cover of episode 11 - RAGE GAMING ft. Caleb Francis

11 - RAGE GAMING ft. Caleb Francis

Publish Date: 2021/3/15
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Oh, Ranch Water. Oh, there we go. Okay. Hi. Yeah. Donut here. Donut. Oh, what? We have donut here. I got donuts. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. You got real... Wait, wait. Not yet. Wait, do we start now? Let's introduce ourselves and then we can eat the donuts. Hi, everyone. I'm Caleb Francis. You may have seen me on TikTok once or twice. I am Batty Streams. You might have seen me on...

Pretty much Twitch, that's about it. My name is Eli. Super handsome. I shoot guns, play games. I'm basically a model, so you definitely know who I am. He's welcome to the show. Way more. Why didn't you say nice?

I said you can find me on Twitch. Yeah, but you hesitated. You can find me somewhere. I have the biggest Twitch here. Shut the fuck up. I mean, I guess Donut technically. I can't not eat it. Guys, we are missing our buddy Donut right now. God rest his soul. He died. He's on work trip right now having fun getting leg kicked and punched by Chuck Liddell. And I think he stabbed a pig. Yeah.

He did do that. It was pretty cool. I saw that. Super fun. But we have our boy Caleb here. New donut. Double donut. I like that. TikTok. Batty actually knew who you were before. He fangirled. Everyone is always fangirling. I always bring people and Batty fangirls. I'm still not used to the fact that

I do this stuff. Yeah. So you're one of them. Like I'm fans of all these people. Like that happened bad with Freddie Wong. When you, when I got a, when we met, when I met Freddie Wong, I still sweat a little bit. He was like one of the guys that I watched growing up in this world. And,

I've seen all your shit on TikTok. Yeah, that's awesome. I gladly, I never comment. Yeah, sure. No, I get it. I only do, like, if the girls, I will, because. Of course, you want them to see you. But I like. Yeah, you want to see them. Batty sees the trash.

He thought video. He's just like, heart, heart, so funny. Emo. I'm like this, dude. You kill me. Girl, you slay me. No, no, no, no, no. You don't type. You don't send. You don't type things out. You hit him with the black heart and like a little glitter sparkle and a skull. Done. In. Okay. Easy. All right. It's a joke. Glitter skull. You know why I've done that? Yeah.

For anyone that I've commented on that, I meant it. From the past to the future. You were the one for me. No one else. He never did that before or after. From here on out, that's all you have to do. I'm going to have to make a new TikTok. That account's burned. It's gone. It wasn't me. So...

Look at his knuckles. Show those knuckles off. This is how I knew we were going to get along in stone. Like, I knew he played Warzone because Matt was like, yo, is that from Full Metal Alchemist 2? The fucking Mustang, right? Mustang, yep. Yeah, fucking Travis Willingham, voice actor from one of my favorite fucking voice actors of all time. Yeah. Fuck yeah. Fucking nerds. Fuck are you a nerd? But that's when I was like, oh my god, PlayStation. Oh yeah. Anime? Yeah, uh-huh, uh-huh.

Yeah, a little bit of other nerdy shit. I'm going to just make this... I'm just going to make this my whole nerd on. I got my nerd sleeve. Instantly, it was like we ruined the first five minutes of Free Range because we just went on an anime tangent. I mean, they're just like looking around. What the fuck are these guys talking about? These weebs talking about...

They bullied us afterward. Gave us niggies. That's swirly. They pulled a locker on us and pushed us into it. It was really rude. High school all over. Dude, whenever I introduce you to anybody, I always call you like the weeb prime. What?

Everyone's like wait wait wait the guy with the guns is on like you don't understand This man is king of the weebs. Do not get him started on it He's like Napoleon of the weebs like short, but he knows a lot. Yeah, he's pretty good at it Mmm, I'm gonna say I made a mess. These are really good. Yeah, this is great H-E-B donuts

Yeah, they knock on either half an hour of what is you? Ism are you know? I'm that texture. This is good that flavor. Oh, you know wash it down with some branch. Oh, yeah Our sponsor now a quote by our sponsor ranch water when you run out of your sponsor ranch water and they only have

Carbock Ranch Water. We still love you, Lone River! We do! But now it's a battle, viewers. These two are going to battle of who will pay first if they want a spot on this show. We don't do this for free. I will go back to drinking White Claw. I swear to God!

White Claw, shout out. Corona, seltzer, whoever wants to send us. Honestly, we're easy. Alcohol, booze in general. Please. Next week. Guys, thank you for rubbing alcohol on our new sponsor. It's fantastic. Four loco, please.

If Four Locos sponsored our podcast, I would lose my mind. Dude, I would love it. I would love it. I would freak the fuck out. Yeah, dude, I would be shitting my guts out. Do you remember the era? Everybody here, we're old enough. We all remember OG Four Locos. Yeah, yeah, whenever you'd die. You'd die a little bit.

Whenever you die. My health bar was full before I started drinking Four Loko. Dude, that's, oh man. Yeah, we had, yesterday we were going to film this podcast and we had a hangover. It was fantastic times. Not going to make that mistake. I can't believe I thought, literally, wasn't listening to you guys chat. And Kings, and I was like, hey, he's like, join us! I was like, oh, Kings is...

I'm fired up! Yeah, that's weird. And then I hear Batty, oh, I gotta go get another White Claw. Oh, it's only been two hours. I was like, oh, Batty's not wanting to stream right now. Okay, I'll do a quick one-hour sesh with the boys. See what goes down.

I'm like, I'll be back in 12 minutes. I'll stream with you guys. What? Oh, fuck. Go. Grab. They don't have a six pack. So I was like, I'll just get a 12 or 16, whatever. Go back. I'm like, woo. Let's do this thing. I sit down. I'm like, hey, what's up, guys? And they're like, dude, it's Man of Night. I was like, well, that was a great stream. I'm logging off now. They're like, no, you have to stay on. I was like, oh. So for anybody listening, for Caleb, Man of Nights for us, normally...

Okay, so this is a little tea. Okay, Twitch, if you're listening, just stop. Yeah, just skip forward 10 minutes. You're not allowed to get paid to drink on Twitch. It's a big no-no. So we found this weird little loophole, or they just don't care about us enough yet, where we build our wizard staffs, our mana, by adding another... Drinking potions. Drinking mana potions. Yeah, okay. And it's not... We're not getting paid to drink alcohol. Yeah, it's potions. It's...

We're building stabs. We're getting cans. We literally started it because we would duct tape cans together and make a wizard stab. We got really drunk and thought that was a good idea. And now it's turned into us just screaming and throwing cans over our heads. And we started out, it was like $20, $15 for a mana potion, Twitch mana potion. And it evolved into the other night, it was like $40 for one.

And I killed half a bottle of rum and like a 12 pack plus a half a bottle of manna rum potion. Pirate potion. Pirate potion. And then I had four shots of Mexican potions and one shot of redneck potions. Is that whiskey? Yeah. And then I had

10 or 12 of white claw potions. Claw potions? Claw potions sounds way better.

Beach potions. Exactly. White girl potions. And my soul was literally wrecked. Batty just shut his computer off. No, I think I tried to raid and I was like, nah. I just fucking killed it. This hurts. Dude, because we were playing that stack up game. I was eating McDonald's the entire time. I played maybe a single round.

His character didn't even move. He was like, go, and you just hit enter. You're supposed to stack your guys up as tall as possible. Like, mount your friends. Mount your friends. Because we were playing Tarkov, and that just... Right? Were we playing Tarkov? Playing is a bear game. We were in Tarkov. We were all in the game. Yeah. And it wasn't working towards the end. So we switched over to that, and I hadn't eaten all day, so I said...

I immediately ordered McDonald's through Uber Eats. I did the thing where I ordered way too much McDonald's. Because that manna hit you. Yeah. You ever get those manna munchies? Yeah, some potions have the side effect. It drains your health if you get your magicka up. Exactly. You gotta have the meals. The meals are your health potions. The drinks are your...

I get it. So yeah, we were shithouse drunk at the end of that night. There's still, next to my PC, there's a 13 can staff just laying on the ground. There's like four misladiest cans around it. I woke up at 7 in the morning at first. I woke up at 7 and I was like, I gotta pee so bad. Fuck. And it's that like, don't even open your eyes when you walk to the toilet. Yeah, it hurts.

Pissing all over the place. I'll clean it up later. I'll deal with it later. You reach for the flusher you can't find. You walk away. You lay back down and you pass out. I'm like, no, I'm not working today. I'm going to sleep until at least 10. Yeah, it was... I was on and off in bed until 8pm. Oh yeah, you were just like... I was fucked, dude. I threw up that morning and I was like...

I'm not better yet. I'm enraged. Dude, I didn't eat. I ended up getting Whataburger at like 10.30 that night. That was the first meal I had. Dude, I needed grease shit food. I needed something. And nothing's open. I had a pizza. After.

After I gym. I went, we gymed. Yeah. And I was like, lifting. I was like, oh. Were you like, did you have like that gross sweaty, like hungover sweat? I walk, I was rough when I walked in. I was like, ooh. Like, I figured you were going to be rough, buddy. I was like, yeah. He's like, I got a text from you like 1 a.m. Going, stream. It's just a one word text, man. Stream.

Yup. Oh, man. So, Caleb, you started streaming. What got you into video games? What was your first OG one? My first real video game that I first started being like, you know what? I like video games. I'm starting to get the idea. It was on Sega Genesis, a game called Beyond Oasis.

You played as this prince and his name was Ali. It's a cool little cutscene and he's opening this treasure chest and it shows his face. It's like an armlet that he puts on. You can...

Summon these spirits throughout the game - it was so cool man. It was so intense. Sounds like some Prince of Persia It was awesome But you yeah you were like you had these swords and it was like a huge RPG where you had to go throughout this like you know whole world and find these different spirits was like a rock spirit and like a water spirit and a fire spirit and you could summon them like if you were in a dungeon or something you found like a torch you could blast it and

with your armlet and summon the fire spirit and he'd come out and fight for you and stuff it was so cool man but that was like the first game that I was like alright yeah I'm trying to get the hang of games and understand how to do this stuff and fight bosses and then I've never heard of it it was so cool man how old were you like 29 yeah

Oh my god, dude.

But I think I was like six or seven, somewhere around there. Yeah. Yeah. And then the next like...

Real game that I beat was the first Metal Gear Solid for a ps1 That was whenever I was like, okay I'm starting to like understand these harder games now and stuff and that was just like it was it after that I was always so scared like saying I played Spyro and stuff like that But then I was like, well, I'll try Metal Gear Solid now and you know I'm kind of nervous cuz it looks hard and then I was like, all right And that's when I did. Yeah, what's a Russian gunship doing?

I'm like the only person that never liked Metal Gear games. Oh, man, I loved them, dude. Fox. That ninja's great, Fox. Gotcha.

It's no good. Can't do it. When you've got that rocket launcher aimed at him. No. All I can think of is the Metal Gear Solid old animated video where he's fighting the crab. Crab battle? Oh, yeah. Crab battle! Crab battle! Look at those pictures. They could tear apart Metal Gear racks. It's like so over the top. I don't even know who made that, but that's all. Whenever people bring up Metal Gear, that's all I can go back to is just crab battle! He's got a knife! It's just a crab with his eyes hanging out. He's like, argh!

- And that slow motion falls dangling. Snake, snake! - Snake, don't worry, it's just a Mayan crab or whatever. - Oh yeah, somebody calls, "Bleep bleep, hey snake." - Just . - What kind of crab that is? - Dude, I didn't know you were, so Metal Gear's why I joined the military. - Oh really? - Metal Gear's why you joined the military? - Yeah. - It wasn't for love of country? - What's that about?

God, no. I wanted to be cool like Solid Snake. I wanted to fight giant robots and ninjas. Like, sir? Yeah, ninjas. Sir swearing on this Bible. Knock the Bible out and put Metal Gear in it. I'm like, there we go. I'm going to swear on my copy of PlayStation 1 Metal Gear. God bless you, Hideo Kojima. Which Metal Gear would you swear on?

The first one's still like my fave, but number three, Snake Eater. Snake Eater, yeah. Dude, that's been the one that I played the most. Like, I beat it so many times, dude. Snake Eater was awesome. Snake Eater was awesome. I'm right here. It's bad enough when you and Matt are together and you're flaunting it in my face.

Dude, yeah. I loved Snake Eater. That was one that I beat so many times trying to do all the crazy ways to beat it, like fighting a big boss at the end where you could only use your knife and grenades. Man, I loved it. That was... Oh, man. That revolutionized gaming, too. Every time Hideo would do a game like that...

It's so different. You have like Metal Gear Solid. MGS1, the remake for the GameCube was phenomenal. MGS2, that's why my son's named Raiden. Whoa, I didn't know that. Because of Metal Gear Solid. And then Metal Gear Solid 5 was the last one that came out. And then to find out Liquid's name was Eli, I was like, oh.

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Meant to be. Meant to be. Meant to be, son. I'm so excited. Of course. That's for me. What other games? What are your big? So that's your main. Dude, that was like the game that I was like, you know what? Maybe I'm a gamer. Maybe I'm a gamer.

That was like, because I can remember I watched my cousin, he was like six or seven years older than me, and I had Metal Gear, but I never could figure it out or know what to do. And then he would come over and play it, and then a year or two later, I was like, you know what? I'm going to try and play it and beat it. I think I had a crush on Sniper Wolf. Oh, yeah. I remember being like, oh, man, she's hot.

She's like, good with snipers. Oh, this is cool. And her name's Wolf. I love wolves. It was like, it was, I was into it. But yeah, I love the Metal Gear Solid games. Freaking love Skyrim, obviously. Like, love Skyrim.

Did you play the other Elder Scrolls games? Yeah, I played Morrowind. I really liked Oblivion, too. Shivering Isles, bro, is still one of the greatest. That was like the intro to big DLCs for games, too. Yeah, it really was. That was like the first game you were like, oh my god, this DLC is as big as the friggin' game. It's as much as the game. Oh, yeah. Loved Shivering Isles.

I really like Witcher. That was a really fun one, especially the newest one, Wild Hunt. Loved Witcher. Yeah. What are some other good ones? Obviously, I love a lot of first-person shooters and stuff, like the Call of Duty games. Everybody's going to be Halo, loved Halo. I'm trying to think of some other really good story games.

Horizon Zero Dawn. I never played it, but that was a PlayStation exclusive. It was so cool. So cool, man. I was like, the whole time I was playing it, it looks awesome. Even Steelit looks awesome. It was a really fun game. Man, what is... That was one of my top ones that I talk about a lot to my friends. Oh, you have to play this game. You have to play this game. Love the Resident Evil games. Those are always fun. Dude, I don't think there's a game that I like

don't like. Did you use MMOs ever? Like the online ones and stuff like that? Not League of Legends, but like Evercraft or Warcraft. You know what? I never did get into any of them because I literally just now got onto PC like the last six months. I've always been on consoles.

so I never had access to those until... I know World of Warcraft came out on consoles here recently. Oh, did it? Yeah, yeah. Or maybe it wasn't World of Warcraft. It was Diablo. Diablo came out. Yeah, Diablo came out. Yeah, Final Fantasy games. Loved the fact, like, loved VII and VIII, loved X. Wait, okay. Tifa or Aerith?

I'm in love with Tifa, man. I'm in love with her. This weirdo right here said Aerith. I love Aerith, dude! Like, she's obviously, she's hot and she's super cute, but like, Tifa is just like, she just does it for me. I don't know what it is. Fuck you. She's in that little skirt and her, like, little crop top. Oh, yeah. This is all you need. This is what I'm saying. I told you, Batty, even in the comment section, because we asked. It's like, say who?

It's like Tiff. It was Aerith! Aerith won! Shut up! Shut up! In your dream world, that may be. Yeah, right in my dream world. So you just moved to PC, you're saying, right? Yeah, just like...

seven months ago, I think. I'm hearing you use a controller on PC. Yeah, yeah. I'll, like, I use mouse and keyboard for games. Like, you gotta use mouse and keyboard. He's not perfect. No. I know. I was liking him for a while. And, you know, I felt bad about it for a while. I was like, man, I'm not supposed to do this. And then I, like, realized, like...

fucking matter. I was like, man, I feel bad because when I got hooked up with SteelSeries and shit and they sent me all the mouse and keyboards and all those games, I was like, okay. I like it and I'll play it. The games that you have to use mouse and keyboard, I'm cool with it. It's fine. But for a game that I was already really used to on a controller, it was such a pain to try and switch over. It was just discouraging because I was doing so bad. I'd get two kills a game and it would just...

It wasn't... And it feels good. It doesn't... It feels nice to have a button that you press and it's instant. Instead of, like, controller, you're tapping it over and over and trying to get crap and it won't do it. And you're like, hurry, hurry, I'm getting shot. But I switched to a SCUF controller and it's got the extra buttons on the bottom and that's made a big difference. So now I feel pretty good. And then seeing all these pro gamers, like the...

The world's best Call of Duty players are all in control. I was like, oh shit, I don't feel too bad now. If all these pros are doing it, then I guess I shouldn't feel too bad.

I can't do it. I could never go that route again. I used to love controller. And then it does take time. You have that transition. Yeah, I was a console gamer for the longest time. The only thing I ever did on PC back in the day was StarCraft. Yeah, I played World of Warcraft and stuff like that. Yeah, exactly. RTSs and shit. But all my first-person shooters were always console. And then when I finally made the jump because of PUBG, when PUBG first really...

started blowing up when it was in early access. I mean, I jumped from, because I was playing a lot of Destiny on Xbox. Oh, yeah. Oh, man. Destiny. I moved from

That was such a good, man, I will say for a first-person shooter, like how they did everything. Yeah, like the boss fights were so, the raids were epic. FPS raids, are you fucking kidding? They were amazing. That's the one thing I was like, oh, this is, they did this so good. Like, the story was absolute garbage. Yeah, but it was, yeah, but it just played so good. Yeah, that's, like, it looked good and it played good and like all the, yeah, man. You had,

good it was it had its ups and downs like with quality of life problems but like by the end of its cycle it was like by the end of uh oh god what was the last one was um not the wrath of the machine the one before that which was the oryx oryx yeah um

The Taken King. There it is. Jesus, I couldn't think of the name of it. Everything about The Taken King, the game was like, holy fuck. Oh, yeah. And then that game, I probably put 1,500, 1,600 hours into Destiny. I was a raid leader. I used to run every... Every character, every week. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That's how we were, dude. I had never been in that kind of group, but it was all my in-real-life friends. Exactly, yes. We would, every week, we'd be like,

Tuesday reset. Hit the night falls. Let's go. It's Tuesday. We could just do it tomorrow. No, we do it now. Drop, drop, drop, drop, drop. Then the weekend for the raids and hitting the hard mode raids when they dropped. We finished every... Trials of Osiris. Trials of Osiris. The weekends, yeah.

God, Trials was fun, dude. Trying to get it. Just so you could get on that little island. We did the Lighthouse. Yeah, the Lighthouse. I used to Sherpa people to the Lighthouse and shit, man. I was good, good at Destiny. We played the shit. And then Destiny 2 dropped.

and they forgot about everything they did to fix Destiny 1. Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah. I'm hearing Destiny 2 at this point is really good. That's what I was going to say. My friend and I used to play with it, because I don't even play with any of the dudes that we used to play with anymore. Yeah, straight up. It all fell off because we just lost the interest in 2.

And he hopped on a couple days ago, one of my friends, and he's like, man, it's pretty cool. He's like, a lot of this new stuff is pretty cool. We might want to hop in and check it out. I was like, I don't know now because I was on PS4. And now I don't know how that's going to transfer. Like if my account transfers on PC or whatever. I think it does, but I'm not really sure. So I was like, man, I might just wait until the next one because supposedly the next one is supposed to be awesome or whatever. Yeah. But, uh.

Yeah, oh yeah, so many hours into Destiny. God, when on, what was the... Raids? On Destiny 2, whenever that whole new map came out, it was like the... I haven't touched Destiny 2.

Oh, I know what you're talking about. Yeah, you went to like the... The like dreaming city. Yeah, it was in the Asteroids or whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Queens fucking area. Yeah, yeah, her place. Yeah, we played some. That was the one time I jumped back in. Yeah, it was like pretty cool and we had a lot of fun. But then, dude, it was just becoming chores, man. There were so many new people that would come and you had like gambit.

And then all that because he had Gambit. Gambit was fun. I played the fuck out of Gambit, too. You had the Queen stuff, Gambit, all your other Vanguard dudes. It was just like a whole week-long thing. We were having to get on and grind this one day. Honestly, it was a real MMO at that point. You had your dailies. You had your weeklies. Yeah. It was getting intense. I wish I enjoyed it more. If I had kept up with it as much like I did when Destiny 1 dropped and stayed in.

If I hate joint... Like, that's the reason I won't get back to try... I won't try WoW again. That's the reason I won't try Elder Scrolls Online again. Like, all these games I loved. Yeah. Because at this point, I'm so far behind the curve. I don't... People are like, oh, you can just get the boost and... No, fuck that shit. I don't... That's not how I play. I can't do that. I can't get back into these games. And now Destiny, like, automatically does it for you. Exactly. It's like, once a new update comes out, all your...

crap that you had and worked for so long is useless now and but then they up your power level you know to like the new base level that way you you know you can pick up some crap but yeah oh it's so annoying that's what started getting me like out of it because we would work so hard to get one gun to drop and then like a couple months later a new thing comes out and it's useless

Literally useless. And they won't fix it most of the time. It's just like, it's useless now. They've nerfed it so much, you don't even want to use it anymore. Well, I don't know if we discussed it on this, but I've talked to the guys about it. That's what sucks with MMOs, World of Warcraft. You have those one year or every other year

Expansion comes out and everything's obsolete. Literally, instantly obsolete. Where EverQuest and Final Fantasy XI, the OG and Ultimate Online, the OG MMOs, there was no level cap on items. So a level one could toss on the most badass gear and you'd be like...

Yeah, I'm level one. I'm a god. Boom. You put shit in the head and it explodes. You're like, yeah. But because of that, all the items also, when expansions or whatever came out, all that stuff still stayed. Yeah. Awesome. Yeah. So you just have like, oh, cool. Like, oh, man, we're on the third expansion. Oh, everyone still uses the fungi tunic. Oh, the fucking moss cover twig. Now they would do, and what was really cool with EverQuest is they would patch stuff or they would do, they would nerf stuff. Mm-hmm.

But they kept the pre-nerf items still in the game. So if you had a pre-nerf item before they nerfed it, you kept the pre-nerf items. But if that item dropped again, it would have the nerf. Yeah. So we had like the Dark Elf one. I had Human Mask and some other masks. So I could instantly click and turn into a Dark Elf. Or I was a Dark Elf. I could turn into a Human, whatever class I wanted to, and I had a Dark Elf mask. Yeah.

So it's instant clickable. Then they're like, okay, now you have a five second cool down and there's, or you have a five second cast time, blah, blah, blah. But it used to be, you could keep it in your bag. Just click it in your bag. Yeah. Instant dark elf. And you're like, fuck yeah. It's all those cool items. Yeah. And you're like, ah, this is a little strong. Let's nerf it and change some stuff. And then we'll go about it. Yeah. Okay. Yeah.

But all those items, it was awesome because everything stayed relevant for years. And now it's the exact opposite. You get the power creep with new stuff, and then you get games like WoW where it's like cycling back the levels because they're like, well, we're level 200 now, fuck! Yeah. It's going that way really quick, and the damage is less. And numbers don't even matter, really, because I just see like...

It was the last time I played WoW. I played like two weeks before the expansion came out and you're hitting for like 10,000, 20,000 damage. Then the expansion coming out and now you're hitting for like 900 damage. I guess they just readjusted all the numbers again. So it's like, oh, this is worthless. Boss health or max health are dropped a massive percentage.

Crazy shit like that. But yeah, man, fuck. I loved MMOs. Don't try one because you will get sucked in. Yeah, that's my problem. I can't get sucked into them. That's why I don't play them anymore. I love MMOs. He hasn't played one, though. That's what we were saying. He's never played a fantasy MMO. Imagine throwing him into one.

Yeah, I've almost downloaded WoW a couple times now. Don't. Yeah, I've been... That's what I went, man, I don't think I can. I was like, there's so many other things that I'm playing right now. I was like, and if I do, I'm going to get too into it, and I'm just going to be playing that. Oh my God, I just thought of something. What?

Have you done VR yet? Yeah. Wait, what kind of VR have you done? Just Quest 2. What's Quest 2? The Oculus Quest 2. Okay, but you haven't tried the... I haven't done the Vive and stuff like that. You haven't done the... With the... The Index. Yeah, the Valve or whatever. The Valve Index. I just got it. Oh, yeah, I saw it. I'm sure. I bet that's nuts. Batty lives like five minutes from here. We're just going to pause the podcast right now with you.

We're gonna go watch some porn. Pornography. It's porn. We're gonna watch porn. That's it. We're gonna watch VR porn, guys.

But dude, that fucking... How was VR? I told you. It was not a religious experience. So I'd used VR once before. Way back, I was visiting an old tech program. I was part of that. I used to go and talk to students about it. And I got to play real briefly in this little paint sim thing, and that was it. It was a very brief thing. I put this motherfucker on, and it loaded me into a room with an overpass. I could see a mountain range. Yeah, yeah.

It's so pretty. And then you're reaching out and interacting with it. And it's like, you're like, I picked up a unicorn and I threw it. I was freaking the fuck. My buddy recorded me because he came over. He's been doing VR stuff for a while. And he came over and he was recording me like in my computer. I was just like walking around my room. It's so pretty. Yeah.

Dude, it's a mind-blowing experience, especially with the index or the... Yeah. Because you get to move around the room. Yeah, that's the ones with the... Oh, yeah, it's got multiple... As soon as you put it on the wall, it's like, okay, yeah, yeah. And you're there because it's a one-to-one. You're like...

Yeah. It was fun. And even, oh my God, the index has the finger tracking. Yeah. It's so nice. And it does, like, it'll do your legs. Yeah. So that's what's crazy. Yeah. Like being able to do all the fingers. That's, yeah. Like, I remember I loaded in and when you load into like the, just the test room, when you turn the shit on, it just shows your hands in front of you. I was like, I mean, everyone's first reaction. I was just flipping everybody off. I was just like counting with my fingers. Yeah. It was insane. It is,

Imagine an MMO with that. Do you see why I said I would just quit life at that point? I don't. I got Skyrim VR. I haven't played it yet. I haven't looked to see if I can mod it. Yeah. Because, like, have you played Skyrim? Have you modded the fuck out of Skyrim? Oh, yeah. Because I just re-downloaded it, like, a month ago on PC. I was like, oh, hell yeah. I was like, now it's time to add the cool stuff and make it look crazy pretty. Thomas the Train is dragging. Oh, I got it. The normal. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, I had Macho Man as the dragon. Oh, yeah. That was a good one. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that was a good one. Yeah, yeah. Dude, I haven't turned it on yet. I've been just busy, but I cannot wait to just be like, well, goodbye, world. I'm the dragon porn now. I'm in Walker. I'm out of my foos room. God! Shit.

I already punched one of my monitors. Be like fucking like jacked as hell. Like shred it when you come. I just want to be a stealth archer in VR. I just want to crouch around my fucking room.

My knees are hurting, guys. Yeah, they're gonna hear like your knees popping. What was that? You're like, oh. Stop, you violated the law. Huh? I guess no one's there. You shoot him in the face with air. Huh? I guess no one's there. Yeah, exactly. I guess no one's there. I guess it was nothing.

Dude, the Oblivion cards were the greatest thing. Oh, yeah. Oh, man. The spells on Oblivion, man. That's what I missed was being able to make the goofiest, overpowered spell. Do you remember Morrowind spell? No. Man, I was kind of young when I played Morrowind, so I don't really remember a whole lot of it. That was my first, first big one that's got me into it.

You could do... Like, if you thought Oblivion spells were crazy... Yeah. Times 100 for Morrowind. You could do whatever the fuck... Yeah. Like, you could just make... Literally break anything. Yeah, like... And it was like, you just... You could cast flying spells, like permanent flying stuff. So you could just be like... Yee! You could jump to stuff and you could multiply it by like 100. So you just take a step. Oh, yeah. And you'd just be one punch man into the moon. You know? And then coming down on the other side, like...

Morrowind was like so... It was unreal. I can't even... They allowed you to do whatever the fuck you wanted. You could kill quest characters and a little message would pop up on the screen being like, hey, the moons and stars have unaligned. You've forever ruined the timeline. Start over. And you're like, ah, fuck!

I think you could, like, some of that crap could happen in Oblivion. Like, people could die. Because there was one mission that I can always remember every playthrough on Oblivion. The same bitch would die. It was this one mission where I had to go to, like, a ball or something and meet this girl there. And, like, she would never show up. And I was like, what the hell? It was like, because I was, like, trying to do all the side missions. Yeah, of course. Yeah, yeah. I couldn't do it.

could never do that mission and I finally looked it up and I was like yeah I was like if you travel this road you'll probably find her dead somewhere because sometimes like she'll random garden or yeah yeah she'll get killed by a bandit along the way and I was like what so I like walked for like an hour like trying to find her and just found her dead in a bush like I was

The guard, like, dragged her. I was like, oh, my God. So I, like, couldn't finish that mission. And it happened almost every playthrough, dude. Yeah, there was a few in Oblivion. Oblivion allowed you, they never let you kill the main quest characters, though. And that's what was fucked about Morrowind. You could just kill, like, the main quest. It's like, I guess you're fucked. And it would just be like, start over. You're going to have to start again. It's like, I hope you saved in the last 12 hours because... Oh, no.

uh dude that's ever quest you'd have those one oh some of those quests would be like the spawn time there's six minute i think it was six minute rotations for a spawn character a placeholder so you just place her to pop kill it placeholder pop you're trying to get one creature spawn and they'd have that one creature would only spawn once every 24 hours and some had seven days yeah seven days you'd have that one so you would just sit there for seven days straight just hate yourself yeah and you rotate you relax leave and do that

And then you could still fuck up the quest by hand-in. So you're like, I hand in that, that, and the wrong item. It just, it's like, those items are gone. And the quest giver is like,

Please start over. Yeah. Sorry. No, no, no. No, no, no. No. No. No. Yeah, exactly. That's another power button on the PC. Well, that's it for me this week. I'm going to go hate myself. Fucking play Need for Speed or something there. Need for Speed Underground. I just want something simple. I'm going to play Need for Speed now. I just want to drift cars real quick.

Those like quests there's some games where men when you fail the quest like because you forgot to save or whatever But like older games were autosave wasn't as prevalent Like you could like a lot of new games. You can set the autosave like every five minutes. Yeah older games It was like if you entered a new area it might see ya. Yeah, maybe and

And then you die. Like, I remember dying in oblivion sometimes without saving. I'd lose like eight hours. Bro, right? Even, I remember you had that problem with that, power outages or Game Boys and you forgot to charge and you're not watching the power. It's a little light that starts blinking red. Where's my charger? Where's my charger? I would just forget about it. I'd be like, this is fucking, I'd be like, no.

No, no, no, no, no. I don't even remember what happened. Did I save today? Did I save today? It's 4 a.m. I started yesterday. This has been 14 hours. And then it starts and you're like, mission two out of 16. You're like, fuck. Well, at least I'll go really fast at this one. I hated it. I hated it. I hated it. The amount of time. The anger. And like, you couldn't even do anything. You'd just be like,

Internally, internal screeching. Yeah.

I'm gonna go play outside. I guess I'll go lay in the sun a little bit. I haven't eaten today. I guess I should have some food. I'm on my fourth Mountain Dew. I need to go eat some real food. So mad at the world. God, I hated that stuff. Dude, my dad called me the other day. So my dad listens to the podcast.

And he called me and he's like, "So I heard you guys talking about your Pokemon cards and how much they're worth and I went looking through some of our old stuff and I found all your old cards!" So he's like sending them to you or...? No.

He goes, nah, I'm just fucking with you. You fucking nerd. But there was like a five second pause where I was like, what? Dude, I used to have everything. All these cars. Like I know they're not going to be in the best shape, but even like a Charizard, first edition Charizard hologram, it's not in the best shape. It's still like $10,000 to $20,000. Yeah.

I love your heart. Your dad's just the worst father in the world. So later, Chuck, when you're fucking listening, fuck you. If you wonder why I called you Chuck and not dad. I was so mad. He was just laughing at me. I'm like, you son of a bitch. He's like, yeah, I just wanted to fuck with you. Bye, I guess. Oh my god.

It was so rude. Speaking of Pokemon games, the maddest I think I've ever been at a game of all time was definitely a Pokemon game. And it was, I think I was like 16, and I had downloaded an emulator on my laptop, and I was playing. It was Ruby or Sapphire, and I was doing this mission,

I was like in this like temple or something and the floors would fall out from under you while you were walking through. Yeah. Yeah. You had to, you had to run. You had to go fast. You had to run across. And it was like, it was like little, it was like a maze and you had to be quick. So you had to be like, you had to be like left, right down, right down, like up down. And if you click, if you did like game boys, so you don't have that little, that little up down. So you're trying to do, I was on my, like on, yeah, on the little, uh, laptop.

And I was doing it, and I would fall through, and I'd go, like, because there was so many floors of it to get to the top of this. It was like a pyramid. And I got to the, I was finally, I was just riding my, because you could ride your bike through it to be faster. Yep. And I did it. I got to the main top, and you go through a room, and then it's just a giant open room, and you can see the little, it was like the little Pokeball that's like your chest, basically. You could see that in the middle of the room. And I was like, oh, I was like, I made it. And I took one step forward and fell straight through the floor. Yeah.

And then it went, like, it shows you, like, it loads each one. One, four, four. It shows you go through this floor, shows you go through this floor, shows you go through this floor, and, dude. Each one, you're just... Because I was doing it for, like, two hours, man. I was like, I could not hardly do it on that laptop, and I was doing it for so long. And I stood up, and I, like, Spartan kicked my door open. Like, I was...

I literally threw my whole body into my door and it blasted off the hinges and hit the wall in the hallway and put a hole in the wall. And I thought that I was home alone because this is when my mom was supposed to be in Arizona because she was doing her little house flipping thing to me.

And I like, like I kicked it so hard I fell into it. So I like landed on the door and like busted the door up and busted the wall and then like rolled off of it. And when I stood up, she was like right there at the top of the staircase. She goes, what are you doing? And I was like, I tripped on my ethernet cable. I was like,

Because it had happened before. Like, I had ran, like, I wired an Ethernet cable through it, and I would trip on it all the time. And, like, slam the door, like, slam the wall. And I was like, I tripped on it again. I tripped right through the door. I tripped really hard. Dude, the whole, like, not even just, like, the hinges. It was the whole frame. The frame. I'm black. Yes!

Dude, I threw my whole body into it and the whole frame went flying off. And then I was like, I tripped on my Ethernet cable again. And she's like, oh my God. Dude, I don't know how I didn't get in trouble, man. Like, I don't know what she was... Walks down the stairs, you just stare back at Pokemon? Yeah. Screw.

Looking at my laptop. I'm going to catch you. Yeah, definitely the maddest I've ever been in a game. What's the maddest you've ever been in a game? Like, what was the most rage-inducing moment? Man, that is...

Because you have, like, the one-offs online where you get mad, like, quick. See, I never really got too mad, like, gaming. Like, I was never, like, the toxic dude on the mic. That was never me. No, that stuff never. To my friends, I would be, like, I'd be bullshitting. Raging at video games. Online games never made me, like, too upset. Like, you're like, oh, this bull, that was bullshit. Yeah, exactly. Like, that happens, like, online games. Like, I'm just, like, expect it these days. But it was always, like, it was single player game. The single player story game. Yeah. Where didn't.

Yeah, because that was the crap that would drive me nuts. I think it was Resets. I remember, I will say, was that Xenogears had one fucking mission. Xenogears, and again, this is like PlayStation era. Before you go on Tips and Tricks or whatever and look up strategy guides for video games. Cheat Code Central. Yeah, Cheat CC, like all those things. And there was one segment in the game and I could not figure out these fucking puzzles. It was...

like two days three days of this rpg and i'm just stuck in this dungeon running around running around running around running around running around and then i'm like what the fuck am i supposed to do and then it's like the water there's a math one with water figure that one out finally my geds it's like okay this is seven this is three this is maybe five i'm not sure at this point

That one took me a little bit. Got it. Numbers. Yeah, and I was like, cool. Because it just says it's like something. It does a weird...

And then you have to match that with these four different regulators on this pool. And I was like, I don't fuck. I'll just guess shit until it works. Found it. Then couldn't. Same fucking exact same cavern just running around. I was like, I have no idea. You get to the top. There's a hole. You fall fucking down. And then you go and you look around. Go back up top. Hole. Fall back down. And there's one door. And I was like...

This is literally fucking impossible. I accidentally fell down the hole on like day two. Like, I'm like, fuck. And I was holding up when I ran. Halfway through the hole, there's a little edge that you're supposed to hit and walk forward. And then there's a door there. That's how you're supposed to get out of that dungeon. Mm.

You're like, why? Why would the creator put something in a fucking... Like you wouldn't even notice. No, and if they... Games need to teach you something. It's like you teach you... This was just love. Yeah, you learn stuff. It's like, hey, here's a small battle. Now if you use that X button, use that X button and see what happens. Yeah.

Boom. Okay. Well, here's a new thing. Here's two buttons at once. Figuring it out. You're like, fuck. Okay, the game's teaching me. Xenogears is like, here's 50 hours in the game. Yeah, we've never showed you this shit before. Do it. Good luck. And I'm like, fuck, nerd in high school. Just like, what the fuck is going on right now? And then that game also had the stupid shit of not teaching you combo systems. So other games you have like...

like final any turn-based rpg it's like hit x attack xenogears is like cool you hit x x you have like six ap yeah so triangle uses one attack you can do triangle six times yeah boom boom boom you do a six hit combo square you go uh you can hit that three times three hit combo x is two times yeah so you do different combos different button presses yeah and then you at like level fucking five you're like you've learned a death blow

And then you learn one more death blow. And it's triangle, triangle, X. Or triangle, triangle, triangle, X. How do you remember those combos? Because I played the shit out of that game. And that stupid fucking game. That's like your death blow. And then you learn it and you use it. Because it is the... So, it does way more damage than doing just normal buttons. So, you use that every fucking round. Like, I'm always going to use this. Because why not? So, same. Like, after that fucking hole, there's a boss. Like...

Right after that. And that boss took me days to beat. Days to fucking beat. Because it's like one boss fight and then you're like, no save. And immediately pushes you right into boss fight number two. So you have to fight back to back. And fucking dickhead boss number one, what's his dying move? I knock all your guys down to one HP sometimes. So you're like, cool, I'm entering boss fight two with one HP and robots you can't fucking heal with. So I was super fucking pissed. But...

After that, randomly, I accidentally don't do a death blow. And I'm like, I hit triangle X. I was like, fuck. And I hit XX. And I was like, oh. And it just did the weaker thing. I was like, eh. And then it's like, oh, you learned a new death blow.

I was like, wait, what? There's more than two? Wait, what the fuck is this? There is a fucking metric shit ton. As long as you're not doing death rolls, yes, you will learn more ones that are way more powerful. So it was like 50 hours. So you even played with the kiddie gloves on this whole time. You had brass knuckles under the motherfuckers. The entire time. And looking back, it was like I played the game on hard mode. Yeah, the whole time. Yeah, just on extreme mode. I was like, run. Use the basic mode. Yeah, you went on the beginning.

Which I beat. Yeah. Which I did beat that game with a 5 plus 1, but holy fuck. Oh, man. Raged so hard at that fucking game. Past that, like, I don't remember any ones where I just, like, EverQuest I did get really fucking pissed. I used to get real mad in Diablo and PvP, Diablo 2 and PvP when I'd die because I'd miss a key combo or, like, I'd miss a meteor meter waiting for my cooldown and I'd hit him with something else. I'd get really mad about that, but mine is a Pokemon one as well because, like...

I played the fuck out of Pokemon games. That's like my jam still. And it was SoulSilver, which was the remake of the original silver version. And I was what's called soft resetting, trying to get a shiny legendary. Lugia, at the end of the game, you can soft reset and try to get a shiny. You'd save right before it went away. Not a shiny, restart. And then you just keep doing that over and over and over again.

I accidentally soft reset on the shiny. Cause I was, I was like in, I was like, you're just in reset mode. Yeah. We're talking over a thousand resets over weeks of time, dude. I would, I just sit down for a couple hours a day just doing that. And I remember going like, Oh cool. And like, I registered shiny, shiny blue, pink belly. I'm like, Oh, did you play it again? I broke my game. This was the original DS game.

I straight threw it on the ground and it snapped the hinges and it was like it still worked But the top was like no longer was like connected So yeah, I did not play much more that after that I remember I was so fucking mad Yeah, I just wanted a shiny Lugia. That's all I wanted. I just wanted the shiny legendary. I just wanted the shiny pink belly FUCK LUGIA

And I reset it. Oh my. I will take, okay, I will say League of Legends. That's what game has made me the game. Now that I know. I always forget, like when you first started streaming, you played League. Bro, League, I will raid. You want the most toxic community in the world? Play League of Legends. You're that League? Talking to you. You will be called every name possible.

literally every time. Like Eli. Welcome to the League of Leap. But oh, just the most toxic player base because everyone's so competitive. And you are dependent in rank matches with four other random dudes. And you can be a, like I was a monster at top lane and jungle. And I would, like my top lane Nasus, I would just literally start the match. I'd be like, hey bot lane, this is when Nasus was OP and I could carry. Mm-hmm.

I'd be like, bot lane. Just don't fucking feed. That's all I ask. If you die once, just play it safe. And then they're like, back it up. Got it. And then they die, die, die. And you're like, what the fuck did I just fucking say? And then you have those little R's. Those R words down there. Just calling me. They're like, well, maybe you should help the team, boy. I'm like, no, you little dumbass. You need to stop feeding bot lane.

Okay? Just let the jungle. Well, our jungle's not helping. Why the fuck would he? You're fucking getting murdered. That dude's fat as fuck. He's gonna just be a part of that fucking meal. Oh, oh, y'all. Oh, and I was just like, breaking towers and just pissed off at the game. God. That game.

You want to see me yell and rage? I can see you angry right now. I like it. This is hot. Dude, you can watch people throw fucking games. Like, literally, we are so far ahead. All we have to do is work together.

Where are you going? Why the fuck are you out there by yourself? What are you doing? No, stop. Get away from it. No. Dead. And then you just see like one shift. I mean, it snowballs so quick. As soon as they start feeding, you have those one or two guys and then they snowball their power and then next thing you know, they got three players that are all like,

Oh, they're a lot stronger now. What the fuck? Yeah. What the fuck? Dude, I used to get Nasus to one-shot because he has a Q. He's like the only character where his Q, if you kill minions or bad guys, it stacks. So you have your base damage and

And then it adds three damage. So you build up on fucking minions and then you'd go after one shot somebody? Yeah, because people would be like, man, if you could get a Nasus stack. People didn't believe me. I could stack. A good Nasus stack was like 200 stacks in 20 minutes. So you have 200 additional damage. I could get 400 to 450 in 20 minutes. And then I'd be like, doo-doo-doo. And I wouldn't attack the other top laner.

and tell him in his jungle if I was doing a rogue land, I was like, I got mine, I'm good. His jungler would come out and they'd be like, let's go. I'd be like, boom, dead. And they'd be like, no, no, why is Nas so bad? Jesus Christ. And you're just murdering everyone. You're like, why is Nas so bad?

We had one where I was just trawling at him to like 1.2, 1,200 stacks. I could almost one-shot towers. So they'd be like, stay away from Nasus! And I'm already just built for tank. I don't do damage outside of my Q, so I'm like worthless. But that Q, I just go for AP, so I can Q every 1.5 seconds. So I'd be like...

Please hold. One second. Boom. Yeah, pit to kill entire teams. They would just call me a raid bot. She'd be walking around just doing the work and there'd be like five people trying to kill you and you're like, oh man. But God, I would rage so hard on that fucking game. Awful.

Yeah, League was definitely the rage mechanic. Just stay away from League. I played League back when it first dropped, but that's really it. I was too much into Call of Duty and FPS games to really play, to give up. I didn't have a great computer, so I was a console guy. League was never my jam. You talk about Xenoverse having those where you just press random buttons and it would make a move. That reminds me of a game called Legend of Legia. Oh, yeah.

oh yes the legend of the guy it was like it was kind of the same it was on playstation it was kind of same you could click like up and down left right and then x triangle stuff and you could just do whatever random combination and as you leveled up you would get more you would unlock more spots like so you could do another move this time and then sometimes you would make like crazy ultimate moves it was like 20 hits and then a mega like move would come out but uh

That game was cool, but I can remember I was stuck on a dungeon for like literally it was like a week on that game, and I could not figure it out. It was like a puzzle I had to do, and I could not figure it out. And one night, like after I was like fooling around with it for like two hours, I remember I went to sleep, and it was like super late. And I had like a – literally like a vision. I literally – I dreamed about this game, and I was like, oh, that's probably –

And I dreamt of me doing this combination and it opened up. And I woke up at like 3 in the morning and turned it on and went and did it while I was doing it. And it fucking did it. And I was like, what the fuck? What the fuck?

I've entered the matrix! I'm Neo! I got to like the next save point right after I got out of that dungeon and then just like saved it. And I was like, okay, I'm done now. I can rest. It's been like a week. You played four more hours, didn't you? No, no. I didn't picture that. Yeah. Yeah, literally, I was like dead asleep. Everyone was like, oh,

Oh, it would have been cool if it worked out. Oh, that would have been cool if it worked out. Oh, I guess that would have been cool. But it did fucking work. It did fucking work. Yeah, and I was like, yes. Oh, yeah, that was when I knew. Like, I played the shit out of that game, too. That was a really cool one. I remember I played... Oh, God, dude. It was an old... The Jade something. Oh.

Man, it was an original Xbox. It was like, you had different characters you could play. It was like an RPG. It was a story game. I can't remember what the fuck it was. Jade Empire, maybe? Yeah, Jade Empire sounds familiar. God, that was another one. That game, every character had all these crazy combos and shit you could do. Old games. That's like Final Fantasy Tactics. Dude, Final Fantasy Tactics on Game Boy Advance? Yeah.

He fucking loved that game, man. But a lot of the secrets in those games also people didn't realize was like you had to steal like the Mass Immune was you only could get through Thief. So like how you build your characters and how do you do specific characters that happen. You had to steal stuff. So you literally like, oh, that's the boss and he had the Mass Immune. I just surround him with all my characters so he can't move. Yeah, and it was just like theft.

And this dude's like, one shot. You're like, round. Don't let him escape. Use your body to block this little diagonal path of movement. Final Fantasy X was fun. I never played any of the tactics. Oh, man. I forgot about that. All this stuff comes back to how most games nowadays...

teach, just hand you everything. Yeah, yeah. Tutorials and everything. You had to learn shit, yeah. It's like, here, this is how you do this. There's no real secrets in games. There's no...

There's just not a lot, which is, I think, why I'm so sucked into Tarkov, because it's just a brutal buttfuck every time I play it. It reminds me of those old games that just bent you over. Yeah, you're just like, well, go do it and see what happens. Literally. Have you played Tarkov yet? No, no. Yeah, I know. That's what I've been trying to stay away from. But, like, are there games now that, like, single player... Fuck, first of all, are there single player games anymore?

As soon as you talked about this, it made me think, I can't remember what game it was that was recently. It's like, yeah, go figure it out. I can't remember what fucking game it was. That's a hard one. Because I'm at the age now where I'm like, I don't have as much patience for stuff. I just look it up if I can't find it. I want it kind of clear and concise, but it'll be like, find this thing. And if the verbiage is weird, I'll be like...

I mean, I guess I could, is it here? Like Dragon Quest IX, that's what I'm playing right now. And it's like... What is that on? Switch. Really? Is it fun? Is it good? Yeah. I haven't played a Dragon Quest since like four. Do that Akira Toriyama, so it's like Dragon Ball characters. Oh, it's all the same art style, yeah. But there's like the quest, I'm just like, I'll like give it like 10 minutes of like trying to figure it out. And then I'm like, nope, hey, strategy guy, go on. Strategy guy holds my hand and follows me. He's like, let's go. Yeah.

But now, Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, that's the only game now that's like... Oh, yeah. Those games just fucking ruin you. And I haven't played Sekiro yet. That's the one that I want. Like, I plan on playing it soon. Because I had just played Ghost of Tsushima. And I was like, which was a... I need to play that game. Dude. I don't like them. I've never... No, Ghost of Tsushima. That's different than Dragon... Oh, my God. It ruined me on a lot of games, man.

It's literally, it's what Assassin's Creed could be. Was that the one with the guy with the arms? No, that's Akira. Okay, okay, I'm mixing up those two. But Ghost of Tsushima, like it was a PlayStation exclusive and it was just like you were on the island of the Tsushima Island and dude, it was just so good. That's the one I'm actually... Oh my God, it was awesome. And like, you start getting pretty far and you're like, okay, I'm getting pretty maxed out. And then you do a mission and then like it...

skill tree opens up and you get this new skill where you can go into death mode where if you kill so many people without getting hit, you have this move you can unlock called...

Ghost mode or whatever. And you just become... Like, everything goes black and white other than... Oh, you go to Lord of the Rings Wraith fucking mode? Pretty much. It goes black and white other than blood. And then you can just, like... People are, like, fucking terrified of you and they, like, start running. But you can just chase them in, like, one hit. Like, you just swing your sword and it'll do a finisher on them.

Is this like some samurai fucking ninja bullshit? It's Assassin's Creed, but mega samurai. It's like Tenchu meets Assassin's Creed. It plays so good. The sneaking is awesome. The movement up and down, like trees and I'm building stuff is so much more fluent than Assassin's Creed. I know the name. Dude, so good. A multiplayer came out not too long ago, and I never did get to...

I was playing something else since when I switched to PC, so I never did go back. But, dude, literally, it was like that and The Last of Us 2 were the last two games that I played on PlayStation. And, dude, it was so awesome. Damn. That was, like, I think I, like, 100% of that game, just because it was, you had all these cool, like,

You get to one island, and there's these other, like, the Ronin Samurais that are after you, and they're just waiting for you across the map. And you'll, like, you'll be exploring a little town where, like, you know, it got all killed by, like, Mongols, and there's just one samurai that's, like, next to the beach. And you'll walk up, and you'll talk to him for a minute, and he'll go into this, like, little mode where your guy, like, is sitting there, and then he pops his sword out, and then you have, like, a big duel with him. Dude, it was insane. It's so good, dude. And the guy, oh.

And it's so pretty. It's so pretty. Like, there's no, like... There's cinematic mode where you can take photos. Yeah. Oh, I feel like how Red Dead and shit has cinematic mode and everything like that, too. Yeah, there's nothing on your screen. Like, there's nothing that points you... It slams your widescreen bars and shit. Yeah, yeah. But the game in general, there's not like a health bar, and there's not like a map or anything like that. Whenever you're supposed to be going in a certain direction, the wind just blows that direction. Yeah.

And so it's like you see the flowers move and the trees move and stuff like that. And you're like, all right, that's the way I got to go. Dude, it's so beautiful. I'm not developing download this thing. Dude, it's beautiful. I have a PlayStation that I use to exclusively play Final Fantasy VII Remake. Just waiting for the next chapter to come out. Have you beat Final Fantasy VII? Yeah. Remake? Yeah.

I haven't yet. I haven't, I haven't beat the remake yet either. I mean, so it's not the full episode of Yurian's chapter. It ends at Midgar, I think. Yeah, right. That's what I heard. It's like, yeah, it's half of the game. Okay, cool. I mean, it feels like a little less than half. I'm not gonna lie. It feels like a third. I see like a three. I don't think they're gonna... I think it is three. Okay, cool. Well, good. That was tough.

God, now I'm going to want to play Ghost. It's so good, man. Literally. Because then I got Assassin's Creed Valhalla for PC, and I just can't even make myself play it, man. And I know so many people love it. I miss Assassin's Creed. So Assassin's Creed 1. I never got into them.

And what was the second one? It was Ezio. Dude, Ezio, Otter, oh my god. They were so good. The first couple were so good. Unbelievable. And then everything changed after, was it Unity I think was the last one? And now the fighting style is kind of weird and the pairing is kind of weird. Things are just bugging.

Yeah, it's weird. I just lost interest in them after so many, but those were so good. The stories were so fucking cool. It was so cool. Weaving history in and out. The original Assassin's Creed 1 and 2 with Ezio and Altair in the first were two of my favorite games. It was also the first real Assassin-style game where you were just...

One shot, you're dead. You could just walk around and murder people. Jumping out of shit. Deflecting somebody's sword and then jamming a sword into their throat. That was like... Yeah, they had the parry system and everything. It's like the newer ones don't really have that parry system until you get certain weapons. It's like you've got to get so far into the game and find a weapon that allows you to parry like that. So it's like, I don't know, man. They just don't feel as good to me anymore and I can't make myself play them. And then I played Ghost of Tsushima. I was like, this is what...

could be. Oh, man. Dude, you learn these different... You got six different or four or five different fighting styles, like stances that you stand with your katana as you play. Dude, it's so cool, man. It's one of the best games I've ever played. I love it. I'm going to play that one. It's so good. It's sad. It's got a really good story. It's a really deep story. It's awesome. Yeah, you guys would love it. I need a good story game anyway. Something to... Yeah, yeah. You'll love it. I'll play that one next then. Oh, yeah. Just...

Uh, Sekiro you'll like. Yeah, I need to play it just because of playing the other ones. It's brutal. I know, and that's all I hear is how rough it is. It's just not my style of the game. No, it's like you kill a boss and then it has a second life. Like all the bosses have two life bars. So you're like, dead! And he's like, brr! And you're like, just kidding. I'm so tired. My hands are wet. My hands are wet. Oh, man.

I ain't no nap. It reminds me of like whenever you're playing old school like PUBG or whatever when you get in like that top 10 mode it's just like you're doing fine you're fine all of a sudden you look up you're like oh 11 left then you look back up 9 left you're like sweat. Like he needs

when we were trying to play Fortnite real big, man, whenever that, cause that was like the first like real, real battle royale that I had played. And God, I can remember like, dude, I was like dizzy after games, man. Like if we won games, I was like, dude, I was like, oh my God.

quiet i'm about to fucking pass out man like dude like it's so stressful yeah even like even war zone dude like sometimes now if it like especially if you're like the last one you're like and there's like uh like two or three other teams up and you're like trying to hide and dip and like sweating like you're like your body isn't moving like for a little while it's like your heart isn't like pumping blood or anything you're there for a minute and then once it's done you're like oh

That high intensity, that adrenaline spike from those style games. That's why I went from PUBG to Tarkov. Because Tarkov, for me, early on, not so much anymore...

Every single game it was like being in a top tennis in pub G That's how I described when I was first playing target now. It's different, but later I missed that that like yeah, I'm You know I should you know like full nerd neck gamer mode like I'm just sweat and I can feel in my hands or you gotta stop Yeah, you're like. I'm like wiping my joysticks and shit on Like sweat on my arm like destiny raids you get to the last cuz every

raid you had the different levels through that final boss and you're like dude we're about to perfect this raid we're gonna get all the we're gonna get the fucking perfect loot and shit hard mode and then that one dude trying to do the jump part the jump puzzle that's what I was gonna say the jump puzzle is the worst the float jump puzzle on Oryx on Oryx that's what I was gonna say I was so sweaty it's my turn it's my turn to do the jump puzzle and you're like alright I can do it and you're like jumping and you're like so focused on the game you're like no no

Why would they put... I would never understood why that goddamn game put Mario platforming in it. I love it. Oh, my God. I fucking loved it. When you have bad players, though... Yeah. I don't care. I'd be like, jump. And they'd be like, no, double jump. Wait, why do we have a warlock doing this? He's going to... Whoa. No, no, no, no. We need to try to put the booster in the double jump hunter. Like...

I would be the one that usually did it. Me or Freddy would be the ones that would do the jumping on Oryx. Oryx was the, that motherfucker. I love, I was god mode when it came to the Oryx fights. Like the dick walls with the punching. That's what we called it. We called it the dick wall. Right before you got to Oryx, you had to do the jump on the platforms and it had like the giant fists that would shoot out of the wall. Yeah.

Why can't I remember this? Probably because you blocked it out. Yeah, probably. Because it's so fucking annoying. Because I used to Sherpa people through these raids. And we'd be like, come on, man. Everybody just stand here. We got to wait. And then I'd step out of the way and just all of them get one shot. Oh, that's when the. Yes. Okay. Now I remember where you're doing that fucking. You go from one side. Yeah. One side. Wrap all the way around the other side. Yeah.

I met Riot as a hunter and sometimes as a Titan. I remember you'd get hit by one. You'd fly into a center pillar. You wouldn't die if you have enough health and shield. Then you could jump...

You could skip the entire thing. I used to do that with a Vault of Glass as well. Oh, Vault of Glass. Do we cheese as many bosses? Oh, of course. Yeah. Dude, was that Oryx? No, it was the king when he slammed down and you had to have a sword. Who's that? Crota? Crota. Oryx's son is Crota. Yeah, so Crota, the Crota fights where you just do that. Oh, I mean, I soloed Crota. You could solo and duo that. Yeah, you would do the reset or somebody like DC and then plug it back in and Crota's just

Frozen. And you just walk up and be like, stab, stab, stab, stab. Dude, we used to cheese all of those motherfuckers. Oh my god, I miss that. Dude, I miss Destiny. I want to play Destiny now. Fuck. If we got one game, if they do a really good first person raid, but even bigger raids...

Because that's why, like, World of... EverQuest, you didn't have a raid cap, so we'd be doing, like, 120-man raids against dragons and shit. Yeah, dude, it would be fucking insane. Yeah. And on 56k modem, you best believe I was lagging. Oh, my God. Oh, shit. Drummer bang. Oh, my God. Did I cast a spell? I think I did. I think I did. I'm dead, okay? That's terrible. Oh, man.

Oh my god. Did you ever get into D&D or anything like that? No, I never did play anything like that. What kind of D&D character would you make if you were in one of our...

I really don't even know. What is Caleb? Are you a dwarf? Are you a dark elf? Are you a human? Yeah, I probably... Orc? No, I don't know, because I don't know all of their special powers and stuff. What would you want to be? Well, what is my options? It's like endless, right? There's a lot. What's your race? Let's start with your race.

We're going to build you a D&D character right now. I'm a DM, so this is what I do. Don't worry. Okay. So it depends. Do you feel like you want to be a magic user, a tank? No, I'm going to be a tank. Yeah, like a tank. Okay, okay. So that helps me narrow this down. Yeah, like I was always a Titan and stuff. You have half orc.

We never go for half work. Half work dwarf. So half barbarian, barbarian, barbarians, a class simmer, simmer. Goliath is your, your typical. That sounds pretty cool. Goliaths are like, like part giant. Usually. Okay. They like, I like a grayer skin. They're pretty cool. You have a, something called fur bogs, which are like more typical fantasy giants. A lot of times they have large beards. Yeah.

They can almost have animalistic appearances as well, but they're also fucking huge. You see a lot of them that are living in the woods and shit. Those guys are pretty cool. But of course, dwarves, you have your human tanks. I like my dwarf tank. It's a classic.

So yeah, we easily, you have your typical tank. So then you have your paladin. You want to be a paladin? So you got a little, you have your god, you got a little magic or you just go straight fucking barbarian. Yeah, I always like having a little bit of magic. Like, I mean, when, like say, let's say Skyrim, I would always do the Nords. Or the Nords. I would do the Nord and I would have usually a sword and a spell in the other hand. It was almost always how I ran other than like dungeons doing sword or bow and arrows. Wait, you like the Nords? Really? Hmm. Yeah. Weird. Crazy. Yeah.

Who would have thought? A little bit. Weird. The tattoo didn't get me, you know? I liked him pretty well. Okay, so in that case, easy. Go Paladin. Pick a god, a Norse god. You can go with Tyr. That's usually a really good one. Yep, absolutely. Some sort of Fenrir. Familiar, easy. Okay, yeah. I mean, I love wolves. Tempest. Good, Tempest. Tempest is your fucking god. That's more, what's it called?

forgotten realms but then you build that and then what's your backstory now did you want to be a mountain what were the mountain Goliath I mean that sounds pretty awesome okay so a Goliath paladin to Tyr that sounds pretty awesome the maimed god all about it bro and what's your backstory

No pressure. We're all just waiting. Yeah, just everyone waiting. Eli, cut the pause. Podcasts love long periods. It's one of their favorite things. Just audible nothing. Definitely. Okay, so my parents were killed by wolves. Good. But. Tragic. Love it. Yeah, I grow up in the woods. They kill my parents, but they also see me and they could have killed me. They don't.

They take me. It brought you in. I'm part of the wolf family now. I grew up with wolves. Suckling wolves. Love it. I'm growing up with the wolves. I'm part wolf. I love them. And then I grow up and I'm a big, strong survivor out in the woods. I've got these wolves running with me all the time. I'm the alpha wolf now. What's your character's name? Uh...

reaching back to your what was your Skyrim character name? I was trying to think of like names that I like always you could go with your stream name which is yeah Grizzly Puncher that's his character's name Grizzly Puncher you beat a bear up once like Grizzly Puncher we're trying to do comments like Grizzly Puncher are you ready? it's like MOVE

Let's go. Oh, yeah, he was raised by wolves. He doesn't speak English. Let's go. Let's go. God, I hate bringing him to the bar. Dude, where did Grizzly Puncher come from? Dude, everybody always asks that. And I, dude, I could just, it's Halo days.

Whenever you could make a free account and have free live for a month, we'd make accounts all the time. I remember that. You'd get the little cards in the mail and shit of the 30 days of trials. Account time! We were like, what's a cool badass town? We had a whole clan that was like, Baby Stomper. That's a 12 to 17-year-old...

Period. That's perfect. Baby stopper, baby kicker. Puncher. Yeah, baby kicker, baby puncher. There was a whole clan of us and we were like baby, you know, beat up babies. And that was like our clan. And then, like, I finally, like, he's like, you know what? You know, I can buy an actual account now. I can pay for it. And I was like, what do I want it to be? Because at first...

I had Dr. Machete Legs. That was one of my big ones for a long time, was Dr. Machete Legs, and I had that on everything. Yeah, it's not a very common thing. Exactly. Weird, it's not taken yet. Congratulations, this one isn't taken. Weird.

But then Grizzly Puncher, man, I just thought it was like, oh, yeah, that sounds cool. And this dude is like strong and punches grizzlies in the face. I was like, that sounds pretty cool. And I just like, it just was always my name on Xbox. And then I switched to PlayStation. And I was like, yeah, I'll be Grizzly Puncher on here too. And it worked. And it's just been that since I was like 12. That's funny.

God damn. I really want him in a D&D campaign. Absolutely. It's either you scream in a wolf voice or you just do normal grumbles. I was like,

Just normal, normal. Yeah, normal. You can come and go, ah! It just cuts between the two. There's no in between. Hey, guys. Hey, guys. I was raised by wolves. So, so, you're not talking about it until he's in combat and he turns into it. Yeah. I'm a Goliath and I was raised by wolves, guys. Hey, guys. You're so soft-spoken and calm. This is one. You're a barbara. I forget. I forget.

They just punch him shit. Ranger shows up with his pet bear. Start fucking. Beating the shit out of his bear. Yep. This is it. There it is. Grizzly puncher. Okay. Fucking love it. This is great. Caleb, where can we all find you at? I mean, I'm Caleb W. Francis on everything. Instagram, Twitter, TikTok. And then Grizzly Puncher on Twitch. That's...

That's it. It's your boy, Caleb. Caleb, thank you so much for speaking to me. Yeah, this was fun. Thank you for having me. This was great. Just nerded out. I love this. Oh, yeah. This is the people I love. Oh, yeah. Honestly, this is it. We need to do more. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry for... Come home, Donut. But we will have this one up and then pass that. What? Batty? Batty Streams? Shut the fuck up. Batty Streams. Oh, fuck it. What's your Instagram? It's Batty Streams. Oh, okay. That's weird. That's why. Look at that.

That was genuine reaction of laughing at you. Not with you. Not with you. At you. Eli, double tap. Go fuck yourself. Follow the podcast on all the dumb bullshit. Leave us reviews. I hate you all. Love you guys.