cover of episode The Ultimate Guide To Generating More Sales & Increasing Referrals #MakingBank #S8E57

The Ultimate Guide To Generating More Sales & Increasing Referrals #MakingBank #S8E57

Publish Date: 2024/8/18
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Hey guys, I hope you're loving the Making Bank episodes. Please make sure you guys like and share these episodes as well as comment below for the guests. They love to come back and interact with you. And I really appreciate you watching and listening to Making Bank. So thank you. Next up, representing Primal Life Organics, Josh, Making Bank Felber. ♪♪♪

Welcome to Making Bank. I am Josh Felber, where we uncover the mindset and the success strategies of the top 1% so you can amplify your life and your business today. Super honored and excited for today's guest. Jay, welcome to Making Bank. I'm excited to have you and glad to have you on the show today.

Well, I'm excited to be on the show, Josh. I've only heard wonderful things about the contribution you make to entrepreneurship and anytime I can add

value it's my pleasure so I hope I can today. Awesome so I guess give us a little bit of your background what really I guess got you started in in your path of entrepreneurship and kind of get where you to where you ended up today. Remember the movie The Accidental Tourist? I briefly do yes. Yeah you're too young. So my career was an act of fortuitous accident I got married at 18 and

had two kids at 20, had the needs of somebody 40, the world didn't care, had no formal education. The only jobs I could get were clerical and I'd see people next to me who'd been there 20 more years making $50 more a month. And I made a choice to go and elect to be entrepreneurial, but most of the things that I got

as far as opportunities were pure performance. You get so much of the profit or so much a deal, so much of this. And I worked three full jobs for, I don't know, two or three years so I could sit during parts of the days with really successful entrepreneurs in Indianapolis that I met who would let me just watch them do deals. So I started out not knowing what I wanted to do. Then I went through a succession of jobs

that spanned just a very transitory array of industries. Everything from being a telephone collector from a charge card company, an accountant for heavy equipment that was being made to go to Vietnam for the war, selling electric shavers, radio advertising, the Indiana Meatpackers Association, a broad spectrum.

All of a sudden, after all of these disparate jobs, I landed in a situation where I realized

if there are 10 industries, all 10 think differently. Their strategies are different, their revenue generating models are different, their access vehicles, the way they go to market, their lead generating conversion are different. They're not necessarily better, it's just sort of like they've all followed the herd. And I started thinking about what I'd learned in each one of the different industries and applying

elements together that could be adapted, adopted to the industry I was in. And I created hybrids. That's when I created the concept of funnel vision versus tunnel vision. And funnel vision is nothing more than taking a regular, readily acknowledged approaches from other industries that your industry doesn't even know about and combining them into powerful hybrids. Okay. And I started doing that. And the first company we did it for went from

It was a little one, $20,000, little struggling $20,000 to 500,000 clients a month.

We got $25 million worth of free advertising and it's a long story. And we sold it. It was a patent medicine and we sold it for, I don't know, something like $40 million. It's the product I see hot today that Shaq. Oh, yeah. I mean, this is not trying to be arrogant. It's stories. No, sure. Then I used a derivative of the same thing and I worked with Entrepreneur Magazine and

I spun it and we took entrepreneur from, I think it was 800,000 to 7 million in a few months. Then we went to an investment brokerage firm. It was only doing about 300 of the startup and we got to 500 million. Then I just took off because I realized that I had discovered something stunningly simple

but profoundly powerful. Does that make sense? Oh, definitely. No, you can, you know, with what you created and you've applied it to multiple businesses to create multiple successes.

And so that's probably that's when that light bulb went off in your head. Yeah. And then and since then, we've been very privileged. We've done around the world and we've done four hundred and sixty five industries, not companies. And and, you know, as I got older, I I've I am hopelessly curious. And I think a lot of people aren't.

And I learned to ask, I think, very probative questions that uncover key elements that drive businesses that most people even in those businesses don't think about. And I've collected and amassed and sort of like an artichoke found the heart

of the drivers of lots of different industries and being able to teach people how to integrate all these powerful concepts and then figure out which combinations will give them the most upward propellant. So yeah, I've been very fortunate. It's been a really interesting ride. - And that's exciting. I know one of the things through your material that I've read and I've seen over the years

You spoke about, you know, with businesses, you having not just a strategy, but also a preeminence as well. So being able to surpass other businesses. Can you tell us a little bit more detail, you know, how you went about that and what you, you know, how businesses can apply that?

Yeah, and I'll do even something better because I'm probably more known for that than anything else. And I'm giving you this as clinical, not arrogant. But about 15 years ago, I had a client. I wish I could say it was original, but it doesn't matter. Nothing in the world is original. It's just a different synthesis. So this client of mine was in the financial publishing, and they were two times bigger than their closest rival, but they were three times more profitable than

They had enormously greater loyalty, whatever you want to call it, sustainability, profitability. And I did a trade with them. I traded them a half a million dollars of my time for the privilege to spend time looking. Can you hear my dogs? Yeah, it's all good. At what they were doing. And I interviewed every one of their executives. I interviewed every one of their managers.

every one of their key players. And I had a thousand pages and trying to figure out what they were doing different. Right. Created this concept called the strategy for eminence. I'll give you the key points in about three minutes. But if you're like, we've got five hours, I'll send you digital. You can put it on your website because we explain it very well. And it's transformed companies all over the world. And it's become both their

foundational operating thesis. It's been their internal culture. It's been the foundation of their advertising marketing. It takes about an hour and a half, but I'll give you the high points. First is you want to be seen as the most trusted advisor and you want to be the advisor for life and you want to be seen as the only viable choice that the consumer

wanting whatever the product or service you have is would choose, the way to do it is being able to put into words that which your client

has been seeking to either accomplish or get away from in verbiage that has never been articulated before. So it resonates to the heart of their emotions, even if you're selling an ice cream cone. Number two is you have a moral responsibility if you believe that your company, your product, your service,

is not just superior, but it provides a greater outcome no matter what the product service, whether it's protection, whether it's enhancement, entertainment, enrichment to the client, you have a moral responsibility to not let them either not buy or not let them buy from your

your competitors because not that you hate the competitor, but you know that they're going to get a lesser outcome. I'll give you an example because sometimes case study is better. When I'm in town,

I travel a lot, but when I'm in town, I get my haircut once every two weeks. And I get it cut every two weeks. I don't want it to look like it's been cut. And I pay the man three times what he charges because I want him to really take it seriously. I need a haircut now so it may not look as good as I want it to, but I do it for a reason. I realize that most people get their haircut erratically, episodically, so they're either going to look like they just got it cut

or they're going to look really shabby. And if the way you look translates to the way you feel and it translates to the way you're seen and it translates to the impact you have, whether it's in a business arena and your personal life and your love life, that seems tragic. So one time I was talking to my hairstylist and I said, okay, so what's the average time people come? He goes, it's all over the place. And I said, well,

Sometimes it's every eight weeks, sometimes three. And I said, well, let me ask you this honest question. Do you think that's in their best interest? Do you think if they're in the public arena, they're a salesperson, they're a

doesn't matter, lawyer, accountant, anybody, that they're going to be their most powerful. They're going to be seen at optimal by either being shabby or looking like they just had a haircut. He said, no. And I said, well, you think that you have a moral responsibility to explain to them

you know, why that's not in their best interest, not yours, and give them some metaphors so they can see that they're not going to be as powerful, as authoritative, as attractive, as credible, whatever. And once you've given somebody, you know, the reality check, then if they opt not to take advantage of it, that's fine, but you have this moral responsibility. Bottom line is, he got, I can't remember the exactness, but he got approximately

Just close to two more visits per year, which fundamentally was the byproduct of what was best for his client, but it added about $75,000 in income to him as well. Does that give you an example? And there's much more. No, yeah. Going back to preeminence. Preeminence is the ability to not think about your product or service in terms of wanting to be

the fastest growing company or being really excited about your industry or your product, it's having...

a love for what you do, but a higher love for the people you do it for. I use the word clients as opposed to customers, and it's very, very purposeful. If you look at Webster's Dictionary's definition of a customer, it's somebody who buys a commodity and a service. And if you're in a world where both your competitors and consumers are trying to marginalize you and commoditize you,

and you accept that by saying, yeah, I'm nothing more than a commodity, you've lost a huge part of the battle before it even starts. A client, going back to being the most trusted advisor, is somebody who's under the protection, the protection,

The care, the protection, there's one more word. I can't remember what the word is, but it has a fiduciary context to it. The next one, as I said, you want to put into words what your market is.

feels I want to give you a shortcut, a multi-billion dollar shortcut that will make you a marketing genius, will make you a relationship genius, and will give you insight into the mind and the motives of your consumer better than anything else. I'm going to take a little tangent. So when I'm working with a client,

I ask them two questions. First of all, what does your client or your target audience want and what don't they want? Most of them don't know. So we take the category of business they're in and then we go to and we go to any other discussion group and we look up the most popular in Amazon term, 50%.

50 books in each category. We look at the headline and the sub headline because most books sell more for that purpose than they do for the content of the book. And then we look at, and then we look at the reviews. We look at the ones and the zeros and then the fives, which are going to be the best and the worst, because when people are at emotional peak, they don't think about anything. Their subconscious drives the, uh, the, uh, what's the word I want to use? The, uh,

of what they feel in their real terms. And we have somebody compile all that, same thing with discussion groups, et cetera. And that's the language that will resonate to the people. Remember I said earlier, you want to put into words what they feel, but no one's ever said to them. I want to take one more story and it's,

Not an ADD moment, but it's very relevant. I used to do huge seminars. And the beginning of each seminar for three hours, we would go around the room and have everyone stand up and tell us who they were, what they did, where they were from, how they did it, what they were there to accomplish more than anything else. And most of them couldn't even explain themselves. And I had a colleague with me, and we were able to very quickly re-articulating and saying, oh, what you're saying, Josh,

is you want to be able to establish greater trust. You want to be able to have people see you as someone that has only got their best. And when we put it in words, what they were struggling with, you could see their physicality change. You could see the eyes twinkle, smile on their face.

This is very important. So I'm just giving you a secret because when you get all this data, you can use it to talk and play it back to your prospect. You can say, "I know what you really want is such and such, and I know what you're tired of either not being able to get or getting from most people is such and such." And they'll give you the language that resonate truthfully and authentically to people. Very powerful. Back at the ranch.

I talk about clients. You have four kinds of clients. You have the ones that pay you, but you also have the ones you pay. First category, your team. If you're not committed to

to being their most trusted advisor and growing and developing them continuously it is a tragic for a tragedy for both sides why because you want them to be part of the mission you want everyone to be on a crusade it transcends just making money you want each one to see that their role is not just you know answering phones or processing orders but they're part of this whole um

transformative process. And even if you're an ice cream vendor, you've got to live with a vision in your mind. And by the way, you've got a future pace, which is take people into the future. And you've got to see that for 10 minutes in the life of a stressful man or woman, if they come at lunchtime and get an ice cream cone, you're able to take them back to their childhood when they were innocent, when they had no stress. You have to be driven by a higher purpose. Back to your team. Most people don't realize it, but the average entrepreneur gets about

this much of the productivity and the capability of their talent because they basically don't try to help the talent grow. I got a whole another process on greatness and everybody wants to be great. Nobody wants to be mediocre, but if they're not, it's because they don't know how. And if you're committed to keep growing and developing your team, three things will happen. You can get as much as, I think it's 10 times more output, qualitative output if you grow them, number one. Number two,

they will have more loyalty because they will see you have their best interest. And number three, you know, they will be on the same plane of ideology, philosophy that you're in. It's very powerful. I can go on and on on this because it's very powerful, but it is a, the other two, by the way, clients are your vendors and your advisors. Everything is an ecosystem and you want to be

You want that whole thing integrated on the same mission, on the same crusade. It's far more elevated and far more transcendent than just making money. And I can go very deep, but I'll take three hours. So as I said, I'll give you stuff that you can give to your people that explains it. But it's transformed companies around the world.

No, that's awesome. And you were mentioning on the whole, you know, mediocre and great greatness and everything. And I know a lot of our audience, you know, strives to, you know, that next level of higher performance, that greatness. You know, what are some strategies that you, you know, part of your process that you talked about? Well, the first thing is, you're not, I'm going to give you a metaphor of a very dear friend of mine who's brighter than I.

He says most entrepreneurs, when they're either excited or stressed, dig holes. And they dig holes faster and faster, the more excited, the more stressed they are. He said the first question you have to ask yourself is, should I be digging a hole? Second question is, if yes, should I be digging it there? Third is, if yes, should I be digging it with a spoon or with a power draw? Fourth is,

no matter what the answer is, should I be the one digging it since most entrepreneurs are tactical and need to be strategic? I'll tell you what, because I know you have limited time, so I'll go on a descending order. We're known for a couple of things. We're known for the three ways to grow business. All my life work has been understanding how to focus on the geometry of a business, how to make things

you know, not just perform higher for the same cost, time, effort, opportunity, cost, capital, human capital, but also how to get it to go longer. So, you know, we created the three way to grow a business model and it's very simple.

You want to grow your business geometrically, there's three ways. One is you increase the number of prospects and buyers. Number two, prospect conversions, buyers. Number two is you increase ethically the size of the transaction. Number three, you increase the frequency or the utility of the transaction. And there goes a model that shows that it goes from, it's asymmetric. So the first thing is,

is how to do that. Are you doing it? There's about 30 ways in each category to do it, and I can't, but that's the first thing. Second thing is what I have done for more of my clients than anything else, because if you think about marketing, marketing to the outside market, no matter what the vehicle, whether it's Facebook, whether it's a magazine ad, whether it's radio, TV, your show, the advertiser, the marketer is trying to establish

First level, first level, peripheral veneer trust. And then, by the way, we've got a lot of work we've done on trust. And the best thing I can tell anyone to read is Stephen M. R. Covey's books, Speed of Trust and Smart Trust, because he's the world authority on business trust building and he's found ways to

clinically that if you master the arts and the science of trust and your team does, you'll produce 300% more yield and you'll get your team working 300% harder. So I don't mean to be tangential, but back at the ranch, the most important thing I can tell you that will shortcut anyone's journey to success and higher prosperity is strategic alliances, power partnering, and relationship. Figure out who already has the trust

the credibility, the direct access, the distribution channel to the same market you want. It's very different than the superficial affiliate concepts that people do and make very strong relationships. When I told you about how we grew this investment firm, we went to every investment newsletter, pardon me one second,

We became part of their welcome kit. We created a whole educational collection. Four times a year, we paid for them to put out a special edition of the newsletter on our category of investment that we commissioned.

three times a year we would pay to do seminars all over the country on their behalf and gave them the money for the seminar because we wanted the audience. When their marketing pieces stopped making money, we would take them over and fund them for them and get joint tenancy of the names, much more deeper than affiliate. When I did seminars, I did $250 million, not 100,000, $250 million, half a billion dollars

I think my total spend for the whole duration was $300,000 over two years because I went to Tony Robbins. I went to Success Magazine. I went to all the financial investment newsletters that had the entrepreneurs. I went to people that sold seminars. I went to people that sold investment books or business books.

or career changing books. And I made them my partners. I went to everybody that sold expensive training and got them to recommend my programs to their non-conversion. And I used the goodwill, the credibility and all the hundreds of millions of dollars that other people have spent to my advantage. And, and, well,

There's a concept that I developed called leverage marketing. And it looks at every element of the selling system. And there's probably 25 or 30 impact points that most people don't even think about that can be leveraged up. I'm just giving you a few answers. I don't know if this helps. Good stuff. Great content. Okay. Well, no, but I mean...

Most people don't realize this. I've been very blessed. You talk about my background. I worked with the Deming organization who was a father of process improvement and optimization. Optimization is a really simple concept, but most people don't follow it. It's getting the highest and best use of your time, your effort, your people, your opportunity, your access to a market, your prospects, your buyers.

And you can't optimize unless you have a broader context of what's possible, because the truth of the matter is, if you study what most people do in most industries, their marketing, their strategy, their business model, their approaches are not the highest and best. They're oftentimes negative.

the poorest and least but that's just following the herd i've been blessed when you work i mean we did a study one time it was scary i think it's 7125 different sub industries we work with but when you get that kind of a broad context you look at what someone's doing and you don't look at it with contempt or disdain but you say well for the same effort i'm going to give you a better example well if the same ever i'm finished i'll give you an example same effort same same um

times same people, you could get three times as much front end and maybe 10 times the back end. Wouldn't you rather do that? I'll give you a very simple example. I had a very large furniture store one time. They were doing about $40 million and they were running about $100,000 a month in ads and they were getting about $1,000

people to come to their store and they were closing X. I don't remember what X was, but we tested 33 different ways of greeting people at the front door. 33. And one tripled closures. One triple closures. I'll tell you what it was rather than being secretive. It's not what you would think, so I'm not going to go through what you would imagine. The winning one was, and what ad brought you into the store today?

And we found it was just an experiment. We didn't even think about the psychology, but by them answering that, you know, if you say, okay, can I help you? And they say, no, I'm just looking. But if you say, and what ad brought you in the store today? It evokes a knee jerk reaction. Oh, the Italian bedroom suit that's on sale with the TV cabinet. Oh, is it the rest? It gives you, it gives the salesperson,

ethical control of the situation and the right to start a meaningful dialogue of inquisition or at least discovery. Inquisition sounds like Spanish, but discovery where they're able to go deep and say, oh, is the rest of your house Italian? Is it a new home? And by having that dialogue, it changed the whole context of the relationship.

I've gotten to look at, I also did Qualpro, which is the largest multivariable testing organization in the country. And I got to look at, at, at, uh,

basically a billion dollars worth of experiments they've done and everything from increasing the effectiveness of customer service to retail positioning and the impact of placing things in different places and different facings. I've done, and I'm not saying this arrogantly, but it gives you a context. I've done a company called Decision Quest, which is the largest strategic litigation consulting firm in the world.

and they have 150 PhD psychologists and sociologists, and they look at everything from the psychology of a jury, the psychology of the venue, the different ways depending on whether their client is on the receiving or the plaintiff's side, and they also look at how to depict

pain and suffering, either as massive or minor. And when you get that kind of exposure, not counting all the real operating businesses I've been on the front lines of, you look at most entrepreneurs and you realize that they unintentionally limit, restrict, impede, constrain the amount of

they could be generating, the amount of sales they could be ethically doing, the amount of repurchases. We have 93 different ways to generate referrals that I have uncovered and most people don't even have one. And yet people are spending all this money on lame advertising to try to start

the first external level of trust building, which has to be sequential unless you're selling something very cheap. And yet you got all these satisfied clients, hopefully, that have the capacity to generate for you instant credibility and people who are going to trust you and a referral generated buyer, number one, buys quicker, buys

more things buys more often I'd ago shades last and and refers more people and almost nobody even thought it cost nothing right now go on and on and on back and is this help no definitely and you know that and that's a really interesting I'm subject is the referral like you said most people don't even have one and I don't mean even with my wife's business in in it's always you know bringing in new people bringing in new people

And I think if we kind of take a step back from it and focus on bringing in those referrals, you can exponentially increase your overall contacts of who to work with. It's funny as can be. Whenever I do seminars, I've done these all over the world. We're talking about growing a business. The first thing I focus on when you talk about the three ways is I'll say, okay, I'm

Stand up if your business is, and these are going to be heavier prejudice towards

offline type businesses. They will have an online presence, but these are real. I mean, not that online aren't real, but these are people operating in there. And I'll say, okay, stand up if your business is 20 to 100% either referral or word of mouth. You get half the audience standing up. And I'm talking about China even. You're going to have 500 people stand up because we do big programs there. When we used to do them here, you'd have 400 or 500 people stand up. Then I'd say, okay,

Remain standing if you have at least one formalized, strategic, systemized, ongoing referral generating process that you and all your team follows all the time. And 95% would sit down. Wow. Then I'd say, OK, remain standing if you have two. 95% of the remaining 5% would sit down. Three, everyone would sit down.

And I'd say, well, if I were in a business where I was creating goodwill, if you're not creating goodwill, you got some reality checks to do because that's a problem. You're not giving it a value that people give a you know what about giving you a referral. If you're in a business where you're episodically and you're organically getting referrals and that's driving most of the business anyhow, LVM.

you know well first i go around the room and have everybody tell me what the percentage is in the dollars and it's mind-blowing 30 two million dollars uh eighty percent five million dollars uh little ones

90%, $400,000. And I'd go, "You hear yourselves? What's wrong with this picture?" You're spending money on advertising that are bringing three people. You're going to trade shows, trying to say, "Hey, notice me." When all you have to do is formalize this first, it costs zero unless you mis-execute. All you need are three or four strategies and you can double and redouble, even redouble your business

And it's the most profitable business. I mean, I can go on and on and on and on, but that's just an insight. No, and that's definitely a great insight. I think people, like you said, don't even think about. I mean, what is like two of the biggest referral solutions people could implement? I'll give you the most ballsy first. And it takes, you know what chutzpah is? Oh, yeah. Okay, it takes chutzpah to do this.

but you make referrals a condition of doing business. And here's how you do it. You sit down with a prospect or you do it vicariously if it's online and you say, before we start, before I will allow you to even do business with me, I want to go through what you should expect. And you denominate and you say, okay, you should expect, I'll give you a professional example, but it can be translated to anything, but it's easier if I do this. Let's say you're a dentist. Okay.

You should, first of all, expect when you have an appointment with me, you will get in to see me within five minutes.

Number two, you should expect that when you see me, I will dedicate myself to you the same way I would my son, my daughter, my wife, my loved one, and that I will treat you the same way. Three, you should expect me never to recommend anything I don't think is in your best interest. And if I don't think you should do something and it's a waste, tell you. And if I think you should do something, tell you that. Number four,

Or, and this guy's a painless that I'm using as a model, you should never, ever experience pain. If you do, then I have failed you. And if I fail you, I don't deserve to keep you as a patient. And he goes on and on. And he said, now let me tell you what I expect from you in exchange. I expect you, if you make an appointment, to show up.

on time. If you can't, I expect you to either apprise us or pay for it because all I have is time and ability to sell. Number two, I expect you to pay for the service when it's rendered because I don't want to be your banker. I don't want to be, it's not what I do. If you want me to do that, I'll have to charge you a lot more. Number three,

Three is once if and after I have delivered everything I promised and you've seen me be congruent, I want you to refer to me two equal quality prospective clients in at least the first six months.

And if you're uncomfortable doing that, that is fine, but I'll have to charge you a premium because our practice is based on this kind of a mutual agreement. If I don't get

the referral, then I have to take the equivalent of time, effort and money we put right now into research, into extra support teams to make the experience better. I have to put it in advertising and that costs me more and it demeans my ability. And I can go on, but it's very high level and it works, but you have to have the chutzpah to do it.

That's one. A couple of other ones. I got so many different distinctions. I look at my list. It's been so long. But number one is you have special...

events that are where you invite your existing clients to bring colleagues. It can be if you're in a business that has any kind of technological breakthrough or the new products or the new this, they get the first look. If you have a good relationship with your vendors, they get representatives from the manufacturer or the provider to come. If it's you can get an icon

I used to do a service where we would get people who charged 50 to $80,000 to speak. And this is 10, 15 years ago. And we'd give them 5,000 if they would just do it from their home on a conference call. You can buy...

You can buy books or anything else of value and offer people to come and discuss it. You can have a social event. One of our chiropractic groups, we used to help a lot of vertical groups, we would negotiate for them the world record

rights to be movies in their community. And we would make deals with not, you know, not Paramount, but, but, but, you know, decent movies, but movies that were probably more, more artsy and they would be able to invite their, their,

their clients and their clients to bring people. We did season, is this okay? I got 93. We would do seasonal parties for, whether it was Christmas or summertime. I mean, I go on and on and we would have

everybody who had any uh you would call it because you're younger you would call it touch I would say impact or interaction with the buying uh influence or with a buyer be able to talk about all the different scenarios and all the different kinds of of uh people company companies that uh

that work. I'll tell one final story because I know you probably have a time limit and I do too. This is pretty cool. Most people wait for referrals instead of proacting. That's a fabulous story.

Many years ago, I mean, I've been through lots of businesses. We were very large in the financial republishing. We would get the rights to things and republish them. And I was the largest client at my bank back then because we were doing millions and millions of dollars. And the banker would take me out every week for lunch. And it was a really hot divorce looking woman. So I enjoyed it because she was fun to talk to and was nice to look at. And I

It was weird because she wasn't she was looking to have meaningful relationships and she had no dates and she was hot. She was not real conservative. Everything about her would say, OK, you should have all the dates in the world. But she wasn't. She says, I tell everybody, you know, see if you can find somebody nice. And I'd say, no, you're doing it wrong. Try this experiment when you go back to the bank. Right. Instead of just being macro and.

and abstract and amorphous be very specific and directive. Say, I was talking to one of my clients and he gave me a suggestion and I thought about it, I'm going to do it. When you go back to the bank, start doing this thing. You know, I've probably never drawn a really clear picture of

what I would love for you to introduce me to. So let me give you, it would be a man that's approximately 40 to 50. He would be a professional, preferably.

He may have been married before, but you know enough about him to know that if he's divorced, it wasn't because he beat his wife or was an alcoholic or a sexual pervert. There was just incompatibility. Might be a brother-in-law, might be a church member, might be at your club, might be in your professional organization.

You know, he won't smoke. He might drink a little bit, but he's somebody that you admire because he has demonstrated consistency. I mean, we gave a whole list of where he was, who he was, why he was, where they might know him. And the next week she called me and said, I had seven days. That's the kind of power. Does that make sense? Right.

No, definitely. You're framing what you're looking for, what you want, and it definitely helps set things up in your favor. You're talking about from zero to, you know, I mean, it's like people are, my press sounds unbelievable.

But it's not that I'm that bright. It's that most people don't realize how much more performance, capability, result enhancement exists in everything they do, everyone they do it with, everyone they do it for, every way they do it through. And when they realize that, it's very exciting. Yes.

Well, awesome. You've shared so much content with us today. I know hopefully if you guys are out there listening, you're taking notes. If not, rewind, go back and take the notes on everything from strategizing and creating preeminence for your business to the referrals to the marketing tips that Jay offered today.

And, you know, start implementing them. Start taking action in your business and in your life. And Jay, I really appreciate you coming on the show today. I'm honored to have the chance to influence.

All the trusting people that you've built. It's the same thing I talked about. You've built a relationship. I'm at a part of my life where I want very badly to contribute to entrepreneurship on a worldwide basis. And you give me a very good vehicle here. So thank you. And, you know, thanks for your time again. And it was an honor to have you on Making Bank today. So, you know, the honor was mine. But thank you.

I am Josh Felber, and you were watching Making Bank. Get out and be extraordinary.