The NPR Politics Podcast

Every weekday, NPR's best political reporters are there to explain the big news coming out of Washin


Total: 1807

In a testy and dramatic Oval Office exchange with Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer, Presiden

President Trump's chief of staff John Kelly will leave the White House at the end of the year. The a

**CORRECTION: In a previous version of this podcast we said that "the Special Counsel says it can pr

As world leaders meet to discuss how to combat climate change, two major reports on the environment

The feds say former national security adviser Michael Flynn has provided "substantial" aid in the Ru

The National Republican Congressional Committee says it was hacked during the 2018 midterms. What ha

President Trump left the Group of 20 summit with an agreement not to raise tariffs on Chinese goods

The patriarch of a political dynasty, George H.W. Bush was the last World War II vet to serve in the

Donald Trump's former longtime lawyer Michael Cohen admitted on Thursday that he and others working

House Democrats nominated Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to serve as the next speaker of the House. If

The U.S. briefly closed border entries in Tijuana and used tear gas on the protesters after several

Eleven House Democrats and five incoming freshmen have signed a letter promising to vote against Pel

An update on where things stand in Georgia and Florida plus why President Trump is planning some ral

A recount is under way in Florida, rebel Democrats claim they can defeat Nancy Pelosi in a speaker v

Congress is returning to Washington this week for an end of year session that's likely going to brin

Election season hasn't actually ended yet as a recount becomes likely in Florida, where a vicious le

Jeff Sessions has been forced out of his job as Attorney General. Will his replacement undermine the

In back to back press conferences, President Trump and Nancy Pelosi both talked about what bipartisa

In what was considered a referendum on Donald Trump's presidency, Congress splits control between De

In the final hours before the midterm elections Republicans point to the economy and stir up fears o