cover of episode StoryBots: Why Do I Have To Sleep At Night?

StoryBots: Why Do I Have To Sleep At Night?

Publish Date: 2022/3/2
logo of podcast Bedtime Stories with Netflix Jr.

Bedtime Stories with Netflix Jr.


Shownotes Transcript

Bedtime Stories with Netflix Junior. Storybots! Why do I have to sleep at night? Looks like I have time for one more call before quitting time. Hello? Answer Department. Bang speaking. Hi.

Okay, bang.

I guess it's quitting time. That was a long day. Hey, Bing. Oh, hey, Bing. Where's everybody going? They're going home to do exactly what I'm gonna do, Bang. Really? What's that? Sleep! S-lee-p? But...

Wouldn't it be more fun to just stay awake? I mean, that's when things happen. Look, Bang, if any of us likes to stay awake, it's me. But even I'm wiped out after a busy day like today. We had a record number of kids' questions. I guess you're right. We did have a doozy of a day, huh? Sorry, Bang, but I gotta get home and get me some Z's. Good night! Good night, Bing. And have some good Z's. Oh, I know who I can call.

Hello? Hey, Moonbeam. It's me, Bang. Oh, hey, Bang. How's it going? Oh, it's going, dude. It's going. I was wondering if you wanted to do something tonight, like go bowling or play some video games? The only thing I want to do tonight, Bang, is sleep. I've been catching tasty waves on my surfboard all day, and I'm exhausted, pal.

Oh, okay, Moonbeam. I get it. Sleep tight, buddy. Ride the waves. See ya, Big. Well, I guess I'll just have some more fun staying awake all by myself. Now, if I only could think of something to do. Whoa, who turned out the lights? You know, it's almost like the universe is trying to tell me something. I don't know what it is. Oh, hmm.

You know, I think I'm gonna... Waves. Huh? What? Where? Who are you?

Harpy's the name. Oh, hey. Nice to meet you, Harpy. I'm Bang. Say, you seem pretty cool. You want to go bowling or play some video games or something? Oh, no, Bang. I need rest. What's with everyone needing all this rest all of a sudden? It's not all of a sudden. Our bodies have always needed sleep. Whoa. That's pretty cosmic.

It's not a cosmic thing. It's biology. Bio-what? Bi-ology. It's the kind of science that studies living things. I love science, Harpy, and living things. So what kind of science-y stuff does sleep do?

Well, first of all, it helps keep your body healthy. Uh, how does sleep do that? During sleep, your body releases chemicals and proteins that help protect it against germs. And repair and rebuild muscles, organs, and other cells. Sweet. That sounds pretty important. It is. It also helps you learn.

How can you learn while you're asleep? Well, while you're awake, your brain experiences all kinds of things. It sees, hears, tastes, and smells things all day. And when you sleep, it organizes that information. Whoa! It's like some sort of metaphysical filing cabinet. Duh! Your brain sorts through everything.

it learned while you were awake, remembers the important stuff, and gets rid of the stuff it doesn't need. Righteous. What other kinds of science-y stuff are happening when you sleep? Oh, your body releases chemicals that make you grow bigger. So if I, like, fell asleep for 100 years, I'd wake up being, like, 100 feet tall?

Well, not exactly, Bing, but you'd probably be in a really good mood. What makes you say that? Well, sleep restores your energy so you feel rested. That way you don't feel tired and grouchy. It helps your body handle stress, concentrate, think clearly, and even solve problems. So I guess what you're saying is that this sleep thing is pretty important after all. It sure is.

Everyone needs sleep. Even you. That's why you're doing it right now. Oh, yeah, right. I know, right? Because, uh... Wait, doing what? Sleeping. This is all a dream, Bang. Wait, it is? You fell asleep on the bench. Huh, I didn't mean to. You can't control it, Bang. When you're tired, your brain helps you fall asleep.

But what if I don't want to miss out on being awake? Well, you really don't have a choice, Bang. Your body wants you to be healthy, learning, growing, and feeling good. It knows when you need sleep. It knows when you've had enough. How does the body know that? It just does. Sort of like your body knows that right now, you're going to wake up in three, two... Huh? What?

Whoa! Who turned the lights on, man? I must have been asleep for a long time. And I feel great! Hey, Bang! Hey, Bing! How was your night? It was awesome! I got to bed early and I feel great today! Me too, man. Well, time to answer some questions. See ya, Bang! You do that! See ya, buddy! I gotta call Natalie and tell her what I learned! Hey, Natalie!

Did you find out why I need to sleep at night? I sure did. Sleep helps you learn, grow, and feel happier. And it keeps you healthy, too. That's a lot of stuff. It sure is. Thanks for answering my question, Bang. Oh, you're welcome, Natalie. Have a great day. And get a good night's sleep tonight. I will. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Ooh, I better get that.

Uh, hello? Hey, Bang, it's me, Moonbeam. Oh, hey, Moonbeam. What's shakin'? Oh, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after work tonight. I got a new hacky sack and I'm looking to break it in. Thanks for the invite, buddy, but not tonight. I plan on getting myself one more solid night's sleep. I hear you, pal. There's a big swell tomorrow, so I should probably wax my surfboard and rest up as well.

Yeah, but I'll see you at Burning Bot this weekend, right? You sure will. Righteous. Well, I gotta go. Lots of kids, lots of questions. You know the drill. Sure do. See ya, Bang. Later, Moonbeam.