it's hot.

The only thing that's missing is like super spicy food. But like it was, yeah, it just reminded me so much of Southeast Asia. - Hello my fellow Italians. No, no, no, no. Like I've always wanted to go to Italy anyway. I kick myself that I never went to Italy when I actually lived in fucking Europe. But it's just the fucking thing. Grass is greener on the other side. - The only problem for you is that you have to eat the crust.

- Yeah, I mean, okay. Here's the thing, Joey. Here's the thing. The crust, I can eat the crust if the crust is good, okay? But 90% of the times, if you are in a fucking party and you order crust from like Pizza Hut or Domino's, I'm like, nah, nah, this is not good crust, all right? But if it's like fresh Italian pizza- - I only had like pizza once.

- I should have pasta all the time. - I mean, I would have a lot of pasta as well. - Yeah, of course. - It's so good and it's so like varied, right? Like I love pizza, but you know. - Yeah, pasta definitely has more variety for sure. - Yeah, there's way more types of pasta I found as opposed to, I mean, pizza is very varied, but you know, it's at the end of the day, some fucking light. - I heard, I remember as well when I went to North Italy, the seafood there was also really fucking good. - Yeah, yeah, I had a lot of seafood. Whenever there was fish on the menu, I would just order it. - Oh, the seafood pasta up there was- - It was really good.

- So good. - Grilled fish was so good. Big fish too. - God, you're getting me hungry, man. You're getting me so hungry. - It was great. It was very good. I think, yeah, I mean privileged, very privileged to be able to go there and enjoy it. It was fucking bomb. Yeah, it was great. I think there's nothing, I don't really have much to say about it. - Yeah, when was the last time you went to Italy before like going back this time?

I think I skied over from France and spent like a day. - Skied over? - You can ski. - Oh yeah. - From France to Italy. - Okay. - Some of the things, yeah. - Ski slopes and borders. - Yeah, yeah. That was the last time I went. But I think the last time I actually went to Italy was, I think I went skiing there in like Turin or something when I was younger. But again, I was like 17, 16. I didn't, you know, I was just like,

when you're at that age, you're like, I just wanna play DS. - Facts. - God damn. - I didn't appreciate the food. - Why weren't we going for Italy for our tour, man? Fuck. - No Italians watch us. - No Italians watch us, goddammit. - Mamma mia. - Come on guys. To completely switch gears from Italy, I watched something interesting recently. It wasn't just the Mario movie. I saw a Thai hentai.

- Oh God. - What? Yes. Okay. - I think I know which one it is. - Okay. - Because I watched it too. - What? - Where was my invite? - I didn't know you watched it either. - Well, I mean, it's gotta be right? Like it's the- - How many are there? Okay, okay, okay. - This is why.

- Okay, to preface. - To say we're done with people. - Okay, I feel like maybe there's something in my blood for me to be a fucking degenerate because I've been to like, you know, anime conventions in Singapore and stuff like that before. And you go to the artist alley

And I remember going to AFA or something and other conventions before that. And going to the artist alley and every cultured artists, like I would hear them talk and everyone was Thai. And I was like, ah, my people, my people were drawing all these cultured fan arts, right? So I had an inkling that there were a lot of like

talented cultured artists and animators in Thailand. And this all came to light when I was just browsing the internet and I saw what I thought was just like a normal hentai. - Yeah, me too. - Yeah, I clicked the episode. So the hentai is called My Mother, all right?

- It's like perfectly SEO generated to fit Connor's needs. - Yeah, it was called "My Mother" and like number two I noticed, it was weird because it was a hentai I'd never seen before. It was just released and everything was like uncensored. And I was like, what? There's uncensored hentai now? What the fuck is going on? So I clicked the episode.

And I'm like, this isn't Japanese. Wait, hold on a second. - I know what they're saying. - I know what they're, I recognize this language. This is my mother's tongue.

And honestly, like genuinely the animation was actually like pretty damn good. - It was very good. - Really? - Yeah, yeah. It was like the character designs were so like actually damn good. The animation was great, but oh my God, I could not, my dick has never been more flaccid in my life.

- Holy shit. I'd never like, I never have heard Ty voice acting in the context of like hentai. - It's bad. - But it was, I couldn't, it's okay. So the plot, okay. With a plot like- - The plot is fucking awful as well. - Yeah. With a plot like "My Mother", right? It's about a guy and his mom. - Okay. - And hearing,

hearing a guy talk to his mom and his mom talked to him with the same phrases that I've heard like in my household as well was just like, this is, I was like, oh my God. - Yeah. - Oh, oh. - And they're blood related as well, which I was kind of like not on board with. - Yeah, yeah. - Nah, that's kind of weird now.

- Now you understand why I'm not into mill fan time. Because it's the exact same thing. I'm just like, I don't want to think about my household. - I don't need it to be like their fucking mom. I just need it to be a hot lady who's older. Like I don't need that. I don't even have kids. - There's a difference. - Like I don't need them to be the mom. So they were like, oh.

"This is the mom." I'm like, "No, no." It's weird. - Yes. - And it's in Thai, which, not to be rude to Thai, but it does not sound hot. - No, it does not. I will agree with you with that. I think one of the big things as well is that the voice acting sounds exactly the same as every Thai soap opera I've ever seen in my life. But then you bring that to the context of a guy and his mother having sex, and I'm just like, "Ugh, okay."

- Actually, incest bad. Oh my God. This is, I get it now. I cannot turn off this part of my brain. This is horrible. - I see people don't like it. - God discoverers incest is my main bad. - Yeah, but I'm like, when you hear Japanese, do you have like a separation between like, okay, this is anime versus this is stuff I used to hear in my household because like, I would hear like certain phrases in this thing and I was just like,

Hearing the mom say, "Hey, son, come over here. Hey, son." And I'm just like, "Oh, don't say it like that. Come on, come on, man, come on." - I mean, kinda, but like, you know, I think at this point I've watched enough anime and hentai in my life where I'm like, this is clearly, this is completely two separate things. And it's like, you know, none of them sound like anyone I know. So it's like, that definitely helps. If it was someone I knew voicing it, then I'd be like, "Ugh."

- No, thank you. Turn that shit off. - So Thai people, you are so close. Please- - Hold on, I gotta check this out. - Please, please, please hire a dubbing company. I beg of you. I beg of you. I don't wanna understand that shit.

- It's just called My Mother. - I don't know how I found it. I think it was just on a hentai website in general and it just popped up and I was like, oh, okay, cool. - Yeah, I think, oh, I have seen this image. - Yeah, 'cause I'm like, there's no way. - I haven't watched it, but. - This is Thai?

- That's Ty, yeah. - It looks good though. - Actually looks good, doesn't it? - Yeah. - Why couldn't it just be her with someone else? Like that would have been preferable. Yeah, 'cause I was like, there's no way a hentai about Melf's release and I didn't know about it already.

- I have the entire release schedule. I know everything that's coming out. - Yeah, I do. I go on like with the website I normally watch hentai on. It just tells you when shit's coming out. And I was like, I'm normally like in my head, I'm like, I don't fucking like put it in my calendar. I'd be like this is how I prepared to get a wank ready. - I forgot to put in fucking. - But I take a mental note. 'Cause sometimes, you know, you find out a hentai is being released and you're like, oh shit, I liked the first one. That was high. - Yeah. - That was high.

- I can't remember how I discovered it. I think it was actually Twitter actually. - Really? That makes sense. - Yeah, I don't know. So I don't know if it's just a me thing, a my timeline thing. - What's going on with Thailand right now? I saw that fucking Jojo thing you retweeted as well. - Yeah, I have no idea. - I thought that was fake. I saw it earlier before you retweeted. I was like, oh, that's sick fan art. And then you retweeted it. It's like, this is legit. And I'm like,

- Cap. - I mean, I could see Thailand doing it. Like Thailand kind of just like, as you saw when you guys went to Thailand with the fucking huge Captain America, huge Mario statue. We just like taking like random culture and just like inserting it whenever we can, even if it makes no sense and being like, look. - It's like the Mario movie. - Yeah, like the Mario movie itself, right? - Yeah.

But yeah, like it's, so I could definitely see a politician just basically using Jojo kind of like art to- - I mean, he's got my vote. That's for sure.

- I mean, it's, it was- - Are you approaching me? It's just the polls. - It's just me walking to the ballot. - I mean, I would say I would love for politics to do more of this stuff outside of Thailand. That would probably make people more interested in it. - Well, Japan, like sometimes they cosplay, right?

- Yeah, well, one of the weirdest things is watching a manga artist I fucking grew up with running for office. - Yeah, yeah. - He's in now, bro. - Is he in? Did he win? - He's in. - Oh my fucking God. - He's fucking in.

The grandfather of panty shorts is in office right now? No fucking way. The creator of Love Hina is a politician. He truly does hold all the power. And he's like, first thing I'm going to do when I go to office, power to otakus. And everyone's like, yeah!

That's why he's a goat. - Yeah, I remember seeing my Twitter where he just had like, when he was running, he had like an office or something in Akihabara. And I was like, this is so surreal right now. This is my, like, I read this man's manga. He was the harem gods and now he's just running for office. Like where are we gonna go next? But I suppose that's not the weirdest thing that's happened in the world now that I think about it.

- Yeah, that's not weird at all. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Someone being a little quirky is not weird. - It was bound to happen in Japan eventually. - Yeah. - For sure. - I feel like stuff that we say is weird is,

was weird like 10 years ago is like totally sane now. It's like the bars, Twitter really changed the bar for what weird is and oh my God, Twitter lately as well. I'm just like, oh my God, this is worse than Pornhub and LiveLeak on one website. This is crazy. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I have no idea what the fuck is going on with Twitter right now.

- I just like, it's so weird going on my feed and I forget to change it for the for you. 'Cause I hate that it defaults to like the recommended feed 'cause that is just a fucking cesspool. - It's like how, have you said YouTube when you open the app, it just loads a short? - No. - Let me show you. - What? - Sometimes you open YouTube, it just plays a short. - Is it because, it might be because the last thing you're watching was a short, right?

So this time it didn't do it, but like, let's say I was watching something. I've noticed that sometimes if I just close it and then I come back to it later on, it'll just fucking stop playing a short even though I wasn't watching a short. - What? - Yeah, I don't know.

- Maybe you just- - Maybe I'm crazy, but I'm pretty crazy. - Maybe you're not. - Sometimes it's like, it's completely reloading the app. Like I see it opening it again, like from scratch and it just loads a short. I'm like, what the fuck? Fuck you. - How many shorts have you been watching? - Oh, you know, you go down the rabbit hole. - Yeah. Have you noticed the amount of like on Twitter, the amount of like every time you open it, there's just,

one person just being dunked on with 100,000 retweets or something. I thought it was cute originally and then I'm like, oh, this is like every single day, twice a day. - Yeah, it feels like-

I don't know if this is the correct word, like not like bullying culture, but like that kind of dunking on people is coming back in again. - Yeah. - It goes in and out online. I feel like it's slowly coming back in again. Being a hater is cool. - I mean, being a hater has always been cool. Like even before the internet, I just feel like maybe Twitter has made it so that it's come right back to the frontline again. And I feel like, okay, here's,

I don't know if Twitter still does this, but it definitely did it when it updated for like, you know, changing from the, just the follower feed to the for you page. So this is like the smallest like asshole designs I've like come across, right?

So I want my Twitter feed to be on my follower feed because the For You page is just fucking awful. But when I'd log on, when this first update- - Always puts it on For You. - No, no, no. So originally it defaulted to the follower, but I would get notifications. I would get a little red dots saying you have new notifications on your homepage.

but I couldn't get rid of that notification by going to the For You page and refreshing and going to the top of the page. So it basically forced me, it forced me with my little, little, little fucking, with just a little red dots. - You care about those little red dots? - I don't. - Oh no. - Wait, you don't? You can go about your life without getting rid of every little notification? - You don't wanna see mine. - I died. - Mine's mine and that. - Mine's fucked. - Look at mine.

- What do you mean? Look at all the dots I have. I have so many. - Oh no. - No, no, no, no. - I've got, on iPhone is different, but I have 6,083 unread emails. - Oh no, no. - Oh guys. - 338 on Discord. - I get pissed off about the things that it thinks I like are urgent. Like why does my Fitbit send me notifications just telling me I'm fat?

- He's fucking spamming shit like, "Wow, you've ran two days this week." It's like, "Fuck off." Like, you know, BBC, right? I'm the BBC ad. And I'm like, "That's great. That's hype." I like checking out news. What it defines as urgent and sending me a fucking notification for pisses me off. I'll be like, "Dog of the year." Actually, that's a good one.

- Yeah, that is urgent. - It's like, I don't know, something so dumb, it'll be like, I don't know, man eats 15 burgers in hot dog eating contest, new record. - I wanna check that out. - And it's just like, what? Like, I don't, it's, I don't know. - You can't just turn that shit off.

- I think you can somehow, but it's like, why do you default do this? I hate this. - Yeah, I mean, I cannot get on with my day unless like every little notification is gone. Otherwise there is just something there. And it's a really bad- - I just have like this much always. - Oh my God. - Like this much.

- It's a really bad habit as well because, okay. So one of the, I was actually late to the recording today because we went to meet up at like 10:00 AM and I came at like 11:00 PM. So.

One of the reasons that happens sometimes is because of my, let's say OCD, where I need to get rid of every notification. Sometimes I just like, if I get a message, sometimes I don't even read the message. Sometimes I just open it so I can get rid of the notification. - No, that's the worst. - You are the worst. - So I can get rid of the notification. - You are actually the worst. - And then I'm just like, okay, I'm going to sleep. So you sent the message at like 9:00 PM or something.

And I was like tired after streaming 'cause I finished at like half past midnight. So I was going straight to bed. I was like, I saw online, I had notifications. I just remember, I think I remember like just tapping the notification and then I'm like, all right, down to bed.

And then I woke up and this motherfucker, this is why I have to quadruple text again. - This explains so much about why you're so ass at replying to anything or getting ahold of you. - There's been so many moments where I've like privately messaged Garnt about something being like, "Hey, I need information on this." And it says fucking red and I'm like,

- So you're gonna answer it or? - I think people will get the assumption that like Garnt is the most, like what's the word? Punctual or good at replying. He's the worst out of all of us. - No, he's absolutely the worst. - 'Cause I have all those notifications, but those are the ones that I deem as like, in my head I'm like, I don't need to answer these right now. - Right. - Yeah. - 'Cause if I get a text, I'll check my watch that vibrates and like pops up and I'm like, that's not important. I wanna keep doing what I'm doing. - Yeah. - But if it's important, I'm like, okay, I gotta reply to this.

- Yeah. - So then I'll reply at the end of the day or in a week. - I just reply to everything on the spot. I'm just like, I hate. - I can't do that. - 'Cause then like, what if it's not urgent and like, 'cause this sounds like such an ass thing. It's like, what if sometimes like,

the more you reply, the more replies you get, right? And sometimes I'm like, I don't want more replies 'cause I wanna do the thing that I was doing. And so if I reply, they'll reply right away and then I gotta reply again. I'm stuck in this cycle of endlessly trying to like reply nonstop. - Maybe I'm just blessed because the people who like I reply immediately back to other people like gone who don't get back to me

half a day, so I'm like, all right, good. My side of the job is done. I'll just wait until he comes back to me 12 hours later and I can just keep doing what I'm doing. - Yeah, for me, it's like half of that, half I check it. I'm like, okay, let me just reply after I finished typing the sentence. And then I finished typing the sentence and then I just like, okay, I've completely forgotten what I needed to do. So I just like, and there's no notification there. So I'm just fucked because here's the thing.

- If I don't see it, it doesn't exist. - I need to reply right away or I'm going to forget. And I know that. So I wish there was a function to be like, okay, you've read it, but can you keep the notification there? I don't know if there is a function like that. - Emails do this. - Yeah, emails do that. - Which I love. - That's why I can manage my emails because emails I'm like, okay, I opened the email, but I can still have a notification that says,

has not read. - Some apps let you snooze, like Line lets you snooze the notification. - Oh, okay. - So you can be like, ping me again about this in two hours. - Right, right, yeah. That's what I need in my life to- - Yeah, just do it. I think you just hold down the notification. One thing that, I don't know if you guys have ever done this, you've ever mentally replied, but you didn't actually reply. - I do that all the time. - Where like in your head, you read the message and then you compose the response in your head

and then you think you've sent it, but then you just haven't. Have you done this? - This is like next level intrusive thoughts. - You've thought of the response and then you're like, but then you got distracted by something. And then you're like, oh fuck, I forgot to send that reply. - Never happened. - The worst thing is sometimes, okay, I go like a step further. Sometimes I literally,

type the reply out and then I forget to send it. - No, I don't do that. No, no, I don't do that. That's fucked. - I get a message like two hours later, it's like, so you can reply. And I always sound like I'm lying when I say, sorry, I literally thought I replied to you 'cause you always sound like you're just like- - You sound like BS when I'm- - Yeah, you always sound like BS, but it's genuinely true. I do it all the fucking time. Either I type out the response. I'm just like, oh, maybe I need to like edit

I don't know if this is the exact response I want. I look away and I just forget to press send. - If it was on Discord, it would just be Guy is typing for like three hours. - To me it's like the mental equivalent of looking for your phone when your phone's in your hands. You know what I mean? It's that kind of thing. - Or it's in your pocket or something. - Yeah, you got your phone in your hand, it's like, where the fuck, where's my phone? I've gotta leave now, I've gotta leave. - I remember I stopped a swimming race one time. It was about to start and I was like, wait,

"Come find my goggles." And they're just on my head. - Yeah, I've been there. - I've done that so many times. I'm like, "Where are my- - Sunglasses as well, this is a classic. - "Where the fuck are my sunglasses? Where are they?" I'm like, "I'm wearing them." - Velma effect. - Probably why I'm into gacha games so much, 'cause every day I get, it's just like, it's just a notification fest. And I like, "Ah, ah."

- Let me do my dadies and get rid of all these red dots, man. Let's clear it out. - When I played Honkai, I was like, how many fucking mechanics are you gonna introduce to me? Stop. Every five seconds is like, all right, now we have this mechanic. I'm like, what is this? Stop. - Never ending. - And I feel like it's made people like you. They wanna log in every day and feel like they're doing a lot of things, but actually you're just doing nothing. - Yeah, I remember when I first started playing Genshin for the first time, like,

like when I go back into it, I like the first hour of that gameplay was just me clearing notifications. And then I was just like, okay, shit. Now I actually have to play the game, but that was actually pretty fun actually. I felt a lot of, yeah, that was a neuron. - It's like cleaning your room.

- It is, it is, right? - It's just like, oh, it's all done. - Yeah, except it takes a lot less effort. So I enjoy it way more 'cause cleaning my room actually takes effort. - Yeah, you're doing that while you're sitting in your dirty ass room. - Yeah, right? Yeah, I don't know. It's, yeah, my brain's just wired weird.

- Yeah, you can only play Gacha games. - Yeah, okay, here's the thing though. - Bill Diff. - Okay, have you checked your screen time? Like how much time do you spend on your phone? - How do I check? - So you go to your settings, right?

- So you go to your settings and you go to- - Screen time, here we go. - Yeah, digital wellbeing and parental control. - Fuck, no, why is it called that? I hate that it's called that. 'Cause that makes me sound like I'm sick. - So this week I've had a daily average of seven hours, 47 minutes.

- Seven hours. - But it's down to 8% from last week. - No, it can tell me how many times I've opened my phone. 160 on Tuesday, what went wrong? - Holy shit. - Wait, what? - On Monday the 33. - All right, hold on, let's see.

- Okay, so my digital wellbeing is actually pretty damn good. 'Cause I saw some YouTube videos about this where people had like 15 hours, 20 hours screen time. And I don't know how that's even possible. That means every waking moment they are looking at their phone. - It showed me how many times I picked up my phone. Daily average 91. - Mine's actually like 90% YouTube.

- Yeah, so actually like my, compared to a lot of people, I asked Sydney hers and she was like eight hours, nine hours. And I'm like four hours, four hours or three hours 40. That was a bad day, eight hours. But yeah, normally I'm in the rounds between like,

between three hours and on bad days, eight hours, but it never goes beyond eight hours. So I actually try to minimize my screen time as much as possible. - I don't know that bad. - I don't know that, I just saw one that said 10 hours. - Yeah, that was, yeah like- - 10 hours, four minutes. - Yeah, that's 'cause I was on a plane. - All right. - Okay, okay. - I just watched YouTube.

Apparently I spent 33 minutes on Uber Eats yesterday, which how does that even like, I think what must've happened is like I have a mobile, a wireless phone charger. And a lot of times I just like when I order Uber Eats, I just leave it open so I can see where the- - Okay, okay, okay. - But like I also, I go in and out of phases where I need like audio playing when I sleep.

- Yeah, but I just turned off my screen for that. That doesn't count towards yours. - Oh, it doesn't? - No, no, no. - I turned off my screen as well. - I turned off my screen for that too, so maybe I'm coping. But like yesterday, this makes no sense 'cause yesterday I was streaming literally from like dusk till dawn. And apparently I was still on my phone for six hours.

- How does that make any sense? I was literally streaming the entire day. How am I on my phone for six hours? - What were you on? - YouTube mainly. - Why were you on YouTube while you were streaming? - I don't know. - Did you have your phone, your YouTube on while you were streaming? - Maybe. Actually, when I take a bath, I always watch YouTube when I take a bath. - Okay, all right. - Normally when I'm, I don't know, if I wake up or if I'm getting ready, I just always like look at, I don't know,

- We're addicted to our phones. - We are addicted to our phones. - What percentile am I in? Am I like a diamond rank screen time user or? - I actually don't think you're that high. - Well, screen time for this device. - Yeah. - The other device, I'm definitely in the top 0.1%. - I don't count the computer. - Wait, why? - Okay, okay, okay. Because it's work, right? Because it's work, you know?

Would an office worker count the screen time for them on like Excel? No. - I'm always in front of a screen. It's either my PC, I'm either at the gym and I'm running in front of that fucking screen. I'm either taking a bath, I'm pooping. I'm always in front of a screen. - But the thing is, if you're on your phone, you're definitely not working. This is like the screen time I spend on my phone is the time when I could be doing- - I'm sometimes working.

- Tell me, tell me, Joey, what work are you doing on your phone? - I'm doing like my clothing stuff. - Sell my stocks. - Okay. - Dump it. - Sell my stock stuff on my phone. - Sell my NFTs. - You got eight hours of screen time for stocks? Hell yeah. I'm watching every increment go up and down. Like sell now. Right now. - Sell, sell, sell. - Sell, sell, sell right now, right now.

- I mean, it's depressing that I read that. I don't wanna look at that. - It is depressing. But I mean, I think it used to be a lot more. I think I actually, I'm glad 'cause I've got my like, I guess social media screen time down. I'm not scrolling so much on Twitter and Instagram. - Yeah, I wish that the information is nice, but I wish that was like, how can I look at like,

how long I've, what are the trends that I've spent on certain apps? Like have I spent more this month on like Twitter or like why is that? Let's have a look. I know a lot of people have those extensions on Chrome that can like block you from going on a website from certain time periods. So when they're working, they're like, I'll block Twitter 'cause I can't trust myself to not go on Twitter while I'm working. Which I've always considered that, but I'm like,

"Did you get good?" Just like, just control it. - Mine never matter. - Like I feel like I'm,

- I don't know, in my head I'm like, I wanna be, I don't know. Is it weird that I'm like, I wanna be the one who stops myself. - Yeah, you wanna be in control. - Yeah, I wanna be telling, like I wanna, if the only way I can get control is that I have to like physically block myself, I feel like there's an issue. - Yeah, okay, so I actually saw this like, this is like a fucking TikTok or fucking YouTube shorts kind of like device, like, oh, devices you need in your life. And it was literally a lock for your phone.

- Oh yeah, I've seen that. - Have you seen that? It was like a safe for your phone. - My friend has one of those. - Where you put your phone in the safe and you lock it and you can't open it. Like you set the timer and you cannot open that lock until the timer runs out. And I feel like if I did that,

I would obsess more about how I could get this phone fucking open, this lock open than I would actually trying to like not look at my phone. That would be a bigger distraction than actually having my phone there in my opinion. - Yeah, I mean, I understand that for some people they need to block things

you know, like if you're addicted to like gambling or something, you have to like, you can submit the paper saying, don't let me in. - Yeah. - Which I understand stuff like that. But for like me personally, for me, like self-control, it's very important for me to feel like I am limiting myself and there's not some external factor that's limiting me. Otherwise I don't really feel like I've solved the issue if I do have an addiction to any, whatever it is. And I,

- I'd get so fucking pissed off if my phone wasn't locked in a safe. - I would. - 'Cause I'd be like, I actually have to reply to something. This is stupid. - Yeah, I would find a way to like go around that. I'd be like, okay, now I need to log into all my messaging apps on my computers now. All right. And it would just like, I don't know, that to me would feel bad for me because it would feel like I'm not in control. So I would be pissed off and I'd be pissed off at myself for the fact that I would need a device like that.

But you know, I understand everyone's mind is different. - Everyone has a different way. - Everyone has a different way. For me, I just like feeling like I am in control, even if sometimes I'm definitely not in fucking control. - Everyone's got an addiction to something. Everyone's got that something that they're like, damn, I maybe do this more than I should or I eat too much food or whatever it is. Everyone has that vice or something they're addicted to and it's up to you to keep control of that. - Yeah, well it's like- - Garnet's got you.

- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, now, now, now, now, now boys, now. I am a gamer, okay? I like the gaming side. I like the gaming side of it, guys. I'm in it for the anime characters, all right? Yeah. - I played an RPG the other day.

- Which one? - That wasn't Honkai? - Yeah, I was hoping for more fanfare on that one. I was hoping for claps and applauses. - Oh, let me hear what you've played for us. - Yeah, let me hear what you've played. - Well, I watched John's video, "Super Eyed Patch Wolf." It was called like the cruelest video game whatever. - Oh, yes. - Oh, yeah, I saw that one. - I watched like one minute of it and I was like, pause, I wanna play this.

I wanna watch the video 'cause I wanna play this game. It's called "Fear and Hunger" and it's this fucking horrible grotesque game with disgusting things happening in it.

And yeah, it was definitely one of the coolest video games I've ever played. - Did you beat it? What makes it so cool? I haven't had time to watch John's video yet. Sell it to me. - Okay, so it's a dungeon crawler mixed RPG, mixed with resource management and you're dropped into this world in like a medieval setting. It's extremely, extremely heavily inspired by "Berserk."

- Yeah, okay. - Because the plot is that you get to pick one of four classes and your job and each character has a different motivation for why they wanna find

He's called Lagarde, but in this, for all intents and purposes, he's Griffith. Griffith has gone into this dungeon to seek more power and it's your job to go and find him. Like one of the characters job is to like, he wants revenge. One of the characters to save him. One of the characters is just 'cause maybe he's like a vessel or something. And your job is to go into this dungeon and save him before he dies. 'Cause there's a time limit and when he's gonna get killed.

The thing is, is that this world that you've entered is not your world. It's not like, it's like a different place in this world. Think like "Dark Continent", "Hunter Hunter". - Right, right. - Again, the game is very heavily inspired by anime.

- There's so many anime references in this game. And again, it's just one big omen to like berserk as a plot. And so you enter this world and it's just really like unsettling. Like there's no music right away. You know, there's like really weird, like, you know, in the shuffling sound and RPG maker, it's just kind of weirdly unsettling. Like think of like Ib and Madfather, they kind of like scrolling around these world. And then, you know, you immediately get into this game and then,

you're walking and everything's kind of like this blood everywhere, this body's hanging. There's also dicks everywhere. Everything is a dick. - Right. - It's pretty grotesque. And you go into this world and then you get attacked by two wolves right away. And you try to fight these wolves, odds are you'll die. - Right. - Thing is though, is that enemies can attack with

- Wait, enemies gonna tap with their limbs? - So normally in RPG enemies, right? If there are two wolves, then that's two turns by the enemy, right? Wolf one and wolf two. In "Fear and Hunger," wolf one has four attacks. - No, no, no. So certain enemies have certain ones. So the legs are normally for movement and the two arms means, but for wolves specifically, they bite. But other enemies, if they have two hands, they have two hits.

- Oh shit, okay. - And there's a dismemberment system where you have to dismember the enemy to then be able to land a headshot to kill them.

But there's that balance between you can go for headshot right away, but the chance of hitting it very low. But if you cut their legs off, they lose balance and it's easy to land a headshot. But if the enemy has arms, they can still hit you. And so you can either get rid of their arms first and then they can tackle you, which is a very weak attack. Then go for the legs, then go for the head. And it's like this kind of like balancing act where you kind of got to decide what's the best way to go for. And these enemies do a lot of damage.

And let's say an enemy has like a meat cleaver, you know, 'cause the wolves will kill you right away. And so you load the game up again and you manage to get into the castle right away. An ogre will approach you right away and will hunt you down and he catches you right away.

and his dick is just out on the floor. It's gross. But what you'll learn right away is, is that this ogre, when he hits you with this hacksaw, he just dismembers you and you've permanently lost that arm for the rest of the run. - Okay. - And if he hits your leg, you lose the leg. And if you lose both legs, you have to crawl for the rest of the game.

So it's horrible. And so let's say you're fighting this ogre, right? And you managed to cut his arm off. He then, at one point during this fight, and this introduces you to this mechanic, he walks up to you and it's really like creepy. He goes, a prompt will appear, heads or tails. - Right. - So then you flip the coin and if you call it correctly, you dodge the attack. If you call it incorrectly, you just basically die.

And in the starting one, you kind of get dismembered and then you get dropped in a dungeon filled with blood and you have no legs and you're crawling around and it's fucked. And so you basically have to restart the run 'cause you can't do the game with no legs. - Also it's hermodeath as well. So if you die, then you have to go back to the beginning of the game. - Oh no, no, there are saves. But here's the fucked up thing about the saves is that the saves are coin tosses.

And if you fail the coin toss, a really OP enemy will spawn to greet you and your save doesn't count. And you have to fight the enemy and that enemy can one shot. And if your party member dies, they're dead. You can't revive them.

And you can collect party members, but they also can get infected and they get dismembered. And again, it's a resource management. So you're hungry and you have like MP and MP is hard to refill. It's called mind and they go insane if you don't have enough of it. Hunger, there's not enough resources in the game as well. So you have to manage, if you want a full party, which is great 'cause you're more powerful, but you need more food.

And so that's problematic. - Also, there is absolutely no merit to fighting enemies because you don't get experience. - Yeah, they don't drop items. So you don't need to fight enemies, but certain times you'll just be, you can't run away. Sometimes it's just quicker to kill them. And all of the items in the world are randomly placed. So it's just like a pool. So in some runs you could just not get anything OP. In other runs you might get super OP items right away.

- Or in my run, the item to refill your mana is alcohol and opium. It's called mind. So it's your sanity. So the only way to refill your sanity is to drink alcohol or smoke opium. - Get high or get drunk. - And I kept getting opium, but I needed a pipe to smoke it. I didn't get it right until the end. So I was like struggling the entire game. - Just carrying around

- I'm like, what do I do with this? - You get like kids and stuff and you have to make the kids smoke the crack or the opium to like help them. - This sounds like a fever dream here. - It's like JLPG on crack. - And then like, you know, it's like, it's really like, you know, in the start it's more like they're like more humanoids and the deeper you go into this dungeon and find more about the world, they all start to get a little more like really surreal and like creepy and very kind of like, what's the- - Some of the enemies just are absolutely fucking

- Yeah, like more nightmare fuel. - Genuinely terrifying. - Bosses are very difficult and it's very unforgiving. And there's like 15 endings all,

you can do a bunch of different things. I got two endings, both were kind of meh. It's really hard to get the true ending. - Yeah, maybe it's 'cause I'm not a gamer, but this doesn't sound fun. - Hold on, rewind to about 15 minutes ago when you were like, "I'm a gamer." - So like, it's actually an amazing game. - Okay. - And the story is really fascinating because it's about like, so you're trying to save this guy, but it's about like how there's like,

One of the characters is like his village was attacked by like the main characters, like country and army and there's different gods involved. And there's a whole lot of stuff going on and you pick up books throughout. By the way, the only way to get lore a lot of the time is from a coin flip. So sometimes you go to a bookshelf and to get more lore, you have to win the coin flip. And if you don't, you just don't get the lore. But again, like the entire game and like a lot of reviews say this, like,

the difficulty does not come from like any kind of gameplay. It's all like, the difficulty comes from just knowing what to do because

- Like as well in the game, right? You have a coin flip, right? - Yeah. - You're like, great, this is awesome. 50/50 chance for everything. - That is not awesome. That is the opposite of awesome. - But what you do, what the game doesn't tell you at any point, unless you click on the item, which you would never do, is that you can pick up stuff called lucky coins and they're very rare. But when you do get them, you hold shift down. The game doesn't tell you any of this. You hold shift and then you flip two coins.

And then now only one of them needs to land on it. - So you've doubled your chances. - So you've made it from 50% to 75% chance. So now suddenly saving becomes at least a little bit safer. - 75%, oh no. - You're a Dutch again, 10% is good for you. So yeah, and then like, you know, you're also like walking around and there's like prompts at the bottom of the screen sometimes that just tell you information like, oh, your party member's hungry. - Yeah. - It's going low. And then sometimes,

There's like a prompt and you have no idea what this prompt means. And it initially, it goes, "A terrifying presence has entered the room." And you're like, "What? What does that mean?" And throughout the game, there's just this like, think of like Pyramid Head in Silent Hill just following you and he's OP as fuck and he's just hunting you down. So there's also this added pressure of that.

already along with resource management and just trying to survive. - After watching John's video, I was like, I think I would love this game, but it just sounds way too fucking stressful for me right now. - It's stressful, but I think it's a good kind of stress where you feel very rewarded the moment you find stuff out.

Like I, in this world as well, like there's this item that I wasted because I didn't know what it was. 'Cause it's not explained to you. Nothing is explained to you in this game. If I didn't have Twitch chat, I think I just would not have played this game. 'Cause it's just like, I don't understand how you would learn anything without looking up a guide. You can't play this game without a guide, I'm pretty sure. I just don't know how you would. - Or not without like a ton of trial and error. - Yeah, you'd have to do like, but even like for this example, right? How would you learn this? Unless maybe it's hidden in one of the books that you have to coin flip for. You got a thing called an empty scroll.

and I opened it up and I couldn't close it. I didn't know what it was. And you just type stuff in. And I was like, well, I can't do anything. And you put three verses in. I was like, what the fuck? So I wasted it. And then right at the end, I picked up another one and someone on my chat told me, oh, by the way, you can just ask God for anything. I was like, what? He's like, yeah, you should ask for anything. I'm like, are you kidding me? And I'm like, how? - Wait, what's God?

- So in the game, the theme of God plays a very like becoming God or the existing gods play a very, very heavy role in this. And you start to learn more about the gods. And so you can just ask the God for something, but you have to type in like a very specific set of words initially before you can ask for what you want. And I'm just thinking who the fuck would find this out?

But then I did it and someone in chat told me, ask for this thing and ask for it. And by the way, there's healing items in the game and your characters have a hundred HP and you only get healing items every now and then. And they only heal for like 10. So you can barely ever heal your party to full. Gate found me this thing where you can just,

heal your whole party for 30 health or 40 health with a spell that costs MP and you can regenerate MP pretty easily. So I was like, what the fuck? This makes the game so much easier. And if I didn't get the stupid fucking spell, I wouldn't have known that. - Yeah. - So it's like you, you, it's,

- Very punishing, but also it's really cool kind of trial and error experimenting. I'd say like the best way to play the game is to just grind a little bit, just die a bunch, figure stuff out. It's very satisfying. And then when you get kind of later on, just fucking look at a guide because it's so fun. - Oh no, from the way you described the game, that's like a level beyond, okay, this is a hard game. And if you like- - It's not hard.

- It's easy, but you just need to know what to do. - That's the thing Connor, like how can you- - Brain surgery isn't hard, it's easy if you know what to do. - It's like if I gave you a Rubik's cube, right? And you were able to put it in online and then have the algorithm walk you through every movement. Like I wouldn't describe that as hard, right? Like following that algorithm. Whereas,

giving someone a Rubik's cube for the first time and being like, solve it. That's hard, right? It's the same challenge, but when you're presented with more information, the challenge becomes exponentially easier. So it's not a difficulty that derives from any skill or anything like that. It's not just-

- It just sounds like you have to be a madman to play through the game enough to get the information you need. - Oh yeah. - And the amount of trial and error you go through, right? - Oh fuck yeah. I mean like I went through most of the game without looking at anything. And I was able to get decently through the game. And it was pretty much just when I wanted to start actually getting the endings where I had to actually look what to do 'cause the endings are very odd to get. Like I just went through

killing everything that I could until I got to an ending and it was just a weird ending. Yeah, it was very strange. - From what it sounds like, this sounds like a streamer game. - No, you can't stream it there. That's the thing is that you could only stream it recently 'cause someone had made a censored mod. - Right. - 'Cause there's like,

there's sexual assault in it, really fucked up things. - Right. - Yeah, John's video is censored to shit. - Oh, okay. - It's hard to recommend, but it's like, it captures that really uncomfortable horror vibe that I haven't had from a game in a very long time that I really enjoyed. And so that's why I'd recommend everyone play it 'cause it's, not everyone, sorry. Fuck, no, do not play it.

- Kids, kids, I found the new game for you. - If you like really fucked up games that challenge you and really make you feel anxiety and scared, then yeah, it's great. I fully recommend it. - Apparently there's a second one as well, which is even harder than the first one I've heard. - Well, yeah, I mean, from what I haven't played it, obviously, but from what I understand from the plot, it's, maybe you'd like it, it's very anime-esque. It takes a lot from,

Majora's Mask, 'cause there's a moon, it's evil, and there's three days. And the premise of the second game is that it's a more open world and you have to be the, there's like 20 or 10 other people who come on this train journey that crashes. And then you have to kill everyone else and be the last person alive. - Right. - Damn.

but you don't have to kill people and stuff. But it sounds interesting. And it's set during, I think, World War II. - Yeah, it probably wouldn't be a game for me just because I have, I don't, I have patience, but that just sounds like a bad time. - I liked it 'cause I loved "Berserk" a lot. And it was like- - And you love "Jump King" as well. You love- - Well, it's like,

- It was sick. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It kind of captured that kind of really uncomfortableness that Berserk gave me. I mean, 'cause it's basically like a Berserk. There's direct comparisons to like, and you can fucking get Guts' armor in the game. Like you can go, there's a place where you can get this armor that penetrates your body, like spikes and stuff. But like, yeah, it's cool 'cause it's kind of like, what if,

somebody who was very heavily inspired by Berserk kind of did a very fucked up, I mean, Berserk is pretty fucked up. Like a different take on it for a video game where you can really delve into it and kind of have branching paths. It was really interesting. I really enjoyed it. That was cool. - Yeah, I mean, I still need to play the new Zelda that comes out before I get into any other games. - Yeah, that's what I've been doing for the past four days. - I'm not touching that for a while. - You're not touching that? - I'm gonna chill out for a little bit. I'm good.

- I know, I know it's good. - Is it as good as people are making it out to be? Is it better than "Breath of the Wild"? - It's like, I don't know. It's obviously a direct sequel. Like it literally takes place right after the events of the first game. But kind of also,

is like the law behind it is also like kind of prequel-y as well. So like the, it's the events that are happening in real time after the first game, but the story is more so about before the first game. - Is the story better? - I think the story is a lot better. - Okay. - Yeah, for sure. I think the story in the second game is a lot better because you actually like get to find out more about like Zelda and you know, the kind of state of Hyrule at the time. And like Ganon in this game is just, he's such a chat. He's so hot.

- I'm just saying it right now. I'm saying right now, this like, 'cause this is full on voice acting now and Ganon and like all these characters are like just full on talking and the Japanese voice- - Does Link talk? - No, Link still just goes, as he usually does, but like,

when you go to like certain areas in the game where you can pinpoint pieces of Zelda's past, there's just full voice acted cut scenes and Ganon's voice, Ganon's Japanese voice is fucking hot. I'm just gonna say it outright. It's fucking bad ass. - Does he sound like Jotaro? I imagine he sounds like Jotaro. - He's like a cross between Jotaro and Dio.

- It's fucking bad ass. Yeah, but like the power-ups are completely different now that you get like, so in like Breath of the Wild, it's like a lot of it had to do with like using bombs and stuff like that, right? And the Sheikah Slate stuff. This time it's way more like, I guess, craft based. - Yeah, it's like Banjo-Kazooie nuts and bolts. - It's like Minecraft.

- Yeah, I saw like the vehicle building system that they had and that looks like a lot of fun. - Yeah, using that in like all the temples to like kind of basically craft shit to get over certain puzzles is so fucking satisfying when you get it right. And just some of the shit I've seen on Twitter of just- - Breath of the Wild speed runners are gonna beat that game in 10 seconds. - Oh bro. - Like some of the shit I've seen on Twitter of people making these like insane contraptions. Like I saw a Japanese dude on Twitter who just made like a full on Gundam.

- Holy shit. - He made like a functioning Gundam that just fucking walks and shoots lasers through his hands and shit and just destroys the Bo-Koblin village. And so it's just like, I feel like the creative side of like Breath of the Wild is just like amplified tenfold in this new game.

- People have been really creative about how to torture fucking Koroks. - Oh yeah. - Or whatever, right? I've seen so many Twitter memes and Twitter threads being like, "This is how we've committed war crimes against Koroks." A thread. - Is it the same map as Breath of the Wild? - It's pretty much the same map, but now there's like an extra layer above it and an extra layer below it. So now it's literally like Minecraft where it's like, they have kind of this underground layer, which is an exact,

of the surface, but it's like the nether in Minecraft. So you go down and like the enemies are harder, it's harder to heal, they're more resources and stuff like that. And then there's also islands in the sky that you can fly up to. And there's like extra little layers there. So the world is like three times bigger now from the breath of the wild. - I just know it's gonna be a dick.

- I know, I've been playing it for the past like, I think I've already sunk like 40, 50 hours into that game. - Yeah, it sounds like it's even bigger than "Breath of the Wild," which I already put enough hours in. Are the puzzles any better? Because I know like one of the big criticisms was that, oh, you know, it's missing the Zelda magic 'cause the puzzles aren't as good as they were before.

- I think the puzzles in this one, at least for me personally, a little bit more challenging because you do have to kind of get more creative with the puzzle. I mean, some of the puzzles are like just a walk in the park where it's just like more of a tutorial on how to use certain abilities and shit. But like some puzzles I was like legitimately stuck on for like a long time. Like others, like others I literally just had to like cheese it.

Just being like, I'm pretty sure this is not the intended way of doing it, but I still got through it. - I think they know that. I think they know that you can cheese it and that's, I think that's part of the joy, right? - I think so, yeah. - Cheesing a game is fun. - It's like, oh, I'm pretty sure this isn't the way I was supposed to do it, but I still did it anyway. And that's pretty hype. - You feel like you're smarter than the game. - Yeah, exactly. Like Zelda, like Breath of the Wild especially, and you know, the new game as well, just seems like a game built for speed runners.

- Oh yeah. - Speed runners are like frothing at the mouth being like, how can we break this game in the most efficient way possible? - I mean, I think like the breath of the wild 80% speed run is like 20 something minutes or something. - Yeah. - Which is like stupid to watch. It's just like, I've never seen a game from like the modern era be that fucking destroyed by speed runners like ever. It is beautiful to watch. - Yeah. I just, I really want to play. I do really want to play. It's just, I also want,

I know it's like one or the other, which is the big reason why I still haven't played Elden Ring. It's just like, it's those games where like, I know once I start, I'm not stopping until I finish it. - I mean, that's why I was like kind of dreading

you know, stepping into Honkai. - Yeah. - 'Cause I was like, I already am obsessed with one game. - Yeah, that game plays itself. - I do not want to balance the other game. - Okay, but like the thing, okay, part of the reason I am into games like Honkai and, you know, Genshin and stuff like that, it's because are they,

are they better games than other AAA games out there? I would say, you know, especially Genshin, no. You know, Genshin is not better than something like Breath of the Wild, but is it more manageable to play through a game like that for me,

at least for me, than a AAA game that I'm going to spend hours and hours in. Yes, it is more manageable. I can load up Honka on my phone and I could play for a little bit and that's no issue at all. When I get into a game like Zelda or Elden Ring, I'm like there for eight hours. - Well, that's how the game, I feel like they almost trick you, mobile games like that because it's like how,

- Sometimes you think that like watching a YouTube video is easier and more convenient than watching Netflix or something because you think that like, oh, I can just pause at any time and stop. And it's low risks. It's not a big thing. It's not like a AAA movie, right? But I think you end up pretty spending more time playing like Honkai or Genshin or whatever

because you feel like it's so easy to play it. - Oh yeah, yeah. - I mean, just because you feel at any time you can stop and there's no pressure. You know what I mean? - Yeah, definitely. - 'Cause they allow you and almost encourage you and it's advertised in a way and the game feels low stakes. So you don't feel like, oh, I'm just gonna play a little bit and then you play for like five hours and then you tune out.

- I mean, Elden Ring is more like, I'm committing to this boss. - Yeah, yeah. Like for me, that's what makes gacha games so, I guess, appealing to me is that there is that choice. There is that choice between like, okay, sometimes I just wanna grind out the story of Honkai and Genshin and I play for like five hours or something. That's great. And then sometimes I can just load up my phone, do like a single side quest

And then that's completely fine as well. I'm always making some kind of progress and depending on what my schedule is like and what my life is like at the time, it always fits the schedule, like no matter what. And that's what makes it just so much more accessible. And the fact that you can play it fucking anywhere. You can play it on a PC. I sound like an ad read right now, but that genuinely is why I play them, you know? Because it's just suited towards

Towards my gaming style. Sometimes you just need that experience that blows your mind. That's like Alvin Ray. Sometimes you just need that experience.

- I don't know, like okay. - Life changing experience. - Okay, back to the hashtag ad, but Honkai has like genuinely surprised me. I genuinely think it is a good game with moments that I did not expect from a gacha game. Like there were moments later in the story, which I'm not gonna spoil, but like made me like genuinely like, holy shit, this is not just gacha game good, this is just like good, good now. And it's,

It's like, it worries me as well, just because it's making a shit ton of money. And while I do like Honkai, I don't want every game in the gaming industry to be like a gacha game. 'Cause at the moment right now, Honkai feels more like a triple-A game with gacha elements, right? Which- - I don't know. I mean, I think the turn-based combat, when that's happening, I'm like, "Oh, this is good." And we go to the overworld, I'm like,

You know what I mean? Like it's, I mean, it's a great game. It was fun. Yeah. Yeah. It was just like, oh, it was like super limited and very like, I don't know. It didn't,

- I haven't played enough to say any opinion, but like from the little I did play last night on stream. Yeah, I've kind of, I'm a little bit on Connor's side in that instance where I like the actual gameplay, like battle elements. - Yeah, I think that's like really polished. - Oh yeah, they've crushed it on the turn-based combat. They managed to make turn-based combat feel

kind of exciting. Yeah. Which I like, because normally I don't like turn-based combat because I just think it's boring. Yeah. But they've done it in a way that feels pretty active

and it's very flashy. - Yeah, I made the joke on stream yesterday where I was like, oh, finally I can play a turn-based RPG and not have a dead stream. Because you play any other turn-based RPG game on stream and it just does not do well. You can't play like a Final Fantasy on stream and it do well consistently. - I mean, yeah, like I've just played the RPG as well, right? And that was turn-based combat. And that did like, I mean, it sounds fucking weird to praise a dismemberment system.

That was a kind of gameplay that was kind of exciting. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - For sure. - There was that tension there, right? - Yeah, and the fact that if you get hit, there was consequences. Whereas in a lot of turn-based combat, and kind of Genshin too, I don't really fucking give a shit if I die. There's no consequences for dying or failing a fight. So I rarely care.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, like I think I'm starting to get sold on turn-based combat. There are still some systems like it's so- - Join us. - I mean, it's so weird, right? Because I've really, really liked the Honkai turn-based combat system because, but that's just because there's something about it that just feels

so satisfying and I don't know why it's really satisfying. Maybe is the flashiness, maybe is my monkey brain go, "Ooh, pretty colors, like good sounds." - I mean, the alts are pretty fucking flashy. - Yeah, yeah, because the thing is, it's not that

compared to other turn-based combat systems I've played. In fact, it's very, very similar to the Trails series, which I got into before. - You look at Final Fantasy and you're like, how many fucking magic spells do I have? And I gotta manage all the buffs and debuffs. Like the Honkai has like two buttons and an ult. - Yeah, and I will say this, as someone who's now finished the first two games of the Trails series,

I fucking hate the combat system, man. It is, it is, it's turn-based and it's more complex than Honkai, but I just find it boring, man. To me, it's just boring. And I don't know why. Maybe it is, maybe I'm just a basic ass gamer who wants pretty colors and nice music, but that, that,

- That to me, like music is such a big factor in whether I enjoy video games, especially if I'm doing something as mindless as like turn-based combat. - That's why persona is the goal. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's why persona is the goal. - That's the whole reason why. - And like one thing I'll say, like Honkai has fucking great music. And I'm like, that's all I need. - They did not have to go that hard. - They went so fucking hard. - The boss theme.

they did not have to go that hard. - That's pretty good. - Yeah. - Do you find that turn-based combat almost benefits when it's simpler as opposed to being very complicated?

- I think there's a fine balance. Whereas like I've played like a variety of like super simple turn-based to like fucking- - What's like simple, like Pokemon? - Yeah, Pokemon is very simple, right? You choose between four moves at most, you know, some item management and that's about it, and party management, right? Whereas you play, you know, like some early Final Fantasy games, for example, where it's like, or like, you know, some of the Dragon Quest games where you just have like every character has like 70 different spells

70 different items you can choose from. - I think it suffers quite a lot when it's over complicated 'cause you just like, you would look online and you're like, here's the most broken combo that you can do that one shots enemies. 'Cause the devs didn't think about combining fucking stupid spells together like this. And it's like, 'cause how could you have? And the game's out and you can't patch it. And so maybe there's just, when it's too complicated, I always find there's either, you're always over, you're either completely over optimized and you're one-shotting everything later on in the game or you're completely under optimized 'cause you just,

you're playing the game normally and you're like, I don't fucking know how this all interacts. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like I think there is a like a balance. There's like a golden spot where there is some complexity to it, but there's not too much that you kind of get overloaded. - Persona is pretty straightforward, right? - Yeah, Persona is just like, you do physical attack, you shoot a weapon or you use spells. That's it. - For me, like Persona has that perfect balance. Some more traditional JRPGs like,

Like I'm gonna go back to Trails for example, which, you know, on top of its combat system, it has like the equipment system as well. And there are so many different fucking ways you can build a character, which is like great to some people, but I'm just like,

- I just like, because here's the thing for like in trails, like it goes through like stages. So you have like a certain storyline then you go to the next storyline, the next storyline. And I was like looking up guides and apparently there's like optimal builds you can do for each character that suits that.

like mission the most. And I'm like, - I hate those. - And I'm like, this is too much prep time for me to play the game. I just want to play the game. I want to get through the story. But sometimes I spend like fucking hours just going to the shop being like, okay, what are the new items available now? What are the new courts available now? Okay, how do I optimize these for my party? Which is like already out of like

eight members in my party. So you need to choose four members from your eight member party. And then out of those four members, you have to decide what equipment you want to give them, how you want to build them. And that's just for one mission. I extrapolate that for like eight missions in terms of the entire game. I'm like, this is too much. - That was my exact problem with the new Fire Emblem game as well. - Right, right. - Where it's like, where I was like,

That was the one game where I realized I was like, oh, maybe having too many playable characters is actually detrimental to the game because the new Fire Emblem game, you can literally play like 40 different characters. And there's like guides online of like, all right, so with this character, you can do this optimal build and this character, you can do this optimal build, unless you're gonna be doing this mission with these characters. And I'm just like, I just want all the cute girls in my team

- And just make them all OP and just fucking power through it. That's all I wanna do. - It's a comic game with like four characters that feel fun to play and all feel very distinct and unique and have good personality and character writing. There's so much more compelling than 50 flashy characters that I can customize in a million different ways.

Just fucking give me something good. Don't throw a bunch of shit at me that looks pretty. - Exactly. - And I'm like, I know some people really love that aspect. They love like getting the spreadsheet out and trying to optimize the build. I am not that gamer. I want like, for me, I'm a story kind of gamer. I just want to get through the story and just, you know, I want to feel a little bit rewarded for doing some cool shit in the gameplay, but I don't want to work that hard where I'm literally like spending

hours upon hours trying to like read through stats, read through- - Yeah, I remember in the Fire Emblem one, I was like, all right, I'm gonna see like just what the internet has to say about like which characters might be best. Some motherfucker had created a fucking tier list

of like literal tier list of the characters from like S to F, right? And I was like, all right, let's see where my choice of characters are. Majority of them were like D or F. And I'm just like, well, you know what? Fuck this list. I like these characters. So I'm gonna fucking use them. I don't care. Like all the top tier characters are like all the boring characters. And I'm like,

okay, what's more important? Me like having an easy time and like optimizing my gameplay to make it so that I just crush everything or make it a little bit more challenging but just have the joy of playing the characters I actually want to play as. And I'll always take the ladder in that instance. - Yeah, and to me like,

that's a lot of reason why I don't like turn-based combat. It's because not only the turn-based combat itself, but the prep that comes before the turn-based combat. And I think the two games I've played where I've liked the turn-based combat is when they've hit that Goldilocks zone where it's just,

You can prep, you can think about your team comp, but it doesn't take too much time and it's still rewarding. And the two ones are now Persona and now Honkai because those have like hit the- - Pokemon's good. - Pokemon. - I like Pokemon. - I tried getting Pokemon, but it's just too easy. I don't know. It's just too easy. - I mean, that's why people make artificial difficulty. - Yeah, you make challenges out of it.

- Nuzlocke and stuff, 'cause it adds a whole other layer to it. - I think Nuzlocke are also in that golden locks. - Yeah, Nuzlocke's are great. - It's challenging enough where you need to do some prep work and you need to think about team structure, but it doesn't take so much time that it takes the fun out of it.

- Right. - And it's like, it's super rewarding when you win, it's super punishing when you lose, but it just makes you want to keep coming back, right? Like you've been doing a lot of Nuzlocke's recently. - Yeah, I do. I do Nuzlocke's. It's fun, people like it, it's easy to understand. It's like Dark Souls for kids.

- Dark Souls baby steps, man. - I like how Dark Souls is synonymous with just difficulty. - Dark Souls is meant to difficulty actually. Difficulty in video games didn't exist before Dark Souls. - Definitely not. - That's also, fuck yeah. Sorry, don't just come back to it again. But that's one thing I also really liked about the Fear and Hunger game is that like everything, 'cause all the fights were necessary. It was really interesting 'cause like you had a talk option

with whoever you are fighting. - Right. - It's always risky to do it. 'Cause what if you talk to them and they just fucking clap you? And then you're like, "Shit, I'd lost a turn." But then like some ways, like the only way to get characters to join a party was mid-fight to talk to them. And this is never explained or anything like that. And it's really interesting. - Of course. - 'Cause it was basically like how I described it to people and how people described to me was Undertale meets Berserk.

Which is why I liked that. 'Cause it was like fighting is cool and it's turn-based combat, but fighting isn't the only option. There's a lot of other ways of approaching it. - You can go pacifist route. - You can do pacifist, well, you actually gotta fight something. - Pacifist route in Berserk? Let's see how well that goes. - It's like if Undertale, but if everyone wasn't reasonable.

'Cause it's realistic, right? 'Cause some of these things are monsters. They don't fucking wanna talk to you. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Of course the fucking disembodied monster with his dick out doesn't wanna talk. Are you kidding me? No, it doesn't wanna talk. It wants to kill you. Why did you try and talk to it, you idiot? And it punishes you for that. So I like that. I like that. That felt real.

I think I just need games with stakes. I think that's the problem is that turn-based combat, like a lot of RPGs or JRPGs give you a lot of saves. They're like very, very generous with saves a lot of the time. And that almost kind of takes away from my enjoyment. 'Cause I'm like, I just don't feel like I have

- You're just too much of a gamer for JRPG. - I'm the complete opposite. I need to be spoon fed. - Yeah. - Why do you not want to work for anything? - No, no, I like the idea of Nuzlocke's, but like, unless the game was designed that way, I'm like, why would I bring artificial difficulties to myself? - This is so much better than the base game.

It's way more fun. 'Cause it's actually like, 'cause Pokemon, especially like new Pokemon, it's like goo goo ga ga shit. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, but we're also adults now. - Yeah, I know, I know. But like those games that are made for like- - Okay, here's why I can never do something like a Nuzlocke. - Okay, tell me why. - When I'm playing- - I care about my Pokemon.

- I do, I'm listening. Okay, when, okay, I don't know if this is a mental thing, but like when I'm beating a game that is designed to be difficult, it's like, this is the way that it is designed and I'm beating someone else's work. That is their work. When I'm doing a Nuzlocke, I am putting difficulty upon myself. So basically the only,

the only challenge, the only opponents I'm trying to beat here is myself because I'm imposing all the difficulty on myself. And I'm like, I don't want to do that. I want to- - I understand that. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't want to challenge myself. I want to challenge someone else. I want to challenge someone else's design, if that makes sense. - That totally makes sense. And I'm normally in the same boat with you. I think there are just some exceptions where

it feels like there is a challenge that is just lacking there and that artificially making one does kind of solve a lot of the issues perhaps the game might have for somebody who, I mean, I'm not a kid. The program was not designed for me. But suddenly you add this kind of factor and it becomes a lot more, oh, this is way more engaging suddenly because now I'm not just gonna go willy nilly into every fight. I'm gonna have to actually think, I'm gonna have to plan. Just like randomized Nuzlocke are very fun 'cause you just like imagine Gacha,

and then you just don't know where anything is. And you're just like, all right, this character just one shot at me and I have repercussions for that. I think that's the problem I have with a lot of games is that they just often don't punish you ever. But then punishing is a difficult thing to do right. Like how do you-

add punishment to a game or stakes to a game that don't actually just take advantage of your time as a player. And so I understand why a lot of games are like, let's just make a good game. Let's not do that because also not everyone wants that. And I understand that. And I'm not imposing that on anyone. I'm not being like, you have to play it this way. Like there's a lot of games out there, especially like story driven games where it's like, this is not made so that you struggle. Like this is made so you can get to story beat to story beat

maybe there's a hard boss here and there, but the most of it is pretty doable. - Yeah. - And I understand that, but that's why a lot of those games I just don't, I also don't go for, 'cause that just doesn't appeal to me. - It's like an interactive movie. - Well, yeah, like there's a lot of games I've played where I'm like, this is just,

the cut scenes and then the gameplay is a vehicle to the next cut scene. - Yeah. - I haven't played like The Last of Us, but I imagine it's something similar. It's the gameplay is not that incredibly difficult and it's more so about getting from A to B. - Yeah, I mean, that is 100% a story. - I mean, The Last of Us is a HBO series in a video game that they turned into a HBO series. - Like that, I would never be like, you should do a fucking no hit run of Last of Us.

- Why? It's like you're trying to snort a milkshake. It's like, it should not, it's not made for that at all. - I was actually like, it's so weird now because I did actually watch "The Last of Us" which is fucking incredible, right? Absolutely incredible. But now like after I've watched the HBO "Last of Us" I can never go back to playing the game. 'Cause to me it's just so much better, right? - Yeah.

I never played the game, but I watched the TV show and I was like, man, they've given such a good depth to these characters. I just can't imagine how it would work in the game anymore. But I'm sure it does. But in my head, I'm like, I just don't know how. - Okay, because as someone who like, I was very,

about watching the like "The Last of Us" HBO series 'cause I'm just like, I've played the game, I know the story, what else is there to do? And I kind of realize now the difference when it comes to presenting a story in a video game versus just watching a movie or watching a TV series,

because the story in the Last of Us HBO TV series was just like perfectly paced. It's just perfectly paced. And then now when I go back to playing the game, I cannot just think, okay, I'm getting the story in little increments, right? Because I need to splice in the gameplay between those little increments. And, you know, Last of Us is a fucking great game, but it's not got the greatest gameplay in the world compared to,

other games in this genre. The thing that made it stand out was the writing was so good and the gameplay was good enough to be like, okay, this is good enough. It's not gonna revolutionize the industry with this gameplay, but it's good enough to get you through the game and get you through the story. And now that the TV series exists, I'm like, shit. Now that the TV series exists, I feel like it's just completely made like,

it's completely made what "The Last of Us" game made that so special, just like mute now. Because I'm just like, if you want to experience the story of "The Last of Us," I feel like you should just watch the TV series. 'Cause that's a better paced story that's told,

It's not told better, but the way it's told- - Presented better. - The way it's presented, just because of the nature of video games versus movies, it's just a better story. - My favorite episode is like episode three. - Holy shit. - Which wasn't even in the- - Which wasn't even in the TV. - I loved that. That was such a good episode and such a good way of showing like characterization and how this zombie apocalypse would affect certain people. I thought it was great. - I need to get on it. - It's so good. Yeah, that was my favorite episode, but like,

The one thing that I thought the show did really well, which obviously this is a lot easier to convey. And I felt like when I was watching it, I was like, how would you convey this in the game? Which was they make violence, like violence against other humans seem like a pretty traumatic thing for Ellie, the younger character to experience. Which in the game, I feel like,

when it's like, all right, go, you control the character, gun down 50 men. It just doesn't feel impactful. But watching maybe an actor do that and the ramifications of that, it definitely feels like, oh, yeah, violence is bad.

- Man discomforts violence is bad. - But in video games, you don't feel like violence is bad 'cause you do it all the fucking time. - Of course, yeah. - You know what I mean? Maybe I haven't played the game, so I don't know. But that's the one thing I was like, I wonder if this is why it was so divisive. 'Cause obviously I don't even know what happened. I don't even know what happens in a game, but I know the big plot twist 'cause everyone fucking, it turns like a woke right versus left thing. And I wonder if that's almost why

like the second game was received kind of badly was because maybe the game didn't characterize Joel in a way that made it seem questioned. I don't know, it's kind of spoilers, but I don't know. Like kind of questionable, maybe killing people all the time. I don't know. - Yeah, I mean, I think the second game took a very, very big risk and I actually respect them for taking that risk because I didn't know how they were gonna make it a sequel to "The Last of Us."

- And they took a risk with their story. It didn't gel with everyone, but that to me is the sign of someone who wants to like push the limit and push the storytelling.

- I could see HBO doing it right. - Yeah. - I could just see them doing it right. They're like the Kings of doing controversial shit and like, "Look at every goddamn Game of Thrones." - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like they took "The Last of Us" which is already a great story and great characters and I think they made it better. And that is...

That is what I took out from being apprehensive about watching "The Last of Us" originally. And now I'm just like, if you wanna experience "The Last of Us", I'd say just watch the TV series 'cause it's so fucking good. - It's amazing. - Yeah. - Really fucking good. Super hyped for the next season in like 10 years. - Yeah. - Whenever I fucking get there, it's gonna be so long. - Yeah, that was, I guess, our mini review of "The Last of Us" and...

- All the games, all the other things we've talked about. - All the other things, Thai hentai, please no, never again, never again. - Keep the animation studio. - There's a part of me that wants to go watch it, but- - You should, just for the experience, man. - You should go see it. - It looks way better than "Queen Bee," that's all I'll say. - "Queen Bee" isn't all that bad. - All right, next week will be my full comprehensive review of "My Mama."

- Oh my God. - Look forward to that. But hey, look at all these patrons though. They're pretty great. They won't watch "Tai Hentai". Hopefully, please don't yet. But hey, if you'd like to support the show, then head on over to our Patreon, Also follow us on Twitter, send us some memes on the subreddit. And if you hate our face, listen to us on Spotify. And we will see you guys next week. - All right, see you guys. Bye. - Bye.