cover of episode 19 - We Replaced Eli ft. Operator Drewski

19 - We Replaced Eli ft. Operator Drewski

Publish Date: 2021/7/2
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you do that better than eli yeah that's true what do you mean you're much larger than him though so yeah you can't open a can wow he has little children fingers he's got little little nubs he's just got eli's short that's all that matters you know hi everyone welcome to the unsubscribe podcast

We're here with Operator Drewski. Where are we going with this? Operator was! Somebody had to do it. So we got Operator Drewski here. Hello. Our friend Drew, who hasn't wanted to hang out with me since I moved all the way to Texas just to hang out with him. It's been over six months now. Literally, it's over six, seven, almost eight months. That 30 minute drive, man. It's a long one, right?

Oh, now I'm hurting. You guys don't know Operator Drewski. He's got a rather large YouTube channel. Do you do YouTube? Is that what you do? Do you do YouTube? No, no. Okay, he doesn't do YouTube. Facebook stream or something. Have you ever streamed on Facebook? I was a partner Facebook streamer for a year and a half.

I didn't know you could do that. Yep. Yeah, I was one of the first people to... I was one of the first 40 streamers that were streaming partnered on Facebook. Signed with Facebook. You don't do that anymore? Nope, I went back to Twitch. Thank God. Don't blame me. I almost had to tell you to leave. It was going to be real awkward with just me and Donut on the podcast today. Right? Super weird. I'm glad you came by, man. Even though this is two hours after we told you. So... Batty planned to have Operator Drewski on the podcast. I really wanted to do it, and then we forgot. Yeah.

And then we were like, let's do it again. And I was like, 1 p.m. tomorrow. I checked in with everybody yesterday. I was like, yeah. Set my alarm for 11 today. So I'd wake up at, you know, still lazy people hour, but not quite 2 p.m.

And then I woke up at 11. And then I show up. Okay, listen. Before you showed up, some things happened. And then I showed up five minutes early for 1 p.m. And I'm sitting there like, maybe they're all getting breakfast or something. And Batty's just not answering his phone on the day of. I was like, hmm. This might be a...

I may have fallen. I may have snoozed a little bit. You fell into Goth Hooters. I fell. I dove straight into Goth Hooters and fell asleep. I woke up at 11, and then I promptly looked at my phone. I was like, I got five more minutes. And then it was 1-18, and I had a missed call from Drew, and I woke up. Drew, I'm here to go. I was like, I'm already going to eat breakfast with Donut. Bye, Batty.

We grabbed some brekkie, but you know, I kind of forgot to, you guys hit me up late yesterday when I was already a little deep in my cup. I was on my way to get my truck today and Drew's like, I'm outside Batty's house. What do I do? I'm like, oh, well, you said you better check out the studio. So I didn't know if this was your house, but I was like, both of Batty's trucks are here. So I was like, yeah, I was like, is this a studio? And you're like, no, you mean Batty's house? I was like, oh, so he's asleep inside the house.

So I fucked up. Listen, we gotta go have breakfast. We wasted like three hours of Drew's time. It's Father's Day! Happy Father's Day, Donut! Thank you, bro. Drew, happy Father's Day. You don't know yet, but now you do. You're a father. Hopefully I'm not a father. Are y'all checks? That's fine. Whatever.

Happy Father's Day! I mean, this isn't gonna come out on Father's Day. This is gonna come out in like a month. Just if you forgot your dad to call your dad today.

In a week, we've been calling him now. As you're hearing this. Be like, Dad, I forgot. I was busy. Just say it's Father's Day. Then he might have forgotten. Honestly, your father probably forgot too. And then he might not call you out for being an idiot if you say, Happy Father's Day, Dad. Because he feels bad because you're stupid. Or he'll be like, Fuck, I forgot it was Father's Day. Good thing he remembered. Oh, thank you, son. Because as men, we obviously will never admit we're wrong. So... Ever. Ever.

Ever. Okay. All right. So, Drew, rather large YouTube channel. What do you play primarily? I do a lot of realistic shooter games. Anything you can think of in large-scale, big open battlefields or flight sims as well. I've been doing that a lot recently. Your flight sim stuff's cool. Dude, I've been getting into flight sims a lot this last year. I know. I've never really gave up. I've tried Arma so many times, and I just don't give a fuck. Yeah. No, Arma takes...

It takes playing with a certain group of people. You have to have the right team to play. For sure. It's just like that in Squad. If you're playing with the wrong group of people, it can ruin... The game can be terrible. It's almost like Dungeons & Dragons. You can play with a good group of guys and you have an awesome experience. You play with a baddie sort of person, you have a terrible experience. What?

Honestly, that's the perfect analogy. Yeah, yeah. With the wrong group, it sucks nut. Yeah. But your flight sim stuff is actually really fun to watch. It's really fun to do because I started flight sim. I had a guy, Ralphie Dude. He's another YouTuber on DCS. He trained me to fly. By the way, DCS is...

Digital combat simulator. There you go. It's a big flight sim. Big flight sim, yeah. He told me how to fly a one-to-one F-18 where, like, you click every single button in the cockpit. Yeah. And you have to learn the startup process. You have to learn exactly how the plane works and how the radars function and stuff. Do you have flight sticks? Do you have all the bells and whistles? Or is it just two sticks and a keyboard still? I have stick, throttle, and I have a control pad as well. Okay. And then also some keyboard stuff that's bound, just custom keys, but...

Yeah, it's a lot of fun because I went from actual... Dude. Could you get into an F-18 right now and fly it? That's the question a lot of people ask. If you put me in an F-18 and told me... You could take off, though. I could take off. He could take off, though. That's all that matters. I think I could start it up if I remember the start process right. I think I could start an F-18 up. I can definitely start up an A-10 and I could take it off. I've seen you fly a lot of A-10s. Yeah. Yeah. A-10 is a... Nah.

But the thing is, these planes, they have to be unclassified because these are one-to-one simulator planes, so you can't get an F-22 to be a one-to-one sim because it's all classified. So the developers of the game don't know what the real F-22 or F-35 is like. So they're just mashing up a couple jets that they can. So we're flying like a 1988 Block II F-18 fighter. You know, we're flying old aircraft, but you're still flying an F-18 and...

It's fun going from being an absolute noob in the community to now, like, actually doing really good in PvP and, like, fighting against other players in less than a year. Like, I mean, it's a sim, so you have to learn so much to become good at the combat in that game. But it's fun. Have you ever, like, actually flown, like, in a – No.

What if we broke into... What if we commandeered an F-18 and put Drew in the cockpit? Do you think it would be a ride-or-die situation where he has to fly it or he dies? Like, gun to the head right now? Or you get arrested and federally charged by the United States government. So you've got to get away. You have to be able to fly the F-18. I've had a dream where I...

awoke in the cockpit of an A-10 and didn't know what to do. AKA, we put you in when we take the bag off your head. We're like, here you go, buddy. Don't kill us all. I'm like flying above San Antonio and I'm like visually looking for the airstrip like, where am I? And like, I was a, it was not a good dream. It was,

It was like my first week into learning the A-10s, so I'm sitting in this cockpit and the cockpit is... Huh? Naked? What? Did you get naked in the A-10? Yeah, were you naked in your dream? I don't remember. I loved being naked. It wouldn't have changed my fear, though, if I was. I mean, your boner would be getting in the way, you know, flying that much freedom. Which one do you... Everyone doesn't know the A-10 is a fucking warthog. It's literal freedom. A plane that should have been retired 40 years ago, but because it's so badass...

The whole tail end of the A-10 is based off of World War II bombers. Like I said, they should have retired at 40. I guess if you look at it, yeah. Yeah, it's like the flat, the flat, like, flat. The A-10 has been in service longer than, like, anything? I don't know. Did they have A-10s in Vietnam? No, they had F-4 Phantoms.

Yeah, they brought A-10s in in Desert Storm, I think. It was a little before. But they were part of Storm and Shield. Have you ever seen the spent rounds from them? Is it like a 30mm? Yeah, one of my followers sent me one. It looks like a shotgun shell, but twice as big, and it's metal. Yeah, it's freaking crazy. That's sitting on my desk. Ow. Big owie. Okay, so DCS is a big thing. Obviously, are you still doing a lot of Arma style? Yeah, I do a lot of Arma stuff. Okay, okay. Yeah.

I feel like I'm looking at Donut and his son right now. The mustaches. Do you... Okay, so you said DCS. Do you remember when the newest... I think that's the newer flight simulator, right? When it came out and people were bullying other people by... Because you can fly around Google Maps, basically. And people were bullying other people by taking screenshots of their houses and flying their planes into them in the game. And recording it and sending it. Wow. Like, I know where you live. Yeah.

9-11 cyberbullying people. Also, a lot of streamers dox themselves by going, that's my house. And people looking up on it. It's like you're flying in Google Maps. People are going to be able to just find that city and then find exactly what you're looking at and find your house. People got the dumb, man.

But then again, I'd probably do the same. I'm going to fly into my parents' house. Now this is awesome. Oh no. It's all in good fun though. Mom. I love you. Happy father's day, dad. Hey dad, fuck you. I know you listen to this shit. I just flew in an eight, 10 into your house.

fuck dark so Arma tell me about your time in Milsim games because that was like a big thing for you yeah I started doing Milsim for like five years ago probably and it was a lot of fun what started your YouTube channel? what's that? that's what I want to know give me the lore to Operator's Whiskey

Like, 2010, Arma 2. Old game. That's where Daisy came from. Yeah, I remember that. Arma 2. We were playing with a few bunch of friends, and there was this redneck dude on the server who was really mad at us for... I said something like, contact! 208! Bearing 208! And we got guys like 200 meters out. And this, I guess, guy just graduated boot camp. It's a me.

here boy what you waiting contact he said he was like you guys think you're so military you guys are 13 years old i've been there i've been afghanistan i've fought war and just just ran 13 years old ranting at us huh were you 13 years i don't know i guess 14 probably close enough so uh so i guess no i was like i was like 15 when i started playing r2 a lot yeah probably probably 15 uh but i uh

He was like, you guys think you're so operator. And I was like, yeah, I think I'm so operate. He was like, well, you're not operators. And so I left the server, came back. I changed my name from Drew ski to operator. Drew ski came back in and he got pissed off. And then all my friends changed their name to operator Rico operator, you know, clutch or whatever. Uh, so we, we all came back and made him leave because he got mad. So you cyber bullied somebody, cyber bullied somebody. And that's how cyber bullied a real soldier.

Well, he saw everybody first. Real American here. Stolen valor. Do you have a plate carrier? I do. Okay. Watch out, Lucas. It's from T-Rex Arms. I don't know. It's one of Matt's old plates, and I kind of just took it and didn't ask him. Was it one that he shot? No. Wait, you stole from Matt? Yeah. Hey, Matt. I've stolen Matt's MDR plate.

He definitely doesn't listen to podcasts. We say too many F words on this podcast. It's really fun getting your brother like three white claws in him. And he starts cursing a little bit. It's like, you're not so wholesome anymore, are you, Matt? It's family man. It's born down by alcoholism. Oh, no. Three white claws. It's all downhill from three white claws.

That's why it's the brunch rule. Three mimosas and then we're done. Or we day drink all day. Which we wouldn't have done otherwise. Oh, geez. Did you play any of the... I know with Arma, the DayZ mod, that was the first introduction to DayZ, right? Yeah. Did you play any of that? Because that was super fun back in the day. I barely had internet fast enough. So we live like...

right off of town in like a dirt road basically and so we never had good cable internet we always had to rely on like shitty satellite and so my internet was so bad so I would have to connect to some server that was like in San Antonio or in Dallas and even if I did I would get kicked for ping way too many times so I could barely play it easy I played it on the tail end

But yeah, I played quite a lot of that game. That was like the trendy game that... That's the last trendy game I approve of, I feel. There's been Fortnite and PUBG, and they all kind of went downhill. But DayZ, it never... PUBG was fun when it was. Never was bad. Don't you. Don't you. PUBG was fun when it was... The early access of PUBG. As soon as it hit 1.0, it was like, man, I'm done. That's how I moved to Tarkov. I went from early access PUBG to Tarkov. Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah, I will admit I played a lot of PUBG. So did Matt. Matt and I played a lot of PUBG. Matt played PUBG? Mm-hmm. Matt played – that was his – that's his main game. That's how I met Matt. Really? I was in one of the same games he was in, and I was screaming at him to send me a DM or something. That's funny. It was when I was a little guy. I was like 100K followers – or 100K subscribers at the time. Yeah.

Wow, what a little channel. I still don't have any of those things anywhere. He was chasing, I think it was like the zombie. They gave him access to like the zombie thing. Yeah, we played the zombie mode. Yeah, and so he was running around just killing the zombies and I was one of the zombies. I'm like, Matt, Matt, a DMG with a donut. I was like trying to get his attention. That's funny.

Yeah, that was like 2016. Hey, don't hit me back! Don't hit me right now! You want to get pranked? Yeah, but he had like 100 zombies he was chasing around just killing. It was really cool. That was probably one of those matches. I think the last video game I played with you guys, we did that Tarkov match last summer. We did a little bit of Tarkov. Yeah, I remember that. I think the last day we played was when you team killed me in the reserve.

Remember that reserve building where I came around the corner and caught... Oh, dude, I just snapped on your... I have one. He snapped and killed me because he thought I was a snap. So, Drew, we were playing Tarkov. He tried to give me a little spook by doing some in-game voice comms. And I heard... And he was a bear, which is the Russian...

It's even more scary. It was just the Russian faction in there. So I hear some Russian behind me, which is normally all the random AI scavs are always Russian. So I heard this panic turn, snapped, and I just ripped his face off. Oh, and that was the last time Drew ever played a game with me. Madness.

You haven't played Darko really since, have you? Excuse me. You're just not with me? No, not with you. No, I played a little bit this wipe, but I just feel like the content's kind of drier a little bit. And

and there's not a lot going on and also just yeah i'm getting i have the same if you if you want to get my idea of like what tarkov needs to be is just listen to clean on oh yeah for about an hour if you listen to clean everything he says 100 agree i used to be like clean you're saying stupid oh wait no he actually okay everything he's saying i agree yeah yeah it needs just more it needs more

And also it's gone to this meta that really followed what Rainbow Six Siege turned into, which Siege turned into a, you know, Siege was always a one-shot headshot game. So the faster rate of fire and the lower recoil you had, you were going to win. Best gun. So using anything interesting like a bolt action sniper rifle or, I don't know, a semi-automatic AR. Using semi-auto on an M4. Huge disadvantage. There's no reason to. You don't do enough damage.

Because game and you don't... I mean, that's what it is. It's bullet hoses. Yeah. Right now, like the Meta and Tarkov is your MP7s, your Vectors. 416s. High rate of fire. Yeah, HK416s. Anything you can do that you can...

fire as many bullets as fast as you possibly can towards somebody's face. Exactly. There's no recoil. It's like a laser. Especially if you have your stats up and you build your gun out good enough. That's why people always complain because they come and talk to me about sniper shit all the time when I'm playing Tarkov and I'm like, there's no point. Yeah. You can shoot somebody three times with a bolt action gun in the game.

And they will not die unless you get him in the head. But there's no good way to snipe in Tarkov right now because if you fire and you miss, there's no impact on the ground. You have no way to correct. You just have to know your distances. You have to have gone and practiced it offline or something or been there 10 times. It's just very frustrating. Don't get me wrong. It's unbelievably rewarding when you fucking face tap somebody in Tarkov with a sniper rifle. But...

It's at a point where it's just not... There needs to be a little bit more. I don't know if they're going to have to make specific loadout grain count bullets for sniper rifles to actually do damage, but then how do you balance that for an idiot running around without a scope and North Sights just moseying in factory close range with a sniper? So I'm glad to see that they decided to put in a...

3-3-8 Lapua Magnum AR, though, because that really helped the game meta. That was definitely what they should have done, was put in the most unrealistic gun they could possibly fucking do! Did they just do that? No, that was like last week. Three months ago. Yeah, four months ago. They put in a 3-3-8 Lapua Magnum AR. Instead of a bolt gun. Yeah, that's a good point. No bolt gun, but an AR. I don't see the point...

Because, like, how many people do you know? Like, 338 Lapua Magnum ARs just aren't really a... They're alright. Yes, they're alright. They exist, of course. But why?

Why couldn't they just add a bolt gun? I don't think I've played it in three months since that came out. It's absurd. It's almost always... So there's two types of rounds. There's FMJs and there's AP. AP, you're dead. You just die. Oh, yeah, for sure. Which is good because you should, but sometimes you don't, which is still weird because the thought of getting hit with a .338 Lapua Magnum round and just being like, nah, I'm going to keep running. It's just like, your arm's on the ground, sir. Yeah.

I had that Vietnam sniper shot through the scope sort of moment a few videos ago where I was running an SVD suppressed and we're fighting a guy with the Mark 18. And I get up above a ridge and I look around and I see a guy. I'm aiming down sight as I get shot in the forehead, but I'm wearing slap armor and a FastMT and he was running the FMJ round.

So it destroyed the slap armor, almost destroyed the Fast and T's at 5 HP after this. And my entire screen is just camera blur, Gaussian blur, Adobe Premiere. And then after the focus comes back, I look and he's dead. And I'm just like, he just headshot me as I headshot him. But he's wearing a shamag.

No helmet. Could you just imagine taking a .338 Lapua Magnum around to the dome? Oh. 45 seconds later, I'm good.

You would be unconscious for so long. Ears bleeding, your skulls cracked behind the helmet, your neck's broken, your brain's a pile of jelly. Yeah. That's what Tarkov doesn't account for, is the internal damage that you get. The emotional stress. Where are they going to add emotional damage to Tarkov? You need a safe place in Tarkov now. You get the PTSD. You have a PTSD meter. Kill is running around you, you're hiding in a closet, and your character starts...

Oh, no. You said like five really bad matches in a row, so your character's crying the entire time. That'd be funny. God, your footsteps and your guy starts weeping. He just pisses himself. There's a piss noise so people can hear you pissing on yourself. That's some Tarkov really. You hear that, Nikita? That's what we need. That's what we want. Piss sounds. Don't listen to Cleen. Listen to us. We know. We know.

Oh no. Oh no. Oh, those black guys. Oh dude. Did you see the clip of the podcast with, we talked about this last time, but we got to talk about it again. The clip will be put in the last podcast. You can go watch it there. But there's a clip of Nikita talking to clean Brandon Herrera. I don't know who else. Uh, pace performance. And that guy who hates the gays, um,

Lucas. Lucas. And... I love how that's his definition now. I mean! I mean, yeah, yeah.

And Nikita, obviously there's some language barrier going on. He's Russian. He doesn't say, and he's just like, yes, the terrible black guys. It's like, Oh no. What did he mean to say? So evil. It was like, uh, it's like a huge, ginormous. Yeah. It's like a mercenary group of black ops dudes. Oh, in like in the movie. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Gotcha. Gotcha. Yeah. And he's like, he cleans eyes go wide. Brian's like,

Brandon was taking a drink and he's like no you mean the black ops yes they're huge they're terrible evil people it's like them black guys oh yeah Nikita no we will we will we will we will we will oh the we will wobble that was one of the best Nikita clips

I haven't seen that. What is it? He gets stuck trying to say "we will" but he just goes "we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will, we will,

Don't ban me. Don't ban our characters. Guys, if you don't know, we usually say stuff without explaining it. Nikita's the creator, one of the main creators of Tarkov. Oh, yeah, that's a really good point. We don't ever explain anything. Nikita created Tarkov, basically. Yeah, lead dev. Yeah, lead dev. He's awesome, drives a crazy-looking Mustang. Really? Oh, really? Yeah.

I'm pretty sure it was a Mustang. Just slammed wide body kit and stereos in the trance. And a Mustang in Russia costs a little bit more. I wouldn't imagine. Just a little bit. Yeah. But you know, with all those EOD accounts they're selling, Edge of Darkness, Tarkov accounts. 140 bucks. 140 bucks a piece. Yeah. Probably a couple million people that have them. I mean, after Tarkov exploded last year. Yeah. Jeez.

It is crazy how indie dev Tarkov used to be. I remember seeing the trailers the first time and being like, wow, the gameplay looks really cool. I played their earlier game, Battlestate's earlier game, Contract Wars. Oh, they had a different game? Yeah, they had another game. It's the exact same thing, but like Call of Duty. Yeah, it's like a Call of Duty version of Tarkov, and it was on web browser. It was not good. I was in the top 15 clan on that game.

I was a competitive player. Really? In Contract Wars? Did you see they released it finally? Like, new dev team finished it? Yeah, I never... Well, I know that... What is that one called? It's called something else. I looked at Donut like he would know. Yeah, I have no idea. It's not called Contract Wars. It's something else. I don't remember. But they have that new game that's basically Contract Wars 2. I thought it was Contract Wars.

But there was... Hired Ops. Hired Ops, yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got it. My brain worked. So they have three games? Mm-hmm. Hired Ops is... Battlestate doesn't just create Tarkov. That's what you're telling me right now. It's... Hired Ops is Tarkov scenery. Tarkov.

But Call of Duty. So it's like fast paced. It's Tarkov gameplay in like a Call of Duty environment. Oh, okay. So like Will. It's like how Will plays Tarkov. Will is a monster. Willers. Old Bill. Old Billiam. It's whatever. It's whatever, man. It's whatever. It's always the same. God damn. Can you give me another one? That's how you sync up the mics, yeah. Yeah, it's the slurping sound. The slurping sound really helps sync up the mics. You began way back. Operators, we got the Origin.

The lore of Operator Drewski. Okay, okay. What decided that? You were like, I want to make fucking YouTube videos. I want to...

Is it your brother's fault? No. Okay, so it was part of it. So my brother made a video of our dog, and we actually had a deer at one point. You had a deer? My brother Mark at an auction picked up a deer that was malnourished as hell and was about to die. Did you eat it at an auction? Like an auction he worked at. Yeah, yeah. No, he didn't buy it. I was about to say, you can buy sick deer at an auction? Texas is awesome!

What a fucked up auction is this? It was working an auction, found a deer behind a shed just sitting by itself. Super, super skinny baby deer. So we fed it goat milk and it grew up to be a deer and eventually went out in the wild. But while it was at our place, while it was at our ranch, our dog played with it. Like,

ran around a yard with a soccer ball and they both would kick the soccer ball around. And that was like a game that they would play. My sister recorded it, put it up a YouTube. And then that was Matt's first viral video. It like went on Ellen, went on Anderson Cooper. And that's where we realized like, Whoa. Yeah. Yeah. Like this was 2008 or something like 2006 maybe. Oh my God. It was a long time ago. So yeah, it was, it was early YouTube. It was one of those videos where, you know, if it had 6 million views, like that was top,

100 videos or something on YouTube. Oh, absolutely. So that sparked Matt to start doing YouTube. And then once I got into high school, I was a terrible student. I never did any homework. That's what video games do. You are used. So don't let your kids play video games. Exactly. To all you dads, to all the Father's Day dads out there listening, don't let your kids play video games. Make sure you go to auctions and buy sick deer. You'll go viral. But...

I was planning to get out of high school and go do helicopter stuff. I was going to go to a place in Bulverde, which is around this area. And I was going to go get my commercial license there. And so I went there for one day. We looked at the helicopter that I would go train on. We got all the books. I bought all the textbooks. And I went back home and I said, Dad, I've got this YouTube thing. I upload videos on it just every now and then. And it's kind of going somewhere. I have 10,000 subscribers. I was like, could I...

could I sit at home and try this for three months? Like I was like, could I just see how this goes for the summer? And then after the summer, you know, cause helicopter school, you can start whenever it's all based on you. There's nobody else in the class. It's not like a regular college or school schedule. Yeah. So you can start January, February, doesn't matter. And so my dad was really nice and let me do it. Cause he saw that Matt was succeeding on YouTube. And so I,

I went on and started making videos. And in that three months, I went from 10 K to 50. And I was like, fuck yeah. Okay. Yeah. I've got something. So I stayed, stay at my parents' house for another year, did all that stuff. And then I moved out like two years ago and here I am million subs. How many are you at now? Big YouTuber. Yeah.

Like a million and a quarter, I think. You were at 1.25 this morning because I was stalking you. Oh, that's right. You were stalking him. Dude, I have a similar story. My mom believed in me and I lived in her basement for a year. A year or two pushing out YouTube content. We're definitely fortunate that we have

Yeah, parents are like... That's crazy because my dad yelled at me, kicked me out of the house and said I can't play these vidgie games anymore because you're not going to go anywhere. My dad would have done the same thing. That's why I send him my YouTube pay stubs now. Happy Father's Day! Happy Father's Day! Told you so. That's wild, man. God, that's cool as fuck. Did we say you're...

Demolition Rant Matt. Demo Matt from Demolition Rant. Yeah, we didn't say that. Yeah, we didn't say that. That's the brother that we're talking about. Matt. That's the Matt. Yeah. Demolition Rant's brother. And I also didn't want to like write off his success either. I'm sure you never have either, man, which is the coolest thing. So I've separated myself. I'm like, Matt, I love you, but never shout me out ever. See, that's one of my favorite stories. You told me a story once about how Matt shouted you out or you were on a video with him once. Yeah. And he shouted you out and then your entire channel comments for like, how long was it? It was like a week. It was just talking.

Yeah, it was just... People asking about Matt. That was, like, near, like, 10K or something. Matt told me. He was like, if you hit 10K, I'll shout you out. I was like, sick. And so I'm, like, 15 at this point. So I'm like, that sounds awesome. You know, I'll get more subs. He shouted me out immediately. It was regret because all of the comments were...

Can you play Tarka? Can you play Arma with Dimlish and Matt? Can you play, you know, whatever? Do anything with Matt. Yeah, next video, have Matt on. I'm just like, oh, okay. This isn't, yeah, this isn't what I wanted. I don't feel like I earned this. And also, like, yeah. So I told Matt, I was like, I'll be in your videos. Just don't, like, shout me out. Don't, like, leave a link in the description. Because I don't want any of your success to come over to me.

He's very ungrateful, Matt, is what we're saying. He hates you. Hated him. He's super proud of you, though, man. We were talking about you the other day. Really? Yeah, I went and had lunch with him two days ago, and he was talking about how proud he is of you for being able to pave your own path. Because being in the... My heart hurts now. Dude, especially in the video game world on YouTube, everyone's trying to do it. It's so competitive. It's so hard. Yeah, it's super competitive, and you've...

You're killing it, man. Yeah. It's a weird niche, too. It's like these Milsim games. You're not doing the typical AAA whatever game of the week, flavor of the week. Yeah. I mean, the closest I get is like Battlefield. Yeah. But Battlefield's Battlefield. What do you think of the new Battlefield trailer? I think I like it, but I also think that they could go too close to Warzone and make crazy skins like...

that take away from like the realism and all there although it's already not really realistic there's tornadoes that are a man jumped out of a plane rocketed another plane and landed back in his plane i've done that in dcs yeah that's always been battlefield though it's

been calling you can't say bigger yeah you can't say like battlefield used to be really like yeah battlefield 2 but like that was when battlefield was like 1942 that was when battlefield had like one one hundredth of the players that it has now it is a it used to be a indie gay indie indie gay indie dev indie game and now it's triple A Lucas

You got batty with that one. Look at him. We were talking about last week how the devs for the new Battlefield coming out, they're just sitting around and they're just high or hammer drunk or something. They're like, all right, what if we just put a tornado in the game? Well, that sounds exciting. Can they ride the tornado? No.

Yeah, at this point, it's like if it was just a normal hardcore battlefield, people would like there'd be a lot less people excited about it. The unique gameplay experiences. Everybody's like, you know what? I don't really care for much realism. If there's a freaking tornado that I can jump into and get on top of the skyscraper. That's what it did for that guy. And now you can just

Bitch. I'm coming. What the fuck? God, man. Yo, I like having Drewski on the podcast more than Eli. What if we just don't let Eli come back? Hey, don't say that. I love Eli. I want him next to me. I want him in the same chair. Just right here. Me and my son Eli. So I can just rub his chest. We miss you, Eli. Happy Father's Day. Oh, Eli's a father too. Happy Father's Day. Happy Father's Day. Fucking asshole. Piece of shit. Piece of shit.

Busy. Doing work. Visiting family. Is that what he's doing right now? Oh, yeah. We saw him. Yeah, because he's got his dad. Eli's father is a wizard. He definitely is. Like... Yeah, bring up the photo if that's public. Yeah. Like bring it up at a later date. Party. Put up Eli's dad's picture right now. It's on his Instagram. It's public. It's fucking... Eli's father...

Like, if I was playing World of Warcraft and walked up to this man, he would have a very important quest for me. He looks like a wizard. Eli is the son of a wizard, and that explains a lot of everything about Eli. How did we not know his dad was a wizard? He's never told us or showed us his dad before. I think your camera just died. Let me throw a new battery in there. Do you know what I got? Okay. Cody's camera died. He left us. Sad Pepe. Sad Pepe. Sad Pepe.

Man, maybe we should get cameras for the podcast. Yeah, I was thinking, I was like, how do you guys not have like plugged in cameras? You know, shut the fuck up, Drew. How dare you? I mean, I actually could plug mine in. I have a dummy battery right around the corner. I'm just a lazy piece of shit. That's what?

Don't smell your batteries? You can tell it's getting like... Warm? A little heated, yeah. A little warm. A little heated? Well, I got the camera last week. Oh, it's because Batty's... It's because Batty's shirt is unbuttoned to there, so that's why it got a little bit warmer. That's why.

The more I drink, the more buttons that end up down. By the end of the night, the shirt's gone. That or it's wrapped around my head. I don't know. We'll see where tonight goes. It's fiesta right now. Party, make sure you add all that, but put it in quotations if you can't tell what I'm saying. I love the triple clap. It always just confuses whoever has to do it. Thanks, Party. But I don't remember what we're talking about. What were we talking about?

Lucas. Oh, yeah. Oh, no. So, you guys heard about what these gays are doing these days? Oh, I shouldn't have brought it up. Oh, man. I made a post yesterday, just kind of like... Oh, I saw. I just loved steering. Steering the pot, man. Just throwing it out a little bit. Lucas from TRX Arms made some posts on his Instagram recently that are, you know, just...

That's a mistake. That was a hard line he took in the sand. Big oof. That was probably a no-no. It was probably a no-no. He doesn't like the case. There it is. So, moving on. Moving on. E3.

Battlefield. Tornadoes. I'm really excited about that. I don't know. What did you see at E3 that you're excited about? You didn't watch any of it. Look at them. You didn't. No, I watched the Xbox conference. Every other conference was absolute dog shit. It was bad. It was bad. It was bad. Every other conference was so bad. Xbox had...

Sea of Thieves with Pirates of the Caribbean DLC. I know. And our friend group, that was the one we were legit most excited for. I'm geeking out. Captain Jack Sparrow is in Sea of Thieves now. Yeah. He was excited about that. I'm still... I have entire pirate costumes in the other room. I will put...

Put it on right now! I'm so excited for Sea of Thieves. We play Sea of Thieves. It's like our 4am game. Wait, for real? You play Sea of Thieves? Oh, dude, yeah. I play the 4am game. I bet he's obsessed with Sea of Thieves. I love Sea of Thieves. I have a fake gold tooth I wear. We play Sea of Thieves. We sloop it up. We get hard sweaty in PvP. Do you just run dual sloops? Like four people? No, we sometimes queue in the same server and happen to...

Yeah, that's what I fucking thought. You toxic bastard. I don't know what a sloop is. So a sloop's the little two-person ship, or one- or two-person ship, and they're really, really quick. Well, they're not fast. They can turn quick. They can turn quick. It's like a glass cannon type thing. It's the best. It only has one cannon on each side, so it doesn't do the most damage, but they're quick.

They can spin around the big ships. Oh, and just like... Just keep fucking hammering them. Yeah. They're really fun. So yeah, we play that game. That's like our 4am game. So we were literally saying last week, me and my friend Aby, we were like, yeah, this game has no content. Like, we're just playing for the PvP now. We don't even have... We did all the missions and stuff and we're just sitting here like, why haven't they dropped like a new island or a whole new area? Like, come on. They haven't dropped anything. And then we're watching the E3 conference and Jack Sparrow comes on the screen and we're like...

And then there's this gigantic DLC that drops and we're just like, okay. It's coming out like tomorrow, by the way. It's real soon. It's like tomorrow or the next day. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. So excited. I think it might have already dropped.

All right, I'll see you guys. Thanks for having me. Peace. I just like, dude, new ships, mate? Like, how have they not dropped new ships yet? That's what I want to know. I think there's a lot of balancing issues if you have... So, like, my question is, why would they do different versions of the same style ships? That's a good point. Like a Corsair, a small Corsair style ship. Yeah. Just like a Sloop, one can on each side. Or just like something of that nature. Like, it's been...

three years two years yeah of the same three they had skins but like the same three ships like change a few lines of code maybe put someone on it for a couple weeks and then same cannons same i've seen i've seen a little sketchup that was like a single man ship one man ship yeah that had a single cannon just like on the front or something facing backwards

So if someone's chasing, if you're solo and someone's chasing you, you're wrecking them and they can't get to you because they have to. Yeah. I was like, that's a pretty cool ship. Like, and, and it would obviously be super easily sinkable if you did happen to get hit. But if you were good at movement, like, I don't know. See if these for anybody watching is like,

absolutely under... You look at the cartoon graphics, you're like, this is for kids. This looks like... Dude, I've said this in the beginning. It is one of... When it first launched, it was the most beautiful tech demo of water. Tech demo, yeah. And now it's a game. Yeah. It's like... I think I said it last time. It's a thousand miles wide, but only an inch deep. And they're finally getting more and more content. There's a lot more. Like, I...

doing like different athena's quests or like just any any other quests now are just fun fighting the megalodon i haven't seen the kraken yet that's one thing i haven't done oh really yeah i haven't you just have to kind of randomly run into it yeah yeah i know there's like a sound or something like that the water turns black and you're like huh and then they're like tentacles go just bust out it was like a world boss yeah exactly you can actually fight oh do you get loot from it yep

I'm pretty sure. Wait, no, from Kraken? Do you get loot if you kill it? I'm pretty sure. There's still trust. Is it to me, right? No, you're thinking of the Megalodon. Oh, the Megalodon is to me. I don't know if you get stuff from killing Kraken. You have to get stuff.

You get pity and self-harming tendencies when you are in a PvP fight, and then that thing shows up, and you get stuck, and you're in the middle, and the other guys are out of the Kraken zone, so they're not being attacked, and they're just circling. They're like, eh. Just watching you die, just to fucking pick you off at the end. Yeah, it's not great. It's bad. It's bad. See, this has been so much fun. That's kind of been my late, late night game. What else have you been playing? So...

What has Operator Drewski been doing lately? Man, what have I been playing? You want me to look up my Steam library or something? I don't even know. Like, DCS has filled my life because you... It's... DCS, you buy an $80 or, like, a $40 plane. That's, like, the plane itself because the plane is one-to-one. Are we talking, like, Star Citizen levels of investment? Like, you gotta spend an $80 to get a cool ship? Well, it's a plane that you will have forever and you won't ever lose it. You never have to... Yeah, same thing. Yeah, I mean...

It's worth it though because you get to learn so much about like the F-14 Tomcat or something. So I've been playing that, learning different planes and stuff because people like to see me eat shit in planes and then become like a PvP god in them in less than a month, which is really fun. Okay, so you're good at games. I'm the noob and then within a month I just grind so hard that I get really, really good at the planes, which is a lot of fun. But I've been doing a lot of that.

I don't know. Played Halo with my buddies last night. Halo 1. First one? Yeah.

The pistol is so good. Yeah, you never use the AR. You just snipe with the pistol constantly. Played Halo. Excited for Halo Infinite, which is supposed to be free-to-play multiplayer when it comes out. I don't know how I feel about Halo Infinite. Isn't there supposed to be, like, charging and grapples? Yeah, but I think it's, like, they know that they can't do it too much. They're probably going to be crazy cooldowns. Halo Reach had, like,

armor lock and stuff, dude. I know, but like... At this point, it's just... We're turning into... Every game's turning into the speed and gimmicks of Call of Duty. Yeah. I don't know. We'll see. We'll see. We haven't seen much multiplayer gameplay. I'm just grumpy about it. But... I saw the grapple thing and I was like, I want to...

stupid recipe three is kind of kind of poopy though kind of poopy yeah but that's how e3 is gone past years because there's not people paying tickets they're just watching on twitch so i feel like the money and it sucks ass money into it dude oh never mind no i was gonna talk about my e3 experience but i don't need to talk about that oh no oh no i am yeah went to a dispensary beforehand

No! Bad! Now I'm curious. Now the viewers are curious. Story time with Cody! Oh, you tell them later? Should I talk about that? I'm supposed to be like the super pro law enforcement guy who doesn't do the devil's lettuce. I got really high at E3.

In 2019. Where it's legal! It's legal. It's legal there. It was fine. And I met, like, some of the main devs for Fortnite. You just did the same thing. Shut the fuck up. Just shut the fuck up. Batty's using his new vlog camera. I am too, though. So proud. It happened to be the camera that was looking at you, too. I know. That one doesn't see you, right? Yeah. That one just sees me and Batty. Sorry, editor. Sorry. I like how each time the cameras have died...

It's been the care of facing the person that's talking. You're right. What's the editor's name? Party Pineapple. Party, just zoom into my face right now while Batty hums. I bet he's actually very not even audible because that microphone is a super condenser mic or whatever. Man, I hope that's close to where it was.

Good enough. So that time about donut being super high. Super high. Yeah.

No, I went to E3 and it was, I think it was 2020. I think it was 2019. And I haven't done the devil's lettuce since I was a young man in high school. Since you were at Drewski's age. Yeah, since I was Drewski's age. And we went to a dispensary because like, hey, you're in California. Let's go to a dispensary. It's legal here. Let's check it out. And I got one of those little vape pens and we were going in and I hit it a little bit and was like, all right, I'll just chill. Yeah.

I'm in another world. It was really cool. It was like one of the, it was like the second year of Fortnite was there and Fortnite had this super huge, like bright display. And I was just, I was just happy. And then, uh, I went to, you loved Fortnite that day. Yeah, I did. And then I went to the cyberpunk 2077, uh,

viewing when they were and I sat beside Doug Bowser the president of Nintendo America and watched it and was just like ripped out of my mind wow some kid asked him for a picture and he was just like no walked off I was like god damn Doug Bowser's mean so Doug I'm just don't hold that against me a man with a last name is Bowser

And Nintendo. And he's mean. I think he's got any princesses in his basement. What I'm trying to say is don't do drugs, kids. Italian men trying to bust into his house. Plumbers just fucking kicking his door down. Give us your girlfriend. God. Dude, so the other day on stream, I...

opened a lot of magic cards oh yeah because we talked in the last podcast about how dungeons and dragons did the crossover with magic the gathering and i fucked up the date i put in a little thing i fucked up the date it's not till i said june 16th it's july 16th for the pre-release oh so next month so you didn't i know i did i opened a lot of the the current like expansion called modern horizons 2 but it wasn't the dnd it wasn't the dnd the dnd one is until next month so next month

I'm going to open magic cards with a boner this month. I just opened magic cards. Do you play any tabletop? No, no, I have, I have no friends that have gotten me into it yet. So I'm just, uh, Oh God, no. The room you're sitting in. Yeah. I have a bit of a problem. Well, like this is the thing. All of my friends like went to Austin or they went to college station. So they went to like UT or they went to Texas A&M. So I like stayed and stayed in my town. I was just like, yeah.

I'm gonna play video games too. So the only friends that stayed in my town were the people that didn't go to college. And I didn't really have many friends that didn't go to college. So all your friends that are close are stupid. All my friends left. They're an hour and a half drive away. They're a bunch of fucking hippies. Going to college. We're nerds. We're trying to be smart. You didn't go to college, right? I didn't go to college. Eli didn't go to college. Hear that, kids? Don't go to college and be successful.

Get in your late 20s, early 30s and finally become successful after several divorces and living with your parents. Don't do the divorce. Don't do that. Don't do that. Don't do that. Don't do it. It's all right. Drew is the youngest of our friends, I think.

Brandon's 25, which people think he's 40. Yeah, Brandon looks old. Do you know that Brandon Herrera is 25? What? Yeah. What? Yeah. He's two years older than me? Yeah. I look 16 compared to that man. What? You look 16 compared to anybody. Yeah. It's all right. What? I'm like, wait, no way. Yeah, absolutely. No way he's 25. What the? Crazy. Yeah, he looks same age as Yelto. That's weird. Mm-hmm. Oh, so we look young.

Yeah, like 45, right? Yeah, something like that. How old is Willers? Oh, Will's your age. 22. Oh, okay. Yeah, Will's the youngest. Cool, I'm not the youngest. But it's whatever. Will had a

Little teenage moment the other day and we're making fun of him for it. We didn't call him or something to go to brunch. No, we were all going to Demo Ranch to film Matt's 10 mil thing. And he wanted to get brunch, but he's like, we're all going to brunch, right? And we're all like, no, we can't make it. And he's like, wow, he just ended stream for this. I'm like...

We didn't. Nobody knew we didn't plan. But he's like, it's whatever. No, it's not whatever. We keep telling him it's whatever. It's whatever. We love you, Will. I promise. Will, we love you. We really do. This is what we do. We rag on you until you feel like harming yourself. I haven't met Will yet. You haven't met Will yet? No, I don't think so. You haven't seen anybody in six months. What if you hung out with us?

Since we've been here for eight months now. Don't just drink! He's going, he's, gotta finish this here water bottle. This is my stalling.

God damn. Yeah, are you like up in the Bernie area? Yeah. Man, why the fuck don't we hang out more? I'm just like, dude, I'm so... You have a cool car. I got a cool car. I got a cool car. I'm like horse eye blinders in work. So it's like I need to be poked and prodded and be like, hey, wake up, walk outside. You know, that's honestly me when I'm editing. We're going to come poke and prod you now. Okay. You should be part of our circle.

I'm down and afraid. Oh no. This is the year that Jeruski just spirals out of control and it's going to be our fault. He was a workhorse. Now he's with us. Fun stuff. Do you do anything else other than just your main YouTube channel? No, I've wanted to start my vlog, but I've just been too busy on the main YouTube channel to start the vlog. Do you want to start vlogging with me?

I just got my camera. Oh, yeah. By the way, Batty just started vlogging. Well, I don't know if started is the word. I got the camera. This is it. Batty got the same camera I use for vlogging. That's me. This is mine. It's the same camera. It's the same. It's the Sony ZV-1. It's really cool because when you open the screen, the camera turns on. So it's made for vloggers. It's really neat. Batty's going to make some really good vlogs of him waking up, screaming at the camera, streaming.

Probably drunk. Probably a lot of drunk guys. Yeah, hanging out with the meat. It's going to be me and Dota vlogging each other from different angles. Oh, no. Oh, no. So you're starting your vlog soon? I want to, yeah. I've got the... It's just Drewski. So they're Operator Drewski and then there's just Drewski. You got Drewski? Mm-hmm. Yeah. There's actually a DJ Drewski. Fun fact. Fuck that guy. What if you vlogged with him?

I don't know. He does a lot of like interviews. So like sometimes when people look me up, they're like, yeah, I got your Mitchell, but a DJ. I'm like, yeah, cause there's DJ Drewski. Who's like actually kind of like popular. Uh, he's got like 10,000 subs. I don't know. I don't know what he's at, but he's, he does a lot of productions and stuff. So we're sorry. We don't know you. He's just angry all the time.

Fuck this guy. I'm sorry. Yeah, somebody's going to clip it and send it straight to you. I know, they are. Everyone clips everything you do. That's the crazy thing about the internet. You know, I've got almost 3 million subs, and people clip my shit every once in a while, but every time you say something, people clip it and then put it on Twitter, and it's the best. You know, it's because when I say things, I usually say it really loud and angry. It's true.

And for some reason people like loud and angry. I don't know why. I don't get it. You have some of the best clips on Twitch though, man. You really should have like a clip channel or something on YouTube. That's what my YouTube rep was just telling me to do. He was saying, make a clip channel, short clips, because like the operator gaming,

I have that, but I'm going to subscribe now. Donut operator clips is about to be a thing because he, my rep was talking about how like kids attention spans are so short. It's like, you know, you got the, the tick tock and the, the reels now on Instagram. People want to see like 10 seconds, 10 seconds, 10 seconds, 10 seconds. So you take a 10 second clip of you doing something cool and just make a whole channel of that. People will be like, Oh, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. Yeah. They're to watch the entire fucking video too. So that's what, so when I first started doing YouTube stuff,

I did what I called shorts. They were just like two, fuck, a minute and a half to two minute small, funny, whatever moments. And I just stopped doing it because I'm lazy. Apparently that's coming back, man, because people's attention span is so bad. Party. Party. Party was the new edit. Dude, you could do a whole, dude, you could, I'm telling you, you would do so good if you had bad eclipse and it's just your craziest moments on stream, 10 to 20 seconds. People would eat that up.

Guys, in the comments below, tell us how bad you want a Bad Eclipse YouTube channel. I hope everybody says no. I'm going to comment no. This is going to be our most downvoted fucking video. Where's Eli? Why isn't Eli here? Eli lost weight. I mean, you have the same facial hair as Eli. No, his mustache actually. What just happened? What just happened?

Jessica just broke my Oakley's I'm just fine it's fine you just broke my Oakley's yeah all right you know you bring her beard no is this this is literally what do you shave yeah oh yeah I definitely shave oh yeah that's just how it looks no I definitely I definitely have to shave

It's definitely, I would have a goatee. I would not have a beard. So you literally are just like Eli. Yeah, I can't grow a beard. I can't grow a beard, but I can grow a goatee. Okay. Have you thought about growing a goatee? No. Well, I mean, I've thought about it, but then rejected that thought. But like, what if you... It'd be a mistake, is what I'm saying.

The mustache was a meme. And so many people told me you got a shaved mustache that I just like that. You will need to keep the mustache. I mean, I feel that it's not bad. I like I literally had no care. I can't grow a beard. Yeah, me either. It's my son. I could probably I could seriously bring him around and people would think that's my son.

People have asked if I was Matt's son. Really? Yeah, I'm like, they're like, are you Matt's cousin? Are you Dumo Matt's son? Are you Dumo Matt's cousin? Like, I had a guy. Yes, my name's Lincoln. Yeah, they named Link active after me. I'm wearing the joggers right now.

Actually, really comfy joggers. Just shout out Mayor Care. Link Active. You had a guy what, though? I had a guy at a card leadership ask if I was Matt's. He recognized me. He was a dealer there. And he was like, I'm Broderick Drewski. And I turned around and was like, oh, no. And then I looked and it was a dealer. I was like, hey, man, what's up? And he was like...

dude you're Matt's son right I was like this guy's like 35 40 years old I'm like how do you how do you think like he's like 12 years above me in age I was like how can you think that I'm his son like did he have a child in middle school Matt was really busy in middle school people get confused I'm gonna call you Matt's son I guarantee people have said no no Drewski Drew we spoke to him

But yeah, that's the thing. I barely ever mention it. So people don't know. Cause it's like, unless they find the one time out of like a year that I mentioned it, maybe on a live stream, then people just don't know. So they find it like they find out that I'm related to him. They're like, I think he's a son of he's definitely his kid. Right? Like it's gotta be for sure. Oh man.

Alright, boys. I'm going to go do Father's Day things. Yeah? Yeah. Since I'm the only dad here. Yeah. I'm not a dad. I mean, he doesn't know. To all of my children out there, I'm sorry. I didn't get a card today and I'm a little disappointed in all of you.

Thank you for watching. Thanks. Kids. Podcast. Idiots. I'm Batty. There's Donut. Please go check out Operator Drewski on YouTube and make sure you tell him to start his vlog channel called Drewski. He started it. Poopski. Follow it. Poopski. Thank you. Go listen and follow, subscribe, like, do the thing. I hate you all. Eli, don't come back. That's it. Have a fantastic day, everyone.