cover of episode 46 - Got Milk? ft. Meat Canyon

46 - Got Milk? ft. Meat Canyon

Publish Date: 2022/3/23
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- I when I and then I on top of my . And then it's like Elmer glue that like drizzles down into the toilet bowl that rests on top of my . And then my wife gets mad because sometimes the cum stays on the inside of the bowl. - It stays on the toilet, right? Yeah. It's totally normal. - Smidge more. Right there. It's perfect. And then rotate this way. Right there. Perfect. Three, go. - Oh, that was some NSYNC bathroom boy right there. That was... - 'Cause it was NSYNC.

Back, strings, back. All right. Wait. Yeah! We just did it. Batty, first off, Batty, I was like, do you have ice, Batty, in your house? He was like, where are the ices? Also, Batty, where's your hand soap for when you take a shit or piss in the... Next to the sink. There's no soap in there. There's 100% no soap. Say hi to Eli. He's racially ambiguous. Batty. That guy's fucking ridiculous. Donut.

It's harder to rhyme, but he's a really nice guy. Welcome to unsubscribe. Hey guys, thanks for watching unsubscribe podcast. Make sure wherever you're listening or watching, whether it's on YouTube, Castro, Spotify, Apple, Google, Amazon, Podbean, Stitcher, or...

That's all of them. Please leave a comment, like it, thumbs up it, give it a rating of five stars, whatever you do. It helps the podcast out immensely. And Donut and Eli will be very happy if you do that. And we want to make Donut and Eli happy today. Yeah. Five stars on everything and a comment if there is possible because we need to be at the top. Donut, say something motivating. Come on.

And that's where the, you come, that is, come subscribe. Hi everyone, Unsubscribe Podcast here. I'm joined today by Eli DoubleFap, BattyStreams, Brandon2, Dave, Dave, Dave!

It's Dave now. And Hunter, a.k.a. Papa Meat. Papa Meat Canyon. So many names. Just do that for an hour. Oh, that's why he draws the way he does. He doesn't say a word. Just reminding me of my son, right? No, long hair podcast. Let's go. What's up, everyone? Hey, dude. We're so excited to have you.

I apparently touched the gas a whole bunch. Thanks for having me. Boom! And it's Brandon. I hate everything. We had one of the comments in the new BRCC videos. It's like, holy fuck, I just listened to the Eli Donut Heather Dave podcast.

Just call him Dave now. I was like just been replaced his name They call me Brandon, Batty, Kyle, that other guy, the guest. Like fuck off. It's my house! Or is it? Not for long. Unsubscribe to us. It's our, we pay rent here.

Oh, man. Batty's like, okay, I'm not hating this life. Bro, how is it? The drive down, the beautiful cup, the hair. Hi. It was good. It was a fine drive down. Did you have some good moves? A lot of highways. Listened to some Kid Rock on the way down. A man of culture. That's exactly right. What's your favorite Kid Rock song?

That's the only one right like that one with was it Sheryl Crow is that is that the one I put your picture away It's a sad song It's almost the cheer song I wanted them to

No, they're just like doing it. That's not the early 2000s ways of music videos. Oh, you know what I'm thinking about? That was the late 90s way of music videos. That's true. Around the same time the song came out where it's like he put the bottle to his head and pulled the trigger. What?

What song is it? It was a country song. It came out the same time that one did. That's what I was thinking. I've never heard this country. I've never heard that either. I don't do country. Yeah, he misses a girl that left him or something. Did you write this song? Good dude, I'm glad. In my head all the way over here. You've never heard of this? Here, I'll send it to you on my Spotify list. It's written by me. I do a reversion every year. I don't know. Cody, we need to talk.

Oh my god, it's good to have you, buddy. We've been talking about you. You came, hung out. We've had some good times. You came. You came. Cody. Come. I came. Yeah, it's true. Come. Thank you. I just wanted you to say come. You're just one of our favorite peoples, like, ever. You're the kindest soul.

Shout out to when you lost your wallet I was like, I'm almost positive I left in the truck and to be fair we did look in the truck, but it was not fucking there I don't know what happened my five-year-old nephew found it three months later Charlie yeah, Charlie just found it and like How much driving and he's like what's this I'm like what the fuck and I look at it and

Jesus Christ, there's hunters wallet new pair of Nikes yeah John's out here buying robux Everyone John just goes through everyone's wallet for robux My son spent thousands of dollars on robux from I felt like a grand without knowing how do you punish that I

Well, John's not with us anymore. He's a military academy.

We found out 520 week abortions aren't a thing. I called him and asked. I brought him to the clinic. Do you have a problem with Roblox? My dad sat me down when I was younger. I was playing Ratchet and Clank. And he was like, you gotta stop. Can I say shit? Everything. He's like, you gotta stop this f***ing stuff with Ratchet and Clank. And I was like...

I love this podcast so much. But I was like, no, but it's about guns and I shoot people, Dad. And he was like, didn't I buy you Cabela's Most Dangerous Hunt? Why are you playing that? It has guns.

There was a deep-seated hatred for like roblox is like a parent that doesn't understand the new generation of what might be considered some I don't know Yeah, well, okay. So a reason that kids should stay away from roblox. My sister is a child crimes investigator She's arrested like hundreds and hundreds of pedophiles pedophiles like to use roblox to lure kids. I

You gotta say that. Pedophiles probably tap every industry though, right? Oh yeah. Yeah. She said a lot of them though. They really love Roblox. I just picture your dad walking in. You're like playing Warzone or Call of Duty. He slaps you. He's like, what is this fucking girl shit? I got you big game hunter. The arcade version. You got the pump shotgun. It's not good enough for you. He was pissed because Ratchet and Clank, it's like a fucking like dog. Right.

or wherever the fuck he's supposed to be like a fox thing i think and in the ps1 or the ps2 game you got they it came with a poster and i like put it over i had like i had a mark mcguire got milk poster on my door i covered it with that and i and i was like uh

And I was like, "I just think he's cooler." He's like, "Cooler than Mark McGuire." My son's gay! But it's like him- And I was like, "It's like less gay for me to have this fuckin' rash." I'm like looking at Mark McGuire, like I cut off- And milky fuckin'- Yeah. And his mustache is too. Yeah. Yeah. Pre-steroids Mark McGuire. I love your dad's- It's like, prime. Oh, it was probably while he was doing it. How old are you? I'm .

I just picture your dad looking at both posters in your head. It's like that. It's Mark McGuire just flexing milk mushrooms. He's like, that's what a man is, son. And you're like... My mom's sitting there crisscross applesauce on the ground, painting Jupiter shit on my wall. Cooking dinner. I'm like, I'm in space, mom. I'm in space. I know where your art comes from now. Your child. Drama. Drama. Drama.

You proud of him? Dad!

Deep dive it I don't list the shit typed out today. I was like no let's wing it today It's gonna be a winging it per you do scripts and stuff for our podcast for like the first like ten episodes We'd all show up with like notepads Cody to have his iPad out just writing notes I'd have my phone with like a notepad going like we can talk about this this is this I'm like whoa

Eli had this really great. Let's talk about that one, though. And we'd get through like half a topic and it was just 90% us rambling about Pokemon and come. So it's like, well, we don't really do that anymore. We just kind of drinking. I think like whenever you first start doing a podcast, though, I think people are like, oh, it's like I think the naive going thinking that's just like

Chatting with friends, but it's like a very like odd social dynamic to continuously talk about like meaningless shit over and over again in like a fun way Yeah, unless you're like Joe Rogan or somebody who has like interesting guests that come in Here now and baddie, okay I love this man's house. I'm like walking around like damn I

This is what poverty feels like. Oh, you're trying to, okay, cool. You just rent it? This is great. This reminds me of my childhood. Mark McGuire had been right there. Ratchet and Clank, right here. You know the thumbnails from the video is going to have Mark McGuire just relaxing shirtless. I wish I had that closer still. We'll find it for you. I wish I had it, man. I wish it would, yeah. That'd be great. That's got to be like a collector's item. It's a collector's item.

It's worth millions and you don't know. I wouldn't say millions, but I would think at least a strong like 750. Like a pristine, this is like a first edition, like first run print. Imagine if he signed it too. Yeah, that's true. Is Martin Buar still alive? Oh yeah, I think so. He's not fucking ancient. I know he's not at all. I just assumed like roids or drugs. Most sports players, like him, I could walk up to him and not know what he looked like. I'd be like, hi.

Can picture him from like back in his prime because I used to watch baseball when I was a kid I don't know his hair color brown. He's a ginger. Oh, you know yeah? Yeah

It's just the thing with like fucking sonar MLB players whenever they roid up They still look kind of normal because you can be so out of shape and still play major league baseball Yes, absolutely So they just look like kind of buff like big like prison bod kind of guys But they're not like rich piano where it's like so noticeable where you're like, holy fuck I'm gonna remember that monster for the rest of my life. You know, that's like that one. What's his name? Who's the fighter? Yo, yo, um

Fuck, he's from South America. Yoel, the fucking black dude that is literally a built... I know who you're talking about. Yoel Ramirez. He does all the Instagram posts where he's doing yoga and weird poses. Like one-handed. Yeah, dude is built. Like he gets tested every time for steroids for the UFC because they're like, homeboy, you're on steroids. He's like, I'm not. I'm just built this way. Literally, if you go to my hometown... It's a freaking nature. No, his hometown apparently everyone's built that way. The roids are in the water.

And he's always clean. Homeboy just walks around with an 18-pack, and he is absolutely fucking shredded. He's 230 pounds, just pure muscle. Yeah, the man's flexible as hell. Yeah, I put your dick away. He gets me going. You are so excited talking about this man right now. Muscles. That's all I want right now. Muscles. So you fucking...

Okay, you got Eli's mug by the way. I know. To be fair, that's my mug! It's my home! It's our home, okay? This is called unsubscribe. Your brain is rolling over in his grave right now. We just gotta take our baddies lease without him knowing.

Yeah, we get out from under Brandon's house Warned you baddie the worst friends And copyright you

We just start fucking laughing right now. That's not the funny. I laugh. That's the I'm going to actually have legal trouble. Eli laughs. They use unsubscribed money to cancel me. Terrible. Fuck you, Patty. OK. OK. These are the questions we were sitting at lunch today. Breakfast, lunch, brunch, brunch, breakfast, drinking.

Oh, my God. I will say before I go into that story, the server before you guys showed up, I was like mimosa with a shot of vodka. And she's like, would you like to girl? Yeah. Tattoo girl. And she was like, do you want a she asked for a glass of water as decoration for

She's like, would you like water as decoration? I was like, well, that's one way to call me out for being an alcoholic. Thank you so much. Yes. Put that on the table, please. It's like, I, I hate this. It's before 12 and I'm drinking, but, um, we got to do more podcasts. We get Eli drinking before noon a bunch. Make us feel better. One of us. One of us. I have to fucking gym after this. I'm going to hate life. Nice. But, um,

We were talking and we had like the hardest part. We were discussing this for podcast is when you get like, buddy, we don't see much. And he comes in and then it's just awkward times because you're like, we'll wait an hour to talk about that. How's the weather? And how was the drive here? Right. What can we discuss? Yeah.

But flat did you do flash animation back in the day Newgrounds era? This was actually dropped off to so much Newgrounds porn. Oh, yeah, I hear about the anime games Take your clothes off you get the answer, right? I was like 19

College so I missed that whole way. Oh, so you were just wait with Mark McGuire Yeah, I

small cattle farm in town. So it wasn't super prominent. I had a buddy that had it, but then my mom and dad got divorced and I lived like out in like the boondocks. Sticks. Yeah, exactly.

and uh just didn't have it so yeah i just didn't know i mean like i would go and you'd go to your friend's house and see shit but like it was like nowhere near like being able to just sit there and mindlessly jerk off on your own it's weird is that why you can draw so good he just he's like i need titties

He's like, I'm going to refine my craft. I wish I was. No, a lot of those porn artists, man, they're fucking amazing. No, I just. Absolutely. They're really good. I can't draw as good as them. I've tried. Yeah, I mean, maybe. Yeah, no. Yeah. I don't know. I've never also been interested in drawing like porn, I guess. Just titties, anime, hentai. Pussy and all that stuff. I think pussies are funny looking. Wait.

Okay, wait, hold on. We got to stop. And now we go deep dive into this conversation. Why are pussies funny looking? Your name means pussy.

I didn't mean that. Well, it was a... How did you not mean... It was a computer-generated name. You're like, they're Meat Canyon. Like Childish Gambino. You just got Meat Canyon. Yeah. On the same level of respect. Yeah, yeah. The bad roll of the dice there. It's like, well, that one gets them stuck with Meat Canyon. I was like, oh, Meat Canyon. I heard of that. My girlfriend, now wife, was like, that's a really bad name. I was like,

I'm just going to stick with it. Like who the fuck even, especially whenever you're like just starting out, nobody expects to get big or nothing like that. So I was like, fuck it. I'm just going to leave it. But that's just what it was. Now your Papa meat, meat Canyon. I don't know where that Papa meat thing came from. The internet's weird and calls everybody dad or mom. Oh yeah. I think, I think especially if you're like kind of older,

Or something. Just call us old. Don't do that. On the internet, we're old men. Old, old men. That's fucking ancient. Yeah, I'm ancient. If I had my YouTube career now, and I was like 17...

I'd fucking, man, I'd be a little sex symbol, dude. All those Minecraft kids wearing designer clothes and shit like that. I'd be one of them kids. That was your goal? Yeah, I'd be cultured. I just hope you're like, I was too late to the game. I missed my calling. I do. I feel like the fat kid waiting for his dad to pick him up for the baseball game. I'm like, it was just...

Bad timing, didn't make it. Didn't get drafted. Mark McGuire! There's no draft even. It was like your name's on the list, you just didn't show up. There's milk already on your mustache. Yeah, I was drinking whole milk the whole day. You're just waiting. You have your cut-off shirt on. Flex it.

Everyone's driving by. Can we do God Milk posters for the podcast sometime? That'd be great. Just fucking shitty shirts, like cutoffs. Those are huge. Those were huge back in the day. They were massive. They don't do them anymore. They don't do fucking... Yeah, no. They just look like jizz on your face. It's like...

Just way too creamy, man. Like, why is everybody got that? Yeah, it did not age well. No! That's why it had some not a thing. It got milk. It's just white shit on your face. It's like... And they used to be like little kids and stuff. It's like, oh, this is not going in the proper direction. Great posters. Very good.

Iconic, great posters. Staring at you in your sleep. I loved it. This big Mark just always fucking him and his cardinals. Everybody was on the same playing field when they were drinking milk. You got Mark, you got astronauts, you got all sorts of people. Macaulay Culkin. Yeah, Macaulay Culkin. She's fucking motherfucking...

Now when you think about it, it ruins all those posters real fast. You take one step back, you just put the Corn Hub logo on the bottom right, and you're like, oh no, this doesn't look good anymore. I remember around the starting age of memes back in the day, someone took the Got Milk and actually did Got Cum, but it was the same picture. That's like late 90s, early 2000s, perfect level of creativity. Got Cum! Oh, God!

Got him. Because it looks like cum. Upload this to Kazaa real quick. People will download it. It'll take four hours. You don't even know Kazaa, do you? The big ones I remember back in the day before YouTube was Funny Junk and then Albino Black Sheep. Holy shit. And E-Bombs World. I haven't heard those. I forgot. Funny Junk was like Ends of the World was a big one and then like Tourette's Guy and stuff. Those were the two. Tourette's Guy.

He died. Did he? No he didn't. What? No he didn't. Do you have privilege to read an article? What was that? He came out hard. He's like, no, fuck you. I don't believe it. He killed this man. On his main channel, his son came out and was like, my dad died. Like,

I want you to look it up right now. Oh, this is good. Because I 100% believe that they thought that he, people thought that he was dead. Maybe he's not dead. And it was a troll. I don't know. You seem pretty compassionate about this. I do. You follow your, you take off your hoodie, has Tourette's guy shirt on. He's like, I'm in the fucking lore of Tourette's guy. This is what I live for. That Mark McGuire, those are my two fucking heroes. Don't as awkward. Don't as like, ugh.

Okay, we're going to Google Tourette's guy right now. I don't know who Tourette's guy is. What? That was a classic meme back in the day. That was like early 2000s, kind of like. Do you know Nope. Damn it.

Yes! That's, again, this is early 2000s. This is old guy porn. This is literally like old guy porn. We're young bucks here, stallions. I mean, you don't know Tourette's guy. Shut the fuck up. How old are you, Eli? 37. Are you really? Okay. I'm the old one. I'm 34. Okay. Why is that?

Batty's your age almost. I'm 32. That's a very prestigious man you're looking at. I know, right? And you know why? Because it's a continuing story. A.K.A. he's not dead. In September 2007, an admin on the Tourette's guy website announced that Danny had passed away on August 4th. It was reported that Danny was in a severe car accident, and while Danny survived and got out of the hospital, he died a month later due to complications from the accident. Oh.

Troll post. It's not real. I legitimately believe that. I'm not even joking. Hold on. Hold on. You may be right. Here's a Reddit post. I've seen videos of him where he's older and stuff like that. Apparently Tourette's guy death was a hoax. Here's a video he uploaded on December 25th, 2017. Tourette's guy lives on, my friend. We need to get Tourette's guy on the podcast.

You don't even know who he is. I have no idea who the fuck he is. Stop playing cool. I'm not playing cool. Because I remember around the time when YouTube was picking up, people were uploading his videos, I think. And it was gaining traction without him because before then, I remember on Funny Junk, I saw a video, but they were like, oh, there's Tourette' and you would go there and watch the new videos. So I think after a while, he was just like, fuck this. I'm out. Back to trying to monohouse the internet before you can monohouse it. He's got white hair and shit. Yeah.

Colgate toothpaste. What are you doing? He had that one. My tits look like it's called dirt tits or whatever. He had so many good things. Mickey Mouse. Yeah. Bob Saget.

when he's mowing the yard. I do feel like I'm at my middle school lunch table. It's people awkwardly saying lines from things they like, but kind of wrong. Yeah, super wrong at this point. It's been fucking 30 years. I hate being the aficionado of the Trescawts.

But it says, oh, dad, that's a Mickey Mouse t-shirt. And he says, that's not Mickey Mouse. That's tit dirt. So then I have to be the pretentious dickhead. Who's like, guys. I'm like, guys, please. If we're going to talk about it, then let's talk about it. Yeah, yeah. They're inviting Hunter back again, by the way. Colgate! Colgate!

I'm not on a lot of podcasts. Made me feel like ass. Oh, my God. I forgot. I just like you know it so good. Yeah, that was a big part of my childhood. That was the thing, too. Whenever you saw something on the internet back then, especially if your friends are laughing at it, it was so much more impactful, too. I think young viewers of YouTube and TikToks and stuff now probably feel where it's so...

Like, I don't know, impactful on your young life. You know what I mean? But it feels weird because then back then it was like there were so few. You had to like dig for shit. There's a bunch of trash. I remember like was it monkey versus robot was one of my. All right. Do that is fucking like I'll have to show after that is fucking late. He kind of says on there that that honestly still.

really sits today too. It's like, if a bunch of people that just like, they hear a thing and that, that is now part of their like life. Like you guys remember your Tourette's guy fucking saying, I don't know who the fuck that is though. But for you that had an impact on you, you see that in a Twitch chat. Cause, or like I, Joe,

I joke about how much I like White Claw. We did a BRCC opening one day, and I went to this white... And I had, like, eight people show up with cases of White Claw. Just like, bro, you like White Claw! And it's just like... And then they say the things, like, that I've joked about on the podcast or some of the sayings and shit like that. And it's like...

It's the same thing. Like you, you, you've made an impact on somebody. You've, you've made an impression that, that, that, that person has connected with on such a level. It's crazy to be on the opposite side of it. Well, that's the inherent. That's like the interesting thing that I think is like, uh,

super interesting about today is because I think back then it was less about, no one gave a fuck who the real Tourette's guy was. It was just like the character and like that video. Now it's all personality based and a lot of the jokes and content itself is like easily forgettable. And you can think like tick tock and,

that kind of shit for that just constantly scrolling scrolling i think i do think there's like an inherent difference between like the cesspool that's youtube versus the cesspool that's tiktok because i think youtube you have to consciously click on a video and be like oh okay well what's this versus tiktok it's a never-ending stream of just like consume forget consume forget consume forget and i think that's like uh why uh

Personality based stuff sticks with people so much because people get invested into people not so much like I mean obviously like oh I like this person. It's like friend simulator the entire internet's friend simulator now It feels like you know I never looked at it like that because you look at there is not much character based programs anymore you had like AVGN and these people back in the day that crushed at that but

It got phased out. Like, AVGN now has one episode, but his main stuff is now just, like, James Rolfe or whoever it is. Yeah, I mean, that was definitely the beginning of, like, people were like, oh, fuck, I like this character. I want this character to talk about this or that. Which is why I think Twitch is so interesting and cool because it's, like, so catered. The internet has been, like, divided into, like, all these different subcategories where...

It's like not so much like there was a conversation I think at one point where people were like, oh, is that too niche? And that conversation is completely gone because now it's just like people are like, I know what I want. People like if you're in that niche, people want you to thrive in that niche. And then like you can branch out of that. But it's I think that's where people like get their initial fan bases or people find like people that they enjoy to watch or do a thing as like a form of like an escape or something like that. Have you seen my hydraulic press and watch it crush stuff? No.

80 million subs later, you're like, "Oh, this is a thing. Okay, that's great." And you're like, "That's fucking so weird how the internet works." But it's crazy. You just get to see that shit. They're catering to some audience there, man. I still don't know how Dude Perfect still gets crazy views. Dude, they still fucking crush it. They're in Texas. Have you ever tried collaborating with them, Donut? No, we haven't even... We've never talked to them. The demo?

Demo has done something with him before. Did he? Demolition Ranch, yeah. I'm almost positive. Somebody in our group did something with him. I remember seeing a post. If there was anyone, it was Demo. I thought they would be probably, because I think they're kind of like up your guys' alley a bit. Maybe, I think. Just in terms of like. Murder? Gun and. Yeah, murder. Butt stuff? Butt stuff. Mark McGuire? Yeah, Mark McGuire. I fucking love that name. Mark McGuire.

I think they're in the Dallas area maybe or something. I can't remember, but they have a huge, like, huge warehouse thing. Oh, I guarantee that thing's fucking massive. Just a bunch of good Christian boys. They are. Yeah, they're all like, well, I tried getting a, I tried going to a live show and I was like, oh, I'm going to make this a video because I was like, it'd be really funny.

to go to the Dude Perfect live show and just get, like, totally... I got, like, really fucked up. And I was like... This is why we get along. And I was like, oh, I'll go in there. And then I, like, had, like, four or five Frisbees with me, and I was just gonna try to do, like, trick shot stuff, like, nerf... I think I had, like, three nerf basketballs and, like, four Frisbees. Like, really nothing...

Like, just stupid. I mean, I was drunk, you know. Grabbing shit like that. Your wife trying to be your... Wait, what? $75 ticket. I think you're on my corridor. Sorry. I picture your wife trying to be your voice of reasoning as you're like packing Nerf shit. She's like, babe, you're drunk. You're drunk, baby.

Well, it was a very crystal clear plan when you were sober. Like, oh, a little meme here, a little meme there. But then you, like, get just absolutely fucked, and then you're just, like, throwing Frisbees at, like, the wall of, like, the stadium. And there's still stadiums. That's, like, the crazy thing.

It's like a like a like a vent set on a state event centers or whatever I call the CM kind of shit. It's crazy. They look a place It's a tell about Tuesday dude perfect on Thursday You're like that's crazy and they sell out that game grumps does that if I can they do those? Game groups lives or whatever where they do the drawing and stuff like that and they sell those out I still can't believe you're after his party game rooms like it just doesn't in my head

I can't. Savannah did. She was like, babe, have you ever watched? She's been watching Game Grumps with me. And then she was like, have you ever seen these videos called Metal Gear Awesome? And she was like showing me Egoraptor stuff. I wish I was there when the dark magic was written. I was like, baby, do you not know who this is?

Egoraptor. I was like, listen to the voice. I don't know who that is. He's a Game Grumps dude. You've probably seen one of his cartoons. Oh, absolutely. That's Newgrounds. That was like when Newground people were coming to YouTube. I remember the first two things I ever saw was like,

the Pokemon video he did where it was like Pikachu versus Bulbasaur or whatever and then He's like oh fuck that hurts! He's like rolling around on the ground Pikachu Just use fucking solar beam blasts or something I don't even have to ask you I know exactly what you're talking about I got gears of awesome burned into my head forever I'm doing their Coltrane choo-choo as they're fucking flying through the air and shit like that I'm never gonna forget that shit Yeah huge

huge impactful pieces of like internet history. I think people will, they'll go down for a long time. I think all those new grounds guys will. Oh yeah. They're incredible. Oh, those are the OGs. What got like, since you didn't do new grounds, that was past your time. Like actually I want to ask them, what do you think was an impactful cartoon in his childhood that defined his character art and who he is as an artist? Those are so many words. Well, I'm now I got Mark McGuire in my head, but yeah,

Correct. To baseball. Got it? No, you won. That was it. You just started driving. You're just staring at it. I just picture you looking around. You look up. He's like, oh. Mark McGuire, Sammy Sosa, and fucking like Jason Giambi. We're just going to leave out Barry Bonds? Yeah. Don't do Barry like that. Fuck Barry, dude. Are you a sports guy? Don't play this game with me. I'll go OG. I'll throw down. Fucking.

I'll look around like Donut does most of the podcast. I have like four years of baseball that I will just from like 98 to like 2002. That's all I got. King Roofie Jr. Right there. Yeah. That's the only one I got. You did good. King Roofie Jr.? Yeah. I know him. Good game. King Roofie Jr. Slugfest. Have it on Nintendo 64. Good game. Yep. I like playing as Mo Vaughn in the Hime Angels. Yep. Oh, wow.

Bro is batting average have you seen it you hit that fucking left corner of the fucking box is the sweety circle you hit it every Call it names out for a game We're playing get your friends on out of the picture the batter and he was just like oh

Anger. Yeah, that and like NFL Blitz. Those were the two. Oh, dude, Blitz, yeah. Dude, Blitz, oh my God. Just nothing but Hail Marys, that's it. The entire time. What else are you going to do, man? What the fuck am I doing? The WWE of fucking football games. Powerball! Powerball! Speaking of, dude, Revenge on 64. Remember that WWF? Oh, yeah, WWE. Yeah, that was WWF Revenge. WCW. Was that the black cartridge?

I have one of them. I don't know which one I have. I have one of the wrestling ones and the black card. I think that's it. Apparently all of like the PS3, like there's like one PS3 wrestling game that's like

Kind of valuable now like I think it like it always sells for like over like 70 bucks or something like that Some of those old guy so I wrestling games are weird. Yeah, they just have they hold value really well Apparently I collect I've have like Zeno gear still in the wrapper Final Fantasy 7 still in our from Metal Gear World of Warcraft World of Warcraft collector's edition. That's my most yeah, it's like 20 grand right now. It's just sealed why I

Because it's worth 20 grand now dead game You're like open it dumbass you better play before they shut down But I've always collected these old games ever this is I started this in like early 2000s safest suppressors fucking Russian ammo and then old games Yeah, I just like fucking old like I love fucking old games. I love old games. You love fucking yeah Oh

What cartoon? What his art style? Because I have my guess. Courage the Cowardly Dog. Ooh, that's a good one. See, that's a good one. I would go Ren and Stimpy. A little bit. Courage was definitely way more like old cartoon. Old Hanna-Barbera shit, right? No. Hanna-Barbera? Is that what it is? Am I an 85-year-old man? No.

That's shit on Batty. That's shit on Batty. Shit on Dave. The Jetsons. Hey, didn't you wake up in the morning and meet and fucking watch the Jetsons? What about the Flintstones? Did that inspire you as an artist? Dave over here. That's why you're a guest. I remember I made my Curse tune like

God, almost three years ago at this point. And I have a message like John Dillsworth. Who's the guy? You ready to fuck? You ready to fuck, boys? Okay. Powerpuff Girls. I am Weasel. Cow and Chicken. That was Johnny Bravo. Cave Kids. The Real Avengers of Johnny Quest. Dexter's Laboratory. Like, dumb and dumb. Fuck off, okay? See? No. I'm Captain Planet. Where's your show at? I'm in my show. Dave. Dave, stop. Just...

You can make fun of him, we always do it. He's a guest. - He's right when he's right. - That's right. - He's right there! - You're right there. - You can tell me Cow and Chicken. - I just remember Hanna-Barbera was definitely a thing where it was like, oh, the classic tunes are on. That was like the Hanna-Barbera hour. - I just remember the real, the Cartoon Network version of that for like Cow and Chicken and I Weasel specifically. - Cow and Chicken, I just liked the devil, he like bounced on his ass. - Oh my God, I forgot about that. - Just big ol' fuckin' cheeks on, everything had fat asses on Cow and Chicken. That was a weird no-go anymore. - And then he was huge too.

I think like it became more like Spawn became really big. I really liked Todd McFarlane. He used to do like the whole panels of like just like folds of skin and like gums and all that kind of stuff. And then Violator, like how he drew Violator. And the clown, like even the clown itself. It was just like that grotesque artwork. And then I got more into like underground stuff or like underground, but like still kind of like pop culture comic stuff like R. Crumb.

It was like a big stuff. If you guys ever heard of him, he did like Fritz the cat or stuff, but he also had like, he was just a big underground comics guy too. But then it was just like more underground shit that like led into like love for adult swim stuff, which was like,

inevitably led into like Aqua teen and like metal oclipse and that kind of stuff was so good that became that kind of stuff and then after that in college it was like oh I want to work in a studio system but then with like my introduction to the internet I became very fascinated with like all of like you know fucking Oni fucking ego Raptor spaz kid like all those classic guys yeah and stuff and then it sucked too inevitably which I was actually a huge fan of flash kits now and we're buddies and like we work together and shit and they're they're great too

But it became like everyone's like oh YouTube's dead for that stuff You know YouTube's dead for animation, and I was like ah well You know fuck YouTube blah blah and then whenever I started doing I'm just gonna I guess this is turned into like a weird history thing No this is what people love just say come and come perfect there we go, but the

I was just gaining traction, like gaining traction in the sense of like you have, I had like 200 followers and I got up to like 5,000. I was like, oh, this is cool. I'm seeing growth in my Instagram. And Instagram was like 60 second max video square format. And I was like, okay, well, I'm just going to make 60 second bullshit, like really minimal stuff, yada, yada, yada.

And then I did some tunes and I was like, oh, fuck it. You know what? I'll just upload. I'll upload them to YouTube because who cares? Like everybody says it's dead anyways. And then one of them was that Pinocchio video. And then like three weeks after that Pinocchio video hit, it was like woke up one day and it was like, I think I had like 30,000 subs or something like that. And the video was like,

just like skyrocketing. But then I, coincidentally enough, through like professional work, well, professional work that I've done, I worked on this really, this show called For Facebook Watch. And one of them was like a story time animator. And they were like, oh, I wish I would have, whenever my video popped, I wish I would have like capitalized on the algorithmic push.

But I waited too long and I like missed my wave or something. So I kept that in mind. So as soon as that Pinocchio thing I saw was like hitting, I was just like, fuck it. I'm going to try to like make a tune every two or three weeks. And that's what I've been doing for like the past couple of years. Pinocchio is at 28 million now, by the way. That's awesome. What is that? Because that was the first time I was ever introduced to you. Is that the algorithm actually pushed that onto the front page for me? Super, yeah, I hit like Reddit and all that kind of stuff. It's like so...

It's so I love going back and looking at like, I feel like everybody takes or like more so like not only quality, but just like a bunch of like little things like evolution of how you started it versus where you're at. Yeah, I think that people lose sight a lot of time. I get very depressed about like fucking YouTube shit and like analytical bullshit and all that kind of stuff. Imposter syndrome and everything. It's cool to look back at those things.

Tunes when it was like kind of just me working on them and being like god these look terrible But they still people are interested in now and like the amount of like effort we put into them now It's like it's like a nice Reality check of being like you're doing good. Well like as I I will be I'm a fucking I'm I'm terrible watching a lot of content It's not my thing like I watch some shit, but like watching even my friends content is it's it's

The longer form. It's like 10, 30 minutes. I'm like, fuck, okay. I'll watch some of it, but a lot of it goes under the radar just because of fucking doing a billion things. Yours, we share your shit. I'm like, have you seen the new video? I was about to talk about it. When we first moved to Texas, me, we'd all be sitting at Cody's house, pissed drunk, sitting on his couch, laughing, going through, have you seen the new one?

Yeah, literally still to this day. I mean even on your fucking I'm not the last one. Wait, hold on my fucking alcoholic Mexican brain not working right now. Don't be racist to yourself. Stop. I'm allowed to be dexterity is my dump stat. Um

Wait, I'm going to remember the last one you just did. Stop. Stop, Eli. You fucking got this. The Alzheimer's is setting in. It is. It is. At my age, this is weird. Grandpa's brain is dying. Mike, I love your stuff. What's my last video? We're watching the actual evolution of Eli's last Pinocchio. You know what DVDs are? Like old school DVD menus. Yeah. The corners where Eli's one fucking brain cell connects. It's loading. And it's like, oh, no.

No, he missed! Another ten minute fucking tangent of Eli screeching. Woody. There it is. He got it. See? Woody. Like, it's that shit. Huh? That wasn't his last one. What was the last one? Woody was just the one we just... That's not his last one. My last one I did was, I did this like troll post, which it didn't do very well. Not that one. Okay. Excluding, I'm talking about the art one.

What? What? Wait, you're talking about Elden Rings. No, no, before that it was the McRib one I did, yeah. Oh my god, you're right. Fuckin' we just shared that too! God, I'm an idiot! It doesn't matter. I mean, it kinda matters. It does. I'm a piece of shit. He's a piece of shit. Yeah, I'm a piece of shit. Dave over here's right. I'm gonna get a shirt that just says I'm Dave. Call me Dave. Dude, that's your name tag. No, it's just a name tag right here. It's a shirt with the name, I'm Dave.

I fucking hate it so much. Okay, yeah. Fuck, man. God damn it. Calm down. It's okay. No, I feel like a piece of shit right now. I'm so sorry. First off, you are so handsome. And the McRib came back. Eli, stop touching the guest. No, and that's always a comment. They're like, why is Eli touching the guest? Because this is called physical contact and some people like it. It's making him uncomfortable. I can see it.

It's a McDonald's, am I right? It's just hard because of us making out. It gets to you guys like... It's hard to make out with our guests again. We're sorry. We need to...

Wanna say can we switch make sure Eli doesn't anymore now the guests like sitting over here Then they had to sit next to Dave No, that was the fucking McDonald's well Eldon rings the the ball strong I

The one where you drew people as bosses and Elden Elden rings. Oh, yeah I did an actual Elden ring. Yeah Charlie nib. Yeah, that's what I was that's what I was talking about. Yeah, that's okay I thought that well the whole thing too is like I didn't brand it like a meat cannon cartoon. No, that's perfect I really wanted people to feel like they could share to their friends back. Hey, did you miss this item?

And then actually be able to like do like a fun troll post for people and shit. You did good. You did fucking good. It's been cool. And Halupe, who was the 3D guy on that too, he's just phenomenal. If you guys ever... Just check him out on YouTube. He's great. Give him a plug. H-O-O-L-O-P-E. Halupe. Halupe. That was so fucking good. Who came up with that? Was that Charlie or you? I did. Well, I did. And I just messaged Charlie because I was like, man, this Elden Ring thing. I was like...

I don't know if I want to make a cartoon about it, but I was like it'd be really fun to see if we couldn't like make something that could pass off as like an actual person in game. But I needed validity with it because I'm not a gaming channel. So I thought, oh, I'll have Charlie do it because he's been he makes like seven fucking Elden Ring videos a day. True, true. So that I was like, oh, I'll have him do this thing. And then people will like

the thumbnail might be different but people will watch it and just kind of like be like the youtube fuck like is this a charlie video and then and then if people share it out of context people will be like oh okay this is just like moist critical like a moist critical video yep uh doing its thing wow i saw it literally we superimposed them in there and stuff and it wasn't until like it was like trying to like lure people in to be like what the fuck is this like a really a monster in here until it gets into the cinematic scene where we like

I will say, I was wondering, I was like, wait, how the fuck did they like, cause I come from VFX background and I do three, like I was impressed. I was like, wait, how the fuck? Okay.

Did they redo the fucking... Okay. I was like breaking it down in my head. I was like, this is fucking good. And then the voice acting. So I was like, well, meet Canyon Road. Oh. I was like, this is Papa Meat. It was really easy. It's actually kind of easy to impose the 3D model in there. It's 3D tracking right now. The motion tracking in there was really simple. But then also you already have the game...

With the footage you record, you have the light source and stuff, so you're able to track the light source that way as well. And it's really easy to texture them kind of similar to the game, which isn't the most intense graphics ever either, so you can kind of pull back a little bit on it. But no, I mean, I thought that it like...

And then like the way with using like the super like weird old crystals was kind of a callback like 70s like D&D like really cheesy nerdy stuff, but it was like it felt oddly believable until you're just like this is just Until it's literally shoving them. Yeah, I was so into it I've been you know, we're all obsessed with Elden Ring right now and I've watched a ton of Charlie's videos and

I was watching I'm like what a new item an item no one's discovered saying Charlie's not lying. Oh, this is awesome This is gonna be so cool. I didn't like it was like everybody in I was like, this is gonna be an OP thing for me Maybe I'll like it not Dave's game And I think that I got I think it got I think that there's just so much Elden Ring content right now Especially like gaming stuff that I think got buried a bit, but I'm hoping that I saw some people understood where they're just like Oh, yeah, I've missed this guy a bunch and stuff and people were just like I have not seen this guy

I'm here looking for him. So it's like, it's fun to like feel like people actually were like believing it or got tricked or something like that.

But yeah, it just I think maybe if I would have done it like a couple weeks earlier It maybe would have hit a little bit harder But for now, I think it's just kind of funny I think it's fucking cruising right now, like you're crushing with it Like numbers wise, last time I looked I was like, this is a fucking solid ass piece of content As I was saying with the guys Like it drew me in, I was like

I had so many people fucking DM I was like this is fucking great. We like you get this item Eli. Was it the French tickler? Like the elvish ticklers. Yeah the elvish tickler It was so well done. I'm like, oh god damn I get jealous of your brain

Like, fuck. You have such a sexy brain. I love your brain, bro. And now, you are- Fuck. Oh my God. You direct your stuff. So how is it working with other artists when it comes to the idea of doing-

Like animation is this gonna be interesting. I feel like this is gonna be so boring is it is it interesting? I say come around they don't be fine. Okay, do people people the weirdest thing is really love this shit acting online sitcom I mean it's it's fine. I mean it's it's it's cool directing stuff. It's it's a very fine balance of

Because I think like... I don't know, dude. I'm such a fucking douchebag. Like artist. See, you just made this better. Like you're wanting to like progress and you're wanting to be like taken seriously. But at the end of the day, I'm making like really cringy fucking...

parody stuff that kids are probably like, you know, like seizing over or something like that. So who gives a fuck? But you know, somebody's jerked off to your art. I would rather hear that somebody's jerked off and to completion to my art than like, than like a group of like third graders enjoying it. Like I would rather have an adult man be like, I came watching to do your video. Then hear that chat. Oh, fucking yeah.

Comments, YouTube comments, put the, who's jerked off? One of you jerked off. Just a hands up emoji. Yeah, hands up emoji. There we go. That's what we need to see in the comments. Yeah, if you're on your desktop, get off. Relog back in on your phone. Obviously on a private browser on your phone. Smash that one button with your cum.

Yeah, no, I mean, it's fine. The turnaround is very demanding, and I think that's what makes it so fucking difficult because it's like you're constantly trying to outdo yourself, and you're comparing all your last tunes to shit, and it's fucking difficult, man. It's like if a tune doesn't perform as well as the last thing, and then you're like, fuck, people are... Well, my time in the sun is over or whatever, but it's also just like...

Literally, yeah. Bro, every day on Twitch, I'm like, man, this was a bad day on Twitch. Well, ah. Yeah, no, like, yeah, it's like, which I imagine is fairly normal for everybody, but I just know for the... It's great in your brain, absolutely. For the cartoon aspect of it, it's just so much like...

Dude, that's hard. Man, so much time and effort goes into making something for people to enjoy for two minutes. So it's like, if you can't get something in two minutes, cringe or something like that. The one word that just destroys your... You have a thousand positive comments and one kid saying cringe. There's so many people who are so kind, so unbelievably kind. But you still pin the cringe. I'll look at one thing where they're just like, oh, did anyone... It's like, or they'll like...

It's like, what is it? It's like viewer affirmation or something where it's like the one thing that you're like, fuck, I hope no one likes. Nobody notices this one thing. Yeah, you're like very self-conscious about one thing and then they latch onto that and you're just like, I'm a piece of shit. Like being called Brandon every day when I log onto my Twitch stream now. Or having your guests, your hosts call you Dave. Yeah. This is your house.

One enchanted baddie's gone. You need to have an episode where you get to stand here and then they're on the porch outside and you can just talk through the wall. They're not allowed in the house anymore. We want an episode that performs. Oh, there you go. Dave, let us in. Oh, my God. It's horrible.

It's funny, guys. He's like, I take it as a joke because it's a joke. Right, guys? Right? I love Woodford Reserve. Okay. Now on. I forgot we have any discusses. Superpowers. Do you know how we play? Oh, my God. Do you know how? I guarantee like the people are just been waiting. Like, why the fuck are they still talking? They haven't talked about superpowers yet. That's all we give a fuck about. Honestly. Yeah.

Well do bad you should have got four shot glasses so we could have done a shot together Jesus fucking Christ do that we can oh Dave go get up. Shall we shot now? Dude you're I can live with that merch Beautiful, I love it wins that go live. You don't know that's amazing. I don't know. Do you not have a person? Oh

Got a new one. It's new merch. It's coming. I meant it's coming but like I have one currently but I don't really it's like It's kind of like one of those things we have to continuously be like oh you have two weeks to buy this and it just feels fucking like parasitic and the whole FOMO strategy crazy we know this merch guy here in uh here in Texas that's demo or bunker Brandon they do this thing where they make stuff demolition ranch

Bunker branding, you know, yeah all of our merch goes through demolition ranch demos demo ranch fucking Matt character He's the Tim Mills like he crushes like the guy most what to me and subscribers on one channel He's like one of his on one channel. He crushes the game five million on his vlog channel He crushes the games got four million on his veterinarian channel. I

And every video does at minimum, like you're looking at two mil, but he started Bunker Brandon. He does all our merch. Look at that face. What is this guy? What is he, a social media guy?

But he fucking... What's his name? Demolition Ranch. No, his real name. Oh, Matt Carriker. Yeah. Carriker? We only use fake names here. I'm going for Dave. Matt Carriker. Eli. Cody. I'm actually going to call him Matt Carriker. The kindest person? Yeah, he's like the kindest person ever. But he does all our merch. Like, he does merch for... No, they've talked nothing but nice things. I just, you know...

Try to spice it up a bit. Maybe there should be one person in the room who doesn't like him. You be the heel. I'll be that guy. I've never liked him. You're the heel? You're the heel? We hate Matty. You hate Matt for no given reason. Wait, what do you mean?

I hate Batty so much I don't even want to talk around him. There's some comments. People were like, you ever notice when Batty's on the podcast, Donut doesn't talk very much? I will say you've been very like this the whole time. Body language says a lot. Even your hand right now is blocking Batty's presence. That's true.

Jesus Christ Make him love himself. Oh My god, okay Superheroes I cannot wait for this is now

Okay, let's ask you what would your what would your favorite superpower be if you could get one just out the gate? You're like bam. This is mine man. I don't know fuck play this at negative 14 times speed so it's even slower go I've never thought about I really don't know what can I realistically do that? Super we're talking if you're like the event. I'm saying even if I had a superpower. What would I enjoy? Dude, you could smell dead people, huh?

Heather's superpower she picked she could smell corpses that was her strength that's a very pungent smell called a retarded super That's what you're going for out of everything Eli has super speed

Just that. It's nice. I like the super speed. I can fly. Yeah. I can fly. And I have super strength. You got the Avengers marketed here, huh? I mean, so what would... Again, what would your...

I'm just gonna say invisibility. Oh, no ridge gossip. Sorry So now we have to decide

the secondary negative thing with your superpower. Well, you've never seen... Well, I was wondering about this. If Mr. Fantastic, who stretches, if he sat there and if he... Imagine if he was an overweight man. That stretching would be a lot crazier. Right? You have so much more extra skin. He'd be way more versatile. Right? Now, the stretch marks on my stomach...

resemble, I would say, a river map of Missouri. So to see that stretched and inflamed would be quite glorious. And I feel like I could actually truly help the world with stopping crime. This is the first time Missouri's ever been helpful since Mike. Ever. That's where I'm from. And that's why I always say river map of Missouri. Because I'm from, yeah, Kearney, Missouri. Okay, so...

All these superpowers, you have your superpower. You have your stretching ability. Your super stretch. EY. No, no, no, no. We start with Donut because Donut has very much the best... He is the leader of the offenders. That is our superhero group name, the offenders. That's awesome, dude. There's always a downside to your power, though. Like mine, I can fly, but while I'm flying, I have to shout racial slurs. So when he...

I can't fly otherwise. So imagine him saving a burning house of my minorities. He's going to walk in and he's just going to be like, hey guys, I'm going to walk you down the steps. And they're like, why? Just fly us out. You can fly us out. He's like, nope. You don't want me to do this, really? Like, are you sure this is my thing? You want me to fly right now? Because it's just like...

Or I fly into the building and they don't want to be saved anymore. They're like, get away from us. It's that cop. What's your negative then? I have super strength, but every time I use that strength, I just start coming everywhere. Uncontrollably. Constantly jizzing. Our invisible friend Rich, he has to be masturbating. Anytime he's invisible, he has to do this. That's how he becomes invisible. He has to be masturbating. Missions or anything, you just hear like,

Anywhere's clogs. What's yours, though? I have super speed. I can travel at speed of light. I just shit uncontrollably any time I unlock that ability. Okay. So now we need to find hunters. The meat canyons. Then I can stretch. What would be a negative about stretching? Oh, man. What's the need about stretching? It'd just be like a mundane, like, you shit yourself. What's a negative? Yeah, just a terrible thing that would be super unfortunate if you were also a...

I'm trying to think of something that's applicable to my life that would be negative that I don't do currently. That isn't already affecting you. I assume that I have to... Hold on. I have to beat my wife into a bloody pulp before I can start stretching.

Now let's be honest, let's hold on. This is something that I don't do normally. This is, we're talking about my superhero power. I don't normally do this. That's not something I do normally. To be very clear, he does not do this. Two black eyes, three chipped teeth. That's what activates my stretch. And the whole time I'm like, I'm so sorry, baby.

I said that. There's a house on fire, I'm sorry. She's blind, legally blind in both eyes now because... Okay, hold on real quick. Does it have to be your significant other or could it just be like you got a... Mistresses, girlfriends, nieces, nephews, anybody close to me.

I just picture them in blocks. Somebody you care about needs to be hit in the face for your stretch. The orphanage is on fire and the lady that runs it comes outside. She's like, it's on fire. How important are these children? The true negative that comes out of this, though, is whenever I beat someone who I think I care about and then my powers don't work. And unless the real thing is like Bonnie just like... You're just sitting there hitting...

It'll work soon. It won't activate. This happens to all superheroes. Not everybody's works the first time. But see, that's my villain arc is I become a narcissist and then I don't care about anybody besides myself and I have to just beat myself. And then that's how I bring corruption into the world. That'd be mine.

You will be a valuable member of the offenders. Jesus Christ. Thank you for joining the offenders. I just picture you walking with your wife everywhere in a box. You're like, honey. It's like some Nezuko shit. It's literally Nezuko. You just bring her out and you beat the fuck out of her. I don't know what that means, but okay. The fuck is Nezuko? Don't. Don't even start. I don't know what that means. Wait, are you for real?

I don't watch anime. You just did a fucking Demon Slayer video about- I watched the first two episodes. You did a video about the episode! I said, "Nah."

You know what's cool about Demon Slayer? Not a lot. That's why I thought... Thank you. Thank you. I sat there... The biggest first thing I was like watching the show and he's like, what the fuck is his job at the beginning? He like... He's gathering sticks or some shit. Yeah, he gathers or sells stuff or he has six sticks or whatever. He's like walking into this woods and this guy reaches out his window. He's like, hey!

"Don't go in there, there's demons in those woods!" And he's like, "Huh?" He's like, "Ah, come back in here, I'll tell you about it." And then he goes, I'm like, "If it's that casual, how does everyone NOT know that there's demons in this world?"

And he's like, "Hey, but if you want to, I'll make you steak and you can sleep over here tonight." He's like, "Okay, I will." He doesn't get-- Love. But he's-- love. He sits there and he-- And he goes-- He goes back, and then of course his sister and mom are dead. And he's like, "Oh, I can smell good." And I thought to myself, "Nah." "Meh." "I think I'll pass on this one. I'm good." Yeah. Meh.

You just ruined Demon Slayer in 30 seconds. I love it. Don't fucking sit here and talk about Demon Slayer for like 30 minutes. It's my favorite anime right now. I'm sitting here having PTSD moments just staring at the wall because I don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Insufferable characters. Mountain Joe knows about demons and no one else does. God damn it. You just ruined it. Literally. And that's the thing though. I was sitting there and I was like,

What? The guy reaches his... That happens. That's literally episode one. Yeah, it opens up. But yeah, the timid dude who's a fucking annoying prick and he turns into a badass sometimes and the pig fuck. I can't stand any of them. I can't stand any of them. I just love your... I did watch... Water form six. His fucking neck stab was like... Yeah. Please explain Attack on Titan to us.

Attack on Titan, I remember I saw the first episode and I was like, this is actually very cool. And then I kept watching it and I thought to myself, man, this is getting gayer by the second. You know what's cool about Gundam? Is that they're robots. You know what's cool about Attack on Titan? Is that it's like, oh, it's like Gundam, but you're in giant people. Oh, it's really cool that the humans have this thing. Oh, by the way, this show is literally Michael Bay's The Island. What?

Literally. Literally. And then it's like, hey, by the way, the giant castle walls, they're filled with tall people. And people are like, oh, that's kind of cool. Is it, though? Is that entertaining? Nah. I think I'll pass on it, though. It's kind of my whole thing. The one anime I did watch recently that I enjoyed was the Devilman Crybaby on Netflix, the limited series. I really enjoyed that.

I haven't watched that one yet. I've heard nothing, but it's like Berserk Dark. It's fucking fucked up dark. Berserk, shut the fuck up about Berserk. He hates Berserk. I hate Berserk. Really? Yeah. It's just bad hentai. He likes Demon Slayer. I like the art in Berserk a lot. I've never read the book, but I ordered... Someone sent me from Japan. They were selling the art of...

Kentaro, what's his face? That's his last name. What's his face? It's very Japanese. Yeah. That's just his name. Eli, same but Asian. But no, it's very Lovecraftian, so I really enjoyed it. It's very cosmic, horror-esque and fun. And the art's incredible. You are burping up a storm. I know, dude. Dude, I had those chicken biscuits. You got the cum bubbles? I ate that green mold yesterday, so my stomach's all fucked up. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I just want to do like a 30-minute segment now of you fucking shitting on anime and their storyline because I am not laughing this hard. You know what Attack on Titan is? The island. It's fucking Gundam with people. I'm like, I hate your ruining this. The thing is, I like my... I mean, everybody likes... People talk about taste a lot, right? Of like, oh, I have good taste in this or something. But nobody has good taste in anything. It's just what people decide to...

like pass, like, I mean like, like fill their fucking, their void for a minute. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So it's like, it's everything is terrible. Like nothing is good. Everything's terrible, but it's just a matter of like, what do you like? What do you, what do you like watching is essentially what it is. So when I see people are like, Oh, I'm a big anime person.

I it's not like it's a bad thing. It's just, that's just not my terrible cup of tea. That's a red flag for you. Not even a red flag. I just, that's just not what I enjoy. I just don't enjoy watching it. What do you enjoy watching? Fuck this shit. I like watching B horror films, which is just equally as terrible. It's terrible garbage, but it's just like stuff where I'm like, Oh, cause I think like, it's just usually like a hobo with the shotgun. Hobo shotgun. It's good. Canadian film. It's good. It's not bad, but I don't know. Like,

If I'm watching something I like feeling like I'm like, oh man, I wish I could do that And that's why I find with all you can do that with B or You can't have like your buddies get together. I love the bourbon Like

anime to me though. I just like, it, it just, it, it encapsulates what I don't like with like media, which is like over explaining and like the exposition of anime is like really infuriating to me. I really, and like it, people are like, Oh, well it's a translation thing, but I think it's like more of a cultural thing of it's, it's getting information to you as quickly and economically as possible, but it's just like, it could be done in such a better way. But now it's so embedded into the anime culture that it's like,

It's just gonna happen. That's just how it is now. Yes, and I don't like anime at all really Things about anime that I really enjoy that I try to be open-minded about I guess of like Because think a lot of people were like, oh I fucking hate anime and they just like write it off right it off instantly I think that there's a lot of great ways to like

Draw influence from things and like I don't know if you guys listen to have you heard trash taste podcast? It's a huge podcast on YouTube with Three dudes living in Japan that do like primarily anime content I don't really like anime but they make stuff seem very interesting and I thought that was that was very appealing to me of like oh fuck I don't really watch anime I don't give a fuck about what the shows are talking about but in terms of like I guess it's one of those things where it's like

You see somebody who's passionately talking about something and you're like, I like that, that they're that they're stoked about that being passionate about something. Yeah, it's kind of the same thing with you guys when you guys are doing stuff about like all the material you guys do. It's so heavily invested into your own interests that I think that's what that's the appealing part of the content that comes from that. So, yeah, I don't know.

That's pretty cool. I can't just say come again real quick. Just say come. Thank you. God, this, you have been, God, like as a guest, you are now one of my favorite because you're like breaking down and you're like hilarious. Way better than that Matt Best guy. And that fucking Dave guy. And what was his name? Matt Character. Fuck that guy. That guy, I'll die before he touches any of my merch.

I'm gonna share it though because I'm clipping this exact moment that mere character Really pronounce his last name like that. No, it's just like this is what this is my favorite. She's like fucking you break down shit It's funny, but you're like going in more depth and can you deep throw that mic? Oh?

Don't do it. He does it for fun. Can you? Yeah, absolutely. Dave, do it.

No one does it No one no one does it would that not be a great clip of woman if you tried Oh, it's been gagging many many, but if you give you try to go on so far that you threw up But you don't blink I can't and you may not throw up from this you I have to like finger fuck the back of my throat to try to throw up I thought a lot of people have a very like

I don't have a gator face. I don't! I found a lot of people that do the motion but they won't throw up. Yeah. I'm just saying, man, humans are crazy, right?

I tell you, I was watching it the other day, and I rewatched some school, some, from my school. Remember when you'd walk into your school, you're kind of older than me, well, you're really, you're older than me. Remember when you went to school, you'd walk into school, and you'd walk into the classroom, and there was a TV monitor with a stick in it. And you got a boner for a minute. You're super stoked. Oh.

They got the wheelie card out? It wasn't a science class you're iffy because it was a Bill Nye. Where's this going? It was that one, and I was talking about this the other day on my second channel, and it's that one where it's like, I think it's called Roots? It's not called iWorks. It's not Roots. Yes. Everyone loves Roots. We watched that. Our new Roots was Remember the Titans. That was our Roots.

I think I've watched I Remember the Titans maybe 15 times in school. I don't think we can say that's the new routine. Similar themes in terms of just like

Social, like, I don't know. Sociopolitical commentary, I guess. I don't know. From Vermont. Yeah, you're just like, I don't know. I don't know why I like that. Anyway! It's a documentary thing where it's like a school kind of broadcast where he starts in a museum. It's called, like, I Works or something. But it's, like, about, like, it's kind of like...

It's just like weird informational shit, but it starts off in a museum. I don't really know where I'm going with this I just remember the theme song slap though. Moral of the story, do not fucking dare do that theme song. It was crazy, it started in this museum and you'd trickle through the museum and a parrot would fly through and it's like, do-do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do-do, in a fucking volcano. What is the meat-gaining cartoon coming out of the animation about this?

Never. You piece of shit. Wait. For the offenders, how much do we get to pay you? I won't do it. Why? I don't have any time. You get to beat the shit out of your wife. That's easy and free. It takes no time. He doesn't do it.

Raising the number until you say yes. Let's start off with a drawing. Just a drawing. I can do a drawing. How much? We'll do it right now. You don't need to pay anything. I'll just do it. A drawing is nothing as much as an animation is just time. Which is just a matter of like, and that's the entire thing with production. You're buying time always with everything. Set hand is everything.

You'll tell he'll he'll talk about this story when we offer for the Black Rifle cartoon. You like this much. I was like, how about we pay you this much? Because I offered well over you like gave me a number and I was like, no, no, we'll pay you this much.

I was like, we're fucking... And the price was awesome. It was cool. It was just a matter of time, bro. It's just time. We do, brother. And that's why we get it. Because especially your style. I know like going into a film set, how much time you're drawing shit. And that's what I was like. It's hard. His pricing is very good. But we were like, I'll pay. We will pay well. And the quality would be there to where you guys would be happy with it. It's just a matter of like...

It's just like looking after... It's just... Once again, it's just the YouTube algorithm. YouTube favors people who are like... They find a system where it's like less about thinking...

This is wrong to say because there's a lot of thought that goes into shit. It's less about thinking about the content and more about being the personality and bringing the content to the people. But what I mean by that is that it needs to be so easy that you're just like, I can mine this. No, that's absolutely right. Why do you think we do this podcast? But at the same time, though, the mining process can be like, well, how do we evolve that?

and stuff to where it can be something that progressively gets better or that you feel creatively fulfilled by and stuff. So I don't want to make people think that it's just like, oh, it's easy and animation is hard because that's not the case because editing and stuff can be just as hard. Like all these things can be just as hard. Being a personality is just as hard as

drawing in a crowd is just as hard. So there's no one thing. If people are like, oh, well, animation is hard. So I like this. That's a fucking wrong way to like, like something or like be about it. It's, it's really stupid. So it's just, and then when people are like complaining about like, oh,

You know, animation is really hard for YouTubers. Yeah, it is. But that's the medium you chose. So it's about evolving to that thing and like making your media fit that. Yeah, exactly. And like YouTube, it'll probably change again. It always does. And it's just about, OK, well, we have to transition into like what is favorable with that thing. So yeah.

That's just like... That's just what it is, I guess. Content creation, man. It's not like a static, easy, golden ticket to whatever. You're constantly having to think about how to evolve it. It's a fucking... It's a mental... The moment you get stale, it's like... It's a mental fucking hurdle all the time because you're constantly like...

questioning yourself and stuff and you're trying to keep people engaged because I think about things of like when I was like even 2019 I'm like it's hard to think that people give a fuck after a year because they're just like nah I've had my fill you know so it's constantly like how the fuck do I keep progressing you're trying to cater to a TikTok audience why do they give a fuck a year later when they can blast through a million videos I don't think that's I don't think why I can ever and the thing too is like I did one thing on TikTok with my wife

one time and it blew up or whatever. And I was like, that was so unfulfilling. Like I was like, that took 12 seconds. It meant nothing. These likes mean nothing to me. These views mean nothing to me. This Tik TOK algorithm thing feels so like hollow. A few will just be like, huh? Like scroll means nothing versus like you might, even if you're on YouTube and you're like, yeah, I'm not getting a million views, but I'm getting 250,000 views, a vlog or like video. Um,

To me, that's a commitment. And that's kind of cool. So there's still that. I think a lot of people lose the sight of that. It's like on your main channel, what is the lowest performing video you've done? I don't know. A million? Let's say...

Maybe. I think that, but at the same time, though, there's a very unhealthy aspect of like looking at that. Let's look at the healthy though. Let's say it's a mil. Your lowest is a mil. Sure, but I guess what I meant is like how I look at it, which is like, I'm like, if a tune doesn't get 10 million views, I'm like, oh, it's a fail.

That's like a fail. You just said this boy said 10 million. Yeah, it's totally unrealistic. That's not the creator brand. But at the same time, if you look at my stuff, though, that's not unreasonable to get. So whenever you try to do new things or you try to branch out of these things, you're trying to cater to that thing. So it's like if something doesn't hit like 10 million views or something like that, you're just like,

You're like, oh, well, fuck, whatever. It's that drug of I need these numbers because you got to look at it like this. And this is how I always break it down. It's like, let's say it's fucking a million. Your lowest is a mil. You have just filled out...

10 Super Bowl stadiums. You standing there playing a video. I hate that analogy. Do you know how much Apple pays for a single, if you can promise Apple a million view video, do you know how much they pay for that? A commercial. $1,800 to $1,200. Yeah.

And that's why I like, like for your numbers with us, I was like, here's how much we'll pay you. And that's on the low end. Cause it's what you're doing and what your worth is, is so fucking much. And we see that. And I was like, I see that these guys see us. Cause you can fucking get the views. And I know every time I know, yo meet Canyon. If he does a video, no matter what piece of content, this boy needs to charge 50 grand minimum for a cartoon because he at minimum,

At minimum, it's bringing in a mil view. If I was you, I'd be like $100,000 per fucking commercial. If it goes on my channel, $100,000. I've had sponsors come in and be like, and they've offered rates that are comparable to that, but I've never done it because...

the channel control well no it's not that it's just the channel's never done it so i'm like i don't need it it's just like a matter of like greed i guess i have my second channel where i do sponsors and stuff and that thing i'm trying to become the little like i guess uh workhorse of uh sponsorship and stuff like that but i think but i think it's like uh how much uh

I don't know how much money do you need? You know, enough to pay the bills. And at the end of the day, it's too, like I'm working, I'm looking after me and my wife and I'm looking after my future. But at the same time, like I'm fine. I don't need to do that. I'll get you trying to have a future. Have you seen Maddie's numbers? I like my sponsors personally. I have a kid. The sponsors I work with are great. I just mean like in terms of like,

I can especially on a cop like because you do stuff that's long very long form It's very easy to put something in that and it doesn't take anything away from your content. Yeah your content stays very pure That's your holy if it's if it's a two minute three minute long cartoon that completely Especially if someone's like man, I love this cartoon but forever there's like a Nord ad on it. Yeah feels just kind of You know

It's a hard trade-off. Go on. It's hard. Like you said, your cartoons are like two, three minutes long sometimes. Sponsors always want a 45-second to 60-second ad. 60 to 90 is what I've seen. Oh, Jesus Christ. Yeah, to put a minute and a half ad on a two-minute cartoon, yeah, that doesn't make sense at all. It doesn't make any sense, yeah. That's the hardest part. That's why BRCC, when it started, there was no... So how we did it for the longest time, there was...

Zero ads for BRCC was insulate you got a fucking we did a 10-second insulate at the end of a comedic video for BRCC to get it where it is

And I remember the first video was How to Be American in Slate. And it was just 50 million view video on Facebook. Fucking Slate. And that's what we did. And then we were averaging 10 to 20 million during the Facebook era of content pushing. We just in Slate. That's all we cared for. And it fucking catapulted the business. That's the crazy thing, though, too. It's just like if you have something that's more organic that can be like 10 to 15 seconds long, I feel...

Part of me feels like that's going to be something that's more impactful about being like, hey, just check this out. It's way more relaxed. It's way more just like conversational. People are like, oh, maybe I will. That's how I drive my Twitch ads now. Yeah, and that's the way to do it, I think. Because you'll have the 60s and 90s stuff, and it's like so – and you'll hear the same script across hundreds of channels. And they fucking – I hate that. Instead of giving the person – And people are like complaining. Like I had this one guy be like, dude, honestly –

Fucking love your stuff, but I'm sad because raid shot like really you're gonna survive so how about you come and fucking pay my mortgage? It's so stupid but it's just like at the same time it's like if that's what the brand wants and it helps the channel Why would you care?

Yeah. That's like, and if people are so like absent minded, fuck them. Cause there's so many people who are just like, okay, I don't want to hear the ad. They'll skip. And then that's it. That's the end of it. It's like, just fucking don't watch that. That's the absolute end of it. And someone's like, dude, well, why don't you put the little bar at the end? I'm like, probably because you're a fucking human being in 2022. How about you have enough hindsight to just be like, click. If you're on your phone,

Three times. That's a minute. 30 seconds, dude. It's wild to see people complain about ad reads at this point. It's like it's children. It's literal children. Content creators like the things we do. This is how we make money. Like we don't we don't have like some magical fucking magic.

gold fairy shoving shit up our asses after the fact. Like there, there needs to be something to drive this content. And unfortunately, sometimes you have to do ad reads to do that or just the vast majority of people are incredibly cool. Like, Oh,

A lot of people will not complain, but the problem that lies with social media is that the people that do complain are the loudest. Yes. That's a very vocal minority. But what happens with that too is that when people are the loudest about it, they cause other people to be like, yeah, like maybe I don't like it either. That kind of shit. You're just like,

You're both fucking dumb. Yes. And I saw a Facebook post. Lemmings jumping off the cliff shit. A long time ago, I saw this horrible Facebook article of this woman duct taping her dog's mouth shut. And it was horrible.

But I keep recalling on that and I was just like, man, I would love to do that to you because you're insufferable. And I hope that it's just as irredeemable as it is. I want it to be bad. I want people to be like, dude, what the fuck are you doing? I'm like, I want you to watch as I take this $4, which duct tape is expensive, $4 roll of duct tape and fucking wrap it around this person's fucking snout. It's like, fuck him.

Fuck them. As if they act like they have any more life experience than I do. I'm like, bitch, I've been homeless before. I've worked at FedEx fucking freight before. Eat my dick, you piece of shit. Hunter is my favorite guest of all time now.

I will fucking go into what he just said. I will go on and change it. If you see a fucking ad on Twitch, guess what? That's how your content creator is making fucking money. If you see an ad on YouTube, and with ours, we have seven now. You know why? It is to fucking buy cameras so it looks better. It is to up the quality so we can give back to the community. Get fucked if you think it's for us. We don't give a fuck about that. There's a large part of it where people think that like...

Personal sponsors, anything that you do that gets you money is not personal greed all the time. Every time. There are people who abuse it. Yeah. There are definitely people who abuse that kind of stuff. But I think that if you like someone genuinely, it's because they're trying to evolve what they do to make what you enjoy better. That's essentially what it is. It's not selling out. It's like... Fuck... Like...

Any y'all. Any y'all. Imagine if they're like fucking Raid Shadow Legends. You're doing your fucking YouTube video or whatever. And they're like, we'll pay you 20 to 50 grand to do a minute ad spot. You're going to say, yeah, because you're like, I would never sell at 50 grand. Okay. Hey, welcome to Raid Shadow Legends. If I can even, I guess, jump into, it's like less about even like what I do. If like, if I on my channel, I do a Raid ad, I do a Nord ad. And then I do like some other fucking podcast.

bobbledy boop fucking ad. Who cares? It's a gummy bear ad. I don't give a fuck what it is. That assures that my editor can pay his rent. I can pay him his salary kind of thing. Animators get paid fairly.

the comp artists get paid fairly. People that I want to be like, Hey, I want you to do a voice on this. They get paid fairly. It's all a matter of like, it goes back into the channel somehow. And it's like, do I like pay myself some of that? Of course I do because I have my own bills to pay and all that kind of stuff. And you want security out of your life. It's like, I,

You're investing into your your content or job security. It's a business like any other business and people don't fucking understand that No, well because I think people see the thing of like and I've been there too, you know I mean like and I sympathize with it too of like I've been the person don't whenever was exactly no actually know what never mind My

Well, like I'd work like construction or I would work whatever like when I was we all work shitty jobs Yeah, or like you do what you do and it sucks because people are like I hate this job I've hated my job before so then they see somebody doing something they like and they're like and you're getting paid for that Fuck yourself. I'm gonna pay for that cuz I feel that I totally feel that but at the same time if it's a sponsored video and you're not doing anything besides watching the video you should just be like it is what it is and

You might have a Patreon plug. You don't have to sign up for it. You don't have merch. You don't have to do it. It's all optional based. It's not like I'm like, it would be different if a content creator was constantly being like, dude, honestly, like if we're not getting merch sales up, like I'm done. Turn the power off. Which I imagine people have done. Yeah. Which goes into our next segment. Hey.

Bunker branding. Our merch sales are not this fucking shit. Matt Carriker? Fuck you. That son of a bitch. He's pulling the operation on all of us. He's pulling the plug. Just think of yourself as a personal trainer.

I'm not gonna work out after work. I'm not gonna stay in shape. I have to train people every day, but you know what? Nah, I'm not gonna be in good shape. You're bettering your career. Why the fuck wouldn't you do that as a content creator? It's the same shit. You lost me because there's been so many times where I've tried to get up in the morning and be like, I'm gonna walk for 10 minutes. And I lay in my bed and I'm just like, I think I'm just gonna make eggs instead. I'm gonna do a full eight month... We're gonna do an eight month commitment. I'm gonna...

You need to live closer. I love really far. I would just wake up if you were so much closer. Have you thought about moving? No, I have a house. You can sell it. I could. I would sell it. That smells horrible.

Sorry. That actually smells terrible. Honestly, it's a newfound appreciation for you. Yeah. Fuck you, David. Fuck you, David. He's like, where he fucked you? He wasn't me. He's like sitting there in his little gremlin body. He's like, I wish you could have slept there.

And it just seeps across the table and gets up into your fucking nose. It's the worst. Why am I a gremlin body? You're a tiny, buff little man. I'm not. He's so tiny, isn't he? He's a tiny little fucking dude. He's like a square. He's a buff guy. He's like a square. He's a buff little man. Thank you for watching the Unsubscribe Podcast.

We have Eli DoubleTap, we have Donut Operator, hi I'm baddie streams or Dave whatever. Awesome fucking new favorite guest. Plugs real quick. Please shout out all the things and places. Okay. What's your second channel in the vlog one? The pop, well it's not vlog it's just. Your bullshit channel? Pop me. Where do you jizz?

I jizz in my bed. It's a real man. And in my toilet. Fluck, put all those up. He's a real man. Thank you. I jack off when I shit and then I fucking cum on top of my shit. And then it's like Elmer glue that like drizzles down into the toilet bowl that rests on top of my shit. And then my wife gets mad because sometimes the cum stays on the inside of the bowl. It stays on the toilet, right? Yeah. It's all I know.

Fuck, if you can put that in the first 30 seconds. I want that everybody loves Raymond theme to go out here. Barbara, what the fuck do you mean that my cum's on the toilet bowl? Fuck off, you bitch. That show was called The Divorce. Put this in the first 30 seconds, please. Just right after. That's it. Thanks for watching. I love you all. Jesus fucking Christ. God, unless it's a good episode.

Yes, I'm loving this one. These are like my favorites. It's like when it's just fucking I can I have a nipple detector built into myself. I just you know, I can feel it Fuck you can include all this but that's the end screen. Oh, yeah. I mean, this is a great end screen. I had a nipple detector.